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Conoscere la realtà aumentata
    in un contesto innovativo
    economico e sociale nuovo
Future Horizon of Quantum Art and Augmented Reality

             Florence December 14 2012

      Giuliana Guazzaroni

    is for

             is for

                Getting to know augmented reality
       in a new and innovative economic and social context

Mobile phones, tablets and
  other handheld devices
   offer the possibility of
  interacting and staying
 fluidly connected to the
      mobile Internet
Mobile Internet
      The consequence is that the mobile
    Internet may facilitate the development
     and the popularity of informal learning

Learning can be activated in
      different places
e.g. Home, workplace, playground, library,
museum, natural environment, street etc.
     The increasing number of
  smartphones gives people the
opportunity to interact with real
  objects, and the possibility to
activate learning processes from a
           real situation
Mobile Learning
                                A visit to a
                               museum using
 The boundaries
                               computer may
learning, gaming,
                               offer a unique
simulating or role
  playing are not
                               experience as
  clearly defined
                                described in
                                the trials of
Mobile Technology

Recent research indicates the acceptance of
 mobile technology in teaching and learning
(Wexler, Brown, Metcalf, Rogers and Wagner,
     2008; Saravani and Clayton, 2009)
Mobile Technology
The use of mobile technology for learning has
   established the legitimacy of “nomadic”
             (Alexander, 2004)
Mobile Technology
 Especially, teenagers and young adults have
 adopted a new mobile culture and have been
 identified as “archetypal mobile superusers”
                  (Ling, 2004)

Mobile is a social instrument allowing people to
 stay permanently connected to the network.
                  (Bressler, 2006)
A come Augmented
                                                        R come Reality
                                                            = AR

               A ume
       Re altà

                                          Foto: L’Aquila, 30.6.2012 Apertura percorso
                                                    “Poesia di strada in RA”
La realtà aumentata integra informazioni sintetiche sensoriali con
la percezione che l'utente ha dell'ambiente in cui si trova (un
ambiente reale con oggetti con cui l'utente interagisce). Il risultato
è una sovrapposizione di livelli informativi differenti che si
integrano all'esperienza reale degli oggetti
                       Getting to know augmented reality
              in a new and innovative economic and social context
Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
Che cos’è oggi
E cosa sarà domani la realtà

In estrema sintesi la realtà aumentata è una reinvenzione della
realtà che utilizza una combinazione di tecnologie d’avanguardia:
sensori in primis, ma anche tutte le possibilità crescenti offerte
dai nuovi dispositivi mobili come nuova intelligenza applicativa e
una connettività al Web a tutto campo

                      Getting to know augmented reality
             in a new and innovative economic and social context
   Ecco come si vedrà la realtà quotidiana con
       indosso i Project Glass di Google.

     Il video:        NEW YORK, 10 SET ‘12 – I Google
                                                  Glass non sono più un sogno virtuale.
        L’accessorio                              Li abbiamo visti sfilare sulle passerelle
                     sarà in vend                 della settimana della moda di New
                                  ita negli
                   Stati Uniti                    York
               a partire dal

Si tratta di occhiali senza lenti, ma con telecamera, microfono e cuffie integrate
che amplificano la realtà. La parte superiore della lente destra presenta un
micro-display, su cui appaiono le informazioni relative alla realtà che ci
circonda                                                           Fonte: Il

                           Getting to know augmented reality
                  in a new and innovative economic and social context
Fonte: Il

         Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
 Principali        strumenti per la

               Getting to know augmented reality
      in a new and innovative economic and social context
..fino a poco tempo
fa per accrescere la
realtà si usavano            Hardware pe
caschetti, guanti
                                         r la realtà
dotati di sensori,               aumentata
dispositivi con lenti
speciali, proiettori..

                             ..finché una gene
                                              razione nuova di
                             smart, da tenere                    oggetti
                                              nelle nostre tasc
                             diffonde…                          he, si

   ..cellulari o tablet di ultima generazione sono piuttosto diffusi
   e permettono connessioni con elementi creati ad hoc e
   inseriti nell’ambiente reale: la città, la scuola, il museo,
   Il fine è offrire servizi di varia natura che siano adeguati a
   differenti tipologie di fruitori (cittadini, turisti, studenti..)

                                  Getting to know augmented reality
                         in a new and innovative economic and social context
                          r e al
               software pe
                           r la
              realtà aume

Una volta che ci si è dotati di un cellulare o di un tablet di
ultima generazione (generalmente con sistema operativo
Android oppure iOS) basterà andare in Google Play o nell’App
Store e osservare quante applicazioni ci sono per catturare la
realtà aumentata!

Non tutte saranno valide, bisognerà testarle per capire se sono adatte o
meno alle nostre esigenze di utente esigente..
                     Getting to know augmented reality
            in a new and innovative economic and social context
Browser per
      realtà aume
                 ntata                                Foto: L’Aquila, 30.6.2012
                                                     Apertura percorso “Poesia di
                                                            strada in RA”

Per andare a rilevare, a scoprire, gli oggetti sintetici
(file di testo, immagini, video..) che si
sovrappongono alla realtà reale, è necessaria,
innanzitutto, un’applicazione specifica (un browser)
per smartphone, iPhone, tablet, iPad..

                   Getting to know augmented reality
          in a new and innovative economic and social context
Aurasma            (
Uno dei principali browser per la RA
e il riconoscimento delle immagini,                  browser
ha un’interfaccia friendly                            per la
  Acrossair ( uno dei primi browser per la RA
             Layar             ( Altro browser molto conosciuto e
             in rapido sviluppo dal punto di vista dell’offerta di servizi innovativi
             per i propri utenti

                                                         Mixare (
Junaio ( Innovativo e                    ha la caratteristica di essere
affidabile anche Junaio è apprezzato da un               open source
affezionato bacino d’utenza
                          Getting to know augmented reality
                 in a new and innovative economic and social context
 Campi di

             Getting to know augmented reality
    in a new and innovative economic and social context
                 l                   i..

..come innumerevoli sono gli usi che possiamo fare del Web..
  dei mondi virtuali.. dei modi di abitare la rete e di fare rete.
Unica differenza è che la realtà aumentata prova a uscire dai
 desktop, dalle scrivania, dagli schermi e si piazza negli spazi
   aperti, negli interni, nei supporti cartacei, negli oggetti di
    design..e, più in generale, ovunque si possa iniziare a
                    Getting to know augmented reality
           in a new and innovative economic and social context
Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning
Mobile and ubiquitous Learning
 Smartphones and tablets are important for
learning, but mobile and ubiquitous learning is
more than just using mobile facilities to learn.

