SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Sjon Barnes
Idea Generation
Typography Idea Generation
Colour Scheme Idea
Idea 1
The first idea will be to include a poster, a business card, a new logo and colour scheme and a leaflet of
events.The poster will be to advertise the latest events happening right now and that will be simple and will
not be detailed, as this is supposed to attract the audience over to the events. However the leaflet will be a
more detailed version of the poster which will include locations, times, equipment needed and other
information that the audience will need for the events.The other products that I will include will be a new
logo and a colour scheme, I have decided to include these because the client has noted that the company
doesn’t exactly have a logo right now and I think having one will be key for this project as I can make the
logo fit with the new poster and leaflet.The last product on this idea is the business card, this will be a small
card that will include basic details about the company including social media, e-mail address, phone
numbers etc., these will be key for the company as you can pass them onto people who will contact the
company for other events.
Evaluation of idea
What do you like about the idea?
This first idea is full of potential to really rebrand the company, and because I’m changing a lot
of the design elements I can really do a different style that won’t be like the last one. Due to me
making a lot of new products this means the products will fit with one another in a style that I
and hopefully the client will like.
Does it match what the client wants?
Yes, this should fit with the brief the client gave me. It includes the core items they want
including the extras that they suggested in the additional information box, this means I should
have more than enough to match what the client wants.
Are you capable of delivering this and on time?
I am more than capable of delivering these ideas, this is because I have dealt with doing
products like this before in past projects.The only problem I’ll have with this idea will be if I
change my mind last minute then it could take longer than usual to complete it.
Do you have the resources available to do this?
The resources I’ll need for this idea will be at college so I’m completely fine with this idea for
resources as all I’ll need will be the Mac with Photoshop.
Idea 2
The second idea for this project is very similar to the first idea just without the added extras, this idea is
meant to work for scheduling rather than doing loads of products in a small amount of time.The products
that I will include in this will be a business card, a logo and colour scheme, and a leaflet.The card will include
basic contact details including phone numbers, E-mail addresses, social media accounts and a website link.
The leaflet will include details about future events, times, equipment needed for these events and other
related information.The last product on this list, the logo and colour scheme will be made as the client has
required a new logo as the company doesn't’t exactly have a logo and it would be nice to add one to the list.
Evaluation of idea
What do you like about the idea?
I like this idea because it’s a more simplified version of the first idea, with me keeping the
majority of the ideas but the additional ideas have been removed to save time.
Does it match what the client wants?
This does match what the client wants in a basic way as I’m doing everything they asked me to
do in the brief just I’m not doing any of the work they suggested, I could do in the additional
section so I can save time and produce maybe better quality work rather than do loads of work.
Are you capable of delivering this and on time?
I believe I will be fully capable of finishing this idea as there’s not as much work to do for this
idea as there is for the other one, so I can assume I would finish this one faster than the others.
Do you have the resources available to do this?
Just like the other idea I will have the exact same resources available to me.
Idea 3
The third idea is a combination of idea number 1 but with more ideas to differentiate the products, the
products this time round are as followed; BusinessCard, Poster, Leaflet designs,Colour schemes, a new
logo and social media mock ups. In an email with the client they mentioned that the they wanted to attract
tourists and holiday makers but that doesn’t seem to happen right now, which lead to an idea about making
a social media mock up for Instagram,Twitter or Facebook maybe that could help the company with
reaching out to that audience that they haven’t seemed to get to.
Evaluation of idea
What do you like about the idea?
I like this idea because it includes an idea that hasn’t been suggested in the brief, the idea about
making social media mock ups are great because not only is it a different product to the rest, it’s
something that can help the company reach out to the tourist audience that it has wanted to
see for a while.
Does it match what the client wants?
The products put forward by me in this idea are exactly what the client has asked for in the brief,
with the added addition of the social network mock ups.
Are you capable of delivering this and on time?
This idea is far more developed than the previous two and it does include a lot more than the
others, but I do believe I will be able to deliver this idea on time if I put in the work during
Do you have the resources available to do this?
Like the last two ideas I will have the resources available to me at college, and at home in the
form of the Mac and PC with Photoshop.
Idea Evaluation
Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you
think that is the right idea to take forward.
