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● European union (EU) was an international organisation.
● The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership that
represents a unique form of cooperation among sovereign countries.
● The EU was created by the Maastricht Treaty,(signed on February 28 1992)
which entered into force on November 1,1993.
● Headquarters of European union: Brussels (Belgium)
● 27 members states ,24 official languages . Europe day : 9th May
European union flag
●Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia,
Finland,France, Germany, Greece,Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta,the Netherlands,Poland,
Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, and Sweden.
● Promote peace, values and the well-being of all citizens of EU.
● Offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders
● Sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and price stability,
a highly competitive market economy with full employment and social progress,
and environmental protection
● Combat social exclusion and discrimination
● Promote scientific and technological progress
● Enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU
● Respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity
● Establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is euro.
● After World War II, European integration was seen as a cure to the excessive
nationalism which had devastated the continent.
● In 1946 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, Winston Churchill went
and advocated the emergence of a United States of Europe.
● In 1952, European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was founded under
Treaty of Paris (1951) by 6 countries called (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg and the Netherlands) to renounce part of their sovereignty by
placing their coal and steel production in a common market, under it.
■ European Court of Justice (called "Court of Justice of the European
communities" until 2009) was also established in 1952 under Paris Treaty.
■ The ECSC created a free-trade area for several key economic and
resources: coal, coke, steel, scrap, and iron ore.
■ The ECSC, the treaty established several supranational institutions:
a High Authority to administrate, a Council of Ministers to legislate,
a Common Assembly to formulate policy, and a Court of Justice to
interpret the treaty and to resolve related disputes.
free-trade area
● European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom) is an international
organisation established by the Euratom Treaty (1957) with the original purpose
of creating a specialist market for nuclear power in Europe, by developing
nuclear energy and distributing it to its member states while selling the surplus to
non-member states.
■ It has saCouncilme members as the European Union and is governed by the
European Commission (EC) and Council, operating under the
jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.
● European Economic Community (EEC) was created by the Treaty of Rome (March 15
The Community's initial aim was to bring about economic integration, including a
common market and customs union, among its founding members (Six).
■ It ceased to exist by Lisbon Treaty-2007 and its activities were incorporated
in EU.
■ The EEC created a common market that featured the elimination of
most barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital, and labour,
the prohibition of most public policies or private agreements
that inhibit market competition, a common agricultural policy (CAP),
and a common external trade policy.
■ the EEC established four major
governing institutions: a commission,
a ministerial council, an assembly,
and a court.
● Merger Treaty (1965, Brussels) in which an agreement was reached to merge
the three communities (ECSC, EAEC, and EEC) under a single set of
creating the European Communities (ECs).
■ It also combined the
councils of
the three organizations into a
common Council of Ministers.
■ the European Council meets at
least twice a year to define the
long-term agenda for European
political and economic
● The ECs initially expanded in 1973 when
Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom
became members. Greece joined in 1981,
Portugal and Spain following in 1986.
● Schengen Agreement (1985) paved the
way for the creation of open borders without
passport controls between most member
states. It was effective in 1995.
● Single European Act (1986): enacted by the European Community that committed
its member countries to a timetable for their economic merger and the
establishment of a single European currency and common foreign and domestic
● The first Intergovernmental Conference opened under Italy's chairmanship on
9 September 1985, culminating in the adoption of the Single European Acton 28
February 1986 in Brussels.
● The Single European Act brought amendments to the Treaties establishing the European
Communities and established European political cooperation. Once the Single European
Act (SEA) entered into force, the title 'European Parliament'(which the Assembly had used
since 1962) was made official. The SEA also increased the EP's legislative powers with the
introduction of the cooperation and assent procedures.
Signed in: Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 17 February 1986 and in The Hague (The
Netherlands) 28
February 1986
● 1989 Fall of Berlin Wall –
end of Communism
EU economic help begins:
Phare programme
● The Maastricht Treaty-1992 (also called the Treaty on European Union) was
signed on 7 February 1992 by the members of the European Community in
Maastricht,Netherlands to further European integration.received a great
push with the end of the Cold War.