                  Mobile Learning is rather
                  referred to the MOBILITY
                          of learner
Mobile and Ubiquitous
Mobile learning is characterized by a change in
 learning scenarios

                     The facility of communication with
                   tutors and peers offers the opportunity
                       to design interactive and social
                   activities to engage students in a real-
                              world learning path.
Theories of reference
for mobile and ubiquitous learning

  The experim
                  ents of m
  ubiquitous le                obile and
               arning in mus
  other places                eums and in
                of interest a
 develop a                   re aimed to
                mobile and
 learning en                   ubiquitous
               vironment u
objects, broa                sing smart
               dcasting and
reality (AR)                  augmented
      Brain resear
                    ch has poin
      emotions in l             ted out the
                    earning..               role of

Damasio (2010) uses the term emotion to
refer to internal changes in body state (e.g.
chemical, visceral, muscular) and resulting
changes in the nervous system. Emotions
are not conscious. Emotions can be
induced, for example by the sight of an
object into a museum. They can create
feelings, which supply the stimulus for
Mirror neuro
            ns     ..          Emotions
     Mirror neurons allow people to interpret the minds of
     others not through logical thinking but through direct
     simulation, by feeling and not by thinking. Mirror neurons
     unveil how students learn and why groups of people
     respond to certain sports, dance, music and art (Rizzolatti
     and M. Fabbri-Destro, 2008).

     If a learner observes an archaeological find (e.g. Shin-
     guard) he/she can experience the action behind it and,
     consequently, learn how the object was effectively used.
     The student can be empathetic engaged by a find and
     he/she can amplify his/her own cultural experience of the
Sentimental dimension

A sentimental dimension should be cultivated in young students.
In fact, today’s learners are subjected to a large amount of
stimuli (e.g. School, television, sports, different baby-sitters etc.)
in the absence of an authentic communication with adults.

When stimuli are excessive, compared to the capacity of
elaborating them, the young person tends to suppress the
sentimental dimension and consequently intelligence riskily
evolves without the anchor of sense (Galimberti, 2009).
Personalization of learning using the “Multiple Intelligences”
          theory and “Five Minds for the Future”

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (2004)
Personalization of learning using the “Multiple Intelligences”
          theory and “Five Minds for the Future”
   In Five Minds for the Future (2006), Gardner outlines the cognitive abilities that
   will be cultivated by future leaders as follows:

   a. The Disciplinary Mind: The mastery of science, mathematics, and history,
   and of at least one professional expertise;
   b. The Synthesizing Mind: The ability to put together ideas from different
   c. The Creating Mind: The capacity to find out and explain new problems,
   questions and phenomena;
   d. The Respectful Mind: awareness of differences among human beings and
   human groups and the consequent appreciation for them;
   e. The Ethical Mind: Awareness of personal responsibilities as a worker and as
   a citizen.
Emotional mapping

When students are immersed in a real environment, the
emotional map can offer the possibility to better understand
how different people have interpreted the location trough their
creations (e.g. Stories, draws, recorded interviews etc.).

In the trials, the emotional map is created by the objects left in
the location by the visitors. Thus, users are encouraged to use
their Creative mind and produce, for example, narratives,
drawings, interviews or reports in order to reinvent the map of
the real location.
    Recreational and educational activities can take
    place in formal contexts, such as school, or in
    informal settings, such as a museum, a park or a

The elements that make a game intriguing
or challenging can be applied to situations
that do not belong to the sphere of gaming.
Gamification is the term that expresses the
processes of Game Design used in areas not
previously involved in the dynamics of
The 7E learning cycle model and the 5 Step model
     In imple
    or histo enting the rea
             ric               l ex
    and Li al interest, the perience in a
            n,                   7               m
   (2000)a 2008; Guazz E learning cy useum or in a
            re cruci           a               c            n
                    al to bu roni and Leo le (Eisenkraft, other place of
                            ild a su                                      cu
                                    ccessfu , 2011) and    2003; H
                                                                  uang, L ltural
                                           l experi      Salmon          iu, Gra
                                                   ence        's 5 s
                                                                      tep mo f
1. Elicit: The teacher/facilitator prepares technologies
   and materials alone, there is no need of scaffolding;
2. Engage: The teacher/facilitator explains the
   experience to the students. This phase corresponds to
   the first step in Salmon's model (2000);
3. Explore: Students start reading POIs while exploring
   the location; during this phase (second step in
   Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator has to help
   students to positively interact and familiarizing with
   technology and artefacts;
The 7E learning cycle model and the 5 Step model
4. Explain: Groups start an active interaction with real learning objects. Groups
   create contents for future visitors and discuss collected data to create their
   emotional map of the place; during this phase (third step in Salmon's model,
   2000) the facilitator can help students to get information from real learning
   objects (e.g. Artefacts, information panels etc.);
5. Elaborate: Each group develops the final version of their content to be left in the
   location; during this phase (fourth step in Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator
   assists knowledge construction processes;
6. Extend: Students collect additional learning content; during this phase (fifth step
   in Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator can help students providing additional
7. Evaluate: The teacher/facilitator brings together useful information to evaluate
   the participants’ learning achievement; there is no need of scaffolding.
EMMAP was trialled at:

•“Museo della Carrozza” Palazzo Buonaccorsi, Via Don
Giovanni Minzoni 24, Macerata

•“Museo Civico Archeologico Giuseppe Moretti”, Castello al
Monte, San Severino Marche (MC)

•Antiche Mura” & “Borgo Ficana” Macerata

•“Zona Rossa” in L’Aquila
Museo della Carrozza
  EMMAP was trialled at the Macerata
   Carriage Museum on June 2011

The museum is characterized by two main

1.The narrative motif based on the
relationship between carriages and the
2.The technical motif based on the
mechanical development documented by
the collection.

     A group of students, in        their   twenties,
     participated in the research

     They were all 3rd year students of Accademia
     di Belle Arti

     Moreover, they were all enrolled in a course
     called: “Net Art”, where useful technologies
     are creatively used
Museo della Carrozza / Evaluation
In the final evaluation test, most of the pupils declared they
had connection problems in the museum basement rooms
The didactic benefits, revealed by the evaluation, were the following:

•Social benefits: most of the participants felt that working in groups had
improved their attitude to listening to their peers (70%); most of them said that
everybody in the group had contributed to the construction of group knowledge
(80%); but, they only moderately improved their awareness and respect for their
peers (80%)
•Creative thinking benefits: Most of the participants said that they improved
their creative thinking during the experience (80%); the richness of different
multimedia materials in the museum improved creative thinking (80%); moreover,
they all agreed that the possibility to tell a story, and to leave it in the museum for
future visitors, stimulated their creative mind (100%)
•Techno-didactic benefits: All the students said that the use of technologies
reinforced social participation and fostered group work; technology promoted a
dialogue with future visitors (80%), and it improved the interest in artefacts
Museo della Carrozza /
The didactic benefits, revealed by the evaluation, were the following:

•Emotional benefits: Most of the participants said that the museum paths
fostered the creation of an emotional bond with the location (80%); they believed
that paths activated an “emotional dimension” with objects and people related to
the past, present and future of the Carriage Museum (80%); they said that a
“sentimental dimension” was fostered by the storytelling activity (80%)

In the comments, four participants suggested improving the Wi-Fi connection in
the museum basement; one said that QR codes should have been available near
artefacts, and not on a map.

