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Creare SDI INSPIRE Ready con
   GeoNetwork e GeoServer

     Ing. Andrea Aime, GeoSolutions
Ing. Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
  Ing. Emanuele Tajariol, GeoSolutions

      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                 8 Maggio 2012
   Who is GeoSolutions?
   What GeoServer can do for you
   What GeoNetwork can do for you
   Where we are and where we should be

              Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                         8 Maggio 2012
   Founded in Italy in late 2006
   Expertise
    •   Image Processing, GeoSpatial Data Fusion
    •   Java, Java Enterprise, C++, Python
    •   JPEG2000, JPIP, Advanced 2D visualization
   Supporting/Developing FOSS4G projects
       GeoTools, GeoServer
       GeoNetwork, GeoBatch
       ImageIO-Ext
   Focus on Consultancy
       agencies, large private companies, etc…

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012

   GeoSpatial enterprise gateway
        Java Enterprise
        Management and Dissemination of
         raster and vector data
   Standards compliant
        OGC WCS 1.0, 1.1.1 (RI), 2.0 in the
        OGC WFS 1.0, 1.1 (RI), 2.0
        OGC WMS 1.1.1, 1.3
        OGC WPS 1.0.0
   Google Earth/Maps support
        KML, GeoSearch, etc..

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
                                                                                                   PNG, GIF
                        Shapefile     ----------
                                          ---------                        WMS                     JPEG
                                          ----------                       1.1.1                   TIFF,
Formats and Protocols
                                     Vector files
                        PostGIS                                                                    SVG, PDF
                        Oracle                                                          Styled     KML/KMZ
                                                                          Google*       maps
                        SQL Server                                                                 Shapefile
                        MySql                                             WFSv*                    GML2

                        Spatialite                                                                 GML3
                        GeoCouch                                           WFS                     GeoRSS
                                                                          1.0, 1.1,   Raw vector   GeoJSON
                                                                             2.0                   CSV/XLS
                        WFS                                                WPS
                                                                           1.0.0                   GeoTIFF
                                      Servers                              WCS                     ArcGrid
                        GeoTIFF                                             1.0                    GTopo30
                        WMS                                                1.1.1      Raw raster
                        ArcGrid                                                         data
                        GTopo30                                 GWC
                        Img+world                              (WMTS,                   KML superoverlays
                        Mosaic    Raster files                  TMS,                    Google maps tiles
                        MrSID                                  WMS-C)                   OGC tiles
                        JPEG 2000                                                       OSGEO tiles
                        ECW,Pyramid, Oracle GeoRaster, PostGis Raster

                                              Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                                         8 Maggio 2012



    ImageIO               JAI                        JTS

     GDAL      Kakadu               JAITools

      Vector               Style                   Raster
         Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                    8 Maggio 2012
Administration GUI

Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
           8 Maggio 2012
Integrated Security

   Spring Security
   RBAC on layers and services
   Built-in version with simplified rules


          A name, or * to          r: read        The roles that will
          mean “any”               w: write       be authorized to
                                                  access the data
                                                  under this rule
                  Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                             8 Maggio 2012
Integrated Security

*.*.w=NO_ONE                                                            lock down

private.*.w=TRUSTED_ROLE                                                 Per-layer

                                                    topp.        Other
                              private.*   topp.*   districts    layers
      TRUSTED_ROLE              r/w         r          r            r
      LEGISLATORS           (no access)     r        r/w            r
      (all other users)     (no access)     r         r             r

                          Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                     8 Maggio 2012
GUI: security configuration

    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
               8 Maggio 2012
Security Developments in 2.1
   Security Management at the feature level (record
    in DBMS)  read and write filtering
   Hide sensible attributes
   Discriminate visible areas on a per-user basis
   Rules for services and layers
   Server side framework available, open source
    implementation needed!

                 Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                            8 Maggio 2012
Security Developments in 2.2
   Pluggable user sources, available out of the box:
           LDAP
           DBMS
   Pluggable authentication mechanisms, available
    out of the box:
           CAS
   Possible to integrate with other mechanisms and
    in-house solutions

                   Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                              8 Maggio 2012
RESTful Configuration
   Programmatic configuration of layers via REST
             Workspaces
             DataStores/CoverageStores
             Layers and Styles
   Exposing internal configuration to remote clients
             Ajax-JavaScript friendly
   “Core” Module since 2.1
   Integrated Security
         Admin credentials required for modifications

                    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                               8 Maggio 2012
   Dissemination and filtering of vector data
   WFS 1.0 and 1.1 support with transactions
   WFS 2.0 on trunk
   Formats:
         GML 2, 3.1 e 3.2
         GeoRSS, GeoJSON
         Shapefile (zipped)
         OGR (configurable)
   Extensions
         CQL
         WFS 1.0 with on-the-fly reprojection

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
   Raster data dissemination
         Raw raster data useful for analysis, no maps!
         Support for TIME and ELEVATION (via ImageMosaic plugin)

   WCS 1.0 e 1.1.1
   WCS 2.0 being discussed
   Output formats
         GeoTiff, ArcGrid
         GDAL based formats*

   Extensions
         ELEVATION as band management*

   Refactor Ongoing!
                     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                8 Maggio 2012
   Dissemination of Maps
         Fusing raster and vector data seamlessly
         With styling!

