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영어강의 Expressions 오디오북
     (일반적 표현)

        2011학년도 2학기
     이화여자대학교 교수학습개발원
목 차

* 영어강의에 자주 사용되는 일반적인 표현 ............................................................................................. 3

1. Greeting [0:05].................................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Checking Attendance [0:55] ....................................................................................................................... 3

3. Introductions: Breaking Ice [2:20] ............................................................................................................ 4

4. Introducing the Course Syllabus [05:15] .............................................................................................. 4

5. Student Motivation & Background Knowledge [12:44] ................................................................ 6

6. Establishing the Ground Rules [13:50] .................................................................................................. 7

7. Using the Cyber Campus ............................................................................................................................ 7

8. Classroom Arrangement [18:35]............................................................................................................... 8

9. Warming up [20:32] ....................................................................................................................................... 8

10. Distributing & Collecting Materials [21:27] ...................................................................................... 9

11. Reviewing the Previous Lesson [23:05] .............................................................................................. 9

12. Introducing a Topic: Outlining lesson objectives [24:19] ........................................................... 9

13. Explaining Concepts [26:26] ................................................................................................................. 10

14. “Changing Up” the Lesson [28:37] .................................................................................................... 10

15. Using Multi-Media Resources [29:07] .............................................................................................. 11

16. Working with Visual Aids [30:50] ....................................................................................................... 11

17. Referring to Reading Materials [35:28] ........................................................................................... 12

18. Applying Knowledge [37:40] ................................................................................................................ 12

19. Getting Attention [38:38] ....................................................................................................................... 13

20. Checking Comprehension [39:34] ...................................................................................................... 13

21. Starting Group Work [41:08] ................................................................................................................ 14

22. Asking Discussion Questions [42:00] ................................................................................................ 14
23. Assigning Work [43:22]........................................................................................................................... 14

24. Testing [44:11] ............................................................................................................................................ 15

25. Taking a Break [46:47]............................................................................................................................. 15

26. Distributing Supplementary Materials [47:36] .............................................................................. 15

27. Summarizing the Lesson [48:31] ........................................................................................................ 16

28. Previewing the Next Lesson [49:31] .................................................................................................. 16

영어강의에 자주 사용되는 일반적인 표현

1. Greeting [0:05]

    •   Welcome Everyone!!!
        As you come in, please do the following:
         1. Pick up a syllabus from the front of the classroom.
         2. Find a seat in the first 3 rows. Please DO NOT sit in the back 4 rows.
         3. Please review the syllabus while waiting for the class to start.

    •   Today we will
          1. Go over the syllabus.
          2. Get to know our classmates.
          3. Have a mini-lecture on _____.
         4.   Discuss next lesson’s reading assignment.

2. Checking Attendance [0:55]

   •    Let me check/ take attendance.
   •    Let me call/ take the roll.
   •    Please raise your hand when I call your name/when you hear your name.

(to late students)
    • Who came in late?/Who’s late?/Did anyone come in late?
    • If you were late, please see me after class.
    • Please try to be on time.
    • DO NOT be late next time.

(to newly registered students)
    • Who did I not call?
        Did I call everyone’s names?
        Who DID NOT hear their names?
    • You are not on the attendance/roll sheet.
    • Did you just register for/ sign up for / add this class?
    • Please check with the departmental office.
                          the registrar’s office.

3. Introductions: Breaking Ice [2:20]

I. Instructor Introduction
    • Let me introduce myself to you.
    • I am a professor in the history department.
    • I first became interested in history because _____ (why).
    • I am very excited to teach this class because of my love for history.
    • You know a little bit about me. Now, it’s your turn.
    • Rather than just introducing myself to you, I would like you to ask me questions about
    • Each student can ask me one question, but cannot repeat someone else’s question.
    • I’ll give you a minute to think about a question.
    • Let’s start with 지혜. Please ask me a question.
      •   It’s a good question.
      •   Everyone, please look at the screen.
      •   Each of the words or phrases represents something about me. My personal life, my
          educational background, my professional interests.
      •   Let’s look at the first word, “Nineteen (19).” What do you think it means??

II.    Student Introductions
      • You have 10 minutes to introduce yourself to the student sitting next to you IN
      • In addition to your partner’s name, major, and year, try to find out something
          interesting about your partner. For example, has she ever traveled outside Korea?
      • After the 10 minutes, you will be asked to introduce your partner to the entire class/
          another group.

(after 10 minutes)
    • Ok. Time’s up.
    • Group 1, please tell us a couple of interesting things about your partner.

(if it’s a larger class)
      • Please turn to the group next to you and tell each other something interesting about
          your partner.

4. Introducing the Course Syllabus [5:15]

      •   Let me pass out / hand out copies of our class syllabus.
          Here’s a copy of our class syllabus.
•   Please do not lose it.
•   Take one and pass them back.
    Please pass them around.
•   Let’s go over it.
    Let’s talk about it.
    Let’s discuss it in detail.
•   There are many ways to contact me with your questions and concerns.
•   You can call me at my office. My office number is 123-4567. That is extension
•   You can came and see me in my office. My office is in the Ewha building, room
    number 321.
•   I’m usually in my office on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 2pm to 4 pm.
•   Probably, the best way to contact me is to email me. My email address is That is p, r, o, f, e, s, s, o, r at university dot a, c dot k, r.
    And you can email me in Korean.
•   Do you have any questions?
•   Let’s move on.
•   There are 3 main objectives in this class.
    First, _____.
    Second, _____.
    Third, _____.
    Any questions?
•   Our class objectives can be divided into three different categories: Content, Non-
    content, and Language.
    First, in terms of content goals, _____.
    Second, in terms of non-content goals, _____.
    Third, in terms of language goals, _____.
    Any questions?

