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The Help Movie Analysis
The movie "The Help" gives many examples of psychological guides and themes and how it
correlates with our class studies, this research paper is going to describe which topics and themes
find to be the most important of the film. In my paper, I will be describing how Cecilia's drinking
could be causing her prenatal baby to be a miscarriage and what might have happened with the
baby, and to tell the the trauma behind losing so many children to her prone drinking. This paper
will also be describing the Racism, and discrimination and Jim Crow laws, and education back in
the 1960's in Jackson, Mississippi in the movie. This paper will show you many types of
psychological events that happen to the daily person, like from disorders, to emotions, feelings,
objects or people who influenced your life, based on the moments that portrayed that event like the
Maids showed anxiety hoping they wouldn't get caught helping with Mrs.Skeeter's book about
Jackson Mississippi. Also will include the development of Mae Mobley,and how she might act when
she gets older. This paper will also discuss the important event of Medgar evers who was shot at his
front door, because of a Racial discrimination.
Psychological themes for the Help( Celia foote and Miscarriages
In the movie,Celia Foote reveals she has had more than one miscarriage in the past. In the move
she buries her baby and puts a tree over top of it, as in the background shows more small trees to
give hints she has had more than one.
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Skeeter Phelan In The Help
Like all the white characters in The Help, Skeeter Phelan was raised by a black nanny.
Constantine, a wise, comforting, and trusted adult, became a better mentor to Skeeter than her
parents ever were. Early on Constantine teaches Skeeter that being different is nothing to be
ashamed of, asking her "Are you gone believe what them fools say about you?" Constantine
teaches Skeeter to follow her heart, but has a hard time taking her own advice, feeling she has
few choices and limited power. Skeeter's peers expect her to have their values, following the lead of
Hilly Holbrook, the queen bee. Early on, when Skeeter gets the job of writing the Miss Myrna's
Household Hints column for the local paper, she asks advice from the help, a logical move. Her
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The Help Sparknotes
The main theme of the book "The Help" is that racism against the whites and blacks were a big
issue back in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960's, black people were denied the right to an
education and such, and were either made up as housekeepers and slaves to the white people. In
the book, the white people would call the blacks vulgar names such as, dirty, worthless and other
words that should not be mentioned. As you can tell, the whites showed how more privileged they
were rather than the blacks. Now, as for the characters in the book, basically, all of the people were
racists, most couldn't even realize it, the only white person who was not racist was Skeeter, she gave
the black maids particularly,
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The Help Film Analysis
"The help" film is a perfect representation of how the south was and gives an idea on how bad
African Americans were treated even if they were being paid and not only that but it also shows
how different everything was back then. For example, as shown in the movie the women back then
were quite different from today. Skeeter the main character is described as a very independentwoman
compared to the rest of the white female characters. She doesn't seem to have an interest in men
now but considers finding a dependable job unlike the other white females. Skeeter was also an
educated woman and even had a bachelor's degree. Back in that specific time frame this was rather
odd for a lady to be educated. Skeeter tries to advocate for the events that are occurring within
southern homes by writing the experiences of the Jackson, Mississippi's black maids. Meanwhile,
the film shows southern culture in great detail.
In the first scenes of "The Help" there was a scene in which a black maid was telling a white
female (Skeeter) about her life story and then it enters to all the scenes before until that point
which are narrated by Abilene to Skeeter. The film shows many maid stories and where it helps to
identify the superiority of the white over the black race. The black women were maids and took
care of the white females' children and raised them, they as well did everything such as cooking,
cleaning, washing, ironing and grocery shopping etc. White females on the other hand could care
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The Help Essay
The Help by Kathryn Stockett The storyline of The Help starts when young Eugenia Phelan,
known to her friends as "Skeeter", returns to her home in Jackson, Mississippi, after graduating
college. The time period is during the 1960s and there is high tension because of racism and the
Civil Rights Movement. Skeeter is surprised when she does not find her beloved maid,
Constantine, at home. What happened to Constantine is a mystery to Skeeter and no one seems
to answer her hovering questions. Skeeter was unlike her friends because of the fact that she
went to college and is unmarried. Skeeter is a part of a group that meets to play bridge once a
week. Skeeter's friends Hilly Holbrook and Elizabeth Leefolt are in the bridge group. Hilly is the
president of the Junior Women's League, which Skeeter writes the newsletter for. Hilly is known for
being quite manipulative and the kind to always get what she wants. Skeeter, Elizabeth, and Hilly
were all very close in high school but Skeeter became distant from them because of their differences.
