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The Early Republic ( 1775 )
Tom Le Mr. Salvucci US History Honors– Mod F 17 December 2015 The Early Republic (1775 –
1800) On the 23rd day of March, 1775 in Richmond, Virginia, a tense atmosphere filled with
hesitation surrounds the church of St. John. Will it be peace? Or is it war against the forceful,
vigorous British Empire? As others urged for harmony and tranquility, man such as Patrick Henry
stood out, demanding for war against Great Britain. While the room remains silent, Henry stood up
to give what is later known as one of the most inspiring speeches in the course of human history, and
changes the destiny of America, forever. "Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace–– but there is no peace.
The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the
clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is
it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be
purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others
may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" (Henry, Patrick). From that moment,
the idea of revolution sparkled in the heart of every colonist, and their will to fight were stronger
than ever. From that moment, the history of an independent United States was written. And from
that moment, the American Revolution officially begin, representing a radical alteration, in which
the country completely freed itself from the
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Music And Dance In India
Throughout Indian culture, music and dance are the most distinguished art form within. The range
of musical variety in India expands far beyond simple melodies to intricately formed classical sagas.
India is the seventh biggest country in the world and the 3rd largest in the northern hemisphere. Of
the 29 states, it consists of a population of 1.32 billion citizens. Due to its vastly increasing
population, it's culture continues to adapt and thrive within an ever–changing society. The most vital
and key ingredient within any Modern society is the ability to adapt to this tool, this segways
towards a wide variety of different sights and sounds flowing all around the area. Despite the fact
that Indian culture is well known for its exotic animals, foods and much more. It is beloved for
their art and music. Shortly after the sweet birth of music, came dance; which originally served a
spiritual purpose and described a spiritual energy that connected its people with several figures
within the Hindu religion. It wasn't till around 1960 when dance art forms began turning towards
more modern and western themes. In 1899 the first Bollywood short film was screened for the first
time, which planted seeds for pop culture to take root within music and redesigned what Hindi
music was and will ever be. In a western society like the United States, Bollywood takes on the role
of squashing the many stereotypes that linger and taint the image that defines what exactly Indian
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Indian Political System
According to our Constitution, India is a "sovereign secular socialist democratic republic." It has 28
states and seven Union Territories. With a population of approximately 112 crore, India happens to
be the largest democracy in the world. Indian polity is a multi–party democracy, based on the adult
franchise system of voting. That is any Indian citizen of 18 and above, who is not debarred by law,
can vote in the Indian elections, at national, state and local levels.
India is a parliamentary democracy and a federal parliamentary representative democratic republic,
where the Prime Minister is the head of government. He or she should be chosen by the MPs
(Member of Parliaments) of the ruling party or the coalition that comes to power, more
The Vice President has to temporarily assume the role of President in the event of the death,
resignation, or removal of the President, until a new President is chosen by the electoral college.
The Vice President of India may also act temporarily as President, during the absence or illness of
the President. The Vice President of India is also the Ex–officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
Mohammad Hamid Ansari is the present Vice President of India.
Executive, Legislature and Judiciary
With the Union Government and State Governments wrest the executive power, while the legislative
power is vested on the Union Government and the two houses of Indian Parliament– the Lok Sabha
and Rajya Sabha– and also the State Government and two state legislatures–Vidhan Sabha and
Vidhan Parishad. However, here it deserves a mention that only five of India's 28 states have
Vidhan Parishad or Legislative Council, which is also known as the upper house of state
legislatures, along with the Vidhan Sabha. The rest of the states don't have bicameral legislatures,
and only have Vidhan Sabha or Legislative Assembly. Each state also has a Governor, who is
formally appointed by the President of India. The role of the Governor is somewhat similar to that
of President in the national level; he is a titular head of the state in normal circumstances, but can
exercise some powers when directed by the Union Government.