● this Treaty was entered into force on November 1st ,1993.
■ European Communities (ECSC, EAEC, and EEC) incorporated as
European Union.
■ European citizenship was created, allowing citizens to reside in and
move freely between Member States.
■ A common foreign and security policy was established.
■ Closer cooperation between police and the judiciary in
criminal matters was agreed.
■ It paved the way for the creation of a single European
currency – the euro. It was the culmination of several
decades of debate on increasing economic cooperation
in Europe.
■ It established the European Central Bank (ECB).
■ It enabled people to run for local office and for
European Parliament elections the EU country they lived in.
 European Parliament
 European Council
 Council of the European Union
 European Commission
 Court of Justice of the European
Union (CJEU)
 European Central Bank (ECB)
 European Court of Auditors (ECA)
▪︎ European investment Bank (EIB)
 European External Action Service
 European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC)
 European Committee of the Regions
 European Ombudsman
 European Data Protection
Supervisor (EDPS)
 European Data Protection
Board (EDPB)
 Role: Directly-elected EU body with
legislative, supervisory, and budgetary
 Members: 705 MEPs (Members of the
European Parliament)
 President: David-Maria Sassoli
 Established in: 1952 as Common
Assembly of the European Coal and
Steel Community, 1962 as European
Parliament, first direct elections in 1979
 Location: Strasbourg (France), Brussels
(Belgium), Luxembourg
David-Maria Sassoli
● It is the only parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU) that is
elected by EU citizens aged 18 years or older. Elections take place every
5 years.Together with the Council of the European Union (also known as the
'Council'), it exercises the legislative function of the EU.
■ European Parliament does not possess as much legislative
power as its member countries’ parliaments do.
● Legislative: ■ Passing EU laws, together with the Council of the EU, based
on European Commission proposals.
■ Deciding on international agreements
■ Deciding on enlargements
■ Reviewing the Commission's work programme and asking it to
propose legislation
■ Democratic scrutiny of all EU institutions.
■ Electing the Commission President and approving the Commission as a
body. Possibility of voting a motion of censure, obliging the Commission to
■ Granting discharge, i.e. approving the way EU budgets have been spent.
■ Examining citizens' petitions and setting up inquiries.
■ Discussing monetary policy with the European Central Bank.
■ Questioning Commission and Council.
■ Election observations.
■ Establishing the EU budget, together with the Council
■ Approving the EU's long-term budget, the "Multiannual Financial
 Role: Defines the general political
direction and priorities of the European
 Members: Heads of state or
government of EU countries, European
Council President, European
Commission President
 President: Charles Michel
 Established in: 1974 (informal forum),
1992 (formal status), 2009 (official EU
 Location: Brussels (Belgium)
Charles Michel
● The European Council brings together EU leaders to set the EU's political agenda.
It represents the highest level of political cooperation between EU countries.
● The European Council is made up of the heads of state or government of all EU
countries, the European Council President, and the European Commission
● It is convened and chaired by its President, who is elected by the European Council
itself for a once-renewable two-and-a-half-year term. Among other things, the
President represents the EU to the outside world.
● It usually meets 4 times a year – but the President can convene additional
meetings to address urgent issues.
● It generally decides issues by consensus – but by unanimity or qualified majority in
some cases. Only the heads of state/government can vote.
 Role: Voice of EU member
governments, adopting EU laws and
coordinating EU policies
 Members: Government ministers from
each EU country, according to the
policy area to be discussed
 President: Each EU country holds the
presidency on a 6-month rotating basis
 Established in: 1958 (as Council of
the European Economic Community)
 Location: Brussels (Belgium)
● In the Council of the EU, informally also known as the Council, government
ministers from each EU country meet to discuss, amend and adopt laws, and
coordinate policies. The ministers have the authority to commit their
governments to the actions agreed on in the meetings.
● Together with the European Parliament, the Council is the main decision-making
body of the EU.
