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Food Biochemistry
• Main biomolecules
• Water soluble vitamins
• Fat soluble vitamins
• Minerals
Food Biochemistry
A healthy diet
- is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important
for the prevention of many chronic disease such as: obesity,
heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
- a healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all
nutrients, and an adequate amount of water
- nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there
are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy
- contains all the seven groups of nutrients; carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, vitamins, fibers, mineral salts and water in
correct proportions
Main Biomolecule
- the body's main source of energy. There are three different
kinds of carbohydrates.
- they include starch, sugar, and fiber. Starch is made from
chains of small sugars.
- we get 4 calories from each gram of starch (or sugar). We do
not get calories from fiber because our bodies do not break
fiber down during digestion.
- plant foods like cereals, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, plantains
and corn are good sources of starch. They give us the energy
we need to do daily activities. These starchy foods give us
important vitamins and minerals, too.
Main Biomolecule
- because carbohydrate-rich foods are usually low in calories,
they can help us keep a healthy weight.
- sugar is a source of empty calories. The higher the intake of
empty calories, the greater the risk of an inadequate nutrient
intake, an excessive calorie intake, or both
- sugars as well as starches promote dental decay by feeding
bacteria in the mouth that produce an acid that damages
tooth enamel
- too much can cause behavioral problems in children, obesity,
diabetes mellitus and heart disease
Main Biomolecule
- fat is a nutrient that is an important source of calories. One
gram of fat supplies 9 calories - more than twice the amount
we get from carbohydrates or protein.
- fat also is needed to carry and store essential fat-soluble
vitamins, like vitamins A and D.
- when we eat a lot of high fat foods, we get a lot of calories.
With too many calories, we may gain weight. Eating too much
fat may also increase the risk of getting diseases like cancer,
heart disease, high blood pressure or stroke.
- we should get no more than 30% of our calories from fat to
reduce our risk of getting these diseases.
Main Biomolecule
- fat is found in many foods. Some of the fat that we eat comes
from the fat we add in cooking or spread on breads,
vegetables or other foods. A lot of fat is hidden in foods that
we eat as snacks, pastries or prepared meals.
- we can reduce the amount of fat we eat by cutting down on
the fat that we add in cooking or spread on foods.
- we can eat skim milk and low fat cheeses instead of whole
milk and cheese. We can also use less fat, oil, butter, and
- another way to cut down on fat is to drain and trim meats and
take the skin off poultry.
Main Biomolecule
- a component of every living cell
- 20 common amino acids; 9 are considered essential because
the body cannot make them--indispensable; they must be
consumed through food; 11 are considered nonessential
because they can be made by the body if nitrogen and other
precursors are available - dispensable
- provides structure and framework in the body
- plays a role in fluid balance and acid-base balance
- used to transport substances through the blood
- provides 4 cal/g of energy
Main Biomolecule
- most experts recommend that protein contribute 10% to 20%
of total calories in the diet
- the quality of proteins varies: complete or incomplete
- complete proteins, those with high biologic value, provide
adequate amounts and proportions of all essential amino
acids needed for protein synthesis necessary to support tissue
growth and repair
- animal proteins and soy protein are complete proteins
- incomplete proteins lack adequate amounts of one or more
essential amino acids
- except for soy protein, all plants are sources of incomplete
proteins. Gelatin is also an incomplete protein
Main Biomolecule
High Protein Diets
- many dieters believe a high protein diet is superior to a high
carbohydrate diet in promoting weight loss
- people who choose to eat a high-protein diet in an attempt to
lose weight should be reminded to choose low-fat sources of
protein to keep calories under control:
- low-fat or skim milk and milk products
- lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry that are baked,
broiled, or roasted
- egg whites, whole eggs
- dried peas and beans
Main Biomolecule
Protein Supplements
- some people take amino acid capsules or powders, based on
the belief that the more protein the better
- but normally people take more protein than needed.
- so why take supplements? More is not better
- people most vulnerable to adverse effects of protein
supplements include pregnant and lactating women, infants,
children, and adolescents, the elderly, people who need to
limit their protein intake (e.g., people with liver or renal
- do not provide energy (calories) but they are needed for
metabolism of energy
- function as coenzymes to activate enzymes
- the body needs vitamins in small amounts (microgram or
milligram quantities) - micronutrients
- are essential in the diet because they cannot be made by the
body or they are synthesized in inadequate amounts
- vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat soluble
- their solubility determines how they are absorbed,
transported through the blood, stored, and excreted
- in humans there are 13 vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E and K)
and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C).
Water Soluble Vitamin
- dissolve easily in water, and in general, are readily excreted
from the body
- because they are not readily stored, consistent daily intake is
- many types of water-soluble vitamins are synthesized by
- are considered nontoxic
- adverse side effects, however, can occur from taking
megadoses of certain water-soluble vitamins over a prolonged
Folic Acid
- is important for making blood and building cells. It is also
called folate or folacin.
- found in plant foods like leafy greens, broccoli, corn and
whole grains are good sources of folacin. Cowpeas, lentils,
kidney and navy beans are good sources, too.
- some meat and milk products like eggs, liver, nuts, cheese,
and milk are also ways to get this vitamin.
- the need for folic acid increases during pregnancy because the
fetus is constantly growing. If a pregnant woman does not get
all the folic acid she and her baby need early in her pregnancy,
the fetus will not develop properly.
