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The Vitamins speak:
“We are for growth, health & welfare of
Discharge our duties directly or through
Deficiency symptoms are our alert signals;
Satisfied we shall be, with additional
Courtesy: Text Book of Biochemistry by U Sathynarayana
‘Vitamine’ nutrient compound required to
prevent nutritional deficiency disease beriberi.
Chemically it was an amine.
Later, number of essential organic nutrients
were discovered.
All of them were not amines.
Therefore, ‘e’ was dropped & the term VITAMIN
is adopted universally & applied to a group of
biologically essential compounds, which
cannot be synthesized by human beings.
Since the chemical nature was unknown, letter
designations were applied.
e.g., vitamins A,B,C etc.,
As ‘B’ consisted several substances, the
subscripts were added.
Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8,
B9,B10,B11,B12 etc.,
(Vitamin B-complex).
some were mixture of already known vitamins.
Vitamin C was identified as pure substance &
named as ascorbic acid.
Vitamins are organic nutrients required in
small quantities for a number of
biochemical functions.
Generally not synthesized by the body.
Supplied through the diet.
However, some vitamins are synthesized
by intestinal microorganisms (e.g., vitamin
K & Biotin)
Insufficient to meet our needs.
Always remember that vitamins
are not food but should be a
part of our food.
Vitamins are grouped into two categories based on
their solubility.
1. Fat soluble vitamins
E.g.., Vitamin A, D, E, and K.
2. Water soluble vitamins
E.g., Thiamine(B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3),
Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyrodoxine (B6),
Biotin(B7), Folic acid(B9), Cobalamine (B12) and
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
Water soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins
Precursors for
coenzymes &
Coenzymes, hormones
& antioxidants
Non-toxic, excess
amounts are excreted
through urine.
Toxic, lethal in excess as
they are not readily
excreted in urine.
Not stored in the body
(except vitamin B12).
Stored in the body
(liver & adipose tissue)
(RDA) recommended dietary/daily
• Vitamin A is fat soluble.
• Its active form present in animal tissue.
• Its provitamin, beta carotene is present in
• All the compounds with vitamin A activity are
referred to as retinoids.
• Retinoids are polyisoprenoid compounds
having beta-ionone ring attached to long
hydrocarbon side chain with alternating double
• Three different compounds with vitamin A
activity are
Retinal (vit A aldehyde) also called vit A
Retinol (vit A alcohol) also called vit A1
Retinoic acid (vit A acid) oxidized form
• 3-dehydroretinol is called vitamin A2 and is
present in fresh water fish/fish oils.
• Bioloically important compound is 11-cis-
Three biologically active molecules
(Active forms of vitamin A)
1.Retinol (vitamin A alcohol)
2.Retinal (vitamin A aldehyde)
3.Retinoic acid (vitamin A acid)
Retinol r/n Retinal oxdn Retinoic acid
(-CH2OH) (-CHO) (-COOH)
Inactive provitamin form of vitamin A
It occurs in different chemical forms:
• Alpha carotene
• Beta carotene, most common form in the food
• Gamma carotene
Absorption Of Vitamin A
• Diet: Retinol is present in the diet as retinyl ester
(retinyl palmitate) along with long chain FAs.
• Hydrolysis: In the intestinal lumen retinyl ester
is hydrolyzed to release free retinol by the
enzyme retinol ester hydrolase, secreted by the
• Beta carotene is cleaved by a dioxygenase, to
form retinal. Retinal is reduced to retinol by an
NADH or NADPH dependent retinal reductase
present in intestinal mucosa.
• Retinol derived from esters and from the
cleavage and from reduction of carotenes is re-
esterified with long chain FAs in intestinal
mucosal cells. And incorporated in
chylomicrons and transported to liver.
• In the liver stellate cells it is stored as retinol
Difference between vitamin A and
-Carbon atoms
-B ionone ring
Active form
Alcohol group
Inactive form
No terminal group
Storage of vitamin A:
• Vitamin A is mainly stored in the liver.
• Significant amounts present in kidneys,
adrenals, lungs and retina.
• Vitamin A is mainly stored as retinol
• Vitamin A is transported from liver to
peripheral tissues as trans-retinol by retinol
binding protein (RBP)
• Retinol binding protein complex further
complex with prealbumin.
• Such molecular aggregates effectively prevents
glomerular filtration of retinol.
Uptake by tissues:
• The retinol –RBP complex binds to specific
receptors on the retina, skin, gonads, and other
• The RBP does not enter into the cell.
• Inside the cytoplasm of cells, vit binds to
cellular retinoic acid binding protien(CRBP)
and finally to hormone responsive
elements(HRE) of DNA and genes are
• Retinol is excreted as retinoic acid in bile.
• As retinoyl uronides and excretes in urine.
Vitamin A metabolism
β-carotene (antioxidant)
Retinol Retinyl phosphate
(steroid hormone) (glycoprotein synthesis)
(visual cycle)
Retinoic acid
(growth & cellular differentiation)
Biochemical functions
Retinal – necessary for vision
Retinol – vision + reproductive system
Retinoic acid – growth & cellular
Carotenoids – antioxidants
1. Role in vision:
Wald’s visual cycle
Cyclic events occur in the process of vision, known as
rhodopsin cycle or Wald’s visual cycle.
Photoreception in the cycle is due to functioning of rod &
cone cells present in the retina.
Rhodopsin, a membrane conjugated protein in rod cells
of retina.
11-cis retinal + opsin, a protein (photosensitive
Play an important role in vision in dim light.
Upon exposure to light, series of photochemical
isomerizations takes place.
Vitamin A And
• Active form of vitamin A involved in vision is
11-cis retinal.
• Vision and adaptation to dark is the function
of photoreceptor cells in the retina known as
• Rods contain photosensitive pigment called
• Rhodopsin is made up of 11-cis retinal and
opsin (scotopsin)
Rods and
• Retina has 2 types of cells rods and cones
• Each human eye has 120 million rods and 6
million cones
• rods are involved in dim light vision
• Cones are responsible for bright light vision
and color vision
• Is a photo labile glycoprotein embedded in
membranes of rods or cones
• Also called visual purple
• It contains 11-cis retinal and opsin
• Opsins have no light absorbing property
• 11-cis retinal with alternating single and double
bond function as chromophore or light absorbing
Visual cycle is process where light is
converted to electrical signals in the retina.
Comprises two distinct events:
1. Bleaching of rhodopsin and generation of
nerve impulse.
2. Regeneration of rhodopsin.
(visual pigment) light
nerve impulseto visual
Opsin center in brain by optic nerve
11-cis retinal retinal isomerase All-trans retinal
Oxidn, alcohol dehydrogenase LIVER, alcohol
11-cis retinol liver isomerase All-trans retinol
Liver stores
Regeneration of rhodopsin
Pathway 1
• All trans retinal isomerizes to 11-cis
retinal by the action of retinal isomerase in
the retina.
• 11-cis retinal then combines with opsin to
form rhodopsin.
Pathway 2
• All trans retinal is reduced to all trans retinol
by the action of retinal dhydrogenase.
• Followed by isomeriztion of all trans retinol
to 11-cis retinol.
• 11-cis retinol is oxidized to 11-cis retinal by
the action of dehydrogenase.
• 11-cis retinal combines with opsin to form
Pathway 3
• All trans retinal is reduced to all trans retinol in
the retina.
• All trans retinol reaches liver through
• In the liver, all trans retinol is isomerized to 11-
cis retinol.
• 11-cis retinol reaches retina through circulation.
• In the retina 11-cis retinol is oxidized to 11-cis
• 11-cis retinal combines with opsin to form
rhodopsin. The cycle repeats.
