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Alice Leeman
Colour Schemes
• In the following 2 slides I have looked at
different color themes to help gather ideas
for my own photos when it comes to my
project and color scheme for photography.
• I looked at 3 different photos (including
the one on this slide) that have some sort of
relevancy towards my project (theatre). All 3
of these images have a different color theme
to them so I had a wider range of visual ideas
to look at and gain ideas from.
• To make sure I gathered the applicable
colors from the photo, I, firstly, put the
photo into Adobe Photoshop. From here, I
used the ‘Eye Dropper’ tool to collect
swatches from the photo. This meant I had a
group of swatches of the exact color seen in
the photo. I was then able to screenshot
these swatches and them all to show the
color theme throughout the whole photo.
Fonts for my magazine
I chose this font because I like the vintage, contoured effect on it. This is the type of font I would use as a
header/title because of how well it stands out. The font has a kind of carnival or western theme to it
which makes the font unique to use in a magazine.
I like this font because I like the simplicity of it, it’s not too bold and outgoing. This font would be useful
when possibly writing small headers. The font also has a quirky/fun vibe to it as some of the letters are
shaped oddly like the ‘E’ and the ‘H’.
I like this cursive font as it is seen as quite fun and creative which is what is represented in
musical theatre. I can see this font being on a header/title, possibly on the front cover of the
I found this font in the section of ‘Theatre’. You can see that this font is related to a Theatre or
Entertainment because of the light up effect on the font. The font also has a shadow effect to make the
writing look more 3D so the font stands out. I feel like this font would be great to use as a title/header for
my DPS where I talk about musical entertainment.
I like the looks of this font because, even though it is simple, it is bold and I like the shadow effect on it
which makes the font stand out. I can see this font being used on a double page spread for a
This type of font gives off a bold, western look. This font looks similar to a previous font I have looked at ( I could use these two fonts on the same page (one
font for a main title and the other for any headers). I like the thought of using the thick, bold fonts like
these because it stands out on the magazine.
Fonts for my magazine pt.2
Inspo for Studio Photography
Inspiration for
Magazine layout (cover) mock
This magazine cover is a quick and simple copy of what I plan to
make. For the front cover I am not planning on getting a shot
that looks exactly like this, with this costume, etc. However I like
the blue spotlight/effect in this picture so I would like to see if I
could create an image with a similar theme. If I can, I could get a
performer to be in the center of the picture. I want to use a
photo where the spotlight stands out in the picture so that the
photo can be viewed as eye-catching and imposing. I wanted to
use the color blue on the cover because it is a primary color and
I wanted my magazine to include bright colors.
I used the font ‘Night At The Opera NF’ for the title of my
magazine cover which reads ‘Stage Effect’. I like the design of
the font-it’s unique and stands out well against a plain
I would like to add the captions that I had put in this mock cover
however, from viewing this now I think I would use a different
font (not too bold like the one I used for the captions).
I will probably also add more text on the front cover of my
magazine because I didn’t really add a lot of text in this mock up
Magazine layout (DPS) mock
For my first page of my magazine I am going to make a
‘What’s On’ DPS for the York Royal Theatre. For the
background photo in my mock DPS I used a photo that I
found on google images. Looking through existing photos
help me get a better idea of the different effect and
subjects I might want to take a photo of. I know I want to
have photos that have a spotlight effect in them because
this represents being in the theatre and seeing
performances. I can take different photos of lighting in a
theatre from different angles. With these images, I can
edit them on adobe Photoshop and change them to how I
what I want them to look like. For example in this image I
used, the picture mainly has a blue effect but if my image
wasn’t blue I could edit it to make it blue or whatever
color effect I wanted the image to have.
What I like about my mock DPS is the fonts I used to represent what I’m writing about. For example for the title ‘The
Turn Of The Screw’, (a horror-based musical show), I used a Halloween themed font which has a gothic-style to it to fit
the genre of the show.
The show ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ is supposed to be a kind of comedic and witty show so I wanted to use a font that would
be quite fun and comic-like so the audience can get a good vibe from the show just by looking at the font style.
The image that I used on the left hand-side of the page is supposed to be similar to the type of image I want to capture.
I want to use the effect that I had tried out in my experiment where I add a create a black and white photo but then add
in sections of color. I didn’t use this technique while creating my mock up as it was time consuming however I have
already experimented with this technique.
