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Sophie Husteden
Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?
The purposes that I wanted the pieces to do was to bring about local, national or global change, To
change attitudes, To challenge dominant representations and agendas, To raise awareness and To
provide information. I personally think that my pieces all are fit for these purposes. For instance the
poster made for adults provided information in the form of statistics on sport fishing, this provided
information. Also the campaign overall is completing the rest of the intended purposes as they are not
specific to a certain thing being done, so it is raising awareness to the topic by being shown to people,
this is the same for the rest of the intended purposes. The pieces I made challenge dominant
representations and agendas because fishing is a common sport/hobby, so my posters being about
this topic is challenging people that have it as a hobby.
The purpose is also to make people think about how bad catch and release fishing is, and doing it. I
think that both of the posters are fit for this purpose as they both are impactful in different ways.
Like the children’s one is fit for this purpose as it makes people think about fishing as hurting fish, and
more specifically Nemo, who is a beloved Disney character which means that people will be saddened
by the idea of hurting him and in turn other fish.
I also think that the adults poster makes people think about how bad fishing is, because the warning
signs will get peoples attention and makes them stop to look at it. Then the poster says a statistic that
goes into more depth into how bad fishing is, this makes people think more about how it effects fish
since it shows quite a high statistic which is shocking for people to see and makes them realize that it is
The bus poster matches the children’s poster, so it is also makes people think that fishing is bad,
however it is less shocking than the poster since it does not show the fish with a hook in its face
instead it is fine, this shows how it looks when it is happy and left alone compared to how it looks
when it has a hook in its face and is upset.
Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?
The Merch fit their intended purpose because they both promote the message and the organization
at the same time.
They promote the message of banning catch and release fishing because they all link to the posters in
various different ways. For instance the male hoodie and t-shirt match because they are showing one
of the warning signs on it and they are also showing the statement ‘Ban hooks’ on the back, this
promotes the message because it will be shown when people are wearing them so people will see
their hoodie and wonder why someone would ban hooks then look up the cause. At the bottom of all
the hoodies and t-shirts it says ‘@scr on twitter’ then ‘Stop catch and release fishing’ and the logo,
this shows people where to go to find out more on the cause and what company it is from. The
female t-shirt links to the children's poster and refers to it by saying that they wouldn’t hurt Nemo
and in turn won’t hurt any other fish, because of what the poster says.
Do they communicate your message clearly?
I think that the posters I created communicate the message that I wanted to do them about, this
is because on the children’s poster it clearly is about hurting fish, this however could have been
interpreted in many different ways as there are so many ways to hurt fish. The adults poster is a
bit more specific on the type of harm to fishes I meant to make my poster about as it says the
words ‘Sport fishing’ and ‘Fishing’ this shows that the campaign is aimed towards fishing and not
other ways that you could harm fish.
The organization Peta has a ad campaign about fishing and it harming the fish. One of their
posters shows a hook in a dogs mouth with the words ‘If you wouldn’t do this to a dog, why do it
to a fish?’. The imagery is very lifelike and looks like a read dog has a hook through its mouth, this
makes the poster very shocking. Compared to the poster I made for children, which is more
cartoon styled and looks like a drawing, this makes it less shocking. The Peta poster clearly
communicates the message when you look at the image along side the text, it is obviously about
hooks harming fish. My poster is also very clear about the message of harming fish as it directly
says about ‘hurting’ one, the image also shows a hook going through Nemo’s mouth this along
with the text shows that it is about hooks. Overall compared to the Peta poster the poster I made
for children looks near professional.
One of the peer feedback said ‘they show a clear message to anyone looking at them’ which
shows how they are very obvious about what the topic of the campaign is. Also for my survey I
asked the question ‘Is it obvious that the posters are to stop fishing?’, the results were 100% for
’Yes’ which shows that people know that it is about fishing and shows that they will understand
the message.
Are they appropriate for your target audience?
I have two target audiences for my different posters, this is because I chose to make a poster for adults and
one for children, this is so the child one can defer them from choosing fishing as a hobby, and the adult one
is aimed towards adults that may already fish to make them think more about the harm that they are
causing. I chose to have two different target audiences because it means that I could show different things
for each of these groups, so I could avoid making things that are not appropriate for a certain audience.
The Peta poster is aimed towards a similar audience as the poster I made for children, however I think that
mine is more appropriate for children compared to the Peta one. This is because mine is all cartoons so it is
not overly realistic and could be traumatizing for children to see even if there is a hook in the fishes face.
Whereas the Peta one shows someone gutting a fish and blood everywhere, the imagery is a lot more
realistic than mine which makes the poster even more inappropriate for children. Another reason mine is
more appropriate is that it shows a children's character which makes children relate to the imagery more
and them feel more sympathy for it. Whereas the Peta one does not have this which makes it look a lot less
inviting for a child to look at. Overall I think that my poster is more appropriate for children than the Peta
In my peer feedback one of them says ‘the fact you have used nemo which is a popular children’s character’
as something they like about my posters, this shows that using Nemo within my posters helps to gain
children's interest and makes it appropriate for the child. Another said ‘I like how you have used Nemo as
the main character in it. This will make children feel sorry for fish as they will have most likely seen nemo
and therefor will be effected when they see the poster’ this also shows how it is appropriate for the
audience as it will help to gain sympathy from them.
