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Emerson Identity
Secondly, in the works of "Self–Reliance" written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, when he is talking
about the way people think he states, "it is easy to live after our own; but the great man is he who
in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" This quote is
saying that if you are surrounded by a community, do your own thing, which is wrong. The
individual needs to be able to blend with a community by still having their own identity. If that
individual accomplishes anything, they would feel like they would have to keep it to themselves
because they are their own individual. You do need to be your own person, but that means nothing if
you don't have any companionship or relationships in your life to share
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Stop Racism Research Paper
Racism is a serious problem around the country. A way to stop racism in to have a president of
every race. This would be a good idea because this way every race can tell that race's president
what they think should happen or be change, then the presidents of all races can have a discussion
and figure things like this out. This is a more efficient way to help end racism. This idea works
the best because no one has to die or be hurt in the process. No one should have to die or be hurt to
end racism. Racism needs to end soon or someone will end up dying or being hurt from it. In
conclusion, having a president of every race is a way to stop racism because, it's efficient, it's easy to
figure more things out, and no one dies or
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Type I Diabetes: Chapter Summary
This author believes by moving the healthcare from hospitals and healthcare centers to the people
home can potentially open up new opportunities to continuously monitor and adjust treatment and
prevention plans accordingly. Healthcare cost is enormous and continually increasing, by integrating
IoT to daily life of people, healthcare providers can detect and monitor the health of people in
real–time and apply better preventive methods to reduce health risk factors and consequently the
cost of care. The IoT can help people to manage their own life better by knowing their health status
in real–time and adjust their lifestyle habits accordingly. The Patient with chronic disease like type I
diabetes can continuously monitor their blood glucose level
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150 Word Essay About Military Expectations
Ever since I was in elementary school all I wanted to do is serve in the United States Military. My
original plan was to go serve in the United States Marine Corps and then do schooling while I am
in the military. However I was recently told after months of paperwork and waiting that I was
disqualified from MEPs and never told the reason why. They say there is still a chance because I
am not permanently disqualified although there is still a chance, I do not want to be stuck if they
permanently disqualify me. I like to have control over my life, so I am now filling out scholarships
in hopes that if I don't get in the military I can still continue my education and move one with my
life. Knowing that it a possibly I won't have my dream career
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The Wonderful Country Nepal Essay
Nepal is a country of highly diverse and rich geography, culture, religions and political instability.
The mountainous north contains eight of the world's ten highest Himalayan Mountains, including
the highest, Mount Everest. Nepal's faces many problems caused by governmental clashes,
surrounded by the complex situation that is Nepalese politics.
The fertile and humid south is heavily urbanized. By some measures, Hinduism is practiced by a
greater majority of people in Nepal than in any other nation. As of the 2011 census, 81.3 of the
Nepalese population is Hindu, 9.0% is Buddhist, 4.4% is Muslim, 3.0% is Kirant/Yumaist, 1.4% is
Christian, and 0.9% follow other religions or none religion. The natural scenery, high mountains, more content...
Therefore, the government is placing high priority on the tourism sector in its new economic
development policy. As there is a favorable political situation in the country, the government is all
geared towards economic revolution in the next 10 years to uplift mass. In this connection,
government of Nepal in consultation with Nepalese Tourism Industry, concerned organizations and
experts decided to launch a national tourism campaign "Nepal Tourism Year 2011". This
announcement reflects the government's anticipation to bring into at least one million international
tourists in Nepal by the year 2011 and spread the benefits of tourism to the people at large. The
national campaign also indicates the tourism industry's exigency to organize a tourism promotion
campaign having wider impact.
To understand the current situation in Nepal, one must consider the complex and extensive history
of Nepal's government. Since the nation's creation in the 18th century until the mid 20th century,
Nepal was ruled by a King (monarch) and showed no signs of democracy. In 1959, the present ruler
at that time, King Mahendra proposed a new constitution and held a democratic election. In order
for Nepal to see change with their economy is to vote democratic. This is the only fair way to
choose the head of state and other leaders. True equality of opportunity allows anyone to aspire to
be head of state
Work Cited
Nepal Profile."
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Carbon Essay
Carbon, an element discovered before history itself, is one of the most abundant elements in the
universe. It can be found in the sun, the stars, comets, and the atmospheres of most planets. There
are close to ten million known carbon compounds, many thousands of which are vital to the basis of
life itself (WWW 1).
Carbon occurs in many forms in nature. One of its purest forms is diamond. Diamond is the hardest
substance known on earth. Although diamonds found in nature are colorless and transparent, when
combined with other elements its color can range from pastels to black. Diamond is a poor conductor
of heat and electricity. Until 1955 the only sources of diamond were found in deposits of volcanic
origin. Since more content...
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, almost odorless gas that is formed by the combustion of carbon. It
is a product that results from respiration in most living organisms and is used by plants as a source
of carbon. Frozen carbon dioxide, known as dry ice, is used as a refrigerant. Fluorocarbons, such as
Freon, are used as refrigerants (Kinoshita 225–226).