The judiciary is the third arm of the governance, which is
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Religion in India Essay
Religion in India
What is religion? Religion has always played an important role in man's existence. It is hard to
define religion because every person has, his or her own way of defining religion. For some of us
it might be a way of life, which determines what they ear, who their friends are, and it also makes
up what culture they follow from day to day. For others, religion simply means going to church or
temple and seeing religious festivals. India is the land of culture. This country is very rich of culture
and religion, and this is the backbone of the social structure. India's fight for religion has been going
on for decades, from the mogul empire to the British and now to the present day with Pakistan. In
this day and age, more content...
In Brahma there is no sense of individuality, but only pure being, consciousness, and bliss.
Sacrifices are also a big part of Hinduism. And it is practiced religiously in India. The most
common type of sacrifices comes with plant life and the melting of butter. Although animals are
also sacrifices, but this is doe very rarely, because such as the cow and the monkey are closely
knit with the religion. Worship or also known as "puja" in India is done by prayer which includes
singing and dancing to the gods. Worship was termed as praying to several different gods, but
only two gods are looked at as dominant figures such as Lord Vishnu and Lord Siva. There are a
lot of places that show the cultural practices of Hinduism, but the most important place is the
Temples. Temples, which are built from solid rock, and are covered with hand carved artwork that
define the Indian religion. A lot of them tell a story of an event that took place during the time when
it was built. Most temples are covered with the images of the gods they were built for. Although
Hinduism has a vast array of gods and cultures, most of them practice Hinduism the same way.
"Buddhism has been known to its followers as both a teaching and a way of deliverance." It is
questioned as to weather or not Buddhism is a religion. But instead people look at Buddhism as a
type of discipline. Gautama Buddha founded Buddhism, which was a
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Republic Day Vs Day Essay
Legend is told in a two person perspective. June is being trained to be somebody really high in the
military, while Day is the most wanted criminal in the Republic. Nobody ever imagined them two
crossing paths but one day June's brother, Metias gets murdered and it's up to her to find why and
how this happened, of course Day is one of the suspects. As the book continues the two cross paths
and start a journey together where they find out many things about the Republic and just the truth
about everything happening, things just start making more sense, this just brings them closer which
leads to some romance between them, etc. Throughout this book you find a lot of conflict, mysteries,
lessons, and just about what a good book would have. more content...
The book switches out between them and tells their story, each having their own chapters. Because
it's written in this point of view we can get into the character's mind and know how they feel, what
they think, etc. It also allows us to see a certain event in both of their perspectives and hear their
thoughts about it or how they felt. If this book was written in 3rd person omniscient we would be
able to hear the thoughts of the many other characters. I think it would get confusing because it
would be so many perspectives of one situation and it would make the story
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The Indian Culture Essay examples
A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until
death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all
refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many
ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and
acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions
make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this
particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the
significant customs. In the novel, Clear more content...
When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the
children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally
challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out
for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings
established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When
the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him
regain back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to
earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job
that was seemed appropriate for women.
"For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to
teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155)
Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the
family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life
without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara
married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers'
needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives
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Essay On Indian Epics
The Indian epics provide a good number of materials for the modern day writers to interpret and
re–create. The web of retellings makes it possible that each creative writer can claim a new
version of his own. The Indian epics are retold by many writers. These include indigenous as well as
foreign versions. Many of these re–workings aim to bring out the ideologies of the age. These
retellings were influenced by the predominant social, political and cultural tendencies. They helped
in surveying the epic from different angles and helped in reviving the various characters that were
thrown to the margins by main stream literature. Thus, we can say that the exploration through the
various retellings of the epics is at the same time interesting, inspirational and thought provoking.
Key Words: Retellings, Indian epics, Narrative tradition
Is there a single author or compiler? ..... Is there a single text? ( www.mahabharatha
Human beings always live in a social group interacting with each other, sharing their thoughts
feelings more content...