Dark adaptation mechanism:
The time taken for regeneration of
rhodopsin is known as dark adaptation
When a person shifts suddenly from bright
light to dark light, observe difficulty in
e.g., entering a cinema hall.
After a few mins rhodopsin is
resynthesised & vision is improved.
Dark adaptation time depends on vit A
status of a person (increased in vit A
deficient individuals).
Deficiency of cis-retinal leads to increase
in dark adaptation time & night blindness.
Humans- one eye contains 120 million
rods, each rod with 120 million rhodopsin
Cats, mice & owls contain more rods.
2. Regulation of gene expression:
Retinol acts like a steroid hormone in
controlling the expression of certain genes.
3. Growth & differentiation:
Retinoic acid is involved in many process
of growth & differentiation.
Essential for normal gene expression
during embryonic development.
in a) cell differentiation in spermatogenesis
b) differentiation of epithelial cells.
4. Glycoprotein synthesis: Retinyl phosphate play an
important role in the synthesis of glycoproteins (an
important component of mucus).
lack of mucus secretion leads to drying of epithelial
Retinol &/or retinoic acid are involved in the synthesis of
iron transport protein transferrin.
Thus, vit A deficiency can lead to anemia from impaired
transport of iron.
5. Antioxidant role of vitamin A:
 β-carotene acts as a scavenger of free radicals in
 prevents the development of epithelial cancers.
 decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
dietary sources
vitamin A or retinoids are from animal sources
• rich sources: fish liver oils, egg yolk, animal liver,
milk and dairy products
• Vitamin A2 is present in fresh water fishes.
carotenes are from vegetable sources:
• Rich sources: carrots, colored fruits like papaya
and mango, tomatoes , spinach, tubers, sweet
Children 400 -600µg/day
Men 750-1000µg/day
Women 750µg/day
Pregnancy 1000µg/day
Lactation 1200µg/day
Adults – Men - 1000 RE (3,500 IU)
Woman – 800 IU
1retinol equivalent =1µg retinol
= 6µg β-carotene per day.
1 IU = 0.3µg of retinol
vitamin A deficiency
• inadequate intake
• impaired absorption
• impaired storage
• Impaired transport
• increased excretion
• severe malnutrition
• alcoholism
vitamin A deficiency
eye lesions other lesions
night blindness infections
xeropthalmia toads skin
bitots spots anemia
keratomalacia growth retardation
Deficiency manifestations
Since vitamin A is stored in liver, deficiency can
develop only over prolonged periods of
inadequate intake.
• Night blindness or nyctalopia: an early
symptom of deficiency.
 Lack of retinal may result in impairment of dark
 Inability to see in dim light (poor vision in dim
 It is a symptom of several eye diseases.
 Individuals suffering from night blindness not only
see poorly at night, but also require some time for
their eyes to adjust from brightly lit areas to dim
2. Xerophthalmia (dry eyes): due to
severe deficiency of vit A
Dryness of conjunctiva & cornea.
(Since retinoic acid is required for growth
& maintenance of epithelium)
Infection usually sets in resulting in
hemorrhaging of the eye & permanent loss
of vision.
3. Bitot’s spots:
Greyish-white triangular plaques are seen
certain areas of conjunctiva.
Bitots spot
• Bitot’s spot greyish white triangular plaques
firmly adherent to the conjunctiva
4. Keratomalacia:
Prolonged xerophthalmia, leads to
keratomalacia (soft & milky appearance of
Degeneration of corneal epithelium.
Bacterial infection leads to corneal
Perforation of cornea & total blindness.
• keratomalacia: softening of the cornea caused by
ulceration and necrosis of cornea. leads to perforation
endopthalmitis, and blindness.
lab findings in vit A deficiency
• impaired dark adaptation test
• decreased vitamin A levels in plasma
• decreased retinol binding protein in
• Normal blood level of vitamin A is 25-50
Hypervitaminosis A or Toxicity
Vitamin A accumulates in liver. Excess
intake over prolonged periods can be
Symptoms: anorexia, scaly dermatitis,
irritability, headache, drowsiness,
diarrhea, enlargement of liver & spleen.
High concentration of retinol releases
lysosomal enzymes – leads to cellular
Causes for vitamin A deficiency
Decreased intake.
Obstructive jaundice – defective
Cirrhosis of liver – reduced synthesis of
Severe malnutrition – deficiency of amino
acids for RBP synthesis.
Chronic nephrosis – RBP is excreted
through urine.
• Vitamin D in diet occurs in two forms
vitamin D2 and vitamin D3
• vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol is found in
• Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is found in
• Ergocalciferol differs from cholecalciferol
by having double bond between C22 and
C23 and methyl chain at C24
Provitamin forms of vitamin D
• 7-dehydrocholesterol
• Ergosterol
7-dehydrocholesterol is an intermediate
during cholesterol synthesis, provitamin form
of vitamin D3, found in skin
Ergosterol is provitamin form of vitamin D2,
found in plants (ergots and yeast)
There are two major forms of vitamin D:
1. Vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol
2. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol
Synthesis requires sunlight
Formation of vitamin D
• Transformation from provitamin to vitamin
is accomplished by ultraviolet rays.
• Photo-chemical activation and photolysis
results in intramolecular rearrangement.
• Vitamin D is derived either from 7-
dehydrocholesterol or ergosterol by the
action of ultraviolet radiation.
• 7-dehydrocholesterol is photolyzed non
enzymatically in the epidermal malphigian
layer by UV rays to form precholecalciferol by
cleavage of bond between C9 and C10 of the
B ring of its sterol nucleus. The ring B opens
to form provitamin, Secosterol
• The cis double bond between C5 and C6
isomerizes to a trans double bond to give rise
vitamin D3
• Ergosterol similarly photolyzes to vitamin D2
Synthesis of active form of
vitamin D
• Cholecalciferol is transported to liver where
hydroxylation at 25th position occurs to form 25-
hydroxy cholecalciferol by microsomal mixed
function oxidase called vitamin D3 25- hydroxylase
system which consists P450 reductase and
cytochrome P450 which requires NADPH.
• 25 hydroxy cholecalciferol is either stored in liver,
muscles and adipose tissue or carried by D
binding protein to kidneys, bones and placenta
when required.
• In plasma 25HCC is bound to vitamin D binding
protein, an alpha 2 globulin.
Synthesis of active form of
vitamin D
• In the kidney, it is further hydroxylated at
the 1st position to form 1, 25 dihydroxy
cholecalciferol. The 1-alpha hydroxylase is
located in mitochondria of proximal
convoluted tubules.It requires cytochrome
P450 and NADPH.
• Active form of D3 is 1,25dihydroxy
vitamin D3 also called calcitriol
Cholesterol Ergosterol
7-dehydrocholesterol UV
UV light
(Vitamin D3) (Vitamin D2)
Sun-shine vitamin
natural commercial
Regulation of synthesis of 1,25
• Depends on plasma calcium and phosphate, they
control hydroxylation reaction at position 1.
• Low plasma calcium level enhances the
production of parathyroid hormone which in turn
activates 1αhydroxylase
• Rise in serum calcitriol level decreases further
calcitriol production by a feed back inhibition of the
• Hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and increase
parathormone increases 1α-hydroxylase to
enhance the calcitriol formation
Calcitriol and calcitonin
• Calcitriol is 1,25 dihydroxy cholecaciferol (DHCC)
• Has three hydroxyl groups at 1, 3 and 25 position
hence called calcitriol
• Calcitriol is active form vitamin D and is steroid
• Actinomycin D inhibits the action calcitriol
• Calcitriol synthesis is self regulated by feedback
• Calcitonin is peptide hormone released fro thyroid
gland, it decreases blood calcium
• Diet from animal sources contain vitamin
D3 and plant sources contain D2
• Bile salts help in absorption of vitamin D
from duodenum and jejunum by
incorporating it in water soluble micelles.
