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Hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoproteinemia:involves
abnormally elevated levels of any or
all lipidsand/or lipoproteins in the blood
lipid include biologically important materials such as
1-sterols as cholesterol
2-glycerides as triglyceride (TG) and phospholipid.
these lipid transported within the body by
incorporating lipids within lipoproteins. Plasma
cholesterol and TG are clinically important because
they are major treatable risk factors for cardiovascular
disease also severe hypertriglyceridaemia can
predisposes to acute pancreatitis.
Lipoproteins are larger and less dense when the fat to protein
ratio is increased. Lipoproteins may be classified as follows,
listed from larger and less dense to smaller and denser.
1- Chylomicrons :carry triglycerides (fat) from the intestines to
the liver, to skeletal muscle, and to adipose tissue.
2-(VLDL) carry (newly synthesised) triglycerides from the liver
to adipose tissue.
3-(IDL): transports a variety of triglyceride and cholesterol
4-(LDL) carry 3,000 to 6,000 fat molecules (phospholipids,
cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) around the body.
5-(HDL) collect fat molecules (phospholipids, cholesterol,
triglycerides, etc.) from the body's cells/tissues, and take it
back to the liver.
It is also possible to classify lipoproteins as "alpha" and
"beta", according to the classification of proteins
in serum protein electrophoresis
Etiology of hyperlipidemias:
Primary: Following the exclusion of secondary causes
primary lipid abnormalities may be diagnosed.the
Fredrickson classification (types I to V) is no longer in
use because it adds little to clinical decision-making.
Instead, primary lipid abnormalities are classified
according to the predominant lipid problem:
hypercholesterolaemia , hypertriglyceridaemia or mixed
A- Predominant hypercholesterolaemia:
Classified into
1-Polygenic hypercholesterolaemia is the most
common cause of mild to moderate increase in LDL-C
This condition is caused by a susceptible genotype
aggravated by 1 or more factors, including atherogenic
diet (excessive intake of saturated fat, trans fat, and, to
a lesser extent, cholesterol), obesity, and sedentary
Physical signs such as corneal arcus and xanthelasma
may be found.
Risk of cardiovascular disease is proportional to the
degree of LDL-C elevation, together with other major
risk factors, particularly low HDL-C.
2-Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) causes
moderate to severe hypercholesterolaemia with a
prevalence of at least 0.2%. in most It is usually due
to an autosomal dominantly inherited mutation of the
LDL receptor gene
3-defects in the apolipoprotein B100 or increased
function of sterol-sensitive protease known as pcsk9
(Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9)
LDL-C is removed from the blood when it binds to an
LDLR on the surface of liver cells, and is taken inside
the cells. When PCSK9 binds to an LDLR, the
receptor is destroyed along with the LDL particle. But
if PCSK9 does not bind, the receptor can return to
the surface of the cell and remove more cholesterol.
Number of monoclonal antibody bind pcsk9 as evolocumab
& alirocumab.
Most patients with these abnormalities exhibit LDL levels that
are approximately twice as high as in unaffected subjects of
the same age and gender.
Family history reveals that approximately 50% of each
generation suffers hypercholesterolaemia, often with very
premature cardiovascular disease.
FH may be accompanied by xanthomas of the Achilles or
extensor digitorum tendons which are strongly suggestive
(but not pathognomonic) for FH. The onset of corneal arcus
before age 40 is also suggestive of this condition.
In populations in which there is a 'founder gene' effect or
consanguineous marriage, homozygous FH
occasionally occurs, resulting in more extensive
xanthomas and precocious cardiovascular disease in
4-Hyperalphalipoproteinaemia refers to increased levels
of HDL-C. In the absence of an increase in LDL-C, this
condition does not cause CVS disease, so it should not
be regarded as pathological.
Familial combined hyperlipidaemia, and
dysbetalipoproteinaemia, may present with the pattern
of predominant hypercholesterolaemia
B-Predominant hypertriglyceridaemia:
Classified into
1-Polygenic hypertriglyceridaemia is the most common
primary cause of TG elevation. It also commonly occurs
secondary to
1-excess alcohol 2-medications
3-type 2 diabetes 4-impaired glucose tolerance
5-central obesity
It is often accompanied by post-prandial hyperlipidaemia
and reduced HDL-C, both of which may contribute to
cardiovascular risk.
Excessive dietary fat intake or other exacerbating factors
may precipitate a massive increase in TG levels, which, if
they exceed 10 mmol/l (880 mg/dl), may pose a risk of
acute pancreatitis.
2-Lipoprotein lipase deficiency: Lipoprotein lipase
deficiency is an infrequent autosomal recessive
disorder due to hereditary deficiency of lipoprotein
lipase (LPL) resulting in elevated chylomicrons,
3-Familial apoprotein CII deficiency a condition
caused by a lack of lipoprotein lipase activator. Or
due to circulating inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase.
It causes massive hypertriglyceridaemia that is
resistant to drug treatment.
usually presents in childhood with eruptive
xanthomata and abdominal colic.
1-retinal vein occlusion 2-acute pancreatitis
3-steatosis(abnormal retention of lipids within a cell)
4-hepatosplenomegaly 5-lipaemia
retinalis( milky appearance of the veins and arteries of t
he retina
4-Familial hypertriglyceridemia: is an autosomal
dominant condition occurring in approximately 1% of
the population.