(Council of Europe - not an EU body at all)
 negotiates and adopts EU laws, together with the European Parliament, based on
proposals from the European Commission
 coordinates EU countries' policies
 develops the EU's foreign & security policy, based on European Council guidelines
 concludes agreements between the EU and other countries or international
 adopts the annual EU budget - jointly with the European Parliament
 There are no fixed members of the EU Council. Instead, the Council meets in 10
different configurations, each corresponding to the policy area being discussed.
Depending on the configuration, each country sends their minister responsible for that
policy area.
 For example, when the Council meeting on economic and financial affairs (the "Ecofin
Council") is held, it is attended by each country's finance minister.
● In the Council, government ministers from each EU country meet to discuss,
amend and adopt laws, and coordinate policies. The ministers have the
to commit their governments to the actions agreed on in the meetings.
 Role: Promotes the general interest of
the EU by proposing and enforcing
legislation as well as by implementing
policies and the EU budget
 Members: A team or 'College' of
Commissioners, 1 from each EU
 President: Ursula vonder Leyen
 Year established: 1958
 Location: Brussels (Belgium)
● European Commission (EC): It is an executive body of the European Union,
responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding
the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.
● The Commission operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the
Commission. There is one member per member state. These members are
proposed by member countries and European Parliament gives final approval
on them.
● One of the 27 members is the Commission President proposed by the
European Council and elected by the European Parliament.
● The Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General
(DGs) that can be likened to departments or ministries is headed by a director-
general who is responsible to a commissioner.
● High Representative (HR) of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
Policy is appointed by the European Council by voting and The President of the
EC must be in agreement with the decision. HR is charged with shaping and
carrying out the EU's foreign, security and defence policies.
● Political leadership is provided by a team of 27 Commissioners (one from each
EU country) – led by the Commission President, who decides who is responsible
for which policy area.
● The College of Commissioners is composed of the President of the Commission,
eight Vice-Presidents, including three Executive Vice-Presidents, the High
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and 18
Commissioners, each responsible for a portfolio.
● The day-to-day running of Commission business is performed by its staff (lawyers,
economists, etc.), organised into departments known as Directorates-General
(DGs), each responsible for a specific policy area.
 Role: Ensuring EU law is interpreted
and applied the same in every EU
country; ensuring countries and EU
institutions abide by EU law.
 Members:
 Court of Justice: 1 judge from each EU
country, plus 11 advocates general
 General Court: 2 judges from each EU
 Established in: 1952
 Location: Luxembourg
● The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU): It interprets EU law to
make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries, and settles legal
disputes between national governments and EU institutions.
■ It can also be approached by individuals, companies or
organisations to take action against an EU institution, if they feel
their rights are infringed under EU system.
■ Each judge and advocate general is appointed jointly by national
. governments (member country).
■ It is located in Luxembourg.
 Role: To manage the euro, keep prices
stable and conduct EU economic &
monetary policy
 President: Christine Lagarde
 Members: ECB President and Vice-
President and governors of national
central banks from all EU countries
 Established in: 1998
 Location: Frankfurt (Germany)
● The European Central Bank (ECB): It is the central bank for the euro and
administers monetary policy within the Euro zone, which comprises 19
member states of the European Union.
■ Governing Council – It is the main decision-making body of ECB. It
consists of the Executive Board plus the governors of the national
central banks from euro zone countries.
■ Executive Board – It handles the day-to-day running of the ECB. It
consists of the ECB President and Vice-President and 4 other
members appointed by national governments of euro zone
■ Sets the interest rates at which it lends to commercial banks in the
euro zone, thus controlling money supply and inflation.
■ Authorises production of euro banknotes by euro zone countries.
■ Ensures the safety and soundness of the European banking system.
 Role: To check EU funds are collected
and used correctly, and help improve
EU financial management.
 President: Klaus-Heiner Lehne
 Members: 1 from each EU country
 Established in: 1977
 Location: Luxembourg
● European Court of Auditors (ECA): It investigates the proper management of
finances within both the EU entities and EU funding provided to its member
■ It can refer unresolved issues to the European Court of Justice
arbitrate on any alleged irregularities.