- works with other B vitamins to help your body use the energy
you get from food. It is also important to help use protein
from the diet to build new cells and tissues.
- most kinds of meat, poultry and fish are good sources of
niacin. "Enriched" grains, like breads, rice, pasta, cereals and
other baked products are also sources of niacin.
- easily lost when foods are cooked or processed. When you
cook rice , some of the niacin goes into the water. When you
rinse rice, you rinse off some of the vitamin.
- to keep the niacin you need from these foods, it is important
not to rinse the rice after you have cooked it.
- another name for riboflavin is vitamin B2.
- works with other B vitamins to help your body use the energy
you get from food. It also helps the body to use protein in
food to build new cells and tissues.
- animal products, like milk, cheese, yogurt, beef and poultry,
are good sources of riboflavin. Some green vegetables such as
broccoli, turnip greens and spinach are good too. "Enriched"
breads, rice, cereals and other baked products are also
sources of riboflavin.
- like other B vitamins, riboflavin is easily lost when foods are
cooked or processed.
- another name for thiamin is vitamin B1.
- works with other B vitamins to help your body use the energy
it gets from food.
- found in many whole grain foods, such as brown rice, grits
and whole wheat bread. White breads, pastas, ready-to-eat
cereals and many other baked products are "enriched" by the
manufacturer with B vitamins like thiamin. Baked beans, black
beans, black-eyed peas, and peanuts are good sources of
thiamin, too. Nuts, seeds and other vegetables, and fruits
supply a small amount of this B vitamin. Lean pork is one of
the best sources of thiamin. Organ meats such as liver, heart
or kidney, are also a good animal sources of thiamin.
Vitamin B6
- helps the immune system produce antibodies. Vitamin B6
helps maintain normal nerve function and form red blood
cells. The body uses it to help break down proteins.
- Vitamin B6 is found in beans, nuts, legumes, eggs, meats, fish,
whole grains, and fortified breads and cereals.
- large doses of vitamin B6 can cause neurological disorders and
- deficiency of this vitamin can cause mouth and tongue sores,
irritability, confusion, and depression.
Vitamin C
- helps form a cement-like material between our cells. We need
vitamin C to heal cuts, wounds, and burns. When we don't get
enough vitamin C the "cement" between cells loses its
strength and can cause us to bleed easily. It can also help in
preventing certain types of cancer.
- found in many fresh fruits like the oranges, lemons, limes,
grapefruit, cantaloupes, mangoes, papayas, and their juices.
Vegetables such as bean sprouts, green peppers, plantains,
broccoli and greens like kale and poke greens are also good
sources of vitamin C.
- we need some vitamin C every day because is not stored in
the body
Fat Soluble Vitamin
- fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract
with the help of lipids
- because they are more likely to accumulate in the body, they
are more likely to lead to hypervitaminosis than are water-
soluble vitamins.
- fat-soluble vitamin regulation is of particular significance in
cystic fibrosis
- because they are stored in liver and adipose tissue, vitamins
A, D, E, and K do not need to be consumed daily
- vitamins A and D are toxic when consumed in large quantities
over a long period
Vitamin A
- helps form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft
tissue, mucous membranes, and skin. It is known as retinol
because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye.
- It promotes good vision, especially in low light. It may also be
needed for reproduction and breast-feeding.
- retinol is an active form of vitamin A. It is found in animal
liver, whole milk, and some fortified foods.
- comes from animal sources, such as eggs, meat, milk, cheese,
cream, liver, kidney, cod, and halibut fish oil. However, all of
these sources except for skim milk that has been fortified with
Vitamin A are high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
- carotenoids are dark colored dyes found in plant foods that
can turn into a form of vitamin A.
- one such carotenoid is beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an
- sources of beta-carotene are carrots, pumpkin, sweet
potatoes, winter squashes, cantaloupe, pink grapefruit,
apricots, broccoli, spinach, and most dark green, leafy
vegetables. The more intense the color of a fruit or vegetable,
the higher the beta-carotene content. These vegetable
sources of beta-carotene are free of fat and cholesterol.
Vitamin D
- two major forms which are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and
vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol).
- vitamin D obtained from sun exposure, fortified food, fish oil,
fatty fish and supplements, is biologically inert and must
undergo hydroxylation reactions to be activated in the body.
- the major role is to increase the flow of calcium into the
bloodstream, by promoting absorption of calcium and
phosphorus from food in the intestines, and reabsorption of
calcium in the kidneys
- it is also necessary for bone growth and bone remodeling by
osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Vitamin D
- without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle,
or misshapen.
- deficiency can arise from inadequate intake coupled with
inadequate sunlight exposure; disorders that limit its
absorption; conditions that impair conversion of vitamin D
into active metabolites, such as liver or kidney disorders; or,
rarely, by a number of hereditary disorders. Vitamin D
deficiency results in impaired bone mineralization and leads
to bone softening diseases, rickets in children and
osteomalacia in adults, and possibly contributes to
Vitamin E
- is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage
caused by unstable substances called free radicals.
- also important in the formation of red blood cells and helps
the body to use vitamin K
- at lower levels, vitamin E may help protect the heart.
- the best way to get enough essential vitamins is to eat a
balanced diet that contains a variety of foods. Wheat germ,
corn, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach and other green leafy
- products made from these foods, such as margarine, also
contain vitamin E.
