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A Small Butterfly Shaped ENDOCRINE Gland At The Base Of
The Neck, Against C5, C6, C7 & T1.
Consist Of Right & Left Lobe Joined By Isthmus, A 3rd
Pyramidal Lobe Might Project Upwards From Isthmus
Capsules – 2 – True & False
Larger In Females Than Males
Development – Ectoderm Of The Floor Of Primitive Oral
Thyroid gland contains
numerous follicles,
composed of follicle
cells and colloid.
Maintenance of normal metabolic
activity-continuous production of
thyroid hormone at right
Coordinated interaction between
Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Thyroid.
Major function-
absorption of
Synthesis &
secretion of two
Homeostasis Of
The Body
Parafollicular cells
of thyroid gland-
T4 –major thyrois
gland produces
Half life of T4 -7
Two hormones are
secreted by Thyroid
(T4) usually called
2. Triiodothyronine
Thyroid secretes 80
mcg of T4,
but only 5 mcg of
Derived from an
amino acid
Thyroid hormones
are made from
Tyrosine and Iodine
• During pregnancy, maternal thyroid function is modulated by three
• An increase in HCG concentration that stimulate the thyroid glands,
• Significant increases in urinary iodide excretion resulting in a fall in
plasma iodine concentration
• An increase in thyroxine – binding globulin (TBG) DURING The first
trimester , resulting in increased binding of thyroxine
• Total T3 & T4 are increased, but Free T4 & Free T3 remain normal & patient remains
• Increased T4 & T3 in early pregnancy help to maintain the hyper metabolic state
• Sometimes, estimation of TSH during pregnancy is erroneous due to interference by
• Therefore during pregnancy, it is always advisable to get FT3 & FT4 done rather than
Total T4 & T3.
Urinary Iodine
Beta HCG
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), secreted by the placenta, also
impacts thyroid function because it simulates thyroid‐stimulating hormone
(TSH) activity in vivo, thereby suppressing its secretion.
The structure of HCG is similar to TSH. HCG mimics & acts like TSH.
Throughout pregnancy, TSH values are lower than in the pre‐pregnant state,
and may even be below the classical lower limit of 0.4 miu/L.
Since the levels of HCG decrease as the pregnancy increases, the levels of
TSH follow the reverse trend.
Serum hCG has intrinsic thyrotropic activity, which increases after fertilization
and peaks at 10 to 12 weeks.
Hence, in the first trimester , free T3 and T4 levels increase slightly and TSH
levels decrease in the first trimester with a readjustment in the second and
third trimesters, when hCG levels decrease.
As a consequence, cut-offs to determine hypothyroidism in pregnancy are
different in the first trimester and the rest of the pregnancy.
• Pregnancy results in number
of important physiological &
hormonal changes that alter
thyroid function due to
influence of two main
• 1. HCG
• 2. Estrogen
• Baby remains dependent on
mother for ingestion of
adequate amount of iodine
which is essential for
synthesis of thyroid
The most notable change is the increase in thyroxine-binding globulin
This begins early in the first trimester, plateaus during midgestation,
and persists until shortly after delivery.
This is due to stimulation of TBG synthesis by elevated maternal
estrogen levels, and more importantly, due to a reduced hepatic
clearance of TBG because of estrogen-induced sialylation.
This increased TBG concentration leads to an expansion of the extra-
thyroidal pool and results in elevated total T3 and T4 levels due to an
increase in maternal thyroid hormone synthesis.
Maternal thyroid hormone synthesis is also increased due to an
accelerated renal clearance of iodide resulting from the increased
maternal glomerular filtration rate.
Enhanced metabolism of T4 in the second and third
trimesters, due to a rise in placental type II and type III
deiodinases, which convert T4 to T3 and T4 to reverse T3
and T2 respectively, act as further impetus to T4 synthesis.
Plasma iodide levels decrease due to both increased
thyroxine metabolism and increased renal iodide
All these changes lead to an increase in the size of the
thyroid gland in 15% of pregnant women, which returns to
normal in the post-partum period.
• Fetal thyroid gland develops as an out pouching in midline of the anterior
pharyngeal floor, migrates caudally, to reach its final position by 7 weeks of
• Fetal thyroid is capable of trapping iodine by 12 weeks and can synthesize
thyroxine by 14 weeks of gestation.
• However, significant hormone secretion is not seen till 18–20 weeks of
gestation. Thereafter, fetal TSH, T4, and TBG gradually rise to adult levels by
36 weeks gestation.
• But T3 and free T3 levels do not rise to adult levels , as placental type III
deiodinase converts most fetal T4 to reverse T3; the fetal brain which has
elevated levels of type II deiodinase, is an exception.
• TSH transfer across placenta is not significant, but T3 and T4 transport can
be considerable. This is of special relevance in congenital hypothyroidism,
where studies have shown that umbilical cord T4 levels in neonates with
congenital hypothyroidism can be up to 50% of the normal.
• This transferred T4 can play a crucial role in near normal fetal cognitive
development in congenital hypothyroidism. Transplacental transfer of TRH,
iodine, anti-thyroid drugs and thyroid stimulatory immunoglobulin (TSI)
also occurs
Pregnancy is Iodide-Deficient state
 BMR by 15-20%
 Iodine clearance due to increased GFR (upto 50%) &
reduced tubular re-absorption
Hence requirement of Thyroxin & Iodine In Pregnancy.
Iodine Requirement:
Non-pregnant Females 150 microg/day
Pregnancy &
200-250 microg/day
Estrogen stimulates TBG production from liver.
Normally T3 & T4 occur in two forms:
 Bound with TBG
 Free(Active)
On account of increased TBG, Bound form increases.
Pregnancy impacts the
functioning of the thyroid
gland profoundly and is
associated with
a 10%–40% increase in the
size of the gland
(iodine‐replete areas show
greater increase),
a 50% increase in the
production of thyroxine
(T4) and triiodothyronine
(T3), and
a 50% increase in the daily
requirement of iodine.
These physiological changes -
pregnant, iodine‐deficient, euthyroid
woman in the first trimester
hypothyroid during the later stages
of pregnancy and postpartum
thyroiditis in women with underlying
Hashimoto's disease who were
euthyroid prior to conception.
Ten percent to 20% of all
pregnant women in the
first trimester of
pregnancy are thyroid
peroxidase (TPO) or
thyroglobulin (Tg)
antibody positive and
Sixteen percent of the
women who are euthyroid
and positive for TPO or Tg
antibody in the first
trimester will develop a
TSH that exceeds 4.0
mIU/L by the third
trimester, and
• 1.8% of world total population.
• Second only to DM as most
common endocrine disorder.
• Incidence increases with age.
• More common in females.
• 2-3% of older women.
• 42 million people in India suffer
from thyroid disease
•5 common thyroid diseases in
•Goitre and Iodine Deficiency
•Hashimotos’s thyroiditis
•Thyroid Cancer
1. [Last accessed on 2011 April 2]. Available from: .
2. Desai PM. Disorders of the Thyroid Gland in India. Indian J Pediatr. 1997;64:11–20. [PubMed]
3. Usha Menon V, Sundaram KR, Unnikrishnan AG, Jayakumar RV, Nair V, Kumar H. High prevalence of undetected thyroid disorders in an iodine
sufficient adult south Indian population. J Indian Med Assoc. 2009;107:72–7. [PubMed]
Over 40 Million Indians suffer from
Thyroid disorders of which
Hypothyroidism is a major concern.
