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HPC Essentials Prequel: From 0 to
HPC in one hour
five ways to do Kriging
Bill Brouwer
Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure
● Step 0
– Navigating RCC resources
Step 1
– Ordinary Kriging in Octave
● Step 2
– Vectorized octave
● Step 3
– Compiled code
Digression on Profiling &Amdahl's Law
● Step 4
– Accelerating using GPU
Step 5
– Shared Memory
● Step 6
– Distributed Memory
● Scenarios & Summary
Step 0
● Get an account on our systems
● Check out the system details, or let us help pick one for you
● They are Linux systems, you'll need some basic commandline knowledge
– You may want to check out HPC Essentials I seminar, Unix/C overview
● We use the modules system for software, you'll need to load what you
use eg., to see a list of everything available:
module av
eg., load octave:
module load octave
To see which modules you have in your environment
module list
Step 0
● There are two main types of systems:
– Interactive, share a single machine with one or
more users, including memory and CPUs, used for
● Debugging
● Benchmarking
● Using a program with a graphical user interface
– You'll need to log in using Exceed onDemand
● Running for short periods of time
Step 0
● Batch systems
– Get dedicated memory and CPUs for period of time
● Maximum time is generally 24 hours
● Maximum memory and CPUs depends on the cluster
– You log in to a head node, from which you submit a request
eg., an interactive session for 1 node, 1 processor per node
(ppn) and 4gb total memory:
qsub -I -l walltime=24:00:00 -l mem=4gb -l nodes=1:ppn=1
● To check the status of your request:
qstat -u <your_psu_id>
Step 0
● Other notes on clusters:
– Please never run anything significant on head nodes, use PBS to
submit a job instead
– If you request more than 1 CPU, remember your code/workflow needs
to be able to either
● Use multiple CPUs on a single node (set ppn parameter) using
some form of shared memory parallelism
● Use multiple CPUs on multiple nodes (set combination node &ppn
parameters) using some form of distributed memory parallelism
● A combination of the above
● Parallelism applied in an optimal way is high performance
High Performance Computing
● Using one or more forms of parallelism to
improve the performance and scaling of your
– Vector architecture eg., SSE/AVX in Intel CPU
– Shared memory parallelism eg., using multiple
cores of CPU
– Distributed memory parallelism eg., using
Message Passing Interface (MPI) to communicate
between CPUs or GPUs
– Accelerators eg., Graphics Processing Units
Typical Compute Node
QuickPath Interconnect
memory bus
PCI-e cards
Direct Media Interface
non-volatile storage
volatile storage
CPU Architecture
● Composed of several complex processing cores, control elements
and high speed memory areas (eg., registers, L3 cache), as well as
vector elements including special registers
Core Core Core Core
Memory Controller
Shared + Distributed Memory
● Shared memory parallelism is :
– usually implemented with pThreads or directive based
programming (OpenMP)
– uses one or more cores in CPU
● Distributed memory parallelism is:
– one or more nodes (composed of CPUs + possibly GPUs)
communicating with each other using high speed network eg.,
– network topology and fabric critical to ensuring optimal
Nvidia GPU Streaming
CUDA core
32768x32 bit registers
64kB shared mem/L1 Cache
Dispatch unit Dispatch unit
Warp scheduler Warp Scheduler
Special Function Unit x4
Load/Store Unit x16
Core x 16 x 2
Dispatch Port
Operand Collector
Result Queue
● GPUs run many light-weight threads at once; device composed of
many more (simpler) cores than CPU
Step 1: Prototype your problem
● Pick a numerical scripting language eg., Octave, free
version of matlab
– Solid, well established, linear algebra based
● Code up a solution (eg., we'll consider ordinary kriging)
● Time all scopes/sections of your code to get a feel for
● You can use the keyboard statement to set
breakpoints in your code for debugging purposes
Step 1: Prototype your problem
● Kriging is a geospatial statistical method eg.,
predicting rainfall for locations where no
measurements exist, based on surrounding
● Solution involves:
– constructing Gamma matrix
– solve system of equations for every desired
prediction location
Step 1: Prototype your problem
function [w,G,g,pred] = krige()
% load input data &output prediction grid
load input.csv; load output.csv;
% init
% Gamma; m is size of input space, x,y are coordinates for available data z
for i=1:m
for j=1:m
G(i,j) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((x(i)-x(j))^2+(y(i)-y(j))^2)/3.33));
% matrix inversion
Ginv = inv(G);
% predictions; n is size of output space, xp,yp are prediction coordinates
% z is available data for x,y coordinates
for i=1:n
g(1:m) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((xp(i)-x).^2+(yp(i)-y).^2)/3.33));
w=Ginv * g';
pred(i) = sum(w(1:m).*z);
Results 1
● Use tic/toc statements around code blocks for timing; following times are for:
– Initialization
– Gamma construction
– Matrix inversion
– Solution
Octave:1> [a b c d]=krige();
Elapsed time is 0.079224 seconds.
Elapsed time is 40.9722 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.742576 seconds.
Elapsed time is 10.6134 seconds.