■ ECA members are appointed by the Council, after consulting
Parliament, for renewable 6-year terms.
● A monetary union was established in
1999 and came into full force in 2002 and is
composed of 19 EU member states which use
the euro currency. These are Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
• No fluctuation risk and foreign exchange
• More choice and stable prices for
• Closer economic cooperation between EU
● In 2002, Treaty of Paris (1951) expired & ECSC ceased to exist and its activities
fully absorbed by the European Community (EEC)
The Treaty of Lisbon 2007:
European Community (now composed only
of EEC, EAEC, as ECSC already ceased in 2002) was
ceased and its activities incorporated in EU.
EAEC is only remaining community
organization legally distinct from the European Union
(EU), but has the same membership, and is governed
by many of the EU's institutions.
It gave 500 million people the freedom to live, study or
work anywhere
 It created one of the world’s biggest single markets
It won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012
It banished the death penalty
It took sewage off Europe’s beaches and ratified the
Paris Agreement
 Migration
Reforming the EU’s migration and asylum policy is one of the most
difficult tasks
that the European Commission’s new President Ursula von der Leyen inherited from
predecessor. Jean-Claude Juncker’s Commission tried several times to fix the asylum
which collapsed during 2015’s migration crisis, and proposed compromises on
■ Borders and security
■ Cooperation with Turkey on migration
■ Strengthening the EU’s global role
● Brexit:
It is now almost certain that the U.K. will leave the EU on Jan. 31 after Prime
Minister Boris
Johnson and the Conservative Party’s victory in December’s general elections. But the
long saga of Brexit won’t end because the basis for further cooperation needs to be laid out
by the
end of 2020 - a date the transition period ends under the current agreement.
The EU and the European Central Bank (ECB) have struggled with high
sovereign debt and collapsing growth in Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain since the
global financial market collapse of 2008. Greece and Ireland received financial bailouts
from the community in 2009, which were accompanied by fiscal austerity. Portugal
followed in 2011, along with a second Greek bailout.
■ Multiple rounds of interest rate cuts and economic stimulus failed to
resolve the problem.
■ Northern countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and the
Netherlands increasingly resent the financial drain from the south.

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  • 2. ● European union (EU) was an international organisation. ● The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership that represents a unique form of cooperation among sovereign countries. ● The EU was created by the Maastricht Treaty,(signed on February 28 1992) which entered into force on November 1,1993. ● Headquarters of European union: Brussels (Belgium) ● 27 members states ,24 official languages . Europe day : 9th May
  • 4. ●Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,the Netherlands,Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
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  • 8. ● Promote peace, values and the well-being of all citizens of EU. ● Offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders ● Sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive market economy with full employment and social progress, and environmental protection ● Combat social exclusion and discrimination ● Promote scientific and technological progress ● Enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU countries ● Respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity ● Establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is euro.
  • 9. ● After World War II, European integration was seen as a cure to the excessive nationalism which had devastated the continent. ● In 1946 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, Winston Churchill went further and advocated the emergence of a United States of Europe. ● In 1952, European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was founded under Treaty of Paris (1951) by 6 countries called (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) to renounce part of their sovereignty by placing their coal and steel production in a common market, under it. ■ European Court of Justice (called "Court of Justice of the European communities" until 2009) was also established in 1952 under Paris Treaty.
  • 10. ■ The ECSC created a free-trade area for several key economic and military resources: coal, coke, steel, scrap, and iron ore. ■ The ECSC, the treaty established several supranational institutions: a High Authority to administrate, a Council of Ministers to legislate, a Common Assembly to formulate policy, and a Court of Justice to interpret the treaty and to resolve related disputes. free-trade area
  • 11. ● European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom) is an international organisation established by the Euratom Treaty (1957) with the original purpose of creating a specialist market for nuclear power in Europe, by developing nuclear energy and distributing it to its member states while selling the surplus to non-member states. ■ It has saCouncilme members as the European Union and is governed by the European Commission (EC) and Council, operating under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. ● European Economic Community (EEC) was created by the Treaty of Rome (March 15 1957). The Community's initial aim was to bring about economic integration, including a common market and customs union, among its founding members (Six). ■ It ceased to exist by Lisbon Treaty-2007 and its activities were incorporated in EU.