Are they appropriate for your target audience?
Within my survey that I made to get public feedback I asked the question ‘Does poster 1
look as if it is aimed towards children or adults?’ the options to answer were ’Children’
and ‘Adults’, I asked this question so I could know whether normal people know who
each one is aimed towards, this also helps me to know if the poster is recognized as for
children. The results for this question were 100% ‘Children’ this shows me that people do
see that it is aimed towards them, and that it is thought of as appropriate for that age
For another question I decided to go more in depth if people thought the children’s
poster was appropriate enough for that target audience, I did this because in my peer
feedback on of them said ‘Hurting Nemo in a children’s poster seems like a bad touch’,
this implies that the writing is not appropriate for the audience because it is a ‘Bad
touch’. Another said ‘For the children’s one the only thing I would think about changing is
the blood on the hook as children might not want to see this and I think the parents will
also not want their child to see this.’ this says specifically that it may be too graphic and
inappropriate for the audience as the parent may not want their child to see it. This is
why I chose to ask ‘If you had a child would you be upset by them seeing poster 1?’, 80%
of the takers said ’No’ that they would not be upset, the other 20% said that they would.
I gave a comments box so that they people that would could say the reason why they
would, the comment said that they would be upset by it however it would ‘make them
think about the problems with fishing’. This shows that the poster is appropriate for the
target audience even though some people may disagree, it more depends on how the
parent is to whether they would be upset by this.
Compare and contrast your original intentions with the
outcomes you arrived at.
In the beginning I had a different idea of what I wanted to base the campaign on
overall, I wanted it to be about fish in general and how sea fish are harbored. However
I chose to change my topic to catch and release fishing as it is much more specific and
meant that people wouldn't be confused by there being so many different parts to the
I made a moodboard on the ideas I had for the posters I wanted to create, I had many
different ideas for both children and adult posters. I originally wanted to create a
graphic comic style poster for children, however in the end I decided to create a
different one of my ideas where I did a movie poster style one where I would have a
famous children's movie character (Like Nemo) then show them with hooks in their
faces. My idea for the comic style one was to have a superhero of some type that was
against fishing would save a fish before it was caught on a hook. I chose to instead do
the movie poster one as it was simpler and would be just as if not more effective as the
graphic comic idea, also the child may not have focused on the graphic comic poster as
much as the one I made as it is simple and has very little writing on it.
For the adult poster my original idea was to make a shocking imagery poster, it was
going to show a human with a hook going through their cheek. I instead chose to do
the warning signs poster because it is simple and just as effective as the idea of using
shocking imagery. I also chose to change it because if I showed a gory image of a fish
with a hook through its mouth its possible that it could be censored and will not be
showed at certain times as it would not be appropriate to show people below a certain
Compare and contrast your original intentions with the
outcomes you arrived at.
When I began planning for my posters I decided on a colour
scheme, I made a moodboard and chose one off of this
moodboard. As I made my posters and other promotional
material I made sure that I stuck to this colour scheme. I
originally wanted the colours to all be sea themed, greens,
turquoise and purple, I stuck to this idea by choosing one that
had all of these colours within it with variations on all the
shades. One thing that changed however is that I chose to add a
salmon colour to contrast against the other darker colours, I
then used this colour on my logo.
I also planned out the font that I wanted to use, I did this by
making a moodboard full of different fonts that I thought were
interesting. I chose to use some of these fonts for my final
posters, I used ‘Fishbowl’ and that’s it. I chose to use a
completely different font for most of the writing on my posters,
I used the font ‘FISHfingers’, I decided to use that font instead of
the others on my moodboard because it looks more like it was
written by children so it went with my theme more than the rest
of the fonts.
Compare and contrast your original intentions with the
outcomes you arrived at.
I changed my final products after finishing this evaluation, so my
work changed again from my original intentions. I changed my
logo so that the writing is easier to read against the backgrounds
of the posters. To make the writing easier to read I changed the
font, I chose a bigger bolder font, this made it easier to read as
the last font was much smaller and didn’t stand out as much as
the new bolder one. I also made the writing black with white in
the middle, this made it stand out against the background as the
last colour of the font was the same turquoise colour as the
background of the posters. Once I changed the logo I put it onto
the two posters, when doing so I made the logo much larger so
it would be easier to see on them.
For the children’s poster I decided to add more detail into it, I
did this by adding some waves at the bottom of the page, these
were the waves that were included in some of the merch, this
links the two pieces together and shows that they are part of the
same campaign. I chose to add more detail because the poster
looks too empty and needed to fill some of the space, I wanted
it to match the bus poster as well so I added the same waves.
How effective are the techniques you have used?
One of the techniques I chose to do was to create the children’s poster in a cartoonist, very surreal style, having it
like this made it look as if it was for a child. The poster also uses lots of bright colours, this shows how it is aimed
towards children as it is cheerful looking and draws their attention because of the bright colours.
I used a famous movie character to gain sympathy from the children, also because it is something that they can
relate to, so it meant that it drew children to look at the poster because of the character. In my peer feedback
multiple of them said that 'you have used nemo which is a popular children’s character’ and that it is a good
technique as it ‘will make children feel sorry for fish as they will have most likely seen nemo and therefor will be
effected when they see the poster’, this reinforces how it was an effective technique to use on the poster.