● 80% of the time is spent in constructing the matrix → need to vectorize
● Interpreted languages like Octave benefit from removing loops and replacing
with array operations
– Loops are parsed every iteration by the interpreter
– Vectorizing code by using array operations may take advantage of vector
architecture in CPU
Step 2: Vectorize your Prototype
function [w,G,g,pred] = krige()
% load input data &output prediction grid
load input.csv; load output.csv;
% init
% Gamma
XI = (ones(m,1)*x)'; YI = (ones(m,1)*y)';
G(1:m,1:m) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((XI-XI').^2+(YI-YI').^2)/3.33));
% matrix inversion
Ginv = inv(G);
% predictions
XP = (ones(m,1)*xp); YP = (ones(m,1)*yp);
XI = (ones(n,1)*x)'; YI = (ones(n,1)*y)';
ZI = (ones(n,1)*z)';
g(1:m,:) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((XP-XI).^2+(YP-YI).^2)/3.33));
w=Ginv * g;
pred = sum(w(1:m,:).*ZI);
Results 2
octave:2> [a b c d]=krige();
Elapsed time is 0.0765891 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.195605 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.758174 seconds.
Elapsed time is 3.24861 seconds.
● Code is more than 15x times faster, for a relatively small investment
● Vectorized code will have a higher memory overhead, due to the creation of
temporary arrays; harder to read too :)
● When memory or compute time become unacceptable, no choice but to move
to compiled code
● C/C++ are logical choices in a Linux environment
– Very stable, heavily used, Linux OS itself is written in C
– Expressive languages containing many innovations, algorithms and data
– C++ is object oriented, allows for design of large sophisticated projects
Step 3 : Compiled Code
● Unlike a scripted language, C/C++ must be compiled to run on the CPU,
converting a human readable language into machine code
● Several compilers are available on the clusters including Intel, PGI and
the GNU compiler collection
● In compilation and linking steps we must specify headers (with
interfaces) and libraries (with functions) need by our application
● Try to avoid reinventing the wheel, always use available libraries if you
can instead of reimplementing algorithms, data structures
● As opposed to scripting, now responsible for memory management eg.,
allocating on the heap (dynamically at runtime) or on the stack
(statically at compile time)
Step 3 : Compiled Code
● In porting Octave/Matlab code to C/C++ you should always consider using
these libraries at least:
– Armadillo, C++ wrappers for BLAS/LAPACK, syntax very similar to
– BLAS/LAPACK itself
● BLAS==Basic Linear Algebra
● LAPACK==Linear Algebra PACKage
● Both come in many optimized flavors eg., Intel MKL
● If you want to know more about Linux basics including writing/compiling C
code, you could check out HPC Essentials I
● If you want to know more about C++, you could check out HPC Essentials V
Step 3 : Compiled Code
#include "armadillo"
#include <mkl.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
int main(){
mat G; vec g;
//load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
for (int j=0; j<m; j++){
G(i,j) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((x(i)-x(j))*(x(i)-x(j))
char uplo = 'U'; int N = m+1; int info;
int * ipiv = new int[N]; double * work = new double[3*N];
// factorize using the LU decomp. routine from LAPACK
dgetrf(&N, &N, G.memptr(), &N, ipiv, &info);
int nrhs=1; char trans='N';
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
g.rows(0,m-1) = ...
Results 3
● Compiled code is comparable in speed to vectorized code, although we could
make some algorithmic changes to improve further:
– The Gamma matrix is symmetric, no need to calculate values for j >= i (ie.,
just calculate/store a triangular matrix)
– Calculating the inverse is expensive and inaccurate, better to (for eg.,)
factorize a matrix and use direct solve eg., using forward/backward
substitution (we did do this, but using full matrix/LU decomp.)
– Armadillo uses operator overloading &expression templates to allow a
vectorized approach to programming, although we leave loops in for the
moment, to allow parallelization later
● If you have bugs in your code, use gdb to debug
● Always profile completely in order to solve all issues and get a complete
handle on your code
Important Code Profiling Methods
● Solving memory leaks; use valgrind
● Poor memory access patterns/cache usage
– Use valgrind --tool=cachegrind to assess cache hits +
● Heap memory usage
– Memory management has performance impact, assess with
valgrind --tool=massif
● And before you consider moving to parallel, develop a call
profile for your code eg., in terms of total instructions executed
for each scope, using valgrind --tool=callgrind
Amdahl's Law
The problems in science we seek to solve are becoming increasingly
large, as we go down in scale (eg., quantum chemistry) or up (eg.,
As a natural consequence, we seek both performance and scaling in our
scientific applications, thus we parallelize as we run out of resources using
a single processor
● We are limited by Amdahl's law, an expression of the maximum
improvement of parallel code over serial:
1/((1-P) +P/N)
P is the portion of application code we parallelize, and N is the number of
processors ie., as N increases, the portion of remaining serial code becomes
increasingly expensive, relatively speaking
Amdahl's Law
● Unless the portion of code we can parallelize approaches 100%,we see
rapidly diminishing returns with increasing numbers of processors
Step 4 : Accelerate
● In general not all algorithms are amenable, and there is the
communication bottleneck between CPU and GPU to overcome
● However, linear algebra operations are extremely efficient on GPU,
you can expect 2-10x over a whole CPU socket (ie., running all cores)
for many operations
● The language for programming Nvidia series GPUs is CUDA; much
like C but you need to know the architecture well and/or:
– Use libraries like cuBLAS (what we'll try)
– Use directive based programming in the form of openACC
– Use the OpenCL language (cross platform, but not heavily supported by Nvidia
like CUDA)
Step 4 : Accelerate
#include "armadillo"
#include <mkl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cuda.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
int main(){
mat G; vec g;
//load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma as before
//factorize using the LU decomp. routine from LAPACK, as before
//allocate memory on GPU and transfer data
//solve on gpu; two steps, solve two triangular systems
//free memory on GPU and transfer data back
Results 4
● Minimal code changes, recompilation using nvcc compiler, available by loading
any CUDA module on lion-GA (where you'll also need to run)
● We still perform matrix factorization on CPU side, move data to GPU for
performing solve in two steps
● This overall solution is roughly 6x the single CPU thread solution presented
previously, for larger data sizes
● General rule of thumb → minimize communication btwn CPU + GPU, use GPU
when you can occupy all SMPs per device, don't bother for small problems,
cost of communication outweighs benefits
● There is ongoing work performed in porting LAPACK routines to GPU eg.,
check out our LU/QR work, or the significant MAGMA project from UT/ORNL
● If you're interested in trying CUDA and GPUs further, you could check out HPC
Essentials IV
Step 5: Shared memory
We've determined through profiling that it's worthwhile parallelizing our loops
● By linking against Intel MKL we also have access to threaded functions
● Will simply use OpenMP directive based programming for this example
● We are generally responsible for deciding what variables need to be shared
by threads, and which variables should be privately owned by threads
● If we fail to make these distinctions where needed, we end up with race
– Threads operate on data in an uncoordinated fashion ,and data elements have
unpredictable/erroneous values
● Outside the scope of this talk, but just as pernicious is deadlock, when
threads (and indeed whole programs) hang due to improper coordination
Step 5 : Shared Memory
#include "armadillo"
#include <mkl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>
int main(){
//load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
for (int j=0; j<m; j++){
G(i,j) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((x(i)-x(j))*(x(i)-x(j))
// factorize using the LU decomp. routine from LAPACK
dgetrf(&N, &N, G.memptr(), &N, ipiv, &info);
//initialize data for solve, for all right hand sides
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
for (int j=0; j<m; j++)
g(i,j) = ...