  • 12. ■ The EEC created a common market that featured the elimination of most barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital, and labour, the prohibition of most public policies or private agreements that inhibit market competition, a common agricultural policy (CAP), and a common external trade policy. ■ the EEC established four major governing institutions: a commission, a ministerial council, an assembly, and a court.
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  • 14. ● Merger Treaty (1965, Brussels) in which an agreement was reached to merge the three communities (ECSC, EAEC, and EEC) under a single set of institutions, creating the European Communities (ECs). ■ It also combined the councils of the three organizations into a common Council of Ministers. ■ the European Council meets at least twice a year to define the long-term agenda for European political and economic integration.
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  • 16. ● The ECs initially expanded in 1973 when Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom became members. Greece joined in 1981, Portugal and Spain following in 1986. ● Schengen Agreement (1985) paved the way for the creation of open borders without passport controls between most member states. It was effective in 1995.
  • 17. ● Single European Act (1986): enacted by the European Community that committed its member countries to a timetable for their economic merger and the establishment of a single European currency and common foreign and domestic policies. ● The first Intergovernmental Conference opened under Italy's chairmanship on 9 September 1985, culminating in the adoption of the Single European Acton 28 February 1986 in Brussels. ● The Single European Act brought amendments to the Treaties establishing the European Communities and established European political cooperation. Once the Single European Act (SEA) entered into force, the title 'European Parliament'(which the Assembly had used since 1962) was made official. The SEA also increased the EP's legislative powers with the introduction of the cooperation and assent procedures. Signed in: Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 17 February 1986 and in The Hague (The Netherlands) 28 February 1986
  • 18. ● 1989 Fall of Berlin Wall – end of Communism EU economic help begins: Phare programme
  • 19. ● The Maastricht Treaty-1992 (also called the Treaty on European Union) was signed on 7 February 1992 by the members of the European Community in Maastricht,Netherlands to further European integration.received a great push with the end of the Cold War. ● this Treaty was entered into force on November 1st ,1993. ■ European Communities (ECSC, EAEC, and EEC) incorporated as European Union. ■ European citizenship was created, allowing citizens to reside in and move freely between Member States.
  • 20. ■ A common foreign and security policy was established. ■ Closer cooperation between police and the judiciary in criminal matters was agreed. ■ It paved the way for the creation of a single European currency – the euro. It was the culmination of several decades of debate on increasing economic cooperation in Europe. ■ It established the European Central Bank (ECB). ■ It enabled people to run for local office and for European Parliament elections the EU country they lived in.
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  • 23.  European Parliament  European Council  Council of the European Union  European Commission  Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)  European Central Bank (ECB)  European Court of Auditors (ECA) ▪︎ European investment Bank (EIB)  European External Action Service (EEAS)  European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)  European Committee of the Regions (CoR)  European Ombudsman  European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)  European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
  • 24.  Role: Directly-elected EU body with legislative, supervisory, and budgetary responsibilities  Members: 705 MEPs (Members of the European Parliament)  President: David-Maria Sassoli  Established in: 1952 as Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community, 1962 as European Parliament, first direct elections in 1979  Location: Strasbourg (France), Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg David-Maria Sassoli
  • 26. ● It is the only parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU) that is directly elected by EU citizens aged 18 years or older. Elections take place every 5 years.Together with the Council of the European Union (also known as the 'Council'), it exercises the legislative function of the EU. ■ European Parliament does not possess as much legislative power as its member countries’ parliaments do. ● Legislative: ■ Passing EU laws, together with the Council of the EU, based on European Commission proposals. ■ Deciding on international agreements ■ Deciding on enlargements ■ Reviewing the Commission's work programme and asking it to propose legislation