Idea 3 will be the idea I will be taking forward into production with me, this is because I like the
wide range of products I have been developing from the colour scheme and logo to the leaflet to
the social media mock ups. I think the client would prefer to have a wide range of products
rather than just a few products that are of the same theme like the business card, poster and
leaflet which are all very similar design items. But in this way I have the possibility to do multiple
different designs that aren’t similar to each other and I think the client would prefer designs like
Developed Idea - Logo
Developed Idea – Business Card
Developed Idea – Business Card
Assessment of final ideas
Suitable for audience?
I believe the final idea should be suitable for the audience I have accurate knowledge of the audience
of my client’s company, I also have knowledge from YouGov about the audience of the hobby of
photography so everything I make during the production phase should be suitable for the client.
Suitability for client?
Based on the brief I was given by the client, the idea I am working with should be suitable for the
client. Everything I was asked to do in the brief has been included in my ideas and will be done in this
project as well as other ideas that I have thought of while developing my ideas.
Appeal of the work:
I think the project has plenty of appeal to the client and audience, to the client there are plenty of
aspects to review once the project is finished and plenty of work to choose from. While on the other
hand the audience will find the work appealing to them as the work should match what the audience
will be looking out for and they should be attracted to the project.
Timescales for production:
The production for this project at the latest be started on Wednesday 9th May and the work will be
continued for the rest of that month and potentially after the summer half term in June. However the
project should be completed by then.
This project won’t cost anything, this is because all the work will be done within college using their
resources, so in reality it should cost nothing to do this project.
There will be no other personnel needed in this project, this is because all the work I’m doing will be done on
Photoshop and that only needs to be a one man job. However, I will be open to ideas from people at college
or from my client.
Assessment of final ideas
Legal and ethical issues:
The main legal issue will be copyright, I might unintendedly use work that is copyrighted and that can land
the company and me into many problems in the future for using someone else’s work.To solve this problem
I need to make sure I only use photographs that the client lets me use from their company, this can then
allow me to make work using their photographs in leaflets and posters. I also need to make sure I can back
myself up if the client accuses me of any legal wrongdoing during the project, so I have screenshots of every
e-mail sent back to me by the client as evidence if anything did go wrong I also have the brief as evidence
too. I won’t have any models or other personnel, this means I won’t have to worry about under 18
permissions or any actors contracts.The guidance page on advertisements say that there are 3
categories for consent in advertisement these are; those permitted without requiring either deemed or
express consent from the local planning authority, those which have deemed consent and those which
require the express consent of the local planning authority,These laws of consent are important to remind
myself of while making my project.The ASA also has a code of conduct for advertisements that my project
will have to abide to, and I will make sure I won’t break these laws either. I am pretty sure there won’t be any
ethical problems with my project as the topic is garden photography so It’ll be hard to run into any race
issues. However I need to make sure I am advertising to an equal crowd instead of just advertising to just
men or women as the target audience for this company is quite mixed.
Competition/Market research:
Who is in competition with your client?
What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like?
What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market.This could be in the form of sales
figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of
One company that is in competition with my client is a photography tuition company called Paul Whittle
PhotographyTuition which is based inYork, he is similar to the client but instead runs it himself and also does other
photography business outside of tuition. Compared to my client, Paul Whittle charges a lot more for his tuition
ranging from £25 per hour for wedding photography to £155 for studio photography.While my client charges £50 per
person on most events for a half day which is 3 hours, this is considerably cheaper and a better option for people
looking at getting photography tuition. Just like my client, Paul Whittle doesn't have much design going on for his
website neither have I seen any other promotional pieces.
Another company that would be in competition with my client is Baily Cooper Photography, he runs his company
very similar to Paul Whittle because they both don’t prioritise in tuition.The difference between Baily Cooper and the
others I have looked at including my client is design, the website design of Baily Coopers is far more developed than
the others which leads me to suggest that their social media and other promotional products are probably more
developed too.This means the prices for this company could be higher than the others and they were, the starting
prices for the basic lessons were £50 and rose to a high of £200+ for the more advanced lessons.These prices are
astronomically higher than my clients prices for tuition events.
