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The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance 
and assistance from many people and I am extremely fortunate to have 
got this all along the completion of my project work. This was only 
possible due to such guidance and I would not forget to thank them. 
I respect and thank Mrs. Pratibha Mam for giving me an opportunity to 
do the project work and providing all guidance and support which help 
me to complete my project. 
I AMEY MILIND PATIL the student of “Bachelor of Management 
Semester 5th (2013-2014) herby declares that I have completed the project 
on “EVENT MANAGEMENT” under the guidance of Mrs. Pratibha 
mam . 
The information submitted is true and original to the best of my 
Place: Mulund 
Date : 
Hire It Out - Universal enables you to: 
 Create quotes, schedule hires, extend existing hires, generate delivery 
and return documents and produce invoices. 
 Create an event and allocate customers including hired equipment to 
that event. 
 Manage the sale of equipment. 
 View the complete history for each hire. 
 Set individual equipment and package prices including event prices, 
sale prices and hire prices. 
 Apply discounts to individual customers, equipment or the entire hire 
 Quickly and accurately search, filter and sort data. 
 Create customised reports.
 View outgoing, recently completed, due for return hire and overdue 
 Manage multiple warehouses/branches. 
 Multiple user logins. 
 Create email templates or choose existing templates to send 
notifications, attachments and customised reports to individuals or bulk 
mailing lists. 
 Conduct e-marketing campaigns when emailing quotes by attaching a 
brochure or newsletter. 
 Export and/or print the contents of any grid (i.e. stock, customers, hires) 
to Microsoft Excel , PDF document or HTML document. 
 Manage hire invoices. 
 Create picking, delivery, return and discrepancy dockets. 
 Predict availability of equipment over varying date ranges. 
 Email, fax and print; quotes, pro-formas , invoices, tracking and sales 
 View delivery address location via Google Maps. 
 Use eFax or eSMS automated messaging tools. 
Event management the very topic looks challenging. A concept gained 
importance in india only after the late 90’s. Commitemenet , leadership 
and mental and &physical devotion are the core factors needed to manage 
any type of event. Irrespective of type of scale of the event, the mental 
and physical hard work that is to be put in, differs by only a negligible 
degree of difference. 
This terminology is comparatively very new to india, though Indians have 
been arranging for wedding ceremonies, naming and threading 
ceremonies even much before independence. But due to lack of proper 
forecasting, proper material handling they use to end up in problems like 
wastage of the food due to less people coming in or fire the pandal or 
food poisoning. This problems many a times used to put the families into 
financial trouble after the wedding. 
It is very easy for the audience to make a event hit or flop. It takes just 5 
minutes for the audience to judge the event resulting in the efforts of 
nearly 3-4 months and the hard work 70-80 people either turning 
productive or waste. Thus the efforts they have put in always remains at 
stake till the date of the event. 
These are innumerable activities that have to be carried out. First of all 
forming communities, then allocating different jobs to each committee is 
the very first step. Here all the theoretical concepts learnt up till now in 
subjects like public relations, human resourse planning, logistics, human 
skills, controlling, accounts, organizing and others come into actual use. 
As an event manager one must have a lot of flexibility in terms of 
working pattern. Be free to do all sorts of jobs irrespective of your 
Event management is the management of events, so as to speak and put it 
in very simple terminology. Managing an event requires a set of skills 
that can be derived with experience, talent and today, there are colleges 
and institutions that offer event management as a topic of study and 
education. Introduction to event management can be easily explained 
with the basics of knowing that events are a large deal. For corporate as 
well as non corporate, events are a big deal and have to be handled and 
maintained well and with planning as well as foresight. 
Introduction to the interesting world of event 
 Events are gatherings of people and occasions- the key is to have a 
good gathering where people are not uncomfortable and where they 
leave the party or event feeling satiated. 
 Events need to be understood from step one. 
 Events need to be looked into from every angle and one needs to know 
that events are different and differ from one another. Meaning, or in 
other words, events that are conducted for corporate will of course be 
different and the profiling of the party or event for a corporate launch, 
to state an example, will of course be different and unique from say, 
for instance, a birthday party or an event related to any kind of 
 From the people who stand to welcome the guests in formal clothing, 
to the food and beverage list, to the arrangements of flowers and also 
to checking if the speakers and the microphone are working and in 
good condition, it all encompasses and comes under the purview and 
the watchful eye of an event manager. An event management firm 
always looks at handling a to z of the event, from inviting people for 
the event to making the invitation worthy of a compliment as well as 
all of the get together handling until the last guest is ready to leave. 
Even post that, the costing is often worked out by the event 
management firm. The event manager has to be on alert mode at all 
times. Food and beverages should be more than sufficient and should 
be served well and with classy outlooks and the ambience is a large 
part of the deal. A good event should look and feel good and give out 
those same vibes to people who attend it and are present 
1 .To Establish a committee and sub-committees to properly plan and 
execute events. 
2. To Encourage involvement from group members 
3. To study the technical aspect and logistics during planning of an event. 
4. To study the major players in industry. 
1.The basic theory about the fundamentals was sourced from various 
event management notes . 
2.The internet proved to be of good assistance for studying the essentials 
for successful firms and also for various statistics. 
1.EVENT MANAGEMENT offers many avenues and it was not possible 
to cover all of them.
2.There was an inability to collect detailed data in terms of one-to-one 
meeting with people concerned with entertainment industry. However a 
little bit could be done. 
3.2 Event Planning Models 
Event Planning Models 
Event Definition 
“The use unconventional media / method involving people witness a 
happening within a capsule of time, for the purpose of communication of 
a message.” 
An event is a live multimedia packages carried out with a preconceived 
concept , customized or modified to achieve the clients ‘ objectives of 
reaching out and suitably influencing the sharply defined, specially 
gathered target audience by proving a complete experience and an avenue 
for two-way interaction. 
Event Models and the Management of the 
Events Process 
The aim of this chapter is to provide an understanding of the processes 
involved in event management. Participants will consider relevant 
theoretical perspectives on events management and apply them to their 
own workplace and event contexts. It will give consideration to the main 
techniques available to the even manager in creating, proposing, 
planning and managing a variety of events. Models are an initial useful 
starting point and can assist in a more structured and ordered approach to 
the planing of events. There is no one model which fits all. It is for the 
event organizer to perhaps select and engage with a model he / she finds 
useful, and one which they can understand, share with their 
colleagues/stakeholders and add to or detract from. These models are not 
set in stone, they need to be reviewed, but they may well assist as a 
reference point. 
As a visual representation of the key areas of the event planning process 
they may well assist in an overall perspective of the process, which can 
be broken down into both specific and inter – related parts. It is suggested 
that you can formulate your own event planning models. What works best 
for you and your Organization is the key. 
The event planning models do assist with planning. In the fast moving 
world of events with perhaps ever Decreasing planning time, shorter 
lead in times and a more competitive environment it is vital that 
Organizations utilize and maximize all their resources efficiently and
effectively and manage and control their time management. Planning and 
the utilization of event planning models may well be of assistance in this 
Key Points of Planning 
Key Points on Planning 
Successful planning ensures that an 
organization/event remains competitive. 
It creates ownership of strategies and 
communicates this to the organization 
It consists of establishing where an 
organisation is at present, where it is best 
placed to go in the future, and the 
strategies and tactics needed to achieve that position. 
The Event Planning Process 
 Development of event concept or intent to bid. 
 Feasibility study:- 
1. Costs and benefits of the events 
2. Event Resourse requirements 
 Decision to proceed or cease 
 Planning and implementation :- 
1. Situation analysis 
2. Objective setting 
3. Strategy evaluation and Selection 
4. Development of operational plans in areas such as financing 
,organizing , marketing and human resources. 
 The event
 Shutdown 
 Evaluation and feedback
3.3. Successful Strategies 
Successful Strategies 
Process of Strategy Making 
The event strategy in its implementation comprises all factors that 
determine the success of the event. In organizing any event five main 
strategy making steps should be followed: 
 Develop strategy vision and mission 
 Setting objectives 
 Crafting strategy to achieve objectives 
 Implementing and executing strategy 
 Evaluating and correcting 
The aim of a MISSION STATEMENT is to specify the purpose of the 
events, the phylosophy and values that guide it, and the scope of the 
A mission statement must be: 
short, clear, understandable 
goal-oriented, provides direction and focus 
defines firm's domains of operation and criteria for success 
inspiring and motivational, gives employees a sense of belonging 
reflects the company's strategy
2. Two types of objectives:- Financial & Strategic 
An objective set by a company in which the target state is measured 
in monetary terms, such as a certain amount of profits, or a certain 
percentage increase in profits over a period of time. 
Financial objectives are distinct from other types of objectives, such 
as retention objectives, recruitment objectives, or public 
relations objectives, the achievement of which cannot easily be measured 
Strategic planning is an organisation's process of defining its strategy, or 
direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this 
strategy. In order to determine the future direction of the organization, it 
is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues 
through which it can pursue particular courses of action. Generally, 
strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions: 
1. What do we do? 
2. For whom do we do it? 
3. How do we excel? 
2. Crafting a Strategy to achieve performances: 5 approaches 
Macroeconomic Analysis 
Industry Analysis 
Game Theory 
Capabilities-Based-Strategy formulation
Dynamic capabilities and evolutionary thinking 
4.Implementing and Executing Strategy:- 
4. Strategy implementation is fundamentally an administrative activity 
and includes the following components: 
building an organization capable of carrying out the strategy 
-supportive budget 
installing internal administrative support systems 
devising rewards and incentives that are linked to objectives and 
shaping the corporate culture to fit the strategy 
exercising strategic leadership 
Doing the tasks of strategic management is an ongoing responsibility. 
Managers must constantly evaluate performance, monitor the situation, 
and decide how well things are going Altering the organization's long-term 
Redefining the business
Strategy Contents 
As in many business or life activities it is very important to raise a few 
questions before the strategy of the event is devised. Answers to 
fundamental questions are to given as what is to be done, why this way or 
other before it is clear if the event is feasible at all. They should start from 
the simplest and proceed to more complicated which could be if 
necessary applied to more complex events. According to Saunder some 
of them are following: 
Firstly, why must we organize the event? 
Is that the best way to achieve what we want to achieve? 
What exactly shape will the event which we are seeking for assume? 
Is there anything to choose from? If so then what shall we pick out? 
When are we planning to organize the event? 
Have we agreed it with directly related persons? 
Have we arranged it with TV companies or concerted with the 
country’s Art Calendar regarding participation of their representatives? 
Where will our event take place? 
Have we really suitable conditions for it? 
Or it should be better arranged elsewhere where there are more suitable 
facilities for it? 
If the place we shall use will provide everything we need? 
What way can we achieve it? 
Is it possible to dispose of the event mechanisms so that they assure its 
successful completion? 
How much will organization of the event cost? 
Where shall we raise the money?
Who will undertake it? 
Who will attend it? 
Who will watch it? 
Who will take part in it? 
Who will pay? 
Will the media be interested in it? 
Will the sponsors be interested in it? 
Will the politicians and authorities enjoy the event? 
How many events of the kind are there? 
What is our next step? 
What shall we start with?
3.4. Event Marketing 
Event Marketing 
An organization’s success is influenced by factors operating in it’s 
internal and external environment; an organization can increase it’s 
success by adopting strategies which manipulate these factors to it’s 
advantage. A successful organization will not only understand existing 
factors but also forecast change, so that it can take advantage of change 
within the environments in which it 
The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization. 
There are three key perspectives on the marketing environment, namely 
the 'macro-environment,' the 'microenvironment' and the 'internal 
The micro-environment:- 
This environment influences the organization directly. It includes 
suppliers that deal directly or indirectly, consumers and customers, and 
other local stakeholders. Micro tends to suggest small, but this can be 
misleading. In this context, micro describes the relationship between 
firms and the driving forces that control this relationship. It is a more 
local relationship, and the firm may exercise a degree of influence. Micro 
environmental factors – These are internal factors, which the 
organization can control. 
The macro-environment:- 
This includes all factors that can influence and organization, but that are 
out of their direct control. A company does not generally influence any 
laws (although it is accepted that they could lobby or be part of a trade 
organization). It is continuously changing, and the company needs to be 
flexible to adapt. There may be aggressive competition and rivalry in a 
market. Globalization means that there is always the threat of substitute 
products and new entrants. The wider environment is also ever changing, 
and the marketer needs to compensate for changes in culture, politics, 
economics and technology. Pest Factors – These are external forces 
which the organization does not have direct control over these factors.
PEST is an acronym and each letter represents a type of factor (Political, 
Economical ,Social and Technological). 
The internal environment. 
All factors that are internal to the organization are known as the 'internal 
environment'. They are generally audited by applying the 'Five Ms' which 
are Men, Money, Machinery, Materials and Markets. The internal 
environment is as important for managing change as the external .So, 
types of marketing environment could be: micro and macro. 