The great Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata provide many stories and sub stories
which form the richest treasure house of Indian narratology. Apart from providing infinite number
of tales, they provide an umbrella concept of fictional resources that appeal to the Indian mind. The
Ithihasa or Epic narrative has a special importance in Indian narrative tradition in which the human
element dominates than any other narrative mode. Human choice has much relevance in these
narratives. They cover all areas of human psychology and resolve many intellectual and moral
questions. These features of the epics provide profuse scope for retelling. As Dr. K. Ayyappa
Paniker suggests, there is no one to claim the copy right even if Vyasa's name is spelt differently
and it is not going to influence the epic in any substantial way. He
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The Dominican Republic Essay
The people of the Dominican Republic are knowledgeable of their past in order to know what their
future might bring. The Spanish settlers gave them their language, as well as their predominant
faith. Africans were brought to the Dominican Republic as slaves, bringing their faith, music, and
art. Their love of baseball came from the United States troops. Creativity such as music and art is a
large portion of the Dominican Republican culture and lifestyle. Their music ranges from forms
such as meringue, bachata, and salsa. These diverse forms of music are also combined with jazz,
rock, and hip– hop to form a culture of music. The art scene of this country was "discovered" by
Rafael Trujillo, who founded the national school of fine arts more content...
AS people of inclusion they believe Jesus came to include all, not exclude. All are welcome. They
are people of liberation because they seek to challenge all the oppressed and they embody grace
by living out their liberation until all are set free of oppression. Dominicans are filled with hope,
joy, and unrelenting optimism because they believe: God is good, with God all things are
possible, and God uses us to transform the world. As Jesus' people they believe Jesus was the
incarnation if God's grace. They believe Jesus was the ultimate liberal and showed us the way to
lead the life God intends for all of us.
Judicial branch judges are elected by a Council made up of members of the legislative and executive
branches with the president presiding. The branches in their government resemble our government.
The daily life of the Dominican Republic is very interesting. During the day they do many different
things like cleaning and doing crafts with others. They have to regular meals breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Things that they would eat would be their national dish beans and rice. Rice was the most
important crop for them.
Dominican Day in August–Colorful floats move on the street as music plays with the participants
wearing their costumes. People along the street yell, sing, dance, and wave the Dominican flag.
The Dominican Republic shares an island with
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Essay on Indigenous People
What does the future hold for the indigenous peoples around the world? There is no clear answer, to
this question. Each and every government must review the past treatment and the current conditions
to determine what should [could] be done, to improve the lives of their indigenous peoples. The
issues of the past are vast in number and unique to each government. The issues include: political
power, education, environment, land [territory], intellectual property, poverty and the list goes on.
According to, Gillette Hall and Harry Anthony Patrinos "the United Nations proclaimed 1995–2004
the International Decade of the World'sIndigenous Peoples" (76). Today, there are still unresolved
issues that confront the very existence of the more content...
This is the only way to stop the acts of injustice long–term. Perhaps, the indigenous peoples could
[should] use the media to get a voice and to make others aware of the issues involving their treatment.
Secondly, nations like the United States and Austria that have in the past shown nation pride of
their indigenous peoples, on the worldwide stage, could promote the agenda of indigenous
peoples. In Austria, there are many famous athletes like Benn Harradine, a discus thrower who
holds the record his native country. In the 2000 Olympics, Cathy Freeman, a track and field star,
won the 400 meter track event to capture worldwide notoriety for the indigenous peoples of Austria.
In the United States, the American Indians are not often seen as celebrities. Perhaps, if American
Indians were given the same celebrity status as their counter parts in the industry of acting there
would be someone to promote their cause. Whatever the case maybe there is a need to have a
cheerleader a drum major to promote cause and the political agenda for indigenous peoples on the
nation stage. Just as Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader of the 1960's, promoted the injustice
to African–Americans that lead to the civil rights movement; indigenous peoples need to organize in
the same way.