The last company I will be looking at is far different than the other independent photographers, it’s the camera
company Jessops who also offer courses in photography to help amateur photographers understand their camera
more.They have 2 levels of course both costing £120 in total, they teach the basics of a camera and all the controls of
a camera and then they teach more advanced techniques in level 2.The total amount of time these courses are is 6
hours, which is far more than the other tuitions I have looked at. In conclusion Jessops is the most affordable course
that has a good amount of time for tuition, I would consider this company which is inYork to be the main competition
for my client.
Audience/Customer research:
Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps
you should ask.You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to
appeal to.
“Here at Ryedale Garden Photography, we focus on photography days and tuition based at some of the regions
finest country houses and gardens.”This is the opening on their website that describes basically what they do as
a company and now I shall find what their audience is, I will do this in two ways; the first is through the website
YouGov and the next will be through what the company knows, for example what is there average age and
gender of customers who go on their trips.
OnYouGov I searched for the audience of the activity of Photography, what I found wasn’t very surprising.The
average age is 55+, with the majority gender being male with a social grade of ABC1.This will help with my
project as by knowing the audience I will be able to change my products to be more appealing towards that age
and gender, for example I’ll make the font size bigger than usual on the products to make it more acceptable for
the older age gap which dominates this activity.
According to the client the age range has been a majority 50+ with many of the customers being retired, however
they do get on occasion some younger people.The gender is split in half with no one gender being more
dominant, while the location of their audience is within 50 miles of most of the sites they go to.They usually get
locals rather than tourists, so there’s no language barrier that needs to be solved.
Content research:
This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and
wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help
you formalise the content of your project.
The work that the company does is to teach people about photography and help people take nice photographs while
learning about cameras and how to operate them for photography, they show off some people’s previous work on
their website.The photos are there to advertise to a audience that wonder if the company do help people produce
good photographs, and hopefully they’ll be convinced by the previous work and then book a session at the next
event.There is not much else for existing products, the company have a simple website but lack a unique style which
was mentioned in the brief given to me, they have aTwitter but it’s not developed and they also lacked a big social
media presence in the form of Instagram or Facebook as those pages aren’t updated regularly. In conclusion there
isn’t much online neither is there any properly updated poster or leaflet, this gives me plenty of chance to update the
company’s style and give them a new persona for when they’re advertising to their audience.
These are some previous images from their websites gallery, done by
people who attend the sessions
The project will include 7 different types of media that I will create for the company Ryedale Garden
Photography, they are a photography company focussing on tutoring photography and orchestrating days
out in the Ryedale area for amateurs to focus on improving their photography skills.The first part of the
project that I have made was a logo and colour scheme, the company specified in the brief that they didn't
have a proper logo or colour scheme so obviously I decided to make that first and give the company a style
and identity that I could use throughout the project for every product that I make.The logo is a mixture of
both words and a small graphic to go alongside it, the graphic is a small flower that fits in with the design.
The reason I chose a flower is because quite a lot of the photography done by people on days out is flower
based photographs so I thought it was quite fitting to have that alongside the words, the way I structured
the name “Ryedale Garden Photography” is in my opinion tight but it fits with the style that I have created.
It’s tiered with one word per row to make three rows of one word in each row and each word is capitalised
and the first letter is coloured blue which goes with the colour scheme.The colour scheme has be described
as pastel and light, with a selection of five colours with those being; red, orange, green, blue and a yellow-
green mix colour.These colours will been used vibrantly throughout the project, with photographs to go
alongside these colours that use the colours well.The next part of the project is the business card, the style
and structure of this product is very unique and can be seen throughout this project as a whole.The most
defining feature is the green diagonal arrow, this separates one section of information from the other, with
one side being one colour and the other being an image that the company has sent me.The front of the
card will contain an image on the right of the card and across from that on the left side will be the logo
accompanied by a colour on the background from the colour scheme, the back of the card will also have the
same structure with a different image being used on the left side this time for contrast to the front, the left
side will also contain information on top of the image that has a brief description of the company.The right
side of the back will have a coloured background and information on how to contact the company with
social media and other various contact details.
