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Essay JournalistikEssay Journalistik
The Video Of Ghost By Beyonce Knowles
In the winter of 2013, BeyoncГ© returned to the music industry and destroyed everything in her
path. She dropped an unexpected album after having been absent from the industry to take care of
her daughter Blue and not allude to when she would be returning. Then on December 13, 2013 she
released self titled 5th album, BeyoncГ©, with 14 songs as well as 14 music videos to go along
with each song. She released it only on digital platforms. She did it without any marketing. She
sold over 600,000 copies in the first week. Needless to say, BeyoncГ© had set the bar for the rest
of the music industry. However, despite the fact that BeyoncГ© s ability to keep the album as a
secret throughout its creation is a feat in itself, the messages in the music... Show more content on ...
Black women are told again and again by society that their sexuality and their bodies are not
acceptable by societal standards, but by creating Rocket BeyoncГ© twists that narrative.
Throughout the video the focus is on her body. It is sensual and sexy, but never grotesque. She lets
you know she has sex and that it is far better than you are ever going to have.
BeyoncГ© has been in the spotlight for the majority of her life, with her first performance on
television being at 8 years old and then later recording her first album at 14 with Destiny s
Child. She has always known what it is like to be in the spotlight and the expectations that come
with it. In Ghost, she attempts to cast off these expectations by showing her and her dancers
struggle with a long cloth and full body suits. While it is easy to see this as BeyoncГ© grappling
with fame as a whole, Ghost can be read as BeyoncГ© getting rid of the image she was once
forced to maintain; an image that was meant to placate and not push parts of her identity such as
her race. In Nicole R Fleetwood s article about Diana Ross, she comments on how Diana Ross
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Though the agreement and acknowledgement from both sides...
Though the agreement and acknowledgement from both sides was a great accomplishment, the
fault in the Oslo Accords was lack of action and enforcement, leading way into accusations from
both sides. While it is important for both sides to be careful, a peace talk strong enough to mend
the schism between Israeland Palestine should be clear in its wording, and the agreements should
be enforced. Both sides unresolved conflicts over land, refugees, education, and terrorism prevent
any progress from being made. An attempt to establish peace without resolution of these problems
will result in failure, proven in past negotiation efforts. The core sources of the Israeli Palestinian
conflict should be the focus of the peace talks. It is integral... Show more content on
The Palestinians, in peace talks, have proposed balanced land swaps as well ( Middle East peace
). If both sides negotiate with open minds, compromise can be made. Because of lack of
enforcement, peace agreements that should have worked have failed. Both sides still struggle over
matters that, according to negotiations of the past, should not exist.
However, this is not the end to the struggle between the two states. Though some controversies,
such as land, are fairly straightforward, others are not. Apprehensions about security and refugees
are main concerns of Israel. Allowing refugees could result in a possible change of demographic
to a Palestinian majority. As a people that have been persecuted throughout history, the Jewish have
an extremely legitimate reason to have safety and security a top priority. They desire a homeland
free of jeopardy. Palestinian organizations in the past (and present, involving rejectionist groups
such as the Hamas) have wanted the destruction of Israel as a state ( Negotiations). Israel accuses
Palestine of not taking action against these terrorist groups, and fears that in the future, a
Palestinian state could be overtaken by one. Palestine believes that a two state solution is actually
necessary for security. Though both sides have many concerns, to make decisions and statements
based on general, wide assumptions is also incredibly dangerous for both sides, and prevents
progress. All
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Institutionalized Social Orders
Why are the vast majorities of deviant behaviors routine and institutionalized and so few are
considered innovative or idiosyncratic? The Routine behaviors are more common than innovative;
don t require abnormal amounts of psychological capacity or include deliberate exertion; little
exertion/no broad arranging (Humphrey Schmalleger, 2012 Institutionalized social orders are a sort
of institution, even families can go about as establishments. However, for the most part, the
expression institutional conduct is utilized for jails, mental healing centers, halfway houses,
substantial companies, and government organizations. The issue with most institutional conduct is
that it may be unseemly outside that establishment. Practices that are gainful
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An Analysis Of Invisible Man And Invisible Man
Throughout this course, we have investigated self knowledge and what it means to know one s
self. Each book that we have read has forced us to think critically in order to analyze the
characters and their relations with self knowledge, and Invisible Man was no different. The
Narrator, also known as Invisible Man, faced many challenges when it came to knowing who he
was. By the time that you are done reading this paper, you will know not only what it means to
know who one is, but also to what extent we define identity as they both relate to Invisible Man.
When asking the question what does it mean to know who one is, I believe that it is one that
could be seen in many different ways as it relates to Invisible Man. Some would look at this as
something so basic like him knowing his name or age, but knowing who one is, is something
that goes so much deeper than that. Knowing who one is means knowing oneself from the inside
out. In the book Invisible Man, He didn t really know who he was. The problem that I believe he
faced with his identity was the fact that he was always trying to please others; he was always
trying to reform his life in order to be what he thought others wanted him to be. When the men
from the brotherhood gave him his new name, they told him Get it down so that even if you are
called in the middle of the night you will respond. You are to answer to no other, understand?
Invisible man just accepted it because he felt like who they wanted him to be is who
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Fracking Is Not The Cleanest Alternative For Oil...
Fracking The term, fracking has existed for nearly a half century and has always had the negative
connotations of being unclean and the source for many environmental issues and adverse health
effects. The massive oil deposits recovered by modern hydraulic fracturing can be considered as the
oil boom of the twenty first century and with new methods, safety procedures, and technology,
potential hazards can be reduced or even eliminated. Due to the many possible hazards of the
fracking process, it has initiated much political discussion at the state and federal levels of
government, while inciting concern of local citizens. Fracking is not the cleanest alternative to oil
reclamation, but has improved drastically with the introduction of... Show more content on ...
However, fracking fluid is not the only questionable aspect of fracking, included is land and
infrastructure degradation, physiological harm to local citizens, utilization of legislation loopholes,
and the secrecy of fracking fluid formulas within the industry. Nonetheless, the negative attributes of
fracking, such as fracking fluid dispersal and other environmental issues are outweighed by the vast
economic gains and can be mitigated by a system of regulations and development of new
technologies for the industry. The fracking industry will only increase in size, so much so that
reclamation of shale gas is called eminent shale gas revolution. British Petroleum [BP], for
instance, expects global shale gas production to grow six fold from 2011 to 2030. Shale gas
production in the United States already accounts for roughly 30 percent of the nationwide total a
growth rate up from only 4 percent in 2005 (Sovacool, 251). It has also been estimated that more
than 80 percent of the natural gas wells developed in the United States over the next ten years are
expected to require fracking and it is projected that by 2035 natural gas wells will represent more
than a 75 percent share of the domestic supply (Bleiwas, 68). Natural gas exploration began in the
late 1940s to extract the natural gas located in underground reserves. The process consisted of
digging a vertical well into the ground to release gas trapped in relatively
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Patsy Mink
Blumenthal, Karen. Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX : The Law That Changed the Future of
Girls in America. New York, New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2005. 30,
31, 37, 38, 39, 40.
This book is by Karen Blumenthal, an award winning business journalist. Information that I got
out of this book is how universities used to be before Title IX, and a couple of Patsy Mink s past
experiences. I better understand my topic because now I know the main reason of why Patsy Mink
created Title IX and more of how society was at that time.
Burkett, Elinor. Women s Movement | Political and Social Movement. Encyclopedia
Britannica Online. Accessed December 17, 2015.
movement. This Britannica article ... Show more content on ...
This source consists of statements made by government officials on the progress of Title IX during
a hearing. From this transcript, I am now aware of the effects and impact of Title IX on American
society after its implementation.
Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972. United States Department of Labor. Accessed
December 17, 2015.
This online article is published by the United States Department of Labor and summarizes the
main points of the Title IX bill. This source provides a simplified version of Title IX. From
reading this, I know more about the bill that Patsy Mink fought to pass for women s rights.
Title IX Legal Manual. January 11, 2001. Accessed December 17, 2015. http:/
/ This online manual is
published by the U.S. Department of Justice. It provides an overview of the Title IX bill included
in the Education Amendments of 1972. This source made it clear to me that the Title IX bill has
exceptions and that women are not granted exactly everything that men are entitled to, it depends
on the case and situation. Patsy Mink fought to pass a bill that does not give women more rights
than men, but instead gives women more rights than initially granted to
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Radiation Therapy Research Paper
2.3.2 Respiratory Gating for Radiation Therapy
Respiratory gating techniques are used to track the tumor motion in uenced by respiratory cycles
during external beam radiation therapy in order to ensure tumoricidal dose to the target site while
avoiding healthy normal tissue toxicity Vedam et al. (2003); Kini et al.
(2003); Ford et al. (2003); Kubo et al. (2000); Vedam et al. (2001); Mageras et al. (2001);
Wagman et al. (2001); Mageras and Yorke (2004). The word gate is referred to as a window of
the respiratory cycle that is chosen to deliver the radiation beam that maximizes the radiation dose
received at the target site. The three criteria that are considered when designing the gated region of
the respiratory cycle are: The window during respiratory cycle
that ... Show more content on ...
Two important components that are considered when analyzing respiratory motion patterns are
phase and displacement. The beam is red at the target site depending on the phase or displacement
windows chosen during the respiratory motion. Due to the gated technique, the overall treatment
process takes longer when compared to the conventional methods of administering radiation therapy
The ratio between the gated beam delivery and the overall treatment time determines the eciency of
the treatment called duty cycle. However, even after the gate has been optimized for a respiratory
cycle, there exists minimal tumor motion called the residual motion Berbeco et al. (2005). To
optimize the gateing technique that improves the therapeutic ecacy of radiation therapy and
provides patient safety, a balance between the two (duty cycle and residual motion) needs to be
met. The location and the size of the gate are dependent on the tracking of the target site or host
organ by means of internal and external surrogates, internal and external markers or markerless
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Shadowing Backwards
When doing rounds and sitting at the desk with Megan at Ross, I learned a lot about the specific
procedures needed to be done at each task. The atmosphere is different at each task, considering
that desk duty is more laid back while rounds consisted of being more alert with the surrounding
area. While each are polar opposites of one another, they are both crucial when working as an RA.
I began my shadowing at the front desk and I was surprised to hear that not all RAshave to work the
front desk. I always thought that this role was part of being an RA, and that every RA had to work
it. As I continued to do my shadowing, I learned about the overall standards that the front desk has
to maintain, from sorting mail to doing lockouts to logging... Show more content on
She provided great insight to all the questions that I asked and put her own personal spin on
each question to make it more heartfelt. She drilled hard on knowing your residents and seeing
what they enjoy most. She even supplied me with key tactics I can use when I become an RA in
the fall to determine who my residents truly are. However, there were a few questions that she
was unable to ask, and that was understandable because they were broad topics, such as what I
can expect with my unit at the beginning of the year? . The best answer she provided me was
that it truly depends on who exactly is in my unit and what each individual s personality is like.
Lastly, she also connected to her personal development as an RA and how that has affected her
greatly with her academic studies as well as caused her to become and RA. Her sharing her
insight on her background on being an RA really opened my eyes about becoming an RA in the
fall. With the information being administered to me, I have a better understanding on the roles and
responsibilities an RA has to
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Chiquita Bananas
Final Case Brief
Problem/Challenge Statement
Chiquita is blamed for the actions of two terrorist organizations that extorted money from the
company. Victims and their families of the attacks performed by these two terrorist organizations
are looking for compensation from Chiquita, claiming that the company is responsible for making
those attacks happen. Chiquita has to make a decision whether or not to take the responsibility for
the actions performed by the two organizations.
Key Facts/Background
FARC and AUC (two Colombian organizations currently designated by the U.S. as terrorist
organizations) purportedly threatened Chiquita s executives to hurt employees in the Colombian
plant if the company failed to provide the payments ... Show more content on ...
The reasoning behind this is the belief that the money Chiquita paid was indeed used in hurting
those people. The victims and their families have right to demand justice. The question remains, of
who actually should be brought to justice.
Options Analysis
Based on the current situation (company already admitted to paying the money, internal documents
that the money did provide benefits exceeding the protecting of the employees were unveiled, threat
of lawsuits), Chiquita has couple limited options, which are based on justice and duty.
First option is to come out now and take the responsibility for the actions of FARC and AUC. The
law may not be in place yet, but this decision may show that Chiquita is standing by its promise to
protect people affected by its actions. This option definitely addresses the claims of victims and
their families they will get the compensation they are seeking. Chiquita will face multiple lawsuits
and will be harmed financially, which affects shareholders of the company. In this case the
reasoning behind the payments is brought in place whether it was for corporate gain or protection of
Another option would be to refuse paying compensation to victims of FARC and AUC based on the
fact that Chiquita did nothing directly to harm them. Moreover, they were protecting people by
paying the terrorist. If the law holding the company
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The Debate Over Time To Reduce The Budget Deficit
We have a long story of debt, but it seems no one has been able to make it better. If the debt is
increasing over time, the government has a budget deficit. Charles C. Turner, et al, define deficit
as spending that exceed revenue (482). In history, basic deficit or debt was usually from over
spending from a war and economic issues like a recession or depression. Then the government had
a budget deficitalmost every year between 1970 and 1997, but taxcut and more spending on
defense by President Reagan in 1981 added more growth to the deficit. Also, another cause is
from reducing of productivity seem in the GDP and lower tax rate (tax cut) (483). Even when
the government had some budget surplus, still, it could not cover the debt. In 2012, the debt grew
over $ 16 trillion, (482 483) and has increased more in recent year plus 2.9 percent of budget
deficit in 2016 (The 2016 Long Term Budget Outlook, 2). To manage the economic depression,
sometime policymakers cut the taxes and increase spending again by putting more money into
private sectors (Turner, 483); therefore, government goes further with the budget unbalancing.
There are several reasons that lower tax rate will not reduce the budget deficit closer to a balance.
First, lower tax rate will lower revenues. Overall tax cuts for a new coming year will bring
different amounts of revenue from the previous year if the tax rate falls below a previous
percentage. For example, Ramesh Ponnuru said that Mr. Trump s plan will
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Analysis Of The Poem The Painter By John Ashbery
A majority of John Asbury s poems are about the process in which the mind of a person interacts
with the external surroundings. John Asbury has often tried to describe how the human mind
interacts with the natural world. In his poem The Painter the poet has also incorporate the diverse
aspect of nature which has been seen through the minds of a painter. Through this poem, the poet
has essentially tried to reach out and understand the deeper aspects of human emotions such as life,
love, loss, alienation, creation, inspiration, reality and perspective. The fact that John Asbury is an
ardent art critic, he is deeply involved and associated with the process of artistic creation and
appreciation which is more so reflected through his poem The Painter (Frye 208).
In the poem The Painter , the poet John Ashbery describes the artistic creativity in direct conflict
with the demands of today s society. In this poem he expressed how an artist wants to paint the sea
and bring forth a relation between the sea and the buildings of the city. The painter places himself
amidst the nature and the urban concrete jungle and as he expected his work to gain creativity, his
expectations got diminished as he was unable to capture reality of life through his art. He was thus
attempting to create something impossible and remains unsuccessful (Ford 112).
Ashbery considered this desire to be very simple as he compared his ambition to children s prayer.
His contrasts to the painter s expectation
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Summary Of Seven Myths Of The Spanish Conquest
For decades, the history of Latin America has been shrouded in a cover of Spanish glory and myth
that misleads and complicates the views of historians everywhere. Myths such as the relationship
between natives and conquistadors, and the individuality of the conquistadors themselves stand as
only a few examples of how this history may have become broken and distorted. However, in Seven
Myths of the Spanish ConquestMatthew Restall goes to great lengths to dispel these myths and
provide a more accurate history of Latin American, in a readable and enjoyable book. Restall s
ultimate goal in writing this book is to provide readers and scholars alike with a more realistic
viewpoint and history of the Spanish conquest. He wishes to dispel the many myths that accompany
the epic tale so as to provide a better understanding of who the natives were and, more importantly
to Restall, who the Spanish were. He does an excellent job of questioning the who, what, and where
of the personalities and motives of the men involved in conquest. These questions are heartily
answered in a well written and easy to read history book. Restall answers his own questions present
in the introduction by focusing each chapter on a different myth. Chapter one discusses that the
men who partook in conquest were valiant, rich, and outstanding. This idea gives credit to both the
Spanish interpretation and the beautifully rugged men cast in Hollywood adaptations. The author
notes, additionally, that the myth
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Colombia And The Revolutionary Armed Forces Of Colombia
In Colombia, a historic peace accord has been brokered between the government and the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) that is set to end half a century of conflict
between the state and the terrorist organization. The FARC rebels have long been a powerful
member of the cocaine trade in Colombiaand beyond, aiding in the development and exportation of
the drug to the United States. With the alliance between the FARC rebels and the Colombian
government pending, the FARC will be demilitarized and integrated back into Colombian society
for the first time in more than 50 years. Upon this historic event, roughly 60% of Colombia s coca,
the plant used to produce cocaine, will be relinquished from the hold of the rebels. The... Show
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government intervened in the situation, authorizing Plan Colombia, a $1.3 billion aid package
intended to reinforce the Colombian government and build up their military. With this support,
anti drug programs were initiated that slowed the FARC profits from the drug trade, today
leaving the FARC controlling 60% of the world s coca crops and earning anywhere from $200
million up to $1 billion annually from the drug trade. The current peace accord talks began on
February 23, 2012, when delegates from both the FARC and the Colombian government started
meeting covertly in Havana, Cuba. Following the formation of the Havana Accord on August 26
of that same year, formal peace negotiations began on September 4. This accord makes clear six
focal points: (1) integrated agricultural development policy, (2) political participation for the
FARC, (3) end of the conflict Disarmament, (4) solution to the problem of illicit drugs, (5) victims,
and (6) implementation, verification, and ratification by the Colombian People. For the purposes
of this paper, agenda points 1 and 4 will be most heavily referenced and analyzed. Agenda Item 1
was agreed upon on May 26, 2013. The Rural Reform Agreement focuses on the people, the small
producer, land access and distribution, the fight against poverty, stimuli to agricultural and livestock
production and the reactivation of the rural economy. The success of this endeavor is critical to
eliminating the
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Motors, Gears, And Generators Lab
Motors, Gears, Generators Lab
1) Learn about motor and generator operation.