Clearly, education has to be the main focus for all people, not only indigenous people, but for all
people. However, indigenous peoples need to become better educated in order to
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Essay On Nationalism In India
"Let us always remember that we are all children of our mother country. Indeed, I have never
worked in any other spirit than that I am an Indian and owe a duty to my country and to all my
countrymen. Whether I am a Hindu, a Mohammedan, a Christian, a Parsi or any other creed, I am
above all an Indian. Our country is India; our nationality is Indian." –Dadabhai Naoroji
Nationalism is an ideology that "proclaims the distinctiveness of a particular people and their right to
self rule in their homeland." It constitutes a system of ideas mostly demanding rights of self
determination. Nationalism was an emerging concept in India with the advent of imperialism and
the increasing discontent in the public. Nationalism in India was considered as a movement that
would voice out the issues and the interests of the Indian masses. At this point more
In the administration system, most of the positions were held by the British officials and Indians
were given subordinate positions. Analysing the situation, Dadabhai came up with policies for
development or betterment of which the first one was by encouraging the employment of Indians
in the field of administration both in public as well as private companies. The idea behind this
policy could be that by Indianising administration the wealth and wisdom can rise and can be
maintained. He also mentioned that the government now needs to reduce its expenditure and
Naoroji knew the fact that most of these expense was for the military which was not serving India
but Britain at the expense borne by India. This also leads to pointing on to the taxation policy of
the British. Tax payment set for India was really high. In Britain it was 8% whereas in India it was
15% and it was difficult for the rural population to pay a huge
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Republic Of The Usa Essay
The Republic of the USA
The definition of government, according to, is the political direction and control
exercised over the actions of the inhabitants of communities, societies, and states. However, in the
book Legend by Marie Lu, the definition of government is very different. Legend is about two main
characters, June and Day, who meet in a surprising scenario and end up working together to bring
down the Republic. The theme of government control relates to an ongoing war, the militarization of
people, and a rebellious community.
Government control has led to an ongoing war between the Colonies and the Republic, each fighting
the war to take over each others and use a different government system. The Colonies want to restore
America back to the United States of America and the Republic wants to defend their land and
eliminate the threat of the Colonies entirely. Anti Colonies ads like "The Colonies want our
land," (Lu 1) are presented on JumboTrons in Republic cities to get civilians to support the
Republic's cause. There is a Trial's system implemented into the Republic that sorts out who would
be a good candidate for a soldier when children are only ten years old. Those who fail get
experimented on with bioweapons. Those who pass get sent to a college based on more
At college, June states that "almost all of us are well on our way to career assignments in the
Republic's military," (Lu 16) which shows just how militarized the Republic is. Another example of
this is when June recalls her assignment "when all third–year Drake students had to shadow and
assigned military branch" (Lu 18). Kids are either being experimented on to improve the Republic's
bioweapons or getting trained as soldiers to support the Republic's military. The militarization of
many shows that people are likely to turn to violence in a dispute over any
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Indian Freedom Struggle
Arrival of East India Co in India
Shift from traders to Lords
Revolt of 1857
Transfer of power from EIC to British Rule
Rise of Organized Movement
Rise of Indian Nationalism
Divide and Rule (Partition of Bengal)
Formation of Indian National Congress
Jallianwala Baug Massacre
Non Co–operation Movement
Simon Commission
Civil Disobedience Movement
Quit India Movement (Second World War and consequences)
The East India Company had the unusual distinction of ruling an entire country. Its origins were
much humbler. On 31 December 1600, a group of merchants who had incorporated themselves into
the East India Company were given monopoly privileges on all trade with the East Indies. The
Company's ships first arrived more content...
Queen Victoria's Proclamation of November 1, 1858 declared that thereafter India would be
governed by and in the name of the British Monarch through a Secretary of State.
The Governor General was given title of Viceroy, which meant the representative of the Monarch.
Queen Victoria assumed the title of the Empress of India (1877) and thus gave the British
Government unlimited powers to intervene in the internal affair of the Indian states. In brief, the
British paramountcy over India, including the Indian States, was firmly established. The British gave
their support to the loyal princes, zamindar and local chiefs but neglected the educated people and
the common masses. They also promoted the other interests like those of the British merchants,
industrialists, planters and civil servants. The people of India, as such, did not have any say in
running the government or formulation of its policies. Consequently, people's disgust with the
British rule kept mounting, giving rise to organized movements.
following the Rebellion were a period of growing political awareness, manifestation of Indian public
opinion and emergence of Indian leadership at national and provincial levels. Dadabhai Naoroji
formed East India Association in 1867, and Surendranath Banerjeefounded Indian National
Association in 1876. Inspired by a suggestion made by A.O.
