SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Well to present my product ive made a "website" to show what I came up with as well as adding a section for a
past project as another way to make it look like a website for my brand name so it's linked to me youtube with
the same videos.
The links to the side are for different webs:
1. Link #1 is for my first website with all my work and documents.
2. Link #2 is the fake website for this project.
3. Link #3 is the youtube link to the actual product of my animation.
for my
Jessie Bourke
Reviewing How I will review each pieces of work
Pre – proposal
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
Research 1
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
Research 2
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
Final product
1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes
2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion
3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions
4. Find a platform that can show my product and get people's opinions to see if they can see any improvement
Pre - Proposal
Review name: Jessie Bourke
Reviewing date / time: 12th march @ 10:45am
Strength Weakness Improve
For my Pre-Proposal, I have given detailed
answers to the given question. For
example, when I was asked "Describe
the tone/mood/style of your project
[which production
techniques/characteristics are you
employing?]" I gave a detailed
explaination stating about the tones,
mood and style of what I hope to make
my project like. I would say detailing my
work is a strength as I can referance it in
the future and know exactly word for word
what I need to be able to do for the
project and use it as a referance guide if I
ever need to explain to other people wha
tto show in their works
In the Pre-Proposal, I hadnt quite
understood some questions so what
I wrote was sometimes a guess of
what I thought it ment. For example,
when I was asked "What about
your project makes it important to
you?" I mentioned skills, university
and portfolios and nothing much
about the actual project as well as
not putting in more detail about what
is important about the project.
If I was to improve this, I would say that I should
write what about the part of the project is
specifically important to me instead of what is
important to others. Such as I would say:
"The part of the project that will be most
important to me would be the animation as I
can further my skills from my factual work
of stick men and use characters and better
movement work than the factual product.
This is important as it shows how well I can
develop me skills with practice and planning
ahead unlike before in the factual where I
didn’t plan further before I had started
producing my product if I had focused more
on movement in a larger body frame of all
characters being simmilar and not thin
sticks. This project will be more focused on
the animation to ensure tge best end result
then my last project."
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills
questions Mr. Dave Sills comments
Tell me in no more than
20 words, what is your
FMP idea?
 My idea for my FMP is to:
Wasted 7 word here.
“To create an animated series…” Go straight into it, you have more words for description then.
 “Confusing yet understanding storyline” doesn’t make sense. It’s one or the other. Can be a simple, understandable
storyline with some complex elements?
Why have you decided
to make it?
 Overall needs to be broken down into at least 2 sentences. 1 about the storyline, and 2 why you chosen animation.
 Adventure Time and Gravity Falls needs capital letters as they are names.
 “does but doesn’t make sense”, again this is not a correct sentence. It’s either one or the other. See above note, simple
storyline with confusing elements/sub-stories?
 Too much repetition of animation.
 Need more reason why you have chosen animation. “I prefer animation”, “it’s my preferred style”. “One of my primary
influences is Aardman animations. Their style and substance inspire me to create something similar.”
What about your project
makes it important to
 Great reasons, just need more information.
 “Whilst applying to universities, I am required to show my portfolio which needs to demonstrate what I can create on
different formats. To do this, I need more animation to go alongside what is already there, and I want to ensure as my
final presentation, this animation matches the calibre of my existing work.”
 “I am confident in what I am creating, so much so that I have high hopes to turn my animation into a popular series like
so many before it.”
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills
questions Mr. Dave Sills comments
Outline some of the
initial influences on your
idea/work and
some potential research
targets (remember,
research isn’t just paper
based activity).
Either FMP year 1, or year 1 FMP ideas. Needs to be consistent.
I’d remove at least 1 from this, 4 or more is a lot, and not a focused list.
All titles need capital letters.
My main influence comes from my FMP year 1 idea, of characters having special abilities or appearances. (Maybe even
go into detail about why this is inspiring to you?)
“Elaborating on this idea, my influences come from existing shows where only one or a small group of characters have
what it takes to overcome a problem early in story. They are the only ones who can do this by using the aforementioned
special abilities.”
This is explaining to them your influences and why.
What effect do you want
to have on your
audience when they use
your project?
 “I want my audience to be confused but intrigued, enough so that they carry on watching. I want them to want to know
how the character/s are going to solve the problem facing them.
I also want them to think they have solved it, but then I’ll introduce a twist in the story can prove them wrong. I’m hoping the
conspiracy keeps them guessing and engaged enough to see it though.”