Hypothyroidism is difficult to be diagnosed during pregnancy as the signs can
belong to pregnancy itself.
Changes in thyroid function have a major negative impact on both mother and
Thyroid pathology worsens
during pregnancy.
Hypothyroidism can be pre-
existent or may begin
during pregnancy period.
Most of the patients who
presented hypothyroidism
during pregnancy have a
history of thyroid disease
for which they have
undergone treatment
(medical, surgical or
Complications that arise
depend on the severity of
hypothyroidism, on how
appropriately and early the
treatment will be initiated,
on other obstetrical and
extragenital pathologies
associated with the present
Clinical symptoms –
polymorphic & nonspecific,
and are related mainly to
the time of occurrence and
to the severity of thyroid
hormone deficiency.
The appropriate, early
administered treatment and
maintenance of a normal
level of thyroid hormones
minimize the risk of
maternal and fetal
complications and make it
possible that the pregnancy
may be carried to term
without severe
• Result in profound alterations of biochemical and clinical
parameters which characterize the thyroid gland, changes that
express themselves through a state of thyroid hyperstimulation
and a relative hypothyroxinemy or a subclinic hypothyroidism.
• When pregnancy overlaps maternal endocrine imbalance,
undesirable consequences for both mother and fetus may appear.
• Associated with an increased risk of abortion, habitual abortion,
premature delivery, intrauterine fetal death, fetal retardation and
fetal congenital anomalies, congenital hypothyroidism, postpartum
bleeding, anemia, post-partum depression and cardiac
dysfunction, which leads to increased maternal morbidity,
perinatal morbidity and mortality
Hypothyroidism common in pregnancy.
Two types –
.Overt hypothyroidism – defined as increased serum TSH [> 10 miu/ l]
associated with decreased concentration of thyroxine as a result of
negative feedback
.Subclinical hypothyroidism –increase in serum TSH [ 4-10 m iu/ l] with
normal concentration of thyroxine & triidothyronine.
Incidence – overt-0.2 – 2.5
- Subclinical- 5- 20 %
- Thyroid antibodies > 60 % females in reproductive age grp
• Under-activity of the thyroid
• Decreased secretion of thyroid hormones
• Deficiency of T3 and T4
 Clinical manifestations due to deficiency of
thyroid hormones
 Clinical manifestation depends on
Age of the patient
The cause of the disorder
Primary Hypothyroidism-
Caused by damage to the thyroid gland
Secondary Hypothyroidism-
Caused by damage to the pituitary gland &
therefore low production of Thyroid Stimulating
Hormone (TSH)
Tertiary Hypothyroidism-
Caused by the failure of the hypothalamus to release
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
• Maternal Hypothyroidism is much
more common than generally
• The recent data shows alarmingly
high prevalence of the maternal
hypothyroidism both in India as well
as in USA.
• Autoimmune hypothyroidism:
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis;
Atrophic thyroiditis
• Iatrogenic:
- Radio-iodine therapy;
- External radiation to the neck
• Drugs :
- Antithyroid drugs,
amiodarone, lithium,
• Congenital hypothyroidism:
- Thyroid agenesis;
Dyshormogenesis; TSH-R
• Iodine deficiency
• Infiltrative disorder
• Hypopituitarism (2°):
– Tumour
– Surgery
– Radiation
– Postpartum: Sheehan’s
• Hypothalamic causes (3°):
– Tumour
– Trauma
• Peripheral resistance (rare)
2°, 3° CAUSES
• Essential for normal growth of tissues
• Stimulates basal metabolic rate.
• Increases intestinal glucose reabsorption & ATP production
• Development of the skeletal system & musculature.
• Essential for normal brain development & regulates
synaptogenesis, neuronal integration, myelination
• Deficiency lead to short stature & mental deficits
• Fatigue
• Increased sensitivity to
• Constipation
• Dry skin
• Weight gain
• Puffy face
• Hoarseness
• Muscle weaknes
• Elevated blood cholesterol
• Muscle aches, tenderness
and stiffness
• Pain, stiffness or swelling in
your joints
• Heavier than normal or
irregular menstrual periods
• Thinning hair
• Slowed heart rate
• Depression
• Impaired memory
• Enlarged thyroid gland
• Elevated serum TSH concentration
2.5% of pregnancies
• In iodine sufficent environment
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- Prior radioactive iodine treatment
- Surgical ablation of Graves’
- Less common causes :
Overtreatment of hyperthyroidism
with thionamides , transient
hypothyroidism owing to
postpartum thyroditis ,
medications that alter the
absorption or metabolism of
levothyroxine , and pituitary
hypothalamic disease
• One of the most common endocrine
disorders in pregnancy1
• Most common cause: endemic iodine
• Women with hypothyroidism carry
an increased risk of infertility,
miscarriage, and obstetric
• Foetal complications: premature
birth, low-birth weight (LBW), fetal
distress in labor, fetal death,
perinatal death, and congenital
• Even an untreated subclinical
hypothyroidism during pregnancy
can lead to cognitive impairment in
the offspring.3
Anaemia & CHF Cognitive
Pre-eclampsia Neurological
Low Birth Weight
Post Partum
Labor – diskinetic, longer due to the existence of the hypomyotonia and the simultaneous cardio-
breathing problems; hypokinesis
Anomalies of fetus cardiac rhytm (FCR) – fetal suffering: alterations of the basic cardiac rhythm
(tachycardia, bradicardia), of FCR variability (diminution until their loss or periodical variations of
FCR in relation with the uterus contractions, a type of belated slow-ups)
APGAR mark – frequently lower at pregnant women who continued to be hypothyroidic until the
due term
Vitiated pelvis (limit pelvis) which can be the reason of various cephalic-pelvis disproportions
Presentations that are close to distocia – pelvic presentation
Post-partum haemorrhages occur through uterus hypotony and through coagulation disorders
(problem of the plaque adhesiveness)
Post-partum depression, post-partum thyroiditis, hypogalactia
The causes of hypotony are
 the endogen intoxications,
 the change of muscular tissue,
 the myxedema impregnation,
 the hypovitaminosis (B1 vitamin),
affecting the transmission of the nervous
influx, affecting the endocrine
 water-electrolitic change which leads to
the change of the functional biometrical
schemes and to the change of the
interaction between actin and myosin:
a)the K and the intracellular Mg decrease due
to the metabolic acidosis and therefore the
contraction is more difficult, Ca decreases and
the equilibrium of P, bicarbonate and H ions is
B) the metabolic acidosis also modifies the
extracellular distribution of Na, Ca, Mg and K
and has a negative influence on the
contractions through the decrease of the
membrane potential, which leads to
insufficient contraction.
 Hypotonia, having a tonus less than
10 mmHg,
 Hypokinesis - Hypokinesis
(contractions which are rarer than
two within 10 minutes with the
contraction value of less then
 Labour is slow or long, with
possibilities of interruption,
 real uterus inertia, which can be
primitive (ante-partum determined)
or secondary (intra-partum
 The insufficient labour - 35.2% at
the pregnant women, who
remained with hypothyroidism at
the end of pregnancy.