I want to use the layout that I used in this mock up of my magazine DPS as I feel like it is clearly set out, and the
information I provided is color coordinated so it is clear to find the show the reader wants to read. What I would do
differently in my actual project to what I did in my mock up piece is change the font of the descriptive writing where I
talk about the shows. I feel like the font is quite original. A font that I could use could be ‘Restless Soul BB Font Family’
from the website 1001 fonts.
Magazine layout (DPS) mock
This is an example of the kind of double page
spread I want to make for my actual project. I
had the idea of having someone model for the
magazine page to look as if they are
performing. You can see a cut out in the
bottom left corner of an artist singing, which is
an idea I want to follow through with my final
project and I can use the photos of my own
model to follow through with this.
At the top left corner you can see a cut out
logo of which I used the ‘York Theatre Royal’
logo as an example. I am hoping to create my
own logo/text to put in the top corners of my
double page spread to make the magazine
look more professional.
The font I used for the large header that reads
‘Theatre Entertainment’ is the font ‘Tonight’
that I found off
Link for font:
I used some silhouette images on this mock-up (the top right) that I found online. For my actual double page spread I will
likely use a cut out of a photo I took of the model singing or stood like a silhouette figure on the top right of the page.
As you can see I also added in some article text. In my actual article I will probably add in more article text compared to
what I added in here, however I will stick the the layout that is shown in the mock. I want to talk about (musical) theatre
entertainment on this DPS and the effect of (musical) theatre on people. I will write the article text in my own words and
use my own experience in seeing musical theatre, and other people’s feeling towards it (I can look back at my survey I
made during my research). The font I used for the article text is called ‘MVBoli’. This is the type of font I had in mind
when creating my article text so I may use this in my actual production work.
I know that in my actual production work I want my background to be white or a bright color as I didn’t want my
magazine to be dark/gloomy. This is why I used this white, gradient background in my mock-up to show you an example
of how I want my magazine page to be light.
Photograph ideas and angles
When I do a tour around the York Theatre Royal I want to be able to get a shot from the stage
looking out across the auditorium, similar to this image shown. I think it would be interesting
for an audience to view what an empty auditorium would look like. A picture like this could be
seen as aesthetically pleasing to an audience who are used to seeing an auditorium full of
people. A photo like this could be used on a DPS where I talk about York Theatre Royal as that is
where I will hopefully be taking the photos.
This would be another photo that I would take in the auditorium of the Theatre Royal in
York, just from a different angle. The auditorium is the main part of a theatre so I feel it
would be more fascinating to have different angles of the auditorium for the audience to
view. Again, I could put this image in a DPS that includes information about York’s
Theatre Royal. The reader may want a better idea of what it’s like sat in the auditorium
and how it is viewed from different angles.
I also wanted a photo that would be angled from the seating area, looking out onto
the stage. One of my goals for the magazine is too attract local people to go and
visit places like the Theatre Royal. Therefor it would be useful to have images in the
magazine that give the reader an idea of how you view the stage from being sat
down on the seats. Preferably I would want the red curtains to be closed for the
picture as I feel it would give off a more relaxing atmosphere in the theatre and the
reader may be more interesting in what it’s like behind the curtain, so therefor they
might want to go and visit the theatre royal.
I would like to take some photos of sections inside the theatre royal, outside the
auditorium, as I think it would be interesting for the reader to see what is also
featured inside the building. The café/lounge area in the building may not be where
shows take place however I think it’s important for the audience to see what it is like
inside the building before they decide if they want to go and visit there.
The photos I take of in the lounge area should look comfortable and appealing so that
the audience will want to go and visit.
Photograph ideas and angles
I want to get my own photos (different angles) of spotlights in a theatre studio. When
people see images of people in the spotlight people will think of performances or
shows as that’s what it mainly represents. With spotlight images, you can also edit
them and add in different effects to make the image have a higher quality and have
more adjustments to it (e.g. making the colours brighter) Where I am locating my
photos means I may not be able to get the smoke effect that is shown in this image
however when I am editing the photos I could add in my own smoke effect to make it
look like smoke was there.
For the cover of my magazine I have talked about how I wanted a close up of someone
performing with the spotlight behind them or above them (the silhouette effect) I like
the effect in this image that it’s really dark and how you can see the figure of a person
standing in the spotlight. This would be an image that I could try and recreate for the
cover of my magazine. This photo is an establishing shot.