Describe the
tone/mood/style of your
project (which
characteristics are you
“to get the attention of the viewer and try have the viewer understand the nonsense within the project when there is no full
evidence of the real meaning or guesses.” This sentence is fantastic – well done J
Needs to be “Too dark and disturbing”, not to “dark and disturbing”.
The descriptions of the tone is a bit confusing.
•I understand what you are saying, but you seem to have too many words for the idea. Maybe something like “My plan is to
use contrasting colours dependent on character location and feeling. i.e. if character one is going for a nice walk in the
woods, I’d us darker colours. If the next character was feeling frustrated or upset, I’d use lighter colours. This builds in the
more confusing elements of the story and character development.”
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills
questions Mr. Dave Sills comments
Why have you decided
to make your project in
this style?
Maybe start with “I’m strongly drawn to wards this style…”
You’ve said it’s fun, but haven’t said why. “I think it’s fun to explore this because…”.
The animation keep the viewer visually engaged, but the narrative and script running through gives more detail.
I want to explore the back and forth of the emotions the characters are going though using different colour palettes to
contrast what is going on in the story.
You can’t just say the style is good, you’ve got to give a reason for it. “This style allows me to….”
I like that you are talking about how you have identified gaps about what is already out there, but I want more detail about
how your work fills those gaps.
From this feedback I can see that I have some
areas that I do need to work on and that if I
focused and re read what I have put I will
be able to have a better understanding inwhat I
can do and work on in the future if I use that
Review name: Jessie Bourke
Reviewing date / time: 12th March 2021 @ 11:29am
Strength Weakness Improve
In the Proposal I would say my
strength is how I explained in detail
about my plans and the target
audience that I want to get looking at
this animation that I am creating, I
feel like this is my strength as I know
exactly what im working towards and
I am aware what process I need to
go through and what extent of work I
am needing to put through to be able
to get to the final product as well as
to show what skills I have gained
over this course.
For the Proposal, I think is the
schedule at the bottom as I hadn't
fully explained what I am wanting to
achieve for my project. I had only put
down a few point for 4 weeks
however in my planning I would go
through all the weeks I have left of
this project to show what exactly id
be doing. I think this is my weakness
as I don’t plan fully ahead, I only plan
basic points which should be a full
I could have been developed the
schedule section to give a better
draft overview of what I should do
before I wrote it in my planning
document. This would have been
more benificial as I could of write
more about what I was doing in my
planning from more bullet points in
the proposal.
Review name: Jessie Bourke
Reviewing date / time: 23rd March 2021 @ 9am
Strength Weakness Improve
I think that for my problem
solving, my strengths are
that im able to identify most
of the problems that I could
encounter within the
timeframe of this FMP.
For my weakness I would
say that I didn’t go more in
depth with more problems
like small problems that are
still valid information. If I
was to list every possiblity
of what can happen
If I was to devlope this
powerpoint I would still
keep the major points and
add in more of the minor
points of the problems and
possibly explain a few of
the points more in depth.
Review name: tegan arthur
Ive had a look through, and I think it looks fine however you have done
some words in bold and others not, in my opinion I would have kept a
consistant so keep the titles bold while paragraphs should not. Also,
there are certain paragraphs that are a little too long so I would say
that you break them up more if you were to edit them.
But over all your look into problem solving is good so if you were to
edit it those pointers would be a good starting point.
Research 1
Review name: Jessie Bourke
Reviewing date / time: 28th of March 2021
Strength Weakness Improve
For my first set of research, I did
well it gave me a basic idea of
what I'm working towards. I think
the strength was my ability in
identifying what part of the
product which is similar to part of
my own project and identifying
different parts of that product that
I can analyse and most likely use
in my own project.
My weakness I would say is that I
didn’t focus on further research in
that document as I did minal
research at first so only 8 slides
have actual information which I
could have changed and
developed more to show what im
hoping to create.
If I had focused and looked more
into similar products to what I
wanted to work towards to
improve this I should have added
more to the product that are
Research 2
Review name: Jessie Bourke
Reviewing date / time: March 2021
Strength Weakness Improve
In this research I am more
informative on my work that is
similar to my project idea. In this
document I would say my
strength is in the analysing
similarities that I would use in
my project as well as comparing
two similar shows that have used
similar methods of being
My weakness again is not
by looking further into
colours and aspect of the
videos that I can use or
further ideas such as
character styles as this only
basic and I could
have come up with a better
colour palette.
