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Essay about Computer Crimes
Computer Crimes
Computer crimes are a major issue in the world today. They are taken place in people's home,
office, and in lots of places. A person should be very cautious about the type of personal information
that they enter on there someone else's computer as well as there own. These things could come back
to haunt you in the future.
Criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, target, place or tool of a crime is what
we call computer crime. Some other terms for computer crime are cybercime, e–crime, hi–tech
crime, and electronic crime. None of these categories are exclusive and many activities can be
characterized as falling in one or more category. Even though it states that the computer crime is
when more content...
However, it releases codes that causes the computer to do whatever is written in the code.
Cyberterroism is terrorism done using the computer in some sort of way. Email abuse/harassment is
when people use the computer to harass you whereas prior to the computer it was done via regular
The growth of computer crime rapidly started in the 1970's. Although a lot of people don't see it, it
is becoming into a problem which involves and has influences on nearly every aspect of our modern
society. Due to the influence of computer crime, it has definetly changed the political, economocial,
cultural and also military aspects of our society.
There are a lot of crimes that are easier to commit when using a computer. Examples of the easy to
commit crimes are fraud, false inputting, fake output, forgery, theft of information, and
eavesdropping. These are just a few although there are more out there.
Some of the manipulation of computers include data files, attack on hardware, theft of software,
comprised measuring devices, hacking by both employees and/or outsiders, etc. In other words, there
are many different types of ways to manipulate a computer.
A perpetrator is a person who actually commits the crime. Some of the perpetrators involved with
computer crimes are ex–empolyees, terrorist, hackers, extortionists, employees, etc. You should
never put too much trust in anyone
A list of consequences of
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Essay on Computers and Teaching
Computers and Teaching
"The speed with which technology has developed since the invention of the computer has been
extraordinary and surprisingly sustained. For educators, the rapid and continuing introduction of
new technology into education, has outpaced the ability of teachers and developers to evaluate it
properly, " says Levy, (1997:1). And he continues, that as soon as teachers have become acquainted
with one kind of software and hardware and have developed some ability to use it for educational
purposes, "better" machines appear to displace it.
According to Ahmad et al (1985), computers bring to education what all new technical devices have
brought about: skepticism and fear, or "euphoria followed more content...
They'd better train students in computes skills in a specific area like IT , or they must consider
computers as part of the class as the pencil, pen, chalk and blackboard. (Classe, 1998)
"In our schools, every classroom in America must be connected to the information superhighway
with computers and good software and well–trained teachers" (Clinton, B: 1996, in Bush et al: 1997)
Teacher training has been supported by different sources, as mentioned by Cwiklik (1997). Federal
funds have been used in programs such as the Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program,
which provides funds for schools developing projects that encourage the good use of technology in
education. And the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund set up last year for state education agencies
to distribute to school–technology initiatives.
Schools, districts or teachers' certified agencies also sustain programs to develop teacher training,
such as the Community School District One in New York, the New York Public Schools with the
"Project Smart", or the Olympia, WA, School district which devised the original "Generation Why."
All mentioned by Cwiklik in Wall Street Journal (1997).
Teacher training is also left up to teachers who want to initiate participation by themselves, and
enroll in some of the multiple courses offered by colleges all over the USA.
In any case, as Katie Hickox (1997) says, teacher training
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The History of Computers
The History of Computers
Whether you know it or not you depend on computers for almost every thing you do in modern
day life. From the second you get up in the morning to the second you go to sleep computer are
tied into what you do and use in some way. It is tied in to you life in the most obvious and obscure
ways. Take for example you wake up in the morning usually to a digital alarm clock. You start you
car it uses computers the second you turn the key (General Motors is the largest buyers of computer
components in the world). You pick up the phone it uses computers. No mater how hard you try you
can get away from them you can't.
It is inevitable. Many people think of computers as a new invention, and in reality it is very old. more content...