The majority of them would have recommended EMMAP paths to other visitors
Implementation of a mobile and ubiquitous learning experience at the
   “Museo      Civico Archeologico Giuseppe Moretti”
EMMAP was tested at the Archaeological Museum with 115 students
attending the first classes of the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale
(ITIS) “Eustachio Divini” of San Severino Marche

The study involved 115 teenagers (11 girls and 105 boys) aged from
13 to 16 (8 students were 13; 96 students were 14; 8 students were
15; 3 students were 16)

                   Castello di San Severino Marche Museo Archeologico
Augmented Reality

          Evaluation                         HIGH

In the expectation questionnaire, most of them
declared familiarity with technologies (93%).

74% said they also made use of the mobile                              AVERAGE
Internet; within these users a 32% said they
connected to the mobile Internet very often.        Percentage of Internet mobile usage

A few participants reported knowing and
currently use QR-Code (38%), the remaining
part declared curiosity about it, but they had
never seen or read it before (62%).

Most of the teens considered themselves to
be ready for a mobile and ubiquitous learning
experience (80%).
After the trial, the participants completed a questionnaire to evaluate the satisfaction.
The questionnaire was negotiated between the different stakeholders in order to
evaluate the quality of the experience.
It was divided into three parts:

1.Organization area
2.Content area
3.General evaluation
                                             1. Organizational Area

           50                    45,2

                              37,4                                                   38,9
           40                                                                                    Very low
                                                                                         30,1    Low
           30                                                                     23,9
                                                                22,8                             High
                                                         20,2                                    Very high
           20                        13,9

           10                                      4,4                  2,7 4,4
                    0,9 2,6                  1,8

                Punctuality of information   Accurate timing           Quality of the activity
2. Content Area
45                  39,5                     39,1
35                                                                                Very low
                        28,9             28,7                          28,1
30                                                                                Low
                 23,7                                                             Average
20                                                                                Very high
                                      11,3                                 12,3
10         6,1                                                6,1
                                3,5                     4,4
5    1,8

      Topics/games             Personal Motivation     New cultural stimuli
2.1 Technological difficulties
              with mobile and ubiquitous learning

40   36,3

                                                    Very low
30                                                  Low
                                           22,1     Average
20                       14,2       14,2            Very high
            Technological difficulties
3. General evaluation of the visit

45                        41,7

                                                     32,5 32,5
                   26,1                                                 Very low
25                                                               20,2   Average
                                 18,3                                   High
                                                                        Very high
15          10,4                               9,6
10                                      5,3
     Adequacy to expectations                 Learning needs
3.1 General evaluation
40              35,7                                       36             36,5
35                                                    31,6
30                              27,2
                   23,2                                                            Very low
25                                     21,1         21,1                           Low
15       11,6               11,4                                12,2               Very high
                                                                   11,3     11,3
10                        6,1
      3,6                                     2,6

     Listening attitude     Creativity    Technology appeal       Emotion
The general results of the evaluation reveal
positive outcomes relating to:

1.Strengthening the awareness that mobile phones should be
considered as new cultural resources that work within an
individualized, mobile and convergent mass communication
(Cook, Pachler and Bachmail, 2011);
2.The possibility offered by mobile phones to attract teens and
consequently to shorten the distance between young people
and heritage;
3.The possibility for the learner to use different multimedia
materials, while interacting with peers in a social co-
construction of meaning and improving a listening attitude;
4.The possibility for the student to experience active learning in
an informal environment, such as a museum;
The general results of the evaluation reveal
positive outcomes relating to:

5.The developing of “The Creating Mind”, a key attitude for the
future (Gardner, 2006);
6.The development of different forms of intelligences, according
to the theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 2004);
7.The development of an “emotional dimension” in young
learners (Galimberti, 2009);
8.The production of different stories and drawings that remain
available for future interactions and leaves emotional traces in
the museum;
9.The possibility to create an emotional map using students’
traces for future visitors.
Augmented reality in Macerata
During the Macerata Ospitale Art Festival 2011,
an     augmented   reality   experience    was
implemented all around the ancient Mediaeval
walls of Macerata.

Sixty of the most significant works of “Street
Poetry”, a poetry prize, were prepared all along
the perimeter of the city walls
Most of the participants declared themselves to
be familiar with technology (80%). Half of the
visitors said they did not use Internet in their
mobile phones; other users declared making
some use of mobile Internet (40%); others said to
connect in mobility frequently (10%). Most of the
participants affirmed that they did not know
augmented reality facilities (80%) and only a few
admitted knowing something about it (20%).
Nobody was familiar with augmented reality
applications (0%)
The idea beh
                       ind AR was n
      needed a d                      ot clear to th
                      emonstration                   e group of w
      Nevertheless                    of how to                       alkers and co
                     , most of th                     use Layar                        nsequently th
     augmented re                    e participants                   and other A                         ey
                      ality (60%), th                   considered th                  R applicatio
     to use AR fac                    e remaining p                       emselves re                   ns.
                     ilities (40%).                    art declared th                     ady to use
    At the end o                                                         ey needed m
                   f the tour, th                                                         ore expertise
    path could im                  e absolute m
                     prove the en                  ajority declare
    hand, one be                    gagement of                      d that an au
                   lieved that AR                    visitors and                   gmented rea
    Most of the v                    could not imp                   tourists (90%                    lity
                  isitors said th                     rove people's                   ); on the oth
   (80%); the re                   ey did not ha                        interest in the                 er
                  maining part                     ve technolog                            visit (10%).
   (20%). One                      reported hav                  ical problems
                    declared tha                  ing some diffi                   during the wa
  inadequate fo                     t the iPhon                    culty with mo                       lk
                  r tours. Howe                     e and sma                      bile technolo
 and would ha                      ver, most of                    rtphone sma                       gy
                 ve promoted                     the participan                     ll-screens ar
 remaining pa                     the walks aro                   ts said they e                       e
                 rt of the gro                    und the walls                    njoyed the vis
 benefits durin                   up professed                      to other peop                      it
                g a visit (10%                      uncertainty a                    le (90%). The
After the wa                     ).                                  bout AR fac
               lk, one youn                                                          ilities and its
artefacts with                  g man report
                 AR. This is a                 ed having so
objects.                          question due                  me difficulty
                                                  to the GPS o                  localizing vir
                                                                  utdoor positio                  tual
                                                                                   ning of virtua
Poesia di strada in RA arriva a L’Aquila
  Promuovere una mostra d’arte contemporanea in realtà
   aumentata a partire da giugno 2012
  Creare un’esperienza cittadina di fruizione multisensoriale di
   opere d’arte virtuali visualizzabili attraverso applicazioni per
   la realtà aumentata. Le opere andranno ad arricchire, in
   forma permanente, le strade centrali del capoluogo con
   elementi d’arte virtuale e poesia.
  La zona prescelta, da giugno 2012, è marcata da oggetti
   artistici che lì resteranno in realtà aumentata quale memoria
   emozionale collettiva.