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Essay On Indian Republic Day

  • 1. The Early Republic ( 1775 ) Tom Le Mr. Salvucci US History Honors– Mod F 17 December 2015 The Early Republic (1775 – 1800) On the 23rd day of March, 1775 in Richmond, Virginia, a tense atmosphere filled with hesitation surrounds the church of St. John. Will it be peace? Or is it war against the forceful, vigorous British Empire? As others urged for harmony and tranquility, man such as Patrick Henry stood out, demanding for war against Great Britain. While the room remains silent, Henry stood up to give what is later known as one of the most inspiring speeches in the course of human history, and changes the destiny of America, forever. "Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace–– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" (Henry, Patrick). From that moment, the idea of revolution sparkled in the heart of every colonist, and their will to fight were stronger than ever. From that moment, the history of an independent United States was written. And from that moment, the American Revolution officially begin, representing a radical alteration, in which the country completely freed itself from the Get more content on
  • 2. Music And Dance In India Throughout Indian culture, music and dance are the most distinguished art form within. The range of musical variety in India expands far beyond simple melodies to intricately formed classical sagas. India is the seventh biggest country in the world and the 3rd largest in the northern hemisphere. Of the 29 states, it consists of a population of 1.32 billion citizens. Due to its vastly increasing population, it's culture continues to adapt and thrive within an ever–changing society. The most vital and key ingredient within any Modern society is the ability to adapt to this tool, this segways towards a wide variety of different sights and sounds flowing all around the area. Despite the fact that Indian culture is well known for its exotic animals, foods and much more. It is beloved for their art and music. Shortly after the sweet birth of music, came dance; which originally served a spiritual purpose and described a spiritual energy that connected its people with several figures within the Hindu religion. It wasn't till around 1960 when dance art forms began turning towards more modern and western themes. In 1899 the first Bollywood short film was screened for the first time, which planted seeds for pop culture to take root within music and redesigned what Hindi music was and will ever be. In a western society like the United States, Bollywood takes on the role of squashing the many stereotypes that linger and taint the image that defines what exactly Indian Get more content on
  • 3. Indian Political System According to our Constitution, India is a "sovereign secular socialist democratic republic." It has 28 states and seven Union Territories. With a population of approximately 112 crore, India happens to be the largest democracy in the world. Indian polity is a multi–party democracy, based on the adult franchise system of voting. That is any Indian citizen of 18 and above, who is not debarred by law, can vote in the Indian elections, at national, state and local levels. India is a parliamentary democracy and a federal parliamentary representative democratic republic, where the Prime Minister is the head of government. He or she should be chosen by the MPs (Member of Parliaments) of the ruling party or the coalition that comes to power, more content... The Vice President has to temporarily assume the role of President in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the President, until a new President is chosen by the electoral college. The Vice President of India may also act temporarily as President, during the absence or illness of the President. The Vice President of India is also the Ex–officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. Mohammad Hamid Ansari is the present Vice President of India. Executive, Legislature and Judiciary With the Union Government and State Governments wrest the executive power, while the legislative power is vested on the Union Government and the two houses of Indian Parliament– the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha– and also the State Government and two state legislatures–Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad. However, here it deserves a mention that only five of India's 28 states have Vidhan Parishad or Legislative Council, which is also known as the upper house of state legislatures, along with the Vidhan Sabha. The rest of the states don't have bicameral legislatures, and only have Vidhan Sabha or Legislative Assembly. Each state also has a Governor, who is formally appointed by the President of India. The role of the Governor is somewhat similar to that of President in the national level; he is a titular head of the state in normal circumstances, but can exercise some powers when directed by the Union Government. The judiciary is the third arm of the governance, which is Get more content on
