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                            BULLETIN - JULY 2011

Jodo Mission of Hawaii
1429 Makiki St.
Honolulu HI 96814

Address Service Requested

                                  Important Dates
     July 3:     O-Toba Set Up & General Cleaning - YOUR HELP IS NEEDED
     July 15-17: O-Bon Services
     Aug.19-20: Bon Dance

                             O-Bon Service Schedule
Friday, July 15
       10:00 am (Hatsubon only)
       2:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Saturday, July 16
       10:00 am (Hatsubon only)
       2:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Sunday, July 17
       10:00 am
O-Bon Service Schedule
                    O-Bon Services will be held as follows:
         Friday, July 15      -     10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only)
                                    2:00 pm & 7:00 pm

         Saturday, July 16    -     10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only)
                                    2:00 pm & 7:00 pm

         Sunday, July 17      -     10:00 am

Sign up for O-Bon Service will begin 1 hour before 2 pm and 7 pm services.
This is on a first come first serve basis. NO phone orders will be taken.
Closing Service will be on Sunday, July 17 at 10:00 a.m. After Closing Service,
cleanup will begin.
Parking Attendants Needed: We are in need of at least 6 parking attendants for
each 2 pm and 7 pm service. Please call Jodo Mission at 949-3995 if you are able to
help direct cars to parking spaces. We appreciate your help.
O-Toba Service Appointments: If you wish to have prayers offered in
front of your O-Toba, appointments will be accepted from 8:00 am to 5:00
pm from Wednesday July 6 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 17, 2011.
Offering of Rice: During O-Bon Services it is customary to offer a bag of
rice. However, monetary donations in lieu of rice are acceptable. “Rice” envelopes
are available in the office. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Sr. YBA O-Bon Flower Sale: Please help the Sr. YBA by purchasing a beautiful pot-
ted chrysanthemum ($1.75 each). NO phone orders will be taken. Thank you for your
   Friday, July 15: 9:00 am to 7:30 pm Saturday, July 16: 9:00 am until supply runs out
Toro Nagashi (floating lantern from the boat): Sunday, July 17 at 8 pm (Pier # to
be announced later). Boat capacity is limited so we must limit this to Hatsubon (first
O-Bon) families. Please sign up for this event at the Temple office and you must be at
the designated Pier by 8 pm on July 17th.
Offerings at your O-Toba: The space allowed for each O-Toba is approximately 5.5
inches width and 7 inches depth. SEE page 1 for sample offerings. Most people will
offer foods that the deceased liked, i.e. flowers, fruits, mochi, candies, somen for long
generation life, cucumber and eggplant with legs added to symbolize the cucumber
horse galloping from the Pure Land and the eggplant cow slowly returning to the Pure
Land. [SEE also page 4 for more info.]
Page 2
Sermon by Rev. Kanjun Nakano
                                           Given on May 22, 2011

       It has been around two months since the earthquake, but Japan is still in a
state of chaos. Recently, the Japanese news reported that radiation was found in
mothers’ milk. The situation is becoming more and more serious. A scientist who
was quoted on the Internet said, “At present, there exists some radiation in the air of the earth.
We are immune to a little radiation, so we do not worry.” Is this really true? What about new-
born babies and small children? Will anyone be able to guarantee their safety in ten, twenty, or
thirty years? Somehow, I do not believe what I have heard from the government and scientists.
       When we experience a difficulty, we cry and wonder why it happened. We will blame it
on other things and people. But this only backs us into a corner. We cannot move forward in
life because we have not become responsible for our future actions. We are too busy blaming
other people and things for the situation in which we find ourselves. So, we stay in our
“corner” and cry.
       Instead, we must realize that we cannot change the situation. The earthquake happened,
and we cannot go back in time and change that. So, we must stop asking, “Why?” and accept
the earthquake as a fact of history. Then, we can endure our fate, move forward with our lives,
and once again plan for a brighter future.
       Finally, in situations large and small, in good times and in bad times, and in the things of
life, we must learn to depend upon ourselves and not upon others. Please remember the last
words of Shakyamuni Buddha to his disciples: “Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself :
Do not depend upon anyone else.”
       If we each rely upon ourselves, then Buddha will know each mind individually. Each
person can speak to him, and he will speak to each person. So, when we each encounter diffi-
culties in life, do not stay in a “corner.” “Make of yourself a light,” and move forward into
your future.
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  O-Bon is the abbreviation of “Urabon”, which means ‘salvation of souls from agony of being
hung upside down’. The origin of O-Bon comes from the story about Mokuren’s mother.
   One day, by practicing Buddha’s teaching, Mokuren received the super natural power of looking
into another world. When he saw his mother suffering in Hell by using his super natural power, he
sought guidance of the Buddha. Through Buddha’s aid, Mokuren was able to save his mother from
the Hell. It is from this story that the O-Bon ceremony started to be observed.
   Without our ancestors we would not be here today. Thus, we honor them during O-Bon. With our
sincere prayer, our beloved ones who have departed from us can have peaceful repose of their souls.
Also, we can spend thankful and harmonious moment with our ancestors who have done so much
for us.
                                                                                                                                 Page 3
Bits of Knowledge of Buddhism
                   Vol.08 “St. Honen’s Posthumous Name” (July. 2011)
                                 By Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe

         In 2011, we celebrate the 800th grand memorial service of St. Honen. In this
memorable year, the Emperor gave a new Daishi-go to St. Honen. Daishi-go is a post-
humous title which the Emperor bestows upon a late high priest in memory of his great achievement.
The new title is “Ho-ni” (法爾), which is named after “Jinen Honi” (自然法爾). It means natural
law as it happens. For example, a flame soars high in the sky, and water flows into lower places. This
word shows the origin of the name of St. Honen (法然) and represents an ideal Buddhist who devotes
oneself to the great compassion of Amida Buddha.
         This is the 8th imperial gift since the then     ________________________________________________
Emperor gave the first title to St. Honen in 1697.        Title                        Emperor       Year
For details, please refer to the appendix. St. Honen      圓光            En-ko         東山天皇           1697
is the only priest who was given a posthumous ti-
                                                          東漸            To-zen        中御門天皇          1711
tle so many times. We don’t know the true inten-
tion of the Emperors. However, I’m sure that the          慧定            E-jo          桃園天皇           1761
Emperors honored St. Honen for finding the ulti-          弘覚            Ko-kaku       光格天皇           1811
mate path to the Perfect Peace which each person          慈教            Ji-kyo        孝明天皇           1861
will at last attain. Whoever calls Amida Buddha’s
name will be saved and born in the Pure Land. We          明照            Mei-sho       明治天皇           1911
also should give thanks to St. Honen and live a           和順            Wa-jun        昭和天皇           1961
Nembutsu life.                                            法爾         Ho-ni       今上天皇       2011

         Cucumber & Eggplant Dolls
                                                             YBA Meeting            Fujinkai Meeting
              During O-Bon
                                                                                     (Women’s association)
                                                                 NO MEETING
Please do not be                                                    in July          NO MEETING in July
surprised if you
see some form of
the Cucumber                                                     Sewing Circle          Sunday School
Horse and the                                                     NO SEWING              NO SUNDAY
Eggplant Cow                                                     CIRCLE in July         SCHOOL in July
around O-Bon
season [photo above from internet]. With a Cucumber, add legs
with sticks to make a horse for your ancestors to return
quickly from the Pure Land. Make a cow with an Eggplant
using sticks for your ancestors to slowly return to the Pure        ♪ ♪ Jodo Mission of Hawaii ♪ ♪
Land. In some places in Japan, these Cucumber and Egg-               Children’s Choir “Malama”
plant dolls are made and placed at the front door to welcome                   こども合唱団マラマ
your ancestors on the first day of O-Bon and on the second
day placed at the family altar. On the last day, the dolls are          July 31, 2011 at 10:45 a.m.
taken to the river to carry the ancestors back to the Pure
Land. But they are never thrown in the river.
Page 4
Vision for the Future (4)
                              By Rev. Yubun Narashiba

Question: What is the name of our main Buddha?
Answer:        His name is “AMIDA” Buddha.

Have you heard about “The Rule of AMIDA?” This is the rule to make your temple
more flourishing! This rule was originally introduced by American economist, Samuel Roland Hall as
the AIDMA law as a marketing model.
1. A is for Attention.
       If you want to attract more people to your temple, you must get people’s attention first. Advertise-
       ments on newspapers, radios, TVs, Web or advertising balloons are effective. Personally, I like
       advertisements on the web because the cost is very low. If you know any better way to invite
       people’s attention, please let me know.

2. M is for Memory.
       After you get people’s attention, your temple should always stay in their memory. How about an
       impressive catchphrase? How about promotional pens? In the office of Jodo Mission, we have
       ballpoint pens on which I can see the name of mortuaries. If you have any better ideas, please
       contact me.

3. I is for Interest.
       Then you must provide enough information to stimulate people’s interests in your temple. The
       flyers about the teaching, services, activities or classes we offer at our temple should be always
       available. I hope people know that our temple offers blessings for cars, for houses or even for

4. D is for Desire.
       You succeeded to get people’s attention. The temple’s name is staying in their memory. People
       are interested in our activities. Perfect!
       Now, we have to uplift people’s desire to join our membership. The cleanliness of the temple,
       peaceful atmosphere, easiness to come into the office and friendliness of the temple’s staff are
       very important factors.
5. A is for Action.
       Of course, the action we want people to take is to join our membership. However, it is very rare
       for a person to join instantly. Therefore, we have different categories of membership such as
       Regular member, Supporting member or Student member. Also our membership application is
       always available in our office.
Above is the marketing process that many successful companies are adopting. To be honest with you,
our membership is not increasing, though we are trying our best. There must be an area in which we are
very weak. Do you have any ideas?
         Your opinion is always welcome. Please ,email me at                Page 5
Rev. Hiroyoshi Oeda, former minister of
Betsuin, received the message card that we
sent to his temple to be shared with the vic-
tims of the damaged areas. He writes as

   Thank you very much for your support
and powerful message. We are so encour-
   Our temple is located mountain side of
Sendai. Fortunately, we did not have big
damage from the earthquake. Every year,
our temple has many visitors from the coast
area of Tohoku, which is tsunami disaster
   Two months have passed since the
March 11 earthquake and tsunami. We are
surprised that in spite of this situation,
many people visit the temple from the dis-
aster area. They have a prayer in front of
Buddha to restart their lives. When we
talked to them, we found that some of them
                                                Above is a family photo of Rev. Hiroyoshi Oeda, wife Mari
had lost their family members, houses, cars,    and sons Colin, Sorachika and Kai. Rev. Oeda is pointing to
and so many things. We can only listen to       the message card he received from Hawaii.

their stories and encourage them. However, they are so positive in mind that we are encour-
aged by them. We will continue supporting them.
   This is my situation now. Thank you for your continuous support.
   Arigato gozaimasu! Please take care.
                                           Rev. Oeda

Note: This time of year in Japan (O-Bon season) is normally a very busy time of year and
with the tsunami victims and their families, it even makes the O-Bon season more meaningful
for so many of their personal losses and it is a time of year when the ministers are the busiest.
We wish all the ministers in Japan trying to support their many Temple members as well as
new members to restart their lives as Rev. Oeda mentions. GANBARE! And take care!
Page 6
Oahu Rengo Fujinkai
                                  Outstanding Youth Award
                                 On May 8, Oahu Rengo
                                 Fujinkai President Jo Ann
                                 Matsuo presented the Out-
                                 standing Youth Award to
                                 Wolfgang Takeru Nii. Takeru
                                 helps the other young children
                                 at Sunday School because he                        Thank you Note from Wolfgang Takeru Nii
                                 remembers when he was
                                 younger. In fact, Takeru used to
                                 cry a lot. Now he helps other                    You picture card written in both Eng-
                                 younger children. He was so                      lish and Japanese—see above.
                                 happy, he sent a picture Thank                   CONGRATULATIONS TAKERU!

 ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                      Hawaii Jodo Shu Rengo Fujinkai Presentation of
                              Namiye Nakamura Scholarship
   Lauren Mayumi Nouchi of
Kahului Jodo Mission was the recipi-
ent of the 2011 Namiye Nakamura
Scholarship and was presented with
the Scholarship on Sunday, May 29,
    Lauren graduated from Henry Per-
rine Baldwin High School and plans
to attend the University of San Fran-
cisco to major in Psychology. She is
an excellent student, active in the
community, school and temple.
   Lauren wrote: My goal in life is                         Above is photo of Lauren Mayumi Nouchi and proud parents
simply make an impact in other peo-                         June and David Nouchi and Hawaii Rengo President Sally Haya-
                                                            shi who went to Kahului, Maui for this Scholarship presentation.
ple’s lives. Impacting others’ lives in
a positive manner means a lot to me, because I love the feeling of making a difference.
When I make a difference in someone’s life such as changing their perspective or help-
ing them to overcome a struggle, I feel that no amount of gratitude can compare t how I
feel inside.
   We wish Lauren all the success and best wishes on her career and possibly someday
she too will become a Fujinkai member! She has all the makings of the younger genera-
                                                                                                                         Page 7
Miso Somen
3 bundles of somen (2 servings)
1 carrot
6 leaves of won bok cabbage
1/2 pkg. dashi no moto
1 T mirin
1 T sake
4 T hatcho miso

Prepare Vegetables
Peel the carrot and cut it into 2 inch long julienne strips.
Thinly slice 6 leaves of won bok cabbage, width-wise
Mince green onions

Cooking the Somen
Bring 2 quarts of water to a rapid boil.
Place bundles of somen into the boiling water and cook for 1.5 minutes on high.
    (One minute and 30 seconds)
Remove somen and place into serving bowls.

Preparing the Soup
Bring 4 c of water to a boil and add 1/2 pkg. of dashi no moto.
Add carrots and won bok pieces.
Add 1 T of mirin and 1 T of sake. Continue to heat until vegetables are
When vegetables are cooked, lower heat to medium and add 4 T of miso.
    Stir till well blended.

Place cooked vegetables and broth into the bowls with the
     somen noodles.
Mix to bring the somen to the surface of each serving bowl.
Top with a spoonful of spicy ahi poke and garnish with
     green onions.

Recipe by Rev. Narashiba; photos by Rev. Watanabe

 Page 8
Five Types of Noodles in Japan
There are five popular noodles in Japan:

1. Udon     These three noodles are all made from
            wheat flour. The names of the noodles are
2. Somen
            different because of the thickness of the
3. Hiyamugi noodles.

                                                             Udon    Hiyamugi   Somen
                                           Udon is thicker than 1.7mm.
                                           Somen is thinner than 1.3 mm.
                                           Hiyamugi is in between.
                Udon   Hiyamugi   Somen

4. Ramen        Ramen is also made from wheat flour but
                it contains eggs

5. Soba         Soba is made from buckwheat flour and
                wheat flour. The proportion of the mix-
                ture of these two flours are different
                according to soba factories.

   Information by Rev. Narashiba; Photos by Rev. Watanabe

                                                                                        Page 9
                                     OF JODO SHU TEMPLES
      Island          Temple            Phone No.                    Dates                  Times
      Oahu            Betsuin                   949-3995             Aug 19 to 20           7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
                      Haleiwa                   637-4382             July 22 to 23          7/22: 8 pm – 10 pm
                                                                                            7/23: 8 pm – 11 pm
      Big Island      Kurtistown                                     August 6               8:00 pm
      [Hawaii]                          Call Rev. Miyazaki
                      Hilo                                           July 8 to 9            7/8:   7:30 pm
                                        (808) 935-6996                                      7/9:   8:00 pm
                      Hakalau                                        August 20              8:00 pm
                      Hamakua                                        August 13              6:30 pm
                                        Call Rev. Wansa
                      Kohala                                         July 9                 6:30 pm
                                        (808) 775-0965
                      Hawi                                           August 6               6:30 pm
      Maui            Kahului           Call Rev. John Hara          June 24 to 25          7:00 pm

                      Wailuku           (808) 244-0066               June 17                7:00 pm

                      Lahaina           (808) 661-4304               July 2                 7:00 pm
      Kauai           Kapaa             (808) 822-4319               July 22 to 23          7:30 pm

                      Koloa             (808) 742-6735               June 17 to 18          7:30 pm

Any Comments: Thank you for reading our                          The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere
Bulletin. Any comments you may have or sugges-                condolences to the family members and loved ones of
tions for news articles would be greatly appreciated.         the following members who have recently left this
                                                              world for the Pure Land.
                                                                 Nina Yuriko Sylva                           90
                                                                 Barbara Chiyoko Ashimine                    89
        Jodo Mission Office Hours:                               Todd Isaac Okemura                          55
                   Monday to Saturday                            Paul Takeshi Tomita                         61
                      8am—5pm                                    Steven Shizuo Teruya                        75
                                                                 Jiroichi Otani                              94
                   Sunday & Holidays                             Jean Yukie Kimura                           69
                       8am—3pm                                   Dick Hiroyuki Okaji                         89
                   Phone: 949-3995                               Akiyoshi Nakamura                 no age given
                                                                 Susan Teruko Lubick                         82
                                                                 Kazoo “Casey” Hisanaga                      90