                   Getting to know augmented reality
          in a new and innovative economic and social context
Non dovete
                                                assolutamente perdervi
     Foto: L’Aquila, 22.9.2012 Workshop sulla   d’animo, ma continuare
      realtà aumentata con gli ambasciatori     a essere sempre vigili e
                     eTwinning                  pronti
                                                Winston Churchill

L’esperienza è stata
monitorata e ha
rilevato un alto livello
di gradimento (93,3%).
I benefici evidenziati
sono relativi allo
sviluppo di un legame
emozionale con il
luogo; l’attitudine
l’alta rilevanza
culturale e formativa
dell’esperienza ecc.
I risultati saranno resi
noti in un lavoro di
ricerca che verrà
pubblicato nel 2013
per IGI Global.                      Foto: L’Aquila, 22.9.2012 Workshop sulla
                                      realtà aumentata con gli ambasciatori
                            Getting to know augmented reality
                   in a new and innovative economic and social context
Foto: L’Aquila, 22.9.2012 Workshop sulla realtà aumentata con gli ambasciatori eTwinning

                        Getting to know augmented reality
               in a new and innovative economic and social context
 G. Guazzaroni, Emotional Mapping of the Archaeologist Game.
  Computers in Human Behavior – Elsevier Journal, July 2012a
 G. Guazzaroni, Experiential Mapping of Museum Augmented Places -
  Using Mobile Devices for Learning. LAP - Saarbrücken, Germany, May
 Guazzaroni, G., Emotional Mapping of Museum Augmented Places. In
  Mobile learning. Esperienze e riflessioni “made in Italy”, a cura di
  Michelle Pieri. Collana: Quaderni di Qwerty - Progedit, Bari, 2012c.
 G. Guazzaroni and T. Leo, Emotional Mapping of a Place of Interest
  Using Mobile Devices

       nuove pubblicazioni…..

                     Getting to know augmented reality
            in a new and innovative economic and social context
     Il contributo dell’arte all’eco-
    economia attraverso la RA

                   Getting to know augmented reality
          in a new and innovative economic and social context
            i in R

                              Nell’immagine realtà aumentata lungo le mura di Macerata, visualizzazione di un’opera di
                              Hernàn Chavar per Poesia di Strada

       Esperienze positive di
interpretazione artistica realizzate
                                 Esperienze         di marketing territoriale
attraverso la realtà aumentata e gli
           smart objects

                         Getting to know augmented reality
                in a new and innovative economic and social context

       “C’è stato un tempo in cui arte e tecnologia
   sembravano ai poli opposti della cultura. Da qualche
     anno le cose sono molto cambiate. Non stiamo
   parlando delle arti digitali, ma di come sia cambiata
                l’esperienza di fruizione”

                                               Laura Zanotti, Caporedattore di The Biz Loft,
                                       in Arte e tecnologia: sì, ma come cambiano i tempi!

                    Getting to know augmented reality
           in a new and innovative economic and social context
               FRUIZIONE DEL

 La nostra esperienza di fruizione della realtà sta cambiando.
 Abbiamo molteplici opzioni di scelta in tempo reale grazie a
    tecnologie “smart” sempre più pervasive e collegate ai
                 movimenti del nostro corpo
           Getting to know augmented reality
  in a new and innovative economic and social context
Effetto WOW!!!

         Getting to know augmented reality
in a new and innovative economic and social context
Saper entusiasmare sì..
     Saper creare esperienze significative e non

 Gli ogg                                                       I luogh
         etti rac                                                        i si an
                        o...                                                    imano

                     ni si
      Le esposizio menti
                 di ele
            virtuali                                                              re
                                                               ti sanno c
                                                        Iprodot i fruitori

                         Getting to know augmented reality
                in a new and innovative economic and social context
Che cosa ha significato per il

           Getting to know augmented reality
  in a new and innovative economic and social context
Effetto WOW o meno il territorio si fa
…..come? attraverso arte e tecnologia

           Viene aperta una strada verso opportunità
       precedentemente non considerate come strategiche
La combinazione tra arte e realtà aumentata ha il
potenziale di generare un nuovo tipo di
comunicazione culturale che è un driver di
sviluppo finalizzato a realizzare un nuovo
scenario di marketing artistico promozionale in
relazione a un ampio spettro di produzioni e di

                 Getting to know augmented reality
        in a new and innovative economic and social context
si possono sviluppare nuovi
                                                                          modi e metodi di
                                                                       commercializzazione e
                                                                     comunicazione aziendale
                                                                         attraverso l’uso di
                                                                        dispositivi mobili con
                                                                     molteplicità di applicazioni
Un'installazione a metà fra arte e neuroscienza, l'opera di Carlo
                   De Mattia e Claud Hesse:
             Big Conscience per ADAM Accademia

                                         Getting to know augmented reality
                                in a new and innovative economic and social context
                         n       s

 Orizzonti                      futuri

            Getting to know augmented reality
   in a new and innovative economic and social context
In the very near future mobile and ubiquitous facilities will play a
   more and more important role in heritage, art galleries and

   Mobile strategies will include education and interpretation.

     Consequently, more and more museums will adopt new
interpreting strategies including mobile and ubiquitous learning, in
       addition with multisensory augmented experiences.
Un utilizzo sistematico e metodologicamente corretto delle svariate forme di realtà
aumentata è quanto di più auspicabile si possa sviluppare nella costruzione di smart

All’interno della città, in un futuro ormai prossimo, reti di cittadini consapevoli
saranno in grado di fruire diversi piani di realtà per soddisfare esigenze multiformi e
appropriate a comunità multiculturali e a situazioni di plurilinguismo?

La città smart saprà offrire narrazioni differenti costruite sapientemente per venire
incontro alle molteplici esigenze artistiche, culturali e linguistiche (quantistiche)?

Sarà come reinventare di volta in volta un’offerta artistica complessa che vive e si
trasforma attraverso le interazioni, anche emozionali, delle persone che la vivono?