  • 27. ●Supervisory ■ Democratic scrutiny of all EU institutions. ■ Electing the Commission President and approving the Commission as a body. Possibility of voting a motion of censure, obliging the Commission to resign. ■ Granting discharge, i.e. approving the way EU budgets have been spent. ■ Examining citizens' petitions and setting up inquiries. ■ Discussing monetary policy with the European Central Bank. ■ Questioning Commission and Council. ■ Election observations. ●Budgetary ■ Establishing the EU budget, together with the Council ■ Approving the EU's long-term budget, the "Multiannual Financial Framework"
  • 28.  Role: Defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union  Members: Heads of state or government of EU countries, European Council President, European Commission President  President: Charles Michel  Established in: 1974 (informal forum), 1992 (formal status), 2009 (official EU institution)  Location: Brussels (Belgium) Charles Michel
  • 29. ● The European Council brings together EU leaders to set the EU's political agenda. It represents the highest level of political cooperation between EU countries. ● The European Council is made up of the heads of state or government of all EU countries, the European Council President, and the European Commission President. ● It is convened and chaired by its President, who is elected by the European Council itself for a once-renewable two-and-a-half-year term. Among other things, the President represents the EU to the outside world. ● It usually meets 4 times a year – but the President can convene additional meetings to address urgent issues. ● It generally decides issues by consensus – but by unanimity or qualified majority in some cases. Only the heads of state/government can vote.
  • 30.  Role: Voice of EU member governments, adopting EU laws and coordinating EU policies  Members: Government ministers from each EU country, according to the policy area to be discussed  President: Each EU country holds the presidency on a 6-month rotating basis  Established in: 1958 (as Council of the European Economic Community)  Location: Brussels (Belgium)
  • 31. ● In the Council of the EU, informally also known as the Council, government ministers from each EU country meet to discuss, amend and adopt laws, and coordinate policies. The ministers have the authority to commit their governments to the actions agreed on in the meetings. ● Together with the European Parliament, the Council is the main decision-making body of the EU. (Council of Europe - not an EU body at all)  negotiates and adopts EU laws, together with the European Parliament, based on proposals from the European Commission  coordinates EU countries' policies  develops the EU's foreign & security policy, based on European Council guidelines  concludes agreements between the EU and other countries or international organisations  adopts the annual EU budget - jointly with the European Parliament
  • 32.  There are no fixed members of the EU Council. Instead, the Council meets in 10 different configurations, each corresponding to the policy area being discussed. Depending on the configuration, each country sends their minister responsible for that policy area.  For example, when the Council meeting on economic and financial affairs (the "Ecofin Council") is held, it is attended by each country's finance minister. ● In the Council, government ministers from each EU country meet to discuss, amend and adopt laws, and coordinate policies. The ministers have the authority to commit their governments to the actions agreed on in the meetings.
  • 33.  Role: Promotes the general interest of the EU by proposing and enforcing legislation as well as by implementing policies and the EU budget  Members: A team or 'College' of Commissioners, 1 from each EU country  President: Ursula vonder Leyen  Year established: 1958  Location: Brussels (Belgium) URSULA VONDER LEYEN
  • 34. ● European Commission (EC): It is an executive body of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. ● The Commission operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission. There is one member per member state. These members are proposed by member countries and European Parliament gives final approval on them. ● One of the 27 members is the Commission President proposed by the European Council and elected by the European Parliament. ● The Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General (DGs) that can be likened to departments or ministries is headed by a director- general who is responsible to a commissioner.
  • 35. ● High Representative (HR) of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is appointed by the European Council by voting and The President of the EC must be in agreement with the decision. HR is charged with shaping and carrying out the EU's foreign, security and defence policies. ● Political leadership is provided by a team of 27 Commissioners (one from each EU country) – led by the Commission President, who decides who is responsible for which policy area. ● The College of Commissioners is composed of the President of the Commission, eight Vice-Presidents, including three Executive Vice-Presidents, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and 18 Commissioners, each responsible for a portfolio. ● The day-to-day running of Commission business is performed by its staff (lawyers, economists, etc.), organised into departments known as Directorates-General (DGs), each responsible for a specific policy area.