   WMS 1.1.1 and 1.3 support
         INSPIRE!
   SLD
         Basic support for SLD 1.1 and SE 1.1
         Full support for SLD 1.0
   Many rendering extensions available!
   Integration with GeoWebCache
                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012

               TEMPORAL SERIES

KML EXTRUDE                          KML SUPEROVERLAY

         Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                    8 Maggio 2012
Advanced Projection Handling

      Management of dateline
      Change and

                                   Cutting un-reprojectable

     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                8 Maggio 2012
Raster Symbolizer

Raw                                               256
Data                                             Colors


       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                  8 Maggio 2012
Dynamic symbolizers

 Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
            8 Maggio 2012
Advanced Styling

Advanced Labeling

             Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                        8 Maggio 2012
Advanced Styling

Filter Functions                              Transformations

      Number                                           Shadow

             Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                        8 Maggio 2012
Advanced Styling

                   Continuous Maps

                        CSS Styling
    <Fill> <!-- CssParameters allowed are fill (the color) and fill-opacity -->
         <CssParameter name="fill">#4DFF4D</CssParameter>
         <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.7</CssParameter>

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
   GeoServer WMS – CQL Examples
         STATE_NAME = 'Montana'

         MALE > FEMALE

         LAND_KM > 300000

                   Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                              8 Maggio 2012
Rendering transformations
   On-the-fly data transformations
   Calling WPS processes from SLD docs
                    Optimized for performance

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
Rendering transformations
   Point feature extraction from two band raster data
    (e.g. Wind(u,v))
   Computation of direction and module from SLD

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
ImageIO-Ext Support
   JAI ImageIO Extension
   Plugins:
         BigTiff
         netCDF-CF, GriB1
         MatFile 5
         HDF4
         JP2000 (Kakadu)

         GDAL 1.8.1

   GDAL integration via ImageIO-ext
              JPEG2000,MrSID, ECW
                BigTIFF, ERDAS Image, HDF4

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
GeoWebCache Integration
                              Direct calls to GeoServer
    GeoServer                  rendering engine
                              Support for layers modified
                               through WFT-T
  GeoWebCache                 Support for various tile
                                        GMap, Gearth
                                        OpenLayers, VEarth,
                              Speed-up factor 10/100
                              Disk quota support
Persistent raster/KML
      tile cache

              Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                         8 Maggio 2012
Improved Raster Reprojection
   Raster reprojection  complex
   Idea:
           try to approximate the overall
            transformation with a simpler
            one, either a single affine
            transformation or a piecewise
            composition of them (grid warp)
   Ability to specify threshold for error
   Iterative approach (local optimization)
   Trade off between speed and
                     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                8 Maggio 2012
SQL Parametric Views
   SQL View as a GeoServer Layer
          No need to actually creating a view in the database
   View can be parametric
          WMS and WFS allow parameter substitution
          ….&request=GetMap&viewparams=low:2000000;high:5000000
          Default values for parameters
          Validation with regular expressions

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
Virtual Services
   Expose multiple OGC service endpoints per installation
   One virtual service per workspace
         Expose only layers defined in such workspace
   Use cases:
         Provide clients with focused/theme centered data sets
         Provide each department of a single organization with its own set
          of services
   Limitations:
         Single administrator for the whole server
         Service metadata (point of contacts and the like) still configured

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
WMS* Cascading
                       GetMap and GetFeatureInfo
                       Support for reprojection
                       GUI based mass import of
                        remote layers
                       TODO: Securing unsecure
                        WMS Services

Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
           8 Maggio 2012
   WPS 1.0
   Official Extension
   Raster and Vector data support
   High performance processes development (raster/vector
    statistics, raster/vector format conversions and more)
   Integrated WPS
         Automatic publishing of results
         Embedding processes into SLD styles
         Reuse processes as rendering transformations

                   Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                              8 Maggio 2012
   Deficiencies
          No support for asynchronous requests
          Missing request limits enforcements (e.g. input/output
           maximum dimensions)
   Wish list:
          Scripting (Jython, GeoScript)
          Sextante, IDL, JGrass (Grass?) integration
          Improved robustness
          Jiffle (jai-tools) based raster algebra
          Create new layers as dynamic WPS processes
           (computing data on the fly as requested)

                     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                8 Maggio 2012
Complex Feature*
   Application/community schemas
   Complex Features
         Attributes as sub-features
         Attributes as list of features
         Tree-like structure
   Heterogeneous data sources

                     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                8 Maggio 2012

                TIME = 20100512T0000000Z
                ELEVATION = 0.0

                                  FeatureType Editor

    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
               8 Maggio 2012
Raster Pyramids
   Preprocessing raster data for performance
         Multiple resolutions levels
             Scale decide best resolution level
         Multiple file (tiles) per resolutions level
         File Based Pyramids Support
         DBMS-based Pyramids
             Postgis
             DB2
             Oracle (GeoRaster)
             MySQL

