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My Passion As A Teacher
Me: As an Educator Becoming a teacher has always been a passion of mine. Two of my older
sisters teach young children. Seeing the joy they bring to children, helps me strive to be as good at
teaching as they are. They have shown me how important it is to be kind and loving with children.
My first–grade teacher is also part of the reason I continued to follow my dreams. She made school
fun and was always caring to all the children. She made me excited about learning and made school a
place that I felt important and safe when I missed my parents. She touched my life forever and I am
so thankful for her. Growing up, I enjoyed school and truly looked up to my teachers. I have had a
lot of experience working with children. Throughout more content...
I am very positive and encouraging because I believe this helps children be more motivated to
learn and I believe it is better to reinforce positive behavior than punish negative behavior. One
disposition that I believe I have is Professional and Ethical Practices. Being respectful is always
important but especially in professional environments. My parents taught me at a young age that
respect goes a long way and it is important to always be respectful. I believe looking professional is
also very important. It is better to be over–dressed than being under–dressed. Being early is
important to me regardless of where I am going and equally important to have tasks completed
before the deadline. I also possess Interactions with Students and Effective Communication. I try
to always be fair and use a respectful and positive tone of voice, as well as show a supportive and
encouraging place for learning. Communication is always essential for any relationship, but
especially when working with children so they understand what is being asked of them. It is also
especially important when working with a coordinating teacher or supervisor to ensure everything is
planned and running smoothly. A skill that I feel is so important that I possess is being able to
comfort children and ensure they are motivated and excited to learn. Having good grades have
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Middle School Teacher Essay
As children start middle school they become more than a follower of their parents, they start really
growing into their own person. Middle school is a time when children start to have their own
opinions and beliefs. It is a time when they begin following their friends and developing habits that
can last a time. It is a time when they start puberty and have many physical and emotional changes.
The middle school years are a time when young adolescents create the foundation of who they will
be as individuals and that will mold their entire lives. Due to all of these changes and all of this
growth middle school is a fundamental time in a young adolescents' life.
Children are moving from narrowed schedules and minimum yearly teachers more content...
I believe that may have been lost within reorganization, but as a teacher I want to do my best to
provide an education that "develops good people" as John Arnold stated (Arnold, p. 101). This
means help the children grow up into people with character, attitude, values, and integrity. I plan
to be a teacher that will use progressive measures to focus on the whole child and not simply
raising test scores. I know test scores are important to schools and to policies and regulation, so I
will not lose focus on that. In my lesson plans I will do my best to include pieces that will have
them think about real world situations and what they feel about it, such as a research and writing
assignment regarding plastics in the ocean. An assignment like that would help their research skills
and writing skills, while also introducing them to an actual problem in the world. I believe this is
the type of assignments I will use as much as possible to help my future students work on their
writing skills, grammar skills, and reading skills, plus practice real life skills and thinking about
how the world works and their opinions about it.
Continuing with being a teaching that the students need, I feel having a curriculum that is beneficial
to the students is crucial in the learning experience. I believe in providing a personalized integrated
curriculum. The only way to do this is to get to know my students and use what they connect to in
the classroom
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My Career as a Teacher Essay
As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in
the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs
and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I
want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire.
In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students,
many different factors must take place. First and foremost, it is important to me that I master
exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when
expectations in the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline more content...
These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many
learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student is able to get the most out of their learning
experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different
approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different
learning styles but I will also use different teaching styles during the curriculum. The different
methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation
which uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem,
coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the experiment, reading the results, and finally
completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which
is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem
solving. When I teach the students to problem solve accurately they be able to overcome obstacles
and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which
includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of
cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and
social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued
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Influences of a Teacher Essay
" A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived
in, or the kind of car I drove but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a
What does a teacher do? Well, besides giving out tons of papers, numerous tests, and stories that the
students aren't interested in reading (or just too lazy to read), teachers are responsible for creating
the future leaders of tomorrow. In today's society one may find advancement difficult without a
formal education. Education is one of society's institutions that helps to infuse in our younger
generation the norms, values and morals of the world we live in. Teachers lead their students on the
trip to success. Have more content...
Jeff's style was to interfere as little as possible with class discussions. His theory was that one could
not comment on circumstances that one doesn't know about. Therefore, he often refrained from
commenting leaving the class unclear of what he wanted. Jeff's goal of having equal student–teacher
relations failed by not establishing a sense of authority and discipline (Zawodniak 127).
