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Client Project Pro- Forma
Ben Huyton
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Start by using the first few slides to create
mind maps and or brainstorms for ideas
related to your project. Get as many
possibilities as you can.
Don’t worry about practicality, suitability or
potential at this stage. You will assess the ideas
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Idea 1
My first idea is to produce a new flyer, leaflet and poster for my client. I want to
include interesting facts about the dairy industry to try and entice new customers. I
will produce an appropriate colour scheme which fits in well with milk and eggs.
These colours will include blue, white and a pale brown. Each piece of merchandise
will be displayed with a contact number (home and mobile) as well as a website and
email reference. I will design these in a sensible manner to make sure they contain
the right information, but i will also add a wacky edge to them to make the project
as a whole more interesting. I also want to create a new logo for my client as well as
producing a slogan. I want to come up with an effective catchy slogan which
resembles the dairy industry. I have talked about my colour pallet and this is
something that i want to incorporate in my logo. It is most likely that i will produce a
blue and white logo which is creating something fresh as the client's current logo is
green and white. In my opinion though blue would match better with my clients
needs and this is therefore why i am going through with this idea. Talking more
specifically about my slogan, my aim is to bring my audience closer and create a
trademark that people always refer to with my clients project. In terms of the fonts
that i will look to use, i will aim to find an old fashioned font from the 1950’s for my
main logo and a more bold and plain one for my slogan. The idea of the old
fashioned symbol is to make a throwback resemblance to when the vast majority of
people got milk delivered to their house, instead of the modern way of buying it at
the supermarkets.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea? I like how my idea is simple but effective. I wanted to
choose basic pieces of merchandise to help support my client and improve his overall reputation. I am
impressed how i am planning to include fascinating facts on the dairy industry to help intrigue my target
market and bring them closer to the client's project. I also like my idea of going with an old fashioned logo
to bring a throwback to when milk delivery was at its most popular.
• Does it match what the client wants? This idea most certainly matches what my
client wants. He has specifically asked me produce higher quality and more appealing leaflet
and flyers, as well as producing a poster which his business is currently lacking. He also also
asked me to produce a logo and a catchy slogan, so therefore this fits the criteria.
• Are you capable of delivering this? I am more than capable of doing this as the tasks
i have been asked to follow through with are relatively simple in their creation and are very
cheap to produce. I already have the necessary skills to produce this task so therefore asking
others for help will not be an issue. The only thing that i could potentially struggle on is
producing a catchy slogan that ties in with the dairy industry, therefore i might look for
someone with better creative ideas.
• Can you do this on time? Like i have mentioned this task is relatively simple in its
construction so i am more than confident that these pieces of work will be finished on time.
• Do you have the resources available to do this? I will need InDesign and
photoshop to complete these tasks and i have both in full service at college and at home. I
also have the necessary contacts to help me with this and to produce five professional pieces
of work.
Idea 2
My second idea is to produce the same piece of work, but in a much more
professional and formal manner. I will keep the core base of what is already there
and tweak certain things. I will make the logo in black and white to avoid the
reader from getting distracted as well as providing a simple line about the
business. The leaflets and flyer that i will produce will both carry the necessary
information required to get in touch and provide a list of prices and different fees
that will be required. I will produce a simple poster that corresponds with what my
client has asked me to produce. By doing all this i will have created 5 successful
pieces of work as although they are not pretty, they give my target market the best
information possible about the business.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea? Although this idea is very simple it is effective in
the fact that every piece of information that is required for the customer is available.
• Does it match what the client wants? Despite the fact this idea is basically a toned
down version of what is already out there, it matches what the client wants as i have
produced everything that he has asked for.
• Are you capable of delivering this? This idea will challenge my mind in terms of
trying to come up with a creative and effective slogan. I am more than capable of producing
my logo because i have experience in this category.
• Can you do this on time? I am confident that these objectives will be met within the
timescale of two weeks as i have all the necessary tools to complete this.
• Do you have the resources available to do this? Like i have just mentioned i have
the necessary tools to complete these tasks, these include Photoshop and InDesign.
Developed Idea 1 (Mood Board)
Developed Idea 1 (Logos)
This is the type of font that i want to incorporate
into my work. A classic retro style feel. I found
two fonts online that i like the look of and that i
could potentially look to include in my final
Developed Idea 1 (Leaflets & Flyers)
These are examples of flyers and
leaflets that i want to base mine off.
