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May | June 2013
The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
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f ish farming technolog y
42 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013
Welcome to Expert Topic. Each issue will take an in-depth look
at a particular species and how its feed is managed.
Farmed	shrimp	was	a	$US10.6	billion	indus-
try	 in	 2005	 (WWF).	The	 species	 is	 one	 of	
the	 fastest	 growing	 in	 aquaculture	 with	 an	
approximate	rate	of	10	percent	annually.	The	
production	 of	 whiteleg	 shrimp	 (Litopenaeus	
vannamei,	 formerly	 Penaeus	 vannamei)	 in	
particular,	 generated	 the	 highest	 value	 of	
major	cultured	species	at	$US11.3	billion.
L. vannamei	was	first	cultivated	in	Florida	in	
1973	from	larvae	spawned	and	shipped	from	
a	wild-caught	mated	female	from	Panama.	In	
1976,	due	to	good	pond	results	and	adequate	
nutrition,	 the	 culture	 of	 L. vannamei	 began	
in	 South	 and	 Central	 America.	 By	 the	 early	
1980s,	through	intensive	breeding	and	rearing	
techniques,	L. vannamei	was	being	developed	
in	the	USA	(including	Hawaii),	and	much	of	
Central	and	South	America	(FAO).	
L. vannamei	is	popular	because	of	its	high	
yield	and	short	grow	out	period.		The	yield	
per	hectare	is	up	to	three	times	that	of	the	
giant	 tiger	 shrimp	 (Penaeus monodon).	 The	
grow	 out	 period	 is	 also	 shorter	 for	 L. van-
namei,	60-90	days,	compared	to	90-120	days	
for	P. monodon.	Overall,	it	costs	about	half	as	
much	to	produce	a	kilo	of	L. vannamei	as	it	
does	to	produce	a	kilo	of	P. monodon.
Although,	 L. vannamei	 was	 introduced	 into	
Asia	in	1978-9,	it	was	not	until	1996	that	the	
species	was	cultivated	on	a	commercial	scale.	
First	in	Mainland	China	and	Taiwan	and	subse-
quently	to	the	Philippines,	Indonesia,	Vietnam,	
Thailand,	Malaysia	and	India.	
The	largest	seafood	producer	and	export-
er	in	the	world,	China	also	boasts	a	large	L.
vannamei	production	industry,	with	Mainland	
China	 producing	 more	 than	 270,000	 met-
ric	 tonnes	 in	 2002.	 Production	 reached	 an	
estimated	300,000	metric	tonnes	(71%	
of	 the	 country’s	 total	 shrimp	
production)	in	2003	and	hit	700,000	tonnes	
in	2004	(Network	of	Aquaculture	Centres	in	
More InforMatIon:
May-June 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 43
In	the	1990s,	Indian	shrimp	aquaculture	expe-
rienced	 rapid	 growth.	 Production	 increased	
from	 30,000	 tonnes	 in	 1990	 to	 102,000	
tonnes	 in	 1999	 	 (FAO).	 This	 expansion	
brought	 economic	 success	 for	 the	 country.		
By	the	start	of	the	21st	century,	the	shrimp	
aquaculture	 sector	 accounted	 1.6	 percent	
of	 Indian	 export	 earnings	 and	 employed	 an	
estimated	200,000	people.
Yet	 the	 development	 of	 shrimp	 aquac-
ulture	 has	 become	 more	 controversial.	 The	
introduction	 of	 L. vannamei	 in	 2009	 has	 led	
to	 widespread	 illegal	 farming	 and	 posed	 the	
threat	of	disease.	However,	there	are	organi-
sations	 dedicated	 to	 tackling	 the	 problem.	
One	 example	 is	 the	 Coastal	 Aquaculture	
Authority	 (CAA)	 which	 aims	 to	 shut	 down	
unregistered	 shrimp	 hatcheries	 and	 farms.	
The	scale	of	the	issue	is	rather	large	as	out	of	
14,549	CAA	registered	farms,	just	246	have	
permission	to	cultivate	whiteleg	shrimp.	
More InforMatIon:
The	1970s	set	a	president	for	the	devel-
opment	 of	 Ecuador’s	 shrimp	 farming	
industry.	L. vannamei,	captured	from	the	
beach	surf	was	transferred	into	20-hec-
tare	 ponds	 that	 Ecuadorian	 producers	
built	on	mud	flats.	
During	 the	 mid-1970s,	 animal	
feed	 and	 pet	 food	 company,	 Ralston	
Purina	began	conducting	pond	trials	in	
Ecuador	 to	 demonstrate	 the	 benefits	
of	feeding.	
As	 land	 and	 labour	 were	 cheap,	
disease	was	rare	and	wild	seed	 was	in	
abundance,	the	shrimp	farming	business	
was	 profitable	 and	 by	 1977,	 approxi-
mately	 3,000	 hectares	 of	 extensive	
shrimp	 farms	 had	 been	 developed	 in	
As	 a	 result,	 shrimp	 feed	 mills	 were	
developed	 during	 the	 1980s,	 marking	
the	transition	of	Ecuadorian	farms	from	
extensive	to	semi-intensive	production.
More InforMatIon:
Although	 shrimp	 farming	 was	 already	
operational	 during	 the	 1980s,	 it	 was	
the	introduction	of	L. vannamei	in	1992	that	
allowed	for	a	swift	expansion	in	Brazil’s	shrimp	
farming	 industry.	 Shrimp	 culture	 is	 now	 one	
of	the	most	organised	sectors	within	Brazilian	
In	 2003,	 the	 total	 production	 of	 L. van-
namei	reached	90,190	tonnes	produced	from	
14,824	 ha	 of	 shrimp	 ponds.	 In	 some	 states,	
productivity	 reached	 8,700	 kg/ha/year	 with	
the	 best	 yields	 obtained	 in	 the	 northeast	
With	 exports	 reaching	 60,000	 tonnes	 in	
2003,	representing	60.5%	of	the	total	Brazilian	
fishery	export	and	generating	US	$230	million	
for	 the	 Brazilian	 economy,	 shrimp	 culture	 is	
now	 one	 of	 the	 most	 important	 economic	
activities	in	the	Northeast	region.
Most	of	the	shrimp	farms	are	small	scale	
(75	%),	followed	by	medium	(9.6%)	and	large	
scale	 (5.52%).	 The	 average	 yield	 increased	
from	1	015	kg/ha/year	in	1997	to	6,084	kg/
ha/year	in	2003,	compared	to	an	international	
average	of	958	kg/ha/year	(FAO).
More InforMatIon:
Shrimp	farming	has	been	practised	in	Thailand	
for	more	than	30	years,	with	its	development	
expanding	rapidly	during	the	mid-1980s.	This	
expansion	 was	 supported	 by	 advances	 in	
shrimp	feed	and	the	successful	production	of	
larvae	in	1986.
The	 most	 popular	 shrimp	 cultivated	 in	
the	country	is	the	giant	tiger	prawn	(Penaeus
monodon)	which	accounts	for	98	percent	of	
shrimp	production	and	around	40	percent	of	
total	 brackish	 water	 aquaculture	 production	
(FAO).	 L. vannamei	 was	 first	 introduced	 to	
Thailand	in	the	late	1990s	as	an	alternative	to	
the	native	P. monodon.	
The	production	of	L. vannamei	in	Thailand	
rapidly	increased	from	10,000	metric	tons	in	
2002	 (Briggs	 et	 al.	 2004)	 to	 approximately	
300,000	 metric	 tons	 in	 2004,	 which	 com-
prised	 80	 percent	 of	 total	 marine	 shrimp	
More InforMatIon:
India’s	indigenous	shrimp
he	 Rajiv	 Gandhi	 Centre	 for	
Aquaculture	(RGCA)	in	Tamil	Nadu,	
India	has	produced	a	specific	pathogen	
free	 variety	 of	 shrimp.	The	 new	 variety	 is	
set	to	help	commercial	shrimp	farmers	and	
boost	India’s	seafood	exports.
The	 selectively	 bred	 mother	 shrimps	 are	
capable	 of	 producing	 quality	 seeds	 that	
harness	higher	growth	and	survival	rates.
Until	 now,	 Indian	 shrimp	 hatcheries	
imported	such	brood	stock	from	the	USA,	
Thailand	 and	 Singapore,	 resulting	 in	 high	
shipping	 costs	 and	 big	 transit	 losses.	The	
average	cost	of	brood	stock	was	estimated	
at	Rs5,000.	
It	 is	 estimated	 that	 80	 percent	 of	 India’s	
shrimp	farmers	are	small	scale	-	the	quality	of	
seeds	largely	affects	their	crop	success.	Due	
to	the	high	costs,	some	hatcheries	have	been	
sourcing	 brood	 stock	 from	 shrimp	 ponds,	
which	ultimately	results	in	the	production	of	
poor	quality	seeds	and	subsequent	crop	loss	
to	farmers.	
44 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013
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of EMS
he	 pathogen	 which	
causes	early	mortality	
syndrome	 (EMS)	 has	
been	 identified	 by	
researchers	 at	 the	 University	
of	Arizona,	USA.
A	 research	 team	 led	 by	
Donald	Lighter	found	that	EMS,	
or	 more	 technically	 known	 as	
acute	hepatopancreatic	necrosis	
syndrome	 (AHPNS),	 is	 caused	
by	 a	 bacterial	 agent,	 which	 is	
transmitted	orally,	colonizes	the	
shrimp	gastrointestinal	tract	and	
produces	a	toxin	that	causes	tis-
sue	destruction	and	dysfunction	
of	 the	 shrimp	 digestive	 organ	
known	as	the	hepatopancreas.
