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Jessie bourke
My influences
What am I creating?
Why am I creating it?
Script and image flatplans
Colour schemes
Charcater and designs
2+ similar examples
Contingency plan
Health & safety
Production scedule
Avoidable mistakes
Blurb of story
Four friends were playing out when two
got sucked up into a portal after an
incident and the other two friends call
for back up. When all the backup
friends came, 4 volunteered to go and
save them from wherever they have
landed. Do they succeed or is it a
I am trying to aim for a 5-minute video
using a rotoscopy method and to does
this I woul be using 10 to 14 different
scenes as well as an intro and outro to
the video.
Ice- cream
Berry butterfly
Mystery portal man
Mr & mrs reil (shoki parents)
Queen of 2D
Bacground characters
and actions
for each
colour Specific
s fits
colours Secondarie
y plans
What I
Solutions Prevention
I am creating an animation to entertain
a large audience in which would appear
on telivision as a cartoon series or
youtube as a serieslike gacha logic.
Why am I creating an animation I am creating
this because I want to make people laugh
and to show my skills, it’s an opportunity to
take to maybe help in the future.
my influences for my project are some of the similar pictures tou can see such as
Popeye, Adventure time and a few other. The reason they inspired me is because
the movement, colour and style and lots of aspects are so well done it draws in
audience to watch it making it become popular.
While researching about popeye I found out that koko
the clown and popeye have something in similar and
that is that they both worked with betty boop. As well
as that, both examples are similar and different at
same time such as having a bad guy good guy and a
story line of damsel in distress or a problem that’s
solved by the main character the difference is the
styles and the characters as well and the main idea of
the truth.
They both use the method of rotoscopy which
has created by Max Fleischer and so was these
stories. Both these stories were adapted into series
from paramount pictures and got more popularity as
the years grew until their last episode lie koko the
clown his last show was in betty boop cartoon of " 'ha!'
'Ha!' 'ha!'" in 1934. And popeyes last performance was
in august 1957.
Script & Image
As soon as this happened ladybug called the
rest of their friends to come help and the where
all on their way.
The characters on the way to help are Snake,
Coke, Shoki, Berry, Ice-crem and gumdrop
where all their way
A sunny day and four friends were playing
outside. They were playing a portal appeared
but they hadnt noticed until eyeball and
starcone fell over and lollipop trips over
starcone flying into the portal and eyeball
rolling in as well.
As well as eyeball waking up, after losing
concoiusness from being dizzy, he finds himself
strapped down to a table infront of two people
who look like shoki, he notices the disecting
equipment and hopes his friends find him soon.
Meanwhile lollipop ends up flying through to
the 2D world and ends up bumbing into Star
but the Queen ends up finding outand has
them both put in jail to be executed
As they enter the portal, they see a
mountain with some glowing circle lie shapes.
Shoki suggests they head that way and so they
begin to walk that way singing a few tunes and
discussing how they will go about this if it is
multiple portals.
With ladybud and the group they decide who
goes in the portal to help. They decided on
shokie leading and ice cream in the back
while gumdrop and starcone walk in the
middle while the rest of them stay out the
portal and help make sure everyone else is
The four adventuring friends up the mountain
after hours of non-stop walking. Gumdrop and
starcone end up sitting down and ice-cream
begins to huff harder. Shoki being the only one
to be able to float turns around a creates a
flying carpet for each of them and continued up
the mountain.
Meanwhile at home the four who were left
behind started to form a plan on how to
search around making sure no more portals
have appeared. They decided that berry
butterfly and ladybug should fly around
seeing if they can see anything while snake
and coke stayed behind making sure their
friends get back safely.
Eyeball had however being stalling his near demise as
long as possible with telling stories about living in the
lost reality and what its like having fun as well as
anything else that could stop him – one of shokis parents
thought to text shoki though as shoki normally likes to
see his parents kill there next subject but shoki bursts
through door shouting stop with gumdrop walking behind
After a couple more hours they had reached
the top and met a mysterious hooded person
infront of the what looks like the portal.
The person tells them he wondered when
help for the two victims were coming.nand
gave them a riddle to find them. The friends
pondered over what he ment for a bit til they
figured out the riddles and went to that portal
Both side of the rescue are running for their lives towards
the portal they entered. Seven friends ran fast as possible
to escape the two almost deaths of their friends.