Vitamin K
- vitamin K is known as the clotting vitamin, because without it
blood would not clot. Some studies indicate that it helps in
maintaining strong bones in the elderly.
- found in cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and other green leafy
vegetables, cereals, soybeans, and other vegetables. It is also
made by the bacteria that line the gastrointestinal tract.
- vitamin K deficiency is very rare. It occurs when the body can't
properly absorb the vitamin from the intestinal tract. Can also
occur after long-term treatment with antibiotics.
- individuals with vitamin K deficiency are usually more likely to
have bruising and bleeding.
Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases
Biotin Uncommon
Dermatitis, eye inflammation, hair loss, loss
of muscle control, insomnia, muscle
Folic acid
deficient in 100% of elderly in
one study; deficient in 48% of
adolescent girls; requirement
doubles in pregnancy
Anemia, apathy, diarrhea, fatigue,
headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite,
neural tube defects in fetus, paranoia,
shortness of breath, weakness
Niacin Commonly deficient in elderly
Bad breath, canker sores, confusion,
depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, emotional
instability, fatigue, irritability, loss of
appetite, memory impairment, muscle
weakness, nausea, skin eruptions and
Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases
acid (B5)
Average elderly diet contains
60% of RDA
Abdominal pains, burning feet, depression,
eczema, fatigue, hair loss, immune
impairment, insomnia, irritability, low blood
pressure, muscle spasms, nausea, poor
71% of male and 90% of
female diets deficient
Acne, anemia, arthritis, eye inflammation,
depression, dizziness, facial oiliness,
fatigue, impaired wound healing, irritability,
loss of appetite, loss of hair, mouth lesions,
Riboflavin Deficient in 30% of elderly
Blurred vision, cataracts, depression,
dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, inflamed
eyes, mouth lesions, nervousness,
neurological symptoms (numbness, loss of
sensation, "electric shock" sensations),
seizures. sensitivity to light, sleepiness,
Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases
Thiamin Commonly deficient in elderly
Confusion, constipation, digestive
problems, irritability, loss of appetite,
memory loss, nervousness, numbness of
hands and feet, pain sensitivity, poor
coordination, weakness
Vitamin A 20% of diets deficient
Acne, dry hair, fatigue, growth impairment,
insomnia, hyperkeratosis (thickening and
roughness of skin), immune impairment,
night blindness, weight loss
Vitamin B-12
Serum levels low in 25% of
hospital patients
Anemia, constipation, depression,
dizziness, fatigue, intestinal disturbances,
headaches, irritability, loss of vibration
sensation, low stomach acid, mental
disturbances, moodiness, mouth lesions,
numbness, spinal cord degeneration
Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases
Vitamin C 20 to 50% of diets deficient
Bleeding gums, depression, easy bruising,
impaired wound healing, irritability, joint
pains, loose teeth, malaise, tiredness.
Vitamin D
62% of elderly women's diets
Burning sensation in mouth, diarrhea,
insomnia, myopia, nervousness,
osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, scalp
Vitamin E
23% of male and 15% of
female diets deficient
Gait disturbances, poor reflexes, loss of
position sense, loss of vibration sense,
shortened red blood cell life
Vitamin K
Deficiency in pregnant women
and newborns common
Bleeding disorders
Antioxidant Vitamin
Free Radicals
- are produced continuously in cells as they burn oxygen during
normal metabolism
- problem - they oxidize body cells and DNA in their quest to
gain an electron and become stable
- these structurally and functionally damaged cells are believed
to contribute to aging and various health problems such as
cancer, heart disease, and cataracts
Antioxidant Vitamin
- substances that donate electrons to free radicals to prevent
- antioxidants protect body cells from being oxidized
(destroyed) by free radicals by undergoing oxidization
themselves, which renders free radicals harmless
- vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene are major
Vitamins and special needs populations
- it is recommended that women who are capable of becoming
pregnant consume 400 micrograms of folic acid through
supplements or fortified food daily
- people over the age of 50 are urged to consume most of their
B12 requirement from supplements or fortified food
- vegans need supplemental B12 and D, if exposure to sunshine
is inadequate
- other groups who may benefit from taking a daily
multivitamin are the elderly, dieters, finicky eaters, and
- involved in almost every body function. Is not stored but
excreted daily
- largest single constituent of the human body, averaging 60%
of total body weight
- although most people can survive 6 weeks or longer without
food, death occurs in a matter of days without water
- occupies essentially every space within and between body
cells and is involved in virtually every body function
- in medicine, body water is all of the water content of the
human body
- provides shape and structure to cells
- regulates body temperature
- aids in the digestion and absorption of nutrients
- transports nutrients and oxygen to cells
- serves as a solvent for vitamins, minerals, glucose, and amino
- participates in metabolic reactions
- eliminates waste products
- is a major component of mucus and other lubricating fluids
Calculation of body water
- water is abundant in most parts of the body, except in adipose
tissue (fat). These calculations are for adults of average build,
and are inappropriate for obese or overly muscular people.
- broken down into the following compartments; intracellular
fluid (2/3 of body water), extracellular fluid (1/3 of body
water), plasma (1/5 of extracellular fluid), interstitial fluid (4/5
of extracellular fluid)
- the simplest calculation is the 60-40-20 rule.