2) Generate and use motor torque/speed curves.
3) Learn about gear ratios and observe how they affect the rotational speed and torque of a motor or
Pre lab Questions
Answer the following questions before you begin the lab: For the motor characteristic curve shown
below, determine the equation of the line: torque (T) as a function of the rotational speed ( ). In the
figure below, is the stall torque and is the no load speed. The equation of the line should be written
in terms of the variables above.
How can you calculate the gear ratio of a simple gear train with two gears? List 4 expressions that
you could use to calculate the gear ratio. What is the difference between a motor and a generator?
(Hint: what are the energy conversions that occur in each)
Problem Description:
Motors and generators are used frequently in engineering applications. In fact, you will use them
in your final project. Gears (or pulleys) are usually used to transmit the power from the motor
(input) to the output. A pair of gears forms a simple gear train. As engineers, you will need to
understand how motors and generators work in order to pick appropriate ones to use in different
applications or to know how your design will behave when hooked up to a particular motor
/generator. In your final project for this course, you will use a generator (i.e. for wind power
generation) and
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World War 1 Alliance System Essay
World War One was a devastating war, killing millions between the years 1914 and 1918. It is to
a considerable extent that the alliance system was the main cause of World War One as it
dramatically turned a conflict from being regional to global, resulting in a World War. Similarly,
the blank cheque supplied Austria Hungary with the confidence needed for them to declare war.
Other factors such as nationalism were partly responsible as this caused Archduke Franz Ferdinand
to be assassinated, and begin the July Crisis.
It is to a considerable extent that the alliance system was the main cause of World War One as it
dramatically turned a conflict from being regional to global, resulting in a World War. Originally,
the feud started with two opposing countries, which had been brewing for years. When the July
Crisis came about, the alliance system started. This led to conflict between several European
nations and divided Europe into two opposing sides. If there were no alliances created, the conflict
between the two ... Show more content on ...
When Germany presented Austria Hungary with the Blank Cheque, they said they would support
them in anyway possible, showing that Germany would sustain and back them up in the
declaration of war on Serbia. This support and new ally gave Austria Hungary the affirmation and
final push for them to declare war. Austria Hungary knew their newfound power would be strong
enough to go into war and win. By being in alliance with Germany this gave them confidence and
self assurance. If it wasn t for the Blank Cheque and alliance system, Austria Hungary might not
have ever declared war. Therefore, it is to a considerable extent that the alliance system was the
main cause of World War One as the blank cheque supplied Austria Hungary with the confidence
needed for them to declare
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A Multi System Disease Of Unknown Etiology
Sarcoidosis is a multi system disease of unknown etiology. The diagnosis is confirmed when non
caseating granulomas are identified in tissue biopsies, predominantly from the lung parenchyma or
the mediastinal lymph nodes and is supported by compatible clinical and radiological features. [1]
Cardiac manifestations may occur in isolation or may precede, follow or occur concurrently with
the involvement of the lungs and other organs. All components of the heartmay potentially be
involved. The most common are conduction abnormalities leading to bradyarrhythmias and
syncope, ventricular tachycardias and the development of congestive heart failure. [2, 3]
The location and extent of granulomatous infiltration accounts for variations in cardiac ... Show
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[5, 6] Japanese Ministry of Health (JMH) published criteria are the current established method for
non invasive clinical diagnosis. [2, 5] Imaging modalities suggested by the JMH criteria include
gallium 67 scintigraphy and late gadolinium enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (LGE
CMR). [2] However, only 5 10% of patients with sarcoidosis present with clinical evidence of
myocardial involvement based on the above criteria while autopsy studies indicate that cardiac
involvement is present in up to 25 50% of cases implying that there is a significant proportion of
sub clinical cardiac sarcoidosis not detected with the existing criteria. [1, 7] Nuclear imaging
modalities have shown significant advances and rapid growth in the field of the diagnosis and
monitoring of cardiac involvement in sarcoidosis. Promising results show high sensitivity for
identifying pathophysiological activity at an early stage before structural changes have occurred as
well as value of reproducible activity quantification when emphasizing in therapy monitoring.
Although gallium 67 scintigraphy has traditionally been used in sarcoidosis patients, cardiac
positron emission tomography (PET) along with myocardial perfusion scans have shown
superiority that mostly includes higher sensitivity in detecting active
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Market Analysis on Smartphone s Operating Systems
Introduction The purpose of this report is to prepare market analysis of Operating Systems for
Smartphones. Over the last decade, mobile phones have become one of the major means of
communicating both voice and data. Today, mobile phone is virtually a social necessity for most of
us. Increase in computing power of mobile phones, improved bandwidth of wireless technologies,
and internet technology have led to the introduction of Smartphone which provides greater levels of
intelligence to its users. This intelligence lies partly in the phone itself and partly in the smarter
network in to which it connects. This intelligence is a potent combination of hardware used to build
the Smartphone and software i.e., operating system which runs on... Show more content on ...
Today, Smartphones encompass wide range of devices, ranging from voice centric handsets to
converged multimedia devices integrating cameras, media players and personal navigation
functionality into a single unit. Handset manufacturers gradually adopt OS to reduce development
time and costs for the new models. Market size of Smartphones has grown from less than one
million units in 2001, to more than 100 million units in 2007 already. (Get a Deep inside into
Smartphone operating systems industry, 2007) Market Size Currently, the worldwide market size
for Smartphones is only about 110 millions and this becomes about 6 percent of total mobile
phones globally. Market analysts expect that the share of Smartphones might grow about 18 to 20
percent by the 2012. Hence, going forward the demand for Smartphone s OS is expected to rise
significantly. (The coming Smartphone Operating System wars, 2007) Demand and Supply
Demand Factors Currently the demand for Smartphones is low due to the following reasons. Cost
of Smartphone Currently, the demand for both Smartphones and their OS is negatively impacted by
the high cost of Smartphones. For most of the mobile phone users today, current high prices of
Smartphones are unaffordable. Non usability of Advanced Features Majority of the people who can
afford high prices of Smartphones today, are reluctant to buy them as most of the advanced features
of Smartphones are not the ones
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Comprehensive Experimental Examination On Diesel Engine...
B.S.S.Prasanna Kumar 1, D.Ramesh Babu 2, M.Mastanaiah3
1M.Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor, 3 Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum based fuels are producing high emissions in depletion of environment. Due to the usage
with modern globalization these emissions causing hazardous for the environment.
Due to the local topography and climatology, Bio fuels can be produced from various sources.
Likewise every nation will have its own source. Kanuga oil is abundantly available in india but it
s not been used and if used it s a great resource of energy. This study explores the potential alternate
for diesel as fuel for automobiles and other industrial purposes. This study is focused on kanuga
methyl esters performance and emission characteristics and comparing it with the traditional
petroleum diesel. The fuels are used pure methyl ester and different blends of the methyl ester with
The tests were conducted on a 3.7 KW, single cylinder, direct injection, water cooled diesel engine.
The experimental result shows that every blend performs good with decreased amount of pollution.
This analysis shows that kanuga methyl ester and its blends are a potential alternate for diesel.
Keywords: Experimental Examination; Diesel
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Seasons And Symbolism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
For centuries, seasons have been understood to stand for the same set of meanings. Seasons are
easily understood by the reader, and are easy for the writer to use; as Foster states, Seasons can
work magic on us, and writers can work magic with seasons (Foster 192). The different seasons
are a huge part of our lives; we live through each one every year, and we know how each of them
impacts our lives. This closeness between people and nature allows us to be greatly impacted by
the use of seasons in literature. In addition, Foster lays out the basic meanings of each season for
us: autumn is harvest, decline, tiredness; winter is anger, hatred, cold, old age; summer is passion,
love, happiness, beauty; and spring is childhood and youth. On the... Show more content on ...
The monster, for example, is devastated after he loses his only connection to humanity: Felix and
Agatha. After observing them for months, learning how to speak, being their secret helper by
stocking their shed with food or shoveling snow, and after dreaming of how he would introduce
himself to them someday, his connection with them was lost after Felix found him speaking to his
blind grandfather in the cottage. When they all leave, the monster burns down the cottage and sets
out to find Victor, in hopes of asking him to create another specimen; one that the monster can
spend his life with in perfect harmony. When he finds Victor and tells him about his life and
journey, he tells him, when the earth finally started to warm up, I even raised my humid eyes with
thankfulness towards the blessed sun which bestowed such joy upon me (Shelly 125). Although the
monster was terribly depressed, the sun (which is associated with spring and summer; it is meant to
bring happiness and tranquility) lit up the Earth, bringing back its beauty after winter, which had
caused the monster to feel gall and bitterness...rage and misery (Shelly 124). The beauty that the sun
bestows on the Earth offers as a distraction for the monster rather than dwelling upon his gruesome
appearance, he admires the world around him. As Foster explained, winter in literature brings with
it misery, and summer brings happiness,
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A Brief Note On The Lone Working Policy
Lone Working Policy
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................2
2. Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................2
3. Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................2
4. Scope .............................................................................................................................................2
5. Context ... Show more content on ...
Checklist to Assist with the Assessment of Risk...............................................................6
Appendix 3. Monitoring and Escalation Procedures.............................................................................7
1. Introduction
The Estate has a responsibility to manage the risk to its employees, particularly when working
alone or unsupervised for significant periods.
The policy covers all employees, workers and self employed contractors.
2. Policy Statement
Lone working is common in many Estate activities. The Estate recognises that lone workers face
particular problems and they will not require employees to work in circumstances where the risks
are unacceptable.
The Estate will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees and self employed
contractors who are required to work alone or unsupervised for significant periods of time are
protected from risks to their health and safety.
Solitary working exposes employees and others to certain hazards. The Estates intention is to
remove the risks from these hazards or, where this is not possible, to help employees to reduce
them to an acceptable level.
The Policy recognises that Lone Workers are a vulnerable group of employees. Therefore, risk
assessments, safe systems of work and monitoring procedures must be produced to minimise the
risk to
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A Brief Note On Rubella And Rubella Vaccine
There is, however, an easy counter to fear: information. If the public becomes informed about a
topic, and is able to intelligently wield this knowledge, chemophobia is easy to counter. However,
chemists have largely failed in the war against chemophobia, allowing it centuries to efficiently
infiltrate American life. One of the most reputable, trustworthy, and knowledgeable sources for
chemistry information is the American government, only they (and the various scientists within
their ranks) have not been clear in their support of Chemistry. Despite official statements by the
Center for Disease Control, or CDC, being supportive of the use of vaccines, many of their other
reports seem to contradict their stance. In their fact sheet for the... Show more content on ...
Natural is the most prominent offender: unlike most countries, the United States has no specific
regulations for the term natural on products. It can be used almost anywhere with no issue,
(Hansen) leaving individual companies in the food industry to determine what they want the term to
Foods containing natural flavors, sweeteners, and other plant derived substances can be labeled
natural... Foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup and genetically engineered ingredients can
also be labeled natural... Many other other synthetic materials can be used to process natural foods
as long as they aren t in the final product. (Hansen)
While it is made clear that the term natural is nonsense, the consumer does not realize this. In
2012, Consumer Reports did a survey on the perception of the term natural on food: While over
60% of those surveyed believed the term to mean a product lacking pesticides, GMOs, and
artificial ingredients, the word means no such thing. 62% go out of their way to buy foods
specifically labeled natural, which represents how impactful the word is. Just by slapping the
word on a package immediately makes it more profitable, with no drawback suffered by the
marketer. This abuse is not simply limited to natural: artisan doesn t have any legal definition
(Bell), yet is used in many meats, cheeses, and breads. While cage free chickens aren t legally
allowed to be stuck in a tiny
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Haye Elementary School Plan Essay
Hayse Elementary: A High Performing School Plan Hayse Elementary School is a school that
stands out in the state of North Carolina. The school it known for meeting state proficiency
standards and is considered one of the highest performing schools in the state. Hayse Elementary
School has not always been known for its achievements. It has only been in the last few years that
the school got on a track that has lead them to high performance. This rural low wealth school in
North Carolina commends its success to acknowledging their challenges, balancing equity and
adequacy, and developing continual improvement measures for the future. This paper discusses
how Hayse Elementary School stakeholders joined their efforts and created a path that has lead
them to continual success. Fiscal Challenges and Litigation Like many public schools in North
Carolina, Hayes Elementary is presented with numerous funding challenges each school year.
Specifically, per pupil funding, facilities, and teacher compensation have been the areas that have
lacked the most historically. Thanks to the ongoing North Carolina litigation of Leandro v. State,
Hayse Elementary has been able to receive additional funding allotments for being a low wealth...
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Top of the priority list for success at Hayes Elementary is school culture and climate. Creating an
environment that is welcoming, supportive, safe, believes in its students, and has high expectations
for its stakeholders is vital. Leadership who communicates a clear shared vision and depends on its
stakeholders to achieve it through collaboration and communication is what helps to create this
type of culture and climate. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment must be aligned and guided by
state standards. This includes making sure teachers and staff understand the importance of
assessment in general and why and how assessment measures are required by the
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Analysis Of The Raven And The Windigo
What makes people seek for experiences that make them feel scared? Fear is the expectation or
the anticipation of possible harm, so why do people like it? There is a hormone called
dopamine, that is released during scary and thrilling activities, according to David Zald, some
individuals may get more of a kick of this hormone than others. Lots of people enjoy scary
experiences, because of the feeling that they have after these situations. As reported by ABC
News, in Spooky Business American Economy , people spend about 7 million dollars in
Halloween, looking for costumes, decoration objects, and also in haunted houses. People enjoy
scary movies, roller coasters, and haunted houses. Similarly, people enjoy thrilling literature, as
Edgar Allan Poeand Louise Erdrich poems, The Ravenand The windigo respectively. Both of these
authors write and explore death and the ambiguity of what will happen after death, by using
concrete examples of imagery and symbols, structured paragraphs, and a certain type of diction.
In Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven , the use of imagery and symbolism are one of the main
characteristics of this poem, which makes the reader continually follow the development of the
poem. The most outstanding example of symbolism is the Raven itself, this bird represents death,
the darkness that keeps reminding in his life, after the loss of his loved one Lenore, the bird
standing there by his side, is a representation of questions that he makes about life and
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To Kill A Mockingbird In To Kill A Mockingbird
1. The tiny, sleepy, worn out, dingy, slow moving town of Maycomb, Alabama is where the
novel takes place. The novel takes place in the early 1930s, during the Great Depression. 2.
Arthur Radley, or Boo Radley , the son of Mr. Radley is a distant, lonely, isolated man who isn t
ever seen by people outside his house. People in Maycomb perceive him as an awful person,
with a terrifying appearance who fills them with aghast. 3. One word describing Scout Finch is
intelligent. Although, all of her first grade class is illiterate, Scout is capable of reading books
past Ms. Caroline s expectations. I suppose she chose me because she knew my name; as I read
the alphabet a faint line appeared between her eyebrows, and after making me read most of My
First Reader and the stock market quotations from The Mobile Register aloud, she discovered
that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. Miss Caroline told me to tell
my father not to teach me anymore, it would interfere with my reading. (Page 22, Paragraph 4) 4.
In fourth grade, a girl my class often bullied me for what seemed to have no logical reason. After
getting to know her better and asking her why she often bullied everyone, I realized the struggles
she was experiencing and understood why she answered that way out of jealousy. 5. Walter
Cunningham and Burris Ewell both come from poor American, white families. Within the
community, people don t regard them with high respect within the community. However, Walter
Cunningham is respectful to those around him and Burris Ewell is disrespectful to those around
him. One example that shows how Burris Ewell is disrespectful is when he responds in a rude
way to Ms. Caroline when told to wash his hair, come to school, bathed the next day. Moreover,
when Ms. Caroline tells him to sit in his seat he snorts and taunts her. She consequently cries and
threatens to report his behavior to the principal since he seems problematic. An example showing
that Walter Cunningham is respectful is when Walter Cunningham and Atticus talked together like
two men when they talked about farming and how he could pass first grade since he must help his
father who is a poor farmer. 6. When the kids sneak into The
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Analysis Of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, By C. E....
My hopes in The Girl that Played with Fire, are equal to or higher than my hopes were for The
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The beginning of this book hasn t necessarily brought as much
mystery to the text as the first book did, but it is just the beginning of the novel. There have been
different items throughout the book that may have been simple items to some, but as I read I
tried to pick apart the meaning and importance of them being in the book. Many people hang
pressed flowers on their walls and next to pictures, but to Vanger there is a whole different
meaning that constantly brings him back to before Harriet disappeared. Though the pressed
flowers are from the first book in the series, I feel it is crucial in the building blocks... Show more
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As mentioned in the previous chapter, Lisbeth blackmails her guardian, which made him about as
happy as an English teacher correcting Math homework.в єпёЋ After this, the Lisbeth s guardian,
Bjurman, intends to not only blackmail her, but intends to kill her as payment for what she had
done to him. While searching for information that Bjurman can use against her, he finds a notebook
that has notes written in it talking about the evil thing that happened to Lisbeth when she was only
thirteen. Though it does not specify in the journal what the evil thing is, Bjurman notices that it
happened right before Lisbeth started getting into trouble with the system. This is why the
notebooks that he finds are very important, because without them he may not be able to find out
what had happened to Lisbeth as a child. In the prologue of the book, the author writes from the
perspective of a thirteen year old girl who had been kidnapped, tortured, and assumably raped. The
reader can link the event in the prologue to the evil thing that happened to Salander when she was
thirteen, but cannot be sure until the author writes down the connection on paper. The notebooks
will most likely come into play again later in the book and help find solutions to the unanswered
questions both the characters and the readers have about Lisbeth s
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The September 11 Terrorist Attacks
On September 11, 2001 an Islamic terrorist organization named al Qaeda committed a devastating
and scaring act of terrorism towards the United States. There was four different attacks that
occurred which were carried out by four passenger airliners that were hijacked. Two of the attacks
took place in New York City (World Trade Center s North and South Towers), one was at the
Pentagon in Arlington Country (Virginia), and the other occurred in a field in Shanksville
(Pennsylvania), which was thought to have been intended for the Capitol or White House. These
attacks were carried about a group name al Qaedawhich was led by Osama bin Laden, who was
latter killed after being captured by the United States. Osama bin Laden s motivation for... Show
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At 8:19 Flight 11 s crew contacted ground personnel to the hijacking of Flight 11 and stayed on
the line even after being hijacked by the al Qaeda members. At 8:20 American Airlines Flight 77
took off en route to Los Angeles after short delay. At 8:24 Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers
of American Airlines Flight 11 accidently contacted air traffic control and ground control. At
8:37 air traffic control contacted the military once they find out the plane had been hijacked.