• Absorption occurs by passive transport
• Vitamin D is transported from intestine to
liver by binding to α-1 globulin
• Vitamin D is carried in chylomicron
droplets of lymph through out the body
• Mainly stored in liver
• Other tissues in smaller amount
Why vitamin D is considered as a
Derived from cholesterol, sterol structure.
It can be synthesized in the body (liver &
It is released into circulation.
Synthesized at one place & acts on target organs which
are far away.
Has target organs - Bone, intestine & kidney
Regulates calcium & phosphate metabolism.
Mechanism, of action is like a steroid hormone.
Structure, mode of synthesis & mechanism of action are
similar to hormone.
Calcitriol binds to receptor protein–retinoid X
Translocated to nucleus
Calcitriol-receptor complex binds to vitamin D
response elements on DNA
Transcription of mRNA
Calcium binding protein (CBP)
Increases absorption & reabsorption of calcium in
target organs.
Biochemical functions
a) In intestine: intestinal villi cells
Calcitriol increases Calcium & Phosphorous
absorption from the intestine.
Enters the intestinal cells.
Calcitriol binds to a cytoplasmic receptor &
translocated to nucleus.
Calcitriol-receptor complex interacts with DNA &
stimulates transcription of (mRNA) genes that
code for calbindin (a protein for calcium transport).
Synthesis of calcium binding protein (calbindins
& osteocalcin)
Increased availability of CBP leads to increased
absorption of calcium.
b) In bone: osteoblasts
Increases mineralization of bones (Proper
calcification) due to increased activity of
Calcitriol stimulates osteoblasts which
secrete Alkaline phosphatase.
Local concentration of phosphate level is
The ionic product of calcium &
phosphorous increases, leading to
c) In kidney: convoluted tubule
 Calcitriol increases reabsorption of
calcium & phosphorous in the distal
convoluted tubule.
Therefore, both minerals are
Dietary sources
• Vitamin D3 derived from animal sources
• Rich sources: fish liver oil and shark liver
oil, egg yolk, animal liver, milk and dairy
• Vitamin D2 derived from plant sources,
present in significant amounts in yeasts
and moulds
• Children 10 microgram 400 IU/day
• Adults 5 microgram/day 200 IU/day
• Pregnancy 10 microgram/day
• Lactation 10m microgram/day
• Over 60y of age 600 IU/day
• Vit D requirement is also expressed in
international units
• 1 IU of vitamin D is equivalent to 0.025
microgram of cholecalciferol
• 1 microgram of vit D= 40 IU
Vitamin D deficiency
• Inadequate supply
• Impaired absorption
• Impaired production of 25 hydroxy
• Impaired production of 1,25 hydroxy
• Resistance to the effects of vitamin D3
Inadequate supply of vitamin:
• Low dietary intake such as low intake of
• Lack of sunlight
Impaired absorption:
• Obstructive jaundice
• Small intestinal diseases
Impaired production of 25
hydroxy vitamin D3
Impaired production of 25 hydroxy vitamin
• Advanced liver diseases-cirrhosis
• Anticonvulsants like phenobarbital increases
the metabolism of 25 hydroxy vitamin D3
Impaired renal synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxy
vitamin D3
• Renal failure
• Inherited defect of renal 1 α hydroxylase
• hypoparathyroidism
Resistance to the effects of 1,25
dihydroxy vitamin D3
• Absent or defective receptors for 1,25
dihydroxy vitamin D3
• Familial hypophosphatemic rickets due to
renal tubular defect in phosphate transport
• Fanconi’s syndrome
Clinical features
• Clinical condition of vitamin D deficiency
in children is rickets
• Clinical condition of vitamin D deficiency
in adults is osteomalacia
• Definition : vitamin D deficiency in
• Age: seen in children 4 months to 2 years
• Cause: dietary deficiency and non
exposure to sunlight
• Bone mineralization: defective
mineralization of bone causing
enlargement and softening of bone
Features of rickets
• Delayed milestones
• Delayed closure of anterior fontanelle
• Delayed dentition
• Deformities of bones
• Decreased serum calcium levels
• Deformation of muscle – pot belly
Deformities of bones in
• Craniotabes: softening of skull on pressure
• Frontal bossing: prominent forehead
• Rickety rosary: beading of ribs at the
costochondral junction
• Pigeon chest: undue prominence of sternum
• Harrison sulcus: horizontal depression
corresponding to insertion of diaphragm
• Knock knees
• Bowed legs
• Metaphyseal thickening at wrist and ankles
Harrison’s sulcus and pot belly
Genu valgum (knock knee)
Wrist swelling
Ankle swelling
Biochemical findings in rickets
• Decreased plasma calcium level, normal
9-11 mg/dL
• Decreased plasma phosphorus level ,
normal 3-4.5mg/dL
• Increased plasma alkaline phosphatase,
normal 30-115 U/L
• Vitamin D deficiency in adults
• Low dietary intake
• Inadequate exposure to sunlight
• Demineralization occurs mainly in spine,
pelvis and lower extremities
• Bowing of long bones due to weight of the
• Flattening of pelvic bones may cause
difficulty during labour
Toxicity of vitamin D
 Can be toxic in high doses.
 Most toxic of all vitamins.
 More than 1500 units per day for very long periods
cause toxicity.
c)Loss of appetite
d) Nausea
e)Intense thirst
f) Weight loss etc.,
Hypercalcemia leads to calcification of soft tissues
(vascular & renal tissues).
Greek: Tocos – child birth; pheros- to bear;
ol- alcohol
Natural antioxidant.
Essential for normal reproduction in many
animals, hence it is known as anti-sterility
chemistry of vitamin E
• chemically known as tocopherol
• pale yellow, viscous oil
• soluble in benzene, chloroform and ether
• heat, acid and alkali labile
• destroyed by oxidizing agents and UV rays
• have chromane nucleus with a phenolic
OH group and a isoprenoid side chain
Alpha tocopherol
Chromane ring with Isoprenoid side chain
Forms of vitamin E
Four forms of vitamin E
Different tocopherol differ by the position and
number of methyl side chains
•Alpha tocopherol: 5,7,8 methyl tocopherol
•Beta tocopherol: 5,8 methyl tocopherol
•Gamma tocopherol: 7,8 methyl tocopherol
•Delta tocopherol: 8 methyl tocopherol
**Alpha tocopherol is the most active and
predominate form
Form: alpha tocopherol is the most prominent
form in the diet
• It is absorbed with fat needs bile salts. Needs
pancreatic lipase for digestion of fat
Site : upper small intestine after incorporation
into water soluble mixed micelles with bile
salts, bile salts are left behind
• In the mucosal cells incorporated to
• Dietary vitamin E is incorporated to
• In circulation chylomicron transport vitamin
E to the peripheral tissues or to the liver
• Hepatic vitamin E is incorporated to very
low density lipoprotein
• In circulation VLDL is converted to LDL
• Vitamin E is transported with LDL to
peripheral tissues including adipose tissue
Storage of vitamin E
• Mainly stored in liver, adipose tissue and
• In most of the tissues incorporated to
biological membrane because its affinity to
Excretion of vitamin E
• During catabolism of vitamin E the
chromane ring and side chain will get
oxidized and excreted in bile after
conjugation with glucuronic acid
Functions of vitamin E
• Functions as biological antioxidant
• Prevents lipid peroxidation of biological
• Prevents lipid peroxidation of vitamin A
• It prevents the peroxidation of poly
unsaturated fatty acids present in
phospholipids of membranes
Mechanism of antioxidation
• It blocks the lipid peroxidation chain
• It converts peroxy free radicals to
hydroperoxy radicals by transfer of its
phenolic hydrogen atom to a peroxy free
• Regeneration of vitamin E: oxidized form
of vitamin E is reduced by its interaction
with vitamin C or reduced glutathione
Clinical significance of antioxidant
function of vitamin E
• Vitamin E as an antioxidant is protective
against the development of cancer,
atherosclerosis and aging process
• prevents peroxidative effects of
atmospheric pollutants like O3, H2O2, and
NO2 on membrane lipids of bronchi,
bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli
• protect the RBCs from peroxidative action
of free radicals and prevent anemia
• may prevent muscular dystrophy
Dietary sources
• Rich sources :
vegetable oils are
richest sources of
vitamin E like wheat
germ oil, soya bean
oil, sunflower oil and
corn oil.