The	disease	was	first	record-
ed	 in	 China	 in	 2009	 and	 has	
since	spread	to	Vietnam	(2011),	
Thailand	 (2012)	 and	 Malaysia	
(2012).	 EMS	 kills	 shrimp	
between	 10-40	 days	 after	 the	
post-larval	stage	with	mortalities	
of	 up	 to	 70	 percent.	 Shrimp	
that	survive	suffer	from	stunted	
growth	and	tale	twice	as	long	to	
achieve	significant	grow	out.	
The	 economic	 impact	 of	
EMS	 is	 perhaps	 yet	 to	 be	
fully	 felt.	 However,	 the	 dis-
ease	 is	 one	 of	 the	 most	 sig-
nificant	 reasons	 in	 the	 fall	 in	
Thai	 shrimp	 production.	 In	
2010,	 the	 country	 produced	
600,000	 toms	 of	 shrimp	 but	
by	2012,	this	figure	has	fallen	
to	 500,000	 tons,	 a	 drop	 of	
around	18	percent.
Lightner’s	team	identified	the	
EMS	pathogen	as	a	unique	strain	
of	 a	 relatively	 common	 bac-
terium,	 Vibrio parahaemolyticus,	
that	is	infected	by	a	virus	known	
as	 a	 phage,	 which	 causes	 it	 to	
release	 a	 potent	 toxin.	 A	 simi-
lar	 phenomenon	 occurs	 in	 the	
human	disease	cholera,	where	a	
phage	makes	the	Vibrio cholerae	
bacterium	capable	of	producing	
a	toxin	that	causes	cholera’s	life-
threatening	diarrhea.	EMS	how-
ever,	is	not	a	danger	to	people.
Research	 continues	 on	 the	
development	 of	 diagnostic	
tests	for	rapid	detection	of	the	
EMS	 pathogen	 that	 will	 ena-
ble	 improved	 management	 of	
hatcheries	and	ponds,	and	help	
lead	to	a	long-term	solution	for	
the	disease.	It	will	also	enable	a	
better	evaluation	of	risks	associ-
ated	with	importation	of	frozen	
shrimp	or	other	products	from	
countries	affected	by	EMS.
Some	 countries	 have	 imple-
mented	policies	that	restrict	the	
importation	 of	 frozen	 shrimp	
or	 other	 products	 from	 EMS-
affected	 countries.	 Lightner	
said	 frozen	 shrimp	 likely	 pose	
a	 low	 risk	 for	 contamination	
of	 wild	 shrimp	 or	 the	 envi-
ronment	 because	 EMS-infected	
shrimp	 are	 typically	 very	 small	
and	 do	 not	 enter	 international	
commerce.	 Also,	 his	 repeated	
attempts	to	transmit	the	disease	
using	frozen	tissue	were	unsuc-
In	an	effort	to	learn	from	past	
epidemics	 and	 improve	 future	
policy,	 the	 World	 Bank	 and	
the	 Responsible	 Aquaculture	
Foundation,	 a	 charitable	 edu-
cation	 and	 training	 organisa-
tion	 founded	 by	 the	 Global	
Aquaculture	 Alliance,	 initiated	
a	case	study	on	EMS	in	Vietnam	
in	 July	 2012.	 Its	 purpose	 was	
to	 investigate	 the	 introduction,	
transmission	 and	 impacts	 of	
EMS,	and	recommend	manage-
ment	 measures	 for	 the	 public	
and	private	sectors.
46 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013
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Aqua Range
of isotopic
to assess the
performance of
macroalgae in
feeding regimes
for shrimp
by Julián Gamboa-Delgado
PhD, research officer, Programa
Maricultura, Universidad Autónoma
de Nuevo León, Mexico
ue	 to	 their	 nutritional	 prop-
erties,	 several	 species	 of	
macroalgae	 have	 been	 used	 as	
dietary	supplements	for	shrimps	
and	other	marine	species.	Since	macroalgae	
represent	 a	 natural	 source	 of	 nutrients	 in	
the	 shrimp’s	 natural	 environment,	 attempts	
have	 been	 done	 to	 co-culture	 macroalgae	
and	shrimps.	
The	 nutritional	
and	 digestibil-
ity	of	macroalgae-
derived	 meals	
have	 been	 tested	
in	formulated	diets	
for	shrimp.	One	of	
the	aspects	requir-
ing	further	research	
is	 represented	 by	
the	loss	of	nutritional	
properties	 occurring	
when	 the	 macroalgal	
biomass	 is	 dried	 out	 as	
compared	 when	 the	 algal	
biomass	 is	 ingested	 as	 live	
Several	 nutritional	 method-
ologies	have	been	used	to	evalu-
ate	 the	 performance	 of	 different	
ingredients	 used	 or	 proposed	 for	
aquaculture	feeds.	The	use	of	stable	isotopes	
as	tools	to	assess	nutritional	contributions	of	
specific	ingredients	to	growth	is	one	of	many	
emerging	 nutritional	 techniques	 applied	 in	
The	 chemical	 composition	 of	 macroalgae	
varies	among	species	and	environmental	con-
ditions;	however,	most	are	rich	in	non-starch	
polysaccharides,	 vitamins,	 and	 minerals.	 In	
particular,	 green	 macroalgae	 (Chlorophyceae)	
often	have	higher	protein	content	than	brown	
seaweeds.	Such	nutritional	properties,	in	con-
junction	 with	 novel	 macroalgae	 production	
methods,	have	increased	the	interest	in	their	
use	 as	 dietary	 ingredients	 for	 aquaculture	
diets.	Additionally,	there	are	studies	that	have	
focused	on	their	use	as	additives	to	enhance	
the	immunological	status	of	the	farmed	animals.	
The	 green	 macroalgae	 Ulva (Enteromorpha)
clathrata,	 also	 known	 as	 aonori	 in	 Asian	
countries,	has	worldwide	distribution	and	due	
to	 its	 nutritional	 profile,	 has	 been	 evaluated	
as	 a	 dietary	 supplement	 for	 aquatic	 species.	
U. clathrata	has	been	mass-cultured	in	recent	
years	under	a	patented	technology	developed	
by	 Aonori	 Aquafarms	 Inc.	 By	 applying	 this	
methodology,	 macroalgae	 biomass	 is	 rapidly	
grown	in	ponds	without	eliciting	detrimental	
effects	to	the	environment.	
Evaluation of macroalgae in
shrimp nutrition studies
Although	it	has	been	observed	that	use	of	
macroalgal	 biomass	 alone	 as	 feed	 does	 not	
fulfil	the	nutritional	requirements	for	optimal	
growth	 in	 marine	 shrimp,	 co-culture	 of	 U.
clathrata	and	Pacific	white	shrimp	L. vannamei	
has	 been	 conducted	 with	 positive	 results	 in	
terms	of	lower	feed	utilization	and	improve-
ment	 of	 the	 shrimp	 nutritional	 quality,	 flesh	
colour	and	texture.	
Recent	nutritional	studies	have	also	shown	
that	 when	 dry	 Ulva clathrata	 meal	 is	 fed	
to	 Pacific	 white	 shrimp	 as	 an	 ingredient	 in	
practical	diets,	it	has	an	apparent	digestibility	
coefficient	for	dry	matter	of	83	percent,	while	
the	 same	 value	 for	 protein	 is	 90	 percent.	
However,	the	high	ash	content	and	the	rela-
tively	low	protein	content	of	this	macroalgae	
species	 prevent	 its	 dietary	 inclusion	 at	 high	
levels	 when	 attempting	 to	 replace	 other	
ingredients	such	as	fishmeal.	
Stable isotopes to assess
the nutritional contribution
of macroalgae
Over	 the	 last	 few	 decades,	 different	 iso-
topic	methodologies	have	been	adopted	from	
the	ecological	sciences	and	have	been	applied	
to	animal	nutrition	studies.	Most	elements	in	
organic	matter	are	present	as	two	or	more	
stable	 isotopes	 and	 heavier	 isotopes	 have	
a	 tendency	 to	 accumulate	 in	 animal	 tissue.	
For	 example,	 animal	 predators	 have	 higher	
isotopic	values	than	their	preys;	therefore,	a	
specific	isotopic	signature	is	conferred	to	each	
Table 1: Growth, survival rate and estimated consumption of formulated feed and live
macroalgae biomass (dry weight) by juvenile litopenaeus vannamei reared on five different
feeding regimes for 28 days (n= 8-20, mean values ±SD)
Survival (%)
Final wet
weight (mg)
increase (%)
feed (g)
U. clathrata
100F 95 ± 13a 995 ± 289a 429 0.94 -
75F/25U 93 ± 11a 1067 ± 364a 467 0.81 0.40
50F/50U 78 ± 11ab 768 ± 273ab 308 0.43 0.44
25F/75U 60 ± 21b 424 ± 207b 125 0.14 0.65
100U* 23 ± 4c 221 ± 49c 18 - 1.32
Initial wet weight = 188 ±28 mg
Different superscripts indicate significant differences at p<0.05
* Parameters in animals from feeding regime 100U were estimated on experimental day 21
Juvenile Pacific white shrimp
feeding on U. clathrata
macroalgal biomass. Long fecal
strands are frequently related
to fast gut transit
48 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013
trophic	level	(primary	producers,	herbivores,	
In	the	case	of	plants	and	macroalgae,	their	
carbon	isotope	values	are	strongly	influenced	
by	 the	 type	 of	 photosynthesis	 they	 present.	
