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I. Origins of American War in Vietnam
19th Century: French Indochina, spawns underground
independence movements
World War II: occupied by Japanese; U.S. works with Ho Chi
Minh’s forces, the Viet Minh
1945-1954: French return, install puppet government, U.S.
sends millions
American Escalation
1954: Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Geneva Conference, temporary boundary at 17th parallel,
national elections in 1956
U.S. intervenes; installs Ngo Dinh Diem in South
Diem: Catholic, residing in New Jersey
Viet Minh form NLF or Vietcong; wage war against Diem
Buddhists rebel: protest, self-immolation
1963: Diem overthrown and killed by CIA
1964-1970:Frustration and Defeat
By 1967: 500,000 American troops in Vietnam; 2 billion dollars
a month; escalation of bombing
1968: U.S. Government, “Victory in sight”
1968: Tet Offensive; U.S. caught in lie
My Lai massacre in 1968
Growing protests at home; President Johnson declines re-
election bid
Nixon and the “Secret Plan”
1970—Kent State and Jackson State shootings
War Ends
1970-1971: U.S. and North Vietnam meet in Paris
Jan 1973: Paris Peace Accords: ceasefire; U.S. withdrawal;
Nixon ends draft
“Peace With Honor”
1975: U.S. withdraws, war of unification
II. Era of Detente
Sparked by Defeat in Vietnam; questioning of containment
1970s-1990s: Era of Détente
Nixon opens relations with China; first president to visit Soviet
1972: Signed SALT treaty: froze number of nuclear missiles;
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
From containment to “peaceful coexistence”
Roles of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev
III. Cold War Ends
Late 1980s: protest movements in Eastern Europe
1989: Berlin Wall falls; Germany reunified in 1990
Social and Economic Crises in Soviet Union: shortages,
corruption, apathy
Glasnost and Perestroika
1991 Crisis: coup attempts on Gorbachev, emergence of Boris
Gorbachev resigns
December 25, 1991
IV. Or Does It?
Communist states as Rivals: China, Cuba
Conflicts in Iraq: 1991 and 2003
Conflict in Afghanistan
Ongoing conflict with Russia in 21st Century
I. China in Early 20th Century
Elements of Traditional Society: ruled by aristocrats
(mandarins), landed elite, emperor
Large impoverished peasant population
Weak, victimized by Western imperialism
Besieged by Christian missionaries
Sparks patriotic backlash against foreigners, Christians, and
imperial government: Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901)
Suppressed by Western armies; prop up imperial government
Young, educated nationalists emerge within army
II. Sun Yat Sen and Chinese Nationalism
Sun Yat Sen (1866-1925) born into peasantry; educated in
Hawaii and Hong Kong; dedicated to revolution
Establish liberal republic
Early 20th century; develops secret society; young army
officers gravitate to Sun
October 1911: revolt in southern China, establish Nanking as
revolutionary capital; Sun Yat Sen elected President
But in north, General Yuan Shikai seizes power
Military regime or liberal republic?
Sun Yat Sen resigns, Yuan Shikai agrees to support new
republic as President; assumes position in 1912
Warlords, landed elite raise their own armies
The Interwar Period
Overall, a period of chaos and uncertainty
1916: Yuan Shikai dies
Sun Yat Sen establishes Nationalist Party; maintains loyalty of
nationalists dedicated to republic
1920s: riots, chaos, massacres
1921: Chinese Communist Party forms, led by Mao Zedong
Committed to Marxist principles; “True party of the people”
1920s-1930s: Nationalists, now led by Chiang Kai-shek war
with Communists
1931: Japanese seize Manchuria
1937: full scale invasion by Japanese; Nationalists and
Communists confront foreign invaders
III. Chinese Civil War (1937-1949)
Three way struggle between Nationalists, Communists, and
Japanese for control of China
By 1945, Nationalists lose popular support due to collaboration
with Japanese and growing hatred toward land owners
Communist promise land reform and redistribution
1949: Mao Zedong proclaims People’s Republic of China
Chiang Kai-shek flees to Taiwan, forms Nationalist Chinese
government; receives U.S. recognition and support
Chinese Revolution: 1900-1945
Traditional Society beset by foreign imperialism, growing
middle class, peasant poverty
Liberals and radicals attack these problems; war with each other
Exclusion/Inclusion: Nationalism driven by antagonism toward
outsiders but employing outside concepts
IV. The New Regime
China in 1949-53: mixed economy, large landless peasant class
Two plans: “experts” and “reds”
“Experts”: centralized command, moderation in reforms,