In conversing with Arnie Schwartz, a woodshop and Cadet Corps teacher from Robert Fulton
Middle school, he said, " In the 26 years of my employment with LAUSD, I have tried to use
myself as a role model to motivate students to apply themselves in all their scholastic classes. To
do this properly you can be strict but still find some fun in the relationship with yourself and the
students. You need to let the students know that you are friendly and nice but you also have to let
them know that they need to follow the rules. My number one rule in my class is: 'my classroom
is like my home, you come into it as a guest and you don't litter or tag the furniture in my
classroom.' Prior to leaving my class I inspect the furniture for evidence of debris and tagging. The
purpose of my inspection is to make sure my classroom stays clean and provides a clean
environment in which my students can learn."
Arnie insists that his students follow his rules in maintaining order and
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Essay on The Teaching Profession
The Teaching Profession Becoming an educator, especially in recent years has been considered one
of the most demanding yet rewarding professions in the work force today. Teaching, with its benefits
and intellectual motives has risen to become one of the most sought after jobs in society. But even
after taking such rewards into consideration, one might want to analyze how time consuming and
emotionally draining teaching young people may turn out to be. Along with its rewards and
demands, teaching is not only a potentially prestigious profession but also a very unique and
sometimes life long career opportunity. Exploring teaching has become a popular tactic in recent
years for people to make a better decision on whether or not more content...
For the most part, teachers enjoy being able to work with young people in areas they may need
guidance in. For some however, helping people is not a top priority when it comes to the
teaching profession. Many jobs in society today do not offer the same types of benefits as ones in
this area of work. Teachers for example, enjoy holiday vacations, weather delays or postponements
and long summers in which they are paid for. Because teaching can become very time consuming,
teachers usually welcome these breaks to usually spend time with family, travel or enjoy hobbies
that they may not have been able to do while working. Paid time off is enough in itself to attract
people towards a teaching occupation and regular salaries have been increasing in recent years as
well. Over the past thirty to thirty–five years teacher's salaries have increased dramatically. It has
been shown that the average school teacher, who works in the Northeast, will make anywhere
between thirty–two and forty–five thousand dollars annually plus previously listed benefits. It is also
probable that these average salaries are only going to increase with time, thus attracting many more
to the field of teaching. With increased salaries, personal gratification, and enjoyable benefits being
a teacher's main attractant, job security should be at the top of this list as well. If a teacher has
been granted tenure after his or her first few years in their profession, he or she may not be removed
from their
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A Good Teacher Essay
Who is a teacher and what makes a good teacher? By definition, a teacher is a person who teaches,
especially in school, but can anyone be a teacher? That is a matter of the possession of
qualification and the overall talent utilized whilst on the workforce. Having such qualification
simply doesn't create a good teacher, though. Becoming a good teacher requires work, effort and
time that one must be willing to sacrifice from their daily lives. A good teacher must be able to
teach the students clearly. He/she must be well prepared, whether it is regarding the lesson of the
day or any sudden questions the pupil may ask. A good teacher should have confidence with
themselves and be organized at all times. A good teacher respects his/her job and tries to be as
effective as possible.
But from being a good teacher, there is one higher form of teachers' ranking and that is being a
great and effective teacher. Being a good teacher is easy, but being a great teacher requires more
effort than what is usually expected and required. With being a great teacher, teaching is not a job,
but more content...
With that knowledge only can a person be creative about it. A certain degree of knowledge is
essential for one person to be able to adapt it to any situation or use it as an output in the education
industry whilst teaching. But can intelligent people be creative? Few studies have claimed that not
all intelligent people can be creative, but other researches have shown this to be fabricated.
Creativity is claimed to be the highest form of intelligence. So, should creativity be looked upon as if
opposed to intelligence? Creativity is one of the qualities of intelligence; same way as analytical
intelligence and practical intelligence. Although analytical and practical intelligence plays an
important role, without creativity, the task loses the touch of the creator, thus making it the same as
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teacher expectations
Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the behaviour and educational success of students and as such
they carry a huge responsibility in the classroom. Everything the teacher says or do has a great
impact on students' lives as students depend on the teacher for guidance, for determining acceptable
and social behaviour in the classroom and more importantly their learning and academic success. In
addition, the role played by the teacher in fostering students learning causes them to exhibit certain
attitudes which could have a long lasting negative or positive influence on students. Based on
research it was surmised that high teacher expectation mean that the teacher believe that the student
is a high–achiever and the more content...