     Rev. Yubun Narashiba          Rev. Kanjun Nakano               Rev. Yasuhiro           Rev. Dwight
               Head Minister           Resident Minister              Watanabe              Nakamura
  Page 10                                                           Resident Minister      Retired Minister
EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial Service) for July
1 Kichi Yanagisawa               11 Toyo Nanbu                 20 Gonshichi Shintaku
  The Yanagisawa Family            The Nanbu Family               Fukuji Ikeda
  Yone Ishida                      Fusa Murakami                  Katsumi Imada
                                   The Murakami Family
2 Toyo Tojo                        The Yamamoto Family         21 Shigeru Nakata
  The Tojo Family                  Shigeyo Ipponsugi              Usuke Oda
  Tsune Uchiumi                    Iwao Asaumi                    Kamekichi Toyofuku
  Minoru Shigeta                   Fusa Murakami
  Kikuyo Gonhata]                                              22 Keisuke Kimura
  Ellen Kimiko Hedani            12 Hideo Higashi                 The Kimura Family
                                   Kamesaburo Gushiken            Takeo Matsunaga
3 Tamayo Yanagihara                Akiyo Yano                     Motohiro Tanimura
                                   Morio Yanagihara               Matsuyo Miyagi
4 Setsuyo Sugihara
  The Sugihara Family            13 Kazuichi Akimoto           23 June Junko Yamashita
  Sumiyo Yamanaka                  Bunji Aoki                     Keizo Oda
  Kajo Teruya                      The Aoki Family
  Isami Yoshikawa                  Toki Yamamoto               24 Masako Narahara
  The Yoshikawa Family             The Yamamoto Family
  Kajo Teruya                      Setsuyo Nitta               25 Matsuno Mishina
  The Yamanaka Family                                             The Mishina Family
  Masaru Taira                   14 Takao Amano                   Masuo Yanagihara
                                    Kanichi Morita                The Yanagihara Family
5 Asao Takara                       Fukutaro Nagata               The Kimura Family
  Shige Ikeda                       Haya Kamimura                 The Weiss Family (Stillborn)
  Fred Yutaka Sakuda                Kazuo Kamimura
  Donna Haruko Furutani                                        26 Naosuke Nakamoto
                                 15 The Nakagawa Family          The Nakamoto & Sakagawa Family
6 Takaichi Hamada                  The Koike Family              Toshio Fujimoto
  The Hamada Family                The Fujisue Family            The Fujimoto Family
  Miki Ajimura                     Doris Chiyoko Hayashi
  The Ajimura Family               Florence Satoko Law         27 Sakutaro Koyama
  Takezo Ishida                                                  The Koyama Family
  Yosuke Mitsutani               16 The Juichi Yamada Family
                                                                 Sayoko Takaoka
                                    The Fujii Family
                                                                 Hatsu Maruichi
7 Hisa Akimoto                      The Shikata Family
  Taki Ishimoto                     The Nishii Family          28 Koichi Ogi
  Seiji Ogawa                       The Okazaki Family           Sadamu Iwamoto
                                    Haruo Okahara                Miyoko Ohara
8 Yoshio Furumoto                   The Okahara Family           Darin Sueo Furutani
  Kamado Takara                     R. Toyoji Tominaga
  Hiroshi Arakawa                   Tetsuichi Umemoto          29 Kansuke Yano
  Sueko Kiyama                                                   The Yano, Konaka &
  Shigeko Shimamoto              17 Ito Tanimura                 Hayashi Family
                                   The Tanimura Family           Mitsuo Sakakibara
9 Kameichi Okamura                 Kome Nishiguchi               Chiya Wada
  Matsuyo Kamioka                  The Nishiguchi Family
  Kumataro Gonhata                 Takiko Amakawa              30 Noriaki Masuda
  Masashi Kimura                   Yumei Uyehara                 The Masuda & Asamura Family
                                   Tomoe Yoshioka                Kinosuke Kitamura
10 Tatsu Yanagihara                                              The Kitamura Family
  The Yanagihara Family          18 Hisako Fujihana              Toshisuke Iwamoto
  Shina Kaya                       The Fujihana Family           Noriaki Masuda
  The Kaya &Shimazaki Family       Seiji Nakagawa                Matsuo Hirayasu
  Keizo Nagata                     Miyoji Aoki                   Bishop Shutesu Miyamoto
  The Nagata Family                Masutaro Kunihisa
  Yojiro Yamashina                 Tokiyo Masaki               31 Haruo Nakano
  Ukichi Nakano                    Masaaki Maruichi               Kameyo Hayashi
  Fuji Kitagawa                                                   Usano Yamane
                                 19 Misae Higashihara             Katsumi Yano
8:30am Morning Service                                                                                  Jodo Mission of Hawaii
    Everyday                                                 July 2011                                      Phone: 949-3995

              Sun                     Mon              Tue                 Wed           Thu                  Fri                      Sat
                                                                                                       1                    2

3      NO SUNDAY SERVICE        4                5                    6          7                     8                    9
     8:00 O-Toba Set Up                          10:30am Maunalani                                                            8:30 am Sewing Class
                                                                                 **3:15 pm Jodo Shu hour
     8:00 General Cleanup                                Visitation
10                              11               12                   13         14                    15                   16
      10:00 Sunday Service                                                                                     O - B O N S E R VI CE S
                                                 10am CCH visitation
      11:45 Board Meeting                                                                                    10:00 am Hatsubon Families
                                                                                                              2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