pragmatism, emphasis on expertise
“Reds”: ideological purity, class struggle, idealism and
enthusiasm for equality
“Experts” wield control 1953-1957: use bureaucracy; Soviet-
style 5 year plans; heavy industry and small, communal farms
Reds wield control: 1958-1962: “Great Leap Forward”;
decentralize industry, huge agrarian communities
Reds’ efforts a huge failure: massive famine and no industrial
Back to the “experts” in 1962
“The Cultural Revolution” 1965-1974
Initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 against “experts”
Campaign against capitalism, bureaucracy, and hierarchy in
Chinese state; consolidate control of Mao
Employ Red Guard against enemies of state
Purge China of its traditions in culture, religion, art
War against foreign pollution of revolutionary ethic
Created a Cult of Mao
“Little Red Book”
1970-1974: winds down due to economic collapse
Restores “experts”
1976: Mao dies; Deng Xiaoping takes power; arrests “Reds” and
V. The Contemporary Era
Since 1972, relations with United States
Since 1980, China led by “experts”
Pragmatic, economic policy
Permit some capitalism, private ownership of land, invite
foreign investment
But…one-party rule, no democracy, repression against
dissidents and suppression of civil liberties
Economic reform but not political reform
I. Origins of the Cold War
World War II ends in 1945 with U.S. and Soviet Union as two
great world powers
U.S. sought global economic reconstruction for American
prosperity; world modeled on their values
Soviet Union sought security; had lost 20 million in war;
greatest sacrifice in defeating Hitler; sought a sphere of
influence in eastern Europe
A Divided Europe
Conflicts of the Cold War
Ideological: U.S.—free markets, representative democracies;
Soviet Union—command economy, bureaucratic rule
Technological: Arms race; space race; consumer goods
“Hearts and Minds”: Alignment of the “Third World”; Peace
Corps, Fulbright Program, immigration reforms
II. The Truman Doctrine
Containment: U.S. commitment to preventing any further
expansion of Soviet power and influence
1947: Truman Doctrine in effect; U.S. to support monarchy in
Greece and stop Soviet involvement in Turkey
$400 million pledged; bipartisan support
III. The Marshall Plan
June 1947, Sec. of State George Marshall announces billions of
aid to rebuild Western Europe
Economic chaos, inflation, starvation
Fear of slide toward communism, Soviets
Shore up support, faith in capitalism; create markets for
American goods
“Prosperity Makes Your Free”
V. The Korean War
In 1949, Communist secure control of China
Korea divided after World War II
June 1950, North invades South in effort to unify
UN authorizes use of force to expel North
September 1950, U.S. forces occupy most of North Korea;
Chinese forces pour in, drive back
Stalemate, armistice in 1953, return to 38th parallel as border
Conflict in Korea
33,000 Americans killed
1 million Korean soldiers
2 million civilians dead
Cold War as global conflict, huge human toll
1947-1953: postwar age developed into a divided world,
ideological conflict, military confrontations in the shadow of
“the bomb”
I. Origins in Asia
Japan aspired to, denied “Great Power” status
Needed empire for industrialization
Military took control over government through internal struggle
1931—seizes Manchuria
1937—Invades Northern China
1937-1945: Prolonged war in Asia for hegemony
Like Germany, an industrial nation seeking empire, resources,
sphere of interest, vindication for superior race; a mission
fueled by rapid nationalism and militarism
“Asia for the Asians” with Japan at top
The Rape of Nanking
Deeply rooted cultural and ethnic animosity
December 13, 1937 Japanese army captures Nanking
Six weeks of terror: rapes, killing contests, brutalities
300,000 killed; 80,000 raped
Some later convicted of war crimes; many avoid prosecution as
insulated by U.S. after the war
Remains division in Asia diplomatic relations
“A second rape”: Cloaked in Japan; counter to narrative of
Japanese as victims
Dehumanization of the “Other”
Product of total war and nationalism; forces of inclusion and
Rape of Nanking
“Comfort Women”
Bataan Death March
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
II. Origins in Europe
Hitler rearms, seeks territory lost in 1919
Isolationism; hope of appeasement
Blitzkrieg: Hitler’s hopes for quick, decisive war against status
powers (Britain, France)
“Lightning war”
Lessons of WWI: avoid long war, use stockpiles, series of short
wars, knock-out rivals
Rapid strikes, penetrate and envelope
Multiple enemies and long war=disaster
1939: Poland and Non-Aggression Pact
1940: Frances falls in six weeks