Furthermore, promoting the expression of ideas in a free, non judgmental way in the classroom is of
great importance. The way teachers can understand the student's point of view on various topics and
may be the outcome of this can be greater appreciation and understanding.
Based on the evidence provided from this concluded research, it can be inferred that positive
expectations led to more successful outcomes. Therefore negative or low expectations result in poor
levels of success. Hence, the following consequences can be discussed to show how teacher
expectations influence students learning in the classroom.
When teachers have low expectations of students their learning is negatively impacted and affected
in several different ways. The teacher's and the students' attitude to their work is wrapped in low
motivation, because teachers seem to think that because much is not expected and if the teacher
lacks effective strategies for working with such students, then the outcome of success is low then
they are less likely to want to teach these students and teach them well. If per chance the student
notices the teacher's attitude towards them then again it doesn't work well as it is perceived as
evidence of their low competence and the drive to perform well is erased.
In addition to both teacher and student experiencing low levels of motivation, little to no attention is
paid to the
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Elementary School Teaching Essay
Elementary School Teaching Elementary School Teacher
Elementary school teachers teach pupils at levels kindergarten through sixth grade or, in some cases,
through eighth grade a wide range of academic, social, emotional, and motor skills. They plan and
present programs of instruction using methods and materials to meet the needs of the students. In
order for all this to happen though, Elementary School Teachers must have a passion for educating
as well as love children.
Education requires dedication, organization, and thought out lesson plans on a daily basis. To ensure
that the students get top–notch education, teachers attend staff meetings, serve on committees, and
attend workshops or in–service training more content...
Although many teachers usually work alone in a class with a group of students, an increasing
number of schools are now providing teacher aides who are supervised by the teacher, assist with
clerical tasks, lunch and playground activities. About one public Elementary School Teacher in
six is a member of a teaching team in which two or more teachers work closely teacher. An
example of is would be when I was in fifth grade. My teacher, who graded, inspired, and taught me
was Mr. Dekire. But Mrs. Biro team taught with Mr. Dekire and it would be like Mrs. Biro would
do lectures and Mr. Dekire would do group work. This cuts down on the amount of work one
person must have accomplished for the student. As a future teacher, I would hope to have an aide.
Therefore, I would have more time for lesson planning and organizing the class. Not to mention, I
would have more time socially to relax. Public Elementary Teachers in Michigan spend an average
of 36 hours per week in the classroom and an additional 9 or so hours grading papers, attending
meetings, keeping records, making reports, and supervising after–school activities. With an aide, I
feel those 9 hours would cut down dramatically for the teacher.
The nature of work for Elementary School Teachers is that they play a vital role in the development
of children. What children learn and experience during their early years can shape their views of
humanity, and affect future success or failure in school, work, and their
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Essay about Teachers and Students
Teachers and Students
The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational
careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside
is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational
career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the
academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is
the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective.
The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of
the skills of more content...
Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although
it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to
be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of
children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a
teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an
active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate
them, but also keep them busy.
Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are
treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at
such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be
going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in
young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are
predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the
performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the
number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much
question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this
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Essay About Teachers

  • 1. My Passion As A Teacher Me: As an Educator Becoming a teacher has always been a passion of mine. Two of my older sisters teach young children. Seeing the joy they bring to children, helps me strive to be as good at teaching as they are. They have shown me how important it is to be kind and loving with children. My first–grade teacher is also part of the reason I continued to follow my dreams. She made school fun and was always caring to all the children. She made me excited about learning and made school a place that I felt important and safe when I missed my parents. She touched my life forever and I am so thankful for her. Growing up, I enjoyed school and truly looked up to my teachers. I have had a lot of experience working with children. Throughout more content... I am very positive and encouraging because I believe this helps children be more motivated to learn and I believe it is better to reinforce positive behavior than punish negative behavior. One disposition that I believe I have is Professional and Ethical Practices. Being respectful is always important but especially in professional environments. My parents taught me at a young age that respect goes a long way and it is important to always be respectful. I believe looking professional is also very important. It is better to be over–dressed than being under–dressed. Being early is important to me regardless of where I am going and equally important to have tasks completed before the deadline. I also possess Interactions with Students and Effective Communication. I try to always be fair and use a respectful and positive tone of voice, as well as show a supportive and encouraging place for learning. Communication is always essential for any relationship, but especially when working with children so they understand what is being asked of them. It is also especially important when working with a coordinating teacher or supervisor to ensure everything is planned and running smoothly. A skill that I feel is so important that I possess is being able to comfort children and ensure they are motivated and excited to learn. Having good grades have Get more content on