This photo is similar to the previous image I talked about above, however this image is
more of a close up picture. This could also be a photo that I would use for the cover of my
magazine. The mood in this image seems quite dark and dull however in my magazine I
want there to be a more fun and positive vibe to it. So I could create an image similar to
this but instead I could use brighter colours (e.g. a red spotlight or a red background)
When I am in the studio with all the lighting and equipment I will be able to decide on the
different lighting
This is another example of the type of shot I may want to take. This shot of the
spotlights is more like an establishing shot and shows the full resolution of the lights. I
want to have a photo that has different coloured lights in it, like this one has orange and
blue. Again, I would like my photos to be more bright and colourful, rather than be dark
and gloomy so if I were to take a photo like this I would likely edit it on photoshop and
change the colours around to make it brighter.
Photo shoot for FMP (Call Sheet)
Model: Iris Simmons
Location: York College (Studio)
Date Of Shoot: 10th May 2019 (Friday)
Costume/Outfit: Black dress
Props: Microphone & Microphone stand (can get from college)
Possibly guitar and bass
Model Call Sheet
Model: Bethany-Hannah Winteringham
Bethany is an actress who has been involved in many Musical Theatre Productions. Bethany is someone I was able to
personally contact through email as she personally knows one of my family members. I thought it would be interesting to
include Bethany and some of her pictures in costume in my magazine. The pictures will not be my photography but I
will include credit in my magazine.
Locations for photographs
York College (inside in the
theatre studio)
Grand Opera House, York
Pre-production• What are you making?
For my FMP I will be creating a Musical Theatre Magazine that will mainly focus on musical entertainment
in the local area, which is York. On one of my pages inside the magazine I will talk about ‘What’s On’ in
York’s Theatre Royal. In another page I will show what it is like inside The Grand Opera House. I will also do
a page where I talk about someone involved in musical theatres experience in musical theatre, in this case I
would be talking about an actress called Bethany Winteringham who is from York and has been involved in
plenty of musical shows in York and across North Yorkshire.
• Why?
I want to bring more attention to musical theatre as I believe it is a good form on entertainment and many
people do not get to experience it. The magazine will mainly be a form of advertisement/promotion
towards places like the Grand Opera House and Royal Theatre.
• Who is it for?
People who may read this magazine will mainly be older people as, firstly, the older generation will have
been more likely to have grown up with musical/theatre entertainment as they wouldn’t have had the
technology we have today where we can watch musicals online. Therefor elders will be more interested in
finding out more about theatre in their area. Also, elders will be more likely to read a magazine than the
younger generation as the younger generation are likely to read everything online.
However my magazine is focused on entertainment for people of different ages so it may be appealing for
parents with children looking for a night out, or couples, etc.
• Where will it appear/on what?
A magazine like the one I am making is most likely to appear in the local stores where people who are doing
their weekly shop may go. This means adults/the elderly are most likely to see this magazine while
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Cannon 600 Camera Grand Opera House, York
Theatre Royal, York
York College, Drama/ Performing Arts
Costume (dress) Studio (in College)
Microphone & Microphone Stand Studio (in College)
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Work gets lost Check that you backed up your work, if not
then use free time to re-do the work you lost
Absent for study lessons Try and do work at home, if you can’t then use
up free time in college to catch up on work
Not able to reach location on a planned time Try and arrange another time during that day
or for the next day
Model isn’t able to do the photoshoot Have a back up model or arrange a different
day that can be done within a close time slot.
Studio isn’t available for photoshoot at
requested time
Book for the nearest available time that the
crew can attend. Make sure you have
something to work with during the days before
the shoot
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Back ache Take a break regularly and go for a walk
Also be sat in a good posture instead of
Eyestrain Take regular breaks when doing work away
from a computer screen and phone screen
Neck problems (either from carrying camera or
sitting in uncomfortable position)
Don’t carry camera by strap for long periods of
time/ sit up at a computer and don’t slouch)
Being near dangerous hazards backstage (e.g.
leaning against loose object/equipment)
Look out for signs that tell you where you can
and can’t go. Don’t touch anything you believe
you shouldn’t.