Both more content...
She cares for Elizabeth's child and does all of the work around the house. As Aibileen and Skeeter
work together to answer the "Miss Myrna" questions, Skeeter gets the idea to write a book about
domestic maids. Skeeter submits her idea to Harper & Row Publishing and the company expressed
interest. The company said that they would consider publishing under a few conditions– Skeeter had
to include at least twelve maids and finish the book before the New Year. Aibileen convinced her
candid friend, Minny (Hilly's mother's former maid), to get involved in the story but Skeeter still
needed ten more. With tensions created by the Civil Rights Movement, Skeeter struggled to find
maids that would agree to take such a risk, but when Hilly takes things a little too far, eleven maids
from Aibileen's church agreed to tell Skeeter their
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Movie Review: the Help Essay
"The Help"
An emotionally stirring movie taking place in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s, "The Help" stars
Emma Stone, Viola Davis, and Octavia Spencer as three women who share a common motive. This
racially tense setting creates the perfect foundation for a drama film such as this. The characters'
personalities in combination with the emotion of the plot develop a socially accurate depiction of
the struggles faced by the people of the time. While the racial aspect of the movie is dominant,
viewers may also find compassion and friendship within the conversations and encounters of its
characters. It is commonplace for white families to have black maids serving them at this time.
Aibileen (Davis) is a strong–willed maid who more content...
Most dresses fell below the knees and were patterned in floral prints and clean hemlines. The maids
were shown wearing their uniforms for the majority of the movie, which also displayed modest
hemlines and were a pale grey color. The men of Jackson, Mississippi– the few that were shown, at
least– were shown wearing clean–lined suits and cuffed trousers. These middle class people who
dressed to impress successfully created an air of cleanliness and uniformity. The sets of "The
Help" were so well designed and accurately portrayed that they probably drew feelings of nostalgia
from audience members who grew up in the time. Linoleum tiles and paneled walls created an
ideal setting for a ranch house of a family of middle class status. Elizabeth's house looked like it was
taken from a Good Housekeeping magazine of the sixties. The clean lines and wooden ranch tables
made the viewer absorb the atmosphere and feel as though they were living in the time. The
women's homes had plenty of floral wallpaper and patterned rugs to add to this feeling. Overall,
"The Help" provides an insightful storyline taking place in the roughness of the simmering racial
prejudices of the 1960s. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and felt like I knew the strong characters
on a personal level and lived through the pain of the time with them. The sets and costumes were
well designed and came together to play a crucial role in the formation of the plot. I recommend this
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Summary Of ' The Help '
"The Help" Annotated Bibliography
Tiffin University
Pulg, Claudia. "'The Help': It's Fine Work All Around." USA Today. Web. 9 Aug (2011)
In her review, Claudia was basically focused on how the movie was based on racism and that in
this time in the 1960's that the movie would not be a great movie to see. Claudia, states this
statement because of all issues that were going on with the civil rights at the time and how their
services as maids were taken for granted. While in the process the women who were maids went
to meet with Sly to them their stories a bond was created by Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny and
from there they build a sisterhood. Claudia also praises the fact that everyone did a great job in
playing the characters. This article is a great resource because it pointed out how the maids were
taken advantage of and this would be a great way to get specific details.