17                              18               19                   20         21                    22                   23
    10:00 O-Bon Service                                                           **3:15 pm Jodo Shu hour
                                                                                                              Haleiwa Bon Dance
     Clean-up After Service

24                              25               26                   27         28                    29                    30
      8:00 O-Toba Kuzushi

31     10:00 Sunday Service         EVENTS:
       10:45 Children’s Choir       July 3:     O-Toba Set up & General Cleaning before O-Bon Services       **Jodo Shu Hour Radio K-ZOO
                                                YOUR HELP IS NEEDED.                                         (AM1210Khz, Japanese station)
                                    July 15-17: O-Bon Services at Jodo Mission of HawaiiJ
                                    uly 22-23: Haleiwa Jodo Mission Bon Dance
                                    Aug 19-20: Bon Dance at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
                                    Sept 16-18: Kyoku Convention at Betsuin

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Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2014
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - February 2017
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2017Ryan Ozawa
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2014
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2015Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2015Ryan Ozawa
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2013
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010Ryan Ozawa
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2010Ryan Ozawa
Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2013
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2013Ryan Ozawa
Jodo Mission Bulletin - September 2013
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - September 2013Ryan Ozawa
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2013
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2016
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2016
Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2014
Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2014Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2014
Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2014
Jodo Mission Bulletin - February 2017
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - April 2012Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - April 2012
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2017
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2015
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2010Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2010
Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2013
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - July 2011

