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Question 3. What have you
  learnt from audience
Audience Feedback for Magazine Cover and
              Film Poster
Audience feedback is really important for my trailer, poster and
magazine cover because the response of the target audience gives me
an idea of how successful my products were. I asked for this feedback
before my deadline so that I could alter anything or change anything
my audience did not like , understand or thought I could do better. I
found my feedback to be very positive and so I didn’t decide to make
any changes.

Feedback for a film is very beneficial as I found it gave me an idea of
the response from people in the target audience before my trailer
was completed.
This feedback responds positively to my use of the
                          film strip and previews as a way of enticing the
                          audience. This shows me that my persuasive
                          techniques have worked well on a member of my
The feedback also         target audience.
comments positively
                                                                                                My colour scheme
towards the faded
                                                                                                has been
photo in the top
                                                                                                commented on here,
corner of the film
                                                                                                with my corporate
poster - the feedback
                                                                                                colour - red being
says that this makes
                                                                                                picked up on - this
you want to find out
                                                                                                demonstrates the
more about the
                                                                                                effect of my use of
storyline. This is an
                                                                                                corporate image as
effect of a film poster
                                                                                                the red is
as it is meant to
                                                                                                representative of the
entice the audience
to make them want to
see more.

               This feedback is very positive as it            The effect of the main image in my poster is exactly
               shows that the main purpose of                  the impression I wanted to give - the eyes of the
               the magazine cover and film poster              protagonist Rosie are the focus of the poster and
                                                               draws in the attention of the audience - which the
               has been successfully received -                audience member makes note of here.
               they promote the film and entice
               the reader to want to watch the
               film and know more about the
The use of my camera
The intriguing nature of                                                                   reel has been positively
the film poster is                                                                         received by my target
touched upon in this                                                                       audience - as this
feedback which is very                                                                     comments on how it
positive as it is one of                                                                   gives hints on the film -
the main purposes of a                                                                     which was my reason for
film poster.                                                                               using it.

                       It has been commented in this feedback that the title ‘Rosie’s
                       War’ could be bolder so that it would stand out better, however I
                       decided to make the ‘Film Launch’ heading stand out more as it is
                       the focus as it draws the reader in and shows that the magazine
                       has information on a new film - which will entice the audience.
The time period
and title ‘Rosie’s
War’ has been
identified in this
feedback which is
the effect I
wanted to give in
my poster.

                           The film reel is again commented on
                           which is positive as it entices the reader
                           and draws them in.

          This feedback is very positive and once again my audience are able to
          identify the parts of the poster and magazine which I have used to draw in
          the audience and give them insight into the film.
I like that this feedback comments on the faded picture and the pain that can be seen in the female characters
  eyes - because this gives the audience an idea of the genre and the plot of the film - however this is quite
  discreet and is not as noticeable as some of the other elements in my film poster (the main image, the red lips,
  the red poppies, the white writing). I think it is interesting that this has been picked up on and shows me that
  the although the audience pick up on the main parts of the poster they have also noticed a lot of the smaller

The response
to the
of my film
poster is

Again the red
lipstick stands
out on the
magazine cover
which is
important as the
red lips are part                            In response to the suggestion at the end of the
of the corporate                             feedback, I thought that another headline would look
image of my film                             to crowded. I did try out the ‘&’ sign in the gold symbol
package.                                     however I decided to not keep it there as I thought it
                                             looked a bit too busy. However these comments were
                                             interesting to explore.
I am happy with the feedback for my poster and magazine cover, the feedback is very positive with a
few hints and suggestions on how to change. The majority of people that I have asked have
commented on the use of colour - my choice of red lipstick and can see that it stands out on the
poster and magazine - this is what I want. My main images on both poster and magazine are liked, and
my audience has noticed that I have used the film reel on my magazine cover to entice them. The film
poster photo has also been commented upon - that the pain is seen in my actress Charlotte's eyes
giving hints to the story - which is something I did on purpose and wanted this effect to occur.

