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Adam Lepard
Pre-production is important for the smooth running of a project. It
is for you to go through final development and organisation for
your project before you start production.
The pre-production tasks you do will depend on your project. You
need to undertake appropriate tasks in order to make your project
A production schedule should be in everyone’s project.
The blue slides are here to give advice. This advice can also be
found in the main lecture. Delete when you don’t need it. Don’t
submit your work with this in.
PRE-PRODUCTIONPre-production paperwork for a print production could include:
 Risk assessment
 Flat plans
 Style Sheets
 Equipment/Resource list
 Contingency plan
 Copy (the written part of your work)
 Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan
 Location Recce for photographs
 Budget
 Model call sheet
PRE-PRODUCTIONPre-production paperwork for moving image could include:
 Risk assessment
 Storyboard
 Shotlist
 Equipment list and bookings
 Contingency plan
 Script
 Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan
 Call sheet
 Location Recce
 Budget
Pre-production paperwork for a video game production could
 Risk assessment
 Sound effect list
 Music list
 Style sheet or other visual planning
 Contingency plan
 Scene plan
 Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan
 Budget
Pre-production paperwork for an audio production could include:
 Risk assessment
 Sound effect list
 Music list
 Equipment/Resource list
 Script/Questions
 Contingency plan
 Location plan
 Contributor information (interviewees/guests/actors)
 Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan
 Budget
– Collection of potential choice you could make for your products visuals
(colours, image styles and fonts). Provide some indication of which ones you
will use, where you will use them and reasons why
– This should explore alternatives to everything- don’t just include one
option. Look at several potential aspects to include and reference the ones
you plan to use and why
• Layout Plans
– Potential designs you could do for your product using images, fonts and
colours from style sheet
PRE-PRODUCTION Colour schemes:
This is important for
any visual product.
Talk about the options
you have, the
decisions you are
making and relate
your ideas back to
exiting products and
your target audience.
Pre-production• What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do) I want to make a trailer and poster design for a a horror film. The
film would be based around themes of paranoia and mystery where the horror comes from the threat of danger from someone
unknown. My concept that would convey theses themes is for a city to be having many sudden disappearances and the main
character discovers that someone is after them so if they can’t reveal the identity of the killer they will be the next to go missing. I
need my poster design to show that my film is clearly in the horror genre by using dark colours, disturbing imagery or an art style
that looks creepy. I want my trailer to look atmospheric and and build up as the shots get shorter in terms of length and become
more disturbing.
• Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film) I originally wanted my concept to be a homage to horror/mystery shows such as
Twin Peaks and Atlanta however as I researched more into the horror genre and actual history I realised how the paranoia and and
fear can be horrifying as it can turn innocent people against each other and destroy peoples rational thoughts. I wanted to make my
film in the horror genre as it is a genre that I have a lot of interest in and knew I wouldn’t mind researching further in order to
develop my ideas. I want the main theme of my trailer to be how paranoia can spread through people and cause crime because of
fear. I want my poster to encapsulate the chaos and fear caused by paranoia into a simplistic design that doesn’t give away too much
of what the film would be about I know that this would appeal to my target audience of 16-21 year olds as in my interviews simple
yet vague designs appealed most to everyone I questioned.
• Who is it for? (Audience) I chose a target audience of 16-21 year olds as I found out in my research that this was the age group that
was most likely to go to watch a horror film as I am in this age range I could easily do audience research. I researched what gender
usually went to watch horror films and it turned out men went more often than women however I still plan on having a trailer that
could appeal to both because if I appeal too much to one side it could be seen as a negative by the gender it’s appealing less to. My
film wouldn’t have any romantic interests so the film wouldn’t appeal to any sexuality as I mainly want my film to appeal to anyone
who is interested in horror and how it could be involved in our lives.
• Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it) I’m planning on making my trailer about 2 minutes long which would be
too long for an advert on TV or instagram however the trailer would be able to play on YouTube but I would need to make the trailer
eye-catching so people keep watching it. I think that the trailer being on YouTube is fine as lot’s of people in my target audience
watch YouTube so hopefully if my finished trailer looks stylistic enough it could catch their attention.
Style sheet: Fonts
I looked for fonts to use for the title on DaFont
because I knew that it would be easy to download
several free fonts that fit into the genre of horror I
wanted to show in my trailer. I chose this font as it
stood out as being a bold font due the font looking
smeared and this makes the font suit the theme of
horror as it looks distorted.
I chose this font as I found the sketchy
style of it to stand out as horror
inspired. I may not chose this for the
final font that I’ll use as I think the dots
around the letters could be mistaken for
rain drops and as I’m planning on
filming in sunny weather this may
misrepresent the tone of the trailer.
This font stood out to me as it was titled paranoia which is one of the
main themes of my trailer. I liked the sketchy ink like style of the font as it
could represent the main characters paranoia however this might not
appeal to a wider audience as the title doesn’t look professional and
although this is the point of the font it could still be seen as unappealing.
I chose the font Sinister Black as it’s bold letters
stood out while the way it looked sketched gave it
the theme of horror I was looking for. The font
creates the same sense of madness that Paranoia
does yet it looks more professional as it’s bolder in
Style sheet: Fonts
I chose the the font They Perished due to the way the
bottom of the letters are disappearing which I thought
would suit the plot of my film trailer well as it also
focuses on disappearances.
I chose this font as it stood out due to the way it’s letters looked distorted and
harsh however I didn’t like the font in retrospect as I want my font to look more
solid and bold.
I chose this font because of how it looked gory due to the
way it looks distorted and dripping ink however although
this creates a cool effect I would rather choose a different
font for the final design as this font looks more surreal
than bold which goes against the way I wanted to present
my trailer as realistic other that some colourful lighting
choices in dark shots.
A Love Of Thunder is bold in shape and looks slightly dissolved which I like as it makes the font look
like it has a grain which is something that I will be adding to my trailer to give it a retro look. My only
issue with this font would be that it doesn’t really convey a theme of horror which could confuse
viewers if this was the font I use on my poster design.
Style sheet: Fonts
This font choice was perfect for my trailer in my opinion as it covers all aspects that I
wanted it to, it’s bold and it emphasizes the themes of horror and paranoia. I decided to
choose Sinister Black as my font choice for the title in the poster and trailer and I think it’s
boldness makes it stand out immediately so it would be eye-catching to viewers of the
trailer. The font looks hash and slightly distorted which I hope will convey a theme of
paranoia to the viewer as it resembles scribbling that I thought could be show the main
characters paranoia. I felt like the font would look good in various colours which was
another reason I chose it was because it looked like it could suit many poster designs that I
could come up with. The font looks like it has a grain which I liked because it could easily fit
into my trailer which I will use a grain in to give it an older film aesthetic.