Organic compounds are those compounds that occur in nature. The simplest organic compounds
consist of only carbon and hydrogen, the hydrocarbons. The state of matter for organic
compounds depends on how many carbons are contained in it. If a compound has up to four carbons
it is a gas, if it has up to 20 carbons it is a liquid, and if it has more than 20 carbons it is a solid
(Kinoshita 230–237).
The carbon cycle is the system of biological and chemical processes that make carbon available to
living things for use in tissue building and energy release (Kinoshita 242). All living cells are
composed of proteins consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in various combinations,
and each living organism puts these elements together according to its own genetic code. To do this
the organism must have these available in special compounds built around carbon. Only plants
produce these special compounds, by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process in
which chlorophyll traps and uses energy from the sun in the form of light. Six molecules of carbon
dioxide combine with six molecules of water to
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Personal Narrative: I Found Myself
It was almost 3 years ago that I found myself in a rather strange dilemma. I was bored with
blogging and all the gimmicks that you had to do in order to be good at it. This concept did not
work for me. I wanted something that inspired creativity in me and in others. So I started
experimenting with posting cartoons, pop culture artwork, internet memes, and videos. Not only was
I having fun, I was learning to curate content. Another door that was opened was partnering with
artists who were animators, cartoonists, and illustrators. My friend Tim Engstrom created a custom
artwork for the header and the sidebar. It wasn't long before my clients, friends, and family were
reading the blog. What I learned was that this project was more than inspiration,
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The Importance of Homework Essay
Students spend hours doing it, teachers spend hours checking it. Homework is sometimes a burden
to teachers and students but still it is necessary. Some people doubt homework's effectiveness, but
teachers and researchers agree homework is essential. Homework helps students get better grades in
Some people don't know exactly what homework is. Homework is defined as an out of class
activity assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work(KidSource). There
are three types of homework teachers generally give out. The first is Practice assignments, they are
assignments that reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge(KidSource). An example of these
assignments is writing definitions down for new more content...
Parents, students, and teachers all sometimes wonder how useful is homework? Though studies
examining the relationship between homework and school achievement have been inclusive(ERIC).
Still many teachers and researchers still agree that homework helps students achieve higher grades in
school. Schools that assigned homework frequently showed higher student achievement than schools
that assigned little homework(ERIC). This means that homework is working. Studies have generally
found that if teachers carefully plan homework, homework can be quite helpful(KidSource).
Homework has proven its effectiveness and is a very powerful factor in student performance.
Students should only spend enough time on homework so that the subject is reinforced and not just
a waste of time. The national PTA suggest that from K–3 grades there should be no more than 20
minutes a day, for 4–6 grades there should be 20–40 minutes of homework, and from 7–12 grades
time varies do to types of subjects and number of subjects taken(KidSource). Anymore than these
recommended amount of times is seen excessive by the national PTA. Surprisingly U.S. students
are working as hard as Asians: 24% of eighth graders do more then two hour of homework
compared to Japans 28% and Germanys 17%(Brimelow108). Are we working to hard, researchers
don't think so, U.S. student grades are improving. As of 1996 one in every sixth grader does more
than an hour of
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America Will Never Forget 9/11
September 11, 2001 is the saddest day that America has ever experienced. The terrorist attack that
took place killed over 2,000 innocent American citizens and left their families and loved ones in
sorrow. The terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001 was such a terrifying day every
single American and for every other country in the world. The United of America will never forget 9
/11, the day Osama Bin Laden planned a terrorist attack on the United States by hijacking two
passenger planes and steering them into the World Trade Center, and hijacking a third plane and
steering it into the Pentagon. The field trip that we took to the 9/11 Memorial this past Monday was
a great and humbling experience. Being that I was only four
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Short Essay On Germany
Germany is known to be one of the largest and most powerful economies in the world. It is located
in Central and Western Europe, and stretches along the Baltic and North Seas. The country covers a
total of 357,022 sq km, 348,672 sq km with land and 8,350 sq km with water. Germany shares
borders with nine other countries, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic,
Austria, Belgium, and The Netherlands. Germany is the seventh largest country in Europe, and the
62nd largest in the world (CIA World Factbook, 2016). The capital of Germany is Berlin, but it also
surrounded by many other major cities (Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart, Aachen, Nuremberg, Bonn,
Heidelberg, and Cologne) to name a few.
Germany's climate is more content...
There is also the household consumption of 53.7%, government 19.7%, investments in fixed capital
19.9%, exports 45.9% and imports –38.4% that make up the country's GDP composition. The
automotive, engineering, and chemical industries are some of the major industries in Germany
economy that contribute to the nation's GDP.