•   You need to get this book, “The History Book.” You also need to get our course
    packet. When you go to the university bookstore, please ask for “HISTORY 3456”
    course packet.
•   I also strongly recommend that you get “How to Write Academic Essays” by Susan
    Thorn. You will be asked to complete a couple of short essays in the course of the
    semester, and this is an excellent book to review academic writing in English.
•   Lastly, you must get a notebook for our class. In it, you’ll be writing class notes
    and completing class assignments.
•   Please bring all of these materials to our next class.
•   Any questions?
•   Ok. Let’s go over what I think you may be most interested in…(smiling)…grading.
•   As you can see, your grade will be based on 7 different areas.

Attendance will be worth 10 percent.
      Midterm and final exams 15 percent each.
      Participation 15 percent.
      Do you have any questions?
  •   You will be penalized 30% for late assignments.
  •   The final grade will be based on a midterm exam worth 30% percent, a final exam
      40%, quizzes 20%, and attendance 10%.
  •   It’s very important to attend every class and come to class on time.
  •   Every class you miss will mean minus 2 points from your final/overall grade.
  •   Your absence is excused only when you missed class because of these three reasons.
          One, you were involved in an university-sponsored activity; or
          Two, there was a death in your family; or
          Three, you were sick and stayed overnight at a hospital.
      For each of these cases, you need to bring me official papers/letters from your
      department or the hospital.
  •   Also, I consider being more than 5 minutes late to class as being late.
  •   Being late to class 3 times will mean/equal 1 absence.
  •   If you are late more than 30 minutes, I will count you absent for the day.
  •   Whenever you are late, it’s your responsibility to tell me after class that you came in
      If you don’t, you will be counted absent.
      Any questions?
  •   Before we go over more class requirements, let’s look at our course schedule.
  •   If you are absent more than 5 times/classes, you will receive an automatic F.
  •   This is just a tentative schedule.
      I may make changes to it during the course of the semester.
      Whenever there are changes, I’ll let you know.
  •   Please note all the assignment due dates.

5. Student Motivation & Background Knowledge [12:44]

  •   What do you want to gain from this course?
  •   Why are you taking this course?
  •   Well, about 75 percent of you are taking this course because it is required, and the
      rest because of personal interest.
  •   Has anyone taken courses in Economics?
  •   This is a short questionnaire to see how much you know about our main topic.
  •   Don’t worry it’s not a real test.
  •   You won’t be graded on it.
  •   Don’t spend too much time thinking about each question.
  •   You have 10 minutes to complete it.
6. Establishing the Ground Rules [13:50]

  •    Let’s think about some ground rules we need to follow in class.
       What sorts of rules, do you think, are necessary?
  •    How about when someone’s phone rings during class?
       As penalty, should we have the owner of the phone sing a song at the end of class?
  •    You may ask “What if it’s an emergency call?”
       Then, what are some “emergency” situations?
  •    What if someone misses an assignment deadline and turns in their work late?
       How about marking it down 20% every day it’s late?
  •    I would like to establish some rules about completing reading assignments.
       Doing the reading assignments is very important especially for the flow of our class
       because of language reasons.
       So, what if someone doesn’t read ahead of time?
       What should we do then?
  •    Alright everyone. We’ve decided on these 10 rules that need to be followed.
       Since we came up with these rules together, I expect all of us to take them seriously
       for the rest of the semester. Including me.
  •    As you know, this class will be in English.
  •    I know how difficult English is.
  •    Like you, English is not my first language.
  •    Clearly, this class will be a difficult class for you and for me, but NOT an impossible
  •    Remember I’m always available in but more importantly outside class to help you as
       best as I can.
  •    I do expect all of us, including me, to use English in class.
  •    To encourage you to use English, I’ve made it a part of your participation grade.
  •    To help you with understanding the content, I will consider calling “time-outs” to
       explain major points in Korean. But you should not rely on these “time-outs” too
       much, and try the best you can to understand my lectures in English. I will only call
       “time-outs” when it is absolutely necessary.

7. Using the Cyber Campus

   •   We will be using the cyber campus a lot this semester.
   •   I’ll be uploading outlines of my lecture notes on cyber campus, so please review
       them before coming to class.
   •   Any important announcements and changes to assignments and schedules will be
       posted on the “Notice” section, so, please be sure to check it everyday.
   •   Please submit your assignments to the “Assignment Management” section.

•   I will be creating a Team Project Page for each team on Cyber Campus. Only the
        team members will be able to access their respective team project pages.
    •   Please upload/post your team’s progress/meeting summaries regularly.

8. Classroom Arrangement [18:35]

(first time arranging the classroom)
     • Everyone, please sit in/move to the front of the classroom.
     • Please DO NOT sit in the back of the classroom.
     • Please remember to sit this way for the rest of the semester.

(subsequent classes)
    • You are sitting in the back again.
    • Please move to the front of the classroom.
    • 지혜, why don’t you sit here? (pointing to an empty desk in the front)
    •   From my experience, the closer the student sits to me, the better the grade she gets.

(before group discussion)
    • Before we start discussion, we need to rearrange our desks.
    • All group members need to face each other.
    • Let’s turn these desks around.
    • Please arrange the desks in a square so that two students are facing two other
        students. (when 4 students are in a group)
    • Let’s arrange the desks in a circle.

