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By Neelam Singh
Improve health
Increase happiness
Prevention of many chronic
health risks.
Healthy Eating is not
about strict nutrition
philosophies, staying
unrealistically thin, or
depriving yourself of the
foods you love.
Healthy eating means
eating a variety of foods
that gives the nutrients
you need to maintain good
health, feel good and have
more energy. It includes a
Balanced Diet which
contain all the essential
To build a healthy plate:
 Fill ½ of your plate with fruits and
 Fill ¼ of your plate with grains
(preferably whole).
 Fill ¼ of your plate with a lean protein
 Having a serving of dairy on the side.
 Any fresh, frozen, dried or canned
fruit falls in this category. It may be
whole, cut-up, or pureed.
 Eat a variety of fruit
 Go easy on fruit juices
 Try to consume 2 C every day
 Key message: Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables
 Eat more dark-green vegetables—
broccoli, spinach, and other dark-leafy
 Consume more orange vegetables—
carrots and sweet potatoes
 Include more dry beans and peas.
 Generally, men and women should
consume 2½ C every day
 Key message: Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables
 Anthocyanin's, the powerful antioxidants
are the blue/purple causing pigment.
 Blue/purple colored vegetables may help reduce the risk of
cancer, stroke and heart disease.
Examples: Blueberries ,blackberries , prunes, egg plant , purple
onion ,plums
 Lycopene or anthocyanin's
are the red color causing pigment
 Lycopene reduces risk of several kind of cancers.
 Anthocyanin's are powerful antioxidants which protect cells
from damage.
 High in vitamin A,C and potassium which keeps our eyes, gums
,teeth healthy and protect our heart.
Examples :Apples, Watermelon, Tomato , strawberries ,
cranberries ,Bell peppers, Guava, pomegranate, raspberries,
 Carotenoids are the yellow/orange color causing pigment
 Beta – Carotene in sweetpotatos ,pumpkins ,carrots is
converted to vitamin A , which helps to maintain mucous
membrane & makes our eyes healthy
 Citrus fruits like orange are an excellent source of Vitamin C
& potassium that reduces aging, stress ,lower blood pressure ,
fight harmful free radicals.
Examples: Apricot, Cantaloupe, Lemons, Mangoes, Nectarines,
Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Sweat corn, Red
 Chlorophyll is the green
color causing pigment.
 Full of fiber, , calcium, folate, vitamin C, & Beta-carotene.
These nutrients reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure and
LDL cholesterol levels, normalize digestion time, support
vision health , fight harmful free-radicals, & boost immune
system activity.
Examples : broccoli, kale, spinach, collard, green Brussel, sprouts,
cabbage, Kiwi, green beans, asparagus, avocadoes, pea, lettuce,
spinach, cucumber, green grapes, peppers
 Fill ¼ of your plate with grains
 Make at least ½ of your daily grain servings
whole grains
 Any food made from wheat, rice, oats,
cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain.
 Increase whole grain intake by replacing
refined grains with whole grains
 Examples of whole grain: whole wheat flour, jowar, bajra,
bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, whole cornmeal, brown rice
 Examples of refined grain: white flour, white bread, white rice.
 When grains are refined to produce white flour, the bran
and germ layers are generally removed, leaving only the
endosperm causes significant losses of fiber, vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals from the grains
 And they often have high levels of added sugar, fat or salt,
and generally have a higher GI than whole grains.
 Eating refined cereals causes a sharp rise in blood sugars and
a strong response from the pancreas, which is not good
Whole grains contain all three layers of the grain.
Dietary fiber :
 Reduces risk of heart disease, obesity , type -2 diabetes
 Provides a feeling of satiety.
 Helps in reducing blood cholesterol levels .
 Maintain prober bowel function and reduces constipation.
Several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate )
 Helps the body form red blood cells.
 They help the body release energy from protein, fat, and
 B vitamins are also essential for a healthy nervous system
Iron :Iron is used to carry oxygen in the blood
Magnesium :A mineral used in building bones and releasing
energy from muscles.
Selenium: Protects cells from oxidation.
 It is also important for a healthy immune system
 Make ¼ of your plate lean protein.