The foundation of the German banking system is well developed. Germany was the first bureau in
Europe, and joined the World Bank in 1952. Banks in Germany are what holds the country's
investment capital and are controlled by universal banks, which are able to offer a variety of
banking, and savings. In addition, the universal banks make up three–fourths of total business, and
play as shareholders in the country's industrial firm. Deutsche Bundesbank is the central bank of
Germany and its obligation is to oversee economic growth, develop the banking and financial system
and stability in the economy. The central bank is who funds the government, and sets in motion the
investment in the public sector. "With the desire of economic growth, the central bank should
attempt to maintain internal price stability, by adopting different interest rates (Bravenewcoin,
" With the launch of European monetary union and the introduction of the euro at the beginning of
1999, this task was transferred to the Eurosystem ( Bravenewcoin, 2016)". "The German currency is
the euro, although the euro is not the "German money", it is what
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Essay on Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Most people probably think of Leonardo Da Vinci as just a painter but in reality he was actually
also a expert drawer, an ingenious inventor, and a marvelous scientist. Over a period of twenty–five
years Leonard dissected around thirty human bodies as well as cows, birds, frogs, bears, and
monkeys. Of these bodies he made over two hundred tedious drawings. Another thing to remember
is beings the process of drawing took so long the bodies would start decomposing before he was
finished with all of the drawings in which he intended to make. Leonardo Da Vinci was born on
Saturday April 15, 1452. His father named Ser Piero Da Vinci was an important man, leading citizen
who studied at the University of Vinci, more content...
As most people know Leonardo was a magnificent artist however some people don't realize being
an artist doesn't always mean you're good at painting and drawing. Leonardo was originally
brought to the Moor who ruled the duchy of Milan by music not art. The Moor became
Leonardo's patron after Leonardo painted an altarpiece for the Church of San Francesco Grande.
When the Moor decided to make a bronze statue of his father on horseback Leonardo stepped up
to take on the task. Leonardo planned to make the horse first then make the rider separately and
add it on later. He studied horses drawing the best the Moor had in his stable he also measured
them even dissecting horses to make sure he had the plans just right. In 1493 Leonardo displayed
his clay model that was full size. He still had to cast the enormous statue, which could prove to be
the hardest part of making the sculpture. He invented a new way to get all the molten bronze into
the mold quickly so it didn't crack when it cooled. When all the bronze required to make the statue
(more than seventy tons) was gathered and the molds made the Moor used the bronze to make
cannons. The would be eighth wonder of the world was never cast and when the French captured
Milan in 1499 the soldiers used Leonardo's clay model for target practice. It eventually crumbled so
even the model of the would be eighth wonder of the world is not around today. As an artist
Leonardo also made three famous paintings. The Last
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The Power of Words Essay
"The picture he had of the city was reduced to what she said of it, and finally it was her speech
alone that could call up and protect that picture. 

– Abdekelkebir 
Words are very powerful things, they are not simply just letters written on a sheet of paper; they
can inspire, motivate, and evoke certain emotions. Think of your favorite songs and realize that the
lyrics can bring joy, happiness, sadness, depression, loneliness, longing, or any emotion imaginable
to others based on their own personal experiences. Dave Matthews' song lyrics for "Funny The Way
It Is" are able to capture more content...
To "carry the fire" was the boys main concern and those words meant a world of difference
(McCarthy np). It gave the man and his son the strength and encouragement to just keep going.
Khaled Hossieni's novel The Kite Runner used the repetition of the saying "for you a thousand times
over" to induce an overwhelming response in the reader's emotions through the use of irony
(Hosseini np). The huge power of words in literature, speeches, songs, and sermons are seen over and
over again. The use of such powerful words can evoke emotions, motivations, and encouragement to
the listeners because they are not just characters put together...there is emotion behind each single
word. Cain and Abel is a story found from within the Bible about two brothers who are to give god
a sacrifice to show how sorry they were for their sins. Cain the older brother is a farmer and
decides to burn up some of his leftover hay while his brother, Abel, who tended after the sheep,
picked the biggest and best one to sacrifice. When Abel's burned brighter Cain knew that God had
rejected his gift and became livid with his brother ("The Story..." 1). Cain struck him and killed him,
when God found this out he exiled him to the lands east of Eden and uttered "Timshel." This story is
similar to the one of Charles and Adam Trask and almost repeats itself again with Cal and Aron. All
three of these stories are filled with sin and manipulation, finally turning into guilt and redemption.
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Hibernation In Mark Twain's The Awakening
Early on in the prologue, the speaker pretends to accept his invisibility. He almost embraces it as
if he has no real choice. This seems to be his way of gaining control of his own fate. He says, "I say
all this to assure you that it is incorrect to assume that, because I'm invisible and live in a hole, I am
dead. I am neither dead nor in a state of suspended animation. Call me Jack–the–Bear, for I am in a
state of hibernation." Then later he says, "Please, a definition: A hibernation is a covert preparation
for a more overt action." In other words, when the narrator was secretly taking power from the white
company, the narrator uses it as a metaphor letting his readers know that while in the presence of
whites, he will continue role–playing
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King Alfred The Great Research Paper
In 896 AD, Alfred, the King of England, defeated an army of Danish invaders. King Alfred, also
known as Alfred the Great, went on to found the first English navy. He invited learned men from
other countries to England to teach the British clergy Latin, and he supervised and assisted in the
translation of many Latin books into English.