Event Marketing Mix 
The service marketing mix comprises off the 7’p’s. These include: 
• Product ; 
• Price; 
• Promotion; 
•Physical evidence. 
Event Product:- 
It must provide value to a customer but does not have to be tangible at 
the same 
time. Basically, it involves introducing new products or improvising the 
existing products. Product Elements Managers must select the features of 
both the core product and the bundle of supplementary service elements 
surrounding it, with reference to the benefits desired by customers and 
how well competing products perform. product elements: all components
of the service performance that create value for customers. It could be 
event programme, transport accommodation, meetings. 
Price: - 
Pricing must be competitive and must entail profit. The pricing strategy can 
comprise discounts, offers and the like. Event service managers recognize 
and, where practical, seek to minimize other costs and burdens that 
customers may bear in purchasing and using a service, including additional 
financial expenditures, time, mental and physical effort, and negative sensory 
Place: - 
It refers to the place where the customers can buy the product and how 
the product reaches out to that place. This is done through different 
channels, like Internet, wholesalers and retailers. Place: management 
decisions about when, where, and how to deliver services to customers. 
Customer expectations of speed and convenience are becoming important 
determinants in service delivery strategy. Places of events could be public 
non public, mass, individual, in the open air and 
in the building. 
Promotion: - 
No marketing program can succeed without an effective communication 
This component plays three vital roles: providing needed information and 
advice, persuading target customers of the merits of a specific product, 
and encouraging them to take action at specific times. In service 
marketing, much communication is educational in nature, especially for 
new customers. Companies may need to teach these customers about the 
benefits of the service, where and when to 
obtain it, and how to participate effectively in service processes. 
Communications can be delivered by individuals, such as salespeople and 
trainers, or through such media as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, 
billboards, brochures, and Web sites
People: - 
People refer to the customers, employees, management and everybody 
else involved in it. It is essential for everyone to realize that the reputation 
of the brand that you are involved with is in the people’s hands. Many 
services depend on direct, personal interaction between customers and a 
firm's employees (like getting a haircut or eating at a restaurant). The 
nature of these interactions strongly influences the customer's perceptions 
of service quality. Customers often judge the quality of the event service 
they receive largely on their assessment of the people providing the 
service. Successful event service firms devote significant effort to 
recruiting, training, and motivating their 
personnel, especially - but not exclusively - those who are in direct 
contact with customers. 
Process: - 
It refers to the methods and process of providing a service and is hence 
essential to have a through knowledge on whether the services are helpful 
to the customers, if they are provided in time, if the customers are 
informed in hand about the services and many such things. Creating and 
delivering product elements to customers requires the design and 
implementation of effective processes . A process describes the method 
and sequence in which service operating systems work. 
Badly designed processes are likely to annoy customers because of slow, 
bureaucratic, and ineffective service delivery. Similarly, poor processes 
make it difficult for front-line staff to do their jobs well, result in low 
productivity, and increase the likelihood of service failures. 
Physical (evidence):- 
It refers to the experience of using a product or service. When a service 
out to the customer, it is essential that you help him see what he is buying 
or not. For example :brochures, pamphlets etc serve this purpose. The 
appearance of buildings, landscaping, vehicles, interior furnishing, 
equipment, staff members, signs, printed materials, and other visible cues 
all provide tangible evidence of a firm's service style and quality. Service 
firms need to provide evidence of service manage physical evidence 
carefully because it can have a profound impact on quality, customers'
impressions. In services with few tangible elements, such as insurance, 
advertising is often employed to create meaningful symbols. For instance, 
an umbrella may symbolize protection, and a fortress, security. (Lovelock 
Ch.., Wright L., 1999). 
Marketing Strategy 
Market research :- 
We learned earlier that a key component of the sevens Ps of marketing is 
research and analysis. Before one can effectively design and market an 
event, there is the need to determine the desires, expectations, and 
anticipations of the audience to whom that marketing will be directed. 
The event may be an original production—or a historic, traditional annual 
meeting—but research must be on going. By researching markets in 
depth, the event marketer will be able to spot trends in time to respond to 
changing needs as well as to resolve small problems before they become 
major ones. As demographics, desires, and issues change, marketing must 
be on pace with change to address those market fluctuations in all 
available promotional media and marketing vehicles. 
Quantitative/qualitative research:- 
There are two basic categories of research instruments with which we 
should be familiar: quantitative and qualitative surveys. Either can be 
considered for both 
Prevent and post event research. And qualitative methodology is 
extremely effective during the event itself. 
The major difference between the two is this: 
Quantitative research allows little room for interpretation; it is a snapshot 
of attitude or opinion based on numerical or analytical ratings systems. It 
is typically faster because it is easy to execute and tabulate, less 
expensive, and not as open to conjecture as qualitative research 
On the other hand, qualitative research is more in depth, a study of 
opinions, objectives, visions,and experiential and performance 
observations. It is more time consuming, often more expensive, and 
more interpretive than the quantitative approach. Again, both are often 
used simultaneously, as well as separately, and can be effective for 
prevent marketing and planning strategies as well as post event
evaluations. You will need to determine which may be the best method, 
given your timing, group characteristics, and type of information 
Quantitative research (hard data):- 
In most cases, this research is conducted on paper, electronically such as 
Internet applications, or through telemarketing. For example, assume you 
are considering two keynote speakers for your Mid-Year Event. In your 
prevent quantitative research instrument, you ask your potential audience 
to rate which speaker they wish to hear, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the 
lowest desirability; 10, the highest). Speaker A receives an average of 5.6 
in your responses. Speaker B nails a 9.3. This result needs little 
interpretation. The data are “hard.” Go for speaker B, or be ready to 
explain the alternative! This system works well for all aspects of event 
marketing and evaluation, including the ratings of multiple educational 
programs, social events, and overall experiential responses. Quantitative 
research instruments are objective. 
Questions may be developed in two different styles: In picture 4, you will 
find a model of a typical Quantitative prevent survey. 
Qualitative research (soft data):- 
What’s the hidden meaning? What are the objectives of this event? 
What are the ranges of interests in the markets we are trying to attract? 
These are the kinds of questions that compel qualitative research, the 
probing inspection of attitudes, opinions, interests, and organizational 
directions. By its nature, this type of research is more time consuming 
and expensive, as well as more open to varied and sometimes conflicting 
interpretation by analysts. Qualitative research instruments are subjective. 
But qualitative research can be much more exciting! It’s the “risk-taker 
research” if you are not afraid of what the answers may be. In other 
words, the results of qualitative techniques can take you to places you 
may not have thought of, lead you to fresh new concepts, perhaps all the 
way to the “Field of Dreams.” There are several favored ways to conduct 
qualitative research. 
3.5. Financing 
One of the most important tasks, and difficult, is to manage the financing 
side of the organization of an event. It is not possible to hold an event 
without financing. 
First of all there are a few questions we should ask ourselves: 
What do I want to organize? 
Why, what is the purpose? 
What is it like? 
When is it due for? 
How much is it going to cost? 
Once we have the answers, we will have the guidelines for the 
development of the project and will be able to proceed to the financing 
stage of the process. 
In order to achieve the purposes of the event we are to organize, it is a 
priority to define the type of event. 
What do I want to organize? 
The event could be: 
 Scientific: 
- Congresses, conferences, seminars, etc. 
 Cultural: 
- Exhibitions, guided tours, concerts, etc. 
 Corporate: 
- Conventions, Incentive travel, FAM trips, Trade Fairs, etc.
 Institutional: 
- Flag Day, Historic Commemorations, etc. 
 Sport: 
- Competitions, Charity matches, sporting activities, etc… 
 Ceremonies: 
-Weddings, banquets, etc. 
Every event is different and it requires a different structure with different 
sources of financing.Their goals are different and while some events 
produce considerable benefits, others will barely cover costs 
For example, a sport event is likely to be financed mainly through 
sponsorship from the sport labels, broadcasting rights, etc. On the other 
hand, a scientific event will most probably be only financed by the 
participants’ fees and the Association or University behind the 
What will the event be like? 
Another basic question is the size of the event, i.e., the number of 
participants. It is important to decide whether it is going to welcome a 
vast audience or just a selected group and, for example, domestic or 
foreign participants as the final programme, administrative procedures 
and social activities will depend on the size and characteristics of the 
Moreover, both income and expenses will vary according to the 
dimension, -local, national or international- of the event; and so will the 
different sources of financing. 
Finally, the character of the event will also influence the possible 
economic support given by public or private institutions.
What do I want to organize? 
A short, descriptive report should be made including the purpose, needs 
and characteristics of the event to be held. 
When is it due for? 
Timing is crucial as it implies not only the event and its organization, but 
also the time required to obtain funding. 
What character will the event have? 
To be borne in mind: 
 General features of the event 
- Participants 
- Timing 
- Needed Space 
- Responsibilities 
This information is necessary to define the exact profile of the event and 
to know whether the resources are enough to carry out the project. 
The purpose. This is what it is to be achieved with the celebration of the 
event. The benefits are, according to the nature of the event, diverse: 
Public Image 
Media Coverage 
Regarding funding, the major goal of every event, apart from those 
described above, is to accomplish the initial estimate of income and 
expenditure so that the final result achieves the most of the original plan. 
To whom is the event addressed? 
It is fundamental to know the type of participants attending the event so 
as to tailor it as much as possible to satisfy their expectations and make as 
dynamic as possible in order to catch the necessary attention. 
Participant profile: 
Public in general
The Budget 
Once the type of event has been established, we need to know if it is 
possible to carry it out and to do that we need to make a budget with the 
income and the expenses. 
A draft budget will be drawn and modifications will be made along the 
organization of the event. This takes a long time beforehand and is 
basically theoretical. Halfway though the organization, a second budget 
will be made. It will be closer to reality, with updated rates, although the 
number of participants will be still unknown, as well as the final sources 
of financing. Eventually a final budget will be made. It will be real and 
operational and a logical consequence of the second. We should 
highlight here the importance of the fact that unexpected costs will be 
appearing along the organization of the event. These are extraordinary 
expenses that arise throughout the development of the event and that may 
take up to 20% of the total costs. 
An itemized budget should include the technical requirements, suppliers 
and necessary services for the development of the event. According to the 
funds expected for the event decisions should be made about the 
logistical, organizational, staff and formal requirements, as well as the 
size of the venue to be held, time of the year and length of the event. 
Every aspect of the event should be included in this study. It is necessary 
to know whether it is possible to organize and hold it, bearing in mind the 
minimum goals and the percentage of these goals over the total costs, so 
as to know whether the final benefits would be obtained. A strategy to 
obtain funds will be designed so that the event can be successful. This 
strategy should attract private or public sponsors, as well as participants 
We need to check that there is a demand that will accept our project. We
also need to know how to achieve the necessary funds and whether the 
event will have any sort of profit margin. 
In order to make the budget we need to ask, and answer, a few basic 
questions. What is the size the event? To whom is it addressed? What 
participation expectations do we have? Where is venue? All these 
questions were answered above. In every budget, there must be a total 
balance between income and expenditure. Two example budgets are 
shown below. These are likely to be the most representative: a sport event 
and a scientific event. 
The sport event is a social gathering with a large number of participants 
as this is a very dynamic sector that attracts widespread interest from both 
the audience and the sponsors if the right sportsman is chosen. As stated 
above, one of the main goals of a sport event is to have economic 
In the present example it is easy to see in the final balance the benefit 
obtained, as the income was higher than the expenses, and therefore the 
organizers will have a surplus either for the organization of the next event 
or for their own benefit. 
In this example, expenses are: 
Transport, accommodation and competitors’ and judges’ allowances 
and salaries, which are the logistics expenses. 
Opening Cocktail or Ceremony with the participants and the media. 
Expenses of the corporate image: event programme, tickets, posters, 
journals, websites (from which to sell online tickets), mailings (to the 
prospective participants and sponsors).
Technical and audiovisual equipment: screens for the results, cabins for 
the translators, public address system, etc. 
Coordination expenses. The technical secretariat means a very 
important cost but at the same time it is their responsibility to ensure the 
success of the event, to plan, develop and hold the event from the 
beginning to the settling of the accounts. 
o The press office will be in charge of the media coverage of the event. 
Further costs are press insertions with the participants and dates. 
Venues and premises: the space necessary to hold the event. 
Public-liability insurance will cover the organizer’s responsibility in 
case of attendees’ accidents, faults in the facilities involving refunds or 
the cancellation of the event due to participants’ injuries or withdrawal. 
Unexpected costs are included here as they are likely to appear through 
the event. 
There are four parts in the income section: 
Participants’ fees: these are the attendees to the event who pay their 
Sponsors: Sport labels and sponsors in general who will bring their 
economic support 
for material expenses, easy to justify to the public tax office. 
Public Institutions: All the funds received form the local government 
where the event takes place. 