Style sheet: Colour scheme
I wanted to find a colour scheme from a horror
film where there aren’t any dark blue or sickly
pale colours used as this is a common trope used
in horror films to force a sense of dread. I focused
instead on Suspiria 2018 as it uses muted browns
and reds to draw us into the atmosphere of the
film and the time period of the 1970’s. This leaves
us unprepared for the bright red lighting used in a
scene later in the film which amplifies the
disturbing imagery of that scene. I liked the
muted colour scheme of Suspiria as it soothes the
audience in shots where dread is not the focus
and it contrasts the bright lighting used in scenes
of horror which intensifies these scenes. I may not
be able to use this colour scheme in my trailer as I
can’t think of any locations in York where I can get
a muted brown colour scheme however I have
learnt to use muted colours to sooth the viewer
into a false sense of security. In the trailer if I were
to use a muted colour scheme it would be to set
up the reveal of the colored lighting I want to use
towards the end of the trailer.
Style sheet: Colour scheme
I chose this image from Hero as an example
of how my colour scheme would most likely
work in my trailer. As I’m planning to have
the actors wear clothes that contrast with
their environment, I will try to do this with
most shots however this may not be
possible for all shots in my trailer however I
will be looking to have contrast in most
shots to show that the characters are the
focus of the shot as they stand out from
their environment as the film focuses on
their internal issues of paranoia and fear.
Hero is a martial arts film where each fight
has it’s own unique relevance to the plot
and it’s own colour scheme, in my trailer I
want to use costume, environment and
lighting in some shots to create a contrasting
colour scheme. In one of my shots I plan to
film at night in my house so I can use red
colored lighting, I hope this will create a
sense of fear while being a way for me to
use an interesting colour/lighting choice.
Style sheet: Colour scheme
I found that a good image to represent my colour choices in my
trailer would be this shot from the film Amélie as I am planning
to film in a forest area close to where I live I think that most of
these shots would have a green colour pallet however I want to
have the main character wear red clothes as they would then
contrast with their environment so they can immediately stand
out to the viewer. Using a contrasting colour scheme like this
would work well for my trailer as it would mean that that the
characters would pop out of their surroundings so the audience
can instantly recognize the character. Although this colour
scheme isn’t typical of a modern horror film as I’m not using
dark blue colours I think than the main reason I chose to
subvert tropes by using bright colours was so that I could focus
on build an atmosphere in the first half of the trailer by building
tension. I would build tension in the first half of the trailer by
having slow moving/still shots that seem like they could be
about to reveal something disturbing and towards the end of
the trailer I want to have mainly quick cuts, some disturbing
imagery of terrified faces, red lighting and possibly some gore
however I don’t want this to spoil the film. I basically want the
colour scheme to change with the pace of the trailer so that as
the cuts in the trailer get faster the colours become more
unnatural. I want the coloured lighting towards the end of the
trailer to be reminiscent of the original Suspiria as it feels very
surreal and I want this part of my trailer to feel like it has
transitioned from being fairly realistic to looking surreal and
Style sheet: Missing poster prop design
When I started making this prop for my project I wanted to make
my poster look authentic so I searched for the layout out of missing
person posters so I would have a better understanding of how I
would design my missing poster in Photoshop. I noticed that red,
white and black were used in most of these posters so I also
incorporated these colours into my poster as I think this colour
pallet stands out and grabbed my attention. I also chose to use a
bold font as the main use of a missing poster is to stand out so I
wanted my prop to feel realistic in this sense. I was mainly aiming
to make my prop seem real in it’s design which I think that I
managed to achieve with the bold yet simple font and the colour
scheme that stands out mainly due to the red and white contrast.
In the trailer I want the posters to stand out and to be a constant
sign to the audience that the main character could end up as on of
these missing people. The box in the center of the poster is where
an image of the missing person would go, I made this box fairly
large for the prop as in the opening shot I want to have a close u
that slowly zooms out into a wide shot of missing peoples posters
so if the images are fairly large then it would instantly set an
ominous atmosphere as the viewer looks at the faces of several
missing people. Obviously I don’t plan on using actual missing
people in my posters so I will use photos of friends and family
members who are fine with being in the trailer. I’m happy using this
self made prop design in my trailer as I think it defiantly has the
realistic style I was hoping to create without looking too over the
Poster: Film poster existing designs
When thinking of ways I could design my poster I began by
looking at designs using photography. The designs that stood
out to me first were for Alien, Rosemary’s baby and The
Exorcist. I think that the main thing that stood out to me
about all of these posters was the way that they used
contrast from dark and light colours to highlight important
parts of the poster. In the Alien poster the green light coming
from the egg implicates danger and the large spaces between
the letters in the title also create an unnatural style to the
poster. The Exorcist poster uses lighting coming from the
window to create a silhouette of the exorcist, this lighting
creates a sense of the supernatural while standing out
against the dark background, making it eye catching. The
poster for Rosemary’s Baby focuses on the head of Rosemary
in the background showing that the film will focus on her
psychology, the baby pram on top of the hill creates a
disturbing image as it’s been left alone and the green sky also
feel unnatural and sickly. The main way these posters create
an attention grabbing visual is by having unnatural lighting
that stands out against silhouettes, this creates a disturbing
style that makes the film recognizable as a horror film. I may
use these techniques in my poster design however I was
thinking of having a poster design that was more minimalistic
by using graphic design on Photoshop to create a similar
creepy effect.
Poster: Film poster existing designs
The main purpose of a minimalistic poster design is to show the
viewer a clear and simplistic style of art that tells them the
themes and key elements of the film without spoiling anything.
We can learn a lot of minimalist design techniques from The
Shining’s poster as it tells us that the film will feature a typewriter
and axe which symbolize Jack’s insanity and aggression towards
his family, the poster has a very simple colour scheme of red,
white and black which is also incorporated into many minimalist
designs. Although none of these designs are the original poster
designs for their films I think that a poster focusing more on
graphic design would mean that I could recreate a key image
from my trailer and take it further through a more stylized colour
design, use of symbols and a font choice to match the layout. I
think that what makes a minimal design appealing to me is that I
wouldn't be bound to real photos while making the design so I
could put emphasis on certain aspects of an image which I find
more creepy and then base my poster around that so the poster
would be more obviously horror themed. Using symbolism is
common in these minimalist posters as the poster for Rosemary’s
Baby use the crosses in the window frames to show that
everyone in the house is religious due to the crosses being up
however in the window with the red light the cross in upside
down to show themes of Satanism, I think that using symbolism
in this way where it links in with both the overall design of the
poster and the themes of the film could appeal to my target
audience as my interviews showed that people in my
demographic wanted simple poster designs that showed the
genre and theme of the film while including some semiology.