Motoko, Rich. ""The Help': A Southern Mirrored Window." The New York Times. Web. 2 Nov
Motoko Rich, states that the novel is basically about the relationships between African American and
their employers in the 1960's in Mississippi. In her review, she explained who were the narrators
of the novel. Aibileen and Minny and Skeeter. She continued with how Skeeter was desperate and
very eager and wanted to impress the editor at the publishing house in New York with a book idea
and how she
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The Help Book Analysis
The novel 'The Help' written by Kathryn Stockett explores the theme of racial prejudice. During the
time this novel was set in Jackson, Mississippi was strictly under the Jim Crow laws which brought
about discrimination and segregation rules and regulations. In the novel, we see how people of
colour are treated and hated on by the people in their community. With the main focus being how the
white housewives treat their black maids. We see an insight into how these white housewives justify
the exploitation and emotional abuse they laid upon their black maids, by believing that people of
colour are physically different and therefore inferior to white people. Race is the number one way
people in Jackson determine a person's social status and how someone is treated in society, therefore
the people of colour are treated differently and thought little of in comparison to white people. Often
black people being degraded and hurt emotionally and physically because they are said to be
'different'. Throughout the novel we see how the white people in society refer to their maids and
people of colour in descriptive and derogatory ways, usually comparing them to animals. This
shows us how in the novel white people believe that there is a major difference between them and
people of colour, implying that black people are more like animals rather than others of the
human race. In the novel, one of the white housewives Miss Hilly expresses her belief that people
of colour are 'unclean,' and 'diseased ridden', apparently carrying and catching depravity and
disease which are not carried by whites. An example of this in the text is when Miss Hilly say
that she wants to pass "A bill that requires every white home to have a separate bathroom for the
colored help. I've even notified the surgeon general of Mississippi to see if he'll endorse the idea.
I'll pass." This quote shows us how the authorities in this book also contribute to the racial
prejudice against the black people. There was false information stated about the blacks just because
of their colour, and this brought even more segregation between the races. This quote makes me feel
sad. Sad for the poor people of colour being discriminated against, but also sad that white
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The Help Film Techniques
The Help The Help is an inspiring movie, centralized on themes of showing courage in the midst of
adversity and racial desegregation. The selection of actors with specific attributes, lighting/camera
angles, and music, allows the movie to entertain in detail, and highlight the prime issues of the
1960s. With the movie being directed with these specifities in mind, the author, Kathryn Stockett,
is able to successfully relay her message in the screenplay. The acting plays a crucial role in the
way the audience perceives the characters. Skeeter Phelan (Emma Stone), Hilly Holbrook (Bryce
Dallas Howard), and Celia Foote (Jessica Chastain) are wide–smiled, younger–aged, petite, white
women, whereas Aibileen Clark (Viola Davis), and Octavia more content...
There aren't very many special effects involved which added a natural, country feel to the movie.
When Hilly drove her car to Skeeter's house the camera shot from above with an open angle. The
scene continues with their conversation, where Hilly is filmed from above Skeeter's head
shooting down on her, whereas Skeeter is filmed from Hilly's shoulder height looking up at her.
This shows that Hilly is inferior to Skeeter. The camerawork also employs zooms, such as when
Aibileen is leaving in the final scene, and Mae Mobley recites the three sentences Aibileen taught
her. This increases the importance of the scene, and gives introspect into the intimacy of their
relationship. The camerawork creates an optimistic viewpoint when the camera incorporates wide
angles, for example, when Minny is looking at Celia's house for the first time, or when Skeeter is
talking to her job editor in New York. A low
–to–high tilt shot was used when the movie was
introducing Celia Lightfoot that drew attention to Celia's physique. Music is an important element
as it aids in setting the mood for the scene. In the final scene, Aibileen is leaving Mae Mobley,
which is A mellow tune, such as Mary J Bliges' "The living proof," sets an attitude of vindication
after a pyrrhic victory, but also gives the viewer hope. Upbeat, country songs such as "Jackson" by
Johnny Cash were played to add buoyance. When Minny was gave hilly the
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The Help by Kathryn Stockett Essay
The Help
The book , The Help by Kathryn Stockett, is about a women named Aibileen who is a black maid.
She is taking care of her 17th white baby now. She works for a woman named Miss Leefolt.
Aibileen has never disobeyed an order in her life and never intends to do so. Her friend Minny is
the exact opposite. When she is around her boss, she has to hold herself back from sassing them
all the time. Skeeter Phelan is different than the rest of the white ladies. She thinks that blacks
aren't all that bad. She decides to write a book about the lives of maids for white ladies. Otherwise
known as the Help. She with the help of Aibileen and Minny hope to create a book that starts a
revolution about what white people think about blacks. Each more content...