APGAR score depends of the uterus-placenta circulation and the proper
oxygenation of the fetal-placenta complex during pregnancy and it is
frequently lower at pregnant women who continued to have
hypothyroidism until the due term.
In hypothyroidism, the cardiac debit is not adequate and the uterus-
placenta circulation becomes insufficient, which induces a moderate and
chronic fetal hypoxia, fetal bradycardia, fetal hypotrophy, diminution of
fetal moves and an insufficient tolerance of the delivery by the fetus.
The intrauterine chronic hypoxia of the newborn can be met in the
literature at variable percentages between 14%-22% at pregnant women
with hypothyroidism.
A series of studies, with recent reconfirmed results, showed that the
treatment with T4 can improve the obstetrical prognosis but it does not
modify the neurological development of the newborn on the long term,
the cognitive performances being changed;
the maternal hypothyroixinemia on early term pregnancies can have
irreversible negative effects on the newborn's state and placenta. Some
antioxidants (retinol, tocopherol etc.), are usually used in the treatment of
the fetal-placenta insufficiency.
Intricate mechanisms (direct and
indirect effects of the thyroid
hormones) since the very beginning
of the pre-gestation period, which
can affect the pelvic bones (lower
bone density, even osteoporosis), of
the spine (multiple deformations),
problems of the articulations
through the specific infiltration,
various artropaties, inflammatory or
non-inflammatory, poliartritis,
Excessive deposits of mucous
polysaccharides and glucose in the
tissues, affecting protein synthesis,
diminution of the insulin level, as a
growth factor, can lead to various
muscles and skeleton symptoms.
A clear mechanism is not
established, but a decrease in the
proliferation of the cartilage cells
and bone tissue and
Are produced both through the uterus hypotony and coagulation problems,
with plaque adhesiveness problem.
Various studies (Leung, Buckshee, Davis) from the literature indicate a
percentage between 7% and 19%.
The etiology of the post-partum thyroiditis has not been well-understood yet
but a problem in the self immunity can be probably caused by a constant
increase of the level of anti-microzomes antibody in the first trimester of the
pregnancy. Post-partum thyroiditis affects 2-7% of the pregnant women. The
hypothyroid phase follows a hyperthyroid phase and it manifests after 5-7
months in post-partum.
The hypothyroid can
remain permanent (12-
61%) and euthyroiditis
appears in 5% of the
According to recent
studies, the incidence
has very wide limits,
between 1.1-2.1%,
within the first year
after delivery;
The presence of the thyroid
antibodies during the first
trimester of the pregnancy
determines an increase by
35% of the incidence and
the risk of developing a
post-partum thyroid is of
50%; if they are still
present in the third
trimester, the risk increases
by 80%; the relapse, with a
similar evolution and
intensity, usually appears
after future pregnancies.
The level of hormone production by the placenta has a major role in the development of
psychological disequilibrium in puerperium.
The depression of pituitary function and the reduction of adrenaline and thyroid hormones
production may be included among the potential pathogenic factors;
low levels of progesterone or free tryptophan from the plasma,
the free usage of agents having vasoactive potential during intrapartum and postpartum and the
chronic lack of beta-endorphine along with the increase of the dopaminergic activity may be
responsible for these changes.
During post-partum, the adrenocorticotropic-hormone and the arginine-vasopressin are being
released, and carried through the portal circulation system until reaching the hypophysis where they
induce the production of ACTH, which reacts upon the corticoadrenal and releases cortisol.
The increase of the preeclampsia incidence, of the premature delivery, of
the post-partum depressions and haemorrhages could be explained
through a maturation process of the placenta and they appear especially
if there is a severe hypothyroidism, but they have been also signalled in
the cases of subclinical hypothyroidism.
Complications in the pregnancies associated with hypothyroidism are
complex and serious, with an important increase of the maternal
morbidity, and perinatal morbidity and mortality. ❑
Evaluated 4123 Thyroid
TPO Ab negative pregnant women
with TSH =/< 5mlU/LA
TSH < 2.5mlU/L TSH 2.5-5.0mlU/L
Not given any treatment for TSH correction
• RECOMMENDATION 1 - Trimester-specific reference ranges
for TSH, as defined in populations with optimal iodine
intake, should be applied. Level B-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 2 - If trimester-specific reference ranges
for TSH are not available in the laboratory, the following
reference ranges are recommended:
• first trimester, 0.1–2.5 mIU/L;
• second trimester, 0.2–3.0 mIU/L;
• third trimester, 0.3–3.0 mIU/L.
• RECOMMENDATION 3 - The optimal method to assess serum
FT4 during pregnancy is measurement of T4 in the dialysate or
ultrafiltrate of serum samples employing on-line
extraction/liquid chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Level A-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 4 - If FT4 measurement by LC/MS/MS is
not available, clinicians should use whichever measure or
estimate of FT4 is available in their laboratory, being aware of
the limitations of each method. Serum TSH is a more accurate
indication of thyroid status in pregnancy than any of these
alternative methods. Level A-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 5 - In view of the wide variation in the
results of FT4 assays, method-specific and trimester-specific
reference ranges of serum FT4 are required. Level B-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 6 - OH should be treated in pregnancy.
This includes women with a TSH concentration above the
trimester-specific reference interval with a decreased FT4, and
all women with a TSH concentration above 10.0 mIU/L
irrespective of the level of FT4. Level A-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 7 - Isolated hypothyroxinemia should not
be treated in pregnancy. Level C-USPSTF
: How is isolated hypothyroxinemia defined in
• Isolated hypothyroxinemia is defined as a normal maternal TSH concentration in
conjunction with FT4 concentrations in the lower 5th or 10th percentile of the
reference range.
What adverse outcomes are associated with isolated hypothyroxinemia in
It is debated whether isolated hypothyroxinemia causes any adverse effects on the
developing fetus. Pop and colleagues reported a decrease in psychomotor test
scores among offspring born to women with FT4 indices in the lowest 10th
percentile. These mothers often had normal serum TSH values.
Li et al. observed a similar reduction in the IQ of the offspring whose mothers
experienced either hypothyroidism or isolated hypothyroxinemia during the
first trimester.