 Includes all foods made from meat, poultry,
seafood, beans and peas, eggs, soy products,
nuts, and seeds
 Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry
 Choose unsalted nuts and seeds to keep sodium intake low. –
 Select some seafood that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as
salmon, trout, sardines, anchovies, herring, Pacific oysters, and
 Processed meats such as ham, sausage, or deli meats have
added sodium. Check the Nutrition Facts label to help limit
sodium intake. -
 Includes all milk and milk products
 Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt,
and other milk products
 For those who are lactose intolerant,
smaller portions may be well tolerated.
Or lactose-free milk, yogurt, and cheese,
and calcium-fortified soymilk can be taken
 Calcium choices for those who do not consume dairy products include
-fish (sardines, salmon with bones) soybeans, beans, leafy greens
(collard ,turnip greens, spinach, kale, bok choy) and calcium-fortified
juices, cereals etc.
Calcium - used for building bones and teeth,
maintaining bone mass
Vitamin D – Works to maintain proper levels of
calcium and phosphorous, thereby helping to build and
maintain bones
Potassium - helps to maintain healthy blood pressure.
These foods are oily or fatty
 Source of energy.
 Insulation and padding
 Source of essential fatty acids
 Absorption of vitamins.
 Satiety value
Solid at room temperature
Saturated fats: Examples: Full-fat meats and dairy
products, coconut, or palm oils.
Trans Fatty Acids :
 Baked goods (cookies, cakes, frosting, crackers, donuts, pastries,
and croissants)
 Packaged snack foods (chips, crackers, snack mixes, burgers,
Consuming too many of these fats has been shown to
raise LDL cholesterol and increase risk for heart
 How to identify:
 Look at the ingredient label for the terms “hydrogenated oil”
or “partially hydrogenated oil”
 Even if the nutrition facts label reads “0 gm trans fat” the food
can still contain trace amounts
Used in the body for physiological
and structural functions
The body makes cholesterol and
humans do not need to consume this
in their diet
Higher intakes have been shown to
raise blood levels of LDL cholesterol
(a positive risk factor for heart
Varying levels can be found in
different animal products: meat,
seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products
 Oils are the major source of monounsaturated
fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) in the diet
 PUFAs contain some fatty acids that are necessary for health—called
"essential fatty acids”
 Omega-6 PUFAs (liquid vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower,
corn , soya bean oil)
 Omega-3 PUFAs (soybean oil, canola oil, walnuts, flaxseed, fish)
 Vitamin E
 A powerful antioxidant that has may reduce the risk of heart
disease and cancer
Keep total fat intake between 20 - 30 %
of calories (With most fats coming from
sources of PUFA and MUFA, such as fish
, nuts, and vegetable oils).
Consume less than 10 percent of calories from
saturated fatty acids
Consume less than 300 mg/day of cholesterol
Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible
When selecting and preparing meat, poultry, dry beans,
and milk or milk products, make choices that are lean,
low-fat, or fat-free.
Sodium is an essential nutrient and
is needed by the body in relatively small quantities
The higher an individual’s intake of sodium, the higher their blood
The daily requirement for average person is 2,300 mg/day (1 tsp)
For certain groups the requirement is 1,500 mg/day
Individuals with hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease
Individual age above 51 years.
 Read the Nutrition Facts label for information on the sodium
content of foods
 Consume more fresh foods and less processed foods
 Eat more home-prepared foods where you have more control over
preparation methods
 Use spices, juice, or vinegar as flavoring instead of salt
 Use condiments & spices often and do not add extra salt to food at
 Increase the amount of potassium in your diet (works to
counteract sodium in the body)
 Sugars are added to foods to improve sweetness and
palatability, serve as a preservative, and provide functional
attributes (ex: browning capacity)
 Many foods that contain added sugars often supply calories,
but few or no essential nutrients and no dietary fiber (empty
 Both naturally occurring sugars and added sugars increase
the risk of dental caries
 Drink few or no regular sodas, sport drinks, energy
drinks, and fruit drinks
◦ Instead, choose water , coconut water unsweetened
tea or coffee, buttermilk etc.
 Eat less cookies, cake, ice cream, candy, and other
◦ Select fruit for dessert
 Read the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient label
to choose products with less sugar
Those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages
should do so sensibly and in moderation (≤ 1 drink for
women/day and ≤ 2 drinks for men/day).