The next product that I will do as apart of this project will be the poster, this will be used as a simple eye
catching piece that will attract people to the company which will cause them to look for the social media
websites and maybe pick up a more detailed leaflet about the company.The poster will adopt all of the
same styles and structures from the business card, the green diagonal line is there to separate information
and that’ll make sure the information is well spread out so there is no massive amount of negative space left
over on the poster space. On the top side there will be the logo, and a title of the poster being related to the
main event that will happen in the future, I will find this information from an e-mail from the client or from
the client’s website which displays information about their events that I could use for the poster. Below the
title and logo there will be information about the location of the event and about the company itself, when
read this should interest the reader to go learn more about the event and company. On the bottom side of
the poster there will be social media links, a website address, prices of the days out and dates for when the
events are happening, all of these I’ve just mentioned should be in bold to highlight them and show them
off better than the other information as this will be key to the audience to see. Dotted along the poster
there will be photographs to show off previous work done, there will be 3-4 photographs on the poster and
they will fit with the colour style of the poster.The next part of this project is the more detailed version of
the poster, this is the leaflet that people will be able to pick up and take home which will have a lot more
information than the other products that I will make.The style of all the pages are the same, it’ll use a
coloured background and contain green grass at the bottom of every page to again keep the whole
garden/field style that the company is based around.The first page of information will contain the logo at
the top, an ’about us’ section that will describe the company and a ‘about ryedale’ which will describe the
location that the company is based in which should interest the audience. Page two will include dates of
future events in 2018 and a section talking about who these days out appeal to and why you should join the
company on a photography session, the third page will go into detail about what equipment you will need
for the events taking place which will be important because the people interested in the event will keep the
leaflet and if they forget what to bring they’ll be able to refer to this leaflet.
The fourth and fifth page of this leaflet will be photograph pages, including past photographs from people
who went to previous events, these should give people hope that the company does help people produce
good work as shown by these photographs.The last page of the leaflet is a contacts page, this will have
social media, website and an e-mail link which will be useful for the audience to contact them or find the
company so they can book to go to the events.The next product I will create will be a mock up for the social
media websiteTwitter, the idea is to make a fake twitter on Photoshop to see what the company’s social
media will look like under the new style that I have created.The new logo will be the profile picture of the
Twitter account, while the main colour for theirTwitter will be green to represent the garden aspect of the
company.TheTwitter account can include a link to their website advertising the latest events, they could
also use appropriate hashtags to spread the event aroundTwitter to other potential customers.The last
product I will create will also be a mock up but this time it’s for Instagram, there are two potential ideas for
the Instagram account.They both include the commercial idea that a few companies have taken in recent
years due to the success of Instagram, this style is putting up portions of a big image one post at a time, this
means when you click on their profile six posts form one big image. I will plan to do this in two ways; the first
being posting six mini posts that when connected will form one big landscape picture to advertise a new
event, the second idea will be portions of the poster in six posts that will also be advertised on Instagram.
This will be good because, it’s a relatively new and different way the client could advertise future events
Day What Will I Be Producing What Will I Need
Monday Continue production of Business
Card by tweaking the design and
making it work.
Client Brief
Wednesday Start on making the leaflet by
getting information about the
next event on their website and
design it from there once I have
the information.
Client Brief
Client’s Website
Thursday Send the logo and Business Card
to the Client to get feedback to
work off.
Client Brief
Client’s E-Mail
Friday Continue tweaking the designs
based off the feedback and
continue working on the leaflet.
Client Brief
Monday Finish leaflet and start designing
the poster which will be a
simpler advertisement of the
Client’s Brief
Wednesday Continue designing poster, and
start working on the Twitter
mock up page.
Client Brief
Client’s Twitter Page
Thursday Send the final leaflet and poster
and work on feedback the client
gives us.
Client’s E-Mail
Client Brief
Client’s Twitter Page
Friday Finish designing the Twitter
mock up and send that to the
client and work on any feedback.
Client Brief
Client’s Twitter Page
Client’s E-Mail
Overall Send final work and work on
any improvements.