I also chose for the font to look like it was hand written, and as if it is from a child because it makes it look even more
childish, while still being easy to read and matching the theme. For the word ‘Nemo’ I decided to make it more bold
to stand out. I did this by making it bigger than the rest of the font, also I changed the colour so it was striped like
Nemo, which made the word stand out even more. I added a black out line to the word ‘Nemo’ so that it would be
easy to read against the background and would look like a completed word.
I added a hook to the Nemo fish, however I chose to keep it looking quite surreal, so it would’t be overly realistic so
it would be traumatising to children. I made sure that the hook being added into the image got the message across
but was not too graphic so that it would not be censored or deemed too much for children. I added a tear to the
Nemo, this was to make it look sad or upset but not overly so to the point where it would be upsetting to children,
instead it was to get across the point that fish don’t like having hooks being put through their faces.
I chose for the overall colour scheme to be sea colours as it would go well with the overall theme of fish. I wanted
the colours to be various different shades of turquoise, purple and blue, I also chose the salmon colour as it
contrasted the other colours and added an interesting new variation in the images. I made the logo the salmon
colour because it meant that it would stand out against any of the other colours I chose for the background.
How effective are the techniques you have used?
The backgrounds for both of my posters and bus advert all are the same colour, I chose to do this because it shows
continuity throughout the different posters and shows how they are all from one campaign. Also the colour is like
one that would be in the sea, so it matches my colour scheme that I wanted. In the peer feedback someone said
‘The blue colour on the posters are nice because it complements the other colours and also looks like sea’ this
shows how it is quite effective.
For the adult poster I chose to have graphics of different warning signs saying different things are not allowed, I did
this because everyone know what warning signs are as they are a universal thing, and if you see a warning sign it
draws your attention to it. I wanted the graphics to be very simple to go with the children's version of the poster,
so there was continuity through both of them. Also the warning sign style is effective because even without the
writing at the bottom it is easy to tell what it is telling you, and since it is a warning sign people are likely to stop to
look at it.
I used the same font as with the children’s poster because it shows that they are all part of a collection and they
match. I then changed the font and used a mush bolder one for the ‘Warning’ and the ‘Stop fishing’ as I wanted
them to look more like a command then a part of the writing. Also having them in a different font draws the
viewers attention towards them immediately, this is effective because it means that people will not have to look at
the whole poster for a long time to be able to tell what it is about.
I also added a statistic at the bottom of the adult poster, I did this on the adult one because on the children’s I
thought they may not pay enough attention to the writing so I chose to do a more simplified style poster. The
statistic on the poster adds a bit more information for the viewer on the harm that it does cause and why it is a
good cause to care about. One of the peer feedback people said that having the statistic is good because ‘it tells
the people how many species have been killed’.
How effective are the techniques you have used?
For my bus poster I wanted it to match the other posters, so that they all look cohesive and as if they are part of the
same campaign. To do this I made the background colour the same as the posters. I chose to have the poster themed
after the children's poster and not the adults as it would be seen by people of all ages so it shouldn't be obscene in
I used the same fish cartoon as the children's poster, however it was without the hook in the mouth, I did this so
that it would change the cartoon slightly and make it look like it is part of the same campaign as the poster but was
not a direct copy of it.
I also used the same effect of certain words on the poster as with the children’s one, the effect was where I put the
stipes the same as Nemo and the cartoon fish on the word. I did this with the words ‘Nemo’ and ‘@SCR’, I chose
these words because they are important to the sentences and I wanted them to stand out against the other words. I
used the same font as with the other two posters for the other writing, I did this because I wanted it to match the
other posters, also the font is quite childish and looks like a child has written it which is the effect I wanted it to give.
I made the sentence ‘Go to @scr…’ a slightly lighter shade of grey than the rest of the text, I did this because it
makes the other sentences stand out more against that one and makes them look more important.
I added some shapes onto the poster to make it look more like the sea, thisis effective as it does make it look more
like the sea. I chose to have the waves at the bottom of the poster so it would look like the fish is free and hopping
out of the sea, which supports the campaign as if it was fished it would be dead and not free in the sea.
One thing that is not so effective on the bus poster is that the words are too close together in some of the
sentenses, like ‘You wouldn’t hurt...’ the space between ‘Wouldn’t’ and ‘Hurt’ is a lot smaller than the one between.
If I were to redo the bus poster I would change this so that the space is bigger, doing so would also make it easier to
Is the content effective?
I think that my posters are effective. Especially my children’s one. One of the elements that I think is very
effective is the Nemo, this is effective because it is a character in a Disney movie and kids will relate to the
character and throughout the movies the viewers root for Nemo to be safe so me implying someone would
hurt him and showing him with a hook in his face is quite shocking and effectively makes the viewer feel bad
for him. The question that I used is almost a rhetorical question in the way that there's only really one answer
that is acceptable, this means that the viewer would obviously say that they don’t want to hurt Nemo so they
wouldn’t hurt any other fish. The fish that I put in the poster has a hook in its face which is shocking, however
it is not overly graphic to the point where people would be traumatized. It is more to make a point about how
the hook hurts by showing it in a way that kids would be able to view and not be traumatized by. The fish
shows that it is sad by having a tear on its face, however it doesn’t show the fish distraught, which yet again
helps the poster to be shocking and show that the fish isn't happy that it has a hook in its face, while also not
making it too much for children to see.