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
   (GeoSpatial) Catalog
       Registry of Metadata
       Repository
       Enterprise Search Appliance
   GeoPortal
       SDI entry point
       Information Broker
   Metadata Editor
   Standards Based
   Implemented with Java Enterprise technologies
                     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                8 Maggio 2012
   Java Enterprise
       Apache Lucene for speed light search
       Support for different backends
            MYSQL, Oracle, Postgresql, etc..
   XSL Templates for flexible presentation
   XML Schema
       Metadata Validation and Editing
   Support for Enterprise Security
       LDAP
       Shibboleth

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
   ISO TC 211                       Others
     19110:2005
                                         FGDC
     19115:2003

     19115:2005
                                         OpenSearch Geo
     19119:2005                         RSS/GeoRSS
     19139:2007
                                         WebDAV
     23950/Z39.50

   OGC                                  OAI-PMH
     CSW 2.0.2 (ISO                     Dublin Core
     Discovery Service

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
   Manage, Publish and
    Search collections of
    metadata about Data,
    Services and related
       ISO 19115  Metadata
        about Data
       ISO 19119  Metadata
        about Services
   Enterprise Unique
    entry point
   Act as a Broker (SOA)
   Can work in federation
   Multilingualism
                   Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                              8 Maggio 2012
   GeoNetwork can be used as a repository
    for the data it describes

   Authorization on data are independent from
    authorization on related metadata
   Easy-to-use editor controls to upload data
    and set automatically the onLineResource

               Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                          8 Maggio 2012
Catalogue/Registry - Federation
   Multiple Registries for Multiple Enterprise Clouds
       Different data/services
       Different Organizations
   Federation reduces complexity
   Available Paradigms
       Harvesting
            Synchronized Local Copy of remote Metadata
       Remote Search
            Federating node as NoCache proxy for queries
   GeoNetwork support both

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
Enterprise GeoPortal
   User Friendly Search/View
   Customizable Presentation
       Search Forms
       Results Presentation
       Based on XSL templates
       Embedding in third party sites
   Integrate with A&A layers
       Different views for different
       Metadata Profiling
                     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                8 Maggio 2012
Enterprise GeoPortal
   Metadata Profiling
       Authentication
           Internal user management for smaller deploys
           LDAP integration
           Shibboleth integration (federated SSO)
       Authorization
           User groups (grants on metadata)
           User profiles (grants on operations)
           Metadata access authorization is fine grained at group

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
Metadata Editor
   Terms and Rules from ISO 19115 and 19119
   Encoding in 19139, FGDC and Dublin Core
   Intuitive Web-Based Editor with Validation
       Identification Section
       Distribution Section
       Reference System Section
       Data Quality Section
       Metadata Section
   Highly Customizable
       Presentation
       Validation

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
Metadata Editor
   Additional capabilities
     Extensible Templates’ set
     Visual Validation

     Extensive online resource

      management (WMS, File
      download, etc..)
     Additional Metadata Linking

      parent/child, feature
      catalog/dataset metadata)
     Role assignment for

      presentation profiling
     Multilingual Support

   Batch Import/Insert from XML
                  Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                             8 Maggio 2012
   Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the
    European Community
       2007/2/EC Directive, 14/03/2007
       Fully in place by 2019
   Implementing Rules and Technical Guidance to
    implement EU-wide Interoperable SDIs
       IR are legally binding
       TC are not legally binding
   Main Aspects Covered
     Metadata
     Network Services

     Data and Service Sharing

     Data Specification

     Monitoring and Reporting

   Maximum Reuse of existing standards (OGC, ISO, W3C)
                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – Network Services
   Discovery Services
   View Services
   Download Services
   Transformation Services
   Invoke Spatial Data Services
   Rights Management Layer

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – Discovery Services

   Discovery of spatial dataset and services
   Provide operations on services
         query about service capabilities
         register other federated Discovery Services
   Provide operations on metadata
         search
         update (both push and pull modes),
         perform federated searches

   Based on Metadata specs from ISO
   TG requires CSW 2.0.2 ISO AP as starting point

                    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                               8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – Download Services
   Account for copies of spatial dataset, or parts of
    them to be downloaded and/ accessed directly
   Predefined Dataset (or part) VS Direct access
       Presence of Query Capabilities
       Different Discovery Metadata
   Based on OGC WFS 2.0 and ISO/DIS 19142, 19143
    for Direct Access
   May allow WFS 1.1 in the future
   Support for European CRS is Mandatory (See
    Annex I of directive)

                  Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                             8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – Download Services
   Support for GML 3.2.1 is Mandatory
   SOAP Encoding is suggested
   Multilingualism Support is key
   Support for the Temporal dimension is Mandatory
   Support for Vector Data is rather mature
   Support for Raster Data is unclear
     WCS 1.1.2? WCS 2.0?