If I was to improve this, I
would add a section to
where I analysed section of
what clours are similar to
my already chosen
palettem but I could add
what I could change to suit
more for the entire
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – this is for both research powerpoints
General notes
Check spelling and grammar. If needs be get content and copy it into Microsoft Word, run spell check then export back out. No
excuse for not having correct spelling in final major projects. Something they can and will mark you down for so best be safe than
Name your products – Adventure Time, Sing – the song by Ed Sheeran etc…
You need an introduction – This is my research section showing all the information and sources I have used to improve my own
personal project.
Be careful of sentence structure and try not to repeat words. Sentences can be u to 20/25 words. Basically people should be able
to read each of them out loud without having to take a breath. Each paragraph should be 100 – 150 word. So approx. 6
sentences. If you have a new idea, or talking about a new subject, this needs to be in new paragraph.
You’ve mentioned easiest way to do things a few times. I’m sure none of this has been easy for you, so don’t give that
impression. You’ve worked bloody hard on this project, and you need the person marking this to know that! Choose something
else. The best way, the most interesting way,
Who are your intended audience? Get that in here too. My audience are blah blah blah, they like blah blah blah, and I am using
this to improve the quality of my piece. Get more involved with the audience. Appeal to their nature. Interact with the psyche.
I just need more detail in general I think. For every source you have used – tell me what you have learned, and how you are going
to use that in your own work. Just make sure you look at recommendations to improve.
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 1
Slide 3
Adventure Time is my influence in relation to… characterisation.
I chose this because….
Be specific as to what you are taking from each. They are good at saving the world. Their accents and tone of
voice are funny relating to the target audience. They ae able to get the audience onside so they are rooting for the
main characters to win (as they do in every episode.
I can use this to….
Last 2 paragraphs – great explanation. Keep this level of details throughout.
Slide 4
Ed Sheeran – names always have capital letters.
Not sure ‘Controversy’ is the right word here. Should be Contradicting/conflicting ideas – not so much controversy.
You need to give more details that the video for the song is an animation. Relate it back to your subject.
I used this as a reference to realism of my characters. Facial feature recognition and showing emotions to enable
the audience to connect with the characters. Making them more lifelike.
The lyrical content or video content. Be specific which you are referring to.
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 1
Slide 6
Name the products. Based on different aspect including portals. Aspects of what? Need to be more descriptive.
Cannot be unique or similar. It’s one or the other. Unique characters – but they use similar colours. They use
portals or some sort of door – that great. Why are you using it?
I chose this because… If I am able to exend my series, I can add onto the original idea like this show/cartoon etc
has done.
‘This will affect my ideas’… No, this has already done that. This has affected my ideas, my choice of colour/portals
Slide 7
Realer looks – not a thing. More realistic/provides more realism.
I chose this because….
This provide another type of animation, another perspective for my work. It has inspired me to do this…
The benefits you’ve mentioned here match ones you have said before. Don’t repeat ideas. It can ‘build on
previous findings’. i.e. after looking at the Ed Sheeran video, I wanted to gather more information on how to look at
facial features…
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 1
Slide 8
Wallace and Gromit – I know this one!
Opposite but similar mind-sets – can’t be both. They have similar something, but are connected by their
mutual something else.
I used this for inspiration as it’s shown me… different materials. Aardman like to use clay – or ‘claymation’
characters. Maybe draw something from this?
Mentioned facial features again. I appreciate you’ve done a lot of research, but you can’t find the same things from
different sources. Something additional to what you’ve already mentioned.
Research summary
You’ve done a fab job here.
‘By using the various aspects from all my sources I am able to build on my work by….’
Colour it to make it colourful – need something else here. The colours make it more engaging, more interesting,
more likely to keep the attention of the audience.
Time maybe a limitation – but not an admission of guilt. I am not expecting it to be perfect. Turn into a positive. If I
had more time, I would be able to further improve the quality of the work I have created.
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 2
My research on my product
How is this different to the work you have done beforehand?
 Only having looked through this section can I tell what it now is. Maybe a different title?
Slide 17
Mentioned Rotoscoping. You need to mention that first. ‘My main method of production for this project is
Rotoscoping. Explain what it is. Taking this into account, I have researched into this technique and have found the
following… ‘Black Cauldron’, ‘Mickey mouse’. These are good, but more specific to my own work will be Popeye
and Koko.
I love the fact you have given the history on the next few slides. This is very interesting so great to keep in
there. Is this a dorect quote – if so, is it referenced properly? Don’t get done for plagiarism.