The second poster is also effective. I think that one of the most effective parts of the poster is the warning
signs theme, this makes people want to stop and look at it because that is what people are taught to do from
a young age. Another way is that the red colour is bright and draws the viewers eyes to it, this will make them
look at it. The warning signs are quite effective because they all show different cartoon styled things that are
easy to interpret and people will know what it means without reading the text underneath, so it effective
because people will be able to tell what the poster is about without reading the whole poster. For one of the
warning signs I made a plate with fish bones on it, I made it so that it would look cartoonish and match the
theme of everything looking quite childish.
Is the content effective?
I think that I could have changed my bus poster a little bit so that it is more effective. The thing that I
would change is that there is a lot of writing on the poster, this is not good because people aren't
going to be able to read the text as the bus goes past, this means that the words on it are not going to
be as effective as they could be. I do like however how I changed the colour on two of the words so
they matched the fish, this makes them stand out against the rest of the words and the background.
I also think that my Merch is quite effective at getting the message across, because they all match
with the posters and show the same things as them. For the male hoodie I chose to show the warning
sign with a hook in it, this goes with the adults poster and is easily interpreted as being against fishing.
The back of the hoodie says ‘Ban hooks’ this gets the message across because it is short and easy to
read, also it directly says what the message is. The bottoms of the sleeves and the waistband, are
coloured the same blue as the background of the posters, this shows that they are all part of the
same campaign.
I made the women's hoodie say ‘I will not hurt Nemo’, this effectively gets the message across
because it links to the children’s poster and shows that they are saying that they wont hurt fish. The
jumper also has a picture of the cartoon fish shown on the poster, this helps to shows the link
between this jumper and the posters.
I chose for the logo to be a fish, as this links to the message. The logo is in a contrast colour to the rest
of the posters background and colour theme, this means that it stands out against the posters and
other pieces of the campaign.
Is the content effective?
Compared to other campaigns that are for similar topics I think that my posters are
effective. One poster that I found was a campaign by WWF about fish, the poster says
‘Would you care more if I was a rhino?’ this is similar to what my children’s poster says,
this is because they both have a question which will make the viewer interact with the
poster more and will think about what the question is asking them, also the question is
almost rhetorical in the fact that they only have one answer that should be said, this
makes it effective because it will make the viewer think about the topic that the poster
is for. Another way that my poster is effective compared to the WWF one is that mine
has a character from a popular film which will make the viewers feel more empathy
towards the fish shown in the poster, this is more effective than the professional poster
because people will feel more empathy towards a character that they were rooting for
in a film compared to a rhino. Another way is that my poster is more effective is that
mine is a more obvious cartoon, this is because it makes it look more like it is aimed
towards children, which it is, where as the professional poster is more difficult to tell
what their target audience is.
I compared how my merch is effective against other campaigns merch. I chose one from
a charity against animal cruelty called ‘Just Giving’. I think that my merch is more
effective than the one by ‘Just giving’ because it utilizes the back as well as the front, so
it is more interesting. My merch is also more effective than the other one is because it
says more than the tagline for the charity, it also has an image that shows the message
as well as the tagline on the back. The merch I made is also more effective because it
includes an image off of one of the campaign posters, this links them together, at the
same time as reminding people of the posters and in turn the cause.
What impact do you think your advertising campaign will
have on the public?
I think that the advertising campaign will make the public realize how bad catch and release fishing is
and hopefully think about stopping participating in it as hobby or sport.
I think that the children’s poster will make people feel bad for fish, because it is showing a character that
many people like so they will relate to him and feel even more bad for it. The cartoon fish is quite
brightly colored against the background which makes it stand out and look like the focal point of the
poster. This being the main focal point shows the message that I am trying to show in the campaign as it
directly shows a fish with a hook in its face, this also will shock people because it shows it happening to
a beloved character, meaning that it will make people think about the effects of catch and release
fishing, which may also make them look into the effects more to find out more information on it.
The adult poster will make people stop to look at it, I think this because of the warning sign that I put
onto the poster. The warning sign is the universal sign for stop, this will make people stop and look at it,
which means that it will get peoples attention. Then the writing at the bottom says a statistic, this will
shock the viewer and make them think about the effects of fishing, which may make them look into the
cause with more detail.
The Merch (especially the hoodies and t-shirts) have things on them that links them to the posters I
made, this means that people may see them and look more into the campaign to find out more
information on the topic that it is behind. Another thing is that they are advertising the campaign by
showing their logos.
What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work?
On the children’s poster a technical quality is that I made the Nemo out of shapes, I was going to make it
using rotascoping, however it made it look quite messy and meant that the lines on it were not straight,
so instead I made it using shapes, this made it look aesthetically better as it is neater and cleaner
looking. Another is that I created the same texture on the word ‘Nemo’ as on the fish, I did this by
making the pattern using shapes then created a clipping mask so that it was over the words, this looks
good because it stands out and matches to the fish. The font that I used to create the poster is
aesthetically pleasing because it matches the theme of it being childish, and how it looks like it was
written by a child.
For the adults poster I created the warning signs using shapes, this was because I found it looked better
than when I rotascoped it, this makes I more aesthetically pleasing because they look cleaner and less
messy than when I rotascoped it. Something that is also looks good aesthetically is the changing of
fonts between the writing, I changed the font from the same as the other poster to a bolder white font,
this made it stand out more against the background and drew the viewers attention to it, the change
between fonts looks good because it highlights certain words on the poster.