Total Body Water = 60% of body weight
Intracellular fluid = 40% of body weight
Extracellular fluid = 20% of body weight
- under normal conditions, water intake equals water output to
maintain water balance
- in most healthy people, thirst is a reliable indicator of need
- the body’s need for water is influenced by many variables
- a general guideline is to consume 1.0mL of fluid per calorie
consumed, with a minimum of 1500mL/day
- on average, adults lose approximately 1450 to 2800mL of
water daily
- minerals are inorganic substances that cannot be broken
down and rearranged in the body
- functions in structure, fluid balance, acid - base balance,
nerve cell transmission and muscle contraction, vitamin,
enzyme, and hormone activity
- minerals toxicities are not likely to occur from diet alone. It is
more often related to
- excessive use of mineral supplements
- environmental exposure
- alterations in metabolism
- electrolytes
sodium, potassium, and chloride are electrolytes because
they carry electrical charges when they are dissolved in
- macrominerals
needed in relatively large amounts
found in the body in quantities greater than 5 g
- trace minerals
needed in very small amounts
found in the body in amounts less than 5 g
- for healthy strong skeletal structure and teeth.
- Additionally calcium is important for functioning of muscular
and nerve systems. Important for the health of the skeletal
system of growing young children.
- the best sources of dietary calcium are dairy products, milk,
cheese, eggs, fruit, almonds, seaweeds (kelp,wakame,hijiki),
nuts, legumes, breads and cereals.
- deficiency of calcium can impair the proper formation and
maintained of bones and teeth formation.
- excess in calcium intake can lead to stone formation in the
kidneys (calcification)
- very important essential mineral that helps to maintain
muscles, bones and nerves
- also it is very important in regular heart rhythm and in protein
synthesis. Participates in more than 300 biological reactions in
the body.
- best dietary sources for magnesium are dark green
vegetables, spinach, seeds, nuts, grains and fruits.
- deficiency of the mineral magnesium can result in
sensitiveness to noise, irritability, mental depression,
twitching, trembling, apprehension, confusion, insomnia,
muscular weakness and fingers, toes, feet or legs cramps.
- electrolyte that involved in body fluid balance within cells
- it is also very important in controlling heart activity and those
of the nervous and muscular systems, regulate water in the
body and balance pH of blood and all tissues. The amount of
potassium in our bodies is more than twice the amount of
- the best known dietary sources of potassium include orange
juice, bananas, breads, cereals and whole grain products.
- deficiency in potassium can cause muscle problems feeling of
weakness and increased blood pressure.
- excess potassium intake can cause irregular heart beat.
- mostly functions in the body as seleno-proteins. These act as
enzymes to help prevent cell damage in the body from
oxidants produced as byproducts by normal metabolism or
those in the environment.
- the best dietary sources for selenium are meats; kidney and
liver, seafood and some grains.
- deficiency of selenium can adversely affect health. It may
cause a fatal heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy) called
“Keshan” disease.
- excess intake can cause balding(reversible), brittle nails,
intestinal distress, weakness, slowed mental functioning and
breath with a garlic odor.
- involved in the in division of cells and protein manufacture of .
It is also part of the hormone insulin.
- it aids and improves the sense of taste and that of the smell.
- the best dietary sources for zinc are meat, liver, seafood, eggs,
whole grains, and nuts.
- deficiency in zinc can create a range of health problems
including , anemia, gonadal function impairment, difficulty in
wound healing, increased skin pigmentation, enlarged spleen
and liver, short stature, and immune deficiency
- excess intake of this essential mineral can result in
gastrointestinal problems and copper deficiency.
- important role in the processing of fats and carbohydrates.
- it also assists insulin with glucose uptake and release of
energy; makes blood sugar, the basic fuel for cells available.
- the best dietary sources of chromium include are meats,
vegetable oils whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
- deficiency in chromium can cause glucose intolerance
impaired metabolism of fats and amino acids, increased risk
of arteriosclerosis, anxiety and fatigue.
- fiber is one kind of carbohydrate. It is sometimes called
roughage or bulk
- fiber is the part of plant foods that our bodies do not break
down during digestion.
- because fiber isn't digested, it doesn't give us calories. Foods
that contain a lot of fiber may also contain other types of
carbohydrates like starch or sugar.
- while we do not get calories from the fiber in these foods, we
do get calories from the sugars and starches they contain.
- fiber is important for keeping the digestive tract working
smoothly. Since we do not digest it, the fiber in food passes
into the intestine and absorbs water.
- the undigested fiber creates "bulk" so the muscles in the
intestine can push waste out of the body. Eating enough fiber
helps prevent constipation. It may also reduce the risk of
getting colon cancer. Some fibers can help lower blood
- dried peas and beans like lentils, black-eyed peas, chickpeas
and kidney beans are the best sources of fiber. The skins and
seeds in fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources, too.
Whole-grain cereals and breads like oatmeal, brown rice, grits
and whole-wheat bread are all naturally high in fiber.
- we get more fiber when we eat whole fruits and vegetables
- malnutrition is a general term for a medical condition caused
by an improper or inadequate diet and nutrition
- a number of different nutrition disorders may arise,
depending on which nutrients are under or overabundant in
the diet.
- there are a number of causes of malnutrition. It may result
from inadequate or unbalanced diet, problems with digestion
or absorption, certain medical conditions
- malnutrition can occur if you do not eat enough food.
Starvation is a form of malnutrition.
- you may develop malnutrition if you lack of a single vitamin in
the diet.
- in some cases, malnutrition is very mild and causes no
- however, sometimes it can be so severe that the damage
done to the body is permanent, even though you survive.