Themade it through the portal and ran as fast as possible
while the mystery person closed the portals there but had
accidently let a few of the others out by accident – oop
will they make it back before the last portal closes
Ice-cream and starcone however was
searching for lollipop in the 2D kingdom,
they ran into a guard with a cage that so
happens to be transporting their friend and
an old friend star somewere but it didn’t look
good, so they decided to intercept and save
the pair
Scene Emotions Actions
• Happy
• competitiveness
• Concern
1. Starcone kicks the ball but falls over
2. Eyeball tries to kick but falls and rolls around starcone
3. Lollipop is running to help
4. Lollipop trips over starcone
5. Lollipop and eyeball find themselves falling or rolling into portal
6. Ladybug pulls out phone
• Concern
• Worry
• Anticipation
1. Opens phone and calls everyone on a group call
2. Explains what's happened
3. Ends call and puts phone away
4. Waits for the group to arrive
• Scared
• Shock
• worried
1. Lollipop is flying out the portal exit
2. Lollipop crashes into star
3. The queen comes along and screams "tresspassers"
4. Queen take them to a locked carriage
5. They wait to be rescued
Scene Emotions Actions
• Scared
• Worried
• Happy – shokis parents
1. Eyeball passes out in portal
2. Found by shoki's parents who put him on the examination table
3. Eyeball open eye and sees sharp objects
4. Eyeball starts talking asking question and stalling the unknown people
• Concern
• Determination
• worry
1. Everyone arrives to be told the plan
2. Ladybug tell the plan
3. Shoki/ gumdrop/ ice-cream and starcone volunteer to go save their
friends ]
4. The other four stay back and form a plan to check for further portals
5. The four walk through the portal and see the mountain with weird shape
circles hoovering above it
6. They start heading that way
• Determination
• Musical
• happy
1. They continue on the path towards the mountain
2. The start sing a song and play some games like Ispy to help them keep
entertained on their long journey
3. They go over a plan to save their friends if they have been separated
whenthey went through the portal
Scene Emotions Actions
• Determination
• Concentration
• Thinking
1. Butterfly pulls out the map he brought which ladybug had
requested before they arrived
2. They begin to discuss what is best to do
3. They come-up with a plan to search for more portals while the
two that can't fly stay and watch the portal
• Determination
• Anticipation
• Tiredness
• concern
1. Shoki is leading the group – floating not walking
2. Gumdrop and starcone become tired
3. Ice-cream ask shoki if he can do anything to help them
4. Shoki creates a flying carpet temparily to help their legs from
• Confusion
• Concentration
• Quizzical
1. They reach the top and shoki takes away the carpet
2. The mystery portal person says a riddle and gumdrop gets it
and gets an answer of where their friends are
3. Shoki and gumdrop goes to his parent's house
4. Ice-cream and starcone go to 2D world
Scene Emotions Actions
• Curious
• Talkative
• Scared
• Thankful
1. Eyeball is talking still to stall them more
2. The parents are quite curious of the stories
3. Shoki throws door open
4. Grabs eyeballs hand and says bye to his parents
5. They run for their live
6. The parents running after them
• Worry
• Concentration
• Non-emotional/emotionless
1. Lollipop and star are sat in a van worried what will happen
2. Ice-cream and Starcone find them and form a plan
3. Starcone climbs ontop of ice-cream and sees a latch on top
that is opened from the outside
4. Starcone gets ice-cream to launch himto the roof
5. The guard is in anumb state so can't detect whats happening
6. Star and lollipop climb through roof and jump
7. They all peg it to the portal.
• Scared
• Anger
• Confusion
• Stressed?
1. They are running for their lives through portal
2. They see the mountain slide from earlier and shoki makes a raft
with wheels they all jump on while shoki held on as they
zoomed down
3. Shokis parent coppies idea and helps the queen of 2D as they
gain distance to the runaways
My plan for this project is to create an animation using
the rotoscopy method of movement to mainly
experiment if working on the computer with animation
is better than using rotoscopy method beforehand is
better. My animation is basically about a group
of friends going to help two friend who got caught in
some trouble while they were hanging-out. for this to
work I need to draw out the movement and the scenery
a few times over this may take a bit of time so my focus
will be on that I may even just focus on each
characters moving patterns then shrink or zoom their
size on the scenery as well as if the scenery needs
changing or "moving" I should draw it at different
angles but use different objects or nature pieces to
make it seem more movement like.