Alcohol is very high in calories, and it also can affect the way the
body metabolizes. Our body can react by storing it as fat rather
than using as fuel. More than one drink a day and binge drinking is
likely to increase the weight
Alcohol intake has also been linked to increased risk of breast
cancer, violence, drowning, and injuries form falls and auto
Balancing Calories
• Enjoy your food, but eat less.
• Avoid oversized portions.
Foods to Increase
• Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
• Make at least half of your daily grains whole grains.
• Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk.
Foods to Reduce
• Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and
choose the foods with lower numbers.
• Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
Exercise improves your
Exercise combats chronic
Exercise helps you manage
your weight.
Exercise strengthens your
heart and lungs.
Exercise promotes better
Exercise can be fun!!!
Understanding food
Which food will raise your blood glucose the most
A. Sweet potato
B. Diet soda
C. Fruit juice
Understanding food
Carbohydrates are found in which foods?
A. Starch, fruit, milk, starchy vegetables
B. Cheese, steak, chicken
C. Olive oil, butter and fish
Understanding food
The blood cholesterol particle often referred
to as "bad cholesterol” is:
Understanding food
Bad" fats (the unhealthy types of fat found in
your diet that increase your risk for heart
disease), include:
A. Monounsaturated and omega-3 fats
B. Saturated, hydrogenated and trans fats
C. Polyunsaturated fats
Understanding food
Cholesterol is found in which foods ?
A. Vegetable oil, margarine and nuts
B. Tofu, carrots and vegetable oil
C. Meat, egg yolks, fish, poultry and dairy
Understanding food
Proteins are found in which foods ?
A. Sugar and fruit
B. Beef, poultry, eggs and dairy products
C. Butter, margarine and olive oil
Understanding food
Heart healthy diet is one that is:
A. Low in saturated fat, hydrogenated fat, trans fat
and cholesterol
B. High in soluble fiber
C. Low in sodium
D. All of the above
Understanding food
You want your family to eat better, but making the right choices
can be tricky and take lots of time. The simplest way to enjoy a
healthy diet is to:
A. Carefully read labels and choose canned foods with the most
sodium, cholesterol and sugar.
B. Eat a wide variety of nutritious foods daily. Example: fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish.
C. Snack on convenience foods during busy times and rely on vitamins
to fill in the nutritional gaps. Who has time to cook?
Understanding food
Deeply colored fruits and vegetables - like spinach,
carrots, peaches and berries - tend to be higher in
vitamins and minerals than others, such as potatoes
and corn
Understanding food
Fish can keep your heart healthy and lower your
chances of heart disease and stroke. How often should
you eat it?
A. Try to have salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring or
trout at least twice a week..
B. Everyday
C. Once a week.
Understanding food
Which kind of grains are the greatest for your health?
A. Always look for refined and processed grains so
you can be sure all the nutrients have been
B. Whole grains contain the entire grain and include
whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, whole cornmeal,
brown rice and bulgur
C. Either type is fine
Understanding food
Sources of heart healthy "good” fats include:
A.Olive oil, nuts, avocados and salmon
B. Bacon, hot dogs and liver
C. Butter, cheese and coconut oil
Understanding food
Which of the following does not contain
unsaturated fat ?
A. Sunflower
B. Olive oil
C. butter
Understanding food
You should limit sodium intake to how much per
A. One teaspoon
B. One tablespoon
C. 1 cup
Understanding food
In order to maintain a healthy diet and what
you should pay attention to while preparing
A. Serving size
B. Color of food
C. Serving temperature
Healthy eating

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Healthy eating

  • 2.
  • 4. Healthy Eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that gives the nutrients you need to maintain good health, feel good and have more energy. It includes a Balanced Diet which contain all the essential nutrients
  • 5. To build a healthy plate:  Fill ½ of your plate with fruits and vegetables.  Fill ¼ of your plate with grains (preferably whole).  Fill ¼ of your plate with a lean protein source.  Having a serving of dairy on the side.