Poster: Film poster practice designs
When I started my poster design I used a dark green and red colour scheme as I
thought that as well as contrasting and suiting the colour scheme I would use in the
trailer this colour scheme created a disturbing and eye-catching look when I used
colour gradients and effects in Photoshop on an image of film grain. Using this colour
scheme on the film grain not only shows a more intense and disturbing view of the
visuals in my trailer but it creates patterns and scratch marks in the posters
background which gives the poster a more stylistic appearance. The focus of this poster
is the eyes emerging from the background, this instills fear in the viewer as the eyes
look shocked, the eyes also draw attention to themselves as viewers could feel as if the
eyes are staring at them which would draw attention to the poster. I used the same
font that I will use in my final poster design as I wanted to test to see if the font
showed the same sense of paranoia and horror that I want to be present in my poster
and trailer, I think the font worked well with the the rest of the design once I used a
gradient on it so the font could be dark red and bright red as I think would make the
font look more subtle yet also more eye catching. In my final poster design I will use my
own images for the focus image in poster as I think that this would give me more
freedom in the presentation of my poster.
In my second poster design I used the same technique of using effects to give a film
grain a colour scheme of green and red however I added a tag line of “where did they
go” as I wanted to see if this would effect my poster in any way, I think that the tag line
actually worked well for my poster as the question makes the viewer intrigued and it
presents the theme of mystery as the viewer knows that the question will remain
unanswered until they have watched the film. As I am primarily using two colours I will
need to make sure the font doesn’t blend in with the background as would be
unappealing for the viewer as they would need to stain their eyes to actually see what
the text says so I need to be very careful about where I place the title and the tag line
and where I want colours to be prominent in the background.
Music List
In my trailer I am still unsure of whether I want to use music
in my trailer and if I did I would probably make my own
music in GarageBand so I can make my own tempo for the
trailer and give it my own unique sound. I think that sound is
something that is very important to horror so I don’t want to
ruin it with the wrong music choice. Although I am not used
to making music I think that if I keep it fairly simple then I
could still make a good track for the trailer however if I do
fail to make a good track then I will resort to using music that
I have not created although this is defiantly a last resort.
• Synths- I want to use synthesized piano and base sounds
as I think that if I use the right notes then I could create a
haunting style to the track quite easily. I think that if I use
subtle low notes for the background of the track then I
could use high notes for a repeating melody that would
carry the trailer.
• Trumpets- I think that I can use low drawn out trumpet
notes for the track as I think that the trumpet can sound
intimidating and evil if I use it subtly in the background
• Bass- I want to use a single note for the bass that plays
throughout the track but gets louder overtime as I think
that this would effect what the viewer is feeling as as
growing sound like this would create the illusion of
The goal I’m hoping to achieve when making
my music is to have a clear sense of horror
running through the piece while having an
intensity that grows throughout the piece. I
also want the song to sound fairly subtle as it
would fit in with the atmospheric approach
to my trailer.
Pre-made music
Incase I fail to create a fitting track for my trailer
I need to have back up choices for existing
music I could us
Hereditary soundtrack - Reborn
Mac DeMarco – Move it like Mike
Conan Mockasin – I’m the man that will find you
Hereditary- The soundtrack for Hereditary uses quiet and
subtle sound effects to make the music sound like it’s slowly
chipping away at the listener, I thought that this soundtrack
would be good to listen to as I remembered that the
soundtrack gave me an intense feeling of dread due to the
layers of creepy music that seemed to keep growing, that’s
exactly the style of music that I want to try and recreate.
Suspiria 2018- The main reason that I found the Suspiria
soundtrack appealing was it beauty however the track Volk
manages to stand out as fear inducing to me due to the
repeating synth melody which sound distorted and creepy
due to it’s repetition so I’m planning to have a repeating
melody in my music that I would be able to cut my trailer to
Sound Effects list
I plan to record all of my sound effects while filming however I don’t plan to record the dialogue
while filming as there won’t be any shots of the characters talking as this would mean that I would
have to teach my actors to lip-sync which could be difficult for the actors especially if they aren’t
used to acting. Instead of having shots of the characters talking I plan to have a voice over of the
main character talking to their friend about the events that have happened to them except this will
also be the main character talking to the viewer.
Sound effects:
- Clicking sounds
- Clock ticking
- Draws opening
- Doors slamming
- Foot steps
- Slashing sounds
I want to create a rhythm/beat to how I use my sound effects in my trailer as I can transition
from one shot to another by using a sound effect that relates to the trailers visuals whenever
I want to cut, this gives the trailer a greater sense of style and the beat of the sound effects
can make the trailer memorable and appealing to the viewer if timed well enough. This
technique is used in lot’s of trailer as it’s a creative way to build tension as you can have the
beat of the sound effects starting slowly and growing faster as the tension in the trailer
Trailer Dialogue
Opening shot: slow zoom out from a missing
poster of a boy which reveals several missing
people’s posters showing that there is an
immediate problem in the society in the film.
(During this shot)-
Main character (worried) to friend: “Ever since
he went missing I’ve felt like someone’s
watching me…”
Further in the trailer-
Main character (scared): “ I had a feeling I was
being followed…” “And now I know why”
Close up shot of a bag landing in front of the
main character-
Main character: “I think I’m next”
I wanted the dialogue in my
trailer to be very minimal as I
wanted a greater focus on the
visuals of the film rather than the
dialogue as the actors in my
trailer are fairly inexperienced it
will mean that there’s a lot less
pressure on them to have to
voice act. The minimal dialogue is
also useful for the atmosphere of
the trailer as the small amount of
voice lines would force the
viewer to piece together what’s
going on from the visuals. The
aim of the dialogue I have
planned was to show how the
fear and paranoia the character is
feeling while giving an insight
into how the character has found
out that they could be the next
to go missing.
• Colour gels: £8.99-£10.00 this may be difficult to find in York so I
might need to buy it off amazon if I can’t find any in York.
• Plastic bag: 5p this will land in front of the main character in one
shot with a box inside it. The shot would be made to look
threatening and mysterious as the viewer anticipates what could be
in the bag.
• Notebook: £1 I need this to make it look like the main character has
been making notes and investigations.
I don’t plan to have much of a budget for my trailer as I think that I can
find ways of having free lighting by borrowing LEDs from college, using
phone torches and lamps. I can make my missing posters and use other
props like fake blood that I have left over from Halloween. When coming
up with the idea for my project I didn’t want my concept to be too far
fetched as I knew that this would only make my budget bigger so I
basically made an idea that wouldn't need me to send much money to
make it. I may only need to spend money on colour gels for lighting.