In my research I have looked at two example of work that are similar to what I am working towards. I looked at
Popeye and Koko the clown as they use the rotoscopy method in which I am using to create my animation,
there are other animations using a similar techniques, but it's been more modernised using computers etc the
examples would be adventure time and gravity falls. I am using these animations as a referance to look at the
flow and movement at every interval and to see how they make the characters movemnt love more life-like.
I plan to use similar styles of colours in my work mainly because the work is well put together and you can't
miss a "seem" of where the background has been joined by another section its 99% flawless but not every
animation is perfect and there is normally a defect with can be solve isnt always due to already being air or if it's
too small for the audience to even notice.
I also plan to look further into the aspect of how they use certain pieces to show movement and continueation
through it. I am looking at this is because I want to make my animation less stiff like my factual work where the
animation itself is very jaggered and not very well flowed through especialy on the overuse of transition
teleportations which will not be used.
My work will be quite similar to Koko the clown animation as it will have music instead of narration but blank
pieces to tell the story and when the characters start to speak this may work in my favour as due to the
pandemic getting voice recording have proven difficult due to inability of recording in person without being in the
two-meter distants.
Colour scheme/
idea mind-map
The colours at either side
are shades of colour that
I'll be using in my
characters designs as well
as the landscapes.
and their
Ladybug Mystery portal person
• Mom of friendship group
• Eyewitness to incident
• Authorative to
figuring out solution
• Portal finder
• Red
• Black
• Silver
• White
Apearing scenes:
4 scenes
- scene 1
- scene 2
- scene 5
- scene 7
• Portal manager
• Deep purple shades
Apearing scenes:
• 2 scenes
- scene 9
- scene 12
Gumdrop Shnake
• Saver
• Friend of victim
• Baby of the group
• Blue shades
• Pink
Apearing scenes:
• 7 scenes
- scene2
- scene5
- scene6
- scene8
- scene9
- scene10
- scene12
• Friend of victim
• Watcher of portal
• Army greans for camo
Apearing scenes
• 3 scenes
- scene2
- scene5
- scene7
Coke Shoki
• Watching portal
• Friend of victims
• Looks like a coke
bottle without label
Apearing scenes
• 3 scenes
- scene2
- scene5
- scene7
• Rescuer
• Magical friend
• Friend of victims
• Black
• White
Apearing scenes
• 7 scenes
- scene2
- scene5
- scene6
- scene8
- scene9
- scene10
- scene12
Queen of 2D Berry butterfly
• Queen
• Red
• Black
• White
Apearing scenes
• 3 scenes
- scene3
- scene11
- scene12
• Scouter
• Friend
• Therapist
• Blue
• Orange
• green
Apearing scenes
• 3 scenes
- scene2
- scene5
- scene7
Lollipop Star
• Victim
• Light red
• Light yellow
• Black white
• Red
Apearing scenes:
• 4 scenes
- scene1
- scene3
- scene11
- scene12
• Friend of lollipop
• Yellow
• Orange
Apearing scenes
• 3 scenes
- scene3
- scene11
- scene12
Eyeball Ice-cream
• Victim
• Dark cream colour
• Blue
• Red
Apearing scenes
• 4 scenes
- scene1
- scene4
- scene10
- scene12
• Rescuer
• Friend
• Dad of group
• Red
• Pink
• Purple
• Cream/Light orange
• Blue
Apearing scenes
• 7 scenes
- scene2
- scene5
- scene6
- scene8
- scene9
- scene11
- scene12
Starcone Mr & Mrs Reil
• Rescuer
• Friend
• Yellow
• Coral blue
• Green
Apearing scenes:
• 8 scenes
- scene1
- scene2
- scene5
- scene6
- scene8
- scene9
- scene11
- scene12
• Parents of shoki
• Killers
• Black
• White
• Yellow tint
Apearing scenes:
• 3 scenes
- scene4
- scene10
- scene12
march/ april
9th / 11th /
12th In
- 1st session/free finsih of as much research as possible.