"I try to contribute to the conversation. 'Definitely Raleigh if it's a boy.' "– (Page 183) Skeeter didn't
contribute to the conversation too much because she wasn't comfortable with her friends. I think
that overall, there is lots of variety to the three. The three girls working together begins to create
the solution to the main conflict. The main conflict in this case is blacks are being treated in a
way that is not fair. They are being treated as if they are disease carrying things. Skeeter wants to
change that perspective on people. That's why she wants to write a book on how black maids are
treated in Mississippi. "I turn and hear Pascagoula's knock on my door. That's when the idea hit me.
No. I couldn't. That would be . . . crossing the line." – (Page 104) This was foreshadowing what
Skeeter would do next. It let the reader know what was going to happen. Minny and Aibileen are
there to help Skeeter with her book. They are the interviews. At first, the book starts out with
Aibileen doing a normal day of work. She notices the Skeeter isn't like all the other ladies. She's
more polite. When Skeeter gets a job at the local newspaper she starts to go to Aibileen for help with
the Miss Myrna articles. She is even willing to pay her to help her. " 'For your help,' I say quietly, '
I've put away five dollars for every article. It's up to thirty–five dollars now.' " (Page 126) This shows
that Skeeter is quite
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Movie Review: The Help
The Help– The Movie A Critical Analysis The Help has been one of the most eminent movies
released in 2011. It's been an exceptional piece of work if analyzed in the spectrum of complete
entertainment. From storytelling to genre, the movie has performed reasonably in many areas.
Although there have been various criticisms on the movie when it comes to basic plot, however
overall the movie manages to reveal its actual meaning yet being an entertaining at the same time.
The movie was nominated in Oscars in four categories including Best picture. In a nutshell, it is a
captivating movie with exceptional cinematography and emotional reverberation. Although the
actresses failed to actually adopt and reflect the Southern accent. But disappointingly, where it has
done well with the basic elements of movie making, the movie has appeared rather ineffective in its
messages. As far as the previous savior–based Oscar movies are concerned, it struggles a lot to
shame racism. With blurred colored lines, the movie actually ends up making the Whites good about
themselves. In short, The Help represents a failing of both originality and moral grounding. After
analyzing the plot of the story, one can see the major contradiction with the actual history of Civil
rights movement. The actual history is represents an extensive series physical violence and sexual
abuses when it comes to domestic house workers. Even these areas were moderately discussed in
the actual novel as well. On the
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The Help Essay
The Help The movie The Help is based off of the beloved book by Kathryn Stockett, The Help.
The film is a drama taking place in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960s. Lead actresses include
Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Jessica Chastain, and Octavia Spencer. The movie begins with Eugenia
'Skeeter' Phelan being accepted for a job at the Jackson newspaper as a journalist for the cleaning
column. Phelan, who dreams of being a writer, meets with her friend Elizabeth Leefolt's African
American maid, Aibileen Clark. Phelan aspires to reveal the truth about the racism taking place in
Jackson, and wishes to collect some of Clark's stories. Clark, however, has mixed feelings about
sharing these stories, because she knows the violence and suffering that could result if anyone caught
her telling stories about her employers. After Clark's best friend, Minny Jackson, more
The maids wear simple blue dresses with a white apron, white socks, and black shoes. The wealthy,
popular women wear dresses with floral print throughout, and refrain from revealing too much.