Again, A World at War
June 1941—Germany attacks Soviet Union
December 1941: Japan’s own Blitzkrieg in Pacific
Germany honors pact with Japan
Another world war, another global remaking…
Population of Algeria: poor rural Muslims; French-speaking
urban Muslims and Catholics; French colons (control wealth,
land, and resources)
France weakened after World War II but determined to hold on
to Algeria
National Liberation Front emerges in 1954
Agglomeration of groups; Arab nationalism; Socialist in name
but not doctrinaire; modernist interpretation of Islam
I. French Algeria, 1954-1962
Born in Martinique in 1925
French repression early influence
Educated in France
Wrote of psychological trauma of colonialism
Moved to Algeria in early 1950s; joins National Liberation
Wretched of the Earth (1961) revolutionary violence by colonial
people is justified
Dehumanized; subject to violence; necessary for psychological
and political decolonization
International advocate for decolonization
Treated for leukemia in U.S. and Soviet Union; dead in 1961
Frantz Fanon
1954: NLF launches revolution against French
First phase: urban revolt suppressed by French with mass arrests
and torture
Second phase: rural revolt led by religious leaders; long, brutal
1962: France signs Evian Accords; Algeria is independent,
admitted to United Nations
1963: Ahmed Ben Bella elected first president; increasingly
autocratic; purges enemies; amplifies socialist rhetoric
1965: removed in coup; one-party dictatorship emerges in
Algerian Independence
Belgium colonizes Congo river basin in late 19th century;
officially a colony in 1908
Brutal economic exploitation; terror and massacres;
Growing independence movement in 1950s driven by educated
Frustrated by Belgium’s slow reforms
MNC founded in 1958 by Patrice Lumumba
Negotiates Congolese independence in 1960
Antagonizes army, seek aid from Soviet Union
Executed in coup in 1961
Joseph Mobutu takes control with Western backing; personal
dictatorship until 1997
II. Belgian Congo
A colony created by British colonial designs
Bound together various tribes, Muslims, Christians
Ruled through tribal federation
1953-1960: riots against British
British pull out amidst chaos in 1960
1967: Civil War in Biafra in southeast; Ibos attempt
1970: General Yakubu Gowon establishes military dictatorship
III. Nigeria
Algeria, Congo, Nigeria: violent revolutions lead to
Ethnic, tribal, religious differences; failure of nationalism;
results in personal dictatorships
Imperialism in Africa in 20th century a disaster for Africans
Exploitation; wealth extracted to powers
Little or no political reforms; “civilizing mission”
Deformed European culture: racism and arrogance
Distorted local cultures; imposed inorganic boundaries
IV. Legacies of Imperialism
I. Origins in Europe
Hitler rearms, seeks territory lost in 1919
Isolationism; hope of appeasement
Blitzkrieg: Hitler’s hopes for quick, decisive war against status
powers (Britain, France)
“Lightning war”
Lessons of WWI: avoid long war, use stockpiles, series of short
wars, knock-out rivals
Rapid strikes, penetrate and envelope
Multiple enemies and long war=disaster
1939: Poland and Non-Aggression Pact; France and Great
Britain declare war on Germany
1940: Frances falls in six weeks
II. “A Day Which Will Live in Infamy”: The United States
Enters the War
Dec. 7, 1941: Pearl Habor
Dec. 8 Congress declared war on Japan
Dec. 11 Germany declares war on the United States
II. War in Europe
First U.S. land troops in North Africa (1942)
1943 attack Italy, uprising deposes Mussolini
First major involvement begins D-day,
June 6, 1944
August 1944 Paris liberated, push into Germany
III. End of War
Early 1945 Allied victory assured
March 1945 U.S. troops invade Germany, Hitler commits
May 8, 1945 V-E Day
In Pacific, 1944 America retakes Guam, Philippines, move
closer to Japan
Negotiations begin with Japan
Demand for “unconditional surrender”
1944 FDR dies in office, Harry Truman takes over
U.S. successfully tests atomic bomb in July 1945
August 6, 1945 U.S. drops bomb on Hiroshima
The Postwar Age Dawns
Cold War Rivalry
Atomic, Nuclear Age
Decolonization and Decline of Europe
Nationalism and Modernity
I. India: Decolonization
British colony since 1760s
Rule by Viceroy and Council; grinding poverty
Late 19th Century: growth of educated, Indian middle-class,
commitment to nationalism
1885: Indian National Congress forms; led by Hindu
intellectuals and reformers; self-rule and democratic reforms
Muslim League: forms in 1906; advance political causes of
Muslim minority; eventual call for separate Muslim state
How to weld together an independent India?
