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                   Dr. M.V. Padmavati
                   Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg

      M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET          1
Some definitions
How to create and View   an HTML
Basic HTML Document Format
The HTML Basic tags
ASP.NET basics
Different Controls
Database Connectivity
AJAX Controls

         M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   2

HTTP    – Hyper Text Transport Protocol,
 layered on top of TCP
HTTPS -- secure HTTP using encryption
HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language
Web site: a collection of one or more
 web pages
Home pages: first page in website

           M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   3
Web   Browser – Software that displays
  web pages on the client side.
Example : Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Google
  chrome etc
Web    server: a system on the internet
  containing one or more web sites. It
  should contain web server software.
Examples :Internet Information sever, Apache web server, personal web
  server etc

                    M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET                4
Organization of web site

◦   Think about the sort of information (content)
    you want to put on the Web.
◦   Set the goals for the Web site.
◦   Organize your content into main topics.
◦   Come up with a general structure for pages and

              M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET      5
What is HTML?
◦   Telling the browser what to do, and what props to
◦   A series of tags that are integrated into a text

Tags are
◦  surrounded with angle brackets like this
   <B> bold text </B> or <I> Italic text </I>.
◦ Most tags come in pairs

   exceptions: <P>, <br>, <li> tags …
◦ The first tag turns the action on, and the second
  turns it off.
                 M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET      6
What is HTML?
 The second tag(off switch) starts with a forward
      For example ,<B> text </B>
 can embedded, for instance, to do this:
    <HEAD><TITLE> Your text </HEAD></TITLE> it won't work.
    The correct order is <HEAD><TITLE> Your text
 not case sensitivity.
 Many tags have attributes.
     For example, <P ALIGN=CENTER> centers the paragraph following it.
 Some browsers don't support the some tags and
 some attributes.

             M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET                7
HTML Page Format
     <TITLE> First Web Page</TITLE>
    <H1> Hello World </H1>
    <! Rest of page goes here. This is a comment. >

               M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET   8
BODY Element
<BODY attributename="attributevalue">
 ◦   BACKGROUND=“Sunset.jpg”
 ◦   BGCOLOR=color
 ◦   TEXT=color
 ◦   LINK=color (unvisited links)
 ◦   VLINK=color (visited links)
 ◦   ALINK=color (when selected)

            M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   9

   <H1 ...> text </H1> -- largest of the six
   <H2 ...> text </H2>
   <H3 ...> text </H3>
   <H4 ...> text </H4>
   <H5 ...> text </H5>
   <H6 ...> text </H6> -- smallest of the six

ALIGN="position" --left (default), center or right

             M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   10
  <TITLE>Document Headings</TITLE>
 Samples of the six heading types:
 <H1>Level-1 (H1)</H1>
 <H2 ALIGN="center">Level-2 (H2)</H2>
 <H3><U>Level-3 (H3)</U></H3>
 <H4 ALIGN="right">Level-4 (H4)</H4>
 <H5>Level-5 (H5)</H5>
 <H6>Level-6 (H6)</H6>

               M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET   11
<P> Paragraph
<P>  defines a paragraph
Add ALIGN="position" (left, center, right)
Multiple <P>'s do not create blank lines
Use <BR> for blank line
Fully-specified text uses <P> and </P>
But </P> is optional

          M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   12
<P>Here is some text </P>
<P ALIGN="center"> Centered text </P>
<P ALIGN="right"> Right-justified text
<! Note: no closing /P tag is not a problem>

             M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET   13
<PRE> Preformatted Text

    if (a < b) {
         b = c * d;
    else {
         b = (b-1)/2;

           M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   14
Special Characters

    Character                Use
    <                        &lt;
    >                        &gt;
    &                        &amp;
    "                        &quot;
    Space                    &nbsp;

            M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET   15
Values   for BGCOLOR and COLOR
 ◦ many are predefined (red, blue, green, ...)
 ◦ all colors can be specified as a six character
   hexadecimal value: RRGGBB
 ◦ FF0000 – red
 ◦ 888888 – gray
 ◦ 004400 – dark green
 ◦ FFFF00 – yellow
 ◦ 000000-black
 ◦ FFFFFF-white

             M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET    16

 <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="2" FACE="Times Roman">
 This is the text of line one </FONT>
 <FONT COLOR="green" SIZE="4" FACE="Arial">
 Line two contains this text </FONT>
 <FONT COLOR="blue" SIZE="6" FACE="Courier"
 The third line has this additional text </FONT>

 Note: <FONT> is now deprecated in favor of CSS.

               M.V. Padmavati        HTML and ASP.NET   17
Ordered (Numbered) Lists
                                A- capital letters
<OL TYPE="1">                   a- small letters
  <LI> Item one </LI>           i - roman numbers
  <LI> Item two </LI>           I- roman numbers
  <OL TYPE="I" >                1- numbers
    <LI> Sublist item one </LI>
    <LI> Sublist item two </LI>
    <OL TYPE="i">
      <LI> Sub-sublist item one </LI>
      <LI> Sub-sublist item two </LI>
             M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET       18
Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
 <UL TYPE="disc">
   <LI> One </LI>
   <LI> Two </LI>
   <UL TYPE="circle">
     <LI> Three </LI>
     <LI> Four </LI>
     <UL TYPE="square">
       <LI> Five </LI>
       <LI> Six </LI>
          M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   19
Physical Character Styles
    <B>Bold</B><BR>
   <I>Italic</I><BR>
   <U>Underlined</U><BR>
   Subscripts: f<SUB>0</SUB> + f<SUB>1</SUB><BR>
   Superscripts: x<SUP>2</SUP> + y<SUP>2</SUP><BR>
   <SMALL>Smaller</SMALL><BR>
   <BIG>Bigger</BIG><BR>
   <STRIKE>Strike Through</STRIKE><BR>
   <B><I>Bold Italic</I></B><BR>
   <SMALL><I>Small Italic</I></SMALL><BR>
                 M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET    20
<A> Anchors (HyperLinks)
Link to an absolute URL:

If you get spam, contact <A
Microsoft </A> to report the problem.
Link to a relative URL:

See these <A HREF="#references"> references </A>
concerning our fine products.

Link to a section within a URL:

Amazon provided a <A
reference for our company. </A>
              M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET    21
Naming a Section
 <H2> <A NAME="#references"> Our References </A>

To display the page in new window

                 M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET   22
<H3>Welcome to <A HREF="">
<STRONG>Computer Science</STRONG></A>
at the <A HREF="">University of

             M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET        23
SRC   is required
WIDTH, HEIGHT may be in units of
 pixels or percentage of page or frame
 ◦ WIDTH="357"
 ◦ HEIGHT="50%"
Images   scale to fit the space allowed

           M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   24

Align=position   Image/Text Placement

Left             Image on left edge; text flows to right of image

Right            Image on right edge; text flows to left

Top              Image is left; words align with top of image

Bottom           Image is left; words align with bottom of image

Middle           Words align with middle of image

                          M.V. Padmavati        HTML and ASP.NET    25
      <img src="dolphin.jpg" align="left" width="150" height="150"
alt="dolphin jump!">
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br>
                  You can see text wrap around it<br>


                     M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET         26

         M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   27

    <TABLE>   table tag
    <CAPTION> optional table title
    <TR>     table row
    <TH>     table column header
    <TD>     table data element

          M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   28
   <CAPTION>Table Caption</CAPTION>
  <TR><TD>Row1 Col1 Data</TD>
  <TD>Row1 Col2 Data</TD></TR>
  <TR><TD>Row2 Col1 Data</TD>
  <TD>Row2 Col2 Data</TD></TR>
  <TR><TD>Row3 Col1 Data</TD>
  <TD>Row3 Col2 Data</TD></TR>

            M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   29
<TABLE> Element Attributes
 ALIGN=position    -- left, center, right for table
 BORDER=number -- width in pixels of border (including
  any cell spacing, default 0)
 CELLSPACING=number -- spacing in pixels between
  cells, default about 3
 CELLPADDING=number -- space in pixels between cell
  border and table element, default about 1
 WIDTH=number[%]-- width in pixels or percentage of
  page width

               M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET          30


        M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   31
<TABLE> Element Attributes

BGCOLOR=color -- background color of table,
also valid
for <TR>, <TH>, and <TD>
RULES=value -- which internal lines are
shown; values are
none, rows, cols, and all (default)

             M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   32
<TR> Table Row Attributes
Valid for the table row:
ALIGN -- left, center, right
VALIGN -- top, middle, bottom
BGCOLOR -- background color

<TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="200">
<TR ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" BGCOLOR="red"><TD>One</TD><TD>Two</TD>
<TR ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"
<TR ALIGN="right" VALIGN="bottom" BGCOLOR="yellow"><TD>Five</TD><TD>Six</TD>

                      M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET              33
<TD> Table Cell Attributes
Valid for the table cell:
colspan -- how many columns this cell occupies
rowspan – how many rows this cell occupies

<TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="200" border="1">
<TD colspan="1" rowspan="2">a</TD>
<TD colspan="1" rowspan="1">b</TD>
<TD colspan="1" rowspan="1">c</TD>

                M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET          34
Creating Floating Frames

A  floating frame, or internal frame, is
 displayed as a separate box or window
 within a Web page.
The frame can be placed within a Web page
 in much the same way as an inline image.

           M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   35
The Floating Frames Syntax

 The   syntax for a floating frame is: <iframe src=“URL”
  ◦ URL is the name and location of the file you want to display
    in the floating frame
  ◦ the frameborder attribute determines whether the
    browser displays a border (“yes”) or not (“no”) around the
  ◦ in addition to these attributes, you can use some of the
    other attributes you used with fixed frames, such as the
    marginwidth, marginheight, and name attributes

                    M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET           36
Attributes Associated
with the <iframe> Tag
Attribute             Description
align="alignment"     How the frame is aligned with the surrounding text (use "left" or "right" to
                      flow text around the inline frame.)

border="value"        The size of the border around the frame, in pixels
frameborder="type"    Specifies whether to display a border ("yes") or not ("no")

height="value"        The height and width of the frame, in pixels

hspace="value"        The horizontal and vertical space around the frame, in pixels

name="text"           The name of the frame
scrolling="type"      Specifies whether the frame can be scrolled ("yes") or not ("no")
src="URL"             The location and filename of the page displayed in the frame

                     M.V. Padmavati                     HTML and ASP.NET                             37
Creating a Floating Frame

<iframe width=400 height=250 align=right
hspace=5 src=“x1.htm”>


            M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   38
Viewing a Floating Frame

If you want to use
floating frames in
your Web page,
you must make
sure that your users
are running at least
Internet Explorer
3.0 or Netscape 6.2.
 Users of other
browsers and
browser versions
might not be able to
view floating                                              floatin
frames.                                                    g

                       M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET             39
 ASP   scripting code is usually written in languages such
  as JScript or VBScript. The script-execution engine that
  Active Server Pages relies on interprets code line by
  line, every time the page is called.
 ASP files frequently combine script code with HTML.
  This results in ASP scripts that are lengthy, difficult to
  read, and switch frequently between code and HTML.
 We have to write script for validations.

