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Examples Of An Example Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of An Example Essay" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, given the apparent self-referential nature of the subject. However, the
challenge lies in striking a balance between providing concrete examples and maintaining a
coherent narrative that adds value to the reader.
The difficulty starts with the potential for redundancy – the risk of creating an essay that
becomes a mere compilation of examples without a clear overarching message. Crafting a
meaningful and insightful essay requires careful selection of examples that not only illustrate the
point but also contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic.
Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s or overused examples that might make the
essay feel stale or unoriginal. Striking the right tone is crucial, ensuring that the essay remains
engaging and informative without becoming overly didactic or preachy.
Additionally, finding a unique angle to approach the topic can be demanding. Given the meta-
nature of discussing example essays, the writer must navigate through the potential pitfalls of
predictability. A successful essay on this topic should not only showcase examples but also
provide a fresh perspective or analysis that captivates the reader's attention.
Finally, organizing the content in a logical and coherent manner is vital. Creating a seamless flow
from one example to another while maintaining a clear and concise writing style requires careful
planning and editing.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of An Example Essay" presents its own
set of challenges, demanding creativity, thoughtful analysis, and a keen understanding of how to
present examples in a way that enhances the overall message. Despite these challenges, with
careful consideration and attention to detail, a well-crafted essay on this topic can undoubtedly
be achieved.
If you need assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various resources are
available, including online platforms like, where you can explore a range of
services to support your academic and creative writing needs.
Examples Of An Example EssayExamples Of An Example Essay
Exercise Test Of Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
Following the establishment of fasting blood glucose levels subjects in the oral
glucose tolerance test consumed a 10 ounce beverage that contained 100 grams of
glucose. Over the next 2 hours subjects repeated the same method as used in the
control test to test their blood glucose levels 4 more times. These 4 tests were
conducted at 30 minute intervals and all readings were recorded for later examination.
Physical Exercise Test After recording their fasting blood glucose levels subjects in
the exercise test group transitioned to the gym. At the gym each individual engaged
in 45 minutes of moderate exercise. Although no strict controls were put in place to
regulate the type or intensity of exercise conducted individuals generally engaged in
a reasonably strenuous amount of exercises. Most individuals conducted either
cardiovascular exercise such as running and biking or strength training such as
calisthenics or weight lifting. Immediately upon completion of the exercise period,
subjects returned to the laboratory to conduct a second blood glucose test. Utilizing
the same method as described in the control test the subjects examined and recorded
their post exercise blood glucose levels. All data from both sets of tests were then
compiled and recorded in a Microsoft excel file. The results were then examined by
calculating the mean and standard deviation for each set of data. In order to test our
null hypothesis, the results of the oral glucose tolerance test were
Federal Trade Commission
The Federal Trade Commission is an independent agency of the U.S. government
that was established in 1915 and charged with keeping American business
competition free and fair. The FTC has no jurisdiction over banks and common
carriers, which are under the supervision of other governmental agencies. It has five
members, not more than three of whom may be members of the same political party,
appointed by the President, with the consent of the Senate, for seven year terms. The
act was part of the program of President Wilson to check the growth of monopolyand
preserve competition as an effective regulator of business.
The Federal Trade Commission enforces a variety of federal antitrust and consumer
protection laws. The Commission seeks to ... Show more content on
History has shown that societies that promote vigorous competition among private
companies have lower prices, better products, and greater consumer choice.
The antitrust laws are the basis of this national policy. These laws, enforced by both
the federal and state governments, require companies to compete in the marketplace.
The Sherman Act, the first federal antitrust law, was enacted in 1890, at a time when
there was enormous concern about trusts combinations of companies that were able
to control entire industries. Since then, other laws have been enacted to supplement
the Sherman Act, including the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act
(1914). With some revisions, these laws still are in effect today. They have the same
basic objective: making sure there are strong economic incentives for businesses to
operate efficiently, keep prices down, and keep quality up.
When consumers decide to purchase a product or service a car, a new refrigerator,
or prescription drugs, the goal of the antitrust laws is to make sure their choices are
not restricted unreasonably. Consumer choice is a powerful incentive for the sellers
of any products to keep their prices low and their quality high. When the antitrust
laws are vigorously enforced, businesses must respond to what consumers want. A
business that ignores consumer wishes, by refusing either to keep prices competitive
or to offer
Sister Moon Religion
The movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon tells about St.Francis s early life, conversion,
and religious order that he founded with the emphasis of living as beggars and
relying on the mercy of others as Jesus did. In the beginning of the movie, it shows
a wounded man in a hospital, this was Francis after he survived the war. When he
regains his health, he goes home to his wealthy family. After seeing all the
materialism there is in the world, Francis wants to get rid of all his possessions
and live as the beggars do so that he would be able to find true happiness in living a
simple life. When we see that Francis has survived the war, we know that due to his
hallucinations that he probably had suffered from some form of PTSD, he felt
incredibly confused and unsure as to why he was still alive and his friends were not.
With this realization, he was probably upset that he... Show more content on ...
It presented Francis as person who was always hungering for something more in
his life and seeking fulfillment and holiness. By watching Francis s formation in
the faith, we can see him grow into the saint we see and pray to today. He is known
for being a person who is completely selfless and is willing to give up everything he
had to live as Jesus did. What I personally learned from this movie is that I was able
to witness the life of someone who always lived for others and also had the
determination and courage to stick to what he believed in and to stand up for
those beliefs. By setting this example, he attracted people to follow him on his
religious path and to join his group. This following that St.Francis had, it soon
grew into an entire order of monks known today as the Franciscan monks. Francis
is an example to all of us not just because of how he lived his life but how we
touched the lives of other people. In the words of St. Francis If God can work
through me, he can work through
Johannes Brahme Minor E Minor Symphony 9
The fourth and last symphony of Johannes Brahms is in E minor, Op. 98. The
symphony is played by four horns, two flutes, two clarinets, two oboes, two bassoons,
contrabassoon, two trumpets, triangle, strings, three trombones and timpani. It
contains four movements; first, Allegro non troppo in E minor, second, Andante
moderato in E minor E major, third, Allegro giocoso in C major and the final Allegro
energico e passionato in E minor.
The piece starts beautifully with a minor and starts to build up slowly and gradually.
The first movement was absolutely abstract. It builds up a soothing feeling inside of
you. The music is slow and peaceful. It just takes me to somewhere peaceful. It gives
a calming sense and takes away all the tension from
Pampers Physical Development
Pampers is a renowned diapers company, and has built an advertisement campaign
around flaunting the illusive dream that all parents hold. That dream being that their
adorable infant will sleep happily through the night, and finally allow their tired
parents to be able to do the same. This is all made possible through Pamperstriple
layer diaperdesign, and 12 hours of dry protection. The photograph above was taken
from a scene in a 2016 commercial titled, Olympic Baby Dreams released during the
Summer Olympic Games in Rio. In the commercial various clips of babies sleeping
is edited with cartoon drawings of various athletic equipment. Invoking the fantasy of
yet another traditional parent dream, that their child will grow up to be special... Show
more content on ...
A newborn will sleep for a total of around 15 to 17 hours a day, and by the age of
one will triple in weight (Berger, 2016, p.91). This is due to the fact that during
sleep a substantial amount of growth takes place, and is therefore why infants
spent so much of their early days sleeping, although sporadic. While growth is
occurring in nearly every aspect of an infant the development the strengthening of
muscles leads to the progression of motor skills. Motor skills are a learned ability
that allows regulated movements of a body part (Berger, 2016, p.100). The
movements of large muscle groups are the first to develop and is referred to as the
development of gross motor skills (Berger, 2016, p.101). Development usually
progresses from the head down and radiating from the center out to the periphery
(Berger, 2016, p. 101). In some cases reflexes help to develop and strengthen these
muscle groups. For example, when an infant is placed on their stomach they will
attempt to lift their head, and flail with their arms in order maintain vision and in
turn practice mobility (Berger, 2016, p.101). The lifting of the head processes to the
strengthening of the arms and legs and the ability to crawl and eventually the ability
to walk around the age of one (Berger, 2016,
Speed Dating Vs Online Dating
The single two things speed dating and online dating have in common is success
stories and numbers. Everyone knows at least one couple that has met through speed
dating or online dating. The other thing the two dating platforms have in common is
numbers. An evening of speed dating has a guest list of people to meet and the
webpage has a list of profiles.
Online dating profiles: The challenge with browsing through online profiles is
accuracy. While individuals can misrepresent themselves in any forum, the easiest
way is through a static online profile. Speed dating is face to face, out in the open, a
neutral location.
Speed Dating and Body Language: According to the Mehrabian and Ferris study The
60/40 formula they created represents the comparison of importance between facial
(60%) and vocal (40%) components in ... Show more content on ...
When browsing profiles, assuming the profile information is accurate, you can
research the person s interests, education, job, income, and personal habits such as
drinking and smoking. The best online dating services also have various types of
questionaires, for additional reference and valuable clues about the character of a
potential date. Even if an individual does not take the time to answer questions, this
in itself is information about their interest and level of commitment. The key to this
research is follow through with a personal meeting while keeping safety factors in
Speed Dating: In various ways, speed dating is a structured version of meeting
people before online dating. Speed dating is also an improvement on the bar scene
since you can gauge physical attraction but the atmosphere lends itself to a brief
conversation without the background noise. Another factor is that speed dating is a
structured activity for singles who are available for dating and seeking
companionship. In a bar, participants can have a ny number of agendas and unknown
Roman Influence On Christian Architecture
The fall of the Roman Empire leaded Europe into the Dark Ages. There is an
undeniable influence of Ancient Roman art on Christian art and architecture as its
name suggests it Romanesque . Roman art is even described as the first
international art, as it spread throughout time and space. This classical impact can
be seen in the domain of architecture, mosaics, but also with sculptures. The first
point is in the architectural domain, with the Roman basilica. It served as the
prototype for early Christian church. Even if not build for religious purpose, the
basilica finally was adopted as church as its plan adapted perfectly. Because this plan
allowed for many people to circulate within a large, and awesome, space, the general
plan became an
Essay On Atlantic Cod
This paper takes a closer look at spawning behavior of Atlantic cod, and explores a
new way of monitoring presence or absence of spawning cod at a particular site.
Male cod are known to emit low frequency grunts while spawning and courtship, and
this study deployed a marine autonomous recording unit capable of recording these
grunts in a known codspawning ground during the spring spawning season. The
MAR unit was deployed in Spring Cod Conservation Zone in Massachusetts from
April through June Cohen, D.M., T. Inada, T. Iwamoto, and N. Scialabba. 1990.
Gadiform fishes of the world (Order Gadiformes). FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125 (6):
44 47.
Put out by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United States and part of a
series of ... Show more content on ...
Preceedings of the virtual symposium Flagship species Flagship problems .
Canadian Journal of Zoology 89. 386 400.
In this publication, two Canadian biologists present their research that takes an in
depth look at the crash of Atlantic cod populations in the north Atlantic. Their
research looks at historic catch, peaking between 1962 and 1992, and the subsequent
decline in spawning stock biomass as a result of this overfishing. Hutchings and
Rangeley also look at some trends in abundance and life history, broken down by
region, and find an overall drop in age at which an individual reaches 50% maturity,
suggesting lowered fecundity of the population. The paper concludes by outlining the
many importance s of cod, both commercially and from a biological standpoint, and
most importantly outlining specific and robust management plans that would allow
Canadian Atlantic cod the conditions to recover. This paper will be immensity
powerful in contributing to the conservation issues and solutions section of my paper.
Jenson, A. C. 1972. The Cod. Fitzhenry and Whiteside Limited, Toronto.
For many years Albert Jenson was the director of the Bureau of Commercial
Fisheries Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. In this book, he chronicles Atlantic
Cod, describing the life history and ecology of the fish, as well as how humans have
drastically impacted cod populations through commercial fishing. He ends the book
by describing conservation efforts that should be in effect but
The Meatpacking Factory Case Summary
The Meatpacking Factory is a case study involving the decision of a factory manager
to let his Muslim workers observe their faith by taking breaks at sunrise and sundown
during their holy month of Ramadan. James Windham, the factory manager, thought
their request was well warranted and felt he should be considerate of the religious
beliefs of his employees. There are about 100 Muslim workers which represents 20%
of the employee population at the factory. To Windham s dismay, the breaks began
having a significantly negative affect on productivity due to the ever shifting sunset
and sundown times. Trying to accommodate a constantly changing schedule left
Windham struggling to nail down a ... Show more content on ...
PROBLEM 2: While Mr. Windham was contemplating an internal scheduling
issues there were external pressures as well. Other meat packing companies in the
region had not negotiated with their Muslim employees about breaks for religious
services. Instead, other companies were threatening to fire anyone who took an
unscheduled break in an effort to enforce discipline. Mr. Windham needed a plan
to get in front of these external pressures to ensure his company s reputation. The
tactics of the other plants were already in the local media channels and would soon
be national. Fortunately Mr. Windham is in a good position to capitalize on his
scheduling mistake because he can turn it into positive press for the company. Mr.
Windham needs to issue a formal apology for the scheduling mistake he made and
take full responsibility. Then he should promise fair break scheduling based on all
faiths and religious practices. Mr. Windham can ask his employees to convene a
diverse working group to come up with a new break policy to go into effect after
Ramadan. As long as it does not violate any state and federal laws, company
policies, and it passes a legal review, he should promise to sign it. Mr. Windham
should issue a formal statement to the press. Invite television and news crews to see
how fairly they treat the Muslim work force. Also, have the sales team capitalize on
Zaroff s Hand-Personal Narrative
His body. His... his body was just...lying there. In a position and coldness not
foreign to him. His eyes pierced my skull so painfully as if to be a return action to
the bullet I put through his head. I meant to do it, I did, I really did. I mean, how I
was I supposed to let that bloke get away with murder again. But something about
his last words and how sharp and cold the trigger felt under my finger and how fast
my heart was beating and how his body hit the ground and how all that blood could
come out of a person, as if his evils were escaping through the liquid. I can t lie that
bed was soft but the only thing I could render doing in it was sit with that damn gun
sat between my legs and my bony hands still shaking. Something about it felt... Show
more content on ...
It was Quarter past nine, and the sky showed it as I looked out the window still bound
to my stone seat on the bed. I placed my feet on the ground and felt myself becoming
more awake, not only physically but in myself. I stood up and my legs felt wobbly as
ever and I struggled to keep balance. You wouldn t think a man such as myself would
be so traumatized in every way possible because of one pull of a trigger. How life
gets you, right?
My steps were heavy and meaningful and I felt somewhat human, arms lifting the
body, unaware and uncaring of the weight. I think once I leave I ll give up hunting
I recited to myself as my boots hit every stair in rhythm, I think once I leave Ill go
somewhere new, change my name and find something or someone to love The
word left my tongue as if it was the last time we were seeing each other in this life
time. That word was so foreign to what my brain was focused on and It felt nice I
Suzanne Collins Biography
Suzanne Collins, born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1962, began her professional
career in writing for children s television in 1991. She did many She had done
multiple works on Nickelodeon shows including very successful ones such as,
Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo . She also wrote the
very admired stories of Oswald and Little Bear. As of recently, she was given the title
of Head Writerfor Scholastic Entertainment s Clifford s Puppy Days. Later on, she
met with James Proimos, a children s author and illustrator, who convinces her to
give writingchildren s book a chance.
Suzanne then moved to New York City with her newlywed, Cap Pryer who she
met at Indiana University where they both studied. There, in 2003, Suzanne Collins
began writing the first book of The Underland Chronicles, Gregor the Overlander .
It told about a boy and his encounter of a enormous new world he found when he
falls through the grate of the laundry room in his apartment building in New York
City. The series was composed of this and four other books: Gregor and the Prohecy
Bane, Gregor and the Curse of the ... Show more content on ...
The Hunger Games trilogy begun while she was flipping through channels one late
night. Suzanne thought that we were being deprived from the whole reading
involvement. She thought that we were being given so much coming at us in terms
of electronics and technology. She wanted to make a change. And thus, the Hunger
Games trilogy was born. The story revolves around the protagonist, Katniss
Everdeen, a 16 year old girl living in the post apocalyptic nation of Panem,
previously known as North America. It takes place about 200 years in the future.
Boys and girls take place in the annual Hunger Games event where 24 tributes (2
from each district) fight to the death. It started to show the nation of Panem that they
had no power over the
Why The Iranian Revolution Occur During A Time Of
Identification and Evaluation of Sources:
This investigation will answer the question, what caused the Iranian revolution to
occur during a time of national progress and prosperity? This question is important
because the Iranian revolution baffled the rest of the world, as nobody expected a
newly progressive and economically stable nation as Iran to have its government
overthrown. The scope of this investigation is the events throughout the 20th century
that put the family of monarch Mohammad Reza Pahlavi into power and the family s
fall from power, but more focused on the latter. It s important to see how the Pahlavi
family rose to power to understand the condition of the monarchy and what changed
between the reigns of the different ... Show more content on ...
It is however limited in that it is translated from Turkish and has a number of phrases
that require personal interpretation and therefore need to be assessed by other
sources. The piece goes over the conflict between the current Shah, Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi, and the leader of the revolution Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. It also
discusses how Ayatollah Khomeini s followers actually opposed each other, but
opposed the Shah more. It also explains how the Shah s progressive attitude
offended some for being too progressive, and some for not being progressive
enough. This resulted in another conflict upon the abdication of the Shah, as to what
the republic of Iran should be. In the end, Ayatolla Khomeini was declared Supreme
Leader for life.
Word Count: 491
It s important to understand the background of how the Pahlavi family came into
power. In the early 19th century, Iran was undergoing its Constitutional Revolution.