When it was finished in 1950 it became the fastest computer in the world.17 It was built by the
National Bureau of standards on the campus of UCLA. It was names the
National Bureau of Standards Western Automatic Computer or the SWAC. It could be said that the
SWAC set the standards for computers for later up to present times.18 It was because the had all the
same primary units. It had a storage device, a internal clock, an input output device, and arithmetic
logic unit that consisting of a control and arithmetic unit. These computers were considered first
generation computers (1942 – 1958). In 1948 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Schockley
of Bell labs file for the firs patent on the transistor.19 This invention would foundation for second
generation computers (1958 – 1964). Computers of the second generation were smaller(about the
size of a piano now) and much more quicker because of the new inventions of its time. Computers
used the much smaller transistor over the bulky vacuum tubes. Another invention which influenced
second generation computers and every generation after it was the discovery of magnetic core
memory. Now magnetic tapes and disks were used to store programs instead of being stored in the
computer. This way the computer could be used for many operations without totally being
reprogrammed or rewired to do another task. All you had to do was pop in another disk. The third
generation(1964 – 1970) was when computers
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Essay on The Use of the Computer
In general, computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.
Computers can be found in various forms such as personal computers, calculators and mobile
phones. They are utilised in places like houses, offices, and schools. The invention of computer
symbolises the advancement of technology in mankind. Furthermore, computer has made our life
easier. We would not have achieved what we have today if computer was not invented. It is difficult
to identify which was the first computer invented. This is because the term computer has been
subject to varying interpretations over time. The meaning of computer changes as time passes by,
thus making it difficult to interpret the accurate meaning. Originally, more content...
The students are able to pay more attention to the lessons and exercises given through computer as it
is animated. Besides that, we can solve a mathematic question using a computer or calculator. We
can get the answer fast and accurately instead of wasting time to redo the question a few times to
get an accurate answer. Computer is also a source of entertainment. We can use computer to
entertain us besides doing work or study. We can choose to play fun computer games, listen to our
favourite songs or even watch exciting movies. These will keep us entertained during our free
time. In this way, computer can help us to release stress. We can always use the computer for
play when we are stressed up and then continue work. This can be said as killing two birds with
one stone! Although computer has a lot of benefits, computer also has drawbacks as nothing is
perfect in this world. As computer is a part of our life, we tend to store private information in
computer. Some inconsiderate people will try to hack in our computer to get the data files or send
in viruses to destroy our data files. Those who got the data files will either broadcast it in the
internet or use it to threaten the owner. Fortunately, this problem can be curbed using a secured
firewall program and a good antivirus program. As computer is used worldwide, children and
teenagers are also using
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Computer Science Essay
Computer Science Computer science is one of the fastest growing career fields in modern history.
Dating back only a few decades to the late 1950's and early 1960's, it has become on of the leading
industries in the world today. Developed through the technological architecture of electrical
engineering and the computational language of mathematics, the science of computer technology has
provided considerable recognition and financial gain for many of its well deserving pioneers.
Originally conceived as an organizational solution to the massive amounts of information kept on
nothing more than paper, computers have evolved and advanced to become a common part of
modern day life. In the early days of the computer age, the newest and more content...
It is essentially the brain of the computer and though it is the main determining factor in the
processing power of the computer as a whole, many other parts of the machine are just as important
in overall performance. Many people don't know this and that is how computer corporations have
cheated people out of their money for so many years by selling them cheep systems with high
megahertz numbers for the processors in them. This is one reason for the success of the computer
industry. When people find out that they have been cheated, they will try to learn more about the
product and probably end up spending more money next time. Either way the computer companies
always win. A career in the field ofcomputer science has been proven to be a worthwhile direction
for any young enthusiast and this tren is looking just as bright in the new millenium. Computer
science and technology has much to offer in anyone of its many career paths. Whether working with
a large multinational corporation or a smaller private company on computer hardware or software in
engineering or programming, the possibilities and opportunities are endless and are increasing
everyday. One reason the computer industry is so promising is that virtually every industry in the
world depends on computers to operate. This creates an increasingly large and permanent demand
for computer hardware, software, and the technical knowledge to create and use them. Computer
games have
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Essay about History of the Computer
History of the Computer
The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid–20th century (around 1940 –
1945), although the computer concept and various machines similar to computers existed earlier.
Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several
hundred modern personal computers.[1] Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits
and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space.[2]
Today, simple computers may be made small enough to fit into a wristwatch and be powered from a
watch battery. Personal computers in various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what
most people think of as "a computer"; however, the more content...
