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Alexander Hughes                                                       MAURIZIO ZOLLO
                                                                       Post-acquisition Talent
                                                                                                                         CHRISTIAN MERLE
                                                                                                                         Creating a Model
EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS                                           Retention: Art or Craft?                          in Italy
European Newsletter                                                    PAGE 2                                            PAGE 3

    [ E D I TO R I A L]

                                                                                                                                         N° 24

                                        Post Merger Talent
                          C     ompanies that do a better job of attracting,
                                developing, exciting, and retaining their
                          talent can boost their performance dramatically, a
                                                                                 Every leader at all levels can and should be a
                                                                                 people developer. Their companies should make
                                                                                 people development a requirement for every leader.
                          twenty-two percentage points higher return to          Managing talents in a merger period is crucial, and
                          shareholders than their industry peers (according to   yet can prove difficult.
                          recent research done in the US by Mckinsey). Only      We at Alexander Hughes have developed a tool used
                          few companies have been managing talent                by many of our clients to evaluate the management
                          effectively for some time.                             team of a company to be acquired, and we often
                          In a merger situation, which can become a key aspect   come with a warning signal to our client.
                          of the success, Companies need to fundamentally        Through many years of operations, we have expe-
                          shift their perspective on every leader's job.         rienced that a tight management of the merged team
                          HR leaders have a much                                                          can save months of turmoil
                          more strategic role to play                                                     not to mention money. This
                          in the merger, arguably one                                                     is the theme of this news
                          equal to that of the CFO.                                                       letter. Prof. M Zollo has
                          HR executives should part-                                                      gathered his knowledge on
                          ner with line managers who                                                      how to do it ideally and
                          will need guidance in                                                           we then have interviewed
                          strengthening their talent                                                      Dott. Ch Merle to talk to us
                          pool. They should also help                                                     about his recent experience
                          forge the link between                                                          in Italy where he merged
                          business strategy and talent;                                                   3 banks of very different
                          people want and need to                                                         origins.
                          feel valued as a productive
                          part of the institution. When
                          they aren't, they become
                          demoralized, they are more
                          likely to leave the company,
                          and their performance
                          invariably suffers.                                                            Michel Rosset
                                                                                                         Amministratore Delegato
                                                                                                         Alexander Hughes Italia spa
Post-acquisition Talent Retention:
    MAURIZIO ZOLLO is                             3. Communicate frequently and           considered “business as usual”? Finally,
    Associate Professor of                     rapidly in order to show goodwill, fur-    how much of a focus on collective
    Strategic Management                       ther reduce anxiety, and build momen-      performance exists within the acqui-
    (INSEAD)                                   tum by leveraging examples of early        ring firm, so that differences in indi-
                                               successes.                                 vidual rewards can be accepted as
                                                  Some of the problems with fast          long as they are balanced by corres-

             nyone who has been involved       decision-making processes are pretty       ponding advantages in performance
             in a post-acquisition integra-    obvious: the quality of the selection      for the combined company?
             tion process does not need any    process is directly dependent on the          These questions betray one of the
    convincing: the retention of talent is     quality of the information on which        least appreciated facts in the mana-
    one of the hardest parts of the process,   decisions are based. Gathering high        gement of post-acquisition integration
    and one for which we have probably         quality information about people’s         processes: success depends more on
    the least amount of guidelines. From       skills and relationships, requires time    the acquirer’s traits than on the acqui-
    a personnel standpoint, acquisitions       and dedicated efforts. Also, the qua-      red company’s ones. It is not only a
    are essentially a huge hiring exercise,    lity (and the speed) of the results in     question of the acquirer’s cultural
    with thousands of simultaneous             the implementation phase might be          traits, but also, and perhaps primarily,
    recruits without any interview, without    inversely related to the time invested     on the acquirer’s integration capabi-
    any evaluation of skills and attitudes,    in the decision-making process.            lities. For example, an important factor
    and in most cases without any clear           Other problems related to decision-     that influences talent retention lies in
    idea of what all these people will be      making speed are less obvious. Tai-        the acquirer’s capacity to anticipate
    supposed to do once the merger is fina-    loring the highly powered incentive        the design of the integration process
    lized. A nightmare                                                                    (including the new organizational struc-
    for any discriminate
    HR manager.