Strings of pearls and pearl earrings worn by the characters reflect popular sixties jewelry. Finally, the
distinguished hairstyles of the characters exemplify the setting remarkably well. The women wear
their hair bumped up and voluminous, and normally less than shoulder–length, with the ends flipped
and curled. Headbands and bows make excellent sixties accessories in this film. These costumes
signify status and divide between race and add to the theme of the film. I have awarded The Help
with five out of five stars because it is the perfect blend for a movie. It includes heartbreaking
stories, unbelievable humor, and thrilling drama. In the end, this movie will leave you thinking about
it for hours. It's an unforgettable experience that one just has to know for
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The Help Essay

  • 1. The Help Movie Analysis The movie "The Help" gives many examples of psychological guides and themes and how it correlates with our class studies, this research paper is going to describe which topics and themes find to be the most important of the film. In my paper, I will be describing how Cecilia's drinking could be causing her prenatal baby to be a miscarriage and what might have happened with the baby, and to tell the the trauma behind losing so many children to her prone drinking. This paper will also be describing the Racism, and discrimination and Jim Crow laws, and education back in the 1960's in Jackson, Mississippi in the movie. This paper will show you many types of psychological events that happen to the daily person, like from disorders, to emotions, feelings, objects or people who influenced your life, based on the moments that portrayed that event like the Maids showed anxiety hoping they wouldn't get caught helping with Mrs.Skeeter's book about Jackson Mississippi. Also will include the development of Mae Mobley,and how she might act when she gets older. This paper will also discuss the important event of Medgar evers who was shot at his front door, because of a Racial discrimination. Psychological themes for the Help( Celia foote and Miscarriages In the movie,Celia Foote reveals she has had more than one miscarriage in the past. In the move she buries her baby and puts a tree over top of it, as in the background shows more small trees to give hints she has had more than one. Get more content on
  • 2. Skeeter Phelan In The Help Like all the white characters in The Help, Skeeter Phelan was raised by a black nanny. Constantine, a wise, comforting, and trusted adult, became a better mentor to Skeeter than her parents ever were. Early on Constantine teaches Skeeter that being different is nothing to be ashamed of, asking her "Are you gone believe what them fools say about you?" Constantine teaches Skeeter to follow her heart, but has a hard time taking her own advice, feeling she has few choices and limited power. Skeeter's peers expect her to have their values, following the lead of Hilly Holbrook, the queen bee. Early on, when Skeeter gets the job of writing the Miss Myrna's Household Hints column for the local paper, she asks advice from the help, a logical move. Her Get more content on
  • 3. The Help Sparknotes The main theme of the book "The Help" is that racism against the whites and blacks were a big issue back in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960's, black people were denied the right to an education and such, and were either made up as housekeepers and slaves to the white people. In the book, the white people would call the blacks vulgar names such as, dirty, worthless and other words that should not be mentioned. As you can tell, the whites showed how more privileged they were rather than the blacks. Now, as for the characters in the book, basically, all of the people were racists, most couldn't even realize it, the only white person who was not racist was Skeeter, she gave the black maids particularly, Get more content on
  • 4. The Help Film Analysis "The help" film is a perfect representation of how the south was and gives an idea on how bad African Americans were treated even if they were being paid and not only that but it also shows how different everything was back then. For example, as shown in the movie the women back then were quite different from today. Skeeter the main character is described as a very independentwoman compared to the rest of the white female characters. She doesn't seem to have an interest in men now but considers finding a dependable job unlike the other white females. Skeeter was also an educated woman and even had a bachelor's degree. Back in that specific time frame this was rather odd for a lady to be educated. Skeeter tries to advocate for the events that are occurring within southern homes by writing the experiences of the Jackson, Mississippi's black maids. Meanwhile, the film shows southern culture in great detail. In the first scenes of "The Help" there was a scene in which a black maid was telling a white female (Skeeter) about her life story and then it enters to all the scenes before until that point which are narrated by Abilene to Skeeter. The film shows many maid stories and where it helps to identify the superiority of the white over the black race. The black women were maids and took care of the white females' children and raised them, they as well did everything such as cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing and grocery shopping etc. White females on the other hand could care Get more content on
