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Seminar On Fluid and
Electrolyte Imbalance
Raksha Yadav
1st Year M.Sc. Nursing
AIIMS Rishikesh
Water content of the body
 Body fluids are
distributed in two
distinct area:
intracellular fluid
40% body weight
Extracellular fluid
20% body weight
Interstitial fluid -
15% body weight
Plasma -5% body
Mechanisms controlling fluid & electrolyte
 Diffusion
 Facilitated diffusion
 Active transport
 Osmosis
 Hydrostatic pressure
 Oncotic pressure
Regulation of water balance
 Hypothalamic regulation
 Pituitary regulation
 Adrenal cortical regulation
 Renal regulation
 Cardiac regulation
 Gastro-intestinal regulation
 Hormone secreted from the
zona glomerulosa cells of
adrenal cortex
 Stimulates kidneys
Retain sodium
Retain water
Secrete potassium
Antidiuretic hormone
 Also called arginine vasopressin (AVP).
 ADH is produced in neuron cell bodies
in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
of the Hypothalamus, and stored in
posterior pituitary.
 Physiological function
 Promote the reabsorption of water in
the collecting duct.
The natriuretic peptide family
 Four peptides of this family have been identified, including:
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP)
 Function:
Diuretic and natriuretic actions
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide: Function
The sensation of thirst
 Conscious desire for water
 Major factor that determines fluid intake
 Initiated by the osmoreceptors in
hypothalamus that are stimulated by
increase in osmotic pressure of body fluids
 Also stimulated by a decrease in the blood
pressure through the baroreceptors.
The regulation of thirsty reaction
 The stimulus sensed by osmoreceptor:
• Not a change in the extracellular fluid osmolality
• But a change in osmoreceptor neuron size or in the some intracellular substance.
Abnormalities in the Regulation of Body Fluid.
 Fluid Volume Deficit (ECFVD)- Dehydration
 Fluid Volume Excess- Over hydration
Extra Cellular Fluid Volume
Deficit (ECFVD)
 A decrease in intravascular and interstitial fluids.
 It is a common and serious fluid imbalance that results
in vascular fluid volume loss (hypovolemia).
 Risk Factors:
 Diarrhea, vomiting
 Fistula drainage
 Diabetic ketoacidosis
 Hemorrhage
 Difficulty to swallowing
 Aged
 Severe mentally ill patient
 Degrees of dehydration:
o Mild
o Moderate
o Severe
 Types of dehydration:
o Hyper-osmolar
o Iso-osmolar
o Hypo-osmolar
 Laboratory findings:
 Increased Osmolality
 Increased or normal serum sodium level
 BUN (> 25 mg/d1)
 Hyperglycaemia (>120 mg / dl)
 Increased specific gravity of urine
 Elevated hematocrit (>55%)
Management of Dehydration
 Oral rehydration
 IV fluids
 Correction of the underlying problem
 Dietary management
 Nursing management
Falls Precautions:
 Assess for orthostatic hypotension
 Assess muscle strength in legs
 Orient the client to the environment
 Remind the client to call for help before getting out of bed or
a chair
 Help the client get out of bed or a chair
 Provide, or remind the client to use, a walker or cane for
 Provide adequate lighting at all times, especially at night
 Keep the call light within reach, and ensure that the client can
use it
 Place the bed in the lowest position with the brakes locked
 Place objects that the client needs within reach
 Ensure that adequate handrails are present in the client's room,
bathroom, and hall
 Encourage family members or significant other to stay with the
Extra Cellular Fluid Volume Excess/
 ECFVE is increased fluid retention in the intravascular
& interstitial spaces (third spacing)
 Administering fluids rapidly or in a large amount
 Failure to excrete fluids:
o Heart failure
o Renal disorders
o Venous obstructions
o Decreased plasma proteins
o Excessive fluid ingestion
o Increased ADH & Aldosterone
Decreased Excretion
Increased absorption
 Laboratory findings:
 Decreased Osmolality
 Decreased or normal serum sodium level
 BUN (<8 mg/dl)
 Decreased specific gravity of urine
 Decreased hematocrit (<45%)
Management of over hydration
 ICFVE is treated by the addition of solutes to IV fluids.
 Use of D5%, 0.45% Nacl will help to correct ICFVE
when the cause is water excess.
 Oral fluids such as water and soft drinks should be
given in addition to water and ice chips.
 IV therapy should be monitored every hour.
 Monitor vital signs and intake- output
 Weight should be checked daily to measure fluid gain or
 Administer prescribed antiemetic as needed to allow
food and fluids to be ingested.
 Safety measures are necessary when the client displays
behavioral changes.
 Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular,
renal, integumentary, and gastrointestinal status.
 Prevent further fluid overload and restore normal fluid
 Administer diuretics; osmotic diuretics typically are
prescribed first to prevent severe electrolyte imbalances.
 Restrict fluid and sodium intake as prescribed.