Overall I am really happy with my feedback as it is mostly positive, I have learnt about the key things
people have noticed - the use of the colour red, the use of the film reel and the main images. The fact
people have commented on the use of the red lips shows me my corporate image is successful, as if
people identify it on my poster and magazine they would be able to link it to the trailer. I also think it
is positive that people have identified the use of the film reel as enticing the audience as it provides
them with extra details of the film which could draw them in. I think people have mostly commented
upon the most noticeable parts of the poster and magazine, however some of the audience
commented on finer details such as the pain in the eyes of the faded out photo, and some of the
smaller text on the magazine cover. This shows me that the audience can notice even the smaller
details on the products so all aspects have to be thought out in detail and have reasons behind them -
which I have thought about and done from the pre-production and planning stages of my main and
ancillary tasks.
Audience Feedback for Film Trailer and
        Overall Film Package
I targeted my audience through Facebook - a social networking site which is
often used by my target audience - older teenagers to early adults. I gave
those that I asked for feedback a hint of the things I wanted them to
comment on - to ensure I gained feedback that would be beneficial.
My choice in music is         This feedback is the only
identified here as setting    one to comment on the
the tone for the film         use of editing - this is
trailer - the soft sound      important when putting a
portrays the sadness of       film together however is
the film - this shows that    not always noticed -
the sound has been            especially simple cuts
identified along with the     from scene to scene -
tone of the film - this has   however this feedback
emphasised to me the          identifies the short fast
impact of my creative         shots between the
decisions and reinforces      flashbacks as portraying
how important it was for      the loss in the film - this
me to research into my        again reinforces the
ideas.                        impact of my creative
This feedback does
comment that the final
shot could perhaps be a
spoiler for the film -
                             The association
however in my opinion
                             between the three
the cross and poppies do
                             texts is shown here -
not necessarily mean it is
                             this feedback notes
for my main male
                             how the products can
character Jay, it could be
                             be recognised and
another male relative as
                             associated with one
trailers often involve
                             another - which is
twists. In addition Jay
                             successful for my
could be missing not
                             package as a whole and
necessarily identified as
                             shows that my
dead. Like I have
                             corporate image and
mentioned before,
                             the linking of my three
people interpret films
                             products has been
and scenes in different
ways and this feedback
process has taught me
This audience member wants to go
                                                             and see the film - making my
                                                             trailer successful in enticing the
                                                             viewer and targeting my chosen

                             The target audience is                  She comments that the 1940’s
The products are seen as     identified as ‘17-60’ this              is represented through
representative of each       shows me that although I                costume - this is one of the
other which is successful    originally targeted a teenage           main ways in which I have
as it is important that      to young adult female                   represented the time period.
they all link to promote a   audience, my film/ trailer              This is successful that it has
film package.                could be appealing to other             been noticed as it is important
                             age females because of the              that my audience can tell the
                             content and genre.                      time in which the trailer is set.
I also recorded two peoples audience feedback.

I think this feedback is very positive - this feedback comments on how the trailer makes
them want to see the film - which is the purpose of a trailer. My audience member
suggests the things she would quite like to find out - what happens during war, Rosie
and Jay’s relationship, and the effects on Rosie - things the viewer would find out when
watching the trailer. When asked if the magazine and poster are representative of the
trailer, she said that the poster definitely is as the photos tell part of the story and give
hints to the trailer - this is positive for me as the poster is supposed to gives hints and
represent the story of the trailer but not give too much away. She says that the
magazine is, however it is slightly different as the images are more posed - which is a
common convention of magazine covers in general.
She also says that she thinks it targets her age audience and she would go and see it -
this shows me that I have successfully managed to target my age audience. In this
feedback it is commented that perhaps there are not enough visual clues of the 1940’s
time period - she explains that the costume is representative of the 1940’s but there is
not a lot of other representations. Although I disagree, because the telegram, the male
characters war uniform, the poppies and the text also represent the 1940’s, I have to
listen to this comment as obviously this audience member has not seen clear
representations. Possibly I could have put more scenes of the war costume and if this
was a real high budget movie I would be able to include war scenes. This highlights to
me the different interpretations of my film trailer across the feedback I have received,
where most say that the 1940’s style is clearly represented - this suggests otherwise.

