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Essay on Same Sex Marriage
Many years ago one may have thought that marriage was just between a man and a woman but
today that is not always the case. People of this era have now begun to exploring a new aspect of
marriage, same sex marriage. Should two people of the same sex be allowed to marry?
Throughout the years same sex couples have been pursuing the same rights as heterosexual couples.
Since the 1970s homosexual couples have been trying climb this social ladder and gain their civil
rights. They have been seeking the government recognition as a domestic partnership since the
1980's. it wasn't until the late 1990s when the state of California legalized domestic partnership but
very few followed. This allowed extended rights to couples that weren't more
They appealed the case, but lost it again at the appellate level. The court decided that the district can
deny marriage licenses to same sex couples.
State governments have been placing bands on gay marriage since the mid 1990,s. More than 80
anti–marriage bills have come into effect, beginning in 1996. Congress passed and President
Clinton signed the "Defense of Marriage Act". This bill was also passed in 1996 and defined
marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. This prevented same sex couples, spouses
from receiving benefits from the government and their job. Since then nine states have not banded
gay marriage: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, New
Mexico, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
People who are in favor of same sex marriage agree that America would be most beneficial.
Partners would be able to share insurance, pension benefits, family leave benefits, joint tax filing,
etc. Some small state would be able to use the legalization of same sex marriage as a money maker.
The extra money could be used in any way to better the state.
Those who don't agree with it believe that it undermines the traditional family. People believe that
same sex marriage is wrong in more than one way. It is not just the immorality of it, but also the
disadvantages that come along with it. Politicians are forced to side with one or the other and face
the possibility of losing some
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Same Sex Marriage
Argument Essay
Same–Sex Marriage: Not a Match for Society Marriage, as defined by Merriam–Webster, is "the
legal relationship into which a man and a woman enter with purpose of making a home and raising a
family" (358).Although most people in the United States, including myself, agree on that definition,
there are a select few who do not. Some feel same–sex marriage should be legalized; I disagree! I
disagree because of its effects on children, its unnaturalness, and its religious immorality. My first
argument addresses the effects of homosexual parents on children; and children affected by
homosexuality in general. A child living in a home with homosexual parents encounters the problem
of the lack of either a mother more content...
Probe Ministries. 4 Nov. 2006 <>.
Diggs, John R. Jr. M.D. "The Health Risks of Gay Sex." Corporate Resource Council, 2002. Catholic
Education Resource Center. 2002. Catholic Education Resource Center. 4 Nov. 2006 <http:/
Dobson, James Dr. "Eleven Arguments Against Same Sex Marriage." Marriage Under Fire: Why We
Must Win This Battle. Multnomah Publishers, June. The Intersection of Faith &
Life. Crosswalk. 4 Nov. 2006 <>.
Kiley, Judah. "Evidence Is Clear: Children Are Substantially Better Off When Raised by a
Committed Mother and Father." Values Advocacy Council. Values Advocacy Council. 4 Nov. 2006
Merriam – Webster. "Webster's New Young American Dictionary." New York: Smithmark Publishers,
Messerli, Joe. "Should Same–Sex Marriages Be Legalized." 7 June 2006. 4
Nov. 2006
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Essay On Same Sex Marriage
Same–sex marriage, otherwise called gay marriage, will be marriage between individuals of a
similar sex, either as a common service or in a religious setting. The term marriage correspondence
alludes to a political status in which same–sex marriage and inverse sex marriage are thought about
lawfully equivalent.
In the late twentieth century, customs of marriage for same–sex couples without legitimate
acknowledgment turned out to be progressively normal. The principal law accommodating marriage
of individuals of a similar sex in present day times was instituted in 2001 in the Netherlands. Starting
at 15 November 2017, same–sex marriage is lawfully perceived. Polls demonstrate rising help for
lawfully perceiving same–sex marriage in the Americas, Australia and the greater part of Europe.
However, starting at 2017, South Africa is the main African nation where same–sex marriage is
perceived. Taiwan would turn into the primary nation in Asia to authorize same–sex marriage if the
Civil Code is revised. Two other Asian nations, to be specific Israel and Armenia perceive same–sex
relational unions performed outside the nation for some purposes.