(after group discussion)
    • We need to move the desks back.
         Let’s move the desks back.
         Everyone please turn the desks around so that you are facing the front.

9. Warming up [20:32]

    •   How are you doing today?
        How are you feeling today?
    •   How was your weekend?
        Did you have a good weekend?
    •   How’s your week been?
        Is your week going ok?
    •   It’s really hot/cold, isn’t it?

•   Did you watch the soccer game last night?
   •   You guys look tired. It’s been a long day for me too.
       The good news is it’s almost over, so let’s try to wake up and have a good class.

10. Distributing & Collecting Materials [21:27]

   •   Here are today’s handouts.
       Here’s the worksheet/quiz/exam.
   •   Please take one and pass them back.
   •   Does everyone have a copy?
       Is there anyone who doesn’t have a copy?
       Who doesn’t have a copy?
   •   Do you need extra copies?
   •   If your partner/friend isn’t here today, please take a copy for her.
   •   I’ll upload the materials for our next class by 7 pm, Monday evening.
   •   Please be ready with these handouts in our next class.
   •   Did you print out our class materials for today?
       There are two: One is a power point handout, and the other is an article.
   •   You need to complete this reading comprehension worksheet by next Monday.
   •   Please submit your assignments to Cyber Campus by 10 pm, Monday evening.

11. Reviewing the Previous Lesson [23:05]

   •   Let’s review what we learned about last time.
   •   Do you remember what we did last time?
       What did we do last time?
   •   Where were we last time?
   •   Last time we learned about/talked about _____.
   •   The main points/ideas in our last lesson were _______.
   •   Let’s go over some student questions from our last lesson.
   •   We learned about the IBM example case last time.
       What were some of the main points in the example?
       We’ll find many similarities between IBM and the GE case we’ll discuss today.

12. Introducing a Topic: Outlining lesson objectives [24:19]

   •   In our last class, we learned about _____, and today, we will continue on and explain
       how _____.

•   Today, we will learn about/discuss/examine/investigate/explore/cover _____.
  •   Today, we will focus on 3 main reasons for _____.
  •   The learning objectives for today are
           First, ______.
           Second, ______.
           Third, _______.
  •   Today we are going to examine 3 main ideas. Out of these 3, the last one is the
      most current. We will apply what we’ve learned in our class to some practical
      problems in the last 15 minutes of class.
  •   Last time, we talked about _____. Today we will go on and cover _______.
  •   The items we’ll go over today will become the knowledge foundation for the
      practicum scheduled for next week.
  •   In the past 3 weeks, we covered __________.
      In the next 3 weeks, we will explore _____.

13. Explaining Concepts [26:26]

  •   For example/For instance, __________.
  •   Take this case, for example.
  •   Let me give an example: __________.
  •   In the social science field, theory represents “a plausible general principle or
      principles offered to explain a phenomenon.”
            What sorts of theories can you name?
            Have you heard of the Chaos theory?
            Is it a theory based on the definition I just gave?
            How about the Graph theory? Is that a theory?
           Why are these examples considered theories??
           Can you give me an example that seems like a theory but really isn’t?
  •   Now, let’s put everything we’ve just learned in a concept map.
      First, list all the concepts we want to include in our map.
  •   What is the relation between concept A and concept B?
  •   Now let’s see what happens.
  •   If that’s clear, let’s go on to the next point.
  •   Now, let’s look at the problem from a different perspective.
  •   The next point I want to make is __________.
  •   Let’s get back to the idea of __________.
  •   I’d like to finish discussing about this idea before we move on.

14. “Changing Up” the Lesson [28:37]

•  We just explored _____.
     Any questions?
     Now, let’s _______.
   • This is a bit off-topic but…
   • As a side-note,…
   • Ok, let’s get back to our lesson.   Where were we?

15. Using Multi-Media Resources [29:07]

  •   I’ll be using Power Point in my lesson today.
  •   Please give me some time to set up my Power Point presentation.
  •   Can you help me pull down the screen?
  •   Everyone, please look at the screen.
  •   Please look at Power Point slide.
  •   We learned about __________.
      Now, we’ll watch a short video clip related to __________.
      As you are watching the video, pay particular attention to ______________.
  •   It’s a 20 minute film. Although it’s in English, the subtitles will make it easier to
  •   Please pay attention to the film. It’ll help you complete your assignment.
  •   This film was made in 1967 by Frank Jeffrey.
      You can access it by going onto the film’s website.
  •   How was it?
      Was it too difficult?
      Let’s discuss how it relates to our lesson.

16. Working with Visual Aids [30:50]

  •   This is a graph/chart/table/diagram of ______________.
  •   This table represents/describes/explains/displays/shows ____________.
  •   This line graph represents changes in the yearly birth rate in Korea.
      It indicates that birth rates have decreased every year for the past 10 years.
      According to this graph, the biggest drop occurred between 2005 and 2008.
  •   Let’s look at this graph.
      It shows the world’s population density by region.
      On this graph, the x-axis/vertical axis represents regions, while the y-axis/horizontal
      axis indicates population figures.
      Which region has the highest population density?
  •   Let’s compare these two graphs.
  •   The solid line stands for Seoul, while the dotted line stands for Pusan.