II. World War I as Catalyst
Indians fought for British; massive casualties and injury to
Indian economy (inflation)
Stokes resentment; self-determination denied
British promise gradual self-rule
Amristar Massacre: April 1919; peaceful protest of 10,000
Indians; British army opens fire; 376 killed, thousands wounded
Galvanizes Indian resistance to British rule
A Leader Emerges
Mohandas Gandhi: born 1869,English educated; lead civil rights
efforts in South Africa; emerges as leader after Amristar
Non-violence and civil disobedience
Refuse to pay taxes, vote, obey unjust laws
Employ fasts: sacrifice, suffering for good end
Mass appeal: humble, simple, modest
Revolution from elite to masses
Focus on religion worried Muslims
III. Changes in WWII Era
British remain intransigent on independence
Constitution of 1935: elected legislature to “assist” Governor;
great power in Governor
Gandhi accepts compromise; Jawaharlal Nehru refuses
Indian National Congress: full independence now; boycott
World War II
Muslim League: separate Muslim state
1945: Labour Party controls British government; grant
Britain: weakened, drain on resources, no will
Independence at Last!
1947: British withdraws; India partitioned
Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan
Population transfer: 12 million people migrate; hundreds of
thousands die; no plan in place
Independence and democracy, but…poverty; illiteracy; huge,
heterogenous population
IV. Decolonization In Asia: Comparing China and India
Both: huge populations; poor, peasant societies; foreign control;
nationalism and modernization (foreign ideas) as goals
India: religious and liberal leaders; religious divisions; non-
violent movement; democratic result
China: radical vs. liberals; war and violent revolution;
communist dictatorship
I. Origins of American War in Vietnam19th Century French In

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I. Origins of American War in Vietnam19th Century French In

  • 1. I. Origins of American War in Vietnam 19th Century: French Indochina, spawns underground independence movements World War II: occupied by Japanese; U.S. works with Ho Chi Minh’s forces, the Viet Minh 1945-1954: French return, install puppet government, U.S. sends millions American Escalation 1954: Battle of Dien Bien Phu Geneva Conference, temporary boundary at 17th parallel, national elections in 1956 U.S. intervenes; installs Ngo Dinh Diem in South Diem: Catholic, residing in New Jersey Viet Minh form NLF or Vietcong; wage war against Diem regime Buddhists rebel: protest, self-immolation 1963: Diem overthrown and killed by CIA
  • 2. 1964-1970:Frustration and Defeat By 1967: 500,000 American troops in Vietnam; 2 billion dollars a month; escalation of bombing 1968: U.S. Government, “Victory in sight” 1968: Tet Offensive; U.S. caught in lie My Lai massacre in 1968 Growing protests at home; President Johnson declines re- election bid Nixon and the “Secret Plan” 1970—Kent State and Jackson State shootings
  • 3. War Ends 1970-1971: U.S. and North Vietnam meet in Paris Jan 1973: Paris Peace Accords: ceasefire; U.S. withdrawal; Nixon ends draft “Peace With Honor” 1975: U.S. withdraws, war of unification
  • 4. II. Era of Detente Sparked by Defeat in Vietnam; questioning of containment 1970s-1990s: Era of Détente Nixon opens relations with China; first president to visit Soviet Union 1972: Signed SALT treaty: froze number of nuclear missiles; Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty From containment to “peaceful coexistence” Roles of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev III. Cold War Ends Late 1980s: protest movements in Eastern Europe 1989: Berlin Wall falls; Germany reunified in 1990 Social and Economic Crises in Soviet Union: shortages, corruption, apathy
  • 5. Glasnost and Perestroika 1991 Crisis: coup attempts on Gorbachev, emergence of Boris Yeltsin Gorbachev resigns December 25, 1991 IV. Or Does It? Communist states as Rivals: China, Cuba Conflicts in Iraq: 1991 and 2003 Conflict in Afghanistan
  • 6. Ongoing conflict with Russia in 21st Century I. China in Early 20th Century Elements of Traditional Society: ruled by aristocrats (mandarins), landed elite, emperor Large impoverished peasant population Weak, victimized by Western imperialism Besieged by Christian missionaries Sparks patriotic backlash against foreigners, Christians, and imperial government: Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901) Suppressed by Western armies; prop up imperial government Young, educated nationalists emerge within army II. Sun Yat Sen and Chinese Nationalism Sun Yat Sen (1866-1925) born into peasantry; educated in Hawaii and Hong Kong; dedicated to revolution Establish liberal republic