  • 6.  Any fresh, frozen, dried or canned fruit falls in this category. It may be whole, cut-up, or pureed.  Eat a variety of fruit  Go easy on fruit juices  Try to consume 2 C every day  Key message: Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables
  • 7.  Eat more dark-green vegetables— broccoli, spinach, and other dark-leafy greens  Consume more orange vegetables— carrots and sweet potatoes  Include more dry beans and peas.  Generally, men and women should consume 2½ C every day  Key message: Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables
  • 8. COLOR YOUR PLATE BLUE & PURPLE  Anthocyanin's, the powerful antioxidants are the blue/purple causing pigment.  Blue/purple colored vegetables may help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Examples: Blueberries ,blackberries , prunes, egg plant , purple onion ,plums
  • 9.  Lycopene or anthocyanin's are the red color causing pigment  Lycopene reduces risk of several kind of cancers.  Anthocyanin's are powerful antioxidants which protect cells from damage.  High in vitamin A,C and potassium which keeps our eyes, gums ,teeth healthy and protect our heart. Examples :Apples, Watermelon, Tomato , strawberries , cranberries ,Bell peppers, Guava, pomegranate, raspberries, cherries COLOR YOUR PLATE - RED
  • 10. COLOR YOUR PLATE - ORANGE & YELLOW  Carotenoids are the yellow/orange color causing pigment  Beta – Carotene in sweetpotatos ,pumpkins ,carrots is converted to vitamin A , which helps to maintain mucous membrane & makes our eyes healthy  Citrus fruits like orange are an excellent source of Vitamin C & potassium that reduces aging, stress ,lower blood pressure , fight harmful free radicals. Examples: Apricot, Cantaloupe, Lemons, Mangoes, Nectarines, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Sweat corn, Red onions.
  • 11. COLOR YOUR PLATE - GREEN  Chlorophyll is the green color causing pigment.  Full of fiber, , calcium, folate, vitamin C, & Beta-carotene. These nutrients reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, normalize digestion time, support vision health , fight harmful free-radicals, & boost immune system activity. Examples : broccoli, kale, spinach, collard, green Brussel, sprouts, cabbage, Kiwi, green beans, asparagus, avocadoes, pea, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, green grapes, peppers
  • 12.  Fill ¼ of your plate with grains  Make at least ½ of your daily grain servings whole grains  Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain.  Increase whole grain intake by replacing refined grains with whole grains  Examples of whole grain: whole wheat flour, jowar, bajra, bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, whole cornmeal, brown rice  Examples of refined grain: white flour, white bread, white rice.
  • 13.
  • 14.  When grains are refined to produce white flour, the bran and germ layers are generally removed, leaving only the endosperm causes significant losses of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals from the grains  And they often have high levels of added sugar, fat or salt, and generally have a higher GI than whole grains.  Eating refined cereals causes a sharp rise in blood sugars and a strong response from the pancreas, which is not good
  • 15. Whole grains contain all three layers of the grain. Dietary fiber :  Reduces risk of heart disease, obesity , type -2 diabetes  Provides a feeling of satiety.  Helps in reducing blood cholesterol levels .  Maintain prober bowel function and reduces constipation.
  • 16. Several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate )  Helps the body form red blood cells.  They help the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates.  B vitamins are also essential for a healthy nervous system Iron :Iron is used to carry oxygen in the blood Magnesium :A mineral used in building bones and releasing energy from muscles. Selenium: Protects cells from oxidation.  It is also important for a healthy immune system
  • 17.  Make ¼ of your plate lean protein.  Includes all foods made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, soy products, nuts, and seeds  Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry  Choose unsalted nuts and seeds to keep sodium intake low. –  Select some seafood that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, trout, sardines, anchovies, herring, Pacific oysters, and mackerel.  Processed meats such as ham, sausage, or deli meats have added sodium. Check the Nutrition Facts label to help limit sodium intake. -
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.  Includes all milk and milk products  Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and other milk products  For those who are lactose intolerant, smaller portions may be well tolerated. Or lactose-free milk, yogurt, and cheese, and calcium-fortified soymilk can be taken  Calcium choices for those who do not consume dairy products include -fish (sardines, salmon with bones) soybeans, beans, leafy greens (collard ,turnip greens, spinach, kale, bok choy) and calcium-fortified juices, cereals etc.
  • 21. Calcium - used for building bones and teeth, maintaining bone mass Vitamin D – Works to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorous, thereby helping to build and maintain bones Potassium - helps to maintain healthy blood pressure.