• hydrogenated
vegetable oils.
• peanuts, almonds,
sweet potatoes.
RDA: Males – 10mg/day
Females – 8mg/day
Pregnant & lactating women – 10-12mg/day
*Requirement of vitamin E increases as intake
of PUFAs increases.
1mg=1.5 IU
Are those which prevents the oxidation of
biological tissues and control the peroxidation of
lipids by certain free radicals.
They scavenge the free radicals & hence protect
biological proteins, PUFAs, carbohydrates,
Nucleic acids etc., from damage by free radicals.
Eg., 1. Enzyme oxidants (catalases,
2. Non-enzyme antioxidants (vitamin E,
-carotene, vitamin C)
I. Based on lipid peroxidation:
a) preventive antioxidants- prevent the
peroxidation of PUFA by free radicals.
eg., catalase & glutathione peroxidase.
b) chain-breaking anti-oxidants-
interfere between the chain reaction
carried by free radical (prevent
elongation phase of lipid peroxidation).
eg., -carotene & vitamin E.
Free radicals contain lone pair of electrons
Attack the double bond present mainly in
Cell membrane lipids
Blocked by antioxidants
Peroxidation of cell membrane
II. Based on location:
Plasma antioxidants – ceruloplasmin,
transferrin, uric acid.
Cell membrane -  tocopherol
Intracellular – glutathione peroxidase,
III. Based on action:
Enzyme antioxidants
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
Relationship with selenium
• Selenium is component of glutathione
peroxidase important enzyme that oxidizes
and destroys free radicals
• It compliments the antioxidant effects of
vitamin E and reduces the requirement
of vitamin E in the diet
• Selenium is required for the normal
function of pancrease thus enhancing
absorption of vitamin E
• Causes
• Premature infants: transfer of maternal
vitamin E occurs during last weeks of
• impaired absorption: abetalipoproteinemia,
obstructive jaundice, celiac sprue
• Genetic vitamin E deficiency: lack of a
protein which transports alpha tocopherol
from hepatocytes to VLDL
Clinical features
• Hemolytic anemia seen premature infants.
• In adults increased susceptibility of RBCs to
hemolysis under oxidative stress
• Muscle weakness and proteinuria is seen in
vitamin E deficiency
• Spinocerebellar ataxia increased lipid
peroxidation of nervous tissue because of
vitamin E deficiency associated with ataxia,
weakness, loss of vibratory, touch and
position sense
Impaired vision and retinopathy
• Outer rods of retina is rich in PUFA
• Oxidation of PUFA due to absence of
antioxidant vitamin E leads to oxidative
damage in retina
• Vitamin E deficiency in animals causes
muscular dystrophy and reproductive
therapeutic uses of vitamin E
Beneficial in
• Atherosclerosis by reducing oxidation of
• nocturnal muscle cramps
• fibrocystic breast disease
• intermittent claudication
Hypervitaminosis E
• Doses above 1000 IU per day causes
hemorrhagic tendency because of its mild
anticoagulant effect
Vitamin K
anti-hemorrhagic factor
(a quinone derivative)
“Koagulation vitamin” – ‘K’ abbreviation of
German word.
Naphthoquinone derivatives with long
isoprenoid side chain.
Menadione – structurally similar synthetic
compound having vitamin k activity.
(Water soluble)
Only fat soluble vitamin with coenzyme
Green leafy vegetables are good
sources; Cabbage, cauliflower,
tomatoes, alfa alfa, spinach
RDA: 50-100mg/day (usually availabe in
a normal diet).
 There are two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K.
 Plants synthesize Phylloquinone, which is also known
as vitamin K1
 Bacteria synthesize a range of vitamin K forms using
repeating 5-carbon units in the side chain of the
 These forms of vitamin K are designated menaquinone-
n (MK-n), where n stands for the number of 5-carbon
units. MK-n are collectively referred to as vitamin K2
 Vitamin K3 (menadione) is a synthetic form.
Biochemical functions
The only known biological role of vitamin K
is as a cofactor for an enzyme that
catalyzes the carboxylation of the amino
acid, glutamic acid, resulting in its
conversion to gamma-carboxyglutamic
acid (Gla).
Responsible for post-translational
modification of certain blood clotting
Gamma –carboxyglutamic acid residues
are negatively charged & combine with
Ca2+ to form a complex.
Prothrombin – Ca complex binds to the
phospholipids on the membrane surface of
Leads to increased conversion of
prothrombin to thrombin.
Necessary for coagulation factors II
(prothrombin), VII, IX and X to make up the core
of the coagulation cascade.
Synthesized as inactive precursors called
zymogens in the liver.
Undergo gamma –carboxylation of glutamic acid
These are the binding sites for calcium ions.
Vitamin K dependent gamma carboxylation is
necessary for the functional activity of
osteocalcin as well as structural proteins of
kidney, lung and spleen.
Warfarin is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K &
dicumarol an anticoagulant can inhibit the gamma
carboxylation system due to their structural similarity
with vitamin K.
Widely used as anticoagulants for therapeutic
Deficiency manifestations
Deficiency is uncommon.
Present in diet in sufficient quantity or is
adequately synthesized by the intestinal
Vitamin K deficiency results in impaired blood
clotting & clotting time is increased.
(due to lack of active prothrombin in the
Deficiency is seen in newborns due to their
sterile intestine particularly in premature
Causes for deficiency
 Malabsorptions of lipids (due to obstructive jaundice, chronic
panacreatitis, sprue, etc.,)
 Prolonged antibiotic therapy & GI infections with diarrhea will
destroy the bacterial flora.
Clinical manifestations;
a) Hemorrhagic disease of new born is attributed to vitamin K
b) Pre-term of infants are given prophylactic dose of vitamin K
(1mg menadione).
c) In Childrens & adults , it is manifested as bleeding.
d) Prolongation of prothrombin time & delayed clotting
time are the characteristic of vitamin K deficiency.
Toxicity of vitamin K
Administration of large doses of vitamin K
produces hemolytic anemia & jaundice,
particularly in infants.
Toxic effect is due to increased breakdown
of RBC.

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  • 2. The Vitamins speak: “We are for growth, health & welfare of organisms; Discharge our duties directly or through coenzymes; Deficiency symptoms are our alert signals; Satisfied we shall be, with additional supplements.” Courtesy: Text Book of Biochemistry by U Sathynarayana
  • 3. INTRODUCTION: ‘Vitamine’ nutrient compound required to prevent nutritional deficiency disease beriberi. Chemically it was an amine. Later, number of essential organic nutrients were discovered. All of them were not amines. Therefore, ‘e’ was dropped & the term VITAMIN is adopted universally & applied to a group of biologically essential compounds, which cannot be synthesized by human beings.