Triglyceride levels, but not cholesterol, are elevated as
a result of excess hepatic production of VLDL or
heterozygous LPL deficiency.
Unlike familial hypercholesterolemia, there is no
association with premature coronary disease..
However, affected individuals are at risk for
chylomicronemia syndrome, characterized by elevated
chylomicrons in the blood. It has been suggested that it
may represent a secondary response to impaired bile
acid resorption
On the other hand, it predisposes to levels of
hypertriglyceridaemia that are sufficient to pose a risk of
pancreatitis .Familial combined hyperlipidaemia, and
dysbetalipoproteinaemia, may present with the pattern
of predominant hypertriglyceridaemia.
C-Mixed hyperlipidaemia :The term 'mixed' usually
implies the presence of hypertriglyceridaemia as well as
an increase in LDL-c or IDL-c. classified into
1- polygenic :Primary mixed hyperlipidaemia is usually
polygenic and, like predominant hypertriglyceridaemia,
often occurs in association with type 2 diabetes,
impaired glucose tolerance, central obesity HT.
2-Familial combined hyperlipidaemia is a dominantly
inherited disorder caused by overproduction of
atherogenic apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins.
It results in elevation of cholesterol, TG or both in
different family members at different times.
It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
disease but it does not produce any pathognomonic
physical signs. In practice, this relatively common
condition is substantially modified by factors such as
age and weight.
It is caused by homozygous inheritance of the
apolipoprotein E2 allele, which is the isoform least
avidly recognised by the LDL receptor. In conjunction
with other exacerbating factors such as obesity and
diabetes, it leads to accumulation of atherogenic IDL
and chylomicron remnants.
Premature cardiovascular disease is common and it
may also result in the formation of palmar xanthomas,
tuberous xanthomas or tendon xanthomas.
defect Increased
Type Ia or
syndrome or
Decreased lip
lipase (LPL)
pancreatitis, lipe
mia retinalis,
skin xanthomas,
top layer
Diet control
Type Ib
Altered ApoC2 Chylomicro
Same as a Creamy
top layer
Diet control
Type Ic LPL inhibitor in
Same as a
Type IIa or
LDL Xanthelasma, ar
cus senilis,
Clear Bile acid
,statins, niaci
Type IIb or
Decreased LD
L receptor and
defect Increased
in Apo E
IDL Tuboeruptive
and palmar
Type IV or
production &
cause pancr
eatitis at
same Fibrate,
Type V Increased
decreased L
VLDL and
Creamy top
layer and
turbid bottom
Rare dyslipidaemias: Several rare disturbances of lipid
metabolism have been described .They provide important
insights into lipid metabolism and its impact on risk of
cardiovascular disease. Fish eye disease and Apo A1
Milano demonstrate that very low HDL levels do not
necessarily cause cardiovascular disease, but Apo A1
deficiency, Tangier disease and LCAT deficiency
demonstrate that low HDL-C can be atherogenic under
some circumstances. Sitosterolaemia and cerebrotendinous
xanthomatosis demonstrate that sterols other than
cholesterol can cause xanthomas and cardiovascular
disease, while abetalipoproteinaemia and
hypobetalipoproteinaemia suggest that low levels of
apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease at the expense of fat-soluble vitamin
deficiency, leading to retinal lesions and peripheral
Secondary hypercholesterolaemia
A-Moderately common
1- Hypothyroidism
3-Cholestatic liver disease
4-Drugs (diuretics, ciclosporin, corticosteroids, androgens)
B-Less common
1-Nephrotic syndrome
2-Anorexia nervosa
Secondary hypertriglyceridaemia
1-Diabetes mellitus (type 2)
2-Chronic renal disease
3-Abdominal obesity
4-Excess alcohol
5-Hepatocellular disease
6-Drugs (β-blockers, retinoids, corticosteroids)
Plasma lipoprotein levels are major modifiable risk factors
for cardiovascular disease.
1-Increased levels of atherogenic lipoproteins, especially
LDL, but also IDL and possibly chylomicron remnants,
contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
2-Increased plasma concentration and reduced diameter
favour subendothelial accumulation of these lipoproteins.
3-Following chemical modifications such as oxidation, the
lipoproteins are no longer cleared by normal mechanisms,
They trigger a self-perpetuating inflammatory response
during which they are taken up by macrophages to
form foam cells(lipid laden macrophage) a hallmark
of the atherosclerotic process.
cholesterol-laden cells release cholesterol to HDL for
reverse cholesterol transport to the liver for
HDL may also counteract some components of the
inflammatory response, such as the expression of
vascular adhesion molecules by the endothelium.
Consequently, low HDL cholesterol levels also
predispose to atherosclerosis.
Measurement of plasma cholesterol alone is not sufficient for
comprehensive assessment.
Levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and HDL
cholesterol (HDL-C) should be obtained after a 12-hour fast
to permit the calculation of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C)
according to the Friedewald formula
LDL-C = TC - HDL-C - (TG/2.2) mmol/l
Before the formula is applied, lipid levels in mg/dl can be
converted to mmol/l by dividing by 38 for cholesterol and 88
for triglycerides.