Presentation of same–sex marriage laws has fluctuated by ward, being differently expert through
authoritative change to marriage laws, a court administering in view of established assurances of
correspondence, or by coordinate prevalent vote (by means of poll activity or choice). The
acknowledgment of same–sex marriage is a political and
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Same Sex Marriage Essay
Same Sex Marriage! There are many different views and opinions on the relationship between a man
and a woman vs. the relationship between a man and a man or a woman and a woman for that
matter. Same–sex marriage is a big issue in the United States, many are against it however; many
are for it. If you do your research, you can find many negative and positive reasons for which
society thinks it should be legal or illegal. What people fail to realize, is that what matters in a
marriage is love. Marriage is a commitment between two people that love each other and want to
share the rest of their life with one another. It shouldn't matter if the couple is two women, two men
or man and woman. So why are having to ask the question.. Why? more content...
Our politician's and uninformed American are fighting to keep same sex marriage from happening
without realizing the ramifications. "Legalizing same–sex marriage would be a recognition of basic
American principles, and would represent the culmination of our nation's commitment to equal rights
. It is, some have said, the last major civil–rights milestone yet to be surpassed in our two–century
struggle to attain the goals we set for this nation at its formation." What are we waiting for? Gays
are being denied their basic rights for the simple fact that laws have yet to evolved with the rest of
the world. Why does someone else get to decide their given right to marry? According to Theodor B.
"The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly held that marriage is one of the most fundamental
rights that we have as Americans under our Constitution. The Supreme Court has said that marriage
is a part of the Constitution's protections of liberty, privacy, freedom of association, and spiritual
identification. In short, the right to marry helps us to define ourselves and our place in a community.
Without it, there can be no true equality under the law."
(Olson, Theodore B. "THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR GAY MARRIAGE." Newsweek 155.3
(2010): 48–54. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar.
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Essay on Same Sex Marriages
The proposed legalization concerning same–sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in
contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms
discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of
the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same–sex marriage is legalized, it
could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history.
The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same–sex couples, families,
social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the
issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the more content...
Various groups of homosexuals are proposing same sex legalization. For them, officials from the
government should at least legalize their stand for the reason that they have also have rights as a
human being, the right to love and the right to become happy. These people from various Gay
Organizations also expressed that banning them from getting married is an act of violation against
their rights. The government should at least recognize their stand and respect them as citizens of
the country. Any form of disapproval is a discriminating act because many of them has been
criticized by different religious organization because for these different religious conservatives, their
love practices is very immoral and they are committing a sin against God and the society and
therefore the law should not grant them in trying to marry a person of the same sex.
The gays and the lesbians are really pursuing the law about same sex marriages. And by passing the
law, their life would be much more fulfilled. Marriage is a partnership based on love. Two women
or two men, who love each other, are no different than a man and a woman who love each other.
They are different however in that they have to actually fight, and put up with the disapproval and
arrogance of others, they do not care if homosexuality is immoral, they have nothing against a thing,
and they just want to share their love with their respective partners. These homosexuals just wanted
to legalize
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In Favor of Same Sex Marriage Essay examples
Equality for all? I think not.
You're sitting in a church for your friend, Kathryn. She has invited you and a few other people to
her wedding. As you watch her, you notice how happy she is about this marriage. Both partners
say "I do," and you hear the clergyman say, "I pronounce you wife and wife." The church erupts
with applause as your friend and her partner share their first kiss as a legally married couple. That
is fantasy that has yet to come true for most homosexual couples. The war for same–sex marriage has
yet to be won in America. Through multiple court cases, the gay rights movement has been fighting
to give homosexuals the equality, respect and civil rights enjoyed by the rest of the nation. The
reasons that the gay, more content...
The first battle and victory started in June of 2003, when it was ruled that the ban on gay
relationships was unconstitutional (Haider–Markel). This victory started the push to legalize
same–sex marriage (Nwazota). A year after said battle, Massachusetts legalized same–sex marriage,
racking up a glorious win. Many years later on May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court over
turned their ban on same–sex marriage much like Texas had done in 2003. Shortly afterward on
June 16, 2008, California had same–sex marriage legalized (and Ellen DeGeneres was married to her
wife, Portia de Rossi during that time period). Sadly, on Novemeber 4th, California voters voted to
ban gay marriage once again. Even though it is not legalized in the United States, Belgium, Canada,
the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain and Nepal (who's Supreme Court legalized it in
November 2008) have legalized same–sex marriage (Haider–Markel). Being denied the freedom to
marry, Same–sex couples are deprived of many benefits that other legally married couples can have.