                            “From a personnel standpoint,                                 ture, the degree of alignment in the
                                                                                          operations, the overall timeline of the
       Now add to this
    the well-known fact
                              acquisitions are essentially                                expected events). This is only possible,
                                                                                          however, if the acquiring firm has deve-
    that the best peo-
    ple in the acquired
                               a huge hiring exercise.”                                   loped procedures and specialized skills
                                                                                          related to the management of the inte-
    company will be the most attractive        systems to the interests and profiles of   gration phase. Have they developed
    on the labour market, and will there-      the key staff is by no means a fast (or    a process, an effective communica-
    fore be the first ones to leave, should    easy) process. Even more importantly,      tion plan, an adequate set of perfor-
    they decide to do so, leaving there-       one of the best way to retain people       mance metrics, which would allow
    fore the worst behind (a phenomenon        is to credibly show that they have a       them to control the process as it is
    academics call “adverse selection”),       voice and that their opinions are paid     being implemented and capture the
    and one has a sense of the magnitude       attention to. Hard to do
    of the challenge. The extreme example      when the priority is to get
    of this situation, is when the acquirer    all decisions done within a
    selects the functions of the acquired      few weeks.This requires
    company that are deemed to be redun-       time and the investment of
    dant (and therefore rapidly dismissed)     skilled resources.
    but cannot keep the people in the func-       The second piece of
    tions (such as R&D, in this case) which    “common wisdom” lies with
    are the key reason for the acquisition.    the resulting diversity that
       What can be done, therefore, to limit   this creates within the com-
    the risk of finding out one day that the   bined organization. Can the
    key value creators in the acquired com-    acquirer afford to reward
    pany have left and the remaining ones      people differently depen-
    are those that you were not quite sure     ding on whether they were
    to keep.                                   “acquired” or internally
       It can be summarized as follows:        bred? How much tolerance
       1. Make keep/drop decisions super-      for diversity really exists
    fast to minimize uncertainty and anxiety   within the acquiring orga-
    in the acquired company’s personnel        nization so that these diffe-
       2. Build highly powered incentives      rences are more likely to be
    for those you decide to keep and can-
    not afford to loose                                    Maurizio Zollo

Art orCraft?                                                                                                   ALEXANDER HUGHES EUROPEAN NEWSLETTER

                                                                                                                                                                       Printed August 2002 • n ° 2 4
                                                                                                                                                                       graphic designer
                                                                                                                                                                       All Rights Reserved for All the Photographs
                                                                                                               Editor in Chief. Maurice Rozet
                                                                                                               Editorial Committee. Richard Aeschmann,
                                                                                                               Gérard Arnold, Robert Baldwin, Miguel Codina,
                                                                                                               Michel Garretta, Dick Hawkes, Tony Inglis-Arkell,
                                                                                                               Michel Rosset, Elizabeth Thomas
key learning points afterwards?                         to the level of expertise in the mana-                 International Coordination. Emmanuelle Denis
   The other major message that comes                   gement of the integration process deve-                57, bd de Montmorency – 75016 PARIS
strong from some recent empirical                       loped by the acquiring firm.                           Tel.: +33 (0) 1 44 30 22 00
                                                                                                               Fax: +33 (0) 1 42 88 33 95
studies is one of tailoring. There is                      Talent retention will probably never      
obviously no one best way to manage                     become a “non-issue” for any acqui-                    e-mail:

the complexities of the post-acquisi-                   rer who rely on revenue enhancement                    Offices in Europe. Amersfoort, Barcelona, Berlin,
                                                                                                               Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, Lyons, Madrid,
tion phase, particularly when subtle                    as an important source of value crea-                  Milan, Paris, Rome, Seville, Turin, Zurich
issues such as talent retention are of                  tion. It is clear, however, that many
primary importance. Each key decision                   acquirers such as Cisco, 3Com, GE
making up the integration approach,                     Capital and Banc One, have maste-           learning activities, therefore, any acqui-
whether it is about the degree or the                   red the “art” of retaining the wanted       rer can become sufficiently skilled to
speed of integration or the decision-                   talent and have been able to turn it        avoid major surprises in both the quan-
making style adopted, needs to be                       into a learnable managerial process,        tity and, even more importantly, the
tailored to the primary mechanisms                      much more of a craft than an art. By        quality of the personnel targeted for
for value creation, to the business and                 paying attention to tailoring their inte-   retention who actually stays and acti-
cultural characteristics of the acquired,               gration approach and devoting suffi-        vely contributes to the success of the
as well as of the acquiring, company,                   cient resources to the post-integration     combined organization.