All Of The Above
Final Products – Logo and Colour Scheme
Final Products – Business Card (Front
and Back)
Final Products – Poster
Final Products – Leaflet 1-3
Final Products – Leaflet 4-6
Final Products –Twitter Mock
Final Products – Instagram
Mock Up 1
Final Products – Instagram
Mock Up 2

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Client project pro forma

  • 5. Idea 1 The first idea will be to include a poster, a business card, a new logo and colour scheme and a leaflet of events.The poster will be to advertise the latest events happening right now and that will be simple and will not be detailed, as this is supposed to attract the audience over to the events. However the leaflet will be a more detailed version of the poster which will include locations, times, equipment needed and other information that the audience will need for the events.The other products that I will include will be a new logo and a colour scheme, I have decided to include these because the client has noted that the company doesn’t exactly have a logo right now and I think having one will be key for this project as I can make the logo fit with the new poster and leaflet.The last product on this idea is the business card, this will be a small card that will include basic details about the company including social media, e-mail address, phone numbers etc., these will be key for the company as you can pass them onto people who will contact the company for other events.
  • 6. Evaluation of idea What do you like about the idea? This first idea is full of potential to really rebrand the company, and because I’m changing a lot of the design elements I can really do a different style that won’t be like the last one. Due to me making a lot of new products this means the products will fit with one another in a style that I and hopefully the client will like. Does it match what the client wants? Yes, this should fit with the brief the client gave me. It includes the core items they want including the extras that they suggested in the additional information box, this means I should have more than enough to match what the client wants. Are you capable of delivering this and on time? I am more than capable of delivering these ideas, this is because I have dealt with doing products like this before in past projects.The only problem I’ll have with this idea will be if I change my mind last minute then it could take longer than usual to complete it. Do you have the resources available to do this? The resources I’ll need for this idea will be at college so I’m completely fine with this idea for resources as all I’ll need will be the Mac with Photoshop.
  • 7. Idea 2 The second idea for this project is very similar to the first idea just without the added extras, this idea is meant to work for scheduling rather than doing loads of products in a small amount of time.The products that I will include in this will be a business card, a logo and colour scheme, and a leaflet.The card will include basic contact details including phone numbers, E-mail addresses, social media accounts and a website link. The leaflet will include details about future events, times, equipment needed for these events and other related information.The last product on this list, the logo and colour scheme will be made as the client has required a new logo as the company doesn't’t exactly have a logo and it would be nice to add one to the list.
  • 8. Evaluation of idea What do you like about the idea? I like this idea because it’s a more simplified version of the first idea, with me keeping the majority of the ideas but the additional ideas have been removed to save time. Does it match what the client wants? This does match what the client wants in a basic way as I’m doing everything they asked me to do in the brief just I’m not doing any of the work they suggested, I could do in the additional section so I can save time and produce maybe better quality work rather than do loads of work. Are you capable of delivering this and on time? I believe I will be fully capable of finishing this idea as there’s not as much work to do for this idea as there is for the other one, so I can assume I would finish this one faster than the others. Do you have the resources available to do this? Just like the other idea I will have the exact same resources available to me.
  • 9. Idea 3 The third idea is a combination of idea number 1 but with more ideas to differentiate the products, the products this time round are as followed; BusinessCard, Poster, Leaflet designs,Colour schemes, a new logo and social media mock ups. In an email with the client they mentioned that the they wanted to attract tourists and holiday makers but that doesn’t seem to happen right now, which lead to an idea about making a social media mock up for Instagram,Twitter or Facebook maybe that could help the company with reaching out to that audience that they haven’t seemed to get to.
  • 10. Evaluation of idea What do you like about the idea? I like this idea because it includes an idea that hasn’t been suggested in the brief, the idea about making social media mock ups are great because not only is it a different product to the rest, it’s something that can help the company reach out to the tourist audience that it has wanted to see for a while. Does it match what the client wants? The products put forward by me in this idea are exactly what the client has asked for in the brief, with the added addition of the social network mock ups. Are you capable of delivering this and on time? This idea is far more developed than the previous two and it does include a lot more than the others, but I do believe I will be able to deliver this idea on time if I put in the work during production. Do you have the resources available to do this? Like the last two ideas I will have the resources available to me at college, and at home in the form of the Mac and PC with Photoshop.