  • 1. JODO MISSION OF HAWAII BULLETIN - JULY 2011 (#1176-0711) Jodo Mission of Hawaii 1429 Makiki St. Honolulu HI 96814 Address Service Requested Important Dates July 3: O-Toba Set Up & General Cleaning - YOUR HELP IS NEEDED July 15-17: O-Bon Services Aug.19-20: Bon Dance O-Bon Service Schedule Friday, July 15 10:00 am (Hatsubon only) 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Saturday, July 16 10:00 am (Hatsubon only) 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Sunday, July 17 10:00 am
  • 2. O-Bon Service Schedule O-Bon Services will be held as follows: Friday, July 15 - 10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only) 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Saturday, July 16 - 10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only) 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Sunday, July 17 - 10:00 am Sign up for O-Bon Service will begin 1 hour before 2 pm and 7 pm services. This is on a first come first serve basis. NO phone orders will be taken. Closing Service will be on Sunday, July 17 at 10:00 a.m. After Closing Service, cleanup will begin. Parking Attendants Needed: We are in need of at least 6 parking attendants for each 2 pm and 7 pm service. Please call Jodo Mission at 949-3995 if you are able to help direct cars to parking spaces. We appreciate your help. O-Toba Service Appointments: If you wish to have prayers offered in front of your O-Toba, appointments will be accepted from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from Wednesday July 6 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 17, 2011. Offering of Rice: During O-Bon Services it is customary to offer a bag of rice. However, monetary donations in lieu of rice are acceptable. “Rice” envelopes are available in the office. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sr. YBA O-Bon Flower Sale: Please help the Sr. YBA by purchasing a beautiful pot- ted chrysanthemum ($1.75 each). NO phone orders will be taken. Thank you for your support. Friday, July 15: 9:00 am to 7:30 pm Saturday, July 16: 9:00 am until supply runs out Toro Nagashi (floating lantern from the boat): Sunday, July 17 at 8 pm (Pier # to be announced later). Boat capacity is limited so we must limit this to Hatsubon (first O-Bon) families. Please sign up for this event at the Temple office and you must be at the designated Pier by 8 pm on July 17th. Offerings at your O-Toba: The space allowed for each O-Toba is approximately 5.5 inches width and 7 inches depth. SEE page 1 for sample offerings. Most people will offer foods that the deceased liked, i.e. flowers, fruits, mochi, candies, somen for long generation life, cucumber and eggplant with legs added to symbolize the cucumber horse galloping from the Pure Land and the eggplant cow slowly returning to the Pure Land. [SEE also page 4 for more info.] Page 2
  • 3. Sermon by Rev. Kanjun Nakano Given on May 22, 2011 It has been around two months since the earthquake, but Japan is still in a state of chaos. Recently, the Japanese news reported that radiation was found in mothers’ milk. The situation is becoming more and more serious. A scientist who was quoted on the Internet said, “At present, there exists some radiation in the air of the earth. We are immune to a little radiation, so we do not worry.” Is this really true? What about new- born babies and small children? Will anyone be able to guarantee their safety in ten, twenty, or thirty years? Somehow, I do not believe what I have heard from the government and scientists. When we experience a difficulty, we cry and wonder why it happened. We will blame it on other things and people. But this only backs us into a corner. We cannot move forward in life because we have not become responsible for our future actions. We are too busy blaming other people and things for the situation in which we find ourselves. So, we stay in our “corner” and cry. Instead, we must realize that we cannot change the situation. The earthquake happened, and we cannot go back in time and change that. So, we must stop asking, “Why?” and accept the earthquake as a fact of history. Then, we can endure our fate, move forward with our lives, and once again plan for a brighter future. Finally, in situations large and small, in good times and in bad times, and in the things of life, we must learn to depend upon ourselves and not upon others. Please remember the last words of Shakyamuni Buddha to his disciples: “Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself : Do not depend upon anyone else.” If we each rely upon ourselves, then Buddha will know each mind individually. Each person can speak to him, and he will speak to each person. So, when we each encounter diffi- culties in life, do not stay in a “corner.” “Make of yourself a light,” and move forward into your future. ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O-BON O-Bon is the abbreviation of “Urabon”, which means ‘salvation of souls from agony of being hung upside down’. The origin of O-Bon comes from the story about Mokuren’s mother. One day, by practicing Buddha’s teaching, Mokuren received the super natural power of looking into another world. When he saw his mother suffering in Hell by using his super natural power, he sought guidance of the Buddha. Through Buddha’s aid, Mokuren was able to save his mother from the Hell. It is from this story that the O-Bon ceremony started to be observed. Without our ancestors we would not be here today. Thus, we honor them during O-Bon. With our sincere prayer, our beloved ones who have departed from us can have peaceful repose of their souls. Also, we can spend thankful and harmonious moment with our ancestors who have done so much for us. Page 3
  • 4. Bits of Knowledge of Buddhism Vol.08 “St. Honen’s Posthumous Name” (July. 2011) By Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe In 2011, we celebrate the 800th grand memorial service of St. Honen. In this memorable year, the Emperor gave a new Daishi-go to St. Honen. Daishi-go is a post- humous title which the Emperor bestows upon a late high priest in memory of his great achievement. The new title is “Ho-ni” (法爾), which is named after “Jinen Honi” (自然法爾). It means natural law as it happens. For example, a flame soars high in the sky, and water flows into lower places. This word shows the origin of the name of St. Honen (法然) and represents an ideal Buddhist who devotes oneself to the great compassion of Amida Buddha. This is the 8th imperial gift since the then ________________________________________________ Emperor gave the first title to St. Honen in 1697. Title Emperor Year For details, please refer to the appendix. St. Honen 圓光 En-ko 東山天皇 1697 is the only priest who was given a posthumous ti- 東漸 To-zen 中御門天皇 1711 tle so many times. We don’t know the true inten- tion of the Emperors. However, I’m sure that the 慧定 E-jo 桃園天皇 1761 Emperors honored St. Honen for finding the ulti- 弘覚 Ko-kaku 光格天皇 1811 mate path to the Perfect Peace which each person 慈教 Ji-kyo 孝明天皇 1861 will at last attain. Whoever calls Amida Buddha’s name will be saved and born in the Pure Land. We 明照 Mei-sho 明治天皇 1911 also should give thanks to St. Honen and live a 和順 Wa-jun 昭和天皇 1961 Nembutsu life. 