  • 22. These foods are oily or fatty  Source of energy.  Insulation and padding  Source of essential fatty acids  Absorption of vitamins.  Satiety value
  • 23. Solid at room temperature Saturated fats: Examples: Full-fat meats and dairy products, coconut, or palm oils. Trans Fatty Acids :  Baked goods (cookies, cakes, frosting, crackers, donuts, pastries, and croissants)  Packaged snack foods (chips, crackers, snack mixes, burgers, fries)
  • 24. Consuming too many of these fats has been shown to raise LDL cholesterol and increase risk for heart disease  How to identify:  Look at the ingredient label for the terms “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil”  Even if the nutrition facts label reads “0 gm trans fat” the food can still contain trace amounts
  • 25. Used in the body for physiological and structural functions The body makes cholesterol and humans do not need to consume this in their diet Higher intakes have been shown to raise blood levels of LDL cholesterol (a positive risk factor for heart disease) Varying levels can be found in different animal products: meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products
  • 26.  Oils are the major source of monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) in the diet  PUFAs contain some fatty acids that are necessary for health—called "essential fatty acids”  Omega-6 PUFAs (liquid vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower, corn , soya bean oil)  Omega-3 PUFAs (soybean oil, canola oil, walnuts, flaxseed, fish)  Vitamin E  A powerful antioxidant that has may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer
  • 27. Keep total fat intake between 20 - 30 % of calories (With most fats coming from sources of PUFA and MUFA, such as fish , nuts, and vegetable oils). Consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fatty acids Consume less than 300 mg/day of cholesterol Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible When selecting and preparing meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products, make choices that are lean, low-fat, or fat-free.
  • 28. Sodium is an essential nutrient and is needed by the body in relatively small quantities The higher an individual’s intake of sodium, the higher their blood pressure The daily requirement for average person is 2,300 mg/day (1 tsp) For certain groups the requirement is 1,500 mg/day Individuals with hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease Individual age above 51 years.
  • 29.  Read the Nutrition Facts label for information on the sodium content of foods  Consume more fresh foods and less processed foods  Eat more home-prepared foods where you have more control over preparation methods  Use spices, juice, or vinegar as flavoring instead of salt  Use condiments & spices often and do not add extra salt to food at meals  Increase the amount of potassium in your diet (works to counteract sodium in the body)
  • 30.  Sugars are added to foods to improve sweetness and palatability, serve as a preservative, and provide functional attributes (ex: browning capacity)  Many foods that contain added sugars often supply calories, but few or no essential nutrients and no dietary fiber (empty calories)  Both naturally occurring sugars and added sugars increase the risk of dental caries
  • 31.  Drink few or no regular sodas, sport drinks, energy drinks, and fruit drinks ◦ Instead, choose water , coconut water unsweetened tea or coffee, buttermilk etc.  Eat less cookies, cake, ice cream, candy, and other desserts ◦ Select fruit for dessert  Read the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient label to choose products with less sugar
  • 32. Those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages should do so sensibly and in moderation (≤ 1 drink for women/day and ≤ 2 drinks for men/day). Alcohol is very high in calories, and it also can affect the way the body metabolizes. Our body can react by storing it as fat rather than using as fuel. More than one drink a day and binge drinking is likely to increase the weight Alcohol intake has also been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, violence, drowning, and injuries form falls and auto accidents
  • 33. Balancing Calories • Enjoy your food, but eat less. • Avoid oversized portions. Foods to Increase • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. • Make at least half of your daily grains whole grains. • Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk. Foods to Reduce • Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and choose the foods with lower numbers. • Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
  • 34.
  • 35. Exercise improves your mood. Exercise combats chronic diseases. Exercise helps you manage your weight. Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs. Exercise promotes better sleep. Exercise can be fun!!!