//multithreaded solve for all RHS
//assemble predictions
Results 5
● In linking, must specify -fopenmp if using GNU compiler,
or -openmp for Intel
● At runtime, need to export the environment variable
OMP_NUM_THREADS to the desired number
● Exporting this number to something beyond the total
number of cores you have access to will result in severe
performance degradation
● Outside the scope of this talk, but often need to tune CPU
affinity for best performance
● For more information, please check out HPC Essentials II
Step 6 : Distributed Memory
● A good motivation for moving to distributed memory is, in a simple case,
a shortage of memory on a single node
● From a practical perspective, scheduling distributed CPU cores is easier
than shared memory cores ie., your PBS queuing time is shorter :)
● We will use the message passing interface (MPI), a venerable standard
developed over the last 20 years or so, with language bindings for C
and fortran
● On the clusters, we use OpenMPI (not to be confused with OpenMP);
once you load the module, by using the wrapper compilers, compilation
and linking paths are taken care of for you
● Aside from needing to link with other libraries like Intel MKL, compiling
and linking a C++ MPI program can be as simple as :
module load openmpi
mpic++ my_program.cpp
Step 6 : Distributed Memory
#include "armadillo"
#include <mkl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <mpi.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
int rank, size;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// size== total processes in this MPI_COMM_WORLD pool
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
// rank== my identifier in pool
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
// load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma, perform factorization
// solve just for my portion of predictions
int lower = (rank * n) / size;
int upper = ((rank+1) * n) / size)-1;
for (int i=lower; i<upper; i++){
g.rows(0,m-1) = ...
//gather results back to root process
Results 6
● When you run a MPI job using PBS, you need to use the mpirun script to
setup your environment and spawn processes on the different CPUs allocated
to you by the scheduler:
mpirun my_application.x
Here we simply divided the output space between different processors ie.,
each processor in the pool calculated a portion of the predictions
However a collective call was needed (not shown) after the solve steps, a
gather statement to bring all the results to the root process (with rank 0)
● This was the only communication between different processes throughout the
calculation ie., this was close to embarrassingly parallel → no communication,
great scaling with processors
● Despite the high bandwidths available on modern networks, the cost of
latency is generally the limiting factor is using distributed memory parallelism
● For more on MPI you could check out HPC Essentials III
● Let's review some of the things we've
● I'll splash up several scenario's and we'll
attempt to score them
Score Card
Score What this feels like Your HPC vehicle
+5 Civilized society Something German
+4 Evening with friends American Muscle
+3 Favorite show renewed A Honda
+2 Twinkies are back Sonata
+1 A fairy gets its wings Camry
0 meh Corolla
-1 A fairy dies Neon
-2 Twinkies are gone Pinto
-3 Favorite show canceled Le Barron
-4 Evening with Facebook Yugo
-5 Zombie Apocalypse Abrams tank
Scenario 1
● You get an account for hammer, maybe install
and use Exceed onDemand, load and use the
Matlab/Octave module after logging in
Scenario 1
● Score : 0
● Meh. You'll run a little faster, probably have
more memory. But this isn't HPC and you
could almost do this on your laptop. You're
driving a Corolla, doing 45 mp/h in the fast
Scenario 2
● You vectorize your loops and/or create a
compiled MEX (Matlab) or OCT (Octave)
Scenario 2
● A fairy gets its wings! You move up to the Camry!
● By vectorizing loops you use internal functions that are
interpreted once at runtime, and under the hood may even
get to utilize the vector architecture of the CPU.
● Tricky loops eg., those with conditionals are best converted to
MEX/OCT functions eg., for OCTAVE you want the
mkoctfile utility
● If compiling new functions, don't forget to link with HPC
libraries eg., Intel MKL or AMD ACML where possible.
Scenario 3
● Instead of submitting a PBS job you do all this
on the head node of a batch cluster
Scenario 3
● A fairy dies! You drive a Neon at 35 mp/h in the HPC fastlane!
Things could be worse for you, but using memory and CPU on head
nodes can grind processes like parallel filesystems to a halt, making
other users and sys admin feel downright melancholy. Screens
freeze, commands return at the speed of pitchblende.