 Monitor intake and output; monitor weight.
 Monitor electrolyte values, and prepare to administer
medication to treat an imbalance if present.
Electrolyte Balance and Imbalance
 Sodium:
• Definition:
– Commonly defined as a serum sodium
concentration <135 mEq/L
– Hyponatremia represents a relative excess of
water in relation to sodium.
Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder
Acute hyponatremia (developing over 48hr or less) are
subject to more severe degrees of cerebral edema
sodium level is less than 105 mEq/L, the mortality is
over 50%
Chronic hyponatremia (developing over more than 48hr)
experience milder degrees of cerebral edema
Types of hyponatremia
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Euvolemic hyponatremia
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Redistributive hyponatremia
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
 Develops as sodium and free water are lost and/or
replaced by inappropriately hypotonic fluids
 Sodium can be lost through renal or non-renal routes
 Nonrenal loss:
 GI losses
Vomiting, Diarrhea, fistulas, pancreatitis
 Excessive sweating
 Third spacing of fluids
ascites, peritonitis, pancreatitis, and burns
 Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome
traumatic brain injury, aneurysmal subarachnoid
hemorrhage, and intracranial surgery
Must distinguish from SIADH
 Renal Loss:
Acute or chronic renal insufficiency
Euvolemic hyponatremia
 Sodium deficit is more and the volume remains same.
 Etiology:
Psychogenic polydipsia, often in psychiatric patients
Administration of hypotonic intravenous (5% DW) or
irrigation fluids ( sorbitol, glycerin) in the immediate
postoperative period
administration of hypotonic maintenance intravenous
Infants who may have been given inappropriate
amounts of free water
bowel preparation before colonoscopy or colorectal
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
 Total body sodium increases, and TBW increases to a greater
 Can be renal or non-renal
acute or chronic renal failure
dysfunctional kidneys are unable to excrete the ingested
sodium load
cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, or nephrotic syndrome
Redistributive hyponatremia
Water shifts from the intracellular to the extracellular
compartment, with a resultant dilution of sodium. The TBW
and total body sodium are unchanged.
This condition occurs with hyperglycemia
Administration of mannitol
 Determine cause of hyponatremia and to correct it.
 If client has hyponatremia due to fluid volume excess,
intake of fluids will be restricted to allow the sodium to
regain balance.
 If the serum sodium level falls below 125 mEq/L,
sodium replacement is needed.
 For client with moderate hyponatremia 125 meq/ L I/V
saline solution (0.9% Nacl) or lactated Ringer solution
may be ordered.
 When the serum sodium level is 115 meq / L or less, a
concentrated saline solution such as 3 % Nacl is
 Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular,
cerebral, renal, and gastrointestinal status of the client.
 If hyponatremia is accompanied by a fluid volume
deficit (hypovolemia), IV sodium chloride infusions are
administered to restore sodium content and fluid
 If hyponatremia is accompanied by fluid volume
excess (hypervolemia), osmotic diuretics are
administered to promote the excretion of water rather
than sodium.
 Instruct the client to increase oral sodium intake and
inform the client about the foods to include in the diet.
 If the client is taking lithium (Lithobid), monitor the
lithium level, because hyponatremia can cause
diminished lithium excretion, resulting in toxicity.
 Hypernatremia is usually due to water deficit
 Etiology:
 Excess water loss : eg- heat exposure
diabetes insipidus
 Impaired thirst: eg - primary hypodypsia,
 Excessive Na+ retention
Clinical features of hypernatremia
 Excessive thirst, polyuria, nausea
 Muscular weakness, neuromuscular
 Altered mental status,focal
neurological deficit occasionally coma
or seizures
 correct water deficit
 Rate of correction :
-Acute hypernatremia- 1mEq/L/hr
-Chronic hypernatremia-1mEq/L/hr or 10mEq/L over 24hr
-rapid correction may lead to cerebral edema
Dietary management
Hypokalemia is a serum potassium level of less
than 3.5 mEq /L
Etiological factors of hypokalemia
Clinical manifestations
Medical management
 Determining & correcting the cause of the imbalance.
 Extreme hypokalemia requires cardiac monitoring.
Pharmacological Management
 Oral potassium replacement therapy is usually prescribed for
mild hypokalemia.
 Potassium is extremely irritating to gastric mucosa; therefore
the drug must be taken with Glass of water or juice or during
 Potassium chloride can be administered intravenously for
moderate or severe hypokalemia & must be diluted in IV
 Administration of potassium by IV push may result in
cardiac arrests. Potassium can be given in doses of 10 to
20 mEq/ hour diluted in IV fluid if the client is on heart
 High concentration of potassium is irritating to heart
muscle. Thus correcting a potassium deficit may take
several days.
Dietary management
 The administration of foods
that are high in potassium
help to correct the problem
as well as prevent further
potassium losses.
Hyperkalemia is an Elevated potassium level over 5.0 mEq/L.