Wacky designs that still provide the
necessary information that is
needed. As you can see they
provide contact details and also
catchy slogans to further intrigue
the audience.
Developed Idea 2 (Mood Board)
Developed Idea 2 (Logos)
This is the style of font that i would want my logo
to look like. The message is ‘simple yet effective’
as at the end of the day the main purpose of the
company is to sell dairy products so the
information that is provided is the most important
and not the style of the font.
Developed Idea 2 (Leaflets & Flyers
This is the type of leaflet that i want mine too
look like. A simple flyer in construction but an
extremely effective one which sells all the
necessary information that is required.
Assessment of final ideas
Suitable for audience?
In my opinion my developed idea is very much fit for my target audience. People who are interested in
buying milk in the first place are going to be interested in retro milk designs even if the milk is modern.
Suitability for client?
Due to my insight knowledge of the client, i know he is a fan of history so going retro in my eyes is more
than suitable for my client.
Appeal of the work:
The appeal of the work is to make people take a trip down memory lane and bring the 1950’s back into
the picture.
Timescales for production:
I will have three weeks plus half term to complete what i need to produce.
In terms of cost this will be fairly cheap to make. I am only really using Photoshop and InDesign and
these services have already been provided for me. This will allow me to complete my tasks at no cost.
I am confident in my own abilities that i am more than capable of producing what i need to do. Therefore i will
only require my client for advice, and i will not need any additional help from other people.
Assessment of final ideas
Legal and ethical issues:
There will not be any legal or ethical issues to deal with, as everything that i will
produce for this project will be honest and genuine. Because i am not interfering
with the product directly i will not receive any outrageous health claim about milk.
I will need to make sure avoid copying a font that is for personal use to avoid
copyright. I should be okay on this though because of the fact the site that i am
using to find these fonts are created and published for anyone to use. The
pictures that i take from the internet could potentially be a problem, as i might
accidentally take a photo that has not been fully licensed. This would then
therefore cause legal and ethical issues. Overall though i should be relatively fine
with what i can and cannot do.
Ben Huyton
Competition/Market research:
In terms of who is in competition with my client, this is quite a difficult one because of
the fact that freelance dairy workers are not a saturated market. 30/40 years ago this list
could potentially be endless due to the severe popularity of milk home delivery.
Nowadays though. The main competition is most likely to come from supermarkets as
they provide a wide variety of milk including soya, whole and skimmed. Places such as
Tesco and Asda also sell different brands such as Cravendale and Danone. This could
potentially make it difficult for my client to hold an advantage, but due to being the only
company to sell free range milk in York, he could just therefore do that.
Currently the businesses layout and design work is very basic. Despite saying this it is still
very effective due to the most important and necessary information being on there. This
includes contacts details such as a phone number, email address and website reference.
My clients current colour scheme mainly consists of white black and green, with his
flyers and personal van dominated by these. In terms of advertising, my client pays
facebook to promote his page to get a wider audience to recognise who he and his
business are. When it comes to advertising, my client sends out flyers and leaflets
through people's doors telling everyone why his company should be their first choice for
What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research into that market. This could be in the form of sales
figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice.
What wider market is your client part of?
In terms of job roles, my client has two graphic designers that produce him leaflets
and flyers, as well as customising his website. He wants to make a change in this
aspect and employ someone who will put greater time and effort to the work. He
also works with another person, who delivers his goods on his days off or when he
is on holiday. His customers are based in York, however he will occasionally make
special trips to Leeds and Malton if it is required. Customers from these areas will
have to pay more for shipping though. My client makes on average 1,200 a month
for his sales. He has peaked at 1,600 but has also hit a low of around £900 in off
season. In terms of the rules and regulations, there is nothing out of the ordinary
and everything is general and the standard.
Audience/Customer research:
Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you
should ask. You could also do further research into the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to.
This is fairly simple in terms of what my client is trying to achieve. His main goal is to
simply reach a bigger audience locally and to try and entice customers to buy his milk. In
terms of specific types of audience, people who are incapable of going to the shop and
buying milk themselves are most likely to appeal to milk home delivery. This would be a
quick and easy option. In all honesty the vast majority of social classes can be seen in the
audience that my client is trying to target. Families in middle to upper class are most
likely to be my best clientele. In general everyone stores milk in their homes for many
different purposes, therefore every social class will be interested in this. Obviously like i
have mentioned earlier they have to fight supermarkets to try and attract customers.