Henrichs and colleagues recently published data from the Generation R study,
conducted in the Netherlands - prospective, nonrandomized investigation
evaluated communication development in children born to women with
isolated hypothyroxinemia. A 1.5- to 2-fold increased risk of adverse findings (at
3 years of age) was associated with maternal FT4 in the lower 5th and 10th
RECOMMENDATION 8 - SCH has been associated with adverse maternal
and fetal outcomes. However, due to the lack of randomized
controlled trials there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or
against universal LT4 treatment in TAb− pregnant women with
RECOMMENDATION 9 - Women who are positive for TPOAb and have
SCH should be treated with LT4. Level B-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 10 - The recommended treatment of maternal
hypothyroidism is with administration of oral LT4. It is strongly
recommended not to use other thyroid preparations such as T3 or
desiccated thyroid. Level A-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 11 - The goal of LT4 treatment is to normalize
maternal serum TSH values within the trimester-specific pregnancy
reference range (first trimester, 0.1–2.5 mIU/L; second trimester, 0.2–
3.0 mIU/L; third trimester, 0.3–3.0 mIU/L). Level A-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 12 - Women with SCH in pregnancy who are not initially
treated should be monitored for progression to OH with a serum TSH and
FT4 approximately every 4 weeks until 16–20 weeks gestation and at least once
between 26 and 32 weeks gestation. This approach has not been prospectively
studied. Level I-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 13 - Treated hypothyroid patients (receiving LT4) who are
newly pregnant should independently increase their dose of LT4 by ∼25%–30%
upon a missed menstrual cycle or positive home pregnancy test and notify
their caregiver promptly. One means of accomplishing this adjustment is to
increase LT4 from once daily dosing to a total of nine doses per week (29%
increase). Level B-USPSTF
• RECOMMENDATION 14 - There exists great inter- individual variability
regarding the increased amount of T4 (or LT4) necessary to maintain a normal
TSH throughout pregnancy, with some women requiring only 10%–20%
increased dosing, while others may require as much as an 80% increase. The
etiology of maternal hypothyroidism, as well as the preconception level of
TSH, may provide insight into the magnitude of necessary LT4 increase.
Clinicians should seek this information upon assessment of the patient after
pregnancy is confirmed. Level A-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 15 - Treated hypothyroid patients (receiving LT4) who
are planning pregnancy should have their dose adjusted by their
provider in order to optimize serum TSH values to <2.5 mIU/L
preconception. Lower preconception TSH values (within the
nonpregnant reference range) reduce the risk of TSH elevation during
the first trimester. Level B-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 16 - In pregnant patients with treated
hypothyroidism, maternal serum TSH should be monitored
approximately every 4 weeks during the first half of pregnancy
because further LT4 dose adjustments are often required. Level B-
RECOMMENDATION 17 - In pregnant patients with treated
hypothyroidism, maternal TSH should be checked at least once
between 26 and 32 weeks gestation. Level I-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 18 - Following delivery, LT4 should be reduced to the
patient's preconception dose. Additional TSH testing should be
performed at approximately 6 weeks postpartum. Level B-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 19 - In the care of women with adequately
treated Hashimoto's thyroiditis, no other maternal or fetal thyroid
testing is recommended beyond measurement of maternal thyroid
function (such as serial fetal ultrasounds, antenatal testing, and/or
umbilical blood sampling) unless for other pregnancy
circumstances. Level A-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 20 - Euthyroid women (not receiving LT4) who
are TAb+ require monitoring for hypothyroidism during pregnancy.
Serum TSH should be evaluated every 4 weeks during the first half
of pregnancy and at least once between 26 and 32 weeks
gestation. Level B-USPSTF
RECOMMENDATION 21 - A single RCT has demonstrated a reduction
in postpartum thyroiditis from selenium therapy. No subsequent
trials have confirmed or refuted these findings. At present,
selenium supplementation is not recommended for TPOAb+
women during pregnancy. Level C-USPSTF
• Abnormality in the development of thyroid gland (dysgenesis or agenesis)
and defect in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones
• Prevalence rate 1 in 4000 newborn infants in regions of sufficient daily
iodine intake
• 2:1 incidence in females compared with males
• Causes: Endemic iodine deficiency, genetic mutation, and hemangiomas
• Routine thyroid function screening in neonates is recommended since no
apparent clinical manifestation
• Untreated congenital hypothyroidism results in development of cretinism
• Do not delay diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism until physical
manifestations are seen
– Mental retardation
– Deafness
– Short stature
– Characteristic facial deformities
Roberts CGP et al. Lancet. 2004;363: 793-803.
Infants Children and Adolescents
Hypothermia Growth failure
Poor feeding Markedly delayed bone maturation
Delayed eruption of permanent
Jaundice Muscle pseudohypertrophy
Enlarged posterior fontanel Delayed or precocious puberty
Umbilical hernia Pituitary enlargement
• Goal: To normalize T4 within 2 weeks and TSH within 1 month
• Assess permanence of congenital hypothyroidism
– If initial thyroid scan shows ectopic/absent gland, congenital
hypothyroidism is permanent
– If initial TSH is <50 mIU/L and there is no increase in TSH after
newborn period, off- therapy period is recommended at 3 years
of age
– If TSH increases during the off-therapy period, consider the
condition as permanent congenital hypothyroidism
• Medications: LT4: 10-15 g/kg by mouth once-daily
• Monitoring: Recheck T4 and TSH
– At 2-4 weeks after initiation of LT4 treatment
– Every 1-2 months in the first 6 months
– Every 3-4 months between 6 months and 3 years of age
– Every 6-12 months from 3 years of age to end of growth
Rose SR and Brown RS. Pediatrics. 2006;117(6):2290-2303.

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  • 2. ANATOMY 2 A Small Butterfly Shaped ENDOCRINE Gland At The Base Of The Neck, Against C5, C6, C7 & T1. Consist Of Right & Left Lobe Joined By Isthmus, A 3rd Pyramidal Lobe Might Project Upwards From Isthmus Capsules – 2 – True & False Larger In Females Than Males Development – Ectoderm Of The Floor Of Primitive Oral Cavity
  • 3. HISTOLOGY OF THE THYROID GLAND Thyroid gland contains numerous follicles, composed of follicle cells and colloid. Maintenance of normal metabolic activity-continuous production of thyroid hormone at right concentration Coordinated interaction between Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Thyroid. CLASSIC EXAMPLE-ENDOCRINE FEEDBACK MECHANISM
  • 4. FUNCTIONS OF THYROID GLAND Major function- absorption of iodine Synthesis & secretion of two important hormones,T3&T4 -Metabolic Homeostasis Of The Body Parafollicular cells of thyroid gland- CALCITONIN -CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS OF BODY T4 –major thyrois hormone,thyroid gland produces 100% Half life of T4 -7 days 4
  • 5. THYROID HORMONES Two hormones are secreted by Thyroid gland 1. Tetraiodothyronine (T4) usually called Thyroxine 2. Triiodothyronine (T3) Thyroid secretes 80 mcg of T4, but only 5 mcg of T3/day. Derived from an amino acid (tyrosine) Thyroid hormones are made from Tyrosine and Iodine
  • 6. MATERNAL THYROID PHYSIOLOGY • During pregnancy, maternal thyroid function is modulated by three factors. • An increase in HCG concentration that stimulate the thyroid glands, • Significant increases in urinary iodide excretion resulting in a fall in plasma iodine concentration • An increase in thyroxine – binding globulin (TBG) DURING The first trimester , resulting in increased binding of thyroxine • Total T3 & T4 are increased, but Free T4 & Free T3 remain normal & patient remains euthyroid. • Increased T4 & T3 in early pregnancy help to maintain the hyper metabolic state • Sometimes, estimation of TSH during pregnancy is erroneous due to interference by HCG . • Therefore during pregnancy, it is always advisable to get FT3 & FT4 done rather than Total T4 & T3.