                          Getting to know augmented reality
                 in a new and innovative economic and social context
For EMMAP trials, I wish to thank the               I wish to thank Professor
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle        Tommaso Leo for being my
Marche. I wish to express thanks to Comune          supervisor, for his guidance, for
di San Severino Marche. I also wish to              his brilliant advice
express sincere thanks to Istituto Tecnico
Industriale Statale “Eustachio Divini”.
                                                     I also thank my PhD
I wish to thank Istituzione Macerata Cultura         colleagues
Biblioteca e Musei

I also wish to express sincere thanks to
Licenze Poetiche and ADAM Accademia               I wish to thank Comune di
delle Arti Macerata                               L’Aquila, L’Aquila eMotion, Noi,
                                                  L’Aquila and eTwinning Italia for
                                                  the experiences in L’Aquila

                             Source of images:

The contents of this presentation are under a Licence Creative Commons 3.0 (except for
Dreamstime images and images related to specific software)

If not specified, the source of images is:

                             Getting to know augmented reality
                    in a new and innovative economic and social context
Grazie dell’attenzione!
                Giuliana Guazzaroni

           Dottore di Ricerca in eLearning
       Specialista in Realtà Aumentata e Mobile

               cell: (+39) 333 2042483


           Getting to know augmented reality
  in a new and innovative economic and social context

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Conoscere la realtà aumentata in un contesto innovativo economico e sociale nuovo