                                 Creating a Model in Italy
          [ I N T E RV I E W ]

                                                                                                Interview by M. Rosset and S. Orlando, June 19, 2002
                                 Christian Merle is                     solution to create a new identity –      in the domestic European market.
                                 Amministratore Delegato                the identity of IntesaBci.               This implies a realistic re-definition
                                 for the Group IntesaBCI                Of course, by deciding to merge          of the company’s identity and
                                                                        the three banks, we accepted             plans, in line with its
                                                                        the risk that people who could not       characteristics and possibilities –
                                 You’ve carried out a number            adapt to the new situation would         a difficult exercise, since it has also
                                 of mergers to create IntesaBci.        gradually leave the bank. For sure,      to be demonstrated that refocusing
                                 Can you tell us about the              the last two or three years marked       does not mean downsizing the
                                 difficulties you encountered?          a turning point for all the banks        company’s role and image.
                                 IntesaBci was created between          in the Group.
                                 the end of 1997 and the beginning      We had many problems to solve            How did it translate into people
                                 of 1998 by merging CARIPLO             and many difficulties to overcome,       management?
                                 and Banco Ambrosiano Veneto;           but we also had great satisfactions      The initial reaction was trying
                                 COMIT (Banca Commerciale               – first of all, that of creating         to ignore the fait accompli and
                                 Italiana) joined the group a very      the largest banking group in Italy,      continue acting as if nothing
                                 short time after (i.e. in the spring   and the first one organized              had changed, yielding to the
                                 of 1999), following a stock market     according to a modern divisional         temptation of the “reverse
                                 warfare.                               model.                                   takeover” – that is to say:
                                 For a long time, COMIT had been                                                 “Ok, we have merged, but
                                 considered the “jewel” of the          And what about                           in reality we are still in command
                                 Italian banking system, because of     at the international level?              in our internal fortress”.
                                 its dimensions and its international   The events on September the 11th         We are in the process of coping
                                 mentality and projection. It had all   clearly complicated the scenario,        with this attitude, to create a truly
                                 the characteristics to become the      but there are few doubts that            new and integrated company.
                                 main actor in a merger operation;      IntesaBci has never enjoyed              Even if it could sound like a
                                 but, as a matter of fact, things       the status of a global player –          paradox, the resignation of some
                                 went differently.                      even Crédit Agricole, which is           senior managers could help
                                 When COMIT joined the Group,           ten times bigger than IntesaBci,         overcome the “fortress problem”.
                                  it became clear that the federal      could not be defined as “global”.        At present, we probably still have
                                 model we had used to integrate         We have to concentrate in Europe:        some key vacancies in the
                                 CARIPLO and Banco Ambrosiano           there is little scope in being           specialized divisions, since
                                 could no longer work: a real           present in Latin America,                a few people left to join e-banking
                                 merger was the only viable             if the bank is not strong enough         start-ups.

( )
             Did you put in place                                      people who can         First, the internal context:
             the resources
                                            “This means that            take the right        acquisitions and mergers –
             to retain human              every manager must             decisions; top       to accelerate the process, we had
             potential?                                                  management           to turn to consultants for
             Generally speaking,           build and manage              must ensure          assistance. Second, the external
             we have been                    a talent pool”             that carriers         one: in the Italian banking system
             successful in retaining                                  do not depend           there have been more changes in
             the executives we were most              on being “near the sun” (i.e. on        the last few years than in the
             interested in. Mostly, losses            being part of the M.D.’s staff).        preceding forty (privatisations,
             in human resources were due                                                      deregulation, consolidation, etc.).