  • 5. The Help Essay The Help by Kathryn Stockett The storyline of The Help starts when young Eugenia Phelan, known to her friends as "Skeeter", returns to her home in Jackson, Mississippi, after graduating college. The time period is during the 1960s and there is high tension because of racism and the Civil Rights Movement. Skeeter is surprised when she does not find her beloved maid, Constantine, at home. What happened to Constantine is a mystery to Skeeter and no one seems to answer her hovering questions. Skeeter was unlike her friends because of the fact that she went to college and is unmarried. Skeeter is a part of a group that meets to play bridge once a week. Skeeter's friends Hilly Holbrook and Elizabeth Leefolt are in the bridge group. Hilly is the president of the Junior Women's League, which Skeeter writes the newsletter for. Hilly is known for being quite manipulative and the kind to always get what she wants. Skeeter, Elizabeth, and Hilly were all very close in high school but Skeeter became distant from them because of their differences. Both more content... She cares for Elizabeth's child and does all of the work around the house. As Aibileen and Skeeter work together to answer the "Miss Myrna" questions, Skeeter gets the idea to write a book about domestic maids. Skeeter submits her idea to Harper & Row Publishing and the company expressed interest. The company said that they would consider publishing under a few conditions– Skeeter had to include at least twelve maids and finish the book before the New Year. Aibileen convinced her candid friend, Minny (Hilly's mother's former maid), to get involved in the story but Skeeter still needed ten more. With tensions created by the Civil Rights Movement, Skeeter struggled to find maids that would agree to take such a risk, but when Hilly takes things a little too far, eleven maids from Aibileen's church agreed to tell Skeeter their Get more content on
  • 6. Movie Review: the Help Essay "The Help" An emotionally stirring movie taking place in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s, "The Help" stars Emma Stone, Viola Davis, and Octavia Spencer as three women who share a common motive. This racially tense setting creates the perfect foundation for a drama film such as this. The characters' personalities in combination with the emotion of the plot develop a socially accurate depiction of the struggles faced by the people of the time. While the racial aspect of the movie is dominant, viewers may also find compassion and friendship within the conversations and encounters of its characters. It is commonplace for white families to have black maids serving them at this time. Aibileen (Davis) is a strong–willed maid who more content... Most dresses fell below the knees and were patterned in floral prints and clean hemlines. The maids were shown wearing their uniforms for the majority of the movie, which also displayed modest hemlines and were a pale grey color. The men of Jackson, Mississippi– the few that were shown, at least– were shown wearing clean–lined suits and cuffed trousers. These middle class people who dressed to impress successfully created an air of cleanliness and uniformity. The sets of "The Help" were so well designed and accurately portrayed that they probably drew feelings of nostalgia from audience members who grew up in the time. Linoleum tiles and paneled walls created an ideal setting for a ranch house of a family of middle class status. Elizabeth's house looked like it was taken from a Good Housekeeping magazine of the sixties. The clean lines and wooden ranch tables made the viewer absorb the atmosphere and feel as though they were living in the time. The women's homes had plenty of floral wallpaper and patterned rugs to add to this feeling. Overall, "The Help" provides an insightful storyline taking place in the roughness of the simmering racial prejudices of the 1960s. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and felt like I knew the strong characters on a personal level and lived through the pain of the time with them. The sets and costumes were well designed and came together to play a crucial role in the formation of the plot. I recommend this Get more content on
  • 7. Summary Of ' The Help ' 09/15/2015 ENG142 "The Help" Annotated Bibliography Tiffin University Pulg, Claudia. "'The Help': It's Fine Work All Around." USA Today. Web. 9 Aug (2011) . In her review, Claudia was basically focused on how the movie was based on racism and that in this time in the 1960's that the movie would not be a great movie to see. Claudia, states this statement because of all issues that were going on with the civil rights at the time and how their services as maids were taken for granted. While in the process the women who were maids went to meet with Sly to them their stories a bond was created by Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny and from there they build a sisterhood. Claudia also praises the fact that everyone did a great job in playing the characters. This article is a great resource because it pointed out how the maids were taken advantage of and this would be a great way to get specific details. Motoko, Rich. ""The Help': A Southern Mirrored Window." The New York Times. Web. 2 Nov (2009) <> Motoko Rich, states that the novel is basically about the relationships between African American and their employers in the 1960's in Mississippi. In her review, she explained who were the narrators of the novel. Aibileen and Minny and Skeeter. She continued with how Skeeter was desperate and very eager and wanted to impress the editor at the publishing house in New York with a book idea and how she Get more content on