Shots list
Story Board
Story Board
Story Board
Camera- canon 550d
Shoulder mount
Lighting- torches, LEDs and phone lights
Colour filters
I already have this camera and a tripod so it would be
easy for me to quickly start filming with this instead
of borrowing this equipment from college. I might
need to borrow a shoulder mount to film a tracking
shot of a character walking down a street I can
borrow this from college or a friend but I will
probably use colleges as it would be more reliable. I
need the tripod so that I can have still shots as filming
in hand held could confuse the viewer into thinking
that the film is a found footage horror film, so using a
tripod would improve the quality of the shots.
I would defiantly need to borrow a sound recorder
from college. This would help me to get clearer audio
for sound effects that I would want to use in my
trailer, I want clean audio for for sound effects as they
can be used in several ways such as transitions from
separate shots and giving the trailer a rhythm which
could make the trailer seem more appealing on the
ears as the rhythm of sound effects could build up
excitement. The recorder would also help me to get
good audio from the actors as I don’t plan to have
the actors visibly speaking in the trailer as I would
need to have the actor lip-sync to their lines. Instead
of actors having to lip-sync I will record their lines for
voice overs as it would make their roles easier.
For the lighting I wanted to use colored filters over
torch light or LEDs as I thinks this could make some
shots stand out and this would also relate to the bright
colours of Suspiria 1977 which would show my
inspiration from Italian giallo films. I can borrow LED
lights from college or find practical ways to make
lighting like phone torches or buying small lights. I
would use this lighting in night time shots as I think
that it gives shots an ominous feel as the lighting feels
overpowering and unnatural.
Props needed
Fake blood
Missing posters
Plastic bag
I need to buy fake blood for certain shots in the
trailer as I think that showing blood would be
able to show that the film is more of a horror
film than a crime film however I don’t plan on
showing the main character being attacked as I
think this would ruin the dark atmosphere I’m
trying to make with this trailer.
I need to design and print off missing posters
for the trailer as missing people are the a key
aspect of the plot. I must make sure not to
leave these posters in public view as it could
cause issues or panic.
I need to get a plastic bag for a shot where it
lands in front of the main character. The bag
would contain a message of warning from the
kidnapper which would create the sense of
paranoia that I want to instill in the rest of the
I need a notebook to show a shot of the main
characters paranoia, how they theorize and obsess
over who the kidnapper could be and what there
intentions are. I need the sketches and writing in the
shots of the characters notebook to be symbolic of
how the main character could descend into madness
over the course of the film due to the paranoia they
are experiencing.
Costume needed
Red clothing
Dark hoodie
Dark blue coat
Black hat
I need the main character to wear red as I am planning to
film some shots in forests which would be primarily
green so the red and green would contrast to create an
interesting colour scheme. The colours of the clothes
that I choose are more for a stylistic choice so I can
create interesting colour schemes where the
environment and the characters clothes are linked. The
red clothes could also be a semiotic of danger as red can
often be associated with a warning, in this case it is the
character that is in danger as they have become a target.
I originally wanted the kidnapper character to wear a
dark hoodie so that their shadowy figure stands out in
the bright colours I want to use in my shots and although
the hood would also mask the killers identity. I am torn
on the decision of what the kidnapper would wear as I
don’t want them to seem to obvious due to my research
into how a killers ability to blend in is what makes them
so terrifying, so my decision on what the killer wears
could change to blend in yet look suspicious like if they
wore a hat that covered their face. I don’t really want to
spend money getting clothes for the trailer so I could use
a hat or hoodie that I or one of the actors already has.
In the trailer I want the main character to have a friend who
the main character would be talking to about their situation.
I want the friend to be wearing a blue coat as I think that by
having these characters wear dark clothing it would contrast
with the bright natural environments that would be in shots
of the forest areas. The darker clothes would also indicate
that these characters are feeling fairly depressed to begin
with due to the disappearances.
Locations needed
Foss gate
Coney street
Huntington road
Willow Bank
Emerald street
I want to film in town in Fossgate and Coney
street as these are areas where lot’s of people
tend to go down which would be perfect to film
in for shots of the main character cautiously
going through a crowd of people. The main
issue I could face when filming in these
locations is that it could be difficult to film
without random people acting differently when
they realize they are being filmed.
I want to film down Huntington road facing the
river as the willow trees create an interesting
environment as they dangle down into the
water. I don’t want to film too close to the river
as it would create risks of falling in so I will need
to make sure that the actors don’t go close to
the river.
I want to film at Willow Bank in Huntington as
there is a small area of trees that I can film in to
make it seem like a forest. Filming here would
be useful as it is fairly close to some of my other
filming locations.
I want to film in Emerald street in two of the alleyways
that split off from the street. Filming here would be
useful as it would mean that I can have interesting
compositions that guide your view down the alley while
making the character feel constricted adding to the
sense of helplessness/danger. I also plan to shoot in my
house as I would be able to control the lighting for dark
shots and shots of the main character being at home.
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Actor can’t make it I can make sure I plan to film at a time where if
the actors can’t make it for the day we need to
film then we have a few days spare to film.
Computer breaks I need to save my work and E-mail myself the
Camera breaks If my camera were to break before I began
filming or during filming I would borrow one
from college to film with.
Weather I need to film on a sunny day so I could
regularly check the weather to find a suitable
day to film on.
SD card breaks Save the footage to a computer as soon as I
finish filming.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Somebody falls in the river Avoid filming close to the river. Warn the actors
of the danger so they act sensibly. Tell the
actors not to go close to the water.
Eye strain Take short breaks from looking at the computer
so you are less likely to strain your eyes.
Trips and falls I need to tell the actors they’re route around an
area if movement is involved so we can make
sure there are no obstacles to get in their way.
Back pain Sit in an upright position when working to avoid
back pain and try not to to slouch.
Electric shocks Make regular checks on the computer to
see if there is any form of damage and
keep liquids away from electrical
Environmental dangers carry out a risk assessment for each location
you film in.