On	 the	 other	 hand,	 the	 nitrogen	 stable	 iso-
tope	values	of	plants	and	macroalgae	can	be	
easily	manipulated	by	means	of	specific	fertilis-
ers,	to	eventually	conduct	nutritional	studies.	
By	using	such	techniques,	it	can	be	possible	
to	 determine	 the	 proportions	 of	 available	
dietary	 nutrients	 that	 have	 been	 selected,	
ingested	 and	 incorporated	 into	 animal	 tis-
sue	 (Figure	 1).	 As	 the	 average	 sample	 size	
required	 for	 stable	 isotope	 analysis	 (carbon	
and	 nitrogen)	 is	 only	 1	 mg	 of	 dry	 tissue	 or	
test	diet,	the	technique	has	been	very	useful	in	
larval	nutrition	studies.	It	has	been	employed	
to	quantify	the	proportions	of	nutrients	incor-
porated	from	live	and	formulated	feeds	in	fish	
and	crustacean	larvae.	
Likewise,	 stable	 isotope	 analyses	 of	 dif-
ferent	 plant-derived	 ingredients	 (soy	 protein	
isolate,	corn	gluten	and	pea	meal)	have	been	
carried	out	to	explore	the	contribution	of	the	
dietary	nitrogen	supplied	by	these	sources	(as	
compared	to	fish	meal)	to	shrimp	growth.	In	
the	context	of	macroalgae	as	source	of	nutri-
ents,	 isotopic	 techniques	 have	 been	 applied	
as	 nutritional	 tools	 to	 quantify	 the	 relative	
contributions	of	dietary	carbon	and	nitrogen	
to	the	growth	of	Pacific	white	shrimp	co-fed	
formulated	feed	and	live	macroalgal	biomass	
of	U. clathrata.	
Taking	 advantage	
of	 the	 contrast-
ing	 natural	 carbon	
and	 nitrogen	 stable	
isotope	values	meas-
ured	in	a	commercial	
formulated	 feed	 and	
in	live	macroalgal	bio-
mass	 of	 U. clathrata,	
the	 study	 aimed	 to	
quantify	 the	 relative	
contribution	of	nutri-
ents	to	the	growth	of	
Pacific	 white	 shrimp.	
Animals	were	allocat-
ed	to	duplicate	tanks	
individually	fitted	with	air	lifts	and	connected	
to	an	artificial-seawater	recirculation	system.	
Feeding	 regimes	 consisted	 of	 a	 positive	
isotopic	 control	 (100%	 formulated	 feed,	
treatment	100F),	a	negative	isotopic	control	
(100%	 macroalgae,	 treatment	 100U)	 and	
three	 co-feeding	 regimes	 in	 which	 75,	 50,	
and	25	percent	of	the	daily	amount	of	con-
sumed	 macroalgal	 biomass	 was	 substituted	
by	 formulated	 feed	 (treatments	 75F/25U,	
50F/50U,	 and	 25F/75U,	 respectively)	 on	 a	
dry	weight	basis.	
The	digestibility	of	both	feeding	sourc-
es	 for	 L. vannamei	 has	 been	 previously	
assessed	 and	 is	 similarly	 high	 (>80%).	
Live	 macroalgae	 was	 supplied	 to	 shrimp	
by	 attaching	 the	 algal	 biomass	 to	 plastic	
mesh	units	from	which	the	algal	filaments	
were	constantly	available	and	easily	nibbled	
upon	by	shrimp.	
Feeding	rations	and	proportions	were	pro-
gressively	adjusted	in	relation	to	the	amount	
of	macroalgal	biomass	consumed,	animal	sur-
vival	 and	 sampling.	 Shrimp	 samples	 (whole	
bodies	 and	 muscle	 tissue)	 and	 diet	 samples	
were	 collected	 and	 pre-treated	 for	 isotopic	
Growth and survival
There	 was	 a	 high	 variability	 in	 final	 wet	
Figure 1: Carbon and nitrogen flow in shrimps produced
under semi-intensive farming conditions. Bold arrows
indicate components that can be isotopically analyzed to
determine their origin and fate
May-June 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 49
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weight	of	shrimps	under	the	different	dietary	
treatments;	 however,	 a	 clear	 tendency	 for	
higher	growth	was	observed	in	shrimps	reared	
on	 regime	 75F/25U	 (1,067	 ±364	 mg,	 final	
mean	weight),	followed	by	shrimps	fed	only	
on	formulated	feed	(995	±289	mg).	Shrimps	
from	 both	 feeding	 regimes	 increased	 their	
weight	more	than	400	percent	(Table	1).	
Animals	 fed	 only	 on	 U. clathrata	 bio-
mass	 showed	 very	 low	 growth	 (221	 ±49	
mg)	 and	 only	 23	 percent	 of	 the	 animals	 in	
this	 treatment	 survived	 by	 day	 21.	 Higher	
survival	 rates	 (93-95%)	 were	 observed	 in	
shrimps	reared	on	feeding	regimes	100F	and	
75F/25U,	while	shrimps	in	dietary	treatments	
50F/50U	and	25F/75U	had	respective	mean	
survival	 rates	 of	 78	 and	 60	
percent.	 The	 positive	 effect	
of	 supplying	 both,	 live	 feeds	
and	formulated	diets	has	been	
recurrently	observed	in	previ-
ous	crustacean	studies.
Dietary contributions
from macroalgae and
formulated feed
At	 the	 end	 of	 the	 experi-
ment,	isotopic	values	of	shrimp	
tissue	 reared	 on	 co-feeding	
treatments	 were	 strongly	
biased	 towards	 the	 isotopic	
values	of	U. clathrata	biomass.	
Figure	 2	 combines	 carbon	
and	 nitrogen	 stable	 isotope	
values	 measured	 in	 shrimps	
and	 provides	 a	 graphic	 indica-
tion	of	the	total	organic	matter	
contributed	 by	 both,	 the	 for-
mulated	 feed	 and	 macroalgae.	
Results	from	an	isotopic	mixing	
model	indicated	that	shrimps	in	
the	 three	 co-feeding	 regimes	
incorporated	significantly	higher	
amounts	of	dietary	carbon	and	
nitrogen	from	U. clathrata	biomass	than	from	
the	formulated	feed	(Table	2).	
At	the	end	of	the	experiment,	shrimps	in	
treatment	75F/25U	incorporated	68	percent	
of	carbon	from	the	formulated	feed	and	32	
percent	from	the	macroalgae.	Shrimps	under	
feeding	regimes	50F/50U	and	25F/75U	incor-
porated	significantly	higher	amounts	of	dietary	
carbon	from	U. clathrata	(49	and	80%,	respec-
tively)	 when	 compared	 to	 the	 expected	
dietary	carbon	proportions	supplied	by	these	
the	co-feeding	regimes	(34	and	70%,	respec-
tively).	 Shrimp	 grown	 in	 co-feeding	 regime	
75F/25U	incorporated	27	percent	of	nitrogen	
from	the	formulated	feed	and	the	remaining	
73	 percent	 from	 the	 macroalgal	 biomass,	
while	animals	reared	on	regimes	25F/75U	and	
50F/50U	 incorporated	 the	 majority	 of	 their	
dietary	 nitrogen	 (98	 and	 96%,	 respectively)	
from	the	macroalgae.	
The	 lower	 growth	 attained	 by	 these	 ani-
mals	indicated	that	a	very	high	proportion	of	
the	isotopic	change	was	due	to	high	nitrogen	
metabolic	 turnover	 and	 not	 to	 tissue	 accre-
tion.	 Due	 to	 its	 lower	 carbon	 and	 nitrogen	
contents,	 the	 macroalgal	 biomass	 had	 to	 be	
consumed	at	higher	amounts	in	order	to	sup-
ply	 the	 observed	 elemental	 contributions	 to	
shrimp	whole	bodies	and	muscle	tissue.	
The availability and
incorporation of nutrients from
formulated and live feeds
The	 higher	 than	 expected	 contributions	
of	macroalgal	carbon	and	nitrogen	to	shrimp	
growth	 are	 possibly	 related	 to	 the	 high	
digestibility	of	U. clathrata	and	its	continuous	
availability	for	shrimp.	Chemical	analyses	of	U.
clathrata	have	shown	that	it	typically	contains	
low	to	medium	protein	levels	(20	-	30%)	and	
very	 low	 lipid	 levels.	 The	 cell	 wall	 polysac-
charides	in	macroalgae	might	represent	more	
than	half	of	dry	algal	matter,	but	a	tentative	
role	of	the	latter	as	energy	source	is	unlikely	as	
specific	enzymatic	activities	for	these	polysac-
charides	 (ulvanase,	 fucoidanase)	 have	 not	
been	reported	for	Penaeid	shrimps.	Despite	
their	 lower	 nutrient	 concentration,	 live	 feed	
contains	higher	water	content	which	contrib-
utes	to	higher	digestibility.	
In	 contrast,	 formulated	 feed	 can	 contribute	
nutrients	that	are	scarce	or	absent	in	live	feed,	
but	the	incorporation	of	such	nutrients	is	limited	
by	low	feed	digestibility	or	unsuitable	formulation.	
Previous	 co-feeding	 experiments	 conducted	 on	
postlarval	 shrimp	 and	 larval	 fish	 have	 shown	
that	the	supplied	live	feed	frequently	contributes	
higher	proportions	of	nutrients	to	the	growth	of	
the	 consuming	 animals	 than	 those	 supplied	 by	
formulated	feeds	in	co-feeding	regimes.