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
9th May 2019 (Thursday) Photoshoot in Studio with Iris (model for
10th May 2019 (Friday) Edit photos of Iris in Studio from previous
14th May (Tuesday) Get started on magazine cover
16-17th May (Friday) Getting started on first DPS

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FMP Pre-Production

  • 2. Colour Schemes (Visuals) • In the following 2 slides I have looked at different color themes to help gather ideas for my own photos when it comes to my project and color scheme for photography. • I looked at 3 different photos (including the one on this slide) that have some sort of relevancy towards my project (theatre). All 3 of these images have a different color theme to them so I had a wider range of visual ideas to look at and gain ideas from. • To make sure I gathered the applicable colors from the photo, I, firstly, put the photo into Adobe Photoshop. From here, I used the ‘Eye Dropper’ tool to collect swatches from the photo. This meant I had a group of swatches of the exact color seen in the photo. I was then able to screenshot these swatches and them all to show the color theme throughout the whole photo.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Fonts for my magazine I chose this font because I like the vintage, contoured effect on it. This is the type of font I would use as a header/title because of how well it stands out. The font has a kind of carnival or western theme to it which makes the font unique to use in a magazine. I like this font because I like the simplicity of it, it’s not too bold and outgoing. This font would be useful when possibly writing small headers. The font also has a quirky/fun vibe to it as some of the letters are shaped oddly like the ‘E’ and the ‘H’. I like this cursive font as it is seen as quite fun and creative which is what is represented in musical theatre. I can see this font being on a header/title, possibly on the front cover of the page.
  • 6. Link: I found this font in the section of ‘Theatre’. You can see that this font is related to a Theatre or Entertainment because of the light up effect on the font. The font also has a shadow effect to make the writing look more 3D so the font stands out. I feel like this font would be great to use as a title/header for my DPS where I talk about musical entertainment. I like the looks of this font because, even though it is simple, it is bold and I like the shadow effect on it which makes the font stand out. I can see this font being used on a double page spread for a title/header. This type of font gives off a bold, western look. This font looks similar to a previous font I have looked at ( I could use these two fonts on the same page (one font for a main title and the other for any headers). I like the thought of using the thick, bold fonts like these because it stands out on the magazine. Fonts for my magazine pt.2
  • 7. Inspo for Studio Photography Inspiration for studio Photography
  • 8. Magazine layout (cover) mock This magazine cover is a quick and simple copy of what I plan to make. For the front cover I am not planning on getting a shot that looks exactly like this, with this costume, etc. However I like the blue spotlight/effect in this picture so I would like to see if I could create an image with a similar theme. If I can, I could get a performer to be in the center of the picture. I want to use a photo where the spotlight stands out in the picture so that the photo can be viewed as eye-catching and imposing. I wanted to use the color blue on the cover because it is a primary color and I wanted my magazine to include bright colors. I used the font ‘Night At The Opera NF’ for the title of my magazine cover which reads ‘Stage Effect’. I like the design of the font-it’s unique and stands out well against a plain background. I would like to add the captions that I had put in this mock cover however, from viewing this now I think I would use a different font (not too bold like the one I used for the captions). I will probably also add more text on the front cover of my magazine because I didn’t really add a lot of text in this mock up cover.
  • 9. Magazine layout (DPS) mock For my first page of my magazine I am going to make a ‘What’s On’ DPS for the York Royal Theatre. For the background photo in my mock DPS I used a photo that I found on google images. Looking through existing photos help me get a better idea of the different effect and subjects I might want to take a photo of. I know I want to have photos that have a spotlight effect in them because this represents being in the theatre and seeing performances. I can take different photos of lighting in a theatre from different angles. With these images, I can edit them on adobe Photoshop and change them to how I what I want them to look like. For example in this image I used, the picture mainly has a blue effect but if my image wasn’t blue I could edit it to make it blue or whatever color effect I wanted the image to have. What I like about my mock DPS is the fonts I used to represent what I’m writing about. For example for the title ‘The Turn Of The Screw’, (a horror-based musical show), I used a Halloween themed font which has a gothic-style to it to fit the genre of the show. The show ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ is supposed to be a kind of comedic and witty show so I wanted to use a font that would be quite fun and comic-like so the audience can get a good vibe from the show just by looking at the font style. The image that I used on the left hand-side of the page is supposed to be similar to the type of image I want to capture. I want to use the effect that I had tried out in my experiment where I add a create a black and white photo but then add in sections of color. I didn’t use this technique while creating my mock up as it was time consuming however I have already experimented with this technique. I want to use the layout that I used in this mock up of my magazine DPS as I feel like it is clearly set out, and the information I provided is color coordinated so it is clear to find the show the reader wants to read. What I would do differently in my actual project to what I did in my mock up piece is change the font of the descriptive writing where I talk about the shows. I feel like the font is quite original. A font that I could use could be ‘Restless Soul BB Font Family’ from the website 1001 fonts.