I used the same background colour throughout all of my posters, this made them all look as if they are
part of the same collection, also it looks good because it matches the theme of the campaign. I also
used the same font throughout the poster, this made them match and linked them together, as well as
being aesthetically pleasing because it makes them all match and look the same.

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  • 2. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? The purposes that I wanted the pieces to do was to bring about local, national or global change, To change attitudes, To challenge dominant representations and agendas, To raise awareness and To provide information. I personally think that my pieces all are fit for these purposes. For instance the poster made for adults provided information in the form of statistics on sport fishing, this provided information. Also the campaign overall is completing the rest of the intended purposes as they are not specific to a certain thing being done, so it is raising awareness to the topic by being shown to people, this is the same for the rest of the intended purposes. The pieces I made challenge dominant representations and agendas because fishing is a common sport/hobby, so my posters being about this topic is challenging people that have it as a hobby. The purpose is also to make people think about how bad catch and release fishing is, and doing it. I think that both of the posters are fit for this purpose as they both are impactful in different ways. Like the children’s one is fit for this purpose as it makes people think about fishing as hurting fish, and more specifically Nemo, who is a beloved Disney character which means that people will be saddened by the idea of hurting him and in turn other fish. I also think that the adults poster makes people think about how bad fishing is, because the warning signs will get peoples attention and makes them stop to look at it. Then the poster says a statistic that goes into more depth into how bad fishing is, this makes people think more about how it effects fish since it shows quite a high statistic which is shocking for people to see and makes them realize that it is bad. The bus poster matches the children’s poster, so it is also makes people think that fishing is bad, however it is less shocking than the poster since it does not show the fish with a hook in its face instead it is fine, this shows how it looks when it is happy and left alone compared to how it looks when it has a hook in its face and is upset.
  • 3. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? The Merch fit their intended purpose because they both promote the message and the organization at the same time. They promote the message of banning catch and release fishing because they all link to the posters in various different ways. For instance the male hoodie and t-shirt match because they are showing one of the warning signs on it and they are also showing the statement ‘Ban hooks’ on the back, this promotes the message because it will be shown when people are wearing them so people will see their hoodie and wonder why someone would ban hooks then look up the cause. At the bottom of all the hoodies and t-shirts it says ‘@scr on twitter’ then ‘Stop catch and release fishing’ and the logo, this shows people where to go to find out more on the cause and what company it is from. The female t-shirt links to the children's poster and refers to it by saying that they wouldn’t hurt Nemo and in turn won’t hurt any other fish, because of what the poster says.
  • 4. Do they communicate your message clearly? I think that the posters I created communicate the message that I wanted to do them about, this is because on the children’s poster it clearly is about hurting fish, this however could have been interpreted in many different ways as there are so many ways to hurt fish. The adults poster is a bit more specific on the type of harm to fishes I meant to make my poster about as it says the words ‘Sport fishing’ and ‘Fishing’ this shows that the campaign is aimed towards fishing and not other ways that you could harm fish. The organization Peta has a ad campaign about fishing and it harming the fish. One of their posters shows a hook in a dogs mouth with the words ‘If you wouldn’t do this to a dog, why do it to a fish?’. The imagery is very lifelike and looks like a read dog has a hook through its mouth, this makes the poster very shocking. Compared to the poster I made for children, which is more cartoon styled and looks like a drawing, this makes it less shocking. The Peta poster clearly communicates the message when you look at the image along side the text, it is obviously about hooks harming fish. My poster is also very clear about the message of harming fish as it directly says about ‘hurting’ one, the image also shows a hook going through Nemo’s mouth this along with the text shows that it is about hooks. Overall compared to the Peta poster the poster I made for children looks near professional. One of the peer feedback said ‘they show a clear message to anyone looking at them’ which shows how they are very obvious about what the topic of the campaign is. Also for my survey I asked the question ‘Is it obvious that the posters are to stop fishing?’, the results were 100% for ’Yes’ which shows that people know that it is about fishing and shows that they will understand the message.
  • 5. Are they appropriate for your target audience? I have two target audiences for my different posters, this is because I chose to make a poster for adults and one for children, this is so the child one can defer them from choosing fishing as a hobby, and the adult one is aimed towards adults that may already fish to make them think more about the harm that they are causing. I chose to have two different target audiences because it means that I could show different things for each of these groups, so I could avoid making things that are not appropriate for a certain audience. The Peta poster is aimed towards a similar audience as the poster I made for children, however I think that mine is more appropriate for children compared to the Peta one. This is because mine is all cartoons so it is not overly realistic and could be traumatizing for children to see even if there is a hook in the fishes face. Whereas the Peta one shows someone gutting a fish and blood everywhere, the imagery is a lot more realistic than mine which makes the poster even more inappropriate for children. Another reason mine is more appropriate is that it shows a children's character which makes children relate to the imagery more and them feel more sympathy for it. Whereas the Peta one does not have this which makes it look a lot less inviting for a child to look at. Overall I think that my poster is more appropriate for children than the Peta one. In my peer feedback one of them says ‘the fact you have used nemo which is a popular children’s character’ as something they like about my posters, this shows that using Nemo within my posters helps to gain children's interest and makes it appropriate for the child. Another said ‘I like how you have used Nemo as the main character in it. This will make children feel sorry for fish as they will have most likely seen nemo and therefor will be effected when they see the poster’ this also shows how it is appropriate for the audience as it will help to gain sympathy from them.