In 988 AD, Christianity reached Russia when prince Vladimir adopted Christianity. Vladimir had
several wives and eight hundred concubines and was renowned for his cruelty and treachery. He
wanted to unite Russia under one religion, so he sent envoys out to examine the major world
religions. Vladimir disliked the dietary regulations in Judaism and Islam, so he selected Christianity.
The envoys told him that
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Eng 150 Word Journal
Log one The first day When I hug you I feel safe when I hold your hand I feel sparks... Knowing
that I'm able to run and jump and someone catches me I the best feeling in my entire life I want to
spend m forever and my always with you I know I jump to guy to guy because I leave when I get
hurt but you don't have a reason to hurt me you have to be the best thing that ever happened to
me when I see you my heart speeds up my thoughts get lost with your name... I never want this
feeling to end I don't know if you feel the same way but I hoping that you do sooner my that later
and I know you wanna take are time but I can't I want to just pull you close and kiss you and never
stop... The feeling that I get when you look at me more content...
When I'm around you and your smile, I tend to get the butterflies, you make me so happy, you've
healed my broken heart and sealed the cracks with your love, everytime you smile, kiss me, hold me,
tell me you love me and hold my hand, I am reminded of how lucky I am and how amazing you
truly are I guess you can say that i'm giving you my heart to hold and all the love I could possibly
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Essay about The Power of Words
The Power of Words Language has an irreplaceable role in our lives as mankind has grown to
depend on it as an important way of acquiring Knowledge. But how valid is language as a way of
knowing? French philosopher Jean–Paul Sartre answered this question with the quote: "Words are
more treacherous and powerful than we think." Words do indeed lie. It is precisely because of its
role as an indispensable tool of communication and thoughts that words have the power to mold our
values, emotions and perception. We encounter large amounts of hidden implications and
deceptions embedded in words on a daily basis, from the books we read to the news we hear.
Language can be a powerful instrument more content...
Thus the word "develop" reinforces society's goal to move in a positive direction. However its
ubiquity can also create an illusion that "development" is a must (Rosenthal 77). Let's illustrate
this with a personal example from the human sciences. A man began an affair and put his
marriage at risk. After all the pain and tears, the couple reconciled and only remembered the
good. While they tore each other apart during the affair, saying that they've "developed so much"
from the affair suddenly put the experience into a positive light. Such positive terms are
frequently employed in our society to justify our actions. Thus we should be careful where words
lead us. Furthermore, because our understanding of the world is, as Sapir puts it, "to a large extent
unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group", it's easy to commit the misconception
that we are interacting directly with reality as opposed to a world of words describing reality. In
human sciences, this excessive trust in the validity of language and the direct linkage between
thoughts and words result in possible "brainwashing" if certain words occur at an extremely high
frequency in a person's daily interaction (Rosenthal 168). Failure to reflect upon the origins and
implications of these words lead to subliminal acceptance of ideologies embedded in the language.
Such cases of ignorance about words are ubiquitous
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150 Word Dreamy Research Paper
Those pictures of the floods are frightening, it is awful for those people loosing their homes, and
the lost habitats of the animals. Get Smart was one of my favourites in the 60's and still is today, I
have the first series on DVD and keep meaning to get the rest, he had a very rare Sunbeam Tiger in
bright red. The Beverley hillbillies, Adams family, the Munsters andman from uncle were all
favourites, I had a man from uncle set comprising an attachГ© case and a pen with invisible ink,
also had the Corgi car version of the car from the series, an Oldsmobile if I remember right. I never
saw Zorro the series though I remember a movie of that name. I remember Clarence the cross eyed
lion, and Judy but what did they call the chimp ? was it Ghia ?, I always wanted to be a zoo keeper
when I was at school, always loved animals. I saw the original series of Batman on tv a few years
ago, another car I always wanted, I still have the corgi car of that, and I bought that with my
pocket money when it came out, about 1968 I would think. My favourite Disney character, maybe
Baloo the bear or Bageera the black panther from Jungle book, I need to think to name others. When
I said 35/65 I meant that word dreamy was likely to be used 65% of the time by women because that
is how women describe their pop star pin ups, where as men describing their pin ups are more likely
to say, "she's fit". So for that reason the word dreamy is unlikely to be used to describe Yorkshire
Wolds, more likely to be used to describe a paradise beach or somewhere of a romantic nature. It's
like the word "pretty", its use is probably 95% by women, it is a girly word, more content...
I suppose all those American TV programmes you saw were a big help in learning the English
language, we don't get that because all our programmes are in English, we don't have any in French
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Powerpoint: Article Analysis
Different people have different opinions how they feel towards their school. Some say it's boring
and some say its not. This article states that there are numerous amounts of ways in order to
improve education. For example, students need to have access to different types of resources so
they can experience different ways of learning, like using the dictionary or presenting a PowerPoint.
School administrations should realize that having group projects are a requirement because it gives
the student an opportunity to communicate with others, and ideas can be developed further from the
initial point. Also, school should be about willing to learn and becoming educated and not about
getting good grades or passing a course, it should be in a way
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Garden Boat Research Paper
A garden boat would look like a long boat with plants around the edges and some in the
middle.Why because when there at the edges the get some water and it's a neat way to put the
plants. Some boats might be bigger and the plants in the big boats are in the middle of the boat.