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
Tuesday- week 1 edit the trailer together
Wednesday- week 1 edit the trailer together
Thursday- week 1 edit the trailer together
Friday- week 1 create music for the trailer
Tuesday- week 2 create music for the trailer
Wednesday- week 2 add effects and music to the trailer
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
Thursday- week 2 edit sounds effects, music and visual effects
Friday- week 2 finish editing and start poster design
Tuesday- week 3 Experiment with poster design
Wednesday- week 3 Create poster design
Thursday- week 3 Create poster design
Friday- week 3 finish poster design
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
Tuesday- week 4 revisit trailer and poster designs to make
Wednesday- week 4 revisit trailer and poster designs to make
improvements + production evaluations
Thursday- week 4 production evaluations
Friday- week 4 production evaluations

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4. pre production(1)

  • 2. Resources Pre-production is important for the smooth running of a project. It is for you to go through final development and organisation for your project before you start production. The pre-production tasks you do will depend on your project. You need to undertake appropriate tasks in order to make your project work. A production schedule should be in everyone’s project. The blue slides are here to give advice. This advice can also be found in the main lecture. Delete when you don’t need it. Don’t submit your work with this in.
  • 3. PRE-PRODUCTIONPre-production paperwork for a print production could include:  Risk assessment  Flat plans  Style Sheets  Equipment/Resource list  Contingency plan  Copy (the written part of your work)  Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan  Location Recce for photographs  Budget  Model call sheet
  • 4. PRE-PRODUCTIONPre-production paperwork for moving image could include:  Risk assessment  Storyboard  Shotlist  Equipment list and bookings  Contingency plan  Script  Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan  Call sheet  Location Recce  Budget
  • 5. PRE-PRODUCTION Pre-production paperwork for a video game production could include:  Risk assessment  Sound effect list  Music list  Style sheet or other visual planning  Contingency plan  Scene plan  Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan  Budget
  • 6. PRE-PRODUCTION Pre-production paperwork for an audio production could include:  Risk assessment  Sound effect list  Music list  Equipment/Resource list  Script/Questions  Contingency plan  Location plan  Contributor information (interviewees/guests/actors)  Thorough production schedule/ Action Plan  Budget
  • 7. PRE-PRODUCTION• Style sheet – Collection of potential choice you could make for your products visuals (colours, image styles and fonts). Provide some indication of which ones you will use, where you will use them and reasons why – This should explore alternatives to everything- don’t just include one option. Look at several potential aspects to include and reference the ones you plan to use and why • Layout Plans – Potential designs you could do for your product using images, fonts and colours from style sheet
  • 8. PRE-PRODUCTION Colour schemes: This is important for any visual product. Talk about the options you have, the decisions you are making and relate your ideas back to exiting products and your target audience.
  • 11. Pre-production• What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do) I want to make a trailer and poster design for a a horror film. The film would be based around themes of paranoia and mystery where the horror comes from the threat of danger from someone unknown. My concept that would convey theses themes is for a city to be having many sudden disappearances and the main character discovers that someone is after them so if they can’t reveal the identity of the killer they will be the next to go missing. I need my poster design to show that my film is clearly in the horror genre by using dark colours, disturbing imagery or an art style that looks creepy. I want my trailer to look atmospheric and and build up as the shots get shorter in terms of length and become more disturbing. • Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film) I originally wanted my concept to be a homage to horror/mystery shows such as Twin Peaks and Atlanta however as I researched more into the horror genre and actual history I realised how the paranoia and and fear can be horrifying as it can turn innocent people against each other and destroy peoples rational thoughts. I wanted to make my film in the horror genre as it is a genre that I have a lot of interest in and knew I wouldn’t mind researching further in order to develop my ideas. I want the main theme of my trailer to be how paranoia can spread through people and cause crime because of fear. I want my poster to encapsulate the chaos and fear caused by paranoia into a simplistic design that doesn’t give away too much of what the film would be about I know that this would appeal to my target audience of 16-21 year olds as in my interviews simple yet vague designs appealed most to everyone I questioned. • Who is it for? (Audience) I chose a target audience of 16-21 year olds as I found out in my research that this was the age group that was most likely to go to watch a horror film as I am in this age range I could easily do audience research. I researched what gender usually went to watch horror films and it turned out men went more often than women however I still plan on having a trailer that could appeal to both because if I appeal too much to one side it could be seen as a negative by the gender it’s appealing less to. My film wouldn’t have any romantic interests so the film wouldn’t appeal to any sexuality as I mainly want my film to appeal to anyone who is interested in horror and how it could be involved in our lives. • Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it) I’m planning on making my trailer about 2 minutes long which would be too long for an advert on TV or instagram however the trailer would be able to play on YouTube but I would need to make the trailer eye-catching so people keep watching it. I think that the trailer being on YouTube is fine as lot’s of people in my target audience watch YouTube so hopefully if my finished trailer looks stylistic enough it could catch their attention. Reflection:
  • 12. Style sheet: Fonts I looked for fonts to use for the title on DaFont because I knew that it would be easy to download several free fonts that fit into the genre of horror I wanted to show in my trailer. I chose this font as it stood out as being a bold font due the font looking smeared and this makes the font suit the theme of horror as it looks distorted. I chose this font as I found the sketchy style of it to stand out as horror inspired. I may not chose this for the final font that I’ll use as I think the dots around the letters could be mistaken for rain drops and as I’m planning on filming in sunny weather this may misrepresent the tone of the trailer. This font stood out to me as it was titled paranoia which is one of the main themes of my trailer. I liked the sketchy ink like style of the font as it could represent the main characters paranoia however this might not appeal to a wider audience as the title doesn’t look professional and although this is the point of the font it could still be seen as unappealing. I chose the font Sinister Black as it’s bold letters stood out while the way it looked sketched gave it the theme of horror I was looking for. The font creates the same sense of madness that Paranoia does yet it looks more professional as it’s bolder in shape.
  • 13. Style sheet: Fonts I chose the the font They Perished due to the way the bottom of the letters are disappearing which I thought would suit the plot of my film trailer well as it also focuses on disappearances. I chose this font as it stood out due to the way it’s letters looked distorted and harsh however I didn’t like the font in retrospect as I want my font to look more solid and bold. I chose this font because of how it looked gory due to the way it looks distorted and dripping ink however although this creates a cool effect I would rather choose a different font for the final design as this font looks more surreal than bold which goes against the way I wanted to present my trailer as realistic other that some colourful lighting choices in dark shots. A Love Of Thunder is bold in shape and looks slightly dissolved which I like as it makes the font look like it has a grain which is something that I will be adding to my trailer to give it a retro look. My only issue with this font would be that it doesn’t really convey a theme of horror which could confuse viewers if this was the font I use on my poster design.