  • 7. Early 20th century; develops secret society; young army officers gravitate to Sun October 1911: revolt in southern China, establish Nanking as revolutionary capital; Sun Yat Sen elected President But in north, General Yuan Shikai seizes power Military regime or liberal republic? Sun Yat Sen resigns, Yuan Shikai agrees to support new republic as President; assumes position in 1912 Warlords, landed elite raise their own armies The Interwar Period Overall, a period of chaos and uncertainty 1916: Yuan Shikai dies Sun Yat Sen establishes Nationalist Party; maintains loyalty of nationalists dedicated to republic 1920s: riots, chaos, massacres 1921: Chinese Communist Party forms, led by Mao Zedong Committed to Marxist principles; “True party of the people” 1920s-1930s: Nationalists, now led by Chiang Kai-shek war with Communists 1931: Japanese seize Manchuria 1937: full scale invasion by Japanese; Nationalists and Communists confront foreign invaders III. Chinese Civil War (1937-1949) Three way struggle between Nationalists, Communists, and Japanese for control of China
  • 8. By 1945, Nationalists lose popular support due to collaboration with Japanese and growing hatred toward land owners Communist promise land reform and redistribution 1949: Mao Zedong proclaims People’s Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek flees to Taiwan, forms Nationalist Chinese government; receives U.S. recognition and support Chinese Revolution: 1900-1945 Traditional Society beset by foreign imperialism, growing middle class, peasant poverty Liberals and radicals attack these problems; war with each other Exclusion/Inclusion: Nationalism driven by antagonism toward outsiders but employing outside concepts IV. The New Regime China in 1949-53: mixed economy, large landless peasant class Two plans: “experts” and “reds” “Experts”: centralized command, moderation in reforms, pragmatism, emphasis on expertise “Reds”: ideological purity, class struggle, idealism and enthusiasm for equality “Experts” wield control 1953-1957: use bureaucracy; Soviet- style 5 year plans; heavy industry and small, communal farms Reds wield control: 1958-1962: “Great Leap Forward”;
  • 9. decentralize industry, huge agrarian communities Reds’ efforts a huge failure: massive famine and no industrial growth Back to the “experts” in 1962 “The Cultural Revolution” 1965-1974 Initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 against “experts” Campaign against capitalism, bureaucracy, and hierarchy in Chinese state; consolidate control of Mao Employ Red Guard against enemies of state Purge China of its traditions in culture, religion, art War against foreign pollution of revolutionary ethic Created a Cult of Mao “Little Red Book” 1970-1974: winds down due to economic collapse Restores “experts” 1976: Mao dies; Deng Xiaoping takes power; arrests “Reds” and radicals V. The Contemporary Era Since 1972, relations with United States Since 1980, China led by “experts” Pragmatic, economic policy Permit some capitalism, private ownership of land, invite
  • 10. foreign investment But…one-party rule, no democracy, repression against dissidents and suppression of civil liberties Economic reform but not political reform I. Origins of the Cold War World War II ends in 1945 with U.S. and Soviet Union as two great world powers U.S. sought global economic reconstruction for American prosperity; world modeled on their values Soviet Union sought security; had lost 20 million in war; greatest sacrifice in defeating Hitler; sought a sphere of influence in eastern Europe A Divided Europe
  • 11. Conflicts of the Cold War Ideological: U.S.—free markets, representative democracies; Soviet Union—command economy, bureaucratic rule Technological: Arms race; space race; consumer goods “Hearts and Minds”: Alignment of the “Third World”; Peace Corps, Fulbright Program, immigration reforms II. The Truman Doctrine Containment: U.S. commitment to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power and influence 1947: Truman Doctrine in effect; U.S. to support monarchy in Greece and stop Soviet involvement in Turkey $400 million pledged; bipartisan support III. The Marshall Plan June 1947, Sec. of State George Marshall announces billions of aid to rebuild Western Europe Economic chaos, inflation, starvation Fear of slide toward communism, Soviets Shore up support, faith in capitalism; create markets for