法爾 Ho-ni 今上天皇 2011 _______________________________________ Cucumber & Eggplant Dolls YBA Meeting Fujinkai Meeting During O-Bon (Women’s association) NO MEETING Please do not be in July NO MEETING in July surprised if you see some form of the Cucumber Sewing Circle Sunday School Horse and the NO SEWING NO SUNDAY Eggplant Cow CIRCLE in July SCHOOL in July around O-Bon season [photo above from internet]. With a Cucumber, add legs with sticks to make a horse for your ancestors to return quickly from the Pure Land. Make a cow with an Eggplant using sticks for your ancestors to slowly return to the Pure ♪ ♪ Jodo Mission of Hawaii ♪ ♪ Land. In some places in Japan, these Cucumber and Egg- Children’s Choir “Malama” plant dolls are made and placed at the front door to welcome こども合唱団マラマ your ancestors on the first day of O-Bon and on the second day placed at the family altar. On the last day, the dolls are July 31, 2011 at 10:45 a.m. taken to the river to carry the ancestors back to the Pure Land. But they are never thrown in the river. Page 4
  • 5. Vision for the Future (4) By Rev. Yubun Narashiba Question: What is the name of our main Buddha? Answer: His name is “AMIDA” Buddha. Have you heard about “The Rule of AMIDA?” This is the rule to make your temple more flourishing! This rule was originally introduced by American economist, Samuel Roland Hall as the AIDMA law as a marketing model. 1. A is for Attention. If you want to attract more people to your temple, you must get people’s attention first. Advertise- ments on newspapers, radios, TVs, Web or advertising balloons are effective. Personally, I like advertisements on the web because the cost is very low. If you know any better way to invite people’s attention, please let me know. 2. M is for Memory. After you get people’s attention, your temple should always stay in their memory. How about an impressive catchphrase? How about promotional pens? In the office of Jodo Mission, we have ballpoint pens on which I can see the name of mortuaries. If you have any better ideas, please contact me. 3. I is for Interest. Then you must provide enough information to stimulate people’s interests in your temple. The flyers about the teaching, services, activities or classes we offer at our temple should be always available. I hope people know that our temple offers blessings for cars, for houses or even for pets. 4. D is for Desire. You succeeded to get people’s attention. The temple’s name is staying in their memory. People are interested in our activities. Perfect! Now, we have to uplift people’s desire to join our membership. The cleanliness of the temple, peaceful atmosphere, easiness to come into the office and friendliness of the temple’s staff are very important factors. Then 5. A is for Action. Of course, the action we want people to take is to join our membership. However, it is very rare for a person to join instantly. Therefore, we have different categories of membership such as Regular member, Supporting member or Student member. Also our membership application is always available in our office. Above is the marketing process that many successful companies are adopting. To be honest with you, our membership is not increasing, though we are trying our best. There must be an area in which we are very weak. Do you have any ideas? Your opinion is always welcome. Please ,email me at Page 5
  • 6. MESSAGE FROM REV. HIROSHI OEDA Rev. Hiroyoshi Oeda, former minister of Betsuin, received the message card that we sent to his temple to be shared with the vic- tims of the damaged areas. He writes as follows: Thank you very much for your support and powerful message. We are so encour- aged. Our temple is located mountain side of Sendai. Fortunately, we did not have big damage from the earthquake. Every year, our temple has many visitors from the coast area of Tohoku, which is tsunami disaster area. Two months have passed since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. We are surprised that in spite of this situation, many people visit the temple from the dis- aster area. They have a prayer in front of Buddha to restart their lives. When we talked to them, we found that some of them Above is a family photo of Rev. Hiroyoshi Oeda, wife Mari had lost their family members, houses, cars, and sons Colin, Sorachika and Kai. Rev. Oeda is pointing to and so many things. We can only listen to the message card he received from Hawaii. their stories and encourage them. However, they are so positive in mind that we are encour- aged by them. We will continue supporting them. This is my situation now. Thank you for your continuous support. Arigato gozaimasu! Please take care. Aloha, Rev. Oeda Note: This time of year in Japan (O-Bon season) is normally a very busy time of year and with the tsunami victims and their families, it even makes the O-Bon season more meaningful for so many of their personal losses and it is a time of year when the ministers are the busiest. We wish all the ministers in Japan trying to support their many Temple members as well as new members to restart their lives as Rev. Oeda mentions. GANBARE! And take care! Page 6
  • 7. Oahu Rengo Fujinkai Outstanding Youth Award On May 8, Oahu Rengo Fujinkai President Jo Ann Matsuo presented the Out- standing Youth Award to Wolfgang Takeru Nii. Takeru helps the other young children at Sunday School because he Thank you Note from Wolfgang Takeru Nii remembers when he was younger. In fact, Takeru used to cry a lot. Now he helps other You picture card written in both Eng- younger children. He was so lish and Japanese—see above. happy, he sent a picture Thank CONGRATULATIONS TAKERU! ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hawaii Jodo Shu Rengo Fujinkai Presentation of Namiye Nakamura Scholarship Lauren Mayumi Nouchi of Kahului Jodo Mission was the recipi- ent of the 2011 Namiye Nakamura Scholarship and was presented with the Scholarship on Sunday, May 29, 2011. Lauren graduated from Henry Per- rine Baldwin High School and plans to attend the University of San Fran- cisco to major in Psychology. She is an excellent student, active in the community, school and temple. Lauren wrote: My goal in life is Above is photo of Lauren Mayumi Nouchi and proud parents simply make an impact in other peo- June and David Nouchi and Hawaii Rengo President Sally Haya- shi who went to Kahului, Maui for this Scholarship presentation. ple’s lives. Impacting others’ lives in a positive manner means a lot to me, because I love the feeling of making a difference. When I make a difference in someone’s life such as changing their perspective or help- ing them to overcome a struggle, I feel that no amount of gratitude can compare t how I feel inside. We wish Lauren all the success and best wishes on her career and possibly someday she too will become a Fujinkai member! She has all the makings of the younger genera- tion Fujinkai! CONGRATULATIONS LAUREN! Page 7