- second session finish as much planning as possible
- lunch and 3rd session/ free work on both research and planning
-4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet
15th – 19th out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads
23rd / 25th /
26th In
- 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together
-lunch/3r/free work on evaluation
-4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet
29th – 2nd Out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads
6th / 8th / 9th In
- 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together
-lunch/3r/free work on evaluation
-4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet
12th – 16th Out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads
20th / 22nd /
23rd In
- 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together
-lunch/3r/free work on evaluation
-4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet
26th – 3oth Out
- work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and
4th / 6th / 7th In
- 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together
-lunch/3r/free work on evaluation
-4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet
10th – 14th out
- work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and
18th / 20th / 21st Out Evaluation week
24th – 28th Out
- work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and
1st / 3rd / 4th out Evaluation / upload week
Health and safety
Due to the current situation of covid-19 the health and safety aspects have increased to
ensure mine and others safety I need to follow these simple rules:
1. Wash hand before and after handling obejcts or food.
2. Keep a two-meter distance between yourself and others.
3. Wear a mask all the times unless eating or drinking.
4. Keep my friend group small even with different friends.
5. isolate if have caught covid to prevent further spread.
6. Don’t share equipment unless sterilized between each use.
If any of these are not followed, then theres a chance of putting myself and others at risk so I
must ensure that I follow all rules at all times ensuring the safety of others.
the contingency plan is where I talk about where aspects can go wrong but can also have solutions and
Contingency plan
Problem Solution Prevention
1. Im mostly working with paper so if I
have a liquid near my work theres a
possibilty it may spill
If the water does fall on the paperwork most of
it should be typed up if any isnt write what I
don’t have on a dry piece and any drawings that
are damaged take a photo to use to redraw it
To make sure this doesn’t happen I need to
keep fluids away from the documents preferably
on a higher steady surface
2. Im mostly working with electronics
so the problem would be charging or
damages such as water falling on it or
it dropping by accident.
I fany of the problems would happen it’s a bad
sign as im borrowing college laptop so I would
have to fix it or pay the sum of the fixes to
college which is a lot.
To avoid the problems again keep any fluids
away from the laptop keep the laptop in the bag
when not in use and charge before I go to bed
to ensure that I have it to worrk on the next day
3. Loss of work can happen and has
already happened to me
If this did happen most of the work should be
noted down somewhere so I can referance that
to start again and save
To stop this from happening I should save as
much as possible and stop any siblings or
myself from accidently deleting it before its
about to save automatically
4. Failed or lost transfers of
documents. documents may be lost or
deleted on the way to the receiving
If this ever happens make sure there is saved
versions of this and send it one at a time
instead of all at once
Like the solution but ensure that each file is
saved with a copy and send it one at a time so
no pieces get lost
the contingency plan is where I talk about where aspects can go wrong but can also have solutions and
Contingency plan
Problem Solution Prevention
5. Drawing that may not line-up. As im
drawing my work out then scanning
there may be a piece of the work that
doesn’t scale up to the next it can
cause a mistake that can take a while
to fix.
If this happens, I need to find where it's gone
wrong and if in the images ive just moved them
to far I can just draw a section inbetween that
makes it more fluid but is it’s the actual drawing
itself then I need to redraw and make sure the
scenes before and after correspond to that one
To make sure this doesn’t happen I need to
check the work after every 4 pieces to make
sure it follows through and itll be easier to see if
there is a mistake between 4 piece then it is 20
plus pieces at once
6. Forgeting work that is needed that
Such as images tha need scanning or
notes that need typing up.
If this happens, I need to make sure I get on
with something else and type up notes when I
get home and bring in the images to scan the
next day.
Make sure bag is packed the night before
checking and ensuring I have all the correct
work needed and to ensure that liquids cant
come in contact with it during the night.
7. If sibling or parents throw away
needed pieces of paper without
checking if it belongs to someone (has
happened before)
Ask them if I can check before they throw it
If already thrown it then hopefully I can get it
back in one piece.
Write two copies to make sure especially if the
first one becomes damaged.
Put all documents or work pieces away in a
folder or a box that will keep it safe.
8. Time managing with production and
documents that need work done
Get most of the production done before I work
on any more documents
Spend 75% of my time working on the
production and the 25% on finishing documents
this is to ensure maximum effort and focus on
my work.