  • 1. Conoscere la realtà aumentata in un contesto innovativo economico e sociale nuovo Future Horizon of Quantum Art and Augmented Reality Florence December 14 2012 Giuliana Guazzaroni
  • 2. parliam o di… A AUGMENTED is for R REALITY is for Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 3. Mobile Mobile phones, tablets and other handheld devices offer the possibility of interacting and staying fluidly connected to the mobile Internet
  • 4. Mobile Internet The consequence is that the mobile Internet may facilitate the development and the popularity of informal learning environments Learning can be activated in different places e.g. Home, workplace, playground, library, museum, natural environment, street etc.
  • 5. Interaction The increasing number of smartphones gives people the opportunity to interact with real objects, and the possibility to activate learning processes from a real situation
  • 6. Mobile Learning A visit to a museum using The boundaries handheld between computer may learning, gaming, offer a unique simulating or role educational playing are not experience as clearly defined described in the trials of EMMAP
  • 7. Mobile Technology Recent research indicates the acceptance of mobile technology in teaching and learning (Wexler, Brown, Metcalf, Rogers and Wagner, 2008; Saravani and Clayton, 2009)
  • 8. Mobile Technology The use of mobile technology for learning has established the legitimacy of “nomadic” learners (Alexander, 2004)
  • 9. Mobile Technology Especially, teenagers and young adults have adopted a new mobile culture and have been identified as “archetypal mobile superusers” (Ling, 2004) Mobile is a social instrument allowing people to stay permanently connected to the network. (Bressler, 2006)
  • 10. A come Augmented R come Reality = AR a ntat A ume Re altà (RA) Foto: L’Aquila, 30.6.2012 Apertura percorso “Poesia di strada in RA” La realtà aumentata integra informazioni sintetiche sensoriali con la percezione che l'utente ha dell'ambiente in cui si trova (un ambiente reale con oggetti con cui l'utente interagisce). Il risultato è una sovrapposizione di livelli informativi differenti che si integrano all'esperienza reale degli oggetti Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 11. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 12. Che cos’è oggi E cosa sarà domani la realtà aumentata In estrema sintesi la realtà aumentata è una reinvenzione della realtà che utilizza una combinazione di tecnologie d’avanguardia: sensori in primis, ma anche tutte le possibilità crescenti offerte dai nuovi dispositivi mobili come nuova intelligenza applicativa e una connettività al Web a tutto campo Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 13. GLI OCCHIALI DI GOOGLE: UNO SGUARDO SUL FUTURO Ecco come si vedrà la realtà quotidiana con indosso i Project Glass di Google. Il video: NEW YORK, 10 SET ‘12 – I Google Glass non sono più un sogno virtuale. L’accessorio Li abbiamo visti sfilare sulle passerelle sarà in vend della settimana della moda di New ita negli Stati Uniti York a partire dal 2013 Si tratta di occhiali senza lenti, ma con telecamera, microfono e cuffie integrate che amplificano la realtà. La parte superiore della lente destra presenta un micro-display, su cui appaiono le informazioni relative alla realtà che ci circonda Fonte: Il Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 14. Fonte: Il Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 15.  Principali strumenti per la RA Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 16. ..fino a poco tempo fa per accrescere la realtà si usavano Hardware pe principalmente caschetti, guanti r la realtà dotati di sensori, aumentata dispositivi con lenti speciali, proiettori.. ..finché una gene razione nuova di smart, da tenere oggetti nelle nostre tasc diffonde… he, si ..cellulari o tablet di ultima generazione sono piuttosto diffusi e permettono connessioni con elementi creati ad hoc e inseriti nell’ambiente reale: la città, la scuola, il museo, l’archivio.. Il fine è offrire servizi di varia natura che siano adeguati a differenti tipologie di fruitori (cittadini, turisti, studenti..) Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 17. dall’hardwa r e al software pe r la realtà aume ntata Una volta che ci si è dotati di un cellulare o di un tablet di ultima generazione (generalmente con sistema operativo Android oppure iOS) basterà andare in Google Play o nell’App Store e osservare quante applicazioni ci sono per catturare la realtà aumentata! Non tutte saranno valide, bisognerà testarle per capire se sono adatte o meno alle nostre esigenze di utente esigente.. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 18. Browser per la realtà aume ntata Foto: L’Aquila, 30.6.2012 Apertura percorso “Poesia di strada in RA” Per andare a rilevare, a scoprire, gli oggetti sintetici (file di testo, immagini, video..) che si sovrappongono alla realtà reale, è necessaria, innanzitutto, un’applicazione specifica (un browser) per smartphone, iPhone, tablet, iPad.. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 19. Aurasma ( principali Uno dei principali browser per la RA e il riconoscimento delle immagini, browser ha un’interfaccia friendly per la realtà aumentata Acrossair ( uno dei primi browser per la RA Layar ( Altro browser molto conosciuto e in rapido sviluppo dal punto di vista dell’offerta di servizi innovativi per i propri utenti Mixare ( Junaio ( Innovativo e ha la caratteristica di essere affidabile anche Junaio è apprezzato da un open source affezionato bacino d’utenza Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 20.  Campi di applicazione Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 21. Innumerevo l i.. ..come innumerevoli sono gli usi che possiamo fare del Web.. dei mondi virtuali.. dei modi di abitare la rete e di fare rete. Unica differenza è che la realtà aumentata prova a uscire dai desktop, dalle scrivania, dagli schermi e si piazza negli spazi aperti, negli interni, nei supporti cartacei, negli oggetti di design..e, più in generale, ovunque si possa iniziare a immaginare.. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 22. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 23. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 24. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 25. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 27. Mobile and ubiquitous Learning Smartphones and tablets are important for learning, but mobile and ubiquitous learning is more than just using mobile facilities to learn. Mobile Learning is rather referred to the MOBILITY of learner
  • 28. Mobile and Ubiquitous Mobile learning is characterized by a change in learning scenarios The facility of communication with tutors and peers offers the opportunity to design interactive and social activities to engage students in a real- world learning path.
  • 29. Theories of reference for mobile and ubiquitous learning
  • 30.
  • 31. Experiments The experim ents of m ubiquitous le obile and arning in mus other places eums and in of interest a develop a re aimed to mobile and learning en ubiquitous vironment u objects, broa sing smart dcasting and reality (AR) augmented
  • 32. Emotions Brain resear ch has poin emotions in l ted out the earning.. role of Damasio (2010) uses the term emotion to refer to internal changes in body state (e.g. chemical, visceral, muscular) and resulting changes in the nervous system. Emotions are not conscious. Emotions can be induced, for example by the sight of an object into a museum. They can create feelings, which supply the stimulus for action.
  • 33. Mirror neuro ns .. Emotions Mirror neurons allow people to interpret the minds of others not through logical thinking but through direct simulation, by feeling and not by thinking. Mirror neurons unveil how students learn and why groups of people respond to certain sports, dance, music and art (Rizzolatti and M. Fabbri-Destro, 2008). If a learner observes an archaeological find (e.g. Shin- guard) he/she can experience the action behind it and, consequently, learn how the object was effectively used. The student can be empathetic engaged by a find and he/she can amplify his/her own cultural experience of the past.
  • 34. Sentimental dimension A sentimental dimension should be cultivated in young students. In fact, today’s learners are subjected to a large amount of stimuli (e.g. School, television, sports, different baby-sitters etc.) in the absence of an authentic communication with adults. When stimuli are excessive, compared to the capacity of elaborating them, the young person tends to suppress the sentimental dimension and consequently intelligence riskily evolves without the anchor of sense (Galimberti, 2009).
  • 35. Personalization of learning using the “Multiple Intelligences” theory and “Five Minds for the Future” Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (2004)
  • 36. Personalization of learning using the “Multiple Intelligences” theory and “Five Minds for the Future” In Five Minds for the Future (2006), Gardner outlines the cognitive abilities that will be cultivated by future leaders as follows: a. The Disciplinary Mind: The mastery of science, mathematics, and history, and of at least one professional expertise; b. The Synthesizing Mind: The ability to put together ideas from different disciplines; c. The Creating Mind: The capacity to find out and explain new problems, questions and phenomena; d. The Respectful Mind: awareness of differences among human beings and human groups and the consequent appreciation for them; e. The Ethical Mind: Awareness of personal responsibilities as a worker and as a citizen.
  • 37. Emotional mapping When students are immersed in a real environment, the emotional map can offer the possibility to better understand how different people have interpreted the location trough their creations (e.g. Stories, draws, recorded interviews etc.). In the trials, the emotional map is created by the objects left in the location by the visitors. Thus, users are encouraged to use their Creative mind and produce, for example, narratives, drawings, interviews or reports in order to reinvent the map of the real location.
  • 38. Gamification Recreational and educational activities can take place in formal contexts, such as school, or in informal settings, such as a museum, a park or a city. The elements that make a game intriguing or challenging can be applied to situations that do not belong to the sphere of gaming. Gamification is the term that expresses the processes of Game Design used in areas not previously involved in the dynamics of gaming.
  • 39. The 7E learning cycle model and the 5 Step model In imple m or histo enting the rea ric l ex and Li al interest, the perience in a n, 7 m (2000)a 2008; Guazz E learning cy useum or in a re cruci a c n al to bu roni and Leo le (Eisenkraft, other place of ild a su cu ccessfu , 2011) and 2003; H uang, L ltural l experi Salmon iu, Gra ence 's 5 s tep mo f del 1. Elicit: The teacher/facilitator prepares technologies and materials alone, there is no need of scaffolding; 2. Engage: The teacher/facilitator explains the experience to the students. This phase corresponds to the first step in Salmon's model (2000); 3. Explore: Students start reading POIs while exploring the location; during this phase (second step in Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator has to help students to positively interact and familiarizing with technology and artefacts;
  • 40. The 7E learning cycle model and the 5 Step model 4. Explain: Groups start an active interaction with real learning objects. Groups create contents for future visitors and discuss collected data to create their emotional map of the place; during this phase (third step in Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator can help students to get information from real learning objects (e.g. Artefacts, information panels etc.); 5. Elaborate: Each group develops the final version of their content to be left in the location; during this phase (fourth step in Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator assists knowledge construction processes; 6. Extend: Students collect additional learning content; during this phase (fifth step in Salmon's model, 2000) the facilitator can help students providing additional material); 7. Evaluate: The teacher/facilitator brings together useful information to evaluate the participants’ learning achievement; there is no need of scaffolding.
  • 41. SWOT
  • 42. Experimentations EMMAP was trialled at: •“Museo della Carrozza” Palazzo Buonaccorsi, Via Don Giovanni Minzoni 24, Macerata •“Museo Civico Archeologico Giuseppe Moretti”, Castello al Monte, San Severino Marche (MC) •Antiche Mura” & “Borgo Ficana” Macerata •“Zona Rossa” in L’Aquila
  • 43. Museo della Carrozza EMMAP was trialled at the Macerata Carriage Museum on June 2011 The museum is characterized by two main themes: 1.The narrative motif based on the relationship between carriages and the territory; 2.The technical motif based on the mechanical development documented by the collection.
  • 44. Participants A group of students, in their twenties, participated in the research They were all 3rd year students of Accademia di Belle Arti Moreover, they were all enrolled in a course called: “Net Art”, where useful technologies are creatively used
  • 45. Museo della Carrozza / Evaluation In the final evaluation test, most of the pupils declared they had connection problems in the museum basement rooms (80%) The didactic benefits, revealed by the evaluation, were the following: •Social benefits: most of the participants felt that working in groups had improved their attitude to listening to their peers (70%); most of them said that everybody in the group had contributed to the construction of group knowledge (80%); but, they only moderately improved their awareness and respect for their peers (80%) •Creative thinking benefits: Most of the participants said that they improved their creative thinking during the experience (80%); the richness of different multimedia materials in the museum improved creative thinking (80%); moreover, they all agreed that the possibility to tell a story, and to leave it in the museum for future visitors, stimulated their creative mind (100%) •Techno-didactic benefits: All the students said that the use of technologies reinforced social participation and fostered group work; technology promoted a dialogue with future visitors (80%), and it improved the interest in artefacts (100%).