•    The data on this table are presented in descending/ascending order.
  •    Working from/Going from left to right, I will discuss ____________.
  •    Let’s look at the first column of this table. It shows ___________.
  •    This table represents standards in course evaluations of various universities.
       As you can see, fifteen (15) universities are listed in column one/in the first column.
       These universities are further categorized into private and public universities.
       Please note ABC university’s course evaluation standards in the third (3rd) row/ in row
       Let’s look at column 3, row 5. What else do you notice about ABC university?
  •    In the upper/lower left-hand/right-hand corner of the page/slide, we can see
  •    As the illustration shows, we can see in the center of the graph/figure __________.
  •    This graph clearly shows that ___________.
  •    If this trend continues, we can expect __________.
  •    Looking at this table, we can conclude that ____________.
  •    Now that we’ve seen _____________, let’s talk about __________.
  •    This graph has clearly shown us that __________.
       Let’s move on to ______________.

17. Referring to Reading Materials [35:28]

   •   Please get out your books and open to/turn to page _____.
   •   Please turn the page/turn to the next page.
   •   Please turn back to the previous page.
   •   Let’s look at the graph on the top/in the middle/on the bottom of the page.
   •   Let’s look at/Please refer to the data in the first column/row.
   •   Please look at the third (3rd) line in the first (1st) paragraph.
   •   Do you know where we are?
       Have you all found the place?
   •   This idea is further explained on page 50 of our textbook.
   •   Did you download the article I posted on the Cyber Campus last week?
       There is a picture on pages 12 and 13 that will help us understand this idea much
   •   The course material for today was written by John Keller and published last year.
       You can find more detailed publication information on the first page of this article.
   •   The table on this power point slide was taken from a Chosun Ilbo article, on June 18th,

18. Applying Knowledge [37:40]

•    Alright everyone.
            Let’s find out if you understand the lecture/reading.
            Please answer these True/False questions.
       •    Please answer practice questions 4, 5, and 6.
            You have 10 minutes to complete them.
       •    Let’s go over the answers.
            How about question 4?
            What equation was needed to solve the problem?
            And what is the answer?
            Yes. It’s 52.23.
            Thank you 지혜. Excellent.

19. Getting Attention [38:38]

   •       Please pay attention.
           Please listen carefully.
   •       This is an important idea/point.
   •       The important point to understand is __________.
   •       This brings us to our major point/question: ___________.
   •       Those of you in the back, please pay attention/ please stop talking.

20. Checking Comprehension [39:34]

   •       Are there any questions?
   •       Do you have any questions?
   •       Do you understand?
   •       Do you see what I mean?
   •       Does this make sense to you?
   •       Is there anything you don’t understand?
   •       Would anyone like me to repeat that?
   •       Do you want me to explain it again?
   •       Do you want me to give you another example?
   •       Did I answer your question?
   •       I hope I answered your question.

(general questioning)
   • What was the most important point do you think you learned today?
      What was the most important point in today’s lecture?
   • What important question remains unanswered?

(specific questioning)
    • Summarize the two conflicting points of you view about the death penalty.

21. Starting Group Work [41:08]

(grouping the students)
    • Please choose a partner. I will choose a partner for you.
    • You’ll be divided into groups/teams of 2/3/4/etc…
       I’// divide you into groups/teams of 2/3/4/etc…

(giving instructions)
    • You’ll have 10 minutes to discuss this in your group.
    • After the 10 minutes, please be prepared to present your results to the entire class.
    • Teamwork is especially important for classes centered on problem based learning.

22. Asking Discussion Questions [42:00]

    •   Please explain why… Can you explain why…
    •   Please explain how… Can you explain how…
    •   What do you think about…?
    •   What do you think is the reason for…?
    •   What is the main idea of…?
    •   What do you think is the result of…?
    •   What do you think this means?
    •   Why is this an important phenomenon?
    •   What is the difference between A and B?
    •   What are the advantages/disadvantages of…?
    •   What are the strengths/weaknesses of...?
    •   What is an example of…?

23. Assigning Work [43:22]

    •   Your homework for next class is…
    •   You need to finish this assignment before next class.
    •   Your assignment is due next class.
    •   Please read pages 25 to 50 before coming to our next class.
    •   Please check Cyber Campus for your assignment.
    •   Please look at your class syllabus to check when the assignment is due.
24. Testing [44:11]

   •   You’ll have a short quiz on/next Monday.
   •   Your exam will be on/next Monday.
   •   You’ll take your exam on/next Monday.
   •   The exam will cover/will be over/will be on…
   •   The exam will be made up of multiple choice questions, short-answer questions, fill-
       in-the-blank questions, and essay questions.
   •   You’ll have 50 minutes to finish/take your exam.
   •   Your exam will be from 11 am to 11:50 am.
   •   During the exam, if you have any questions, please raise your hand.
   •   Please put everything away. Please place your books under your desk.
   •   When I start passing out the exam, you must stop talking.
   •   There must be no talking during the exam.
   •   Do not look at another student’s paper during the exam. It will be considered
   •   Time’s up.
   •   Please put your pens/pencils down. Please stop writing.
   •   Pass your papers to the front.
   •   I will go around collecting your papers.
   •   Do I have all the exams?

25. Taking a Break [46:47]

   •   Ok. This is a good place to stop.
   •   Let’s stop here for a while.
   •   It’s time to take a break.
   •   Let’s take a break for 5 minutes.
   •   Let’s start again in 5 minutes.
   •   Please come back in 5 minutes.
   •   Let’s take a short bathroom break.
   •   Are you all back? So where were we? What were we talking about?
   •   If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see me.