They are also deprived of the emotional, social and spiritual meaning that marriage has for all others
(Freedom to Marry). Same sex marriage advocates promote same–sex marriage as a way for those
couples to gain those benefits and therefore gain equality that the constitution
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Ethics of Same Sex Marriage Essay
Ethics of Same Sex Marriage
Society has many views on same sex relationships and marriages, people are either for it or against
it. In this paper, we will first look at same sex marriage in America and how homosexuals and
heterosexuals feel about the issue. We will look into the ethical issue that same sexmarriage
presents. We will look at how the classical theory of how deontology would resolve the issue of
same sex marriage. Next, we will contrast deontology with the perspective of relativism. Finally,
we will see which of these views on same sex marriage is closest to my own personal views. The
ethical reason behind why people in society believe that same sex marriage is wrong is simply due
to discrimination. Society does more content...
In 2004, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, the District of
Columbia and two Native American tribal jurisdictions have legalized same sex marriages. As the
years go on, more and more same sex couples will continue to fight for their right to marry who they
choose and more states will eventually allow same sex couples their rights to marry whomever they
choose (Koppelman, 2004).
Those that are oppose same sex marriage focus their reasoning on religious beliefs. Same sex
couples do not want to be treated as second class citizens, they do not focus on what religion
states; they just want to be treated as equal as heterosexuals when it comes to their right. Same sex
couples believe if one is to bar any class of people from marrying whomever they choose, it then
deprives them of their social institution; that many feel defines the most meaningful part of life, to
marry someone one loves. Same sex couples believe that their relationships are no different than that
of a heterosexual marriage. Same sex couples can have maintain a home together, provide an
environment that children can thrive in and care for each other the same as heterosexual married
couples do (Goldberg–Hiller, 2002).
In Attributions and the Regulation of Marriage: Considering the Parallels between Race and
Homosexuality, Mark Joslyn and Donald Haider–Markel (2005) writes that for
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Essay about Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage
The issue of legalizing same–sex marriage is one of great controversy. There are some people who
think that gay people have no rights and should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe
that gay people are just like anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as
heterosexuals do. People opposing gay marriage argue that a couple of the same sex getting married
would redefine the word marriage, the purpose of marrying is to procreate, and they should settle
for Civil Unions instead. I feel that all fifty states in the U.S. should allow same–sex marriages. Only
in the states of, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, California,
along with the District of Columbia are more content...
Additionally, children raised by same–sex couples have been shown to be just as good as with the
children of opposite–sex couples in their psychological adjustment, mental abilities and social
functioning. A reason why the Vermont same
–sex union battle had so much nation press is because
legislators were responding to a court order, while some ended up losing their jobs to same–sex
unions. Religious, government, and social groups have debated this issue and it is taking a long
time for it to be fixed. Same–sex marriage has some very distinct facts and values important to
one's religion, morals, or even what his or her family thinks of the gay lifestyle. There are many
opponents of gay people as it is, and they all have their reasons to dislike the idea of letting them get
Another main argument is that the word "marriage" means the union of one man and one woman.
This is a long–standing theme of most major Western religions. Under a proposed bill known as
the Defense of Marriage act, marriage is defined as "a legal union between one man and one woman
as husband and wife." The government says that every citizen of the United States shall receive
equal rights. The Defense of Marriage Act prohibits the federal government from recognizing
same–sex marriages; in my opinion this act is immoral and unjust because it restricts the rights of
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Same-Sex Marriage Essays
Same–Sex Marriage
The United States is known world wide for its civil rights and freedoms. Many Americans are
appalled by the idea of same–sex marriages. What?s wrong with the idea of two people who care
greatly for one another wanting to spend their lives together? The gay community is misunderstood
because many straights are not willing to listen. These individuals would rather just be
closed–minded in this situation and reticent to really think about what this means to the gay
community and the country. Same sex couples are not asking for any special rights; they are just
asking to be treated equal with opposite sex couples. The explanations given by many Americans
against gay marriages are based on false assumptions more content...