People can get to it swimming or the boat can travel to different locations in town and stay on dock
for a little bit.It can also be like a transportation boat but it doesn't go where you want to go it goes
around the town.
One maybe wondering how it works it works by a motor and a person can direct it.Also people
can by some parts of the boat to plant there own flower or showcase it.There will be multiple boats
at different areas but where they start they will end
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150 Word Essay

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  • 2. Stop Racism Research Paper Racism is a serious problem around the country. A way to stop racism in to have a president of every race. This would be a good idea because this way every race can tell that race's president what they think should happen or be change, then the presidents of all races can have a discussion and figure things like this out. This is a more efficient way to help end racism. This idea works the best because no one has to die or be hurt in the process. No one should have to die or be hurt to end racism. Racism needs to end soon or someone will end up dying or being hurt from it. In conclusion, having a president of every race is a way to stop racism because, it's efficient, it's easy to figure more things out, and no one dies or Get more content on
  • 3. Type I Diabetes: Chapter Summary This author believes by moving the healthcare from hospitals and healthcare centers to the people home can potentially open up new opportunities to continuously monitor and adjust treatment and prevention plans accordingly. Healthcare cost is enormous and continually increasing, by integrating IoT to daily life of people, healthcare providers can detect and monitor the health of people in real–time and apply better preventive methods to reduce health risk factors and consequently the cost of care. The IoT can help people to manage their own life better by knowing their health status in real–time and adjust their lifestyle habits accordingly. The Patient with chronic disease like type I diabetes can continuously monitor their blood glucose level Get more content on
  • 4. 150 Word Essay About Military Expectations Ever since I was in elementary school all I wanted to do is serve in the United States Military. My original plan was to go serve in the United States Marine Corps and then do schooling while I am in the military. However I was recently told after months of paperwork and waiting that I was disqualified from MEPs and never told the reason why. They say there is still a chance because I am not permanently disqualified although there is still a chance, I do not want to be stuck if they permanently disqualify me. I like to have control over my life, so I am now filling out scholarships in hopes that if I don't get in the military I can still continue my education and move one with my life. Knowing that it a possibly I won't have my dream career Get more content on
  • 5. The Wonderful Country Nepal Essay Nepal is a country of highly diverse and rich geography, culture, religions and political instability. The mountainous north contains eight of the world's ten highest Himalayan Mountains, including the highest, Mount Everest. Nepal's faces many problems caused by governmental clashes, surrounded by the complex situation that is Nepalese politics. The fertile and humid south is heavily urbanized. By some measures, Hinduism is practiced by a greater majority of people in Nepal than in any other nation. As of the 2011 census, 81.3 of the Nepalese population is Hindu, 9.0% is Buddhist, 4.4% is Muslim, 3.0% is Kirant/Yumaist, 1.4% is Christian, and 0.9% follow other religions or none religion. The natural scenery, high mountains, more content... Therefore, the government is placing high priority on the tourism sector in its new economic development policy. As there is a favorable political situation in the country, the government is all geared towards economic revolution in the next 10 years to uplift mass. In this connection, government of Nepal in consultation with Nepalese Tourism Industry, concerned organizations and experts decided to launch a national tourism campaign "Nepal Tourism Year 2011". This announcement reflects the government's anticipation to bring into at least one million international tourists in Nepal by the year 2011 and spread the benefits of tourism to the people at large. The national campaign also indicates the tourism industry's exigency to organize a tourism promotion campaign having wider impact. To understand the current situation in Nepal, one must consider the complex and extensive history of Nepal's government. Since the nation's creation in the 18th century until the mid 20th century, Nepal was ruled by a King (monarch) and showed no signs of democracy. In 1959, the present ruler at that time, King Mahendra proposed a new constitution and held a democratic election. In order for Nepal to see change with their economy is to vote democratic. This is the only fair way to choose the head of state and other leaders. True equality of opportunity allows anyone to aspire to be head of state Work Cited Nepal Profile." Get more content on
  • 6. Carbon Essay CARBON Carbon, an element discovered before history itself, is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. It can be found in the sun, the stars, comets, and the atmospheres of most planets. There are close to ten million known carbon compounds, many thousands of which are vital to the basis of life itself (WWW 1). Carbon occurs in many forms in nature. One of its purest forms is diamond. Diamond is the hardest substance known on earth. Although diamonds found in nature are colorless and transparent, when combined with other elements its color can range from pastels to black. Diamond is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Until 1955 the only sources of diamond were found in deposits of volcanic origin. Since more content... Carbon dioxide is a colorless, almost odorless gas that is formed by the combustion of carbon. It is a product that results from respiration in most living organisms and is used by plants as a source of carbon. Frozen carbon dioxide, known as dry ice, is used as a refrigerant. Fluorocarbons, such as Freon, are used as refrigerants (Kinoshita 225–226). Organic compounds are those compounds that occur in nature. The simplest organic compounds consist of only carbon and hydrogen, the hydrocarbons. The state of matter for organic compounds depends on how many carbons are contained in it. If a compound has up to four carbons it