Local Council: will provide the funs for the venue of the event. 
There are times when the differences between the initial two budgets and 
the final one, where unexpected expenses are included, are so wide that 
the whole event is at stake. 
Dangers likely to be found: 
Lack of experience in the event organization. This will result in some 
costs not being included in the draft budget. Lack of foresight. Events 
should be prepared long time beforehand and right from the beginning a 
draft budget, including all expenses, should be prepared in order to know 
the funds necessary .Lack of funds and participants: The budget may have 
been too optimistic and the financing received is not enough. The 
estimated attendance has resulted in a very poor real attendance. This 
tends to happen in the first edition of most events. 
Poor organization: 
The date of the event should not coincide with any other event in the 
same field, even though the scopes are different, since this would result in 
poor attendance 
The Organizing Committee, which will appoint an organizer or will be 
made up of several persons, will take full responsibility in case the 
overall purpose is not fulfilled, as they will authorize payments from the 
very first budget to the settling of the accounts.
In doing the expense part of the budget, it should be taken into account all 
the different concepts needed for the organization of the event. A set of 
questions should be prepared in order to know the characteristics and 
scope of the event. 
Below, some of the main cost elements in the budget 
 Human resources needed, do we have enough 
staff or do we need to hire especially qualified 
staff? : 
Technical secretariat, hostesses, promoters, models, tourist guides, 
coordinators, image consultants, event organizers, protocol consultants, 
chairmen, speakers, security staff, medical services, translators and 
interpreters and clearing and maintenance. 
 Technical Equipment. What do we need? 
Public address system, simultaneous translation, recording studios, 
cinema production, media coverage and broadcasting, corporate videos, 
 Communication. What do we need to make our 
event known?: 
Advertising, marketing and communication , graphic design and printing, 
media coverage, script writers, multimedia, web design, mailing, and 
 Entertainment. Do we want a dynamic event? 
Entertainment, artists, DJs, Karaoke, shows, cultural visits , music 
 Stage and furnishing. What kind of presentation 
do we want? 
Furnishing hire, digital visual art, party commodities, marquees, 
platforms, stages, decor and design, stand design and assembly, flower 
arrangements, notices, signposting and labelling. 
 Social Programme. How many free time 
activities shall we offer? 
Lunches and dinners ,catering, gala dinners, opening and closing 
ceremonies, gifts. 
 The venue. Where do we want to hold the event? 
Town Halls, boats, bars and discos, wine cellars and vineyards, congress 
and convention centres , historic buildings, castles, palaces ,sport 
facilities, in the open air, hotels, restaurants, lounges. 
 Transport Do we need any means of transport? 
Rent a car, chauffeurs, coaches, air transport and special vehicles. 
5. 3 Income and Financing 
Once the budget is finished and the scope of the event chosen, the next 
step is to specify the type of financing needed for the balance of the 
budget. In any type of event there are always two types of financing: 
internal and external.
Internal financing: 
This is basically the funds belonging to the organization itself, resulting 
from previous events which were profitable and from the membership 
fees and private funds from the organizer. 
External financing may come from: 
From the participants and attendees in the event . It is calculated in a first 
draft taking as a reference a previous edition of the event or a similar one 
in order to foresee the income and know the fees to charge. Moreover, it 
is necessary to know the contribution from institutions, however rough 
the estimative may be, before the final fees are set. Fees tend to cover 
50% of the total cost of the event. 
Institutional Help: 
Public Institutions: Local government and Town Council 
Official grants: local, national, international. 
Private Sponsors: 
Depending on the type and scope of the event it is possible to find private 
institutions (banks, saving banks, companies, sponsors, et.) to support the 
event partly or totall Sponsoring means to contribute in kind or cash in 
consideration for publicity and media coverage that the sponsors will 
receive in the short term. When the contribution is in kind, the costs in the 
examples above will be covered. For example, the town council will pay 
for the expenses of the venue hire directly or a private sponsor will cover 
the travelling expenses paying themselves the tickets they accepted to 
contribute with. 
Private sponsors may be:
Legal entities made up by partners with the same purpose who pay a 
membership fee periodically with which to support this type of events. 
Associations as a whole. 
They finance events in order to become well known in the short term. 
They usually exchange their economic support for the chance to appear in 
the events appearing in the media. 
These are non-profit legal entities which may have commercial activities 
devoting part of the benefits to support cultural, social or environmental 
They offer support, either in kind or in cash, in a long term 
consideration. The sponsors are the promoters and organizers of over 
80% of the events arranged. Most events would not be possible without 
their support.
3.6. Health, Safety and Risk Assessment. 
Health, Safety and Risk Assessment. 
Risk Assessment - The 5 Steps 
1 Identify the hazards 
2 Determine who is at risk 
3 Determine if the existing controls are adequate and amend 
4 Record the findings 
5 Review the assessment as necessary 
Hazard Categories 
Physical: noise, vibration, lasers and electrical hazards 
Chemical: toxic, corrosive, irritant, harmful materials and fire 
Positional: work at height, position near water, layout of site, 
vehicles and use of temporary structures 
Environmental: heat, cold, wind, pollution and slopes. 
Health: fatigue, dehydration, musculoskeletal injury, psychological 
Determine who is at risk 
Different people may be more vulnerable to certain hazards, they may be 
less responsible or more likely to take risks - consider in particular: 
Children and those caring for them 
Older people 
Disabled people 
New and expectant mothers 
Those whose first language is not your own 
Those affected by drink / drugs / substance abuse 
The importance of identifying those at risk involves: 
their different vulnerabilities to hazards 
heir different competencies and understanding 
their different perceptions of risk 
their different abilities to respond to information 
their different behaviour in certain situations 
Key Definitions 
• Hazard = something with the capacity to cause harm 
• Risk = the likelihood and severity of the harm 
• Risk Assessment = method to determine the risk 
• Risk Control = means to reduce the risk 
To carry out health and safety responsibilities effectively it is wise to 
adopt a 
systematic approach 
This encourages proper planning and execution of the tasks necessary 
for health and safety management
The process of planning , organizing and staging of an event is describe 
in this chapter. 
Event management is planning and management of an event ,project or 
It is important when staging an event to be dear about WHY the event is 
being held : 
 To inform and educate the community about a cause; 
 Obtain media coverage for an activity; 
 To raise funds ; and 
To celebrate a community’s strength and conhesiveness.Organizers 
should also clarify WHO the event is for. 
Most events will cater for a variety of interest groups : 
 The local community 
 Members 
 Sponsors 
 Media; and 
 Potential members.
Regardless of the nature of events , your target audience or the event’s 
objectives , some key steps should be followed to help ensure a 
successful event. 
Key steps for event management : 
Developing the event concept 
The key questions to ask at this early development stage are : 
 What is this event for ? 
 What form will it take ? 
 When and where will it be held ? 
 How will the event benefit participants? 
 What could be barriers ? 
Determine the feasibility of the event : 
Key questions to be asked are : 
 What physical resources are available (facilities and equipment) or 
accessible to support the event? 
 What are the costs (time , personnel , and money)? 
 How can any potential barriers be overcome ? 
 Is their sufficient time for planning?
 Check the timings of your vent does not clash with any other key 
Event Planning and Preparation: 
It’s a good idea to establish a formal event committee consisting of committed 
members who are clear about their skills and what they are prepared to 
contribute . one person should lead the project as the Event Coordinator. 
As early as possible , outline the responsibilities of each member – their 
tasks, deadlines , reliance on other members for support and any 
interdependency of tasks. 
The following steps are a useful guide for the Event Planning Stage. 
Set Objectives: 
 Set realistic dates , times ,deadlines. 
 Consult with stakeholders for input 
 Develop budget and monitor finances 
List all essential costs for the event: 
 Costs should include administration , event delivery ,marketing , 
communication , contingency , advertising etc. 
 Rupees for unexpected expenses (normally 15% of total budget 
Many events may also generate some income: 
Direct income (ticket sales , programs ,catering , car parking) 
Indirect income (advertising , sponsorships ,raffles , donations). 
All sponsorships should be noted as income. Also incude any costs 
incurred in obtaining sponsorships. Refer to our Voluntering and 
Community and Business Partnership fact sheet for advice on securing 
Drawings up a cash flow budget is also advised , which estimates when 
money is to received and when it is to be paid out. Plan for income i.e. 
payments to be received in order to pay for accounts. As a safety measure 
, nominate a cut –off date , when a final decision is made to proceed with 
the eve or not .if income is not going to be sufficient to cover expenses , it 
is advisable to cancel the event. 
Identify Tasks and Responsibilities : 
Main tasks for the event must be identified , and individuals in the event 
committee appointed against each task. Such taks include catering, 
competition, facilities and equipments, finance , marketing and 
communications, programs/ results/awards,security, insurance (to cover 
those attending your event), support services , transport ,sponsorships 
relations and volunteers. 
Prepare a chart : 
It may be useful to prepare a chart , which outlines your projects 
timelines and the people responsible for tasks. This will help keep track 
of your progress.
Monitor vent progress: 
The event coordinator’s role is to monitor the team’s progress against 
milestone and ensure the event runs smoothly. 
Regular meeting dates for dates for progress reports are advisable , to 
keep members feeling connected with each other ,report on progress or 
problem , and map out next steps for the project and address 
Possible loop holes : 
Experience has revealed the following to be ‘trouble spots/loopholes for 
event management. Try to ensure that you address these areas in your 
 Not appointing an events coordinator . 
 Not maintaining accurate written records. 
 Not monitoring progress closely. 
 Allowing insuffient planning time. 
 Failing to communicate and coordinate fully with committee 
 Insufficient staff. 
 Specific event ‘trouble spots’include: 
 Insufficient food and beverages. 
 No first aid
 Poor press coverage. 
 No contingency plans for bad weather. 
 Program running over time. 
 Lack of hospitality for visitors. 
 Failure to inform police or local authorities. 
 Lack of colour or glamour. 
 Insufficient parking. 
 Unclear direction signs. 
 Emergengy procedures not in place. 
 Insufficient waste management systems(toilets and rubbish).
Recommendations for filling the loopholes: 
The loopholes mentioned above can be filled with proper planning and 
appointment of an event coordinator. He/she should communicate 
efficiently and effectively with the members of managing committee. 
The coordinator should plan the process in such a way that proper 
planning time is allocated to activities and a proper back up plan and 
emergency procedures should be planned in case of contingency. 
The local authority and the police should be informed about the event 
taking place so that event can be carried on peacefully. 
The coordinator should be given proper details related to number of 
guests expected , venue and etc. so that he can arrange the at his best with 
proper staffing. 
Details related to venue will help him/her providing with spots for media 
coverage. This can also help in planning the place required for parking 
and the appropriate directions towards sitting facilities etc. 
The information related to number of guets expected , will help him in 
providing suffient first aid facilities with suffient number of stalls for 
food and beverages , proper wastages system, proper sitting facilities with 
right kind of hospitality. 
Key issues plaguing the industry : 
 Withholding tax on foreign artist’s 
As per existing regulations the event manager is liable to deduct 30.6% 
tax from the remunerations paid to an international artist. In most cases 
artist will always refuse to take this burden on themselves and expect the 
event management to bare the tax. As a result of this most events become 
a non- starter from the beginning itself. 
 Regulatory clearance for events: 
These are several clearance required for an events especially if it is an 
international event. At the local level , an average of about 22 clearances 
are required for staging an event and for an international event ; 
numerous clearances are required to be taken from various agencies. 
 Lack of infrastructure: 
There is lack of infrastructure in india for staging live events here. 
Globally events are held in arenas. There is a lack of adequate exhition 
infrastructure in india for staging of events. Events are still held open 
grounds , sports stadium and university auditoriums , which are not meant 
for this purpose. 
 Lack of corporatizations: 
The event management industry still comprises of many non corporate 
entities. In order for the industry to grow , industry players need to 
expand their operations , invest in hi-tech infrastructure for which they 
need institutional finance and external equity investments. 
 Establishment of industry forum: 
Unlike in us ,the Indian event management industry does not have a 
forum or a self – regulatory body.
 Entertainment tax: 
The entertainment tax in india is much higher as compared to any other asian 
country. Besides the level and nature of taxation also differs from state to 
 Income tax: 
India has complicated income tax regulations for international artists. 
 Duties on imports: 
The duty on imports of equipments pertaining to certain events is still 
charged at normal rates, there is no special subsidy or wavier for the 
import of world class equipments to support events in india.
Recommendations for factors plaguing the industry : 
Besides generating revenues from sponsorships and ticket sales the event 
also creates a strong impact on economy. In the case of visiting foreign 
artist the Government of India receives IT from the revenues of the 
artist. The state government receives entertainment tax from the sale of 
tickets. Large movement of people travelling inter city for concerts and 
events results in revenues for airlines. 