Although	the	live	macroalgae	by	itself	was	
not	 nutritionally	 complete	 for	 Pacific	 white	
shrimp,	 it	 supplied	 a	 very	 significant	 propor-
Table 2: estimated contribution of dietary nitrogen supplied
from formulated feed and live biomass of Ulva clathrata and
incorporated in tissue of postlarval Pacific white shrimp L.
vannamei as indicated by stable isotope analysis.
Feeding regime
expected* observed
Formulated feed 79.6a** 15.9 b 20.5 b
Ulva biomass 20.4 84.1 79.5
Formulated feed 66.1a 2.2 b 6.9 b
Ulva biomass 33.9 97.8 93.1
Formulated feed 30.1a 1.0 b 3.2 b
Ulva biomass 69.9 99.0 96.8
*Expected proportions are estimated from the actual
proportions of formulated feed and macroalgal biomass
offered (on a dry weight basis)
**Superscripts indicate significant differences between
expected and observed dietary contributions
Figure 2: Carbon and nitrogen dual isotope (‰) plot of whole bodies and muscle
tissue of white shrimp L. vannamei reared on feeding regimes consisting of different
proportions of formulated feed and live U. clathrata biomass. Muscle tissue values
for treatment 100U were estimated for day 28 from values in whole bodies. n= 2-4,
mean values ±SD
50 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013
tion	of	structural	carbon	and	nitrogen	when	
co-fed	with	formulated	feed.	
However,	 the	 high	 amount	 of	 nutrients	
derived	from	the	live	macroalgae	biomass	in	
co-feeding	 regimes	 supplying	 more	 than	 50	
percent	of	macroalgae,	was	not	reflected	in	a	
fast	growth	increase.	This	was	possibly	due	to	
the	restriction	of	other	nutrients	in	this	mac-
roalgae	 species.	 Interestingly,	 shrimp	 under	
the	 co-feeding	 regime	 supplying	 75	 percent	
of	 formulated	 feed	 and	 25	 percent	 of	 live	
macroalgae	 biomass	 showed	 higher	 growth	
rates	than	animals	reared	only	on	commercial	
formulated	feed,	although	the	difference	was	
not	statistically	significant.	
The	low	levels	of	energy,	amino	acids	and	
fatty	 acids	 in	 the	 macroalgae	 biomass	 avail-
able	 to	 shrimp,	 were	 compensated	 through	
high	 ingestion	 rates,	 which	 caused	 a	 higher	
incorporation	 of	 nutrients	 in	 shrimp	 tissue.	
On	the	other	hand,	it	is	very	likely	that	the	
carbohydrates	 and	 lipids	 supplied	 by	 the	
formulated	 feed	 significantly	 contributed	 to	
the	energy	requirements	of	shrimp	under	the	
three	co-feeding	regimes.
The	importance	of	the	natural	productivity	to	
shrimp	grown	in	semi-intensively	managed	ponds	
has	 been	 widely	 documented.	 The	 systematic	
use	of	macroalgae	in	production	ponds	not	only	
provides	a	significant	nutritional	supply	to	cultured	
organisms,	but	also	offers	substrate	for	periphyton	
growth	and	refuge	for	moulting	shrimps.	In	addi-
tion,	it	has	been	demonstrated	that	Ulva clathrata	
and	other	macroalgae	species	are	efficient	remov-
ers	 of	 the	 main	 dissolved	 inorganic	 nutrients,	
hence	 maintaining	 good	 water	 quality	 levels	 in	
aquaculture	ponds	and	effluents.
Diverse	isotopic	techniques	can	be	applied	
to	elucidate	the	transfer	of	nutrients	at	the	level	
of	amino	acids	and	fatty	acids;	therefore,	future	
experimental	assays	might	reveal	what	specific	
nutrients	are	contributed	from	the	macroalgal	
biomass	(or	any	other	component	of	the	natu-
ral	 biota)	 and	 from	 the	 supplied	 formulated	
feeds.	The	loss	of	some	nutritional	properties	
that	occurs	in	dietary	ingredients	that	undergo	
drying	 (or	 freeze	 drying)	 has	 not	 been	 thor-
oughly	 explained	 and	 future	 studies	 applying	
stable	isotopes	might	shed	some	light	on	the	
differences	 observed	 when	 aquatic	 animals	
consume	moist	or	dry	dietary	components.
Burtin,	P.	2003.	Nutritional	value	of	seaweeds.	
Electron.	J.	Environ.	Agric.	Food	Chem.	2:498–503.
Cruz-Suárez,	L.E.,	A.	León,	A.	Peña-Rodríguez,	G.	
Rodríguez-Peña,	B.	Moll,	D.	Ricque-Marie.		2010.	
Shrimp/Ulva	co-culture:	a	sustainable	alternative	to	
diminish	the	need	for	artificial	feed	and	improve	
shrimp	quality.	Aquaculture	301:	64–68.
Gamboa-Delgado,	J.	2013.	Nutritional	role	of	
natural	productivity	and	formulated	feed	in	semi-
intensive	shrimp	farming	as	indicated	by	natural	
stable	isotopes.	Reviews	in	Aquaculture	In	press.
Gamboa-Delgado,	J.,	M.G.	Rojas-Casas,	M.G.	
Nieto-López,	L.E.	Cruz-Suárez	2013.	Simultaneous	
estimation	of	the	nutritional	contribution	of	
fishmeal,	soy	protein	isolate	and	corn	gluten	to	
the	growth	of	Pacific	white	shrimp	(Litopenaeus
vannamei)	using	dual	stable	isotope	analysis.	
Aquaculture	380-383:	33-40.
Gamboa-Delgado,	J.,	A.	Peña-Rodríguez,	L.E.	Cruz-
Suárez,	D.	Ricque	D.	2011.	Assessment	of	nutrient	
allocation	and	metabolic	turnover	rate	in	Pacific	
white	shrimp	Litopenaeus vannamei	co-fed	live	
macroalgae	Ulva clathrata	and	inert	feed:	dual	
stable	isotope	analysis.	J.	Shellfish	Res.	30:	1–10.
Moll,	B.	(Sinaloa	Seafields	International).	2004.	
Aquatic	surface	barriers	and	methods	for	culturing	
seaweed.	International	patent	(PCT)	no.	WO	
2004/093525	A2.	November	4,	2004.
Villarreal-Cavazos	D.A.	2011.	Determinación	
de	la	digestibilidad	aparente	de	aminoácidos	de	
ingredientes	utilizados	en	alimentos	comerciales	
para	camarón	blanco	(Litopenaeus vannamei)	en	
México.	PhD	Thesis.	Universidad	Autónoma	de	
Nuevo	León,	Mexico.
More InforMatIon:
Julián Gamboa-Delgado PhD
Tel: +52 81 8352 6380
52 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013
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also	 stimulate	 digestive	 enzyme	 production	
(Cahu	et	al.	1998).
Production of microalgae
Despite	the	many	advantages	of	microalgae,	
their	 wider	 use	 is	 hampered	 by	 difficulties	 in	
culturing,	 storage,	 and	 high	 costs.	 Microalgae	
culture	can	consume	a	significant	fraction	of	the	
resources	 of	 a	 hatchery,	 and	 requires	 special	
equipment,	 skilled	 labour,	 and	 a	 large	 alloca-
tion	of	space	that	is	unproductive	during	the	
seasons	when	live	feeds	are	not	needed.	
Low-cost	 open-pond	 culture	 methods	
carry	high	risks	of	contamination	and	culture	
failure	due	to	the	impossiblity	of	tightly	con-
trolling	culture	conditions,	and	the	most	highly	
prized	high-PUFA	strains	such	as	Isochrysis	and	
Pavlova	require	indoor	culture.	
It	is	very	difficult	to	synchronize	microalgal	
production	 with	 live	 feed	 requirements	 to	
prevent	feed	shortages	or	wasteful	overpro-
duction,	 and	 it	 is	 difficult	 to	 accurately	 dose	
algae	cultures	directly	into	live	feed	cultures.	
If	the	algae	are	harvested	and	concentrated,	
the	tightly-packed	cells	can	deteriorate	rapidly	
in	refrigerated	storage.	Some	microalgae	have	
been	 freeze-	 or	 spray-dried,	 but	 dried	 cells	
are	subject	to	protein	denaturation,	and	when	
they	 are	 rehydrated	 the	 leaching	 of	 water-
soluble	 substances	 can	 rapidly	 deplete	 their	
nutritional	value,	as	with	other	dry	feeds.	
Microalgae concentrates
The	 best	 solution	 to	 these	 problems	
can	 be	 the	 use	 of	 commercially-available	
refrigerated	or	frozen	algae	concentrates	
or	 ‘pastes’	 (Guedes	 &	 Malcata	 2012,	
Shields	&	Lupatsch	2012).	These	products,	
which	 are	 actually	 viscous	 liquids,	 have	
proven	 to	 be	 effective	 feeds	 for	 rotifers,	
Artemia,	shellfish	and	other	filter-feeders,	
as	well	as	for	greenwater	applications.	