- malnutrition continues to be a significant problem all over the
world, especially among children.
- poverty, natural disasters, political problems, and war all
contribute to conditions - even epidemics of malnutrition and
starvation, and not just in developing countries.

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Food biochemistry

  • 2. Food Biochemistry Outline: • Main biomolecules • Water soluble vitamins • Fat soluble vitamins • Minerals
  • 3. Food Biochemistry A healthy diet - is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic disease such as: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer - a healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water - nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. - contains all the seven groups of nutrients; carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, fibers, mineral salts and water in correct proportions
  • 4. Main Biomolecule Carbohydrates - the body's main source of energy. There are three different kinds of carbohydrates. - they include starch, sugar, and fiber. Starch is made from chains of small sugars. - we get 4 calories from each gram of starch (or sugar). We do not get calories from fiber because our bodies do not break fiber down during digestion. - plant foods like cereals, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, plantains and corn are good sources of starch. They give us the energy we need to do daily activities. These starchy foods give us important vitamins and minerals, too.
  • 5. Main Biomolecule Carbohydrates - because carbohydrate-rich foods are usually low in calories, they can help us keep a healthy weight. - sugar is a source of empty calories. The higher the intake of empty calories, the greater the risk of an inadequate nutrient intake, an excessive calorie intake, or both - sugars as well as starches promote dental decay by feeding bacteria in the mouth that produce an acid that damages tooth enamel - too much can cause behavioral problems in children, obesity, diabetes mellitus and heart disease
  • 6. Main Biomolecule Fat - fat is a nutrient that is an important source of calories. One gram of fat supplies 9 calories - more than twice the amount we get from carbohydrates or protein. - fat also is needed to carry and store essential fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A and D. - when we eat a lot of high fat foods, we get a lot of calories. With too many calories, we may gain weight. Eating too much fat may also increase the risk of getting diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure or stroke. - we should get no more than 30% of our calories from fat to reduce our risk of getting these diseases.
  • 7. Main Biomolecule Fat - fat is found in many foods. Some of the fat that we eat comes from the fat we add in cooking or spread on breads, vegetables or other foods. A lot of fat is hidden in foods that we eat as snacks, pastries or prepared meals. - we can reduce the amount of fat we eat by cutting down on the fat that we add in cooking or spread on foods. - we can eat skim milk and low fat cheeses instead of whole milk and cheese. We can also use less fat, oil, butter, and margarine. - another way to cut down on fat is to drain and trim meats and take the skin off poultry.
  • 8. Main Biomolecule Protein - a component of every living cell - 20 common amino acids; 9 are considered essential because the body cannot make them--indispensable; they must be consumed through food; 11 are considered nonessential because they can be made by the body if nitrogen and other precursors are available - dispensable - provides structure and framework in the body - plays a role in fluid balance and acid-base balance - used to transport substances through the blood - provides 4 cal/g of energy
  • 9. Main Biomolecule - most experts recommend that protein contribute 10% to 20% of total calories in the diet - the quality of proteins varies: complete or incomplete - complete proteins, those with high biologic value, provide adequate amounts and proportions of all essential amino acids needed for protein synthesis necessary to support tissue growth and repair - animal proteins and soy protein are complete proteins - incomplete proteins lack adequate amounts of one or more essential amino acids - except for soy protein, all plants are sources of incomplete proteins. Gelatin is also an incomplete protein
  • 10. Main Biomolecule High Protein Diets - many dieters believe a high protein diet is superior to a high carbohydrate diet in promoting weight loss - people who choose to eat a high-protein diet in an attempt to lose weight should be reminded to choose low-fat sources of protein to keep calories under control: - low-fat or skim milk and milk products - lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry that are baked, broiled, or roasted - egg whites, whole eggs - dried peas and beans
  • 11. Main Biomolecule Protein Supplements - some people take amino acid capsules or powders, based on the belief that the more protein the better - but normally people take more protein than needed. - so why take supplements? More is not better - people most vulnerable to adverse effects of protein supplements include pregnant and lactating women, infants, children, and adolescents, the elderly, people who need to limit their protein intake (e.g., people with liver or renal disease)
  • 12. Vitamin - do not provide energy (calories) but they are needed for metabolism of energy - function as coenzymes to activate enzymes - the body needs vitamins in small amounts (microgram or milligram quantities) - micronutrients - are essential in the diet because they cannot be made by the body or they are synthesized in inadequate amounts - vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat soluble - their solubility determines how they are absorbed, transported through the blood, stored, and excreted - in humans there are 13 vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C).
  • 13. Vitamin Water Soluble Vitamin - dissolve easily in water, and in general, are readily excreted from the body - because they are not readily stored, consistent daily intake is important. - many types of water-soluble vitamins are synthesized by bacteria. - are considered nontoxic - adverse side effects, however, can occur from taking megadoses of certain water-soluble vitamins over a prolonged period
  • 14. Vitamin Folic Acid - is important for making blood and building cells. It is also called folate or folacin. - found in plant foods like leafy greens, broccoli, corn and whole grains are good sources of folacin. Cowpeas, lentils, kidney and navy beans are good sources, too. - some meat and milk products like eggs, liver, nuts, cheese, and milk are also ways to get this vitamin. - the need for folic acid increases during pregnancy because the fetus is constantly growing. If a pregnant woman does not get all the folic acid she and her baby need early in her pregnancy, the fetus will not develop properly.