Audio uploads / Diary entries
diary entry 1
diary entry 2
diary entry 3
diary entry 4
diary entry 5
colour palette
popeye research
popeye characters research
koko the clown characters
koko the clown research
My drawings of the scene

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  • 2. plans My influences What am I creating? Why am I creating it? Script and image flatplans Colour schemes Charcater and designs Plan Moodboards 2+ similar examples mindmaps resources Contingency plan Health & safety Production scedule Avoidable mistakes Uploads Blurb of story Four friends were playing out when two got sucked up into a portal after an incident and the other two friends call for back up. When all the backup friends came, 4 volunteered to go and save them from wherever they have landed. Do they succeed or is it a mystery. About? I am trying to aim for a 5-minute video using a rotoscopy method and to does this I woul be using 10 to 14 different scenes as well as an intro and outro to the video. characters Lollipop Ladybug Starcone Eyeball Star Shoki Gumdrop Snake Coke Ice- cream Berry butterfly Mystery portal man Mr & mrs reil (shoki parents) Queen of 2D Bacground characters
  • 3. Mind- map Characters Design s Colours Details Storyline Flat plans Scene image s Final Script notes Emotions and actions plan Shades for each colour Specific character s fits Landsca pe colours Secondarie s Resources Schedules Contigenc y plans Audio upload s Names roles scenes Links My work in/out Week What I am doing Problems Solutions Prevention s Health and safety
  • 4. I am creating an animation to entertain a large audience in which would appear on telivision as a cartoon series or youtube as a serieslike gacha logic. Why am I creating an animation I am creating this because I want to make people laugh and to show my skills, it’s an opportunity to take to maybe help in the future. my influences for my project are some of the similar pictures tou can see such as Popeye, Adventure time and a few other. The reason they inspired me is because the movement, colour and style and lots of aspects are so well done it draws in audience to watch it making it become popular.
  • 5. While researching about popeye I found out that koko the clown and popeye have something in similar and that is that they both worked with betty boop. As well as that, both examples are similar and different at same time such as having a bad guy good guy and a story line of damsel in distress or a problem that’s solved by the main character the difference is the styles and the characters as well and the main idea of the truth. They both use the method of rotoscopy which has created by Max Fleischer and so was these stories. Both these stories were adapted into series from paramount pictures and got more popularity as the years grew until their last episode lie koko the clown his last show was in betty boop cartoon of " 'ha!' 'Ha!' 'ha!'" in 1934. And popeyes last performance was in august 1957.
  • 7. As soon as this happened ladybug called the rest of their friends to come help and the where all on their way. The characters on the way to help are Snake, Coke, Shoki, Berry, Ice-crem and gumdrop where all their way A sunny day and four friends were playing outside. They were playing a portal appeared but they hadnt noticed until eyeball and starcone fell over and lollipop trips over starcone flying into the portal and eyeball rolling in as well. #1 #2
  • 8. As well as eyeball waking up, after losing concoiusness from being dizzy, he finds himself strapped down to a table infront of two people who look like shoki, he notices the disecting equipment and hopes his friends find him soon. Meanwhile lollipop ends up flying through to the 2D world and ends up bumbing into Star but the Queen ends up finding outand has them both put in jail to be executed #3 #4
  • 9. As they enter the portal, they see a mountain with some glowing circle lie shapes. Shoki suggests they head that way and so they begin to walk that way singing a few tunes and discussing how they will go about this if it is multiple portals. With ladybud and the group they decide who goes in the portal to help. They decided on shokie leading and ice cream in the back while gumdrop and starcone walk in the middle while the rest of them stay out the portal and help make sure everyone else is safe. #5 #6
  • 10. The four adventuring friends up the mountain after hours of non-stop walking. Gumdrop and starcone end up sitting down and ice-cream begins to huff harder. Shoki being the only one to be able to float turns around a creates a flying carpet for each of them and continued up the mountain. Meanwhile at home the four who were left behind started to form a plan on how to search around making sure no more portals have appeared. They decided that berry butterfly and ladybug should fly around seeing if they can see anything while snake and coke stayed behind making sure their friends get back safely. #7 #8
  • 11. Eyeball had however being stalling his near demise as long as possible with telling stories about living in the lost reality and what its like having fun as well as anything else that could stop him – one of shokis parents thought to text shoki though as shoki normally likes to see his parents kill there next subject but shoki bursts through door shouting stop with gumdrop walking behind him After a couple more hours they had reached the top and met a mysterious hooded person infront of the what looks like the portal. The person tells them he wondered when help for the two victims were coming.nand gave them a riddle to find them. The friends pondered over what he ment for a bit til they figured out the riddles and went to that portal #1 0 #9