 Regulatory clearance for events : 
While single window clearance have been facilated by the RBI, 
decentralization would help in speeding up the process. The government 
needs to understand that they stand to gain substantial revenues if they 
make it simpler for event managers. The governments can streamline the 
approval process by instituting a single – window clearance procedure for 
international events. 
 Development of infrastructure : 
There is dearly need to build exhibition infrastructure specifically for 
events, the way it exists in different countries. 
 Corporation: 
For this to happen, the industry needs to restructure itself into corporate 
entities implement sound trade and accounting practices and implement 
corporate governance as a code of conduct. Establishment of dear and 
transparent accounting policies would enhance the reputation of these 
companies, which will facilitate them to get institutional finance. 
 Establishment of industry forum : 
Establishment of an industry forum or association will assist the industry 
players in tackling their problems collectively and taking growth-enabling 
measures. The forum will help in negotiating with suppliers of facilities.
 Income tax : 
If India has become a popular destination for international artists, the 
income tax regulations should be made with no dout and artist-friendly 
as possible. 
 Service tax : 
The industry which needs to be nurtured by the government has been 
taxed under service tax net (10.2%) that has been levied as per the finance 
bill of 2004. This will have a detrimental effect on the industry. Even if 
the industry passes on tax to the clients , from the view point of client this 
would only cease clients from spending on events.
3.8.Technical aspects in Event 
Technical aspects in Event 
Pre-Production :- 
Following major tasks have to be performed during the pre-production 
 Prepare a detail schedule prior to production work on site. 
 Detail out of role department that are likely to be involved in 
the production. 
 Prepare a detail checklist of activity heads. 
 Plot a detailed time chart, delivery schedules that would lead to 
successful execution of the production. 
Pre-production work also includes completion of following tasks :- 
 Designing and creation of set. 
 Designing of signange’s, props etc. 
 Creation of packaging , which could includes pre-production 
computer graphic, animations, television show packaging, 
background music scores, music for the show, composition of 
thematic music for entries and presentation, etc. 
 Scripting , designing and allocating the technical production 
On-site production : 
This includes actual execution of work on site this include 
 Construction of sets , 
 Lighting , 
 Backstage management and production, 
 Coordinating with dancers, artists, 
 Cueing and executing the screenplay of the act or performance, 
 Shooting and online editing 
 Controlling and managing multi camera setups. 
Post production :- 
Post event production starts with the end of the show, it is the 
responsibility of the event manager to leave a venue premise restored to 
its original state as it was handed over to them prior to the 
commencement of the event. The post production includes : 
 Ensuring smooth dismantling of the technical gear and the staging. 
 The material/branding pertaining to sponsor should be neatly 
packed and handed over to the relevant authorities. 
 Editing of products footage , packaging it for television. 
In case the has to be televised then the tapes should be sent to the 
television director for editing and post production, a designate from the 
production team should oversee the post production.
Departments in production:- 
 Show direction team 
 Scripting and show packaging team 
 Show production manager 
 Technical production team 
 Lighting design 
 Acoustic engineering 
 Audio visual team 
 SFX team 
 On ground management. 
 Backstage management team 
 Front of stage reception and management team.
Production- The Sequence of Activities: 
From time the client approves the project and the discussed creative plan 
is passed on the production team. The onus comes onto the production to 
design and execute the idea to perfection. 
A lot of good production values depend upon drawing detailed checklists, 
plotting the event map and flow based on time and delivery schedule. The 
first thing that effects good production is drawing a detailed interence and 
interpresentation out of the creative brief , i.e. making a list of 
requirements that would go into the event. 
Starting fom the elementariness that make an event like sets, support 
systems, lighting, audio visuals , staging, backstage and artists, 
performers , etc. later they need to workout a detailed flow which 
includes aspects that would make the audience comfortable in the time 
they intend to spent at our event. 
This includes aspects of cleanliness , comfortable seating, refreshments 
and sanitation, etc once the requirements are listed out the production 
team needs to draw a detailed time lines of events along with job list of 
who would be responsible for the execution along with a deadline by 
which the job would be completed. 
The master sheet should also include contact numbers of the people 
involved. This sheet should be used as reference point through out the pre 
event leading up to the event. A similar entrance and exist sheet should 
also be drawn for the show date. There should be a minute-by-minute 
schedule detailing about the timing that would go into putting up the 
infrastructure and also the ingress of staffing, artists, etc who will be a 
part of the show. A separate cue sheet detailing the flow of the 
show/event listing the timings of acts, speechless, presentations detailed 
to include cues for backstage, lighting, P.A. operator, audio visual team, 
etc should also be listed as part of the sheet. A separate sheet showing 
detailed report of work carried out during the day and progress on daily 
basis should be submitted to the senior production or technical manager. 
Production for conferences :- 
Following are the points to be considered for production of conferences : 
 Preparing and designing and production of conferences, 
 Invite, mailing and putting together the backend cell for telecalling 
and monitoring the RSVP’s. 
 Follow up calls need to be made to all dignitaries to ensure their 
 The conferences branding and settings and branding need to be 
designed keeping in mind the theme of the event. 
 Ensure the audience is comfortably seated at conference. There is 
enough drinking water, other refreshment for the audience. 
 Proper signange’s indicating areas reserved for media, VIP’s, 
special diginities is put up and the area is distinguished they’ll from 
the general seating so that guests are not incovenienced. 
 If there are any formats of presentation then the same need to be 
also arreange for and put into place. 
 Ensure that all audiovisual gear is checked and backups are in 
 The delegate kits , bags , badges , registration process, list of a 
detailed itinerary of the speakers, ensuring that their presentations 
are on the computer loaded and ready for the event to begin.
Production for Awards/Live Events/Fashion Shows : 
Production for live events includes, 
 Doing a venue recce to assets the logistics required to put together 
a show. 
 Detailing a complete ground plan including demarcating areas of 
utility, like parking, toilets, reception areas, etc 
 Work out a detailed script of the show including sound and lights 
and other technical of the show. 
 Finalizing acts/artists/dancers/performers and their entries and acts. 
 Designing of a stage and set for the show which also includes 
supplementary like green rooms for artists and performers, quick 
change rooms on stage ,screens with masking for audio-visuals, etc 
 Doing a detailed technical rider which lists out all technical-related 
area which includes sound, lights, audio visuals, sfx , props and 
other elements to be used during the show. 
 Creating a cue sheet which details out all aspects of the show right 
from timings of various acts, timings when the artists have to be 
cued and prepared to go on standby for their act. 
 Detailing out what props are required for each act , what specific 
lighting cues is required is any audio source has to be cued to play 
during the act (LIVE /RECORDED) the same has to be included in 
the cue sheet for the sound reinforcement team. 
 Special cues for audio visual team to play any audio visuals as 
parts of the act have to be also included in the same brief. Cues for 
backstages hands , SFX and other allied departments like FOH, etc 
have to be informed accordingly.
The world of technical production : 
Technical production has always been the “what’s that” factor for event 
Knowledge of technical production has so far been the domain of few and 
very few event managers have tried to dare and ‘know it all’ for the 
success of event because technically sounds events can make the most 
ludicrous concepts look creative, fabulous and opulent if treated to 
It is easy to hire a production or technical manager , and rely on his 
expertise to deliver the goods. But if you don’t have knowledge about 
technical world you can’t tell if it’s good for you or not. 
What makes a great technical production? 
A detailed insight into technical gear knowledge of different application 
of technical gear, how does one distinguish gear and /or equipment for 
the right equipments for the right event? 
Selecting technicians is done as per show and budgetary requirements of 
the client. Having a through knowledge of the show requirements and 
look and feel that is required for the show, the design of the set, the 
seating plan of the audience and format of the show (whether it is for 
television, or a closed audience or indoor or outdoor) 
Technical World at a glance : 
 Lighting 
 Sound reinforcement 
 Audiovisuals 
 SFX 
 Trusting and scaffolding 
 Lasers 
 Televised coverage/broadcasting 
 Venue construction 
Lighting :- 
 Architectural Lighting 
 Theater Lighting 
 Special Effect Lighting 
Venue construction: 
 On ground venue arrangement 
 Drinking water 
 Canteen during set up days 
 Toilets 
 Green rooms 
 Meter room
 Cabling 
 General lighting 
 Gates 
 Parking arrangements 
 Venue cleaning and maintenance 
8.10Tips for technical manager : 
Always plan for the worst case scenario, keep enough back ups for power 
, mixing controls. 
 Keep a swiss knife and a torch handly while on the set. 
 Rubber soled shoes for protection against electric shocks. 
 Never handle live wires with bare hands . make sure wire, joints 
are well insulated. 
 While ordering projectors, always insist on asking for projector 
with a bright bulb if not brand new. 
 Same goes for the scanners and follow spots too. 
 Prepare a detailed technical rider of all equipments using separate 
sheets for each departments , 1st out of performance , payback 
equipment separately. 
 If audio-visual presentation is to be made in any format eg. In form 
of DAT, audio cassette, CD, VCD,MD, BETA, UMAT, VHS ,etc 
then ensure that the software required to play the presentations is 
included in software head of the rider and make sure you hand over 
a copy of this rider to each department head.
It was started in 1989 by MR.MILIND PATIL, named has Patil 
decorators. First they started their business by taking small events has it 
was not properly setup. But later in 1991 it was properly setup and started 
to take big events. Its 1st big event was of CHINMAY MISSION in 1991. 
Even till today all events organize by CHINMAY MISSION is manage 
by this event managing firm. 
Their workers come from a village named murbad, and even few of 
them are still working here. Earlier this workers used to charged 50-100 
RS per day but now they charges 500-700 per day till 6.p.m. but if the 
time extends more than 6.p.m they charges more money. 
Later the firm changed their name from PATIL DECORATORS to 
EKVEERA DECORATORS. This firm also have monopoly in various 
halls, schools, colleges etc. At present they have monopoly in suyog hall, 
lems,vpm and many more. 
The firm has monopoly with CHINMAY MISSION for more then 20 
years. The upcoming programme which this firm is going to organize is 
SAHITYA SAMYLAN in Marathi vidhyalya school in mulund. The firm 
has also arrange an event at national level which is a speech of MR. 
Apart from managing events , the firm also provides services to 
NAUGHAR SEVA MANDAL. Its does all its work totally free. The 
Ganesh festival of this mandal is totally arrange and organized by 
Name : 
Email ID : 
 What all events do you manage? 
 What sort of audience are you expecting? 
 How many volunteers shall be stationed for the event? 
 How do you plan to maintain order and safety in case of chos? 
 What sort of security measures shall be provided by you during the 
 What kind of difficulties are you anticipating? How do you plan to 
get beyond them? 
 What sort of food and drinks will be served during the event? 
 Have you arrange for the aid or any such medical facility in case of 
an emergency? 
 Are sanitary and hygiene facilities available? 
 What sort of permissions do you have to seek for hosting the 
The challenge :- 
A UK-based company specialising in Christmas-themed corporate events 
wanted to encourage its customers re-book for the following year. These 
large-scale events were attended by up to 1200 guests from various 
different companies and typically only 20% of attendees would rebook 
for the following year. There were two key challenges – firstly, to 
increase the number of re-bookings and secondly, to gather useful 
information on other types of events that could be used for future 
marketing campaigns. 
Solution :- 
The event organiser of each company attending was sent a personalised 
postcard with a photo of their group at the previous year’s event. 
The postcard also contained a call to action to visit a personalised URL . 
This led the event organiser to a unique landing page that contained two 
more pictures of their group at the event, details of the next year’s event, 
an online booking facility, plus a free gift for the organizer. There was 
also a survey page to gather more information about any future 
requirements such as team building days, corporate hospitality and 
marketing events. 
Results :- 
 84% of people visited their personalised URL(uniform resource 
 56% rebooked the event for the following year (almost treble on 
the previous year.
 . Significantly increased database and knowledge of prospects for 
other types of events.
Event management as an industry is in infant stage. It has long way to go. 
It has a bright future. This industry is growing at reasonably quick rate. 
This can be seen from the number of different firms that came up in this 
field in the past few years. 
The government can also help this industry grow tremendously. 
Government should impose favorable rules and regulation on this 
industry which would help its development. For e.g. the time limits 
imposed on the events conducted can be increased like for dandia raas the 
time given is till ten in the night , which is quite less acoording to the 
people who come and attend the event. This time limit can be increased 
so as to give justice to both the event as well as the audience. 
There should also be a set standard for the events that are being 
conducted. All the events conducted should be of hih caliber. This will 
help the industry to increase the revenue that is generated from all the 
events that are organized. 
Hence , for the industry to grow the government should bring in favorable 
policies, reduces taxes, develop essentials infrastructure, bring in 
corporate to manage the events and above all establish a forum that 
would help all firms in firms in their expansion. 