The formula becomes unreliable when TG levels exceed 4
mmol/l (350 mg/dl). Non-fasting samples are unaffected in
terms of TC and measured LDL-C, but they differ in terms of
TG and HDL-C, and hence the calculation of LDL-C is
Consideration must be given to influencing factors such
as recent illness, after which cholesterol levels
temporarily decrease in proportion to severity.
Measurements that will affect major decisions, such as
initiation of drug therapy, should be confirmed with a
repeat measurement. Elevated TG, which is common
in obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance is frequently
associated with low HDL and increased 'small, dense'
LDL. Under these circumstances, LDL-C may
underestimate risk. This is one situation in which
measurement of apolipoprotein B may provide
additional useful information.
Lipid-lowering therapies have a key role in the secondary
and primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
1-Assessment of absolute risk
2-treatment of all modifiable risk factors
3-optimisation of lifestyle factors, especially diet and
exercise, are central to management in all cases.
Public health organisations recommend thresholds for
the introduction of lipid-lowering therapy based on the
identification of patients in very high-risk categories or
those calculated to be at high absolute risk according to
algorithms or tables such as the Joint British Societies
Coronary Risk Prediction Chart.
1-patients who already have cardiovascular disease
2-diabetes mellitus
3-an absolute risk of cardiovascular disease of greater
than 20% in the ensuing 10 years, regarded as having
sufficient risk to justify drug treatment.
Public health organisations also recommend target
levels for patients receiving drug treatment. High-risk
patients should aim for
1-HDL-C > 1 mmol/l (38 mg/dl)
2-fasting TG < 2 mmol/l (∼180 mg/dl)
3-LDL-C have been reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 mmol/l (76
mg/dl) or less.In general, total cholesterol should be < 5
mmol/l (190 mg/dl) during treatment, and < 4 mmol/l
(∼150 mg/dl) in high-risk patients and in secondary
prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Non-pharmacological treatment
Patients with lipid abnormalities should receive medical
advice and, if necessary, dietary counselling to:
1-reduce intake of saturated and trans-unsaturated fat
to less than 7-10% of total energy
2-reduce the intake of cholesterol to less than 250
3-replace sources of saturated fat and cholesterol with
alternative foods such as lean meat, low-fat dairy
products, polyunsaturated spreads and low glycaemic
index carbohydrates
4-reduce energy-dense foods such as fats and soft
drinks, whilst increasing activity and exercise to achieve
stable or negative energy balance (i.e. weight
maintenance or weight loss)
5-increase consumption of cardioprotective and nutrient-
dense foods such as vegetables, unrefined
carbohydrates, fish, pulses, legumes, fruit etc.
6-adjust alcohol consumption, reducing intake if excessive
or if associated with hypertension, hypertriglyceridaemia
or central obesity
7-achieve additional benefits with supplementary intake of
foods containing lipid-lowering nutrients such as n-3 fatty
acids, dietary fibre and plant sterols.
Response to diet is usually apparent within 3-4 weeks but
dietary adjustment may need to be introduced gradually.
Hyperlipidaemia in general, and hypertriglyceridaemia in
particular, can be very responsive to these measures.
Explanation, encouragement and other measures
should be undertaken to reinforce patient compliance.
Even minor weight loss can substantially reduce
cardiovascular risk, especially in centrally obese
patients .
All other modifiable cardiovascular risk factors should
be assessed and treated.
Where possible, intercurrent drug treatments that
adversely affect the lipid profile should be replaced.
Pharmacological management: The main diagnostic
categories provide a useful framework for management
and the selection of first-line pharmacological treatment
1-HMG( 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl)CoA reductase
inhibitors (statins) Statins inhibit cholesterol synthesis,
thereby up-regulating activity of the LDL receptor. This
increases clearance of LDL and its precursor, IDL,
thereby causing a secondary reduction in LDL
synthesis. As a result, statins
1-reduce LDL-C by up to 60%
2-reduce TG by up to 40%
3-increase HDL-C by up to 10%. They also reduce the
concentration of intermediate metabolites such as
isoprenes, which may lead to other effects such as
suppression of the inflammatory response.
There is clear evidence of protection against
1-stroke 2-total and coronary mortality
3-reduction in CVS events in high-risk patients..
Simvastatin (20-80 mg/day) Atorvastatin (10-80 mg/day)
Pravastatin (20-80 mg/day) Fluvastatin (20-80 mg/day)
Lovastatin (20-80 mg/day) Rosuvastatin (10-40 mg/day
SE:Statins are generally well tolerated and serious side-
effects are rare (well below 2%).
2-asymptomatic increase in creatine kinase (CK)
4-infrequently rhabdomyolysis along with liver function test
abnormalities are the most important category,.
Side-effects are more likely in patients who are elderly,
debilitated or receiving other drugs that interfere with statin
degradation, which usually involves cytochrome P450 3A4.
2-Cholesterol absorption inhibitors, such as ezetimibe
These inhibit the intestinal mucosal transporter NPC1L1
that absorbs dietary and biliary cholesterol.
Depletion of hepatic cholesterol up-regulates hepatic
LDL receptor activity.