  • 14. Style sheet: Fonts This font choice was perfect for my trailer in my opinion as it covers all aspects that I wanted it to, it’s bold and it emphasizes the themes of horror and paranoia. I decided to choose Sinister Black as my font choice for the title in the poster and trailer and I think it’s boldness makes it stand out immediately so it would be eye-catching to viewers of the trailer. The font looks hash and slightly distorted which I hope will convey a theme of paranoia to the viewer as it resembles scribbling that I thought could be show the main characters paranoia. I felt like the font would look good in various colours which was another reason I chose it was because it looked like it could suit many poster designs that I could come up with. The font looks like it has a grain which I liked because it could easily fit into my trailer which I will use a grain in to give it an older film aesthetic.
  • 15. Style sheet: Colour scheme I wanted to find a colour scheme from a horror film where there aren’t any dark blue or sickly pale colours used as this is a common trope used in horror films to force a sense of dread. I focused instead on Suspiria 2018 as it uses muted browns and reds to draw us into the atmosphere of the film and the time period of the 1970’s. This leaves us unprepared for the bright red lighting used in a scene later in the film which amplifies the disturbing imagery of that scene. I liked the muted colour scheme of Suspiria as it soothes the audience in shots where dread is not the focus and it contrasts the bright lighting used in scenes of horror which intensifies these scenes. I may not be able to use this colour scheme in my trailer as I can’t think of any locations in York where I can get a muted brown colour scheme however I have learnt to use muted colours to sooth the viewer into a false sense of security. In the trailer if I were to use a muted colour scheme it would be to set up the reveal of the colored lighting I want to use towards the end of the trailer.
  • 16. Style sheet: Colour scheme I chose this image from Hero as an example of how my colour scheme would most likely work in my trailer. As I’m planning to have the actors wear clothes that contrast with their environment, I will try to do this with most shots however this may not be possible for all shots in my trailer however I will be looking to have contrast in most shots to show that the characters are the focus of the shot as they stand out from their environment as the film focuses on their internal issues of paranoia and fear. Hero is a martial arts film where each fight has it’s own unique relevance to the plot and it’s own colour scheme, in my trailer I want to use costume, environment and lighting in some shots to create a contrasting colour scheme. In one of my shots I plan to film at night in my house so I can use red colored lighting, I hope this will create a sense of fear while being a way for me to use an interesting colour/lighting choice.
  • 17. Style sheet: Colour scheme I found that a good image to represent my colour choices in my trailer would be this shot from the film Amélie as I am planning to film in a forest area close to where I live I think that most of these shots would have a green colour pallet however I want to have the main character wear red clothes as they would then contrast with their environment so they can immediately stand out to the viewer. Using a contrasting colour scheme like this would work well for my trailer as it would mean that that the characters would pop out of their surroundings so the audience can instantly recognize the character. Although this colour scheme isn’t typical of a modern horror film as I’m not using dark blue colours I think than the main reason I chose to subvert tropes by using bright colours was so that I could focus on build an atmosphere in the first half of the trailer by building tension. I would build tension in the first half of the trailer by having slow moving/still shots that seem like they could be about to reveal something disturbing and towards the end of the trailer I want to have mainly quick cuts, some disturbing imagery of terrified faces, red lighting and possibly some gore however I don’t want this to spoil the film. I basically want the colour scheme to change with the pace of the trailer so that as the cuts in the trailer get faster the colours become more unnatural. I want the coloured lighting towards the end of the trailer to be reminiscent of the original Suspiria as it feels very surreal and I want this part of my trailer to feel like it has transitioned from being fairly realistic to looking surreal and nightmarish.
  • 18. Style sheet: Missing poster prop design When I started making this prop for my project I wanted to make my poster look authentic so I searched for the layout out of missing person posters so I would have a better understanding of how I would design my missing poster in Photoshop. I noticed that red, white and black were used in most of these posters so I also incorporated these colours into my poster as I think this colour pallet stands out and grabbed my attention. I also chose to use a bold font as the main use of a missing poster is to stand out so I wanted my prop to feel realistic in this sense. I was mainly aiming to make my prop seem real in it’s design which I think that I managed to achieve with the bold yet simple font and the colour scheme that stands out mainly due to the red and white contrast. In the trailer I want the posters to stand out and to be a constant sign to the audience that the main character could end up as on of these missing people. The box in the center of the poster is where an image of the missing person would go, I made this box fairly large for the prop as in the opening shot I want to have a close u that slowly zooms out into a wide shot of missing peoples posters so if the images are fairly large then it would instantly set an ominous atmosphere as the viewer looks at the faces of several missing people. Obviously I don’t plan on using actual missing people in my posters so I will use photos of friends and family members who are fine with being in the trailer. I’m happy using this self made prop design in my trailer as I think it defiantly has the realistic style I was hoping to create without looking too over the top.
  • 19. Poster: Film poster existing designs When thinking of ways I could design my poster I began by looking at designs using photography. The designs that stood out to me first were for Alien, Rosemary’s baby and The Exorcist. I think that the main thing that stood out to me about all of these posters was the way that they used contrast from dark and light colours to highlight important parts of the poster. In the Alien poster the green light coming from the egg implicates danger and the large spaces between the letters in the title also create an unnatural style to the poster. The Exorcist poster uses lighting coming from the window to create a silhouette of the exorcist, this lighting creates a sense of the supernatural while standing out against the dark background, making it eye catching. The poster for Rosemary’s Baby focuses on the head of Rosemary in the background showing that the film will focus on her psychology, the baby pram on top of the hill creates a disturbing image as it’s been left alone and the green sky also feel unnatural and sickly. The main way these posters create an attention grabbing visual is by having unnatural lighting that stands out against silhouettes, this creates a disturbing style that makes the film recognizable as a horror film. I may use these techniques in my poster design however I was thinking of having a poster design that was more minimalistic by using graphic design on Photoshop to create a similar creepy effect.
  • 20. Poster: Film poster existing designs The main purpose of a minimalistic poster design is to show the viewer a clear and simplistic style of art that tells them the themes and key elements of the film without spoiling anything. We can learn a lot of minimalist design techniques from The Shining’s poster as it tells us that the film will feature a typewriter and axe which symbolize Jack’s insanity and aggression towards his family, the poster has a very simple colour scheme of red, white and black which is also incorporated into many minimalist designs. Although none of these designs are the original poster designs for their films I think that a poster focusing more on graphic design would mean that I could recreate a key image from my trailer and take it further through a more stylized colour design, use of symbols and a font choice to match the layout. I think that what makes a minimal design appealing to me is that I wouldn't be bound to real photos while making the design so I could put emphasis on certain aspects of an image which I find more creepy and then base my poster around that so the poster would be more obviously horror themed. Using symbolism is common in these minimalist posters as the poster for Rosemary’s Baby use the crosses in the window frames to show that everyone in the house is religious due to the crosses being up however in the window with the red light the cross in upside down to show themes of Satanism, I think that using symbolism in this way where it links in with both the overall design of the poster and the themes of the film could appeal to my target audience as my interviews showed that people in my demographic wanted simple poster designs that showed the genre and theme of the film while including some semiology.