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – View Services
   Display, Navigate, zoom in/out, pan or overlay
    viewable dataset and legend information
   Based on OGC WMS 1.3.0 – ISO 19128 with OGC
    SLD and SE
     INSPIRE Profile

   WMTS 1.0.0 for tile services with INSPIRE
   WMS 1.1.1 (INSPIRE PROFILE) is also acceptable
   2 Available Scenarios
       Scenario 1: GetCapabilities document is extended with a link to a
       Scenario 2: Extra elements are embedded into the GetCapabilities
        document itself

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – View Services
   Support for European CRS is Mandatory (See
    Annex I of directive)
   SOAP support is suggested
   Support for the Temporal data dimension
   Mandatory output formats for Maps are PNG and
   Multilingualism Support is key

               Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                          8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – InvokeSD Services
   Invoking individual spatial services as well as
    combinations of them
     synchronously or asynchronously

   Middleware per processing
   Technical Papers recommend OGC WPS as basic
    building block
   BPEL is recommended between the others for
    Service Chaining and Workflow
   SOAP should be mandatory
   IR and TG not available yet

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE – Who does What
   Discovery service  GeoNetwork
   View, Download, InvokeSD, Transformation
    Service  GeoServer

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE Discovery Services
   GeoNetwork implements CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile
   INPIRE extended constraints in metadata should
    be explicitly enabled in GeoNetwork
   Complies with almost all main requirements in
    Metadata Implementation and Discovery Services
   Main compliancy issues in:
     Handling federated catalogues

           in Discovery Service Metadata and Link Discovery Service
       Federated metadata retrieving
           no CSW, only Z39.50
       Publishing in pull mode
           matching CSW Harvest operation in GN is not stable yet
                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE View Services
   Historically well supported WMS 1.1.1
   GeoServer Stable 2.1.x Supports WMS 1.3
       Ordnance Survey (UK) funded the work
   INSPIRE compliancy still partial
       Harmonized Names (available since 2.2.0 beta)
       SOAP Support missing (recommended, not mandatory)
       Scenario 2 not supported
       Partial support for multilingualism
   INSPIRE Community Extension
       Separate plugin
       Plugs-in additional
        fields for Multilingualism
        and Service Metadata

                        Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                   8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE View Services
   Language support:
     Single language declaration support

   Limitations
     No multilingual metadata on layers

     Missing localized support for exceptions

     Missing localization support for contents (e.g.,

      GetFeatureInfo, GetMap labels)
   Robust support for Mandatory CRS (ETRS89)
   Support for Mandatory Encoding Formats (PNG,
   Support for SLD 1.0 solid and mature
       Many Additional Vendor Options
                    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                               8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE View Services
   Support for SE 1.1 present
     extra operations available in SE 1.1 and not in

      SLD 1.0 are not supported
     Some of the above are available as SLD 1.0

      vendor extensions (same functionality, different

                 Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                            8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE View Services
   Fully support for WMTS 1.0 (tiled view services)
   Harmonized names possible
   INSPIRECRS84QUAD tile matrix set not built-in,
    but manually configurable
   Missing INSPIRE extensions:
     WMTS Capabilities document does not contain

      the required INSPIRE extensions (WMS-C do
     No layer metadata links

     Internationalization support missing

     No SOAP support

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE Download Services
   GeoServer 2.2.0 beta first release to support WFS
    2.0 and GML 3.2.1
       IGN France Funding
       SOAP supported
       Missing some functionalities
          Standard Capabilites Extension missing

          Local and Remote Resolve

          GetPropertyValue Interactions with

        AppSchema/Complex Features
   Basic Workflow for Complex features
       Store original datasets in ad hoc schema database
       Generating Object-Relational mappings
       On-the-fly output transformations

                    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                               8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE Coordinate
    Transformation Services - GeoServer
   GeoServer provides coordinate transformation
    tools with the gs:Reproject WPS process
   Requires some changes to become compliant
     Name change

     List supported SRS

     Use different mime types for GML

     Add “test transformation” mode (does not

      actually transform, checks only if possible)

                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
INSPIRE InvokeSD Services
   GeoServer Support OGC WPS 1.0.0
       Interaction with external WFS and WCS
       Automatic Ingestion of produced data
       Basic process chaining is supported
   Interaction with BPEL/BPMN engine to be

                  Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                             8 Maggio 2012
The End


        Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                   8 Maggio 2012
Security Developments in 2.1
   GSIP 57  extended authorization management
   GeoRepository
         Role Base Access Control
             Services
             Operations
             Layers
             Attributes (alphanumeric and geospatial)
         External Web Application
             Web Services + UI
         Rule-based
             IPTables-like
                         Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                    8 Maggio 2012
Security Developments in 2.1


     Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                8 Maggio 2012
RESTful Configuration

       Automatic Configuration           Styles
       of recurring flows of data                  Javascript


Server side                                           Desktop
  scripts      Mass
               publishing of
               Layers                         Layers
                Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                           8 Maggio 2012
WPS*: demo builder

 Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
            8 Maggio 2012
Image Server*
   Turning GeoServer into an Image Server
         Serving pure Imagery
         No geo-reference need/available/(would make sense!)
   Special Coordinate Reference Systems defined
         Interoperability with WMS clients
         Respecting EPSG conventions
             EPSG:404000
             See here
   Improved support for data with
    bad/missing geo-reference!