of heterosexual adult couples. Many insist that everyone needs to realize that gat relationships are
immoral, and that god placed a man and a woman on this earth for each other. This has nothing to
do with whether gay marriages should be legal or not. This nation believes in freedom of religion
as well as the right of freedom from religion. If an American believes in religious freedom then he or
she has no basis for this argument. Furthermore, religious arguments should be immediately
dismissed in the court of law. The straight community has fears for children who live in the home of
a same–sex marriage. However, there is no scientific evidence to support that children who are
raised in the home of same–sex couples are not ?normal.? Moreover, there are a number of
dysfunctional heterosexual couples who have not provided a healthy, supportive environment
needed to raise a ?normal? child. Then there is the argument of needing a man and a woman to
raise a child. There is no scientific evidence to support that children raised by a single never–married
or unmarried parent are not ?normal.? Opponents of gay marriages argue that same sex marriage is
an untried social experiment. However, there are a number of countries that have permitted same
sex–marriage including Denmark, Holland and Belgium. The Denmark clergy have noted beneficial
effects from legalizing same sex marriages. Another argument against same sex–marriage is that
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Essay On Same Sex Marriage
The topic for same–sex marriage is a very emotional and spicey topic. Marriage is a beautiful
ceremony to celebrate the unity of two becoming one. However, when we put aside emotions
from facts there are clear reasons to support the cons sided of same sex marriage. Lets try for a
moment to do something that most of us rarely do. Allow me to persay you to consider the other
accuracy of the other side when it come to same sex marriage. That is can you for a few minutes go
against what you believe?
Medical benefits and taxes vary in the situation between male and female couples and same sex
couples. Income taxes will be increased to make up for marriage tax benefits of same–sex couples.
Male and female couples get less taxes to be able to have they money to stabilize the family.
Same sex couples can't reproduce so they have more taxes due to the lack of not needing as much
money and and not being able to help increase the population. Medical insurance premiums will
rise to offset offset the high cost associated with same sex behavior. The male and female couples
have less bills and expenses. However, same sex couples deal with more medical issues. Such as,
colon cancer, fertility treatment and ect. Same sex couples have to give up many benefits male and
female couples get help with.
There is often a false assumption that strong feelings should determine behavior. Although, this
statement is not accepted in most of life situations and problems. In today's world we don't like
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Essays On Same Sex Marriage

  • 1. Essay on Same Sex Marriage Many years ago one may have thought that marriage was just between a man and a woman but today that is not always the case. People of this era have now begun to exploring a new aspect of marriage, same sex marriage. Should two people of the same sex be allowed to marry? Throughout the years same sex couples have been pursuing the same rights as heterosexual couples. Since the 1970s homosexual couples have been trying climb this social ladder and gain their civil rights. They have been seeking the government recognition as a domestic partnership since the 1980's. it wasn't until the late 1990s when the state of California legalized domestic partnership but very few followed. This allowed extended rights to couples that weren't more content... They appealed the case, but lost it again at the appellate level. The court decided that the district can deny marriage licenses to same sex couples. State governments have been placing bands on gay marriage since the mid 1990,s. More than 80 anti–marriage bills have come into effect, beginning in 1996. Congress passed and President Clinton signed the "Defense of Marriage Act". This bill was also passed in 1996 and defined marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. This prevented same sex couples, spouses from receiving benefits from the government and their job. Since then nine states have not banded gay marriage: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Vermont. People who are in favor of same sex marriage agree that America would be most beneficial. Partners would be able to share insurance, pension benefits, family leave benefits, joint tax filing, etc. Some small state would be able to use the legalization of same sex marriage as a money maker. The extra money could be used in any way to better the state. Those who don't agree with it believe that it undermines the traditional family. People believe that same sex marriage is wrong in more than one way. It is not just the immorality of it, but also the disadvantages that come along with it. Politicians are forced to side with one or the other and face the possibility of losing some Get more content on