The Shah at the time, Muzaffar al Din Shah, was near death, and decided to allow
the revolution. A constitution was written, and a new Shah, Mohammad Ali Shah,
succeeded Muzaffar al Din Shah (Balaghi). The new constitution organized a
parliament which was quickly corrupted by Mohammad Ali Shah, in turn leading to
another revolution in favor of his eleven year old son, Ahmad Shah Qajar, who was
ineffective as a ruler and left a hole of power. This is when Reza Shah
Brutality of Bioterrorism and Biowarfare Essays
Imagine this: you wake up hours before your alarm sounds to find your entire
neighborhood in chaos; people running, robbing banks and stores, and bodies are
littering the once calm streets. Over the night, a government run biological
experiment dealing with germ weapons had been released, infecting, destroying,
and causing panic across the globe. As a single, globalized society, we need to
heighten our security against biological weapons and biological terror to prevent the
endangerment of mankind. It would be most beneficial to our species if we did not
try to use or experiment with biological weapons, seeing as they are engineered
specifically to create social, economic, governmental, military, and general fear and
disruption. Bioterror... Show more content on ...
These experiments were done using the Chinese Manchurians, after the area was
taken over by Japan in 1931. The Japanese killed roughly 10,000 people with their
use of anthrax, cholera, typhoid, and various plagues during the duration of the
war (Lewis). Seeing as such horrid and devastating examples of biological warfare
have been used as far back as the fourteenth century, one can obviously see that
biowarfare isn t just a passing form of fear instilling violence, but an active part of
our history. Frighteningly, not all biological weapons are made by man, but many,
and some of the deadliest, of the weapons are found in nature. Many of the viruses
that have plagued humanity come from exposure to fleas and other vermin, certain
plants, or fungi. Biological threats are classified into three categories based on
severeness. Class A weapons are the most dangerous with the highest mortality and
infection rate. The classes go down to C, which are naturally found toxins or
infections that can be engineered to be a threat to society. In 2001, shortly after the
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, anthrax laced letters were received from
presumable terrorists. Anthrax, a class A weapon, is a spore producing bacterium
known as Bacillus anthracis that is usually acquired from anthrax infected cattle or
meat products, but is now receiving heightened attention for its use as a biological
weapon (Biological). Class B weapons are the second highest priority since they are
To Kill A Mockingbird Relevant Today
There are some people now claim that the racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is not
relevant to today s time and they are wrong. It s obvious they haven t taken a look
at today s society which is horrible in many ways. First off what is racism? Racism
is when someone will make fun/insult of someone for their race/skin color. Racismis
bad and it shouldn t exist. But it has existed since the Renaissance period and
continues on to this very day. But people don t understand that part and those people
are pretty lucky...Anywho To Kill a Mockingbirdwas a book made July 11 1960. This
book takes place in Maycomb, Alabama with our main protagonist Scout Finch. In
the book Scout s character isn t much described but she is about 7 years old and is
your practical tomboy character. She dislikes dresses and loves to read and hang
with her brother Jem Finch. Jem Finch is Scout s brother and he plays a very
important part in this story. At the beginning of this story Scout s older self explains
how Jem broke his arm and that plays a HUGE part in the story. Next is Dill who is
just Scout and Jem s friend. Atticus Finch is the father of the Finch siblings and he...
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There a lot of who people address the topic of racism and some of those people are
influences to the world, yet they use the topic of racism in a lot of the things they
say. For example there is the government who uses racism so they can excuse
human right abuses. With that there are many laws that are aimed at preventing
immigration of people of different color and different religion, culture etc.
Influencing or famous people aren t the only ones who use racism that spreads it.
There are parents who have beliefs that one race is better than the other. Those
parents are bad examples on their kids which causes a bad environment for the kids.
When that happens the kids will most likely grow up to think that racism is okay and
that leads to our next
Symbolism In Blade Runner
When Blade Runner was released in 1982, it was greeted with a lukewarm reception
by general movie goers and critics alike. Director Ridley Scott s film a futuristic tale
about a group of renegade replicants (android slave labor banned on Earth, used in
the colonization of space) and the police officer (Rick Deckard, played by Harrison
Ford) hired to kill them was criticized for being too gloomy and too dense. However,
since its dismal box office run, Blade Runnerhas emerged as one of the most
thematically and stylistically influential science fiction films in recent history.
There are two key literary devices of the film that play a key role in relaying
themes. The first is setting the time, place, and context of the story. In some
literature, the setting is rich and complex, a culture of its own, a set of rules alien to
the reader that the characters in the story live by. The second is symbolism, when a
writer uses a tangible object to represent a higher, more complex notion or idea. In
Blade Runner, Scott uses key traits of the setting and symbols as a means to propose
the moral dilemmas that will one day face humanity due to its fascination with
The setting of the film is possibly the most important device in terms of theme. Blade
Runner takes place in Los Angeles during the year 2017. In the opening shot, Scott
immediately exposes us to the side effects of a full century of industrialization:
Factories fill the cityscape, pouring a never ending stream of smoke into the sky.
What was once sunny Southern California is now covered by a constant layer of
pollution that blurs night and day. Wrecked and abandoned skyscrapers trash the city.
Acid rain pours continuously. The overall sensation of the opening scene has a
sobering effect on the viewer. After decades of technological advances for the
betterment of society, what remains is a trashed, almost uninhabitable planet that has
been virtually abandoned. In essence, Scott warns us that technology has damaging
effect on both the environment and culture.
The dreary setting of the film possibly me most powerful device Scott uses in order
to relay his warning, but an equally important message is symbolically demonstrated
by the powerful Tyrell
Comparing the Synoptic Gospels Essay
Comparing the Synoptic Gospels
Should one fully read the opening four Gospels of the New Testament, he or she can
find many similar patterns of literature and themes affording much attention to detail
and study. This is what someone such as Merriam Webster would define as the
?Synoptic Gospels?. So, what are and how can we explain the differences and
similarities among synoptic authors Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the gospel, John?
Which Book was written first? To what extent did the Evangelists depend on oral
tradition, written sources, or each other? The phenomenon and mystery of these
similar but unique Synoptic Gospels has for centuries challenged some of the best
minds of academia and the church, stirring up much scholarly ... Show more content
on ...
They believed that this leader the Messiah (?anointed one?) would rescue them
from their Roman oppressors and establish a new kingdom. As their king, he would
rule the world with justice. However, many Jews overlooked prophecies that also
spoke of this king as a suffering servant who would be rejected and killed. It is no
wonder, then, that few recognized Jesus as the Messiah. ?How could this humble
carpenter?s son from Nazareth be their king,? they thought. But Jesus was the
King of all the earth, and it was Matthew (Levi) who took it upon himself (but not
alone) to spread the word. Matthew used about 1475 words, 137 of which are
words used by him alone of all the New Testament writers. Of these latter 76 are
classical; 15 were introduced for the first time by Matthew, or at least he was the
first writer in whom they were discovered; 8 words were employed for the first
time by Matthew and Mark, and 15 others by Matthew and another New Testament
writer. It is probable that, at the time of the Evangelist, all these words were in
current use. Matthew s Gospel contains many peculiar expressions that help to give
decided colour to his style. Thus, he employs thirty four times the expression basileia
ton ouranon; this is never found in Mark and Luke, who, in parallel passages, replace
it by basileia tou thou, which also occurs four times in Matthew.
Matthew begins his account by giving Jesus? genealogy. He then tells of Jesus? birth
and early years, including the escape
We Should Not Take Technology And Computer s
We should not take technology and computer s usefulness for granted. Billions of
people use computers every day, yet only a fraction have the patience to understand
what they are doing. Or, the actual consequences of their actions and in turn cause
problems for themselves and others. As a result the same precautions that are made to
protect themselves are not applied when using a computer. More people need to treat
these computers as tools that can be used to make our lives and the world better
even if the world is changing, for better or worse. As such, people must learn what
a computer is to recognize it, what these computers need to stay maintained, and
how, as an individual, people must take control of their technology to bring
themselves into the modern world. Computers are defined in the Webster
dictionary as a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and
process data. These could be anything from as small as calculators to cabinets the
size of buildings. They are well established into the daily lives of most of the
people in the world, if you tried to avoid computers entirely you would find it
difficult when your food is packaged with computers, cars are ran with computers,
odds are even your refrigerator has a computer in it. Check your food packaging,
most of the time there is a barcode on it. That means that the package had to be
scanned by computers many times before it reached your shelves. Even though
computers have
Un Efforts At Violent Conflict Prevention
At first glance, UN efforts at violent conflict prevention do not look promising.
Every time a dispute escalates to major armed conflict in the world, the failures of
the UN at violent conflict prevention become evident. It can be true that the UN
leaves much to be desired as a conflict preventer but at the same time also be true that
the UN is providing added value when it does devote resources to prevent conflicts.
Disputes over self determination involve state governments and some ethnic group
seeking increased control over some territory in the state, which can include greater
cultural, economic, or political autonomy up to a demand for secession in order to
form an independent state or to unite with another state. Since the 1990s,... Show
more content on ...
These findings of UNSC plans indicates that when the UN conducts more forceful
action to a wider regional conflict, its effect can considerably restrain conflicts
outside that region. It is found that on average, a UNSC resolution regarding the
use of force in the previous year lowers the chance of a civil war to almost zero,
whereas the chances of civil war beginning when there is no UNSC resolution is
about 10%.
The United Nations founders lived through the devastation of two world wars, and
they created the United Nations in the hopes of saving future generations from the
burden of war. The United Nations is often called upon to keep conflicts from
increasing into war, or to help bring back peace when armed conflict does occur,
and to create lasting peace in societies that are emerging from wars. When a dispute
leads to fighting, the Council s first priority is to end it as soon as possible. Often,
the Council has commanded ceasefire which has contributed to preventing wider
wars. It also deploys United Nations peacekeeping operations to help ease tension in
troubled areas, keep conflicting forces apart and create conditions so peace can
continue after agreements have been made. The Council may decide on enforcement
measures, economic sanctions (such as trade embargoes) or collective military action.
The General Assembly can make recommendations on the general rules of
Npa in Banks
BANKS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work with this dissertation has been
extensive and trying, but in the first place exciting, instructive, and fun. Without help,
support, and encouragement from several persons, I would never have been able to
finish this work. First of all, I would like to thank my teacher and guide Mr.
S.P.Singh who not only served as my supervisor but also encouraged and challenged
me throughout my academic program. He patiently guided me through the
dissertation process, never accepting less than my best efforts. His editorial advice...
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All these indicate newly emerging opportunities for Indian Banking. But on the
darker side we see the accumulated morass, brought out by three decades of
controlled and regimented management of the banks in the past. It has siphoned
profitability of the Government owned banks, accumulated bloated NPA and
threatens Capital Adequacy of the Banks and their continued stability. Nationalised
banks are heavily over staffed. The recruitment, training, placement and promotion
policies of the banks leave much to be desired. In the nutshell the problem is how to
shed the legacies of the past and adapt to the demands of the new age. Chapter I
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Banking sector reforms in India has progressed
promptly on aspects like interest rate deregulation, reduction in statutory reserve
requirements, prudential norms for interest rates, asset classification, income
recognition and provisioning. But it could not match the pace with which it was
expected to do. The accomplishment of these norms at the execution stages without
restructuring the banking sector as such is creating havoc During pre nationalization
period and after independence, the banking sector remained in private hands Large
industries who had their control in the management of the banks were utilizing
major portion of financial resources of the banking system and as a result low
priority was accorded to priority
Wireless Security Is Necessary For All Sorts Of Attacks
Today every wireless device uses frequency based transmissions without using any
physical or wired connections. Wireless system consist of LAN(Local Area network),
WAN(Wide Area Network), Personal networks, Wireless computers, smart phones,
Tablets. It also consists of devices which have infrared and Bluetooth integrated in
them such as wirelessmouse and wireless keyboards. With the introduction of these
technologies that are operated wirelessly requires a certain level of security as
well. Thus these devices are to a level bit vulnerable to many conventional as well
as other severe attacks. So wireless security is necessary to prevent all sorts of
attacks. Basically Wireless Security is the prevention or restriction of unsanctioned or
... Show more content on ...
But still there were many flaws that intruders used to take advantage and used the
flaws for their own advantage thus making WPA also vulnerable. WPA2 was
introduced to overcome the flaws that WPA had in it. WPA2 uses AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) algorithm to provide security thus making it very difficult for
intruders to break the security of this layer. As the algorithm encrypts secret and
confidential data and it s very difficult for the intruders to decrypt it. The issue with
WPA2 security is that as it has complex encryption thus it requires a lot of
processing power so the old systems which do not have the capability to process a
lot of computation thus WPA2 is not suitable for the old deployed systems.
Wired Equivalent Privacy: This is an older security method supported by older
devices but it s no longer used as in it encrypted security key is sent from one
computer to another via the network thus making it very easy for the attackers
/intruders to attack and hack the key thus very obsolete network security methodology.
Mac and mac spoofing: MAC(Media Access Control) is a terminology normally
associated with Wi Fi based technologies. Basically it is a unique
Effects Of The Orlando Shooting
Did you know that the Orlando Shooting was the worst U.S mass shooting ever? It
there was 49 deaths and 53 people wounded. The Orlando shooting impacted the
families of the victims, it impacted the city of Orlando and it impacted the United
The effects of he Orlando shooting were bad. Lots of families were torn apart
because of Isis and Omar Mateen. Omar killed 49 people on June 12, 2016. He
also wounded 53 people. One of the victims got shot twice but he survived the shots
this name was Norman Cassino. He said that the shooter Omar Matteen was laughing
when he was shooting people. Norman is 26 and he was just about to leave but then
he said he heard gun shots. The was going to leave at 2:00 AM. Jose Honorato was
looking for
The Terrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center
The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the downing of
an airplane by passengers on September 11, 2001 left many Americans reeling with
fear and feeling vulnerable. The American people no longer felt safe and protected
on their homeland soil. It was a violation of security that united not only the
American people, but countries around the world. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001, then President, George W. Bush, proposed the creation of the
Department of Homeland Security. Prior to this proposal, the responsibility to protect
the nation s security fell to over 100 different government agencies. Not one of these
agencies saw homeland security as their primary goal. The newly created... Show
more content on ...
Hospitals and other healthcare institutions are under increasing pressures to provide
medical treatment to patients with limited and reduced reimbursements from medical
insurance providers. There is also a substantial increase in the number of patients
without health insurance. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is
a national mandate that requires healthcare organizations to access and stabilize any
person who seeks medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay (Kaji, Koenig,
Lewis, 2007). Public health facilities are challenged financially with complying with
state and federal mandates such as required implementation of electronic medical
records and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(Hanfling, Schafer, Armstrong, 2004).
Recommendations 26 and 28 from the 9/11 Commission may have impacts on the
healthcare sector. Recommendation 26 requires the implementation of the Incident
Command System for all organizations who are responsible to respond to all hazards
threats. The second recommendation from the 9/11 Commission that could impact
healthcare is Recommendation
Dream Analysis Jung
Many people believe their dreams are a manifestation of their subconscious. Dream
analysis is the process of evaluating dreams to determine their meaning. The process
of analyzing ones dreams dates back to ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian people
believed dreams were a message from the Gods. Furthermore, in the 20th century
Sigmund Freudand Carl Jung gave way to greater scientific advancements through
developed scientific theories and disciplines. Freud believed that dreams were the
unconscious mindhiding repressed wants and desires from the conscious mind to
protect the conscious mind from disturbing thoughts. However, Jung who at the time
was a colleague of Freud s disagreed. Jung thought that dreams were a means for the
unconscious mind to bring to light inner desires to the conscious mind. In either case,
by analyzing dreams a person has... Show more content on ...
She also suffered from night terrors. Her spouse often spoke of her screaming in
her sleep, getting up and running, or crying out panicked. She has had the same
dreams repeatedly for the past two weeks. She has had dreams of running often in
the past as well. It is important to note that during therapy she has admitted to sexual
abuse from a step parent as an adolescent and recently moved closer in proximity to
him. In the dream she says she feels panicked, like she is being chase, she sees the
deep reds and blacks, and never feels like she reaches safety. Through analysis of
her dream, her therapist was able to help her cope with the sexual abuse trauma,
because her dream was her subconscious mind working through the trauma. The
colors red and black are possibly symbolic of her anger towards the step parent, and
her panicked running was her minds way of trying to stop the sexual abuse. Through
therapy with dream analysis the woman was able to better understand the meaning
behind her unconscious mind and work towards a healthier sleep
Childhood Trauma Can Have A Significant Impact On The...
Childhood trauma can have a significant impact on the behaviour of an individual.
Previous research has shown how trauma causes behavioral problems and can also
result in mental disorders in the person. Studies conducted by Gabriele et al.
(2002) and Sara et al. (2013) show how incidences of physical, sexual, and
emotional abuse are widespread in patients with bipolar disorder. Gabriele et al.
(2002) conducted the research to find out the impact of adverse childhood events,
mainly physical and sexual abuse on bipolar disorder. Their hypothesis was, the
occurrence of these traumatic events early in life would add to the vulnerability for
the development and recurrence of affective episodes, presaging a more severe
course of bipolar... Show more content on ...
The study found out that the history of abuse was related to an early age of onset,
Axis 1 and Axis 2 disorders, suicide attempts and lifetime history of substance
abuse. There was a strong relationship between physical abuse and mania.
Comorbidities were found. Those who experienced physical and sexual abuse had
eating disorders, anxiety disorders and PTSD. Lastly, the researchers concluded that
genetic predispositions and traumatic experiences can increase the vulnerability of
developing bipolar illness. In conclusion, the results of the study supported the
hypothesis. Another study by Sara et al. (2013) also explored how adverse events
are related to bipolar illness. Along with physical and sexual abuse, the study
emphasized on emotional abuse. The study had many aims. Firstly, the researchers
wanted to find out if childhood trauma was associated with an earlier age of onset.