                    Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                               8 Maggio 2012
Aggregating data store
   N layers, remote or local, sharing the same structure
   Aggregating store puts them together dynamically, the
    client wil think there is just one layer
   Parallel data fetching
   Can be configured to tolerates
    temporarily unreachable data

                   Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                              8 Maggio 2012
Cross-Layer filtering
   “querylayer” community module
   “Find all sites within 100 meters from roads”
   Single CQL filter with WMS:
                                             200, meters)

                   Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                              8 Maggio 2012
Improved Clustering
   New parameters to allow multiple GeoServers to work
    against the same network shared data directory
         Per server log file location
         Disabling GWC meta store
         Disabling GWC disk quota management
   GeoWebCache Enhancements
         disable the embedded GWC completely,
         hide the embedded GWC to the public
         keep the embedded GWC only for fast layer seeding
             only one GWC at a time is allowed to write on disk

                      Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                 8 Maggio 2012
WMS Animator
   Animations for WMS requests across custom GetMap
   Controlled via aparam/avalues couples
   Generates multiple frames through multiple GetMap requests
         http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms/animate?LAYERS=topp%3Aworld&apara

                       Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO)
                                  8 Maggio 2012

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GeoServer, GeoNetwork and INSPIRE: where we are and what is missing

  • 1. Creare SDI INSPIRE Ready con GeoNetwork e GeoServer Ing. Andrea Aime, GeoSolutions Ing. Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions Ing. Emanuele Tajariol, GeoSolutions Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 2. Outline  Who is GeoSolutions?  What GeoServer can do for you  What GeoNetwork can do for you  INSPIRE  Where we are and where we should be Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 3. GeoSolutions  Founded in Italy in late 2006  Expertise • Image Processing, GeoSpatial Data Fusion • Java, Java Enterprise, C++, Python • JPEG2000, JPIP, Advanced 2D visualization  Supporting/Developing FOSS4G projects  GeoTools, GeoServer  GeoNetwork, GeoBatch  ImageIO-Ext  Focus on Consultancy  agencies, large private companies, etc… Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 4. GeoServer  GeoSpatial enterprise gateway  Java Enterprise  Management and Dissemination of raster and vector data  Standards compliant  OGC WCS 1.0, 1.1.1 (RI), 2.0 in the pipeline  OGC WFS 1.0, 1.1 (RI), 2.0  OGC WMS 1.1.1, 1.3  OGC WPS 1.0.0  Google Earth/Maps support  KML, GeoSearch, etc.. Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 5. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- PNG, GIF ---------- Shapefile ---------- --------- WMS JPEG ---------- 1.1.1 TIFF, 1.3.0 Formats and Protocols Vector files GeoTIFF PostGIS SVG, PDF Oracle Styled KML/KMZ Google* maps H2 DB2 SQL Server Shapefile MySql WFSv* GML2 GeoServer Spatialite GML3 DBMS GeoCouch WFS GeoRSS 1.0, 1.1, Raw vector GeoJSON data 2.0 CSV/XLS ArcSDE WFS WPS 1.0.0 GeoTIFF Servers WCS ArcGrid GeoTIFF 1.0 GTopo30 WMS 1.1.1 Raw raster Img+World ArcGrid data GTopo30 GWC Img+world (WMTS, KML superoverlays Mosaic Raster files TMS, Google maps tiles MrSID WMS-C) OGC tiles JPEG 2000 OSGEO tiles ECW,Pyramid, Oracle GeoRaster, PostGis Raster Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 6. Architecture WCS WMS WFS WFSv REST Google GWC GeoTools ImageIO JAI JTS GDAL Kakadu JAITools Vector Style Raster Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 7. Administration GUI Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 8. Integrated Security  Spring Security  RBAC on layers and services  Built-in version with simplified rules namespace.layer.mode=role1,role2,... A name, or * to r: read The roles that will mean “any” w: write be authorized to access the data under this rule Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 9. Integrated Security *.*.r=* RDONLY *.*.w=NO_ONE lock down private.*.r=TRUSTED_ROLE private.*.w=TRUSTED_ROLE Per-layer override topp.districts.w=LEGISLATORS topp. Other private.* topp.* districts layers TRUSTED_ROLE r/w r r r LEGISLATORS (no access) r r/w r (all other users) (no access) r r r Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 10. GUI: security configuration Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 11. Security Developments in 2.1  Security Management at the feature level (record in DBMS)  read and write filtering  Hide sensible attributes  Discriminate visible areas on a per-user basis  Rules for services and layers  Server side framework available, open source implementation needed! Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 12. Security Developments in 2.2  Pluggable user sources, available out of the box:  LDAP  DBMS  Pluggable authentication mechanisms, available out of the box:  BASIC/DIGEST HTTP  CAS  Possible to integrate with other mechanisms and in-house solutions Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 13. RESTful Configuration  Programmatic configuration of layers via REST calls  Workspaces  DataStores/CoverageStores  Layers and Styles  Exposing internal configuration to remote clients  Ajax-JavaScript friendly  “Core” Module since 2.1  Integrated Security  Admin credentials required for modifications Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 14. WFS  Dissemination and filtering of vector data  WFS 1.0 and 1.1 support with transactions  WFS 2.0 on trunk  Formats:  GML 2, 3.1 e 3.2  GeoRSS, GeoJSON  Shapefile (zipped)  OGR (configurable)  Extensions  CQL  WFS 1.0 with on-the-fly reprojection Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 15. WCS*  Raster data dissemination  Raw raster data useful for analysis, no maps!  