               M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET            40
 Separation    of Code from HTML
  To make a clean sweep, with ASP.NET you have the
  ability to completely separate layout and business
 We use VB.NET or C#. Using compiled languages
  also means that ASP.NET pages do not suffer the
  performance penalties associated with interpreted
  code. ASP.NET pages are precompiled to byte-code
  and Just In Time (JIT) compiled when first requested.
 Provides validation controls

              M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET         41
.NET – What Is It?

              .NET Application

              .NET Framework

       Operating System + Hardware

         M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET   42
Framework, Languages, And Tools

 VB     VC++     VC#         JScript         …

      Common Language Specification

                                                                 Visual Studio.NET
                                                                 Visual Studio.NET
  ASP.NET: Web Services                 Windows
     and Web Forms                       Forms

         ADO.NET: Data and XML

            Base Class Library

        Common Language Runtime
                       M.V. Padmavati             HTML and ASP.NET                   43
Common Language Runtime (CLR)

 CLR   works like a virtual machine in
 executing all languages.
 All .NET languages must obey the rules
 and standards imposed by CLR. Examples:
 ◦   Object declaration, creation and use
 ◦   Data types, language libraries
 ◦   Error and exception handling
 ◦   Interactive Development Environment (IDE)

              M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   44
Multiple Language Support
• CTS is a rich type system built into the
  – Implements various types (int, double, etc)
  – And operations on those types
• CLS is a set of specifications that
  language and library designers need to
  – This will ensure interoperability between

            M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET     45
Compilation in .NET
                                      Code in another
 Code in VB.NET     Code in C#
                                      .NET Language

 VB.NET compiler    C# compiler

                   Language) code


M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET                     46
Intermediate Language (IL)

  .NET  languages are not compiled to machine code. They
   are compiled to an Intermediate Language (IL).
  CLR accepts the IL code and recompiles it to machine
  The code stays in memory for subsequent calls. In cases
   where there is not enough memory it is discarded thus
   making the process interpretive.

                M.V. Padmavati        HTML and ASP.NET       47
ASP.NET  ,the platform services that allow to program
Web Applications and Web Services in any .NET language

ASP.NET   Uses .NET languages to generate HTML pages.
HTML page is targeted to the capabilities of the
requesting Browser

ASP.NET “Program”      is compiled into a .NET class and
cached the first time it is called. All subsequent calls use
the cached version.

                 M.V. Padmavati       HTML and ASP.NET         48
ASP.Net Server Controls
ServerControls represent the dynamic
 elements users interact with.
Examples of server controls:
 ◦   HTML Controls
 ◦   ASP.Net Controls
 ◦   Validation Controls
 ◦   User Controls
Most    server controls must reside within
      <form runat=“server> tag
             M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   49
Advantages of Server Controls
 HTML  elements can be accessed from within code to
 change their characteristics, check their values, or
 dynamically update them.

 ASP.Netcontrols retain their properties even after the
 page was processed. This process is called the View

 With  ASP.Net controls, developers can separate the
 presentational elements and the application logic so they
 can be considered separately.

                M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET           50
What is the View State???
 The persistence of data after it is sent to the server for
  processing is possible because of the View State

 Ifyou have created forms using HTML controls, you
  have experienced the loss of data after form submission

 The data is maintained in the view state by encrypting it
  within a hidden form field

                M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET           51
Looking at the View State
 Look at the source code of the file after the page has been
  submitted to see code similar to this…
  ◦ i.e. <input type= hidden”
    “ />

 The View  State is enabled for every page by default
 If you don’t intend to use the View State, set the
  EnableViewState property of the Page directive to be false
  ◦ <%@ Page EnableViewState=“False” %>

                  M.V. Padmavati       HTML and ASP.NET         52
ASP.NET overview
 ASP.NET    provides services to allow the creation,
  deployment, and execution of Web Applications and
  Web Services
 Like ASP, ASP.NET is a server-side technology
 Web Applications are built using Web Forms. ASP.NET
  comes with built-in Web Forms controls, which are
  responsible for generating the user interface. They
  mirror typical HTML widgets like text boxes or
 Web Forms are designed to make building web-based
  applications as easy as building Visual Basic applications

                M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET            53
Main Data types in VB.NET

Data Type   # of Bytes       Values
Boolean     1                True or False
Byte        1                Unsigned
Char        2                Unicode character
Single      4                32-bit Floating Point Number
Double      8                64-bit Floating Point Number
Integer     4                32-bit Signed Integer
Long        8                64-bit Signed Integer
Short       2                16-bit Signed Integer
DateTime    8                Date and time of day

            M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET       54
Button Controls:
 ASP   .Net provides three types of button controls:

  ◦   buttons, link buttons and image buttons.

 When  a user clicks a button control, two events are
 raised Click and Command.

                M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET      55
Button Properties
                Property                            Description

                                      The text displayed by the button. This is
                                      for button and link button controls only.

                                      For image button control only. The image
                                      to be displayed for the button.
                                      For image button control only. The text to
AlternateText                         be displayed if the browser can't display
                                      the image.
                                      Determines whether page validation
CausesValidation                      occurs when a user clicks the button. The
                                      default is true.
                                      The URL of the page that should be
PostBackUrl                           requested when the user clicks the

                     M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET                      56
Text Boxes and Labels
 Text box controls are typically used to accept input
  from the user. A text box control can accept one or
  more lines to text depending upon the setting of the
  TextMode attribute.

 Label controls provide an easy way to display text
  which can be changed from one execution of a page to
  the next.

              M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET         57
Properties of the Text Box
 Property                                       Description

            Specifies the type of text box. SingleLine creates a standard text box, MultiLIne
TextMode    creates a text box that accepts more than one line of text and the Password causes
            the characters that are entered to be masked. The default is SingleLine.

Text        The text content of the text box
MaxLength   The maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text box.

            It determines whether or not text wraps automatically for multi-line text box; default
            is true.
            Determines whether the user can change the text in the box; default is false, i.e., the
            user can change the text.
            The width of the text box in characters. The actual width is determined based on the
            font that's used for the text entry
            The height of a multi-line text box in lines. The default value is 0, means a single line
            text box.

                       M.V. Padmavati                     HTML and ASP.NET                              58
Check Boxes and Radio Buttons

A  check box displays a single option that the user can
 either check or uncheck and radio buttons present a
 group of options from which the user can select just
 one option.

 To create a group of radio buttons, you specify the
 same name for the GroupName attribute of each radio
 button in the group. If more than one group is required
 in a single form specify a different group name for each

               M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET          59
Properties of the Check Boxes and Radio Buttons

 Property                     Description
            The text displayed next to the check box or
            radio button.
            Specifies whether it is selected or not, default
            is false.

GroupName Name of the group the control belongs to.

             M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET          60

              Property                        Description
                                    Path of the image to be displayed by
                                    the control
NavigateUrl                         Target link URL

Text                                The text to be displayed as the link

                                    The window or frame which will
                                    load the linked page.

                   M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET                61
Image Control

             Property                         Description

AlternateText                      Alternate text to be displayed

ImageAlign                         Alignment options for the control

                                   Path of the image to be displayed by
                                   the control

                  M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET                 62
Common Events

        Event                      Attribute                  Controls
                                                      Button, image button,
Click                  OnClick
                                                      link button, image map
TextChanged            OnTextChanged                  Text box
                                                      Drop-down list, list box,
SelectedIndexChanged   OnSelectedIndexChanged         radio button list, check
                                                      box list.
CheckedChanged         OnCheckedChanged               Check box, radio button

                  M.V. Padmavati               HTML and ASP.NET                   63
WebControls3 Example

    Image control

   TextBox control

DropDownList control

   HyperLink control


    Button control

                       M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   64
List Controls

  ASP.Net  provides the controls: drop-down list, list box,
   radio button list, check box list and bulleted list. These
   control let a user choose from one or more items
   from the list.

  List  boxes and drop-down list contain one or more
   list items. These lists could be loaded either by code
   or by the ListItem Collection Editor.

                M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET            65
Properties of List box and Drop-down Lists
  Property                                     Description
                The collection of ListItem objects that represents the items in the
                control. This property returns an object of type ListItemCollection.

                Specifies the number of items displayed in the box. If actual list contains
                more rows than displayed then a scroll bar is added.

                The index of the currently selected item. If more than one item is
SelectedIndex   selected, then the index of the first selected item. If no item is selected,
                the value of this property is -1.
                The value of the currently selected item. If more than one item is
SelectedValue   selected, then the value of the first selected item. If no item is selected,
                the value of this property is an empty string("").

                Indicates whether a list box allows single selections or multiple selections.

SelectedItem    selected item

                        M.V. Padmavati                 HTML and ASP.NET                        66
The List Item Collections

  The    ListItemCollection object is a collection of ListItem
   objects. Each ListItem object represents one item in the
   list. Items in a ListItemCollection are numbered from 0

           Property                               Description
                                    A ListItem object that represents the
                                    item at the specified index.

   Count                            The number of items in the collection.

                   M.V. Padmavati               HTML and ASP.NET             67
Methods of List Item Collection
        Methods                                       Description
                          Adds a new item to the end of the collection and assigns the string
                          parameter to the Text property of the item.
Add(ListItem)             Adds a new item to the end of the collection.

                          Inserts an item at the specified index location in the collection, and
Insert(integer, string)
                          assigns the string parameter to the Text property of the item.

Insert(integer, ListItem) Inserts the item at the specified index location in the collection.

Remove(string)            Removes the item with the Text value same as the string.
Remove(ListItem)          Removes the specified item.
RemoveAt(integer)         Removes the item at the specified index as the integer.
Clear                     Removes all the items of the collection.
FindByValue(string)       Returns the item whose Value is same as the string.
FindByValue(Text)         Returns the item whose Text is same as the string.

                           M.V. Padmavati                HTML and ASP.NET                       68
Common Properties of each list item objects

   Property                          Description

  Text        The text displayed for the item

  Selected    Indicates whether the item is selected.

  Value       A string value associated with the item.

                M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET   69
Radio Button list and Check Box list
A radio button list presents a list of mutually exclusive
 options. A check box list presents a list of independent

   Property                               Description
                  This attribute specifies whether the table tags or the normal
RepeatLayout      html flow to use while formatting the list when it is
                  rendered. The default is Table
                It specifies the direction in which the controls to be
RepeatDirection repeated. The values available are Horizontal and Vertical.
                Default is Vertical
                  It specifies the number of columns to use when repeating
                  the controls; default is 0.

                     M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET                    70
Bulleted lists and Numbered lists
The bulleted list control creates bulleted lists or numbered lists. These
controls contain a collection of ListItem objects that could be referred
to through the Items property of the control.