● If you need dedicated resources and/or to run for more than a few
minutes, please use an interactive cluster or PBS :
Scenario 4
● You use Armadillo to port your Matlab/Octave
code to C++, and use version control to
manage your project (eg., SVN, git/github)
Scenario 4
● Twinkies are back! You think Hyundai finally have it
together and splash out on the Sonata!
● Vectorized Octave/Matlab code is hard to beat.
However you may wish to scale outside the node
someday, integrate into an existing C++ project or
perhaps use rich C++ objects (found in Boost for
eg.,) so this is the way to go. Actually there are
myriad reasons.
● Don't forget to compile first with '-Wall -g' options,
then when it's working and you get the right answer,
Scenario 5
● You port your Matlab/Octave code to C++
without use of libraries or version control
Scenario 5
● No twinkies! You drive a pinto that bursts into flames
● Reinventing the wheel is a very bad, time
consuming idea. Armadillo uses expression
templates to create very efficient code at compile
time, without it you could end up with an inefficient
● Neglect to use version control and you will surely
regret it. Probably right around a publication
deadline too. And while we're on the topic please
backup your data.
Scenario 6
● You target sections of your version controlled
C++ code for acceleration, after understanding
it better by profiling using valgrind
Scenario 6
● Score : +3
● Futurama is back! You get a new civic!
● Believe the hype, GPUs are here to stay and will
accelerate many algorithms, especially linear algebra.
● Take advantage of libraries like CUBLAS before rolling
your own code, check in at the CUDAZONE to see what
applications and code examples exist already. Get familiar
with CUDA, we are an Nvidia CUDA Research Center :
Scenario 7
● Your non-version controlled C++ code has bad
memory access patterns, memory leaks, creates
many temporaries.
● Score : -3
● Bye-Bye Futurama ! Hello Le Barron!
● Ignore good memory and cache access patterns at
your peril
● Use valgrind (default) and valgrind --tool=cachegrind
to learn more. Avoid temporaries by using libraries
like Armadillo, or learning and using expression
Scenario 8
● Scenario 6 and you introduce shared memory parallelism using
OpenMP. You look into and tune CPU affinity.
● Score : +4
● You provide Babette's feast for your friends and elicit a
penchant for the Ford mustang.
● OpenMP is relatively easy eg., a pragma around a for loop.
● Don't forget to check thread performance with valgrind
● Now your code is a thing of beauty, properly version controlled,
profiled completely (well you could run massif as well) and
you're able to use all the compute hardware in a single
heterogeneous node.
Scenario 9
● Scenario 7 AND you decide to thrash disk. Plus you try to
write >= 1M files
● Score : -4
● Yugo is only cool in that Portlandia bit, and Facebook was
only good for a brief period in 2006.
● Disk I/O kills in a HPC context, plus the maximum file limit at
time of writing is 1M
– You give control to the kernel and your application ceases to
execute for some time (a voluntary context switch)
– You might be contending for disk with other processes
– You introduce the lower memory bandwidth (BW) and higher
latency (Delta) of disk versus system memory
– Parallel filesystems → all of the above plus network BW and Delta
Scenario 10
● Scenario 8 AND you decide to scale outside the
node with MPI. You look into Patterns. GOF is on
the nightstand.
● Score : +5
● You are a cultured individual and you drive a
German vehicle. You care about engineering.
● Don't forget Amdahl's law
● Even with IB networks, minimize communication,
consider new paradigms in distributed memory
parallelism (check out MPI revision 3).
Scenario 11
● Scenario 9 and you do it all on the head node,
including OpenMP for 1% of your loops. You also
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=20 and you have
10 cores. There's no coordination between
threads, races all over the place. You have
about 40 MPI processes trying to read the same
file as well, without parallel file I/O.
Scenario 11
● Score : -5
● The end is nigh and you're taking out zombies and
HPC infrastructure in your Abrams tank, moving at
1mph, getting 0.2 miles to the gallon
● You ignored all the other advice, and now you throw
out Amdahl's law too.
● AND you have no coordination between any of your
threads or processes.
● AND you're trying to run more threads and processes
than the system can support concurrently, so context
switching takes place furiously.