  • 21. Poster: Film poster practice designs When I started my poster design I used a dark green and red colour scheme as I thought that as well as contrasting and suiting the colour scheme I would use in the trailer this colour scheme created a disturbing and eye-catching look when I used colour gradients and effects in Photoshop on an image of film grain. Using this colour scheme on the film grain not only shows a more intense and disturbing view of the visuals in my trailer but it creates patterns and scratch marks in the posters background which gives the poster a more stylistic appearance. The focus of this poster is the eyes emerging from the background, this instills fear in the viewer as the eyes look shocked, the eyes also draw attention to themselves as viewers could feel as if the eyes are staring at them which would draw attention to the poster. I used the same font that I will use in my final poster design as I wanted to test to see if the font showed the same sense of paranoia and horror that I want to be present in my poster and trailer, I think the font worked well with the the rest of the design once I used a gradient on it so the font could be dark red and bright red as I think would make the font look more subtle yet also more eye catching. In my final poster design I will use my own images for the focus image in poster as I think that this would give me more freedom in the presentation of my poster. In my second poster design I used the same technique of using effects to give a film grain a colour scheme of green and red however I added a tag line of “where did they go” as I wanted to see if this would effect my poster in any way, I think that the tag line actually worked well for my poster as the question makes the viewer intrigued and it presents the theme of mystery as the viewer knows that the question will remain unanswered until they have watched the film. As I am primarily using two colours I will need to make sure the font doesn’t blend in with the background as would be unappealing for the viewer as they would need to stain their eyes to actually see what the text says so I need to be very careful about where I place the title and the tag line and where I want colours to be prominent in the background.
  • 22. Music List In my trailer I am still unsure of whether I want to use music in my trailer and if I did I would probably make my own music in GarageBand so I can make my own tempo for the trailer and give it my own unique sound. I think that sound is something that is very important to horror so I don’t want to ruin it with the wrong music choice. Although I am not used to making music I think that if I keep it fairly simple then I could still make a good track for the trailer however if I do fail to make a good track then I will resort to using music that I have not created although this is defiantly a last resort. Instruments • Synths- I want to use synthesized piano and base sounds as I think that if I use the right notes then I could create a haunting style to the track quite easily. I think that if I use subtle low notes for the background of the track then I could use high notes for a repeating melody that would carry the trailer. • Trumpets- I think that I can use low drawn out trumpet notes for the track as I think that the trumpet can sound intimidating and evil if I use it subtly in the background • Bass- I want to use a single note for the bass that plays throughout the track but gets louder overtime as I think that this would effect what the viewer is feeling as as growing sound like this would create the illusion of intensity.Music The goal I’m hoping to achieve when making my music is to have a clear sense of horror running through the piece while having an intensity that grows throughout the piece. I also want the song to sound fairly subtle as it would fit in with the atmospheric approach to my trailer. Pre-made music Incase I fail to create a fitting track for my trailer I need to have back up choices for existing music I could us Hereditary soundtrack - Reborn Mac DeMarco – Move it like Mike Conan Mockasin – I’m the man that will find you Inspiration: Hereditary- The soundtrack for Hereditary uses quiet and subtle sound effects to make the music sound like it’s slowly chipping away at the listener, I thought that this soundtrack would be good to listen to as I remembered that the soundtrack gave me an intense feeling of dread due to the layers of creepy music that seemed to keep growing, that’s exactly the style of music that I want to try and recreate. Suspiria 2018- The main reason that I found the Suspiria soundtrack appealing was it beauty however the track Volk manages to stand out as fear inducing to me due to the repeating synth melody which sound distorted and creepy due to it’s repetition so I’m planning to have a repeating melody in my music that I would be able to cut my trailer to
  • 23. Sound Effects list I plan to record all of my sound effects while filming however I don’t plan to record the dialogue while filming as there won’t be any shots of the characters talking as this would mean that I would have to teach my actors to lip-sync which could be difficult for the actors especially if they aren’t used to acting. Instead of having shots of the characters talking I plan to have a voice over of the main character talking to their friend about the events that have happened to them except this will also be the main character talking to the viewer. Sound effects: - Clicking sounds - Clock ticking - Draws opening - Doors slamming - Foot steps - Slashing sounds I want to create a rhythm/beat to how I use my sound effects in my trailer as I can transition from one shot to another by using a sound effect that relates to the trailers visuals whenever I want to cut, this gives the trailer a greater sense of style and the beat of the sound effects can make the trailer memorable and appealing to the viewer if timed well enough. This technique is used in lot’s of trailer as it’s a creative way to build tension as you can have the beat of the sound effects starting slowly and growing faster as the tension in the trailer increases.
  • 24. Trailer Dialogue Opening shot: slow zoom out from a missing poster of a boy which reveals several missing people’s posters showing that there is an immediate problem in the society in the film. (During this shot)- Main character (worried) to friend: “Ever since he went missing I’ve felt like someone’s watching me…” Further in the trailer- Main character (scared): “ I had a feeling I was being followed…” “And now I know why” Close up shot of a bag landing in front of the main character- Main character: “I think I’m next” I wanted the dialogue in my trailer to be very minimal as I wanted a greater focus on the visuals of the film rather than the dialogue as the actors in my trailer are fairly inexperienced it will mean that there’s a lot less pressure on them to have to voice act. The minimal dialogue is also useful for the atmosphere of the trailer as the small amount of voice lines would force the viewer to piece together what’s going on from the visuals. The aim of the dialogue I have planned was to show how the fear and paranoia the character is feeling while giving an insight into how the character has found out that they could be the next to go missing.
  • 25. Budget • Colour gels: £8.99-£10.00 this may be difficult to find in York so I might need to buy it off amazon if I can’t find any in York. • Plastic bag: 5p this will land in front of the main character in one shot with a box inside it. The shot would be made to look threatening and mysterious as the viewer anticipates what could be in the bag. • Notebook: £1 I need this to make it look like the main character has been making notes and investigations. I don’t plan to have much of a budget for my trailer as I think that I can find ways of having free lighting by borrowing LEDs from college, using phone torches and lamps. I can make my missing posters and use other props like fake blood that I have left over from Halloween. When coming up with the idea for my project I didn’t want my concept to be too far fetched as I knew that this would only make my budget bigger so I basically made an idea that wouldn't need me to send much money to make it. I may only need to spend money on colour gels for lighting.