The theming of this is great also. Talking about black and white cartoon, and keeping the colours of that on these
pages the same are fab!
The fact you’ve given a biography as well is great. I had no idea bout Koko the clown, and Betty Boop
together. So information is good.
Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 2
Slide 23
that is A LOT of information. If it wasn’t my job to read it and help, I wouldn’t. I’d try skim through it. Make sure all
this information is relevant, and remove what isn’t. Again make sure you reference properly if required.
I like the comparison and how you’ve shown development of Popeye’s’ character of the years. Including the
addition of colour. The movement onto the other characters in that cartoon is impressive. You’ve followed the
same format with this as you have with you review of Koko which improves the flow of the whole thing.
Audience research
Does what it says on the tin – great!
I like the fact you’ve shown the questionnaire you put together. You’ve given a brief explanations as to why you’ve done this, but I
want more detail.
I used different age groups because…
I used people who haven’t watched a lot of animation to gain an outside perspective. This all adds to the strength of my
I used a mixture of closed and open ended questions because… I wanted to gain specific information (closed), and more
subjective, opinion based answers (open ended).
I understand you have put your results in, and the graphs. But haven’t explained them in details. Question 5 for example – ‘the
information here shows the majority have answered possibly, a large number said yes whereas only a few said no. This makes
me think this is a fantastic idea to be incorporated into my project.
Review name: Jessie Bourke
Reviewing date / time:
Strength Weakness Improve
In my planning I believe my
strength is that ive focused
further into my plan so that I can
adapt around certain points
without affecting other points
which is helpful, so I don’t need
to change much on a daily. My
strength in analysing and
discussing every aspect that I
included is quite strong in
this powerpoint.
My weakness is that I took too
much time in completing this
document that I have less
time on working on my
production and evaluation time,
so I'd have to mix the left weeks
If I was to improve, I would
have started this document at the
same time of my research
document swapping between the
two this may have taken less
time but better effort for the
production in future products I
I think ive evaluated my work well and detailed and with an opened mind to that I have made mistakes
during my production. Overall, I think that my work as stepped overa simple boundary as I spent most of
my production time working on the tracing of my animation and making sure it worked in the movements
area and it didn’t look awful. In my opinion it looks good and is quite entertaining to watch even without
colour and a narrative voice over. I do also think that I have put my best efforts in time management as
well as my project is done to the best of my ablity and im proud of it.
I think getting my friends and family to critically judge my product has helped as im aware of what I can
do I the future while im at university and how I can increase the detailing for more products. Their critical
judgement ha sshown that even in a short time frame I still need to check my work as there could be
plenty of mistake that will need sorting. My best idea was getting my uncle dave to review my work as he
has gone through the process of university and knew what they would look for so hes critized it so that I
know where I have to improve or should improve in my projects.
I think my weakness were more in the proximity of me focusing too much on making the animation rather than the
detailing of how I was going to do It and why I chose this way to do it. I also believe that I hadnt properly thought
through my work as I am aware there are mistakes that ive made and that these could be fixed if I had noticed them
earlier in my processing the animation and documents. Im also aware that if I ha dof spell checked as well as made
sure that my work is understandable then I wouldn’t have much weakness to write down.
My animation is an overall success however if I had found a better option to creat this animation to get it to work a
lot better and for it to be in colour rather than in black and white for the most part I would take it as there is a lot that
my animation could be improved on such as the way it's set out colour wise as well as character view. My main
weakness is that for two weeks I had spent redrawing a scene I could have had two extra weeks on fixing problems
within the actual finished video so I hadnt managed my time or resources well as I was rushing to begin with.
What could I have done differently?
If I was going to do this differently I would have chosen to do it as a gacha life mini-series and have thecharacters
have the aesthetic of these characters which would probably have made it a lot easier as well as colouring wouldn’t
be a problem as it will already be coloured with backgrounds but it would be a lot more work as I would have to
move each scene one by one and it would be a lot more editing but there wouldn’t be much creating as this one as I
wold just design the characters and find the background that are fitting to the scene. As well I could have made this
into an audio video with occasional images or an actual fanzine style book, this project could have been done in
dfferent ways and would improve imencly because I would have a lot more time editting than creating which is what I
really needed.
Overall feedback that I have gotten is to check through work and make sure I have chosen the right wording
structure for each sentence or pragraph that I've written, so to improve this next time I make a project I will focus on
knowing what I did and to help me remember I will screen record what I do so that I can referance it and write diaries
or evaluation based of what I improve my time I would make sure I have a section in the time frame Im
given to hvea trial week where I try as many softwares as possible to see which one has the best result for the
product im wanting to create.