● Expect a not-so-rosy email from sys admin :-)
● High performance computing is leveraging one or more
forms of parallelism in a performant way
● Often the best gains come from writing vectorized octave
code, or making algorithmic changes
● Before you parallelize, fully profile your code and keep
Amdahl's law in mind
● All forms of parallelism have their limitations, but in
– GPU accelerators are excellent for linear algebra
– Shared memory using OpenMP works well for simple, nested
– Consider using MPI (distributed memory) for 'big data', but
limit communication

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HPC Essentials 0

  • 1. HPC Essentials Prequel: From 0 to HPC in one hour OR five ways to do Kriging Bill Brouwer Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure (RCC), PSU
  • 2. Outline ● Step 0 – Navigating RCC resources ● Step 1 – Ordinary Kriging in Octave ● Step 2 – Vectorized octave ● Step 3 – Compiled code ● Digression on Profiling &Amdahl's Law ● Step 4 – Accelerating using GPU ● Step 5 – Shared Memory ● Step 6 – Distributed Memory ● Scenarios & Summary
  • 3. Step 0 ● Get an account on our systems ● Check out the system details, or let us help pick one for you ● They are Linux systems, you'll need some basic commandline knowledge – You may want to check out HPC Essentials I seminar, Unix/C overview ● We use the modules system for software, you'll need to load what you use eg., to see a list of everything available: module av eg., load octave: module load octave To see which modules you have in your environment module list
  • 4. Step 0 ● There are two main types of systems: – Interactive, share a single machine with one or more users, including memory and CPUs, used for ● Debugging ● Benchmarking ● Using a program with a graphical user interface – You'll need to log in using Exceed onDemand ● Running for short periods of time
  • 5. Step 0 ● Batch systems – Get dedicated memory and CPUs for period of time ● Maximum time is generally 24 hours ● Maximum memory and CPUs depends on the cluster – You log in to a head node, from which you submit a request eg., an interactive session for 1 node, 1 processor per node (ppn) and 4gb total memory: qsub -I -l walltime=24:00:00 -l mem=4gb -l nodes=1:ppn=1 ● To check the status of your request: qstat -u <your_psu_id>
  • 6. Step 0 ● Other notes on clusters: – Please never run anything significant on head nodes, use PBS to submit a job instead – If you request more than 1 CPU, remember your code/workflow needs to be able to either ● Use multiple CPUs on a single node (set ppn parameter) using some form of shared memory parallelism ● Use multiple CPUs on multiple nodes (set combination node &ppn parameters) using some form of distributed memory parallelism ● A combination of the above ● Parallelism applied in an optimal way is high performance computing
  • 7. High Performance Computing ● Using one or more forms of parallelism to improve the performance and scaling of your code – Vector architecture eg., SSE/AVX in Intel CPU – Shared memory parallelism eg., using multiple cores of CPU – Distributed memory parallelism eg., using Message Passing Interface (MPI) to communicate between CPUs or GPUs – Accelerators eg., Graphics Processing Units
  • 8. Typical Compute Node CPU IOH ICH QuickPath Interconnect memory bus RAM PCI-express GPU PCI-e cards SATA/USB Direct Media Interface non-volatile storage BIOS ethernet NETWORK volatile storage
  • 9. CPU Architecture ● Composed of several complex processing cores, control elements and high speed memory areas (eg., registers, L3 cache), as well as vector elements including special registers Core Core Core Core Cache Memory Controller I/O PCIe
  • 10. Shared + Distributed Memory Parallelism ● Shared memory parallelism is : – usually implemented with pThreads or directive based programming (OpenMP) – uses one or more cores in CPU ● Distributed memory parallelism is: – one or more nodes (composed of CPUs + possibly GPUs) communicating with each other using high speed network eg., Infiniband – network topology and fabric critical to ensuring optimal communication
  • 11. Nvidia GPU Streaming Multiprocessor CUDA core 32768x32 bit registers interconnect 64kB shared mem/L1 Cache Dispatch unit Dispatch unit Warp scheduler Warp Scheduler Special Function Unit x4 Load/Store Unit x16 Core x 16 x 2 Dispatch Port FPU Int U Operand Collector Result Queue ● GPUs run many light-weight threads at once; device composed of many more (simpler) cores than CPU
  • 12. Step 1: Prototype your problem ● Pick a numerical scripting language eg., Octave, free version of matlab – Solid, well established, linear algebra based ● Code up a solution (eg., we'll consider ordinary kriging) ● Time all scopes/sections of your code to get a feel for bottlenecks ● You can use the keyboard statement to set breakpoints in your code for debugging purposes
  • 13. Step 1: Prototype your problem ● Kriging is a geospatial statistical method eg., predicting rainfall for locations where no measurements exist, based on surrounding measurements ● Solution involves: – constructing Gamma matrix – solve system of equations for every desired prediction location
  • 14. Step 1: Prototype your problem function [w,G,g,pred] = krige() % load input data &output prediction grid load input.csv; load output.csv; % init … % Gamma; m is size of input space, x,y are coordinates for available data z for i=1:m for j=1:m G(i,j) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((x(i)-x(j))^2+(y(i)-y(j))^2)/3.33)); end end % matrix inversion Ginv = inv(G); % predictions; n is size of output space, xp,yp are prediction coordinates % z is available data for x,y coordinates for i=1:n g(1:m) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((xp(i)-x).^2+(yp(i)-y).^2)/3.33)); w=Ginv * g'; pred(i) = sum(w(1:m).*z); end
  • 15. Results 1 ● Use tic/toc statements around code blocks for timing; following times are for: – Initialization – Gamma construction – Matrix inversion – Solution Octave:1> [a b c d]=krige(); Elapsed time is 0.079224 seconds. Elapsed time is 40.9722 seconds. Elapsed time is 0.742576 seconds. Elapsed time is 10.6134 seconds. ● 80% of the time is spent in constructing the matrix → need to vectorize ● Interpreted languages like Octave benefit from removing loops and replacing with array operations – Loops are parsed every iteration by the interpreter – Vectorizing code by using array operations may take advantage of vector architecture in CPU