When asked about improvements that could be made, my viewer said maybe more
explanation and what happens to Rosie when she is left alone, however as this is a
teaser trailer, the clips should only be short and fast with not too much information
given away - so perhaps this would be an idea more suited to a theatrical trailer.
This feedback is again very positive - the emotion in the trailer is picked up on -
which relates to my genre which perhaps hasn’t really been identified in earlier
feedback. The costume is commented on - how it is authentic and accurate -
which is successful and shows that I have researched my time period effectively.
Another interesting thing that has been commented on is the music in my trailer -
this is not mentioned in previous feedback. The way that the crescendos in the
music fit in with the more dramatic parts of the trailer is touched upon along with
the suitability of the music for the trailer - this is positive as it shows that this
creative decision has been successful and is appropriate for my trailer - it also
shows me that the audience can pick up on a range of different aspects that
interest or stand out to them - all of my feedback is different - some people have
identified the obvious and clear aspects and elements of the film trailer where as
this feedback has picked up on the finer details. This again, like the poster and
magazine feedback, shows me that all decisions are important as people pick up
on a range of different things.
Like the last feedback this audience member identifies the things she would like to find out from the
film - the relationship between the characters, what the telegram was about and whether Jay dies in
the end or whether he is missing. This shows that the purpose of my trailer - a promotional device
for the film - has been successful as it has enticed the viewer and made her want to find out more
and watch the film.

 The corporate image of my three products has also been identified in this feedback - the red lips and
the poppies - this shows my corporate image must be successful and recognisable as it has been
picked up on here, this is positive and the corporate image is important as it links all three products
together and promotes and presents them as a whole.

In addition she has said that the trailer targets her and she would go and view it - this shows again
that I have targeted my audience well, but this is developed as she goes on to say that it could target
older females because of the aspect of war - this is positive as it means more viewers.

This feedback says that the 1940’s can be identified in my trailer - which is slightly different to the
previous - the costume and styling is not only seen as a representation of this time but also the
telegram - this teaches me that people notice different things and have different opinions so not
everyone can see something as clearly as others. Therefore perhaps reflecting back I could make the
time period slightly more obvious however I would have to be careful of not giving too much away.
The improvements suggested are that there could be scenes of the characters between children and
young adults - this is a good point which I have thought about however this would have been too
complicated for the viewers as they may not be able to make the link between the characters are
children and adults if there were lots of different ages.

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Authenticity in Motion Pictures: How Steve Greisen Retains Real StoriesAuthenticity in Motion Pictures: How Steve Greisen Retains Real Stories
Authenticity in Motion Pictures: How Steve Greisen Retains Real Stories
Steve Greisen

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Evaluation Question 3 - What have you learnt from audience feedback?