This effort was funded by ARPA (now DARPA), and the computer network that it produced was
called the ARPANET. The technologies that made the Arpanet possible spread and evolved. In time,
the network spread beyond academic and military institutions and became known as the Internet. The
emergence of networking involved a redefinition of the nature and boundaries of the computer.
Computer operating systems and applications were modified to include the ability to define and
access the resources of other computers on the network, such as peripheral devices, stored
information, and the like, as extensions of the resources of an individual computer. Initially these
facilities were available primarily to people working in high–tech environments, but in the 1990s the
spread of applications like e–mail and the World Wide Web, combined with the development of
cheap, fast networking technologies like Ethernet and ADSL saw computer networking become
almost ubiquitous. In fact, the number of computers that are networked is growing phenomenally. A
very large proportion of personal computers regularly connect to the Internet to communicate and
receive information. "Wireless" networking, often utilizing mobile phone networks, has meant
networking is becoming increasingly ubiquitous even in mobile computing environments.
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Essay about Affect of Computers on Society
Computers and Society
The first modern digital computers were developed in the 1940s for military purposes that arose
during World War II. These computers filled entire rooms. They took hours to perform complex
mathematical operations. In the 1970s, the first personal computers were sold. Fitting on a desktop,
they were much faster and more powerful than the computers that had once filled large rooms.
Computers were also affordable to individual consumers, making it possible for many people to use
them for personal, business, and academic needs. By the mid–1990s, laptop computers capable of
millions of calculations per second had been developed. Currently, nearly half of American homes
have a personal computer, and businesses more content...
Internet is the network connecting all of these computers to each other. Some people are calling it
the information highway. The network help computers to join together to communicate with us and
for us. As we look to the future the changes to society will be as revolutionary as those of the
Industrial Age and the Renaissance. Not only will people shop and conduct business through their
computers, but they will also engage in every type of human activity, from reading to simply hanging
out with friends. The increased level of communication made possible by computer networks will
bring many benefits in the areas of business, education, and social interaction, producing sharing of
knowledge and wealth and a worldwide cultural renewal. A few critics, however, are skeptical of the
optimism of computer enthusiasts. They question whether the benefits of computer technology will
outweigh the potential harms. One of the arguments is that technology has done nothing to help in
our social problems. Since computers tend to decrease actual human contact, their use may weaken
people's sense of community and increase existing social divisions.
One area in which the optimism of computer enthusiasts comes into immediate conflict with the
skepticism of critics is education. Those who believe that computers will bring revolutionary
changes to society say that schools should prepare children for that future with computer education.
By giving
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Children and Computers Essay
Topic: Children and Computers I. Introduction (paragraph 1) a. Hook: "The computer has been
introduced into the early childhood education programs and elementary schools at the national
level." (brainy–child, "computers on your children", May 26, 2010) b. Connecting information:
many children begin to use computers at an early age, and children can use computers in negative
and positive ways. c. Thesis statement: computers effect children in positive and negative manner
such as, the negative effect from computer games and Internet on children, and the positive effect
from computer on children's education. II. Body: a. Paragraph2 (first negative effect) topic sentence:
The negative effect of computer games more content...
Children will feel lonely because they spent most of their time on computers instead of spending
their time with their family."This increases their daily stress because if they are not talking with
their parents it means they are not sharing their problem, which is why they are facing trouble."(
Wisdia "computer affects", n.d.). Children should be with their parents instead of playing on
computers because parents always advise and help their children. To conclude, computer games can
affect on children in negative way, and change their behavior. Second, Internet affects on children
in two negative ways. One obvious negative effect is login on sites that can damage children's
life. "Sites encourage children to use the Internet for the production, manufacture, and distribution
pornography" (ojp, "Internet" , May 2001). For example, login on sites that sell alcohol and
drugs. Also these sites give details on how to get and use them. Moreover, there are sites deceive
children, and give them money to help them sell pornography materials. Those children who
deceived from the internet there life will damage, and they will be in jail. Next obvious negative
effect is chatting with bad people who damage children minds. For instance, chatting with people
who encourage children for violet and suicide. "Children are also easy target for sexual affenders
who chat online with bad people and then make plans to meet them or slowly filter
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Essay about The History of Computers
The first ever computer was invented in the 1820s by Charlse Babbage. However the first
electronic digital computer were developed between 1940 and 1945 in the United States and in the
United Kingdom. They were gigantic, originally the size of a large room, and also need to be
supply a large amount of power source which is equivalent as several hundred modern personal
computers. The history of computer hardware covers the developments from simple devices to aid
calculation, to mechanical calculators, punched card data processing and on to modern stored
program computers. The tools or mechanical tool used to help in calculation are called calculators
while the machine operator that help in calculations is called computer. At first more
UNIVAC 1 was created to process data like Herman Hollerith's tabulator over 50 years before,
however UNIVAC 1 was then manufactured for other users and become the world's first large scale
commercial computer. The key period of the evolution of modern electronic computer is in between
the late 1930s and the early 1950s. Not all of them were invented by the mathematician or physician.