26. Distributing Supplementary Materials [47:36]

   •   The following supplementary materials contain explanations and examples that’ll
       clarify this concept much better.
•   For those of you who haven’t taken other courses in this subject matter, please take a
      look at these supplementary materials for a basic overview and background
  •   If you need a review on how to write in English, please refer to these English writing
      and grammar books.
  •   Please post any questions on the supplementary materials on our supplementary
      discussion board on cyber campus.

27. Summarizing the Lesson [48:31]

  •   In conclusion/summary, ________.
  •   To sum up/summarize, _________.
  •   To review what we just learned ____________.
  •   In today’s class, we have discussed ___________.
  •   Up until now, ____________.
  •   What are some key ideas we discussed today?
  •   We learned about A, B, C today. In our next class, we will investigate B further,
      and so, don’t forget to review.
  •   Please read chapter 3 in our textbook for an additional clarification on these issues.

28. Previewing the Next Lesson [49:31]

  •   We will be starting a new unit in our next class.
  •   Please look over the questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 30.
  •   Please read pages 25 to 50 before our next class.
  •   Please check the cyber campus for the next reading’s study guide.

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영어강의 Expressions 오디오북 (일반적 표현)

  • 1. 영어강의 Expressions 오디오북 (일반적 표현) 2011학년도 2학기 이화여자대학교 교수학습개발원
  • 2. 목 차 * 영어강의에 자주 사용되는 일반적인 표현 ............................................................................................. 3 1. Greeting [0:05].................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Checking Attendance [0:55] ....................................................................................................................... 3 3. Introductions: Breaking Ice [2:20] ............................................................................................................ 4 4. Introducing the Course Syllabus [05:15] .............................................................................................. 4 5. Student Motivation & Background Knowledge [12:44] ................................................................ 6 6. Establishing the Ground Rules [13:50] .................................................................................................. 7 7. Using the Cyber Campus ............................................................................................................................ 7 8. Classroom Arrangement [18:35]............................................................................................................... 8 9. Warming up [20:32] ....................................................................................................................................... 8 10. Distributing & Collecting Materials [21:27] ...................................................................................... 9 11. Reviewing the Previous Lesson [23:05] .............................................................................................. 9 12. Introducing a Topic: Outlining lesson objectives [24:19] ........................................................... 9 13. Explaining Concepts [26:26] ................................................................................................................. 10 14. “Changing Up” the Lesson [28:37] .................................................................................................... 10 15. Using Multi-Media Resources [29:07] .............................................................................................. 11 16. Working with Visual Aids [30:50] ....................................................................................................... 11 17. Referring to Reading Materials [35:28] ........................................................................................... 12 18. Applying Knowledge [37:40] ................................................................................................................ 12 19. Getting Attention [38:38] ....................................................................................................................... 13 20. Checking Comprehension [39:34] ...................................................................................................... 13 21. Starting Group Work [41:08] ................................................................................................................ 14 22. Asking Discussion Questions [42:00] ................................................................................................ 14 1
  • 3. 23. Assigning Work [43:22]........................................................................................................................... 14 24. Testing [44:11] ............................................................................................................................................ 15 25. Taking a Break [46:47]............................................................................................................................. 15 26. Distributing Supplementary Materials [47:36] .............................................................................. 15 27. Summarizing the Lesson [48:31] ........................................................................................................ 16 28. Previewing the Next Lesson [49:31] .................................................................................................. 16 2
  • 4. 영어강의에 자주 사용되는 일반적인 표현 1. Greeting [0:05] • Welcome Everyone!!! As you come in, please do the following: 1. Pick up a syllabus from the front of the classroom. 2. Find a seat in the first 3 rows. Please DO NOT sit in the back 4 rows. 3. Please review the syllabus while waiting for the class to start. • Today we will 1. Go over the syllabus. 2. Get to know our classmates. 3. Have a mini-lecture on _____. 4. Discuss next lesson’s reading assignment. 2. Checking Attendance [0:55] • Let me check/ take attendance. • Let me call/ take the roll. • Please raise your hand when I call your name/when you hear your name. (to late students) • Who came in late?/Who’s late?/Did anyone come in late? • If you were late, please see me after class. • Please try to be on time. • DO NOT be late next time. (to newly registered students) • Who did I not call? Did I call everyone’s names? Who DID NOT hear their names? • You are not on the attendance/roll sheet. • Did you just register for/ sign up for / add this class? • Please check with the departmental office. the registrar’s office. 3