  • 2. Middle School Teacher Essay As children start middle school they become more than a follower of their parents, they start really growing into their own person. Middle school is a time when children start to have their own opinions and beliefs. It is a time when they begin following their friends and developing habits that can last a time. It is a time when they start puberty and have many physical and emotional changes. The middle school years are a time when young adolescents create the foundation of who they will be as individuals and that will mold their entire lives. Due to all of these changes and all of this growth middle school is a fundamental time in a young adolescents' life. Children are moving from narrowed schedules and minimum yearly teachers more content... I believe that may have been lost within reorganization, but as a teacher I want to do my best to provide an education that "develops good people" as John Arnold stated (Arnold, p. 101). This means help the children grow up into people with character, attitude, values, and integrity. I plan to be a teacher that will use progressive measures to focus on the whole child and not simply raising test scores. I know test scores are important to schools and to policies and regulation, so I will not lose focus on that. In my lesson plans I will do my best to include pieces that will have them think about real world situations and what they feel about it, such as a research and writing assignment regarding plastics in the ocean. An assignment like that would help their research skills and writing skills, while also introducing them to an actual problem in the world. I believe this is the type of assignments I will use as much as possible to help my future students work on their writing skills, grammar skills, and reading skills, plus practice real life skills and thinking about how the world works and their opinions about it. Continuing with being a teaching that the students need, I feel having a curriculum that is beneficial to the students is crucial in the learning experience. I believe in providing a personalized integrated curriculum. The only way to do this is to get to know my students and use what they connect to in the classroom Get more content on
  • 3. My Career as a Teacher Essay As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire. In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students, many different factors must take place. First and foremost, it is important to me that I master exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when expectations in the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline more content... These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student is able to get the most out of their learning experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different learning styles but I will also use different teaching styles during the curriculum. The different methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation which uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem, coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the experiment, reading the results, and finally completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem solving. When I teach the students to problem solve accurately they be able to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued Get more content on
  • 4. Influences of a Teacher Essay " A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."–Unknown What does a teacher do? Well, besides giving out tons of papers, numerous tests, and stories that the students aren't interested in reading (or just too lazy to read), teachers are responsible for creating the future leaders of tomorrow. In today's society one may find advancement difficult without a formal education. Education is one of society's institutions that helps to infuse in our younger generation the norms, values and morals of the world we live in. Teachers lead their students on the trip to success. Have more content... Jeff's style was to interfere as little as possible with class discussions. His theory was that one could not comment on circumstances that one doesn't know about. Therefore, he often refrained from commenting leaving the class unclear of what he wanted. Jeff's goal of having equal student–teacher relations failed by not establishing a sense of authority and discipline (Zawodniak 127). In conversing with Arnie Schwartz, a woodshop and Cadet Corps teacher from Robert Fulton Middle school, he said, " In the 26 years of my employment with LAUSD, I have tried to use myself as a role model to motivate students to apply themselves in all their scholastic classes. To do this properly you can be strict but still find some fun in the relationship with yourself and the students. You need to let the students know that you are friendly and nice but you also have to let them know that they need to follow the rules. My number one rule in my class is: 'my classroom is like my home, you come into it as a guest and you don't litter or tag the furniture in my classroom.' Prior to leaving my class I inspect the furniture for evidence of debris and tagging. The purpose of my inspection is to make sure my classroom stays clean and provides a clean environment in which my students can learn." Arnie insists that his students follow his rules in maintaining order and Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on The Teaching Profession The Teaching Profession Becoming an educator, especially in recent years has been considered one of the most demanding yet rewarding professions in the work force today. Teaching, with its benefits and intellectual motives has risen to become one of the most sought after jobs in society. But even after taking such rewards into consideration, one might want to analyze how time consuming and emotionally draining teaching young people may turn out to be. Along with its rewards and demands, teaching is not only a potentially prestigious profession but also a very unique and sometimes life long career opportunity. Exploring teaching has become a popular tactic in recent years for people to make a better decision on whether or not more content... For the most