  • 10. Magazine layout (DPS) mock This is an example of the kind of double page spread I want to make for my actual project. I had the idea of having someone model for the magazine page to look as if they are performing. You can see a cut out in the bottom left corner of an artist singing, which is an idea I want to follow through with my final project and I can use the photos of my own model to follow through with this. At the top left corner you can see a cut out logo of which I used the ‘York Theatre Royal’ logo as an example. I am hoping to create my own logo/text to put in the top corners of my double page spread to make the magazine look more professional. The font I used for the large header that reads ‘Theatre Entertainment’ is the font ‘Tonight’ that I found off Link for font: I used some silhouette images on this mock-up (the top right) that I found online. For my actual double page spread I will likely use a cut out of a photo I took of the model singing or stood like a silhouette figure on the top right of the page. As you can see I also added in some article text. In my actual article I will probably add in more article text compared to what I added in here, however I will stick the the layout that is shown in the mock. I want to talk about (musical) theatre entertainment on this DPS and the effect of (musical) theatre on people. I will write the article text in my own words and use my own experience in seeing musical theatre, and other people’s feeling towards it (I can look back at my survey I made during my research). The font I used for the article text is called ‘MVBoli’. This is the type of font I had in mind when creating my article text so I may use this in my actual production work. I know that in my actual production work I want my background to be white or a bright color as I didn’t want my magazine to be dark/gloomy. This is why I used this white, gradient background in my mock-up to show you an example of how I want my magazine page to be light.
  • 11. Photograph ideas and angles When I do a tour around the York Theatre Royal I want to be able to get a shot from the stage looking out across the auditorium, similar to this image shown. I think it would be interesting for an audience to view what an empty auditorium would look like. A picture like this could be seen as aesthetically pleasing to an audience who are used to seeing an auditorium full of people. A photo like this could be used on a DPS where I talk about York Theatre Royal as that is where I will hopefully be taking the photos. This would be another photo that I would take in the auditorium of the Theatre Royal in York, just from a different angle. The auditorium is the main part of a theatre so I feel it would be more fascinating to have different angles of the auditorium for the audience to view. Again, I could put this image in a DPS that includes information about York’s Theatre Royal. The reader may want a better idea of what it’s like sat in the auditorium and how it is viewed from different angles. I also wanted a photo that would be angled from the seating area, looking out onto the stage. One of my goals for the magazine is too attract local people to go and visit places like the Theatre Royal. Therefor it would be useful to have images in the magazine that give the reader an idea of how you view the stage from being sat down on the seats. Preferably I would want the red curtains to be closed for the picture as I feel it would give off a more relaxing atmosphere in the theatre and the reader may be more interesting in what it’s like behind the curtain, so therefor they might want to go and visit the theatre royal. I would like to take some photos of sections inside the theatre royal, outside the auditorium, as I think it would be interesting for the reader to see what is also featured inside the building. The café/lounge area in the building may not be where shows take place however I think it’s important for the audience to see what it is like inside the building before they decide if they want to go and visit there. The photos I take of in the lounge area should look comfortable and appealing so that the audience will want to go and visit.
  • 12. Photograph ideas and angles I want to get my own photos (different angles) of spotlights in a theatre studio. When people see images of people in the spotlight people will think of performances or shows as that’s what it mainly represents. With spotlight images, you can also edit them and add in different effects to make the image have a higher quality and have more adjustments to it (e.g. making the colours brighter) Where I am locating my photos means I may not be able to get the smoke effect that is shown in this image however when I am editing the photos I could add in my own smoke effect to make it look like smoke was there. For the cover of my magazine I have talked about how I wanted a close up of someone performing with the spotlight behind them or above them (the silhouette effect) I like the effect in this image that it’s really dark and how you can see the figure of a person standing in the spotlight. This would be an image that I could try and recreate for the cover of my magazine. This photo is an establishing shot. This photo is similar to the previous image I talked about above, however this image is more of a close up picture. This could also be a photo that I would use for the cover of my magazine. The mood in this image seems quite dark and dull however in my magazine I want there to be a more fun and positive vibe to it. So I could create an image similar to this but instead I could use brighter colours (e.g. a red spotlight or a red background) When I am in the studio with all the lighting and equipment I will be able to decide on the different lighting This is another example of the type of shot I may want to take. This shot of the spotlights is more like an establishing shot and shows the full resolution of the lights. I want to have a photo that has different coloured lights in it, like this one has orange and blue. Again, I would like my photos to be more bright and colourful, rather than be dark and gloomy so if I were to take a photo like this I would likely edit it on photoshop and change the colours around to make it brighter.