 Retention of Potassium- Renal insufficiency, renal failure,
decreased urine output, potassium sparing diuretics.
 Excessive release of Cellular Potassium - severe traumatic
injuries. Severe burns, severe infection, metabolic
 Excessive IV infusions or Oral administration of
 When serum potassium level is 5.0 to 5.5 mEq/L restrict
potassium intake.
 If potassium Excess is due to metabolic acidosis,
correcting the acidosis with sodium bicarbonate
promotes potassium uptake into the cells.
 Improving urine output decreases elevated serum
potassium level.
 When hyperkalemia is severe, immediate actions are
needed to be taken to avoid severe Cardiac disturbances.
 The administration of foods that are low in potassium help
to correct the problem as well as prevent further
potassium excess.
 Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular,
renal, and gastrointestinal status; place the client on a
cardiac monitor.
 Discontinue IV potassium and hold oral potassium
 Prepare to administer potassium-excreting diuretics if
renal function is not impaired.
 Initiate a potassium-restricted diet.
 If renal function is impaired, prepare to administer
sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate).
 Prepare the client for dialysis if potassium levels are
critically high.
 Prepare for the IV administration of hypertonic glucose
with regular insulin to move excess potassium into the
 Monitor renal function.
 Teach the client to avoid foods high in potassium.
 Instruct the client to avoid the use of salt substitutes or
other potassium-containing substances.
 Hypocalcemia is serum calcium below 4.5 meq/L or 8.5 mg/dl.
 Malabsorption of fat in intestine.
 Metabolic alkalosis
 Renal failure with hyperphsophatemia, acute
pancreatitis, Burns, Cushing’s disease,
 Medications – Magnesium sulfate.
 Neuromuscular: Tetany symptoms: Twitching around
mouth, tingling and numbness of fingers, facial spasm,
 Respiratory: Dyspnea, laryngeal spasm.
 Gastrointestinal: increased peristalsis, diarrhea.
 Cardiovascular: Dysrhythmias, palpitations
 Determining & correcting the cause of hypocalcemia.
 Asymptomatic hypocalcemia is usually corrected with oral
calcium gluconate, calcium lactate or calcium chloride.
 Administer calcium supplements 30 minutes before meals
for better absorption and with glass of milk because vitamin
D is necessary for absorption of calcium from the intestine.
 Intravenous calcium chloride or calcium gluconate
(10%) is given slowly to avoid hypertension,
bradycardia & other arrhythmias.
 Chronic or mild hypocalcemia can be treated in part by
having the client consume a diet high in calcium.
 Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, and
gastrointestinal status; place the client on a cardiac monitor.
 Administer calcium supplements orally or calcium
 When administering calcium intravenously, warm the injection
solution to body temperature before administration and
administer slowly, monitor for electrocardiographic changes,
and monitor for hypercalcemia.
 Administer medications that increase calcium
absorption. i.e. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of
calcium from the intestinal tract.
 Initiate seizure precautions.
 Keep 10% calcium gluconate available for treatment of
acute calcium deficit.
 Instruct the client to consume foods high in calcium.
 Hypercalcemia is a serum level over 5.5 meq/L or 11 mg/L
 Metastatic malignancy-lung, breast, Ovarian, Prostatic,
bladder, leukemia, Kidney.
 Hyperparathyroidism.
 Thiazide diuretic therapy.
 Prolong immobilization.
 Excessive intake of calcium supplements and vitamin D.
 Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, Vomiting, Constipation
 Neuromuscular:
Mild to moderate hypercalcemia state –weakness
Severe hypercalcemic state-Extreme lethargy
 Cardiovascular: Dysrhythmias
 Electro-cardiographic Changes: Shortened ST Segment and
lengthened QT interval.
 Musculoskeletal: Bone pain, fracture.
 Treatment consists of correcting the underlying cause.
 Intravenous normal saline (0.9% Nacl) given rapidly
with furosemide to prevent fluid overload, Promote
urinary calcium excretion.
 Corticosteroid drugs decrease calcium levels by
competing with vitamin D thus resulting in decreased
intestinal absorption of calcium.
 If the cause is excessive use of calcium or vitamin D
supplements or calcium containing antacids these agents
should be either avoided or used in reduced dosage.
 A newer form of drug therapy is etidronate di-sodium.
This drug reduces serum calcium by reducing normal
and abnormal bone reabsorption of calcium and
secondarily by reducing bone formation.
 Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, renal,
and gastrointestinal status; place the client on a cardiac
 Discontinue IV infusions of solutions containing calcium and
oral medications containing calcium or vitamin D.
 Discontinue thiazide diuretics and replace with diuretics that
enhance the excretion of calcium.
 Administer medications as prescribed that inhibit calcium
resorption from the bone, such as phosphorus, calcitonin,
bisphosphonates, and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors
(aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
 Prepare the client with severe hypercalcemia for dialysis if
medications fail to reduce the serum calcium level.