  • 11. Idea Evaluation Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right idea to take forward. Idea 3 will be the idea I will be taking forward into production with me, this is because I like the wide range of products I have been developing from the colour scheme and logo to the leaflet to the social media mock ups. I think the client would prefer to have a wide range of products rather than just a few products that are of the same theme like the business card, poster and leaflet which are all very similar design items. But in this way I have the possibility to do multiple different designs that aren’t similar to each other and I think the client would prefer designs like that.
  • 13. Developed Idea – Business Card
  • 14. Developed Idea – Business Card
  • 15. Assessment of final ideas Suitable for audience? I believe the final idea should be suitable for the audience I have accurate knowledge of the audience of my client’s company, I also have knowledge from YouGov about the audience of the hobby of photography so everything I make during the production phase should be suitable for the client. Suitability for client? Based on the brief I was given by the client, the idea I am working with should be suitable for the client. Everything I was asked to do in the brief has been included in my ideas and will be done in this project as well as other ideas that I have thought of while developing my ideas. Appeal of the work: I think the project has plenty of appeal to the client and audience, to the client there are plenty of aspects to review once the project is finished and plenty of work to choose from. While on the other hand the audience will find the work appealing to them as the work should match what the audience will be looking out for and they should be attracted to the project. Timescales for production: The production for this project at the latest be started on Wednesday 9th May and the work will be continued for the rest of that month and potentially after the summer half term in June. However the project should be completed by then. Costs: This project won’t cost anything, this is because all the work will be done within college using their resources, so in reality it should cost nothing to do this project. Personnel: There will be no other personnel needed in this project, this is because all the work I’m doing will be done on Photoshop and that only needs to be a one man job. However, I will be open to ideas from people at college or from my client.
  • 16. Assessment of final ideas Legal and ethical issues: The main legal issue will be copyright, I might unintendedly use work that is copyrighted and that can land the company and me into many problems in the future for using someone else’s work.To solve this problem I need to make sure I only use photographs that the client lets me use from their company, this can then allow me to make work using their photographs in leaflets and posters. I also need to make sure I can back myself up if the client accuses me of any legal wrongdoing during the project, so I have screenshots of every e-mail sent back to me by the client as evidence if anything did go wrong I also have the brief as evidence too. I won’t have any models or other personnel, this means I won’t have to worry about under 18 permissions or any actors contracts.The guidance page on advertisements say that there are 3 categories for consent in advertisement these are; those permitted without requiring either deemed or express consent from the local planning authority, those which have deemed consent and those which require the express consent of the local planning authority,These laws of consent are important to remind myself of while making my project.The ASA also has a code of conduct for advertisements that my project will have to abide to, and I will make sure I won’t break these laws either. I am pretty sure there won’t be any ethical problems with my project as the topic is garden photography so It’ll be hard to run into any race issues. However I need to make sure I am advertising to an equal crowd instead of just advertising to just men or women as the target audience for this company is quite mixed.
  • 18. Competition/Market research: Who is in competition with your client? What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like? What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market.This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice. One company that is in competition with my client is a photography tuition company called Paul Whittle PhotographyTuition which is based inYork, he is similar to the client but instead runs it himself and also does other photography business outside of tuition. Compared to my client, Paul Whittle charges a lot more for his tuition ranging from £25 per hour for wedding photography to £155 for studio photography.While my client charges £50 per person on most events for a half day which is 3 hours, this is considerably cheaper and a better option for people looking at getting photography tuition. Just like my client, Paul Whittle doesn't have much design going on for his website neither have I seen any other promotional pieces. Another company that would be in competition with my client is Baily Cooper Photography, he runs his company very similar to Paul Whittle because they both don’t prioritise in tuition.The difference between Baily Cooper and the others I have looked at including my client is design, the website design of Baily Coopers is far more developed than the others which leads me to suggest that their social media and other promotional products are probably more developed too.This means the prices for this company could be higher than the others and they were, the starting prices for the basic lessons were £50 and rose to a high of £200+ for the more advanced lessons.These prices are astronomically higher than my clients prices for tuition events. The last company I will be looking at is far different than the other independent photographers, it’s the camera company Jessops who also offer courses in photography to help amateur photographers understand their camera more.They have 2 levels of course both costing £120 in total, they teach the basics of a camera and all the controls of a camera and then they teach more advanced techniques in level 2.The total amount of time these courses are is 6 hours, which is far more than the other tuitions I have looked at. In conclusion Jessops is the most affordable course that has a good amount of time for tuition, I would consider this company which is inYork to be the main competition for my client.