  • 1. Question 3. What have you learnt from audience feedback?
  • 2. Audience Feedback for Magazine Cover and Film Poster
  • 3. Audience feedback is really important for my trailer, poster and magazine cover because the response of the target audience gives me an idea of how successful my products were. I asked for this feedback before my deadline so that I could alter anything or change anything my audience did not like , understand or thought I could do better. I found my feedback to be very positive and so I didn’t decide to make any changes. Feedback for a film is very beneficial as I found it gave me an idea of the response from people in the target audience before my trailer was completed.
  • 4. This feedback responds positively to my use of the film strip and previews as a way of enticing the audience. This shows me that my persuasive techniques have worked well on a member of my The feedback also target audience. comments positively My colour scheme towards the faded has been photo in the top commented on here, corner of the film with my corporate poster - the feedback colour - red being says that this makes picked up on - this you want to find out demonstrates the more about the effect of my use of storyline. This is an corporate image as effect of a film poster the red is as it is meant to representative of the entice the audience trailer. to make them want to see more. This feedback is very positive as it The effect of the main image in my poster is exactly shows that the main purpose of the impression I wanted to give - the eyes of the the magazine cover and film poster protagonist Rosie are the focus of the poster and draws in the attention of the audience - which the has been successfully received - audience member makes note of here. they promote the film and entice the reader to want to watch the film and know more about the storyline.
  • 5. The use of my camera The intriguing nature of reel has been positively the film poster is received by my target touched upon in this audience - as this feedback which is very comments on how it positive as it is one of gives hints on the film - the main purposes of a which was my reason for film poster. using it. It has been commented in this feedback that the title ‘Rosie’s War’ could be bolder so that it would stand out better, however I decided to make the ‘Film Launch’ heading stand out more as it is the focus as it draws the reader in and shows that the magazine has information on a new film - which will entice the audience.
  • 6. The time period and title ‘Rosie’s War’ has been identified in this feedback which is the effect I wanted to give in my poster. The film reel is again commented on which is positive as it entices the reader and draws them in. This feedback is very positive and once again my audience are able to identify the parts of the poster and magazine which I have used to draw in the audience and give them insight into the film.
  • 7. I like that this feedback comments on the faded picture and the pain that can be seen in the female characters eyes - because this gives the audience an idea of the genre and the plot of the film - however this is quite discreet and is not as noticeable as some of the other elements in my film poster (the main image, the red lips, the red poppies, the white writing). I think it is interesting that this has been picked up on and shows me that the although the audience pick up on the main parts of the poster they have also noticed a lot of the smaller details. The response to the composition of my film poster is positive. Again the red lipstick stands out on the magazine cover which is important as the red lips are part In response to the suggestion at the end of the of the corporate feedback, I thought that another headline would look image of my film to crowded. I did try out the ‘&’ sign in the gold symbol package. however I decided to not keep it there as I thought it looked a bit too busy. However these comments were interesting to explore.
  • 8. I am happy with the feedback for my poster and magazine cover, the feedback is very positive with a few hints and suggestions on how to change. The majority of people that I have asked have commented on the use of colour - my choice of red lipstick and can see that it stands out on the poster and magazine - this is what I want. My main images on both poster and magazine are liked, and my audience has noticed that I have used the film reel on my magazine cover to entice them. The film poster photo has also been commented upon - that the pain is seen in my actress Charlotte's eyes giving hints to the story - which is something I did on purpose and wanted this effect to occur. Overall I am really happy with my feedback as it is mostly positive, I have learnt about the key things people have noticed - the use of the colour red, the use of the film reel and the main images. The fact people have commented on the use of the red lips shows me my corporate image is successful, as if people identify it on my poster and magazine they would be able to link it to the trailer. I also think it is positive that people have identified the use of the film reel as enticing the audience as it provides them with extra details of the film which could draw them in. I think people have mostly commented upon the most noticeable parts of the poster and magazine, however some of the audience commented on finer details such as the pain in the eyes of the faded out photo, and some of the smaller text on the magazine cover. This shows me that the audience can notice even the smaller details on the products so all aspects have to be thought out in detail and have reasons behind them - which I have thought about and done from the pre-production and planning stages of my main and ancillary tasks.
  • 9. Audience Feedback for Film Trailer and Overall Film Package
  • 10. I targeted my audience through Facebook - a social networking site which is often used by my target audience - older teenagers to early adults. I gave those that I asked for feedback a hint of the things I wanted them to comment on - to ensure I gained feedback that would be beneficial.
  • 11. My choice in music is This feedback is the only identified here as setting one to comment on the the tone for the film use of editing - this is trailer - the soft sound important when putting a portrays the sadness of film together however is the film - this shows that not always noticed - the sound has been especially simple cuts identified along with the from scene to scene - tone of the film - this has however this feedback emphasised to me the identifies the short fast impact of my creative shots between the decisions and reinforces flashbacks as portraying how important it was for the loss in the film - this me to research into my again reinforces the ideas. impact of my creative decisions.