  • 46. Museo della Carrozza / Evaluation The didactic benefits, revealed by the evaluation, were the following: •Emotional benefits: Most of the participants said that the museum paths fostered the creation of an emotional bond with the location (80%); they believed that paths activated an “emotional dimension” with objects and people related to the past, present and future of the Carriage Museum (80%); they said that a “sentimental dimension” was fostered by the storytelling activity (80%) In the comments, four participants suggested improving the Wi-Fi connection in the museum basement; one said that QR codes should have been available near artefacts, and not on a map. The majority of them would have recommended EMMAP paths to other visitors (80%)
  • 47. Implementation of a mobile and ubiquitous learning experience at the “Museo Civico Archeologico Giuseppe Moretti” EMMAP was tested at the Archaeological Museum with 115 students attending the first classes of the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale (ITIS) “Eustachio Divini” of San Severino Marche The study involved 115 teenagers (11 girls and 105 boys) aged from 13 to 16 (8 students were 13; 96 students were 14; 8 students were 15; 3 students were 16) Castello di San Severino Marche Museo Archeologico
  • 49. LOW Evaluation HIGH In the expectation questionnaire, most of them declared familiarity with technologies (93%). 74% said they also made use of the mobile AVERAGE Internet; within these users a 32% said they connected to the mobile Internet very often. Percentage of Internet mobile usage A few participants reported knowing and currently use QR-Code (38%), the remaining part declared curiosity about it, but they had never seen or read it before (62%). Most of the teens considered themselves to be ready for a mobile and ubiquitous learning experience (80%).
  • 50. After the trial, the participants completed a questionnaire to evaluate the satisfaction. The questionnaire was negotiated between the different stakeholders in order to evaluate the quality of the experience. It was divided into three parts: 1.Organization area 2.Content area 3.General evaluation 1. Organizational Area 60 50,9 50 45,2 37,4 38,9 40 Very low 30,1 Low Average 30 23,9 22,8 High 20,2 Very high 20 13,9 10 4,4 2,7 4,4 0,9 2,6 1,8 0 Punctuality of information Accurate timing Quality of the activity
  • 51. 2. Content Area 49,1 50 45 39,5 39,1 40 35 Very low 28,9 28,7 28,1 30 Low 23,7 Average 25 High 17,4 20 Very high 11,3 12,3 15 10 6,1 6,1 3,5 4,4 5 1,8 0 Topics/games Personal Motivation New cultural stimuli
  • 52. 2.1 Technological difficulties with mobile and ubiquitous learning 40 36,3 35 Very low 30 Low 22,1 Average 25 High 20 14,2 14,2 Very high 13,3 15 10 5 0 Technological difficulties
  • 53. 3. General evaluation of the visit 45 41,7 40 32,5 32,5 35 26,1 Very low 30 Low 25 20,2 Average 18,3 High 20 Very high 15 10,4 9,6 10 5,3 3,5 5 0 Adequacy to expectations Learning needs
  • 54. 3.1 General evaluation 40 35,7 36 36,5 34,2 35 31,6 28,7 30 27,2 25,9 23,2 Very low 25 21,1 21,1 Low Average 20 High 15 11,6 11,4 12,2 Very high 11,3 11,3 8,8 10 6,1 3,6 2,6 5 0 Listening attitude Creativity Technology appeal Emotion
  • 55. The general results of the evaluation reveal positive outcomes relating to: 1.Strengthening the awareness that mobile phones should be considered as new cultural resources that work within an individualized, mobile and convergent mass communication (Cook, Pachler and Bachmail, 2011); 2.The possibility offered by mobile phones to attract teens and consequently to shorten the distance between young people and heritage; 3.The possibility for the learner to use different multimedia materials, while interacting with peers in a social co- construction of meaning and improving a listening attitude; 4.The possibility for the student to experience active learning in an informal environment, such as a museum;
  • 56. The general results of the evaluation reveal positive outcomes relating to: 5.The developing of “The Creating Mind”, a key attitude for the future (Gardner, 2006); 6.The development of different forms of intelligences, according to the theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 2004); 7.The development of an “emotional dimension” in young learners (Galimberti, 2009); 8.The production of different stories and drawings that remain available for future interactions and leaves emotional traces in the museum; 9.The possibility to create an emotional map using students’ traces for future visitors.
  • 57. Augmented reality in Macerata During the Macerata Ospitale Art Festival 2011, an augmented reality experience was implemented all around the ancient Mediaeval walls of Macerata. Sixty of the most significant works of “Street Poetry”, a poetry prize, were prepared all along the perimeter of the city walls
  • 58. Evaluation Most of the participants declared themselves to be familiar with technology (80%). Half of the visitors said they did not use Internet in their mobile phones; other users declared making some use of mobile Internet (40%); others said to connect in mobility frequently (10%). Most of the participants affirmed that they did not know augmented reality facilities (80%) and only a few admitted knowing something about it (20%). Nobody was familiar with augmented reality applications (0%)
  • 59. The idea beh ind AR was n needed a d ot clear to th emonstration e group of w Nevertheless of how to alkers and co , most of th use Layar nsequently th augmented re e participants and other A ey ality (60%), th considered th R applicatio to use AR fac e remaining p emselves re ns. ilities (40%). art declared th ady to use At the end o ey needed m f the tour, th ore expertise path could im e absolute m prove the en ajority declare hand, one be gagement of d that an au lieved that AR visitors and gmented rea Most of the v could not imp tourists (90% lity isitors said th rove people's ); on the oth (80%); the re ey did not ha interest in the er maining part ve technolog visit (10%). (20%). One reported hav ical problems declared tha ing some diffi during the wa inadequate fo t the iPhon culty with mo lk r tours. Howe e and sma bile technolo and would ha ver, most of rtphone sma gy ve promoted the participan ll-screens ar remaining pa the walks aro ts said they e e rt of the gro und the walls njoyed the vis benefits durin up professed to other peop it g a visit (10% uncertainty a le (90%). The After the wa ). bout AR fac lk, one youn ilities and its artefacts with g man report AR. This is a ed having so objects. question due me difficulty to the GPS o localizing vir utdoor positio tual ning of virtua l
  • 60. Poesia di strada in RA arriva a L’Aquila  Promuovere una mostra d’arte contemporanea in realtà aumentata a partire da giugno 2012  Creare un’esperienza cittadina di fruizione multisensoriale di opere d’arte virtuali visualizzabili attraverso applicazioni per la realtà aumentata. Le opere andranno ad arricchire, in forma permanente, le strade centrali del capoluogo con elementi d’arte virtuale e poesia.  La zona prescelta, da giugno 2012, è marcata da oggetti artistici che lì resteranno in realtà aumentata quale memoria emozionale collettiva. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 61. Non dovete assolutamente perdervi Foto: L’Aquila, 22.9.2012 Workshop sulla d’animo, ma continuare realtà aumentata con gli ambasciatori a essere sempre vigili e eTwinning pronti Winston Churchill ART DI SMART, STRATEGIE DI MOBILE MARKETING NELL'ERA
  • 62. L’esperienza è stata monitorata e ha rilevato un alto livello di gradimento (93,3%). I benefici evidenziati sono relativi allo sviluppo di un legame emozionale con il luogo; l’attitudine all’ascolto; l’alta rilevanza culturale e formativa dell’esperienza ecc. I risultati saranno resi noti in un lavoro di ricerca che verrà pubblicato nel 2013 per IGI Global. Foto: L’Aquila, 22.9.2012 Workshop sulla realtà aumentata con gli ambasciatori eTwinning Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 63. Foto: L’Aquila, 22.9.2012 Workshop sulla realtà aumentata con gli ambasciatori eTwinning Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 64. Pubblicazioni  G. Guazzaroni, Emotional Mapping of the Archaeologist Game. Computers in Human Behavior – Elsevier Journal, July 2012a  G. Guazzaroni, Experiential Mapping of Museum Augmented Places - Using Mobile Devices for Learning. LAP - Saarbrücken, Germany, May 2012b.  Guazzaroni, G., Emotional Mapping of Museum Augmented Places. In Mobile learning. Esperienze e riflessioni “made in Italy”, a cura di Michelle Pieri. Collana: Quaderni di Qwerty - Progedit, Bari, 2012c.  G. Guazzaroni and T. Leo, Emotional Mapping of a Place of Interest Using Mobile Devices nuove pubblicazioni….. Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 65. Il contributo dell’arte all’eco- economia attraverso la RA Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 66. A i in R izion Espos Nell’immagine realtà aumentata lungo le mura di Macerata, visualizzazione di un’opera di Hernàn Chavar per Poesia di Strada Esperienze positive di interpretazione artistica realizzate Esperienze di marketing territoriale attraverso la realtà aumentata e gli smart objects Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 67. Opinioni “C’è stato un tempo in cui arte e tecnologia sembravano ai poli opposti della cultura. Da qualche anno le cose sono molto cambiate. Non stiamo parlando delle arti digitali, ma di come sia cambiata l’esperienza di fruizione” Laura Zanotti, Caporedattore di The Biz Loft, in Arte e tecnologia: sì, ma come cambiano i tempi! Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 68. L’ARTE FRUIZIONE DEL ESPE RIENZE DI La nostra esperienza di fruizione della realtà sta cambiando. Abbiamo molteplici opzioni di scelta in tempo reale grazie a tecnologie “smart” sempre più pervasive e collegate ai movimenti del nostro corpo Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 69. Effetto WOW!!! Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 70. Saper entusiasmare sì.. Saper creare esperienze significative e non disorientanti Gli ogg I luogh etti rac i si an contan o... imano sì… ni si Le esposizio menti di ele arricchiscono virtuali re onsiglia ti sanno c Iprodot i fruitori Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 71. Che cosa ha significato per il territorio? Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 72. Effetto WOW o meno il territorio si fa conoscere….. …..come? attraverso arte e tecnologia Viene aperta una strada verso opportunità precedentemente non considerate come strategiche
  • 73. La combinazione tra arte e realtà aumentata ha il potenziale di generare un nuovo tipo di comunicazione culturale che è un driver di sviluppo finalizzato a realizzare un nuovo scenario di marketing artistico promozionale in relazione a un ampio spettro di produzioni e di mercato Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 74. si possono sviluppare nuovi modi e metodi di commercializzazione e comunicazione aziendale attraverso l’uso di dispositivi mobili con molteplicità di applicazioni artistiche Un'installazione a metà fra arte e neuroscienza, l'opera di Carlo De Mattia e Claud Hesse: Big Conscience per ADAM Accademia Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 75. Future directio n s  Orizzonti futuri Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 76. In the very near future mobile and ubiquitous facilities will play a more and more important role in heritage, art galleries and education. Mobile strategies will include education and interpretation. Consequently, more and more museums will adopt new interpreting strategies including mobile and ubiquitous learning, in addition with multisensory augmented experiences.
  • 77. Un utilizzo sistematico e metodologicamente corretto delle svariate forme di realtà aumentata è quanto di più auspicabile si possa sviluppare nella costruzione di smart city All’interno della città, in un futuro ormai prossimo, reti di cittadini consapevoli saranno in grado di fruire diversi piani di realtà per soddisfare esigenze multiformi e appropriate a comunità multiculturali e a situazioni di plurilinguismo? La città smart saprà offrire narrazioni differenti costruite sapientemente per venire incontro alle molteplici esigenze artistiche, culturali e linguistiche (quantistiche)? Sarà come reinventare di volta in volta un’offerta artistica complessa che vive e si trasforma attraverso le interazioni, anche emozionali, delle persone che la vivono? Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 78. Acknowledgements For EMMAP trials, I wish to thank the I wish to thank Professor Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Tommaso Leo for being my Marche. I wish to express thanks to Comune supervisor, for his guidance, for di San Severino Marche. I also wish to his brilliant advice express sincere thanks to Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “Eustachio Divini”. I also thank my PhD I wish to thank Istituzione Macerata Cultura colleagues Biblioteca e Musei I also wish to express sincere thanks to Licenze Poetiche and ADAM Accademia I wish to thank Comune di delle Arti Macerata L’Aquila, L’Aquila eMotion, Noi, L’Aquila and eTwinning Italia for the experiences in L’Aquila Source of images:
  • 79. Questions and Answers The contents of this presentation are under a Licence Creative Commons 3.0 (except for Dreamstime images and images related to specific software) If not specified, the source of images is: Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context
  • 80. Grazie dell’attenzione! contatti Giuliana Guazzaroni Dottore di Ricerca in eLearning Specialista in Realtà Aumentata e Mobile Learning cell: (+39) 333 2042483 web-blog: twitter:@elearningoddess mail: Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context