This can be difficult because many people view the latter as the quickest and easiest
way to purchase milk. My client will try and reign in a bigger audience by offering free
range dairy, the first and only in york to do so. This also comes at a cheaper price than
those in supermarkets.
Primary Research
I have asked 14 people in and around college asking for their thoughts about
purchasing milk and who they rely on to provide it. I also asked 11 people at my work
‘who actually provide dales dairies from another client’ for their thoughts on the
matter. In the end out of the 25 people that i questioned, 23 of them confirmed that
they go to the supermarkets to buy their dairy products. This approximately works out
at around 92% which is a huge percentage and shows that going and buying the
products yourself are a far more popular option than home delivery. This straight
away shows that my client is at a huge disadvantage in terms of his potential
audience. With being a milkman your job is not trying to introduce people to milk, but
to try and change people's loyalties which can be an extremely hard thing to do. The
2 people who actually do get milk home delivery, one is actually already a customer
of my client, whereas the other looks to McQueen dairies for her milk and eggs.
Secondary Research
My client currently sells free range milk and eggs originating from dales dairies. One
of my client’s biggest rivals is Mike Rennison, who delivers traditional pint bottles of
milk either skimmed, semi skimmed or whole, organic and soya milk, as well as eggs
and bottled orange juice. This immediately gives this rival an advantage in this market
as he has a wider market as he is capable of delivering orange juice to people’s
doors. He also covers more dairies, as he delivers products such a cream, cheese
and yogurt. My client on request can generate cream, but not yogurt and cheese. This
could potentially attract the audience to Rennison over my client due to his wider
variety of products on offer. In terms of the producers of the milk, Dales dairies biggest
rivals come in the form of McQueens dairies. Just like the former the latter offer a wide
variety of milk types to their customers to appease as much of their audience as
The treatment evokes how an audience will experience what you are making.
Write in the active-voice in present tense. Tell the reader what they will see.
Describe the content of your project.
Write vibrantly, so the reader gets excited about your work. They should be able to
visualise the finished pieces. You could also supplement this with some mood boards or
mock ups.
Be specific—don’t use words like may, might or possibly.
The idea of this project is to transform how people see milk delivery today. I will
produce a new vibrant logo which will give a throwback to the old days when this
service was very popular and common. By doing this it will re launch milk delivery into
a new era and become the famous and successful trade that it always has been. A
brand new poster will be added to the business which has not yet been seen before.
This will certainly lead the audience into taking in more information and therefore
further increase my client's appeal. By doing this my client can only gain more
customers because everything that is on the poster can come across as positive.
Personally i decide that in the business’s best interest i should revamp my clients flyer
and leaflet. I wanted to provide more detailed information about the trade as well as
providing better visual content to appeal to a wider and more distinguished audience.
Treatment (visual elements)
In terms of the specific visual elements that i will be incorporating into my project, it is
essentially underling and going over what i have already talked about. I will show my
audience the transformation of the logos. The original which is in green and white will
be transformed into an old fashioned logo which resembles the 50’s and 60’s. In
terms of the colour scheme for my leaflets and flyer they will mainly present white
and blue. Like i have already mentioned i believe that these two colours represent
the dairy industry the best way. The latter pieces of work will not be edited too much
in terms of the general information that is provided but there will be more of a change
when it comes to the logo and colour scheme that is provided.
You should prepare a production schedule that will allow you to manage your time over
the 3 weeks of production. This should include:
• Deadlines: Interim deadlines help you keep on track, final deadlines are final.
• Availability: The availability of the client and any other people you may need to help
you with your project. You will need to contact them. You might to do visit. You may
need to liaise with models, or photographers.
• Feedback: This is a working brief with a real client. You will need to get feedback on
your work and also allow yourself time to make appropriate changes. Plan appropriate
time into you schedule so that you can do this.
• Resources: You should include a list of resources that you will need to complete your
project. Remember that this all needs to be your own work
Production is due to start on Monday the 8thth of May at 12:50pm.
You will have 3 weeks of lessons. The last day of production will be Friday the 19th of
May. This gives you a whole half term, should you need it.