  • 6. Are they appropriate for your target audience? Within my survey that I made to get public feedback I asked the question ‘Does poster 1 look as if it is aimed towards children or adults?’ the options to answer were ’Children’ and ‘Adults’, I asked this question so I could know whether normal people know who each one is aimed towards, this also helps me to know if the poster is recognized as for children. The results for this question were 100% ‘Children’ this shows me that people do see that it is aimed towards them, and that it is thought of as appropriate for that age group. For another question I decided to go more in depth if people thought the children’s poster was appropriate enough for that target audience, I did this because in my peer feedback on of them said ‘Hurting Nemo in a children’s poster seems like a bad touch’, this implies that the writing is not appropriate for the audience because it is a ‘Bad touch’. Another said ‘For the children’s one the only thing I would think about changing is the blood on the hook as children might not want to see this and I think the parents will also not want their child to see this.’ this says specifically that it may be too graphic and inappropriate for the audience as the parent may not want their child to see it. This is why I chose to ask ‘If you had a child would you be upset by them seeing poster 1?’, 80% of the takers said ’No’ that they would not be upset, the other 20% said that they would. I gave a comments box so that they people that would could say the reason why they would, the comment said that they would be upset by it however it would ‘make them think about the problems with fishing’. This shows that the poster is appropriate for the target audience even though some people may disagree, it more depends on how the parent is to whether they would be upset by this.
  • 7. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. In the beginning I had a different idea of what I wanted to base the campaign on overall, I wanted it to be about fish in general and how sea fish are harbored. However I chose to change my topic to catch and release fishing as it is much more specific and meant that people wouldn't be confused by there being so many different parts to the campaigns. I made a moodboard on the ideas I had for the posters I wanted to create, I had many different ideas for both children and adult posters. I originally wanted to create a graphic comic style poster for children, however in the end I decided to create a different one of my ideas where I did a movie poster style one where I would have a famous children's movie character (Like Nemo) then show them with hooks in their faces. My idea for the comic style one was to have a superhero of some type that was against fishing would save a fish before it was caught on a hook. I chose to instead do the movie poster one as it was simpler and would be just as if not more effective as the graphic comic idea, also the child may not have focused on the graphic comic poster as much as the one I made as it is simple and has very little writing on it. For the adult poster my original idea was to make a shocking imagery poster, it was going to show a human with a hook going through their cheek. I instead chose to do the warning signs poster because it is simple and just as effective as the idea of using shocking imagery. I also chose to change it because if I showed a gory image of a fish with a hook through its mouth its possible that it could be censored and will not be showed at certain times as it would not be appropriate to show people below a certain age.
  • 8. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. When I began planning for my posters I decided on a colour scheme, I made a moodboard and chose one off of this moodboard. As I made my posters and other promotional material I made sure that I stuck to this colour scheme. I originally wanted the colours to all be sea themed, greens, turquoise and purple, I stuck to this idea by choosing one that had all of these colours within it with variations on all the shades. One thing that changed however is that I chose to add a salmon colour to contrast against the other darker colours, I then used this colour on my logo. I also planned out the font that I wanted to use, I did this by making a moodboard full of different fonts that I thought were interesting. I chose to use some of these fonts for my final posters, I used ‘Fishbowl’ and that’s it. I chose to use a completely different font for most of the writing on my posters, I used the font ‘FISHfingers’, I decided to use that font instead of the others on my moodboard because it looks more like it was written by children so it went with my theme more than the rest of the fonts.
  • 9. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. I changed my final products after finishing this evaluation, so my work changed again from my original intentions. I changed my logo so that the writing is easier to read against the backgrounds of the posters. To make the writing easier to read I changed the font, I chose a bigger bolder font, this made it easier to read as the last font was much smaller and didn’t stand out as much as the new bolder one. I also made the writing black with white in the middle, this made it stand out against the background as the last colour of the font was the same turquoise colour as the background of the posters. Once I changed the logo I put it onto the two posters, when doing so I made the logo much larger so it would be easier to see on them. For the children’s poster I decided to add more detail into it, I did this by adding some waves at the bottom of the page, these were the waves that were included in some of the merch, this links the two pieces together and shows that they are part of the same campaign. I chose to add more detail because the poster looks too empty and needed to fill some of the space, I wanted it to match the bus poster as well so I added the same waves.