  • 36.  Role: Ensuring EU law is interpreted and applied the same in every EU country; ensuring countries and EU institutions abide by EU law.  Members:  Court of Justice: 1 judge from each EU country, plus 11 advocates general  General Court: 2 judges from each EU country  Established in: 1952  Location: Luxembourg
  • 37. ● The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU): It interprets EU law to make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries, and settles legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions. ■ It can also be approached by individuals, companies or organisations to take action against an EU institution, if they feel their rights are infringed under EU system. ■ Each judge and advocate general is appointed jointly by national . governments (member country). ■ It is located in Luxembourg.
  • 38.  Role: To manage the euro, keep prices stable and conduct EU economic & monetary policy  President: Christine Lagarde  Members: ECB President and Vice- President and governors of national central banks from all EU countries  Established in: 1998  Location: Frankfurt (Germany) CHRISTINE LAGARDE
  • 39. ● The European Central Bank (ECB): It is the central bank for the euro and administers monetary policy within the Euro zone, which comprises 19 member states of the European Union. ■ Governing Council – It is the main decision-making body of ECB. It consists of the Executive Board plus the governors of the national central banks from euro zone countries. ■ Executive Board – It handles the day-to-day running of the ECB. It consists of the ECB President and Vice-President and 4 other members appointed by national governments of euro zone countries. ■ Sets the interest rates at which it lends to commercial banks in the euro zone, thus controlling money supply and inflation. ■ Authorises production of euro banknotes by euro zone countries. ■ Ensures the safety and soundness of the European banking system.
  • 40.  Role: To check EU funds are collected and used correctly, and help improve EU financial management.  President: Klaus-Heiner Lehne  Members: 1 from each EU country  Established in: 1977  Location: Luxembourg KLAUS HEINER LEHNE
  • 41. ● European Court of Auditors (ECA): It investigates the proper management of finances within both the EU entities and EU funding provided to its member states. ■ It can refer unresolved issues to the European Court of Justice to arbitrate on any alleged irregularities. ■ ECA members are appointed by the Council, after consulting the Parliament, for renewable 6-year terms.
  • 42. ● A monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002 and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency. These are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
  • 43. • No fluctuation risk and foreign exchange cost • More choice and stable prices for consumers • Closer economic cooperation between EU countries EURO
  • 44. ● In 2002, Treaty of Paris (1951) expired & ECSC ceased to exist and its activities fully absorbed by the European Community (EEC) The Treaty of Lisbon 2007: European Community (now composed only of EEC, EAEC, as ECSC already ceased in 2002) was ceased and its activities incorporated in EU. EAEC is only remaining community organization legally distinct from the European Union (EU), but has the same membership, and is governed by many of the EU's institutions.
  • 45. It gave 500 million people the freedom to live, study or work anywhere  It created one of the world’s biggest single markets It won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 It banished the death penalty It took sewage off Europe’s beaches and ratified the Paris Agreement
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  • 48.  Migration Reforming the EU’s migration and asylum policy is one of the most difficult tasks that the European Commission’s new President Ursula von der Leyen inherited from her predecessor. Jean-Claude Juncker’s Commission tried several times to fix the asylum system, which collapsed during 2015’s migration crisis, and proposed compromises on migration management. ■ Borders and security ■ Cooperation with Turkey on migration ■ Strengthening the EU’s global role
  • 49. ● Brexit: It is now almost certain that the U.K. will leave the EU on Jan. 31 after Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party’s victory in December’s general elections. But the three-year- long saga of Brexit won’t end because the basis for further cooperation needs to be laid out by the end of 2020 - a date the transition period ends under the current agreement. ●EURO CRISIS : The EU and the European Central Bank (ECB) have struggled with high sovereign debt and collapsing growth in Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain since the global financial market collapse of 2008. Greece and Ireland received financial bailouts from the community in 2009, which were accompanied by fiscal austerity. Portugal followed in 2011, along with a second Greek bailout.
  • 50. ■ Multiple rounds of interest rate cuts and economic stimulus failed to resolve the problem. ■ Northern countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands increasingly resent the financial drain from the south.