is a gas, if it has up to 20 carbons it is a liquid, and if it has more than 20 carbons it is a solid (Kinoshita 230–237). The carbon cycle is the system of biological and chemical processes that make carbon available to living things for use in tissue building and energy release (Kinoshita 242). All living cells are composed of proteins consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in various combinations, and each living organism puts these elements together according to its own genetic code. To do this the organism must have these available in special compounds built around carbon. Only plants produce these special compounds, by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process in which chlorophyll traps and uses energy from the sun in the form of light. Six molecules of carbon dioxide combine with six molecules of water to Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Narrative: I Found Myself It was almost 3 years ago that I found myself in a rather strange dilemma. I was bored with blogging and all the gimmicks that you had to do in order to be good at it. This concept did not work for me. I wanted something that inspired creativity in me and in others. So I started experimenting with posting cartoons, pop culture artwork, internet memes, and videos. Not only was I having fun, I was learning to curate content. Another door that was opened was partnering with artists who were animators, cartoonists, and illustrators. My friend Tim Engstrom created a custom artwork for the header and the sidebar. It wasn't long before my clients, friends, and family were reading the blog. What I learned was that this project was more than inspiration, Get more content on
  • 8. The Importance of Homework Essay Students spend hours doing it, teachers spend hours checking it. Homework is sometimes a burden to teachers and students but still it is necessary. Some people doubt homework's effectiveness, but teachers and researchers agree homework is essential. Homework helps students get better grades in school. Some people don't know exactly what homework is. Homework is defined as an out of class activity assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work(KidSource). There are three types of homework teachers generally give out. The first is Practice assignments, they are assignments that reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge(KidSource). An example of these assignments is writing definitions down for new more content... Parents, students, and teachers all sometimes wonder how useful is homework? Though studies examining the relationship between homework and school achievement have been inclusive(ERIC). Still many teachers and researchers still agree that homework helps students achieve higher grades in school. Schools that assigned homework frequently showed higher student achievement than schools that assigned little homework(ERIC). This means that homework is working. Studies have generally found that if teachers carefully plan homework, homework can be quite helpful(KidSource). Homework has proven its effectiveness and is a very powerful factor in student performance. Students should only spend enough time on homework so that the subject is reinforced and not just a waste of time. The national PTA suggest that from K–3 grades there should be no more than 20 minutes a day, for 4–6 grades there should be 20–40 minutes of homework, and from 7–12 grades time varies do to types of subjects and number of subjects taken(KidSource). Anymore than these recommended amount of times is seen excessive by the national PTA. Surprisingly U.S. students are working as hard as Asians: 24% of eighth graders do more then two hour of homework compared to Japans 28% and Germanys 17%(Brimelow108). Are we working to hard, researchers don't think so, U.S. student grades are improving. As of 1996 one in every sixth grader does more than an hour of Get more content on
  • 9. America Will Never Forget 9/11 September 11, 2001 is the saddest day that America has ever experienced. The terrorist attack that took place killed over 2,000 innocent American citizens and left their families and loved ones in sorrow. The terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001 was such a terrifying day every single American and for every other country in the world. The United of America will never forget 9 /11, the day Osama Bin Laden planned a terrorist attack on the United States by hijacking two passenger planes and steering them into the World Trade Center, and hijacking a third plane and steering it into the Pentagon. The field trip that we took to the 9/11 Memorial this past Monday was a great and humbling experience. Being that I was only four Get more content on
  • 10. Short Essay On Germany Germany is known to be one of the largest and most powerful economies in the world. It is located in Central and Western Europe, and stretches along the Baltic and North Seas. The country covers a total of 357,022 sq km, 348,672 sq km with land and 8,350 sq km with water. Germany shares borders with nine other countries, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, and The Netherlands. Germany is the seventh largest country in Europe, and the 62nd largest in the world (CIA World Factbook, 2016). The capital of Germany is Berlin, but it also surrounded by many other major cities (Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart, Aachen, Nuremberg, Bonn, Heidelberg, and Cologne) to name a few. Germany's climate is more content... There is also the household consumption of 53.7%, government 19.7%, investments in fixed capital 19.9%, exports 45.9% and imports –38.4% that make up the country's GDP composition. The automotive, engineering, and chemical industries are some of the major industries in Germany economy that contribute to the nation's GDP. The foundation of the German banking system is well developed. Germany was the first bureau in Europe, and joined the World Bank in 1952. Banks in Germany are what holds the country's investment capital and are controlled by universal banks, which are able to offer a variety of banking, and savings. In addition, the universal banks make up three–fourths of total business, and play as shareholders in the country's industrial firm. Deutsche Bundesbank is the central bank of Germany and its obligation is to oversee economic growth, develop the banking and financial system and stability in the economy. The central bank is who funds the government, and sets in motion the investment in the public sector. "With the desire of economic growth, the central bank should attempt to maintain