  • 8. The Help Book Analysis The novel 'The Help' written by Kathryn Stockett explores the theme of racial prejudice. During the time this novel was set in Jackson, Mississippi was strictly under the Jim Crow laws which brought about discrimination and segregation rules and regulations. In the novel, we see how people of colour are treated and hated on by the people in their community. With the main focus being how the white housewives treat their black maids. We see an insight into how these white housewives justify the exploitation and emotional abuse they laid upon their black maids, by believing that people of colour are physically different and therefore inferior to white people. Race is the number one way people in Jackson determine a person's social status and how someone is treated in society, therefore the people of colour are treated differently and thought little of in comparison to white people. Often black people being degraded and hurt emotionally and physically because they are said to be 'different'. Throughout the novel we see how the white people in society refer to their maids and people of colour in descriptive and derogatory ways, usually comparing them to animals. This shows us how in the novel white people believe that there is a major difference between them and people of colour, implying that black people are more like animals rather than others of the human race. In the novel, one of the white housewives Miss Hilly expresses her belief that people of colour are 'unclean,' and 'diseased ridden', apparently carrying and catching depravity and disease which are not carried by whites. An example of this in the text is when Miss Hilly say that she wants to pass "A bill that requires every white home to have a separate bathroom for the colored help. I've even notified the surgeon general of Mississippi to see if he'll endorse the idea. I'll pass." This quote shows us how the authorities in this book also contribute to the racial prejudice against the black people. There was false information stated about the blacks just because of their colour, and this brought even more segregation between the races. This quote makes me feel sad. Sad for the poor people of colour being discriminated against, but also sad that white Get more content on
  • 9. The Help Film Techniques The Help The Help is an inspiring movie, centralized on themes of showing courage in the midst of adversity and racial desegregation. The selection of actors with specific attributes, lighting/camera angles, and music, allows the movie to entertain in detail, and highlight the prime issues of the 1960s. With the movie being directed with these specifities in mind, the author, Kathryn Stockett, is able to successfully relay her message in the screenplay. The acting plays a crucial role in the way the audience perceives the characters. Skeeter Phelan (Emma Stone), Hilly Holbrook (Bryce Dallas Howard), and Celia Foote (Jessica Chastain) are wide–smiled, younger–aged, petite, white women, whereas Aibileen Clark (Viola Davis), and Octavia more content... There aren't very many special effects involved which added a natural, country feel to the movie. When Hilly drove her car to Skeeter's house the camera shot from above with an open angle. The scene continues with their conversation, where Hilly is filmed from above Skeeter's head shooting down on her, whereas Skeeter is filmed from Hilly's shoulder height looking up at her. This shows that Hilly is inferior to Skeeter. The camerawork also employs zooms, such as when Aibileen is leaving in the final scene, and Mae Mobley recites the three sentences Aibileen taught her. This increases the importance of the scene, and gives introspect into the intimacy of their relationship. The camerawork creates an optimistic viewpoint when the camera incorporates wide angles, for example, when Minny is looking at Celia's house for the first time, or when Skeeter is talking to her job editor in New York. A low –to–high tilt shot was used when the movie was introducing Celia Lightfoot that drew attention to Celia's physique. Music is an important element as it aids in setting the mood for the scene. In the final scene, Aibileen is leaving Mae Mobley, which is A mellow tune, such as Mary J Bliges' "The living proof," sets an attitude of vindication after a pyrrhic victory, but also gives the viewer hope. Upbeat, country songs such as "Jackson" by Johnny Cash were played to add buoyance. When Minny was gave hilly the Get more content on