  • 19. Audience/Customer research: Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you should ask.You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to. “Here at Ryedale Garden Photography, we focus on photography days and tuition based at some of the regions finest country houses and gardens.”This is the opening on their website that describes basically what they do as a company and now I shall find what their audience is, I will do this in two ways; the first is through the website YouGov and the next will be through what the company knows, for example what is there average age and gender of customers who go on their trips. OnYouGov I searched for the audience of the activity of Photography, what I found wasn’t very surprising.The average age is 55+, with the majority gender being male with a social grade of ABC1.This will help with my project as by knowing the audience I will be able to change my products to be more appealing towards that age and gender, for example I’ll make the font size bigger than usual on the products to make it more acceptable for the older age gap which dominates this activity. According to the client the age range has been a majority 50+ with many of the customers being retired, however they do get on occasion some younger people.The gender is split in half with no one gender being more dominant, while the location of their audience is within 50 miles of most of the sites they go to.They usually get locals rather than tourists, so there’s no language barrier that needs to be solved.
  • 21. Content research: This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project. The work that the company does is to teach people about photography and help people take nice photographs while learning about cameras and how to operate them for photography, they show off some people’s previous work on their website.The photos are there to advertise to a audience that wonder if the company do help people produce good photographs, and hopefully they’ll be convinced by the previous work and then book a session at the next event.There is not much else for existing products, the company have a simple website but lack a unique style which was mentioned in the brief given to me, they have aTwitter but it’s not developed and they also lacked a big social media presence in the form of Instagram or Facebook as those pages aren’t updated regularly. In conclusion there isn’t much online neither is there any properly updated poster or leaflet, this gives me plenty of chance to update the company’s style and give them a new persona for when they’re advertising to their audience.
  • 22. These are some previous images from their websites gallery, done by people who attend the sessions
  • 23. Treatment The project will include 7 different types of media that I will create for the company Ryedale Garden Photography, they are a photography company focussing on tutoring photography and orchestrating days out in the Ryedale area for amateurs to focus on improving their photography skills.The first part of the project that I have made was a logo and colour scheme, the company specified in the brief that they didn't have a proper logo or colour scheme so obviously I decided to make that first and give the company a style and identity that I could use throughout the project for every product that I make.The logo is a mixture of both words and a small graphic to go alongside it, the graphic is a small flower that fits in with the design. The reason I chose a flower is because quite a lot of the photography done by people on days out is flower based photographs so I thought it was quite fitting to have that alongside the words, the way I structured the name “Ryedale Garden Photography” is in my opinion tight but it fits with the style that I have created. It’s tiered with one word per row to make three rows of one word in each row and each word is capitalised and the first letter is coloured blue which goes with the colour scheme.The colour scheme has be described as pastel and light, with a selection of five colours with those being; red, orange, green, blue and a yellow- green mix colour.These colours will been used vibrantly throughout the project, with photographs to go alongside these colours that use the colours well.The next part of the project is the business card, the style and structure of this product is very unique and can be seen throughout this project as a whole.The most defining feature is the green diagonal arrow, this separates one section of information from the other, with one side being one colour and the other being an image that the company has sent me.The front of the card will contain an image on the right of the card and across from that on the left side will be the logo accompanied by a colour on the background from the colour scheme, the back of the card will also have the same structure with a different image being used on the left side this time for contrast to the front, the left side will also contain information on top of the image that has a brief description of the company.The right side of the back will have a coloured background and information on how to contact the company with social media and other various contact details.