  • 4. Since the chemical nature was unknown, letter designations were applied. e.g., vitamins A,B,C etc., As ‘B’ consisted several substances, the subscripts were added. Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9,B10,B11,B12 etc., (Vitamin B-complex). some were mixture of already known vitamins. Vitamin C was identified as pure substance & named as ascorbic acid.
  • 5. DEFINITION Vitamins are organic nutrients required in small quantities for a number of biochemical functions. Generally not synthesized by the body. Supplied through the diet. However, some vitamins are synthesized by intestinal microorganisms (e.g., vitamin K & Biotin) Insufficient to meet our needs.
  • 6. Always remember that vitamins are not food but should be a part of our food.
  • 7. classification Vitamins are grouped into two categories based on their solubility. 1. Fat soluble vitamins E.g.., Vitamin A, D, E, and K. 2. Water soluble vitamins E.g., Thiamine(B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyrodoxine (B6), Biotin(B7), Folic acid(B9), Cobalamine (B12) and Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
  • 8. difference Water soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins Precursors for coenzymes & antioxidants Coenzymes, hormones & antioxidants Non-toxic, excess amounts are excreted through urine. Toxic, lethal in excess as they are not readily excreted in urine. Not stored in the body (except vitamin B12). Stored in the body (liver & adipose tissue)
  • 10.
  • 11. CHEMISTRY: • Vitamin A is fat soluble. • Its active form present in animal tissue. • Its provitamin, beta carotene is present in plants. • All the compounds with vitamin A activity are referred to as retinoids. • Retinoids are polyisoprenoid compounds having beta-ionone ring attached to long hydrocarbon side chain with alternating double bond.
  • 12. • Three different compounds with vitamin A activity are Retinal (vit A aldehyde) also called vit A Retinol (vit A alcohol) also called vit A1 Retinoic acid (vit A acid) oxidized form • 3-dehydroretinol is called vitamin A2 and is present in fresh water fish/fish oils. • Bioloically important compound is 11-cis- retinal.
  • 13. Three biologically active molecules (Active forms of vitamin A) (vitamers) 1.Retinol (vitamin A alcohol) 2.Retinal (vitamin A aldehyde) 3.Retinoic acid (vitamin A acid) Retinol r/n Retinal oxdn Retinoic acid (-CH2OH) (-CHO) (-COOH)
  • 14.
  • 15. CAROTENES: Inactive provitamin form of vitamin A It occurs in different chemical forms: • Alpha carotene • Beta carotene, most common form in the food • Gamma carotene
  • 16. Absorption Of Vitamin A • Diet: Retinol is present in the diet as retinyl ester (retinyl palmitate) along with long chain FAs. • Hydrolysis: In the intestinal lumen retinyl ester is hydrolyzed to release free retinol by the enzyme retinol ester hydrolase, secreted by the pancreas.
  • 17. • Beta carotene is cleaved by a dioxygenase, to form retinal. Retinal is reduced to retinol by an NADH or NADPH dependent retinal reductase present in intestinal mucosa.
  • 18. • Retinol derived from esters and from the cleavage and from reduction of carotenes is re- esterified with long chain FAs in intestinal mucosal cells. And incorporated in chylomicrons and transported to liver. • In the liver stellate cells it is stored as retinol palmitate.
  • 19. Difference between vitamin A and carotenes: -Activity -Carbon atoms -Terminal group -B ionone ring -Source RETINOL Active form 20 Alcohol group One Animal BETA CAROTENE Inactive form 40 No terminal group Two Plant
  • 20. Storage of vitamin A: • Vitamin A is mainly stored in the liver. • Significant amounts present in kidneys, adrenals, lungs and retina. • Vitamin A is mainly stored as retinol palmitate.
  • 21. Transportation: • Vitamin A is transported from liver to peripheral tissues as trans-retinol by retinol binding protein (RBP) • Retinol binding protein complex further complex with prealbumin. • Such molecular aggregates effectively prevents glomerular filtration of retinol.
  • 22. Uptake by tissues: • The retinol –RBP complex binds to specific receptors on the retina, skin, gonads, and other tissues. • The RBP does not enter into the cell. • Inside the cytoplasm of cells, vit binds to cellular retinoic acid binding protien(CRBP) and finally to hormone responsive elements(HRE) of DNA and genes are activated.
  • 23. Excretion: • Retinol is excreted as retinoic acid in bile. • As retinoyl uronides and excretes in urine.
  • 24.
  • 25. Vitamin A metabolism β-carotene (antioxidant) Retinol Retinyl phosphate (steroid hormone) (glycoprotein synthesis) Retinal (visual cycle) Retinoic acid (growth & cellular differentiation)
  • 26. Biochemical functions Retinal – necessary for vision Retinol – vision + reproductive system Retinoic acid – growth & cellular differentiation. Carotenoids – antioxidants
  • 27. 1. Role in vision: Wald’s visual cycle Cyclic events occur in the process of vision, known as rhodopsin cycle or Wald’s visual cycle. Photoreception in the cycle is due to functioning of rod & cone cells present in the retina. Rhodopsin, a membrane conjugated protein in rod cells of retina. 11-cis retinal + opsin, a protein (photosensitive pigment). Play an important role in vision in dim light. Upon exposure to light, series of photochemical isomerizations takes place.
  • 28. Vitamin A And Vision: • Active form of vitamin A involved in vision is 11-cis retinal. • Vision and adaptation to dark is the function of photoreceptor cells in the retina known as rods. • Rods contain photosensitive pigment called rhodopsin. • Rhodopsin is made up of 11-cis retinal and opsin (scotopsin)
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. Rods and cones: • Retina has 2 types of cells rods and cones • Each human eye has 120 million rods and 6 million cones • rods are involved in dim light vision • Cones are responsible for bright light vision and color vision
  • 32.
  • 33. Rhodopsin: • Is a photo labile glycoprotein embedded in membranes of rods or cones • Also called visual purple • It contains 11-cis retinal and opsin • Opsins have no light absorbing property • 11-cis retinal with alternating single and double bond function as chromophore or light absorbing group
  • 34. RHODOPSIN CYCLE or VISUAL CYCLE or WALD CYCLE: Visual cycle is process where light is converted to electrical signals in the retina. Comprises two distinct events: 1. Bleaching of rhodopsin and generation of nerve impulse. 2. Regeneration of rhodopsin.
  • 35.
  • 36. Rhodopsin (visual pigment) light nerve impulseto visual Opsin center in brain by optic nerve 11-cis retinal retinal isomerase All-trans retinal Oxidn, alcohol dehydrogenase LIVER, alcohol dehydrogenase 11-cis retinol liver isomerase All-trans retinol Blood Liver stores
  • 37. Regeneration of rhodopsin Pathway 1 • All trans retinal isomerizes to 11-cis retinal by the action of retinal isomerase in the retina. • 11-cis retinal then combines with opsin to form rhodopsin.
  • 38. Pathway 2 • All trans retinal is reduced to all trans retinol by the action of retinal dhydrogenase. • Followed by isomeriztion of all trans retinol to 11-cis retinol. • 11-cis retinol is oxidized to 11-cis retinal by the action of dehydrogenase. • 11-cis retinal combines with opsin to form rhodopsin.
  • 39. Pathway 3 • All trans retinal is reduced to all trans retinol in the retina. • All trans retinol reaches liver through circulation. • In the liver, all trans retinol is isomerized to 11- cis retinol. • 11-cis retinol reaches retina through circulation. • In the retina 11-cis retinol is oxidized to 11-cis retinal. • 11-cis retinal combines with opsin to form rhodopsin. The cycle repeats.