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  • 2. Well to present my product ive made a "website" to show what I came up with as well as adding a section for a past project as another way to make it look like a website for my brand name so it's linked to me youtube with the same videos. The links to the side are for different webs: 1. Link #1 is for my first website with all my work and documents. 2. Link #2 is the fake website for this project. 3. Link #3 is the youtube link to the actual product of my animation.
  • 4. Reviewing How I will review each pieces of work Pre – proposal 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions Proposal 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions Research 1 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions Research 2 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions Planning 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions Production 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions Final product 1. I will first review it and see if I should have made any changes 2. I will then get friends and family to review my work and get their opinion 3. I will write a conclusion using both opinions 4. Find a platform that can show my product and get people's opinions to see if they can see any improvement needed
  • 6.
  • 7. Review name: Jessie Bourke Reviewing date / time: 12th march @ 10:45am Strength Weakness Improve For my Pre-Proposal, I have given detailed answers to the given question. For example, when I was asked "Describe the tone/mood/style of your project [which production techniques/characteristics are you employing?]" I gave a detailed explaination stating about the tones, mood and style of what I hope to make my project like. I would say detailing my work is a strength as I can referance it in the future and know exactly word for word what I need to be able to do for the project and use it as a referance guide if I ever need to explain to other people wha tto show in their works In the Pre-Proposal, I hadnt quite understood some questions so what I wrote was sometimes a guess of what I thought it ment. For example, when I was asked "What about your project makes it important to you?" I mentioned skills, university and portfolios and nothing much about the actual project as well as not putting in more detail about what is important about the project. If I was to improve this, I would say that I should write what about the part of the project is specifically important to me instead of what is important to others. Such as I would say: "The part of the project that will be most important to me would be the animation as I can further my skills from my factual work of stick men and use characters and better movement work than the factual product. This is important as it shows how well I can develop me skills with practice and planning ahead unlike before in the factual where I didn’t plan further before I had started producing my product if I had focused more on movement in a larger body frame of all characters being simmilar and not thin sticks. This project will be more focused on the animation to ensure tge best end result then my last project."
  • 8. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills questions Mr. Dave Sills comments Tell me in no more than 20 words, what is your FMP idea?  My idea for my FMP is to: Wasted 7 word here. “To create an animated series…” Go straight into it, you have more words for description then.  “Confusing yet understanding storyline” doesn’t make sense. It’s one or the other. Can be a simple, understandable storyline with some complex elements? Why have you decided to make it?  Overall needs to be broken down into at least 2 sentences. 1 about the storyline, and 2 why you chosen animation.  Adventure Time and Gravity Falls needs capital letters as they are names.  “does but doesn’t make sense”, again this is not a correct sentence. It’s either one or the other. See above note, simple storyline with confusing elements/sub-stories?  Too much repetition of animation.  Need more reason why you have chosen animation. “I prefer animation”, “it’s my preferred style”. “One of my primary influences is Aardman animations. Their style and substance inspire me to create something similar.” What about your project makes it important to you?  Great reasons, just need more information.  “Whilst applying to universities, I am required to show my portfolio which needs to demonstrate what I can create on different formats. To do this, I need more animation to go alongside what is already there, and I want to ensure as my final presentation, this animation matches the calibre of my existing work.”  “I am confident in what I am creating, so much so that I have high hopes to turn my animation into a popular series like so many before it.”
  • 9. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills questions Mr. Dave Sills comments Outline some of the initial influences on your idea/work and some potential research targets (remember, research isn’t just paper based activity). Either FMP year 1, or year 1 FMP ideas. Needs to be consistent. I’d remove at least 1 from this, 4 or more is a lot, and not a focused list. All titles need capital letters. My main influence comes from my FMP year 1 idea, of characters having special abilities or appearances. (Maybe even go into detail about why this is inspiring to you?) “Elaborating on this idea, my influences come from existing shows where only one or a small group of characters have what it takes to overcome a problem early in story. They are the only ones who can do this by using the aforementioned special abilities.” This is explaining to them your influences and why. What effect do you want to have on your audience when they use your project?  “I want my audience to be confused but intrigued, enough so that they carry on watching. I want them to want to know how the character/s are going to solve the problem facing them. I also want them to think they have solved it, but then I’ll introduce a twist in the story can prove them wrong. I’m hoping the conspiracy keeps them guessing and engaged enough to see it though.” Describe the tone/mood/style of your project (which production characteristics are you employing? “to get the attention of the viewer and try have the viewer understand the nonsense within the project when there is no full evidence of the real meaning or guesses.” This sentence is fantastic – well done J Needs to be “Too dark and disturbing”, not to “dark and disturbing”. The descriptions of the tone is a bit confusing. •I understand what you are saying, but you seem to have too many words for the idea. Maybe something like “My plan is to use contrasting colours dependent on character location and feeling. i.e. if character one is going for a nice walk in the woods, I’d us darker colours. If the next character was feeling frustrated or upset, I’d use lighter colours. This builds in the more confusing elements of the story and character development.”