Content Outline
Target Audience
Age (18 +)
Gender (both)
Social background
(middle to upper class)
Personnel Requirements
Because this project is fairly
simple in its construction i will
not require any further help
from others
There will be no budget

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Idea development pro forma with pitch presentation

  • 1. Client Project Pro- Forma Ben Huyton
  • 2. Mind Maps/Brainstorms Start by using the first few slides to create mind maps and or brainstorms for ideas related to your project. Get as many possibilities as you can. Don’t worry about practicality, suitability or potential at this stage. You will assess the ideas later.
  • 5. Idea 1 My first idea is to produce a new flyer, leaflet and poster for my client. I want to include interesting facts about the dairy industry to try and entice new customers. I will produce an appropriate colour scheme which fits in well with milk and eggs. These colours will include blue, white and a pale brown. Each piece of merchandise will be displayed with a contact number (home and mobile) as well as a website and email reference. I will design these in a sensible manner to make sure they contain the right information, but i will also add a wacky edge to them to make the project as a whole more interesting. I also want to create a new logo for my client as well as producing a slogan. I want to come up with an effective catchy slogan which resembles the dairy industry. I have talked about my colour pallet and this is something that i want to incorporate in my logo. It is most likely that i will produce a blue and white logo which is creating something fresh as the client's current logo is green and white. In my opinion though blue would match better with my clients needs and this is therefore why i am going through with this idea. Talking more specifically about my slogan, my aim is to bring my audience closer and create a trademark that people always refer to with my clients project. In terms of the fonts that i will look to use, i will aim to find an old fashioned font from the 1950’s for my main logo and a more bold and plain one for my slogan. The idea of the old fashioned symbol is to make a throwback resemblance to when the vast majority of people got milk delivered to their house, instead of the modern way of buying it at the supermarkets.
  • 6. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? I like how my idea is simple but effective. I wanted to choose basic pieces of merchandise to help support my client and improve his overall reputation. I am impressed how i am planning to include fascinating facts on the dairy industry to help intrigue my target market and bring them closer to the client's project. I also like my idea of going with an old fashioned logo to bring a throwback to when milk delivery was at its most popular. • Does it match what the client wants? This idea most certainly matches what my client wants. He has specifically asked me produce higher quality and more appealing leaflet and flyers, as well as producing a poster which his business is currently lacking. He also also asked me to produce a logo and a catchy slogan, so therefore this fits the criteria. • Are you capable of delivering this? I am more than capable of doing this as the tasks i have been asked to follow through with are relatively simple in their creation and are very cheap to produce. I already have the necessary skills to produce this task so therefore asking others for help will not be an issue. The only thing that i could potentially struggle on is producing a catchy slogan that ties in with the dairy industry, therefore i might look for someone with better creative ideas. • Can you do this on time? Like i have mentioned this task is relatively simple in its construction so i am more than confident that these pieces of work will be finished on time. • Do you have the resources available to do this? I will need InDesign and photoshop to complete these tasks and i have both in full service at college and at home. I also have the necessary contacts to help me with this and to produce five professional pieces of work.
  • 7. Idea 2 My second idea is to produce the same piece of work, but in a much more professional and formal manner. I will keep the core base of what is already there and tweak certain things. I will make the logo in black and white to avoid the reader from getting distracted as well as providing a simple line about the business. The leaflets and flyer that i will produce will both carry the necessary information required to get in touch and provide a list of prices and different fees that will be required. I will produce a simple poster that corresponds with what my client has asked me to produce. By doing all this i will have created 5 successful pieces of work as although they are not pretty, they give my target market the best information possible about the business.
  • 8. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? Although this idea is very simple it is effective in the fact that every piece of information that is required for the customer is available. • Does it match what the client wants? Despite the fact this idea is basically a toned down version of what is already out there, it matches what the client wants as i have produced everything that he has asked for. • Are you capable of delivering this? This idea will challenge my mind in terms of trying to come up with a creative and effective slogan. I am more than capable of producing my logo because i have experience in this category. • Can you do this on time? I am confident that these objectives will be met within the timescale of two weeks as i have all the necessary tools to complete this. • Do you have the resources available to do this? Like i have just mentioned i have the necessary tools to complete these tasks, these include Photoshop and InDesign.
  • 9. Developed Idea 1 (Mood Board)
  • 10. Developed Idea 1 (Logos) This is the type of font that i want to incorporate into my work. A classic retro style feel. I found two fonts online that i like the look of and that i could potentially look to include in my final design.