  • 40. Dark adaptation mechanism: The time taken for regeneration of rhodopsin is known as dark adaptation time. When a person shifts suddenly from bright light to dark light, observe difficulty in seeing. e.g., entering a cinema hall. After a few mins rhodopsin is resynthesised & vision is improved.
  • 41. Dark adaptation time depends on vit A status of a person (increased in vit A deficient individuals). Deficiency of cis-retinal leads to increase in dark adaptation time & night blindness. Humans- one eye contains 120 million rods, each rod with 120 million rhodopsin molecules. Cats, mice & owls contain more rods.
  • 42. 2. Regulation of gene expression: Retinol acts like a steroid hormone in controlling the expression of certain genes. 3. Growth & differentiation: Retinoic acid is involved in many process of growth & differentiation. Essential for normal gene expression during embryonic development. in a) cell differentiation in spermatogenesis b) differentiation of epithelial cells.
  • 43. 4. Glycoprotein synthesis: Retinyl phosphate play an important role in the synthesis of glycoproteins (an important component of mucus). lack of mucus secretion leads to drying of epithelial tissues. Retinol &/or retinoic acid are involved in the synthesis of iron transport protein transferrin. Thus, vit A deficiency can lead to anemia from impaired transport of iron. 5. Antioxidant role of vitamin A:  β-carotene acts as a scavenger of free radicals in tissues.  prevents the development of epithelial cancers.  decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • 44. dietary sources vitamin A or retinoids are from animal sources • rich sources: fish liver oils, egg yolk, animal liver, milk and dairy products • Vitamin A2 is present in fresh water fishes. carotenes are from vegetable sources: • Rich sources: carrots, colored fruits like papaya and mango, tomatoes , spinach, tubers, sweet potatoes
  • 45.
  • 46. RDA Children 400 -600µg/day Men 750-1000µg/day Women 750µg/day Pregnancy 1000µg/day Lactation 1200µg/day Adults – Men - 1000 RE (3,500 IU) Woman – 800 IU 1retinol equivalent =1µg retinol = 6µg β-carotene per day. 1 IU = 0.3µg of retinol
  • 47. vitamin A deficiency CAUSES: • inadequate intake • impaired absorption • impaired storage • Impaired transport • increased excretion • severe malnutrition • alcoholism
  • 48. vitamin A deficiency eye lesions other lesions night blindness infections xeropthalmia toads skin bitots spots anemia keratomalacia growth retardation
  • 49. Deficiency manifestations Since vitamin A is stored in liver, deficiency can develop only over prolonged periods of inadequate intake. • Night blindness or nyctalopia: an early symptom of deficiency.  Lack of retinal may result in impairment of dark adaptation.  Inability to see in dim light (poor vision in dim light).  It is a symptom of several eye diseases.  Individuals suffering from night blindness not only see poorly at night, but also require some time for their eyes to adjust from brightly lit areas to dim ones.
  • 50. 2. Xerophthalmia (dry eyes): due to severe deficiency of vit A Dryness of conjunctiva & cornea. (Since retinoic acid is required for growth & maintenance of epithelium) Infection usually sets in resulting in hemorrhaging of the eye & permanent loss of vision. 3. Bitot’s spots: Greyish-white triangular plaques are seen certain areas of conjunctiva.
  • 51.
  • 52. Bitots spot • Bitot’s spot greyish white triangular plaques firmly adherent to the conjunctiva
  • 53. 4. Keratomalacia: Prolonged xerophthalmia, leads to keratomalacia (soft & milky appearance of cornea). Degeneration of corneal epithelium. Bacterial infection leads to corneal ulceration. Perforation of cornea & total blindness.
  • 54.
  • 55. keratomalacia • keratomalacia: softening of the cornea caused by ulceration and necrosis of cornea. leads to perforation endopthalmitis, and blindness.
  • 56. lab findings in vit A deficiency • impaired dark adaptation test • decreased vitamin A levels in plasma • decreased retinol binding protein in plasma • Normal blood level of vitamin A is 25-50 microgram/dL
  • 57. Hypervitaminosis A or Toxicity Vitamin A accumulates in liver. Excess intake over prolonged periods can be toxic. Symptoms: anorexia, scaly dermatitis, irritability, headache, drowsiness, diarrhea, enlargement of liver & spleen. High concentration of retinol releases lysosomal enzymes – leads to cellular death.
  • 58. Causes for vitamin A deficiency Decreased intake. Obstructive jaundice – defective absorption. Cirrhosis of liver – reduced synthesis of RBP. Severe malnutrition – deficiency of amino acids for RBP synthesis. Chronic nephrosis – RBP is excreted through urine.
  • 60. • Vitamin D in diet occurs in two forms vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 • vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol is found in plants • Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is found in animals • Ergocalciferol differs from cholecalciferol by having double bond between C22 and C23 and methyl chain at C24
  • 61. Provitamin forms of vitamin D • 7-dehydrocholesterol • Ergosterol 7-dehydrocholesterol is an intermediate during cholesterol synthesis, provitamin form of vitamin D3, found in skin Ergosterol is provitamin form of vitamin D2, found in plants (ergots and yeast)
  • 62. There are two major forms of vitamin D: 1. Vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol 2. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol Synthesis requires sunlight
  • 63. Formation of vitamin D • Transformation from provitamin to vitamin is accomplished by ultraviolet rays. • Photo-chemical activation and photolysis results in intramolecular rearrangement. • Vitamin D is derived either from 7- dehydrocholesterol or ergosterol by the action of ultraviolet radiation.
  • 64. • 7-dehydrocholesterol is photolyzed non enzymatically in the epidermal malphigian layer by UV rays to form precholecalciferol by cleavage of bond between C9 and C10 of the B ring of its sterol nucleus. The ring B opens to form provitamin, Secosterol • The cis double bond between C5 and C6 isomerizes to a trans double bond to give rise vitamin D3 • Ergosterol similarly photolyzes to vitamin D2
  • 65.
  • 66. Synthesis of active form of vitamin D • Cholecalciferol is transported to liver where hydroxylation at 25th position occurs to form 25- hydroxy cholecalciferol by microsomal mixed function oxidase called vitamin D3 25- hydroxylase system which consists P450 reductase and cytochrome P450 which requires NADPH. • 25 hydroxy cholecalciferol is either stored in liver, muscles and adipose tissue or carried by D binding protein to kidneys, bones and placenta when required. • In plasma 25HCC is bound to vitamin D binding protein, an alpha 2 globulin.