       Property                               Description
                        This property specifies the style and looks of the
                        bullets, or numbers.

                        It specifies the URL of the image to display as bullet if
                        it is set to customimage

                        It specifies the starting number if numbers are

 DisplayMode            Text, HyperLink or LinkButton

                      M.V. Padmavati             HTML and ASP.NET                   71
Bulleted lists and Numbered lists

 Unlike other list controls, the bulleted list control
  doesn’t have selectedItem, selectedindex and
  selectedvalue properties.

 If displaymode is set to Hyperlink then value
  attribute specifies the navigation url.

 If displaymode is set to LinkButton then the click
  event is generated where index property of the e
  argument is used to find the item selected by the

              M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET       72
Default Events:
Control                            Default Event
AdRotator                          AdCreated
BulletedList                       Click
Button                             Click
Calender                           SelectionChanged
CheckBox                           CheckedChanged
CheckBoxList                       SelectedIndexChanged
DataGrid                           SelectedIndexChanged
DataList                           SelectedIndexChanged
DropDownList                       SelectedIndexChanged
HyperLink                          Click
ImageButton                        Click
ImageMap                           Click
LinkButton                         Click
ListBox                            SelectedIndexChanged
Menu                               MenuItemClick
RadioButton                        CheckedChanged
RadioButtonList                    SelectedIndexChanged

                  M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET   73
The XML File
      Any XML document used with an AdRotator
control—      must contain one Advertisements root
      Within that element can be as many Ad elements as
you    need. Each Ad element is similar to the following:

 <AlternateText>France Information</AlternateText>
</Ad>          M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET    74
AdRotator Example
 Element  ImageUrl specifies the path (location) of the
  advertisement’s image.
 Element NavigateUrl specifies the URL for the web
  page that loads when a user clicks the advertisement.
 The AlternateText element nested in each Ad
  element contains text that displays in place of the image
  when the browser cannot display the image.
 The Impressions element specifies how often a
  particular image appears, relative to the other images. In
  our example, the advertisements display with equal
  probability, because the value of each Impressions
  element is set to 1.

                 M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET          75
a)                                                  b)                 Outline


                                                                       (3 of 3 )
                           AdRotator image

                          displayed in a tool tip


          Fig. | Web Form that demonstrates the AdRotator                76
                            M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET
                       web control. (Part 3 of 3. )
File upload control properties

  Properties                          Description

FileName       Returns the name of the file to be uploaded.

HasFile        Specifies whether the control has a file to upload.

PostedFile     Returns a reference to the uploaded file.

                 M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET          77
File upload control properties

The posted file is encapsulated in an object of type HttpPostedFile,
which could be accessed through the PostedFile property of the
FileUpload class.

The HttpPostedFile class has the following important properties

  Properties                           Description

 ContentLength Returns the size of the uploaded file in bytes.

 FileName        Returns the full filename.

                    M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET         78
File upload control properties

protected void UploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if(FileUploadControl.HasFile) {
 try {
 string filename = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadControl.FileName);
FileUploadControl.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + filename);
 StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: File uploaded!";
 } catch(Exception ex)
{ StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following
error occured: " + ex.Message; }


                      M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET                 79
Validation Controls
• To display the all errors on a page
• To check whether the user has entered correct data or not.

ASP.NET provides the following validation controls:

             Required Field Validator
             Range Validator
             Compare Validator
             Regular Expression Validator
             Custom Validator
             Validation Summary

                     M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET   80
The BaseValidator Class

    Members                                Description
ControlToValidate Indicates the input control to validate.
Display           Indicates how the error message is shown.
Enabled            Enables or disables the validator.
ErrorMessage       Error string.
Text               Error text to be shown if validation fails.
IsValid            Indicates whether the value of the control is valid.
SetFocusOnError It indicates whether in case of an invalid control, the focus
                should switch to the related input control.
ValidationGroup The logical group of multiple validators, where this control
Validate()      This method revalidates the control and updates the IsValid

                     M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET                 81

 The      RequiredFieldValidator       control
 ensures that the required field is not
 empty. It is generally tied to a text box to
 force input into the text box.

 •Initialvalue- to be set and if it is not
 changed, the validation fails.

            M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET    82
The CompareValidator control compares a value in one
control with a fixed value or a value in another control.

   Properties                                Description
Type                it specifies the data type
ControlToCompare it specifies the value of the input control to compare with

ValueToCompare      it specifies the constant value to compare with

Operator            it specifies the comparison operator, the available values are:
                    Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThan,
                    LessThanEqual and DataTypeCheck

                     M.V. Padmavati              HTML and ASP.NET                83

The RangeValidator control verifies that the input value falls
within a predetermined range.

    Properties                           Description

 Type             it defines the type of the data; the available values are:
                  Currency, Date, Double, Integer and String

 MinimumValue     it specifies the minimum value of the range

 MaximumValue     it specifies the maximum value of the range

                   M.V. Padmavati             HTML and ASP.NET                 84
The RegularExpressionValidator

 The       RegularExpressionValidator       allows
 validating the input text by matching against a
 pattern against a regular expression. The regular
 expression is set in the ValidationExpression

             M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET      85
The RegularExpressionValidator
       Meta                                  Description
.                 Matches any character except n
[abcd]            Matches any character in the set
[^abcd]           Excludes any character in the set
[2-7a-mA-M]       Matches any character specified in the range

w                Matches any alphanumeric character and underscore

W                Matches any non-word character
s                Matches whitespace characters like, space, tab, new line etc.

S                Matches any non-whitespace character
d                Matches any decimal character
D                Matches any non-decimal character

                     M.V. Padmavati               HTML and ASP.NET                86
The RegularExpressionValidator
Quantifiers could be added to specify number of times a
character could appear

         Quantifier                     Description
     *                   Zero or more matches
     +                   One or more matches
     ?                   Zero or one matches
     {N}                 N matches
     {N,}                N or more matches
     {N,M}               Between N and M matches

                      M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET   87
The ValidationSummary Control
The ValidationSummary control does not perform any validation
 but shows a summary of all errors in the page.
 The summary displays the values of the ErrorMessage property
 of all validation controls that failed validation.

    Properties                           Description

 Displaymode      Bulletlist, list or paraghaph

 HeaderText       The text to be displayed before the error message

 showsummary      True or false

 Showmessagebox Display the messages in the message box

                   M.V. Padmavati                 HTML and ASP.NET    88
Sample form with validations

        M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   89
Database Connections with ASP.Net

   A large number of computer applications—both desktop
    and web applications—are data-driven.

   These applications are largely concerned with retrieving,
    displaying, and modifying data.

                    M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET         90
Database Connections with ASP.Net

   The .NET Framework includes its own data access
    technology, ADO.NET.

   ADO. NET consists of managed classes that allow .NET
    applications to connect to data sources (usually
    relational databases), execute commands, and manage
    disconnected data.

   We will learn about ADO.NET basics such as opening a
    connection, executing a SQL statement and retrieving
    the results of a query.

                 M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET        91
Database Connections with ASP.Net

•   ADO.NET uses a multilayered architecture
    that revolves around a few key concepts, such
    as Connection, Command, Reader and
    DataSet objects.

•   ADO.NET uses a data provider model.

              M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET     92
Database Connections with ASP.Net

          M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   93
Database Connections with ASP.Net
ADO.NET Data Providers
A data provider is a set of ADO.NET classes that allows you to
access a specific database, execute SQL commands, and retrieve

A data provider is a bridge between your application and a data
The classes that make up a data provider include the following:

• Connection: You use this object to establish a connection to a
data source.
• Command: You use this object to execute SQL commands and
stored procedures.
• DataReader: This object provides fast read-only, forward-only
access to the data retrieved from a query.
• DataAdapter: This object performs two tasks. First, you can use
it to fill a DataSet (a disconnected collection of tables and
relationships) with information extracted from a data source.
Second, you can use it to apply changes to a data source, according
to the modifications you’ve made in a DataSet.

                  M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET             94
Database Connections with ASP.Net
The .NET Framework is bundled with a small set of four

• SQL Server provider: Provides optimized access to a
SQL Server database (version 7.0 or later).
• OLE DB provider: Provides access to any data source
that has an OLE DB driver. This includes SQL Server
databases prior to version 7.0.
• ODBC provider: Provides access to any data source that
has an ODBC driver.

                M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET      95
Database Connections with ASP.Net

•   More specifically, each provider is based on the same set
    of interfaces and base classes.

•   For example, every Connection object implements the
    IDbConnection interface, which defines core methods
    such as Open() and Close().

•   This standardization guarantees that every Connection
    class will work in the same way and expose the same set
    of core properties and methods.

                  M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET       96
Database Connections with ASP.Net

   •   ADO.NET also has another layer of standardization: the

   •   The DataSet is an all-purpose container for data that
       you’ve retrieved from one or more tables in a data

   •   The DataSet is completely generic—in other words,
       custom providers don’t define their own custom
       versions of the DataSet class.

                     M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET         97
Database Connections with ASP.Net
•   Namespace Description

• System.Data.OleDb Contains the classes used to connect to an OLE DB
• including OleDbCommand, OleDbConnection, and OleDbDataAdapter. These
  classes support most OLE DB providers.

•   System.Data.SqlClient Contains the classes you use to connect to a Microsoft
    SQL Server database, including SqlCommand, SqlConnection, and

•   System.Data.Odbc Contains the classes required to connect to most ODBC
    drivers. These classes include OdbcCommand, OdbcConnection, and
    OdbcDataAdapter. ODBC drivers are included for all kinds of data sources
    and are configured through the Data Sources icon in the Control Panel.

                       M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET              98
Database Connections with ASP.Net
•   The Connection Class
    The Connection class allows you to establish a connection to the data
    source that you want to interact with. Before you can do anything else
    (including retrieving, deleting, inserting, or updating data), you need to
    establish a connection.

•   Connection Strings
    When you create a Connection object, you need to supply a connection
    string. The connection string is a series of name/value settings separated by
    semicolons (;). They specify the basic information needed to create a
    connection. Although connection strings vary based on the RDBMS and
    provider you are using, a few pieces of information are almost always

•   The server where the database is located: The database server is
    always located on the same computer as the ASP.NET application.

•   The database you want to use: cars or myorders or …

                       M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET               99
Database Connections with ASP.Net
There’s no reason to hard-code a connection string. The
<connectionStrings> section of the web.config file is a handy place to
store your connection strings.

 Here’s an example:
<add name="stucon" connectionString="Data
DataDirectory|student.mdf; Integrated Security=True; User
Instance=True“ providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

You can then retrieve your connection string by name from the
WebConfiguration-Manager.ConnectionStrings collection, like so:

string connectionString =

                    M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET              100
Testing a Connection

We can use the following code in the Submit button click event handler to test
// Create the Connection object.