The Northeast Air Defense Sector then alerted Air National Guard jets who are ordered to locate
and tail the hijacked plane. At 8:42 United Airlines Flight 93 departs Newark International
Airport after a long delay. Then on a clear day in New York City Flight 11 crashed into floors 93
99 of the World Trade Center s North Tower. A few minutes later Emergency Services were
mobilized and everyone in the city was shocked or confused. People did not necessarily know
that it was a terrorist attack yet, but they were panicking. At 8:50 the White House Chief of Staff
Andrew Card told U.S. President George W. Bush that a plane has hit the World Trade Center
while he was visiting an elementary school in Florida. People in the North Tower were instructed
to stay put while help was on its way. At 9:02 the South Tower was ordered to evacuate but at 9:03
Flight 175 crashed into its 77 85 floors. At 9:05 the president was alerted about the
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Overview of the Australian Film Industry
Australian Film Industry 1
Era before World War I Australian film industry had good and bad times or boom and bust
(Stratton, 1990) in period of last 100 years and that is why it can be called a fragile industry. If
we look at the history, era before 1914, we find out that Australia was counted as one of the
biggest film making countries of the world. This Australian film industry took the honor of being
first to produce world s first feature film in 1906, The Story of the Kelly Gang. The local movie
production was on its peak in year, 1911 in which fifty one movies were released (Pike and Cooper,
1998). Although this number does not seem very impressive today but in those times, Australiawas
counted as the fastest film producing country. In only two years, between 1910 to 1912, more
than 90 narrative films were produced and between 1906 to 1928, this number reached to 150
(Moran and Vieth, 2005) .This high production is never seen after that period. That s why this
period before World War I was an ideal period for film industry, which never came back. Australian
films were not only seen in Australia but all around the world through travelling exhibitions.
Several films produced in Australia were internationally recognized and the actors and film makers
starting their career in Australian film industry gained international reputations. A large number
from these also received great financial benefits in their career in the largest producing centers of
the world,
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Rhetorical Analysis Of John Lennon
Imagining World Peace Through the Lyrics of John Lennon
A Rhetorical Analysis of John Lennon s Imagine Imagine there s no heaven, it s easy if you try.
John Lennon opens his song Imagine and catches the audience s attention with this line. Opening
with a thought provoking question grabs the listener s attention by compelling them to think. John
Lennon was and in memory, still continues to be a leader in the effort to reach world peace. His
songs asking for peace such as Imagine, Revolution, and Give Peace a Chance still have the power
to stir up emotions in people from all over the world. Leading straight to the point, the minimalistic
style and up front approach provide no room to wonder or debate. Lennon s song Imagine illustrates
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He is repetitive in the fact that he begins each verse with Imagine... and ends each verse with
Imagine all the people... (Imagine). Similar to Martin Luther King s speech I Have a Dream,
Lennon highlights his point to genuinely imagine what things would be like by reiterating it
over and over. This forces the listeners, to recognize the importants and to continuously feel the
emotion resulting in them really thinking about the changes that could be made in the world.
While it has been thirty five years since the assassination of John Lennon, his beliefs and music
have endured the test of time and continue to influence people today. His effective use of ethos,
logos, and pathos work together to help catch the attention of the listeners and enable them to
feel as though there is something they can do to further Lennon s cause. Using credibility, logic
and emotion this song was successful in the way that it definitely caught people s attention
world wide and still causes a great deal of emotions decades after it was written. Music has been
and always will be an important part of people s lives, it makes them feel some sort of emotions.
I think this song was successful in the areas of ethos, logos and pathos and will definitely
continue to be a memorable song for even more decades to come. After all, John Lennon was
never a public speaker or politician, but he still was able to get his message across
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Syrian Civil War Research Paper
The Cause of the Syrian civil war was the people that wanted a change in government, so they
protested. In 2011, successful uprisings that became known as the Arab Spring toppled Tunisia s
and Egypt s presidents. This gave hope to Syrian pro democracy activists. That March, peaceful
protests erupted in Syriaas well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for writing graffiti in
support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, a 13 year old, was killed after having been brutally
tortured. The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al Assad, responded to the protests by
killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the
military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to... Show more
content on ...
That following May, the Army tanks enter Deraa, Banyas, Homs and the suburbs of Damascus in
an effort to crush anti regime protests. In June that same year the IAEA (International Atomic
Energy Agency) nuclear watchdog decides to report Syria to the UN Security Council over its
alleged covert nuclear programme reactor programme. The structure housing the alleged reactor
was destroyed in an Israeli air raid in 2007. July 2011 President Assad sacks the governor of the
northern province of Hama, after mass demonstration there, eventually sending in troops to restore
order at the cost of scores of lives. In October the same year new Syrian national council says it has
forged a common front of internal and exiled opposition activists. In February 2012 the Syrian
government steps up the bombardment of Homs and other cities. In 2018 April the Syrian
government uses chemical weapons on their own citizens. The U.S. launches missiles at military
bases and research stations to stop the government from using chemical
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Notes On Monetary And Monetary Policy Essay
List of Abbreviations
CB Central Bank
ECB European central bank
FEDS The federal reserves
MP Monetary Policy
IT Inflation Targeting
MT Monetary Targeting
M1 Narrow money
M2 Intermediate money
M3 Monetary aggregates 3
MB Monetary Base
MS Money Supply
For decades, high inflation has always been a potential threat to the macroeconomic stability and
long term economic growth in the world. Central banks have been modelling strategies to tackle the
general price instability in an economy. Different models have been adopted to predict general price
levels, maintain a favorable inflation rate and promote economic growth. This can be achieved by
ensuring that the economic variables are properly regulated by committed and reliable financial
institutions in a state. Getting the model and monetary policy right is crucial for the health of an
economy. Overly expansionary MP leads to high inflation, which
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Nhs ( National Health Trust )
NHS (National Health Trust)
July the 5th 1948 The NHS is born. When health secretary Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS at
park Hospital in Manchester today known as Trafford General Hospital, It is the climax of a
hugely ambitious plan to good health to all. For the first, hospitals, doctor, nurses, pharmacists,
opticians and dentists we brought together under one umbrella organisation to provide services that
are free for all at the point of delivery.
Everyone has greater control of their health and their wellbeing, supported to live longer, healthier
lives by high quality health and care services that are compassionate, inclusive and constantly
Health and high quality care for all, now and for the future generations.
The NHS objectives are based on business plan set out in 2016/2017 to support providers in
meeting the challenges across five areas.
Finance and the use of resources
Operational performance
Strategic change
Leadership and improvement capability
1.Quality objectives
Reduce to zero the number of providers in specific measures
Two thirds of inspected providers will be operating at CQC good or outstanding levels of quality
Support providers in the role out of seven day hospital services, working with NHS England.
Implement patient safety initiatives in priority areas.
Deliver guidance and tools for providers to make safe staffing decisions.
2.Finance and use of resources objectives
Achieve and
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Fda Approval Process Of Drugs Essay
Joston Toney Nicole Thompson English 2010 Online 03 December 2016 The FDA Approval
Process of Drugs When I was a kid, I always wondered why it took so long for an ill person to
become well again. I always thought that if the ill person went to the doctor they would be back
to normal the next day, but that s not the case. For some people it took several days, weeks,
months, and even years to conquer an illness but as a child I never could understand that. I don t
know how many times I ve asked my mom or dad how come the doctors don t get together and
make a miracle drug that could heal anything and everything. It wasn t until the age of 15 when
my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer that I understood why it took so long for others
to heal and the process that they had to endure in order to be healthy again. Shortly after my
grandmother s diagnosis, I started looking into what it would take to get a drug that would cure
cancer through the approval process on the shelf to save some many others just like my
grandmother. But I kept running into a dead end. Everything seemed to keep pointing towards
chemotherapy and radiation. Although I wanted something to heal my grandmother fast,
chemotherapy and radiation was the only solution if I had wish to see her watch me graduate high
school. I went to almost every appointment with her to watch how it helped strengthen but also
watch as it drained her energy. A month of chemotherapy and a few weeks of radiation and my
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Understanding Laser Shows
Attending a laser light show can be beautiful, fun, and maybe even dizzying. The audience may be
dazzled by the twisting and turning colors, but how much of the crowd actually knows how lasers
operate? Light, color, vision, and the electromagnetic spectrum can explain how lasers and the
captivating shows are possible.
In order to understand laser shows, you need to understand lasers. The first working laser was
created by Theodore Maiman, who placed a ruby rod, a fully reflective mirror on one end, a
partially reflective mirror on the other, with a high intensity lamp wrapped around the ruby rod into
a cylinder to create a laser beam. When the lamp was turned on, it excited the electrons in the ruby
rod. Excited electrons emitted photons,
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Orlando Museum Of Art Analysis
The museum I went to was the Orlando Museum of Art and the painting I choose to analysis is
Soupe D ane by Miquel Barcelo. This oil painting on canvas was made in 1992. Barcelo depicts
donkeys in a bowl being made into soup.
When I first saw this painting I saw bulls and explosions. But the more I looked at the painting the
more I was able to try to understand it. The next thing I saw in the painting were bulls in a pin, all
trying to escape the chaos happening in the pin. And finally, when I got home I looked up what the
painting name means and realized that what I was really looking at were donkeys in a soup bowl.
The use of dark colors in middle of the painting, with subtle hint of brighter colors like red, tan, and
green, on the outside courts of the painting. ... Show more content on ...
About how hard and messing this process is, I thought the bulls coming out of the painting were
the new life coming out and the dark colors in the middle was the process of starting over again.
But, what I found with this painting was the more you looked at it, the more you saw and the
more you are able to infer. The next thing, I thought this painting was trying to infer was about
how hectic life can be, and how we all want to be in the calm (outside of the pin). To me the artist
is trying to get out of the hardships of life. Showing that while some people are able to get out of
these hardships, others do not. But, I have no idea what the artist actually meant, this is because,
the painting had no description under it and I could not find out about it on the internet, so I have
no idea what the artist meaning of this painting is. I just know the title s translation, which is soup
of donkey. So, I guess what really matters is what I think. In my opinion, the artist allows the
viewer to decide. This also adds to the chaos of the painting, that we will never know the meaning
the painter was trying to
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Health Education Personal Statement
I am interested in doing research that could potentially better the health of my community. I am
interested in mental health, nutrition, and substance abuse. I believe these topics are so important
in our society and need further research.
After college, I want to work as a health educator helping high school students become more
educated on their health. Personally, I feel like high school aged students are at a challenging time
in their life by being exposed to unhealthily life decisions. Whether it is from experimenting with
drugs and alcohol to drinking eight sodas a day, most high school students do not understand the
severity of their unhealthy decisions. I am driven to make a change in this population. I believe I
can make a change in this population because of the high quality of health education I have received
from SIUe and my determination to make a positive ... Show more content on ...
I feel like I would obtain so much knowledge that would benefit me in years to come as a health
educator. I also enjoy analyzing data. For my health education senior class, I had so much fun
going back and tallying all our data from our pre and post tests from our program implementation. I
appreciated going back through the data and seeing how our intervention positively effected our
target population.
I have prior research experience in my health education senior assignment class. My group and I
had to distribute and analysis data. In the process of my senior project, I had to analyze previous
research studies to find successes and failures within the studies to build a successful intervention
based on the findings. I am familiar with finding articles on databases and I know how to
effectively read a journal article study. I have also taken the research methods class offered at
SIUe, which helped me learn how to analyze data and conduct effective research
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Comparing the Living Dead in James Joyce s The Dead and...
Dubliners and The Living Dead
In his work The Dead, James Joyce utilizes his character Michael Furey, Gretta Conroy s deceased
love from her youth, as an apparent symbol of how the dead have a steadfast and continuous power
over the living. The dominant power which Michael maintains over the protagonist, Gabriel
Conroy, is that Gabriel is faced with the intense question of whether his wife, Gretta Conroy, loves
him and whether he honestly loves her. Joyce provides substantial information to persuade one to
believe that Gabriel does truly love his wife. Even though it is made evident to the reader that
Gabriel possesses such devotion and adoration for Gretta, Michael diverts Gabriel s confidence in
his love, causing Gabriel ... Show more content on ...
Gabriel becomes distraught at the revelation of her statement. Joyce describes Gabriel s
anguished state, Generous tears filled Gabriel s eyes. He had never felt like that himself
towards any woman, but he knew that such a feeling must be love (Joyce 182). Gabriel is
perplexed as to why, if Gretta loves him so much, she still possesses memories of her first love.
He also wonders why this important detail of Gretta s life was not brought to his attention at an
earlier point. Gabriel s recognition that he has been excluded from what he believes to be the
deepest experience of Gretta s life now becomes the deepest experience of his life. Gretta s
reaction to his questions about her first love causes Gabriel to become overwhelmed by Michael
Furey s control over him.
Gabriel by his ideas, his tastes, and his sensitivities has been isolated from others but always
found solace in his self esteem. Michael Furey has destroyed this. The tears gathered more
thickly in his eyes and in the particular darkness he imagined he saw a young man standing under
a dripping tree (Joyce 182). Though Michael is certainly dead in body, he lives on in the
memories of both Gretta and Gabriel, and his influence can in no way be obliterated. Joyce
depicts the power Michael has over Gabriel, A vague terror seized Gabriel... as if... some
impalpable and vindictive being was coming against him, gathering forces in its vague world (Joyce
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Civil Litigation Procedures And Criminal Procedures
The difference among Civil Litigation procedures and Criminal procedures
An individual going to a lawyer to seek help in resolving an issue and seek monetary damages
against someone they believe has done them wrong. The attorney conducts the interview and the
staff will interview witness and perform legal research all in an effort to see if there is a basis
for a cause of action that is legitimate against wrongdoers. This begins the relationship between
client and lawyer which is solidified by the execution of a retainer agreement. In the retainer
agreement there is an understanding of the way that a lawyer will be paid. The Lawyer will begin
the process of informing the defendant of the complaint against them, and damages sought in the
form of a demand letter. If the defendant chooses not to answer the demand letter it s time to
prepare for trial. The lawyer works on jurisdiction to find the correct court who can hear the case.
When the determination for jurisdiction is set following will be venue selection. Venue allows for
an impartial jury and focuses on the convenience of the defendant. During this time claims and
motions can be filed such as Complaint, Answer, Counterclaim, Cross Claim, Motion to strike, and
Motion to dismiss. After the reply or a dismissal motion has been filed the discovery process can
begin. The Discovery consists of two forms: oral and written. Discovery that is oral include
depositions and written discoveries include, interrogatories, request
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The Importance Of Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health counseling can be described as a therapy for people with emotional problems that
affect their day to day lives. One loses control of their own lives, needs skills, encouragement and
help to change their behaviors, which could be causing them to feel hopeless.
Wellness is helping a client by achieving their highest level of functioning through mind, body, and
spirit. Counselors must help their clients to become well again. By doing this Mental Health
Counselors should examine the client to see where their weaknesses are and their strength are. This
will give the Mental Health counselor a plan to help them reach balance in their life.
Resilience is a way someone deals with their stress and life concerns. In order for one to achieve
wellness, they must have resilience. The Counselor must help clients learn skills needed to deal
with their issues at hand and to be able to overcome or at least be able to handle them, so they can
become mentally well.
Counseling in the nineteenth century began when people started talking about their emotional
problems and was practiced in the form of advice. Earlier they called themselves social advocates,
teachers and helped people in education, legal reforms, and employment guidance. Sigmund Freud
developed the theory of psychoanalysis where it focused on the internal conflicts and brought about
psychotherapy. In the early 1900 s three pioneer s contributed to the advancement of counseling:
Frank Parsons, Jessie B Davis, and Clifford Beers. These important benchmarks helped to spread
its practice. First, in 1913 the national vocational guidance association (NVGA) the forerunner of
today s American Counseling Association. Second, in 1917 the Smith s Huge act provided public
school funding for vocational education. Last, the Army s psychological screening devices were set
for psychological testing.
Addiction Counseling has a history as early as native American advocacy leaders. In the nineteenth
century, temperance missionaries had lay alcohol therapists, and paraprofessional counselors
worked into the twentieth century and contributed to the evolution of modern addiction counseling
as a specialized profession.