This mechanism of action is synergistic with the effect of
Monotherapy with the standard 10 mg/day dose reduces
LDL-C by 15-20%. Slightly greater (17-25%)
incremental LDL-C reduction occurs when ezetimibe is
added to statins.
SE Hepatitis, abdominal pain, back pain, arthralgias
3-Bile acid sequestering resins, such as colestyramine
and colestipol
These prevent the reabsorption of bile acids, thereby
increasing de novo bile acid synthesis from hepatic
cholesterol. As with ezetimibe, the resultant depletion of
hepatic cholesterol up-regulates LDL receptor activity
and reduces LDL-C in a manner that is synergistic with
the action of statins.
High doses (24 g/day colestyramine) can achieve
substantial reductions in LDL-C and modest increases
in HDL-C, but TG may rise.
Resins are safe, but they are poorly tolerated because of
their gastrointestinal effects and they may interfere with
bio-availability of other drugs.
4-Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3)
In pharmacological doses
1-reduces peripheral fatty acid release
2- decrease cholesterol and TG
3-HDL-C increases
1-Flushing occurs universally
2- gastric irritation
3-liver function disturbances
4- exacerbation of gout and hyperglycaemia Slow-
release formulations and low-dose aspirin may reduce
flushing. Trials suggest a beneficial effect on
atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events.
Routine treatment of predominant hypercholesterolaemia
generally requires continuation of diet + statin in
sufficient doses to achieve target LDL-C levels.
Therapy may have to be interrupted or ceased if there
1-clear-cut muscle side-effects
2- CK elevation beyond 10 times the upper limit of
3-sustained ALT elevation beyond 2-3 times the upper
limit of normal (and not accounted for by fatty liver).
Patients who do not reach LDL targets on the highest
tolerated statin dose may receive ezetimibe, plant
sterols, nicotinic acid or resins, and these agents may
also be added when patients are intolerant of statins.
Nicotinic acid may also be used as an alternative in
statin intolerance. It is also very effective in
combination with a statin, but caution is required
because the risk of side-effects is increased.
Post-menopausal oestrogen replacement therapy,
which may reduce LDL-C and increase HDL-C and
TG, is no longer recommended for cardiovascular
disease prevention
Predominant hypertriglyceridaemia
1-Fibrates: Bezafibrate, Ciprofibrate,Clofibrate, Gemfibrozil
These stimulate peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
(PPAR)-alpha, which controls the expression of gene
products that mediate the metabolism of triglyceride and
As a result, synthesis of fatty acids, triglyceride and VLDL is
reduced whilst that of lipoprotein lipase, which catabolises
TG, is enhanced. leading to increased reverse cholesterol
transport via HDL.
Consequently fibrates
1-reduce TG by up to 50%
2-increase HDL-C by up to 20%
3-LDL-C changes are variable.
reduced rates of cardiovascular disease have been
reported in studies amongst patients with low HDL-C
levels and in subgroups of patients with the clinical
picture of insulin resistance
The FIELD trial suggests that fibrates represent
selective adjuvant therapy rather than first-line lipid-
lowering therapy in most patients with type 2 diabetes.
Fibrates are generally well tolerated side-effects:
1-myalgia 2-myopathy
3-abnormal liver function tests
4-they may increase the risk of cholelithiasis
5-prolong the action of anticoagulants.
2-highly polyunsaturated long-chain n-3 fatty acids
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA) comprise approximately 30% of the fatty acids in fish
1-EPA and DHA are potent inhibitors of VLDL TG formation.
Intakes of greater than 2 g n-3 fatty acid (equivalent to 6 g of
most forms of fish oil) per day lower TG in a dose-dependent
Up to 50% reduction in TG may be achieved with 15 g fish
oil per day. Changes in LDL-C and HDL-C are variable.
2- Fish oil fatty acids have also inhibit platelet aggregation
3- improve models of ventricular arrhythmia.
4-Dietary and pharmacological trials indicate that n-3 fatty
acids reduce mortality from coronary heart disease..
Mixed hyperlipidaemia
Mixed hyperlipidaemia can be difficult to treat. Statins
alone are less effective first-line therapy once fasting
TG exceeds approximately 4 mmol/l (∼350 mg/dl).
Fibrates alone are first-line therapy for
dysbetalipoproteinaemia, but they may not control the
cholesterol component in other forms of mixed
hyperlipidaemia. Combination therapy is often required.
Statin plus fish oil is relatively safe and effective when
TG is not too high and in future fibrate plus ezetimibe
may be effective.
Statin plus nicotinic acid or statin plus fibrate is effective,
but the risk of myopathy is greater.
Monitoring of therapy
The effect of drug therapy can be assessed after 6 weeks
(12 weeks for fibrates), and it is prudent to review
1-side-effects 2-lipid response
3-CK 4-LFT
5- cardiovascular symptoms or signs
6- measurement of weight
7- blood pressure
Follow-up should encourage continued compliance
(especially diet and exercise)
Presented by:
Haider Ferown

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  • 1.
  • 2. Hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoproteinemia:involves abnormally elevated levels of any or all lipidsand/or lipoproteins in the blood lipid include biologically important materials such as 1-sterols as cholesterol 2-glycerides as triglyceride (TG) and phospholipid. these lipid transported within the body by incorporating lipids within lipoproteins. Plasma cholesterol and TG are clinically important because they are major treatable risk factors for cardiovascular disease also severe hypertriglyceridaemia can predisposes to acute pancreatitis.