  • 10. How effective are the techniques you have used? One of the techniques I chose to do was to create the children’s poster in a cartoonist, very surreal style, having it like this made it look as if it was for a child. The poster also uses lots of bright colours, this shows how it is aimed towards children as it is cheerful looking and draws their attention because of the bright colours. I used a famous movie character to gain sympathy from the children, also because it is something that they can relate to, so it meant that it drew children to look at the poster because of the character. In my peer feedback multiple of them said that 'you have used nemo which is a popular children’s character’ and that it is a good technique as it ‘will make children feel sorry for fish as they will have most likely seen nemo and therefor will be effected when they see the poster’, this reinforces how it was an effective technique to use on the poster. I also chose for the font to look like it was hand written, and as if it is from a child because it makes it look even more childish, while still being easy to read and matching the theme. For the word ‘Nemo’ I decided to make it more bold to stand out. I did this by making it bigger than the rest of the font, also I changed the colour so it was striped like Nemo, which made the word stand out even more. I added a black out line to the word ‘Nemo’ so that it would be easy to read against the background and would look like a completed word. I added a hook to the Nemo fish, however I chose to keep it looking quite surreal, so it would’t be overly realistic so it would be traumatising to children. I made sure that the hook being added into the image got the message across but was not too graphic so that it would not be censored or deemed too much for children. I added a tear to the Nemo, this was to make it look sad or upset but not overly so to the point where it would be upsetting to children, instead it was to get across the point that fish don’t like having hooks being put through their faces. I chose for the overall colour scheme to be sea colours as it would go well with the overall theme of fish. I wanted the colours to be various different shades of turquoise, purple and blue, I also chose the salmon colour as it contrasted the other colours and added an interesting new variation in the images. I made the logo the salmon colour because it meant that it would stand out against any of the other colours I chose for the background.
  • 11. How effective are the techniques you have used? The backgrounds for both of my posters and bus advert all are the same colour, I chose to do this because it shows continuity throughout the different posters and shows how they are all from one campaign. Also the colour is like one that would be in the sea, so it matches my colour scheme that I wanted. In the peer feedback someone said ‘The blue colour on the posters are nice because it complements the other colours and also looks like sea’ this shows how it is quite effective. For the adult poster I chose to have graphics of different warning signs saying different things are not allowed, I did this because everyone know what warning signs are as they are a universal thing, and if you see a warning sign it draws your attention to it. I wanted the graphics to be very simple to go with the children's version of the poster, so there was continuity through both of them. Also the warning sign style is effective because even without the writing at the bottom it is easy to tell what it is telling you, and since it is a warning sign people are likely to stop to look at it. I used the same font as with the children’s poster because it shows that they are all part of a collection and they match. I then changed the font and used a mush bolder one for the ‘Warning’ and the ‘Stop fishing’ as I wanted them to look more like a command then a part of the writing. Also having them in a different font draws the viewers attention towards them immediately, this is effective because it means that people will not have to look at the whole poster for a long time to be able to tell what it is about. I also added a statistic at the bottom of the adult poster, I did this on the adult one because on the children’s I thought they may not pay enough attention to the writing so I chose to do a more simplified style poster. The statistic on the poster adds a bit more information for the viewer on the harm that it does cause and why it is a good cause to care about. One of the peer feedback people said that having the statistic is good because ‘it tells the people how many species have been killed’.
  • 12. How effective are the techniques you have used? For my bus poster I wanted it to match the other posters, so that they all look cohesive and as if they are part of the same campaign. To do this I made the background colour the same as the posters. I chose to have the poster themed after the children's poster and not the adults as it would be seen by people of all ages so it shouldn't be obscene in anyway. I used the same fish cartoon as the children's poster, however it was without the hook in the mouth, I did this so that it would change the cartoon slightly and make it look like it is part of the same campaign as the poster but was not a direct copy of it. I also used the same effect of certain words on the poster as with the children’s one, the effect was where I put the stipes the same as Nemo and the cartoon fish on the word. I did this with the words ‘Nemo’ and ‘@SCR’, I chose these words because they are important to the sentences and I wanted them to stand out against the other words. I used the same font as with the other two posters for the other writing, I did this because I wanted it to match the other posters, also the font is quite childish and looks like a child has written it which is the effect I wanted it to give. I made the sentence ‘Go to @scr…’ a slightly lighter shade of grey than the rest of the text, I did this because it makes the other sentences stand out more against that one and makes them look more important. I added some shapes onto the poster to make it look more like the sea, thisis effective as it does make it look more like the sea. I chose to have the waves at the bottom of the poster so it would look like the fish is free and hopping out of the sea, which supports the campaign as if it was fished it would be dead and not free in the sea. One thing that is not so effective on the bus poster is that the words are too close together in some of the sentenses, like ‘You wouldn’t hurt...’ the space between ‘Wouldn’t’ and ‘Hurt’ is a lot smaller than the one between. If I were to redo the bus poster I would change this so that the space is bigger, doing so would also make it easier to read.
  • 13. Is the content effective? I think that my posters are effective. Especially my children’s one. One of the elements that I think is very effective is the Nemo, this is effective because it is a character in a Disney movie and kids will relate to the character and throughout the movies the viewers root for Nemo to be safe so me implying someone would hurt him and showing him with a hook in his face is quite shocking and effectively makes the viewer feel bad for him. The question that I used is almost a rhetorical question in the way that there's only really one answer that is acceptable, this means that the viewer would obviously say that they don’t want to hurt Nemo so they wouldn’t hurt any other fish. The fish that I put in the poster has a hook in its face which is shocking, however it is not overly graphic to the point where people would be traumatized. It is more to make a point about how the hook hurts by showing it in a way that kids would be able to view and not be traumatized by. The fish shows that it is sad by having a tear on its face, however it doesn’t show the fish distraught, which yet again helps the poster to be shocking and show that the fish isn't happy that it has a hook in its face, while also not making it too much for children to see. The second poster is also effective. I think that one of the most effective parts of the poster is the warning signs theme, this makes people want to stop and look at it because that is what people are taught to do from a young age. Another way is that the red colour is bright and draws the viewers eyes to it, this will make them look at it. The warning signs are quite effective because they all show different cartoon styled things that are easy to interpret and people will know what it means without reading the text underneath, so it effective because people will be able to tell what the poster is about without reading the whole poster. For one of the warning signs I made a plate with fish bones on it, I made it so that it would look cartoonish and match the theme of everything looking quite childish.