internal price stability, by adopting different interest rates (Bravenewcoin, 2017)". " With the launch of European monetary union and the introduction of the euro at the beginning of 1999, this task was transferred to the Eurosystem ( Bravenewcoin, 2016)". "The German currency is the euro, although the euro is not the "German money", it is what Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci Most people probably think of Leonardo Da Vinci as just a painter but in reality he was actually also a expert drawer, an ingenious inventor, and a marvelous scientist. Over a period of twenty–five years Leonard dissected around thirty human bodies as well as cows, birds, frogs, bears, and monkeys. Of these bodies he made over two hundred tedious drawings. Another thing to remember is beings the process of drawing took so long the bodies would start decomposing before he was finished with all of the drawings in which he intended to make. Leonardo Da Vinci was born on Saturday April 15, 1452. His father named Ser Piero Da Vinci was an important man, leading citizen who studied at the University of Vinci, more content... As most people know Leonardo was a magnificent artist however some people don't realize being an artist doesn't always mean you're good at painting and drawing. Leonardo was originally brought to the Moor who ruled the duchy of Milan by music not art. The Moor became Leonardo's patron after Leonardo painted an altarpiece for the Church of San Francesco Grande. When the Moor decided to make a bronze statue of his father on horseback Leonardo stepped up to take on the task. Leonardo planned to make the horse first then make the rider separately and add it on later. He studied horses drawing the best the Moor had in his stable he also measured them even dissecting horses to make sure he had the plans just right. In 1493 Leonardo displayed his clay model that was full size. He still had to cast the enormous statue, which could prove to be the hardest part of making the sculpture. He invented a new way to get all the molten bronze into the mold quickly so it didn't crack when it cooled. When all the bronze required to make the statue (more than seventy tons) was gathered and the molds made the Moor used the bronze to make cannons. The would be eighth wonder of the world was never cast and when the French captured Milan in 1499 the soldiers used Leonardo's clay model for target practice. It eventually crumbled so even the model of the would be eighth wonder of the world is not around today. As an artist Leonardo also made three famous paintings. The Last Get more content on
  • 12. The Power of Words Essay "The picture he had of the city was reduced to what she said of it, and finally it was her speech alone that could call up and protect that picture. 
 conclusion that, 
 ruins." – Abdekelkebir 
 Languages Words are very powerful things, they are not simply just letters written on a sheet of paper; they can inspire, motivate, and evoke certain emotions. Think of your favorite songs and realize that the lyrics can bring joy, happiness, sadness, depression, loneliness, longing, or any emotion imaginable to others based on their own personal experiences. Dave Matthews' song lyrics for "Funny The Way It Is" are able to capture more content... To "carry the fire" was the boys main concern and those words meant a world of difference (McCarthy np). It gave the man and his son the strength and encouragement to just keep going. Khaled Hossieni's novel The Kite Runner used the repetition of the saying "for you a thousand times over" to induce an overwhelming response in the reader's emotions through the use of irony (Hosseini np). The huge power of words in literature, speeches, songs, and sermons are seen over and over again. The use of such powerful words can evoke emotions, motivations, and encouragement to the listeners because they are not just characters put together...there is emotion behind each single word. Cain and Abel is a story found from within the Bible about two brothers who are to give god a sacrifice to show how sorry they were for their sins. Cain the older brother is a farmer and decides to burn up some of his leftover hay while his brother, Abel, who tended after the sheep, picked the biggest and best one to sacrifice. When Abel's burned brighter Cain knew that God had rejected his gift and became livid with his brother ("The Story..." 1). Cain struck him and killed him, when God found this out he exiled him to the lands east of Eden and uttered "Timshel." This story is similar to the one of Charles and Adam Trask and almost repeats itself again with Cal and Aron. All three of these stories are filled with sin and manipulation, finally turning into guilt and redemption. What Get more content on
  • 13. Hibernation In Mark Twain's The Awakening Early on in the prologue, the speaker pretends to accept his invisibility. He almost embraces it as if he has no real choice. This seems to be his way of gaining control of his own fate. He says, "I say all this to assure you that it is incorrect to assume that, because I'm invisible and live in a hole, I am dead. I am neither dead nor in a state of suspended animation. Call me Jack–the–Bear, for I am in a state of hibernation." Then later he says, "Please, a definition: A hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action." In other words, when the narrator was secretly taking power from the white company, the narrator uses it as a metaphor letting his readers know that while in the presence of whites, he will continue role–playing Get more content on
  • 14. King Alfred The Great Research Paper In 896 AD, Alfred, the King of England, defeated an army of Danish invaders. King Alfred, also known as Alfred the Great, went on to found the first English navy. He invited learned men from other countries to England to teach the British clergy Latin, and he supervised and assisted in the translation of many Latin books into English. In 988 AD, Christianity reached Russia when prince Vladimir adopted Christianity. Vladimir had several wives and eight hundred concubines and was renowned for his cruelty and treachery. He wanted to unite Russia under one religion, so he sent envoys out to examine the major world religions. Vladimir disliked the dietary regulations in Judaism and Islam, so he selected Christianity. The envoys told him that Get more content on