  • 4. Religion in India Essay Religion in India What is religion? Religion has always played an important role in man's existence. It is hard to define religion because every person has, his or her own way of defining religion. For some of us it might be a way of life, which determines what they ear, who their friends are, and it also makes up what culture they follow from day to day. For others, religion simply means going to church or temple and seeing religious festivals. India is the land of culture. This country is very rich of culture and religion, and this is the backbone of the social structure. India's fight for religion has been going on for decades, from the mogul empire to the British and now to the present day with Pakistan. In this day and age, more content... In Brahma there is no sense of individuality, but only pure being, consciousness, and bliss. Sacrifices are also a big part of Hinduism. And it is practiced religiously in India. The most common type of sacrifices comes with plant life and the melting of butter. Although animals are also sacrifices, but this is doe very rarely, because such as the cow and the monkey are closely knit with the religion. Worship or also known as "puja" in India is done by prayer which includes singing and dancing to the gods. Worship was termed as praying to several different gods, but only two gods are looked at as dominant figures such as Lord Vishnu and Lord Siva. There are a lot of places that show the cultural practices of Hinduism, but the most important place is the Temples. Temples, which are built from solid rock, and are covered with hand carved artwork that define the Indian religion. A lot of them tell a story of an event that took place during the time when it was built. Most temples are covered with the images of the gods they were built for. Although Hinduism has a vast array of gods and cultures, most of them practice Hinduism the same way. "Buddhism has been known to its followers as both a teaching and a way of deliverance." It is questioned as to weather or not Buddhism is a religion. But instead people look at Buddhism as a type of discipline. Gautama Buddha founded Buddhism, which was a Get more content on
  • 5. Republic Day Vs Day Essay Legend is told in a two person perspective. June is being trained to be somebody really high in the military, while Day is the most wanted criminal in the Republic. Nobody ever imagined them two crossing paths but one day June's brother, Metias gets murdered and it's up to her to find why and how this happened, of course Day is one of the suspects. As the book continues the two cross paths and start a journey together where they find out many things about the Republic and just the truth about everything happening, things just start making more sense, this just brings them closer which leads to some romance between them, etc. Throughout this book you find a lot of conflict, mysteries, lessons, and just about what a good book would have. more content... The book switches out between them and tells their story, each having their own chapters. Because it's written in this point of view we can get into the character's mind and know how they feel, what they think, etc. It also allows us to see a certain event in both of their perspectives and hear their thoughts about it or how they felt. If this book was written in 3rd person omniscient we would be able to hear the thoughts of the many other characters. I think it would get confusing because it would be so many perspectives of one situation and it would make the story Get more content on
  • 6. The Indian Culture Essay examples A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the significant customs. In the novel, Clear more content... When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him regain back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job that was seemed appropriate for women. "For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155) Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers' needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Indian Epics The Indian epics provide a good number of materials for the modern day writers to interpret and re–create. The web of retellings makes it possible that each creative writer can claim a new version of his own. The Indian epics are retold by many writers. These include indigenous as well as foreign versions. Many of these re–workings aim to bring out the ideologies of the age. These retellings were influenced by the predominant social, political and cultural tendencies. They helped in surveying the epic from different angles and helped in reviving the various characters that were thrown to the margins by main stream literature. Thus, we can say that the exploration through the various retellings of the epics is at the same time interesting, inspirational and thought provoking. Key Words: Retellings, Indian epics, Narrative tradition Is there a single author or compiler? ..... Is there a single text? ( www.mahabharatha Human beings always live in a social group interacting with each other, sharing their thoughts feelings more content... The great Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata provide many stories and sub stories which form the richest treasure house of Indian narratology. Apart from providing infinite number of tales, they provide an umbrella concept of fictional resources that appeal to the Indian mind. The Ithihasa or Epic narrative has a special importance in Indian narrative tradition in which the human element dominates than any other narrative mode. Human choice has much relevance in these narratives. They cover all areas of human psychology and resolve many intellectual and moral questions. These features of the epics provide profuse scope for retelling. As Dr. K. Ayyappa Paniker suggests, there is no one to claim the copy right even if Vyasa's name is spelt differently and it is not going to influence the epic in any substantial way. He Get more content on