  • 14. Is the content effective? I think that I could have changed my bus poster a little bit so that it is more effective. The thing that I would change is that there is a lot of writing on the poster, this is not good because people aren't going to be able to read the text as the bus goes past, this means that the words on it are not going to be as effective as they could be. I do like however how I changed the colour on two of the words so they matched the fish, this makes them stand out against the rest of the words and the background. I also think that my Merch is quite effective at getting the message across, because they all match with the posters and show the same things as them. For the male hoodie I chose to show the warning sign with a hook in it, this goes with the adults poster and is easily interpreted as being against fishing. The back of the hoodie says ‘Ban hooks’ this gets the message across because it is short and easy to read, also it directly says what the message is. The bottoms of the sleeves and the waistband, are coloured the same blue as the background of the posters, this shows that they are all part of the same campaign. I made the women's hoodie say ‘I will not hurt Nemo’, this effectively gets the message across because it links to the children’s poster and shows that they are saying that they wont hurt fish. The jumper also has a picture of the cartoon fish shown on the poster, this helps to shows the link between this jumper and the posters. I chose for the logo to be a fish, as this links to the message. The logo is in a contrast colour to the rest of the posters background and colour theme, this means that it stands out against the posters and other pieces of the campaign.
  • 15. Is the content effective? Compared to other campaigns that are for similar topics I think that my posters are effective. One poster that I found was a campaign by WWF about fish, the poster says ‘Would you care more if I was a rhino?’ this is similar to what my children’s poster says, this is because they both have a question which will make the viewer interact with the poster more and will think about what the question is asking them, also the question is almost rhetorical in the fact that they only have one answer that should be said, this makes it effective because it will make the viewer think about the topic that the poster is for. Another way that my poster is effective compared to the WWF one is that mine has a character from a popular film which will make the viewers feel more empathy towards the fish shown in the poster, this is more effective than the professional poster because people will feel more empathy towards a character that they were rooting for in a film compared to a rhino. Another way is that my poster is more effective is that mine is a more obvious cartoon, this is because it makes it look more like it is aimed towards children, which it is, where as the professional poster is more difficult to tell what their target audience is. I compared how my merch is effective against other campaigns merch. I chose one from a charity against animal cruelty called ‘Just Giving’. I think that my merch is more effective than the one by ‘Just giving’ because it utilizes the back as well as the front, so it is more interesting. My merch is also more effective than the other one is because it says more than the tagline for the charity, it also has an image that shows the message as well as the tagline on the back. The merch I made is also more effective because it includes an image off of one of the campaign posters, this links them together, at the same time as reminding people of the posters and in turn the cause.
  • 16. What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? I think that the advertising campaign will make the public realize how bad catch and release fishing is and hopefully think about stopping participating in it as hobby or sport. I think that the children’s poster will make people feel bad for fish, because it is showing a character that many people like so they will relate to him and feel even more bad for it. The cartoon fish is quite brightly colored against the background which makes it stand out and look like the focal point of the poster. This being the main focal point shows the message that I am trying to show in the campaign as it directly shows a fish with a hook in its face, this also will shock people because it shows it happening to a beloved character, meaning that it will make people think about the effects of catch and release fishing, which may also make them look into the effects more to find out more information on it. The adult poster will make people stop to look at it, I think this because of the warning sign that I put onto the poster. The warning sign is the universal sign for stop, this will make people stop and look at it, which means that it will get peoples attention. Then the writing at the bottom says a statistic, this will shock the viewer and make them think about the effects of fishing, which may make them look into the cause with more detail. The Merch (especially the hoodies and t-shirts) have things on them that links them to the posters I made, this means that people may see them and look more into the campaign to find out more information on the topic that it is behind. Another thing is that they are advertising the campaign by showing their logos.
  • 17. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? On the children’s poster a technical quality is that I made the Nemo out of shapes, I was going to make it using rotascoping, however it made it look quite messy and meant that the lines on it were not straight, so instead I made it using shapes, this made it look aesthetically better as it is neater and cleaner looking. Another is that I created the same texture on the word ‘Nemo’ as on the fish, I did this by making the pattern using shapes then created a clipping mask so that it was over the words, this looks good because it stands out and matches to the fish. The font that I used to create the poster is aesthetically pleasing because it matches the theme of it being childish, and how it looks like it was written by a child. For the adults poster I created the warning signs using shapes, this was because I found it looked better than when I rotascoped it, this makes I more aesthetically pleasing because they look cleaner and less messy than when I rotascoped it. Something that is also looks good aesthetically is the changing of fonts between the writing, I changed the font from the same as the other poster to a bolder white font, this made it stand out more against the background and drew the viewers attention to it, the change between fonts looks good because it highlights certain words on the poster. I used the same background colour throughout all of my posters, this made them all look as if they are part of the same collection, also it looks good because it matches the theme of the campaign. I also used the same font throughout the poster, this made them match and linked them together, as well as being aesthetically pleasing because it makes them all match and look the same.