Secondly, whether trauma resulted in reduced Global Assessment Functioning in the
participants. Lastly, they were interested in finding out if specific and different types
of trauma were related to different characteristics of the disorder. Adverse childhood
events were measured by using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. This
questionnaire was completed by 141 participants who were diagnosed with bipolar
disorder according to DSM IV. The participants were between 18 to 65 years old.
Traitor Essay
The film Traitor exposes its audience with a protagonist that encounters a
conflicting loyalty as a Sudanese born American agent who is found to be
undercover as an Islamic bomb maker with only one supervisor knowing of his
doings. The so called traitor is Samir and when he is sent to carry out a massive
suicide on 50 buses he faces doubts and turns to his religious views in hopes of
finding the answer.
Samir is ultimately driven by his loyalties to his brothers in islam but faces the
problem of remaining loyal to an American government which views him as a high
priority terrorist ready to get rid of him in any instance possible. The film does show
the truth of the quote an opinion can be argued with ; a conviction is best shot (T.E...
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Omar briefly goes over that fact that violence was the best possible way to get a
message across as it was previously used on them in Sudan. Omar questions whether
the lives of innocent muslims mattered or not to those that invaded and caused
turmoil in their home country. Due to the past history of America and Sudan, Omar
compares America s way of fighting for justice as weapons like missiles and bombs
and claims that he has god on his side. Interestingly, despite difference in political
views one of the driving factors for motivation in the film was the religious aspects
of being chosen to fulfill the will of god with the symbolic act of terrorism. This
brings on the pride felt in many
Although religion was used for justification in the film it was not the sacred values
that were issue but rather it became problematic when it brought out absolutistic
symbols that acted as the terrorism. In the film the mass suicide with 50 buses was
a symbolic act of terror as it was going to be on Thanksgiving day where the act
would be remembered in history. If the plan were to have smoothly in the film it
would have changed America s history
Historical Elements In David B s Epileptic
In David B s Novel, Epileptic, there are various relations to historical elements. A
historical element is a characteristic of history relating to past events that have
already happened. Analyzing the text, history is referenced often and clues build
up to a main element. For example, him and his brother like to draw because their
parents teach art. He draws battles with huge armies and the emotional impact of
the French Algerian conflict caused David to have a strong imagination. The main
historical element that is present in the text is the Nazi s. The Nazi s are anti Jews
and decided to put all Jews into concentration camps. The Jews built railways for
Germany and only were able to eat simple and basic foods such as bread. When
there work was no longer productive due to their physical deterioration, the
individuals were murdered for heightened efficiency. The camp was basically a
torture chamber that Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, made happen. Hitler
was the chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and the dictator of Nazi Germany
from 1934 to 1945 and also part of a Jewish conspiracy (Wikipedia).... Show more
content on ...
Holocaust is a Greek origin word meaning sacrifice by fire. As Hitler was one of
the main causes of the Holocaust, he stated, we shall regain our health only by
eliminating the Jews (Introduction to the Holocaust). In other words, the Nazi s
will not be stable until all of the Jews are exterminated. These words can be very
fierce and may have disturbed many different people if someone comes from a
Jewish background. The Jews did not deserve what Hitler and his team had done at
the time but it was a very tragic time in history. When the holocaust was hitting its
end, very little survivors were able to find a home or sort of shelter. The last camp
ended in 1957 and the remaining Jews migrated to Europe and the United States of
Poverty In The Glass Castle
Earlier this year, I read Jeanette Walls memoir The Glass Castle. The Glass Castle
tells the story of Walls and her siblings as they experience and attempt to escape the
poverty stricken lives of their parents. In her descriptions of her life and the lives of
her family members, Walls influenced my ideas about poverty, homelessness, and
escaping hard lives. Jeanette Walls The Glass Castleinfluenced my ideas about
poverty by showing me that poverty can yield positive results. Before reading The
Glass Castle, I believed that all poverty was tragic and life ruining. I thought that
nothing positive or advantageous could come of out poverty. Reading The Glass
Castle changed my opinion. In The Glass Castle, Jeanette Walls and her siblings are
resilient and brave. When the Walls family moves to Welch, West Virginia from
Phoenix, Rex and Rose Mary Walls, Jeanette s parents, travel back to Phoenix to
pick up some of their old belongings and bring them to West Virginia. While Rex and
Rose Mary are gone, Jeanette s grandmother assaults Jeanette s brother and banishes
the children to the freezing basement. However, in the face of cruelty and cold,
Jeanette and her siblings persevere and survive until their parents return. Poverty
gives Jeanette and her siblings the ability to endure horrific circumstances. Because of
their previous experiences with poverty, Jeanette and her siblings can withstand
conditions and treatment that would have killed or crushed the spirit of a
Resistance And Resistance In The Poetry Of Darwish
Darwish found the force of words at an early stage and composed fierce poems of
resistance and love of land. Darwish s poem Identity Card 1964 has an exceptional
hold back write down, I am an Arab! This reiteration frames a cry that takes shape,
from one perspective, the association between the Palestinian identity and land, and
then again, the Palestinian resistance against Israeli endeavors to delete the
Palestinian identity in the occupied land. The Palestinian identity has dependably
been at the heart of the IsraelPalestinestruggle not just on the grounds that it
inseparably connects Palestinians with their country but since it is additionally a
method for resistance. It is a steady indication of what was detracted from the
Palestinians and an image of the continuous clash with Israel for their privilege of
Darwish contributes authoritatively ... Show more content on ...
It is a theoretical mixing of eco criticism and post colonialism as another expository
focal point for perusing Darwish s poems of resistance. Besides, the current theoretical
structure depends on the introduce that the post colonial researchers have been
steadily mindful to the relations amongst colonized and colonizers and address topics,
for example, the development of personality of colonized individuals, giving careful
consideration to the common habitat that has an immediate connection with the
human character. Similarly, the researchers of eco criticism have tended to
concentrate on the relations amongst nature and culture, ignoring the parts of post
imperialism that help shape the people s collaboration and interrelations with their
common habitat. In this way, the eco postcolonial focal point is expected to serve as
a scaffold amongst eco criticism and post colonialism and utilized as another logical
focal point for perusing Darwish s
Population Report Of Tasmania. Introduction . Population
Population Report of Tasmania
Population is now being greatly realized as a principle element of regional or local
economic development.(ж¤е¤„жњ‰reference) Understanding the role that
population play in a regional or local area is significant as well as effective to
facilitate economic growth and organize economic activities. This report is to collect
and illustrate the data in relation to population of Tasmania including but not limited
to population pyramid, employment, transportation etc. Afterwards, a population
projection for the year 2030 will be given to Tasmania, followed by identification of a
series of planning implications and recommendations.
Status quo
Tasmania is currently the third smallest state in Australia... Show more content on ...
Male residents approximately occupied 49% of the total population of Tasmania,
compared with female residents accounting for 51% of total population. In
contrast to Australia, Tasmania has a smaller proportion of population aged from
20 to 44, while it has a larger proportion of elderly people. As seen from table 2,
among population from pre schooler (0 4) to parents and homebuilders (35 49),
only the secondary schooler (12 17) accounts for a slightly more percentage than it
is for Australia, the rest is evidently fewer compared to Australia. The proportion of
population which is over 50 years old in Tasmania is much higher than it is in
Australia which means Tasmania is a state with a large number of agingpeople at
In terms of the economy of Tasmania, pillar industries like agriculture, aquaculture,
forestry, mining, and tourism contribute a lot for local economy (ABS, 2017). In
terms of industry sector, shown as table 4, health care and social assistance
(26,040 people or 12.0%) and retail trade (24,550 people or 11.3%) as well as
public administration and safety (19,596 people or 9.0%) account for three of the
most important sectors which employed 32.3% of total Tasmanian employed
population. In contrast to Australia, Tasmania has a larger proportion of employed
population working in the sector of agriculture, forestry and fishing (4.8% compared
to 2.5%) as well as public administration and safety (9.0% compared to
Applied Behavioral Analysis Essay
Every single day is a struggle for an autistic child and his or her family. Autism
affects all aspects of a child s life from their ability to show affection to their family
to being able to do simple tasks such as communicating and thinking in ways that we
take for granted. Autism is defined as a developmental disability in which children
experience abnormalities in social functioning, language, often act in puzzling ways,
and usually appears before the age of three (Mash Wolfe, 2010). Although the exact
causes of autismare unknown there does seem to be a strong genetic component.
Having a child or family member with autism is a constant battle of emotion and
frustration. Everyone wants to help the people they love when they have... Show more
content on ...
Since Skinner s time there has been much research done and many new techniques
made in ABA especially in regards of teaching people how to increase behaviors
associated with learning and decreasing those that may inhibit learning. These new
techniques have been used to help successfully treat or improve the lives of
several people with various degrees and types of disabilities and learning disorders.
These techniques have been adapted from being used exclusively on adults and
modified for children. These techniques can be formally initiated, meaning that they
are done in a classroom or a behavioral analysts office, or they can be taught to
parents or caretakers and are often used to develop skills such as learning theory of
mind, eye contact, social skills, and other necessary skills (Renna, 2004).
Children with autism have difficulties understanding social models and so many of
them have difficulties acquiring social skills while children with health development
normally gain social and appropriate behavior by observing a model (Mash Wolfe,
2010). If a child with autism is able to acquire social and adaptive skills they still
need to learn how to generalize correct behaviors to different situations and tend to
need consistent practice in maintaining those skills. To an autistic child generalization
can be extremely difficult to break down and understand. Because of this ABA is
The Case of Malcolm Farley
The case of Malcolm Fairley is a unique case in which paint analysis and the use of
forensic science made investigators succeed in apprehending a criminal they were
after for a long time. The role of paint analysis in this case was enormous and to date
it is one of the cases people refer to when discussing the relationship between forensic
science and crime(Smith, 2005).
In 1984, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire residents suffered sleepless nights with
fear and terror in their homes. Armed burglaries, rape as well as indecent and
uncouth sexual assaults became the order of the day. The residents barred their
windows, the police intensified their security surveillance on both land and air,
vigilante groups came up but still the culprit otherwise named the fox was scot free
and continued with his criminal acts. Fox continued to unleash his terror in many
towns despite his profiling by the police. He went into other towns like Tring,
Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard and Milton Keynes (Malcolm, n.d.).
In April 1984, in Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, a 74 year old woman became the
first victim of the Fox. This woman went to bed at around 9PM and after reading
for an hour she put out the light and just before falling asleep she was woken by
shuffling sounds in her bedroom. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man
standing in her bedroom with gloves in his hands. This man pulled her bed covers
off and started assaulting her indecently. The woman was able to resist the advances
of the
The Pardoner Tale
The Pardoner and His Tale The Pardoner is a renaissance figure that wanders the
lands in hopes of bringing forgiveness to those in need. This Pardoner is a bad
pardoner among the other pardoners. The tale that he tells is a moral one that is
suppose to bring about the desire from people to ask for forgiveness. Instead the
Pardoner uses this tale as a way of contracting money from his fellow pilgrims. The
Pardoner is a person that is suppose to practice what he preaches. What that person
does affects those that look up to that person. The Pardoner must be able to tell of
tales that bring about hope. The way in which that might happen is through example.
If the pardoner is unable to produce a tale that convinces the audience of... Show
more content on ...
Mary s of Roncevalles. An honest pardoner would be much like a fund raiser for
any religious or charitable organization today. But a dishonest pardoner like this
one had many opportunities to profit at the expense of the naive. Once he was able
to stir them to devotion (VI,C,346), he could pull out his relics, odds and ends, bits
of stones and bones and cloth, and offer them for sale(Hallissy 214). A Pardoner is
not necessarily a bad person. That is true because not all people are bad, just that
there are always some rotten apples in every good batch. This is true about this
such pardoner. By trade the Pardoner is a preacher. His task is to use his rhetorical
gifts to persuade his hearers to repent and be saved. The sermon, then and now, is a
major part of the Christian liturgy. The homilist selects a scriptural passage on
which to expound, typically one selected from the day s liturgy. Since the
Pardoner is an itinerant preacher and not a parish clerk, his audience changes. So
he uses not only the same text but also the same sermon over and over. His
scriptural passage is always the same: Radix malorum est Cupidatas (VI, C, 334);
cupidity, the inordinate desire for or excessive love of money, is the root of all evil.
Nothing is wrong with this text, or even the Pardoner s sermon on it. Something is
very wrong when the Pardoner s intention, however. He deliberately uses his
considerable homiletic skills
Managing Director Of The Organization
Fletcher s history started in 1909 with the development of a timber weatherboard
house in Dunedin, New Zealand. Fletcher advanced and changed many times over the
accompanying 92 years, until in 2001 it was recorded as Fletcher Building Limited
on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. ( us/our
history/) The head quarter is based on Patmore Auckland. James Fletcher Junior was
the first Managing Director of the organization he put his heaps of endeavours to give
the great picture to this organization. Fletcher Challenge Archives is a corporate
chronicle set up in 1986 to guarantee the protection of records of long haul worth
identifying with the inceptions, history, capacities, approaches, association and
exercises of Fletcher Challenge Limited and to make these accessible for reference
purposes. These records of the predecessors and forerunner organizations of Fletcher
Challenge Group give the crude material to an extensive variety of exploration
hobbies. (
The Heavy Building Products division comprises of concrete creation, solid, total,
pipeline, quarry items and long steel organizations. This incorporates Firth Concrete
and Humes Pipelines, Golden Bay Cement, Winston Aggregates, Rocla Pipelines,
Rocla Quarries and Ilex. (
Organizations in the Light
Rene Magritte And Salvador Dali
The topic of the unconscious mind is one that is very relevant to the surrealist
movement. Arguably the most famous surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, was famous
for his depictions of dreams and freudian theories. Rene Magritte, also a very
famous surrealist artist, is also thought to be influenced by such theories, especially
when it comes to the repression of childhood memories. Because of this, these two
artists are perfect examples to question the extent of this psychological influence on
their work. Was psychoanalysis the primary goal for both artists? In this report I will
analyse three texts from reputable sources about both Dali and Magritte, and aim to
use evidence from these texts to come to a conclusion about my ... Show more content
on ...
To depict this psychological phenomena Dali creates his paintings with an incredibly
detailed and realistic style. Martin writes that Dali s realistic style serves as a sharp
contrast to the animalistic instincts and unusual concepts in his paintings.
Upon analysing the use of irrational imagery and depictions of dreams in Dali s
paintings, author Tim Martin shows the heavy interest in the ideas of the unconscious
mind. Through Martin s writing it is clear that the unconscious mind was the most
significant factor in Dali s artwork.
Text 2 Dali Museum Text on The Persistence of Memory
This text was written in 2009 for the Salvador Dali museum, aimed at high school
students studying art history. The information in the text is extensive, and it is a
reputable source of information, being written for the Dali museum itself.
The author s analysis of the famous painting the Persistence of Memory describes
the deformed clocks depicted in the painting. Dali painted a total of three of these
malleable clocks for this work, placed apart in different places in the painting. The
author of the text describes Dali s painting of different times on each clock face.
By painting a different time on each clock face, Dali gestures at the relativity of the
notion of time. Time s relativity in dreams was a core concept in Dali s work, and
was influenced by Freud s theories
Ptd Intervention
Assessment of the Client. The role of assessment is vital for case conceptualization
and treatment interventions (Briere and Scott, 2013). As such, signs and symptoms
stemming from the episodes of traumatic events cannot be precisely treated if there
are not diagnosed. More so, this clinician s first task will be to conduct a
comprehensive and informed diagnosis evaluation, as this step will enable this
clinician in developing and formulating interventions that is best suited in addressing
this client s specific needs (Briere and Scoot, 2013). In assessing this client, during
the intake session/clinical interview questions such as present and/or past trauma
history, dissociative disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms where
included. Likewise, the intake/clinical interview was focused toward the client s
imminent level of safety, psychological stability, and the client level of readiness
regarding future assessment and treatment (Briere and Scoot, 2013). More so, this
clinician followed the hierarchy of assessment in assessing this client ( is there risk
of imminent death, is the client in a state of... Show more content on
This clinician will also assess Kyle for complex trauma because he has flashed back
memories about the some childhood abuse. This clinician also used, The Clinician
Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and The Structured Interview for Disorders of
Extreme Stress (SIDES). The CAPS and SIDES scores the present and lifetime PTSD
and DESNOS criteria, explores experiences related to complex trauma, such as guilt,
and disillusionment with authority, dissociation, affect dysregulation, memory
impairment, somatization, self perception, homicidality, relationships with others,
depression, and feelings of being overwhelmed (Briere and Scoot, 2013). Likewise,
scoring alterations in attention or consciousness, hopelessness, and systems of
Social Stratification Has Good Consequences For Society
1. What is the Davis Moore thesis? The Davis Moore thesis states that social
stratification has good consequences for society. They argue societies may have
different occupations or tasks that these jobs differ in their importance to society.
They believed this encourages people to work harder and be more efficient in their
jobs, ultimately benefiting society.
2. List and define three different systems of stratification in society. The three
different systems of social stratification in society are slavery, castes, and social
classes. Slavery is the most extreme form of social inequality, where enslaved
people are treated a property that can be bought, sold, and used however the owner
wants. A caste system is one where social... Show more content on ...
Lastly, horizontal mobility occurs when an individual takes another job that keeps
him in the same social class.