In	 products	 formulated	 to	 provide	 a	
long	shelf-life,	the	concentrated	microalgae	
are	 suspended	 in	 buffer	 media	 that	 pre-
serve	cellular	integrity	and	nutritional	value,	
although	 the	 cells	 are	 non-viable.	 When	
concentrates	 with	 well-defined	 biomass	
densities	 are	 employed,	 the	 algae	 can	 be	
accurately	 dosed	 into	 live	 feed	 cultures	
with	 a	 metering	 pump,	 and	 non-viability	
confers	 the	 advantage	 that	 the	 products	
pose	 no	 risk	 of	 introducing	 exotic	 algal	
strains.	The	best	refrigerated	products	typi-
cally	 have	 a	 shelf-life	 of	 3-6	 months,	 and	
frozen	products	several	years.	This	means	
that	a	reliable	supply	of	algae	can	be	kept	
on	hand,	available	for	use	in	any	season	or	
if	 an	 unexpected	 need	 arises.	 Algae	 costs	
become	 predictable,	 and	 often	 prove	 to	
be	less	than	on-site	production	when	total	
production	 costs	 and	 inefficiencies	 are	
accounted	for.
Although	 costs	 of	 liquid	 algae	 concen-
trates	 are	 higher	 than	 for	 dried	 algae	 or	
formulated	feeds,	they	offer	all	the	nutritional	
advantages	 of	 live	 cultures.	 The	 nutritional	
quality	 of	 live	 feeds	 can	 be	 no	 better	 than	
the	 food	 sources	 used	 to	 produce	 them.	
Success	 of	 early	 larvae	 is	 so	 critical	 to	 the	
success	of	a	hatchery	that	even	a	relatively	
small	improvement	in	survival	or	growth	rate	
can	yield	great	benefits.
Live	 feeds	 remain	 indispensable	 for	
larviculture	 of	 many	 fish.	 Although	 micro-
algae	are	among	the	costliest	food	sources	
used	 to	 produce	 live	 feeds,	 their	 many	
advantages	 justify	 the	 cost	 for	 hatcheries	
producing	high-value	fish.	Research	contin-
ues	 to	 better	 characterise	 the	 nutritional	
properties	 of	 various	 algae	 strains	 and	 to	
optimise	 algae	 production	 technologies.	
We	 can	 anticipate	 that	 introduction	 of	
novel	 algae	 strains	 and	 nutritionally-opti-
mised	 combinations	 of	 strains,	 along	 with	
improved	 feeding	 protocols,	 will	 ensure	
that	microalgae	remain	the	food	of	choice	
for	 production	 of	 the	 highest-quality	 live	
May-June 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 15
Naturally ahead
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Mycotoxins decrease performance and interfere
with the health status of your animals.
is the solution for mycotoxin risk management.
International	Aquafeed	is	published	six	times	a	year,	bringing	you	in-depth	features,	industry	news,	
events,	book	reviews	and	more.	
As	well	as	your	personal	copy	delivered	direct	to	your	address,	subscribers	to	International	
Aquafeed	also	receive	a	free	copy	of	the	International	Aquafeed	Directory	worth	UK£85.	
For	more	information	please	visit	our	website.		
For	a	complimentary	trial	issue,	please	contact	the	circulation	&	subscriptions	manager	-	Tuti	Tan	-	
The	International	Aquafeed	Directory	was	launched	in	1997	as	an	easy	to	use	publication	for	
manufacturers	of	fish	feed	to	source	suppliers.	It	evolved	to	become	a	practical	guide	to	plant	and	
materials	available	throughout	the	world.
It	is	one	of	the	most	comprehensive	information	sources	specifically	designed	to	identify	all	aquafeed	
ingredients,	raw	feedstuffs,	feed	additive	micro-ingredients,	production	machinery	and	plant	and	
equipment	available	on	the	world	market.	
UK£69	 Recieve	six	issues	of	International	Aquafeed	magazine
+	The	International	Aquafeed	Directory	&	Buyers	Guide
Saltwater mariculture-aquaculture inQuebec may soon welcome a newarrival: the Spotted Wolffish, athreatened and little-known species thattastes delicious.
In Quebec, commercial fish farmscurrently limit themselves to farmingfreshwater fish, while the maricultureindustry has focused until very recentlyon molluscs. In other parts of the world,saltwater fish farms are located right inthe ocean. Doing so significantly reducesfarming costs and makes themprofitable. In Quebec, installingaquaculture equipment in the ocean is adicey prospect because of ice cover inwinter. Previously, experiments withfarming saltwater fish in tanks revealedthe need for technical expertise as wellas the high cost of production. Today,however, research advances are showingthe potential of the Spotted Wolffish.This new mariculture candidate wasfirst noticed in the early 2000s. At thetime, teams from the Maurice-Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli,Quebec, collected their first SpottedWolffish as part of the research projectsthey were conducting with the
Université du Québec à Rimouski andthe Quebec ministry of agriculture,fisheries and food.
First of all, the Spotted Wolffish is afish that adapts well to the conditions itis kept in and is easy to domesticate. Itdevelops quickly at very lowtemperatures and is not very sensitive tochanges in the salinity of the water.Spotted Wolffish can be farmed in highdensities, something that is crucial forthe profitability of an aquacultureoperation (see Figure 2). As well, eventhough the Spotted Wolffish does notreproduce spontaneously in captivity,new generations can be produced everyyear using captive broodstock. And let’snot forget another important quality thisfish possesses: it tastes great.Aside from these obvious advantages,it is important to find out how thisspecies grows in captivity so that itspotential benefit to Quebec’s aquacultureindustry can be properly assessed. Forthat reason, Denis Chabot, a researcher atthe Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, wasapproached by the Société dedéveloppement de l’industrie maricole(SODIM) to carry tests using water tanks.
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Farming saltwater fish inThe Spotted Wolffish show
Figure 2: Spotted Wolffish in farming tank
Photo: Arianne Savoie, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
pg16_DFO_wolffish.qxd 24/8/12 12:30 Page 16
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•	 Visit the International Aquafeed website
•	 Contact the International Aquafeed Team
•	 Subscribe to International Aquafeed
They are what they eat
Enhancing the nutritional value of live feeds
with microalgae
Controlling mycotoxins with
water disinfection for fish
farms and hatcheries
– one of the key B vitamins for sustaining
healthy fish growth and production
Volume 16 Issue 3 2013 - mAY | Ju Ne
This digital re-print is part of the May | June 2013 edition of International
Aquafeed magazine. 	
Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full
online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on
the docstoc website.
Please click here to view our other publications on
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  • 1. May | June 2013 EXPERT TOPIC - SHRIMP The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 INCORPORATING f ish farming technolog y
  • 2.
  • 3. 42 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013 EXPERT T●PIC Welcome to Expert Topic. Each issue will take an in-depth look at a particular species and how its feed is managed. SHRIMP EXPERT TOPIC
  • 4. Shrimp Farmed shrimp was a $US10.6 billion indus- try in 2005 (WWF). The species is one of the fastest growing in aquaculture with an approximate rate of 10 percent annually. The production of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei, formerly Penaeus vannamei) in particular, generated the highest value of major cultured species at $US11.3 billion. L. vannamei was first cultivated in Florida in 1973 from larvae spawned and shipped from a wild-caught mated female from Panama. In 1976, due to good pond results and adequate nutrition, the culture of L. vannamei began in South and Central America. By the early 1980s, through intensive breeding and rearing techniques, L. vannamei was being developed in the USA (including Hawaii), and much of Central and South America (FAO). L. vannamei is popular because of its high yield and short grow out period. The yield per hectare is up to three times that of the giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). The grow out period is also shorter for L. van- namei, 60-90 days, compared to 90-120 days for P. monodon. Overall, it costs about half as much to produce a kilo of L. vannamei as it does to produce a kilo of P. monodon. 1 China Although, L. vannamei was introduced into Asia in 1978-9, it was not until 1996 that the species was cultivated on a commercial scale. First in Mainland China and Taiwan and subse- quently to the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and India. The largest seafood producer and export- er in the world, China also boasts a large L. vannamei production industry, with Mainland China producing more than 270,000 met- ric tonnes in 2002. Production reached an estimated 300,000 metric tonnes (71% of the country’s total shrimp production) in 2003 and hit 700,000 tonnes in 2004 (Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific). More InforMatIon: byMarnieSnell May-June 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 43 EXPERT T●PIC 3 1 4 5 2 6