  • 12. American goods “Prosperity Makes Your Free” V. The Korean War In 1949, Communist secure control of China Korea divided after World War II June 1950, North invades South in effort to unify UN authorizes use of force to expel North September 1950, U.S. forces occupy most of North Korea; Chinese forces pour in, drive back Stalemate, armistice in 1953, return to 38th parallel as border Conflict in Korea 33,000 Americans killed 1 million Korean soldiers 2 million civilians dead Cold War as global conflict, huge human toll 1947-1953: postwar age developed into a divided world, ideological conflict, military confrontations in the shadow of “the bomb”
  • 13. I. Origins in Asia Japan aspired to, denied “Great Power” status Needed empire for industrialization Military took control over government through internal struggle 1931—seizes Manchuria 1937—Invades Northern China 1937-1945: Prolonged war in Asia for hegemony Like Germany, an industrial nation seeking empire, resources, sphere of interest, vindication for superior race; a mission fueled by rapid nationalism and militarism “Asia for the Asians” with Japan at top The Rape of Nanking Deeply rooted cultural and ethnic animosity December 13, 1937 Japanese army captures Nanking Six weeks of terror: rapes, killing contests, brutalities 300,000 killed; 80,000 raped Some later convicted of war crimes; many avoid prosecution as insulated by U.S. after the war
  • 14. Remains division in Asia diplomatic relations “A second rape”: Cloaked in Japan; counter to narrative of Japanese as victims
  • 15. Dehumanization of the “Other” Product of total war and nationalism; forces of inclusion and exclusion Rape of Nanking “Comfort Women” Bataan Death March Holocaust Hiroshima, Nagasaki II. Origins in Europe Hitler rearms, seeks territory lost in 1919 Isolationism; hope of appeasement Blitzkrieg: Hitler’s hopes for quick, decisive war against status powers (Britain, France)
  • 16. “Lightning war” Lessons of WWI: avoid long war, use stockpiles, series of short wars, knock-out rivals Rapid strikes, penetrate and envelope Multiple enemies and long war=disaster 1939: Poland and Non-Aggression Pact 1940: Frances falls in six weeks Again, A World at War June 1941—Germany attacks Soviet Union December 1941: Japan’s own Blitzkrieg in Pacific Germany honors pact with Japan Another world war, another global remaking…
  • 17. Population of Algeria: poor rural Muslims; French-speaking urban Muslims and Catholics; French colons (control wealth, land, and resources) France weakened after World War II but determined to hold on to Algeria National Liberation Front emerges in 1954 Agglomeration of groups; Arab nationalism; Socialist in name but not doctrinaire; modernist interpretation of Islam I. French Algeria, 1954-1962 Born in Martinique in 1925 French repression early influence Educated in France Wrote of psychological trauma of colonialism Moved to Algeria in early 1950s; joins National Liberation Front Wretched of the Earth (1961) revolutionary violence by colonial people is justified Dehumanized; subject to violence; necessary for psychological and political decolonization
  • 18. International advocate for decolonization Treated for leukemia in U.S. and Soviet Union; dead in 1961 Frantz Fanon 1954: NLF launches revolution against French First phase: urban revolt suppressed by French with mass arrests and torture Second phase: rural revolt led by religious leaders; long, brutal fight 1962: France signs Evian Accords; Algeria is independent, admitted to United Nations 1963: Ahmed Ben Bella elected first president; increasingly autocratic; purges enemies; amplifies socialist rhetoric 1965: removed in coup; one-party dictatorship emerges in Algeria Algerian Independence Belgium colonizes Congo river basin in late 19th century; officially a colony in 1908 Brutal economic exploitation; terror and massacres; Growing independence movement in 1950s driven by educated Congolese Frustrated by Belgium’s slow reforms MNC founded in 1958 by Patrice Lumumba Negotiates Congolese independence in 1960 Antagonizes army, seek aid from Soviet Union