  • 8. The Dominican Republic Essay The people of the Dominican Republic are knowledgeable of their past in order to know what their future might bring. The Spanish settlers gave them their language, as well as their predominant faith. Africans were brought to the Dominican Republic as slaves, bringing their faith, music, and art. Their love of baseball came from the United States troops. Creativity such as music and art is a large portion of the Dominican Republican culture and lifestyle. Their music ranges from forms such as meringue, bachata, and salsa. These diverse forms of music are also combined with jazz, rock, and hip– hop to form a culture of music. The art scene of this country was "discovered" by Rafael Trujillo, who founded the national school of fine arts more content... AS people of inclusion they believe Jesus came to include all, not exclude. All are welcome. They are people of liberation because they seek to challenge all the oppressed and they embody grace by living out their liberation until all are set free of oppression. Dominicans are filled with hope, joy, and unrelenting optimism because they believe: God is good, with God all things are possible, and God uses us to transform the world. As Jesus' people they believe Jesus was the incarnation if God's grace. They believe Jesus was the ultimate liberal and showed us the way to lead the life God intends for all of us. Judicial branch judges are elected by a Council made up of members of the legislative and executive branches with the president presiding. The branches in their government resemble our government. The daily life of the Dominican Republic is very interesting. During the day they do many different things like cleaning and doing crafts with others. They have to regular meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. Things that they would eat would be their national dish beans and rice. Rice was the most important crop for them. Dominican Day in August–Colorful floats move on the street as music plays with the participants wearing their costumes. People along the street yell, sing, dance, and wave the Dominican flag. The Dominican Republic shares an island with Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Indigenous People What does the future hold for the indigenous peoples around the world? There is no clear answer, to this question. Each and every government must review the past treatment and the current conditions to determine what should [could] be done, to improve the lives of their indigenous peoples. The issues of the past are vast in number and unique to each government. The issues include: political power, education, environment, land [territory], intellectual property, poverty and the list goes on. According to, Gillette Hall and Harry Anthony Patrinos "the United Nations proclaimed 1995–2004 the International Decade of the World'sIndigenous Peoples" (76). Today, there are still unresolved issues that confront the very existence of the more content... This is the only way to stop the acts of injustice long–term. Perhaps, the indigenous peoples could [should] use the media to get a voice and to make others aware of the issues involving their treatment. Secondly, nations like the United States and Austria that have in the past shown nation pride of their indigenous peoples, on the worldwide stage, could promote the agenda of indigenous peoples. In Austria, there are many famous athletes like Benn Harradine, a discus thrower who holds the record his native country. In the 2000 Olympics, Cathy Freeman, a track and field star, won the 400 meter track event to capture worldwide notoriety for the indigenous peoples of Austria. In the United States, the American Indians are not often seen as celebrities. Perhaps, if American Indians were given the same celebrity status as their counter parts in the industry of acting there would be someone to promote their cause. Whatever the case maybe there is a need to have a cheerleader a drum major to promote cause and the political agenda for indigenous peoples on the nation stage. Just as Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader of the 1960's, promoted the injustice to African–Americans that lead to the civil rights movement; indigenous peoples need to organize in the same way. Clearly, education has to be the main focus for all people, not only indigenous people, but for all people. However, indigenous peoples need to become better educated in order to Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Nationalism In India "Let us always remember that we are all children of our mother country. Indeed, I have never worked in any other spirit than that I am an Indian and owe a duty to my country and to all my countrymen. Whether I am a Hindu, a Mohammedan, a Christian, a Parsi or any other creed, I am above all an Indian. Our country is India; our nationality is Indian." –Dadabhai Naoroji INTRODUCTION: Nationalism is an ideology that "proclaims the distinctiveness of a particular people and their right to self rule in their homeland." It constitutes a system of ideas mostly demanding rights of self determination. Nationalism was an