In the near future, the companies will form a network of associations in 
different states in order to expand the industry so that the events can be 
held more professionally. For e.g. if an event management company in 
Mumbai has been asked to organize a show in Chennai then it is not 
possible for the coordinator to keep track on daily progress in Chennai, so 
in this case they form networks with local players to keep track and 
inform them. They will hire a local company or open a branch in Chennai 
in case the response from people is excellent. So in this way, a network is 
formed to organize the event in better perspective. 

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Event management

  • 3. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3 Acknowledgement The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my project work. This was only possible due to such guidance and I would not forget to thank them. I respect and thank Mrs. Pratibha Mam for giving me an opportunity to do the project work and providing all guidance and support which help me to complete my project. AMEY MILIND PATIL 36
  • 4. EVENT MANAGEMENT 4 Declaration:- I AMEY MILIND PATIL the student of “Bachelor of Management studies” Semester 5th (2013-2014) herby declares that I have completed the project on “EVENT MANAGEMENT” under the guidance of Mrs. Pratibha mam . The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge. Place: Mulund Date : AMEY MILIND PATIL 36
  • 5. EVENT MANAGEMENT 5 CHAPTER 1:- UNIVERSAL VIEW ON EVENT MANAGEMENT :- Hire It Out - Universal enables you to:  Create quotes, schedule hires, extend existing hires, generate delivery and return documents and produce invoices.  Create an event and allocate customers including hired equipment to that event.  Manage the sale of equipment.  View the complete history for each hire.  Set individual equipment and package prices including event prices, sale prices and hire prices.  Apply discounts to individual customers, equipment or the entire hire booking.  Quickly and accurately search, filter and sort data.  Create customised reports.
  • 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT  View outgoing, recently completed, due for return hire and overdue 6 hire.  Manage multiple warehouses/branches.  Multiple user logins.  Create email templates or choose existing templates to send notifications, attachments and customised reports to individuals or bulk mailing lists.  Conduct e-marketing campaigns when emailing quotes by attaching a brochure or newsletter.  Export and/or print the contents of any grid (i.e. stock, customers, hires) to Microsoft Excel , PDF document or HTML document.  Manage hire invoices.  Create picking, delivery, return and discrepancy dockets.  Predict availability of equipment over varying date ranges.  Email, fax and print; quotes, pro-formas , invoices, tracking and sales reports.
  • 7. EVENT MANAGEMENT  View delivery address location via Google Maps.  Use eFax or eSMS automated messaging tools. 7
  • 8. EVENT MANAGEMENT 8 CHAPTER 2 : INDIAN VIEW ON EVENT MANAGEMENT :- Event management the very topic looks challenging. A concept gained importance in india only after the late 90’s. Commitemenet , leadership and mental and &physical devotion are the core factors needed to manage any type of event. Irrespective of type of scale of the event, the mental and physical hard work that is to be put in, differs by only a negligible degree of difference. This terminology is comparatively very new to india, though Indians have been arranging for wedding ceremonies, naming and threading ceremonies even much before independence. But due to lack of proper forecasting, proper material handling they use to end up in problems like wastage of the food due to less people coming in or fire the pandal or food poisoning. This problems many a times used to put the families into financial trouble after the wedding. It is very easy for the audience to make a event hit or flop. It takes just 5 minutes for the audience to judge the event resulting in the efforts of nearly 3-4 months and the hard work 70-80 people either turning productive or waste. Thus the efforts they have put in always remains at stake till the date of the event. These are innumerable activities that have to be carried out. First of all forming communities, then allocating different jobs to each committee is the very first step. Here all the theoretical concepts learnt up till now in subjects like public relations, human resourse planning, logistics, human skills, controlling, accounts, organizing and others come into actual use. As an event manager one must have a lot of flexibility in terms of working pattern. Be free to do all sorts of jobs irrespective of your position.
  • 10. EVENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 3:EXPLANATION OF CONCEPTS,DEFITIONS,CHARACTERI TICS ETC:- INTRODUCTION 3.1 EVENT MANAGEMENT Event management is the management of events, so as to speak and put it in very simple terminology. Managing an event requires a set of skills that can be derived with experience, talent and today, there are colleges and institutions that offer event management as a topic of study and education. Introduction to event management can be easily explained with the basics of knowing that events are a large deal. For corporate as well as non corporate, events are a big deal and have to be handled and maintained well and with planning as well as foresight. Introduction to the interesting world of event management:  Events are gatherings of people and occasions- the key is to have a good gathering where people are not uncomfortable and where they leave the party or event feeling satiated.  Events need to be understood from step one.  Events need to be looked into from every angle and one needs to know that events are different and differ from one another. Meaning, or in other words, events that are conducted for corporate will of course be different and the profiling of the party or event for a corporate launch, to state an example, will of course be different and unique from say, for instance, a birthday party or an event related to any kind of celebration.  From the people who stand to welcome the guests in formal clothing, to the food and beverage list, to the arrangements of flowers and also to checking if the speakers and the microphone are working and in good condition, it all encompasses and comes under the purview and 10
  • 11. EVENT MANAGEMENT the watchful eye of an event manager. An event management firm always looks at handling a to z of the event, from inviting people for the event to making the invitation worthy of a compliment as well as all of the get together handling until the last guest is ready to leave. Even post that, the costing is often worked out by the event management firm. The event manager has to be on alert mode at all times. Food and beverages should be more than sufficient and should be served well and with classy outlooks and the ambience is a large part of the deal. A good event should look and feel good and give out those same vibes to people who attend it and are present 11 OBJECTIVES:- 1 .To Establish a committee and sub-committees to properly plan and execute events. 2. To Encourage involvement from group members 3. To study the technical aspect and logistics during planning of an event. 4. To study the major players in industry. METHODOLOGY:- 1.The basic theory about the fundamentals was sourced from various event management notes . 2.The internet proved to be of good assistance for studying the essentials for successful firms and also for various statistics. LIMITATIONS:- 1.EVENT MANAGEMENT offers many avenues and it was not possible to cover all of them.
  • 12. EVENT MANAGEMENT 2.There was an inability to collect detailed data in terms of one-to-one meeting with people concerned with entertainment industry. However a little bit could be done. 12
  • 13. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.2 Event Planning Models 13
  • 14. EVENT MANAGEMENT Event Planning Models 14 Event Definition “The use unconventional media / method involving people witness a happening within a capsule of time, for the purpose of communication of a message.” An event is a live multimedia packages carried out with a preconceived concept , customized or modified to achieve the clients ‘ objectives of reaching out and suitably influencing the sharply defined, specially gathered target audience by proving a complete experience and an avenue for two-way interaction. Event Models and the Management of the Events Process The aim of this chapter is to provide an understanding of the processes involved in event management. Participants will consider relevant theoretical perspectives on events management and apply them to their own workplace and event contexts. It will give consideration to the main techniques available to the even manager in creating, proposing, planning and managing a variety of events. Models are an initial useful starting point and can assist in a more structured and ordered approach to the planing of events. There is no one model which fits all. It is for the event organizer to perhaps select and engage with a model he / she finds useful, and one which they can understand, share with their colleagues/stakeholders and add to or detract from. These models are not set in stone, they need to be reviewed, but they may well assist as a reference point. As a visual representation of the key areas of the event planning process they may well assist in an overall perspective of the process, which can be broken down into both specific and inter – related parts. It is suggested that you can formulate your own event planning models. What works best for you and your Organization is the key. The event planning models do assist with planning. In the fast moving world of events with perhaps ever Decreasing planning time, shorter lead in times and a more competitive environment it is vital that Organizations utilize and maximize all their resources efficiently and
  • 15. EVENT MANAGEMENT effectively and manage and control their time management. Planning and the utilization of event planning models may well be of assistance in this area. 15 Key Points of Planning Key Points on Planning Successful planning ensures that an organization/event remains competitive. It creates ownership of strategies and communicates this to the organization It consists of establishing where an organisation is at present, where it is best placed to go in the future, and the strategies and tactics needed to achieve that position. The Event Planning Process  Development of event concept or intent to bid.  Feasibility study:- 1. Costs and benefits of the events 2. Event Resourse requirements  Decision to proceed or cease  Planning and implementation :- 1. Situation analysis 2. Objective setting 3. Strategy evaluation and Selection 4. Development of operational plans in areas such as financing ,organizing , marketing and human resources.  The event
  • 16. EVENT MANAGEMENT 16  Shutdown  Evaluation and feedback
  • 17. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.3. Successful Strategies 17
  • 18. EVENT MANAGEMENT Successful Strategies Process of Strategy Making The event strategy in its implementation comprises all factors that determine the success of the event. In organizing any event five main strategy making steps should be followed:  Develop strategy vision and mission 18  Setting objectives  Crafting strategy to achieve objectives  Implementing and executing strategy  Evaluating and correcting 1. VISION AND MISSION :- The aim of a MISSION STATEMENT is to specify the purpose of the events, the phylosophy and values that guide it, and the scope of the business. A mission statement must be: short, clear, understandable goal-oriented, provides direction and focus defines firm's domains of operation and criteria for success inspiring and motivational, gives employees a sense of belonging reflects the company's strategy
  • 19. EVENT MANAGEMENT 2. Two types of objectives:- Financial & Strategic 19 FINANCIAL:- An objective set by a company in which the target state is measured in monetary terms, such as a certain amount of profits, or a certain percentage increase in profits over a period of time. Financial objectives are distinct from other types of objectives, such as retention objectives, recruitment objectives, or public relations objectives, the achievement of which cannot easily be measured monetarily. STRATEGIC:- Strategic planning is an organisation's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the future direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue particular courses of action. Generally, strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions: 1. What do we do? 2. For whom do we do it? 3. How do we excel? 3. CRAFTING STRATEGY:- 2. Crafting a Strategy to achieve performances: 5 approaches Macroeconomic Analysis Industry Analysis Game Theory Capabilities-Based-Strategy formulation
  • 20. EVENT MANAGEMENT Dynamic capabilities and evolutionary thinking 4.Implementing and Executing Strategy:- 4. Strategy implementation is fundamentally an administrative activity and includes the following components: building an organization capable of carrying out the strategy successfully -supportive budget installing internal administrative support systems devising rewards and incentives that are linked to objectives and strategy shaping the corporate culture to fit the strategy 20 exercising strategic leadership 5.EVALUATING AND CORRECTING:- Doing the tasks of strategic management is an ongoing responsibility. Managers must constantly evaluate performance, monitor the situation, and decide how well things are going Altering the organization's long-term direction Redefining the business
  • 21. EVENT MANAGEMENT 21 Strategy Contents As in many business or life activities it is very important to raise a few questions before the strategy of the event is devised. Answers to fundamental questions are to given as what is to be done, why this way or other before it is clear if the event is feasible at all. They should start from the simplest and proceed to more complicated which could be if necessary applied to more complex events. According to Saunder some of them are following: Firstly, why must we organize the event? Is that the best way to achieve what we want to achieve? What exactly shape will the event which we are seeking for assume? Is there anything to choose from? If so then what shall we pick out? When are we planning to organize the event? Have we agreed it with directly related persons? Have we arranged it with TV companies or concerted with the country’s Art Calendar regarding participation of their representatives? Where will our event take place? Have we really suitable conditions for it? Or it should be better arranged elsewhere where there are more suitable facilities for it? If the place we shall use will provide everything we need? What way can we achieve it? Is it possible to dispose of the event mechanisms so that they assure its successful completion? How much will organization of the event cost? Where shall we raise the money?
  • 22. EVENT MANAGEMENT 22 Who will undertake it? Who will attend it? Who will watch it? Who will take part in it? Who will pay? Will the media be interested in it? Will the sponsors be interested in it? Will the politicians and authorities enjoy the event? How many events of the kind are there? What is our next step? What shall we start with?
  • 23. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.4. Event Marketing 23
  • 24. EVENT MANAGEMENT 24 Event Marketing An organization’s success is influenced by factors operating in it’s internal and external environment; an organization can increase it’s success by adopting strategies which manipulate these factors to it’s advantage. A successful organization will not only understand existing factors but also forecast change, so that it can take advantage of change within the environments in which it operates. The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization. There are three key perspectives on the marketing environment, namely the 'macro-environment,' the 'microenvironment' and the 'internal environment'. The micro-environment:- This environment influences the organization directly. It includes suppliers that deal directly or indirectly, consumers and customers, and other local stakeholders. Micro tends to suggest small, but this can be misleading. In this context, micro describes the relationship between firms and the driving forces that control this relationship. It is a more local relationship, and the firm may exercise a degree of influence. Micro environmental factors – These are internal factors, which the organization can control. The macro-environment:- This includes all factors that can influence and organization, but that are out of their direct control. A company does not generally influence any laws (although it is accepted that they could lobby or be part of a trade organization). It is continuously changing, and the company needs to be flexible to adapt. There may be aggressive competition and rivalry in a market. Globalization means that there is always the threat of substitute products and new entrants. The wider environment is also ever changing, and the marketer needs to compensate for changes in culture, politics, economics and technology. Pest Factors – These are external forces which the organization does not have direct control over these factors.