Addiction counseling addresses the problems related to
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Literature Review Assignment Template
Literature Review Assignment Template Student Name: Jessica Briones Date of Submission:
September 16, 2017 A. Discussion of Database Search 1.Search terms (1 word term plus a 2
word term) 1 word term: Chemotherapy 2 word term: Childhood Cancer 2.Summary of database
search (up to 500 words): My two word search term is childhood cancer and my one word search
term is chemotherapy. My initial search was through Scopus. I searched both of the terms using
the Boolean Operator AND to ensure that my search retrieved sources that had both of my
search terms. For my two word term, I added quotation marks around it because I wanted to
search the two words together. The range of years for publications that appeared were from
2017 until the year 1958 with a total of 49 different years in between. A total of 6,790 articles
were shown. After I limited my search to only nursing, articles, and articles in press, my total
number came down to 113. After I limited my search to the years 2003 2017, only 89 articles
remained. After performing a Google search on the author with the highest cited article using the
specified format, I retrieved a total of 1,460 hits. In Google Scholar, I retrieved 437 hits. On
PubMed, I initially searched term 1 with quotation marks around it along with my search term 2
using the Boolean Operator AND and was able to retrieve 6,778 articles. When I performed the
same search again but without quotation marks, I retrieved a total of 10,749
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How was Life in our World Created
Throughout history, scientists asked questions about the origin of life and wondered if it was
created by God or an explainable natural phenomenona. One of the most debatable ideas disputes
whether the Christian God is true. More specifically, many wonder if the Bible true. Scientists and
philosophers ascertained evidence that proves the truthfulness of the Bible. True scienceand the
Bible do not contradict each other. Science and archaeology supports the truthfulness of the Bible,
confirming the Bible is true
The Bible is consistent with science; in fact, the Bible contains scientific topics that have been
investigated by scientists. Throughout time, scientists used to believe that their theories were 100
% accurate in explaining the universe. As technology advances, scientists discovered that some of
these theories are unreliable. Recently, it has been explored that stars are uncountable as
mentioned in the Bible As the host of heaven cannot be numbered (Deem). Scientists used to
theorize that the Universe has only between 1000 to 1200 stars (Comfort 21). The Bible has
accurate, scientifically proven facts. For example, many years ago, scientists theorized that Earth
is flat; however, years later; they proved that Earth has a round shape. It is he that sits upon the
circle of the earth (Deem). Again, the Bible mentioned the accurate shape of the earth. As a result
of these discoveries, scientists began to study and investigate various topics in the Bible and have
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Qvc Analysis
QVC is the premier in home shopping network. QVC is based on Quality, Value, and
Convenience. QVC is represented in six countries and soon to be seven. QVC went live 1986
ruling the television airways since the start. Technology started to develop and new platforms
started to emerge. The calling in from the home phone was no longer the only way to order from
QVC. Technology has expanded the portals in which shopping can be done. Technology has also
introduced a new generation to a new way of shopping. The organization needs to adapt and
transform their marketingtechniques to stay relevant in today s retail world.
The original television competition was The Home Shopping Network (HSN) and ShopNBC. Now
that there are multiple ways ... Show more content on ...
The market has changed and a new sizeable consumer has been revealed. These consumers
belong to the Generation X and Generation Y (Millennial). This encompasses the age group
between 18 and 30. The Generation X is individual s born between the years of 1966 1976 and Y
s are born between the years of 1977 1994. Generation X has an aggregate income that exceeds
$1.1 trillion, and has a substantial influence on a wide variety of sectors, (The Young Adult
Market: Generation X Grows Up, 2006). Generation Y spend an estimated $20 billion in online
purchases alone each year, (Why Does Generation Y Buy,
... Get more on ...
The American Dream And The American Dream
The answer to the question of whether or not the American Dream of owning a home is alive
and well among Millenials is a resounding Yes! According to the National Association of
Realtors, one consistent finding is that for the last four years homebuyers 36 years and younger
is the largest share of homebuyers at 34 percent! Although Millenials have experienced the Great
Recession, it evidently has not dampened their enthusiasm for home buying. It s possible that
the older Millenials may have at first been reluctant and that they have delayed home buying
until a little later in life, but they are certainly on board now! I am a senior in college, and I was
born in 1995 so I m considered a Millenial. For me personally, home ownership is a worthwhile
goal. I don t intend to buy a home until I have graduated from college, have decided where I
want to live, and I have my dream job. I think Millenials are cautious about financial matters, but I
also think that can be a great advantage. Generally we don t rush into decisions without a great
deal of thought and analysis. That means that when we do buy a home, we are financially and
emotionally prepared and less likely to lose that home due to foreclosure It s easy to understand
why home ownership is considered a major component of the American Dream. As a college senior
looking toward graduation, I understand that owning a home can mean independence from my
landlord, a statement that I have arrived or succeeded,
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For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide Analysis
Sexual objectification occurs when a person s body or body parts are treated as objects to be
coveted or desired. Women face sexual objectification everyday and Shange, in her novel For
Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide, takes several women from ambiguous backgrounds to
reiterate the challenges a womanfaces in trying to maintain agency over her body through the
ubiquitous nature of sexual objectification and its ability to perpetuate genderviolence. The first
introduction we experience from the women is their challenge with sexuality and embracing
their bodies. The graduation story is a story about a black girl who feels sexually liberated after
losing her virginity. The poem ends with the line, in the backseat of that ol buick/wow//by
daybreak/ I just couldn t stop grinnin (Shange 8). The young girl portrays that rite of passage from
adolescence to adult after her first sexual experience. Yet there is still that feel of naivety that
clings to her since society has not yet diminished her sense of sexual power. Shange depicts a
young woman in control of her sexuality.... Show more content on ...
There are times when society can wrench that control away. Shange illustrates the harsh truth
about the nature of rape. In the poem, Latent Rapists, Shange explains how rapist are no longer
strangers now but, [people] we can now meet them in circles we frequent for companionship
(Shange 20). The true nature of rape,that someone you know may become your rapist, is one that
all women fear and can see everyday of their life. Also, in society today, rarely is the full blame
placed upon the men but what the woman was doing, what she wore, where she was. Therefore,
Shange explains the difficulty that comes with pressing charges against a society controlled by
... Get more on ...
Johnson Beverage Inc
Robert KennedyCollege
|Financial Management |
| |
|Number of the assignment: Final Assessment |
|Name of the assignment: Johnson Beverage Inc |
| |
|Date: November 26th , ... Show more content on ...
JBI distributes principally bottled sports drinks provided by small specialty beverage companies.
The company s discounts policy depends on customers and is based on a number of commercial
One of JBI s best and most loyal customers for years, Saver Superstore, had been approached by a
competitor and may want to negotiate a lower price for its product purchases.
During a meeting held to address the situation Johnson s accountant Jim Thomas presented a
compiled report on customers profitability and profit margin where customer service costs are
allocated to customers as a percentage of revenue. This analysis brought Johnson to the conclusion
that Saver Superstore is not a very profitable customer compared to other client retailers ,that it is
one of their lowest margin customers and he can t consider lowering prices for them.
The operation manager for JBI suggested considering that Saver Superstore is an easy to deal with
partner unlike some other customers that make the business spent a lot of time on their rush orders
.This comment brought Johnson to wonder about the customer service costs structure and allocation
system. The current system allocates these costs based the revenue generated by each customer
which assign a large share to Saver Superstore the biggest one.
JBI s accountant Thomas suggested collecting information about the time and the amount of
activity devoted to customer which might help the company
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Drunken Driving Accidents And The Biggest Party Of The Year
Introduction It was the end of the biggest party of the year. Everyone is leaving now, man did we
have a blast. I m getting into my car now about to head home proud of myself because I promised
my mother I would not drink tonight. As I pulled onto the road a red car hit me head on. I must
have blacked out because I am lying on the ground and all I can hear are the police, paramedics
and sirens all around me. Then I think I heard one of them say, the guy who hit her was drunk.
As I lay in this pool of blood all of it belonging to me the guy who hit me is fine all he had was
minor cuts and bruises. He is now handcuffed walking to the police cruiser staring at me lying
here dying, all of this his fault. As I m taking my last breaths I m wondering why I am lying here
dying and I wasn t the one drinking and driving.
Drunken driving accidents are one of the leading causes of death of teens. Whether they are the
driver or just in the car with someone. Alcoholism plays a big role in this. With it being a chronic
and progressive disease there can be many different symptoms, causes, and risk factors and
complications that can be associated with alcoholism. It can include difficulty regulating how much
alcohol you drink. Also having many problems in life because of continuous drinking and getting
drunk. If you have alcoholism you may need to seek professional help to quit drinking. People who
have alcoholism or drink a lot usually deny they
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Case Study Of Mr. Earl Marrero s Trailer
On February 15, 2018, the Insured, Mr. Earl Marrero had his boat and trailer already hitched in
the back of his Ford F 150 pickup truck and parked his truck with the boat and trailer in tow
overnight in front of his home. He said he usually does not keep his ship and his trailer out in the
open part of his house but because he was going to use it on February 16, 2018, he kept it parked
on the south side of the Street on 82nd Street. Mr. Marrero claimed that his boat and its trailerwere
part East of his front drivewayalong the right hand curb claimed the scene and an easterly direction.
He said that he retired early that evening and went to bed when at about 3:00 AM during the next
morning on February 16, 2018, he heard morning. After being
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Attending College After High School
Many high school students struggle on the fact whether or not should they attend college after
high school or not. College is a place to further someone s education rather than just having an
average high school diploma. A person can attend college for however long they want to receive
any degree to mind. Going to collegewill be a helpful advantage to a person life because a person
can live finically stable, choose your own career, and enjoy the lifestyle that comes with going
away for college. Going to college will benefit a person in the long run. Higher paying jobs most of
the time requires for a person to have some sort of a college degree. Business needs their
employees to be fully educated to work for them. An average person with a
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Agatha Christie Quotes
Essay #1: In Murder on the Orient express Agatha Christie uses clues to reveal who had
committed the crime in the novel. For example, when Poirot Here s the scream in the middle
inside of Ratchett s room in the middle and when he investigates Poirot hears: Ce n est rien. Je
me suis trompe Which Means it s nothing in French Indicating that the murderer knows French
which can rule out some of the victims. Later evidence suggests Ratchett was killed at 1:15 am
due to His watch being broken at that time. Another Clue in the story was that when Poirot
examined Ratchett s wounds he noticed that he was stabbed many times by what seemed to be
one person who was left handed and one who was right which also means that there was two
murderers (Christie). Later in the story, the reader learns of the Scarlett Kimono that was worn
by the murderer the night of the killing which was a key piece of the mystery since it was found to
be worn by the murderer. Since this was way back before the era of technology like today, they
would be able to go to a lab for a finger print or DNA analysis. However, this if that technology
would be able to be used the book would have ended very fast, but... Show more content on ...
She was the youngest of three siblings and she was home schooled by her mother, who
encouraged her to write books. When Christie was Young she liked to Make characters and
come up with stories which obviously later would come in use. Later on when she was 16, she
then moved to Paris for a while to study vocals and piano. A lot later, in 1914, she married
Colonel Archibald Christie, a Royal Flying Corps pilot, and took up nursing during World War I.
During that time she published her first book, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920. The main
plot of the story was a murder of a rich heiress and which was the first introduction of one of
Christie s most well known characters: Hercule Poirot ( Agatha Christie
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Why Is Michael Bennett Successful
Michael Bennett who was born on April 8, 1943 was an American Musical Theatre Director,
Writer, Choreographer, and Dancer. Bennett won many Awards for his great Success. He won
Seven Tony Awards for his choreography and direction of Broadway Shows and was nominated for
an additional eleven. Bennett was born to a Jewish mother and a Roman Catholic father, he studied
danceand choreography in his early teens. He staged many musical shows at his Buffalo high
school before dropping out at the age of Seventeen to join the road company of West Side Story.
After touring he landed a dancing gig for Betty Comden. Years later Bennett had his first solo
choreographing moment in 1966 with A Joyful Noise. After this great success he continued
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Dual Federalism Vs Dual Federalism
C.J. Diehl
Ms. Crouse
U.S Government
How come we can go from Pennsylvania to New Jersey without paperwork but pay a different
amount of state tax for purchases made in the different state? The answer is federalism, federalism
is having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain
independent in internal affairs. These discissions were made in the Federalist Papers written by the
Founders. The federalist papers were a collection of eighty five essays written to the newspapers in
the 1780 s to encourage the remaining states who had yet to ratify the constitution. Alexander
Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under a pseudonym wrote to persuade the remaining
colonies that ... Show more content on ...
The states have the power to change anything they want drinking age, tax, driving age, schooling
but there are some things that they can t do such as coining money, have external affairs, or
declare war they are all powers that are left to the national government. The idea of a federalistic
government is that there are levels of government there is national level, state then local and
depending where you are in the United States you need to follow those rules. The power is not
always divided equally though. Even though states have right given in the 10th amendment if the
nation wants a state to change something they can refuse funding until they change what they
want to be changed. This happened in 1980 when New Jersey changed their drinking age to 19
and the state was at an all time high with 18 20 year olds losing their lives 88 young people died
while intoxicated on New Jersey roadways that year.
In 1995 the government withdrew highway funding due to the fact that people who drive
motorcycles were not required by law to wear helmets while driving this was established and then
reinstalled in 1991. President Clinton then passed a law that eliminated the speed limit and the
helmet law now still three states have no rules against wearing helmets.
President Nixon wanted to decrease the demand for
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Education For Leisure By Carice Duffy
In poems, Stealing and Education for leisure , Duffy uses a range of literary devices like
colloquial language and short sentences. Duffy clearly portrays a sinister and lonely persona in
both poems. In Stealing the persona is presented as lonely and isolated from society so they resort
to stealing just for the pleasure of doing it. Similarly, in Education for leisure , an egotistical young
adult is portrayed who is killing living things to undo his intense isolation. These poems were
written by Duffy to show the terrible situation the UK faced in the 1980 s.
Duffy portrays the persona as cruel and callous through his heartless actions. In the comparison to
the snowman the persona described his mind as cold as the slice of ice . The ... Show more content
on ...
While the character was kicking the snowman furiously again, again . His breath ripped out in
rags . He had lost his breath because he was so passionate about his fury that he forgot about his
physical ability. In this quote a metaphor is used and two short sentences are repeated. The short
sentences emphasize his lack of education, showing that he cannot form complex intellectual
sentences. The fact that the word is repeated twice indicates his passion for what he s doing. The
metaphor is also an example of hyperbole as it over exaggerates on how exhausted he is due to his
inability to control his emotions. This suggests that the persona is angry and frustrated at his life.
The snowman could symbolize what he doesn t have; therefore, portraying his rage towards the
snowman. The snowman could also be symbolized as himself, which shows his self destructive
behavior as he tries to punish the part of himself that he sees in the inanimate object. In the other
poem, the character does something similar as he squishes a fly against the window using his
thumb . This shows how the persona releases all his irritation on a vulnerable creature that cannot
do anything to escape from the situation. This suggests that he loves the feeling of over
empowerment but it also suggests that he is a coward as he displays his rage on a susceptible
and tiny creature. It also portrays how cruel and disheartened of a person he is as the fly didn t
have anything to do with why he was left out and isolated all along his life. Despite of this fact, he
still went forward with killing the poor fly because of his failure to control his rage. It is mentioned
that he commits this purposeless murder with his thumb . As the thumb is the biggest finger on our
hands, it can symbolize that he is attempting to completely overwhelm the tiny little creature; this
can also be seen as
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Themes In Brother And Sister By The Brothers Grimm
The fairy tale, Brother and Sister by the Brothers Grimm, is about two siblings trying to escape
their evil witched stepmother. All they wanted after their mother died was another rainbow to
shine down on them. As they were running away, the brother was bewitched by their stepmother
and turned into a roebuck. The witch believed that was the end for them so she returned to her
home with peace. The little girl and the roe went on their way, and they found a secluded cottage
out in the middle of the forest. They became content living in the cottage. One day, the king and
his huntsmen were in the forest, and the little roe wanted to join in on the hunt. So the sister let
him go after he had begged and pleaded. As the little roebuck was on his way... Show more content
on ...
For example, someone in the higher or middle class a better say in the government than someone in
the lower class. The people in the upper class know more people, seem more trusting, and have a
better chance of making something of themselves. People in the upper class tend to know other
people that are in the social class, which makes them look good as well. They are also more
informed on what goes on in their community and country. Those who are higher up know how
to dress better, and they have the extra money to spend on themselves. Usually, when someone
feels right with themselves and other can tell. This gives everyone else a sense that they could
be trusted. They also have a better chance of escalating themselves socially. They are already in
the upper class, which only means they can only do better. Rather people in the lower class, they
do not much social contact with other higher than them. Those who are in the lower class tend to
this sense of not caring. They do not care how they dress or what is going on in the government.
Their main goal is to try to get by, day by day, without hitting rock bottom. Those that are in the
upper class do not have to worry about this because they usually come from a line a
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West Point Conference Report
In early October, we (Graham and Nosheen) were invited to attend the 68th Annual Student
Conference on U.S. Affairs at the United States Military Academy at West Point. As the conference
was scheduled to start the day after Election Day, the overarching theme, and title, of the
conference, Democracy and Democratization: Challenges and Opportunities, seemed incredibly
relevant. The four day conference addressed challenges and obstacles facing the nation. Civilian
studentdelegates us and West Point delegates engaged in comprehensive discussion to better tackle
these issues, which culminated in a brief policy proposal. Student delegates were divided into
topic based groups in their particular field of interest. The topics ranged from the future of the EU
to challenges of democracy to political radicalism to ethno religious conflict. The groups deliberated
over their respective issues, keeping in mind the overarching theme of the conference.... Show more
content on ...
The student delegates were hosted by cadets in the Barracks (dorms), closely witnessing their daily
routine. We soon discovered that each cadet had an incredible passion for their educationand
service to the country. One host cadet, who had been adopted by American parents at the age of
four from China, wanted to repay the nation with her service, claiming that she would not be where
she is had she not been adopted. Others had family histories of military service. We realized that
every second the cadets spent at West Point was already a form of service to the nation, which they
were aware and proud
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Cinderella Double Standards Essay
Cinderella, a classic fairy tale, is one of the oldest tales that is well known throughout the world.
With the many versions that share the same storyline and the same meaning, Cinderella has
played an important role model for many young girls. She is portrayed as a helpless young
woman that is trapped by evil and receives help to find her Prince Charming. Many young girls in
societies of third world countries desire to live a similar fantasy. Cinderellas story goes beyond
becoming a princess and finding true love, however. The history of the fairytale and the portrayal
of the character reveals the significance of women s role in society and femininity.