Dim x As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("stucon").ToString
Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(x)
              lblInfo.Text = "<br /><b>Connection Is:</b> " + con.State.ToString()
   Catch err As Exception
        lblInfo.Text = "Error reading the database. "
        lblInfo.Text += err.Message
        lblInfo.Text += "<br /><b>Now Connection Is:</b> "
        lblInfo.Text += con.State.ToString()
    End Try
                           M.V. Padmavati               HTML and ASP.NET             101
Database Connections with ASP.Net

•   Connections are a limited server resource. This means
    it’s imperative that you open the connection as late as
    possible and release it as quickly as possible.

•   In the previous code sample, an exception handler is
    used to make sure that even if an unhandled error
    occurs, the connection will be closed in the finally block.

•   If you don’t use this design and an unhandled exception
    occurs, the connection will remain open until the
    garbage collector disposes of the SqlConnection object.

                   M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET           102
Database Connections with ASP.Net
The Command Class

The Command class allows you to execute any type of
SQL statement. Although you can use a Command class
to perform data-definition tasks (such as creating and
altering databases, tables), you’re much more likely to
perform data-manipulation tasks (such as retrieving and
updating the records in a table).

              M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET      103
Database Connections with ASP.Net
Command Basics

Before you can use a command, you need to choose the
command type, set the command text, and bind the
command to a connection.

You can perform this work by setting the corresponding
properties: CommandType, CommandText, and Connection,
or you can pass the information you need as constructor

The command text can be a SQL statement, or the name of
a table. It all depends on the type of command you’re using.

                 M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET           104
Database Connections with ASP.Net

Value Description

CommandType.Text The command will execute a direct
SQL statement. The SQL statement is provided in the
CommandText property. This is the default value.

CommandType.TableDirect The command will query all
the records in the table. The CommandText is the name
of the table from which the command will retrieve the

                M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET       105
Database Connections with ASP.Net
For example, here’s how you would create a Command
object that represents a query:

Dim Cmd as new SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Employees"

And here’s a more efficient way using one of the Command
constructors. Note that you don’t need to specify the
CommandType, because CommandType.Text is the default.

Dim Cmd as new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM
Employees", con)

                M.V. Padmavati    HTML and ASP.NET         106
Database Connections with ASP.Net

•   These examples simply define a Command
    object; they don’t actually execute it.

•   The Command object provides three methods
    that you can use to perform the command,
    depending on whether you want to retrieve a
    full result set, retrieve a single value, or just
    execute a nonquery command.

                M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   107
Database Connections with ASP.Net
Command Methods
Method Description

•ExecuteNonQuery()    Executes non-SELECT commands, such as SQL
commands that insert, delete, or update records. The returned value
indicates the number of rows affected by the command.

•ExecuteScalar()   Executes a SELECT query and returns the value of the
first field of the first row from the rowset generated by the command.
This method is usually used when executing an aggregate SELECT
command that uses functions such as COUNT() or SUM() to calculate
a single value.

•ExecuteReader()  Executes a SELECT query and returns a DataReader
object that wraps a read-only, forward-only cursor.

                    M.V. Padmavati        HTML and ASP.NET           108
Database Connections with ASP.Net

The DataReader Class
A   DataReader allows you to read the data
returned by a SELECT command one record at a
time, in a forward-only, read-only stream.
Using    a DataReader is the simplest way to get
to your data, but it lacks the sorting and relational
abilities of the disconnected DataSet. However,
the DataReader provides the quickest possible
no-nonsense access to data.

              M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET         109
DataReader Methods
Method Description

•Read()   Advances the row cursor to the next row in the stream. This
method must also be called before reading the first row of data. (When
the DataReader is first created, the row cursor is positioned just before
the first row.)

•The   Read() method returns true if there’s another row to be read, or
false if it’s on the last row.

•GetValue()   Returns the value stored in the field with the specified
column name or index, within the currently selected row. If you access
the field by index and inadvertently pass an invalid index that refers to a
nonexistent field, you will get an IndexOutOfRangeException

•You   can also access the same value by name, which is slightly less
efficient because the DataReader must perform a lookup to find the
column with the specified name.

                     M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET             110
DataReader Methods
  Method Description

GetInt32(), GetString(): These methods return the value of the field
with the specified index

GetDateTime(), in the current row, with the data type specified in the
method name.

Note that if you try to assign the returned value to a variable of the
wrong type, you’ll get an InvalidCastException exception.

Close() Closes the reader.

                      M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET           111
Database Connections with ASP.Net
  The ExecuteReader() Method and the DataReader

  The following example creates a simple query command to return all
  the records from the Employees table in the Northwind database. The
  command is created when the page is loaded.

  Dim x As String =
       Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(x)
       Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
       cmd.Connection = con
       cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
       cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu"
       Dim reader As SqlDataReader

                       M.V. Padmavati        HTML and ASP.NET           112
         reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
         lblInfo.Text = "<table border=1>"
         Do While reader.Read()
            If Not IsDBNull(reader.GetValue(8)) Then
       lblInfo.Text &= "<tr><td>Roll Number:</td> <td>" & reader("rollno") & "</td>"
       lblInfo.Text &= "<tr><td>DOB:</td> <td>" & reader.GetDateTime(8) & "</td>"
            End If
         lblInfo.Text &= "</table>"
      Catch err As Exception
      End Try

                                  M.V. Padmavati       HTML and ASP.NET                113
Database Connections with ASP.Net

Using Parameterized Commands

A parameterized command is simply a command that uses placeholders in
the SQL text. The placeholders indicate dynamically supplied values, which
are then sent through the Parameters collection of the Command object.

For example, this SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM stu WHERE rollno = 2

would become something like this:
SELECT * FROM stu WHERE rollno = @rollno

The placeholders are then added separately and automatically encoded.

                   M.V. Padmavati           HTML and ASP.NET            114
Database Connections with ASP.Net
Consider the example shown on the next page.

In this example, the user enters a rollno, and the GridView shows all the
rows for that student.

cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
    cmd.CommandText = "select stu.rollno, name, dob , marks.sem,
marks from stu,marks where stu.rollno=@rollno"
        Dim reader As SqlDataReader
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rollno", 2)
        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        GridView1.DataSource = reader

                    M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET            115
Data Adapter and Data Set
DataSet is a disconnected orient architecture that means there is
no need of active connections during work with datasets and it is a
collection of DataTables and relations between tables. It is used to
hold multiple tables with data. You can select data form tables, create
views based on table and ask child rows over relations.

DataAdapter   will acts as a Bridge between DataSet and database.
This dataadapter object is used to read the data from database and
bind that data to dataset. Dataadapter is a disconnected oriented

                  M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET                116
Data Adapter and Data Set

Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=xyz; Integrated
Security=true;Initial Catalog=MySampleDB")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select * from student", con)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
gridview1.DataSource = ds
End Sub

                 M.V. Padmavati       HTML and ASP.NET      117
Passing Values in ASP.Net

    M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   118
Passing Values in ASP.Net
• A query string is information appended to the
  end of a page's URL. A typical example might
  look like the following:


• In the URL path above, the query string starts
  with the question mark (?) and includes two
  name-value pairs, one called "category" and the
  other called "price."
             M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET      119
Passing Values in ASP.Net

In test.aspx we will write


Dim x As Integer = CType(Request.QueryString(“price"),

               M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET         120
State Maintenance
   Web (HTTP) uses a stateless protocol.

   Web forms are created and destroyed each time a client
    browser makes a request.

   Because of this characteristic, variables declared within a Web
    form do not retain their value after a page is displayed.

   ASP.NET provides different mechanisms to retain data on a Web
    form between requests.

   To solve this problem, ASP.NET provides several ways to retain
    variables' values between requests depending on the nature and
    scope of the information.

                    M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET          121
State Management Recommendations
   Method                                   Use when

View state      You need to store small amounts of information for a page that will
                post back to itself. Use of the ViewState property provides
                functionality with basic security.

Hidden fields   You need to store small amounts of information for a page via a
                form that will post back to itself or another page, and when
                security is not an issue.
                Note: You can use a hidden field only on pages that are submitted
                to the server.
Cookies         You need to store small amounts of information on the client when
                security is not a major issue. You can store persistent data via

Query string    You are transferring small amounts of information from one page
                to another via hypertext links and security is not an issue.
                Note: You can use query strings only if you are requesting the
                same page, or another page via a link.

                     M.V. Padmavati            HTML and ASP.NET                122
ASP and Session Management
  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless protocol. Each
   browser request to a Web server is independent, and the server
   retains no memory of a browser's past requests.
  The Session object, one of the intrinsic objects supported by
   ASPX, provides a developer with a complete Web session
   management solution.
  The Session object supports a dynamic associative array that a
   script can use to store information. Scalar variables and object
   references can be stored in the session object.
  For each ASPX page requested by a user, the Session object will
   preserve the information stored for the user's session. This
   session information is stored in memory on the server. The user is
   provided with a unique session ID that ASPX uses to match user
   requests with the information specific to that user's session.

A session is terminated when you close the browser.

                   M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET              123
Session Object

Session ("UserName") = "John" ' in page1

  ◦ This will store the string "John" in the Session object and give it
    the name "UserName."

Dim s as string=Session("UserName") ' in page2
  ◦ This value can be retrieved from the Session object by
    referencing the Session object by name:

                  M.V. Padmavati          HTML and ASP.NET                124
Store Objects as Session Variables in the
Session Object

 You  may want to use CType() function to cast session
  variable back to an appropriate object before you use it.
In page1.asx
Dim x1 as New ClassX()
Session("sv_x") = x1
In page2.aspx
Dim x2 as New ClassX()
x2 = CType(Session("sv_x"), ClassX)

                 M.V. Padmavati       HTML and ASP.NET        125
Using Session Objects
 You   can use the Session object to store information
  needed for a particular user-session.
 Variables stored in the Session object are not discarded
  when the user jumps between pages in the application;
  instead, these variables persist for the entire user-session.
 The Web server automatically creates a Session object
  when a Web page from the application is requested by a
  user who does not already have a session.
 The server destroys the Session object when the session
  expires or is abandoned.
 One common use for the Session object is to store user

                  M.V. Padmavati     HTML and ASP.NET         126
Variables Scope

Type        Retrieval               Creation            Scope
URL         Request.QueryStrin • Query string of        targeted page
             g                   URL

ViewState   Viewstate("x")          ViewState("x") = 1 Same page during
Session     Session("x")            Session("x") = 1    Same visitor during
                                                        a session

                   M.V. Padmavati             HTML and ASP.NET                127
AJAX Controls
AJAX   stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and

This is a cross platform technology which
 speeds up response time.

The AJAX server controls add script to the
 page which is executed and processed by the

            M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET    128
The Script Manager Control

   The Script Manager control is the most important control
   and must be present on the page for other controls to

  If you create an 'Ajax Enabled site' or add an 'AJAX Web
  Form' from the 'Add Item' dialog box, the web form
  automatically contains the script manager control. The
  ScriptManager control takes care of the client-side script for
  all the server side controls.