  • 25. EVENT MANAGEMENT PEST is an acronym and each letter represents a type of factor (Political, Economical ,Social and Technological). 25 The internal environment. All factors that are internal to the organization are known as the 'internal environment'. They are generally audited by applying the 'Five Ms' which are Men, Money, Machinery, Materials and Markets. The internal environment is as important for managing change as the external .So, types of marketing environment could be: micro and macro. Event Marketing Mix The service marketing mix comprises off the 7’p’s. These include: • Product ; • Price; •Place; • Promotion; •People; •Process; •Physical evidence. Event Product:- It must provide value to a customer but does not have to be tangible at the same time. Basically, it involves introducing new products or improvising the existing products. Product Elements Managers must select the features of both the core product and the bundle of supplementary service elements surrounding it, with reference to the benefits desired by customers and how well competing products perform. product elements: all components
  • 26. EVENT MANAGEMENT of the service performance that create value for customers. It could be event programme, transport accommodation, meetings. 26 Price: - Pricing must be competitive and must entail profit. The pricing strategy can comprise discounts, offers and the like. Event service managers recognize and, where practical, seek to minimize other costs and burdens that customers may bear in purchasing and using a service, including additional financial expenditures, time, mental and physical effort, and negative sensory experiences. Place: - It refers to the place where the customers can buy the product and how the product reaches out to that place. This is done through different channels, like Internet, wholesalers and retailers. Place: management decisions about when, where, and how to deliver services to customers. Customer expectations of speed and convenience are becoming important determinants in service delivery strategy. Places of events could be public non public, mass, individual, in the open air and in the building. Promotion: - No marketing program can succeed without an effective communication program. This component plays three vital roles: providing needed information and advice, persuading target customers of the merits of a specific product, and encouraging them to take action at specific times. In service marketing, much communication is educational in nature, especially for new customers. Companies may need to teach these customers about the benefits of the service, where and when to obtain it, and how to participate effectively in service processes. Communications can be delivered by individuals, such as salespeople and trainers, or through such media as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, brochures, and Web sites
  • 27. EVENT MANAGEMENT 27 People: - People refer to the customers, employees, management and everybody else involved in it. It is essential for everyone to realize that the reputation of the brand that you are involved with is in the people’s hands. Many services depend on direct, personal interaction between customers and a firm's employees (like getting a haircut or eating at a restaurant). The nature of these interactions strongly influences the customer's perceptions of service quality. Customers often judge the quality of the event service they receive largely on their assessment of the people providing the service. Successful event service firms devote significant effort to recruiting, training, and motivating their personnel, especially - but not exclusively - those who are in direct contact with customers. Process: - It refers to the methods and process of providing a service and is hence essential to have a through knowledge on whether the services are helpful to the customers, if they are provided in time, if the customers are informed in hand about the services and many such things. Creating and delivering product elements to customers requires the design and implementation of effective processes . A process describes the method and sequence in which service operating systems work. Badly designed processes are likely to annoy customers because of slow, bureaucratic, and ineffective service delivery. Similarly, poor processes make it difficult for front-line staff to do their jobs well, result in low productivity, and increase the likelihood of service failures. Physical (evidence):- It refers to the experience of using a product or service. When a service goes out to the customer, it is essential that you help him see what he is buying or not. For example :brochures, pamphlets etc serve this purpose. The appearance of buildings, landscaping, vehicles, interior furnishing, equipment, staff members, signs, printed materials, and other visible cues all provide tangible evidence of a firm's service style and quality. Service firms need to provide evidence of service manage physical evidence carefully because it can have a profound impact on quality, customers'
  • 28. EVENT MANAGEMENT impressions. In services with few tangible elements, such as insurance, advertising is often employed to create meaningful symbols. For instance, an umbrella may symbolize protection, and a fortress, security. (Lovelock Ch.., Wright L., 1999). 28 Marketing Strategy Market research :- We learned earlier that a key component of the sevens Ps of marketing is market research and analysis. Before one can effectively design and market an event, there is the need to determine the desires, expectations, and anticipations of the audience to whom that marketing will be directed. The event may be an original production—or a historic, traditional annual meeting—but research must be on going. By researching markets in depth, the event marketer will be able to spot trends in time to respond to changing needs as well as to resolve small problems before they become major ones. As demographics, desires, and issues change, marketing must be on pace with change to address those market fluctuations in all available promotional media and marketing vehicles. Quantitative/qualitative research:- There are two basic categories of research instruments with which we should be familiar: quantitative and qualitative surveys. Either can be considered for both Prevent and post event research. And qualitative methodology is extremely effective during the event itself. The major difference between the two is this: Quantitative research allows little room for interpretation; it is a snapshot of attitude or opinion based on numerical or analytical ratings systems. It is typically faster because it is easy to execute and tabulate, less expensive, and not as open to conjecture as qualitative research instruments. On the other hand, qualitative research is more in depth, a study of opinions, objectives, visions,and experiential and performance observations. It is more time consuming, often more expensive, and more interpretive than the quantitative approach. Again, both are often used simultaneously, as well as separately, and can be effective for prevent marketing and planning strategies as well as post event
  • 29. EVENT MANAGEMENT evaluations. You will need to determine which may be the best method, given your timing, group characteristics, and type of information needed. Quantitative research (hard data):- In most cases, this research is conducted on paper, electronically such as Internet applications, or through telemarketing. For example, assume you are considering two keynote speakers for your Mid-Year Event. In your prevent quantitative research instrument, you ask your potential audience to rate which speaker they wish to hear, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest desirability; 10, the highest). Speaker A receives an average of 5.6 in your responses. Speaker B nails a 9.3. This result needs little interpretation. The data are “hard.” Go for speaker B, or be ready to explain the alternative! This system works well for all aspects of event marketing and evaluation, including the ratings of multiple educational programs, social events, and overall experiential responses. Quantitative research instruments are objective. Questions may be developed in two different styles: In picture 4, you will find a model of a typical Quantitative prevent survey. Qualitative research (soft data):- What’s the hidden meaning? What are the objectives of this event? What are the ranges of interests in the markets we are trying to attract? These are the kinds of questions that compel qualitative research, the probing inspection of attitudes, opinions, interests, and organizational directions. By its nature, this type of research is more time consuming and expensive, as well as more open to varied and sometimes conflicting interpretation by analysts. Qualitative research instruments are subjective. But qualitative research can be much more exciting! It’s the “risk-taker research” if you are not afraid of what the answers may be. In other words, the results of qualitative techniques can take you to places you may not have thought of, lead you to fresh new concepts, perhaps all the 29
  • 30. EVENT MANAGEMENT way to the “Field of Dreams.” There are several favored ways to conduct qualitative research. 30
  • 31. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.5. Financing 31
  • 32. EVENT MANAGEMENT 32 Financing Introduction One of the most important tasks, and difficult, is to manage the financing side of the organization of an event. It is not possible to hold an event without financing. First of all there are a few questions we should ask ourselves: What do I want to organize? Why, what is the purpose? What is it like? When is it due for? How much is it going to cost? Once we have the answers, we will have the guidelines for the development of the project and will be able to proceed to the financing stage of the process. TYPES OF EVENT In order to achieve the purposes of the event we are to organize, it is a priority to define the type of event. What do I want to organize? The event could be:  Scientific: - Congresses, conferences, seminars, etc.  Cultural: - Exhibitions, guided tours, concerts, etc.  Corporate: - Conventions, Incentive travel, FAM trips, Trade Fairs, etc.
  • 33. EVENT MANAGEMENT  Institutional: - Flag Day, Historic Commemorations, etc.  Sport: - Competitions, Charity matches, sporting activities, etc… 33  Ceremonies: -Weddings, banquets, etc. Every event is different and it requires a different structure with different sources of financing.Their goals are different and while some events produce considerable benefits, others will barely cover costs . For example, a sport event is likely to be financed mainly through sponsorship from the sport labels, broadcasting rights, etc. On the other hand, a scientific event will most probably be only financed by the participants’ fees and the Association or University behind the organization. LOCATION OF THE EVENT:- What will the event be like? Another basic question is the size of the event, i.e., the number of participants. It is important to decide whether it is going to welcome a vast audience or just a selected group and, for example, domestic or foreign participants as the final programme, administrative procedures and social activities will depend on the size and characteristics of the event. Moreover, both income and expenses will vary according to the dimension, -local, national or international- of the event; and so will the different sources of financing. Finally, the character of the event will also influence the possible economic support given by public or private institutions.
  • 34. EVENT MANAGEMENT PURPOSE OF THE EVENT What do I want to organize? A short, descriptive report should be made including the purpose, needs and characteristics of the event to be held. 34 When is it due for? Timing is crucial as it implies not only the event and its organization, but also the time required to obtain funding. What character will the event have? To be borne in mind:  General features of the event - Participants - Timing - Needed Space - Responsibilities This information is necessary to define the exact profile of the event and to know whether the resources are enough to carry out the project. The purpose. This is what it is to be achieved with the celebration of the event. The benefits are, according to the nature of the event, diverse: Economic Participation Social Political
  • 35. EVENT MANAGEMENT 35 Qualification Public Image Tourist Scientific Media Coverage Regarding funding, the major goal of every event, apart from those described above, is to accomplish the initial estimate of income and expenditure so that the final result achieves the most of the original plan. POTENTIAL PARTICIPANTS To whom is the event addressed? It is fundamental to know the type of participants attending the event so as to tailor it as much as possible to satisfy their expectations and make as dynamic as possible in order to catch the necessary attention. Participant profile: Experts Professionals Students Children Youngsters Adults Seniors Technicians Public in general
  • 36. EVENT MANAGEMENT 36 The Budget Once the type of event has been established, we need to know if it is possible to carry it out and to do that we need to make a budget with the income and the expenses. REQUIREMENTS OF THE EVENT A draft budget will be drawn and modifications will be made along the organization of the event. This takes a long time beforehand and is basically theoretical. Halfway though the organization, a second budget will be made. It will be closer to reality, with updated rates, although the number of participants will be still unknown, as well as the final sources of financing. Eventually a final budget will be made. It will be real and operational and a logical consequence of the second. We should highlight here the importance of the fact that unexpected costs will be appearing along the organization of the event. These are extraordinary expenses that arise throughout the development of the event and that may take up to 20% of the total costs. FEASIBILITY STUDY An itemized budget should include the technical requirements, suppliers and necessary services for the development of the event. According to the funds expected for the event decisions should be made about the logistical, organizational, staff and formal requirements, as well as the size of the venue to be held, time of the year and length of the event. Every aspect of the event should be included in this study. It is necessary to know whether it is possible to organize and hold it, bearing in mind the minimum goals and the percentage of these goals over the total costs, so as to know whether the final benefits would be obtained. A strategy to obtain funds will be designed so that the event can be successful. This strategy should attract private or public sponsors, as well as participants We need to check that there is a demand that will accept our project. We
  • 37. EVENT MANAGEMENT also need to know how to achieve the necessary funds and whether the event will have any sort of profit margin. HOW TO MAKE A BUDGET. EXAMPLES In order to make the budget we need to ask, and answer, a few basic questions. What is the size the event? To whom is it addressed? What participation expectations do we have? Where is venue? All these questions were answered above. In every budget, there must be a total balance between income and expenditure. Two example budgets are shown below. These are likely to be the most representative: a sport event and a scientific event. The sport event is a social gathering with a large number of participants as this is a very dynamic sector that attracts widespread interest from both the audience and the sponsors if the right sportsman is chosen. As stated above, one of the main goals of a sport event is to have economic benefits. In the present example it is easy to see in the final balance the benefit obtained, as the income was higher than the expenses, and therefore the organizers will have a surplus either for the organization of the next event or for their own benefit. In this example, expenses are: 37 SPORT EVENT Transport, accommodation and competitors’ and judges’ allowances and salaries, which are the logistics expenses. Opening Cocktail or Ceremony with the participants and the media. Expenses of the corporate image: event programme, tickets, posters, journals, websites (from which to sell online tickets), mailings (to the prospective participants and sponsors).