In similarity to other fairy tales, having a happy ending is always desired, but the characters ... Show
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Cinderella wouldn t have had the opportunity to attend the ball if it weren t for the dress she
viewed as perfect and the fact that she looked presentable. This can serve as an example of
double standards because men usually escape with the way they perceive or represent
themselves physically, meanwhile women have to try twice as hard to look presentable. This
brings to attention that looks play a big role when grabbing the attention of men. It shows to
young girls that not unless you are adequately dressed or have what society defines as beautiful
then you won t get far in life. For example, at the ball the Prince rejects every girl that invite him
to dance, until he sees Cinderella. Both the Prince and Cinderella had a fast and real connection,
but that vanishes when Cinderella remembers that she had a designated curfew. The following
days of the ball, the prince goes in search for Cinderella after she left her glass slipper behind.
The glass slipper is the only item he has of her along with the connection the experienced. The
Prince going after after Cinderella can also serve as an example of society. He went looking after
her which now we could also see this in society. Men are usually the ones to chase after women.
They are the ones looking for their target, making women look foolish, superficial, and
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  • 1. Essay Journalistik 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay JournalistikEssay Journalistik
  • 2. The Video Of Ghost By Beyonce Knowles In the winter of 2013, BeyoncГ© returned to the music industry and destroyed everything in her path. She dropped an unexpected album after having been absent from the industry to take care of her daughter Blue and not allude to when she would be returning. Then on December 13, 2013 she released self titled 5th album, BeyoncГ©, with 14 songs as well as 14 music videos to go along with each song. She released it only on digital platforms. She did it without any marketing. She sold over 600,000 copies in the first week. Needless to say, BeyoncГ© had set the bar for the rest of the music industry. However, despite the fact that BeyoncГ© s ability to keep the album as a secret throughout its creation is a feat in itself, the messages in the music... Show more content on ... Black women are told again and again by society that their sexuality and their bodies are not acceptable by societal standards, but by creating Rocket BeyoncГ© twists that narrative. Throughout the video the focus is on her body. It is sensual and sexy, but never grotesque. She lets you know she has sex and that it is far better than you are ever going to have. BeyoncГ© has been in the spotlight for the majority of her life, with her first performance on television being at 8 years old and then later recording her first album at 14 with Destiny s Child. She has always known what it is like to be in the spotlight and the expectations that come with it. In Ghost, she attempts to cast off these expectations by showing her and her dancers struggle with a long cloth and full body suits. While it is easy to see this as BeyoncГ© grappling with fame as a whole, Ghost can be read as BeyoncГ© getting rid of the image she was once forced to maintain; an image that was meant to placate and not push parts of her identity such as her race. In Nicole R Fleetwood s article about Diana Ross, she comments on how Diana Ross ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Though the agreement and acknowledgement from both sides... Though the agreement and acknowledgement from both sides was a great accomplishment, the fault in the Oslo Accords was lack of action and enforcement, leading way into accusations from both sides. While it is important for both sides to be careful, a peace talk strong enough to mend the schism between Israeland Palestine should be clear in its wording, and the agreements should be enforced. Both sides unresolved conflicts over land, refugees, education, and terrorism prevent any progress from being made. An attempt to establish peace without resolution of these problems will result in failure, proven in past negotiation efforts. The core sources of the Israeli Palestinian conflict should be the focus of the peace talks. It is integral... Show more content on ... The Palestinians, in peace talks, have proposed balanced land swaps as well ( Middle East peace ). If both sides negotiate with open minds, compromise can be made. Because of lack of enforcement, peace agreements that should have worked have failed. Both sides still struggle over matters that, according to negotiations of the past, should not exist. However, this is not the end to the struggle between the two states. Though some controversies, such as land, are fairly straightforward, others are not. Apprehensions about security and refugees are main concerns of Israel. Allowing refugees could result in a possible change of demographic to a Palestinian majority. As a people that have been persecuted throughout history, the Jewish have an extremely legitimate reason to have safety and security a top priority. They desire a homeland free of jeopardy. Palestinian organizations in the past (and present, involving rejectionist groups such as the Hamas) have wanted the destruction of Israel as a state ( Negotiations). Israel accuses Palestine of not taking action against these terrorist groups, and fears that in the future, a Palestinian state could be overtaken by one. Palestine believes that a two state solution is actually necessary for security. Though both sides have many concerns, to make decisions and statements based on general, wide assumptions is also incredibly dangerous for both sides, and prevents progress. All ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Institutionalized Social Orders Why are the vast majorities of deviant behaviors routine and institutionalized and so few are considered innovative or idiosyncratic? The Routine behaviors are more common than innovative; don t require abnormal amounts of psychological capacity or include deliberate exertion; little exertion/no broad arranging (Humphrey Schmalleger, 2012 Institutionalized social orders are a sort of institution, even families can go about as establishments. However, for the most part, the expression institutional conduct is utilized for jails, mental healing centers, halfway houses, substantial companies, and government organizations. The issue with most institutional conduct is that it may be unseemly outside that establishment. Practices that are gainful ... Get more on ...
  • 5. An Analysis Of Invisible Man And Invisible Man Throughout this course, we have investigated self knowledge and what it means to know one s self. Each book that we have read has forced us to think critically in order to analyze the characters and their relations with self knowledge, and Invisible Man was no different. The Narrator, also known as Invisible Man, faced many challenges when it came to knowing who he was. By the time that you are done reading this paper, you will know not only what it means to know who one is, but also to what extent we define identity as they both relate to Invisible Man. When asking the question what does it mean to know who one is, I believe that it is one that could be seen in many different ways as it relates to Invisible Man. Some would look at this as something so basic like him knowing his name or age, but knowing who one is, is something that goes so much deeper than that. Knowing who one is means knowing oneself from the inside out. In the book Invisible Man, He didn t really know who he was. The problem that I believe he faced with his identity was the fact that he was always trying to please others; he was always trying to reform his life in order to be what he thought others wanted him to be. When the men from the brotherhood gave him his new name, they told him Get it down so that even if you are called in the middle of the night you will respond. You are to answer to no other, understand? Invisible man just accepted it because he felt like who they wanted him to be is who ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Fracking Is Not The Cleanest Alternative For Oil... Fracking The term, fracking has existed for nearly a half century and has always had the negative connotations of being unclean and the source for many environmental issues and adverse health effects. The massive oil deposits recovered by modern hydraulic fracturing can be considered as the oil boom of the twenty first century and with new methods, safety procedures, and technology, potential hazards can be reduced or even eliminated. Due to the many possible hazards of the fracking process, it has initiated much political discussion at the state and federal levels of government, while inciting concern of local citizens. Fracking is not the cleanest alternative to oil reclamation, but has improved drastically with the introduction of... Show more content on ... However, fracking fluid is not the only questionable aspect of fracking, included is land and infrastructure degradation, physiological harm to local citizens, utilization of legislation loopholes, and the secrecy of fracking fluid formulas within the industry. Nonetheless, the negative attributes of fracking, such as fracking fluid dispersal and other environmental issues are outweighed by the vast economic gains and can be mitigated by a system of regulations and development of new technologies for the industry. The fracking industry will only increase in size, so much so that reclamation of shale gas is called eminent shale gas revolution. British Petroleum [BP], for instance, expects global shale gas production to grow six fold from 2011 to 2030. Shale gas production in the United States already accounts for roughly 30 percent of the nationwide total a growth rate up from only 4 percent in 2005 (Sovacool, 251). It has also been estimated that more than 80 percent of the natural gas wells developed in the United States over the next ten years are expected to require fracking and it is projected that by 2035 natural gas wells will represent more than a 75 percent share of the domestic supply (Bleiwas, 68). Natural gas exploration began in the late 1940s to extract the natural gas located in underground reserves. The process consisted of digging a vertical well into the ground to release gas trapped in relatively ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Patsy Mink Blumenthal, Karen. Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX : The Law That Changed the Future of Girls in America. New York, New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2005. 30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 40. This book is by Karen Blumenthal, an award winning business journalist. Information that I got out of this book is how universities used to be before Title IX, and a couple of Patsy Mink s past experiences. I better understand my topic because now I know the main reason of why Patsy Mink created Title IX and more of how society was at that time. Burkett, Elinor. Women s Movement | Political and Social Movement. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Accessed December 17, 2015. movement. This Britannica article ... Show more content on ... This source consists of statements made by government officials on the progress of Title IX during a hearing. From this transcript, I am now aware of the effects and impact of Title IX on American society after its implementation. Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972. United States Department of Labor. Accessed December 17, 2015. This online article is published by the United States Department of Labor and summarizes the main points of the Title IX bill. This source provides a simplified version of Title IX. From reading this, I know more about the bill that Patsy Mink fought to pass for women s rights. Title IX Legal Manual. January 11, 2001. Accessed December 17, 2015. http:/ / This online manual is published by the U.S. Department of Justice. It provides an overview of the Title IX bill included in the Education Amendments of 1972. This source made it clear to me that the Title IX bill has exceptions and that women are not granted exactly everything that men are entitled to, it depends on the case and situation. Patsy Mink fought to pass a bill that does not give women more rights than men, but instead gives women more rights than initially granted to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Radiation Therapy Research Paper 2.3.2 Respiratory Gating for Radiation Therapy Respiratory gating techniques are used to track the tumor motion in uenced by respiratory cycles during external beam radiation therapy in order to ensure tumoricidal dose to the target site while avoiding healthy normal tissue toxicity Vedam et al. (2003); Kini et al. (2003); Ford et al. (2003); Kubo et al. (2000); Vedam et al. (2001); Mageras et al. (2001); Wagman et al. (2001); Mageras and Yorke (2004). The word gate is referred to as a window of the respiratory cycle that is chosen to deliver the radiation beam that maximizes the radiation dose received at the target site. The three criteria that are considered when designing the gated region of the respiratory cycle are: The window during respiratory cycle that ... Show more content on ... Two important components that are considered when analyzing respiratory motion patterns are phase and displacement. The beam is red at the target site depending on the phase or displacement windows chosen during the respiratory motion. Due to the gated technique, the overall treatment process takes longer when compared to the conventional methods of administering radiation therapy . The ratio between the gated beam delivery and the overall treatment time determines the eciency of the treatment called duty cycle. However, even after the gate has been optimized for a respiratory cycle, there exists minimal tumor motion called the residual motion Berbeco et al. (2005). To optimize the gateing technique that improves the therapeutic ecacy of radiation therapy and provides patient safety, a balance between the two (duty cycle and residual motion) needs to be met. The location and the size of the gate are dependent on the tracking of the target site or host organ by means of internal and external surrogates, internal and external markers or markerless ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Shadowing Backwards When doing rounds and sitting at the desk with Megan at Ross, I learned a lot about the specific procedures needed to be done at each task. The atmosphere is different at each task, considering that desk duty is more laid back while rounds consisted of being more alert with the surrounding area. While each are polar opposites of one another, they are both crucial when working as an RA. I began my shadowing at the front desk and I was surprised to hear that not all RAshave to work the front desk. I always thought that this role was part of being an RA, and that every RA had to work it. As I continued to do my shadowing, I learned about the overall standards that the front desk has to maintain, from sorting mail to doing lockouts to logging... Show more content on ... She provided great insight to all the questions that I asked and put her own personal spin on each question to make it more heartfelt. She drilled hard on knowing your residents and seeing what they enjoy most. She even supplied me with key tactics I can use when I become an RA in the fall to determine who my residents truly are. However, there were a few questions that she was unable to ask, and that was understandable because they were broad topics, such as what I can expect with my unit at the beginning of the year? . The best answer she provided me was that it truly depends on who exactly is in my unit and what each individual s personality is like. Lastly, she also connected to her personal development as an RA and how that has affected her greatly with her academic studies as well as caused her to become and RA. Her sharing her insight on her background on being an RA really opened my eyes about becoming an RA in the fall. With the information being administered to me, I have a better understanding on the roles and responsibilities an RA has to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Chiquita Bananas Final Case Brief Problem/Challenge Statement Chiquita is blamed for the actions of two terrorist organizations that extorted money from the company. Victims and their families of the attacks performed by these two terrorist organizations are looking for compensation from Chiquita, claiming that the company is responsible for making those attacks happen. Chiquita has to make a decision whether or not to take the responsibility for the actions performed by the two organizations. Key Facts/Background FARC and AUC (two Colombian organizations currently designated by the U.S. as terrorist organizations) purportedly threatened Chiquita s executives to hurt employees in the Colombian plant if the company failed to provide the payments ... Show more content on ... The reasoning behind this is the belief that the money Chiquita paid was indeed used in hurting those people. The victims and their families have right to demand justice. The question remains, of who actually should be brought to justice. Options Analysis Based on the current situation (company already admitted to paying the money, internal documents that the money did provide benefits exceeding the protecting of the employees were unveiled, threat of lawsuits), Chiquita has couple limited options, which are based on justice and duty. First option is to come out now and take the responsibility for the actions of FARC and AUC. The law may not be in place yet, but this decision may show that Chiquita is standing by its promise to protect people affected by its actions. This option definitely addresses the claims of victims and their families they will get the compensation they are seeking. Chiquita will face multiple lawsuits and will be harmed financially, which affects shareholders of the company. In this case the reasoning behind the payments is brought in place whether it was for corporate gain or protection of employees. Another option would be to refuse paying compensation to victims of FARC and AUC based on the fact that Chiquita did nothing directly to harm them. Moreover, they were protecting people by paying the terrorist. If the law holding the company ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Debate Over Time To Reduce The Budget Deficit We have a long story of debt, but it seems no one has been able to make it better. If the debt is increasing over time, the government has a budget deficit. Charles C. Turner, et al, define deficit as spending that exceed revenue (482). In history, basic deficit or debt was usually from over spending from a war and economic issues like a recession or depression. Then the government had a budget deficitalmost every year between 1970 and 1997, but taxcut and more spending on defense by President Reagan in 1981 added more growth to the deficit. Also, another cause is from reducing of productivity seem in the GDP and lower tax rate (tax cut) (483). Even when the government had some budget surplus, still, it could not cover the debt. In 2012, the debt grew over $ 16 trillion, (482 483) and has increased more in recent year plus 2.9 percent of budget deficit in 2016 (The 2016 Long Term Budget Outlook, 2). To manage the economic depression, sometime policymakers cut the taxes and increase spending again by putting more money into private sectors (Turner, 483); therefore, government goes further with the budget unbalancing. There are several reasons that lower tax rate will not reduce the budget deficit closer to a balance. First, lower tax rate will lower revenues. Overall tax cuts for a new coming year will bring different amounts of revenue from the previous year if the tax rate falls below a previous percentage. For example, Ramesh Ponnuru said that Mr. Trump s plan will ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analysis Of The Poem The Painter By John Ashbery A majority of John Asbury s poems are about the process in which the mind of a person interacts with the external surroundings. John Asbury has often tried to describe how the human mind interacts with the natural world. In his poem The Painter the poet has also incorporate the diverse aspect of nature which has been seen through the minds of a painter. Through this poem, the poet has essentially tried to reach out and understand the deeper aspects of human emotions such as life, love, loss, alienation, creation, inspiration, reality and perspective. The fact that John Asbury is an ardent art critic, he is deeply involved and associated with the process of artistic creation and appreciation which is more so reflected through his poem The Painter (Frye 208). In the poem The Painter , the poet John Ashbery describes the artistic creativity in direct conflict with the demands of today s society. In this poem he expressed how an artist wants to paint the sea and bring forth a relation between the sea and the buildings of the city. The painter places himself amidst the nature and the urban concrete jungle and as he expected his work to gain creativity, his expectations got diminished as he was unable to capture reality of life through his art. He was thus attempting to create something impossible and remains unsuccessful (Ford 112). Ashbery considered this desire to be very simple as he compared his ambition to children s prayer. His contrasts to the painter s expectation ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Summary Of Seven Myths Of The Spanish Conquest For decades, the history of Latin America has been shrouded in a cover of Spanish glory and myth that misleads and complicates the views of historians everywhere. Myths such as the relationship between natives and conquistadors, and the individuality of the conquistadors themselves stand as only a few examples of how this history may have become broken and distorted. However, in Seven Myths of the Spanish ConquestMatthew Restall goes to great lengths to dispel these myths and provide a more accurate history of Latin American, in a readable and enjoyable book. Restall s ultimate goal in writing this book is to provide readers and scholars alike with a more realistic viewpoint and history of the Spanish conquest. He wishes to dispel the many myths that accompany the epic tale so as to provide a better understanding of who the natives were and, more importantly to Restall, who the Spanish were. He does an excellent job of questioning the who, what, and where of the personalities and motives of the men involved in conquest. These questions are heartily answered in a well written and easy to read history book. Restall answers his own questions present in the introduction by focusing each chapter on a different myth. Chapter one discusses that the men who partook in conquest were valiant, rich, and outstanding. This idea gives credit to both the Spanish interpretation and the beautifully rugged men cast in Hollywood adaptations. The author notes, additionally, that the myth ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Colombia And The Revolutionary Armed Forces Of Colombia In Colombia, a historic peace accord has been brokered between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) that is set to end half a century of conflict between the state and the terrorist organization. The FARC rebels have long been a powerful member of the cocaine trade in Colombiaand beyond, aiding in the development and exportation of the drug to the United States. With the alliance between the FARC rebels and the Colombian government pending, the FARC will be demilitarized and integrated back into Colombian society for the first time in more than 50 years. Upon this historic event, roughly 60% of Colombia s coca, the plant used to produce cocaine, will be relinquished from the hold of the rebels. The... Show more content on ... government intervened in the situation, authorizing Plan Colombia, a $1.3 billion aid package intended to reinforce the Colombian government and build up their military. With this support, anti drug programs were initiated that slowed the FARC profits from the drug trade, today leaving the FARC controlling 60% of the world s coca crops and earning anywhere from $200 million up to $1 billion annually from the drug trade. The current peace accord talks began on February 23, 2012, when delegates from both the FARC and the Colombian government started meeting covertly in Havana, Cuba. Following the formation of the Havana Accord on August 26 of that same year, formal peace negotiations began on September 4. This accord makes clear six focal points: (1) integrated agricultural development policy, (2) political participation for the FARC, (3) end of the conflict Disarmament, (4) solution to the problem of illicit drugs, (5) victims, and (6) implementation, verification, and ratification by the Colombian People. For the purposes of this paper, agenda points 1 and 4 will be most heavily referenced and analyzed. Agenda Item 1 was agreed upon on May 26, 2013. The Rural Reform Agreement focuses on the people, the small producer, land access and distribution, the fight against poverty, stimuli to agricultural and livestock production and the reactivation of the rural economy. The success of this endeavor is critical to eliminating the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Motors, Gears, And Generators Lab Motors, Gears, Generators Lab Objectives: 1) Learn about motor and generator operation. 