  • 16. Step 2: Vectorize your Prototype function [w,G,g,pred] = krige() % load input data &output prediction grid load input.csv; load output.csv; % init … % Gamma XI = (ones(m,1)*x)'; YI = (ones(m,1)*y)'; G(1:m,1:m) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((XI-XI').^2+(YI-YI').^2)/3.33)); % matrix inversion Ginv = inv(G); % predictions XP = (ones(m,1)*xp); YP = (ones(m,1)*yp); XI = (ones(n,1)*x)'; YI = (ones(n,1)*y)'; ZI = (ones(n,1)*z)'; g(1:m,:) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((XP-XI).^2+(YP-YI).^2)/3.33)); w=Ginv * g; pred = sum(w(1:m,:).*ZI);
  • 17. Results 2 octave:2> [a b c d]=krige(); Elapsed time is 0.0765891 seconds. Elapsed time is 0.195605 seconds. Elapsed time is 0.758174 seconds. Elapsed time is 3.24861 seconds. ● Code is more than 15x times faster, for a relatively small investment ● Vectorized code will have a higher memory overhead, due to the creation of temporary arrays; harder to read too :) ● When memory or compute time become unacceptable, no choice but to move to compiled code ● C/C++ are logical choices in a Linux environment – Very stable, heavily used, Linux OS itself is written in C – Expressive languages containing many innovations, algorithms and data structures – C++ is object oriented, allows for design of large sophisticated projects
  • 18. Step 3 : Compiled Code ● Unlike a scripted language, C/C++ must be compiled to run on the CPU, converting a human readable language into machine code ● Several compilers are available on the clusters including Intel, PGI and the GNU compiler collection ● In compilation and linking steps we must specify headers (with interfaces) and libraries (with functions) need by our application ● Try to avoid reinventing the wheel, always use available libraries if you can instead of reimplementing algorithms, data structures ● As opposed to scripting, now responsible for memory management eg., allocating on the heap (dynamically at runtime) or on the stack (statically at compile time)
  • 19. Step 3 : Compiled Code ● In porting Octave/Matlab code to C/C++ you should always consider using these libraries at least: – Armadillo, C++ wrappers for BLAS/LAPACK, syntax very similar to Octave/Matlab – BLAS/LAPACK itself ● BLAS==Basic Linear Algebra ● LAPACK==Linear Algebra PACKage ● Both come in many optimized flavors eg., Intel MKL ● If you want to know more about Linux basics including writing/compiling C code, you could check out HPC Essentials I ● If you want to know more about C++, you could check out HPC Essentials V
  • 20. Step 3 : Compiled Code #include "armadillo" #include <mkl.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; using namespace arma; int main(){ mat G; vec g; //load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma for (int i=0; i<m; i++) for (int j=0; j<m; j++){ G(i,j) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((x(i)-x(j))*(x(i)-x(j)) +(y(i)-y(j))*(y(i)-y(j)))/3.33)); } char uplo = 'U'; int N = m+1; int info; int * ipiv = new int[N]; double * work = new double[3*N]; // factorize using the LU decomp. routine from LAPACK dgetrf(&N, &N, G.memptr(), &N, ipiv, &info); //solve int nrhs=1; char trans='N'; for (int i=0; i<n; i++){ g.rows(0,m-1) = ... dgetrs(&trans,&N,&nrhs,G.memptr(),&N,ipiv,g.memptr(),&N,&info); pred(i,0)=dot(z,g.rows(0,m-1)); … }
  • 21. Results 3 ● Compiled code is comparable in speed to vectorized code, although we could make some algorithmic changes to improve further: – The Gamma matrix is symmetric, no need to calculate values for j >= i (ie., just calculate/store a triangular matrix) – Calculating the inverse is expensive and inaccurate, better to (for eg.,) factorize a matrix and use direct solve eg., using forward/backward substitution (we did do this, but using full matrix/LU decomp.) – Armadillo uses operator overloading &expression templates to allow a vectorized approach to programming, although we leave loops in for the moment, to allow parallelization later ● If you have bugs in your code, use gdb to debug ● Always profile completely in order to solve all issues and get a complete handle on your code
  • 22. Important Code Profiling Methods ● Solving memory leaks; use valgrind ● Poor memory access patterns/cache usage – Use valgrind --tool=cachegrind to assess cache hits + misses ● Heap memory usage – Memory management has performance impact, assess with valgrind --tool=massif ● And before you consider moving to parallel, develop a call profile for your code eg., in terms of total instructions executed for each scope, using valgrind --tool=callgrind
  • 23. Amdahl's Law ● The problems in science we seek to solve are becoming increasingly large, as we go down in scale (eg., quantum chemistry) or up (eg., astrophysics) ● As a natural consequence, we seek both performance and scaling in our scientific applications, thus we parallelize as we run out of resources using a single processor ● We are limited by Amdahl's law, an expression of the maximum improvement of parallel code over serial: 1/((1-P) +P/N) where P is the portion of application code we parallelize, and N is the number of processors ie., as N increases, the portion of remaining serial code becomes increasingly expensive, relatively speaking
  • 24. Amdahl's Law ● Unless the portion of code we can parallelize approaches 100%,we see rapidly diminishing returns with increasing numbers of processors
  • 25. Step 4 : Accelerate ● In general not all algorithms are amenable, and there is the communication bottleneck between CPU and GPU to overcome ● However, linear algebra operations are extremely efficient on GPU, you can expect 2-10x over a whole CPU socket (ie., running all cores) for many operations ● The language for programming Nvidia series GPUs is CUDA; much like C but you need to know the architecture well and/or: – Use libraries like cuBLAS (what we'll try) – Use directive based programming in the form of openACC – Use the OpenCL language (cross platform, but not heavily supported by Nvidia like CUDA)