  • 67. Synthesis of active form of vitamin D • In the kidney, it is further hydroxylated at the 1st position to form 1, 25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol. The 1-alpha hydroxylase is located in mitochondria of proximal convoluted tubules.It requires cytochrome P450 and NADPH. • Active form of D3 is 1,25dihydroxy vitamin D3 also called calcitriol
  • 68. Cholesterol Ergosterol dehydrogenation 7-dehydrocholesterol UV irradiation UV light secosterol Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D3) (Vitamin D2) Sun-shine vitamin natural commercial (Ergot-fungus)
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. Regulation of synthesis of 1,25 DHCC • Depends on plasma calcium and phosphate, they control hydroxylation reaction at position 1. • Low plasma calcium level enhances the production of parathyroid hormone which in turn activates 1αhydroxylase • Rise in serum calcitriol level decreases further calcitriol production by a feed back inhibition of the 1α-hydroxylase • Hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and increase parathormone increases 1α-hydroxylase to enhance the calcitriol formation
  • 72. Calcitriol and calcitonin • Calcitriol is 1,25 dihydroxy cholecaciferol (DHCC) • Has three hydroxyl groups at 1, 3 and 25 position hence called calcitriol • Calcitriol is active form vitamin D and is steroid hormone • Actinomycin D inhibits the action calcitriol • Calcitriol synthesis is self regulated by feedback mechanis. • Calcitonin is peptide hormone released fro thyroid gland, it decreases blood calcium
  • 73. absorption • Diet from animal sources contain vitamin D3 and plant sources contain D2 • Bile salts help in absorption of vitamin D from duodenum and jejunum by incorporating it in water soluble micelles. • Absorption occurs by passive transport
  • 74. transport • Vitamin D is transported from intestine to liver by binding to α-1 globulin • Vitamin D is carried in chylomicron droplets of lymph through out the body
  • 75. storage • Mainly stored in liver • Other tissues in smaller amount
  • 76. Why vitamin D is considered as a hormone? Derived from cholesterol, sterol structure. It can be synthesized in the body (liver & kidney). It is released into circulation. Synthesized at one place & acts on target organs which are far away. Has target organs - Bone, intestine & kidney Regulates calcium & phosphate metabolism. Mechanism, of action is like a steroid hormone. Structure, mode of synthesis & mechanism of action are similar to hormone.
  • 77. Calcitriol binds to receptor protein–retinoid X receptor Translocated to nucleus Calcitriol-receptor complex binds to vitamin D response elements on DNA Transcription of mRNA Calcium binding protein (CBP) Increases absorption & reabsorption of calcium in target organs.
  • 78. Biochemical functions a) In intestine: intestinal villi cells Calcitriol increases Calcium & Phosphorous absorption from the intestine. Enters the intestinal cells. Calcitriol binds to a cytoplasmic receptor & translocated to nucleus. Calcitriol-receptor complex interacts with DNA & stimulates transcription of (mRNA) genes that code for calbindin (a protein for calcium transport). Synthesis of calcium binding protein (calbindins & osteocalcin) Increased availability of CBP leads to increased absorption of calcium.
  • 79. b) In bone: osteoblasts Increases mineralization of bones (Proper calcification) due to increased activity of osteoblasts. Calcitriol stimulates osteoblasts which secrete Alkaline phosphatase. Local concentration of phosphate level is increased. The ionic product of calcium & phosphorous increases, leading to mineralisation.
  • 80. c) In kidney: convoluted tubule  Calcitriol increases reabsorption of calcium & phosphorous in the distal convoluted tubule. Therefore, both minerals are conserved.
  • 81. Dietary sources • Vitamin D3 derived from animal sources • Rich sources: fish liver oil and shark liver oil, egg yolk, animal liver, milk and dairy products • Vitamin D2 derived from plant sources, present in significant amounts in yeasts and moulds
  • 82.
  • 83. RDA • Children 10 microgram 400 IU/day • Adults 5 microgram/day 200 IU/day • Pregnancy 10 microgram/day • Lactation 10m microgram/day • Over 60y of age 600 IU/day • Vit D requirement is also expressed in international units • 1 IU of vitamin D is equivalent to 0.025 microgram of cholecalciferol • 1 microgram of vit D= 40 IU
  • 84. Vitamin D deficiency • Inadequate supply • Impaired absorption • Impaired production of 25 hydroxy vitaminD3 • Impaired production of 1,25 hydroxy vitaminD3 • Resistance to the effects of vitamin D3
  • 85. Inadequate supply of vitamin: • Low dietary intake such as low intake of milk • Lack of sunlight Impaired absorption: • Obstructive jaundice • Small intestinal diseases
  • 86. Impaired production of 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 Impaired production of 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 • Advanced liver diseases-cirrhosis • Anticonvulsants like phenobarbital increases the metabolism of 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 Impaired renal synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 • Renal failure • Inherited defect of renal 1 α hydroxylase • hypoparathyroidism
  • 87. Resistance to the effects of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 • Absent or defective receptors for 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 • Familial hypophosphatemic rickets due to renal tubular defect in phosphate transport • Fanconi’s syndrome
  • 88. Clinical features • Clinical condition of vitamin D deficiency in children is rickets • Clinical condition of vitamin D deficiency in adults is osteomalacia
  • 89. Rickets • Definition : vitamin D deficiency in children • Age: seen in children 4 months to 2 years • Cause: dietary deficiency and non exposure to sunlight • Bone mineralization: defective mineralization of bone causing enlargement and softening of bone
  • 90. Features of rickets • Delayed milestones • Delayed closure of anterior fontanelle • Delayed dentition • Deformities of bones • Decreased serum calcium levels • Deformation of muscle – pot belly
  • 91. Deformities of bones in rickets • Craniotabes: softening of skull on pressure • Frontal bossing: prominent forehead • Rickety rosary: beading of ribs at the costochondral junction • Pigeon chest: undue prominence of sternum • Harrison sulcus: horizontal depression corresponding to insertion of diaphragm • Knock knees • Bowed legs • Metaphyseal thickening at wrist and ankles
  • 92.
  • 100. Biochemical findings in rickets • Decreased plasma calcium level, normal 9-11 mg/dL • Decreased plasma phosphorus level , normal 3-4.5mg/dL • Increased plasma alkaline phosphatase, normal 30-115 U/L
  • 101. osteomalacia • Vitamin D deficiency in adults • Low dietary intake • Inadequate exposure to sunlight • Demineralization occurs mainly in spine, pelvis and lower extremities • Bowing of long bones due to weight of the body • Flattening of pelvic bones may cause difficulty during labour
  • 102. Toxicity of vitamin D  Can be toxic in high doses.  Most toxic of all vitamins.  More than 1500 units per day for very long periods cause toxicity. Symptoms: a)Weakness b)Polyuria c)Loss of appetite d) Nausea e)Intense thirst f) Weight loss etc., Hypercalcemia leads to calcification of soft tissues (vascular & renal tissues).
  • 103. VITAMIN – E (-tocopherol) Greek: Tocos – child birth; pheros- to bear; ol- alcohol Natural antioxidant. Essential for normal reproduction in many animals, hence it is known as anti-sterility vitamin.
  • 104. chemistry of vitamin E • chemically known as tocopherol • pale yellow, viscous oil • soluble in benzene, chloroform and ether • heat, acid and alkali labile • destroyed by oxidizing agents and UV rays • have chromane nucleus with a phenolic OH group and a isoprenoid side chain
  • 105. structure Alpha tocopherol Chromane ring with Isoprenoid side chain
  • 106. Forms of vitamin E Four forms of vitamin E Different tocopherol differ by the position and number of methyl side chains •Alpha tocopherol: 5,7,8 methyl tocopherol •Beta tocopherol: 5,8 methyl tocopherol •Gamma tocopherol: 7,8 methyl tocopherol •Delta tocopherol: 8 methyl tocopherol **Alpha tocopherol is the most active and predominate form
  • 107. absorption Form: alpha tocopherol is the most prominent form in the diet • It is absorbed with fat needs bile salts. Needs pancreatic lipase for digestion of fat Site : upper small intestine after incorporation into water soluble mixed micelles with bile salts, bile salts are left behind • In the mucosal cells incorporated to chylomicrons
  • 108. Transport • Dietary vitamin E is incorporated to chylomicron • In circulation chylomicron transport vitamin E to the peripheral tissues or to the liver • Hepatic vitamin E is incorporated to very low density lipoprotein • In circulation VLDL is converted to LDL • Vitamin E is transported with LDL to peripheral tissues including adipose tissue
  • 109. Storage of vitamin E • Mainly stored in liver, adipose tissue and muscles • In most of the tissues incorporated to biological membrane because its affinity to phospholipids
  • 110. Excretion of vitamin E • During catabolism of vitamin E the chromane ring and side chain will get oxidized and excreted in bile after conjugation with glucuronic acid
  • 111. Functions of vitamin E ANTIOXIDANT FUNCTION • Functions as biological antioxidant • Prevents lipid peroxidation of biological membranes • Prevents lipid peroxidation of vitamin A • It prevents the peroxidation of poly unsaturated fatty acids present in phospholipids of membranes
  • 112. Mechanism of antioxidation • It blocks the lipid peroxidation chain • It converts peroxy free radicals to hydroperoxy radicals by transfer of its phenolic hydrogen atom to a peroxy free radicals • Regeneration of vitamin E: oxidized form of vitamin E is reduced by its interaction with vitamin C or reduced glutathione
  • 113. Clinical significance of antioxidant function of vitamin E • Vitamin E as an antioxidant is protective against the development of cancer, atherosclerosis and aging process • prevents peroxidative effects of atmospheric pollutants like O3, H2O2, and NO2 on membrane lipids of bronchi, bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli • protect the RBCs from peroxidative action of free radicals and prevent anemia • may prevent muscular dystrophy
  • 114. Dietary sources • Rich sources : vegetable oils are richest sources of vitamin E like wheat germ oil, soya bean oil, sunflower oil and corn oil. • hydrogenated vegetable oils. • peanuts, almonds, sweet potatoes.