  • 12. This feedback does comment that the final shot could perhaps be a spoiler for the film - The association however in my opinion between the three the cross and poppies do texts is shown here - not necessarily mean it is this feedback notes for my main male how the products can character Jay, it could be be recognised and another male relative as associated with one trailers often involve another - which is twists. In addition Jay successful for my could be missing not package as a whole and necessarily identified as shows that my dead. Like I have corporate image and mentioned before, the linking of my three people interpret films products has been and scenes in different successful. ways and this feedback process has taught me this.
  • 13. This audience member wants to go and see the film - making my trailer successful in enticing the viewer and targeting my chosen audience. The target audience is She comments that the 1940’s The products are seen as identified as ‘17-60’ this is represented through representative of each shows me that although I costume - this is one of the other which is successful originally targeted a teenage main ways in which I have as it is important that to young adult female represented the time period. they all link to promote a audience, my film/ trailer This is successful that it has film package. could be appealing to other been noticed as it is important age females because of the that my audience can tell the content and genre. time in which the trailer is set.
  • 14. I also recorded two peoples audience feedback. I think this feedback is very positive - this feedback comments on how the trailer makes them want to see the film - which is the purpose of a trailer. My audience member suggests the things she would quite like to find out - what happens during war, Rosie and Jay’s relationship, and the effects on Rosie - things the viewer would find out when watching the trailer. When asked if the magazine and poster are representative of the trailer, she said that the poster definitely is as the photos tell part of the story and give hints to the trailer - this is positive for me as the poster is supposed to gives hints and represent the story of the trailer but not give too much away. She says that the magazine is, however it is slightly different as the images are more posed - which is a common convention of magazine covers in general.
  • 15. She also says that she thinks it targets her age audience and she would go and see it - this shows me that I have successfully managed to target my age audience. In this feedback it is commented that perhaps there are not enough visual clues of the 1940’s time period - she explains that the costume is representative of the 1940’s but there is not a lot of other representations. Although I disagree, because the telegram, the male characters war uniform, the poppies and the text also represent the 1940’s, I have to listen to this comment as obviously this audience member has not seen clear representations. Possibly I could have put more scenes of the war costume and if this was a real high budget movie I would be able to include war scenes. This highlights to me the different interpretations of my film trailer across the feedback I have received, where most say that the 1940’s style is clearly represented - this suggests otherwise. When asked about improvements that could be made, my viewer said maybe more explanation and what happens to Rosie when she is left alone, however as this is a teaser trailer, the clips should only be short and fast with not too much information given away - so perhaps this would be an idea more suited to a theatrical trailer.
  • 16. This feedback is again very positive - the emotion in the trailer is picked up on - which relates to my genre which perhaps hasn’t really been identified in earlier feedback. The costume is commented on - how it is authentic and accurate - which is successful and shows that I have researched my time period effectively. Another interesting thing that has been commented on is the music in my trailer - this is not mentioned in previous feedback. The way that the crescendos in the music fit in with the more dramatic parts of the trailer is touched upon along with the suitability of the music for the trailer - this is positive as it shows that this creative decision has been successful and is appropriate for my trailer - it also shows me that the audience can pick up on a range of different aspects that interest or stand out to them - all of my feedback is different - some people have identified the obvious and clear aspects and elements of the film trailer where as this feedback has picked up on the finer details. This again, like the poster and magazine feedback, shows me that all decisions are important as people pick up on a range of different things.
  • 17. Like the last feedback this audience member identifies the things she would like to find out from the film - the relationship between the characters, what the telegram was about and whether Jay dies in the end or whether he is missing. This shows that the purpose of my trailer - a promotional device for the film - has been successful as it has enticed the viewer and made her want to find out more and watch the film. The corporate image of my three products has also been identified in this feedback - the red lips and the poppies - this shows my corporate image must be successful and recognisable as it has been picked up on here, this is positive and the corporate image is important as it links all three products together and promotes and presents them as a whole. In addition she has said that the trailer targets her and she would go and view it - this shows again that I have targeted my audience well, but this is developed as she goes on to say that it could target older females because of the aspect of war - this is positive as it means more viewers. This feedback says that the 1940’s can be identified in my trailer - which is slightly different to the previous - the costume and styling is not only seen as a representation of this time but also the telegram - this teaches me that people notice different things and have different opinions so not everyone can see something as clearly as others. Therefore perhaps reflecting back I could make the time period slightly more obvious however I would have to be careful of not giving too much away. The improvements suggested are that there could be scenes of the characters between children and young adults - this is a good point which I have thought about however this would have been too complicated for the viewers as they may not be able to make the link between the characters are children and adults if there were lots of different ages.