5. Compare and contrast the upper uppers and the upper lowers in the United States.
The upper upper class are those who come from old money, which is inherited
from previous generations.This class compose less than 1% of the population, but
possess a great deal of power, and influence society. The upper lowers are those
who come from new money. Most of these people a famous stars and are sometimes
referred to as the working rich because they work for the money they earn. Although
the upper lowers may possess more money than the upper uppers, they often find it
difficult to be apart of the upper society.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. The Davis Moore thesis argues that social inequality is beneficial to society. Do
you agree or disagree with this thesis? Why or why not? I agree with Davis Moore
s thesis that social inequality is beneficial to society. Without social inequality
everyone would be equal, earning the same amount of money and working at the
same jobs. One of the major benefits of social inequality is that individuals have
different occupations that differ in their importance in society. While there are some
jobs anyone could do, like working at Taco Bell. Other jobs require a lot of skill,
patience, and knowledge, like
Silas Loss Of Faith Essay
But you may prosper, for all that: there is no just God that governs the earth
righteously, but a God of lies, that bears witness against the innocent (Eliot 14). The
church bans Silas for William Dane s theft of the money. Silas, struck at the betrayal
from both his friend and faith, denounces both and lashes out. The seemingly unjust
method of determining guilt allows the reader to empathize with Silas struggle, as
well as creating a slightly empathizing tone, and a mood of injustice and slight anger.
Silas changes from a soft spoken, religiously ardent, idealist weaver to a sullen, non
believing, cynic from the injustice he suffers. Silas denouncement of his faith and
town demonstrates how an quickly the community turns on an alienated individual.
For example, there is no just God that governs the earth righteously, exemplifies Silas
condemnation of his... Show more content on ...
Similar to Maslow s pyramid of hierarchy of needs, having fulfilled the stage of
Love and Belonging, Silas starts to realize Self Actualization. Inside every cynic
lives disappointed idealist, but Eppie heals his idealism and faith. Silas believes
there s good i this world I ve a feeling o that now, and Silas can once again trust his
fellow man, and the God above (Eliot 180). This shows how even Silas apathetic
nature was changed by Eppie. Silas transitions into his third stage, open belief.
Though Silas only returns to his original state of love and belief, the author s tone
makes us believe that Silas improves. Throughout the novel, Eppie symbolizes how
love and caring can redeem those with good hearts. Noticeably, Silas faith
recovers, but unlike before, Silas can accept wider views. Silas can now reflect
upon his previous experiences, as that drawing o the lots is dark , and believe that
things will right themselves there s dealings with us there s dealings, (Eliot 180).
Silas philosophical discussion set a pondering, hopeful mood for the
Contraception Coverage
People buy health insurance to cover their medical expenses because accidents and
health problems can arise at any time. Many health services are not reaching the
medical needs of women and giving them exactly what they need and people don t
realize that there is more to birth control then what it seems. There are a lot of
benefits from birth controland it is not just women trying to prevent unwanted
pregnancies. Some examples of these benefits include; healthier skin, stopping
menstrual flow, and preventing pelvic inflammatory disease. Society needs to be
more aware of these benefits so that these women start getting the medical attention
that they need. Therefore, birth control should be 100% covered by all insurance
companies.... Show more content on ...
What are the laws that are telling people they can t or can have coverage for much
needed prescriptions? Recently since President Barack Obama took office he
implemented a new era of health care coverage. He feels that all people should
have the right to affordable health care. As a part of the Affordable Care Act, the
federal government issued a rule that required health plans to cover contraception
without a co pay ( Challenges ). This created uproar across America that
contraception would be covered when so many Americans don t agree in
contraception at all. According to insurance coverage for contraception laws, over
10.7 million women in America use a type of oral contraception ( Insurance ). In
the state of Missouri as well as 25 other states contraception has been ruled on and
coverage has varied from state to state. Missouri has a ruling that require insurance
companies to offer some sort of coverage for contraception. The law excludes types
of contraception to end a pregnancy, such as the morning after pill ( Insurance ). So
each state has been dealing with their lawmakers to ensure state laws, however
President Obama has moved to make it a federal law. According to the new law set
forth by President Obama the only institutions that do not have to follow the same
guidelines are those affiliated with religious institutions and employ those people that
are faith based (Corbin, Caroline M). It is unethical
The Nazi Occupation Of Crete Summary
Book Review: The Nazie Occupation of Crete, 1941 1945
G.C. Kiriakopoulos is a dentistry professor at Columbia University. Kiriakopoulos
is a Fellow of the Royal Society in Great Britain and is a highly decorated veteran of
World War II. He has written two books Ten Days to Destiny: The Battle for Crete
and The Nazi Occupation of Crete, 1941 1945. His first book, Ten Days to Destiny:
The Battle for Crete, has been praised as the most authentic documentation of the
This book details a true story of American John Alexander. Alexander vacationed to
the island of Crete in Greece with his sister and parents to visit his grandparents.
However, Alexander s peaceful vacation was interrupted by the invasion of Germany.
Germany had launched the first airborne invasion of an island fortress on the
beautiful paradise. The Cretan people and their British, Australian, and New Zealand
allies fought the Germans for ten long, bloody days until they were finally defeated
and Crete was conquered.
During the days of occupation, Crete was heavily punished for their resistance.
Within the first month, two thousand civilians died at the hands of their cruel
invaders. John Alexander s father was among those two thousand perished souls.
John s father, Nicholas, claimed neutrality as an American citizen, nonetheless he hid
three British soldiers. When the Nazis discovered this duplicity, they did not hesitate
in the disposing of Nicholas Alexander. The trespassers murdered John s father and
dispatched John to a prison camp for him to die, but John Alexander vowed
vengeance and escaped his confinement.
The Cretans and their allies did not give up when they were conquered, they fought
with the Cretan spirit of patriotism and did not give up. They banded together as one
in resistance to the Nazi intruders through the Cretan Resistance Movement. The
Cretans battle for liberation from their Nazi oppressors may not be widely known but
the Cretans challenged their occupiers and fought till the very end.
The most pressing issue discussed in the book is, of course, the German occupation
of the Grecian island Crete. Kiriakopoulos goes into great detail about the ten day
battle for the island. Major General Bernard C. Freyberg, a
Outline Of A Web Design
Outline is that the technique for conglomeration ideas, and stylishly translation and
executing them, guided by beyond any doubt standards for a chose reason. Net style
could be a comparable strategy for creation, with the goal of introducing the substance
on electronic locales, that the end clients will access through the net with the help of
a web program.
пѓ Marketing and correspondence outline on a site may distinguish what works for
its objective business sector. This can be altered for an age gathering or specific
strand of society; along these lines the planner may comprehend the patterns of its
group of onlookers. Originators may likewise comprehend the sort of site they are
planning, which means, for instance, that business to business site outline
contemplations may contrast enormously from a purchaser focused on site, for
example, a retail or amusement site. Cautious thought may be made to guarantee
that the style or general configuration of a webpage don t conflict with the clarity
and precision of the substance or the simplicity of web route, particularly on a site.
Creators may likewise consider the notoriety of the proprietor or business the site is
speaking to ensure they are depicted positively.
пѓ User comprehension of the substance of a site regularly relies on upon client
comprehension of how the site functions. This is a piece of the client experience
outline. Client experience is identified with format, clear guidelines and marking on a
A Brief Note On The Nepalese Music Band
Nepalese Music Band: Nepathya
Nepathya is a music band that was formed in the early 1990s. In 1990, nine young
boys started a band from beautiful city called Pokhara, Nepal, which is now famous
by the name Nepathya . They were nine different people but came together to achieve
a goal, met at Kathmandu during their college and formed a Nepathya . At first, they
used to sing in the concert in the street and in the restaurant. As time passed by they
began to broadcast through radio. They started to begin famous among people. Later,
in 1995 they released their first album named Tal ko Pani which was loved by the
whole country. After that, they continued their journey of musicand till date they
released 15 albums. Among them, Resham is the most popular song and also one of
my best songs. In their struggling phase, the band only sang the folk song with the
theme of nature and love, but as the time passed they started singing the song based
on patriotism, peace, and issue of the country. They started their career by singing
the song that focuses on love and nature because the type of song they used to sing
mostly loved by the audience. They sang a song which is more oriented to the
audience. At the time of the civil war, people were concerned about their own and
their families security. As the environment changed people changed the theme of the
song. The band member started to sing patriotism song as the effect of the civil war
in the life of the common people. Through
Analysis Of The Journey Song Dont Stop Believin
The Journey song Don t Stop Believin is one of the band s most famous songs, and
arguably their magnum opus. However, the song itself goes deeper than its literal
meaning, and tackles the theme of finding your identity, following your dreams, and
doing what you re passionate about. The name of the song, Don t Stop Believin ,
follows its overall message and conveys it to listeners in a way that they will
understand its themes regardless of whether they are listening closely and trying to
break it down, or just singing along.
The first two stanzas read:
Just a small town girl
Livin in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin anywhere
The first two lines of each stanza, Just a small town girl / Livin in a lonely world
(1.1 2) and Just a city boy / Born and raised in South Detroit (2.1 2), describe two
different people from two different settings, who are supposedly united when they
take the midnight train goin anywhere . The midnight train referred to in each stanza
might be symbolic for some common goal, or it might be more literal, as two different
people take a train in search of something new in their lives.
The third stanza reads:
A singer in a smoky room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
The first two lines of this stanza, A singer in a smoky room / The smell of wine and
The Apology By Plato And Tao Te Ching
Many decisions involve a considerable amount of contemplation and reasoning. These
decisions include the ethical dilemmas we encounter every day on an individual and
global scale, such as contemplating whether capital punishment is just or unjust.
Ethics is often confused with factors that are not cohesive with our true self but that
are induced from society. Ethicsis not feelings, religion, science, or following the law
and cultural norm. Ethics is, however, a set of moral behaviors that tell us what is
right and wrong in different situations. Through writings such as The Apology by
Plato and Tao Te Chingby Lao Tzu we are can more clearly get a picture of what it
means to be ethical and how to respond to ethical dilemmas. In Plato s The Apology,
Socrates supports the fairness and justiceethical approach by recognizing that all
equals must be treated equally. Socrates went in search of politicians, poets, and
craftsmen; all people claiming to have a higher status and greater intelligence because
of their skills. However, through cross examination he found that these men were not
superior to the common man. In fact, he realized that believing one has a specialized
type of knowledge actually limits human wisdom. We must realize that one person is
not superior to another simply because of their occupation, education, race, or gender.
No two people are the same; the politicians, poets, craftsmen, and the common man
are all very different, but nonetheless, they
Difference Between Working Class And Poor Mothers
For working class and poor mothers, intensive mothering and consumerism are still
equally linked to their view of themselves as good mothers. The only difference
between working class and poor mothers versus middle and upper class women is
that the working class/poor have to work harder to attain the good motherstatus.
According to Takseva (2014), Children can be used as an object of display conferring
the desired social status(p.224) and, Membership in a group is often defined
through the purchasing of goods and services (p.225). Therefore, mothers who do
not present their children in the best clothes or toys are seen as bad mothers, so
mothers of the lower classes have to work harder to ascribe their children the same
status as the children in upper classes. Many working class mothers experience guilt
that due to the lack of financial resources they are not being good mothers because
they cannot provide their children with the same life chances that they would if they
had more money (Takseva, 2014, p.227). These mothers find alternative strategies to
define themselves as good mothers such as knowing where and when to shop for
bargains, and actively engaging their children into understanding what products can
/cannot be purchased so that they have realistic expectations (Takseva, 2014, p.227).
However, on the other extreme intensive mothering is so prevalent in today s society
that, Parents will go against their better judgment about budgets, in the case of
The Color Purple Rhetorical Analysis
Alice Walker may seem the usual type of author that is ordinary in her writing.
Actually, she is not. She uses a different method to make us feel the suspense of the
story with vivid details. You only live life once so why not take advantage of it? In
The Color Purple, Celie s life is the contrary. You may ask why, but there are people
out there who are afraid to speak up. Alice Walkerseemed to portray this novel very
well making it seem realistic. The tone Walker used in the novel seemed
confessional and private towards the only person she could actually tell her feelings
to, God. The author wrote this novel in first person giving it more touch to it making
it seem as if this actually happened in the past of an African American girl.... Show
more content on ...
It is also oblivious that Alice Walker is emphasizing on the idea that the dominant
culture were the white people and some take advantage of the issue against the
weaker people, African American people. In this story, the author makes a point
suggesting that women should speak up and not be afraid since if they do they
can make a changed in the world. Alice Walker is exactly an example of it showing
it in her writing in the book trying to break a barrier against these two races. For
example, when the Mayor asked Sofia if she wanted to be his wife s maid and
Sofia replied with a hell no, he slapped her for giving her that answer to him and
his wife. Knowing her characteristics in the book, we would know she would hit
the Mayor back, which she did and ended up in prison since then. She would be in
there for a long time, and when she got there, they beat her cracking her skull and
ribs, tear her nose loose on one side and blind her from one eye. The policemen did
this to her because of her actions and her skin color. Throughout the first part of
the book, Walker makes Celie seem like a person who does not really know what she
is worth or who she is. After all it is not her to blame since they treated her like a
slave because she as well was black. All she knows is that she does not enjoy her life
and is not even treated like a normal human being.
Alice Walker was African American and also lived in
Research Study On College Age Smokers
Qualitative Study Review
Ayalon Mauda
Bellevue University
Beti Thompson, Anne L. Thompson, Jennifer Hymer, and Susan Zbikowsi conducted
and wrote the study A Qualitative Study of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices Among
40 Undergraduate Smokers published in the Journal of American College Healthy,
2007. This study had aimed discern more information about the perspectives of
college age smokers. Studies are done in subjugation of smokers to understand what
may influence this unhealthy behavior, as in all psychology: understanding the root
and trigger of a problem may bring the solution. This study has specifically focused
on the college age population of smokers in an aim to understand the cause and
cessation of smoking cigarettes. In result, the study has concluded that college age
smokers are in their prime to be influenced by their environment into either picking
up smoking as a habit or putting it down. The study had strong uses of qualitative
questioning in the interviews, which allowed for adequate descriptive responses to
be taken. However, one of the weakness of this study would be the limited sample
size. The subjects in question of this study is the smoking habit of 40 undergraduates
in American universities. This is the observation of addiction to nicotine, a widely
reported phenomenon that affects the health of one billion people daily. (1) This
study plans to provide more light into an area of research that does not have a lot of
A Narrative Essay About My Mentor
It was July 30, 1985. I had butterflies in my stomach! Today was the day I d debut
with my husband, Randy Savage as his manager. I could hear Randy s voice he was
talking to the manager s, his voice was deep plus they gave him a microphone, not
that he needs one. I think he was talking to Mr.Fuji now, he was thanking them for
their help. That was my cue.
Thank you all but my manager is... , Randy yelled. I walked through the door and
caught the attention of every fan in the arena. I was walking gracefully in my
heels, which was harder than I make it look. As I came closer to the ring Randy
held the ropes down like a gentleman, I stepped in and looked around with a huge
smile on my face.
Miss Elizabett , Randy smiled. I smiled back, it made ... Show more content on ...
Do they not see the ring on my finger? Stupid idiots. I smiled like an idiot at the one
with sunglasses, and sat on his lap.
What your name , I whispered because I was really close
No way I m a gentleman, what s yours , He asked
Lizzie , I half lied
I m Bret , He smiled. I sat there and twirled my hair like some blonde would do. I
actually think he was falling for it, wow now I feel bad. Someone cleared their throat
which caused me to snap out of my daydream.
Get a room , The blonde one said obviously jealous
Shut it Owen , Bret hissed. As I went back to chilling with Bret, the door opened, but
nobody seemed to notice because of me.
Elizabett? , Randy whispered. Hearing my husband s voice made my trans slip away.
Randy? , I said but quickly remembered the whole acting thing. I slapped him across
the face which caused him to stumble back into his locker room. I walked in and shut
the door.
What was that for? , Randy yelled and held his cheek
Some people are outside and they want to attack you , I whispered
Sure that s why you were on Bret s lap , He said sarcastically
I m telling the truth , I
Cross And Egerton Commission Case Study
i)The Cross and Egerton Commission 1880s was initially set up in 1886 to look at
the educational provision of children who were found to be blind, deaf and dump.
It effectively initiated the idea of segregated or separated provision ii)
Departmental Committee on Defective and Epileptic Children 1898 these
recommendations led to special schools being set up in the 1890s. The
government of the time recognised that lack of defining criteria made a lot of
difficulty in this area. Children who were considered to be feeble minded were seen
as being able to earn a living while those who were thought to be imbeciles were not.
iii) Chief Medical Officer 1913 more detailed distinctions were made on identification
of intellectual disabilities and the... Show more content on ...
This approval meant that the local authorities were allowed to identify children who
could not attend day school or who struggled and did not make substantial progress
in scholastic and manual work. vi) Her Majesty s Inspectorate pamphlet 1937 the
landscape of education is very much informed by politics of the day. During the
1920s the school leaving age had been increased and this had implications for those
pupils who were considered to be retarded. The pamphlet produced in 1937
mentioned how local education authorities were now taking into account the needs
of the retarded as they reorganised. vii) The Education Act 1944 the act required
that educational provision for those children considered to be handicapped should
be included in the way in which primary and secondary provisions were
formulated. The act and its regulations also included in the category of
educationally sub normal those children who lived with adverse family and home
circumstances as well as those of limited ability. Special school provision was split
into residential and day school and children were considered to be eligible for these if
their IQ was between 55 70 and if their parental support was
What Are The Ethical Dilemma In Nursing
In addition to technical support provided to patients, nurses must address the
psychosocial challenges and ethical conflicts associated with caring for critically ill
patients and their families. More often Nurses are left with dilemmas when it comes
to decision making and trying to up holds the ethics of autonomy, who to listen to,
the client or the family? Ethically the patient has the right to choose what s best for
self, but is powerlessness when one is brought to hospital in a critical condition.