Editor's Notes

  1. Sociologo francese Maffesoli ci parla delle nuove tribù, mentre sempre in ambito francese un ricercatore di origine italiana Griziotti parla dell ’ importanza del Bioipermedia..
  2. ----- Note riunione (17/10/12 18:25) ----- accrescere la realtà con informazioni aggiuntive, di tipo sintetico
  3. Significherà superare l ’ utilizzo di strumenti come tablet e netbook?
  4. Il caos informativo
  5. ----- Note riunione (17/10/12 18:25) ----- Per scoprire la realtà aumentata annidata negli oggetti o nell'ambiente naturale
  6. Caratteristica di molti di questi browser è quella di presentare due lati. Un lato per l ’ utente finale che fruisce i contenuti e un lato per gli sviluppatori e programmatori.
  7. Esposizioni multisensoriali
  8. Interni ed esterni
  9. Locandine e manifesti possono presentare elementi di realtà accresciuta
  10. Monumenti e luoghi di interesse
  11. ricercatori guidati da Maria Alessandra Umiltà e Vittorio Gallese - scopritore, insieme a Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi e Luciano Fadiga dei neuroni specchio - con David Freedberg, storico dell'arte alla Columbia University di New York, hanno osservato una risposta motoria specifica nel cervello di chi osserva un'opera statica, astratta, anche se in questa non è presente alcuna rappresentazione di corpo in movimento. Del resto, è già stato dimostrato che la visione non è solo confinata all'attivazione delle parti visive del cervello, ma coinvolge anche le regioni cerebrali coinvolte nel movimento, nelle sensazioni tattili e nelle risposte emozionali..(8dicembre-la repubblica)
  12. ----- Note riunione (18/10/12 17:17) ----- presentazione di come sono nate queste esperienze
  13. Esempio della promozione dell’ultima raccolta musicale dei Rolling Stones GRRR – Gorilla in RA