  • 8. HCG & THYROID PHYSIOLOGY IN PREGNANCY 8 Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), secreted by the placenta, also impacts thyroid function because it simulates thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) activity in vivo, thereby suppressing its secretion. The structure of HCG is similar to TSH. HCG mimics & acts like TSH. Throughout pregnancy, TSH values are lower than in the pre‐pregnant state, and may even be below the classical lower limit of 0.4 miu/L. Since the levels of HCG decrease as the pregnancy increases, the levels of TSH follow the reverse trend. Serum hCG has intrinsic thyrotropic activity, which increases after fertilization and peaks at 10 to 12 weeks. Hence, in the first trimester , free T3 and T4 levels increase slightly and TSH levels decrease in the first trimester with a readjustment in the second and third trimesters, when hCG levels decrease. As a consequence, cut-offs to determine hypothyroidism in pregnancy are different in the first trimester and the rest of the pregnancy.
  • 9. EFFECT OF HCG • Pregnancy results in number of important physiological & hormonal changes that alter thyroid function due to influence of two main hormones. • 1. HCG • 2. Estrogen • Baby remains dependent on mother for ingestion of adequate amount of iodine which is essential for synthesis of thyroid hormones
  • 10. The most notable change is the increase in thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). This begins early in the first trimester, plateaus during midgestation, and persists until shortly after delivery. This is due to stimulation of TBG synthesis by elevated maternal estrogen levels, and more importantly, due to a reduced hepatic clearance of TBG because of estrogen-induced sialylation. This increased TBG concentration leads to an expansion of the extra- thyroidal pool and results in elevated total T3 and T4 levels due to an increase in maternal thyroid hormone synthesis. Maternal thyroid hormone synthesis is also increased due to an accelerated renal clearance of iodide resulting from the increased maternal glomerular filtration rate. TBG & MATERNAL THYROID PHYSIOLOGY
  • 11. PLACENTAL DEIODINASES & MATERNAL THYROID PHYSIOLOGY Enhanced metabolism of T4 in the second and third trimesters, due to a rise in placental type II and type III deiodinases, which convert T4 to T3 and T4 to reverse T3 and T2 respectively, act as further impetus to T4 synthesis. Plasma iodide levels decrease due to both increased thyroxine metabolism and increased renal iodide clearance. All these changes lead to an increase in the size of the thyroid gland in 15% of pregnant women, which returns to normal in the post-partum period.
  • 12. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FETAL THYROID • Fetal thyroid gland develops as an out pouching in midline of the anterior pharyngeal floor, migrates caudally, to reach its final position by 7 weeks of gestation. • Fetal thyroid is capable of trapping iodine by 12 weeks and can synthesize thyroxine by 14 weeks of gestation. • However, significant hormone secretion is not seen till 18–20 weeks of gestation. Thereafter, fetal TSH, T4, and TBG gradually rise to adult levels by 36 weeks gestation. • But T3 and free T3 levels do not rise to adult levels , as placental type III deiodinase converts most fetal T4 to reverse T3; the fetal brain which has elevated levels of type II deiodinase, is an exception. • TSH transfer across placenta is not significant, but T3 and T4 transport can be considerable. This is of special relevance in congenital hypothyroidism, where studies have shown that umbilical cord T4 levels in neonates with congenital hypothyroidism can be up to 50% of the normal. • This transferred T4 can play a crucial role in near normal fetal cognitive development in congenital hypothyroidism. Transplacental transfer of TRH, iodine, anti-thyroid drugs and thyroid stimulatory immunoglobulin (TSI) also occurs
  • 13. THYROID PHYSIOLOGY IN PREGNANCY Pregnancy is Iodide-Deficient state  BMR by 15-20%  Iodine clearance due to increased GFR (upto 50%) & reduced tubular re-absorption Hence requirement of Thyroxin & Iodine In Pregnancy. Iodine Requirement: Non-pregnant Females 150 microg/day Pregnancy & Breastfeeding 200-250 microg/day
  • 14. THYROID PHYSIOLOGY IN PREGNANCY Estrogen stimulates TBG production from liver. Normally T3 & T4 occur in two forms:  Bound with TBG  Free(Active) On account of increased TBG, Bound form increases.
  • 15. PREGNANCY IS A STRESS TEST FOR THE THYROID, Pregnancy impacts the functioning of the thyroid gland profoundly and is associated with a 10%–40% increase in the size of the gland (iodine‐replete areas show greater increase), a 50% increase in the production of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), and a 50% increase in the daily requirement of iodine. These physiological changes - pregnant, iodine‐deficient, euthyroid woman in the first trimester hypothyroid during the later stages of pregnancy and postpartum thyroiditis in women with underlying Hashimoto's disease who were euthyroid prior to conception. Ten percent to 20% of all pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy are thyroid peroxidase (TPO) or thyroglobulin (Tg) antibody positive and euthyroid. Sixteen percent of the women who are euthyroid and positive for TPO or Tg antibody in the first trimester will develop a TSH that exceeds 4.0 mIU/L by the third trimester, and
  • 16. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF THYROID DISEASE • 1.8% of world total population. • Second only to DM as most common endocrine disorder. • Incidence increases with age. • More common in females. • 2-3% of older women. • 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid disease •5 common thyroid diseases in India. •Hypothyroidism(Highest) •Hyperthyroidism •Goitre and Iodine Deficiency disorders •Hashimotos’s thyroiditis •Thyroid Cancer 1. [Last accessed on 2011 April 2]. Available from: . 2. Desai PM. Disorders of the Thyroid Gland in India. Indian J Pediatr. 1997;64:11–20. [PubMed] 3. Usha Menon V, Sundaram KR, Unnikrishnan AG, Jayakumar RV, Nair V, Kumar H. High prevalence of undetected thyroid disorders in an iodine sufficient adult south Indian population. J Indian Med Assoc. 2009;107:72–7. [PubMed] Over 40 Million Indians suffer from Thyroid disorders of which Hypothyroidism is a major concern.
  • 17. Hypothyroidism is difficult to be diagnosed during pregnancy as the signs can belong to pregnancy itself. Changes in thyroid function have a major negative impact on both mother and fetus. Thyroid pathology worsens during pregnancy. Hypothyroidism can be pre- existent or may begin during pregnancy period. Most of the patients who presented hypothyroidism during pregnancy have a history of thyroid disease for which they have undergone treatment (medical, surgical or radioisotopes). Complications that arise depend on the severity of hypothyroidism, on how appropriately and early the treatment will be initiated, on other obstetrical and extragenital pathologies associated with the present pregnancy. Clinical symptoms – polymorphic & nonspecific, and are related mainly to the time of occurrence and to the severity of thyroid hormone deficiency. The appropriate, early administered treatment and maintenance of a normal level of thyroid hormones minimize the risk of maternal and fetal complications and make it possible that the pregnancy may be carried to term without severe complications.