  • 15. Eng 150 Word Journal Log one The first day When I hug you I feel safe when I hold your hand I feel sparks... Knowing that I'm able to run and jump and someone catches me I the best feeling in my entire life I want to spend m forever and my always with you I know I jump to guy to guy because I leave when I get hurt but you don't have a reason to hurt me you have to be the best thing that ever happened to me when I see you my heart speeds up my thoughts get lost with your name... I never want this feeling to end I don't know if you feel the same way but I hoping that you do sooner my that later and I know you wanna take are time but I can't I want to just pull you close and kiss you and never stop... The feeling that I get when you look at me more content... When I'm around you and your smile, I tend to get the butterflies, you make me so happy, you've healed my broken heart and sealed the cracks with your love, everytime you smile, kiss me, hold me, tell me you love me and hold my hand, I am reminded of how lucky I am and how amazing you truly are I guess you can say that i'm giving you my heart to hold and all the love I could possibly give Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about The Power of Words The Power of Words Language has an irreplaceable role in our lives as mankind has grown to depend on it as an important way of acquiring Knowledge. But how valid is language as a way of knowing? French philosopher Jean–Paul Sartre answered this question with the quote: "Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think." Words do indeed lie. It is precisely because of its role as an indispensable tool of communication and thoughts that words have the power to mold our values, emotions and perception. We encounter large amounts of hidden implications and deceptions embedded in words on a daily basis, from the books we read to the news we hear. Language can be a powerful instrument more content... Thus the word "develop" reinforces society's goal to move in a positive direction. However its ubiquity can also create an illusion that "development" is a must (Rosenthal 77). Let's illustrate this with a personal example from the human sciences. A man began an affair and put his marriage at risk. After all the pain and tears, the couple reconciled and only remembered the good. While they tore each other apart during the affair, saying that they've "developed so much" from the affair suddenly put the experience into a positive light. Such positive terms are frequently employed in our society to justify our actions. Thus we should be careful where words lead us. Furthermore, because our understanding of the world is, as Sapir puts it, "to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group", it's easy to commit the misconception that we are interacting directly with reality as opposed to a world of words describing reality. In human sciences, this excessive trust in the validity of language and the direct linkage between thoughts and words result in possible "brainwashing" if certain words occur at an extremely high frequency in a person's daily interaction (Rosenthal 168). Failure to reflect upon the origins and implications of these words lead to subliminal acceptance of ideologies embedded in the language. Such cases of ignorance about words are ubiquitous Get more content on
  • 17. 150 Word Dreamy Research Paper Those pictures of the floods are frightening, it is awful for those people loosing their homes, and the lost habitats of the animals. Get Smart was one of my favourites in the 60's and still is today, I have the first series on DVD and keep meaning to get the rest, he had a very rare Sunbeam Tiger in bright red. The Beverley hillbillies, Adams family, the Munsters andman from uncle were all favourites, I had a man from uncle set comprising an attachГ© case and a pen with invisible ink, also had the Corgi car version of the car from the series, an Oldsmobile if I remember right. I never saw Zorro the series though I remember a movie of that name. I remember Clarence the cross eyed lion, and Judy but what did they call the chimp ? was it Ghia ?, I always wanted to be a zoo keeper when I was at school, always loved animals. I saw the original series of Batman on tv a few years ago, another car I always wanted, I still have the corgi car of that, and I bought that with my pocket money when it came out, about 1968 I would think. My favourite Disney character, maybe Baloo the bear or Bageera the black panther from Jungle book, I need to think to name others. When I said 35/65 I meant that word dreamy was likely to be used 65% of the time by women because that is how women describe their pop star pin ups, where as men describing their pin ups are more likely to say, "she's fit". So for that reason the word dreamy is unlikely to be used to describe Yorkshire Wolds, more likely to be used to describe a paradise beach or somewhere of a romantic nature. It's like the word "pretty", its use is probably 95% by women, it is a girly word, more content... I suppose all those American TV programmes you saw were a big help in learning the English language, we don't get that because all our programmes are in English, we don't have any in French or Get more content on
  • 18. Powerpoint: Article Analysis Different people have different opinions how they feel towards their school. Some say it's boring and some say its not. This article states that there are numerous amounts of ways in order to improve education. For example, students need to have access to different types of resources so they can experience different ways of learning, like using the dictionary or presenting a PowerPoint. School administrations should realize that having group projects are a requirement because it gives the student an opportunity to communicate with others, and ideas can be developed further from the initial point. Also, school should be about willing to learn and becoming educated and not about getting good grades or passing a course, it should be in a way Get more content on
  • 19. Garden Boat Research Paper A garden boat would look like a long boat with plants around the edges and some in the middle.Why because when there at the edges the get some water and it's a neat way to put the plants. Some boats might be bigger and the plants in the big boats are in the middle of the boat. People can get to it swimming or the boat can travel to different locations in town and stay on dock for a little bit.It can also be like a transportation boat but it doesn't go where you want to go it goes around the town. One maybe wondering how it works it works by a motor and a person can direct it.Also people can by some parts of the boat to plant there own flower or showcase it.There will be multiple boats at different areas but where they start they will end Get more content on