  • 36. Understanding food Which food will raise your blood glucose the most quickly? A. Sweet potato B. Diet soda C. Fruit juice
  • 37. Understanding food Carbohydrates are found in which foods? A. Starch, fruit, milk, starchy vegetables B. Cheese, steak, chicken C. Olive oil, butter and fish
  • 38. Understanding food The blood cholesterol particle often referred to as "bad cholesterol” is: A.Triglyceride B. HDL C. LDL
  • 39. Understanding food Bad" fats (the unhealthy types of fat found in your diet that increase your risk for heart disease), include: A. Monounsaturated and omega-3 fats B. Saturated, hydrogenated and trans fats C. Polyunsaturated fats
  • 40. Understanding food Cholesterol is found in which foods ? A. Vegetable oil, margarine and nuts B. Tofu, carrots and vegetable oil C. Meat, egg yolks, fish, poultry and dairy products
  • 41. Understanding food Proteins are found in which foods ? A. Sugar and fruit B. Beef, poultry, eggs and dairy products C. Butter, margarine and olive oil
  • 42. Understanding food Heart healthy diet is one that is: A. Low in saturated fat, hydrogenated fat, trans fat and cholesterol B. High in soluble fiber C. Low in sodium D. All of the above
  • 43. Understanding food You want your family to eat better, but making the right choices can be tricky and take lots of time. The simplest way to enjoy a healthy diet is to: A. Carefully read labels and choose canned foods with the most sodium, cholesterol and sugar. B. Eat a wide variety of nutritious foods daily. Example: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish. C. Snack on convenience foods during busy times and rely on vitamins to fill in the nutritional gaps. Who has time to cook?
  • 44. Understanding food Deeply colored fruits and vegetables - like spinach, carrots, peaches and berries - tend to be higher in vitamins and minerals than others, such as potatoes and corn A. TRUE B. FALSE
  • 45. Understanding food Fish can keep your heart healthy and lower your chances of heart disease and stroke. How often should you eat it? A. Try to have salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring or trout at least twice a week.. B. Everyday C. Once a week.
  • 46. Understanding food Which kind of grains are the greatest for your health? A. Always look for refined and processed grains so you can be sure all the nutrients have been removed. B. Whole grains contain the entire grain and include whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, whole cornmeal, brown rice and bulgur C. Either type is fine
  • 47. Understanding food Sources of heart healthy "good” fats include: A.Olive oil, nuts, avocados and salmon B. Bacon, hot dogs and liver C. Butter, cheese and coconut oil
  • 48. Understanding food Which of the following does not contain unsaturated fat ? A. Sunflower B. Olive oil C. butter
  • 49. Understanding food You should limit sodium intake to how much per day? A. One teaspoon B. One tablespoon C. 1 cup
  • 50. Understanding food In order to maintain a healthy diet and what you should pay attention to while preparing meal? A. Serving size B. Color of food C. Serving temperature

Editor's Notes

  1. Fruit juice will rapidly raise your blood sugar because it has a lot of sugar and is a liquid, and liquids are more rapidly absorbed than solids. A sweet potato will raise the blood sugar - but only slowly, because it takes a while for the starch to be digested into sugar and absorbed. A diet soda has no carbohydrate and will not raise your blood sugar.
  2. Starch, fruit, milk, and starchy vegetables contain carbohydrate. Cheese, steak, chicken, and fish are types of protein, while olive oil and butter are types of fat.
  3. LDL is often called "bad cholesterol", because it transports cholesterol to cells and promotes atherosclerosis. Triglyceride is another word for blood fat, and HDL is often called "good cholesterol", because it is like a garbage collector, picking up cholesterol from blood vessel walls and carrying it back to the liver for disposal.
  4. Saturated, hydrogenated and trans fats are considered "bad" fats, because they pose a threat to your heart and blood vessel system. Monounsaturated, omega-3, and polyunsaturated fats are considered the "good" fats, because they help protect your body against heart disease
  5. Cholesterol is found in all foods from animal sources, such as meat, egg yolks, fish, poultry and dairy products. There is no cholesterol in plant-derived foods, such as vegetable oil, margarine, nuts, tofu, or carrots.
  6. Beef, poultry, eggs and dairy products are good sources of protein. Sugar and fruit are types of carbohydrate, while butter, margarine and olive oil are sources of fa
  7. Olive oil, nuts, avocados and salmon represent foods that are rich in "good" fats: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated or omega-3. Bacon, hot dogs, liver, butter, cheese, and coconut oil all contain saturated fat, which is considered a "bad" fat.
  8. Butter contains only saturated fat
  9. Try to limit your salt intake to 1,500 to 2,300 mg or one teaspoon per day. Eating too much salt can lead to many health problems including high blood pressure.
  10. the bigger the serving, the more you'll eat. The USDA offers a list of standard serving sizes and guidelines for how many servings you should eat from each food group each day.