  • 26. Step 4 : Accelerate #include "armadillo" #include <mkl.h> #include <iostream> #include <cuda.h> using namespace std; using namespace arma; int main(){ mat G; vec g; //load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma as before //factorize using the LU decomp. routine from LAPACK, as before //allocate memory on GPU and transfer data //solve on gpu; two steps, solve two triangular systems cublasDtrsm(...); cublasDtrsm(...); //free memory on GPU and transfer data back }
  • 27. Results 4 ● Minimal code changes, recompilation using nvcc compiler, available by loading any CUDA module on lion-GA (where you'll also need to run) ● We still perform matrix factorization on CPU side, move data to GPU for performing solve in two steps ● This overall solution is roughly 6x the single CPU thread solution presented previously, for larger data sizes ● General rule of thumb → minimize communication btwn CPU + GPU, use GPU when you can occupy all SMPs per device, don't bother for small problems, cost of communication outweighs benefits ● There is ongoing work performed in porting LAPACK routines to GPU eg., check out our LU/QR work, or the significant MAGMA project from UT/ORNL ● If you're interested in trying CUDA and GPUs further, you could check out HPC Essentials IV
  • 28. Step 5: Shared memory ● We've determined through profiling that it's worthwhile parallelizing our loops ● By linking against Intel MKL we also have access to threaded functions ● Will simply use OpenMP directive based programming for this example ● We are generally responsible for deciding what variables need to be shared by threads, and which variables should be privately owned by threads ● If we fail to make these distinctions where needed, we end up with race conditions – Threads operate on data in an uncoordinated fashion ,and data elements have unpredictable/erroneous values ● Outside the scope of this talk, but just as pernicious is deadlock, when threads (and indeed whole programs) hang due to improper coordination
  • 29. Step 5 : Shared Memory #include "armadillo" #include <mkl.h> #include <iostream> #include <omp.h> ... int main(){ ... //load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma #pragma omp parallel for for (int i=0; i<m; i++) for (int j=0; j<m; j++){ G(i,j) = 10.*(1-exp(-sqrt((x(i)-x(j))*(x(i)-x(j)) +(y(i)-y(j))*(y(i)-y(j)))/3.33)); } // factorize using the LU decomp. routine from LAPACK dgetrf(&N, &N, G.memptr(), &N, ipiv, &info); //initialize data for solve, for all right hand sides #pragma omp parallel for for (int i=0; i<n; i++) for (int j=0; j<m; j++) g(i,j) = ... //multithreaded solve for all RHS dgetrs(&trans,&N,&n,G.memptr(),&N,ipiv,g.memptr(),&N,&info); //assemble predictions
  • 30. Results 5 ● In linking, must specify -fopenmp if using GNU compiler, or -openmp for Intel ● At runtime, need to export the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the desired number ● Exporting this number to something beyond the total number of cores you have access to will result in severe performance degradation ● Outside the scope of this talk, but often need to tune CPU affinity for best performance ● For more information, please check out HPC Essentials II
  • 31. Step 6 : Distributed Memory ● A good motivation for moving to distributed memory is, in a simple case, a shortage of memory on a single node ● From a practical perspective, scheduling distributed CPU cores is easier than shared memory cores ie., your PBS queuing time is shorter :) ● We will use the message passing interface (MPI), a venerable standard developed over the last 20 years or so, with language bindings for C and fortran ● On the clusters, we use OpenMPI (not to be confused with OpenMP); once you load the module, by using the wrapper compilers, compilation and linking paths are taken care of for you ● Aside from needing to link with other libraries like Intel MKL, compiling and linking a C++ MPI program can be as simple as : module load openmpi mpic++ my_program.cpp
  • 32. Step 6 : Distributed Memory #include "armadillo" #include <mkl.h> #include <iostream> #include <mpi.h> int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ int rank, size; MPI_Status status; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // size== total processes in this MPI_COMM_WORLD pool MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // rank== my identifier in pool MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // load data, initialize variables, calculate Gamma, perform factorization // solve just for my portion of predictions int lower = (rank * n) / size; int upper = ((rank+1) * n) / size)-1; for (int i=lower; i<upper; i++){ g.rows(0,m-1) = ... dgetrs(&trans,&N,&nrhs,G.memptr(),&N,ipiv,g.memptr(),&N,&info); pred(i,0)=dot(z,g.rows(0,m-1)); … } //gather results back to root process
  • 33. Results 6 ● When you run a MPI job using PBS, you need to use the mpirun script to setup your environment and spawn processes on the different CPUs allocated to you by the scheduler: mpirun my_application.x ● Here we simply divided the output space between different processors ie., each processor in the pool calculated a portion of the predictions ● However a collective call was needed (not shown) after the solve steps, a gather statement to bring all the results to the root process (with rank 0) ● This was the only communication between different processes throughout the calculation ie., this was close to embarrassingly parallel → no communication, great scaling with processors ● Despite the high bandwidths available on modern networks, the cost of latency is generally the limiting factor is using distributed memory parallelism ● For more on MPI you could check out HPC Essentials III
  • 34. Review ● Let's review some of the things we've discussed ● I'll splash up several scenario's and we'll attempt to score them
  • 35. Score Card Score What this feels like Your HPC vehicle +5 Civilized society Something German +4 Evening with friends American Muscle +3 Favorite show renewed A Honda +2 Twinkies are back Sonata +1 A fairy gets its wings Camry 0 meh Corolla -1 A fairy dies Neon -2 Twinkies are gone Pinto -3 Favorite show canceled Le Barron -4 Evening with Facebook Yugo -5 Zombie Apocalypse Abrams tank
  • 36. Scenario 1 ● You get an account for hammer, maybe install and use Exceed onDemand, load and use the Matlab/Octave module after logging in
  • 37. Scenario 1 ● Score : 0 ● Meh. You'll run a little faster, probably have more memory. But this isn't HPC and you could almost do this on your laptop. You're driving a Corolla, doing 45 mp/h in the fast lane.