Support for TIME and ELEVATION (via ImageMosaic plugin)  WCS 1.0 e 1.1.1  WCS 2.0 being discussed  Output formats  GeoTiff, ArcGrid  GDAL based formats*  Extensions  ELEVATION as band management*  Refactor Ongoing! Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 16. WMS  Dissemination of Maps  Fusing raster and vector data seamlessly  With styling!  WMS 1.1.1 and 1.3 support  INSPIRE!  SLD  Basic support for SLD 1.1 and SE 1.1  Full support for SLD 1.0  Many rendering extensions available!  Integration with GeoWebCache Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 17. KML/KMZ TEMPORAL SERIES KML EXTRUDE KML SUPEROVERLAY Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 18. Advanced Projection Handling Management of dateline Change and map-wrapping Cutting un-reprojectable geometries Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 19. Raster Symbolizer Raw 256 Data Colors 65536 Colors Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 20. Dynamic symbolizers Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 21. Advanced Styling Advanced Labeling Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 22. Advanced Styling Geometry Filter Functions Transformations Drop Number Shadow Formatting Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 23. Advanced Styling Continuous Maps CSS Styling <PolygonSymbolizer> <Fill> <!-- CssParameters allowed are fill (the color) and fill-opacity --> <CssParameter name="fill">#4DFF4D</CssParameter> <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.7</CssParameter> </Fill> </PolygonSymbolizer> Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 24. WMS - CQL  GeoServer WMS – CQL Examples  STATE_NAME = 'Montana'  MALE > FEMALE  LAND_KM > 300000 Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 25. Rendering transformations  On-the-fly data transformations  Calling WPS processes from SLD docs  Optimized for performance Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 26. Rendering transformations  Point feature extraction from two band raster data (e.g. Wind(u,v))  Computation of direction and module from SLD Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 27. ImageIO-Ext Support  JAI ImageIO Extension  Plugins:  BigTiff  netCDF-CF, GriB1  MatFile 5  HDF4  JP2000 (Kakadu)  GDAL 1.8.1  GDAL integration via ImageIO-ext  JPEG2000,MrSID, ECW  BigTIFF, ERDAS Image, HDF4 Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 28. GeoWebCache Integration  Direct calls to GeoServer GeoServer rendering engine  Support for layers modified through WFT-T GeoWebCache  Support for various tile protocols  GMap, Gearth  OpenLayers, VEarth, Bing  Speed-up factor 10/100  Disk quota support Persistent raster/KML tile cache Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 29. Improved Raster Reprojection  Raster reprojection  complex process  Idea:  try to approximate the overall transformation with a simpler one, either a single affine transformation or a piecewise composition of them (grid warp)  Ability to specify threshold for error acceptance  Iterative approach (local optimization)  Trade off between speed and precision Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 30. SQL Parametric Views  SQL View as a GeoServer Layer  No need to actually creating a view in the database  View can be parametric  WMS and WFS allow parameter substitution  ….&request=GetMap&viewparams=low:2000000;high:5000000  Default values for parameters  Validation with regular expressions Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 31. Virtual Services  Expose multiple OGC service endpoints per installation  One virtual service per workspace  Expose only layers defined in such workspace  Use cases:  Provide clients with focused/theme centered data sets  Provide each department of a single organization with its own set of services  Limitations:  Single administrator for the whole server  Service metadata (point of contacts and the like) still configured centrally Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 32. WMS* Cascading  GetMap and GetFeatureInfo Cascading  Support for reprojection on-the-fly  GUI based mass import of remote layers  TODO: Securing unsecure WMS Services Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 33. WPS*  WPS 1.0  Official Extension  Raster and Vector data support  High performance processes development (raster/vector statistics, raster/vector format conversions and more)  Integrated WPS  Automatic publishing of results  Embedding processes into SLD styles  Reuse processes as rendering transformations Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 34. WPS*  Deficiencies  No support for asynchronous requests  Missing request limits enforcements (e.g. input/output maximum dimensions)  Wish list:  Scripting (Jython, GeoScript)  Sextante, IDL, JGrass (Grass?) integration  Improved robustness  Jiffle (jai-tools) based raster algebra  Create new layers as dynamic WPS processes (computing data on the fly as requested) Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 35. Complex Feature*  Application/community schemas  Complex Features  Attributes as sub-features  Attributes as list of features  Tree-like structure  Heterogeneous data sources  INSPIRE! Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 36. WMS TIME and ELEVATION TIME = 20100512T0000000Z ELEVATION = 0.0 FeatureType Editor Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 37. Raster Pyramids  Preprocessing raster data for performance  Multiple resolutions levels  Scale decide best resolution level  Multiple file (tiles) per resolutions level  File Based Pyramids Support  DBMS-based Pyramids  Postgis  DB2  Oracle (GeoRaster)  MySQL Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 38. GeoNetwork  (GeoSpatial) Catalog  Registry of Metadata  Repository  Enterprise Search Appliance  GeoPortal  SDI entry point  Information Broker  Metadata Editor  Standards Based  Implemented with Java Enterprise technologies Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 39. Technologies  Java Enterprise  Apache Lucene for speed light search  Support for different backends  MYSQL, Oracle, Postgresql, etc..  