Among those machines were pioneering computers put together by english academics notably
Manchester/Ferrenti Mark 1, built at Manchester University by Frederic Williams and Thomas
Kilburn. And the EDSAC, Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator built by Maurice Wilkes
at Cambridge University. The microelectronic revolution started when they were using the vacuum
tubes it consume a lot of power supply. As a comparison the ENIAC used about 2000 times as
much electricity as the modern laptop. Not just that, the modern term for a problem that holds up a
computer program is a "bug". Popular legend has it that this word entered the vocabulary of
computer programmers sometimes in the 1950s when moths, attracted by the glowing lights of
vacuum tubes, flew inside machines and caused a short circuit. In order to create more advance
computer, would have needed hundreds of thousands or even millions of tubes, which would have
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Computer (disambiguation).
"Computer system" redirects here. For other uses, see Computer system (disambiguation).
"Computer technology" redirects here. For the company, see Computer Technology Limited.
A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of
arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the
computer can solve more than one kind of problem.
Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing element, typically a central
processing unit (CPU) and some form of memory. The processing more content...
10–70 AD) built a mechanical theater which performed a play lasting 10 minutes and was operated
by a complex system of ropes and drums that might be considered to be a means of deciding which
parts of the mechanism performed which actions and when.[8] This is the essence of
Around the end of the 10th century, the French monk Gerbert d 'Aurillac brought back from Spain
the drawings of a machine invented by the Moors that answered either Yes or No to the questions it
was asked.[9] Again in the 13th century, the monks Albertus Magnus andRoger Bacon built talking
androids without any further development (Albertus Magnus complained that he had wasted forty
years of his life when Thomas Aquinas, terrified by his machine, destroyed it).[10]
In 1642, the Renaissance saw the invention of the mechanical calculator,[11] a device that could
perform all four arithmetic operations without relying on human intelligence.[12] The mechanical
calculator was at the root of the development of computers in two separate ways. Initially, it was in
trying to develop more powerful and more flexible calculators[13]
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Essay about Computers in the Medical Field
"Computers play a key role in almost every sphere of life" (Berry, Terrie). Without them,
everything would be different. People all around the world own or used a computer. Whether you
are a professional in technology or just an average person, computers are still very important in
your everyday life. "No other technology has accessed the world like computers and the use of the
Internet have" (Maddox, Amanda). Without computers, consumers would not be able to do half the
things as quickly as we can. Advances in computer design have increased its use for different
industries, especially in the medical field.
Computers help out hospitals and pharmacies very much. Pharmacists use computers to keep a
record of medications and the dosage more content...
Some surgical procedures are computer–guided. These types of surgeries mean that the patient has
less downtime since the procedures are more straight–forward. Storing information using computers
has changed the way in which the world works. The computer has helped the medical field as much
as or more than other fields (Maddox, Amanda).