  • 3. Lipoproteins are larger and less dense when the fat to protein ratio is increased. Lipoproteins may be classified as follows, listed from larger and less dense to smaller and denser. 1- Chylomicrons :carry triglycerides (fat) from the intestines to the liver, to skeletal muscle, and to adipose tissue. 2-(VLDL) carry (newly synthesised) triglycerides from the liver to adipose tissue. 3-(IDL): transports a variety of triglyceride and cholesterol 4-(LDL) carry 3,000 to 6,000 fat molecules (phospholipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) around the body. 5-(HDL) collect fat molecules (phospholipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) from the body's cells/tissues, and take it back to the liver.
  • 4.
  • 5. It is also possible to classify lipoproteins as "alpha" and "beta", according to the classification of proteins in serum protein electrophoresis Etiology of hyperlipidemias: Primary: Following the exclusion of secondary causes primary lipid abnormalities may be diagnosed.the Fredrickson classification (types I to V) is no longer in use because it adds little to clinical decision-making. Instead, primary lipid abnormalities are classified according to the predominant lipid problem: hypercholesterolaemia , hypertriglyceridaemia or mixed hyperlipidemia.
  • 6. A- Predominant hypercholesterolaemia: Classified into 1-Polygenic hypercholesterolaemia is the most common cause of mild to moderate increase in LDL-C This condition is caused by a susceptible genotype aggravated by 1 or more factors, including atherogenic diet (excessive intake of saturated fat, trans fat, and, to a lesser extent, cholesterol), obesity, and sedentary lifestyle. Physical signs such as corneal arcus and xanthelasma may be found. Risk of cardiovascular disease is proportional to the degree of LDL-C elevation, together with other major risk factors, particularly low HDL-C.
  • 7. 2-Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) causes moderate to severe hypercholesterolaemia with a prevalence of at least 0.2%. in most It is usually due to an autosomal dominantly inherited mutation of the LDL receptor gene 3-defects in the apolipoprotein B100 or increased function of sterol-sensitive protease known as pcsk9 (Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) LDL-C is removed from the blood when it binds to an LDLR on the surface of liver cells, and is taken inside the cells. When PCSK9 binds to an LDLR, the receptor is destroyed along with the LDL particle. But if PCSK9 does not bind, the receptor can return to the surface of the cell and remove more cholesterol.
  • 8. Number of monoclonal antibody bind pcsk9 as evolocumab & alirocumab. Most patients with these abnormalities exhibit LDL levels that are approximately twice as high as in unaffected subjects of the same age and gender. Family history reveals that approximately 50% of each generation suffers hypercholesterolaemia, often with very premature cardiovascular disease. FH may be accompanied by xanthomas of the Achilles or extensor digitorum tendons which are strongly suggestive (but not pathognomonic) for FH. The onset of corneal arcus before age 40 is also suggestive of this condition.
  • 9. In populations in which there is a 'founder gene' effect or consanguineous marriage, homozygous FH occasionally occurs, resulting in more extensive xanthomas and precocious cardiovascular disease in childhood. 4-Hyperalphalipoproteinaemia refers to increased levels of HDL-C. In the absence of an increase in LDL-C, this condition does not cause CVS disease, so it should not be regarded as pathological. Familial combined hyperlipidaemia, and dysbetalipoproteinaemia, may present with the pattern of predominant hypercholesterolaemia
  • 10. B-Predominant hypertriglyceridaemia: Classified into 1-Polygenic hypertriglyceridaemia is the most common primary cause of TG elevation. It also commonly occurs secondary to 1-excess alcohol 2-medications 3-type 2 diabetes 4-impaired glucose tolerance 5-central obesity It is often accompanied by post-prandial hyperlipidaemia and reduced HDL-C, both of which may contribute to cardiovascular risk. Excessive dietary fat intake or other exacerbating factors may precipitate a massive increase in TG levels, which, if they exceed 10 mmol/l (880 mg/dl), may pose a risk of acute pancreatitis.
  • 11. 2-Lipoprotein lipase deficiency: Lipoprotein lipase deficiency is an infrequent autosomal recessive disorder due to hereditary deficiency of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) resulting in elevated chylomicrons, 3-Familial apoprotein CII deficiency a condition caused by a lack of lipoprotein lipase activator. Or due to circulating inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase. It causes massive hypertriglyceridaemia that is resistant to drug treatment. usually presents in childhood with eruptive xanthomata and abdominal colic.
  • 12. Complications: 1-retinal vein occlusion 2-acute pancreatitis 3-steatosis(abnormal retention of lipids within a cell) 4-hepatosplenomegaly 5-lipaemia retinalis( milky appearance of the veins and arteries of t he retina 4-Familial hypertriglyceridemia: is an autosomal dominant condition occurring in approximately 1% of the population. Triglyceride levels, but not cholesterol, are elevated as a result of excess hepatic production of VLDL or heterozygous LPL deficiency. Unlike familial hypercholesterolemia, there is no association with premature coronary disease..