  • 13. Photo shoot for FMP (Call Sheet) Model: Iris Simmons Location: York College (Studio) Date Of Shoot: 10th May 2019 (Friday) Costume/Outfit: Black dress Props: Microphone & Microphone stand (can get from college) Possibly guitar and bass
  • 14. Model Call Sheet Model: Bethany-Hannah Winteringham Age:21 Email: Bethany is an actress who has been involved in many Musical Theatre Productions. Bethany is someone I was able to personally contact through email as she personally knows one of my family members. I thought it would be interesting to include Bethany and some of her pictures in costume in my magazine. The pictures will not be my photography but I will include credit in my magazine.
  • 15. Locations for photographs York College (inside in the theatre studio) Grand Opera House, York
  • 16. Pre-production• What are you making? For my FMP I will be creating a Musical Theatre Magazine that will mainly focus on musical entertainment in the local area, which is York. On one of my pages inside the magazine I will talk about ‘What’s On’ in York’s Theatre Royal. In another page I will show what it is like inside The Grand Opera House. I will also do a page where I talk about someone involved in musical theatres experience in musical theatre, in this case I would be talking about an actress called Bethany Winteringham who is from York and has been involved in plenty of musical shows in York and across North Yorkshire. • Why? I want to bring more attention to musical theatre as I believe it is a good form on entertainment and many people do not get to experience it. The magazine will mainly be a form of advertisement/promotion towards places like the Grand Opera House and Royal Theatre. • Who is it for? People who may read this magazine will mainly be older people as, firstly, the older generation will have been more likely to have grown up with musical/theatre entertainment as they wouldn’t have had the technology we have today where we can watch musicals online. Therefor elders will be more interested in finding out more about theatre in their area. Also, elders will be more likely to read a magazine than the younger generation as the younger generation are likely to read everything online. However my magazine is focused on entertainment for people of different ages so it may be appealing for parents with children looking for a night out, or couples, etc. • Where will it appear/on what? A magazine like the one I am making is most likely to appear in the local stores where people who are doing their weekly shop may go. This means adults/the elderly are most likely to see this magazine while shopping. Reflection:
  • 17. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Cannon 600 Camera Grand Opera House, York Theatre Royal, York York College, Drama/ Performing Arts Studio Costume (dress) Studio (in College) Microphone & Microphone Stand Studio (in College)
  • 18. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Work gets lost Check that you backed up your work, if not then use free time to re-do the work you lost Absent for study lessons Try and do work at home, if you can’t then use up free time in college to catch up on work Not able to reach location on a planned time Try and arrange another time during that day or for the next day Model isn’t able to do the photoshoot Have a back up model or arrange a different day that can be done within a close time slot. Studio isn’t available for photoshoot at requested time Book for the nearest available time that the crew can attend. Make sure you have something to work with during the days before the shoot
  • 19. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Back ache Take a break regularly and go for a walk Also be sat in a good posture instead of slouching Eyestrain Take regular breaks when doing work away from a computer screen and phone screen Neck problems (either from carrying camera or sitting in uncomfortable position) Don’t carry camera by strap for long periods of time/ sit up at a computer and don’t slouch) Being near dangerous hazards backstage (e.g. leaning against loose object/equipment) Look out for signs that tell you where you can and can’t go. Don’t touch anything you believe you shouldn’t.
  • 20. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks 9th May 2019 (Thursday) Photoshoot in Studio with Iris (model for shoot) 10th May 2019 (Friday) Edit photos of Iris in Studio from previous shoot. 14th May (Tuesday) Get started on magazine cover 16-17th May (Friday) Getting started on first DPS

Editor's Notes

  1. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  2. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  3. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.