  • 115. RDA: Males – 10mg/day Females – 8mg/day Pregnant & lactating women – 10-12mg/day *Requirement of vitamin E increases as intake of PUFAs increases. 1mg=1.5 IU
  • 116. antioxidants Are those which prevents the oxidation of biological tissues and control the peroxidation of lipids by certain free radicals. They scavenge the free radicals & hence protect biological proteins, PUFAs, carbohydrates, Nucleic acids etc., from damage by free radicals. Eg., 1. Enzyme oxidants (catalases, peroxidases). 2. Non-enzyme antioxidants (vitamin E, -carotene, vitamin C)
  • 117. Classification: I. Based on lipid peroxidation: a) preventive antioxidants- prevent the peroxidation of PUFA by free radicals. eg., catalase & glutathione peroxidase. b) chain-breaking anti-oxidants- interfere between the chain reaction carried by free radical (prevent elongation phase of lipid peroxidation). eg., -carotene & vitamin E.
  • 118. Mechanism: Free radicals contain lone pair of electrons Attack the double bond present mainly in lipids. Cell membrane lipids Blocked by antioxidants Peroxidation of cell membrane
  • 119. II. Based on location: Plasma antioxidants – ceruloplasmin, transferrin, uric acid. Cell membrane -  tocopherol Intracellular – glutathione peroxidase, catalase. III. Based on action: Enzyme antioxidants catalase 2H2O2 2H2O + O2
  • 120. Relationship with selenium • Selenium is component of glutathione peroxidase important enzyme that oxidizes and destroys free radicals • It compliments the antioxidant effects of vitamin E and reduces the requirement of vitamin E in the diet • Selenium is required for the normal function of pancrease thus enhancing absorption of vitamin E
  • 121. deficiency • Causes • Premature infants: transfer of maternal vitamin E occurs during last weeks of pregnancy • impaired absorption: abetalipoproteinemia, obstructive jaundice, celiac sprue • Genetic vitamin E deficiency: lack of a protein which transports alpha tocopherol from hepatocytes to VLDL
  • 122. Clinical features • Hemolytic anemia seen premature infants. • In adults increased susceptibility of RBCs to hemolysis under oxidative stress • Muscle weakness and proteinuria is seen in vitamin E deficiency • Spinocerebellar ataxia increased lipid peroxidation of nervous tissue because of vitamin E deficiency associated with ataxia, weakness, loss of vibratory, touch and position sense
  • 123. Impaired vision and retinopathy • Outer rods of retina is rich in PUFA • Oxidation of PUFA due to absence of antioxidant vitamin E leads to oxidative damage in retina • Vitamin E deficiency in animals causes muscular dystrophy and reproductive failure
  • 124. therapeutic uses of vitamin E Beneficial in • Atherosclerosis by reducing oxidation of LDL • nocturnal muscle cramps • fibrocystic breast disease • intermittent claudication
  • 125. Hypervitaminosis E • Doses above 1000 IU per day causes hemorrhagic tendency because of its mild anticoagulant effect
  • 126.
  • 127. Vitamin K anti-hemorrhagic factor (a quinone derivative) “Koagulation vitamin” – ‘K’ abbreviation of German word. Naphthoquinone derivatives with long isoprenoid side chain. Menadione – structurally similar synthetic compound having vitamin k activity. (Water soluble) Only fat soluble vitamin with coenzyme function.
  • 128. Sources: Green leafy vegetables are good sources; Cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, alfa alfa, spinach RDA: 50-100mg/day (usually availabe in a normal diet).
  • 129. structure  There are two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K.  Plants synthesize Phylloquinone, which is also known as vitamin K1  Bacteria synthesize a range of vitamin K forms using repeating 5-carbon units in the side chain of the molecule.  These forms of vitamin K are designated menaquinone- n (MK-n), where n stands for the number of 5-carbon units. MK-n are collectively referred to as vitamin K2  Vitamin K3 (menadione) is a synthetic form.
  • 130. Biochemical functions The only known biological role of vitamin K is as a cofactor for an enzyme that catalyzes the carboxylation of the amino acid, glutamic acid, resulting in its conversion to gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla). Responsible for post-translational modification of certain blood clotting factors.
  • 131. Gamma –carboxyglutamic acid residues are negatively charged & combine with Ca2+ to form a complex. Prothrombin – Ca complex binds to the phospholipids on the membrane surface of platelets. Leads to increased conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
  • 132. Necessary for coagulation factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX and X to make up the core of the coagulation cascade. Synthesized as inactive precursors called zymogens in the liver. Undergo gamma –carboxylation of glutamic acid residues. These are the binding sites for calcium ions. Vitamin K dependent gamma carboxylation is necessary for the functional activity of osteocalcin as well as structural proteins of kidney, lung and spleen.
  • 133. Warfarin is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K & dicumarol an anticoagulant can inhibit the gamma carboxylation system due to their structural similarity with vitamin K. Widely used as anticoagulants for therapeutic purposes.
  • 134. Deficiency manifestations Deficiency is uncommon. Present in diet in sufficient quantity or is adequately synthesized by the intestinal bacteria. Vitamin K deficiency results in impaired blood clotting & clotting time is increased. (due to lack of active prothrombin in the circulation). Deficiency is seen in newborns due to their sterile intestine particularly in premature infants.
  • 135. Causes for deficiency  Malabsorptions of lipids (due to obstructive jaundice, chronic panacreatitis, sprue, etc.,)  Prolonged antibiotic therapy & GI infections with diarrhea will destroy the bacterial flora. Clinical manifestations; a) Hemorrhagic disease of new born is attributed to vitamin K deficiency. b) Pre-term of infants are given prophylactic dose of vitamin K (1mg menadione). c) In Childrens & adults , it is manifested as bleeding. d) Prolongation of prothrombin time & delayed clotting time are the characteristic of vitamin K deficiency.
  • 136. Toxicity of vitamin K Administration of large doses of vitamin K produces hemolytic anemia & jaundice, particularly in infants. Toxic effect is due to increased breakdown of RBC. *****

Editor's Notes

  1. Retinol ester hydrolase deficiency Deficiency of mixed micelle bile salt def. obst jaund
  2. Time required to see an object in dim light
  3. Action of phosphate is direct on 1 ahydroxylase whereas calcium is indirect through PTH