Ethical dilemmas are the main common challenges faced by nurses, during practice
almost on daily basis. These dilemmas can erupt amongst nurses themselves, or
nurses and doctors and the worst between nurses and patients.
Conflicting obligations arises when the nurse is supposed to make ethical decisions
between what to be done versus what not to be done, making it difficult to choose
between the two. There are several factors that brings about ethical dilemmas such as,
increase in consumer demands, shortage of resources, truth telling, withholding
information, withdrawing ... Show more content on ...
One is to help the bereaved to develop their own ways of coping and the other is to
ensure that their own difficulties, needs and attitudes relating to death and dying of
their patients do not compromise their psychological well being. It was noted by the
same author that the psychological impact and after events prevalent in a critical care
nurses working environment remains relatively unexplored. Michell (2010) also felt
that repetitive exposure to resuscitative measures, end of life care needs, prolonging
life by pharmacological and mechanical means and the continuous adjustment of
these critical care nurses to this hostile environment, results in psychological
disorders such as post traumatic stress

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Examples Of An Example Essay.pdf

  • 1. Examples Of An Example Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of An Example Essay" may initially seem like a straightforward task, given the apparent self-referential nature of the subject. However, the challenge lies in striking a balance between providing concrete examples and maintaining a coherent narrative that adds value to the reader. The difficulty starts with the potential for redundancy – the risk of creating an essay that becomes a mere compilation of examples without a clear overarching message. Crafting a meaningful and insightful essay requires careful selection of examples that not only illustrate the point but also contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic. Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s or overused examples that might make the essay feel stale or unoriginal. Striking the right tone is crucial, ensuring that the essay remains engaging and informative without becoming overly didactic or preachy. Additionally, finding a unique angle to approach the topic can be demanding. Given the meta- nature of discussing example essays, the writer must navigate through the potential pitfalls of predictability. A successful essay on this topic should not only showcase examples but also provide a fresh perspective or analysis that captivates the reader's attention. Finally, organizing the content in a logical and coherent manner is vital. Creating a seamless flow from one example to another while maintaining a clear and concise writing style requires careful planning and editing. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of An Example Essay" presents its own set of challenges, demanding creativity, thoughtful analysis, and a keen understanding of how to present examples in a way that enhances the overall message. Despite these challenges, with careful consideration and attention to detail, a well-crafted essay on this topic can undoubtedly be achieved. If you need assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various resources are available, including online platforms like, where you can explore a range of services to support your academic and creative writing needs. Examples Of An Example EssayExamples Of An Example Essay
  • 2. Exercise Test Of Fasting Blood Glucose Levels Following the establishment of fasting blood glucose levels subjects in the oral glucose tolerance test consumed a 10 ounce beverage that contained 100 grams of glucose. Over the next 2 hours subjects repeated the same method as used in the control test to test their blood glucose levels 4 more times. These 4 tests were conducted at 30 minute intervals and all readings were recorded for later examination. Physical Exercise Test After recording their fasting blood glucose levels subjects in the exercise test group transitioned to the gym. At the gym each individual engaged in 45 minutes of moderate exercise. Although no strict controls were put in place to regulate the type or intensity of exercise conducted individuals generally engaged in a reasonably strenuous amount of exercises. Most individuals conducted either cardiovascular exercise such as running and biking or strength training such as calisthenics or weight lifting. Immediately upon completion of the exercise period, subjects returned to the laboratory to conduct a second blood glucose test. Utilizing the same method as described in the control test the subjects examined and recorded their post exercise blood glucose levels. All data from both sets of tests were then compiled and recorded in a Microsoft excel file. The results were then examined by calculating the mean and standard deviation for each set of data. In order to test our null hypothesis, the results of the oral glucose tolerance test were
  • 3. Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission is an independent agency of the U.S. government that was established in 1915 and charged with keeping American business competition free and fair. The FTC has no jurisdiction over banks and common carriers, which are under the supervision of other governmental agencies. It has five members, not more than three of whom may be members of the same political party, appointed by the President, with the consent of the Senate, for seven year terms. The act was part of the program of President Wilson to check the growth of monopolyand preserve competition as an effective regulator of business. The Federal Trade Commission enforces a variety of federal antitrust and consumer protection laws. The Commission seeks to ... Show more content on ... History has shown that societies that promote vigorous competition among private companies have lower prices, better products, and greater consumer choice. The antitrust laws are the basis of this national policy. These laws, enforced by both the federal and state governments, require companies to compete in the marketplace. The Sherman Act, the first federal antitrust law, was enacted in 1890, at a time when there was enormous concern about trusts combinations of companies that were able to control entire industries. Since then, other laws have been enacted to supplement the Sherman Act, including the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act (1914). With some revisions, these laws still are in effect today. They have the same basic objective: making sure there are strong economic incentives for businesses to operate efficiently, keep prices down, and keep quality up. When consumers decide to purchase a product or service a car, a new refrigerator, or prescription drugs, the goal of the antitrust laws is to make sure their choices are not restricted unreasonably. Consumer choice is a powerful incentive for the sellers of any products to keep their prices low and their quality high. When the antitrust laws are vigorously enforced, businesses must respond to what consumers want. A business that ignores consumer wishes, by refusing either to keep prices competitive or to offer
  • 4. Sister Moon Religion The movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon tells about St.Francis s early life, conversion, and religious order that he founded with the emphasis of living as beggars and relying on the mercy of others as Jesus did. In the beginning of the movie, it shows a wounded man in a hospital, this was Francis after he survived the war. When he regains his health, he goes home to his wealthy family. After seeing all the materialism there is in the world, Francis wants to get rid of all his possessions and live as the beggars do so that he would be able to find true happiness in living a simple life. When we see that Francis has survived the war, we know that due to his hallucinations that he probably had suffered from some form of PTSD, he felt incredibly confused and unsure as to why he was still alive and his friends were not. With this realization, he was probably upset that he... Show more content on ... It presented Francis as person who was always hungering for something more in his life and seeking fulfillment and holiness. By watching Francis s formation in the faith, we can see him grow into the saint we see and pray to today. He is known for being a person who is completely selfless and is willing to give up everything he had to live as Jesus did. What I personally learned from this movie is that I was able to witness the life of someone who always lived for others and also had the determination and courage to stick to what he believed in and to stand up for those beliefs. By setting this example, he attracted people to follow him on his religious path and to join his group. This following that St.Francis had, it soon grew into an entire order of monks known today as the Franciscan monks. Francis is an example to all of us not just because of how he lived his life but how we touched the lives of other people. In the words of St. Francis If God can work through me, he can work through
  • 5. Johannes Brahme Minor E Minor Symphony 9 The fourth and last symphony of Johannes Brahms is in E minor, Op. 98. The symphony is played by four horns, two flutes, two clarinets, two oboes, two bassoons, contrabassoon, two trumpets, triangle, strings, three trombones and timpani. It contains four movements; first, Allegro non troppo in E minor, second, Andante moderato in E minor E major, third, Allegro giocoso in C major and the final Allegro energico e passionato in E minor. The piece starts beautifully with a minor and starts to build up slowly and gradually. The first movement was absolutely abstract. It builds up a soothing feeling inside of you. The music is slow and peaceful. It just takes me to somewhere peaceful. It gives a calming sense and takes away all the tension from
  • 6. Pampers Physical Development Pampers is a renowned diapers company, and has built an advertisement campaign around flaunting the illusive dream that all parents hold. That dream being that their adorable infant will sleep happily through the night, and finally allow their tired parents to be able to do the same. This is all made possible through Pamperstriple layer diaperdesign, and 12 hours of dry protection. The photograph above was taken from a scene in a 2016 commercial titled, Olympic Baby Dreams released during the Summer Olympic Games in Rio. In the commercial various clips of babies sleeping is edited with cartoon drawings of various athletic equipment. Invoking the fantasy of yet another traditional parent dream, that their child will grow up to be special... Show more content on ... A newborn will sleep for a total of around 15 to 17 hours a day, and by the age of one will triple in weight (Berger, 2016, p.91). This is due to the fact that during sleep a substantial amount of growth takes place, and is therefore why infants spent so much of their early days sleeping, although sporadic. While growth is occurring in nearly every aspect of an infant the development the strengthening of muscles leads to the progression of motor skills. Motor skills are a learned ability that allows regulated movements of a body part (Berger, 2016, p.100). The movements of large muscle groups are the first to develop and is referred to as the development of gross motor skills (Berger, 2016, p.101). Development usually progresses from the head down and radiating from the center out to the periphery (Berger, 2016, p. 101). In some cases reflexes help to develop and strengthen these muscle groups. For example, when an infant is placed on their stomach they will attempt to lift their head, and flail with their arms in order maintain vision and in turn practice mobility (Berger, 2016, p.101). The lifting of the head processes to the strengthening of the arms and legs and the ability to crawl and eventually the ability to walk around the age of one (Berger, 2016,
  • 7. Speed Dating Vs Online Dating The single two things speed dating and online dating have in common is success stories and numbers. Everyone knows at least one couple that has met through speed dating or online dating. The other thing the two dating platforms have in common is numbers. An evening of speed dating has a guest list of people to meet and the webpage has a list of profiles. Online dating profiles: The challenge with browsing through online profiles is accuracy. While individuals can misrepresent themselves in any forum, the easiest way is through a static online profile. Speed dating is face to face, out in the open, a neutral location. Speed Dating and Body Language: According to the Mehrabian and Ferris study The 60/40 formula they created represents the comparison of importance between facial (60%) and vocal (40%) components in ... Show more content on ... When browsing profiles, assuming the profile information is accurate, you can research the person s interests, education, job, income, and personal habits such as drinking and smoking. The best online dating services also have various types of questionaires, for additional reference and valuable clues about the character of a potential date. Even if an individual does not take the time to answer questions, this in itself is information about their interest and level of commitment. The key to this research is follow through with a personal meeting while keeping safety factors in mind. Speed Dating: In various ways, speed dating is a structured version of meeting people before online dating. Speed dating is also an improvement on the bar scene since you can gauge physical attraction but the atmosphere lends itself to a brief conversation without the background noise. Another factor is that speed dating is a structured activity for singles who are available for dating and seeking companionship. In a bar, participants can have a ny number of agendas and unknown relationship
  • 8. Roman Influence On Christian Architecture The fall of the Roman Empire leaded Europe into the Dark Ages. There is an undeniable influence of Ancient Roman art on Christian art and architecture as its name suggests it Romanesque . Roman art is even described as the first international art, as it spread throughout time and space. This classical impact can be seen in the domain of architecture, mosaics, but also with sculptures. The first point is in the architectural domain, with the Roman basilica. It served as the prototype for early Christian church. Even if not build for religious purpose, the basilica finally was adopted as church as its plan adapted perfectly. Because this plan allowed for many people to circulate within a large, and awesome, space, the general plan became an
  • 9. Essay On Atlantic Cod This paper takes a closer look at spawning behavior of Atlantic cod, and explores a new way of monitoring presence or absence of spawning cod at a particular site. Male cod are known to emit low frequency grunts while spawning and courtship, and this study deployed a marine autonomous recording unit capable of recording these grunts in a known codspawning ground during the spring spawning season. The MAR unit was deployed in Spring Cod Conservation Zone in Massachusetts from April through June Cohen, D.M., T. Inada, T. Iwamoto, and N. Scialabba. 1990. Gadiform fishes of the world (Order Gadiformes). FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125 (6): 44 47. Put out by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United States and part of a series of ... Show more content on ... Preceedings of the virtual symposium Flagship species Flagship problems . Canadian Journal of Zoology 89. 386 400. In this publication, two Canadian biologists present their research that takes an in depth look at the crash of Atlantic cod populations in the north Atlantic. Their research looks at historic catch, peaking between 1962 and 1992, and the subsequent decline in spawning stock biomass as a result of this overfishing. Hutchings and Rangeley also look at some trends in abundance and life history, broken down by region, and find an overall drop in age at which an individual reaches 50% maturity, suggesting lowered fecundity of the population. The paper concludes by outlining the many importance s of cod, both commercially and from a biological standpoint, and most importantly outlining specific and robust management plans that would allow Canadian Atlantic cod the conditions to recover. This paper will be immensity powerful in contributing to the conservation issues and solutions section of my paper. Jenson, A. C. 1972. The Cod. Fitzhenry and Whiteside Limited, Toronto. For many years Albert Jenson was the director of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. In this book, he chronicles Atlantic Cod, describing the life history and ecology of the fish, as well as how humans have drastically impacted cod populations through commercial fishing. He ends the book by describing conservation efforts that should be in effect but
  • 10. The Meatpacking Factory Case Summary CASE ONE: THE MEATPACKING FACTORY The Meatpacking Factory is a case study involving the decision of a factory manager to let his Muslim workers observe their faith by taking breaks at sunrise and sundown during their holy month of Ramadan. James Windham, the factory manager, thought their request was well warranted and felt he should be considerate of the religious beliefs of his employees. There are about 100 Muslim workers which represents 20% of the employee population at the factory. To Windham s dismay, the breaks began having a significantly negative affect on productivity due to the ever shifting sunset and sundown times. Trying to accommodate a constantly changing schedule left Windham struggling to nail down a ... Show more content on ... PROBLEM 2: While Mr. Windham was contemplating an internal scheduling issues there were external pressures as well. Other meat packing companies in the region had not negotiated with their Muslim employees about breaks for religious services. Instead, other companies were threatening to fire anyone who took an unscheduled break in an effort to enforce discipline. Mr. Windham needed a plan to get in front of these external pressures to ensure his company s reputation. The tactics of the other plants were already in the local media channels and would soon be national. Fortunately Mr. Windham is in a good position to capitalize on his scheduling mistake because he can turn it into positive press for the company. Mr. Windham needs to issue a formal apology for the scheduling mistake he made and take full responsibility. Then he should promise fair break scheduling based on all faiths and religious practices. Mr. Windham can ask his employees to convene a diverse working group to come up with a new break policy to go into effect after Ramadan. As long as it does not violate any state and federal laws, company policies, and it passes a legal review, he should promise to sign it. Mr. Windham should issue a formal statement to the press. Invite television and news crews to see how fairly they treat the Muslim work force. Also, have the sales team capitalize on the
  • 11. Zaroff s Hand-Personal Narrative His body. His... his body was just...lying there. In a position and coldness not foreign to him. His eyes pierced my skull so painfully as if to be a return action to the bullet I put through his head. I meant to do it, I did, I really did. I mean, how I was I supposed to let that bloke get away with murder again. But something about his last words and how sharp and cold the trigger felt under my finger and how fast my heart was beating and how his body hit the ground and how all that blood could come out of a person, as if his evils were escaping through the liquid. I can t lie that bed was soft but the only thing I could render doing in it was sit with that damn gun sat between my legs and my bony hands still shaking. Something about it felt... Show more content on ... It was Quarter past nine, and the sky showed it as I looked out the window still bound to my stone seat on the bed. I placed my feet on the ground and felt myself becoming more awake, not only physically but in myself. I stood up and my legs felt wobbly as ever and I struggled to keep balance. You wouldn t think a man such as myself would be so traumatized in every way possible because of one pull of a trigger. How life gets you, right? My steps were heavy and meaningful and I felt somewhat human, arms lifting the body, unaware and uncaring of the weight. I think once I leave I ll give up hunting I recited to myself as my boots hit every stair in rhythm, I think once I leave Ill go somewhere new, change my name and find something or someone to love The word left my tongue as if it was the last time we were seeing each other in this life time. That word was so foreign to what my brain was focused on and It felt nice I
  • 12. Suzanne Collins Biography Suzanne Collins, born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1962, began her professional career in writing for children s television in 1991. She did many She had done multiple works on Nickelodeon shows including very successful ones such as, Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo . She also wrote the very admired stories of Oswald and Little Bear. As of recently, she was given the title of Head Writerfor Scholastic Entertainment s Clifford s Puppy Days. Later on, she met with James Proimos, a children s author and illustrator, who convinces her to give writingchildren s book a chance. Suzanne then moved to New York City with her newlywed, Cap Pryer who she met at Indiana University where they both studied. There, in 2003, Suzanne Collins began writing the first book of The Underland Chronicles, Gregor the Overlander . It told about a boy and his encounter of a enormous new world he found when he falls through the grate of the laundry room in his apartment building in New York City. The series was composed of this and four other books: Gregor and the Prohecy Bane, Gregor and the Curse of the ... Show more content on ... The Hunger Games trilogy begun while she was flipping through channels one late night. Suzanne thought that we were being deprived from the whole reading involvement. She thought that we were being given so much coming at us in terms of electronics and technology. She wanted to make a change. And thus, the Hunger Games trilogy was born. The story revolves around the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, a 16 year old girl living in the post apocalyptic nation of Panem, previously known as North America. It takes place about 200 years in the future. Boys and girls take place in the annual Hunger Games event where 24 tributes (2 from each district) fight to the death. It started to show the nation of Panem that they had no power over the