  • 11. Developed Idea 1 (Leaflets & Flyers) These are examples of flyers and leaflets that i want to base mine off. Wacky designs that still provide the necessary information that is needed. As you can see they provide contact details and also catchy slogans to further intrigue the audience.
  • 12. Developed Idea 2 (Mood Board)
  • 13. Developed Idea 2 (Logos) This is the style of font that i would want my logo to look like. The message is ‘simple yet effective’ as at the end of the day the main purpose of the company is to sell dairy products so the information that is provided is the most important and not the style of the font.
  • 14. Developed Idea 2 (Leaflets & Flyers This is the type of leaflet that i want mine too look like. A simple flyer in construction but an extremely effective one which sells all the necessary information that is required.
  • 15. Assessment of final ideas Suitable for audience? In my opinion my developed idea is very much fit for my target audience. People who are interested in buying milk in the first place are going to be interested in retro milk designs even if the milk is modern. Suitability for client? Due to my insight knowledge of the client, i know he is a fan of history so going retro in my eyes is more than suitable for my client. Appeal of the work: The appeal of the work is to make people take a trip down memory lane and bring the 1950’s back into the picture. Timescales for production: I will have three weeks plus half term to complete what i need to produce. Costs: In terms of cost this will be fairly cheap to make. I am only really using Photoshop and InDesign and these services have already been provided for me. This will allow me to complete my tasks at no cost. Personnel: I am confident in my own abilities that i am more than capable of producing what i need to do. Therefore i will only require my client for advice, and i will not need any additional help from other people.
  • 16. Assessment of final ideas Legal and ethical issues: There will not be any legal or ethical issues to deal with, as everything that i will produce for this project will be honest and genuine. Because i am not interfering with the product directly i will not receive any outrageous health claim about milk. I will need to make sure avoid copying a font that is for personal use to avoid copyright. I should be okay on this though because of the fact the site that i am using to find these fonts are created and published for anyone to use. The pictures that i take from the internet could potentially be a problem, as i might accidentally take a photo that has not been fully licensed. This would then therefore cause legal and ethical issues. Overall though i should be relatively fine with what i can and cannot do.
  • 18. Competition/Market research: In terms of who is in competition with my client, this is quite a difficult one because of the fact that freelance dairy workers are not a saturated market. 30/40 years ago this list could potentially be endless due to the severe popularity of milk home delivery. Nowadays though. The main competition is most likely to come from supermarkets as they provide a wide variety of milk including soya, whole and skimmed. Places such as Tesco and Asda also sell different brands such as Cravendale and Danone. This could potentially make it difficult for my client to hold an advantage, but due to being the only company to sell free range milk in York, he could just therefore do that. Currently the businesses layout and design work is very basic. Despite saying this it is still very effective due to the most important and necessary information being on there. This includes contacts details such as a phone number, email address and website reference. My clients current colour scheme mainly consists of white black and green, with his flyers and personal van dominated by these. In terms of advertising, my client pays facebook to promote his page to get a wider audience to recognise who he and his business are. When it comes to advertising, my client sends out flyers and leaflets through people's doors telling everyone why his company should be their first choice for milk. What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research into that market. This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice.
  • 19. What wider market is your client part of? In terms of job roles, my client has two graphic designers that produce him leaflets and flyers, as well as customising his website. He wants to make a change in this aspect and employ someone who will put greater time and effort to the work. He also works with another person, who delivers his goods on his days off or when he is on holiday. His customers are based in York, however he will occasionally make special trips to Leeds and Malton if it is required. Customers from these areas will have to pay more for shipping though. My client makes on average 1,200 a month for his sales. He has peaked at 1,600 but has also hit a low of around £900 in off season. In terms of the rules and regulations, there is nothing out of the ordinary and everything is general and the standard.
  • 20. Audience/Customer research: Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you should ask. You could also do further research into the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to. This is fairly simple in terms of what my client is trying to achieve. His main goal is to simply reach a bigger audience locally and to try and entice customers to buy his milk. In terms of specific types of audience, people who are incapable of going to the shop and buying milk themselves are most likely to appeal to milk home delivery. This would be a quick and easy option. In all honesty the vast majority of social classes can be seen in the audience that my client is trying to target. Families in middle to upper class are most likely to be my best clientele. In general everyone stores milk in their homes for many different purposes, therefore every social class will be interested in this. Obviously like i have mentioned earlier they have to fight supermarkets to try and attract customers. This can be difficult because many people view the latter as the quickest and easiest way to purchase milk. My client will try and reign in a bigger audience by offering free range dairy, the first and only in york to do so. This also comes at a cheaper price than those in supermarkets.