 Instruct the client to avoid foods high in calcium.
 Hypophosphatemia
 Hyperphosphatemia
 Hypophosphatemia is defined as plasma phosphorus
Causes of hypophosphatemia
 Malabsorption syndrome
 Alcohol withdrawal
 Phosphate binding anta-acids
 Respiratory alkalosis
 Recovery from DKA
Clinical manifestations
 Muscle weakness
 Osteomalacia
 Rhabdomyolysis
 Cadiac problems- Dysrhythmias, decreased stroke
 CNS dysfunction
 Mild cases- treated with dietary restrictions
 Teach client about balanced diet
 Severe cases: phosphate supplementation
 Hyperphosphatemia is defined as plasma
phosphorus >3mEq/L
Causes of hyperphosphatemia
 Excess intake of high phosphate foods
 Excess vitamine D supplementation especially in renal
 Impaired colonic motility
 Hypoparathyroidism
 Addison’s disease
Clinical manifestations
 Tachycardia, palpitations
 Restlessness
 Anorexia, nausea, vomiting
 Hyper-reflexia, tetany
 Dysrhythmias
 Mild cases- limit phosphate rich foods ( milk, ice-cream,
cheese, meat, fish)
 Giving calcium, aluminium products that promotes
binding & excretion of phosphate.
 Dialysis is the TOC in case of hyperphosphatemia with
renal failure.
 Hypomagnesemia is defined as plasma magnesium
Causes of hypomagnesemia
 Diarrhea, vomiting
 Chronic alcoholism
 Prolonged malnutrition
 Hyperaldosteronism
 Impaired GI absorption
 NG suction
 Poorly controlled DM
Clinical manifestations
 Myocardial irritability
 Anorexia, nausea
 Abdominal distention
 Severe cases: Chvostek’s & Trousseau’s sign, tetany,
convulsions, stroke
 Oral magnesium replacement (anta-acids)
 Parenteral magnesium sulphate
 Increase dietary intake of magnesium (chili, tofu, wheat
 Initiate safety & seizure precautions in severe cases and
monitor all electrolytes.
 Keep watch on rising magnesium levels.
 Hypermagnesemia is defined as plasma magnesium
Causes of hypermagnesemia
 Renal insufficiency
 Excessive anta-acid use
 Adrenal insufficiency
 Ketoacidosis
Clinical manifestations
Clinical amnifestations are related to blocked release of
Acetylcholine from myoneronal junction which affects muscle
cell activity.
 Hypotension
 Muscle weakness
 Loss of DTR
 Prolonged QT, PR interval
 Lethargy, drowiness
 Respiratory paralysis, loss of consiosness
 Low magnesium diet (eat chicken, eggs, green peas, white
bread, hamburger)
 Decrease magnesium sulphate use
 In severe cases saline infusion with diuretics is give to
promote magnesium excretion
 IV calcium (antagonistic action)
 Drugs: Albuterol
 If renal failure is also present than hemodialysis is done in
severe cases
 Priscilla Lemone, Karen Burke. “Medical surgical nursing, critical thinking in client care”.
4th edition (2008). Page no. 185-198
 Ignatavicius Workman. “Medical surgical nursing, Patient centred collaborative care”. 6th
edition (2010). Elsevier publication. Page no. 1022-1024
 Brunner and Suddharth. “Text book of medical surgical nursing”. Page no. 249-255
 Guyyton and Hall. “Text book of medical physiology”. 11th edition (2006). Elsevier
publications. Page no. 642-650
 Gerard.J.Tortora. “Principles of anatomy and physiology”. 11th edition (2006). Wiley
publication. Page no. 1122-1130
 K. Sembulingam, Prema Sembulingam. “Essentials of medical
physiology”. 5thedition (2010). Jaypee publications. Page no. 302-
1. The type of fluid used to manipulate fluid shifts
among compartments states is:
A. Whole blood
C. Albumin
D. Normal saline
2. The balance of anions and cations as it occurs
across cell membranes is known as:
A. osmotic activity
B. Electrical neutrality
C. Electrical stability
D. Sodium potassium pump
3. A diet containing the minimum
daily sodium requirement for an adult would
A. no-salt diet
B. diet including 2 gm sodium
C. diet including 4 gm sodium
D. 1500 calorie weight-loss diet

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Fluid and electrolyte imbalance and management

  • 1. Seminar On Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance Raksha Yadav 1st Year M.Sc. Nursing AIIMS Rishikesh
  • 4. Water content of the body
  • 5.  Body fluids are distributed in two distinct area: intracellular fluid (ICF) 40% body weight Extracellular fluid (ECF) 20% body weight Interstitial fluid - 15% body weight Plasma -5% body weight
  • 7.