  • 38. EVENT MANAGEMENT Technical and audiovisual equipment: screens for the results, cabins for the translators, public address system, etc. Coordination expenses. The technical secretariat means a very important cost but at the same time it is their responsibility to ensure the success of the event, to plan, develop and hold the event from the beginning to the settling of the accounts. o The press office will be in charge of the media coverage of the event. Further costs are press insertions with the participants and dates. Venues and premises: the space necessary to hold the event. Public-liability insurance will cover the organizer’s responsibility in case of attendees’ accidents, faults in the facilities involving refunds or the cancellation of the event due to participants’ injuries or withdrawal. Unexpected costs are included here as they are likely to appear through the event. There are four parts in the income section: Participants’ fees: these are the attendees to the event who pay their ticket. Sponsors: Sport labels and sponsors in general who will bring their economic support for material expenses, easy to justify to the public tax office. Public Institutions: All the funds received form the local government where the event takes place. Local Council: will provide the funs for the venue of the event. 38
  • 39. EVENT MANAGEMENT RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES There are times when the differences between the initial two budgets and the final one, where unexpected expenses are included, are so wide that the whole event is at stake. Dangers likely to be found: Lack of experience in the event organization. This will result in some costs not being included in the draft budget. Lack of foresight. Events should be prepared long time beforehand and right from the beginning a draft budget, including all expenses, should be prepared in order to know the funds necessary .Lack of funds and participants: The budget may have been too optimistic and the financing received is not enough. The estimated attendance has resulted in a very poor real attendance. This tends to happen in the first edition of most events. 39 Poor organization: The date of the event should not coincide with any other event in the same field, even though the scopes are different, since this would result in poor attendance Responsibilities: The Organizing Committee, which will appoint an organizer or will be made up of several persons, will take full responsibility in case the overall purpose is not fulfilled, as they will authorize payments from the very first budget to the settling of the accounts.
  • 40. EVENT MANAGEMENT 40 EXPENSES In doing the expense part of the budget, it should be taken into account all the different concepts needed for the organization of the event. A set of questions should be prepared in order to know the characteristics and scope of the event. Below, some of the main cost elements in the budget  Human resources needed, do we have enough staff or do we need to hire especially qualified staff? : Technical secretariat, hostesses, promoters, models, tourist guides, coordinators, image consultants, event organizers, protocol consultants, chairmen, speakers, security staff, medical services, translators and interpreters and clearing and maintenance.  Technical Equipment. What do we need? Public address system, simultaneous translation, recording studios, cinema production, media coverage and broadcasting, corporate videos, etc.  Communication. What do we need to make our event known?: Advertising, marketing and communication , graphic design and printing, media coverage, script writers, multimedia, web design, mailing, and merchandising.  Entertainment. Do we want a dynamic event? Entertainment, artists, DJs, Karaoke, shows, cultural visits , music evenings.
  • 41. EVENT MANAGEMENT  Stage and furnishing. What kind of presentation 41 do we want? Furnishing hire, digital visual art, party commodities, marquees, platforms, stages, decor and design, stand design and assembly, flower arrangements, notices, signposting and labelling.  Social Programme. How many free time activities shall we offer? Lunches and dinners ,catering, gala dinners, opening and closing ceremonies, gifts.  The venue. Where do we want to hold the event? Town Halls, boats, bars and discos, wine cellars and vineyards, congress and convention centres , historic buildings, castles, palaces ,sport facilities, in the open air, hotels, restaurants, lounges.  Transport Do we need any means of transport? Rent a car, chauffeurs, coaches, air transport and special vehicles. 5. 3 Income and Financing HOW CAN WE OBTAIN THE MONEY? SOURCES OF FINANCING Once the budget is finished and the scope of the event chosen, the next step is to specify the type of financing needed for the balance of the budget. In any type of event there are always two types of financing: internal and external.
  • 42. EVENT MANAGEMENT 42 Internal financing: This is basically the funds belonging to the organization itself, resulting from previous events which were profitable and from the membership fees and private funds from the organizer. External financing may come from: Fees: From the participants and attendees in the event . It is calculated in a first draft taking as a reference a previous edition of the event or a similar one in order to foresee the income and know the fees to charge. Moreover, it is necessary to know the contribution from institutions, however rough the estimative may be, before the final fees are set. Fees tend to cover 50% of the total cost of the event. Institutional Help: Public Institutions: Local government and Town Council Official grants: local, national, international. Private Sponsors: Depending on the type and scope of the event it is possible to find private institutions (banks, saving banks, companies, sponsors, et.) to support the event partly or totall Sponsoring means to contribute in kind or cash in consideration for publicity and media coverage that the sponsors will receive in the short term. When the contribution is in kind, the costs in the examples above will be covered. For example, the town council will pay for the expenses of the venue hire directly or a private sponsor will cover the travelling expenses paying themselves the tickets they accepted to contribute with. Private sponsors may be:
  • 43. EVENT MANAGEMENT 43 Associations: Legal entities made up by partners with the same purpose who pay a membership fee periodically with which to support this type of events. Federations: Associations as a whole. Companies: They finance events in order to become well known in the short term. They usually exchange their economic support for the chance to appear in the events appearing in the media. Charities: These are non-profit legal entities which may have commercial activities devoting part of the benefits to support cultural, social or environmental activities. Sponsors: They offer support, either in kind or in cash, in a long term consideration. The sponsors are the promoters and organizers of over 80% of the events arranged. Most events would not be possible without their support.
  • 44. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.6. Health, Safety and Risk Assessment. 44
  • 45. EVENT MANAGEMENT Health, Safety and Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment - The 5 Steps 45 1 Identify the hazards 2 Determine who is at risk 3 Determine if the existing controls are adequate and amend 4 Record the findings 5 Review the assessment as necessary Hazard Categories Physical: noise, vibration, lasers and electrical hazards Chemical: toxic, corrosive, irritant, harmful materials and fire Positional: work at height, position near water, layout of site, vehicles and use of temporary structures Environmental: heat, cold, wind, pollution and slopes. Health: fatigue, dehydration, musculoskeletal injury, psychological stress. Determine who is at risk Different people may be more vulnerable to certain hazards, they may be less responsible or more likely to take risks - consider in particular: Children and those caring for them Older people Disabled people Volunteers
  • 46. EVENT MANAGEMENT 46 Contractors New and expectant mothers Those whose first language is not your own Those affected by drink / drugs / substance abuse The importance of identifying those at risk involves: their different vulnerabilities to hazards heir different competencies and understanding their different perceptions of risk their different abilities to respond to information their different behaviour in certain situations Key Definitions • Hazard = something with the capacity to cause harm • Risk = the likelihood and severity of the harm • Risk Assessment = method to determine the risk • Risk Control = means to reduce the risk To carry out health and safety responsibilities effectively it is wise to adopt a systematic approach This encourages proper planning and execution of the tasks necessary for health and safety management
  • 47. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.7: PRATICAL VIEWPOINT The process of planning , organizing and staging of an event is describe in this chapter. Event management is planning and management of an event ,project or activity. It is important when staging an event to be dear about WHY the event is being held :  To inform and educate the community about a cause;  Obtain media coverage for an activity; 47  To raise funds ; and To celebrate a community’s strength and conhesiveness.Organizers should also clarify WHO the event is for. Most events will cater for a variety of interest groups :  The local community  Members  Sponsors  Media; and  Potential members.
  • 48. EVENT MANAGEMENT Regardless of the nature of events , your target audience or the event’s objectives , some key steps should be followed to help ensure a successful event. Key steps for event management : 48 Developing the event concept The key questions to ask at this early development stage are :  What is this event for ?  What form will it take ?  When and where will it be held ?  How will the event benefit participants?  What could be barriers ? Determine the feasibility of the event : Key questions to be asked are :  What physical resources are available (facilities and equipment) or accessible to support the event?  What are the costs (time , personnel , and money)?  How can any potential barriers be overcome ?  Is their sufficient time for planning?
  • 49. EVENT MANAGEMENT  Check the timings of your vent does not clash with any other key 49 events. Event Planning and Preparation: It’s a good idea to establish a formal event committee consisting of committed members who are clear about their skills and what they are prepared to contribute . one person should lead the project as the Event Coordinator. As early as possible , outline the responsibilities of each member – their tasks, deadlines , reliance on other members for support and any interdependency of tasks. The following steps are a useful guide for the Event Planning Stage. Set Objectives:  Set realistic dates , times ,deadlines.  Consult with stakeholders for input  Develop budget and monitor finances List all essential costs for the event:  Costs should include administration , event delivery ,marketing , communication , contingency , advertising etc.  Rupees for unexpected expenses (normally 15% of total budget expenditure).
  • 50. EVENT MANAGEMENT Many events may also generate some income: Direct income (ticket sales , programs ,catering , car parking) Indirect income (advertising , sponsorships ,raffles , donations). All sponsorships should be noted as income. Also incude any costs incurred in obtaining sponsorships. Refer to our Voluntering and Community and Business Partnership fact sheet for advice on securing partnerships. Drawings up a cash flow budget is also advised , which estimates when money is to received and when it is to be paid out. Plan for income i.e. payments to be received in order to pay for accounts. As a safety measure , nominate a cut –off date , when a final decision is made to proceed with the eve or not .if income is not going to be sufficient to cover expenses , it is advisable to cancel the event. Identify Tasks and Responsibilities : Main tasks for the event must be identified , and individuals in the event committee appointed against each task. Such taks include catering, competition, facilities and equipments, finance , marketing and communications, programs/ results/awards,security, insurance (to cover those attending your event), support services , transport ,sponsorships relations and volunteers. 50 Prepare a chart : It may be useful to prepare a chart , which outlines your projects timelines and the people responsible for tasks. This will help keep track of your progress.
  • 51. EVENT MANAGEMENT 51 Monitor vent progress: The event coordinator’s role is to monitor the team’s progress against milestone and ensure the event runs smoothly. Regular meeting dates for dates for progress reports are advisable , to keep members feeling connected with each other ,report on progress or problem , and map out next steps for the project and address contingencies. Possible loop holes : Experience has revealed the following to be ‘trouble spots/loopholes for event management. Try to ensure that you address these areas in your planning.  Not appointing an events coordinator .  Not maintaining accurate written records.  Not monitoring progress closely.  Allowing insuffient planning time.  Failing to communicate and coordinate fully with committee members.  Insufficient staff.  Specific event ‘trouble spots’include:  Insufficient food and beverages.  No first aid
  • 52. EVENT MANAGEMENT 52  Poor press coverage.  No contingency plans for bad weather.  Program running over time.  Lack of hospitality for visitors.  Failure to inform police or local authorities.  Lack of colour or glamour.  Insufficient parking.  Unclear direction signs.  Emergengy procedures not in place.  Insufficient waste management systems(toilets and rubbish).
  • 53. EVENT MANAGEMENT Recommendations for filling the loopholes: The loopholes mentioned above can be filled with proper planning and appointment of an event coordinator. He/she should communicate efficiently and effectively with the members of managing committee. The coordinator should plan the process in such a way that proper planning time is allocated to activities and a proper back up plan and emergency procedures should be planned in case of contingency. The local authority and the police should be informed about the event taking place so that event can be carried on peacefully. The coordinator should be given proper details related to number of guests expected , venue and etc. so that he can arrange the at his best with proper staffing. Details related to venue will help him/her providing with spots for media coverage. This can also help in planning the place required for parking and the appropriate directions towards sitting facilities etc. The information related to number of guets expected , will help him in providing suffient first aid facilities with suffient number of stalls for food and beverages , proper wastages system, proper sitting facilities with right kind of hospitality. 53
  • 54. EVENT MANAGEMENT Key issues plaguing the industry :  Withholding tax on foreign artist’s 54 remunerations: As per existing regulations the event manager is liable to deduct 30.6% tax from the remunerations paid to an international artist. In most cases artist will always refuse to take this burden on themselves and expect the event management to bare the tax. As a result of this most events become a non- starter from the beginning itself.  Regulatory clearance for events: These are several clearance required for an events especially if it is an international event. At the local level , an average of about 22 clearances are required for staging an event and for an international event ; numerous clearances are required to be taken from various agencies.  Lack of infrastructure: There is lack of infrastructure in india for staging live events here. Globally events are held in arenas. There is a lack of adequate exhition infrastructure in india for staging of events. Events are still held open grounds , sports stadium and university auditoriums , which are not meant for this purpose.  Lack of corporatizations: The event management industry still comprises of many non corporate entities. In order for the industry to grow , industry players need to expand their operations , invest in hi-tech infrastructure for which they need institutional finance and external equity investments.  Establishment of industry forum: Unlike in us ,the Indian event management industry does not have a forum or a self – regulatory body.
  • 55. EVENT MANAGEMENT 55  Entertainment tax: The entertainment tax in india is much higher as compared to any other asian country. Besides the level and nature of taxation also differs from state to state.  Income tax: India has complicated income tax regulations for international artists.  Duties on imports: The duty on imports of equipments pertaining to certain events is still charged at normal rates, there is no special subsidy or wavier for the import of world class equipments to support events in india.