  • 10. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills questions Mr. Dave Sills comments Why have you decided to make your project in this style? Maybe start with “I’m strongly drawn to wards this style…” You’ve said it’s fun, but haven’t said why. “I think it’s fun to explore this because…”. The animation keep the viewer visually engaged, but the narrative and script running through gives more detail. I want to explore the back and forth of the emotions the characters are going though using different colour palettes to contrast what is going on in the story. You can’t just say the style is good, you’ve got to give a reason for it. “This style allows me to….” I like that you are talking about how you have identified gaps about what is already out there, but I want more detail about how your work fills those gaps. From this feedback I can see that I have some areas that I do need to work on and that if I focused and re read what I have put I will be able to have a better understanding inwhat I can do and work on in the future if I use that system.
  • 12.
  • 13. Review name: Jessie Bourke Reviewing date / time: 12th March 2021 @ 11:29am Strength Weakness Improve In the Proposal I would say my strength is how I explained in detail about my plans and the target audience that I want to get looking at this animation that I am creating, I feel like this is my strength as I know exactly what im working towards and I am aware what process I need to go through and what extent of work I am needing to put through to be able to get to the final product as well as to show what skills I have gained over this course. For the Proposal, I think is the schedule at the bottom as I hadn't fully explained what I am wanting to achieve for my project. I had only put down a few point for 4 weeks however in my planning I would go through all the weeks I have left of this project to show what exactly id be doing. I think this is my weakness as I don’t plan fully ahead, I only plan basic points which should be a full plan. I could have been developed the schedule section to give a better draft overview of what I should do before I wrote it in my planning document. This would have been more benificial as I could of write more about what I was doing in my planning from more bullet points in the proposal.
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  • 16. Review name: Jessie Bourke Reviewing date / time: 23rd March 2021 @ 9am Strength Weakness Improve I think that for my problem solving, my strengths are that im able to identify most of the problems that I could encounter within the timeframe of this FMP. For my weakness I would say that I didn’t go more in depth with more problems like small problems that are still valid information. If I was to list every possiblity of what can happen If I was to devlope this powerpoint I would still keep the major points and add in more of the minor points of the problems and possibly explain a few of the points more in depth.
  • 17. Review name: tegan arthur Ive had a look through, and I think it looks fine however you have done some words in bold and others not, in my opinion I would have kept a consistant so keep the titles bold while paragraphs should not. Also, there are certain paragraphs that are a little too long so I would say that you break them up more if you were to edit them. But over all your look into problem solving is good so if you were to edit it those pointers would be a good starting point.
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  • 20. Review name: Jessie Bourke Reviewing date / time: 28th of March 2021 Strength Weakness Improve For my first set of research, I did well it gave me a basic idea of what I'm working towards. I think the strength was my ability in identifying what part of the product which is similar to part of my own project and identifying different parts of that product that I can analyse and most likely use in my own project. My weakness I would say is that I didn’t focus on further research in that document as I did minal research at first so only 8 slides have actual information which I could have changed and developed more to show what im hoping to create. If I had focused and looked more into similar products to what I wanted to work towards to improve this I should have added more to the product that are similar
  • 22.
  • 23. Review name: Jessie Bourke Reviewing date / time: March 2021 Strength Weakness Improve In this research I am more informative on my work that is similar to my project idea. In this document I would say my strength is in the analysing similarities that I would use in my project as well as comparing two similar shows that have used similar methods of being produced. My weakness again is not by looking further into colours and aspect of the videos that I can use or further ideas such as character styles as this only basic and I could have come up with a better colour palette. If I was to improve this, I would add a section to where I analysed section of what clours are similar to my already chosen palettem but I could add what I could change to suit more for the entire animation.