  • 5. 3. Introductions: Breaking Ice [2:20] I. Instructor Introduction • Let me introduce myself to you. • I am a professor in the history department. • I first became interested in history because _____ (why). • I am very excited to teach this class because of my love for history. • You know a little bit about me. Now, it’s your turn. • Rather than just introducing myself to you, I would like you to ask me questions about me. • Each student can ask me one question, but cannot repeat someone else’s question. • I’ll give you a minute to think about a question. • Let’s start with 지혜. Please ask me a question. • It’s a good question. • Everyone, please look at the screen. • Each of the words or phrases represents something about me. My personal life, my educational background, my professional interests. • Let’s look at the first word, “Nineteen (19).” What do you think it means?? II. Student Introductions • You have 10 minutes to introduce yourself to the student sitting next to you IN ENGLISH. • In addition to your partner’s name, major, and year, try to find out something interesting about your partner. For example, has she ever traveled outside Korea? • After the 10 minutes, you will be asked to introduce your partner to the entire class/ another group. (after 10 minutes) • Ok. Time’s up. • Group 1, please tell us a couple of interesting things about your partner. (if it’s a larger class) • Please turn to the group next to you and tell each other something interesting about your partner. 4. Introducing the Course Syllabus [5:15] • Let me pass out / hand out copies of our class syllabus. Here’s a copy of our class syllabus. 4
  • 6. Please do not lose it. • Take one and pass them back. Please pass them around. • Let’s go over it. Let’s talk about it. Let’s discuss it in detail. • There are many ways to contact me with your questions and concerns. • You can call me at my office. My office number is 123-4567. That is extension 4567. • You can came and see me in my office. My office is in the Ewha building, room number 321. • I’m usually in my office on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 2pm to 4 pm. • Probably, the best way to contact me is to email me. My email address is That is p, r, o, f, e, s, s, o, r at university dot a, c dot k, r. And you can email me in Korean. • Do you have any questions? • Let’s move on. • There are 3 main objectives in this class. First, _____. Second, _____. Third, _____. Any questions? • Our class objectives can be divided into three different categories: Content, Non- content, and Language. First, in terms of content goals, _____. Second, in terms of non-content goals, _____. Third, in terms of language goals, _____. Any questions? • You need to get this book, “The History Book.” You also need to get our course packet. When you go to the university bookstore, please ask for “HISTORY 3456” course packet. • I also strongly recommend that you get “How to Write Academic Essays” by Susan Thorn. You will be asked to complete a couple of short essays in the course of the semester, and this is an excellent book to review academic writing in English. • Lastly, you must get a notebook for our class. In it, you’ll be writing class notes and completing class assignments. • Please bring all of these materials to our next class. • Any questions? • Ok. Let’s go over what I think you may be most interested in…(smiling)…grading. • As you can see, your grade will be based on 7 different areas. 5
  • 7. Attendance will be worth 10 percent. Midterm and final exams 15 percent each. Participation 15 percent. Do you have any questions? • You will be penalized 30% for late assignments. • The final grade will be based on a midterm exam worth 30% percent, a final exam 40%, quizzes 20%, and attendance 10%. • It’s very important to attend every class and come to class on time. • Every class you miss will mean minus 2 points from your final/overall grade. • Your absence is excused only when you missed class because of these three reasons. One, you were involved in an university-sponsored activity; or Two, there was a death in your family; or Three, you were sick and stayed overnight at a hospital. For each of these cases, you need to bring me official papers/letters from your department or the hospital. • Also, I consider being more than 5 minutes late to class as being late. • Being late to class 3 times will mean/equal 1 absence. • If you are late more than 30 minutes, I will count you absent for the day. • Whenever you are late, it’s your responsibility to tell me after class that you came in late. If you don’t, you will be counted absent. Any questions? • Before we go over more class requirements, let’s look at our course schedule. • If you are absent more than 5 times/classes, you will receive an automatic F. • This is just a tentative schedule. I may make changes to it during the course of the semester. Whenever there are changes, I’ll let you know. • Please note all the assignment due dates. 5. Student Motivation & Background Knowledge [12:44] • What do you want to gain from this course? • Why are you taking this course? • Well, about 75 percent of you are taking this course because it is required, and the rest because of personal interest. • Has anyone taken courses in Economics? • This is a short questionnaire to see how much you know about our main topic. • Don’t worry it’s not a real test. • You won’t be graded on it. • Don’t spend too much time thinking about each question. • You have 10 minutes to complete it. 6
  • 8. 6. Establishing the Ground Rules [13:50] • Let’s think about some ground rules we need to follow in class. What sorts of rules, do you think, are necessary? • How about when someone’s phone rings during class? As penalty, should we have the owner of the phone sing a song at the end of class? • You may ask “What if it’s an emergency call?” Then, what are some “emergency” situations? • What if someone misses an assignment deadline and turns in their work late? How about marking it down 20% every day it’s late? • I would like to establish some rules about completing reading assignments. Doing the reading assignments is very important especially for the flow of our class because of language reasons. So, what if someone doesn’t read ahead of time? What should we do then? • Alright everyone. We’ve decided on these 10 rules that need to be followed. Since we came up with these rules together, I expect all of us to take them seriously for the rest of the semester. Including me. • As you know, this class will be in English. • I know how difficult English is. • Like you, English is not my first language. • Clearly, this class will be a difficult class for you and for me, but NOT an impossible class. • Remember I’m always available in but more importantly outside class to help you as best as I can. • I do expect all of us, including me, to use English in class. • To encourage you to use English, I’ve made it a part of your participation grade. • To help you with understanding the content, I will consider calling “time-outs” to explain major points in Korean. But you should not rely on these “time-outs” too much, and try the best you can to understand my lectures in English. I will only call “time-outs” when it is absolutely necessary. 7. Using the Cyber Campus • We will be using the cyber campus a lot this semester. • I’ll be uploading outlines of my lecture notes on cyber campus, so please review them before coming to class. • Any important announcements and changes to assignments and schedules will be posted on the “Notice” section, so, please be sure to check it everyday. • Please submit your assignments to the “Assignment Management” section. 7