  • 18. HORMONAL CHANGES AND METABOLIC NEEDS DURING PREGNANCY • Result in profound alterations of biochemical and clinical parameters which characterize the thyroid gland, changes that express themselves through a state of thyroid hyperstimulation and a relative hypothyroxinemy or a subclinic hypothyroidism. • When pregnancy overlaps maternal endocrine imbalance, undesirable consequences for both mother and fetus may appear. • Associated with an increased risk of abortion, habitual abortion, premature delivery, intrauterine fetal death, fetal retardation and fetal congenital anomalies, congenital hypothyroidism, postpartum bleeding, anemia, post-partum depression and cardiac dysfunction, which leads to increased maternal morbidity, perinatal morbidity and mortality
  • 19. 19 Hypothyroidism common in pregnancy. Two types – .Overt hypothyroidism – defined as increased serum TSH [> 10 miu/ l] associated with decreased concentration of thyroxine as a result of negative feedback .Subclinical hypothyroidism –increase in serum TSH [ 4-10 m iu/ l] with normal concentration of thyroxine & triidothyronine. Incidence – overt-0.2 – 2.5 - Subclinical- 5- 20 % - Thyroid antibodies > 60 % females in reproductive age grp
  • 20. WHAT HYPOTHYROIDISM? • Under-activity of the thyroid • Decreased secretion of thyroid hormones • Deficiency of T3 and T4  Clinical manifestations due to deficiency of thyroid hormones  Clinical manifestation depends on Age of the patient The cause of the disorder Primary Hypothyroidism- Caused by damage to the thyroid gland Secondary Hypothyroidism- Caused by damage to the pituitary gland & therefore low production of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Tertiary Hypothyroidism- Caused by the failure of the hypothalamus to release Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
  • 21. PREVALENCE OF MATERNAL HYPOTHYROIDISM • Maternal Hypothyroidism is much more common than generally acknowledged. • The recent data shows alarmingly high prevalence of the maternal hypothyroidism both in India as well as in USA.
  • 22. • Autoimmune hypothyroidism: - Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; Atrophic thyroiditis • Iatrogenic: - Radio-iodine therapy; Thyroidectomy - External radiation to the neck (lymphoma/CA) • Drugs : - Antithyroid drugs, amiodarone, lithium, interferon • Congenital hypothyroidism: - Thyroid agenesis; Dyshormogenesis; TSH-R mutation • Iodine deficiency • Infiltrative disorder PRIMARY CAUSES • Hypopituitarism (2°): – Tumour – Surgery – Radiation – Postpartum: Sheehan’s syndrome • Hypothalamic causes (3°): – Tumour – Trauma • Peripheral resistance (rare) 2°, 3° CAUSES
  • 23. ROLE OF THYROID HORMONES: • Essential for normal growth of tissues • Stimulates basal metabolic rate. • Increases intestinal glucose reabsorption & ATP production • Development of the skeletal system & musculature. • Essential for normal brain development & regulates synaptogenesis, neuronal integration, myelination • Deficiency lead to short stature & mental deficits
  • 24. • Fatigue • Increased sensitivity to cold • Constipation • Dry skin • Weight gain • Puffy face • Hoarseness • Muscle weaknes • Elevated blood cholesterol level • Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness • Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints • Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods • Thinning hair • Slowed heart rate • Depression • Impaired memory • Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) HYPOTHYROIDISM: SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
  • 25. HYPOTHYROIDISM IN PREGNANCY • Elevated serum TSH concentration 2.5% of pregnancies • In iodine sufficent environment - Hashimoto’s thyroiditis - Prior radioactive iodine treatment - Surgical ablation of Graves’ disesase - Less common causes : Overtreatment of hyperthyroidism with thionamides , transient hypothyroidism owing to postpartum thyroditis , medications that alter the absorption or metabolism of levothyroxine , and pituitary hypothalamic disease 25 • One of the most common endocrine disorders in pregnancy1 • Most common cause: endemic iodine deficiency2 • Women with hypothyroidism carry an increased risk of infertility, miscarriage, and obstetric complications1 • Foetal complications: premature birth, low-birth weight (LBW), fetal distress in labor, fetal death, perinatal death, and congenital hypothyroidism1 • Even an untreated subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy can lead to cognitive impairment in the offspring.3
  • 26. 26
  • 27. HYPOTHYROIDISM IN PREGNANCY RISKS MATERNAL FOETAL Anaemia & CHF Cognitive impairment Pre-eclampsia Neurological abnormalities Placental Abnormalities ?? Developmental abnormalities Low Birth Weight infants Congenital Hypothyroidism Post Partum Haemorrhage Myopathy
  • 28. COMPLICATIONS OF MATERNAL HYPOTHYROIDISM IF NOT TREATED Labor – diskinetic, longer due to the existence of the hypomyotonia and the simultaneous cardio- breathing problems; hypokinesis Anomalies of fetus cardiac rhytm (FCR) – fetal suffering: alterations of the basic cardiac rhythm (tachycardia, bradicardia), of FCR variability (diminution until their loss or periodical variations of FCR in relation with the uterus contractions, a type of belated slow-ups) APGAR mark – frequently lower at pregnant women who continued to be hypothyroidic until the due term Vitiated pelvis (limit pelvis) which can be the reason of various cephalic-pelvis disproportions Presentations that are close to distocia – pelvic presentation Post-partum haemorrhages occur through uterus hypotony and through coagulation disorders (problem of the plaque adhesiveness) Post-partum depression, post-partum thyroiditis, hypogalactia
  • 29. THE CAUSES OF THE HYPOTONY AND HYPO- CONTRACTIONS IN HYPOTHYROIDISM The causes of hypotony are  the endogen intoxications,  the change of muscular tissue,  the myxedema impregnation,  the hypovitaminosis (B1 vitamin), affecting the transmission of the nervous influx, affecting the endocrine metabolism,  water-electrolitic change which leads to the change of the functional biometrical schemes and to the change of the interaction between actin and myosin: a)the K and the intracellular Mg decrease due to the metabolic acidosis and therefore the contraction is more difficult, Ca decreases and the equilibrium of P, bicarbonate and H ions is disturbed; B) the metabolic acidosis also modifies the extracellular distribution of Na, Ca, Mg and K and has a negative influence on the contractions through the decrease of the membrane potential, which leads to insufficient contraction.  Hypotonia, having a tonus less than 10 mmHg,  Hypokinesis - Hypokinesis (contractions which are rarer than two within 10 minutes with the contraction value of less then 25mmHg)  Labour is slow or long, with possibilities of interruption,  real uterus inertia, which can be primitive (ante-partum determined) or secondary (intra-partum determined).  The insufficient labour - 35.2% at the pregnant women, who remained with hypothyroidism at the end of pregnancy.
  • 30. LOW APGAR score APGAR score depends of the uterus-placenta circulation and the proper oxygenation of the fetal-placenta complex during pregnancy and it is frequently lower at pregnant women who continued to have hypothyroidism until the due term. In hypothyroidism, the cardiac debit is not adequate and the uterus- placenta circulation becomes insufficient, which induces a moderate and chronic fetal hypoxia, fetal bradycardia, fetal hypotrophy, diminution of fetal moves and an insufficient tolerance of the delivery by the fetus. The intrauterine chronic hypoxia of the newborn can be met in the literature at variable percentages between 14%-22% at pregnant women with hypothyroidism. A series of studies, with recent reconfirmed results, showed that the treatment with T4 can improve the obstetrical prognosis but it does not modify the neurological development of the newborn on the long term, the cognitive performances being changed; the maternal hypothyroixinemia on early term pregnancies can have irreversible negative effects on the newborn's state and placenta. Some antioxidants (retinol, tocopherol etc.), are usually used in the treatment of the fetal-placenta insufficiency.