  • 5. 2 India In the 1990s, Indian shrimp aquaculture expe- rienced rapid growth. Production increased from 30,000 tonnes in 1990 to 102,000 tonnes in 1999 (FAO). This expansion brought economic success for the country. By the start of the 21st century, the shrimp aquaculture sector accounted 1.6 percent of Indian export earnings and employed an estimated 200,000 people. Yet the development of shrimp aquac- ulture has become more controversial. The introduction of L. vannamei in 2009 has led to widespread illegal farming and posed the threat of disease. However, there are organi- sations dedicated to tackling the problem. One example is the Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA) which aims to shut down unregistered shrimp hatcheries and farms. The scale of the issue is rather large as out of 14,549 CAA registered farms, just 246 have permission to cultivate whiteleg shrimp. More InforMatIon: cle2878953.ece 3 Ecuador The 1970s set a president for the devel- opment of Ecuador’s shrimp farming industry. L. vannamei, captured from the beach surf was transferred into 20-hec- tare ponds that Ecuadorian producers built on mud flats. During the mid-1970s, animal feed and pet food company, Ralston Purina began conducting pond trials in Ecuador to demonstrate the benefits of feeding. As land and labour were cheap, disease was rare and wild seed was in abundance, the shrimp farming business was profitable and by 1977, approxi- mately 3,000 hectares of extensive shrimp farms had been developed in Ecuador. As a result, shrimp feed mills were developed during the 1980s, marking the transition of Ecuadorian farms from extensive to semi-intensive production. More InforMatIon: HistoryFolder/HistoryWorldShrimpFarming/ ChamberlainsHistoryOfShrimpFarming.html 4 Brazil Although shrimp farming was already operational during the 1980s, it was the introduction of L. vannamei in 1992 that allowed for a swift expansion in Brazil’s shrimp farming industry. Shrimp culture is now one of the most organised sectors within Brazilian aquaculture. In 2003, the total production of L. van- namei reached 90,190 tonnes produced from 14,824 ha of shrimp ponds. In some states, productivity reached 8,700 kg/ha/year with the best yields obtained in the northeast region. With exports reaching 60,000 tonnes in 2003, representing 60.5% of the total Brazilian fishery export and generating US $230 million for the Brazilian economy, shrimp culture is now one of the most important economic activities in the Northeast region. Most of the shrimp farms are small scale (75 %), followed by medium (9.6%) and large scale (5.52%). The average yield increased from 1 015 kg/ha/year in 1997 to 6,084 kg/ ha/year in 2003, compared to an international average of 958 kg/ha/year (FAO). More InforMatIon: 5 Thailand Shrimp farming has been practised in Thailand for more than 30 years, with its development expanding rapidly during the mid-1980s. This expansion was supported by advances in shrimp feed and the successful production of larvae in 1986. The most popular shrimp cultivated in the country is the giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) which accounts for 98 percent of shrimp production and around 40 percent of total brackish water aquaculture production (FAO). L. vannamei was first introduced to Thailand in the late 1990s as an alternative to the native P. monodon. The production of L. vannamei in Thailand rapidly increased from 10,000 metric tons in 2002 (Briggs et al. 2004) to approximately 300,000 metric tons in 2004, which com- prised 80 percent of total marine shrimp production. More InforMatIon: India’s indigenous shrimp T he Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA) in Tamil Nadu, India has produced a specific pathogen free variety of shrimp. The new variety is set to help commercial shrimp farmers and boost India’s seafood exports. The selectively bred mother shrimps are capable of producing quality seeds that harness higher growth and survival rates. Until now, Indian shrimp hatcheries imported such brood stock from the USA, Thailand and Singapore, resulting in high shipping costs and big transit losses. The average cost of brood stock was estimated at Rs5,000. It is estimated that 80 percent of India’s shrimp farmers are small scale - the quality of seeds largely affects their crop success. Due to the high costs, some hatcheries have been sourcing brood stock from shrimp ponds, which ultimately results in the production of poor quality seeds and subsequent crop loss to farmers. 2 44 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013 EXPERT T●PIC
  • 6. Innovations for a better world. Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96, Fatten up your bottom line. Bühler high-performance animal and aqua feed production systems are used by leading companies around the world. These producers know they can rely not just on the technology itself, but also on the support that accompanies it. A service combining local presence with global expertise both lowers feed mill operating costs and increases capacity utilization. To find out more, visit
  • 7. Cause of EMS detected T he pathogen which causes early mortality syndrome (EMS) has been identified by researchers at the University of Arizona, USA. A research team led by Donald Lighter found that EMS, or more technically known as acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS), is caused by a bacterial agent, which is transmitted orally, colonizes the shrimp gastrointestinal tract and produces a toxin that causes tis- sue destruction and dysfunction of the shrimp digestive organ known as the hepatopancreas. The disease was first record- ed in China in 2009 and has since spread to Vietnam (2011), Thailand (2012) and Malaysia (2012). EMS kills shrimp between 10-40 days after the post-larval stage with mortalities of up to 70 percent. Shrimp that survive suffer from stunted growth and tale twice as long to achieve significant grow out. The economic impact of EMS is perhaps yet to be fully felt. However, the dis- ease is one of the most sig- nificant reasons in the fall in Thai shrimp production. In 2010, the country produced 600,000 toms of shrimp but by 2012, this figure has fallen to 500,000 tons, a drop of around 18 percent. Lightner’s team identified the EMS pathogen as a unique strain of a relatively common bac- terium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, that is infected by a virus known as a phage, which causes it to release a potent toxin. A simi- lar phenomenon occurs in the human disease cholera, where a phage makes the Vibrio cholerae bacterium capable of producing a toxin that causes cholera’s life- threatening diarrhea. EMS how- ever, is not a danger to people. Research continues on the development of diagnostic tests for rapid detection of the EMS pathogen that will ena- ble improved management of hatcheries and ponds, and help lead to a long-term solution for the disease. It will also enable a better evaluation of risks associ- ated with importation of frozen shrimp or other products from countries affected by EMS. Some countries have imple- mented policies that restrict the importation of frozen shrimp or other products from EMS- affected countries. Lightner said frozen shrimp likely pose a low risk for contamination of wild shrimp or the envi- ronment because EMS-infected shrimp are typically very small and do not enter international commerce. Also, his repeated attempts to transmit the disease using frozen tissue were unsuc- cessful. In an effort to learn from past epidemics and improve future policy, the World Bank and the Responsible Aquaculture Foundation, a charitable edu- cation and training organisa- tion founded by the Global Aquaculture Alliance, initiated a case study on EMS in Vietnam in July 2012. Its purpose was to investigate the introduction, transmission and impacts of EMS, and recommend manage- ment measures for the public and private sectors. 6 46 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013 EXPERT T●PIC
  • 8. Providing proficient tools to achieve cost- effective and sustainable aquaculture practices Central Office and Orders Jesús Aprendiz, 19. 1º A-B 28007 Madrid T. +34 915 014 041 Aqua Range FUNGINAT AQUA ECOBIOL AQUA AQUABOND GLYMET MIX AQUA AQUANOX GUSTOR AQU AQUABOND GUSTOR AQUA AQUANOX
  • 9. Application of isotopic techniques to assess the nutritional performance of macroalgae in feeding regimes for shrimp by Julián Gamboa-Delgado PhD, research officer, Programa Maricultura, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico D ue to their nutritional prop- erties, several species of macroalgae have been used as dietary supplements for shrimps and other marine species. Since macroalgae represent a natural source of nutrients in the shrimp’s natural environment, attempts have been done to co-culture macroalgae and shrimps. The nutritional performance and digestibil- ity of macroalgae- derived meals have been tested in formulated diets for shrimp. One of the aspects requir- ing further research is represented by the loss of nutritional properties occurring when the macroalgal biomass is dried out as compared when the algal biomass is ingested as live biomass. Several nutritional method- ologies have been used to evalu- ate the performance of different ingredients used or proposed for aquaculture feeds. The use of stable isotopes as tools to assess nutritional contributions of specific ingredients to growth is one of many emerging nutritional techniques applied in aquaculture. The chemical composition of macroalgae varies among species and environmental con- ditions; however, most are rich in non-starch polysaccharides, vitamins, and minerals. In particular, green macroalgae (Chlorophyceae) often have higher protein content than brown seaweeds. Such nutritional properties, in con- junction with novel macroalgae production methods, have increased the interest in their use as dietary ingredients for aquaculture diets. Additionally, there are studies that have focused on their use as additives to enhance the immunological status of the farmed animals. The green macroalgae Ulva (Enteromorpha) clathrata, also known as aonori in Asian countries, has worldwide distribution and due to its nutritional profile, has been evaluated as a dietary supplement for aquatic species. U. clathrata has been mass-cultured in recent years under a patented technology developed by Aonori Aquafarms Inc. By applying this methodology, macroalgae biomass is rapidly grown in ponds without eliciting detrimental effects to the environment. Evaluation of macroalgae in shrimp nutrition studies Although it has been observed that use of macroalgal biomass alone as feed does not fulfil the nutritional requirements for optimal growth in marine shrimp, co-culture of U. clathrata and Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei has been conducted with positive results in terms of lower feed utilization and improve- ment of the shrimp nutritional quality, flesh colour and texture. Recent nutritional studies have also shown that when dry Ulva clathrata meal is fed to Pacific white shrimp as an ingredient in practical diets, it has an apparent digestibility coefficient for dry matter of 83 percent, while the same value for protein is 90 percent. However, the high ash content and the rela- tively low protein content of this macroalgae species prevent its dietary inclusion at high levels when attempting to replace other ingredients such as fishmeal. Stable isotopes to assess the nutritional contribution of macroalgae Over the last few decades, different iso- topic methodologies have been adopted from the ecological sciences and have been applied to animal nutrition studies. Most elements in organic matter are present as two or more stable isotopes and heavier isotopes have a tendency to accumulate in animal tissue. For example, animal predators have higher isotopic values than their preys; therefore, a specific isotopic signature is conferred to each Table 1: Growth, survival rate and estimated consumption of formulated feed and live macroalgae biomass (dry weight) by juvenile litopenaeus vannamei reared on five different feeding regimes for 28 days (n= 8-20, mean values ±SD) Feeding regime Survival (%) Final wet weight (mg) Weight increase (%) Consumed formulated feed (g) Consumed U. clathrata (g) 100F 95 ± 13a 995 ± 289a 429 0.94 - 75F/25U 93 ± 11a 1067 ± 364a 467 0.81 0.40 50F/50U 78 ± 11ab 768 ± 273ab 308 0.43 0.44 25F/75U 60 ± 21b 424 ± 207b 125 0.14 0.65 100U* 23 ± 4c 221 ± 49c 18 - 1.32 Initial wet weight = 188 ±28 mg Different superscripts indicate significant differences at p<0.05 * Parameters in animals from feeding regime 100U were estimated on experimental day 21 Juvenile Pacific white shrimp feeding on U. clathrata macroalgal biomass. Long fecal strands are frequently related to fast gut transit ImagecourtseyofAlbertoPena© 7 48 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013 EXPERT T●PIC