  • 8. Mechanisms controlling fluid & electrolyte movement  Diffusion  Facilitated diffusion  Active transport  Osmosis  Hydrostatic pressure  Oncotic pressure
  • 10.  Hypothalamic regulation  Pituitary regulation  Adrenal cortical regulation  Renal regulation  Cardiac regulation  Gastro-intestinal regulation
  • 11.
  • 12. Aldosterone  Hormone secreted from the zona glomerulosa cells of adrenal cortex  Stimulates kidneys Retain sodium Retain water Secrete potassium
  • 13. Antidiuretic hormone  Also called arginine vasopressin (AVP).  ADH is produced in neuron cell bodies in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the Hypothalamus, and stored in posterior pituitary.  Physiological function  Promote the reabsorption of water in the collecting duct.
  • 14. The natriuretic peptide family  Four peptides of this family have been identified, including: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) Urodilatin  Function: Diuretic and natriuretic actions
  • 16. The sensation of thirst  Conscious desire for water  Major factor that determines fluid intake  Initiated by the osmoreceptors in hypothalamus that are stimulated by increase in osmotic pressure of body fluids  Also stimulated by a decrease in the blood pressure through the baroreceptors.
  • 17. The regulation of thirsty reaction  The stimulus sensed by osmoreceptor: • Not a change in the extracellular fluid osmolality • But a change in osmoreceptor neuron size or in the some intracellular substance.
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  • 21. Abnormalities in the Regulation of Body Fluid.  Fluid Volume Deficit (ECFVD)- Dehydration  Fluid Volume Excess- Over hydration
  • 22. Extra Cellular Fluid Volume Deficit (ECFVD)  A decrease in intravascular and interstitial fluids.  It is a common and serious fluid imbalance that results in vascular fluid volume loss (hypovolemia).
  • 23.  Risk Factors:  Diarrhea, vomiting  Fistula drainage  Diabetic ketoacidosis  Hemorrhage  Difficulty to swallowing  Aged  Severe mentally ill patient
  • 24.  Degrees of dehydration: o Mild o Moderate o Severe  Types of dehydration: o Hyper-osmolar o Iso-osmolar o Hypo-osmolar
  • 25.
  • 26.  Laboratory findings:  Increased Osmolality  Increased or normal serum sodium level  BUN (> 25 mg/d1)  Hyperglycaemia (>120 mg / dl)  Increased specific gravity of urine  Elevated hematocrit (>55%)
  • 27. Management of Dehydration  Oral rehydration  IV fluids  Correction of the underlying problem  Dietary management  Nursing management
  • 28.
  • 29. Falls Precautions:  Assess for orthostatic hypotension  Assess muscle strength in legs  Orient the client to the environment  Remind the client to call for help before getting out of bed or a chair  Help the client get out of bed or a chair  Provide, or remind the client to use, a walker or cane for ambulating
  • 30.  Provide adequate lighting at all times, especially at night  Keep the call light within reach, and ensure that the client can use it  Place the bed in the lowest position with the brakes locked  Place objects that the client needs within reach  Ensure that adequate handrails are present in the client's room, bathroom, and hall  Encourage family members or significant other to stay with the client
  • 31. Extra Cellular Fluid Volume Excess/ Overhydration  ECFVE is increased fluid retention in the intravascular & interstitial spaces (third spacing)
  • 32. Etiology:  Administering fluids rapidly or in a large amount  Failure to excrete fluids: o Heart failure o Renal disorders o Venous obstructions o Decreased plasma proteins o Excessive fluid ingestion o Increased ADH & Aldosterone Decreased Excretion Increased absorption
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.  Laboratory findings:  Decreased Osmolality  Decreased or normal serum sodium level  BUN (<8 mg/dl)  Decreased specific gravity of urine  Decreased hematocrit (<45%)
  • 36. Management of over hydration  ICFVE is treated by the addition of solutes to IV fluids.  Use of D5%, 0.45% Nacl will help to correct ICFVE when the cause is water excess.  Oral fluids such as water and soft drinks should be given in addition to water and ice chips.  IV therapy should be monitored every hour.
  • 37.  Monitor vital signs and intake- output  Weight should be checked daily to measure fluid gain or loss.  Administer prescribed antiemetic as needed to allow food and fluids to be ingested.  Safety measures are necessary when the client displays behavioral changes.
  • 38. NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, renal, integumentary, and gastrointestinal status.  Prevent further fluid overload and restore normal fluid balance.  Administer diuretics; osmotic diuretics typically are prescribed first to prevent severe electrolyte imbalances.
  • 39.  Restrict fluid and sodium intake as prescribed.  Monitor intake and output; monitor weight.  Monitor electrolyte values, and prepare to administer medication to treat an imbalance if present.
  • 40.
  • 41. Electrolyte Balance and Imbalance  Sodium: Hyponatremia Hypernatremia
  • 42. Hyponatremia • Definition: – Commonly defined as a serum sodium concentration <135 mEq/L – Hyponatremia represents a relative excess of water in relation to sodium.