2) Generate and use motor torque/speed curves. 3) Learn about gear ratios and observe how they affect the rotational speed and torque of a motor or generator. Pre lab Questions Answer the following questions before you begin the lab: For the motor characteristic curve shown below, determine the equation of the line: torque (T) as a function of the rotational speed ( ). In the figure below, is the stall torque and is the no load speed. The equation of the line should be written in terms of the variables above. How can you calculate the gear ratio of a simple gear train with two gears? List 4 expressions that you could use to calculate the gear ratio. What is the difference between a motor and a generator? (Hint: what are the energy conversions that occur in each) Problem Description: Motors and generators are used frequently in engineering applications. In fact, you will use them in your final project. Gears (or pulleys) are usually used to transmit the power from the motor (input) to the output. A pair of gears forms a simple gear train. As engineers, you will need to understand how motors and generators work in order to pick appropriate ones to use in different applications or to know how your design will behave when hooked up to a particular motor /generator. In your final project for this course, you will use a generator (i.e. for wind power generation) and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. World War 1 Alliance System Essay World War One was a devastating war, killing millions between the years 1914 and 1918. It is to a considerable extent that the alliance system was the main cause of World War One as it dramatically turned a conflict from being regional to global, resulting in a World War. Similarly, the blank cheque supplied Austria Hungary with the confidence needed for them to declare war. Other factors such as nationalism were partly responsible as this caused Archduke Franz Ferdinand to be assassinated, and begin the July Crisis. It is to a considerable extent that the alliance system was the main cause of World War One as it dramatically turned a conflict from being regional to global, resulting in a World War. Originally, the feud started with two opposing countries, which had been brewing for years. When the July Crisis came about, the alliance system started. This led to conflict between several European nations and divided Europe into two opposing sides. If there were no alliances created, the conflict between the two ... Show more content on ... When Germany presented Austria Hungary with the Blank Cheque, they said they would support them in anyway possible, showing that Germany would sustain and back them up in the declaration of war on Serbia. This support and new ally gave Austria Hungary the affirmation and final push for them to declare war. Austria Hungary knew their newfound power would be strong enough to go into war and win. By being in alliance with Germany this gave them confidence and self assurance. If it wasn t for the Blank Cheque and alliance system, Austria Hungary might not have ever declared war. Therefore, it is to a considerable extent that the alliance system was the main cause of World War One as the blank cheque supplied Austria Hungary with the confidence needed for them to declare ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Multi System Disease Of Unknown Etiology Sarcoidosis is a multi system disease of unknown etiology. The diagnosis is confirmed when non caseating granulomas are identified in tissue biopsies, predominantly from the lung parenchyma or the mediastinal lymph nodes and is supported by compatible clinical and radiological features. [1] Cardiac manifestations may occur in isolation or may precede, follow or occur concurrently with the involvement of the lungs and other organs. All components of the heartmay potentially be involved. The most common are conduction abnormalities leading to bradyarrhythmias and syncope, ventricular tachycardias and the development of congestive heart failure. [2, 3] The location and extent of granulomatous infiltration accounts for variations in cardiac ... Show more content on ... [5, 6] Japanese Ministry of Health (JMH) published criteria are the current established method for non invasive clinical diagnosis. [2, 5] Imaging modalities suggested by the JMH criteria include gallium 67 scintigraphy and late gadolinium enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (LGE CMR). [2] However, only 5 10% of patients with sarcoidosis present with clinical evidence of myocardial involvement based on the above criteria while autopsy studies indicate that cardiac involvement is present in up to 25 50% of cases implying that there is a significant proportion of sub clinical cardiac sarcoidosis not detected with the existing criteria. [1, 7] Nuclear imaging modalities have shown significant advances and rapid growth in the field of the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiac involvement in sarcoidosis. Promising results show high sensitivity for identifying pathophysiological activity at an early stage before structural changes have occurred as well as value of reproducible activity quantification when emphasizing in therapy monitoring. Although gallium 67 scintigraphy has traditionally been used in sarcoidosis patients, cardiac positron emission tomography (PET) along with myocardial perfusion scans have shown superiority that mostly includes higher sensitivity in detecting active ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Market Analysis on Smartphone s Operating Systems Introduction The purpose of this report is to prepare market analysis of Operating Systems for Smartphones. Over the last decade, mobile phones have become one of the major means of communicating both voice and data. Today, mobile phone is virtually a social necessity for most of us. Increase in computing power of mobile phones, improved bandwidth of wireless technologies, and internet technology have led to the introduction of Smartphone which provides greater levels of intelligence to its users. This intelligence lies partly in the phone itself and partly in the smarter network in to which it connects. This intelligence is a potent combination of hardware used to build the Smartphone and software i.e., operating system which runs on... Show more content on ... Today, Smartphones encompass wide range of devices, ranging from voice centric handsets to converged multimedia devices integrating cameras, media players and personal navigation functionality into a single unit. Handset manufacturers gradually adopt OS to reduce development time and costs for the new models. Market size of Smartphones has grown from less than one million units in 2001, to more than 100 million units in 2007 already. (Get a Deep inside into Smartphone operating systems industry, 2007) Market Size Currently, the worldwide market size for Smartphones is only about 110 millions and this becomes about 6 percent of total mobile phones globally. Market analysts expect that the share of Smartphones might grow about 18 to 20 percent by the 2012. Hence, going forward the demand for Smartphone s OS is expected to rise significantly. (The coming Smartphone Operating System wars, 2007) Demand and Supply Demand Factors Currently the demand for Smartphones is low due to the following reasons. Cost of Smartphone Currently, the demand for both Smartphones and their OS is negatively impacted by the high cost of Smartphones. For most of the mobile phone users today, current high prices of Smartphones are unaffordable. Non usability of Advanced Features Majority of the people who can afford high prices of Smartphones today, are reluctant to buy them as most of the advanced features of Smartphones are not the ones ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Comprehensive Experimental Examination On Diesel Engine... COMPREHENSIVE EXPERIMENTAL EXAMINATION ON DIESEL ENGINE SUPPLIED WITH KANUGA METHYL ESTER/DIESEL BLENDS B.S.S.Prasanna Kumar 1, D.Ramesh Babu 2, M.Mastanaiah3 1M.Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor, 3 Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering DR.SAMUEL GEORGE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MARKAPURAM 523316, PRAKASAM DIST, ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Petroleum based fuels are producing high emissions in depletion of environment. Due to the usage with modern globalization these emissions causing hazardous for the environment. Due to the local topography and climatology, Bio fuels can be produced from various sources. Likewise every nation will have its own source. Kanuga oil is abundantly available in india but it s not been used and if used it s a great resource of energy. This study explores the potential alternate for diesel as fuel for automobiles and other industrial purposes. This study is focused on kanuga methyl esters performance and emission characteristics and comparing it with the traditional petroleum diesel. The fuels are used pure methyl ester and different blends of the methyl ester with diesel. The tests were conducted on a 3.7 KW, single cylinder, direct injection, water cooled diesel engine. The experimental result shows that every blend performs good with decreased amount of pollution. This analysis shows that kanuga methyl ester and its blends are a potential alternate for diesel. Keywords: Experimental Examination; Diesel ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Seasons And Symbolism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein For centuries, seasons have been understood to stand for the same set of meanings. Seasons are easily understood by the reader, and are easy for the writer to use; as Foster states, Seasons can work magic on us, and writers can work magic with seasons (Foster 192). The different seasons are a huge part of our lives; we live through each one every year, and we know how each of them impacts our lives. This closeness between people and nature allows us to be greatly impacted by the use of seasons in literature. In addition, Foster lays out the basic meanings of each season for us: autumn is harvest, decline, tiredness; winter is anger, hatred, cold, old age; summer is passion, love, happiness, beauty; and spring is childhood and youth. On the... Show more content on ... The monster, for example, is devastated after he loses his only connection to humanity: Felix and Agatha. After observing them for months, learning how to speak, being their secret helper by stocking their shed with food or shoveling snow, and after dreaming of how he would introduce himself to them someday, his connection with them was lost after Felix found him speaking to his blind grandfather in the cottage. When they all leave, the monster burns down the cottage and sets out to find Victor, in hopes of asking him to create another specimen; one that the monster can spend his life with in perfect harmony. When he finds Victor and tells him about his life and journey, he tells him, when the earth finally started to warm up, I even raised my humid eyes with thankfulness towards the blessed sun which bestowed such joy upon me (Shelly 125). Although the monster was terribly depressed, the sun (which is associated with spring and summer; it is meant to bring happiness and tranquility) lit up the Earth, bringing back its beauty after winter, which had caused the monster to feel gall and bitterness...rage and misery (Shelly 124). The beauty that the sun bestows on the Earth offers as a distraction for the monster rather than dwelling upon his gruesome appearance, he admires the world around him. As Foster explained, winter in literature brings with it misery, and summer brings happiness, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Brief Note On The Lone Working Policy Lone Working Policy Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................2 2. Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................2 3. Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................2 4. Scope .............................................................................................................................................2 5. Context ... Show more content on ... Checklist to Assist with the Assessment of Risk...............................................................6 Appendix 3. Monitoring and Escalation Procedures.............................................................................7 1. Introduction The Estate has a responsibility to manage the risk to its employees, particularly when working alone or unsupervised for significant periods. The policy covers all employees, workers and self employed contractors. 2. Policy Statement Lone working is common in many Estate activities. The Estate recognises that lone workers face particular problems and they will not require employees to work in circumstances where the risks are unacceptable. The Estate will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees and self employed contractors who are required to work alone or unsupervised for significant periods of time are protected from risks to their health and safety. Solitary working exposes employees and others to certain hazards. The Estates intention is to remove the risks from these hazards or, where this is not possible, to help employees to reduce them to an acceptable level. The Policy recognises that Lone Workers are a vulnerable group of employees. Therefore, risk assessments, safe systems of work and monitoring procedures must be produced to minimise the risk to
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Brief Note On Rubella And Rubella Vaccine There is, however, an easy counter to fear: information. If the public becomes informed about a topic, and is able to intelligently wield this knowledge, chemophobia is easy to counter. However, chemists have largely failed in the war against chemophobia, allowing it centuries to efficiently infiltrate American life. One of the most reputable, trustworthy, and knowledgeable sources for chemistry information is the American government, only they (and the various scientists within their ranks) have not been clear in their support of Chemistry. Despite official statements by the Center for Disease Control, or CDC, being supportive of the use of vaccines, many of their other reports seem to contradict their stance. In their fact sheet for the... Show more content on ... Natural is the most prominent offender: unlike most countries, the United States has no specific regulations for the term natural on products. It can be used almost anywhere with no issue, (Hansen) leaving individual companies in the food industry to determine what they want the term to mean. Foods containing natural flavors, sweeteners, and other plant derived substances can be labeled natural... Foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup and genetically engineered ingredients can also be labeled natural... Many other other synthetic materials can be used to process natural foods as long as they aren t in the final product. (Hansen) While it is made clear that the term natural is nonsense, the consumer does not realize this. In 2012, Consumer Reports did a survey on the perception of the term natural on food: While over 60% of those surveyed believed the term to mean a product lacking pesticides, GMOs, and artificial ingredients, the word means no such thing. 62% go out of their way to buy foods specifically labeled natural, which represents how impactful the word is. Just by slapping the word on a package immediately makes it more profitable, with no drawback suffered by the marketer. This abuse is not simply limited to natural: artisan doesn t have any legal definition (Bell), yet is used in many meats, cheeses, and breads. While cage free chickens aren t legally allowed to be stuck in a tiny ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Haye Elementary School Plan Essay Hayse Elementary: A High Performing School Plan Hayse Elementary School is a school that stands out in the state of North Carolina. The school it known for meeting state proficiency standards and is considered one of the highest performing schools in the state. Hayse Elementary School has not always been known for its achievements. It has only been in the last few years that the school got on a track that has lead them to high performance. This rural low wealth school in North Carolina commends its success to acknowledging their challenges, balancing equity and adequacy, and developing continual improvement measures for the future. This paper discusses how Hayse Elementary School stakeholders joined their efforts and created a path that has lead them to continual success. Fiscal Challenges and Litigation Like many public schools in North Carolina, Hayes Elementary is presented with numerous funding challenges each school year. Specifically, per pupil funding, facilities, and teacher compensation have been the areas that have lacked the most historically. Thanks to the ongoing North Carolina litigation of Leandro v. State, Hayse Elementary has been able to receive additional funding allotments for being a low wealth... Show more content on ... Top of the priority list for success at Hayes Elementary is school culture and climate. Creating an environment that is welcoming, supportive, safe, believes in its students, and has high expectations for its stakeholders is vital. Leadership who communicates a clear shared vision and depends on its stakeholders to achieve it through collaboration and communication is what helps to create this type of culture and climate. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment must be aligned and guided by state standards. This includes making sure teachers and staff understand the importance of assessment in general and why and how assessment measures are required by the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of The Raven And The Windigo What makes people seek for experiences that make them feel scared? Fear is the expectation or the anticipation of possible harm, so why do people like it? There is a hormone called dopamine, that is released during scary and thrilling activities, according to David Zald, some individuals may get more of a kick of this hormone than others. Lots of people enjoy scary experiences, because of the feeling that they have after these situations. As reported by ABC News, in Spooky Business American Economy , people spend about 7 million dollars in Halloween, looking for costumes, decoration objects, and also in haunted houses. People enjoy scary movies, roller coasters, and haunted houses. Similarly, people enjoy thrilling literature, as Edgar Allan Poeand Louise Erdrich poems, The Ravenand The windigo respectively. Both of these authors write and explore death and the ambiguity of what will happen after death, by using concrete examples of imagery and symbols, structured paragraphs, and a certain type of diction. In Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven , the use of imagery and symbolism are one of the main characteristics of this poem, which makes the reader continually follow the development of the poem. The most outstanding example of symbolism is the Raven itself, this bird represents death, the darkness that keeps reminding in his life, after the loss of his loved one Lenore, the bird standing there by his side, is a representation of questions that he makes about life and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. To Kill A Mockingbird In To Kill A Mockingbird 1. The tiny, sleepy, worn out, dingy, slow moving town of Maycomb, Alabama is where the novel takes place. The novel takes place in the early 1930s, during the Great Depression. 2. Arthur Radley, or Boo Radley , the son of Mr. Radley is a distant, lonely, isolated man who isn t ever seen by people outside his house. People in Maycomb perceive him as an awful person, with a terrifying appearance who fills them with aghast. 3. One word describing Scout Finch is intelligent. Although, all of her first grade class is illiterate, Scout is capable of reading books past Ms. Caroline s expectations. I suppose she chose me because she knew my name; as I read the alphabet a faint line appeared between her eyebrows, and after making me read most of My First Reader and the stock market quotations from The Mobile Register aloud, she discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. Miss Caroline told me to tell my father not to teach me anymore, it would interfere with my reading. (Page 22, Paragraph 4) 4. In fourth grade, a girl my class often bullied me for what seemed to have no logical reason. After getting to know her better and asking her why she often bullied everyone, I realized the struggles she was experiencing and understood why she answered that way out of jealousy. 5. Walter Cunningham and Burris Ewell both come from poor American, white families. Within the community, people don t regard them with high respect within the community. However, Walter Cunningham is respectful to those around him and Burris Ewell is disrespectful to those around him. One example that shows how Burris Ewell is disrespectful is when he responds in a rude way to Ms. Caroline when told to wash his hair, come to school, bathed the next day. Moreover, when Ms. Caroline tells him to sit in his seat he snorts and taunts her. She consequently cries and threatens to report his behavior to the principal since he seems problematic. An example showing that Walter Cunningham is respectful is when Walter Cunningham and Atticus talked together like two men when they talked about farming and how he could pass first grade since he must help his father who is a poor farmer. 6. When the kids sneak into The ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Analysis Of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, By C. E.... My hopes in The Girl that Played with Fire, are equal to or higher than my hopes were for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The beginning of this book hasn t necessarily brought as much mystery to the text as the first book did, but it is just the beginning of the novel. There have been different items throughout the book that may have been simple items to some, but as I read I tried to pick apart the meaning and importance of them being in the book. Many people hang pressed flowers on their walls and next to pictures, but to Vanger there is a whole different meaning that constantly brings him back to before Harriet disappeared. Though the pressed flowers are from the first book in the series, I feel it is crucial in the building blocks... Show more content on ... As mentioned in the previous chapter, Lisbeth blackmails her guardian, which made him about as happy as an English teacher correcting Math homework.