             to market conditions; it is not          Has the rate of departures              Consider also that interest rates
             easy to retain people whose              changed over these last few             fell from 12% to 3% in two years,
             professional profiles are very           years of turmoil?                       in order to align to core-European
             much in demand, especially               We had a certain acceleration,          levels and enter the Euro area,
             when they feel uncertain about           but not of unmanageable                 putting pressure on banks’ profits.
             their future in the company.             proportions; we also did some           Italians sometimes forget that
             We currently have enough                 recruiting, as I explained earlier.     these goals (i.e. convergence and
             “generalists” – but need                                                         the transformation of the system)
                         “specialists” to manage      Is the management of a talent           have been reached in France,
                         the divisions we have        pool among the criteria you             for example, in ten years; doing
                         created.                     judge your different grades on?         in just three or four years what
                                                      This is a sensitive area, since         others have done in ten is bound
                        Have you created              young talents joining the bank          to create some turmoil.
                        a reservoir of talents?       have high expectations.
                          Yes, we have a              Evaluation is a delicate problem.       What are the areas on which
                          reservoir of young          Giving senior executives the            the merger had a negative
                          graduates to perform        impression that they had been           impact?
                          centralized and             selected to be part of an elite         The main difficulties are with
                          specialized functions;      does not improve performance;           the clients, who initially perceive
                          to this scope, the world    we “deify” them.                        only the external aspects and
                          of consultancy proved       Evaluation is a subject we are          drawbacks of the changes (such
                          an interesting basin        paying great attention to.              as changes in procedures, etc.);
                          of talents.                 Reforms are under way;                  this can lead to losing some
                          The real difficulty is      the systems are probably not            clients. But it is only a matter
    Christian Merle       in the retail network.      as detailed and constraining as         of the time needed to complete
             Young people at the branch know          in the consulting job, but it’s still   the reorganization and cultural
             much more about the Internet,            a major objective.                      change. Having said this, I want
             for example, than the branch                                                     to add that Italian people proved
             manager himself; moreover,               It’s also linked to variable pay.       very efficient in managing the
             it is difficult to find exactly          Yes, and this principle is well         complexity of the integration
             the kind of managers we need,            established, both for the front         process. I have an explanation for
             since we (and other competitors)         desk and the staff personnel.           this, maybe too simplistic: having
             are creating a model that is             There has always been variable          this lucidity, this creativity,
             absolutely new for Italy.                pay. The problem is to make it          Italians can reach remarkable
                                                      really variable, not only for           performances in a context that is
             Do you have a system whereby             managers but also for future            highly organized – like the
             you delegate responsibilities to         managers – and this means that          Anglo-American model.
             managers to create a reservoir?          every manager must build and            It is a kind of safeguard, which
             This is obviously our goal –             manage a talent pool. In doing          allows them to control their
             to create management skills but          this, each department                   individualism, so they can use
             also to effectively manage a huge        is autonomous.                          it to serve the structure.
             and widespread group of people                                                   Leveraging on this – let us say –
             and activities.                          All this took several years?            “disciplined creativity”, we have
             At the dimensional level of the          Certainly, but it is essential          been able to reach important
             typical operating unit, managerial       to keep in mind the context.            results in a very short tikme span:
             responsibilities are                                                                    by merging the three banks,
             delegated, not only with
             regard to human resource                     “Creating                                  we created a single and
                                                                                                     modern institution,
             For instance, the M.D. has
                                                     the largest banking                             multispecialist and with
                                                                                                     the largest multichannel
             to be sure to have appointed              group in Italy”                               distribution network in Italy.