  • 43. Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder Acute hyponatremia (developing over 48hr or less) are subject to more severe degrees of cerebral edema sodium level is less than 105 mEq/L, the mortality is over 50% Chronic hyponatremia (developing over more than 48hr) experience milder degrees of cerebral edema
  • 44. Types of hyponatremia Hypovolemic hyponatremia Euvolemic hyponatremia Hypervolemic hyponatremia Redistributive hyponatremia
  • 45. Hypovolemic hyponatremia  Develops as sodium and free water are lost and/or replaced by inappropriately hypotonic fluids  Sodium can be lost through renal or non-renal routes
  • 46.  Nonrenal loss:  GI losses Vomiting, Diarrhea, fistulas, pancreatitis  Excessive sweating  Third spacing of fluids ascites, peritonitis, pancreatitis, and burns  Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome traumatic brain injury, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intracranial surgery Must distinguish from SIADH
  • 47.  Renal Loss: Acute or chronic renal insufficiency Diuretics
  • 48. Euvolemic hyponatremia  Sodium deficit is more and the volume remains same.  Etiology: Psychogenic polydipsia, often in psychiatric patients Administration of hypotonic intravenous (5% DW) or irrigation fluids ( sorbitol, glycerin) in the immediate postoperative period
  • 49. administration of hypotonic maintenance intravenous fluids Infants who may have been given inappropriate amounts of free water bowel preparation before colonoscopy or colorectal surgery
  • 50. Hypervolemic hyponatremia  Total body sodium increases, and TBW increases to a greater extent.  Can be renal or non-renal acute or chronic renal failure dysfunctional kidneys are unable to excrete the ingested sodium load cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, or nephrotic syndrome
  • 51. Redistributive hyponatremia Water shifts from the intracellular to the extracellular compartment, with a resultant dilution of sodium. The TBW and total body sodium are unchanged. This condition occurs with hyperglycemia Administration of mannitol
  • 52. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT  Determine cause of hyponatremia and to correct it.  If client has hyponatremia due to fluid volume excess, intake of fluids will be restricted to allow the sodium to regain balance.  If the serum sodium level falls below 125 mEq/L, sodium replacement is needed.
  • 53. PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT  For client with moderate hyponatremia 125 meq/ L I/V saline solution (0.9% Nacl) or lactated Ringer solution may be ordered.  When the serum sodium level is 115 meq / L or less, a concentrated saline solution such as 3 % Nacl is indicated.
  • 54. NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, cerebral, renal, and gastrointestinal status of the client.  If hyponatremia is accompanied by a fluid volume deficit (hypovolemia), IV sodium chloride infusions are administered to restore sodium content and fluid volume.
  • 55.  If hyponatremia is accompanied by fluid volume excess (hypervolemia), osmotic diuretics are administered to promote the excretion of water rather than sodium.  Instruct the client to increase oral sodium intake and inform the client about the foods to include in the diet.  If the client is taking lithium (Lithobid), monitor the lithium level, because hyponatremia can cause diminished lithium excretion, resulting in toxicity.
  • 56. Hypernatremia  Hypernatremia is usually due to water deficit  Etiology:  Excess water loss : eg- heat exposure diabetes insipidus  Impaired thirst: eg - primary hypodypsia, comatose  Excessive Na+ retention
  • 57. Clinical features of hypernatremia  Excessive thirst, polyuria, nausea  Muscular weakness, neuromuscular irritability  Altered mental status,focal neurological deficit occasionally coma or seizures
  • 58. Treatment  correct water deficit  Rate of correction : -Acute hypernatremia- 1mEq/L/hr -Chronic hypernatremia-1mEq/L/hr or 10mEq/L over 24hr -rapid correction may lead to cerebral edema
  • 60.
  • 61. HYPOKALEMIA Hypokalemia is a serum potassium level of less than 3.5 mEq /L
  • 62. Etiological factors of hypokalemia
  • 64.
  • 65. Medical management  Determining & correcting the cause of the imbalance.  Extreme hypokalemia requires cardiac monitoring.
  • 66. Pharmacological Management  Oral potassium replacement therapy is usually prescribed for mild hypokalemia.  Potassium is extremely irritating to gastric mucosa; therefore the drug must be taken with Glass of water or juice or during meals.  Potassium chloride can be administered intravenously for moderate or severe hypokalemia & must be diluted in IV fluids.
  • 67.  Administration of potassium by IV push may result in cardiac arrests. Potassium can be given in doses of 10 to 20 mEq/ hour diluted in IV fluid if the client is on heart monitor.  High concentration of potassium is irritating to heart muscle. Thus correcting a potassium deficit may take several days.
  • 68. Dietary management  The administration of foods that are high in potassium help to correct the problem as well as prevent further potassium losses.
  • 69. HYPERKALEMIA Hyperkalemia is an Elevated potassium level over 5.0 mEq/L.