  • 15. Vitamin Niacin - works with other B vitamins to help your body use the energy you get from food. It is also important to help use protein from the diet to build new cells and tissues. - most kinds of meat, poultry and fish are good sources of niacin. "Enriched" grains, like breads, rice, pasta, cereals and other baked products are also sources of niacin. - easily lost when foods are cooked or processed. When you cook rice , some of the niacin goes into the water. When you rinse rice, you rinse off some of the vitamin. - to keep the niacin you need from these foods, it is important not to rinse the rice after you have cooked it.
  • 16. Vitamin Riboflavin - another name for riboflavin is vitamin B2. - works with other B vitamins to help your body use the energy you get from food. It also helps the body to use protein in food to build new cells and tissues. - animal products, like milk, cheese, yogurt, beef and poultry, are good sources of riboflavin. Some green vegetables such as broccoli, turnip greens and spinach are good too. "Enriched" breads, rice, cereals and other baked products are also sources of riboflavin. - like other B vitamins, riboflavin is easily lost when foods are cooked or processed.
  • 17. Vitamin Thiamin - another name for thiamin is vitamin B1. - works with other B vitamins to help your body use the energy it gets from food. - found in many whole grain foods, such as brown rice, grits and whole wheat bread. White breads, pastas, ready-to-eat cereals and many other baked products are "enriched" by the manufacturer with B vitamins like thiamin. Baked beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, and peanuts are good sources of thiamin, too. Nuts, seeds and other vegetables, and fruits supply a small amount of this B vitamin. Lean pork is one of the best sources of thiamin. Organ meats such as liver, heart or kidney, are also a good animal sources of thiamin.
  • 18. Vitamin Vitamin B6 - helps the immune system produce antibodies. Vitamin B6 helps maintain normal nerve function and form red blood cells. The body uses it to help break down proteins. - Vitamin B6 is found in beans, nuts, legumes, eggs, meats, fish, whole grains, and fortified breads and cereals. - large doses of vitamin B6 can cause neurological disorders and numbness. - deficiency of this vitamin can cause mouth and tongue sores, irritability, confusion, and depression.
  • 19. Vitamin Vitamin C - helps form a cement-like material between our cells. We need vitamin C to heal cuts, wounds, and burns. When we don't get enough vitamin C the "cement" between cells loses its strength and can cause us to bleed easily. It can also help in preventing certain types of cancer. - found in many fresh fruits like the oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, cantaloupes, mangoes, papayas, and their juices. Vegetables such as bean sprouts, green peppers, plantains, broccoli and greens like kale and poke greens are also good sources of vitamin C. - we need some vitamin C every day because is not stored in the body
  • 20. Vitamin Fat Soluble Vitamin - fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids - because they are more likely to accumulate in the body, they are more likely to lead to hypervitaminosis than are water- soluble vitamins. - fat-soluble vitamin regulation is of particular significance in cystic fibrosis - because they are stored in liver and adipose tissue, vitamins A, D, E, and K do not need to be consumed daily - vitamins A and D are toxic when consumed in large quantities over a long period
  • 21. Vitamin Vitamin A - helps form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin. It is known as retinol because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye. - It promotes good vision, especially in low light. It may also be needed for reproduction and breast-feeding. - retinol is an active form of vitamin A. It is found in animal liver, whole milk, and some fortified foods. - comes from animal sources, such as eggs, meat, milk, cheese, cream, liver, kidney, cod, and halibut fish oil. However, all of these sources except for skim milk that has been fortified with Vitamin A are high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • 22. Vitamin - carotenoids are dark colored dyes found in plant foods that can turn into a form of vitamin A. - one such carotenoid is beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant - sources of beta-carotene are carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, apricots, broccoli, spinach, and most dark green, leafy vegetables. The more intense the color of a fruit or vegetable, the higher the beta-carotene content. These vegetable sources of beta-carotene are free of fat and cholesterol.
  • 23. Vitamin Vitamin D - two major forms which are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). - vitamin D obtained from sun exposure, fortified food, fish oil, fatty fish and supplements, is biologically inert and must undergo hydroxylation reactions to be activated in the body. - the major role is to increase the flow of calcium into the bloodstream, by promoting absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in the intestines, and reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys - it is also necessary for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts
  • 24. Vitamin Vitamin D - without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. - deficiency can arise from inadequate intake coupled with inadequate sunlight exposure; disorders that limit its absorption; conditions that impair conversion of vitamin D into active metabolites, such as liver or kidney disorders; or, rarely, by a number of hereditary disorders. Vitamin D deficiency results in impaired bone mineralization and leads to bone softening diseases, rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and possibly contributes to osteoporosis
  • 25. Vitamin Vitamin E - is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by unstable substances called free radicals. - also important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body to use vitamin K - at lower levels, vitamin E may help protect the heart. - the best way to get enough essential vitamins is to eat a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods. Wheat germ, corn, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach and other green leafy vegetables - products made from these foods, such as margarine, also contain vitamin E.
  • 26. Vitamin Vitamin K - vitamin K is known as the clotting vitamin, because without it blood would not clot. Some studies indicate that it helps in maintaining strong bones in the elderly. - found in cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, cereals, soybeans, and other vegetables. It is also made by the bacteria that line the gastrointestinal tract. - vitamin K deficiency is very rare. It occurs when the body can't properly absorb the vitamin from the intestinal tract. Can also occur after long-term treatment with antibiotics. - individuals with vitamin K deficiency are usually more likely to have bruising and bleeding.