                M.V. Padmavati        HTML and ASP.NET             129
The Update Panel Control
   The UpdatePanel control is a container control and derives from
    the Control class. It acts as a container for the child controls
    within it and does not have its own interface.

   When a control inside it triggers a post back, the UpdatePanel
    intervenes to initiate the post asynchronously and update just
    that portion of the page.

   For example, if a button control is inside the update panel and it
    is clicked, only the controls within the update panel will be
    affected, the controls on the other parts of the page will not be
    affected. This is called the partial post back or the asynchronous
    post back.

                   M.V. Padmavati         HTML and ASP.NET               130
The Timer Control
The  timer control is used to initiate the
 post back automatically.

Placing   a timer control directly inside
 the UpdatePanel to act as a child control
 trigger. A single timer can be the trigger
 for multiple UpdatePanels.

           M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   131
  Cookies   are small pieces of text, stored on the client's
   computer to be used only by the website setting the
  This allows web applications to save information for the
   user, and then re-use it on each page if needed.
  The code to create and store values in a cookie
             Dim etime As New HttpCookie("etime")
                    Dim t As New DateTime
                    t = Now.AddSeconds(60)
                         etime.Value = t

               M.V. Padmavati      HTML and ASP.NET        132
To   retrieve value from a cookie

          Dim etime As DateTime =

           M.V. Padmavati   HTML and ASP.NET   133

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  • 1. HTML and ASP.NET Dr. M.V. Padmavati Professor Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 1
  • 2. Contents Some definitions How to create and View an HTML document? Basic HTML Document Format The HTML Basic tags ASP.NET basics Different Controls Database Connectivity AJAX Controls M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 2
  • 3. Definitions HTTP – Hyper Text Transport Protocol, layered on top of TCP HTTPS -- secure HTTP using encryption HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language Web site: a collection of one or more web pages Home pages: first page in website M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 3
  • 4. Definitions Web Browser – Software that displays web pages on the client side. Example : Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome etc Web server: a system on the internet containing one or more web sites. It should contain web server software. Examples :Internet Information sever, Apache web server, personal web server etc M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 4
  • 5. Organization of web site ◦ Think about the sort of information (content) you want to put on the Web. ◦ Set the goals for the Web site. ◦ Organize your content into main topics. ◦ Come up with a general structure for pages and topics. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 5
  • 6. What is HTML? ◦ Telling the browser what to do, and what props to use. ◦ A series of tags that are integrated into a text document. Tags are ◦ surrounded with angle brackets like this <B> bold text </B> or <I> Italic text </I>. ◦ Most tags come in pairs exceptions: <P>, <br>, <li> tags … ◦ The first tag turns the action on, and the second turns it off. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 6
  • 7. What is HTML? The second tag(off switch) starts with a forward slash. For example ,<B> text </B> can embedded, for instance, to do this: <HEAD><TITLE> Your text </HEAD></TITLE> it won't work. The correct order is <HEAD><TITLE> Your text </TITLE></HEAD> not case sensitivity. Many tags have attributes. For example, <P ALIGN=CENTER> centers the paragraph following it. Some browsers don't support the some tags and some attributes. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 7
  • 8. HTML Page Format <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> First Web Page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1> Hello World </H1> <! Rest of page goes here. This is a comment. > </BODY> </HTML> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 8
  • 9. BODY Element <BODY attributename="attributevalue"> attributes ◦ BACKGROUND=“Sunset.jpg” ◦ BGCOLOR=color ◦ TEXT=color ◦ LINK=color (unvisited links) ◦ VLINK=color (visited links) ◦ ALINK=color (when selected) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 9
  • 10. Headings <H1 ...> text </H1> -- largest of the six <H2 ...> text </H2> <H3 ...> text </H3> <H4 ...> text </H4> <H5 ...> text </H5> <H6 ...> text </H6> -- smallest of the six ALIGN="position" --left (default), center or right M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 10
  • 11. Headings <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Document Headings</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Samples of the six heading types: <H1>Level-1 (H1)</H1> <H2 ALIGN="center">Level-2 (H2)</H2> <H3><U>Level-3 (H3)</U></H3> <H4 ALIGN="right">Level-4 (H4)</H4> <H5>Level-5 (H5)</H5> <H6>Level-6 (H6)</H6> </BODY> </HTML> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 11
  • 12. <P> Paragraph <P> defines a paragraph Add ALIGN="position" (left, center, right) Multiple <P>'s do not create blank lines Use <BR> for blank line Fully-specified text uses <P> and </P> But </P> is optional M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 12
  • 13. <BODY> <P>Here is some text </P> <P ALIGN="center"> Centered text </P> <P><P><P> <P ALIGN="right"> Right-justified text <! Note: no closing /P tag is not a problem> </BODY> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 13
  • 14. <PRE> Preformatted Text <PRE> if (a < b) { a++; b = c * d; } else { a--; b = (b-1)/2; } </PRE> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 14
  • 15. Special Characters Character Use < &lt; > &gt; & &amp; " &quot; Space &nbsp; M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 15
  • 16. Colors Values for BGCOLOR and COLOR ◦ many are predefined (red, blue, green, ...) ◦ all colors can be specified as a six character hexadecimal value: RRGGBB ◦ FF0000 – red ◦ 888888 – gray ◦ 004400 – dark green ◦ FFFF00 – yellow ◦ 000000-black ◦ FFFFFF-white M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 16
  • 17. Fonts <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="2" FACE="Times Roman"> This is the text of line one </FONT> <FONT COLOR="green" SIZE="4" FACE="Arial"> Line two contains this text </FONT> <FONT COLOR="blue" SIZE="6" FACE="Courier" The third line has this additional text </FONT> Note: <FONT> is now deprecated in favor of CSS. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 17
  • 18. Ordered (Numbered) Lists A- capital letters <OL TYPE="1"> a- small letters <LI> Item one </LI> i - roman numbers <LI> Item two </LI> I- roman numbers <OL TYPE="I" > 1- numbers <LI> Sublist item one </LI> <LI> Sublist item two </LI> <OL TYPE="i"> <LI> Sub-sublist item one </LI> <LI> Sub-sublist item two </LI> </OL> </OL> </OL> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 18
  • 19. Unordered (Bulleted) Lists <UL TYPE="disc"> <LI> One </LI> <LI> Two </LI> <UL TYPE="circle"> <LI> Three </LI> <LI> Four </LI> <UL TYPE="square"> <LI> Five </LI> <LI> Six </LI> </UL> </UL> </UL> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 19
  • 20. Physical Character Styles  <B>Bold</B><BR>  <I>Italic</I><BR>  <U>Underlined</U><BR>  Subscripts: f<SUB>0</SUB> + f<SUB>1</SUB><BR>  Superscripts: x<SUP>2</SUP> + y<SUP>2</SUP><BR>  <SMALL>Smaller</SMALL><BR>  <BIG>Bigger</BIG><BR>  <STRIKE>Strike Through</STRIKE><BR>  <B><I>Bold Italic</I></B><BR>  <SMALL><I>Small Italic</I></SMALL><BR>  <FONT COLOR="GRAY">Gray</FONT><BR> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 20
  • 21. <A> Anchors (HyperLinks) Link to an absolute URL: If you get spam, contact <A HREF=""> Microsoft </A> to report the problem. <A HREF=FILE:D:X1.HTM>DFGFDG</A> Link to a relative URL: See these <A HREF="#references"> references </A> concerning our fine products. Link to a section within a URL: Amazon provided a <A HREF=""> reference for our company. </A> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 21
  • 22. Naming a Section <H2> <A NAME="#references"> Our References </A> </H2> To display the page in new window M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 22
  • 23. Hyperlinks <BODY> <H3>Welcome to <A HREF=""> <STRONG>Computer Science</STRONG></A> at the <A HREF="">University of Virginia.</A> </H3> </BODY> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 23
  • 24. Images SRC is required WIDTH, HEIGHT may be in units of pixels or percentage of page or frame ◦ WIDTH="357" ◦ HEIGHT="50%" Images scale to fit the space allowed M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 24
  • 25. Images Align=position Image/Text Placement Left Image on left edge; text flows to right of image Right Image on right edge; text flows to left Top Image is left; words align with top of image Bottom Image is left; words align with bottom of image Middle Words align with middle of image M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 25
  • 26. Images <BODY> <img src="dolphin.jpg" align="left" width="150" height="150" alt="dolphin jump!"> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> This is a very cute dolphin on the left!<br> You can see text wrap around it<br> </BODY> </HTML> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 26
  • 27. STYLE=“FLOAT:right" M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 27
  • 28. Tables <TABLE> table tag <CAPTION> optional table title <TR> table row <TH> table column header <TD> table data element M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 28
  • 29. Tables <TABLE BORDER=1> <CAPTION>Table Caption</CAPTION> <TR> <TH>Heading1</TH> <TH>Heading2</TH></TR> <TR><TD>Row1 Col1 Data</TD> <TD>Row1 Col2 Data</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Row2 Col1 Data</TD> <TD>Row2 Col2 Data</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Row3 Col1 Data</TD> <TD>Row3 Col2 Data</TD></TR> </TABLE> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 29
  • 30. <TABLE> Element Attributes  ALIGN=position -- left, center, right for table  BORDER=number -- width in pixels of border (including any cell spacing, default 0)  CELLSPACING=number -- spacing in pixels between cells, default about 3  CELLPADDING=number -- space in pixels between cell border and table element, default about 1  WIDTH=number[%]-- width in pixels or percentage of page width M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 30
  • 31. cellspacing=10 cellpadding=10 M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 31
  • 32. <TABLE> Element Attributes BGCOLOR=color -- background color of table, also valid for <TR>, <TH>, and <TD> RULES=value -- which internal lines are shown; values are none, rows, cols, and all (default) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 32
  • 33. <TR> Table Row Attributes Valid for the table row: ALIGN -- left, center, right VALIGN -- top, middle, bottom BGCOLOR -- background color <TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="200"> <TR ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" BGCOLOR="red"><TD>One</TD><TD>Two</TD> <TR ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle" BGCOLOR="lightblue"><TD>Three</TD><TD>Four</TD> <TR ALIGN="right" VALIGN="bottom" BGCOLOR="yellow"><TD>Five</TD><TD>Six</TD> </TABLE> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 33
  • 34. <TD> Table Cell Attributes Valid for the table cell: colspan -- how many columns this cell occupies rowspan – how many rows this cell occupies <TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="200" border="1"> <TR> <TD colspan="1" rowspan="2">a</TD> <TD colspan="1" rowspan="1">b</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="1" rowspan="1">c</TD> </TR> </TABLE> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 34
  • 35. Creating Floating Frames A floating frame, or internal frame, is displayed as a separate box or window within a Web page. The frame can be placed within a Web page in much the same way as an inline image. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 35
  • 36. The Floating Frames Syntax  The syntax for a floating frame is: <iframe src=“URL” frameborder=“option”></iframe> ◦ URL is the name and location of the file you want to display in the floating frame ◦ the frameborder attribute determines whether the browser displays a border (“yes”) or not (“no”) around the frame ◦ in addition to these attributes, you can use some of the other attributes you used with fixed frames, such as the marginwidth, marginheight, and name attributes M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 36
  • 37. Attributes Associated with the <iframe> Tag Attribute Description align="alignment" How the frame is aligned with the surrounding text (use "left" or "right" to flow text around the inline frame.) border="value" The size of the border around the frame, in pixels frameborder="type" Specifies whether to display a border ("yes") or not ("no") height="value" The height and width of the frame, in pixels width="value" hspace="value" The horizontal and vertical space around the frame, in pixels vspace="value" name="text" The name of the frame scrolling="type" Specifies whether the frame can be scrolled ("yes") or not ("no") src="URL" The location and filename of the page displayed in the frame M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 37
  • 38. Creating a Floating Frame <iframe width=400 height=250 align=right hspace=5 src=“x1.htm”> </iframe> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 38
  • 39. Viewing a Floating Frame If you want to use floating frames in your Web page, you must make sure that your users are running at least Internet Explorer 3.0 or Netscape 6.2. Users of other browsers and browser versions might not be able to view floating floatin frames. g frame M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 39
  • 40. ASP Vs ASP.NET  ASP scripting code is usually written in languages such as JScript or VBScript. The script-execution engine that Active Server Pages relies on interprets code line by line, every time the page is called.  ASP files frequently combine script code with HTML. This results in ASP scripts that are lengthy, difficult to read, and switch frequently between code and HTML.  We have to write script for validations. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 40