  • 9. I will be creating a Team Project Page for each team on Cyber Campus. Only the team members will be able to access their respective team project pages. • Please upload/post your team’s progress/meeting summaries regularly. 8. Classroom Arrangement [18:35] (first time arranging the classroom) • Everyone, please sit in/move to the front of the classroom. • Please DO NOT sit in the back of the classroom. • Please remember to sit this way for the rest of the semester. (subsequent classes) • You are sitting in the back again. • Please move to the front of the classroom. • 지혜, why don’t you sit here? (pointing to an empty desk in the front) • From my experience, the closer the student sits to me, the better the grade she gets. (before group discussion) • Before we start discussion, we need to rearrange our desks. • All group members need to face each other. • Let’s turn these desks around. • Please arrange the desks in a square so that two students are facing two other students. (when 4 students are in a group) • Let’s arrange the desks in a circle. (after group discussion) • We need to move the desks back. Let’s move the desks back. Everyone please turn the desks around so that you are facing the front. Thanks. 9. Warming up [20:32] • How are you doing today? How are you feeling today? • How was your weekend? Did you have a good weekend? • How’s your week been? Is your week going ok? • It’s really hot/cold, isn’t it? 8
  • 10. Did you watch the soccer game last night? • You guys look tired. It’s been a long day for me too. The good news is it’s almost over, so let’s try to wake up and have a good class. 10. Distributing & Collecting Materials [21:27] • Here are today’s handouts. Here’s the worksheet/quiz/exam. • Please take one and pass them back. • Does everyone have a copy? Is there anyone who doesn’t have a copy? Who doesn’t have a copy? • Do you need extra copies? • If your partner/friend isn’t here today, please take a copy for her. • I’ll upload the materials for our next class by 7 pm, Monday evening. • Please be ready with these handouts in our next class. • Did you print out our class materials for today? There are two: One is a power point handout, and the other is an article. • You need to complete this reading comprehension worksheet by next Monday. • Please submit your assignments to Cyber Campus by 10 pm, Monday evening. 11. Reviewing the Previous Lesson [23:05] • Let’s review what we learned about last time. • Do you remember what we did last time? What did we do last time? • Where were we last time? • Last time we learned about/talked about _____. • The main points/ideas in our last lesson were _______. • Let’s go over some student questions from our last lesson. • We learned about the IBM example case last time. What were some of the main points in the example? We’ll find many similarities between IBM and the GE case we’ll discuss today. 12. Introducing a Topic: Outlining lesson objectives [24:19] • In our last class, we learned about _____, and today, we will continue on and explain how _____. 9
  • 11. Today, we will learn about/discuss/examine/investigate/explore/cover _____. • Today, we will focus on 3 main reasons for _____. • The learning objectives for today are First, ______. Second, ______. Third, _______. • Today we are going to examine 3 main ideas. Out of these 3, the last one is the most current. We will apply what we’ve learned in our class to some practical problems in the last 15 minutes of class. • Last time, we talked about _____. Today we will go on and cover _______. • The items we’ll go over today will become the knowledge foundation for the practicum scheduled for next week. • In the past 3 weeks, we covered __________. In the next 3 weeks, we will explore _____. 13. Explaining Concepts [26:26] • For example/For instance, __________. • Take this case, for example. • Let me give an example: __________. • In the social science field, theory represents “a plausible general principle or principles offered to explain a phenomenon.” What sorts of theories can you name? Have you heard of the Chaos theory? Is it a theory based on the definition I just gave? How about the Graph theory? Is that a theory? Why are these examples considered theories?? Can you give me an example that seems like a theory but really isn’t? • Now, let’s put everything we’ve just learned in a concept map. First, list all the concepts we want to include in our map. • What is the relation between concept A and concept B? • Now let’s see what happens. • If that’s clear, let’s go on to the next point. • Now, let’s look at the problem from a different perspective. • The next point I want to make is __________. • Let’s get back to the idea of __________. • I’d like to finish discussing about this idea before we move on. 14. “Changing Up” the Lesson [28:37] 10
  • 12. • We just explored _____. Any questions? Now, let’s _______. • This is a bit off-topic but… • As a side-note,… • Ok, let’s get back to our lesson. Where were we? 15. Using Multi-Media Resources [29:07] • I’ll be using Power Point in my lesson today. • Please give me some time to set up my Power Point presentation. • Can you help me pull down the screen? • Everyone, please look at the screen. • Please look at Power Point slide. • We learned about __________. Now, we’ll watch a short video clip related to __________. As you are watching the video, pay particular attention to ______________. • It’s a 20 minute film. Although it’s in English, the subtitles will make it easier to understand. • Please pay attention to the film. It’ll help you complete your assignment. • This film was made in 1967 by Frank Jeffrey. You can access it by going onto the film’s website. • How was it? Was it too difficult? Let’s discuss how it relates to our lesson. 16. Working with Visual Aids [30:50] • This is a graph/chart/table/diagram of ______________. • This table represents/describes/explains/displays/shows ____________. • This line graph represents changes in the yearly birth rate in Korea. It indicates that birth rates have decreased every year for the past 10 years. According to this graph, the biggest drop occurred between 2005 and 2008. • Let’s look at this graph. It shows the world’s population density by region. On this graph, the x-axis/vertical axis represents regions, while the y-axis/horizontal axis indicates population figures. Which region has the highest population density? • Let’s compare these two graphs. • The solid line stands for Seoul, while the dotted line stands for Pusan. 11