  • 10. The Help by Kathryn Stockett Essay The Help The book , The Help by Kathryn Stockett, is about a women named Aibileen who is a black maid. She is taking care of her 17th white baby now. She works for a woman named Miss Leefolt. Aibileen has never disobeyed an order in her life and never intends to do so. Her friend Minny is the exact opposite. When she is around her boss, she has to hold herself back from sassing them all the time. Skeeter Phelan is different than the rest of the white ladies. She thinks that blacks aren't all that bad. She decides to write a book about the lives of maids for white ladies. Otherwise known as the Help. She with the help of Aibileen and Minny hope to create a book that starts a revolution about what white people think about blacks. Each more content... "I try to contribute to the conversation. 'Definitely Raleigh if it's a boy.' "– (Page 183) Skeeter didn't contribute to the conversation too much because she wasn't comfortable with her friends. I think that overall, there is lots of variety to the three. The three girls working together begins to create the solution to the main conflict. The main conflict in this case is blacks are being treated in a way that is not fair. They are being treated as if they are disease carrying things. Skeeter wants to change that perspective on people. That's why she wants to write a book on how black maids are treated in Mississippi. "I turn and hear Pascagoula's knock on my door. That's when the idea hit me. No. I couldn't. That would be . . . crossing the line." – (Page 104) This was foreshadowing what Skeeter would do next. It let the reader know what was going to happen. Minny and Aibileen are there to help Skeeter with her book. They are the interviews. At first, the book starts out with Aibileen doing a normal day of work. She notices the Skeeter isn't like all the other ladies. She's more polite. When Skeeter gets a job at the local newspaper she starts to go to Aibileen for help with the Miss Myrna articles. She is even willing to pay her to help her. " 'For your help,' I say quietly, ' I've put away five dollars for every article. It's up to thirty–five dollars now.' " (Page 126) This shows that Skeeter is quite Get more content on
  • 11. Movie Review: The Help The Help– The Movie A Critical Analysis The Help has been one of the most eminent movies released in 2011. It's been an exceptional piece of work if analyzed in the spectrum of complete entertainment. From storytelling to genre, the movie has performed reasonably in many areas. Although there have been various criticisms on the movie when it comes to basic plot, however overall the movie manages to reveal its actual meaning yet being an entertaining at the same time. The movie was nominated in Oscars in four categories including Best picture. In a nutshell, it is a captivating movie with exceptional cinematography and emotional reverberation. Although the actresses failed to actually adopt and reflect the Southern accent. But disappointingly, where it has done well with the basic elements of movie making, the movie has appeared rather ineffective in its messages. As far as the previous savior–based Oscar movies are concerned, it struggles a lot to shame racism. With blurred colored lines, the movie actually ends up making the Whites good about themselves. In short, The Help represents a failing of both originality and moral grounding. After analyzing the plot of the story, one can see the major contradiction with the actual history of Civil rights movement. The actual history is represents an extensive series physical violence and sexual abuses when it comes to domestic house workers. Even these areas were moderately discussed in the actual novel as well. On the Get more content on
  • 12. The Help Essay The Help The movie The Help is based off of the beloved book by Kathryn Stockett, The Help. The film is a drama taking place in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960s. Lead actresses include Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Jessica Chastain, and Octavia Spencer. The movie begins with Eugenia 'Skeeter' Phelan being accepted for a job at the Jackson newspaper as a journalist for the cleaning column. Phelan, who dreams of being a writer, meets with her friend Elizabeth Leefolt's African American maid, Aibileen Clark. Phelan aspires to reveal the truth about the racism taking place in Jackson, and wishes to collect some of Clark's stories. Clark, however, has mixed feelings about sharing these stories, because she knows the violence and suffering that could result if anyone caught her telling stories about her employers. After Clark's best friend, Minny Jackson, more content... The maids wear simple blue dresses with a white apron, white socks, and black shoes. The wealthy, popular women wear dresses with floral print throughout, and refrain from revealing too much. Strings of pearls and pearl earrings worn by the characters reflect popular sixties jewelry. Finally, the distinguished hairstyles of the characters exemplify the setting remarkably well. The women wear their hair bumped up and voluminous, and normally less than shoulder–length, with the ends flipped and curled. Headbands and bows make excellent sixties accessories in this film. These costumes signify status and divide between race and add to the theme of the film. I have awarded The Help with five out of five stars because it is the perfect blend for a movie. It includes heartbreaking stories, unbelievable humor, and thrilling drama. In the end, this movie will leave you thinking about it for hours. It's an unforgettable experience that one just has to know for Get more content on