  • 70. ETIOLOGY  Retention of Potassium- Renal insufficiency, renal failure, decreased urine output, potassium sparing diuretics.  Excessive release of Cellular Potassium - severe traumatic injuries. Severe burns, severe infection, metabolic acidosis.  Excessive IV infusions or Oral administration of potassium.
  • 72.
  • 74. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT  When serum potassium level is 5.0 to 5.5 mEq/L restrict potassium intake.  If potassium Excess is due to metabolic acidosis, correcting the acidosis with sodium bicarbonate promotes potassium uptake into the cells.  Improving urine output decreases elevated serum potassium level.
  • 75. DIETARY MANAGEMENT  When hyperkalemia is severe, immediate actions are needed to be taken to avoid severe Cardiac disturbances.  The administration of foods that are low in potassium help to correct the problem as well as prevent further potassium excess.
  • 76.
  • 77. NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, renal, and gastrointestinal status; place the client on a cardiac monitor.  Discontinue IV potassium and hold oral potassium supplements.  Prepare to administer potassium-excreting diuretics if renal function is not impaired.
  • 78.  Initiate a potassium-restricted diet.  If renal function is impaired, prepare to administer sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate).  Prepare the client for dialysis if potassium levels are critically high.  Prepare for the IV administration of hypertonic glucose with regular insulin to move excess potassium into the cells.
  • 79.  Monitor renal function.  Teach the client to avoid foods high in potassium.  Instruct the client to avoid the use of salt substitutes or other potassium-containing substances.
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  • 83. HYPOCALCEMIA  Hypocalcemia is serum calcium below 4.5 meq/L or 8.5 mg/dl.
  • 84. Etiology  Malabsorption of fat in intestine.  Metabolic alkalosis  Renal failure with hyperphsophatemia, acute pancreatitis, Burns, Cushing’s disease, hypoparathyrodism.  Medications – Magnesium sulfate.
  • 85. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS  Neuromuscular: Tetany symptoms: Twitching around mouth, tingling and numbness of fingers, facial spasm, convulsions.  Respiratory: Dyspnea, laryngeal spasm.  Gastrointestinal: increased peristalsis, diarrhea.  Cardiovascular: Dysrhythmias, palpitations
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  • 88.
  • 89. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT  Determining & correcting the cause of hypocalcemia.  Asymptomatic hypocalcemia is usually corrected with oral calcium gluconate, calcium lactate or calcium chloride.  Administer calcium supplements 30 minutes before meals for better absorption and with glass of milk because vitamin D is necessary for absorption of calcium from the intestine.
  • 90.  Intravenous calcium chloride or calcium gluconate (10%) is given slowly to avoid hypertension, bradycardia & other arrhythmias.  Chronic or mild hypocalcemia can be treated in part by having the client consume a diet high in calcium.
  • 91.
  • 92. NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, and gastrointestinal status; place the client on a cardiac monitor.  Administer calcium supplements orally or calcium intravenously.  When administering calcium intravenously, warm the injection solution to body temperature before administration and administer slowly, monitor for electrocardiographic changes, and monitor for hypercalcemia.
  • 93.  Administer medications that increase calcium absorption. i.e. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract.  Initiate seizure precautions.  Keep 10% calcium gluconate available for treatment of acute calcium deficit.  Instruct the client to consume foods high in calcium.
  • 94. HYPERCALCEMIA  Hypercalcemia is a serum level over 5.5 meq/L or 11 mg/L
  • 95. ETIOLOGY  Metastatic malignancy-lung, breast, Ovarian, Prostatic, bladder, leukemia, Kidney.  Hyperparathyroidism.  Thiazide diuretic therapy.  Prolong immobilization.  Excessive intake of calcium supplements and vitamin D.
  • 96. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS  Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, Vomiting, Constipation  Neuromuscular: Mild to moderate hypercalcemia state –weakness Severe hypercalcemic state-Extreme lethargy  Cardiovascular: Dysrhythmias  Electro-cardiographic Changes: Shortened ST Segment and lengthened QT interval.  Musculoskeletal: Bone pain, fracture.
  • 98. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT  Treatment consists of correcting the underlying cause.  Intravenous normal saline (0.9% Nacl) given rapidly with furosemide to prevent fluid overload, Promote urinary calcium excretion.  Corticosteroid drugs decrease calcium levels by competing with vitamin D thus resulting in decreased intestinal absorption of calcium.
  • 99.  If the cause is excessive use of calcium or vitamin D supplements or calcium containing antacids these agents should be either avoided or used in reduced dosage.  A newer form of drug therapy is etidronate di-sodium. This drug reduces serum calcium by reducing normal and abnormal bone reabsorption of calcium and secondarily by reducing bone formation.
  • 100. NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Monitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, renal, and gastrointestinal status; place the client on a cardiac monitor.  Discontinue IV infusions of solutions containing calcium and oral medications containing calcium or vitamin D.  Discontinue thiazide diuretics and replace with diuretics that enhance the excretion of calcium.