In every medical office there are various uses of computers. They contribute a lot to the hospital
administration; all the administrative processes are kept in computers. Staff records, incoming and
outgoing time of the staff, the holiday records of the staff, anything to do with the staff, are all
examples of how computers are used in a medical office. If the doctor were to hand–write every
little thing, to keep track of such things, it would be very difficult, but with computers, the task
uses less time and the process is simplified. In most medical offices, accounting is also
computerized; it helps you keep the daily records of the financial transactions. It also can reduce the
chances of money related frauds because all the data is stored into a computer and can be used for
future reference. Computers also help in recording the names and contact details of the doctors and
associated people and also the patients. It is useful when it comes to recording the medical history of
the patient, such as, previous treatments and tests, diagnosis and symptoms, surgeries, etc. Such
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Essay About Computers

  • 1. Essay about Computer Crimes Computer Crimes Computer crimes are a major issue in the world today. They are taken place in people's home, office, and in lots of places. A person should be very cautious about the type of personal information that they enter on there someone else's computer as well as there own. These things could come back to haunt you in the future. Criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, target, place or tool of a crime is what we call computer crime. Some other terms for computer crime are cybercime, e–crime, hi–tech crime, and electronic crime. None of these categories are exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more category. Even though it states that the computer crime is when more content... However, it releases codes that causes the computer to do whatever is written in the code. Cyberterroism is terrorism done using the computer in some sort of way. Email abuse/harassment is when people use the computer to harass you whereas prior to the computer it was done via regular mail. The growth of computer crime rapidly started in the 1970's. Although a lot of people don't see it, it is becoming into a problem which involves and has influences on nearly every aspect of our modern society. Due to the influence of computer crime, it has definetly changed the political, economocial, cultural and also military aspects of our society. There are a lot of crimes that are easier to commit when using a computer. Examples of the easy to commit crimes are fraud, false inputting, fake output, forgery, theft of information, and eavesdropping. These are just a few although there are more out there. Some of the manipulation of computers include data files, attack on hardware, theft of software, comprised measuring devices, hacking by both employees and/or outsiders, etc. In other words, there are many different types of ways to manipulate a computer. A perpetrator is a person who actually commits the crime. Some of the perpetrators involved with computer crimes are ex–empolyees, terrorist, hackers, extortionists, employees, etc. You should never put too much trust in anyone A list of consequences of Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Computers and Teaching Computers and Teaching Introduction: "The speed with which technology has developed since the invention of the computer has been extraordinary and surprisingly sustained. For educators, the rapid and continuing introduction of new technology into education, has outpaced the ability of teachers and developers to evaluate it properly, " says Levy, (1997:1). And he continues, that as soon as teachers have become acquainted with one kind of software and hardware and have developed some ability to use it for educational purposes, "better" machines appear to displace it. According to Ahmad et al (1985), computers bring to education what all new technical devices have brought about: skepticism and fear, or "euphoria followed more content... They'd better train students in computes skills in a specific area like IT , or they must consider computers as part of the class as the pencil, pen, chalk and blackboard. (Classe, 1998) TEACHER TRAINING: "In our schools, every classroom in America must be connected to the information superhighway with computers and good software and well–trained teachers" (Clinton, B: 1996, in Bush et al: 1997) Teacher training has been supported by different sources, as mentioned by Cwiklik (1997). Federal funds have been used in programs such as the Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program, which provides funds for schools developing projects that encourage the good use of technology in education. And the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund set up last year for state education agencies to distribute to school–technology initiatives. Schools, districts or teachers' certified agencies also sustain programs to develop teacher training, such as the Community School District One in New York, the New York Public Schools with the "Project Smart", or the Olympia, WA, School district which devised the original "Generation Why." All mentioned by Cwiklik in Wall Street Journal (1997). Teacher training is also left up to teachers who want to initiate participation by themselves, and enroll in some of the multiple courses offered by colleges all over the USA. In any case, as Katie Hickox (1997) says, teacher training Get more content on