  • 8. Miso Somen Ingredients: 3 bundles of somen (2 servings) 1 carrot 6 leaves of won bok cabbage 1/2 pkg. dashi no moto 1 T mirin 1 T sake 4 T hatcho miso Prepare Vegetables Peel the carrot and cut it into 2 inch long julienne strips. Thinly slice 6 leaves of won bok cabbage, width-wise Mince green onions Cooking the Somen Bring 2 quarts of water to a rapid boil. Place bundles of somen into the boiling water and cook for 1.5 minutes on high. (One minute and 30 seconds) Remove somen and place into serving bowls. Preparing the Soup Bring 4 c of water to a boil and add 1/2 pkg. of dashi no moto. Add carrots and won bok pieces. Add 1 T of mirin and 1 T of sake. Continue to heat until vegetables are cooked. When vegetables are cooked, lower heat to medium and add 4 T of miso. Stir till well blended. Serving Place cooked vegetables and broth into the bowls with the somen noodles. Mix to bring the somen to the surface of each serving bowl. Top with a spoonful of spicy ahi poke and garnish with green onions. Recipe by Rev. Narashiba; photos by Rev. Watanabe Page 8
  • 9. Five Types of Noodles in Japan There are five popular noodles in Japan: 1. Udon These three noodles are all made from wheat flour. The names of the noodles are 2. Somen different because of the thickness of the 3. Hiyamugi noodles. Udon Hiyamugi Somen Udon is thicker than 1.7mm. Somen is thinner than 1.3 mm. Hiyamugi is in between. Udon Hiyamugi Somen 4. Ramen Ramen is also made from wheat flour but it contains eggs Ramen 5. Soba Soba is made from buckwheat flour and wheat flour. The proportion of the mix- ture of these two flours are different according to soba factories. Soba Information by Rev. Narashiba; Photos by Rev. Watanabe Page 9
  • 10. 2011 BON DANCE SCHEDULE OF JODO SHU TEMPLES Island Temple Phone No. Dates Times Oahu Betsuin 949-3995 Aug 19 to 20 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm Haleiwa 637-4382 July 22 to 23 7/22: 8 pm – 10 pm 7/23: 8 pm – 11 pm Big Island Kurtistown August 6 8:00 pm [Hawaii] Call Rev. Miyazaki Hilo July 8 to 9 7/8: 7:30 pm (808) 935-6996 7/9: 8:00 pm Hakalau August 20 8:00 pm Hamakua August 13 6:30 pm Call Rev. Wansa Kohala July 9 6:30 pm (808) 775-0965 Hawi August 6 6:30 pm Maui Kahului Call Rev. John Hara June 24 to 25 7:00 pm Wailuku (808) 244-0066 June 17 7:00 pm Lahaina (808) 661-4304 July 2 7:00 pm Kauai Kapaa (808) 822-4319 July 22 to 23 7:30 pm Koloa (808) 742-6735 June 17 to 18 7:30 pm Obituaries Any Comments: Thank you for reading our The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere Bulletin. Any comments you may have or sugges- condolences to the family members and loved ones of tions for news articles would be greatly appreciated. the following members who have recently left this world for the Pure Land. Nina Yuriko Sylva 90 Barbara Chiyoko Ashimine 89 Jodo Mission Office Hours: Todd Isaac Okemura 55 Monday to Saturday Paul Takeshi Tomita 61 8am—5pm Steven Shizuo Teruya 75 Jiroichi Otani 94 Sunday & Holidays Jean Yukie Kimura 69 8am—3pm Dick Hiroyuki Okaji 89 Phone: 949-3995 Akiyoshi Nakamura no age given Susan Teruko Lubick 82 Kazoo “Casey” Hisanaga 90 Rev. Yubun Narashiba Rev. Kanjun Nakano Rev. Yasuhiro Rev. Dwight Head Minister Resident Minister Watanabe Nakamura Page 10 Resident Minister Retired Minister
  • 11. EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial Service) for July 1 Kichi Yanagisawa 11 Toyo Nanbu 20 Gonshichi Shintaku The Yanagisawa Family The Nanbu Family Fukuji Ikeda Yone Ishida Fusa Murakami Katsumi Imada The Murakami Family 2 Toyo Tojo The Yamamoto Family 21 Shigeru Nakata The Tojo Family Shigeyo Ipponsugi Usuke Oda Tsune Uchiumi Iwao Asaumi Kamekichi Toyofuku Minoru Shigeta Fusa Murakami Kikuyo Gonhata] 22 Keisuke Kimura Ellen Kimiko Hedani 12 Hideo Higashi The Kimura Family Kamesaburo Gushiken Takeo Matsunaga 3 Tamayo Yanagihara Akiyo Yano Motohiro Tanimura Morio Yanagihara Matsuyo Miyagi 4 Setsuyo Sugihara The Sugihara Family 13 Kazuichi Akimoto 23 June Junko Yamashita Sumiyo Yamanaka Bunji Aoki Keizo Oda Kajo Teruya The Aoki Family Isami Yoshikawa Toki Yamamoto 24 Masako Narahara The Yoshikawa Family The Yamamoto Family Kajo Teruya Setsuyo Nitta 25 Matsuno Mishina The Yamanaka Family The Mishina Family Masaru Taira 14 Takao Amano Masuo Yanagihara Kanichi Morita The Yanagihara Family 5 Asao Takara Fukutaro Nagata The Kimura Family Shige Ikeda Haya Kamimura The Weiss Family (Stillborn) Fred Yutaka Sakuda Kazuo Kamimura Donna Haruko Furutani 26 Naosuke Nakamoto 15 The Nakagawa Family The Nakamoto & Sakagawa Family 6 Takaichi Hamada The Koike Family Toshio Fujimoto The Hamada Family The Fujisue Family The Fujimoto Family Miki Ajimura Doris Chiyoko Hayashi The Ajimura Family Florence Satoko Law 27 Sakutaro Koyama Takezo Ishida The Koyama Family Yosuke Mitsutani 16 The Juichi Yamada Family Sayoko Takaoka The Fujii Family Hatsu Maruichi 7 Hisa Akimoto The Shikata Family Taki Ishimoto The Nishii Family 28 Koichi Ogi Seiji Ogawa The Okazaki Family Sadamu Iwamoto Haruo Okahara Miyoko Ohara 8 Yoshio Furumoto The Okahara Family Darin Sueo Furutani Kamado Takara R. Toyoji Tominaga Hiroshi Arakawa Tetsuichi Umemoto 29 Kansuke Yano Sueko Kiyama The Yano, Konaka & Shigeko Shimamoto 17 Ito Tanimura Hayashi Family The Tanimura Family Mitsuo Sakakibara 9 Kameichi Okamura Kome Nishiguchi Chiya Wada Matsuyo Kamioka The Nishiguchi Family Kumataro Gonhata Takiko Amakawa 30 Noriaki Masuda Masashi Kimura Yumei Uyehara The Masuda & Asamura Family Tomoe Yoshioka Kinosuke Kitamura 10 Tatsu Yanagihara The Kitamura Family The Yanagihara Family 18 Hisako Fujihana Toshisuke Iwamoto Shina Kaya The Fujihana Family Noriaki Masuda The Kaya &Shimazaki Family Seiji Nakagawa Matsuo Hirayasu Keizo Nagata Miyoji Aoki Bishop Shutesu Miyamoto The Nagata Family Masutaro Kunihisa Yojiro Yamashina Tokiyo Masaki 31 Haruo Nakano Ukichi Nakano Masaaki Maruichi Kameyo Hayashi Fuji Kitagawa Usano Yamane 19 Misae Higashihara Katsumi Yano
  • 12. 8:30am Morning Service Jodo Mission of Hawaii Everyday July 2011 Phone: 949-3995 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 NO SUNDAY SERVICE 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:00 O-Toba Set Up 10:30am Maunalani 8:30 am Sewing Class **3:15 pm Jodo Shu hour 8:00 General Cleanup Visitation 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10:00 Sunday Service O - B O N S E R VI CE S 10am CCH visitation 11:45 Board Meeting 10:00 am Hatsubon Families 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:00 O-Bon Service **3:15 pm Jodo Shu hour Haleiwa Bon Dance Clean-up After Service 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NO SUNDAY SERVICE 8:00 O-Toba Kuzushi 31 10:00 Sunday Service EVENTS: 10:45 Children’s Choir July 3: O-Toba Set up & General Cleaning before O-Bon Services **Jodo Shu Hour Radio K-ZOO YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. (AM1210Khz, Japanese station) July 15-17: O-Bon Services at Jodo Mission of HawaiiJ uly 22-23: Haleiwa Jodo Mission Bon Dance Aug 19-20: Bon Dance at Jodo Mission of Hawaii Sept 16-18: Kyoku Convention at Betsuin