  • 13. The data on this table are presented in descending/ascending order. • Working from/Going from left to right, I will discuss ____________. • Let’s look at the first column of this table. It shows ___________. • This table represents standards in course evaluations of various universities. As you can see, fifteen (15) universities are listed in column one/in the first column. These universities are further categorized into private and public universities. Please note ABC university’s course evaluation standards in the third (3rd) row/ in row 3. Let’s look at column 3, row 5. What else do you notice about ABC university? • In the upper/lower left-hand/right-hand corner of the page/slide, we can see _________. • As the illustration shows, we can see in the center of the graph/figure __________. • This graph clearly shows that ___________. • If this trend continues, we can expect __________. • Looking at this table, we can conclude that ____________. • Now that we’ve seen _____________, let’s talk about __________. • This graph has clearly shown us that __________. Let’s move on to ______________. 17. Referring to Reading Materials [35:28] • Please get out your books and open to/turn to page _____. • Please turn the page/turn to the next page. • Please turn back to the previous page. • Let’s look at the graph on the top/in the middle/on the bottom of the page. • Let’s look at/Please refer to the data in the first column/row. • Please look at the third (3rd) line in the first (1st) paragraph. • Do you know where we are? Have you all found the place? • This idea is further explained on page 50 of our textbook. • Did you download the article I posted on the Cyber Campus last week? There is a picture on pages 12 and 13 that will help us understand this idea much better. • The course material for today was written by John Keller and published last year. You can find more detailed publication information on the first page of this article. • The table on this power point slide was taken from a Chosun Ilbo article, on June 18th, 2007. 18. Applying Knowledge [37:40] 12
  • 14. Alright everyone. Let’s find out if you understand the lecture/reading. Please answer these True/False questions. • Please answer practice questions 4, 5, and 6. You have 10 minutes to complete them. • Let’s go over the answers. How about question 4? What equation was needed to solve the problem? And what is the answer? Yes. It’s 52.23. Thank you 지혜. Excellent. 19. Getting Attention [38:38] • Please pay attention. Please listen carefully. • This is an important idea/point. • The important point to understand is __________. • This brings us to our major point/question: ___________. • Those of you in the back, please pay attention/ please stop talking. 20. Checking Comprehension [39:34] • Are there any questions? • Do you have any questions? • Do you understand? • Do you see what I mean? • Does this make sense to you? • Is there anything you don’t understand? • Would anyone like me to repeat that? • Do you want me to explain it again? • Do you want me to give you another example? • Did I answer your question? • I hope I answered your question. (general questioning) • What was the most important point do you think you learned today? What was the most important point in today’s lecture? • What important question remains unanswered? 13
  • 15. (specific questioning) • Summarize the two conflicting points of you view about the death penalty. 21. Starting Group Work [41:08] (grouping the students) • Please choose a partner. I will choose a partner for you. • You’ll be divided into groups/teams of 2/3/4/etc… I’// divide you into groups/teams of 2/3/4/etc… (giving instructions) • You’ll have 10 minutes to discuss this in your group. • After the 10 minutes, please be prepared to present your results to the entire class. • Teamwork is especially important for classes centered on problem based learning. 22. Asking Discussion Questions [42:00] • Please explain why… Can you explain why… • Please explain how… Can you explain how… • What do you think about…? • What do you think is the reason for…? • What is the main idea of…? • What do you think is the result of…? • What do you think this means? • Why is this an important phenomenon? • What is the difference between A and B? • What are the advantages/disadvantages of…? • What are the strengths/weaknesses of...? • What is an example of…? 23. Assigning Work [43:22] • Your homework for next class is… • You need to finish this assignment before next class. • Your assignment is due next class. • Please read pages 25 to 50 before coming to our next class. • Please check Cyber Campus for your assignment. • Please look at your class syllabus to check when the assignment is due. 14
  • 16. 24. Testing [44:11] • You’ll have a short quiz on/next Monday. • Your exam will be on/next Monday. • You’ll take your exam on/next Monday. • The exam will cover/will be over/will be on… • The exam will be made up of multiple choice questions, short-answer questions, fill- in-the-blank questions, and essay questions. • You’ll have 50 minutes to finish/take your exam. • Your exam will be from 11 am to 11:50 am. • During the exam, if you have any questions, please raise your hand. • Please put everything away. Please place your books under your desk. • When I start passing out the exam, you must stop talking. • There must be no talking during the exam. • Do not look at another student’s paper during the exam. It will be considered cheating. • Time’s up. • Please put your pens/pencils down. Please stop writing. • Pass your papers to the front. • I will go around collecting your papers. • Do I have all the exams? 25. Taking a Break [46:47] • Ok. This is a good place to stop. • Let’s stop here for a while. • It’s time to take a break. • Let’s take a break for 5 minutes. • Let’s start again in 5 minutes. • Please come back in 5 minutes. • Let’s take a short bathroom break. • Are you all back? So where were we? What were we talking about? • If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see me. 26. Distributing Supplementary Materials [47:36] • The following supplementary materials contain explanations and examples that’ll clarify this concept much better. 15
  • 17. For those of you who haven’t taken other courses in this subject matter, please take a look at these supplementary materials for a basic overview and background information. • If you need a review on how to write in English, please refer to these English writing and grammar books. • Please post any questions on the supplementary materials on our supplementary discussion board on cyber campus. 27. Summarizing the Lesson [48:31] • In conclusion/summary, ________. • To sum up/summarize, _________. • To review what we just learned ____________. • In today’s class, we have discussed ___________. • Up until now, ____________. • What are some key ideas we discussed today? • We learned about A, B, C today. In our next class, we will investigate B further, and so, don’t forget to review. • Please read chapter 3 in our textbook for an additional clarification on these issues. 28. Previewing the Next Lesson [49:31] • We will be starting a new unit in our next class. • Please look over the questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 30. • Please read pages 25 to 50 before our next class. • Please check the cyber campus for the next reading’s study guide. 16
  • 18. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported You are free: to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. The document was created by CC PDF Converter