  • 3. The History of Computers The History of Computers Whether you know it or not you depend on computers for almost every thing you do in modern day life. From the second you get up in the morning to the second you go to sleep computer are tied into what you do and use in some way. It is tied in to you life in the most obvious and obscure ways. Take for example you wake up in the morning usually to a digital alarm clock. You start you car it uses computers the second you turn the key (General Motors is the largest buyers of computer components in the world). You pick up the phone it uses computers. No mater how hard you try you can get away from them you can't. It is inevitable. Many people think of computers as a new invention, and in reality it is very old. more content... When it was finished in 1950 it became the fastest computer in the world.17 It was built by the National Bureau of standards on the campus of UCLA. It was names the National Bureau of Standards Western Automatic Computer or the SWAC. It could be said that the SWAC set the standards for computers for later up to present times.18 It was because the had all the same primary units. It had a storage device, a internal clock, an input output device, and arithmetic logic unit that consisting of a control and arithmetic unit. These computers were considered first generation computers (1942 – 1958). In 1948 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Schockley of Bell labs file for the firs patent on the transistor.19 This invention would foundation for second generation computers (1958 – 1964). Computers of the second generation were smaller(about the size of a piano now) and much more quicker because of the new inventions of its time. Computers used the much smaller transistor over the bulky vacuum tubes. Another invention which influenced second generation computers and every generation after it was the discovery of magnetic core memory. Now magnetic tapes and disks were used to store programs instead of being stored in the computer. This way the computer could be used for many operations without totally being reprogrammed or rewired to do another task. All you had to do was pop in another disk. The third generation(1964 – 1970) was when computers Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Use of the Computer In general, computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions. Computers can be found in various forms such as personal computers, calculators and mobile phones. They are utilised in places like houses, offices, and schools. The invention of computer symbolises the advancement of technology in mankind. Furthermore, computer has made our life easier. We would not have achieved what we have today if computer was not invented. It is difficult to identify which was the first computer invented. This is because the term computer has been subject to varying interpretations over time. The meaning of computer changes as time passes by, thus making it difficult to interpret the accurate meaning. Originally, more content... The students are able to pay more attention to the lessons and exercises given through computer as it is animated. Besides that, we can solve a mathematic question using a computer or calculator. We can get the answer fast and accurately instead of wasting time to redo the question a few times to get an accurate answer. Computer is also a source of entertainment. We can use computer to entertain us besides doing work or study. We can choose to play fun computer games, listen to our favourite songs or even watch exciting movies. These will keep us entertained during our free time. In this way, computer can help us to release stress. We can always use the computer for play when we are stressed up and then continue work. This can be said as killing two birds with one stone! Although computer has a lot of benefits, computer also has drawbacks as nothing is perfect in this world. As computer is a part of our life, we tend to store private information in computer. Some inconsiderate people will try to hack in our computer to get the data files or send in viruses to destroy our data files. Those who got the data files will either broadcast it in the internet or use it to threaten the owner. Fortunately, this problem can be curbed using a secured firewall program and a good antivirus program. As computer is used worldwide, children and teenagers are also using Get more content on
  • 5. Computer Science Essay Computer Science Computer science is one of the fastest growing career fields in modern history. Dating back only a few decades to the late 1950's and early 1960's, it has become on of the leading industries in the world today. Developed through the technological architecture of electrical engineering and the computational language of mathematics, the science of computer technology has provided considerable recognition and financial gain for many of its well deserving pioneers. Originally conceived as an organizational solution to the massive amounts of information kept on nothing more than paper, computers have evolved and advanced to become a common part of modern day life. In the early days of the computer age, the newest and more content... It is essentially the brain of the computer and though it is the main determining factor in the processing power of the computer as a whole, many other parts of the machine are just as important in overall performance. Many people don't know this and that is how computer corporations have cheated people out of their money for so many years by selling them cheep systems with high megahertz numbers for the processors in them. This is one reason for the success of the computer industry. When people find out that they have been cheated, they will try to learn more about the product and probably end up spending more money next time. Either way the computer companies always win. A career in the field ofcomputer science has been proven to be a worthwhile direction for any young enthusiast and this tren is looking just as bright in the new millenium. Computer science and technology has much to offer in anyone of its many career paths. Whether working with a large multinational corporation or a smaller private company on computer hardware or software in engineering or programming, the possibilities and opportunities are endless and are increasing everyday. One reason the computer industry is so promising is that virtually every industry in the world depends on computers to operate. This creates an increasingly large and permanent demand for computer hardware, software, and the technical knowledge to create and use them. Computer games have Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about History of the Computer History of the Computer The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid–20th century (around 1940 – 1945), although the computer concept and various machines similar to computers existed earlier. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers.[1] Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space.[2] Today, simple computers may be made small enough to fit into a wristwatch and be powered from a watch battery. Personal computers in various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "a computer"; however, the more content... This effort was funded by ARPA (now DARPA), and the computer network that it produced was called the ARPANET. The technologies that made the Arpanet possible spread and evolved. In time, the network spread beyond academic and military institutions and became known as the Internet. The emergence of networking involved a redefinition of the nature and boundaries of the computer. Computer operating systems and applications were modified to include the ability to define and access the resources of other computers on the network, such as peripheral devices, stored information, and the like, as extensions of the resources of an individual computer. Initially these facilities were available primarily to people working in high–tech environments, but in the 1990s the spread of applications like e–mail and the World Wide Web, combined with the development of cheap, fast networking technologies like Ethernet and ADSL saw computer networking become almost ubiquitous. In fact, the number of computers that are networked is growing phenomenally. A very large proportion of personal computers regularly connect to the Internet to communicate and receive information. "Wireless" networking, often utilizing mobile phone networks, has meant networking is becoming increasingly ubiquitous even in mobile computing environments. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Affect of Computers on Society Computers and Society The first modern digital computers were developed in the 1940s for military purposes that arose during World War II. These computers filled entire rooms. They took hours to perform complex mathematical operations. In the 1970s, the first personal computers were sold. Fitting on a desktop, they were much faster and more powerful than the computers that had once filled large rooms. Computers were also affordable to individual consumers, making it possible for many people to use them for personal, business, and academic needs. By the mid–1990s, laptop computers capable of millions of calculations per second had been developed. Currently, nearly half of American homes have a personal computer, and businesses more content... Internet is the network connecting all of these computers to each other. Some people are calling it the information highway. The network help computers to join together to communicate with us and for us. As we look to the future the changes to society will be as revolutionary as those of the Industrial Age and the Renaissance. Not only will people shop and conduct business through their computers, but they will also engage in every type of human activity, from reading to simply hanging out with friends. The increased level of communication made possible by computer networks will bring many benefits in the areas of business, education, and social interaction, producing sharing of knowledge and wealth and a worldwide cultural renewal. A few critics, however, are skeptical of the optimism of computer enthusiasts. They question whether the benefits of computer technology will outweigh the potential harms. One of the arguments is that technology has done nothing to help in our social problems. Since computers tend to decrease actual human contact, their use may weaken people's sense of community and increase existing social divisions. One area in which the optimism of computer enthusiasts comes into immediate conflict with the skepticism of critics is education. Those who believe that computers will bring revolutionary changes to society say that schools should prepare children for that future with computer education. By giving Get more content on
  • 8. Children and Computers Essay Outline Topic: Children and Computers I. Introduction (paragraph 1) a. Hook: "The computer has been introduced into the early childhood education programs and elementary schools at the national level." (brainy–child, "computers on your children", May 26, 2010) b. Connecting information: many children begin to use computers at an early age, and children can use computers in negative and positive ways. c. Thesis statement: computers effect children in positive and negative manner such as, the negative effect from computer games and Internet on children, and the positive effect from computer on children's education. II. Body: a. Paragraph2 (first negative effect) topic sentence: The negative effect of computer games more content... Children will feel lonely because they spent most of their time on computers instead of spending their time with their family."This increases their daily stress because if they are not talking with their parents it means they are not sharing their problem, which is why they are facing trouble."( Wisdia "computer affects", n.d.). Children should be with their parents instead of playing on computers because parents always advise and help their children. To conclude, computer games can affect on children in negative way, and change their behavior. Second, Internet affects on children in two negative ways. One obvious negative effect is login on sites that can damage children's life. "Sites encourage children to use the Internet for the production, manufacture, and distribution pornography" (ojp, "Internet" , May 2001). For example, login on sites that sell alcohol and drugs. Also these sites give details on how to get and use them. Moreover, there are sites deceive children, and give them money to help them sell pornography materials. Those children who deceived from the internet there life will damage, and they will be in jail. Next obvious negative effect is chatting with bad people who damage children minds. For instance, chatting with people who encourage children for violet and suicide. "Children are also easy target for sexual