  • 101.  Administer medications as prescribed that inhibit calcium resorption from the bone, such as phosphorus, calcitonin, bisphosphonates, and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors (aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).  Prepare the client with severe hypercalcemia for dialysis if medications fail to reduce the serum calcium level.  Instruct the client to avoid foods high in calcium.
  • 103. Hypophosphatemia  Hypophosphatemia is defined as plasma phosphorus <1.2mEq/L
  • 104. Causes of hypophosphatemia  Malabsorption syndrome  TPN  Alcohol withdrawal  Phosphate binding anta-acids  Respiratory alkalosis  Recovery from DKA
  • 105. Clinical manifestations  Muscle weakness  Osteomalacia  Rhabdomyolysis  Cadiac problems- Dysrhythmias, decreased stroke volume  CNS dysfunction
  • 106. Management:  Mild cases- treated with dietary restrictions  Teach client about balanced diet  Severe cases: phosphate supplementation
  • 107. Hyperphosphatemia  Hyperphosphatemia is defined as plasma phosphorus >3mEq/L
  • 108. Causes of hyperphosphatemia  Excess intake of high phosphate foods  Excess vitamine D supplementation especially in renal insufficiency  Impaired colonic motility  Hypoparathyroidism  Addison’s disease
  • 109. Clinical manifestations  Tachycardia, palpitations  Restlessness  Anorexia, nausea, vomiting  Hyper-reflexia, tetany  Dysrhythmias
  • 110. Management:  Mild cases- limit phosphate rich foods ( milk, ice-cream, cheese, meat, fish)  Giving calcium, aluminium products that promotes binding & excretion of phosphate.  Dialysis is the TOC in case of hyperphosphatemia with renal failure.
  • 112. Hypomagnesemia  Hypomagnesemia is defined as plasma magnesium <1.8mg/dl
  • 113. Causes of hypomagnesemia  Diarrhea, vomiting  Chronic alcoholism  Prolonged malnutrition  Hyperaldosteronism  Impaired GI absorption  NG suction  Poorly controlled DM
  • 114. Clinical manifestations  Myocardial irritability  Anorexia, nausea  Abdominal distention  Severe cases: Chvostek’s & Trousseau’s sign, tetany, convulsions, stroke
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  • 116. Management:  Oral magnesium replacement (anta-acids)  Parenteral magnesium sulphate  Increase dietary intake of magnesium (chili, tofu, wheat gram)  Initiate safety & seizure precautions in severe cases and monitor all electrolytes.  Keep watch on rising magnesium levels.
  • 117. Hypermagnesemia  Hypermagnesemia is defined as plasma magnesium >3mg/dl
  • 118. Causes of hypermagnesemia  Renal insufficiency  Excessive anta-acid use  Adrenal insufficiency  Ketoacidosis
  • 119. Clinical manifestations Clinical amnifestations are related to blocked release of Acetylcholine from myoneronal junction which affects muscle cell activity.  Hypotension  Muscle weakness  Loss of DTR  Prolonged QT, PR interval  Lethargy, drowiness  Respiratory paralysis, loss of consiosness
  • 120. Management:  Low magnesium diet (eat chicken, eggs, green peas, white bread, hamburger)  Decrease magnesium sulphate use  In severe cases saline infusion with diuretics is give to promote magnesium excretion  IV calcium (antagonistic action)  Drugs: Albuterol  If renal failure is also present than hemodialysis is done in severe cases
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  • 124. Bibliography  Priscilla Lemone, Karen Burke. “Medical surgical nursing, critical thinking in client care”. 4th edition (2008). Page no. 185-198  Ignatavicius Workman. “Medical surgical nursing, Patient centred collaborative care”. 6th edition (2010). Elsevier publication. Page no. 1022-1024  Brunner and Suddharth. “Text book of medical surgical nursing”. Page no. 249-255  Guyyton and Hall. “Text book of medical physiology”. 11th edition (2006). Elsevier publications. Page no. 642-650  Gerard.J.Tortora. “Principles of anatomy and physiology”. 11th edition (2006). Wiley publication. Page no. 1122-1130
  • 125.  K. Sembulingam, Prema Sembulingam. “Essentials of medical physiology”. 5thedition (2010). Jaypee publications. Page no. 302- 309
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  • 132. 1. The type of fluid used to manipulate fluid shifts among compartments states is: A. Whole blood B. TPN C. Albumin D. Normal saline
  • 133. 2. The balance of anions and cations as it occurs across cell membranes is known as: A. osmotic activity B. Electrical neutrality C. Electrical stability D. Sodium potassium pump
  • 134. 3. A diet containing the minimum daily sodium requirement for an adult would be: A. no-salt diet B. diet including 2 gm sodium C. diet including 4 gm sodium D. 1500 calorie weight-loss diet