  • 27. Vitamin Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases Biotin Uncommon Dermatitis, eye inflammation, hair loss, loss of muscle control, insomnia, muscle weakness Folic acid deficient in 100% of elderly in one study; deficient in 48% of adolescent girls; requirement doubles in pregnancy Anemia, apathy, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, neural tube defects in fetus, paranoia, shortness of breath, weakness Niacin Commonly deficient in elderly Bad breath, canker sores, confusion, depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, emotional instability, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, memory impairment, muscle weakness, nausea, skin eruptions and inflammation
  • 28. Vitamin Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases Pantothenic acid (B5) Average elderly diet contains 60% of RDA Abdominal pains, burning feet, depression, eczema, fatigue, hair loss, immune impairment, insomnia, irritability, low blood pressure, muscle spasms, nausea, poor coordination Pyridoxine (B6) 71% of male and 90% of female diets deficient Acne, anemia, arthritis, eye inflammation, depression, dizziness, facial oiliness, fatigue, impaired wound healing, irritability, loss of appetite, loss of hair, mouth lesions, nausea Riboflavin Deficient in 30% of elderly Blurred vision, cataracts, depression, dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, inflamed eyes, mouth lesions, nervousness, neurological symptoms (numbness, loss of sensation, "electric shock" sensations), seizures. sensitivity to light, sleepiness, weakness
  • 29. Vitamin Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases Thiamin Commonly deficient in elderly Confusion, constipation, digestive problems, irritability, loss of appetite, memory loss, nervousness, numbness of hands and feet, pain sensitivity, poor coordination, weakness Vitamin A 20% of diets deficient Acne, dry hair, fatigue, growth impairment, insomnia, hyperkeratosis (thickening and roughness of skin), immune impairment, night blindness, weight loss Vitamin B-12 Serum levels low in 25% of hospital patients Anemia, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, intestinal disturbances, headaches, irritability, loss of vibration sensation, low stomach acid, mental disturbances, moodiness, mouth lesions, numbness, spinal cord degeneration
  • 30. Vitamin Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases Vitamin C 20 to 50% of diets deficient Bleeding gums, depression, easy bruising, impaired wound healing, irritability, joint pains, loose teeth, malaise, tiredness. Vitamin D 62% of elderly women's diets deficient Burning sensation in mouth, diarrhea, insomnia, myopia, nervousness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, scalp sweating Vitamin E 23% of male and 15% of female diets deficient Gait disturbances, poor reflexes, loss of position sense, loss of vibration sense, shortened red blood cell life Vitamin K Deficiency in pregnant women and newborns common Bleeding disorders
  • 31. Antioxidant Vitamin Free Radicals - are produced continuously in cells as they burn oxygen during normal metabolism - problem - they oxidize body cells and DNA in their quest to gain an electron and become stable - these structurally and functionally damaged cells are believed to contribute to aging and various health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and cataracts
  • 32. Antioxidant Vitamin Antioxidants - substances that donate electrons to free radicals to prevent oxidation - antioxidants protect body cells from being oxidized (destroyed) by free radicals by undergoing oxidization themselves, which renders free radicals harmless - vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene are major antioxidants
  • 33. Vitamin Vitamins and special needs populations - it is recommended that women who are capable of becoming pregnant consume 400 micrograms of folic acid through supplements or fortified food daily - people over the age of 50 are urged to consume most of their B12 requirement from supplements or fortified food - vegans need supplemental B12 and D, if exposure to sunshine is inadequate - other groups who may benefit from taking a daily multivitamin are the elderly, dieters, finicky eaters, and alcoholics
  • 34. Water - involved in almost every body function. Is not stored but excreted daily - largest single constituent of the human body, averaging 60% of total body weight - although most people can survive 6 weeks or longer without food, death occurs in a matter of days without water - occupies essentially every space within and between body cells and is involved in virtually every body function - in medicine, body water is all of the water content of the human body
  • 35. Water Function - provides shape and structure to cells - regulates body temperature - aids in the digestion and absorption of nutrients - transports nutrients and oxygen to cells - serves as a solvent for vitamins, minerals, glucose, and amino acids - participates in metabolic reactions - eliminates waste products - is a major component of mucus and other lubricating fluids
  • 36. Water Calculation of body water - water is abundant in most parts of the body, except in adipose tissue (fat). These calculations are for adults of average build, and are inappropriate for obese or overly muscular people. - broken down into the following compartments; intracellular fluid (2/3 of body water), extracellular fluid (1/3 of body water), plasma (1/5 of extracellular fluid), interstitial fluid (4/5 of extracellular fluid) - the simplest calculation is the 60-40-20 rule. Total Body Water = 60% of body weight Intracellular fluid = 40% of body weight Extracellular fluid = 20% of body weight
  • 37. Water Input-output - under normal conditions, water intake equals water output to maintain water balance - in most healthy people, thirst is a reliable indicator of need - the body’s need for water is influenced by many variables - a general guideline is to consume 1.0mL of fluid per calorie consumed, with a minimum of 1500mL/day - on average, adults lose approximately 1450 to 2800mL of water daily
  • 38. Minerals - minerals are inorganic substances that cannot be broken down and rearranged in the body - functions in structure, fluid balance, acid - base balance, nerve cell transmission and muscle contraction, vitamin, enzyme, and hormone activity - minerals toxicities are not likely to occur from diet alone. It is more often related to - excessive use of mineral supplements - environmental exposure - alterations in metabolism
  • 39. Minerals Classification - electrolytes sodium, potassium, and chloride are electrolytes because they carry electrical charges when they are dissolved in solution - macrominerals needed in relatively large amounts found in the body in quantities greater than 5 g - trace minerals needed in very small amounts found in the body in amounts less than 5 g
  • 40. Minerals Calcium - for healthy strong skeletal structure and teeth. - Additionally calcium is important for functioning of muscular and nerve systems. Important for the health of the skeletal system of growing young children. - the best sources of dietary calcium are dairy products, milk, cheese, eggs, fruit, almonds, seaweeds (kelp,wakame,hijiki), nuts, legumes, breads and cereals. - deficiency of calcium can impair the proper formation and maintained of bones and teeth formation. - excess in calcium intake can lead to stone formation in the kidneys (calcification)
  • 41. Minerals Magnesium - very important essential mineral that helps to maintain muscles, bones and nerves - also it is very important in regular heart rhythm and in protein synthesis. Participates in more than 300 biological reactions in the body. - best dietary sources for magnesium are dark green vegetables, spinach, seeds, nuts, grains and fruits. - deficiency of the mineral magnesium can result in sensitiveness to noise, irritability, mental depression, twitching, trembling, apprehension, confusion, insomnia, muscular weakness and fingers, toes, feet or legs cramps.