в єпёЋ After this, the Lisbeth s guardian, Bjurman, intends to not only blackmail her, but intends to kill her as payment for what she had done to him. While searching for information that Bjurman can use against her, he finds a notebook that has notes written in it talking about the evil thing that happened to Lisbeth when she was only thirteen. Though it does not specify in the journal what the evil thing is, Bjurman notices that it happened right before Lisbeth started getting into trouble with the system. This is why the notebooks that he finds are very important, because without them he may not be able to find out what had happened to Lisbeth as a child. In the prologue of the book, the author writes from the perspective of a thirteen year old girl who had been kidnapped, tortured, and assumably raped. The reader can link the event in the prologue to the evil thing that happened to Salander when she was thirteen, but cannot be sure until the author writes down the connection on paper. The notebooks will most likely come into play again later in the book and help find solutions to the unanswered questions both the characters and the readers have about Lisbeth s ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The September 11 Terrorist Attacks On September 11, 2001 an Islamic terrorist organization named al Qaeda committed a devastating and scaring act of terrorism towards the United States. There was four different attacks that occurred which were carried out by four passenger airliners that were hijacked. Two of the attacks took place in New York City (World Trade Center s North and South Towers), one was at the Pentagon in Arlington Country (Virginia), and the other occurred in a field in Shanksville (Pennsylvania), which was thought to have been intended for the Capitol or White House. These attacks were carried about a group name al Qaedawhich was led by Osama bin Laden, who was latter killed after being captured by the United States. Osama bin Laden s motivation for... Show more content on ... At 8:19 Flight 11 s crew contacted ground personnel to the hijacking of Flight 11 and stayed on the line even after being hijacked by the al Qaeda members. At 8:20 American Airlines Flight 77 took off en route to Los Angeles after short delay. At 8:24 Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11 accidently contacted air traffic control and ground control. At 8:37 air traffic control contacted the military once they find out the plane had been hijacked. The Northeast Air Defense Sector then alerted Air National Guard jets who are ordered to locate and tail the hijacked plane. At 8:42 United Airlines Flight 93 departs Newark International Airport after a long delay. Then on a clear day in New York City Flight 11 crashed into floors 93 99 of the World Trade Center s North Tower. A few minutes later Emergency Services were mobilized and everyone in the city was shocked or confused. People did not necessarily know that it was a terrorist attack yet, but they were panicking. At 8:50 the White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card told U.S. President George W. Bush that a plane has hit the World Trade Center while he was visiting an elementary school in Florida. People in the North Tower were instructed to stay put while help was on its way. At 9:02 the South Tower was ordered to evacuate but at 9:03 Flight 175 crashed into its 77 85 floors. At 9:05 the president was alerted about the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Overview of the Australian Film Industry Australian Film Industry 1 Era before World War I Australian film industry had good and bad times or boom and bust (Stratton, 1990) in period of last 100 years and that is why it can be called a fragile industry. If we look at the history, era before 1914, we find out that Australia was counted as one of the biggest film making countries of the world. This Australian film industry took the honor of being first to produce world s first feature film in 1906, The Story of the Kelly Gang. The local movie production was on its peak in year, 1911 in which fifty one movies were released (Pike and Cooper, 1998). Although this number does not seem very impressive today but in those times, Australiawas counted as the fastest film producing country. In only two years, between 1910 to 1912, more than 90 narrative films were produced and between 1906 to 1928, this number reached to 150 (Moran and Vieth, 2005) .This high production is never seen after that period. That s why this period before World War I was an ideal period for film industry, which never came back. Australian films were not only seen in Australia but all around the world through travelling exhibitions. Several films produced in Australia were internationally recognized and the actors and film makers starting their career in Australian film industry gained international reputations. A large number from these also received great financial benefits in their career in the largest producing centers of the world, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Rhetorical Analysis Of John Lennon Imagining World Peace Through the Lyrics of John Lennon A Rhetorical Analysis of John Lennon s Imagine Imagine there s no heaven, it s easy if you try. John Lennon opens his song Imagine and catches the audience s attention with this line. Opening with a thought provoking question grabs the listener s attention by compelling them to think. John Lennon was and in memory, still continues to be a leader in the effort to reach world peace. His songs asking for peace such as Imagine, Revolution, and Give Peace a Chance still have the power to stir up emotions in people from all over the world. Leading straight to the point, the minimalistic style and up front approach provide no room to wonder or debate. Lennon s song Imagine illustrates ... Show more content on ... He is repetitive in the fact that he begins each verse with Imagine... and ends each verse with Imagine all the people... (Imagine). Similar to Martin Luther King s speech I Have a Dream, Lennon highlights his point to genuinely imagine what things would be like by reiterating it over and over. This forces the listeners, to recognize the importants and to continuously feel the emotion resulting in them really thinking about the changes that could be made in the world. While it has been thirty five years since the assassination of John Lennon, his beliefs and music have endured the test of time and continue to influence people today. His effective use of ethos, logos, and pathos work together to help catch the attention of the listeners and enable them to feel as though there is something they can do to further Lennon s cause. Using credibility, logic and emotion this song was successful in the way that it definitely caught people s attention world wide and still causes a great deal of emotions decades after it was written. Music has been and always will be an important part of people s lives, it makes them feel some sort of emotions. I think this song was successful in the areas of ethos, logos and pathos and will definitely continue to be a memorable song for even more decades to come. After all, John Lennon was never a public speaker or politician, but he still was able to get his message across ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Syrian Civil War Research Paper The Cause of the Syrian civil war was the people that wanted a change in government, so they protested. In 2011, successful uprisings that became known as the Arab Spring toppled Tunisia s and Egypt s presidents. This gave hope to Syrian pro democracy activists. That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syriaas well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for writing graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, a 13 year old, was killed after having been brutally tortured. The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to... Show more content on ... That following May, the Army tanks enter Deraa, Banyas, Homs and the suburbs of Damascus in an effort to crush anti regime protests. In June that same year the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) nuclear watchdog decides to report Syria to the UN Security Council over its alleged covert nuclear programme reactor programme. The structure housing the alleged reactor was destroyed in an Israeli air raid in 2007. July 2011 President Assad sacks the governor of the northern province of Hama, after mass demonstration there, eventually sending in troops to restore order at the cost of scores of lives. In October the same year new Syrian national council says it has forged a common front of internal and exiled opposition activists. In February 2012 the Syrian government steps up the bombardment of Homs and other cities. In 2018 April the Syrian government uses chemical weapons on their own citizens. The U.S. launches missiles at military bases and research stations to stop the government from using chemical ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Notes On Monetary And Monetary Policy Essay FROM MONETARY TARGETING TO INFLATION TARGETING BY DAVID EYO USANG 138581 List of Abbreviations CB Central Bank ECB European central bank FEDS The federal reserves MP Monetary Policy IT Inflation Targeting MT Monetary Targeting M1 Narrow money M2 Intermediate money M3 Monetary aggregates 3 MB Monetary Base MS Money Supply INTRODUCTION For decades, high inflation has always been a potential threat to the macroeconomic stability and long term economic growth in the world. Central banks have been modelling strategies to tackle the general price instability in an economy. Different models have been adopted to predict general price levels, maintain a favorable inflation rate and promote economic growth. This can be achieved by ensuring that the economic variables are properly regulated by committed and reliable financial institutions in a state. Getting the model and monetary policy right is crucial for the health of an economy. Overly expansionary MP leads to high inflation, which ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Nhs ( National Health Trust ) NHS (National Health Trust) July the 5th 1948 The NHS is born. When health secretary Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS at park Hospital in Manchester today known as Trafford General Hospital, It is the climax of a hugely ambitious plan to good health to all. For the first, hospitals, doctor, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists we brought together under one umbrella organisation to provide services that are free for all at the point of delivery. VISION Everyone has greater control of their health and their wellbeing, supported to live longer, healthier lives by high quality health and care services that are compassionate, inclusive and constantly improving. MISSION Health and high quality care for all, now and for the future generations. OBJECTIVES The NHS objectives are based on business plan set out in 2016/2017 to support providers in meeting the challenges across five areas. Quality Finance and the use of resources Operational performance Strategic change Leadership and improvement capability 1.Quality objectives Reduce to zero the number of providers in specific measures Two thirds of inspected providers will be operating at CQC good or outstanding levels of quality Support providers in the role out of seven day hospital services, working with NHS England. Implement patient safety initiatives in priority areas. Deliver guidance and tools for providers to make safe staffing decisions. 2.Finance and use of resources objectives Achieve and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Fda Approval Process Of Drugs Essay Joston Toney Nicole Thompson English 2010 Online 03 December 2016 The FDA Approval Process of Drugs When I was a kid, I always wondered why it took so long for an ill person to become well again. I always thought that if the ill person went to the doctor they would be back to normal the next day, but that s not the case. For some people it took several days, weeks, months, and even years to conquer an illness but as a child I never could understand that. I don t know how many times I ve asked my mom or dad how come the doctors don t get together and make a miracle drug that could heal anything and everything. It wasn t until the age of 15 when my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer that I understood why it took so long for others to heal and the process that they had to endure in order to be healthy again. Shortly after my grandmother s diagnosis, I started looking into what it would take to get a drug that would cure cancer through the approval process on the shelf to save some many others just like my grandmother. But I kept running into a dead end. Everything seemed to keep pointing towards chemotherapy and radiation. Although I wanted something to heal my grandmother fast, chemotherapy and radiation was the only solution if I had wish to see her watch me graduate high school. I went to almost every appointment with her to watch how it helped strengthen but also watch as it drained her energy. A month of chemotherapy and a few weeks of radiation and my ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Understanding Laser Shows Attending a laser light show can be beautiful, fun, and maybe even dizzying. The audience may be dazzled by the twisting and turning colors, but how much of the crowd actually knows how lasers operate? Light, color, vision, and the electromagnetic spectrum can explain how lasers and the captivating shows are possible. In order to understand laser shows, you need to understand lasers. The first working laser was created by Theodore Maiman, who placed a ruby rod, a fully reflective mirror on one end, a partially reflective mirror on the other, with a high intensity lamp wrapped around the ruby rod into a cylinder to create a laser beam. When the lamp was turned on, it excited the electrons in the ruby rod. Excited electrons emitted photons, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Orlando Museum Of Art Analysis The museum I went to was the Orlando Museum of Art and the painting I choose to analysis is Soupe D ane by Miquel Barcelo. This oil painting on canvas was made in 1992. Barcelo depicts donkeys in a bowl being made into soup. When I first saw this painting I saw bulls and explosions. But the more I looked at the painting the more I was able to try to understand it. The next thing I saw in the painting were bulls in a pin, all trying to escape the chaos happening in the pin. And finally, when I got home I looked up what the painting name means and realized that what I was really looking at were donkeys in a soup bowl. The use of dark colors in middle of the painting, with subtle hint of brighter colors like red, tan, and green, on the outside courts of the painting. ... Show more content on ... About how hard and messing this process is, I thought the bulls coming out of the painting were the new life coming out and the dark colors in the middle was the process of starting over again. But, what I found with this painting was the more you looked at it, the more you saw and the more you are able to infer. The next thing, I thought this painting was trying to infer was about how hectic life can be, and how we all want to be in the calm (outside of the pin). To me the artist is trying to get out of the hardships of life. Showing that while some people are able to get out of these hardships, others do not. But, I have no idea what the artist actually meant, this is because, the painting had no description under it and I could not find out about it on the internet, so I have no idea what the artist meaning of this painting is. I just know the title s translation, which is soup of donkey. So, I guess what really matters is what I think. In my opinion, the artist allows the viewer to decide. This also adds to the chaos of the painting, that we will never know the meaning the painter was trying to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Health Education Personal Statement I am interested in doing research that could potentially better the health of my community. I am interested in mental health, nutrition, and substance abuse. I believe these topics are so important in our society and need further research. After college, I want to work as a health educator helping high school students become more educated on their health. Personally, I feel like high school aged students are at a challenging time in their life by being exposed to unhealthily life decisions. Whether it is from experimenting with drugs and alcohol to drinking eight sodas a day, most high school students do not understand the severity of their unhealthy decisions. I am driven to make a change in this population. I believe I can make a change in this population because of the high quality of health education I have received from SIUe and my determination to make a positive ... Show more content on ... I feel like I would obtain so much knowledge that would benefit me in years to come as a health educator. I also enjoy analyzing data. For my health education senior class, I had so much fun going back and tallying all our data from our pre and post tests from our program implementation. I appreciated going back through the data and seeing how our intervention positively effected our target population. I have prior research experience in my health education senior assignment class. My group and I had to distribute and analysis data. In the process of my senior project, I had to analyze previous research studies to find successes and failures within the studies to build a successful intervention based on the findings. I am familiar with finding articles on databases and I know how to effectively read a journal article study. I have also taken the research methods class offered at SIUe, which helped me learn how to analyze data and conduct effective research ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Comparing the Living Dead in James Joyce s The Dead and... Dubliners and The Living Dead In his work The Dead, James Joyce utilizes his character Michael Furey, Gretta Conroy s deceased love from her youth, as an apparent symbol of how the dead have a steadfast and continuous power over the living. The dominant power which Michael maintains over the protagonist, Gabriel Conroy, is that Gabriel is faced with the intense question of whether his wife, Gretta Conroy, loves him and whether he honestly loves her. Joyce provides substantial information to persuade one to believe that Gabriel does truly love his wife. Even though it is made evident to the reader that Gabriel possesses such devotion and adoration for Gretta, Michael diverts Gabriel s confidence in his love, causing Gabriel ... Show more content on ... Gabriel becomes distraught at the revelation of her statement. Joyce describes Gabriel s anguished state, Generous tears filled Gabriel s eyes. He had never felt like that himself towards any woman, but he knew that such a feeling must be love (Joyce 182). Gabriel is perplexed as to why, if Gretta loves him so much, she still possesses memories of her first love. He also wonders why this important detail of Gretta s life was not brought to his attention at an earlier point. Gabriel s recognition that he has been excluded from what he believes to be the deepest experience of Gretta s life now becomes the deepest experience of his life. Gretta s reaction to his questions about her first love causes Gabriel to become overwhelmed by Michael Furey s control over him. Gabriel by his ideas, his tastes, and his sensitivities has been isolated from others but always found solace in his self esteem. Michael Furey has destroyed this. The tears gathered more thickly in his eyes and in the particular darkness he imagined he saw a young man standing under a dripping tree (Joyce 182). Though Michael is certainly dead in body, he lives on in the memories of both Gretta and Gabriel, and his influence can in no way be obliterated. Joyce depicts the power Michael has over Gabriel, A vague terror seized Gabriel... as if... some impalpable and vindictive being was coming against him, gathering forces in its vague world (Joyce ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Civil Litigation Procedures And Criminal Procedures The difference among Civil Litigation procedures and Criminal procedures An individual going to a lawyer to seek help in resolving an issue and seek monetary damages against someone they believe has done them wrong. The attorney conducts the interview and the staff will interview witness and perform legal research all in an effort to see if there is a basis for a cause of action that is legitimate against wrongdoers. This begins the relationship between client and lawyer which is solidified by the execution of a retainer agreement. In the retainer agreement there is an understanding of the way that a lawyer will be paid. The Lawyer will begin the process of informing the defendant of the complaint against them, and damages sought in the form of a demand letter. If the defendant chooses not to answer the demand letter it s time to prepare for trial. The lawyer works on jurisdiction to find the correct court who can hear the case. When the determination for jurisdiction is set following will be venue selection. Venue allows for an impartial jury and focuses on the convenience of the defendant. During this time claims and motions can be filed such as Complaint, Answer, Counterclaim, Cross Claim, Motion to strike, and Motion to dismiss. After the reply or a dismissal motion has been filed the discovery process can begin. The Discovery consists of two forms: oral and written. Discovery that is oral include depositions and written discoveries include, interrogatories, request ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Importance Of Mental Health Counseling Mental Health counseling can be described as a therapy for people with emotional problems that affect their day to day lives. One loses control of their own lives, needs skills, encouragement and help to change their behaviors, which could be causing them to feel hopeless. Wellness is helping a client by achieving their highest level of functioning through mind, body, and spirit. Counselors must help their clients to become well again. By doing this Mental Health Counselors should examine the client to see where their weaknesses are and their strength are. This will give the Mental Health counselor a plan to help them reach balance in their life. Resilience is a way someone deals with their stress and life concerns. In order for one to achieve wellness, they must have resilience. The Counselor must help clients learn skills needed to deal with their issues at hand and to be able to overcome or at least be able to handle them, so they can become mentally well. Counseling in the nineteenth century began when people started talking about their emotional problems and was practiced in the form of advice. Earlier they called themselves social advocates, teachers and helped people in education, legal reforms, and employment guidance. Sigmund Freud developed the theory of psychoanalysis where it focused on the internal conflicts and brought about psychotherapy. In the early 1900 s three pioneer s contributed to the advancement of counseling: Frank Parsons, Jessie B Davis, and Clifford Beers. These important benchmarks helped to spread its practice. First, in 1913 the national vocational guidance association (NVGA) the forerunner of today s American Counseling Association. Second, in 1917 the Smith s Huge act provided public school funding for vocational education. Last, the Army s psychological screening devices were set for psychological testing. Addiction Counseling has a history as early as native American advocacy leaders. In the nineteenth century, temperance missionaries had lay alcohol therapists, and paraprofessional counselors worked into the twentieth century and contributed to the evolution of modern addiction counseling as a specialized profession. Addiction counseling addresses the problems related to ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Literature Review Assignment Template Literature Review Assignment Template Student Name: Jessica Briones Date of Submission: September 16, 2017 A. Discussion of Database Search 1.Search terms (1 word term plus a 2 word term) 1 word term: Chemotherapy 2 word term: Childhood Cancer 2.Summary of database search (up to 500 words): My two word search term is childhood cancer and my one word search term is chemotherapy. My initial search was through Scopus. I searched both of the terms using the Boolean Operator AND to ensure that my search retrieved sources that had both of my search terms. For my two word term, I added quotation marks around it because I wanted to search the two words together. The range of years for publications that appeared were from 2017 until the year 1958 with a total of 49 different years in between. A total of 6,790 articles were shown. After I limited my search to only nursing, articles, and articles in press, my total number came down to 113. After I limited my search to the years 2003 2017, only 89 articles remained. After performing a Google search on the author with the highest cited article using the specified format, I retrieved a total of 1,460 hits. In Google Scholar, I retrieved 437 hits. On PubMed, I initially searched term 1 with quotation marks around it along with my search term 2 using the Boolean Operator AND and was able to retrieve 6,778 articles. When I performed the same search again but without quotation marks, I retrieved a total of 10,749 ... Get more on ...
  • 42. How was Life in our World Created Throughout history, scientists asked questions about the origin of life and wondered if it was created by God or an explainable natural phenomenona. One of the most debatable ideas disputes whether the Christian God is true. More specifically, many wonder if the Bible true. Scientists and philosophers ascertained evidence that proves the truthfulness of the Bible. True scienceand the Bible do not contradict each other. Science and archaeology supports the truthfulness of the Bible, confirming the Bible is true The Bible is consistent with science; in fact, the Bible contains scientific topics that have been investigated by scientists. Throughout time, scientists used to believe that their theories were 100 % accurate in explaining the universe. As technology advances, scientists discovered that some of these theories are unreliable. Recently, it has been explored that stars are uncountable as mentioned in the Bible As the host of heaven cannot be numbered (Deem). Scientists used to theorize that the Universe has only between 1000 to 1200 stars (Comfort 21). The Bible has accurate, scientifically proven facts. For example, many years ago, scientists theorized that Earth is flat; however, years later; they proved that Earth has a round shape. It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth (Deem). Again, the Bible mentioned the accurate shape of the earth. As a result of these discoveries, scientists began to study and investigate various topics in the Bible and have ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Qvc Analysis QVC is the premier in home shopping network. QVC is based on Quality, Value, and Convenience. QVC is represented in six countries and soon to be seven. QVC went live 1986 ruling the television airways since the start. Technology started to develop and new platforms started to emerge. The calling in from the home phone was no longer the only way to order from QVC. Technology has expanded the portals in which shopping can be done. Technology has also introduced a new generation to a new way of shopping. The organization needs to adapt and transform their marketingtechniques to stay relevant in today s retail world. The original television competition was The Home Shopping Network (HSN) and ShopNBC. Now that there are multiple ways ... Show more content on ... The market has changed and a new sizeable consumer has been revealed. These consumers belong to the Generation X and Generation Y (Millennial). This encompasses the age group between 18 and 30. The Generation X is individual s born between the years of 1966 1976 and Y s are born between the years of 1977 1994. Generation X has an aggregate income that exceeds $1.1 trillion, and has a substantial influence on a wide variety of sectors, (The Young Adult Market: Generation X Grows Up, 2006). Generation Y spend an estimated $20 billion in online purchases alone each year, (Why Does Generation Y Buy, ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The American Dream And The American Dream The answer to the question of whether or not the American Dream of owning a home is alive and well among Millenials is a resounding Yes! According to the National Association of Realtors, one consistent finding is that for the last four years homebuyers 36 years and younger is the largest share of homebuyers at 34 percent! Although Millenials have experienced the Great Recession, it evidently has not dampened their enthusiasm for home buying. It s possible that the older Millenials may have at first been reluctant and that they have delayed home buying until a little later in life, but they are certainly on board now! I am a senior in college, and I was born in 1995 so I m considered a Millenial. For me personally, home ownership is a worthwhile goal. I don t intend to buy a home until I have graduated from college, have decided where I want to live, and I have my dream job. I think Millenials are cautious about financial matters, but I also think that can be a great advantage. Generally we don t rush into decisions without a great deal of thought and analysis. That means that when we do buy a home, we are financially and emotionally prepared and less likely to lose that home due to foreclosure It s easy to understand why home ownership is considered a major component of the American Dream. As a college senior looking toward graduation, I understand that owning a home can mean independence from my landlord, a statement that I have arrived or succeeded, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide Analysis Sexual objectification occurs when a person s body or body parts are treated as objects to be coveted or desired. Women face sexual objectification everyday and Shange, in her novel For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide, takes several women from ambiguous backgrounds to reiterate the challenges a womanfaces in trying to maintain agency over her body through the ubiquitous nature of sexual objectification and its ability to perpetuate genderviolence. The first introduction we experience from the women is their challenge with sexuality and embracing their bodies. The graduation story is a story about a black girl who feels sexually liberated after losing her virginity. The poem ends with the line, in the backseat of that ol buick/wow//by daybreak/ I just couldn t stop grinnin (Shange 8). The young girl portrays that rite of passage from adolescence to adult after her first sexual experience. Yet there is still that feel of naivety that clings to her since society has not yet diminished her sense of sexual power. Shange depicts a young woman in control of her sexuality.... Show more content on ... There are times when society can wrench that control away. Shange illustrates the harsh truth about the nature of rape. In the poem, Latent Rapists, Shange explains how rapist are no longer strangers now but, [people] we can now meet them in circles we frequent for companionship (Shange 20). The true nature of rape,that someone you know may become your rapist, is one that all women fear and can see everyday of their life. Also, in society today, rarely is the full blame placed upon the men but what the woman was doing, what she wore, where she was. Therefore, Shange explains the difficulty that comes with pressing charges against a society controlled by ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Johnson Beverage Inc Robert KennedyCollege |Financial Management | | | |Number of the assignment: Final Assessment | |Name of the assignment: Johnson Beverage Inc | | | |Date: November 26th , ... Show more content on ... JBI distributes principally bottled sports drinks provided by small specialty beverage companies. The company s discounts policy depends on customers and is based on a number of commercial factors. One of JBI s best and most loyal customers for years, Saver Superstore, had been approached by a competitor and may want to negotiate a lower price for its product purchases. During a meeting held to address the situation Johnson s accountant Jim Thomas presented a compiled report on customers profitability and profit margin where customer service costs are allocated to customers as a percentage of revenue. This analysis brought Johnson to the conclusion that Saver Superstore is not a very profitable customer compared to other client retailers ,that it is one of their lowest margin customers and he can t consider lowering prices for them. The operation manager for JBI suggested considering that Saver Superstore is an easy to deal with partner unlike some other customers that make the business spent a lot of time on their rush orders .This comment brought Johnson to wonder about the customer service costs structure and allocation system. The current system allocates these costs based the revenue generated by each customer which assign a large share to Saver Superstore the biggest one. JBI s accountant Thomas suggested collecting information about the time and the amount of activity devoted to customer which might help the company ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Drunken Driving Accidents And The Biggest Party Of The Year Introduction It was the end of the biggest party of the year. Everyone is leaving now, man did we have a blast. I m getting into my car now about to head home proud of myself because I promised my mother I would not drink tonight. As I pulled onto the road a red car hit me head on. I must have blacked out because I am lying on the ground and all I can hear are the police, paramedics and sirens all around me. Then I think I heard one of them say, the guy who hit her was drunk. As I lay in this pool of blood all of it belonging to me the guy who hit me is fine all he had was minor cuts and bruises. He is now handcuffed walking to the police cruiser staring at me lying here dying, all of this his fault. As I m taking my last breaths I m wondering why I am lying here dying and I wasn t the one drinking and driving. ALCOHOLISM Drunken driving accidents are one of the leading causes of death of teens. Whether they are the driver or just in the car with someone. Alcoholism plays a big role in this. With it being a chronic and progressive disease there can be many different symptoms, causes, and risk factors and complications that can be associated with alcoholism. It can include difficulty regulating how much alcohol you drink. Also having many problems in life because of continuous drinking and getting drunk. If you have alcoholism you may need to seek professional help to quit drinking. People who have alcoholism or drink a lot usually deny they ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Case Study Of Mr. Earl Marrero s Trailer On February 15, 2018, the Insured, Mr. Earl Marrero had his boat and trailer already hitched in the back of his Ford F 150 pickup truck and parked his truck with the boat and trailer in tow overnight in front of his home. He said he usually does not keep his ship and his trailer out in the open part of his house but because he was going to use it on February 16, 2018, he kept it parked on the south side of the Street on 82nd Street. Mr. Marrero claimed that his boat and its trailerwere part East of his front drivewayalong the right hand curb claimed the scene and an easterly direction. He said that he retired early that evening and went to bed when at about 3:00 AM during the next morning on February 16, 2018, he heard morning. After being ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Attending College After High School Many high school students struggle on the fact whether or not should they attend college after high school or not. College is a place to further someone s education rather than just having an average high school diploma. A person can attend college for however long they want to receive any degree to mind. Going to collegewill be a helpful advantage to a person life because a person can live finically stable, choose your own career, and enjoy the lifestyle that comes with going away for college. Going to college will benefit a person in the long run. Higher paying jobs most of the time requires for a person to have some sort of a college degree. Business needs their employees to be fully educated to work for them. An average person with a ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Agatha Christie Quotes Essay #1: In Murder on the Orient express Agatha Christie uses clues to reveal who had committed the crime in the novel. For example, when Poirot Here s the scream in the middle inside of Ratchett s room in the middle and when he investigates Poirot hears: Ce n est rien. Je me suis trompe Which Means it s nothing in French Indicating that the murderer knows French which can rule out some of the victims. Later evidence suggests Ratchett was killed at 1:15 am due to His watch being broken at that time. Another Clue in the story was that when Poirot examined Ratchett s wounds he noticed that he was stabbed many times by what seemed to be one person who was left handed and one who was right which also means that there was two murderers (Christie). Later in the story, the reader learns of the Scarlett Kimono that was worn by the murderer the night of the killing which was a key piece of the mystery since it was found to be worn by the murderer. Since this was way back before the era of technology like today, they would be able to go to a lab for a finger print or DNA analysis. However, this if that technology would be able to be used the book would have ended very fast, but... Show more content on ... She was the youngest of three siblings and she was home schooled by her mother, who encouraged her to write books. When Christie was Young she liked to Make characters and come up with stories which obviously later would come in use. Later on when she was 16, she then moved to Paris for a while to study vocals and piano. A lot later, in 1914, she married Colonel Archibald Christie, a Royal Flying Corps pilot, and took up nursing during World War I. During that time she published her first book, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920. The main plot of the story was a murder of a rich heiress and which was the first introduction of one of Christie s most well known characters: Hercule Poirot ( Agatha Christie ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Why Is Michael Bennett Successful Michael Bennett who was born on April 8, 1943 was an American Musical Theatre Director, Writer, Choreographer, and Dancer. Bennett won many Awards for his great Success. He won Seven Tony Awards for his choreography and direction of Broadway Shows and was nominated for an additional eleven. Bennett was born to a Jewish mother and a Roman Catholic father, he studied danceand choreography in his early teens. He staged many musical shows at his Buffalo high school before dropping out at the age of Seventeen to join the road company of West Side Story. After touring he landed a dancing gig for Betty Comden. Years later Bennett had his first solo choreographing moment in 1966 with A Joyful Noise. After this great success he continued ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Dual Federalism Vs Dual Federalism C.J. Diehl Ms. Crouse U.S Government 10/23/17 How come we can go from Pennsylvania to New Jersey without paperwork but pay a different amount of state tax for purchases made in the different state? The answer is federalism, federalism is having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs. These discissions were made in the Federalist Papers written by the Founders. The federalist papers were a collection of eighty five essays written to the newspapers in the 1780 s to encourage the remaining states who had yet to ratify the constitution. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under a pseudonym wrote to persuade the remaining colonies that ... Show more content on ... The states have the power to change anything they want drinking age, tax, driving age, schooling but there are some things that they can t do such as coining money, have external affairs, or declare war they are all powers that are left to the national government. The idea of a federalistic government is that there are levels of government there is national level, state then local and depending where you are in the United States you need to follow those rules. The power is not always divided equally though. Even though states have right given in the 10th amendment if the nation wants a state to change something they can refuse funding until they change what they want to be changed. This happened in 1980 when New Jersey changed their drinking age to 19 and the state was at an all time high with 18 20 year olds losing their lives 88 young people died while intoxicated on New Jersey roadways that year. In 1995 the government withdrew highway funding due to the fact that people who drive motorcycles were not required by law to wear helmets while driving this was established and then reinstalled in 1991. President Clinton then passed a law that eliminated the speed limit and the helmet law now still three states have no rules against wearing helmets. President Nixon wanted to decrease the demand for ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Education For Leisure By Carice Duffy In poems, Stealing and Education for leisure , Duffy uses a range of literary devices like colloquial language and short sentences. Duffy clearly portrays a sinister and lonely persona in both poems. In Stealing the persona is presented as lonely and isolated from society so they resort to stealing just for the pleasure of doing it. Similarly, in Education for leisure , an egotistical young adult is portrayed who is killing living things to undo his intense isolation. These poems were written by Duffy to show the terrible situation the UK faced in the 1980 s. Duffy portrays the persona as cruel and callous through his heartless actions. In the comparison to the snowman the persona described his mind as cold as the slice of ice . The ... Show more content on ... While the character was kicking the snowman furiously again, again . His breath ripped out in rags . He had lost his breath because he was so passionate about his fury that he forgot about his physical ability. In this quote a metaphor is used and two short sentences are repeated. The short sentences emphasize his lack of education, showing that he cannot form complex intellectual sentences. The fact that the word is repeated twice indicates his passion for what he s doing. The metaphor is also an example of hyperbole as it over exaggerates on how exhausted he is due to his inability to control his emotions. This suggests that the persona is angry and frustrated at his life. The snowman could symbolize what he doesn t have; therefore, portraying his rage towards the snowman. The snowman could also be symbolized as himself, which shows his self destructive behavior as he tries to punish the part of himself that he sees in the inanimate object. In the other poem, the character does something similar as he squishes a fly against the window using his thumb . This shows how the persona releases all his irritation on a vulnerable creature that cannot do anything to escape from the situation. This suggests that he loves the feeling of over empowerment but it also suggests that he is a coward as he displays his rage on a susceptible and tiny creature. It also portrays how cruel and disheartened of a person he is as the fly didn t have anything to do with why he was left out and isolated all along his life. Despite of this fact, he still went forward with killing the poor fly because of his failure to control his rage. It is mentioned that he commits this purposeless murder with his thumb . As the thumb is the biggest finger on our hands, it can symbolize that he is attempting to completely overwhelm the tiny little creature; this can also be seen as ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Themes In Brother And Sister By The Brothers Grimm The fairy tale, Brother and Sister by the Brothers Grimm, is about two siblings trying to escape their evil witched stepmother. All they wanted after their mother died was another rainbow to shine down on them. As they were running away, the brother was bewitched by their stepmother and turned into a roebuck. The witch believed that was the end for them so she returned to her home with peace. The little girl and the roe went on their way, and they found a secluded cottage out in the middle of the forest. They became content living in the cottage. One day, the king and his huntsmen were in the forest, and the little roe wanted to join in on the hunt. So the sister let him go after he had begged and pleaded. As the little roebuck was on his way... Show more content on ... For example, someone in the higher or middle class a better say in the government than someone in the lower class. The people in the upper class know more people, seem more trusting, and have a better chance of making something of themselves. People in the upper class tend to know other people that are in the social class, which makes them look good as well. They are also more informed on what goes on in their community and country. Those who are higher up know how to dress better, and they have the extra money to spend on themselves. Usually, when someone feels right with themselves and other can tell. This gives everyone else a sense that they could be trusted. They also have a better chance of escalating themselves socially. They are already in the upper class, which only means they can only do better. Rather people in the lower class, they do not much social contact with other higher than them. Those who are in the lower class tend to this sense of not caring. They do not care how they dress or what is going on in the government. Their main goal is to try to get by, day by day, without hitting rock bottom. Those that are in the upper class do not have to worry about this because they usually come from a line a ... Get more on ...
  • 55. West Point Conference Report In early October, we (Graham and Nosheen) were invited to attend the 68th Annual Student Conference on U.S. Affairs at the United States Military Academy at West Point. As the conference was scheduled to start the day after Election Day, the overarching theme, and title, of the conference, Democracy and Democratization: Challenges and Opportunities, seemed incredibly relevant. The four day conference addressed challenges and obstacles facing the nation. Civilian studentdelegates us and West Point delegates engaged in comprehensive discussion to better tackle these issues, which culminated in a brief policy proposal. Student delegates were divided into topic based groups in their particular field of interest. The topics ranged from the future of the EU to challenges of democracy to political radicalism to ethno religious conflict. The groups deliberated over their respective issues, keeping in mind the overarching theme of the conference.... Show more content on ... The student delegates were hosted by cadets in the Barracks (dorms), closely witnessing their daily routine. We soon discovered that each cadet had an incredible passion for their educationand service to the country. One host cadet, who had been adopted by American parents at the age of four from China, wanted to repay the nation with her service, claiming that she would not be where she is had she not been adopted. Others had family histories of military service. We realized that every second the cadets spent at West Point was already a form of service to the nation, which they were aware and proud ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Cinderella Double Standards Essay Cinderella, a classic fairy tale, is one of the oldest tales that is well known throughout the world. With the many versions that share the same storyline and the same meaning, Cinderella has played an important role model for many young girls. She is portrayed as a helpless young woman that is trapped by evil and receives help to find her Prince Charming. Many young girls in societies of third world countries desire to live a similar fantasy. Cinderellas story goes beyond becoming a princess and finding true love, however. The history of the fairytale and the portrayal of the character reveals the significance of women s role in society and femininity. In similarity to other fairy tales, having a happy ending is always desired, but the characters ... Show more content on ... Cinderella wouldn t have had the opportunity to attend the ball if it weren t for the dress she viewed as perfect and the fact that she looked presentable. This can serve as an example of double standards because men usually escape with the way they perceive or represent themselves physically, meanwhile women have to try twice as hard to look presentable. This brings to attention that looks play a big role when grabbing the attention of men. It shows to young girls that not unless you are adequately dressed or have what society defines as beautiful then you won t get far in life. For example, at the ball the Prince rejects every girl that invite him to dance, until he sees Cinderella. Both the Prince and Cinderella had a fast and real connection, but that vanishes when Cinderella remembers that she had a designated curfew. The following days of the ball, the prince goes in search for Cinderella after she left her glass slipper behind. The glass slipper is the only item he has of her along with the connection the experienced. The Prince going after after Cinderella can also serve as an example of society. He went looking after her which now we could also see this in society. Men are usually the ones to chase after women. They are the ones looking for their target, making women look foolish, superficial, and ... Get more on ...