  • 12. Both side of the rescue are running for their lives towards the portal they entered. Seven friends ran fast as possible to escape the two almost deaths of their friends. Themade it through the portal and ran as fast as possible while the mystery person closed the portals there but had accidently let a few of the others out by accident – oop will they make it back before the last portal closes Ice-cream and starcone however was searching for lollipop in the 2D kingdom, they ran into a guard with a cage that so happens to be transporting their friend and an old friend star somewere but it didn’t look good, so they decided to intercept and save the pair #11 #1 2
  • 13. Scene Emotions Actions 1 • Happy • competitiveness • Concern 1. Starcone kicks the ball but falls over 2. Eyeball tries to kick but falls and rolls around starcone 3. Lollipop is running to help 4. Lollipop trips over starcone 5. Lollipop and eyeball find themselves falling or rolling into portal 6. Ladybug pulls out phone 2 • Concern • Worry • Anticipation 1. Opens phone and calls everyone on a group call 2. Explains what's happened 3. Ends call and puts phone away 4. Waits for the group to arrive 3 • Scared • Shock • worried 1. Lollipop is flying out the portal exit 2. Lollipop crashes into star 3. The queen comes along and screams "tresspassers" 4. Queen take them to a locked carriage 5. They wait to be rescued
  • 14. Scene Emotions Actions 4 • Scared • Worried • Happy – shokis parents 1. Eyeball passes out in portal 2. Found by shoki's parents who put him on the examination table 3. Eyeball open eye and sees sharp objects 4. Eyeball starts talking asking question and stalling the unknown people 5 • Concern • Determination • worry 1. Everyone arrives to be told the plan 2. Ladybug tell the plan 3. Shoki/ gumdrop/ ice-cream and starcone volunteer to go save their friends ] 4. The other four stay back and form a plan to check for further portals 5. The four walk through the portal and see the mountain with weird shape circles hoovering above it 6. They start heading that way 6 • Determination • Musical • happy 1. They continue on the path towards the mountain 2. The start sing a song and play some games like Ispy to help them keep entertained on their long journey 3. They go over a plan to save their friends if they have been separated whenthey went through the portal
  • 15. Scene Emotions Actions 7 • Determination • Concentration • Thinking 1. Butterfly pulls out the map he brought which ladybug had requested before they arrived 2. They begin to discuss what is best to do 3. They come-up with a plan to search for more portals while the two that can't fly stay and watch the portal 8 • Determination • Anticipation • Tiredness • concern 1. Shoki is leading the group – floating not walking 2. Gumdrop and starcone become tired 3. Ice-cream ask shoki if he can do anything to help them 4. Shoki creates a flying carpet temparily to help their legs from hurting 9 • Confusion • Concentration • Quizzical 1. They reach the top and shoki takes away the carpet 2. The mystery portal person says a riddle and gumdrop gets it and gets an answer of where their friends are 3. Shoki and gumdrop goes to his parent's house 4. Ice-cream and starcone go to 2D world
  • 16. Scene Emotions Actions 10 • Curious • Talkative • Scared • Thankful 1. Eyeball is talking still to stall them more 2. The parents are quite curious of the stories 3. Shoki throws door open 4. Grabs eyeballs hand and says bye to his parents 5. They run for their live 6. The parents running after them 11 • Worry • Concentration • Non-emotional/emotionless 1. Lollipop and star are sat in a van worried what will happen 2. Ice-cream and Starcone find them and form a plan 3. Starcone climbs ontop of ice-cream and sees a latch on top that is opened from the outside 4. Starcone gets ice-cream to launch himto the roof 5. The guard is in anumb state so can't detect whats happening 6. Star and lollipop climb through roof and jump 7. They all peg it to the portal. 12 • Scared • Anger • Confusion • Stressed? 1. They are running for their lives through portal 2. They see the mountain slide from earlier and shoki makes a raft with wheels they all jump on while shoki held on as they zoomed down 3. Shokis parent coppies idea and helps the queen of 2D as they gain distance to the runaways
  • 17. My plan for this project is to create an animation using the rotoscopy method of movement to mainly experiment if working on the computer with animation is better than using rotoscopy method beforehand is better. My animation is basically about a group of friends going to help two friend who got caught in some trouble while they were hanging-out. for this to work I need to draw out the movement and the scenery a few times over this may take a bit of time so my focus will be on that I may even just focus on each characters moving patterns then shrink or zoom their size on the scenery as well as if the scenery needs changing or "moving" I should draw it at different angles but use different objects or nature pieces to make it seem more movement like.