  • 42. Minerals Potassium - electrolyte that involved in body fluid balance within cells - it is also very important in controlling heart activity and those of the nervous and muscular systems, regulate water in the body and balance pH of blood and all tissues. The amount of potassium in our bodies is more than twice the amount of sodium. - the best known dietary sources of potassium include orange juice, bananas, breads, cereals and whole grain products. - deficiency in potassium can cause muscle problems feeling of weakness and increased blood pressure. - excess potassium intake can cause irregular heart beat.
  • 43. Minerals Selenium - mostly functions in the body as seleno-proteins. These act as enzymes to help prevent cell damage in the body from oxidants produced as byproducts by normal metabolism or those in the environment. - the best dietary sources for selenium are meats; kidney and liver, seafood and some grains. - deficiency of selenium can adversely affect health. It may cause a fatal heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy) called “Keshan” disease. - excess intake can cause balding(reversible), brittle nails, intestinal distress, weakness, slowed mental functioning and breath with a garlic odor.
  • 44. Minerals Zinc - involved in the in division of cells and protein manufacture of . It is also part of the hormone insulin. - it aids and improves the sense of taste and that of the smell. - the best dietary sources for zinc are meat, liver, seafood, eggs, whole grains, and nuts. - deficiency in zinc can create a range of health problems including , anemia, gonadal function impairment, difficulty in wound healing, increased skin pigmentation, enlarged spleen and liver, short stature, and immune deficiency - excess intake of this essential mineral can result in gastrointestinal problems and copper deficiency.
  • 45. Minerals Chromium - important role in the processing of fats and carbohydrates. - it also assists insulin with glucose uptake and release of energy; makes blood sugar, the basic fuel for cells available. - the best dietary sources of chromium include are meats, vegetable oils whole grains, fruits and vegetables. - deficiency in chromium can cause glucose intolerance impaired metabolism of fats and amino acids, increased risk of arteriosclerosis, anxiety and fatigue.
  • 46. Fiber - fiber is one kind of carbohydrate. It is sometimes called roughage or bulk - fiber is the part of plant foods that our bodies do not break down during digestion. - because fiber isn't digested, it doesn't give us calories. Foods that contain a lot of fiber may also contain other types of carbohydrates like starch or sugar. - while we do not get calories from the fiber in these foods, we do get calories from the sugars and starches they contain. - fiber is important for keeping the digestive tract working smoothly. Since we do not digest it, the fiber in food passes into the intestine and absorbs water.
  • 47. Fiber - the undigested fiber creates "bulk" so the muscles in the intestine can push waste out of the body. Eating enough fiber helps prevent constipation. It may also reduce the risk of getting colon cancer. Some fibers can help lower blood cholesterol. - dried peas and beans like lentils, black-eyed peas, chickpeas and kidney beans are the best sources of fiber. The skins and seeds in fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources, too. Whole-grain cereals and breads like oatmeal, brown rice, grits and whole-wheat bread are all naturally high in fiber. - we get more fiber when we eat whole fruits and vegetables
  • 48. Malnutrition - malnutrition is a general term for a medical condition caused by an improper or inadequate diet and nutrition - a number of different nutrition disorders may arise, depending on which nutrients are under or overabundant in the diet. - there are a number of causes of malnutrition. It may result from inadequate or unbalanced diet, problems with digestion or absorption, certain medical conditions - malnutrition can occur if you do not eat enough food. Starvation is a form of malnutrition. - you may develop malnutrition if you lack of a single vitamin in the diet.
  • 49. Malnutrition - in some cases, malnutrition is very mild and causes no symptoms. - however, sometimes it can be so severe that the damage done to the body is permanent, even though you survive. - malnutrition continues to be a significant problem all over the world, especially among children. - poverty, natural disasters, political problems, and war all contribute to conditions - even epidemics of malnutrition and starvation, and not just in developing countries.