emerging concept in India with the advent of imperialism and the increasing discontent in the public. Nationalism in India was considered as a movement that would voice out the issues and the interests of the Indian masses. At this point more content... In the administration system, most of the positions were held by the British officials and Indians were given subordinate positions. Analysing the situation, Dadabhai came up with policies for development or betterment of which the first one was by encouraging the employment of Indians in the field of administration both in public as well as private companies. The idea behind this policy could be that by Indianising administration the wealth and wisdom can rise and can be maintained. He also mentioned that the government now needs to reduce its expenditure and Naoroji knew the fact that most of these expense was for the military which was not serving India but Britain at the expense borne by India. This also leads to pointing on to the taxation policy of the British. Tax payment set for India was really high. In Britain it was 8% whereas in India it was 15% and it was difficult for the rural population to pay a huge Get more content on
  • 11. Republic Of The Usa Essay The Republic of the USA The definition of government, according to, is the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the inhabitants of communities, societies, and states. However, in the book Legend by Marie Lu, the definition of government is very different. Legend is about two main characters, June and Day, who meet in a surprising scenario and end up working together to bring down the Republic. The theme of government control relates to an ongoing war, the militarization of people, and a rebellious community. Government control has led to an ongoing war between the Colonies and the Republic, each fighting the war to take over each others and use a different government system. The Colonies want to restore America back to the United States of America and the Republic wants to defend their land and eliminate the threat of the Colonies entirely. Anti Colonies ads like "The Colonies want our land," (Lu 1) are presented on JumboTrons in Republic cities to get civilians to support the Republic's cause. There is a Trial's system implemented into the Republic that sorts out who would be a good candidate for a soldier when children are only ten years old. Those who fail get experimented on with bioweapons. Those who pass get sent to a college based on more content... At college, June states that "almost all of us are well on our way to career assignments in the Republic's military," (Lu 16) which shows just how militarized the Republic is. Another example of this is when June recalls her assignment "when all third–year Drake students had to shadow and assigned military branch" (Lu 18). Kids are either being experimented on to improve the Republic's bioweapons or getting trained as soldiers to support the Republic's military. The militarization of many shows that people are likely to turn to violence in a dispute over any Get more content on
  • 12. Indian Freedom Struggle INDIAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE Arrival of East India Co in India Shift from traders to Lords Revolt of 1857 Transfer of power from EIC to British Rule Rise of Organized Movement Rise of Indian Nationalism Divide and Rule (Partition of Bengal) Formation of Indian National Congress Jallianwala Baug Massacre Non Co–operation Movement Simon Commission Civil Disobedience Movement Quit India Movement (Second World War and consequences) The East India Company had the unusual distinction of ruling an entire country. Its origins were much humbler. On 31 December 1600, a group of merchants who had incorporated themselves into the East India Company were given monopoly privileges on all trade with the East Indies. The Company's ships first arrived more content... Queen Victoria's Proclamation of November 1, 1858 declared that thereafter India would be governed by and in the name of the British Monarch through a Secretary of State. The Governor General was given title of Viceroy, which meant the representative of the Monarch. Queen Victoria assumed the title of the Empress of India (1877) and thus gave the British Government unlimited powers to intervene in the internal affair of the Indian states. In brief, the British paramountcy over India, including the Indian States, was firmly established. The British gave their support to the loyal princes, zamindar and local chiefs but neglected the educated people and the common masses. They also promoted the other interests like those of the British merchants, industrialists, planters and civil servants. The people of India, as such, did not have any say in running the government or formulation of its policies. Consequently, people's disgust with the British rule kept mounting, giving rise to organized movements. RISE OF NATIONALISM (formation of INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS) he decades following the Rebellion were a period of growing political awareness, manifestation of Indian public opinion and emergence of Indian leadership at national and provincial levels. Dadabhai Naoroji formed East India Association in 1867, and Surendranath Banerjeefounded Indian National Association in 1876. Inspired by a suggestion made by A.O.
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