  • 13. However, affected individuals are at risk for chylomicronemia syndrome, characterized by elevated chylomicrons in the blood. It has been suggested that it may represent a secondary response to impaired bile acid resorption On the other hand, it predisposes to levels of hypertriglyceridaemia that are sufficient to pose a risk of pancreatitis .Familial combined hyperlipidaemia, and dysbetalipoproteinaemia, may present with the pattern of predominant hypertriglyceridaemia.
  • 14. C-Mixed hyperlipidaemia :The term 'mixed' usually implies the presence of hypertriglyceridaemia as well as an increase in LDL-c or IDL-c. classified into 1- polygenic :Primary mixed hyperlipidaemia is usually polygenic and, like predominant hypertriglyceridaemia, often occurs in association with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, central obesity HT.
  • 15. 2-Familial combined hyperlipidaemia is a dominantly inherited disorder caused by overproduction of atherogenic apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. It results in elevation of cholesterol, TG or both in different family members at different times. It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease but it does not produce any pathognomonic physical signs. In practice, this relatively common condition is substantially modified by factors such as age and weight.
  • 16. 3-Dysbetalipoproteinaemia It is caused by homozygous inheritance of the apolipoprotein E2 allele, which is the isoform least avidly recognised by the LDL receptor. In conjunction with other exacerbating factors such as obesity and diabetes, it leads to accumulation of atherogenic IDL and chylomicron remnants. Premature cardiovascular disease is common and it may also result in the formation of palmar xanthomas, tuberous xanthomas or tendon xanthomas.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. hyperlipopr oteinemia defect Increased lipoprotei n Main symptoms serum Appeara nce Treatment Type Ia or Buerger- Gruetz syndrome or familial hyperchylom icronemia Decreased lip oprotein lipase (LPL) Chylomicro ns Acute pancreatitis, lipe mia retinalis, eruptive skin xanthomas, hepatosplenom egaly Creamy top layer Diet control Type Ib Familial apoprotein CII deficiency Altered ApoC2 Chylomicro ns Same as a Creamy top layer Diet control Type Ic LPL inhibitor in blood Chylomicro ns Same as a Type IIa or F.Hypercho. LDL receptordeficie ncy LDL Xanthelasma, ar cus senilis, tendon xanthomas Clear Bile acid sequestrants ,statins, niaci n Type IIb or Familial Decreased LD L receptor and ======= =
  • 20. hyperlipopr oteinemia defect Increased lipoprotein Main symptoms serum Appearance Treatment Type III OR Familial dysbetalipop roteinemia Defect in Apo E 2synthesis IDL Tuboeruptive xanthomas and palmar xanthomas Turbid Fibrate, statins Type IV or Familial hypertriglyce ridemia Increased VLDL production & decreased elimination VLDL Can cause pancr eatitis at high triglyceride levels same Fibrate, niacin, statins Type V Increased VLDL production and decreased L PL VLDL and chylomicrons Creamy top layer and turbid bottom Niacin, fibrate
  • 21. Rare dyslipidaemias: Several rare disturbances of lipid metabolism have been described .They provide important insights into lipid metabolism and its impact on risk of cardiovascular disease. Fish eye disease and Apo A1 Milano demonstrate that very low HDL levels do not necessarily cause cardiovascular disease, but Apo A1 deficiency, Tangier disease and LCAT deficiency demonstrate that low HDL-C can be atherogenic under some circumstances. Sitosterolaemia and cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis demonstrate that sterols other than cholesterol can cause xanthomas and cardiovascular disease, while abetalipoproteinaemia and hypobetalipoproteinaemia suggest that low levels of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease at the expense of fat-soluble vitamin deficiency, leading to retinal lesions and peripheral neuropathy.
  • 22.
  • 23. 16.23 CAUSES OF SECONDARY HYPERLIPIDAEMIA Secondary hypercholesterolaemia A-Moderately common 1- Hypothyroidism 2-Pregnancy 3-Cholestatic liver disease 4-Drugs (diuretics, ciclosporin, corticosteroids, androgens) B-Less common 1-Nephrotic syndrome 2-Anorexia nervosa 3-Porphyria 4-Hyperparathyroidism Secondary hypertriglyceridaemia 1-Diabetes mellitus (type 2) 2-Chronic renal disease 3-Abdominal obesity 4-Excess alcohol 5-Hepatocellular disease 6-Drugs (β-blockers, retinoids, corticosteroids)
  • 24. LIPIDS AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Plasma lipoprotein levels are major modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 1-Increased levels of atherogenic lipoproteins, especially LDL, but also IDL and possibly chylomicron remnants, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. 2-Increased plasma concentration and reduced diameter favour subendothelial accumulation of these lipoproteins. 3-Following chemical modifications such as oxidation, the lipoproteins are no longer cleared by normal mechanisms,
  • 25. They trigger a self-perpetuating inflammatory response during which they are taken up by macrophages to form foam cells(lipid laden macrophage) a hallmark of the atherosclerotic process. cholesterol-laden cells release cholesterol to HDL for reverse cholesterol transport to the liver for excretion. HDL may also counteract some components of the inflammatory response, such as the expression of vascular adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Consequently, low HDL cholesterol levels also predispose to atherosclerosis.