  • 13. Why The Iranian Revolution Occur During A Time Of National... Identification and Evaluation of Sources: This investigation will answer the question, what caused the Iranian revolution to occur during a time of national progress and prosperity? This question is important because the Iranian revolution baffled the rest of the world, as nobody expected a newly progressive and economically stable nation as Iran to have its government overthrown. The scope of this investigation is the events throughout the 20th century that put the family of monarch Mohammad Reza Pahlavi into power and the family s fall from power, but more focused on the latter. It s important to see how the Pahlavi family rose to power to understand the condition of the monarchy and what changed between the reigns of the different ... Show more content on ... It is however limited in that it is translated from Turkish and has a number of phrases that require personal interpretation and therefore need to be assessed by other sources. The piece goes over the conflict between the current Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, and the leader of the revolution Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. It also discusses how Ayatollah Khomeini s followers actually opposed each other, but opposed the Shah more. It also explains how the Shah s progressive attitude offended some for being too progressive, and some for not being progressive enough. This resulted in another conflict upon the abdication of the Shah, as to what the republic of Iran should be. In the end, Ayatolla Khomeini was declared Supreme Leader for life. Word Count: 491 Investigation: It s important to understand the background of how the Pahlavi family came into power. In the early 19th century, Iran was undergoing its Constitutional Revolution. The Shah at the time, Muzaffar al Din Shah, was near death, and decided to allow the revolution. A constitution was written, and a new Shah, Mohammad Ali Shah, succeeded Muzaffar al Din Shah (Balaghi). The new constitution organized a parliament which was quickly corrupted by Mohammad Ali Shah, in turn leading to another revolution in favor of his eleven year old son, Ahmad Shah Qajar, who was ineffective as a ruler and left a hole of power. This is when Reza Shah
  • 14. Brutality of Bioterrorism and Biowarfare Essays Imagine this: you wake up hours before your alarm sounds to find your entire neighborhood in chaos; people running, robbing banks and stores, and bodies are littering the once calm streets. Over the night, a government run biological experiment dealing with germ weapons had been released, infecting, destroying, and causing panic across the globe. As a single, globalized society, we need to heighten our security against biological weapons and biological terror to prevent the endangerment of mankind. It would be most beneficial to our species if we did not try to use or experiment with biological weapons, seeing as they are engineered specifically to create social, economic, governmental, military, and general fear and disruption. Bioterror... Show more content on ... These experiments were done using the Chinese Manchurians, after the area was taken over by Japan in 1931. The Japanese killed roughly 10,000 people with their use of anthrax, cholera, typhoid, and various plagues during the duration of the war (Lewis). Seeing as such horrid and devastating examples of biological warfare have been used as far back as the fourteenth century, one can obviously see that biowarfare isn t just a passing form of fear instilling violence, but an active part of our history. Frighteningly, not all biological weapons are made by man, but many, and some of the deadliest, of the weapons are found in nature. Many of the viruses that have plagued humanity come from exposure to fleas and other vermin, certain plants, or fungi. Biological threats are classified into three categories based on severeness. Class A weapons are the most dangerous with the highest mortality and infection rate. The classes go down to C, which are naturally found toxins or infections that can be engineered to be a threat to society. In 2001, shortly after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, anthrax laced letters were received from presumable terrorists. Anthrax, a class A weapon, is a spore producing bacterium known as Bacillus anthracis that is usually acquired from anthrax infected cattle or meat products, but is now receiving heightened attention for its use as a biological weapon (Biological). Class B weapons are the second highest priority since they are
  • 15. To Kill A Mockingbird Relevant Today There are some people now claim that the racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is not relevant to today s time and they are wrong. It s obvious they haven t taken a look at today s society which is horrible in many ways. First off what is racism? Racism is when someone will make fun/insult of someone for their race/skin color. Racismis bad and it shouldn t exist. But it has existed since the Renaissance period and continues on to this very day. But people don t understand that part and those people are pretty lucky...Anywho To Kill a Mockingbirdwas a book made July 11 1960. This book takes place in Maycomb, Alabama with our main protagonist Scout Finch. In the book Scout s character isn t much described but she is about 7 years old and is your practical tomboy character. She dislikes dresses and loves to read and hang with her brother Jem Finch. Jem Finch is Scout s brother and he plays a very important part in this story. At the beginning of this story Scout s older self explains how Jem broke his arm and that plays a HUGE part in the story. Next is Dill who is just Scout and Jem s friend. Atticus Finch is the father of the Finch siblings and he... Show more content on ... There a lot of who people address the topic of racism and some of those people are influences to the world, yet they use the topic of racism in a lot of the things they say. For example there is the government who uses racism so they can excuse human right abuses. With that there are many laws that are aimed at preventing immigration of people of different color and different religion, culture etc. Influencing or famous people aren t the only ones who use racism that spreads it. There are parents who have beliefs that one race is better than the other. Those parents are bad examples on their kids which causes a bad environment for the kids. When that happens the kids will most likely grow up to think that racism is okay and that leads to our next
  • 16. Symbolism In Blade Runner When Blade Runner was released in 1982, it was greeted with a lukewarm reception by general movie goers and critics alike. Director Ridley Scott s film a futuristic tale about a group of renegade replicants (android slave labor banned on Earth, used in the colonization of space) and the police officer (Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford) hired to kill them was criticized for being too gloomy and too dense. However, since its dismal box office run, Blade Runnerhas emerged as one of the most thematically and stylistically influential science fiction films in recent history. There are two key literary devices of the film that play a key role in relaying themes. The first is setting the time, place, and context of the story. In some literature, the setting is rich and complex, a culture of its own, a set of rules alien to the reader that the characters in the story live by. The second is symbolism, when a writer uses a tangible object to represent a higher, more complex notion or idea. In Blade Runner, Scott uses key traits of the setting and symbols as a means to propose the moral dilemmas that will one day face humanity due to its fascination with technology. The setting of the film is possibly the most important device in terms of theme. Blade Runner takes place in Los Angeles during the year 2017. In the opening shot, Scott immediately exposes us to the side effects of a full century of industrialization: Factories fill the cityscape, pouring a never ending stream of smoke into the sky. What was once sunny Southern California is now covered by a constant layer of pollution that blurs night and day. Wrecked and abandoned skyscrapers trash the city. Acid rain pours continuously. The overall sensation of the opening scene has a sobering effect on the viewer. After decades of technological advances for the betterment of society, what remains is a trashed, almost uninhabitable planet that has been virtually abandoned. In essence, Scott warns us that technology has damaging effect on both the environment and culture. The dreary setting of the film possibly me most powerful device Scott uses in order to relay his warning, but an equally important message is symbolically demonstrated by the powerful Tyrell
  • 17. Comparing the Synoptic Gospels Essay Comparing the Synoptic Gospels Should one fully read the opening four Gospels of the New Testament, he or she can find many similar patterns of literature and themes affording much attention to detail and study. This is what someone such as Merriam Webster would define as the ?Synoptic Gospels?. So, what are and how can we explain the differences and similarities among synoptic authors Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the gospel, John? Which Book was written first? To what extent did the Evangelists depend on oral tradition, written sources, or each other? The phenomenon and mystery of these similar but unique Synoptic Gospels has for centuries challenged some of the best minds of academia and the church, stirring up much scholarly ... Show more content on ... They believed that this leader the Messiah (?anointed one?) would rescue them from their Roman oppressors and establish a new kingdom. As their king, he would rule the world with justice. However, many Jews overlooked prophecies that also spoke of this king as a suffering servant who would be rejected and killed. It is no wonder, then, that few recognized Jesus as the Messiah. ?How could this humble carpenter?s son from Nazareth be their king,? they thought. But Jesus was the King of all the earth, and it was Matthew (Levi) who took it upon himself (but not alone) to spread the word. Matthew used about 1475 words, 137 of which are words used by him alone of all the New Testament writers. Of these latter 76 are classical; 15 were introduced for the first time by Matthew, or at least he was the first writer in whom they were discovered; 8 words were employed for the first time by Matthew and Mark, and 15 others by Matthew and another New Testament writer. It is probable that, at the time of the Evangelist, all these words were in current use. Matthew s Gospel contains many peculiar expressions that help to give decided colour to his style. Thus, he employs thirty four times the expression basileia ton ouranon; this is never found in Mark and Luke, who, in parallel passages, replace it by basileia tou thou, which also occurs four times in Matthew. Matthew begins his account by giving Jesus? genealogy. He then tells of Jesus? birth and early years, including the escape
  • 18. We Should Not Take Technology And Computer s Usefulness... We should not take technology and computer s usefulness for granted. Billions of people use computers every day, yet only a fraction have the patience to understand what they are doing. Or, the actual consequences of their actions and in turn cause problems for themselves and others. As a result the same precautions that are made to protect themselves are not applied when using a computer. More people need to treat these computers as tools that can be used to make our lives and the world better even if the world is changing, for better or worse. As such, people must learn what a computer is to recognize it, what these computers need to stay maintained, and how, as an individual, people must take control of their technology to bring themselves into the modern world. Computers are defined in the Webster dictionary as a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. These could be anything from as small as calculators to cabinets the size of buildings. They are well established into the daily lives of most of the people in the world, if you tried to avoid computers entirely you would find it difficult when your food is packaged with computers, cars are ran with computers, odds are even your refrigerator has a computer in it. Check your food packaging, most of the time there is a barcode on it. That means that the package had to be scanned by computers many times before it reached your shelves. Even though computers have
  • 19. Un Efforts At Violent Conflict Prevention At first glance, UN efforts at violent conflict prevention do not look promising. Every time a dispute escalates to major armed conflict in the world, the failures of the UN at violent conflict prevention become evident. It can be true that the UN leaves much to be desired as a conflict preventer but at the same time also be true that the UN is providing added value when it does devote resources to prevent conflicts. Disputes over self determination involve state governments and some ethnic group seeking increased control over some territory in the state, which can include greater cultural, economic, or political autonomy up to a demand for secession in order to form an independent state or to unite with another state. Since the 1990s,... Show more content on ... These findings of UNSC plans indicates that when the UN conducts more forceful action to a wider regional conflict, its effect can considerably restrain conflicts outside that region. It is found that on average, a UNSC resolution regarding the use of force in the previous year lowers the chance of a civil war to almost zero, whereas the chances of civil war beginning when there is no UNSC resolution is about 10%. The United Nations founders lived through the devastation of two world wars, and they created the United Nations in the hopes of saving future generations from the burden of war. The United Nations is often called upon to keep conflicts from increasing into war, or to help bring back peace when armed conflict does occur, and to create lasting peace in societies that are emerging from wars. When a dispute leads to fighting, the Council s first priority is to end it as soon as possible. Often, the Council has commanded ceasefire which has contributed to preventing wider wars. It also deploys United Nations peacekeeping operations to help ease tension in troubled areas, keep conflicting forces apart and create conditions so peace can continue after agreements have been made. The Council may decide on enforcement measures, economic sanctions (such as trade embargoes) or collective military action. The General Assembly can make recommendations on the general rules of
  • 20. Npa in Banks NON PERFORMING ASSETS IN BANKS REPORT SUBMITTED TO DEI IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING AWARD OF BBM FINANCE MARKETING NON PERFORMING ASSETS IN BANKS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work with this dissertation has been extensive and trying, but in the first place exciting, instructive, and fun. Without help, support, and encouragement from several persons, I would never have been able to finish this work. First of all, I would like to thank my teacher and guide Mr. S.P.Singh who not only served as my supervisor but also encouraged and challenged me throughout my academic program. He patiently guided me through the dissertation process, never accepting less than my best efforts. His editorial advice... Show more content on ... All these indicate newly emerging opportunities for Indian Banking. But on the darker side we see the accumulated morass, brought out by three decades of controlled and regimented management of the banks in the past. It has siphoned profitability of the Government owned banks, accumulated bloated NPA and threatens Capital Adequacy of the Banks and their continued stability. Nationalised banks are heavily over staffed. The recruitment, training, placement and promotion policies of the banks leave much to be desired. In the nutshell the problem is how to shed the legacies of the past and adapt to the demands of the new age. Chapter I INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Banking sector reforms in India has progressed promptly on aspects like interest rate deregulation, reduction in statutory reserve requirements, prudential norms for interest rates, asset classification, income recognition and provisioning. But it could not match the pace with which it was expected to do. The accomplishment of these norms at the execution stages without restructuring the banking sector as such is creating havoc During pre nationalization period and after independence, the banking sector remained in private hands Large industries who had their control in the management of the banks were utilizing major portion of financial resources of the banking system and as a result low priority was accorded to priority
  • 21. Wireless Security Is Necessary For All Sorts Of Attacks Today every wireless device uses frequency based transmissions without using any physical or wired connections. Wireless system consist of LAN(Local Area network), WAN(Wide Area Network), Personal networks, Wireless computers, smart phones, Tablets. It also consists of devices which have infrared and Bluetooth integrated in them such as wirelessmouse and wireless keyboards. With the introduction of these technologies that are operated wirelessly requires a certain level of security as well. Thus these devices are to a level bit vulnerable to many conventional as well as other severe attacks. So wireless security is necessary to prevent all sorts of attacks. Basically Wireless Security is the prevention or restriction of unsanctioned or ... Show more content on ... But still there were many flaws that intruders used to take advantage and used the flaws for their own advantage thus making WPA also vulnerable. WPA2 was introduced to overcome the flaws that WPA had in it. WPA2 uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm to provide security thus making it very difficult for intruders to break the security of this layer. As the algorithm encrypts secret and confidential data and it s very difficult for the intruders to decrypt it. The issue with WPA2 security is that as it has complex encryption thus it requires a lot of processing power so the old systems which do not have the capability to process a lot of computation thus WPA2 is not suitable for the old deployed systems. Wired Equivalent Privacy: This is an older security method supported by older devices but it s no longer used as in it encrypted security key is sent from one computer to another via the network thus making it very easy for the attackers /intruders to attack and hack the key thus very obsolete network security methodology. Mac and mac spoofing: MAC(Media Access Control) is a terminology normally associated with Wi Fi based technologies. Basically it is a unique
  • 22. Effects Of The Orlando Shooting Did you know that the Orlando Shooting was the worst U.S mass shooting ever? It there was 49 deaths and 53 people wounded. The Orlando shooting impacted the families of the victims, it impacted the city of Orlando and it impacted the United States. The effects of he Orlando shooting were bad. Lots of families were torn apart because of Isis and Omar Mateen. Omar killed 49 people on June 12, 2016. He also wounded 53 people. One of the victims got shot twice but he survived the shots this name was Norman Cassino. He said that the shooter Omar Matteen was laughing when he was shooting people. Norman is 26 and he was just about to leave but then he said he heard gun shots. The was going to leave at 2:00 AM. Jose Honorato was looking for
  • 23. The Terrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the downing of an airplane by passengers on September 11, 2001 left many Americans reeling with fear and feeling vulnerable. The American people no longer felt safe and protected on their homeland soil. It was a violation of security that united not only the American people, but countries around the world. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, then President, George W. Bush, proposed the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Prior to this proposal, the responsibility to protect the nation s security fell to over 100 different government agencies. Not one of these agencies saw homeland security as their primary goal. The newly created... Show more content on ... Hospitals and other healthcare institutions are under increasing pressures to provide medical treatment to patients with limited and reduced reimbursements from medical insurance providers. There is also a substantial increase in the number of patients without health insurance. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is a national mandate that requires healthcare organizations to access and stabilize any person who seeks medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay (Kaji, Koenig, Lewis, 2007). Public health facilities are challenged financially with complying with state and federal mandates such as required implementation of electronic medical records and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Hanfling, Schafer, Armstrong, 2004). Recommendations 26 and 28 from the 9/11 Commission may have impacts on the healthcare sector. Recommendation 26 requires the implementation of the Incident Command System for all organizations who are responsible to respond to all hazards threats. The second recommendation from the 9/11 Commission that could impact healthcare is Recommendation
  • 24. Dream Analysis Jung Many people believe their dreams are a manifestation of their subconscious. Dream analysis is the process of evaluating dreams to determine their meaning. The process of analyzing ones dreams dates back to ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian people believed dreams were a message from the Gods. Furthermore, in the 20th century Sigmund Freudand Carl Jung gave way to greater scientific advancements through developed scientific theories and disciplines. Freud believed that dreams were the unconscious mindhiding repressed wants and desires from the conscious mind to protect the conscious mind from disturbing thoughts. However, Jung who at the time was a colleague of Freud s disagreed. Jung thought that dreams were a means for the unconscious mind to bring to light inner desires to the conscious mind. In either case, by analyzing dreams a person has... Show more content on ... She also suffered from night terrors. Her spouse often spoke of her screaming in her sleep, getting up and running, or crying out panicked. She has had the same dreams repeatedly for the past two weeks. She has had dreams of running often in the past as well. It is important to note that during therapy she has admitted to sexual abuse from a step parent as an adolescent and recently moved closer in proximity to him. In the dream she says she feels panicked, like she is being chase, she sees the deep reds and blacks, and never feels like she reaches safety. Through analysis of her dream, her therapist was able to help her cope with the sexual abuse trauma, because her dream was her subconscious mind working through the trauma. The colors red and black are possibly symbolic of her anger towards the step parent, and her panicked running was her minds way of trying to stop the sexual abuse. Through therapy with dream analysis the woman was able to better understand the meaning behind her unconscious mind and work towards a healthier sleep
  • 25. Childhood Trauma Can Have A Significant Impact On The... Childhood trauma can have a significant impact on the behaviour of an individual. Previous research has shown how trauma causes behavioral problems and can also result in mental disorders in the person. Studies conducted by Gabriele et al. (2002) and Sara et al. (2013) show how incidences of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse are widespread in patients with bipolar disorder. Gabriele et al. (2002) conducted the research to find out the impact of adverse childhood events, mainly physical and sexual abuse on bipolar disorder. Their hypothesis was, the occurrence of these traumatic events early in life would add to the vulnerability for the development and recurrence of affective episodes, presaging a more severe course of bipolar... Show more content on ... The study found out that the history of abuse was related to an early age of onset, Axis 1 and Axis 2 disorders, suicide attempts and lifetime history of substance abuse. There was a strong relationship between physical abuse and mania. Comorbidities were found. Those who experienced physical and sexual abuse had eating disorders, anxiety disorders and PTSD. Lastly, the researchers concluded that genetic predispositions and traumatic experiences can increase the vulnerability of developing bipolar illness. In conclusion, the results of the study supported the hypothesis. Another study by Sara et al. (2013) also explored how adverse events are related to bipolar illness. Along with physical and sexual abuse, the study emphasized on emotional abuse. The study had many aims. Firstly, the researchers wanted to find out if childhood trauma was associated with an earlier age of onset. Secondly, whether trauma resulted in reduced Global Assessment Functioning in the participants. Lastly, they were interested in finding out if specific and different types of trauma were related to different characteristics of the disorder. Adverse childhood events were measured by using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. This questionnaire was completed by 141 participants who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder according to DSM IV. The participants were between 18 to 65 years old. Childhood