  • 31. VITIATED PELVIS (LIMIT PELVIS) Intricate mechanisms (direct and indirect effects of the thyroid hormones) since the very beginning of the pre-gestation period, which can affect the pelvic bones (lower bone density, even osteoporosis), of the spine (multiple deformations), problems of the articulations through the specific infiltration, various artropaties, inflammatory or non-inflammatory, poliartritis, artrosis. Excessive deposits of mucous polysaccharides and glucose in the tissues, affecting protein synthesis, diminution of the insulin level, as a growth factor, can lead to various muscles and skeleton symptoms. A clear mechanism is not established, but a decrease in the proliferation of the cartilage cells and bone tissue and chondrocalcinosis
  • 32. POST-PARTUM HEMORRHAGES IN HYPOTHYROIDISM Are produced both through the uterus hypotony and coagulation problems, with plaque adhesiveness problem. Various studies (Leung, Buckshee, Davis) from the literature indicate a percentage between 7% and 19%. POST-PARTUM THYROIDITIS The etiology of the post-partum thyroiditis has not been well-understood yet but a problem in the self immunity can be probably caused by a constant increase of the level of anti-microzomes antibody in the first trimester of the pregnancy. Post-partum thyroiditis affects 2-7% of the pregnant women. The hypothyroid phase follows a hyperthyroid phase and it manifests after 5-7 months in post-partum.
  • 33. FUTURE SEQUALAE The hypothyroid can remain permanent (12- 61%) and euthyroiditis appears in 5% of the cases. According to recent studies, the incidence has very wide limits, between 1.1-2.1%, within the first year after delivery; The presence of the thyroid antibodies during the first trimester of the pregnancy determines an increase by 35% of the incidence and the risk of developing a post-partum thyroid is of 50%; if they are still present in the third trimester, the risk increases by 80%; the relapse, with a similar evolution and intensity, usually appears after future pregnancies.
  • 34. POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION & PUERPERIAL PSYCHOSIS IN HYPOTHYROIDISM The level of hormone production by the placenta has a major role in the development of psychological disequilibrium in puerperium. The depression of pituitary function and the reduction of adrenaline and thyroid hormones production may be included among the potential pathogenic factors; low levels of progesterone or free tryptophan from the plasma, the free usage of agents having vasoactive potential during intrapartum and postpartum and the chronic lack of beta-endorphine along with the increase of the dopaminergic activity may be responsible for these changes. During post-partum, the adrenocorticotropic-hormone and the arginine-vasopressin are being released, and carried through the portal circulation system until reaching the hypophysis where they induce the production of ACTH, which reacts upon the corticoadrenal and releases cortisol.
  • 35. COMPLICATIONS IN PREGNANCY, DELIVERY AND ON THE NEWBORN. The increase of the preeclampsia incidence, of the premature delivery, of the post-partum depressions and haemorrhages could be explained through a maturation process of the placenta and they appear especially if there is a severe hypothyroidism, but they have been also signalled in the cases of subclinical hypothyroidism. Complications in the pregnancies associated with hypothyroidism are complex and serious, with an important increase of the maternal morbidity, and perinatal morbidity and mortality. ❑
  • 37. INCREASED PREGNANCY LOSS RATE IN THYROID ANTIBODY NEGATIVE WOMEN WITH TSH LEVELES BETWEEN 2.5 AND 5.0 THE FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY Evaluated 4123 Thyroid TPO Ab negative pregnant women with TSH =/< 5mlU/LA TSH < 2.5mlU/L TSH 2.5-5.0mlU/L Not given any treatment for TSH correction
  • 38. RECOMMENDATIONS & TAKE HOME • RECOMMENDATION 1 - Trimester-specific reference ranges for TSH, as defined in populations with optimal iodine intake, should be applied. Level B-USPSTF • RECOMMENDATION 2 - If trimester-specific reference ranges for TSH are not available in the laboratory, the following reference ranges are recommended: • first trimester, 0.1–2.5 mIU/L; • second trimester, 0.2–3.0 mIU/L; • third trimester, 0.3–3.0 mIU/L. Level I-USPSTF
  • 39. • RECOMMENDATION 3 - The optimal method to assess serum FT4 during pregnancy is measurement of T4 in the dialysate or ultrafiltrate of serum samples employing on-line extraction/liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Level A-USPSTF • RECOMMENDATION 4 - If FT4 measurement by LC/MS/MS is not available, clinicians should use whichever measure or estimate of FT4 is available in their laboratory, being aware of the limitations of each method. Serum TSH is a more accurate indication of thyroid status in pregnancy than any of these alternative methods. Level A-USPSTF • RECOMMENDATION 5 - In view of the wide variation in the results of FT4 assays, method-specific and trimester-specific reference ranges of serum FT4 are required. Level B-USPSTF
  • 40. • RECOMMENDATION 6 - OH should be treated in pregnancy. This includes women with a TSH concentration above the trimester-specific reference interval with a decreased FT4, and all women with a TSH concentration above 10.0 mIU/L irrespective of the level of FT4. Level A-USPSTF • RECOMMENDATION 7 - Isolated hypothyroxinemia should not be treated in pregnancy. Level C-USPSTF
  • 41. : How is isolated hypothyroxinemia defined in pregnancy? • Isolated hypothyroxinemia is defined as a normal maternal TSH concentration in conjunction with FT4 concentrations in the lower 5th or 10th percentile of the reference range. What adverse outcomes are associated with isolated hypothyroxinemia in pregnancy? It is debated whether isolated hypothyroxinemia causes any adverse effects on the developing fetus. Pop and colleagues reported a decrease in psychomotor test scores among offspring born to women with FT4 indices in the lowest 10th percentile. These mothers often had normal serum TSH values. Li et al. observed a similar reduction in the IQ of the offspring whose mothers experienced either hypothyroidism or isolated hypothyroxinemia during the first trimester. Henrichs and colleagues recently published data from the Generation R study, conducted in the Netherlands - prospective, nonrandomized investigation evaluated communication development in children born to women with isolated hypothyroxinemia. A 1.5- to 2-fold increased risk of adverse findings (at 3 years of age) was associated with maternal FT4 in the lower 5th and 10th percentiles.