  • 21. Primary Research I have asked 14 people in and around college asking for their thoughts about purchasing milk and who they rely on to provide it. I also asked 11 people at my work ‘who actually provide dales dairies from another client’ for their thoughts on the matter. In the end out of the 25 people that i questioned, 23 of them confirmed that they go to the supermarkets to buy their dairy products. This approximately works out at around 92% which is a huge percentage and shows that going and buying the products yourself are a far more popular option than home delivery. This straight away shows that my client is at a huge disadvantage in terms of his potential audience. With being a milkman your job is not trying to introduce people to milk, but to try and change people's loyalties which can be an extremely hard thing to do. The 2 people who actually do get milk home delivery, one is actually already a customer of my client, whereas the other looks to McQueen dairies for her milk and eggs.
  • 22. Secondary Research My client currently sells free range milk and eggs originating from dales dairies. One of my client’s biggest rivals is Mike Rennison, who delivers traditional pint bottles of milk either skimmed, semi skimmed or whole, organic and soya milk, as well as eggs and bottled orange juice. This immediately gives this rival an advantage in this market as he has a wider market as he is capable of delivering orange juice to people’s doors. He also covers more dairies, as he delivers products such a cream, cheese and yogurt. My client on request can generate cream, but not yogurt and cheese. This could potentially attract the audience to Rennison over my client due to his wider variety of products on offer. In terms of the producers of the milk, Dales dairies biggest rivals come in the form of McQueens dairies. Just like the former the latter offer a wide variety of milk types to their customers to appease as much of their audience as possible.
  • 23. Treatment: The treatment evokes how an audience will experience what you are making. Write in the active-voice in present tense. Tell the reader what they will see. Describe the content of your project. Write vibrantly, so the reader gets excited about your work. They should be able to visualise the finished pieces. You could also supplement this with some mood boards or mock ups. Be specific—don’t use words like may, might or possibly.
  • 24. Treatment The idea of this project is to transform how people see milk delivery today. I will produce a new vibrant logo which will give a throwback to the old days when this service was very popular and common. By doing this it will re launch milk delivery into a new era and become the famous and successful trade that it always has been. A brand new poster will be added to the business which has not yet been seen before. This will certainly lead the audience into taking in more information and therefore further increase my client's appeal. By doing this my client can only gain more customers because everything that is on the poster can come across as positive. Personally i decide that in the business’s best interest i should revamp my clients flyer and leaflet. I wanted to provide more detailed information about the trade as well as providing better visual content to appeal to a wider and more distinguished audience.
  • 25. Treatment (visual elements) In terms of the specific visual elements that i will be incorporating into my project, it is essentially underling and going over what i have already talked about. I will show my audience the transformation of the logos. The original which is in green and white will be transformed into an old fashioned logo which resembles the 50’s and 60’s. In terms of the colour scheme for my leaflets and flyer they will mainly present white and blue. Like i have already mentioned i believe that these two colours represent the dairy industry the best way. The latter pieces of work will not be edited too much in terms of the general information that is provided but there will be more of a change when it comes to the logo and colour scheme that is provided.
  • 26. Timescales: You should prepare a production schedule that will allow you to manage your time over the 3 weeks of production. This should include: • Deadlines: Interim deadlines help you keep on track, final deadlines are final. • Availability: The availability of the client and any other people you may need to help you with your project. You will need to contact them. You might to do visit. You may need to liaise with models, or photographers. • Feedback: This is a working brief with a real client. You will need to get feedback on your work and also allow yourself time to make appropriate changes. Plan appropriate time into you schedule so that you can do this. • Resources: You should include a list of resources that you will need to complete your project. Remember that this all needs to be your own work
  • 27. YOU CAN DELETE THIS ONCE YOU DON’T NEED IT: Production is due to start on Monday the 8thth of May at 12:50pm. You will have 3 weeks of lessons. The last day of production will be Friday the 19th of May. This gives you a whole half term, should you need it. .
  • 28. Pitch
  • 30. Target Audience Age (18 +) Gender (both) Social background (middle to upper class)
  • 32. Personnel Requirements Because this project is fairly simple in its construction i will not require any further help from others
  • 33. Budget There will be no budget