  • 41. ASP.NET  Separation of Code from HTML To make a clean sweep, with ASP.NET you have the ability to completely separate layout and business logic.  We use VB.NET or C#. Using compiled languages also means that ASP.NET pages do not suffer the performance penalties associated with interpreted code. ASP.NET pages are precompiled to byte-code and Just In Time (JIT) compiled when first requested.  Provides validation controls M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 41
  • 42. .NET – What Is It? .NET Application .NET Framework Operating System + Hardware M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 42
  • 43. Framework, Languages, And Tools VB VC++ VC# JScript … Common Language Specification Visual Studio.NET Visual Studio.NET ASP.NET: Web Services Windows and Web Forms Forms ADO.NET: Data and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 43
  • 44. Common Language Runtime (CLR) CLR works like a virtual machine in executing all languages. All .NET languages must obey the rules and standards imposed by CLR. Examples: ◦ Object declaration, creation and use ◦ Data types, language libraries ◦ Error and exception handling ◦ Interactive Development Environment (IDE) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 44
  • 45. Multiple Language Support • CTS is a rich type system built into the CLR – Implements various types (int, double, etc) – And operations on those types • CLS is a set of specifications that language and library designers need to follow – This will ensure interoperability between languages M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 45
  • 46. Compilation in .NET Code in another Code in VB.NET Code in C# .NET Language Appropriate VB.NET compiler C# compiler Compiler IL(Intermediate Language) code CLR M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 46
  • 47. Intermediate Language (IL)  .NET languages are not compiled to machine code. They are compiled to an Intermediate Language (IL).  CLR accepts the IL code and recompiles it to machine code.  The code stays in memory for subsequent calls. In cases where there is not enough memory it is discarded thus making the process interpretive. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 47
  • 48. ASP.NET ASP.NET ,the platform services that allow to program Web Applications and Web Services in any .NET language ASP.NET Uses .NET languages to generate HTML pages. HTML page is targeted to the capabilities of the requesting Browser ASP.NET “Program” is compiled into a .NET class and cached the first time it is called. All subsequent calls use the cached version. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 48
  • 49. ASP.Net Server Controls ServerControls represent the dynamic elements users interact with. Examples of server controls: ◦ HTML Controls ◦ ASP.Net Controls ◦ Validation Controls ◦ User Controls Most server controls must reside within a <form runat=“server> tag M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 49
  • 50. Advantages of Server Controls  HTML elements can be accessed from within code to change their characteristics, check their values, or dynamically update them.  ASP.Netcontrols retain their properties even after the page was processed. This process is called the View State.  With ASP.Net controls, developers can separate the presentational elements and the application logic so they can be considered separately. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 50
  • 51. What is the View State???  The persistence of data after it is sent to the server for processing is possible because of the View State  Ifyou have created forms using HTML controls, you have experienced the loss of data after form submission  The data is maintained in the view state by encrypting it within a hidden form field M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 51
  • 52. Looking at the View State  Look at the source code of the file after the page has been submitted to see code similar to this… ◦ i.e. <input type= hidden” name=“VIEWSTATE” value=“dWtMTcy0TAy0DawNzt)PDtsPGk6Mj47Pjts PHQ802w8aTWzPj+02wPGw5uAXJdGFaGaxk6t4= “ />  The View State is enabled for every page by default  If you don’t intend to use the View State, set the EnableViewState property of the Page directive to be false ◦ <%@ Page EnableViewState=“False” %> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 52
  • 53. ASP.NET overview  ASP.NET provides services to allow the creation, deployment, and execution of Web Applications and Web Services  Like ASP, ASP.NET is a server-side technology  Web Applications are built using Web Forms. ASP.NET comes with built-in Web Forms controls, which are responsible for generating the user interface. They mirror typical HTML widgets like text boxes or buttons.  Web Forms are designed to make building web-based applications as easy as building Visual Basic applications M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 53
  • 54. Main Data types in VB.NET Data Type # of Bytes Values Boolean 1 True or False Byte 1 Unsigned Char 2 Unicode character Single 4 32-bit Floating Point Number Double 8 64-bit Floating Point Number Integer 4 32-bit Signed Integer Long 8 64-bit Signed Integer Short 2 16-bit Signed Integer DateTime 8 Date and time of day M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 54
  • 55. Button Controls:  ASP .Net provides three types of button controls: ◦ buttons, link buttons and image buttons.  When a user clicks a button control, two events are raised Click and Command. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 55
  • 56. Button Properties Property Description The text displayed by the button. This is Text for button and link button controls only. For image button control only. The image ImageUrl to be displayed for the button. For image button control only. The text to AlternateText be displayed if the browser can't display the image. Determines whether page validation CausesValidation occurs when a user clicks the button. The default is true. The URL of the page that should be PostBackUrl requested when the user clicks the button. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 56
  • 57. Text Boxes and Labels  Text box controls are typically used to accept input from the user. A text box control can accept one or more lines to text depending upon the setting of the TextMode attribute.  Label controls provide an easy way to display text which can be changed from one execution of a page to the next. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 57
  • 58. Properties of the Text Box Property Description Specifies the type of text box. SingleLine creates a standard text box, MultiLIne TextMode creates a text box that accepts more than one line of text and the Password causes the characters that are entered to be masked. The default is SingleLine. Text The text content of the text box MaxLength The maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text box. It determines whether or not text wraps automatically for multi-line text box; default Wrap is true. Determines whether the user can change the text in the box; default is false, i.e., the ReadOnly user can change the text. The width of the text box in characters. The actual width is determined based on the Columns font that's used for the text entry The height of a multi-line text box in lines. The default value is 0, means a single line Rows text box. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 58
  • 59. Check Boxes and Radio Buttons A check box displays a single option that the user can either check or uncheck and radio buttons present a group of options from which the user can select just one option.  To create a group of radio buttons, you specify the same name for the GroupName attribute of each radio button in the group. If more than one group is required in a single form specify a different group name for each group. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 59
  • 60. Properties of the Check Boxes and Radio Buttons Property Description The text displayed next to the check box or Text radio button. Specifies whether it is selected or not, default Checked is false. GroupName Name of the group the control belongs to. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 60
  • 61. HyperLink Property Description Path of the image to be displayed by ImageUrl the control NavigateUrl Target link URL Text The text to be displayed as the link The window or frame which will Target load the linked page. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 61
  • 62. Image Control Property Description AlternateText Alternate text to be displayed ImageAlign Alignment options for the control Path of the image to be displayed by ImageUrl the control M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 62
  • 63. Common Events Event Attribute Controls Button, image button, Click OnClick link button, image map TextChanged OnTextChanged Text box Drop-down list, list box, SelectedIndexChanged OnSelectedIndexChanged radio button list, check box list. CheckedChanged OnCheckedChanged Check box, radio button M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 63
  • 64. WebControls3 Example Image control TextBox control DropDownList control HyperLink control RadioButtonList Button control M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 64
  • 65. List Controls  ASP.Net provides the controls: drop-down list, list box, radio button list, check box list and bulleted list. These control let a user choose from one or more items from the list.  List boxes and drop-down list contain one or more list items. These lists could be loaded either by code or by the ListItem Collection Editor. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 65
  • 66. Properties of List box and Drop-down Lists Property Description The collection of ListItem objects that represents the items in the Items control. This property returns an object of type ListItemCollection. Specifies the number of items displayed in the box. If actual list contains Rows more rows than displayed then a scroll bar is added. The index of the currently selected item. If more than one item is SelectedIndex selected, then the index of the first selected item. If no item is selected, the value of this property is -1. The value of the currently selected item. If more than one item is SelectedValue selected, then the value of the first selected item. If no item is selected, the value of this property is an empty string(""). Indicates whether a list box allows single selections or multiple selections. SelectionMode SelectedItem selected item M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 66
  • 67. The List Item Collections  The ListItemCollection object is a collection of ListItem objects. Each ListItem object represents one item in the list. Items in a ListItemCollection are numbered from 0 Property Description A ListItem object that represents the Item(integer) item at the specified index. Count The number of items in the collection. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 67
  • 68. Methods of List Item Collection Methods Description Adds a new item to the end of the collection and assigns the string Add(string) parameter to the Text property of the item. Add(ListItem) Adds a new item to the end of the collection. Inserts an item at the specified index location in the collection, and Insert(integer, string) assigns the string parameter to the Text property of the item. Insert(integer, ListItem) Inserts the item at the specified index location in the collection. Remove(string) Removes the item with the Text value same as the string. Remove(ListItem) Removes the specified item. RemoveAt(integer) Removes the item at the specified index as the integer. Clear Removes all the items of the collection. FindByValue(string) Returns the item whose Value is same as the string. FindByValue(Text) Returns the item whose Text is same as the string. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 68
  • 69. Common Properties of each list item objects Property Description Text The text displayed for the item Selected Indicates whether the item is selected. Value A string value associated with the item. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 69
  • 70. Radio Button list and Check Box list A radio button list presents a list of mutually exclusive options. A check box list presents a list of independent options. Property Description This attribute specifies whether the table tags or the normal RepeatLayout html flow to use while formatting the list when it is rendered. The default is Table It specifies the direction in which the controls to be RepeatDirection repeated. The values available are Horizontal and Vertical. Default is Vertical It specifies the number of columns to use when repeating RepeatColumns the controls; default is 0. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 70
  • 71. Bulleted lists and Numbered lists The bulleted list control creates bulleted lists or numbered lists. These controls contain a collection of ListItem objects that could be referred to through the Items property of the control. Property Description This property specifies the style and looks of the BulletStyle bullets, or numbers. It specifies the URL of the image to display as bullet if BulletImageUrl it is set to customimage It specifies the starting number if numbers are FirstBulletNumber displayed DisplayMode Text, HyperLink or LinkButton M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 71
  • 72. Bulleted lists and Numbered lists  Unlike other list controls, the bulleted list control doesn’t have selectedItem, selectedindex and selectedvalue properties.  If displaymode is set to Hyperlink then value attribute specifies the navigation url.  If displaymode is set to LinkButton then the click event is generated where index property of the e argument is used to find the item selected by the user. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 72
  • 73. Default Events: Control Default Event AdRotator AdCreated BulletedList Click Button Click Calender SelectionChanged CheckBox CheckedChanged CheckBoxList SelectedIndexChanged DataGrid SelectedIndexChanged DataList SelectedIndexChanged DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged HyperLink Click ImageButton Click ImageMap Click LinkButton Click ListBox SelectedIndexChanged Menu MenuItemClick RadioButton CheckedChanged RadioButtonList SelectedIndexChanged M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 73
  • 74. The XML File  Any XML document used with an AdRotator control— must contain one Advertisements root element.  Within that element can be as many Ad elements as you need. Each Ad element is similar to the following: <Ad> <ImageUrl>Images/france.png</ImageUrl> <NavigateUrl> ons/ the-world-factbook/geos/fr.html </NavigateUrl> <AlternateText>France Information</AlternateText> <Impressions>1</Impressions> </Ad> M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 74