  • 19. Executed in coup in 1961 Joseph Mobutu takes control with Western backing; personal dictatorship until 1997 II. Belgian Congo A colony created by British colonial designs Bound together various tribes, Muslims, Christians Ruled through tribal federation 1953-1960: riots against British British pull out amidst chaos in 1960 1967: Civil War in Biafra in southeast; Ibos attempt independence 1970: General Yakubu Gowon establishes military dictatorship III. Nigeria Algeria, Congo, Nigeria: violent revolutions lead to dictatorships Ethnic, tribal, religious differences; failure of nationalism; results in personal dictatorships Imperialism in Africa in 20th century a disaster for Africans Exploitation; wealth extracted to powers Little or no political reforms; “civilizing mission” Deformed European culture: racism and arrogance Distorted local cultures; imposed inorganic boundaries IV. Legacies of Imperialism
  • 20. I. Origins in Europe Hitler rearms, seeks territory lost in 1919 Isolationism; hope of appeasement Blitzkrieg: Hitler’s hopes for quick, decisive war against status powers (Britain, France) “Lightning war” Lessons of WWI: avoid long war, use stockpiles, series of short wars, knock-out rivals Rapid strikes, penetrate and envelope Multiple enemies and long war=disaster 1939: Poland and Non-Aggression Pact; France and Great Britain declare war on Germany 1940: Frances falls in six weeks II. “A Day Which Will Live in Infamy”: The United States Enters the War
  • 21. Dec. 7, 1941: Pearl Habor Dec. 8 Congress declared war on Japan Dec. 11 Germany declares war on the United States II. War in Europe First U.S. land troops in North Africa (1942) 1943 attack Italy, uprising deposes Mussolini First major involvement begins D-day, June 6, 1944 August 1944 Paris liberated, push into Germany
  • 22. III. End of War Early 1945 Allied victory assured March 1945 U.S. troops invade Germany, Hitler commits suicide May 8, 1945 V-E Day In Pacific, 1944 America retakes Guam, Philippines, move closer to Japan Negotiations begin with Japan Demand for “unconditional surrender” Hiroshima 1944 FDR dies in office, Harry Truman takes over
  • 23. U.S. successfully tests atomic bomb in July 1945 August 6, 1945 U.S. drops bomb on Hiroshima
  • 24. The Postwar Age Dawns Cold War Rivalry Atomic, Nuclear Age Decolonization and Decline of Europe Nationalism and Modernity I. India: Decolonization British colony since 1760s Rule by Viceroy and Council; grinding poverty Late 19th Century: growth of educated, Indian middle-class, commitment to nationalism 1885: Indian National Congress forms; led by Hindu intellectuals and reformers; self-rule and democratic reforms Muslim League: forms in 1906; advance political causes of Muslim minority; eventual call for separate Muslim state How to weld together an independent India?
  • 25. II. World War I as Catalyst Indians fought for British; massive casualties and injury to Indian economy (inflation) Stokes resentment; self-determination denied British promise gradual self-rule Amristar Massacre: April 1919; peaceful protest of 10,000 Indians; British army opens fire; 376 killed, thousands wounded Galvanizes Indian resistance to British rule A Leader Emerges Mohandas Gandhi: born 1869,English educated; lead civil rights efforts in South Africa; emerges as leader after Amristar Massacre
  • 26. Non-violence and civil disobedience Refuse to pay taxes, vote, obey unjust laws Employ fasts: sacrifice, suffering for good end Mass appeal: humble, simple, modest Revolution from elite to masses Focus on religion worried Muslims III. Changes in WWII Era British remain intransigent on independence Constitution of 1935: elected legislature to “assist” Governor; great power in Governor Gandhi accepts compromise; Jawaharlal Nehru refuses Indian National Congress: full independence now; boycott World War II Muslim League: separate Muslim state 1945: Labour Party controls British government; grant independence Britain: weakened, drain on resources, no will
  • 27. Independence at Last! 1947: British withdraws; India partitioned Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan Population transfer: 12 million people migrate; hundreds of thousands die; no plan in place Independence and democracy, but…poverty; illiteracy; huge, heterogenous population IV. Decolonization In Asia: Comparing China and India Both: huge populations; poor, peasant societies; foreign control; nationalism and modernization (foreign ideas) as goals India: religious and liberal leaders; religious divisions; non- violent movement; democratic result China: radical vs. liberals; war and violent revolution; communist dictatorship