  • 26. Diagnosis LIPID MEASUREMENT Measurement of plasma cholesterol alone is not sufficient for comprehensive assessment. Levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) should be obtained after a 12-hour fast to permit the calculation of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) according to the Friedewald formula LDL-C = TC - HDL-C - (TG/2.2) mmol/l Before the formula is applied, lipid levels in mg/dl can be converted to mmol/l by dividing by 38 for cholesterol and 88 for triglycerides. The formula becomes unreliable when TG levels exceed 4 mmol/l (350 mg/dl). Non-fasting samples are unaffected in terms of TC and measured LDL-C, but they differ in terms of TG and HDL-C, and hence the calculation of LDL-C is invalidated.
  • 27. Consideration must be given to influencing factors such as recent illness, after which cholesterol levels temporarily decrease in proportion to severity. Measurements that will affect major decisions, such as initiation of drug therapy, should be confirmed with a repeat measurement. Elevated TG, which is common in obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance is frequently associated with low HDL and increased 'small, dense' LDL. Under these circumstances, LDL-C may underestimate risk. This is one situation in which measurement of apolipoprotein B may provide additional useful information.
  • 28. MANAGEMENT OF DYSLIPIDAEMIA Lipid-lowering therapies have a key role in the secondary and primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. 1-Assessment of absolute risk 2-treatment of all modifiable risk factors 3-optimisation of lifestyle factors, especially diet and exercise, are central to management in all cases. Public health organisations recommend thresholds for the introduction of lipid-lowering therapy based on the identification of patients in very high-risk categories or those calculated to be at high absolute risk according to algorithms or tables such as the Joint British Societies Coronary Risk Prediction Chart.
  • 29. 1-patients who already have cardiovascular disease 2-diabetes mellitus 3-an absolute risk of cardiovascular disease of greater than 20% in the ensuing 10 years, regarded as having sufficient risk to justify drug treatment. Public health organisations also recommend target levels for patients receiving drug treatment. High-risk patients should aim for 1-HDL-C > 1 mmol/l (38 mg/dl) 2-fasting TG < 2 mmol/l (∼180 mg/dl) 3-LDL-C have been reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 mmol/l (76 mg/dl) or less.In general, total cholesterol should be < 5 mmol/l (190 mg/dl) during treatment, and < 4 mmol/l (∼150 mg/dl) in high-risk patients and in secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  • 30. Non-pharmacological treatment Patients with lipid abnormalities should receive medical advice and, if necessary, dietary counselling to: 1-reduce intake of saturated and trans-unsaturated fat to less than 7-10% of total energy 2-reduce the intake of cholesterol to less than 250 mg/day 3-replace sources of saturated fat and cholesterol with alternative foods such as lean meat, low-fat dairy products, polyunsaturated spreads and low glycaemic index carbohydrates 4-reduce energy-dense foods such as fats and soft drinks, whilst increasing activity and exercise to achieve stable or negative energy balance (i.e. weight maintenance or weight loss)
  • 31. 5-increase consumption of cardioprotective and nutrient- dense foods such as vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates, fish, pulses, legumes, fruit etc. 6-adjust alcohol consumption, reducing intake if excessive or if associated with hypertension, hypertriglyceridaemia or central obesity 7-achieve additional benefits with supplementary intake of foods containing lipid-lowering nutrients such as n-3 fatty acids, dietary fibre and plant sterols. Response to diet is usually apparent within 3-4 weeks but dietary adjustment may need to be introduced gradually.
  • 32. Hyperlipidaemia in general, and hypertriglyceridaemia in particular, can be very responsive to these measures. Explanation, encouragement and other measures should be undertaken to reinforce patient compliance. Even minor weight loss can substantially reduce cardiovascular risk, especially in centrally obese patients . All other modifiable cardiovascular risk factors should be assessed and treated. Where possible, intercurrent drug treatments that adversely affect the lipid profile should be replaced.
  • 33. Pharmacological management: The main diagnostic categories provide a useful framework for management and the selection of first-line pharmacological treatment 1-HMG( 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl)CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) Statins inhibit cholesterol synthesis, thereby up-regulating activity of the LDL receptor. This increases clearance of LDL and its precursor, IDL, thereby causing a secondary reduction in LDL synthesis. As a result, statins 1-reduce LDL-C by up to 60% 2-reduce TG by up to 40% 3-increase HDL-C by up to 10%. They also reduce the concentration of intermediate metabolites such as isoprenes, which may lead to other effects such as suppression of the inflammatory response.
  • 34. There is clear evidence of protection against 1-stroke 2-total and coronary mortality 3-reduction in CVS events in high-risk patients.. Simvastatin (20-80 mg/day) Atorvastatin (10-80 mg/day) Pravastatin (20-80 mg/day) Fluvastatin (20-80 mg/day) Lovastatin (20-80 mg/day) Rosuvastatin (10-40 mg/day SE:Statins are generally well tolerated and serious side- effects are rare (well below 2%). 1-Myalgia 2-asymptomatic increase in creatine kinase (CK) 3-myositis 4-infrequently rhabdomyolysis along with liver function test abnormalities are the most important category,. Side-effects are more likely in patients who are elderly, debilitated or receiving other drugs that interfere with statin degradation, which usually involves cytochrome P450 3A4.