  • 42. RECOMMENDATION 8 - SCH has been associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. However, due to the lack of randomized controlled trials there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against universal LT4 treatment in TAb− pregnant women with SCH. Level I-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 9 - Women who are positive for TPOAb and have SCH should be treated with LT4. Level B-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 10 - The recommended treatment of maternal hypothyroidism is with administration of oral LT4. It is strongly recommended not to use other thyroid preparations such as T3 or desiccated thyroid. Level A-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 11 - The goal of LT4 treatment is to normalize maternal serum TSH values within the trimester-specific pregnancy reference range (first trimester, 0.1–2.5 mIU/L; second trimester, 0.2– 3.0 mIU/L; third trimester, 0.3–3.0 mIU/L). Level A-USPSTF
  • 43. • RECOMMENDATION 12 - Women with SCH in pregnancy who are not initially treated should be monitored for progression to OH with a serum TSH and FT4 approximately every 4 weeks until 16–20 weeks gestation and at least once between 26 and 32 weeks gestation. This approach has not been prospectively studied. Level I-USPSTF • RECOMMENDATION 13 - Treated hypothyroid patients (receiving LT4) who are newly pregnant should independently increase their dose of LT4 by ∼25%–30% upon a missed menstrual cycle or positive home pregnancy test and notify their caregiver promptly. One means of accomplishing this adjustment is to increase LT4 from once daily dosing to a total of nine doses per week (29% increase). Level B-USPSTF • RECOMMENDATION 14 - There exists great inter- individual variability regarding the increased amount of T4 (or LT4) necessary to maintain a normal TSH throughout pregnancy, with some women requiring only 10%–20% increased dosing, while others may require as much as an 80% increase. The etiology of maternal hypothyroidism, as well as the preconception level of TSH, may provide insight into the magnitude of necessary LT4 increase. Clinicians should seek this information upon assessment of the patient after pregnancy is confirmed. Level A-USPSTF
  • 44. RECOMMENDATION 15 - Treated hypothyroid patients (receiving LT4) who are planning pregnancy should have their dose adjusted by their provider in order to optimize serum TSH values to <2.5 mIU/L preconception. Lower preconception TSH values (within the nonpregnant reference range) reduce the risk of TSH elevation during the first trimester. Level B-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 16 - In pregnant patients with treated hypothyroidism, maternal serum TSH should be monitored approximately every 4 weeks during the first half of pregnancy because further LT4 dose adjustments are often required. Level B- USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 17 - In pregnant patients with treated hypothyroidism, maternal TSH should be checked at least once between 26 and 32 weeks gestation. Level I-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 18 - Following delivery, LT4 should be reduced to the patient's preconception dose. Additional TSH testing should be performed at approximately 6 weeks postpartum. Level B-USPSTF
  • 45. RECOMMENDATION 19 - In the care of women with adequately treated Hashimoto's thyroiditis, no other maternal or fetal thyroid testing is recommended beyond measurement of maternal thyroid function (such as serial fetal ultrasounds, antenatal testing, and/or umbilical blood sampling) unless for other pregnancy circumstances. Level A-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 20 - Euthyroid women (not receiving LT4) who are TAb+ require monitoring for hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Serum TSH should be evaluated every 4 weeks during the first half of pregnancy and at least once between 26 and 32 weeks gestation. Level B-USPSTF RECOMMENDATION 21 - A single RCT has demonstrated a reduction in postpartum thyroiditis from selenium therapy. No subsequent trials have confirmed or refuted these findings. At present, selenium supplementation is not recommended for TPOAb+ women during pregnancy. Level C-USPSTF
  • 46. CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM • Abnormality in the development of thyroid gland (dysgenesis or agenesis) and defect in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones • Prevalence rate 1 in 4000 newborn infants in regions of sufficient daily iodine intake • 2:1 incidence in females compared with males • Causes: Endemic iodine deficiency, genetic mutation, and hemangiomas • Routine thyroid function screening in neonates is recommended since no apparent clinical manifestation • Untreated congenital hypothyroidism results in development of cretinism • Do not delay diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism until physical manifestations are seen – Mental retardation – Deafness – Short stature – Characteristic facial deformities
  • 47. CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM: CLINICAL FEATURES Roberts CGP et al. Lancet. 2004;363: 793-803. Infants Children and Adolescents Hypothermia Growth failure Poor feeding Markedly delayed bone maturation Bradycardia Delayed eruption of permanent teeth Jaundice Muscle pseudohypertrophy Enlarged posterior fontanel Delayed or precocious puberty Umbilical hernia Pituitary enlargement Galactorrhoea
  • 48. MANAGEMENT OF CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM • Goal: To normalize T4 within 2 weeks and TSH within 1 month • Assess permanence of congenital hypothyroidism – If initial thyroid scan shows ectopic/absent gland, congenital hypothyroidism is permanent – If initial TSH is <50 mIU/L and there is no increase in TSH after newborn period, off- therapy period is recommended at 3 years of age – If TSH increases during the off-therapy period, consider the condition as permanent congenital hypothyroidism • Medications: LT4: 10-15 g/kg by mouth once-daily • Monitoring: Recheck T4 and TSH – At 2-4 weeks after initiation of LT4 treatment – Every 1-2 months in the first 6 months – Every 3-4 months between 6 months and 3 years of age – Every 6-12 months from 3 years of age to end of growth Rose SR and Brown RS. Pediatrics. 2006;117(6):2290-2303.
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Editor's Notes

  1. Congenital hypothyroidism occurs due to the agenesis or dysgenesis of thyroid gland and defect in the biosynthesis of the thyroid hormones. The prevalence rate of congenital hypothyroidism is 1 in 4000 of new born infants in regions of sufficient daily intake of iodine. Incidence in female infants is twice more that of males. The major cause for congenital hypothyroidism is endemic iodine deficiency. Other causes in neonates include genetic mutation and hemangiomas.(/p794/col2/para2) Most of the affected infants do not show obvious clinical manifestations, hence the practice of routine screening for thyroid function is recommended for all the newborn infants.(/p797/col1/para4) Congenital hypothyroidism when left untreated results in a syndrome known as Cretinism. Do not delay diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism until physical manifestations are seen which is characterized by mental retardation, deafness, short stature, and facial deformities.(/p794/col1/para1) Reference Roberts CGP, Ladenson PW. Hypothyroidism. Lancet. 2004;363:793-803.
  2. In infants, congenital hypothyroidism is present with hypothermia, poor feeding, bradycardia, jaundice, enlarged posterior fontanel, and umbilical hernia. In children and adolescents with congenital hypothyroidism, the clinical manifestations include growth failure with delayed bone maturation, delay in the eruption of permanent teeth, pseudo hypertrophy of muscles, enlargement of pituitary gland, galactorrhoea, and delayed or precocious puberty.(/p797/col1/para4) Reference Roberts CGP, Ladenson PW. Hypothyroidism. Lancet. 2004;363:793-803.
  3. The goal of therapy in the management of congenital hypothyroidism is to normalize TSH values, and maintain T4 and free T4 hormone levels in the upper half of the reference range. Permanence of congenital hypothyroidism can be assessed by the presence of ectopic or absence of thyroid gland in the thyroid scan. If the initial TSH values are less than 50 mIU/L, with no rise in TSH values after newborn period, off therapy is tried at 3 years. If TSH increases during the off-therapy period, the condition may be considered as permanent congenital hypothyroidism. During the phase of initial work-up, detailed history and physical examination of the child is recorded. This is followed by referring the patient to pediatric endocrinologist. The serum TSH and FT4 values are reassessed, followed by thyroid ultrasonography and/or thyroid scan to confirm the diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism. Congenital hypothyroidism can be managed by administering oral, once daily, LT4 at a dose of 10 to 15 mcg/day. T4 and TSH levels are monitored 2 to 4 weeks after initiation of the treatment. During the first 6 months, monitoring hormone levels every 1 to 2 months, and between 6 months and 3 years of age, monitoring hormone levels every 3 to 4 months is recommended. From 3 years of age to end of growth period, monitoring every 6 to 12 months is recommended.(/p2297/col1/table1) Reference Rose SR, Brown RS. Update of newborn screening and therapy for congenital hypothyroidism. Pediatrics. 2006;117(6):2290-2303.