  • 26. Traitor Essay The film Traitor exposes its audience with a protagonist that encounters a conflicting loyalty as a Sudanese born American agent who is found to be undercover as an Islamic bomb maker with only one supervisor knowing of his doings. The so called traitor is Samir and when he is sent to carry out a massive suicide on 50 buses he faces doubts and turns to his religious views in hopes of finding the answer. Samir is ultimately driven by his loyalties to his brothers in islam but faces the problem of remaining loyal to an American government which views him as a high priority terrorist ready to get rid of him in any instance possible. The film does show the truth of the quote an opinion can be argued with ; a conviction is best shot (T.E... Show more content on ... Omar briefly goes over that fact that violence was the best possible way to get a message across as it was previously used on them in Sudan. Omar questions whether the lives of innocent muslims mattered or not to those that invaded and caused turmoil in their home country. Due to the past history of America and Sudan, Omar compares America s way of fighting for justice as weapons like missiles and bombs and claims that he has god on his side. Interestingly, despite difference in political views one of the driving factors for motivation in the film was the religious aspects of being chosen to fulfill the will of god with the symbolic act of terrorism. This brings on the pride felt in many Although religion was used for justification in the film it was not the sacred values that were issue but rather it became problematic when it brought out absolutistic symbols that acted as the terrorism. In the film the mass suicide with 50 buses was a symbolic act of terror as it was going to be on Thanksgiving day where the act would be remembered in history. If the plan were to have smoothly in the film it would have changed America s history
  • 27. Historical Elements In David B s Epileptic In David B s Novel, Epileptic, there are various relations to historical elements. A historical element is a characteristic of history relating to past events that have already happened. Analyzing the text, history is referenced often and clues build up to a main element. For example, him and his brother like to draw because their parents teach art. He draws battles with huge armies and the emotional impact of the French Algerian conflict caused David to have a strong imagination. The main historical element that is present in the text is the Nazi s. The Nazi s are anti Jews and decided to put all Jews into concentration camps. The Jews built railways for Germany and only were able to eat simple and basic foods such as bread. When there work was no longer productive due to their physical deterioration, the individuals were murdered for heightened efficiency. The camp was basically a torture chamber that Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, made happen. Hitler was the chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945 and also part of a Jewish conspiracy (Wikipedia).... Show more content on ... Holocaust is a Greek origin word meaning sacrifice by fire. As Hitler was one of the main causes of the Holocaust, he stated, we shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jews (Introduction to the Holocaust). In other words, the Nazi s will not be stable until all of the Jews are exterminated. These words can be very fierce and may have disturbed many different people if someone comes from a Jewish background. The Jews did not deserve what Hitler and his team had done at the time but it was a very tragic time in history. When the holocaust was hitting its end, very little survivors were able to find a home or sort of shelter. The last camp ended in 1957 and the remaining Jews migrated to Europe and the United States of America
  • 28. Poverty In The Glass Castle Earlier this year, I read Jeanette Walls memoir The Glass Castle. The Glass Castle tells the story of Walls and her siblings as they experience and attempt to escape the poverty stricken lives of their parents. In her descriptions of her life and the lives of her family members, Walls influenced my ideas about poverty, homelessness, and escaping hard lives. Jeanette Walls The Glass Castleinfluenced my ideas about poverty by showing me that poverty can yield positive results. Before reading The Glass Castle, I believed that all poverty was tragic and life ruining. I thought that nothing positive or advantageous could come of out poverty. Reading The Glass Castle changed my opinion. In The Glass Castle, Jeanette Walls and her siblings are resilient and brave. When the Walls family moves to Welch, West Virginia from Phoenix, Rex and Rose Mary Walls, Jeanette s parents, travel back to Phoenix to pick up some of their old belongings and bring them to West Virginia. While Rex and Rose Mary are gone, Jeanette s grandmother assaults Jeanette s brother and banishes the children to the freezing basement. However, in the face of cruelty and cold, Jeanette and her siblings persevere and survive until their parents return. Poverty gives Jeanette and her siblings the ability to endure horrific circumstances. Because of their previous experiences with poverty, Jeanette and her siblings can withstand conditions and treatment that would have killed or crushed the spirit of a
  • 29. Resistance And Resistance In The Poetry Of Darwish Darwish found the force of words at an early stage and composed fierce poems of resistance and love of land. Darwish s poem Identity Card 1964 has an exceptional hold back write down, I am an Arab! This reiteration frames a cry that takes shape, from one perspective, the association between the Palestinian identity and land, and then again, the Palestinian resistance against Israeli endeavors to delete the Palestinian identity in the occupied land. The Palestinian identity has dependably been at the heart of the IsraelPalestinestruggle not just on the grounds that it inseparably connects Palestinians with their country but since it is additionally a method for resistance. It is a steady indication of what was detracted from the Palestinians and an image of the continuous clash with Israel for their privilege of presence. Darwish contributes authoritatively ... Show more content on ... It is a theoretical mixing of eco criticism and post colonialism as another expository focal point for perusing Darwish s poems of resistance. Besides, the current theoretical structure depends on the introduce that the post colonial researchers have been steadily mindful to the relations amongst colonized and colonizers and address topics, for example, the development of personality of colonized individuals, giving careful consideration to the common habitat that has an immediate connection with the human character. Similarly, the researchers of eco criticism have tended to concentrate on the relations amongst nature and culture, ignoring the parts of post imperialism that help shape the people s collaboration and interrelations with their common habitat. In this way, the eco postcolonial focal point is expected to serve as a scaffold amongst eco criticism and post colonialism and utilized as another logical focal point for perusing Darwish s
  • 30. Population Report Of Tasmania. Introduction . Population Population Report of Tasmania Introduction Population is now being greatly realized as a principle element of regional or local economic development.(ж¤е¤„жњ‰reference) Understanding the role that population play in a regional or local area is significant as well as effective to facilitate economic growth and organize economic activities. This report is to collect and illustrate the data in relation to population of Tasmania including but not limited to population pyramid, employment, transportation etc. Afterwards, a population projection for the year 2030 will be given to Tasmania, followed by identification of a series of planning implications and recommendations. Status quo Tasmania is currently the third smallest state in Australia... Show more content on ... Male residents approximately occupied 49% of the total population of Tasmania, compared with female residents accounting for 51% of total population. In contrast to Australia, Tasmania has a smaller proportion of population aged from 20 to 44, while it has a larger proportion of elderly people. As seen from table 2, among population from pre schooler (0 4) to parents and homebuilders (35 49), only the secondary schooler (12 17) accounts for a slightly more percentage than it is for Australia, the rest is evidently fewer compared to Australia. The proportion of population which is over 50 years old in Tasmania is much higher than it is in Australia which means Tasmania is a state with a large number of agingpeople at present. In terms of the economy of Tasmania, pillar industries like agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, mining, and tourism contribute a lot for local economy (ABS, 2017). In terms of industry sector, shown as table 4, health care and social assistance (26,040 people or 12.0%) and retail trade (24,550 people or 11.3%) as well as public administration and safety (19,596 people or 9.0%) account for three of the most important sectors which employed 32.3% of total Tasmanian employed population. In contrast to Australia, Tasmania has a larger proportion of employed population working in the sector of agriculture, forestry and fishing (4.8% compared to 2.5%) as well as public administration and safety (9.0% compared to
  • 31. Applied Behavioral Analysis Essay Every single day is a struggle for an autistic child and his or her family. Autism affects all aspects of a child s life from their ability to show affection to their family to being able to do simple tasks such as communicating and thinking in ways that we take for granted. Autism is defined as a developmental disability in which children experience abnormalities in social functioning, language, often act in puzzling ways, and usually appears before the age of three (Mash Wolfe, 2010). Although the exact causes of autismare unknown there does seem to be a strong genetic component. Having a child or family member with autism is a constant battle of emotion and frustration. Everyone wants to help the people they love when they have... Show more content on ... Since Skinner s time there has been much research done and many new techniques made in ABA especially in regards of teaching people how to increase behaviors associated with learning and decreasing those that may inhibit learning. These new techniques have been used to help successfully treat or improve the lives of several people with various degrees and types of disabilities and learning disorders. These techniques have been adapted from being used exclusively on adults and modified for children. These techniques can be formally initiated, meaning that they are done in a classroom or a behavioral analysts office, or they can be taught to parents or caretakers and are often used to develop skills such as learning theory of mind, eye contact, social skills, and other necessary skills (Renna, 2004). Children with autism have difficulties understanding social models and so many of them have difficulties acquiring social skills while children with health development normally gain social and appropriate behavior by observing a model (Mash Wolfe, 2010). If a child with autism is able to acquire social and adaptive skills they still need to learn how to generalize correct behaviors to different situations and tend to need consistent practice in maintaining those skills. To an autistic child generalization can be extremely difficult to break down and understand. Because of this ABA is
  • 32. The Case of Malcolm Farley The case of Malcolm Fairley is a unique case in which paint analysis and the use of forensic science made investigators succeed in apprehending a criminal they were after for a long time. The role of paint analysis in this case was enormous and to date it is one of the cases people refer to when discussing the relationship between forensic science and crime(Smith, 2005). In 1984, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire residents suffered sleepless nights with fear and terror in their homes. Armed burglaries, rape as well as indecent and uncouth sexual assaults became the order of the day. The residents barred their windows, the police intensified their security surveillance on both land and air, vigilante groups came up but still the culprit otherwise named the fox was scot free and continued with his criminal acts. Fox continued to unleash his terror in many towns despite his profiling by the police. He went into other towns like Tring, Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard and Milton Keynes (Malcolm, n.d.). In April 1984, in Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, a 74 year old woman became the first victim of the Fox. This woman went to bed at around 9PM and after reading for an hour she put out the light and just before falling asleep she was woken by shuffling sounds in her bedroom. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man standing in her bedroom with gloves in his hands. This man pulled her bed covers off and started assaulting her indecently. The woman was able to resist the advances of the
  • 33. The Pardoner Tale The Pardoner and His Tale The Pardoner is a renaissance figure that wanders the lands in hopes of bringing forgiveness to those in need. This Pardoner is a bad pardoner among the other pardoners. The tale that he tells is a moral one that is suppose to bring about the desire from people to ask for forgiveness. Instead the Pardoner uses this tale as a way of contracting money from his fellow pilgrims. The Pardoner is a person that is suppose to practice what he preaches. What that person does affects those that look up to that person. The Pardoner must be able to tell of tales that bring about hope. The way in which that might happen is through example. If the pardoner is unable to produce a tale that convinces the audience of... Show more content on ... Mary s of Roncevalles. An honest pardoner would be much like a fund raiser for any religious or charitable organization today. But a dishonest pardoner like this one had many opportunities to profit at the expense of the naive. Once he was able to stir them to devotion (VI,C,346), he could pull out his relics, odds and ends, bits of stones and bones and cloth, and offer them for sale(Hallissy 214). A Pardoner is not necessarily a bad person. That is true because not all people are bad, just that there are always some rotten apples in every good batch. This is true about this such pardoner. By trade the Pardoner is a preacher. His task is to use his rhetorical gifts to persuade his hearers to repent and be saved. The sermon, then and now, is a major part of the Christian liturgy. The homilist selects a scriptural passage on which to expound, typically one selected from the day s liturgy. Since the Pardoner is an itinerant preacher and not a parish clerk, his audience changes. So he uses not only the same text but also the same sermon over and over. His scriptural passage is always the same: Radix malorum est Cupidatas (VI, C, 334); cupidity, the inordinate desire for or excessive love of money, is the root of all evil. Nothing is wrong with this text, or even the Pardoner s sermon on it. Something is very wrong when the Pardoner s intention, however. He deliberately uses his considerable homiletic skills
  • 34. Managing Director Of The Organization TASK 1: 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Fletcher s history started in 1909 with the development of a timber weatherboard house in Dunedin, New Zealand. Fletcher advanced and changed many times over the accompanying 92 years, until in 2001 it was recorded as Fletcher Building Limited on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. ( us/our history/) The head quarter is based on Patmore Auckland. James Fletcher Junior was the first Managing Director of the organization he put his heaps of endeavours to give the great picture to this organization. Fletcher Challenge Archives is a corporate chronicle set up in 1986 to guarantee the protection of records of long haul worth identifying with the inceptions, history, capacities, approaches, association and exercises of Fletcher Challenge Limited and to make these accessible for reference purposes. These records of the predecessors and forerunner organizations of Fletcher Challenge Group give the crude material to an extensive variety of exploration hobbies. ( HEAVY BUILDING PRODUCTS: The Heavy Building Products division comprises of concrete creation, solid, total, pipeline, quarry items and long steel organizations. This incorporates Firth Concrete and Humes Pipelines, Golden Bay Cement, Winston Aggregates, Rocla Pipelines, Rocla Quarries and Ilex. ( LIGHT BUILDING PRODUCTS: Organizations in the Light
  • 35. Rene Magritte And Salvador Dali INTRODUCTION The topic of the unconscious mind is one that is very relevant to the surrealist movement. Arguably the most famous surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, was famous for his depictions of dreams and freudian theories. Rene Magritte, also a very famous surrealist artist, is also thought to be influenced by such theories, especially when it comes to the repression of childhood memories. Because of this, these two artists are perfect examples to question the extent of this psychological influence on their work. Was psychoanalysis the primary goal for both artists? In this report I will analyse three texts from reputable sources about both Dali and Magritte, and aim to use evidence from these texts to come to a conclusion about my ... Show more content on ... To depict this psychological phenomena Dali creates his paintings with an incredibly detailed and realistic style. Martin writes that Dali s realistic style serves as a sharp contrast to the animalistic instincts and unusual concepts in his paintings. Upon analysing the use of irrational imagery and depictions of dreams in Dali s paintings, author Tim Martin shows the heavy interest in the ideas of the unconscious mind. Through Martin s writing it is clear that the unconscious mind was the most significant factor in Dali s artwork. Text 2 Dali Museum Text on The Persistence of Memory This text was written in 2009 for the Salvador Dali museum, aimed at high school students studying art history. The information in the text is extensive, and it is a reputable source of information, being written for the Dali museum itself. The author s analysis of the famous painting the Persistence of Memory describes the deformed clocks depicted in the painting. Dali painted a total of three of these malleable clocks for this work, placed apart in different places in the painting. The author of the text describes Dali s painting of different times on each clock face. By painting a different time on each clock face, Dali gestures at the relativity of the notion of time. Time s relativity in dreams was a core concept in Dali s work, and was influenced by Freud s theories
  • 36. Ptd Intervention Assessment of the Client. The role of assessment is vital for case conceptualization and treatment interventions (Briere and Scott, 2013). As such, signs and symptoms stemming from the episodes of traumatic events cannot be precisely treated if there are not diagnosed. More so, this clinician s first task will be to conduct a comprehensive and informed diagnosis evaluation, as this step will enable this clinician in developing and formulating interventions that is best suited in addressing this client s specific needs (Briere and Scoot, 2013). In assessing this client, during the intake session/clinical interview questions such as present and/or past trauma history, dissociative disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms where included. Likewise, the intake/clinical interview was focused toward the client s imminent level of safety, psychological stability, and the client level of readiness regarding future assessment and treatment (Briere and Scoot, 2013). More so, this clinician followed the hierarchy of assessment in assessing this client ( is there risk of imminent death, is the client in a state of... Show more content on ... This clinician will also assess Kyle for complex trauma because he has flashed back memories about the some childhood abuse. This clinician also used, The Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and The Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress (SIDES). The CAPS and SIDES scores the present and lifetime PTSD and DESNOS criteria, explores experiences related to complex trauma, such as guilt, and disillusionment with authority, dissociation, affect dysregulation, memory impairment, somatization, self perception, homicidality, relationships with others, depression, and feelings of being overwhelmed (Briere and Scoot, 2013). Likewise, scoring alterations in attention or consciousness, hopelessness, and systems of
  • 37. Social Stratification Has Good Consequences For Society 1. What is the Davis Moore thesis? The Davis Moore thesis states that social stratification has good consequences for society. They argue societies may have different occupations or tasks that these jobs differ in their importance to society. They believed this encourages people to work harder and be more efficient in their jobs, ultimately benefiting society. 2. List and define three different systems of stratification in society. The three different systems of social stratification in society are slavery, castes, and social classes. Slavery is the most extreme form of social inequality, where enslaved people are treated a property that can be bought, sold, and used however the owner wants. A caste system is one where social... Show more content on ... Lastly, horizontal mobility occurs when an individual takes another job that keeps him in the same social class. 5. Compare and contrast the upper uppers and the upper lowers in the United States. The upper upper class are those who come from old money, which is inherited from previous generations.This class compose less than 1% of the population, but possess a great deal of power, and influence society. The upper lowers are those who come from new money. Most of these people a famous stars and are sometimes referred to as the working rich because they work for the money they earn. Although the upper lowers may possess more money than the upper uppers, they often find it difficult to be apart of the upper society. Critical Thinking Questions 1. The Davis Moore thesis argues that social inequality is beneficial to society. Do you agree or disagree with this thesis? Why or why not? I agree with Davis Moore s thesis that social inequality is beneficial to society. Without social inequality everyone would be equal, earning the same amount of money and working at the same jobs. One of the major benefits of social inequality is that individuals have different occupations that differ in their importance in society. While there are some jobs anyone could do, like working at Taco Bell. Other jobs require a lot of skill, patience, and knowledge, like