  • 35. 2-Cholesterol absorption inhibitors, such as ezetimibe These inhibit the intestinal mucosal transporter NPC1L1 that absorbs dietary and biliary cholesterol. Depletion of hepatic cholesterol up-regulates hepatic LDL receptor activity. This mechanism of action is synergistic with the effect of statins. Monotherapy with the standard 10 mg/day dose reduces LDL-C by 15-20%. Slightly greater (17-25%) incremental LDL-C reduction occurs when ezetimibe is added to statins.
  • 36. SE Hepatitis, abdominal pain, back pain, arthralgias 3-Bile acid sequestering resins, such as colestyramine and colestipol These prevent the reabsorption of bile acids, thereby increasing de novo bile acid synthesis from hepatic cholesterol. As with ezetimibe, the resultant depletion of hepatic cholesterol up-regulates LDL receptor activity and reduces LDL-C in a manner that is synergistic with the action of statins.
  • 37. High doses (24 g/day colestyramine) can achieve substantial reductions in LDL-C and modest increases in HDL-C, but TG may rise. Resins are safe, but they are poorly tolerated because of their gastrointestinal effects and they may interfere with bio-availability of other drugs. 4-Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) In pharmacological doses 1-reduces peripheral fatty acid release 2- decrease cholesterol and TG 3-HDL-C increases
  • 38. side-effects 1-Flushing occurs universally 2- gastric irritation 3-liver function disturbances 4- exacerbation of gout and hyperglycaemia Slow- release formulations and low-dose aspirin may reduce flushing. Trials suggest a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events. Routine treatment of predominant hypercholesterolaemia generally requires continuation of diet + statin in sufficient doses to achieve target LDL-C levels.
  • 39. Therapy may have to be interrupted or ceased if there are 1-clear-cut muscle side-effects 2- CK elevation beyond 10 times the upper limit of normal 3-sustained ALT elevation beyond 2-3 times the upper limit of normal (and not accounted for by fatty liver). Patients who do not reach LDL targets on the highest tolerated statin dose may receive ezetimibe, plant sterols, nicotinic acid or resins, and these agents may also be added when patients are intolerant of statins.
  • 40. Nicotinic acid may also be used as an alternative in statin intolerance. It is also very effective in combination with a statin, but caution is required because the risk of side-effects is increased. Post-menopausal oestrogen replacement therapy, which may reduce LDL-C and increase HDL-C and TG, is no longer recommended for cardiovascular disease prevention
  • 41. Predominant hypertriglyceridaemia 1-Fibrates: Bezafibrate, Ciprofibrate,Clofibrate, Gemfibrozil Fenofibrate These stimulate peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-alpha, which controls the expression of gene products that mediate the metabolism of triglyceride and HDL. As a result, synthesis of fatty acids, triglyceride and VLDL is reduced whilst that of lipoprotein lipase, which catabolises TG, is enhanced. leading to increased reverse cholesterol transport via HDL. Consequently fibrates 1-reduce TG by up to 50% 2-increase HDL-C by up to 20% 3-LDL-C changes are variable.
  • 42. reduced rates of cardiovascular disease have been reported in studies amongst patients with low HDL-C levels and in subgroups of patients with the clinical picture of insulin resistance The FIELD trial suggests that fibrates represent selective adjuvant therapy rather than first-line lipid- lowering therapy in most patients with type 2 diabetes. Fibrates are generally well tolerated side-effects: 1-myalgia 2-myopathy 3-abnormal liver function tests 4-they may increase the risk of cholelithiasis 5-prolong the action of anticoagulants.
  • 43. 2-highly polyunsaturated long-chain n-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) comprise approximately 30% of the fatty acids in fish oil. 1-EPA and DHA are potent inhibitors of VLDL TG formation. Intakes of greater than 2 g n-3 fatty acid (equivalent to 6 g of most forms of fish oil) per day lower TG in a dose-dependent fashion. Up to 50% reduction in TG may be achieved with 15 g fish oil per day. Changes in LDL-C and HDL-C are variable. 2- Fish oil fatty acids have also inhibit platelet aggregation 3- improve models of ventricular arrhythmia. 4-Dietary and pharmacological trials indicate that n-3 fatty acids reduce mortality from coronary heart disease..
  • 44. Mixed hyperlipidaemia Mixed hyperlipidaemia can be difficult to treat. Statins alone are less effective first-line therapy once fasting TG exceeds approximately 4 mmol/l (∼350 mg/dl). Fibrates alone are first-line therapy for dysbetalipoproteinaemia, but they may not control the cholesterol component in other forms of mixed hyperlipidaemia. Combination therapy is often required. Statin plus fish oil is relatively safe and effective when TG is not too high and in future fibrate plus ezetimibe may be effective. Statin plus nicotinic acid or statin plus fibrate is effective, but the risk of myopathy is greater.
  • 45.
  • 46. Monitoring of therapy The effect of drug therapy can be assessed after 6 weeks (12 weeks for fibrates), and it is prudent to review 1-side-effects 2-lipid response 3-CK 4-LFT 5- cardiovascular symptoms or signs 6- measurement of weight 7- blood pressure Follow-up should encourage continued compliance (especially diet and exercise)
  • 47. THANKS FOR LISTENING Presented by: Haider Ferown