  • 24. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – this is for both research powerpoints General notes Check spelling and grammar. If needs be get content and copy it into Microsoft Word, run spell check then export back out. No excuse for not having correct spelling in final major projects. Something they can and will mark you down for so best be safe than sorry. Name your products – Adventure Time, Sing – the song by Ed Sheeran etc… You need an introduction – This is my research section showing all the information and sources I have used to improve my own personal project. Be careful of sentence structure and try not to repeat words. Sentences can be u to 20/25 words. Basically people should be able to read each of them out loud without having to take a breath. Each paragraph should be 100 – 150 word. So approx. 6 sentences. If you have a new idea, or talking about a new subject, this needs to be in new paragraph. You’ve mentioned easiest way to do things a few times. I’m sure none of this has been easy for you, so don’t give that impression. You’ve worked bloody hard on this project, and you need the person marking this to know that! Choose something else. The best way, the most interesting way, Who are your intended audience? Get that in here too. My audience are blah blah blah, they like blah blah blah, and I am using this to improve the quality of my piece. Get more involved with the audience. Appeal to their nature. Interact with the psyche. I just need more detail in general I think. For every source you have used – tell me what you have learned, and how you are going to use that in your own work. Just make sure you look at recommendations to improve.
  • 25. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 1 Slide 3 Adventure Time is my influence in relation to… characterisation. I chose this because…. Be specific as to what you are taking from each. They are good at saving the world. Their accents and tone of voice are funny relating to the target audience. They ae able to get the audience onside so they are rooting for the main characters to win (as they do in every episode. I can use this to…. Last 2 paragraphs – great explanation. Keep this level of details throughout. Slide 4 Ed Sheeran – names always have capital letters. Not sure ‘Controversy’ is the right word here. Should be Contradicting/conflicting ideas – not so much controversy. You need to give more details that the video for the song is an animation. Relate it back to your subject. I used this as a reference to realism of my characters. Facial feature recognition and showing emotions to enable the audience to connect with the characters. Making them more lifelike. The lyrical content or video content. Be specific which you are referring to.
  • 26. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 1 Slide 6 Name the products. Based on different aspect including portals. Aspects of what? Need to be more descriptive. Cannot be unique or similar. It’s one or the other. Unique characters – but they use similar colours. They use portals or some sort of door – that great. Why are you using it? I chose this because… If I am able to exend my series, I can add onto the original idea like this show/cartoon etc has done. ‘This will affect my ideas’… No, this has already done that. This has affected my ideas, my choice of colour/portals etc. Slide 7 Realer looks – not a thing. More realistic/provides more realism. I chose this because…. This provide another type of animation, another perspective for my work. It has inspired me to do this… The benefits you’ve mentioned here match ones you have said before. Don’t repeat ideas. It can ‘build on previous findings’. i.e. after looking at the Ed Sheeran video, I wanted to gather more information on how to look at facial features…
  • 27. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 1 Slide 8 Wallace and Gromit – I know this one! Opposite but similar mind-sets – can’t be both. They have similar something, but are connected by their mutual something else. I used this for inspiration as it’s shown me… different materials. Aardman like to use clay – or ‘claymation’ characters. Maybe draw something from this? Mentioned facial features again. I appreciate you’ve done a lot of research, but you can’t find the same things from different sources. Something additional to what you’ve already mentioned. Research summary You’ve done a fab job here. ‘By using the various aspects from all my sources I am able to build on my work by….’ Colour it to make it colourful – need something else here. The colours make it more engaging, more interesting, more likely to keep the attention of the audience. Time maybe a limitation – but not an admission of guilt. I am not expecting it to be perfect. Turn into a positive. If I had more time, I would be able to further improve the quality of the work I have created.
  • 28. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 2 My research on my product How is this different to the work you have done beforehand?  Only having looked through this section can I tell what it now is. Maybe a different title? Slide 17 Mentioned Rotoscoping. You need to mention that first. ‘My main method of production for this project is Rotoscoping. Explain what it is. Taking this into account, I have researched into this technique and have found the following… ‘Black Cauldron’, ‘Mickey mouse’. These are good, but more specific to my own work will be Popeye and Koko. I love the fact you have given the history on the next few slides. This is very interesting so great to keep in there. Is this a dorect quote – if so, is it referenced properly? Don’t get done for plagiarism. The theming of this is great also. Talking about black and white cartoon, and keeping the colours of that on these pages the same are fab! The fact you’ve given a biography as well is great. I had no idea bout Koko the clown, and Betty Boop together. So information is good.