  • 38. Scenario 2 ● You vectorize your loops and/or create a compiled MEX (Matlab) or OCT (Octave) function
  • 39. Scenario 2 ● A fairy gets its wings! You move up to the Camry! ● By vectorizing loops you use internal functions that are interpreted once at runtime, and under the hood may even get to utilize the vector architecture of the CPU. ● Tricky loops eg., those with conditionals are best converted to MEX/OCT functions eg., for OCTAVE you want the mkoctfile utility ● If compiling new functions, don't forget to link with HPC libraries eg., Intel MKL or AMD ACML where possible.
  • 40. Scenario 3 ● Instead of submitting a PBS job you do all this on the head node of a batch cluster
  • 41. Scenario 3 ● A fairy dies! You drive a Neon at 35 mp/h in the HPC fastlane! ● Things could be worse for you, but using memory and CPU on head nodes can grind processes like parallel filesystems to a halt, making other users and sys admin feel downright melancholy. Screens freeze, commands return at the speed of pitchblende. ● If you need dedicated resources and/or to run for more than a few minutes, please use an interactive cluster or PBS :
  • 42. Scenario 4 ● You use Armadillo to port your Matlab/Octave code to C++, and use version control to manage your project (eg., SVN, git/github)
  • 43. Scenario 4 ● Twinkies are back! You think Hyundai finally have it together and splash out on the Sonata! ● Vectorized Octave/Matlab code is hard to beat. However you may wish to scale outside the node someday, integrate into an existing C++ project or perhaps use rich C++ objects (found in Boost for eg.,) so this is the way to go. Actually there are myriad reasons. ● Don't forget to compile first with '-Wall -g' options, then when it's working and you get the right answer, optimize!
  • 44. Scenario 5 ● You port your Matlab/Octave code to C++ without use of libraries or version control
  • 45. Scenario 5 ● No twinkies! You drive a pinto that bursts into flames immediately! ● Reinventing the wheel is a very bad, time consuming idea. Armadillo uses expression templates to create very efficient code at compile time, without it you could end up with an inefficient mess. ● Neglect to use version control and you will surely regret it. Probably right around a publication deadline too. And while we're on the topic please backup your data.
  • 46. Scenario 6 ● You target sections of your version controlled C++ code for acceleration, after understanding it better by profiling using valgrind --tool=callgrind
  • 47. Scenario 6 ● Score : +3 ● Futurama is back! You get a new civic! ● Believe the hype, GPUs are here to stay and will accelerate many algorithms, especially linear algebra. ● Take advantage of libraries like CUBLAS before rolling your own code, check in at the CUDAZONE to see what applications and code examples exist already. Get familiar with CUDA, we are an Nvidia CUDA Research Center : summary
  • 48. Scenario 7 ● Your non-version controlled C++ code has bad memory access patterns, memory leaks, creates many temporaries. ● Score : -3 ● Bye-Bye Futurama ! Hello Le Barron! ● Ignore good memory and cache access patterns at your peril ● Use valgrind (default) and valgrind --tool=cachegrind to learn more. Avoid temporaries by using libraries like Armadillo, or learning and using expression templates.
  • 49. Scenario 8 ● Scenario 6 and you introduce shared memory parallelism using OpenMP. You look into and tune CPU affinity. ● Score : +4 ● You provide Babette's feast for your friends and elicit a penchant for the Ford mustang. ● OpenMP is relatively easy eg., a pragma around a for loop. ● Don't forget to check thread performance with valgrind --tool=helgrind ● Now your code is a thing of beauty, properly version controlled, profiled completely (well you could run massif as well) and you're able to use all the compute hardware in a single heterogeneous node.
  • 50. Scenario 9 ● Scenario 7 AND you decide to thrash disk. Plus you try to write >= 1M files ● Score : -4 ● Yugo is only cool in that Portlandia bit, and Facebook was only good for a brief period in 2006. ● Disk I/O kills in a HPC context, plus the maximum file limit at time of writing is 1M – You give control to the kernel and your application ceases to execute for some time (a voluntary context switch) – You might be contending for disk with other processes – You introduce the lower memory bandwidth (BW) and higher latency (Delta) of disk versus system memory – Parallel filesystems → all of the above plus network BW and Delta
  • 51. Scenario 10 ● Scenario 8 AND you decide to scale outside the node with MPI. You look into Patterns. GOF is on the nightstand. ● Score : +5 ● You are a cultured individual and you drive a German vehicle. You care about engineering. ● Don't forget Amdahl's law ● Even with IB networks, minimize communication, consider new paradigms in distributed memory parallelism (check out MPI revision 3).
  • 52. Scenario 11 ● Scenario 9 and you do it all on the head node, including OpenMP for 1% of your loops. You also export OMP_NUM_THREADS=20 and you have 10 cores. There's no coordination between threads, races all over the place. You have about 40 MPI processes trying to read the same file as well, without parallel file I/O.
  • 53. Scenario 11 ● Score : -5 ● The end is nigh and you're taking out zombies and HPC infrastructure in your Abrams tank, moving at 1mph, getting 0.2 miles to the gallon ● You ignored all the other advice, and now you throw out Amdahl's law too. ● AND you have no coordination between any of your threads or processes. ● AND you're trying to run more threads and processes than the system can support concurrently, so context switching takes place furiously. ● Expect a not-so-rosy email from sys admin :-)
  • 54. Summary ● High performance computing is leveraging one or more forms of parallelism in a performant way ● Often the best gains come from writing vectorized octave code, or making algorithmic changes ● Before you parallelize, fully profile your code and keep Amdahl's law in mind ● All forms of parallelism have their limitations, but in general: – GPU accelerators are excellent for linear algebra – Shared memory using OpenMP works well for simple, nested loops – Consider using MPI (distributed memory) for 'big data', but limit communication