affenders who chat online with bad people and then make plans to meet them or slowly filter Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about The History of Computers The first ever computer was invented in the 1820s by Charlse Babbage. However the first electronic digital computer were developed between 1940 and 1945 in the United States and in the United Kingdom. They were gigantic, originally the size of a large room, and also need to be supply a large amount of power source which is equivalent as several hundred modern personal computers. The history of computer hardware covers the developments from simple devices to aid calculation, to mechanical calculators, punched card data processing and on to modern stored program computers. The tools or mechanical tool used to help in calculation are called calculators while the machine operator that help in calculations is called computer. At first more content... UNIVAC 1 was created to process data like Herman Hollerith's tabulator over 50 years before, however UNIVAC 1 was then manufactured for other users and become the world's first large scale commercial computer. The key period of the evolution of modern electronic computer is in between the late 1930s and the early 1950s. Not all of them were invented by the mathematician or physician. Among those machines were pioneering computers put together by english academics notably Manchester/Ferrenti Mark 1, built at Manchester University by Frederic Williams and Thomas Kilburn. And the EDSAC, Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator built by Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University. The microelectronic revolution started when they were using the vacuum tubes it consume a lot of power supply. As a comparison the ENIAC used about 2000 times as much electricity as the modern laptop. Not just that, the modern term for a problem that holds up a computer program is a "bug". Popular legend has it that this word entered the vocabulary of computer programmers sometimes in the 1950s when moths, attracted by the glowing lights of vacuum tubes, flew inside machines and caused a short circuit. In order to create more advance computer, would have needed hundreds of thousands or even millions of tubes, which would have been Get more content on
  • 10. Computers ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Computer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Computer (disambiguation). "Computer system" redirects here. For other uses, see Computer system (disambiguation). "Computer technology" redirects here. For the company, see Computer Technology Limited. Computer| | A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing element, typically a central processing unit (CPU) and some form of memory. The processing more content... 10–70 AD) built a mechanical theater which performed a play lasting 10 minutes and was operated by a complex system of ropes and drums that might be considered to be a means of deciding which parts of the mechanism performed which actions and when.[8] This is the essence of programmability. Around the end of the 10th century, the French monk Gerbert d 'Aurillac brought back from Spain the drawings of a machine invented by the Moors that answered either Yes or No to the questions it was asked.[9] Again in the 13th century, the monks Albertus Magnus andRoger Bacon built talking androids without any further development (Albertus Magnus complained that he had wasted forty years of his life when Thomas Aquinas, terrified by his machine, destroyed it).[10] In 1642, the Renaissance saw the invention of the mechanical calculator,[11] a device that could perform all four arithmetic operations without relying on human intelligence.[12] The mechanical calculator was at the root of the development of computers in two separate ways. Initially, it was in trying to develop more powerful and more flexible calculators[13] Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Computers in the Medical Field "Computers play a key role in almost every sphere of life" (Berry, Terrie). Without them, everything would be different. People all around the world own or used a computer. Whether you are a professional in technology or just an average person, computers are still very important in your everyday life. "No other technology has accessed the world like computers and the use of the Internet have" (Maddox, Amanda). Without computers, consumers would not be able to do half the things as quickly as we can. Advances in computer design have increased its use for different industries, especially in the medical field. Computers help out hospitals and pharmacies very much. Pharmacists use computers to keep a record of medications and the dosage more content... Some surgical procedures are computer–guided. These types of surgeries mean that the patient has less downtime since the procedures are more straight–forward. Storing information using computers has changed the way in which the world works. The computer has helped the medical field as much as or more than other fields (Maddox, Amanda). In every medical office there are various uses of computers. They contribute a lot to the hospital administration; all the administrative processes are kept in computers. Staff records, incoming and outgoing time of the staff, the holiday records of the staff, anything to do with the staff, are all examples of how computers are used in a medical office. If the doctor were to hand–write every little thing, to keep track of such things, it would be very difficult, but with computers, the task uses less time and the process is simplified. In most medical offices, accounting is also computerized; it helps you keep the daily records of the financial transactions. It also can reduce the chances of money related frauds because all the data is stored into a computer and can be used for future reference. Computers also help in recording the names and contact details of the doctors and associated people and also the patients. It is useful when it comes to recording the medical history of the patient, such as, previous treatments and tests, diagnosis and symptoms, surgeries, etc. Such information Get more content on