  • 30. Resources Equipment Camera- canon 550d Tripod Shoulder mount Lighting- torches, LEDs and phone lights Colour filters recorder I already have this camera and a tripod so it would be easy for me to quickly start filming with this instead of borrowing this equipment from college. I might need to borrow a shoulder mount to film a tracking shot of a character walking down a street I can borrow this from college or a friend but I will probably use colleges as it would be more reliable. I need the tripod so that I can have still shots as filming in hand held could confuse the viewer into thinking that the film is a found footage horror film, so using a tripod would improve the quality of the shots. I would defiantly need to borrow a sound recorder from college. This would help me to get clearer audio for sound effects that I would want to use in my trailer, I want clean audio for for sound effects as they can be used in several ways such as transitions from separate shots and giving the trailer a rhythm which could make the trailer seem more appealing on the ears as the rhythm of sound effects could build up excitement. The recorder would also help me to get good audio from the actors as I don’t plan to have the actors visibly speaking in the trailer as I would need to have the actor lip-sync to their lines. Instead of actors having to lip-sync I will record their lines for voice overs as it would make their roles easier. For the lighting I wanted to use colored filters over torch light or LEDs as I thinks this could make some shots stand out and this would also relate to the bright colours of Suspiria 1977 which would show my inspiration from Italian giallo films. I can borrow LED lights from college or find practical ways to make lighting like phone torches or buying small lights. I would use this lighting in night time shots as I think that it gives shots an ominous feel as the lighting feels overpowering and unnatural.
  • 31. Resources Props needed Fake blood Missing posters Plastic bag Phone notebook I need to buy fake blood for certain shots in the trailer as I think that showing blood would be able to show that the film is more of a horror film than a crime film however I don’t plan on showing the main character being attacked as I think this would ruin the dark atmosphere I’m trying to make with this trailer. I need to design and print off missing posters for the trailer as missing people are the a key aspect of the plot. I must make sure not to leave these posters in public view as it could cause issues or panic. I need to get a plastic bag for a shot where it lands in front of the main character. The bag would contain a message of warning from the kidnapper which would create the sense of paranoia that I want to instill in the rest of the trailer. I need a notebook to show a shot of the main characters paranoia, how they theorize and obsess over who the kidnapper could be and what there intentions are. I need the sketches and writing in the shots of the characters notebook to be symbolic of how the main character could descend into madness over the course of the film due to the paranoia they are experiencing.
  • 32. Resources Costume needed Red clothing Dark hoodie Dark blue coat Black hat I need the main character to wear red as I am planning to film some shots in forests which would be primarily green so the red and green would contrast to create an interesting colour scheme. The colours of the clothes that I choose are more for a stylistic choice so I can create interesting colour schemes where the environment and the characters clothes are linked. The red clothes could also be a semiotic of danger as red can often be associated with a warning, in this case it is the character that is in danger as they have become a target. I originally wanted the kidnapper character to wear a dark hoodie so that their shadowy figure stands out in the bright colours I want to use in my shots and although the hood would also mask the killers identity. I am torn on the decision of what the kidnapper would wear as I don’t want them to seem to obvious due to my research into how a killers ability to blend in is what makes them so terrifying, so my decision on what the killer wears could change to blend in yet look suspicious like if they wore a hat that covered their face. I don’t really want to spend money getting clothes for the trailer so I could use a hat or hoodie that I or one of the actors already has. In the trailer I want the main character to have a friend who the main character would be talking to about their situation. I want the friend to be wearing a blue coat as I think that by having these characters wear dark clothing it would contrast with the bright natural environments that would be in shots of the forest areas. The darker clothes would also indicate that these characters are feeling fairly depressed to begin with due to the disappearances.
  • 33. Resources Locations needed Foss gate Coney street Huntington road Willow Bank Emerald street I want to film in town in Fossgate and Coney street as these are areas where lot’s of people tend to go down which would be perfect to film in for shots of the main character cautiously going through a crowd of people. The main issue I could face when filming in these locations is that it could be difficult to film without random people acting differently when they realize they are being filmed. I want to film down Huntington road facing the river as the willow trees create an interesting environment as they dangle down into the water. I don’t want to film too close to the river as it would create risks of falling in so I will need to make sure that the actors don’t go close to the river. I want to film at Willow Bank in Huntington as there is a small area of trees that I can film in to make it seem like a forest. Filming here would be useful as it is fairly close to some of my other filming locations. I want to film in Emerald street in two of the alleyways that split off from the street. Filming here would be useful as it would mean that I can have interesting compositions that guide your view down the alley while making the character feel constricted adding to the sense of helplessness/danger. I also plan to shoot in my house as I would be able to control the lighting for dark shots and shots of the main character being at home.
  • 34. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Actor can’t make it I can make sure I plan to film at a time where if the actors can’t make it for the day we need to film then we have a few days spare to film. Computer breaks I need to save my work and E-mail myself the work. Camera breaks If my camera were to break before I began filming or during filming I would borrow one from college to film with. Weather I need to film on a sunny day so I could regularly check the weather to find a suitable day to film on. SD card breaks Save the footage to a computer as soon as I finish filming.
  • 35. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Somebody falls in the river Avoid filming close to the river. Warn the actors of the danger so they act sensibly. Tell the actors not to go close to the water. Eye strain Take short breaks from looking at the computer so you are less likely to strain your eyes. Trips and falls I need to tell the actors they’re route around an area if movement is involved so we can make sure there are no obstacles to get in their way. Back pain Sit in an upright position when working to avoid back pain and try not to to slouch. Electric shocks Make regular checks on the computer to see if there is any form of damage and keep liquids away from electrical equipment. Environmental dangers carry out a risk assessment for each location you film in.
  • 36. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks Tuesday- week 1 edit the trailer together Wednesday- week 1 edit the trailer together Thursday- week 1 edit the trailer together Friday- week 1 create music for the trailer Tuesday- week 2 create music for the trailer Wednesday- week 2 add effects and music to the trailer
  • 37. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks Thursday- week 2 edit sounds effects, music and visual effects Friday- week 2 finish editing and start poster design Tuesday- week 3 Experiment with poster design Wednesday- week 3 Create poster design Thursday- week 3 Create poster design Friday- week 3 finish poster design
  • 38. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks Tuesday- week 4 revisit trailer and poster designs to make improvements Wednesday- week 4 revisit trailer and poster designs to make improvements + production evaluations Thursday- week 4 production evaluations Friday- week 4 production evaluations

Editor's Notes

  1. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  2. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  3. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  4. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  5. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  6. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  7. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  8. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  9. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  10. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  11. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  12. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  13. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  14. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  15. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  16. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  17. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  18. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.