  • 18. In my research I have looked at two example of work that are similar to what I am working towards. I looked at Popeye and Koko the clown as they use the rotoscopy method in which I am using to create my animation, there are other animations using a similar techniques, but it's been more modernised using computers etc the examples would be adventure time and gravity falls. I am using these animations as a referance to look at the flow and movement at every interval and to see how they make the characters movemnt love more life-like. I plan to use similar styles of colours in my work mainly because the work is well put together and you can't miss a "seem" of where the background has been joined by another section its 99% flawless but not every animation is perfect and there is normally a defect with can be solve isnt always due to already being air or if it's too small for the audience to even notice. I also plan to look further into the aspect of how they use certain pieces to show movement and continueation through it. I am looking at this is because I want to make my animation less stiff like my factual work where the animation itself is very jaggered and not very well flowed through especialy on the overuse of transition teleportations which will not be used. My work will be quite similar to Koko the clown animation as it will have music instead of narration but blank pieces to tell the story and when the characters start to speak this may work in my favour as due to the pandemic getting voice recording have proven difficult due to inability of recording in person without being in the two-meter distants.
  • 20. The colours at either side are shades of colour that I'll be using in my characters designs as well as the landscapes.
  • 22. Ladybug Mystery portal person Role: • Mom of friendship group • Eyewitness to incident • Authorative to figuring out solution • Portal finder Colours: • Red • Black • Silver • White Apearing scenes: 4 scenes - scene 1 - scene 2 - scene 5 - scene 7 Role: • Portal manager Colours: • Deep purple shades Apearing scenes: • 2 scenes - scene 9 - scene 12
  • 23. Gumdrop Shnake Role: • Saver • Friend of victim • Baby of the group Colours: • Blue shades • Pink Apearing scenes: • 7 scenes - scene2 - scene5 - scene6 - scene8 - scene9 - scene10 - scene12 Role: • Friend of victim • Watcher of portal Colours: • Army greans for camo Apearing scenes • 3 scenes - scene2 - scene5 - scene7
  • 24. Coke Shoki Role: • Watching portal • Friend of victims Colours: • Looks like a coke bottle without label Apearing scenes • 3 scenes - scene2 - scene5 - scene7 Role: • Rescuer • Magical friend • Friend of victims Colours: • Black • White Apearing scenes • 7 scenes - scene2 - scene5 - scene6 - scene8 - scene9 - scene10 - scene12
  • 25. Queen of 2D Berry butterfly Role: • Queen Colours: • Red • Black • White Apearing scenes • 3 scenes - scene3 - scene11 - scene12 Role: • Scouter • Friend • Therapist Colours: • Blue • Orange • green Apearing scenes • 3 scenes - scene2 - scene5 - scene7
  • 26. Lollipop Star Role: • Victim Colours: • Light red • Light yellow • Black white • Red Apearing scenes: • 4 scenes - scene1 - scene3 - scene11 - scene12 Role: • Friend of lollipop Colours: • Yellow • Orange Apearing scenes • 3 scenes - scene3 - scene11 - scene12
  • 27. Eyeball Ice-cream Role: • Victim Colours: • Dark cream colour • Blue • Red Apearing scenes • 4 scenes - scene1 - scene4 - scene10 - scene12 Role: • Rescuer • Friend • Dad of group Colours: • Red • Pink • Purple • Cream/Light orange • Blue Apearing scenes • 7 scenes - scene2 - scene5 - scene6 - scene8 - scene9 - scene11 - scene12
  • 28. Starcone Mr & Mrs Reil Role: • Rescuer • Friend Colours: • Yellow • Coral blue • Green Apearing scenes: • 8 scenes - scene1 - scene2 - scene5 - scene6 - scene8 - scene9 - scene11 - scene12 Role: • Parents of shoki • Killers Colours: • Black • White • Yellow tint Apearing scenes: • 3 scenes - scene4 - scene10 - scene12
  • 30. WEEK march/ april IN OR OUT WHAT DOING 9th / 11th / 12th In - 1st session/free finsih of as much research as possible. - second session finish as much planning as possible - lunch and 3rd session/ free work on both research and planning -4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet 15th – 19th out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads 23rd / 25th / 26th In - 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together -lunch/3r/free work on evaluation -4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet 29th – 2nd Out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads 6th / 8th / 9th In - 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together -lunch/3r/free work on evaluation -4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet 12th – 16th Out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads 20th / 22nd / 23rd In - 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together -lunch/3r/free work on evaluation -4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet
  • 31. WEEK april/may/june IN OR OUT WHAT DOING 26th – 3oth Out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads 4th / 6th / 7th In - 1st / 2nd tablet drawing work putting work together -lunch/3r/free work on evaluation -4th session work on drawing on the computer using tablet 10th – 14th out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads 18th / 20th / 21st Out Evaluation week 24th – 28th Out - work on any work that needs to be worked on & voice recording and uploads 1st / 3rd / 4th out Evaluation / upload week 7th Out DEADLIND
  • 32. Health and safety Due to the current situation of covid-19 the health and safety aspects have increased to ensure mine and others safety I need to follow these simple rules: 1. Wash hand before and after handling obejcts or food. 2. Keep a two-meter distance between yourself and others. 3. Wear a mask all the times unless eating or drinking. 4. Keep my friend group small even with different friends. 5. isolate if have caught covid to prevent further spread. 6. Don’t share equipment unless sterilized between each use. If any of these are not followed, then theres a chance of putting myself and others at risk so I must ensure that I follow all rules at all times ensuring the safety of others.
  • 33. the contingency plan is where I talk about where aspects can go wrong but can also have solutions and preventables Contingency plan Problem Solution Prevention 1. Im mostly working with paper so if I have a liquid near my work theres a possibilty it may spill If the water does fall on the paperwork most of it should be typed up if any isnt write what I don’t have on a dry piece and any drawings that are damaged take a photo to use to redraw it To make sure this doesn’t happen I need to keep fluids away from the documents preferably on a higher steady surface 2. Im mostly working with electronics so the problem would be charging or damages such as water falling on it or it dropping by accident. I fany of the problems would happen it’s a bad sign as im borrowing college laptop so I would have to fix it or pay the sum of the fixes to college which is a lot. To avoid the problems again keep any fluids away from the laptop keep the laptop in the bag when not in use and charge before I go to bed to ensure that I have it to worrk on the next day 3. Loss of work can happen and has already happened to me If this did happen most of the work should be noted down somewhere so I can referance that to start again and save To stop this from happening I should save as much as possible and stop any siblings or myself from accidently deleting it before its about to save automatically 4. Failed or lost transfers of documents. documents may be lost or deleted on the way to the receiving electronic If this ever happens make sure there is saved versions of this and send it one at a time instead of all at once Like the solution but ensure that each file is saved with a copy and send it one at a time so no pieces get lost
  • 34. the contingency plan is where I talk about where aspects can go wrong but can also have solutions and preventables Contingency plan Problem Solution Prevention 5. Drawing that may not line-up. As im drawing my work out then scanning there may be a piece of the work that doesn’t scale up to the next it can cause a mistake that can take a while to fix. If this happens, I need to find where it's gone wrong and if in the images ive just moved them to far I can just draw a section inbetween that makes it more fluid but is it’s the actual drawing itself then I need to redraw and make sure the scenes before and after correspond to that one To make sure this doesn’t happen I need to check the work after every 4 pieces to make sure it follows through and itll be easier to see if there is a mistake between 4 piece then it is 20 plus pieces at once 6. Forgeting work that is needed that day. Such as images tha need scanning or notes that need typing up. If this happens, I need to make sure I get on with something else and type up notes when I get home and bring in the images to scan the next day. Make sure bag is packed the night before checking and ensuring I have all the correct work needed and to ensure that liquids cant come in contact with it during the night. 7. If sibling or parents throw away needed pieces of paper without checking if it belongs to someone (has happened before) Ask them if I can check before they throw it away. If already thrown it then hopefully I can get it back in one piece. Write two copies to make sure especially if the first one becomes damaged. Put all documents or work pieces away in a folder or a box that will keep it safe. 8. Time managing with production and documents that need work done Get most of the production done before I work on any more documents Spend 75% of my time working on the production and the 25% on finishing documents this is to ensure maximum effort and focus on my work.
  • 35. Audio uploads / Diary entries diary entry 1 diary entry 2 diary entry 3 diary entry 4 diary entry 5 Resources colour palette popeye research popeye characters research koko the clown characters research koko the clown research My drawings of the scene beginners