  • 56. EVENT MANAGEMENT Recommendations for factors plaguing the industry : Besides generating revenues from sponsorships and ticket sales the event also creates a strong impact on economy. In the case of visiting foreign artist the Government of India receives IT from the revenues of the artist. The state government receives entertainment tax from the sale of tickets. Large movement of people travelling inter city for concerts and events results in revenues for airlines.  Regulatory clearance for events : While single window clearance have been facilated by the RBI, decentralization would help in speeding up the process. The government needs to understand that they stand to gain substantial revenues if they make it simpler for event managers. The governments can streamline the approval process by instituting a single – window clearance procedure for international events.  Development of infrastructure : There is dearly need to build exhibition infrastructure specifically for events, the way it exists in different countries. 56  Corporation: For this to happen, the industry needs to restructure itself into corporate entities implement sound trade and accounting practices and implement corporate governance as a code of conduct. Establishment of dear and transparent accounting policies would enhance the reputation of these companies, which will facilitate them to get institutional finance.  Establishment of industry forum : Establishment of an industry forum or association will assist the industry players in tackling their problems collectively and taking growth-enabling measures. The forum will help in negotiating with suppliers of facilities.
  • 57. EVENT MANAGEMENT 57  Income tax : If India has become a popular destination for international artists, the income tax regulations should be made with no dout and artist-friendly as possible.  Service tax : The industry which needs to be nurtured by the government has been taxed under service tax net (10.2%) that has been levied as per the finance bill of 2004. This will have a detrimental effect on the industry. Even if the industry passes on tax to the clients , from the view point of client this would only cease clients from spending on events.
  • 58. EVENT MANAGEMENT 3.8.Technical aspects in Event management:- 58
  • 59. EVENT MANAGEMENT Technical aspects in Event management:- 59 Pre-Production :- Following major tasks have to be performed during the pre-production stage:  Prepare a detail schedule prior to production work on site.  Detail out of role department that are likely to be involved in the production.  Prepare a detail checklist of activity heads.  Plot a detailed time chart, delivery schedules that would lead to successful execution of the production. Pre-production work also includes completion of following tasks :-  Designing and creation of set.  Designing of signange’s, props etc.  Creation of packaging , which could includes pre-production computer graphic, animations, television show packaging, background music scores, music for the show, composition of thematic music for entries and presentation, etc.  Scripting , designing and allocating the technical production elements.
  • 60. EVENT MANAGEMENT 60 On-site production : This includes actual execution of work on site this include  Construction of sets ,  Lighting ,  Backstage management and production,  Coordinating with dancers, artists,  Cueing and executing the screenplay of the act or performance,  Shooting and online editing ,  Controlling and managing multi camera setups. Post production :- Post event production starts with the end of the show, it is the responsibility of the event manager to leave a venue premise restored to its original state as it was handed over to them prior to the commencement of the event. The post production includes :  Ensuring smooth dismantling of the technical gear and the staging.  The material/branding pertaining to sponsor should be neatly packed and handed over to the relevant authorities.  Editing of products footage , packaging it for television. In case the has to be televised then the tapes should be sent to the television director for editing and post production, a designate from the production team should oversee the post production.
  • 61. EVENT MANAGEMENT Departments in production:- 61  Show direction team  Scripting and show packaging team  Show production manager  Technical production team  Lighting design  Acoustic engineering  Audio visual team  SFX team  On ground management.  Backstage management team  Front of stage reception and management team.
  • 62. EVENT MANAGEMENT Production- The Sequence of Activities: From time the client approves the project and the discussed creative plan is passed on the production team. The onus comes onto the production to design and execute the idea to perfection. A lot of good production values depend upon drawing detailed checklists, plotting the event map and flow based on time and delivery schedule. The first thing that effects good production is drawing a detailed interence and interpresentation out of the creative brief , i.e. making a list of requirements that would go into the event. Starting fom the elementariness that make an event like sets, support systems, lighting, audio visuals , staging, backstage and artists, performers , etc. later they need to workout a detailed flow which includes aspects that would make the audience comfortable in the time they intend to spent at our event. This includes aspects of cleanliness , comfortable seating, refreshments and sanitation, etc once the requirements are listed out the production team needs to draw a detailed time lines of events along with job list of who would be responsible for the execution along with a deadline by which the job would be completed. The master sheet should also include contact numbers of the people involved. This sheet should be used as reference point through out the pre event leading up to the event. A similar entrance and exist sheet should also be drawn for the show date. There should be a minute-by-minute schedule detailing about the timing that would go into putting up the infrastructure and also the ingress of staffing, artists, etc who will be a part of the show. A separate cue sheet detailing the flow of the show/event listing the timings of acts, speechless, presentations detailed to include cues for backstage, lighting, P.A. operator, audio visual team, etc should also be listed as part of the sheet. A separate sheet showing detailed report of work carried out during the day and progress on daily basis should be submitted to the senior production or technical manager. 62
  • 63. EVENT MANAGEMENT Production for conferences :- Following are the points to be considered for production of conferences :  Preparing and designing and production of conferences,  Invite, mailing and putting together the backend cell for telecalling 63 and monitoring the RSVP’s.  Follow up calls need to be made to all dignitaries to ensure their participation.  The conferences branding and settings and branding need to be designed keeping in mind the theme of the event.  Ensure the audience is comfortably seated at conference. There is enough drinking water, other refreshment for the audience.  Proper signange’s indicating areas reserved for media, VIP’s, special diginities is put up and the area is distinguished they’ll from the general seating so that guests are not incovenienced.  If there are any formats of presentation then the same need to be also arreange for and put into place.  Ensure that all audiovisual gear is checked and backups are in place.  The delegate kits , bags , badges , registration process, list of a detailed itinerary of the speakers, ensuring that their presentations are on the computer loaded and ready for the event to begin.
  • 64. EVENT MANAGEMENT Production for Awards/Live Events/Fashion Shows : 64 Production for live events includes,  Doing a venue recce to assets the logistics required to put together a show.  Detailing a complete ground plan including demarcating areas of utility, like parking, toilets, reception areas, etc  Work out a detailed script of the show including sound and lights and other technical of the show.  Finalizing acts/artists/dancers/performers and their entries and acts.  Designing of a stage and set for the show which also includes supplementary like green rooms for artists and performers, quick change rooms on stage ,screens with masking for audio-visuals, etc  Doing a detailed technical rider which lists out all technical-related area which includes sound, lights, audio visuals, sfx , props and other elements to be used during the show.  Creating a cue sheet which details out all aspects of the show right from timings of various acts, timings when the artists have to be cued and prepared to go on standby for their act.  Detailing out what props are required for each act , what specific lighting cues is required is any audio source has to be cued to play during the act (LIVE /RECORDED) the same has to be included in the cue sheet for the sound reinforcement team.  Special cues for audio visual team to play any audio visuals as parts of the act have to be also included in the same brief. Cues for backstages hands , SFX and other allied departments like FOH, etc have to be informed accordingly.
  • 65. EVENT MANAGEMENT The world of technical production : Technical production has always been the “what’s that” factor for event managers. Knowledge of technical production has so far been the domain of few and very few event managers have tried to dare and ‘know it all’ for the success of event because technically sounds events can make the most ludicrous concepts look creative, fabulous and opulent if treated to perfection. It is easy to hire a production or technical manager , and rely on his expertise to deliver the goods. But if you don’t have knowledge about technical world you can’t tell if it’s good for you or not. What makes a great technical production? A detailed insight into technical gear knowledge of different application of technical gear, how does one distinguish gear and /or equipment for the right equipments for the right event? Selecting technicians is done as per show and budgetary requirements of the client. Having a through knowledge of the show requirements and look and feel that is required for the show, the design of the set, the seating plan of the audience and format of the show (whether it is for television, or a closed audience or indoor or outdoor) 65
  • 66. EVENT MANAGEMENT Technical World at a glance : 66  Lighting  Sound reinforcement  Audiovisuals  SFX  Trusting and scaffolding  Lasers  Televised coverage/broadcasting  Venue construction Lighting :-  Architectural Lighting  Theater Lighting  Special Effect Lighting Venue construction:  On ground venue arrangement  Drinking water  Canteen during set up days  Toilets  Green rooms  Meter room
  • 67. EVENT MANAGEMENT 67  Cabling  General lighting  Gates  Parking arrangements  Venue cleaning and maintenance 8.10Tips for technical manager : Always plan for the worst case scenario, keep enough back ups for power , mixing controls.  Keep a swiss knife and a torch handly while on the set.  Rubber soled shoes for protection against electric shocks.  Never handle live wires with bare hands . make sure wire, joints are well insulated.  While ordering projectors, always insist on asking for projector with a bright bulb if not brand new.  Same goes for the scanners and follow spots too.  Prepare a detailed technical rider of all equipments using separate sheets for each departments , 1st out of performance , payback equipment separately.  If audio-visual presentation is to be made in any format eg. In form of DAT, audio cassette, CD, VCD,MD, BETA, UMAT, VHS ,etc then ensure that the software required to play the presentations is included in software head of the rider and make sure you hand over a copy of this rider to each department head.
  • 68. EVENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 4 :- PRIMARY DATA EVENT MANAGEMENT BY EKVEERA DECORATORS It was started in 1989 by MR.MILIND PATIL, named has Patil decorators. First they started their business by taking small events has it was not properly setup. But later in 1991 it was properly setup and started to take big events. Its 1st big event was of CHINMAY MISSION in 1991. Even till today all events organize by CHINMAY MISSION is manage by this event managing firm. Their workers come from a village named murbad, and even few of them are still working here. Earlier this workers used to charged 50-100 RS per day but now they charges 500-700 per day till 6.p.m. but if the time extends more than 6.p.m they charges more money. Later the firm changed their name from PATIL DECORATORS to EKVEERA DECORATORS. This firm also have monopoly in various halls, schools, colleges etc. At present they have monopoly in suyog hall, lems,vpm and many more. The firm has monopoly with CHINMAY MISSION for more then 20 years. The upcoming programme which this firm is going to organize is SAHITYA SAMYLAN in Marathi vidhyalya school in mulund. The firm has also arrange an event at national level which is a speech of MR. Advani. Apart from managing events , the firm also provides services to NAUGHAR SEVA MANDAL. Its does all its work totally free. The Ganesh festival of this mandal is totally arrange and organized by EKVEERA DECORATORS. 68
  • 71. EVENT MANAGEMENT 71 Questionnaire Name : Address: Email ID :  What all events do you manage?  What sort of audience are you expecting?  How many volunteers shall be stationed for the event?  How do you plan to maintain order and safety in case of chos?  What sort of security measures shall be provided by you during the event?  What kind of difficulties are you anticipating? How do you plan to get beyond them?  What sort of food and drinks will be served during the event?  Have you arrange for the aid or any such medical facility in case of an emergency? A.YES B. NO  Are sanitary and hygiene facilities available? A. YES B. NO
  • 72. EVENT MANAGEMENT  What sort of permissions do you have to seek for hosting the 72 event?
  • 74. EVENT MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY 74 The challenge :- A UK-based company specialising in Christmas-themed corporate events wanted to encourage its customers re-book for the following year. These large-scale events were attended by up to 1200 guests from various different companies and typically only 20% of attendees would rebook for the following year. There were two key challenges – firstly, to increase the number of re-bookings and secondly, to gather useful information on other types of events that could be used for future marketing campaigns. Solution :- The event organiser of each company attending was sent a personalised postcard with a photo of their group at the previous year’s event. The postcard also contained a call to action to visit a personalised URL . This led the event organiser to a unique landing page that contained two more pictures of their group at the event, details of the next year’s event, an online booking facility, plus a free gift for the organizer. There was also a survey page to gather more information about any future requirements such as team building days, corporate hospitality and marketing events. Results :-  84% of people visited their personalised URL(uniform resource locater).  56% rebooked the event for the following year (almost treble on the previous year.
  • 75. EVENT MANAGEMENT  . Significantly increased database and knowledge of prospects for 75 other types of events.
  • 76. EVENT MANAGEMENT Conclusion Event management as an industry is in infant stage. It has long way to go. It has a bright future. This industry is growing at reasonably quick rate. This can be seen from the number of different firms that came up in this field in the past few years. The government can also help this industry grow tremendously. Government should impose favorable rules and regulation on this industry which would help its development. For e.g. the time limits imposed on the events conducted can be increased like for dandia raas the time given is till ten in the night , which is quite less acoording to the people who come and attend the event. This time limit can be increased so as to give justice to both the event as well as the audience. There should also be a set standard for the events that are being conducted. All the events conducted should be of hih caliber. This will help the industry to increase the revenue that is generated from all the events that are organized. Hence , for the industry to grow the government should bring in favorable policies, reduces taxes, develop essentials infrastructure, bring in corporate to manage the events and above all establish a forum that would help all firms in firms in their expansion. In the near future, the companies will form a network of associations in different states in order to expand the industry so that the events can be held more professionally. For e.g. if an event management company in Mumbai has been asked to organize a show in Chennai then it is not possible for the coordinator to keep track on daily progress in Chennai, so in this case they form networks with local players to keep track and inform them. They will hire a local company or open a branch in Chennai in case the response from people is excellent. So in this way, a network is formed to organize the event in better perspective. 76