  • 75. AdRotator Example  Element ImageUrl specifies the path (location) of the advertisement’s image.  Element NavigateUrl specifies the URL for the web page that loads when a user clicks the advertisement.  The AlternateText element nested in each Ad element contains text that displays in place of the image when the browser cannot display the image.  The Impressions element specifies how often a particular image appears, relative to the other images. In our example, the advertisements display with equal probability, because the value of each Impressions element is set to 1. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 75
  • 76. a) b) Outline FlagRotator.aspx (3 of 3 ) AdRotator image AlternateText displayed in a tool tip c) Fig. | Web Form that demonstrates the AdRotator 76 M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET web control. (Part 3 of 3. )
  • 77. File upload control properties Properties Description FileName Returns the name of the file to be uploaded. HasFile Specifies whether the control has a file to upload. PostedFile Returns a reference to the uploaded file. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 77
  • 78. File upload control properties The posted file is encapsulated in an object of type HttpPostedFile, which could be accessed through the PostedFile property of the FileUpload class. The HttpPostedFile class has the following important properties Properties Description ContentLength Returns the size of the uploaded file in bytes. FileName Returns the full filename. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 78
  • 79. File upload control properties protected void UploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(FileUploadControl.HasFile) { try { string filename = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadControl.FileName); FileUploadControl.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + filename); StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: File uploaded!"; } catch(Exception ex) { StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following error occured: " + ex.Message; } } M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 79
  • 80. Validation Controls • To display the all errors on a page • To check whether the user has entered correct data or not. ASP.NET provides the following validation controls:  Required Field Validator  Range Validator  Compare Validator  Regular Expression Validator  Custom Validator  Validation Summary M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 80
  • 81. The BaseValidator Class Members Description ControlToValidate Indicates the input control to validate. Display Indicates how the error message is shown. Enabled Enables or disables the validator. ErrorMessage Error string. Text Error text to be shown if validation fails. IsValid Indicates whether the value of the control is valid. SetFocusOnError It indicates whether in case of an invalid control, the focus should switch to the related input control. ValidationGroup The logical group of multiple validators, where this control belongs. Validate() This method revalidates the control and updates the IsValid property. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 81
  • 82. RequiredFieldValidator The RequiredFieldValidator control ensures that the required field is not empty. It is generally tied to a text box to force input into the text box. •Initialvalue- to be set and if it is not changed, the validation fails. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 82
  • 83. CompareValidator The CompareValidator control compares a value in one control with a fixed value or a value in another control. Properties Description Type it specifies the data type ControlToCompare it specifies the value of the input control to compare with ValueToCompare it specifies the constant value to compare with Operator it specifies the comparison operator, the available values are: Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThan, LessThanEqual and DataTypeCheck M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 83
  • 84. RangeValidator The RangeValidator control verifies that the input value falls within a predetermined range. Properties Description Type it defines the type of the data; the available values are: Currency, Date, Double, Integer and String MinimumValue it specifies the minimum value of the range MaximumValue it specifies the maximum value of the range M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 84
  • 85. The RegularExpressionValidator The RegularExpressionValidator allows validating the input text by matching against a pattern against a regular expression. The regular expression is set in the ValidationExpression property. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 85
  • 86. The RegularExpressionValidator Meta Description characters . Matches any character except n [abcd] Matches any character in the set [^abcd] Excludes any character in the set [2-7a-mA-M] Matches any character specified in the range w Matches any alphanumeric character and underscore W Matches any non-word character s Matches whitespace characters like, space, tab, new line etc. S Matches any non-whitespace character d Matches any decimal character D Matches any non-decimal character M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 86
  • 87. The RegularExpressionValidator Quantifiers could be added to specify number of times a character could appear Quantifier Description * Zero or more matches + One or more matches ? Zero or one matches {N} N matches {N,} N or more matches {N,M} Between N and M matches M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 87
  • 88. The ValidationSummary Control The ValidationSummary control does not perform any validation but shows a summary of all errors in the page.  The summary displays the values of the ErrorMessage property of all validation controls that failed validation. Properties Description Displaymode Bulletlist, list or paraghaph HeaderText The text to be displayed before the error message showsummary True or false Showmessagebox Display the messages in the message box M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 88
  • 89. Sample form with validations M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 89
  • 90. Database Connections with ASP.Net  A large number of computer applications—both desktop and web applications—are data-driven.  These applications are largely concerned with retrieving, displaying, and modifying data. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 90
  • 91. Database Connections with ASP.Net  The .NET Framework includes its own data access technology, ADO.NET.  ADO. NET consists of managed classes that allow .NET applications to connect to data sources (usually relational databases), execute commands, and manage disconnected data.  We will learn about ADO.NET basics such as opening a connection, executing a SQL statement and retrieving the results of a query. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 91
  • 92. Database Connections with ASP.Net • ADO.NET uses a multilayered architecture that revolves around a few key concepts, such as Connection, Command, Reader and DataSet objects. • ADO.NET uses a data provider model. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 92
  • 93. Database Connections with ASP.Net M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 93
  • 94. Database Connections with ASP.Net ADO.NET Data Providers A data provider is a set of ADO.NET classes that allows you to access a specific database, execute SQL commands, and retrieve data. A data provider is a bridge between your application and a data source. The classes that make up a data provider include the following: • Connection: You use this object to establish a connection to a data source. • Command: You use this object to execute SQL commands and stored procedures. • DataReader: This object provides fast read-only, forward-only access to the data retrieved from a query. • DataAdapter: This object performs two tasks. First, you can use it to fill a DataSet (a disconnected collection of tables and relationships) with information extracted from a data source. Second, you can use it to apply changes to a data source, according to the modifications you’ve made in a DataSet. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 94
  • 95. Database Connections with ASP.Net The .NET Framework is bundled with a small set of four providers: • SQL Server provider: Provides optimized access to a SQL Server database (version 7.0 or later). • OLE DB provider: Provides access to any data source that has an OLE DB driver. This includes SQL Server databases prior to version 7.0. • ODBC provider: Provides access to any data source that has an ODBC driver. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 95
  • 96. Database Connections with ASP.Net • More specifically, each provider is based on the same set of interfaces and base classes. • For example, every Connection object implements the IDbConnection interface, which defines core methods such as Open() and Close(). • This standardization guarantees that every Connection class will work in the same way and expose the same set of core properties and methods. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 96
  • 97. Database Connections with ASP.Net • ADO.NET also has another layer of standardization: the DataSet. • The DataSet is an all-purpose container for data that you’ve retrieved from one or more tables in a data source. • The DataSet is completely generic—in other words, custom providers don’t define their own custom versions of the DataSet class. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 97
  • 98. Database Connections with ASP.Net • Namespace Description • System.Data.OleDb Contains the classes used to connect to an OLE DB provider, • including OleDbCommand, OleDbConnection, and OleDbDataAdapter. These classes support most OLE DB providers. • System.Data.SqlClient Contains the classes you use to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database, including SqlCommand, SqlConnection, and SqlDataAdapter. • System.Data.Odbc Contains the classes required to connect to most ODBC drivers. These classes include OdbcCommand, OdbcConnection, and OdbcDataAdapter. ODBC drivers are included for all kinds of data sources and are configured through the Data Sources icon in the Control Panel. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 98
  • 99. Database Connections with ASP.Net • The Connection Class The Connection class allows you to establish a connection to the data source that you want to interact with. Before you can do anything else (including retrieving, deleting, inserting, or updating data), you need to establish a connection. • Connection Strings When you create a Connection object, you need to supply a connection string. The connection string is a series of name/value settings separated by semicolons (;). They specify the basic information needed to create a connection. Although connection strings vary based on the RDBMS and provider you are using, a few pieces of information are almost always required: • The server where the database is located: The database server is always located on the same computer as the ASP.NET application. • The database you want to use: cars or myorders or … M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 99
  • 100. Database Connections with ASP.Net There’s no reason to hard-code a connection string. The <connectionStrings> section of the web.config file is a handy place to store your connection strings. Here’s an example: <connectionStrings> <add name="stucon" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=| DataDirectory|student.mdf; Integrated Security=True; User Instance=True“ providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> You can then retrieve your connection string by name from the WebConfiguration-Manager.ConnectionStrings collection, like so: string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(“stucon“).ConnectionStri ng; M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 100
  • 101. Testing a Connection We can use the following code in the Submit button click event handler to test // Create the Connection object. Dim x As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("stucon").ToString Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(x) Try con.Open() lblInfo.Text = "<br /><b>Connection Is:</b> " + con.State.ToString() Catch err As Exception lblInfo.Text = "Error reading the database. " lblInfo.Text += err.Message Finally con.Close() lblInfo.Text += "<br /><b>Now Connection Is:</b> " lblInfo.Text += con.State.ToString() End Try M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 101
  • 102. Database Connections with ASP.Net • Connections are a limited server resource. This means it’s imperative that you open the connection as late as possible and release it as quickly as possible. • In the previous code sample, an exception handler is used to make sure that even if an unhandled error occurs, the connection will be closed in the finally block. • If you don’t use this design and an unhandled exception occurs, the connection will remain open until the garbage collector disposes of the SqlConnection object. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 102
  • 103. Database Connections with ASP.Net The Command Class The Command class allows you to execute any type of SQL statement. Although you can use a Command class to perform data-definition tasks (such as creating and altering databases, tables), you’re much more likely to perform data-manipulation tasks (such as retrieving and updating the records in a table). M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 103
  • 104. Database Connections with ASP.Net Command Basics Before you can use a command, you need to choose the command type, set the command text, and bind the command to a connection. You can perform this work by setting the corresponding properties: CommandType, CommandText, and Connection, or you can pass the information you need as constructor arguments. The command text can be a SQL statement, or the name of a table. It all depends on the type of command you’re using. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 104
  • 105. Database Connections with ASP.Net Value Description CommandType.Text The command will execute a direct SQL statement. The SQL statement is provided in the CommandText property. This is the default value. CommandType.TableDirect The command will query all the records in the table. The CommandText is the name of the table from which the command will retrieve the records. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 105