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Talent management approach

  • 1. Alexander Hughes MAURIZIO ZOLLO Post-acquisition Talent CHRISTIAN MERLE Creating a Model EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS Retention: Art or Craft? in Italy European Newsletter PAGE 2 PAGE 3 SEARCH [ E D I TO R I A L] N° 24 Post Merger Talent Management C ompanies that do a better job of attracting, developing, exciting, and retaining their talent can boost their performance dramatically, a Every leader at all levels can and should be a people developer. Their companies should make people development a requirement for every leader. twenty-two percentage points higher return to Managing talents in a merger period is crucial, and shareholders than their industry peers (according to yet can prove difficult. recent research done in the US by Mckinsey). Only We at Alexander Hughes have developed a tool used few companies have been managing talent by many of our clients to evaluate the management effectively for some time. team of a company to be acquired, and we often In a merger situation, which can become a key aspect come with a warning signal to our client. of the success, Companies need to fundamentally Through many years of operations, we have expe- shift their perspective on every leader's job. rienced that a tight management of the merged team HR leaders have a much can save months of turmoil more strategic role to play not to mention money. This in the merger, arguably one is the theme of this news equal to that of the CFO. letter. Prof. M Zollo has HR executives should part- gathered his knowledge on ner with line managers who how to do it ideally and will need guidance in we then have interviewed strengthening their talent Dott. Ch Merle to talk to us pool. They should also help about his recent experience forge the link between in Italy where he merged business strategy and talent; 3 banks of very different people want and need to origins. feel valued as a productive part of the institution. When they aren't, they become demoralized, they are more likely to leave the company, and their performance invariably suffers. Michel Rosset Amministratore Delegato Alexander Hughes Italia spa
  • 2. Post-acquisition Talent Retention: MAURIZIO ZOLLO is 3. Communicate frequently and considered “business as usual”? Finally, Associate Professor of rapidly in order to show goodwill, fur- how much of a focus on collective Strategic Management ther reduce anxiety, and build momen- performance exists within the acqui- (INSEAD) tum by leveraging examples of early ring firm, so that differences in indi- successes. vidual rewards can be accepted as Some of the problems with fast long as they are balanced by corres- A nyone who has been involved decision-making processes are pretty ponding advantages in performance in a post-acquisition integra- obvious: the quality of the selection for the combined company? tion process does not need any process is directly dependent on the These questions betray one of the convincing: the retention of talent is quality of the information on which least appreciated facts in the mana- one of the hardest parts of the process, decisions are based. Gathering high gement of post-acquisition integration and one for which we have probably quality information about people’s processes: success depends more on the least amount of guidelines. From skills and relationships, requires time the acquirer’s traits than on the acqui- a personnel standpoint, acquisitions and dedicated efforts. Also, the qua- red company’s ones. It is not only a are essentially a huge hiring exercise, lity (and the speed) of the results in question of the acquirer’s cultural with thousands of simultaneous the implementation phase might be traits, but also, and perhaps primarily, recruits without any interview, without inversely related to the time invested on the acquirer’s integration capabi- any evaluation of skills and attitudes, in the decision-making process. lities. For example, an important factor and in most cases without any clear Other problems related to decision- that influences talent retention lies in idea of what all these people will be making speed are less obvious. Tai- the acquirer’s capacity to anticipate supposed to do once the merger is fina- loring the highly powered incentive the design of the integration process lized. A nightmare (including the new organizational struc- for any discriminate HR manager. “From a personnel standpoint, ture, the degree of alignment in the operations, the overall timeline of the Now add to this the well-known fact acquisitions are essentially expected events). This is only possible, however, if the acquiring firm has deve- that the best peo- ple in the acquired a huge hiring exercise.” loped procedures and specialized skills related to the management of the inte- company will be the most attractive systems to the interests and profiles of gration phase. Have they developed on the labour market, and will there- the key staff is by no means a fast (or a process, an effective communica- fore be the first ones to leave, should easy) process. Even more importantly, tion plan, an adequate set of perfor- they decide to do so, leaving there- one of the best way to retain people mance metrics, which would allow fore the worst behind (a phenomenon is to credibly show that they have a them to control the process as it is academics call “adverse selection”), voice and that their opinions are paid being implemented and capture the and one has a sense of the magnitude attention to. Hard to