  • 24. Treatment The next product that I will do as apart of this project will be the poster, this will be used as a simple eye catching piece that will attract people to the company which will cause them to look for the social media websites and maybe pick up a more detailed leaflet about the company.The poster will adopt all of the same styles and structures from the business card, the green diagonal line is there to separate information and that’ll make sure the information is well spread out so there is no massive amount of negative space left over on the poster space. On the top side there will be the logo, and a title of the poster being related to the main event that will happen in the future, I will find this information from an e-mail from the client or from the client’s website which displays information about their events that I could use for the poster. Below the title and logo there will be information about the location of the event and about the company itself, when read this should interest the reader to go learn more about the event and company. On the bottom side of the poster there will be social media links, a website address, prices of the days out and dates for when the events are happening, all of these I’ve just mentioned should be in bold to highlight them and show them off better than the other information as this will be key to the audience to see. Dotted along the poster there will be photographs to show off previous work done, there will be 3-4 photographs on the poster and they will fit with the colour style of the poster.The next part of this project is the more detailed version of the poster, this is the leaflet that people will be able to pick up and take home which will have a lot more information than the other products that I will make.The style of all the pages are the same, it’ll use a coloured background and contain green grass at the bottom of every page to again keep the whole garden/field style that the company is based around.The first page of information will contain the logo at the top, an ’about us’ section that will describe the company and a ‘about ryedale’ which will describe the location that the company is based in which should interest the audience. Page two will include dates of future events in 2018 and a section talking about who these days out appeal to and why you should join the company on a photography session, the third page will go into detail about what equipment you will need for the events taking place which will be important because the people interested in the event will keep the leaflet and if they forget what to bring they’ll be able to refer to this leaflet.
  • 25. Treatment The fourth and fifth page of this leaflet will be photograph pages, including past photographs from people who went to previous events, these should give people hope that the company does help people produce good work as shown by these photographs.The last page of the leaflet is a contacts page, this will have social media, website and an e-mail link which will be useful for the audience to contact them or find the company so they can book to go to the events.The next product I will create will be a mock up for the social media websiteTwitter, the idea is to make a fake twitter on Photoshop to see what the company’s social media will look like under the new style that I have created.The new logo will be the profile picture of the Twitter account, while the main colour for theirTwitter will be green to represent the garden aspect of the company.TheTwitter account can include a link to their website advertising the latest events, they could also use appropriate hashtags to spread the event aroundTwitter to other potential customers.The last product I will create will also be a mock up but this time it’s for Instagram, there are two potential ideas for the Instagram account.They both include the commercial idea that a few companies have taken in recent years due to the success of Instagram, this style is putting up portions of a big image one post at a time, this means when you click on their profile six posts form one big image. I will plan to do this in two ways; the first being posting six mini posts that when connected will form one big landscape picture to advertise a new event, the second idea will be portions of the poster in six posts that will also be advertised on Instagram. This will be good because, it’s a relatively new and different way the client could advertise future events online.
  • 26. Day What Will I Be Producing What Will I Need WEEK 1 WEEK 1 WEEK 1 Monday Continue production of Business Card by tweaking the design and making it work. Photoshop Client Brief Wednesday Start on making the leaflet by getting information about the next event on their website and design it from there once I have the information. Photoshop InDesign Client Brief Client’s Website Thursday Send the logo and Business Card to the Client to get feedback to work off. Photoshop InDesign Client Brief Client’s E-Mail Friday Continue tweaking the designs based off the feedback and continue working on the leaflet. Photoshop InDesign Client Brief WEEK 2 WEEK 2 WEEK 2 Monday Finish leaflet and start designing the poster which will be a simpler advertisement of the leaflet. Photoshop Client’s Brief Wednesday Continue designing poster, and start working on the Twitter mock up page. Photoshop Client Brief Client’s Twitter Page Thursday Send the final leaflet and poster and work on feedback the client gives us. Photoshop Client’s E-Mail Client Brief Client’s Twitter Page Friday Finish designing the Twitter mock up and send that to the client and work on any feedback. Photoshop Client Brief Client’s Twitter Page Client’s E-Mail Overall Send final work and work on any improvements. All Of The Above
  • 27. Final Products – Logo and Colour Scheme
  • 28. Final Products – Business Card (Front and Back)
  • 30. Final Products – Leaflet 1-3
  • 31. Final Products – Leaflet 4-6
  • 33. Final Products – Instagram Mock Up 1
  • 34. Final Products – Instagram Mock Up 2