  • 10. trophic level (primary producers, herbivores, carnivores). In the case of plants and macroalgae, their carbon isotope values are strongly influenced by the type of photosynthesis they present. On the other hand, the nitrogen stable iso- tope values of plants and macroalgae can be easily manipulated by means of specific fertilis- ers, to eventually conduct nutritional studies. By using such techniques, it can be possible to determine the proportions of available dietary nutrients that have been selected, ingested and incorporated into animal tis- sue (Figure 1). As the average sample size required for stable isotope analysis (carbon and nitrogen) is only 1 mg of dry tissue or test diet, the technique has been very useful in larval nutrition studies. It has been employed to quantify the proportions of nutrients incor- porated from live and formulated feeds in fish and crustacean larvae. Likewise, stable isotope analyses of dif- ferent plant-derived ingredients (soy protein isolate, corn gluten and pea meal) have been carried out to explore the contribution of the dietary nitrogen supplied by these sources (as compared to fish meal) to shrimp growth. In the context of macroalgae as source of nutri- ents, isotopic techniques have been applied as nutritional tools to quantify the relative contributions of dietary carbon and nitrogen to the growth of Pacific white shrimp co-fed formulated feed and live macroalgal biomass of U. clathrata. Experimental design Taking advantage of the contrast- ing natural carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values meas- ured in a commercial formulated feed and in live macroalgal bio- mass of U. clathrata, the study aimed to quantify the relative contribution of nutri- ents to the growth of Pacific white shrimp. Animals were allocat- ed to duplicate tanks individually fitted with air lifts and connected to an artificial-seawater recirculation system. Feeding regimes consisted of a positive isotopic control (100% formulated feed, treatment 100F), a negative isotopic control (100% macroalgae, treatment 100U) and three co-feeding regimes in which 75, 50, and 25 percent of the daily amount of con- sumed macroalgal biomass was substituted by formulated feed (treatments 75F/25U, 50F/50U, and 25F/75U, respectively) on a dry weight basis. The digestibility of both feeding sourc- es for L. vannamei has been previously assessed and is similarly high (>80%). Live macroalgae was supplied to shrimp by attaching the algal biomass to plastic mesh units from which the algal filaments were constantly available and easily nibbled upon by shrimp. Feeding rations and proportions were pro- gressively adjusted in relation to the amount of macroalgal biomass consumed, animal sur- vival and sampling. Shrimp samples (whole bodies and muscle tissue) and diet samples were collected and pre-treated for isotopic analysis. Growth and survival There was a high variability in final wet Figure 1: Carbon and nitrogen flow in shrimps produced under semi-intensive farming conditions. Bold arrows indicate components that can be isotopically analyzed to determine their origin and fate May-June 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 49 EXPERT T●PIC Using unique macroalgae formulas to improve health, taste and quality of shrimp100% Marine Natural Diet A New Dimension in Sustainable Aquaculture Feed Ingredients from the Sea T: +353 (0)93 51807 E: Scientifically proven activity against whITe SpoT vIrAl dISeASe & lower FCr Need to keep up to date with news about shrimp? Global Aquaculture News scours the web every day to bring you all of the latest information available. Visit:
  • 11. weight of shrimps under the different dietary treatments; however, a clear tendency for higher growth was observed in shrimps reared on regime 75F/25U (1,067 ±364 mg, final mean weight), followed by shrimps fed only on formulated feed (995 ±289 mg). Shrimps from both feeding regimes increased their weight more than 400 percent (Table 1). Animals fed only on U. clathrata bio- mass showed very low growth (221 ±49 mg) and only 23 percent of the animals in this treatment survived by day 21. Higher survival rates (93-95%) were observed in shrimps reared on feeding regimes 100F and 75F/25U, while shrimps in dietary treatments 50F/50U and 25F/75U had respective mean survival rates of 78 and 60 percent. The positive effect of supplying both, live feeds and formulated diets has been recurrently observed in previ- ous crustacean studies. Dietary contributions from macroalgae and formulated feed At the end of the experi- ment, isotopic values of shrimp tissue reared on co-feeding treatments were strongly biased towards the isotopic values of U. clathrata biomass. Figure 2 combines carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values measured in shrimps and provides a graphic indica- tion of the total organic matter contributed by both, the for- mulated feed and macroalgae. Results from an isotopic mixing model indicated that shrimps in the three co-feeding regimes incorporated significantly higher amounts of dietary carbon and nitrogen from U. clathrata biomass than from the formulated feed (Table 2). At the end of the experiment, shrimps in treatment 75F/25U incorporated 68 percent of carbon from the formulated feed and 32 percent from the macroalgae. Shrimps under feeding regimes 50F/50U and 25F/75U incor- porated significantly higher amounts of dietary carbon from U. clathrata (49 and 80%, respec- tively) when compared to the expected dietary carbon proportions supplied by these the co-feeding regimes (34 and 70%, respec- tively). Shrimp grown in co-feeding regime 75F/25U incorporated 27 percent of nitrogen from the formulated feed and the remaining 73 percent from the macroalgal biomass, while animals reared on regimes 25F/75U and 50F/50U incorporated the majority of their dietary nitrogen (98 and 96%, respectively) from the macroalgae. The lower growth attained by these ani- mals indicated that a very high proportion of the isotopic change was due to high nitrogen metabolic turnover and not to tissue accre- tion. Due to its lower carbon and nitrogen contents, the macroalgal biomass had to be consumed at higher amounts in order to sup- ply the observed elemental contributions to shrimp whole bodies and muscle tissue. The availability and incorporation of nutrients from formulated and live feeds The higher than expected contributions of macroalgal carbon and nitrogen to shrimp growth are possibly related to the high digestibility of U. clathrata and its continuous availability for shrimp. Chemical analyses of U. clathrata have shown that it typically contains low to medium protein levels (20 - 30%) and very low lipid levels. The cell wall polysac- charides in macroalgae might represent more than half of dry algal matter, but a tentative role of the latter as energy source is unlikely as specific enzymatic activities for these polysac- charides (ulvanase, fucoidanase) have not been reported for Penaeid shrimps. Despite their lower nutrient concentration, live feed contains higher water content which contrib- utes to higher digestibility. In contrast, formulated feed can contribute nutrients that are scarce or absent in live feed, but the incorporation of such nutrients is limited by low feed digestibility or unsuitable formulation. Previous co-feeding experiments conducted on postlarval shrimp and larval fish have shown that the supplied live feed frequently contributes higher proportions of nutrients to the growth of the consuming animals than those supplied by formulated feeds in co-feeding regimes. Conclusion Although the live macroalgae by itself was not nutritionally complete for Pacific white shrimp, it supplied a very significant propor- Table 2: estimated contribution of dietary nitrogen supplied from formulated feed and live biomass of Ulva clathrata and incorporated in tissue of postlarval Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei as indicated by stable isotope analysis. Feeding regime expected* observed Whole bodies Muscle tissue 75F/25U Formulated feed 79.6a** 15.9 b 20.5 b Ulva biomass 20.4 84.1 79.5 50F/50U Formulated feed 66.1a 2.2 b 6.9 b Ulva biomass 33.9 97.8 93.1 25F/75U Formulated feed 30.1a 1.0 b 3.2 b Ulva biomass 69.9 99.0 96.8 *Expected proportions are estimated from the actual proportions of formulated feed and macroalgal biomass offered (on a dry weight basis) **Superscripts indicate significant differences between expected and observed dietary contributions Figure 2: Carbon and nitrogen dual isotope (‰) plot of whole bodies and muscle tissue of white shrimp L. vannamei reared on feeding regimes consisting of different proportions of formulated feed and live U. clathrata biomass. Muscle tissue values for treatment 100U were estimated for day 28 from values in whole bodies. n= 2-4, mean values ±SD 50 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013 EXPERT T●PIC
  • 12.