XSL Templates for flexible presentation  XML Schema  Metadata Validation and Editing  Support for Enterprise Security  LDAP  Shibboleth Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 40. Standards  ISO TC 211  Others  19110:2005  FGDC  19115:2003  19115:2005  OpenSearch Geo  19119:2005  RSS/GeoRSS  19139:2007  WebDAV  23950/Z39.50  OGC  OAI-PMH  CSW 2.0.2 (ISO  Dublin Core Profile)  INSPIRE  Discovery Service Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 41. Catalogue/Registry  Manage, Publish and Search collections of metadata about Data, Services and related information  ISO 19115  Metadata about Data  ISO 19119  Metadata about Services  Enterprise Unique entry point  Act as a Broker (SOA)  Can work in federation  Multilingualism Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 42. Repository  GeoNetwork can be used as a repository for the data it describes  Authorization on data are independent from authorization on related metadata  Easy-to-use editor controls to upload data and set automatically the onLineResource URL Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 43. Catalogue/Registry - Federation  Multiple Registries for Multiple Enterprise Clouds  Different data/services  Different Organizations  Federation reduces complexity  Available Paradigms  Harvesting  Synchronized Local Copy of remote Metadata  Remote Search  Federating node as NoCache proxy for queries  GeoNetwork support both Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 44. Enterprise GeoPortal  User Friendly Search/View GeoPortal  Customizable Presentation  Search Forms  Results Presentation  Based on XSL templates  Embedding in third party sites  Integrate with A&A layers  Different views for different roles  Metadata Profiling Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 45. Enterprise GeoPortal  Metadata Profiling  Authentication  Internal user management for smaller deploys  LDAP integration  Shibboleth integration (federated SSO)  Authorization  User groups (grants on metadata)  User profiles (grants on operations)  Metadata access authorization is fine grained at group level Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 46. Metadata Editor  Terms and Rules from ISO 19115 and 19119  Encoding in 19139, FGDC and Dublin Core  Intuitive Web-Based Editor with Validation  Identification Section  Distribution Section  Reference System Section  Data Quality Section  Metadata Section  Highly Customizable  Presentation  Validation Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 47. Metadata Editor  Additional capabilities  Extensible Templates’ set  Visual Validation  Extensive online resource management (WMS, File download, etc..)  Additional Metadata Linking (dataset/service, parent/child, feature catalog/dataset metadata)  Role assignment for presentation profiling  Multilingual Support  Batch Import/Insert from XML Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 48. INSPIRE  Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community  2007/2/EC Directive, 14/03/2007  Fully in place by 2019  Implementing Rules and Technical Guidance to implement EU-wide Interoperable SDIs  IR are legally binding  TC are not legally binding  Main Aspects Covered  Metadata  Network Services  Data and Service Sharing  Data Specification  Monitoring and Reporting  Maximum Reuse of existing standards (OGC, ISO, W3C) Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 49. INSPIRE – Network Services  Discovery Services  View Services  Download Services  Transformation Services  Invoke Spatial Data Services  Rights Management Layer Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 50. INSPIRE – Discovery Services  Discovery of spatial dataset and services  Provide operations on services  query about service capabilities  register other federated Discovery Services  Provide operations on metadata  search  update (both push and pull modes),  perform federated searches  Based on Metadata specs from ISO  TG requires CSW 2.0.2 ISO AP as starting point Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 51. INSPIRE – Download Services  Account for copies of spatial dataset, or parts of them to be downloaded and/ accessed directly  Predefined Dataset (or part) VS Direct access  Presence of Query Capabilities  Different Discovery Metadata  Based on OGC WFS 2.0 and ISO/DIS 19142, 19143 for Direct Access  May allow WFS 1.1 in the future  Support for European CRS is Mandatory (See Annex I of directive) Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 52. INSPIRE – Download Services  Support for GML 3.2.1 is Mandatory  SOAP Encoding is suggested  Multilingualism Support is key  Support for the Temporal dimension is Mandatory  Support for Vector Data is rather mature  Support for Raster Data is unclear  WCS 1.1.2? WCS 2.0? Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 53. INSPIRE – View Services  Display, Navigate, zoom in/out, pan or overlay viewable dataset and legend information  Based on OGC WMS 1.3.0 – ISO 19128 with OGC SLD and SE  INSPIRE Profile  WMTS 1.0.0 for tile services with INSPIRE extensions  WMS 1.1.1 (INSPIRE PROFILE) is also acceptable  2 Available Scenarios  Scenario 1: GetCapabilities document is extended with a link to a Catalogue  Scenario 2: Extra elements are embedded into the GetCapabilities document itself Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 54. INSPIRE – View Services  Support for European CRS is Mandatory (See Annex I of directive)  SOAP support is suggested  Support for the Temporal data dimension  Mandatory output formats for Maps are PNG and GID  Multilingualism Support is key Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 55. INSPIRE – InvokeSD Services  Invoking individual spatial services as well as combinations of them  synchronously or asynchronously  Middleware per processing  Technical Papers recommend OGC WPS as basic building block  BPEL is recommended between the others for Service Chaining and Workflow  SOAP should be mandatory  IR and TG not available yet Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 56. INSPIRE – Who does What  Discovery service  GeoNetwork  View, Download, InvokeSD, Transformation Service  GeoServer Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 57. INSPIRE Discovery Services GeoNetwork  GeoNetwork implements CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile  INPIRE extended constraints in metadata should be explicitly enabled in GeoNetwork  Complies with almost all main requirements in Metadata Implementation and Discovery Services  Main compliancy issues in:  Handling federated catalogues  in Discovery Service Metadata and Link Discovery Service operations  Federated metadata retrieving  no CSW, only Z39.50  Publishing in pull mode  matching CSW Harvest operation in GN is not stable yet Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 58. INSPIRE View Services GeoServer  Historically well supported WMS 1.1.1  GeoServer Stable 2.1.x Supports WMS 1.3  Ordnance Survey (UK) funded the work  INSPIRE compliancy still partial  Harmonized Names (available since 2.2.0 beta)  SOAP Support missing (recommended, not mandatory)  Scenario 2 not supported  Partial support for multilingualism  INSPIRE Community Extension  Separate plugin  Plugs-in additional fields for Multilingualism and Service Metadata Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 59. INSPIRE View Services GeoServer  Language support:  Single language declaration support  Limitations  No multilingual metadata on layers  Missing localized support for exceptions  Missing localization support for contents (e.g., GetFeatureInfo, GetMap labels)  Robust support for Mandatory CRS (ETRS89)  Support for Mandatory Encoding Formats (PNG, GIF)  Support for SLD 1.0 solid and mature  Many Additional Vendor Options Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 60. INSPIRE View Services GeoServer  Support for SE 1.1 present  extra operations available in SE 1.1 and not in SLD 1.0 are not supported  Some of the above are available as SLD 1.0 vendor extensions (same functionality, different syntax) Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 61. INSPIRE View Services GeoWebCache  Fully support for WMTS 1.0 (tiled view services)  Harmonized names possible  INSPIRECRS84QUAD tile matrix set not built-in, but manually configurable  Missing INSPIRE extensions:  WMTS Capabilities document does not contain the required INSPIRE extensions (WMS-C do though)  No layer metadata links  Internationalization support missing  No SOAP support Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 62. INSPIRE Download Services GeoServer  GeoServer 2.2.0 beta first release to support WFS 2.0 and GML 3.2.1  IGN France Funding  SOAP supported  Missing some functionalities  Standard Capabilites Extension missing  Local and Remote Resolve  GetPropertyValue Interactions with AppSchema/Complex Features  Basic Workflow for Complex features  Store original datasets in ad hoc schema database  Generating Object-Relational mappings  On-the-fly output transformations Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 63. INSPIRE Coordinate Transformation Services - GeoServer  GeoServer provides coordinate transformation tools with the gs:Reproject WPS process  Requires some changes to become compliant  Name change  List supported SRS  Use different mime types for GML  Add “test transformation” mode (does not actually transform, checks only if possible) Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 64. INSPIRE InvokeSD Services GeoServer  GeoServer Support OGC WPS 1.0.0  Interaction with external WFS and WCS  Automatic Ingestion of produced data  Basic process chaining is supported  Interaction with BPEL/BPMN engine to be tested Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 65. The End Questions? Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 66. Security Developments in 2.1  GSIP 57  extended authorization management  GeoRepository  Role Base Access Control  Services  Operations  Layers  Attributes (alphanumeric and geospatial)  External Web Application  Web Services + UI  Rule-based  IPTables-like Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 67. Security Developments in 2.1 GeoRepository Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 68. RESTful Configuration Automatic Configuration Styles of recurring flows of data Javascript client GeoBatch GeoServer Server side Desktop scripts Mass app publishing of Layers Layers Publishing Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 69. WPS*: demo builder Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 70. Image Server*  Turning GeoServer into an Image Server  Serving pure Imagery  No geo-reference need/available/(would make sense!)  Special Coordinate Reference Systems defined  Interoperability with WMS clients  Respecting EPSG conventions  EPSG:404000  See here  Improved support for data with bad/missing geo-reference! Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 71. Aggregating data store  N layers, remote or local, sharing the same structure  Aggregating store puts them together dynamically, the client wil think there is just one layer  Parallel data fetching  Can be configured to tolerates temporarily unreachable data sources Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 72. Cross-Layer filtering  “querylayer” community module  “Find all sites within 100 meters from roads”  Single CQL filter with WMS: DWITHIN( the_geom, 256 collectGeometries( Colors queryCollection('roads', 'the_geom', 'INCLUDE') ), 200, meters) Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 73. Improved Clustering  New parameters to allow multiple GeoServers to work against the same network shared data directory  Per server log file location  Disabling GWC meta store  Disabling GWC disk quota management  GeoWebCache Enhancements  disable the embedded GWC completely,  hide the embedded GWC to the public  keep the embedded GWC only for fast layer seeding  only one GWC at a time is allowed to write on disk Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012
  • 74. WMS Animator  Animations for WMS requests across custom GetMap params  Controlled via aparam/avalues couples  Generates multiple frames through multiple GetMap requests  http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms/animate?LAYERS=topp%3Aworld&apara m=time&avalues=2004-01-01T00:00:00.000Z,,2004-07- 01T00:00:00.000Z&format=image/gif;subtype=animated&format_options=gif_l oop_continuosly:true Workshop di PTA Interreg, La Salle (AO) 8 Maggio 2012