  • 2. Same Sex Marriage 11/8/06 Argument Essay Same–Sex Marriage: Not a Match for Society Marriage, as defined by Merriam–Webster, is "the legal relationship into which a man and a woman enter with purpose of making a home and raising a family" (358).Although most people in the United States, including myself, agree on that definition, there are a select few who do not. Some feel same–sex marriage should be legalized; I disagree! I disagree because of its effects on children, its unnaturalness, and its religious immorality. My first argument addresses the effects of homosexual parents on children; and children affected by homosexuality in general. A child living in a home with homosexual parents encounters the problem of the lack of either a mother more content... Probe Ministries. 4 Nov. 2006 <>. Diggs, John R. Jr. M.D. "The Health Risks of Gay Sex." Corporate Resource Council, 2002. Catholic Education Resource Center. 2002. Catholic Education Resource Center. 4 Nov. 2006 <http:/ />. Dobson, James Dr. "Eleven Arguments Against Same Sex Marriage." Marriage Under Fire: Why We Must Win This Battle. Multnomah Publishers, June. The Intersection of Faith & Life. Crosswalk. 4 Nov. 2006 <>. Kiley, Judah. "Evidence Is Clear: Children Are Substantially Better Off When Raised by a Committed Mother and Father." Values Advocacy Council. Values Advocacy Council. 4 Nov. 2006 <>. Merriam – Webster. "Webster's New Young American Dictionary." New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1995. Messerli, Joe. "Should Same–Sex Marriages Be Legalized." 7 June 2006. 4 Nov. 2006 Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Same Sex Marriage Same–sex marriage, otherwise called gay marriage, will be marriage between individuals of a similar sex, either as a common service or in a religious setting. The term marriage correspondence alludes to a political status in which same–sex marriage and inverse sex marriage are thought about lawfully equivalent. In the late twentieth century, customs of marriage for same–sex couples without legitimate acknowledgment turned out to be progressively normal. The principal law accommodating marriage of individuals of a similar sex in present day times was instituted in 2001 in the Netherlands. Starting at 15 November 2017, same–sex marriage is lawfully perceived. Polls demonstrate rising help for lawfully perceiving same–sex marriage in the Americas, Australia and the greater part of Europe. However, starting at 2017, South Africa is the main African nation where same–sex marriage is perceived. Taiwan would turn into the primary nation in Asia to authorize same–sex marriage if the Civil Code is revised. Two other Asian nations, to be specific Israel and Armenia perceive same–sex relational unions performed outside the nation for some purposes. Presentation of same–sex marriage laws has fluctuated by ward, being differently expert through authoritative change to marriage laws, a court administering in view of established assurances of correspondence, or by coordinate prevalent vote (by means of poll activity or choice). The acknowledgment of same–sex marriage is a political and Get more content on
  • 4. Same Sex Marriage Essay Same Sex Marriage! There are many different views and opinions on the relationship between a man and a woman vs. the relationship between a man and a man or a woman and a woman for that matter. Same–sex marriage is a big issue in the United States, many are against it however; many are for it. If you do your research, you can find many negative and positive reasons for which society thinks it should be legal or illegal. What people fail to realize, is that what matters in a marriage is love. Marriage is a commitment between two people that love each other and want to share the rest of their life with one another. It shouldn't matter if the couple is two women, two men or man and woman. So why are having to ask the question.. Why? more content... Our politician's and uninformed American are fighting to keep same sex marriage from happening without realizing the ramifications. "Legalizing same–sex marriage would be a recognition of basic American principles, and would represent the culmination of our nation's commitment to equal rights . It is, some have said, the last major civil–rights milestone yet to be surpassed in our two–century struggle to attain the goals we set for this nation at its formation." What are we waiting for? Gays are being denied their basic rights for the simple fact that laws have yet to evolved with the rest of the world. Why does someone else get to decide their given right to marry? According to Theodor B. Olsen, "The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly held that marriage is one of the most fundamental rights that we have as Americans under our Constitution. The Supreme Court has said that marriage is a part of the Constitution's protections of liberty, privacy, freedom of association, and spiritual identification. In short, the right to marry helps us to define ourselves and our place in a community. Without it, there can be no true equality under the law." (Olson, Theodore B. "THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR GAY MARRIAGE." Newsweek 155.3 (2010): 48–54. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Same Sex Marriages The proposed legalization concerning same–sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same–sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same–sex couples, families, social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the more content... Various groups of homosexuals are proposing same sex legalization. For them, officials from the government should at least legalize their stand for the reason that they have also have rights as a human being, the right to love and the right to become happy. These people from various Gay Organizations also expressed that banning them from getting married is an act of violation against their rights. The government should at least recognize their stand and respect them as citizens of the country. Any form of disapproval is a discriminating act because many of them has been criticized by different religious organization because for these different religious conservatives, their love practices is very immoral and they are committing a sin against God and the society and therefore the law should not grant them in trying to marry a person of the same sex. The gays and the lesbians are really pursuing the law about same sex marriages. And by passing the law, their life would be much more fulfilled. Marriage is a partnership based on love. Two women or two men, who love each other, are no different than a man and a woman who love each other. They are different however in that they have to actually fight, and put up with the disapproval and arrogance of others, they do not care if homosexuality is immoral, they have nothing against a thing, and they just want to share their love with their respective partners. These homosexuals just wanted to legalize Get more content on
  • 6. In Favor of Same Sex Marriage Essay examples Equality for all? I think not. You're sitting in a church for your friend, Kathryn. She has invited you and a few other people to her wedding. As you watch her, you notice how happy she is about this marriage. Both partners say "I do," and you hear the clergyman say, "I pronounce you wife and wife." The church erupts with applause as your friend and her partner share their first kiss as a legally married couple. That is fantasy that has yet to come true for most homosexual couples. The war for same–sex marriage has yet to be won in America. Through multiple court cases, the gay rights movement has been fighting to give homosexuals the equality, respect and civil rights enjoyed by the rest of the nation. The reasons that the gay, more content... The first battle and victory started in June of 2003, when it was ruled that the ban on gay relationships was unconstitutional (Haider–Markel). This victory started the push to legalize same–sex marriage (Nwazota). A year after said battle, Massachusetts legalized same–sex marriage, racking up a glorious win. Many years later on May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court over turned their ban on same–sex marriage much like Texas had done in 2003. Shortly afterward on June 16, 2008, California had same–sex marriage legalized (and Ellen DeGeneres was married to her wife, Portia de Rossi during that time period). Sadly, on Novemeber 4th, California voters voted to ban gay marriage once again. Even though it is not legalized in the United States, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain and Nepal (who's Supreme Court legalized it in November 2008) have legalized same–sex marriage (Haider–Markel). Being denied the freedom to marry, Same–sex couples are deprived of many benefits that other legally married couples can have. They are also deprived of the emotional, social and spiritual meaning that marriage has for all others (Freedom to Marry). Same sex marriage advocates promote same–sex marriage as a way for those couples to gain those benefits and therefore gain equality that the constitution Get more content on
  • 7. Ethics of Same Sex Marriage Essay Ethics of Same Sex Marriage Society has many views on same sex relationships and marriages, people are either for it or against it. In this paper, we will first look at same sex marriage in America and how homosexuals and heterosexuals feel about the issue. We will look into the ethical issue that same sexmarriage presents. We will look at how the classical theory of how deontology would resolve the issue of same sex marriage. Next, we will contrast deontology with the perspective of relativism. Finally, we will see which of these views on same sex marriage is closest to my own personal views. The ethical reason behind why people in society believe that same sex marriage is wrong is simply due to discrimination. Society does more content... In 2004, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, the District of Columbia and two Native American tribal jurisdictions have legalized same sex marriages. As the years go on, more and more same sex couples will continue to fight for their right to marry who they choose and more states will eventually allow same sex couples their rights to marry whomever they choose (Koppelman, 2004). Those that are oppose same sex marriage focus their reasoning on religious beliefs. Same sex couples do not want to be treated as second class citizens, they do not focus on what religion states; they just want to be treated as equal as heterosexuals when it comes to their right. Same sex couples believe if one is to bar any class of people from marrying whomever they choose, it then deprives them of their social institution; that many feel defines the most meaningful part of life, to marry someone one loves. Same sex couples believe that their relationships are no different than that of a heterosexual marriage. Same sex couples can have maintain a home together, provide an environment that children can thrive in and care for each other the same as heterosexual married couples do (Goldberg–Hiller, 2002). In Attributions and the Regulation of Marriage: Considering the Parallels between Race and Homosexuality, Mark Joslyn and Donald Haider–Markel (2005) writes that for Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage The issue of legalizing same–sex marriage is one of great controversy. There are some people who think that gay people have no rights and should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe that gay people are just like anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals do. People opposing gay marriage argue that a couple of the same sex getting married would redefine the word marriage, the purpose of marrying is to procreate, and they should settle for Civil Unions instead. I feel that all fifty states in the U.S. should allow same–sex marriages. Only in the states of, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, California, along with the District of Columbia are more content... Additionally, children raised by same–sex couples have been shown to be just as good as with the children of opposite–sex couples in their psychological adjustment, mental abilities and social functioning. A reason why the Vermont same –sex union battle had so much nation press is because legislators were responding to a court order, while some ended up losing their jobs to same–sex unions. Religious, government, and social groups have debated this issue and it is taking a long time for it to be fixed. Same–sex marriage has some very distinct facts and values important to one's religion, morals, or even what his or her family thinks of the gay lifestyle. There are many opponents of gay people as it is, and they all have their reasons to dislike the idea of letting them get married. Another main argument is that the word "marriage" means the union of one man and one woman. This is a long–standing theme of most major Western religions. Under a proposed bill known as the Defense of Marriage act, marriage is defined as "a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife." The government says that every citizen of the United States shall receive equal rights. The Defense of Marriage Act prohibits the federal government from recognizing same–sex marriages; in my opinion this act is immoral and unjust because it restricts the rights of Get more content on
  • 9. Same-Sex Marriage Essays Same–Sex Marriage The United States is known world wide for its civil rights and freedoms. Many Americans are appalled by the idea of same–sex marriages. What?s wrong with the idea of two people who care greatly for one another wanting to spend their lives together? The gay community is misunderstood because many straights are not willing to listen. These individuals would rather just be closed–minded in this situation and reticent to really think about what this means to the gay community and the country. Same sex couples are not asking for any special rights; they are just asking to be treated equal with opposite sex couples. The explanations given by many Americans against gay marriages are based on false assumptions more content... of heterosexual adult couples. Many insist that everyone needs to realize that gat relationships are immoral, and that god placed a man and a woman on this earth for each other. This has nothing to do with whether gay marriages should be legal or not. This nation believes in freedom of religion as well as the right of freedom from religion. If an American believes in religious freedom then he or she has no basis for this argument. Furthermore, religious arguments should be immediately dismissed in the court of law. The straight community has fears for children who live in the home of a same–sex marriage. However, there is no scientific evidence to support that children who are raised in the home of same–sex couples are not ?normal.? Moreover, there are a number of dysfunctional heterosexual couples who have not provided a healthy, supportive environment needed to raise a ?normal? child. Then there is the argument of needing a man and a woman to raise a child. There is no scientific evidence to support that children raised by a single never–married or unmarried parent are not ?normal.? Opponents of gay marriages argue that same sex marriage is an untried social experiment. However, there are a number of countries that have permitted same sex–marriage including Denmark, Holland and Belgium. The Denmark clergy have noted beneficial effects from legalizing same sex marriages. Another argument against same sex–marriage is that Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Same Sex Marriage The topic for same–sex marriage is a very emotional and spicey topic. Marriage is a beautiful ceremony to celebrate the unity of two becoming one. However, when we put aside emotions from facts there are clear reasons to support the cons sided of same sex marriage. Lets try for a moment to do something that most of us rarely do. Allow me to persay you to consider the other accuracy of the other side when it come to same sex marriage. That is can you for a few minutes go against what you believe? Medical benefits and taxes vary in the situation between male and female couples and same sex couples. Income taxes will be increased to make up for marriage tax benefits of same–sex couples. Male and female couples get less taxes to be able to have they money to stabilize the family. Same sex couples can't reproduce so they have more taxes due to the lack of not needing as much money and and not being able to help increase the population. Medical insurance premiums will rise to offset offset the high cost associated with same sex behavior. The male and female couples have less bills and expenses. However, same sex couples deal with more medical issues. Such as, colon cancer, fertility treatment and ect. Same sex couples have to give up many benefits male and female couples get help with. There is often a false assumption that strong feelings should determine behavior. Although, this statement is not accepted in most of life situations and problems. In today's world we don't like Get more content on