  • 13. tion of structural carbon and nitrogen when co-fed with formulated feed. However, the high amount of nutrients derived from the live macroalgae biomass in co-feeding regimes supplying more than 50 percent of macroalgae, was not reflected in a fast growth increase. This was possibly due to the restriction of other nutrients in this mac- roalgae species. Interestingly, shrimp under the co-feeding regime supplying 75 percent of formulated feed and 25 percent of live macroalgae biomass showed higher growth rates than animals reared only on commercial formulated feed, although the difference was not statistically significant. The low levels of energy, amino acids and fatty acids in the macroalgae biomass avail- able to shrimp, were compensated through high ingestion rates, which caused a higher incorporation of nutrients in shrimp tissue. On the other hand, it is very likely that the carbohydrates and lipids supplied by the formulated feed significantly contributed to the energy requirements of shrimp under the three co-feeding regimes. The importance of the natural productivity to shrimp grown in semi-intensively managed ponds has been widely documented. The systematic use of macroalgae in production ponds not only provides a significant nutritional supply to cultured organisms, but also offers substrate for periphyton growth and refuge for moulting shrimps. In addi- tion, it has been demonstrated that Ulva clathrata and other macroalgae species are efficient remov- ers of the main dissolved inorganic nutrients, hence maintaining good water quality levels in aquaculture ponds and effluents. Diverse isotopic techniques can be applied to elucidate the transfer of nutrients at the level of amino acids and fatty acids; therefore, future experimental assays might reveal what specific nutrients are contributed from the macroalgal biomass (or any other component of the natu- ral biota) and from the supplied formulated feeds. The loss of some nutritional properties that occurs in dietary ingredients that undergo drying (or freeze drying) has not been thor- oughly explained and future studies applying stable isotopes might shed some light on the differences observed when aquatic animals consume moist or dry dietary components. References Burtin, P. 2003. Nutritional value of seaweeds. Electron. J. Environ. Agric. Food Chem. 2:498–503. Cruz-Suárez, L.E., A. León, A. Peña-Rodríguez, G. Rodríguez-Peña, B. Moll, D. Ricque-Marie. 2010. Shrimp/Ulva co-culture: a sustainable alternative to diminish the need for artificial feed and improve shrimp quality. Aquaculture 301: 64–68. Gamboa-Delgado, J. 2013. Nutritional role of natural productivity and formulated feed in semi- intensive shrimp farming as indicated by natural stable isotopes. Reviews in Aquaculture In press. Gamboa-Delgado, J., M.G. Rojas-Casas, M.G. Nieto-López, L.E. Cruz-Suárez 2013. Simultaneous estimation of the nutritional contribution of fishmeal, soy protein isolate and corn gluten to the growth of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using dual stable isotope analysis. Aquaculture 380-383: 33-40. Gamboa-Delgado, J., A. Peña-Rodríguez, L.E. Cruz- Suárez, D. Ricque D. 2011. Assessment of nutrient allocation and metabolic turnover rate in Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei co-fed live macroalgae Ulva clathrata and inert feed: dual stable isotope analysis. J. Shellfish Res. 30: 1–10. Moll, B. (Sinaloa Seafields International). 2004. Aquatic surface barriers and methods for culturing seaweed. International patent (PCT) no. WO 2004/093525 A2. November 4, 2004. Villarreal-Cavazos D.A. 2011. Determinación de la digestibilidad aparente de aminoácidos de ingredientes utilizados en alimentos comerciales para camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei) en México. PhD Thesis. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico. More InforMatIon: Julián Gamboa-Delgado PhD Tel: +52 81 8352 6380 Email: 52 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013 EXPERT T●PIC 20th Annual Practical Short Course on Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Management September 22-27, 2013 For more information, visit or contact Dr. Mian N. Riaz 979-845-2774 Hands-On Experience Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas o various shaping dies (sinking, floating, high fat), coating (surface vs vacuum), nutrition, feed formulation, and MUCH MORE! Extruding Aquaculture Feeds o 30+ lectures over a wide variety of aquaculture industry topics o one-on-one interaction with qualified industry experts o at the internationally recognized Food Protein R&D Center on the campus of o discussion and live equipment demonstrations following lectures on four major types of extruders also stimulate digestive enzyme production (Cahu et al. 1998). Production of microalgae Despite the many advantages of microalgae, their wider use is hampered by difficulties in culturing, storage, and high costs. Microalgae culture can consume a significant fraction of the resources of a hatchery, and requires special equipment, skilled labour, and a large alloca- tion of space that is unproductive during the seasons when live feeds are not needed. Low-cost open-pond culture methods carry high risks of contamination and culture failure due to the impossiblity of tightly con- trolling culture conditions, and the most highly prized high-PUFA strains such as Isochrysis and Pavlova require indoor culture. It is very difficult to synchronize microalgal production with live feed requirements to prevent feed shortages or wasteful overpro- duction, and it is difficult to accurately dose algae cultures directly into live feed cultures. If the algae are harvested and concentrated, the tightly-packed cells can deteriorate rapidly in refrigerated storage. Some microalgae have been freeze- or spray-dried, but dried cells are subject to protein denaturation, and when they are rehydrated the leaching of water- soluble substances can rapidly deplete their nutritional value, as with other dry feeds. Microalgae concentrates The best solution to these problems can be the use of commercially-available refrigerated or frozen algae concentrates or ‘pastes’ (Guedes & Malcata 2012, Shields & Lupatsch 2012). These products, which are actually viscous liquids, have proven to be effective feeds for rotifers, Artemia, shellfish and other filter-feeders, as well as for greenwater applications. In products formulated to provide a long shelf-life, the concentrated microalgae are suspended in buffer media that pre- serve cellular integrity and nutritional value, although the cells are non-viable. When concentrates with well-defined biomass densities are employed, the algae can be accurately dosed into live feed cultures with a metering pump, and non-viability confers the advantage that the products pose no risk of introducing exotic algal strains. The best refrigerated products typi- cally have a shelf-life of 3-6 months, and frozen products several years. This means that a reliable supply of algae can be kept on hand, available for use in any season or if an unexpected need arises. Algae costs become predictable, and often prove to be less than on-site production when total production costs and inefficiencies are accounted for. Although costs of liquid algae concen- trates are higher than for dried algae or formulated feeds, they offer all the nutritional advantages of live cultures. The nutritional quality of live feeds can be no better than the food sources used to produce them. Success of early larvae is so critical to the success of a hatchery that even a relatively small improvement in survival or growth rate can yield great benefits. Outlook Live feeds remain indispensable for larviculture of many fish. Although micro- algae are among the costliest food sources used to produce live feeds, their many advantages justify the cost for hatcheries producing high-value fish. Research contin- ues to better characterise the nutritional properties of various algae strains and to optimise algae production technologies. We can anticipate that introduction of novel algae strains and nutritionally-opti- mised combinations of strains, along with improved feeding protocols, will ensure that microalgae remain the food of choice for production of the highest-quality live feeds. References May-June 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 15 FEATURE Naturally ahead MYC OFIX Myco toxin Ri sk M a n a g e M ent Mycofix® More protective. Mycotoxins decrease performance and interfere with the health status of your animals. Mycofix® is the solution for mycotoxin risk management.
  • 14. AQUAFEED 6 ISSUES International Aquafeed is published six times a year, bringing you in-depth features, industry news, events, book reviews and more. As well as your personal copy delivered direct to your address, subscribers to International Aquafeed also receive a free copy of the International Aquafeed Directory worth UK£85. For more information please visit our website. For a complimentary trial issue, please contact the circulation & subscriptions manager - Tuti Tan - Email: THE AQUAFEED DIRECTORY The International Aquafeed Directory was launched in 1997 as an easy to use publication for manufacturers of fish feed to source suppliers. It evolved to become a practical guide to plant and materials available throughout the world. It is one of the most comprehensive information sources specifically designed to identify all aquafeed ingredients, raw feedstuffs, feed additive micro-ingredients, production machinery and plant and equipment available on the world market. + UK£69 Recieve six issues of International Aquafeed magazine + The International Aquafeed Directory & Buyers Guide 16 INTERNATIONAL AQUAFEED DIRECTORY 2012/13 SCIENCE DFO SCIENCE SCI Saltwater mariculture-aquaculture inQuebec may soon welcome a newarrival: the Spotted Wolffish, athreatened and little-known species thattastes delicious. In Quebec, commercial fish farmscurrently limit themselves to farmingfreshwater fish, while the maricultureindustry has focused until very recentlyon molluscs. In other parts of the world,saltwater fish farms are located right inthe ocean. Doing so significantly reducesfarming costs and makes themprofitable. In Quebec, installingaquaculture equipment in the ocean is adicey prospect because of ice cover inwinter. Previously, experiments withfarming saltwater fish in tanks revealedthe need for technical expertise as wellas the high cost of production. Today,however, research advances are showingthe potential of the Spotted Wolffish.This new mariculture candidate wasfirst noticed in the early 2000s. At thetime, teams from the Maurice-Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli,Quebec, collected their first SpottedWolffish as part of the research projectsthey were conducting with the Université du Québec à Rimouski andthe Quebec ministry of agriculture,fisheries and food. First of all, the Spotted Wolffish is afish that adapts well to the conditions itis kept in and is easy to domesticate. Itdevelops quickly at very lowtemperatures and is not very sensitive tochanges in the salinity of the water.Spotted Wolffish can be farmed in highdensities, something that is crucial forthe profitability of an aquacultureoperation (see Figure 2). As well, eventhough the Spotted Wolffish does notreproduce spontaneously in captivity,new generations can be produced everyyear using captive broodstock. And let’snot forget another important quality thisfish possesses: it tastes great.Aside from these obvious advantages,it is important to find out how thisspecies grows in captivity so that itspotential benefit to Quebec’s aquacultureindustry can be properly assessed. Forthat reason, Denis Chabot, a researcher atthe Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, wasapproached by the Société dedéveloppement de l’industrie maricole(SODIM) to carry tests using water tanks. r w a d w ca Le de the T of f de G Mau 200 thes hand resea cond those opera compa and I have b comme years Mont-Jo slightly Norway consider species; Maurice- some roo Feeding challenges in farme commercia intended fo modified. T wolffish tha to develo Researchers offers enoug needs of the the feed doe bottom of the when it com raised in high Farming saltwater fish inThe Spotted Wolffish show Figure 2: Spotted Wolffish in farming tank Photo: Arianne Savoie, Fisheries and Oceans Canada pg16_DFO_wolffish.qxd 24/8/12 12:30 Page 16
  • 15. LINKS • See the full issue • Visit the International Aquafeed website • Contact the International Aquafeed Team • Subscribe to International Aquafeed They are what they eat Enhancing the nutritional value of live feeds with microalgae Controlling mycotoxins with binders Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries Niacin – one of the key B vitamins for sustaining healthy fish growth and production Volume 16 Issue 3 2013 - mAY | Ju Ne INCORPORATING fIsh fARmING TeChNOlOGy This digital re-print is part of the May | June 2013 edition of International Aquafeed magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. Please click here to view our other publications on To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE