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Persuasive Essay On Healthy Food
When something is detrimental to our health, we strive to avoid it whenever possible to extend
our lives. We know that exposure to known cancer causing agents such as asbestos and lead paint
is harmful; therefore, we do not expose ourselves to the risk and we certainly do not eat it. This
seems simple; however, what do we do when that harmful vice is food? We cannot stop eating;
instead, we must closely examine what we are putting into our bodies. When faced with the choice
of a burger or grilled vegetables, most would choose the burger. These choices have lead us down a
path littered with food related diseases, illnesses and rising healthcare costs. The state of Americans
health is declining due to increasing obesity, diabetes more content...
The advertisement sounds and looks believable until you read the label on the package. The salad
dressing adds excessive calories and fat that often exceeds the amounts for a small hamburger,
making it the unhealthy option.
Society must educate itself on what type of food is healthy such as fresh or fresh frozen vegetables,
lean meats, whole grains and fruits. Parents should take the time to explain what these are and why
they are important, educating themselves if necessary. Families can also extend this education to a
hands–on experience but starting a small vegetable garden which produces some of the vegetables
they eat. Author and farmer, Sharon Astyk, and sustainable systems land planner, Aaron Newton,
argue that people need to take back the control of the food selection and prices by growing their
own or purchasing directly from local farmers. In their article, "The Rich Get Richer: the Poor Go
Hungry", Astyk and Newton (2015) write, "When we grow our own food, or buy it directly from
local farmers, we take power away from multinationals" (p.518). I agree that society should become
more involved and self–sustaining pertaining to food to retain independence from companies that
are loyal to shareholders. This education will provide the current and future generations necessary
resources to make improved food choices, thereby reducing the obesity and diabetes epidemics
gripping our nation.
Once the education component has
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Eating Healthy In College Essay
So, you place your last packed box with your belonging into your parent's car, and are heading off
to live, make memories and study, to the campus of your dreams with several hundred or
thousands of other college students. You are off to college, making your first significant move
into independence. For many college students, going to college is a time in their life where they
feel that they have more freedom and opportunity to grow. Unless you are attending a military
academy, no one will tell you that you need to eat breakfast, when to wake up, and when to go to
bed. No one takes the time to check to see that you are eating breakfast. Mom will not be there to
wash your clothes, making you something to eat, or to be constantly reminding you to do your
homework. Oh Yeah! Sounds good doesn't it! Even though, the idea of independence sounds
incredible it turns out that for many independence is not what it is said to be. Research states that
many college students are not only not eating enough fruits and vegetables; in fact, they are not
even eating one serving per day. (Oregon, 1). Because, many college students are slipping into these
bad eating choices, college students should be presented with practical approaches to a healthier
lifestyle. Eating healthy is always a challenge for everybody, but eating healthy is a subject on how
you go through it. Many college students going through the same problem of staying healthy. A
study done over college students found that 95% do
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I Am A Healthy Life Essay
I'm living a healthy life in most aspects. Fist of all I keep healthy eating habits. I seldom skip
breakfast during my weekdays so that I'm energetic for my classes everyday. I always plan my
breakfast the day before, such as bagels or eggs. Breakfast is important so I try to make it fresh
and delightful. Sometimes I drink tea instead of coffee. Black tea is my favorite because caffeine
in it is lower than green tea or coffee. I always feel too excited after drinking coffee. I feel my
heart beating faster than usual and my hands may even shake. Usually I don't eat a lot at night,
especially before sleeping. This keeps my stomach healthy and prevents me from getting weight. I
prefer eating healthier food rather than fast food such as burgers and fries. Sushi or other Asian
dishes are always my dinner. They are light and balanced in nutrition, and good for my digest
system. However, as a college student, I have some unhealthy behaviors which are common
between me and my friends. The first one is, I always sleep after 12:00 am at night and it can be
later during the weekends. As a result of sleeping late at night, sometimes it is hard for me to get
up early in the morning. On the weekends I always wake up after 11:00 am. This is very
unhealthy because I skip my breakfast and also my biological changes. I have to get used to the
healthy routine again every Monday. Another bad behavior is that I seldom do any exercises. I
used to do it for few times every week, but later I
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Healthy Eating Informative Essay
Obesity is a growing concern in the united states. Many people do not realize the health risks that
are involved in not eating healthy and excercising. Individuals who are at an unhealthy weight are
more likely to develop high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, heart disease,
osteoarthritis, and some cancers. I believe by setting up one on one (educational) counseling with
my patients who want to change there eating habits and lifestyle will have a greatest effect. While I
am sitting down with my patients I will help them control what they are consuming by giving them a
list of foods that have a high intake of (saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, sodium
(salt), and alcohol.) By educating my patients on the foods
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Healthy Eating Essay
How does healthy eating affect your life? Many people really pay attention to the food they put in
their bodies, until we get sick and need medical attention. I know that many of us love to eat fast
food, but it catches up with us in the long run. While eating healthy would stop you from getting
sick, and lower the cost of health care, healthy eating can enrich your body and prevent you from
getting high doctor bills. How can I eat healthier? Healthy eating means picking all natural foods
from the basic food groups; meats, dairy, fruits and vegetables, grains and stop eating too many
sweets and fats. The first step in eating healthy is to know the good fats from the bad fats. Fats are
another vital part to a healthy diet. Good more content...
Once you know what to eat, now you have to consume too much. One of the biggest problems
with eating healthy knows when you have had enough. Not knowing when to stop can result in
one developing an eating disorder. There are many types of eating disorders. The main two types
of eating disorders people get from excessive eating is obesity and anorexia. Obesity is a disease of
excess fat tissue in the body, or when someone eats too much. Anorexia is when someone who has a
low self–esteem and often a tremendous need to control their surroundings and emotions by
consuming as little food as possible. Someone who is overweight will eat because they are not
happy with the way they look. Someone who suffers from anorexia starves themselves because
they are unhappy with the way they look. People with these certain eating disorders should come
together to help each other get through these hard times. One can get tired thinking about all of the
sicknesses one could get from eating unhealthy. High medical bills can leave one bankrupt. The
problem that comes with unhealthy eating also comes with high medical cost. Doctors who
specialize in illnesses dealing with eating disorders and heart diseases tend to have high premium
cost. You have to put at least six hundred dollars or more just for the visit. Medical illness can be a
financial nightmare leading to bankruptcy. (Jeanie Lerche Davis, Feb. 2, 2005,). The way our
economy has fallen,
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Healthy Eating Persuasive Speech Outline
Persuasive Speech: Making healthy Nutritional decisions.
Specific Purpose: To persuade my classmates to make healthier nutritional choices.
Thesis Statement: Healthy eating is not something to worry about down the road; we need to act
now, while we are young to develop good habits for the future.
a.Attention Getter: I visited Holly Drougas–our very own licensed dietician here at Virginia Western.
I asked her, "What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say the word 'Nutrition'?" She shocked
me by saying, "Confusion". With so much conflicting and confusing information from both the
scientific community and the lay press, many people simply don't know what to eat to be healthy or
to lose weight.
b.Focus on Topic: Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or
depriving more content...
Relevance: When it comes down to it, I'm not going to shove kale down your throat if you tell me
that you just hate kale, even though it appears to be another one of the big health crazes. I'm just
trying to show you all that eating healthy doesn't have to be a miserable experience, and despite our
limitations as college students, we can overcome the hurdles of Availability, Time, and Money, to
maintain a healthy diet.
e.Preview: So today, we're going to talk about the wonderful world of Nutrition, and I'm going to try
to convince you that carrots and celery aren't just rabbit food, but people food too.
2.Problem Step:
a.Internal Preview: So let's start with some reasons as to why so many people are confused about
what to eat: misinformation and marketing.
b.Since 1992 the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided the nutritional food
pyramid, which has been the standard by which many have ascribed as far as recommended food
intake. I'm sure this model looks familiar to most of you.
c.Now, the USDA recommends "MyPlate", which was introduced in 2010, as the new guidelines for
proper dietary
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Essay On Healthy Snacks
Even while you want to lose weight, you might feel hungry between meals and the good news is
that there are some healthy snacks available. From the classic choice of fruits up to some a bit
less obvious things, there is a wide range of foods that you can choose from. Of course, you
should keep your main goal of losing weight in mind and not overdo it. Even the healthiest food
will make you gain weight, if you eat too much of it. So what healthy snacks for weight loss can
you eat without endangering your goals? Classic healthy snacks Fresh vegetables and fruits are the
perfect choice for a quick snack. An apple or some carrots can quickly satisfy that hungry feeling,
while their healthy nutrients and fibers support you in your diet. In order to avoid sabotaging
yourself, you shouldn't keep chocolate or other unhealthy snacks in your fridge. Instead, prepare an
apple or other fruits by slicing them up in the morning and placing more content...
Nuts aren't the only counter–intuitive choice when it comes to picking a snack that is good for you.
Of course, all the cream–filled kinds of chocolate aren't healthy. But, pure chocolate, which has a
high amount of cocoa, preferably above 70 %, is very healthy. Cocoa contains a lot of valuable
nutrients that are good for your body and overall health. You shouldn't overdo it though, as
overeating healthy chocolate, will of course make you gain weight again. Where to find recipes
for healthy snacks? You are not the only one trying to lose weight and so there are many books
and websites available on the subject. You have now some general knowledge about healthy
snacks. So you can easily do a research on the common search engines. Things you need to look out
for are not only the number of calories, but also things like vitamins and saturated and unsaturated
fatty acids. You will see that there are many such recipe databases that are very useful and that will
give you inspiration for your own
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Essay on Speech on Healthy Eating Habits
Topic: Healthy eating
General purpose: To persuade
Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to develop healthy eating habits
Thesis: Changing your eating habits will change your life.
Preview: First, I will address the root issue of many people's eating habits, and then I will expand
on how you can and why you should develop a healthier lifestyle.
Organizational pattern: Monroe's Motivated Sequence
I)I am sure all of you have heard of the infamous "freshman fifteen."
a.I won't ask who has gained this weight, but by a raise of hands, how many of you have thought to
yourself, "Are my jeans getting tighter?"
b.I'll admit, I definitely felt like my clothes were shrinking.
c.But, I did something about it.
II)I' more content...
d.We all have our own reasons for why we eat what we eat, but perhaps the lack of knowledge about
nutrition plays a factor in our decisions.
e.The truth is our food choices do matter because they affect our health.
i."According to Consumer Reports, the nation's eating and drinking habits have been implicated in
six of the ten leading causes of death – including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes," just to
name a few (Powter, 1995, p. 33).
f.Obviously, despite the variety of healthy food available, many people do not choose the most
nutritious options.
Transition: But there is no need to fret because there is a solution!
II)I said previously that changing your eating habits will change your life.
a.But you may be thinking, "Okay, sure, but does she want us to all become vegans or something
like that?"
i.No, that is not what I am suggesting. ii. I am here to persuade you all to become aware of the
nutrition of what you eat and from there, to make healthy choices.
b.I'm going to share with you all how changing my personal eating habits changed my entire lifestyle.
c.It all started last semester, when my English professor came up with an interesting assignment he
called "experimental research."
d.We had to either add something or remove something from our lives for 1–2 weeks, and document
our findings.
i.I chose to refrain from eating sugary desserts.
e.First, though, I must tell you about my border–line addiction.
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Persuasive Speech On Eating Healthy
Do you know what it means to be healthy? What was the last thing YOU ate? Do you realize that
these things are bad for you? I get it eating healthy can be a problem for some people even though
you may just be that person that chooses not to eat healthy it can still be a struggle. Everyone and
their family enjoy eating things such as (Cakes,Pies,Ice Cream,Cookies,etc.) so why would you
choose to eat healthy foods over that? And in this essay I will be explaining many different reasons
as to why many people need to cut down on the junky foods and to start eating healthy.
Healthy eating starts off with yourself because if you continue to drive yourself into eating these
unhealthy foods it can make a turn for the worse. Healthy more content...
Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between your
genetic makeup, overeating, eating high–fat foods, and not being physically active. Being obese
increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. If you are obese,
losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases. For
example, that means losing 10 to 20 pounds if you weigh 200 pounds. All of this can come from
eating unhealthy foods.
Anyone who struggles with food and eating can fall into habits that may lead to what professionals
call disordered eating. Disordered eating can take many forms, ranging from unhealthy eating habits
that keep you from losing weight. "Healthy functioning organs require adequate nutrition, and
healthy hair follicles are no exception. Starvation diets that lead to severe protein–energy
malnutrition can cause brittle hair or worse, hair loss. Studies show diets that are low in protein,
essential fatty acids, and nutrients such as Vitamin C, zinc and iron are associated with hair loss,
thinning, and loss of pigmentation." (Quoted by Kristin Kilpatrick) "Foods that are high in
simple carbohydrates cause blood sugar to spike, which is followed by a blood sugar drop soon
after. Often called a sugar crash, this is the reason a high carbohydrate, sugary breakfast or
afternoon snack can leave you in an energy slump a few hours later. To help stabilize blood sugar
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Public Health And Community Healthy Eating Essay
A worldwide epidemic of obesity, poor diet, and physical activity is important to decrease the
problem and be proactive in lowering diseases. There are infinite research and studies that show
the prevalence and the desperate need to minimize harmful chances of illness, diseases, and death.
The high cost surrounding people of middle and lower class is a persistent problem, but countless
ways are available to receive cost assistance and eat well on steady budget. More examples, analysis,
and reasons behind the public health and community healthy eating will be mentioned in the next
Much research and data present facts and the seriousness of obesity, lack of exercise, and poor diet
due to diseases. Nutrition education is a worldwide goal to constantly instill in communities,
churches, and schools. The rate of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are global epidemics.
According to (HealthyPeople,2016), the overall goal for educational and community–based
programs is to increase the quality, availability, and effectiveness of educational and
community–based programs designed to prevent disease and injury, improve health, and enhance
quality of life. In addition, the educational and community–based programs are focused on
preventing disease and injury, improving health, and enhancing quality of life. The impact of
unhealthy diets is an all–time high with unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are among some of
the leading causes of noncommunicable
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Savana Rosenbusch Public Speaking 170 October 6, 2015 Specific Purpose: To inform my
audience about the benefits of eating healthy. Central Idea: Eating healthy provides several
benefits to our bodies such as preventing cancer and providing energy for our bodies to run at top
notch. Introduction 1.When thinking about eating many people think about eating the most
desirable food that comes to mind. a.Maybe an apple pie, cheesecake, chocolate covered
strawberries, or a big juicy steak. b.It is not often that people think about a nice piece of celery
with peanut butter or a spinach salad with a fantasy food daydream. c.People that do think about
health foods in a food fantasy are often labeled as health junkies or nuts. d.Junk food may provide
that mouthwatering appeal, but health food is the way to go to prevent diseases such as cancer.
Body 2.Chronic diseases are something that people should not take lightly. a.Diabetes, heart
disease, cancer, eating disorders, obesity, asthma, types of Dementia, and arthritis are only a few
types of chronic diseases. b.They can be resolved and even treated with good healthy habits. c."As
humans, we should already be eating foods that are similar to a person that has been prescribed a
cancer diet" (Lee). d.The foods that are mostly picked out to eat have characteristics of detoxifying
the body from cells that have turned cancerous or cleaning the body from harmful chemicals used in
chemotherapy. 3.Eating in
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Benefits of Healthy Eating Essay
Benefits of Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is the right choice for everyone's body, how many of the people know are eating
healthy these days? There are many benefits to the body when people eat healthy. The three benefits
that point out are keeping a healthy weight, preventing health problems and acquiring more energy.
Even though there are people who think there are no health risks when they avoid eating healthy,
eating healthy helps them have a healthier body, and prevent diseases and other risks to the body.
Some reasons people may avoid healthy eating are that they are not financially able to buy the
necessary items to have a healthy diet or that they just don't know how to maintain a healthful diet.
Everyone's body is different more content...
You have only to walk down the aisle at your local supermarket to discover that there has been a
vitamin revolution. Every possible vitamin and mineral needed by the body is available in
capsule, pill, tablet, or powder form. Once your body has reached the point of unhealthy
functioning, or you have placed such a strain on your body from over consumption that one of
the related diseases has taken hold, it's almost impossible to correct one problem without creating
another" (Fir, 2005.p1). This is why eating the right amount and the right foods and staying away
from alcohol are the best way to go. Having a healthy diet is not as far fetched as people may
think all they need to do is develop a healthy eating habit and stick to it. If society doesn't start
thinking about the health risks that follow by not eating healthy and drinking alcohol in the future
can be deadly because some of the major organs in the body can stop working from not being
properly taken care of, and alcohol can play a major part in this also.
"By eating healthy you are boosting your energy levels, improving your bodily Functions and
helping to improve your immune. By eating a healthy diet and combining this with exercise you
could end up living a longer more vibrant life" (Bruton, 2009.p1). When people eat healthy it helps
them have more energy, and having more energy will
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Persuasive Essay On Eating Healthy
Should we really take eating healthy and exercising seriously? Exercise and eating healthy are two
of the most important things you need to do to take care of your body properly. Both exercise, and
eating healthy, have many advantages and benefits. They help with multiple things needed
throughout your life. These things include growing physically, mentally, and if you are religious,
spiritually as well. All of this adds up to your body functioning in the highest and best way
possible. People that has unhealthy eating habits, is at severe risk for obesity, diabetes and possible
stroke. Unhealthy eating habits have a harmful effect on the body. Today, Americans debate whether
eating healthy or exercising is worth the effort. According to Lisa Sherman, author of The Journal
of Chinese Medicine, "Exercise may make it easier to make healthy food choices by changing parts
of the brain that influence impulsive behavior. A review paper by US and Spanish authors proposes
that physical activity helps to enhance 'top–down' inhibitory control in the brain, making it easier to
resist unhealthy food and instead choose healthy options" (June 2012): p82. Thanks to our most
popular fast food restaurants, such as, McDonalds, Wendy's, Olive Garden etc. How could people
trick their brains into declining fast food and choose a more healthier option. There are a couple of
easy changes you can make that can have a profound effect on satiety – how full you feel. Research
shows that using smaller crockery tends to trick our brains into believing we are eating more, a
psychological phenomenon that can best be illustrated by looking at the Delboeuf optical illusion.
If you put two identical portions of food on a big plate and a small plate, the portion on the bigger
plate will look smaller, and vice versa: our brains can't help but be fooled by this effect, even when
we know they are the same. Consequently, eating unhealthy food choices could increase the risk of
diabetes. Having diabetes is something nobody wants, but could also not always be avoided. A
person could have diabetes and not know about it. According to,, some of the symptoms of
diabetes are, increased of thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, unexplained
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Essay on Unhealthy Eating
If you have a television in your home, chances are you have probably seen someone talking about
how they lost 20 pounds in one month, or anything along those lines. People these days are really
caring about their appearance. It is definitely a bonus to lose the weight while changing your diet;
but the bigger picture here is that making healthier choices will not only help you lose weight, it will
prevent you from developing health risks. Although not everyone who has unhealthy eating habits
will develop health risks, heart disease and obesity are most common in people who make unhealthy
choices. If someone is overweight, feels fatigued most of the time, and most of their meals are not
made at home, chances are they may be more content...
If we are not educated enough about the foods we intake, we are more prone to keeping our
bodies unhealthy. These days, most of our time is spent at work then picking up the kids, going
home and taking care of everything that has to be done at home. Most of the time, if you are like
me, you don't have much time to make a full course meal for your family. Especially when you
just clocked out of work after working an eight to nine hour shift. It has become so convenient for
us just to stop somewhere on the way home and grab some dinner. Convenience is one of the
reasons why we choose to grab something fast, instead of coming home from work and spending
30 to 45 minutes making dinner when you're already almost passing out because you are so
hungry. McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger King are only some of the most common fast food
restaurants. Whether it is because it is on your way home, or you are absolutely craving their
famous fries, you have probably ate at one of these fast food restaurants once in your life. These
fast food places make every attempt to make you think their foods are healthy. They say they
have 0% trans fat, they're beef is 100% real beef (McDonald's), "Always fresh, never frozen"
(Wendy's), "Time for something good" (Boston Market). All of these make you feel like you're
making the right choice and believing there truly is no harm in buying your food from them.
Unfortunately, when it comes to fast food, we have no control over what goes in and
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Essay about Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating
The Benefits and Roles on the Body
Over time sitting and eating at the table with family has slowly drifted away. Now with all the new
restaurants popping up everywhere he or she turns, who has time to stop and eat healthy? While
most people do not take time for themselves, one must take time out for their bodies. Healthy eating
is the number one priority when it comes to having a healthy body. Though not everyone may eat
healthy, healthy eating contributes to weight loss, better performance, improves body health, reduces
risk of illnesses, and lowers health care cost. If the want is there, be assured that the benefits of
eating healthy are abundant. To understand the factors of obtaining a healthy eating habit,
more content...
That is a amount of foods during the day. This brings one to the beginning of the day.
Starting the day off right, by eating healthy is essential to our bodies. This brings up the most
important meal of the day, breakfast! As most people wake up every morning in a frantic rush out
of the house they just do not seem to stop and give their bodies what it needs. Nutrition, this is vital
to ones' body health. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Not only will breakfast
give one the needed energy to start the day, having breakfast can give many different health benefits.
The right breakfast foods can improve concentration, give people strength, and even help maintain a
healthy weight (Zelman, 2007). Eating a healthy breakfast showed to improve concentration and
performance in the workplace and classroom. Along with the energy boost he or she gets, their body
has more strength and endurance to do those many physical activities they hurdle at work and home.
Healthy eating starts when people wake up, and with a balanced breakfast, their body will start to
maximize the benefits of eating healthy.
For the body to maximize all of the energy and performance benefits, one must also follow the
'Food Pyramid'. The food pyramid started in 1992, and changed in 1995. The old pyramid had
everyone placed with the same number of servings depending on calorie intake. The old food
pyramid for obtaining the proper daily allowances now has modified for
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Speech On Healthy Eating Healthy
The key element for healthy human development and good health is a healthy eating plan from
prenatal to early childhood. Healthy eating is not only essential for healthy development, but also
to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases which is critical to your child's well being. It is
generally agreed right across the board, that it is better to undertake the basic dietary principles
of eating less, doing more exercise, eating fruits and vegetables on a daily basis along with whole
grains and also to avoid a large consumption of junk food. Listed below are some of the benefits of
healthy eating. Cancer Prevention For years past, it has been believed that eating a healthy diet with
the correct foods is more likely to prevent cancer. more content...
Cholesterol travels in your blood in packages called lipoproteins. However, it is essential to
remember that not all cholesterol is actually bad for you. It is in truth, a natural substance which
serves as a building block in the body for cells and hormones, and helps fat to travel through the
blood vessels for use or storage in other parts of the body. However, a high blood cholesterol level
can lead to a build–up of plaque in your arteries, which can in effect increase the risk of heart
disease. There are, however, certain types of fiber, including oats, which can help to lower
cholesterol and maintain normal blood sugar levels, as part of a healthy
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Healthy Eating
Are there benefits to healthy eating? There are certain benefits and important reasons for eating
healthy. Eating healthy allows the body to feel better so that the number of visits to the doctor's
office or far and few between and a better quality of life can be enjoyed. Eating healthy can also
prevent certain diseases and illnesses. This paper will discuss the benefits of healthy eating,
controlling diabetes and prevention of diseases and illnesses.
What are the some of the benefits feeling better? Feeling better promotes a healthy lifestyle that can
be enjoyed by exercising and taking advantage of activities not regularly participated in because of
the way the body feels. Feeling better will boost your energy level. This more content...
Preventing Disease
Healthy eating can prevent certain types of diseases. When shopping for food at the grocery store,
bring home certain foods that are low in saturated fats, low fat or skim dairy products. Try to avoid
lots of red meat. Purchase meat products that are high in protein and buy products that have some
fiber in them. Foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol are known to cause blockage in
the body arteries. When these
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Importance Of Healthy Lifestyle Essay
Health is very important. It's how you treat yourself and how you define it. It's very important to
maintain a healthy lifestyle. One should make time for everything within their busy lifestyle for
things like sleep, exercise and eat healthy. I believe that those are necessary factors for an
everyday lifestyle. I know that for myself I would want to prevent diseases in any possible way that I
can. In order for myself to accomplish this, I try to take care of myself as much as I can. To feel
emotionally and physically healthy I always fit in the time and effort to add those factors to my
everyday life.
What does it mean to be emotionally and physically healthy? Well, in my definition it means that I
shouldn't let myself down and I should have positive thoughts about everything that makes me
happy. Physically healthy I think for myself should be that I take the time to do some sort of
physical activity and eating well most of the time so I can feel good about myself.
Being happy is also a major factor. One thing that I have learned over time is that being fit is not
the only way that you can feel fresh. When I feel that I am healthy, I feel like I have all the energy
in the world. Feeling healthy just makes me feel more alive and that way I'm more productive. I
don't slack around and do nothing. I'm able to stay focused on school, go to the gym, and also go
to work. It makes it easier for me to do all these things rather than complain about all of the
workloads and not doing
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Staying Healthy and Eating Right Essay
Staying Healthy and Eating Right Staying healthy and eating right is a lifestyle that many
people should consider. A juicy hamburger from McDonalds dripping with special sauce topped
with cheese is not exactly considered a healthy meal. Our society today is busy and on the go at
all times. It is so much easier to stop and get fast food and then continue on. However, we should
stop and think; is it really worth it to not eat right and exercise? Studies have shown, people that
eat right and exercise live longer. Eating fattening foods clogs your heart with cholesterol and fat.
People that do not exercise and continue to eat unhealthy foods will slow their metabolism. This is
why over 70% of our society are overweight today. more content...
Many people who are overweight do not feel good about themselves. They want to be thinner but
instead of doing it the right way, they try crash diets that seem to always fail or do nothing at all
about their condition. If we would exercise at least 45 minutes per day, 3 to 4 times per week, it is
guaranteed that we lose weight and get in shape. When a person is at the size and stature that they
would like to be then their self–esteem rises. If one has a good attitude and think they look great
then more than likely other people will also. When one exercises and eats good foods then they
also physically feel great. The fact that one has just spent an hour on the treadmill and a salad was
for dinner makes a person feel as if they are really accomplishing something. If people would
realize what a great feeling a person gets from working out and eating healthy foods then
everyone would be doing it. It is a lifestyle that people should adopt and live by. It should also
make one feel good that they are doing something to better themselves. All of us have areas that we
can improve on. By improving our physical imperfections it makes us feel great. Some people were
raised to eat everything on their plate whether it was healthy or not. If your mom made the food,
then it was eaten. What our generation should do is learn from our parents' mistakes. We should
start cooking our children healthier foods so that they will grow up knowing and
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The Importance Of Eating Healthy
The Importance of Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any
other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. A solid regimen even prevents some
health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthyeating
habits. There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health.
Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and
control health problems. It has shown to help and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are
temporary and make you eat less food rather more content...
Nutrients also enhance our nervous system, helps improve our skin and muscle tone, as well as
regulate our metabolism
Eating unhealthily can lead to obesity and illness, which makes developing healthy eating habits a
vital part of living. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It can help you stay
balanced and improve your mood. Maintaining a well–balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients
that your body need to grow. In any case, don't abruptly change your diet and make slow changes. A
healthy diet is the key to a happy, long, fit life.
The Importance of Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any
other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. A solid regimen even prevents some
health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthy eating
habits. There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health.
Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and
control health problems. It has shown to help and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are
temporary and make you eat less food rather than the right
Get more content on

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Essay About Healthy Eating

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Healthy Food When something is detrimental to our health, we strive to avoid it whenever possible to extend our lives. We know that exposure to known cancer causing agents such as asbestos and lead paint is harmful; therefore, we do not expose ourselves to the risk and we certainly do not eat it. This seems simple; however, what do we do when that harmful vice is food? We cannot stop eating; instead, we must closely examine what we are putting into our bodies. When faced with the choice of a burger or grilled vegetables, most would choose the burger. These choices have lead us down a path littered with food related diseases, illnesses and rising healthcare costs. The state of Americans health is declining due to increasing obesity, diabetes more content... The advertisement sounds and looks believable until you read the label on the package. The salad dressing adds excessive calories and fat that often exceeds the amounts for a small hamburger, making it the unhealthy option. Society must educate itself on what type of food is healthy such as fresh or fresh frozen vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and fruits. Parents should take the time to explain what these are and why they are important, educating themselves if necessary. Families can also extend this education to a hands–on experience but starting a small vegetable garden which produces some of the vegetables they eat. Author and farmer, Sharon Astyk, and sustainable systems land planner, Aaron Newton, argue that people need to take back the control of the food selection and prices by growing their own or purchasing directly from local farmers. In their article, "The Rich Get Richer: the Poor Go Hungry", Astyk and Newton (2015) write, "When we grow our own food, or buy it directly from local farmers, we take power away from multinationals" (p.518). I agree that society should become more involved and self–sustaining pertaining to food to retain independence from companies that are loyal to shareholders. This education will provide the current and future generations necessary resources to make improved food choices, thereby reducing the obesity and diabetes epidemics gripping our nation. Once the education component has Get more content on
  • 2. Eating Healthy In College Essay So, you place your last packed box with your belonging into your parent's car, and are heading off to live, make memories and study, to the campus of your dreams with several hundred or thousands of other college students. You are off to college, making your first significant move into independence. For many college students, going to college is a time in their life where they feel that they have more freedom and opportunity to grow. Unless you are attending a military academy, no one will tell you that you need to eat breakfast, when to wake up, and when to go to bed. No one takes the time to check to see that you are eating breakfast. Mom will not be there to wash your clothes, making you something to eat, or to be constantly reminding you to do your homework. Oh Yeah! Sounds good doesn't it! Even though, the idea of independence sounds incredible it turns out that for many independence is not what it is said to be. Research states that many college students are not only not eating enough fruits and vegetables; in fact, they are not even eating one serving per day. (Oregon, 1). Because, many college students are slipping into these bad eating choices, college students should be presented with practical approaches to a healthier lifestyle. Eating healthy is always a challenge for everybody, but eating healthy is a subject on how you go through it. Many college students going through the same problem of staying healthy. A study done over college students found that 95% do Get more content on
  • 3. I Am A Healthy Life Essay I'm living a healthy life in most aspects. Fist of all I keep healthy eating habits. I seldom skip breakfast during my weekdays so that I'm energetic for my classes everyday. I always plan my breakfast the day before, such as bagels or eggs. Breakfast is important so I try to make it fresh and delightful. Sometimes I drink tea instead of coffee. Black tea is my favorite because caffeine in it is lower than green tea or coffee. I always feel too excited after drinking coffee. I feel my heart beating faster than usual and my hands may even shake. Usually I don't eat a lot at night, especially before sleeping. This keeps my stomach healthy and prevents me from getting weight. I prefer eating healthier food rather than fast food such as burgers and fries. Sushi or other Asian dishes are always my dinner. They are light and balanced in nutrition, and good for my digest system. However, as a college student, I have some unhealthy behaviors which are common between me and my friends. The first one is, I always sleep after 12:00 am at night and it can be later during the weekends. As a result of sleeping late at night, sometimes it is hard for me to get up early in the morning. On the weekends I always wake up after 11:00 am. This is very unhealthy because I skip my breakfast and also my biological changes. I have to get used to the healthy routine again every Monday. Another bad behavior is that I seldom do any exercises. I used to do it for few times every week, but later I Get more content on
  • 4. Healthy Eating Informative Essay Obesity is a growing concern in the united states. Many people do not realize the health risks that are involved in not eating healthy and excercising. Individuals who are at an unhealthy weight are more likely to develop high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and some cancers. I believe by setting up one on one (educational) counseling with my patients who want to change there eating habits and lifestyle will have a greatest effect. While I am sitting down with my patients I will help them control what they are consuming by giving them a list of foods that have a high intake of (saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, sodium (salt), and alcohol.) By educating my patients on the foods Get more content on
  • 5. Healthy Eating Essay How does healthy eating affect your life? Many people really pay attention to the food they put in their bodies, until we get sick and need medical attention. I know that many of us love to eat fast food, but it catches up with us in the long run. While eating healthy would stop you from getting sick, and lower the cost of health care, healthy eating can enrich your body and prevent you from getting high doctor bills. How can I eat healthier? Healthy eating means picking all natural foods from the basic food groups; meats, dairy, fruits and vegetables, grains and stop eating too many sweets and fats. The first step in eating healthy is to know the good fats from the bad fats. Fats are another vital part to a healthy diet. Good more content... Once you know what to eat, now you have to consume too much. One of the biggest problems with eating healthy knows when you have had enough. Not knowing when to stop can result in one developing an eating disorder. There are many types of eating disorders. The main two types of eating disorders people get from excessive eating is obesity and anorexia. Obesity is a disease of excess fat tissue in the body, or when someone eats too much. Anorexia is when someone who has a low self–esteem and often a tremendous need to control their surroundings and emotions by consuming as little food as possible. Someone who is overweight will eat because they are not happy with the way they look. Someone who suffers from anorexia starves themselves because they are unhappy with the way they look. People with these certain eating disorders should come together to help each other get through these hard times. One can get tired thinking about all of the sicknesses one could get from eating unhealthy. High medical bills can leave one bankrupt. The problem that comes with unhealthy eating also comes with high medical cost. Doctors who specialize in illnesses dealing with eating disorders and heart diseases tend to have high premium cost. You have to put at least six hundred dollars or more just for the visit. Medical illness can be a financial nightmare leading to bankruptcy. (Jeanie Lerche Davis, Feb. 2, 2005,). The way our economy has fallen, Get more content on
  • 6. Healthy Eating Persuasive Speech Outline Persuasive Speech: Making healthy Nutritional decisions. Specific Purpose: To persuade my classmates to make healthier nutritional choices. Thesis Statement: Healthy eating is not something to worry about down the road; we need to act now, while we are young to develop good habits for the future. 1.Introduction: a.Attention Getter: I visited Holly Drougas–our very own licensed dietician here at Virginia Western. I asked her, "What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say the word 'Nutrition'?" She shocked me by saying, "Confusion". With so much conflicting and confusing information from both the scientific community and the lay press, many people simply don't know what to eat to be healthy or to lose weight. b.Focus on Topic: Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving more content... Relevance: When it comes down to it, I'm not going to shove kale down your throat if you tell me that you just hate kale, even though it appears to be another one of the big health crazes. I'm just trying to show you all that eating healthy doesn't have to be a miserable experience, and despite our limitations as college students, we can overcome the hurdles of Availability, Time, and Money, to maintain a healthy diet. e.Preview: So today, we're going to talk about the wonderful world of Nutrition, and I'm going to try to convince you that carrots and celery aren't just rabbit food, but people food too. 2.Problem Step: a.Internal Preview: So let's start with some reasons as to why so many people are confused about what to eat: misinformation and marketing. b.Since 1992 the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided the nutritional food pyramid, which has been the standard by which many have ascribed as far as recommended food intake. I'm sure this model looks familiar to most of you. c.Now, the USDA recommends "MyPlate", which was introduced in 2010, as the new guidelines for proper dietary Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Healthy Snacks Even while you want to lose weight, you might feel hungry between meals and the good news is that there are some healthy snacks available. From the classic choice of fruits up to some a bit less obvious things, there is a wide range of foods that you can choose from. Of course, you should keep your main goal of losing weight in mind and not overdo it. Even the healthiest food will make you gain weight, if you eat too much of it. So what healthy snacks for weight loss can you eat without endangering your goals? Classic healthy snacks Fresh vegetables and fruits are the perfect choice for a quick snack. An apple or some carrots can quickly satisfy that hungry feeling, while their healthy nutrients and fibers support you in your diet. In order to avoid sabotaging yourself, you shouldn't keep chocolate or other unhealthy snacks in your fridge. Instead, prepare an apple or other fruits by slicing them up in the morning and placing more content... Nuts aren't the only counter–intuitive choice when it comes to picking a snack that is good for you. Of course, all the cream–filled kinds of chocolate aren't healthy. But, pure chocolate, which has a high amount of cocoa, preferably above 70 %, is very healthy. Cocoa contains a lot of valuable nutrients that are good for your body and overall health. You shouldn't overdo it though, as overeating healthy chocolate, will of course make you gain weight again. Where to find recipes for healthy snacks? You are not the only one trying to lose weight and so there are many books and websites available on the subject. You have now some general knowledge about healthy snacks. So you can easily do a research on the common search engines. Things you need to look out for are not only the number of calories, but also things like vitamins and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. You will see that there are many such recipe databases that are very useful and that will give you inspiration for your own Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Speech on Healthy Eating Habits Topic: Healthy eating General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to develop healthy eating habits Thesis: Changing your eating habits will change your life. Preview: First, I will address the root issue of many people's eating habits, and then I will expand on how you can and why you should develop a healthier lifestyle. Organizational pattern: Monroe's Motivated Sequence Introduction I)I am sure all of you have heard of the infamous "freshman fifteen." a.I won't ask who has gained this weight, but by a raise of hands, how many of you have thought to yourself, "Are my jeans getting tighter?" b.I'll admit, I definitely felt like my clothes were shrinking. c.But, I did something about it. II)I' more content... d.We all have our own reasons for why we eat what we eat, but perhaps the lack of knowledge about nutrition plays a factor in our decisions. e.The truth is our food choices do matter because they affect our health. i."According to Consumer Reports, the nation's eating and drinking habits have been implicated in six of the ten leading causes of death – including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes," just to name a few (Powter, 1995, p. 33). f.Obviously, despite the variety of healthy food available, many people do not choose the most nutritious options. Transition: But there is no need to fret because there is a solution! II)I said previously that changing your eating habits will change your life. a.But you may be thinking, "Okay, sure, but does she want us to all become vegans or something like that?" i.No, that is not what I am suggesting. ii. I am here to persuade you all to become aware of the nutrition of what you eat and from there, to make healthy choices. b.I'm going to share with you all how changing my personal eating habits changed my entire lifestyle. c.It all started last semester, when my English professor came up with an interesting assignment he called "experimental research." d.We had to either add something or remove something from our lives for 1–2 weeks, and document our findings. i.I chose to refrain from eating sugary desserts. e.First, though, I must tell you about my border–line addiction. i.
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Speech On Eating Healthy Do you know what it means to be healthy? What was the last thing YOU ate? Do you realize that these things are bad for you? I get it eating healthy can be a problem for some people even though you may just be that person that chooses not to eat healthy it can still be a struggle. Everyone and their family enjoy eating things such as (Cakes,Pies,Ice Cream,Cookies,etc.) so why would you choose to eat healthy foods over that? And in this essay I will be explaining many different reasons as to why many people need to cut down on the junky foods and to start eating healthy. Healthy eating starts off with yourself because if you continue to drive yourself into eating these unhealthy foods it can make a turn for the worse. Healthy more content... Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high–fat foods, and not being physically active. Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases. For example, that means losing 10 to 20 pounds if you weigh 200 pounds. All of this can come from eating unhealthy foods. Anyone who struggles with food and eating can fall into habits that may lead to what professionals call disordered eating. Disordered eating can take many forms, ranging from unhealthy eating habits that keep you from losing weight. "Healthy functioning organs require adequate nutrition, and healthy hair follicles are no exception. Starvation diets that lead to severe protein–energy malnutrition can cause brittle hair or worse, hair loss. Studies show diets that are low in protein, essential fatty acids, and nutrients such as Vitamin C, zinc and iron are associated with hair loss, thinning, and loss of pigmentation." (Quoted by Kristin Kilpatrick) "Foods that are high in simple carbohydrates cause blood sugar to spike, which is followed by a blood sugar drop soon after. Often called a sugar crash, this is the reason a high carbohydrate, sugary breakfast or afternoon snack can leave you in an energy slump a few hours later. To help stabilize blood sugar Get more content on
  • 11. Public Health And Community Healthy Eating Essay A worldwide epidemic of obesity, poor diet, and physical activity is important to decrease the problem and be proactive in lowering diseases. There are infinite research and studies that show the prevalence and the desperate need to minimize harmful chances of illness, diseases, and death. The high cost surrounding people of middle and lower class is a persistent problem, but countless ways are available to receive cost assistance and eat well on steady budget. More examples, analysis, and reasons behind the public health and community healthy eating will be mentioned in the next paragraphs. Introduction Much research and data present facts and the seriousness of obesity, lack of exercise, and poor diet due to diseases. Nutrition education is a worldwide goal to constantly instill in communities, churches, and schools. The rate of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are global epidemics. According to (HealthyPeople,2016), the overall goal for educational and community–based programs is to increase the quality, availability, and effectiveness of educational and community–based programs designed to prevent disease and injury, improve health, and enhance quality of life. In addition, the educational and community–based programs are focused on preventing disease and injury, improving health, and enhancing quality of life. The impact of unhealthy diets is an all–time high with unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are among some of the leading causes of noncommunicable Get more content on
  • 12. Savana Rosenbusch Public Speaking 170 October 6, 2015 Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the benefits of eating healthy. Central Idea: Eating healthy provides several benefits to our bodies such as preventing cancer and providing energy for our bodies to run at top notch. Introduction 1.When thinking about eating many people think about eating the most desirable food that comes to mind. a.Maybe an apple pie, cheesecake, chocolate covered strawberries, or a big juicy steak. b.It is not often that people think about a nice piece of celery with peanut butter or a spinach salad with a fantasy food daydream. c.People that do think about health foods in a food fantasy are often labeled as health junkies or nuts. d.Junk food may provide that mouthwatering appeal, but health food is the way to go to prevent diseases such as cancer. Body 2.Chronic diseases are something that people should not take lightly. a.Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, eating disorders, obesity, asthma, types of Dementia, and arthritis are only a few types of chronic diseases. b.They can be resolved and even treated with good healthy habits. c."As humans, we should already be eating foods that are similar to a person that has been prescribed a cancer diet" (Lee). d.The foods that are mostly picked out to eat have characteristics of detoxifying the body from cells that have turned cancerous or cleaning the body from harmful chemicals used in chemotherapy. 3.Eating in Get more content on
  • 13. Benefits of Healthy Eating Essay Benefits of Healthy Eating Healthy eating is the right choice for everyone's body, how many of the people know are eating healthy these days? There are many benefits to the body when people eat healthy. The three benefits that point out are keeping a healthy weight, preventing health problems and acquiring more energy. Even though there are people who think there are no health risks when they avoid eating healthy, eating healthy helps them have a healthier body, and prevent diseases and other risks to the body. Some reasons people may avoid healthy eating are that they are not financially able to buy the necessary items to have a healthy diet or that they just don't know how to maintain a healthful diet. Everyone's body is different more content... You have only to walk down the aisle at your local supermarket to discover that there has been a vitamin revolution. Every possible vitamin and mineral needed by the body is available in capsule, pill, tablet, or powder form. Once your body has reached the point of unhealthy functioning, or you have placed such a strain on your body from over consumption that one of the related diseases has taken hold, it's almost impossible to correct one problem without creating another" (Fir, 2005.p1). This is why eating the right amount and the right foods and staying away from alcohol are the best way to go. Having a healthy diet is not as far fetched as people may think all they need to do is develop a healthy eating habit and stick to it. If society doesn't start thinking about the health risks that follow by not eating healthy and drinking alcohol in the future can be deadly because some of the major organs in the body can stop working from not being properly taken care of, and alcohol can play a major part in this also. "By eating healthy you are boosting your energy levels, improving your bodily Functions and helping to improve your immune. By eating a healthy diet and combining this with exercise you could end up living a longer more vibrant life" (Bruton, 2009.p1). When people eat healthy it helps them have more energy, and having more energy will Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Eating Healthy Should we really take eating healthy and exercising seriously? Exercise and eating healthy are two of the most important things you need to do to take care of your body properly. Both exercise, and eating healthy, have many advantages and benefits. They help with multiple things needed throughout your life. These things include growing physically, mentally, and if you are religious, spiritually as well. All of this adds up to your body functioning in the highest and best way possible. People that has unhealthy eating habits, is at severe risk for obesity, diabetes and possible stroke. Unhealthy eating habits have a harmful effect on the body. Today, Americans debate whether eating healthy or exercising is worth the effort. According to Lisa Sherman, author of The Journal of Chinese Medicine, "Exercise may make it easier to make healthy food choices by changing parts of the brain that influence impulsive behavior. A review paper by US and Spanish authors proposes that physical activity helps to enhance 'top–down' inhibitory control in the brain, making it easier to resist unhealthy food and instead choose healthy options" (June 2012): p82. Thanks to our most popular fast food restaurants, such as, McDonalds, Wendy's, Olive Garden etc. How could people trick their brains into declining fast food and choose a more healthier option. There are a couple of easy changes you can make that can have a profound effect on satiety – how full you feel. Research shows that using smaller crockery tends to trick our brains into believing we are eating more, a psychological phenomenon that can best be illustrated by looking at the Delboeuf optical illusion. If you put two identical portions of food on a big plate and a small plate, the portion on the bigger plate will look smaller, and vice versa: our brains can't help but be fooled by this effect, even when we know they are the same. Consequently, eating unhealthy food choices could increase the risk of diabetes. Having diabetes is something nobody wants, but could also not always be avoided. A person could have diabetes and not know about it. According to,, some of the symptoms of diabetes are, increased of thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, unexplained Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Unhealthy Eating If you have a television in your home, chances are you have probably seen someone talking about how they lost 20 pounds in one month, or anything along those lines. People these days are really caring about their appearance. It is definitely a bonus to lose the weight while changing your diet; but the bigger picture here is that making healthier choices will not only help you lose weight, it will prevent you from developing health risks. Although not everyone who has unhealthy eating habits will develop health risks, heart disease and obesity are most common in people who make unhealthy choices. If someone is overweight, feels fatigued most of the time, and most of their meals are not made at home, chances are they may be more content... If we are not educated enough about the foods we intake, we are more prone to keeping our bodies unhealthy. These days, most of our time is spent at work then picking up the kids, going home and taking care of everything that has to be done at home. Most of the time, if you are like me, you don't have much time to make a full course meal for your family. Especially when you just clocked out of work after working an eight to nine hour shift. It has become so convenient for us just to stop somewhere on the way home and grab some dinner. Convenience is one of the reasons why we choose to grab something fast, instead of coming home from work and spending 30 to 45 minutes making dinner when you're already almost passing out because you are so hungry. McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger King are only some of the most common fast food restaurants. Whether it is because it is on your way home, or you are absolutely craving their famous fries, you have probably ate at one of these fast food restaurants once in your life. These fast food places make every attempt to make you think their foods are healthy. They say they have 0% trans fat, they're beef is 100% real beef (McDonald's), "Always fresh, never frozen" (Wendy's), "Time for something good" (Boston Market). All of these make you feel like you're making the right choice and believing there truly is no harm in buying your food from them. Unfortunately, when it comes to fast food, we have no control over what goes in and Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Healthy Eating Healthy Eating The Benefits and Roles on the Body Over time sitting and eating at the table with family has slowly drifted away. Now with all the new restaurants popping up everywhere he or she turns, who has time to stop and eat healthy? While most people do not take time for themselves, one must take time out for their bodies. Healthy eating is the number one priority when it comes to having a healthy body. Though not everyone may eat healthy, healthy eating contributes to weight loss, better performance, improves body health, reduces risk of illnesses, and lowers health care cost. If the want is there, be assured that the benefits of eating healthy are abundant. To understand the factors of obtaining a healthy eating habit, more content... That is a amount of foods during the day. This brings one to the beginning of the day. Starting the day off right, by eating healthy is essential to our bodies. This brings up the most important meal of the day, breakfast! As most people wake up every morning in a frantic rush out of the house they just do not seem to stop and give their bodies what it needs. Nutrition, this is vital to ones' body health. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Not only will breakfast give one the needed energy to start the day, having breakfast can give many different health benefits. The right breakfast foods can improve concentration, give people strength, and even help maintain a healthy weight (Zelman, 2007). Eating a healthy breakfast showed to improve concentration and performance in the workplace and classroom. Along with the energy boost he or she gets, their body has more strength and endurance to do those many physical activities they hurdle at work and home. Healthy eating starts when people wake up, and with a balanced breakfast, their body will start to maximize the benefits of eating healthy. For the body to maximize all of the energy and performance benefits, one must also follow the 'Food Pyramid'. The food pyramid started in 1992, and changed in 1995. The old pyramid had everyone placed with the same number of servings depending on calorie intake. The old food pyramid for obtaining the proper daily allowances now has modified for Get more content on
  • 17. Speech On Healthy Eating Healthy The key element for healthy human development and good health is a healthy eating plan from prenatal to early childhood. Healthy eating is not only essential for healthy development, but also to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases which is critical to your child's well being. It is generally agreed right across the board, that it is better to undertake the basic dietary principles of eating less, doing more exercise, eating fruits and vegetables on a daily basis along with whole grains and also to avoid a large consumption of junk food. Listed below are some of the benefits of healthy eating. Cancer Prevention For years past, it has been believed that eating a healthy diet with the correct foods is more likely to prevent cancer. more content... Cholesterol travels in your blood in packages called lipoproteins. However, it is essential to remember that not all cholesterol is actually bad for you. It is in truth, a natural substance which serves as a building block in the body for cells and hormones, and helps fat to travel through the blood vessels for use or storage in other parts of the body. However, a high blood cholesterol level can lead to a build–up of plaque in your arteries, which can in effect increase the risk of heart disease. There are, however, certain types of fiber, including oats, which can help to lower cholesterol and maintain normal blood sugar levels, as part of a healthy Get more content on
  • 18. Healthy Eating Are there benefits to healthy eating? There are certain benefits and important reasons for eating healthy. Eating healthy allows the body to feel better so that the number of visits to the doctor's office or far and few between and a better quality of life can be enjoyed. Eating healthy can also prevent certain diseases and illnesses. This paper will discuss the benefits of healthy eating, controlling diabetes and prevention of diseases and illnesses. What are the some of the benefits feeling better? Feeling better promotes a healthy lifestyle that can be enjoyed by exercising and taking advantage of activities not regularly participated in because of the way the body feels. Feeling better will boost your energy level. This more content... Preventing Disease Healthy eating can prevent certain types of diseases. When shopping for food at the grocery store, bring home certain foods that are low in saturated fats, low fat or skim dairy products. Try to avoid lots of red meat. Purchase meat products that are high in protein and buy products that have some fiber in them. Foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol are known to cause blockage in the body arteries. When these Get more content on
  • 19. Importance Of Healthy Lifestyle Essay Health is very important. It's how you treat yourself and how you define it. It's very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One should make time for everything within their busy lifestyle for things like sleep, exercise and eat healthy. I believe that those are necessary factors for an everyday lifestyle. I know that for myself I would want to prevent diseases in any possible way that I can. In order for myself to accomplish this, I try to take care of myself as much as I can. To feel emotionally and physically healthy I always fit in the time and effort to add those factors to my everyday life. What does it mean to be emotionally and physically healthy? Well, in my definition it means that I shouldn't let myself down and I should have positive thoughts about everything that makes me happy. Physically healthy I think for myself should be that I take the time to do some sort of physical activity and eating well most of the time so I can feel good about myself. Being happy is also a major factor. One thing that I have learned over time is that being fit is not the only way that you can feel fresh. When I feel that I am healthy, I feel like I have all the energy in the world. Feeling healthy just makes me feel more alive and that way I'm more productive. I don't slack around and do nothing. I'm able to stay focused on school, go to the gym, and also go to work. It makes it easier for me to do all these things rather than complain about all of the workloads and not doing Get more content on
  • 20. Staying Healthy and Eating Right Essay Staying Healthy and Eating Right Staying healthy and eating right is a lifestyle that many people should consider. A juicy hamburger from McDonalds dripping with special sauce topped with cheese is not exactly considered a healthy meal. Our society today is busy and on the go at all times. It is so much easier to stop and get fast food and then continue on. However, we should stop and think; is it really worth it to not eat right and exercise? Studies have shown, people that eat right and exercise live longer. Eating fattening foods clogs your heart with cholesterol and fat. People that do not exercise and continue to eat unhealthy foods will slow their metabolism. This is why over 70% of our society are overweight today. more content... Many people who are overweight do not feel good about themselves. They want to be thinner but instead of doing it the right way, they try crash diets that seem to always fail or do nothing at all about their condition. If we would exercise at least 45 minutes per day, 3 to 4 times per week, it is guaranteed that we lose weight and get in shape. When a person is at the size and stature that they would like to be then their self–esteem rises. If one has a good attitude and think they look great then more than likely other people will also. When one exercises and eats good foods then they also physically feel great. The fact that one has just spent an hour on the treadmill and a salad was for dinner makes a person feel as if they are really accomplishing something. If people would realize what a great feeling a person gets from working out and eating healthy foods then everyone would be doing it. It is a lifestyle that people should adopt and live by. It should also make one feel good that they are doing something to better themselves. All of us have areas that we can improve on. By improving our physical imperfections it makes us feel great. Some people were raised to eat everything on their plate whether it was healthy or not. If your mom made the food, then it was eaten. What our generation should do is learn from our parents' mistakes. We should start cooking our children healthier foods so that they will grow up knowing and Get more content on
  • 21. The Importance Of Eating Healthy The Importance of Eating Healthy Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. A solid regimen even prevents some health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthyeating habits. There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health. Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It has shown to help and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are temporary and make you eat less food rather more content... Nutrients also enhance our nervous system, helps improve our skin and muscle tone, as well as regulate our metabolism Eating unhealthily can lead to obesity and illness, which makes developing healthy eating habits a vital part of living. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It can help you stay balanced and improve your mood. Maintaining a well–balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients that your body need to grow. In any case, don't abruptly change your diet and make slow changes. A healthy diet is the key to a happy, long, fit life. The Importance of Eating Healthy Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. A solid regimen even prevents some health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthy eating habits. There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health. Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It has shown to help and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are temporary and make you eat less food rather than the right Get more content on