  • 38. Silas Loss Of Faith Essay But you may prosper, for all that: there is no just God that governs the earth righteously, but a God of lies, that bears witness against the innocent (Eliot 14). The church bans Silas for William Dane s theft of the money. Silas, struck at the betrayal from both his friend and faith, denounces both and lashes out. The seemingly unjust method of determining guilt allows the reader to empathize with Silas struggle, as well as creating a slightly empathizing tone, and a mood of injustice and slight anger. Silas changes from a soft spoken, religiously ardent, idealist weaver to a sullen, non believing, cynic from the injustice he suffers. Silas denouncement of his faith and town demonstrates how an quickly the community turns on an alienated individual. For example, there is no just God that governs the earth righteously, exemplifies Silas condemnation of his... Show more content on ... Similar to Maslow s pyramid of hierarchy of needs, having fulfilled the stage of Love and Belonging, Silas starts to realize Self Actualization. Inside every cynic lives disappointed idealist, but Eppie heals his idealism and faith. Silas believes there s good i this world I ve a feeling o that now, and Silas can once again trust his fellow man, and the God above (Eliot 180). This shows how even Silas apathetic nature was changed by Eppie. Silas transitions into his third stage, open belief. Though Silas only returns to his original state of love and belief, the author s tone makes us believe that Silas improves. Throughout the novel, Eppie symbolizes how love and caring can redeem those with good hearts. Noticeably, Silas faith recovers, but unlike before, Silas can accept wider views. Silas can now reflect upon his previous experiences, as that drawing o the lots is dark , and believe that things will right themselves there s dealings with us there s dealings, (Eliot 180). Silas philosophical discussion set a pondering, hopeful mood for the
  • 39. Contraception Coverage People buy health insurance to cover their medical expenses because accidents and health problems can arise at any time. Many health services are not reaching the medical needs of women and giving them exactly what they need and people don t realize that there is more to birth control then what it seems. There are a lot of benefits from birth controland it is not just women trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Some examples of these benefits include; healthier skin, stopping menstrual flow, and preventing pelvic inflammatory disease. Society needs to be more aware of these benefits so that these women start getting the medical attention that they need. Therefore, birth control should be 100% covered by all insurance companies.... Show more content on ... What are the laws that are telling people they can t or can have coverage for much needed prescriptions? Recently since President Barack Obama took office he implemented a new era of health care coverage. He feels that all people should have the right to affordable health care. As a part of the Affordable Care Act, the federal government issued a rule that required health plans to cover contraception without a co pay ( Challenges ). This created uproar across America that contraception would be covered when so many Americans don t agree in contraception at all. According to insurance coverage for contraception laws, over 10.7 million women in America use a type of oral contraception ( Insurance ). In the state of Missouri as well as 25 other states contraception has been ruled on and coverage has varied from state to state. Missouri has a ruling that require insurance companies to offer some sort of coverage for contraception. The law excludes types of contraception to end a pregnancy, such as the morning after pill ( Insurance ). So each state has been dealing with their lawmakers to ensure state laws, however President Obama has moved to make it a federal law. According to the new law set forth by President Obama the only institutions that do not have to follow the same guidelines are those affiliated with religious institutions and employ those people that are faith based (Corbin, Caroline M). It is unethical
  • 40. The Nazi Occupation Of Crete Summary Book Review: The Nazie Occupation of Crete, 1941 1945 G.C. Kiriakopoulos is a dentistry professor at Columbia University. Kiriakopoulos is a Fellow of the Royal Society in Great Britain and is a highly decorated veteran of World War II. He has written two books Ten Days to Destiny: The Battle for Crete and The Nazi Occupation of Crete, 1941 1945. His first book, Ten Days to Destiny: The Battle for Crete, has been praised as the most authentic documentation of the battle. This book details a true story of American John Alexander. Alexander vacationed to the island of Crete in Greece with his sister and parents to visit his grandparents. However, Alexander s peaceful vacation was interrupted by the invasion of Germany. Germany had launched the first airborne invasion of an island fortress on the beautiful paradise. The Cretan people and their British, Australian, and New Zealand allies fought the Germans for ten long, bloody days until they were finally defeated and Crete was conquered. During the days of occupation, Crete was heavily punished for their resistance. Within the first month, two thousand civilians died at the hands of their cruel invaders. John Alexander s father was among those two thousand perished souls. John s father, Nicholas, claimed neutrality as an American citizen, nonetheless he hid three British soldiers. When the Nazis discovered this duplicity, they did not hesitate in the disposing of Nicholas Alexander. The trespassers murdered John s father and dispatched John to a prison camp for him to die, but John Alexander vowed vengeance and escaped his confinement. The Cretans and their allies did not give up when they were conquered, they fought with the Cretan spirit of patriotism and did not give up. They banded together as one in resistance to the Nazi intruders through the Cretan Resistance Movement. The Cretans battle for liberation from their Nazi oppressors may not be widely known but the Cretans challenged their occupiers and fought till the very end. The most pressing issue discussed in the book is, of course, the German occupation of the Grecian island Crete. Kiriakopoulos goes into great detail about the ten day battle for the island. Major General Bernard C. Freyberg, a
  • 41. Outline Of A Web Design WEB DESIGN Outline is that the technique for conglomeration ideas, and stylishly translation and executing them, guided by beyond any doubt standards for a chose reason. Net style could be a comparable strategy for creation, with the goal of introducing the substance on electronic locales, that the end clients will access through the net with the help of a web program. пѓ Marketing and correspondence outline on a site may distinguish what works for its objective business sector. This can be altered for an age gathering or specific strand of society; along these lines the planner may comprehend the patterns of its group of onlookers. Originators may likewise comprehend the sort of site they are planning, which means, for instance, that business to business site outline contemplations may contrast enormously from a purchaser focused on site, for example, a retail or amusement site. Cautious thought may be made to guarantee that the style or general configuration of a webpage don t conflict with the clarity and precision of the substance or the simplicity of web route, particularly on a site. Creators may likewise consider the notoriety of the proprietor or business the site is speaking to ensure they are depicted positively. пѓ User comprehension of the substance of a site regularly relies on upon client comprehension of how the site functions. This is a piece of the client experience outline. Client experience is identified with format, clear guidelines and marking on a
  • 42. A Brief Note On The Nepalese Music Band Nepalese Music Band: Nepathya Nepathya is a music band that was formed in the early 1990s. In 1990, nine young boys started a band from beautiful city called Pokhara, Nepal, which is now famous by the name Nepathya . They were nine different people but came together to achieve a goal, met at Kathmandu during their college and formed a Nepathya . At first, they used to sing in the concert in the street and in the restaurant. As time passed by they began to broadcast through radio. They started to begin famous among people. Later, in 1995 they released their first album named Tal ko Pani which was loved by the whole country. After that, they continued their journey of musicand till date they released 15 albums. Among them, Resham is the most popular song and also one of my best songs. In their struggling phase, the band only sang the folk song with the theme of nature and love, but as the time passed they started singing the song based on patriotism, peace, and issue of the country. They started their career by singing the song that focuses on love and nature because the type of song they used to sing mostly loved by the audience. They sang a song which is more oriented to the audience. At the time of the civil war, people were concerned about their own and their families security. As the environment changed people changed the theme of the song. The band member started to sing patriotism song as the effect of the civil war in the life of the common people. Through
  • 43. Analysis Of The Journey Song Dont Stop Believin The Journey song Don t Stop Believin is one of the band s most famous songs, and arguably their magnum opus. However, the song itself goes deeper than its literal meaning, and tackles the theme of finding your identity, following your dreams, and doing what you re passionate about. The name of the song, Don t Stop Believin , follows its overall message and conveys it to listeners in a way that they will understand its themes regardless of whether they are listening closely and trying to break it down, or just singing along. The first two stanzas read: Just a small town girl Livin in a lonely world She took the midnight train Goin anywhere Just a city boy Born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train Goin anywhere The first two lines of each stanza, Just a small town girl / Livin in a lonely world (1.1 2) and Just a city boy / Born and raised in South Detroit (2.1 2), describe two different people from two different settings, who are supposedly united when they take the midnight train goin anywhere . The midnight train referred to in each stanza might be symbolic for some common goal, or it might be more literal, as two different people take a train in search of something new in their lives. The third stanza reads: A singer in a smoky room The smell of wine and cheap perfume For a smile they can share the night It goes on and on and on and on The first two lines of this stanza, A singer in a smoky room / The smell of wine and cheap
  • 44. The Apology By Plato And Tao Te Ching Many decisions involve a considerable amount of contemplation and reasoning. These decisions include the ethical dilemmas we encounter every day on an individual and global scale, such as contemplating whether capital punishment is just or unjust. Ethics is often confused with factors that are not cohesive with our true self but that are induced from society. Ethicsis not feelings, religion, science, or following the law and cultural norm. Ethics is, however, a set of moral behaviors that tell us what is right and wrong in different situations. Through writings such as The Apology by Plato and Tao Te Chingby Lao Tzu we are can more clearly get a picture of what it means to be ethical and how to respond to ethical dilemmas. In Plato s The Apology, Socrates supports the fairness and justiceethical approach by recognizing that all equals must be treated equally. Socrates went in search of politicians, poets, and craftsmen; all people claiming to have a higher status and greater intelligence because of their skills. However, through cross examination he found that these men were not superior to the common man. In fact, he realized that believing one has a specialized type of knowledge actually limits human wisdom. We must realize that one person is not superior to another simply because of their occupation, education, race, or gender. No two people are the same; the politicians, poets, craftsmen, and the common man are all very different, but nonetheless, they
  • 45. Difference Between Working Class And Poor Mothers For working class and poor mothers, intensive mothering and consumerism are still equally linked to their view of themselves as good mothers. The only difference between working class and poor mothers versus middle and upper class women is that the working class/poor have to work harder to attain the good motherstatus. According to Takseva (2014), Children can be used as an object of display conferring the desired social status(p.224) and, Membership in a group is often defined through the purchasing of goods and services (p.225). Therefore, mothers who do not present their children in the best clothes or toys are seen as bad mothers, so mothers of the lower classes have to work harder to ascribe their children the same status as the children in upper classes. Many working class mothers experience guilt that due to the lack of financial resources they are not being good mothers because they cannot provide their children with the same life chances that they would if they had more money (Takseva, 2014, p.227). These mothers find alternative strategies to define themselves as good mothers such as knowing where and when to shop for bargains, and actively engaging their children into understanding what products can /cannot be purchased so that they have realistic expectations (Takseva, 2014, p.227). However, on the other extreme intensive mothering is so prevalent in today s society that, Parents will go against their better judgment about budgets, in the case of
  • 46. The Color Purple Rhetorical Analysis Alice Walker may seem the usual type of author that is ordinary in her writing. Actually, she is not. She uses a different method to make us feel the suspense of the story with vivid details. You only live life once so why not take advantage of it? In The Color Purple, Celie s life is the contrary. You may ask why, but there are people out there who are afraid to speak up. Alice Walkerseemed to portray this novel very well making it seem realistic. The tone Walker used in the novel seemed confessional and private towards the only person she could actually tell her feelings to, God. The author wrote this novel in first person giving it more touch to it making it seem as if this actually happened in the past of an African American girl.... Show more content on ... It is also oblivious that Alice Walker is emphasizing on the idea that the dominant culture were the white people and some take advantage of the issue against the weaker people, African American people. In this story, the author makes a point suggesting that women should speak up and not be afraid since if they do they can make a changed in the world. Alice Walker is exactly an example of it showing it in her writing in the book trying to break a barrier against these two races. For example, when the Mayor asked Sofia if she wanted to be his wife s maid and Sofia replied with a hell no, he slapped her for giving her that answer to him and his wife. Knowing her characteristics in the book, we would know she would hit the Mayor back, which she did and ended up in prison since then. She would be in there for a long time, and when she got there, they beat her cracking her skull and ribs, tear her nose loose on one side and blind her from one eye. The policemen did this to her because of her actions and her skin color. Throughout the first part of the book, Walker makes Celie seem like a person who does not really know what she is worth or who she is. After all it is not her to blame since they treated her like a slave because she as well was black. All she knows is that she does not enjoy her life and is not even treated like a normal human being. Alice Walker was African American and also lived in
  • 47. Research Study On College Age Smokers Qualitative Study Review Ayalon Mauda Bellevue University Beti Thompson, Anne L. Thompson, Jennifer Hymer, and Susan Zbikowsi conducted and wrote the study A Qualitative Study of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices Among 40 Undergraduate Smokers published in the Journal of American College Healthy, 2007. This study had aimed discern more information about the perspectives of college age smokers. Studies are done in subjugation of smokers to understand what may influence this unhealthy behavior, as in all psychology: understanding the root and trigger of a problem may bring the solution. This study has specifically focused on the college age population of smokers in an aim to understand the cause and cessation of smoking cigarettes. In result, the study has concluded that college age smokers are in their prime to be influenced by their environment into either picking up smoking as a habit or putting it down. The study had strong uses of qualitative questioning in the interviews, which allowed for adequate descriptive responses to be taken. However, one of the weakness of this study would be the limited sample size. The subjects in question of this study is the smoking habit of 40 undergraduates in American universities. This is the observation of addiction to nicotine, a widely reported phenomenon that affects the health of one billion people daily. (1) This study plans to provide more light into an area of research that does not have a lot of
  • 48. A Narrative Essay About My Mentor It was July 30, 1985. I had butterflies in my stomach! Today was the day I d debut with my husband, Randy Savage as his manager. I could hear Randy s voice he was talking to the manager s, his voice was deep plus they gave him a microphone, not that he needs one. I think he was talking to Mr.Fuji now, he was thanking them for their help. That was my cue. Thank you all but my manager is... , Randy yelled. I walked through the door and caught the attention of every fan in the arena. I was walking gracefully in my heels, which was harder than I make it look. As I came closer to the ring Randy held the ropes down like a gentleman, I stepped in and looked around with a huge smile on my face. Miss Elizabett , Randy smiled. I smiled back, it made ... Show more content on ... Do they not see the ring on my finger? Stupid idiots. I smiled like an idiot at the one with sunglasses, and sat on his lap. What your name , I whispered because I was really close No way I m a gentleman, what s yours , He asked Lizzie , I half lied I m Bret , He smiled. I sat there and twirled my hair like some blonde would do. I actually think he was falling for it, wow now I feel bad. Someone cleared their throat which caused me to snap out of my daydream. Get a room , The blonde one said obviously jealous Shut it Owen , Bret hissed. As I went back to chilling with Bret, the door opened, but nobody seemed to notice because of me. Elizabett? , Randy whispered. Hearing my husband s voice made my trans slip away. Randy? , I said but quickly remembered the whole acting thing. I slapped him across the face which caused him to stumble back into his locker room. I walked in and shut the door. What was that for? , Randy yelled and held his cheek Some people are outside and they want to attack you , I whispered Sure that s why you were on Bret s lap , He said sarcastically
  • 49. I m telling the truth , I
  • 50. Cross And Egerton Commission Case Study i)The Cross and Egerton Commission 1880s was initially set up in 1886 to look at the educational provision of children who were found to be blind, deaf and dump. It effectively initiated the idea of segregated or separated provision ii) Departmental Committee on Defective and Epileptic Children 1898 these recommendations led to special schools being set up in the 1890s. The government of the time recognised that lack of defining criteria made a lot of difficulty in this area. Children who were considered to be feeble minded were seen as being able to earn a living while those who were thought to be imbeciles were not. iii) Chief Medical Officer 1913 more detailed distinctions were made on identification of intellectual disabilities and the... Show more content on ... This approval meant that the local authorities were allowed to identify children who could not attend day school or who struggled and did not make substantial progress in scholastic and manual work. vi) Her Majesty s Inspectorate pamphlet 1937 the landscape of education is very much informed by politics of the day. During the 1920s the school leaving age had been increased and this had implications for those pupils who were considered to be retarded. The pamphlet produced in 1937 mentioned how local education authorities were now taking into account the needs of the retarded as they reorganised. vii) The Education Act 1944 the act required that educational provision for those children considered to be handicapped should be included in the way in which primary and secondary provisions were formulated. The act and its regulations also included in the category of educationally sub normal those children who lived with adverse family and home circumstances as well as those of limited ability. Special school provision was split into residential and day school and children were considered to be eligible for these if their IQ was between 55 70 and if their parental support was
  • 51. What Are The Ethical Dilemma In Nursing In addition to technical support provided to patients, nurses must address the psychosocial challenges and ethical conflicts associated with caring for critically ill patients and their families. More often Nurses are left with dilemmas when it comes to decision making and trying to up holds the ethics of autonomy, who to listen to, the client or the family? Ethically the patient has the right to choose what s best for self, but is powerlessness when one is brought to hospital in a critical condition. Ethical dilemmas are the main common challenges faced by nurses, during practice almost on daily basis. These dilemmas can erupt amongst nurses themselves, or nurses and doctors and the worst between nurses and patients. Conflicting obligations arises when the nurse is supposed to make ethical decisions between what to be done versus what not to be done, making it difficult to choose between the two. There are several factors that brings about ethical dilemmas such as, increase in consumer demands, shortage of resources, truth telling, withholding information, withdrawing ... Show more content on ... One is to help the bereaved to develop their own ways of coping and the other is to ensure that their own difficulties, needs and attitudes relating to death and dying of their patients do not compromise their psychological well being. It was noted by the same author that the psychological impact and after events prevalent in a critical care nurses working environment remains relatively unexplored. Michell (2010) also felt that repetitive exposure to resuscitative measures, end of life care needs, prolonging life by pharmacological and mechanical means and the continuous adjustment of these critical care nurses to this hostile environment, results in psychological disorders such as post traumatic stress