  • 106. Database Connections with ASP.Net For example, here’s how you would create a Command object that represents a query: Dim Cmd as new SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Employees" And here’s a more efficient way using one of the Command constructors. Note that you don’t need to specify the CommandType, because CommandType.Text is the default. Dim Cmd as new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Employees", con) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 106
  • 107. Database Connections with ASP.Net • These examples simply define a Command object; they don’t actually execute it. • The Command object provides three methods that you can use to perform the command, depending on whether you want to retrieve a full result set, retrieve a single value, or just execute a nonquery command. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 107
  • 108. Database Connections with ASP.Net Command Methods Method Description •ExecuteNonQuery() Executes non-SELECT commands, such as SQL commands that insert, delete, or update records. The returned value indicates the number of rows affected by the command. •ExecuteScalar() Executes a SELECT query and returns the value of the first field of the first row from the rowset generated by the command. This method is usually used when executing an aggregate SELECT command that uses functions such as COUNT() or SUM() to calculate a single value. •ExecuteReader() Executes a SELECT query and returns a DataReader object that wraps a read-only, forward-only cursor. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 108
  • 109. Database Connections with ASP.Net The DataReader Class A DataReader allows you to read the data returned by a SELECT command one record at a time, in a forward-only, read-only stream. Using a DataReader is the simplest way to get to your data, but it lacks the sorting and relational abilities of the disconnected DataSet. However, the DataReader provides the quickest possible no-nonsense access to data. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 109
  • 110. DataReader Methods Method Description •Read() Advances the row cursor to the next row in the stream. This method must also be called before reading the first row of data. (When the DataReader is first created, the row cursor is positioned just before the first row.) •The Read() method returns true if there’s another row to be read, or false if it’s on the last row. •GetValue() Returns the value stored in the field with the specified column name or index, within the currently selected row. If you access the field by index and inadvertently pass an invalid index that refers to a nonexistent field, you will get an IndexOutOfRangeException exception. •You can also access the same value by name, which is slightly less efficient because the DataReader must perform a lookup to find the column with the specified name. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 110
  • 111. DataReader Methods Method Description GetInt32(), GetString(): These methods return the value of the field with the specified index GetDateTime(), in the current row, with the data type specified in the method name. Note that if you try to assign the returned value to a variable of the wrong type, you’ll get an InvalidCastException exception. Close() Closes the reader. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 111
  • 112. Database Connections with ASP.Net The ExecuteReader() Method and the DataReader The following example creates a simple query command to return all the records from the Employees table in the Northwind database. The command is created when the page is loaded. Dim x As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("stucon").ToString Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(x) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu" Dim reader As SqlDataReader M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 112
  • 113. Try con.Open() reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() lblInfo.Text = "<table border=1>" Do While reader.Read() If Not IsDBNull(reader.GetValue(8)) Then lblInfo.Text &= "<tr><td>Roll Number:</td> <td>" & reader("rollno") & "</td>" lblInfo.Text &= "<tr><td>DOB:</td> <td>" & reader.GetDateTime(8) & "</td>" End If Loop lblInfo.Text &= "</table>" reader.Close() Catch err As Exception ------- Finally con.Close() End Try M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 113
  • 114. Database Connections with ASP.Net Using Parameterized Commands A parameterized command is simply a command that uses placeholders in the SQL text. The placeholders indicate dynamically supplied values, which are then sent through the Parameters collection of the Command object. For example, this SQL statement: SELECT * FROM stu WHERE rollno = 2 would become something like this: SELECT * FROM stu WHERE rollno = @rollno The placeholders are then added separately and automatically encoded. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 114
  • 115. Database Connections with ASP.Net Consider the example shown on the next page. In this example, the user enters a rollno, and the GridView shows all the rows for that student. cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text cmd.CommandText = "select stu.rollno, name, dob , marks.sem, marks from stu,marks where stu.rollno=@rollno" Dim reader As SqlDataReader con.Open() cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rollno", 2) reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() GridView1.DataSource = reader GridView1.DataBind() M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 115
  • 116. Data Adapter and Data Set DataSet DataSet is a disconnected orient architecture that means there is no need of active connections during work with datasets and it is a collection of DataTables and relations between tables. It is used to hold multiple tables with data. You can select data form tables, create views based on table and ask child rows over relations. DataAdapter DataAdapter will acts as a Bridge between DataSet and database. This dataadapter object is used to read the data from database and bind that data to dataset. Dataadapter is a disconnected oriented architecture. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 116
  • 117. Data Adapter and Data Set Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=xyz; Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=MySampleDB") con.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select * from student", con) Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) Dim ds As New DataSet() da.Fill(ds) gridview1.DataSource = ds gridview1.DataBind() End Sub M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 117
  • 118. Passing Values in ASP.Net M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 118
  • 119. Passing Values in ASP.Net • A query string is information appended to the end of a page's URL. A typical example might look like the following: http://localhost/test.aspx? category=basic&price=100 • In the URL path above, the query string starts with the question mark (?) and includes two name-value pairs, one called "category" and the other called "price." M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 119
  • 120. Passing Values in ASP.Net In test.aspx we will write Request.QueryString("category").ToString Dim x As Integer = CType(Request.QueryString(“price"), Integer) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 120
  • 121. State Maintenance  Web (HTTP) uses a stateless protocol.  Web forms are created and destroyed each time a client browser makes a request.  Because of this characteristic, variables declared within a Web form do not retain their value after a page is displayed.  ASP.NET provides different mechanisms to retain data on a Web form between requests.  To solve this problem, ASP.NET provides several ways to retain variables' values between requests depending on the nature and scope of the information. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 121
  • 122. State Management Recommendations Method Use when View state You need to store small amounts of information for a page that will post back to itself. Use of the ViewState property provides functionality with basic security. Hidden fields You need to store small amounts of information for a page via a form that will post back to itself or another page, and when security is not an issue. Note: You can use a hidden field only on pages that are submitted to the server. Cookies You need to store small amounts of information on the client when security is not a major issue. You can store persistent data via cookie. Query string You are transferring small amounts of information from one page to another via hypertext links and security is not an issue. Note: You can use query strings only if you are requesting the same page, or another page via a link. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 122
  • 123. ASP and Session Management  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless protocol. Each browser request to a Web server is independent, and the server retains no memory of a browser's past requests.  The Session object, one of the intrinsic objects supported by ASPX, provides a developer with a complete Web session management solution.  The Session object supports a dynamic associative array that a script can use to store information. Scalar variables and object references can be stored in the session object.  For each ASPX page requested by a user, the Session object will preserve the information stored for the user's session. This session information is stored in memory on the server. The user is provided with a unique session ID that ASPX uses to match user requests with the information specific to that user's session. A session is terminated when you close the browser. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 123
  • 124. Session Object Session ("UserName") = "John" ' in page1 ◦ This will store the string "John" in the Session object and give it the name "UserName." Dim s as string=Session("UserName") ' in page2 ◦ This value can be retrieved from the Session object by referencing the Session object by name: M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 124
  • 125. Store Objects as Session Variables in the Session Object  You may want to use CType() function to cast session variable back to an appropriate object before you use it. In page1.asx Dim x1 as New ClassX() … Session("sv_x") = x1 In page2.aspx Dim x2 as New ClassX() x2 = CType(Session("sv_x"), ClassX) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 125
  • 126. Using Session Objects  You can use the Session object to store information needed for a particular user-session.  Variables stored in the Session object are not discarded when the user jumps between pages in the application; instead, these variables persist for the entire user-session.  The Web server automatically creates a Session object when a Web page from the application is requested by a user who does not already have a session.  The server destroys the Session object when the session expires or is abandoned.  One common use for the Session object is to store user preferences. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 126
  • 127. Variables Scope Type Retrieval Creation Scope URL Request.QueryStrin • Query string of targeted page g URL ViewState Viewstate("x") ViewState("x") = 1 Same page during PostBack Session Session("x") Session("x") = 1 Same visitor during a session M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 127
  • 128. AJAX Controls AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This is a cross platform technology which speeds up response time. The AJAX server controls add script to the page which is executed and processed by the browser. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 128
  • 129. The Script Manager Control The Script Manager control is the most important control and must be present on the page for other controls to work. If you create an 'Ajax Enabled site' or add an 'AJAX Web Form' from the 'Add Item' dialog box, the web form automatically contains the script manager control. The ScriptManager control takes care of the client-side script for all the server side controls. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 129
  • 130. The Update Panel Control  The UpdatePanel control is a container control and derives from the Control class. It acts as a container for the child controls within it and does not have its own interface.  When a control inside it triggers a post back, the UpdatePanel intervenes to initiate the post asynchronously and update just that portion of the page.  For example, if a button control is inside the update panel and it is clicked, only the controls within the update panel will be affected, the controls on the other parts of the page will not be affected. This is called the partial post back or the asynchronous post back. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 130
  • 131. The Timer Control The timer control is used to initiate the post back automatically. Placing a timer control directly inside the UpdatePanel to act as a child control trigger. A single timer can be the trigger for multiple UpdatePanels. M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 131
  • 132. Cookies  Cookies are small pieces of text, stored on the client's computer to be used only by the website setting the cookies.  This allows web applications to save information for the user, and then re-use it on each page if needed.  The code to create and store values in a cookie Dim etime As New HttpCookie("etime") Dim t As New DateTime t = Now.AddSeconds(60) etime.Value = t Response.Cookies.Add(etime) M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 132
  • 133. Cookies To retrieve value from a cookie Dim etime As DateTime = Request.Cookies("etime").Value M.V. Padmavati HTML and ASP.NET 133

Editor's Notes

  1. Notes: This example illustrates a common use of frames: displaying a table of contents in one frame, while showing individual pages from the site in another.
  2. The .NET framework exposes numerous classes to the developer. These classes allow the development of rich client applications and Web based applications alike. In the above slide these classes have been divided into 4 areas. ASP.NET provides the core Web infrastructure such as Web Forms for UI based development and Web Services for programmatic interface development, User interface development on the Windows platform can be done using Windows Forms ADO.NET and XML provide the functionality for data access. Finally, the core base classes provide infrastructure services such as security, transaction management etc.