do of the challenge. The extreme example when the priority is to get of this situation, is when the acquirer all decisions done within a selects the functions of the acquired few weeks.This requires company that are deemed to be redun- time and the investment of dant (and therefore rapidly dismissed) skilled resources. but cannot keep the people in the func- The second piece of tions (such as R&D, in this case) which “common wisdom” lies with are the key reason for the acquisition. the resulting diversity that What can be done, therefore, to limit this creates within the com- the risk of finding out one day that the bined organization. Can the key value creators in the acquired com- acquirer afford to reward pany have left and the remaining ones people differently depen- are those that you were not quite sure ding on whether they were to keep. “acquired” or internally It can be summarized as follows: bred? How much tolerance 1. Make keep/drop decisions super- for diversity really exists fast to minimize uncertainty and anxiety within the acquiring orga- in the acquired company’s personnel nization so that these diffe- 2. Build highly powered incentives rences are more likely to be for those you decide to keep and can- not afford to loose Maurizio Zollo 2
  • 3. Art orCraft? ALEXANDER HUGHES EUROPEAN NEWSLETTER Printed August 2002 • n ° 2 4 graphic designer All Rights Reserved for All the Photographs Editor in Chief. Maurice Rozet Editorial Committee. Richard Aeschmann, Gérard Arnold, Robert Baldwin, Miguel Codina, Michel Garretta, Dick Hawkes, Tony Inglis-Arkell, Michel Rosset, Elizabeth Thomas key learning points afterwards? to the level of expertise in the mana- International Coordination. Emmanuelle Denis The other major message that comes gement of the integration process deve- 57, bd de Montmorency – 75016 PARIS strong from some recent empirical loped by the acquiring firm. Tel.: +33 (0) 1 44 30 22 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 42 88 33 95 studies is one of tailoring. There is Talent retention will probably never obviously no one best way to manage become a “non-issue” for any acqui- e-mail: the complexities of the post-acquisi- rer who rely on revenue enhancement Offices in Europe. Amersfoort, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, Lyons, Madrid, tion phase, particularly when subtle as an important source of value crea- Milan, Paris, Rome, Seville, Turin, Zurich issues such as talent retention are of tion. It is clear, however, that many primary importance. Each key decision acquirers such as Cisco, 3Com, GE making up the integration approach, Capital and Banc One, have maste- learning activities, therefore, any acqui- whether it is about the degree or the red the “art” of retaining the wanted rer can become sufficiently skilled to speed of integration or the decision- talent and have been able to turn it avoid major surprises in both the quan- making style adopted, needs to be into a learnable managerial process, tity and, even more importantly, the tailored to the primary mechanisms much more of a craft than an art. By quality of the personnel targeted for for value creation, to the business and paying attention to tailoring their inte- retention who actually stays and acti- cultural characteristics of the acquired, gration approach and devoting suffi- vely contributes to the success of the as well as of the acquiring, company, cient resources to the post-integration combined organization. Creating a Model in Italy [ I N T E RV I E W ] Interview by M. Rosset and S. Orlando, June 19, 2002 Christian Merle is solution to create a new identity – in the domestic European market. Amministratore Delegato the identity of IntesaBci. This implies a realistic re-definition for the Group IntesaBCI Of course, by deciding to merge of the company’s identity and the three banks, we accepted plans, in line with its the risk that people who could not characteristics and possibilities – You’ve carried out a number adapt to the new situation would a difficult exercise, since it has also of mergers to create IntesaBci. gradually leave the bank. For sure, to be demonstrated that refocusing Can you tell us about the the last two or three years marked does not mean downsizing the difficulties you encountered? a turning point for all the banks company’s role and image. IntesaBci was created between in the Group. the end of 1997 and the beginning We had many problems to solve How did it translate into people of 1998 by merging CARIPLO and many difficulties to overcome, management? and Banco Ambrosiano Veneto; but we also had great satisfactions The initial reaction was trying COMIT (Banca Commerciale – first of all, that of creating to ignore the fait accompli and Italiana) joined the group a very the largest banking group in Italy, continue acting as if nothing short time after (i.e. in the spring and the first one organized had changed, yielding to the of 1999), following a stock market according to a modern divisional temptation of the “reverse warfare. model. takeover” – that is to say: For a long time, COMIT had been “Ok, we have merged, but considered the “jewel” of the And what about in reality we are still in command Italian banking system, because of at the international level? in our internal fortress”. its dimensions and its international The events on September the 11th We are in the process of coping mentality and projection. It had all clearly complicated the scenario, with this attitude, to create a truly the characteristics to become the but there are few doubts that new and integrated company. main actor in a merger operation; IntesaBci has never enjoyed Even if it could sound like a but, as a matter of fact, things the status of a global player – paradox, the resignation of some went differently. even Crédit Agricole, which is senior managers could help When COMIT joined the Group, ten times bigger than IntesaBci, overcome the “fortress problem”. it became clear that the federal could not be defined as “global”. At present, we probably still have model we had used to integrate We have to concentrate in Europe: some key vacancies in the CARIPLO and Banco Ambrosiano there is little scope in being specialized divisions, since could no longer work: a real present in Latin America, a few people left to join e-banking merger was the only viable if the bank is not strong enough start-ups. 3