  • 29. Review name: Mr. Dave Sills – research powerpoint 2 Slide 23 that is A LOT of information. If it wasn’t my job to read it and help, I wouldn’t. I’d try skim through it. Make sure all this information is relevant, and remove what isn’t. Again make sure you reference properly if required. I like the comparison and how you’ve shown development of Popeye’s’ character of the years. Including the addition of colour. The movement onto the other characters in that cartoon is impressive. You’ve followed the same format with this as you have with you review of Koko which improves the flow of the whole thing. Audience research Does what it says on the tin – great! I like the fact you’ve shown the questionnaire you put together. You’ve given a brief explanations as to why you’ve done this, but I want more detail. I used different age groups because… I used people who haven’t watched a lot of animation to gain an outside perspective. This all adds to the strength of my research. I used a mixture of closed and open ended questions because… I wanted to gain specific information (closed), and more subjective, opinion based answers (open ended). I understand you have put your results in, and the graphs. But haven’t explained them in details. Question 5 for example – ‘the information here shows the majority have answered possibly, a large number said yes whereas only a few said no. This makes me think this is a fantastic idea to be incorporated into my project.
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  • 34. Review name: Jessie Bourke Reviewing date / time: Strength Weakness Improve In my planning I believe my strength is that ive focused further into my plan so that I can adapt around certain points without affecting other points which is helpful, so I don’t need to change much on a daily. My strength in analysing and discussing every aspect that I included is quite strong in this powerpoint. My weakness is that I took too much time in completing this document that I have less time on working on my production and evaluation time, so I'd have to mix the left weeks together. If I was to improve, I would have started this document at the same time of my research document swapping between the two this may have taken less time but better effort for the production in future products I create.
  • 36. Strengths I think ive evaluated my work well and detailed and with an opened mind to that I have made mistakes during my production. Overall, I think that my work as stepped overa simple boundary as I spent most of my production time working on the tracing of my animation and making sure it worked in the movements area and it didn’t look awful. In my opinion it looks good and is quite entertaining to watch even without colour and a narrative voice over. I do also think that I have put my best efforts in time management as well as my project is done to the best of my ablity and im proud of it. I think getting my friends and family to critically judge my product has helped as im aware of what I can do I the future while im at university and how I can increase the detailing for more products. Their critical judgement ha sshown that even in a short time frame I still need to check my work as there could be plenty of mistake that will need sorting. My best idea was getting my uncle dave to review my work as he has gone through the process of university and knew what they would look for so hes critized it so that I know where I have to improve or should improve in my projects.
  • 37. Weakness I think my weakness were more in the proximity of me focusing too much on making the animation rather than the detailing of how I was going to do It and why I chose this way to do it. I also believe that I hadnt properly thought through my work as I am aware there are mistakes that ive made and that these could be fixed if I had noticed them earlier in my processing the animation and documents. Im also aware that if I ha dof spell checked as well as made sure that my work is understandable then I wouldn’t have much weakness to write down. My animation is an overall success however if I had found a better option to creat this animation to get it to work a lot better and for it to be in colour rather than in black and white for the most part I would take it as there is a lot that my animation could be improved on such as the way it's set out colour wise as well as character view. My main weakness is that for two weeks I had spent redrawing a scene I could have had two extra weeks on fixing problems within the actual finished video so I hadnt managed my time or resources well as I was rushing to begin with.
  • 38. What could I have done differently? If I was going to do this differently I would have chosen to do it as a gacha life mini-series and have thecharacters have the aesthetic of these characters which would probably have made it a lot easier as well as colouring wouldn’t be a problem as it will already be coloured with backgrounds but it would be a lot more work as I would have to move each scene one by one and it would be a lot more editing but there wouldn’t be much creating as this one as I wold just design the characters and find the background that are fitting to the scene. As well I could have made this into an audio video with occasional images or an actual fanzine style book, this project could have been done in dfferent ways and would improve imencly because I would have a lot more time editting than creating which is what I really needed. Overall feedback that I have gotten is to check through work and make sure I have chosen the right wording structure for each sentence or pragraph that I've written, so to improve this next time I make a project I will focus on knowing what I did and to help me remember I will screen record what I do so that I can referance it and write diaries or evaluation based of what I improve my time I would make sure I have a section in the time frame Im given to hvea trial week where I try as many softwares as possible to see which one has the best result for the product im wanting to create.