  • 4. ( ) Did you put in place people who can First, the internal context: the resources “This means that take the right acquisitions and mergers – to retain human every manager must decisions; top to accelerate the process, we had potential? management to turn to consultants for Generally speaking, build and manage must ensure assistance. Second, the external we have been a talent pool” that carriers one: in the Italian banking system successful in retaining do not depend there have been more changes in the executives we were most on being “near the sun” (i.e. on the last few years than in the interested in. Mostly, losses being part of the M.D.’s staff). preceding forty (privatisations, in human resources were due deregulation, consolidation, etc.). to market conditions; it is not Has the rate of departures Consider also that interest rates easy to retain people whose changed over these last few fell from 12% to 3% in two years, professional profiles are very years of turmoil? in order to align to core-European much in demand, especially We had a certain acceleration, levels and enter the Euro area, when they feel uncertain about but not of unmanageable putting pressure on banks’ profits. their future in the company. proportions; we also did some Italians sometimes forget that We currently have enough recruiting, as I explained earlier. these goals (i.e. convergence and “generalists” – but need the transformation of the system) “specialists” to manage Is the management of a talent have been reached in France, the divisions we have pool among the criteria you for example, in ten years; doing created. judge your different grades on? in just three or four years what This is a sensitive area, since others have done in ten is bound Have you created young talents joining the bank to create some turmoil. a reservoir of talents? have high expectations. Yes, we have a Evaluation is a delicate problem. What are the areas on which reservoir of young Giving senior executives the the merger had a negative graduates to perform impression that they had been impact? centralized and selected to be part of an elite The main difficulties are with specialized functions; does not improve performance; the clients, who initially perceive to this scope, the world we “deify” them. only the external aspects and of consultancy proved Evaluation is a subject we are drawbacks of the changes (such an interesting basin paying great attention to. as changes in procedures, etc.); of talents. Reforms are under way; this can lead to losing some The real difficulty is the systems are probably not clients. But it is only a matter Christian Merle in the retail network. as detailed and constraining as of the time needed to complete Young people at the branch know in the consulting job, but it’s still the reorganization and cultural much more about the Internet, a major objective. change. Having said this, I want for example, than the branch to add that Italian people proved manager himself; moreover, It’s also linked to variable pay. very efficient in managing the it is difficult to find exactly Yes, and this principle is well complexity of the integration the kind of managers we need, established, both for the front process. I have an explanation for since we (and other competitors) desk and the staff personnel. this, maybe too simplistic: having are creating a model that is There has always been variable this lucidity, this creativity, absolutely new for Italy. pay. The problem is to make it Italians can reach remarkable really variable, not only for performances in a context that is Do you have a system whereby managers but also for future highly organized – like the you delegate responsibilities to managers – and this means that Anglo-American model. managers to create a reservoir? every manager must build and It is a kind of safeguard, which This is obviously our goal – manage a talent pool. In doing allows them to control their to create management skills but this, each department individualism, so they can use also to effectively manage a huge is autonomous. it to serve the structure. and widespread group of people Leveraging on this – let us say – and activities. All this took several years? “disciplined creativity”, we have At the dimensional level of the Certainly, but it is essential been able to reach important typical operating unit, managerial to keep in mind the context. results in a very short tikme span: responsibilities are by merging the three banks, delegated, not only with regard to human resource “Creating we created a single and modern institution, management. For instance, the M.D. has the largest banking multispecialist and with the largest multichannel to be sure to have appointed group in Italy” distribution network in Italy. 4