part, teachers enjoy being able to work with young people in areas they may need guidance in. For some however, helping people is not a top priority when it comes to the teaching profession. Many jobs in society today do not offer the same types of benefits as ones in this area of work. Teachers for example, enjoy holiday vacations, weather delays or postponements and long summers in which they are paid for. Because teaching can become very time consuming, teachers usually welcome these breaks to usually spend time with family, travel or enjoy hobbies that they may not have been able to do while working. Paid time off is enough in itself to attract people towards a teaching occupation and regular salaries have been increasing in recent years as well. Over the past thirty to thirty–five years teacher's salaries have increased dramatically. It has been shown that the average school teacher, who works in the Northeast, will make anywhere between thirty–two and forty–five thousand dollars annually plus previously listed benefits. It is also probable that these average salaries are only going to increase with time, thus attracting many more to the field of teaching. With increased salaries, personal gratification, and enjoyable benefits being a teacher's main attractant, job security should be at the top of this list as well. If a teacher has been granted tenure after his or her first few years in their profession, he or she may not be removed from their Get more content on
  • 6. A Good Teacher Essay Who is a teacher and what makes a good teacher? By definition, a teacher is a person who teaches, especially in school, but can anyone be a teacher? That is a matter of the possession of qualification and the overall talent utilized whilst on the workforce. Having such qualification simply doesn't create a good teacher, though. Becoming a good teacher requires work, effort and time that one must be willing to sacrifice from their daily lives. A good teacher must be able to teach the students clearly. He/she must be well prepared, whether it is regarding the lesson of the day or any sudden questions the pupil may ask. A good teacher should have confidence with themselves and be organized at all times. A good teacher respects his/her job and tries to be as effective as possible. But from being a good teacher, there is one higher form of teachers' ranking and that is being a great and effective teacher. Being a good teacher is easy, but being a great teacher requires more effort than what is usually expected and required. With being a great teacher, teaching is not a job, but more content... With that knowledge only can a person be creative about it. A certain degree of knowledge is essential for one person to be able to adapt it to any situation or use it as an output in the education industry whilst teaching. But can intelligent people be creative? Few studies have claimed that not all intelligent people can be creative, but other researches have shown this to be fabricated. Creativity is claimed to be the highest form of intelligence. So, should creativity be looked upon as if opposed to intelligence? Creativity is one of the qualities of intelligence; same way as analytical intelligence and practical intelligence. Although analytical and practical intelligence plays an important role, without creativity, the task loses the touch of the creator, thus making it the same as everyone Get more content on
  • 7. teacher expectations Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the behaviour and educational success of students and as such they carry a huge responsibility in the classroom. Everything the teacher says or do has a great impact on students' lives as students depend on the teacher for guidance, for determining acceptable and social behaviour in the classroom and more importantly their learning and academic success. In addition, the role played by the teacher in fostering students learning causes them to exhibit certain attitudes which could have a long lasting negative or positive influence on students. Based on research it was surmised that high teacher expectation mean that the teacher believe that the student is a high–achiever and the more content... Furthermore, promoting the expression of ideas in a free, non judgmental way in the classroom is of great importance. The way teachers can understand the student's point of view on various topics and may be the outcome of this can be greater appreciation and understanding. Based on the evidence provided from this concluded research, it can be inferred that positive expectations led to more successful outcomes. Therefore negative or low expectations result in poor levels of success. Hence, the following consequences can be discussed to show how teacher expectations influence students learning in the classroom. When teachers have low expectations of students their learning is negatively impacted and affected in several different ways. The teacher's and the students' attitude to their work is wrapped in low motivation, because teachers seem to think that because much is not expected and if the teacher lacks effective strategies for working with such students, then the outcome of success is low then they are less likely to want to teach these students and teach them well. If per chance the student notices the teacher's attitude towards them then again it doesn't work well as it is perceived as evidence of their low competence and the drive to perform well is erased. In addition to both teacher and student experiencing low levels of motivation, little to no attention is paid to the Get more content on
  • 8. Elementary School Teaching Essay Elementary School Teaching Elementary School Teacher Elementary school teachers teach pupils at levels kindergarten through sixth grade or, in some cases, through eighth grade a wide range of academic, social, emotional, and motor skills. They plan and present programs of instruction using methods and materials to meet the needs of the students. In order for all this to happen though, Elementary School Teachers must have a passion for educating as well as love children. Education requires dedication, organization, and thought out lesson plans on a daily basis. To ensure that the students get top–notch education, teachers attend staff meetings, serve on committees, and attend workshops or in–service training more content... Although many teachers usually work alone in a class with a group of students, an increasing number of schools are now providing teacher aides who are supervised by the teacher, assist with clerical tasks, lunch and playground activities. About one public Elementary School Teacher in six is a member of a teaching team in which two or more teachers work closely teacher. An example of is would be when I was in fifth grade. My teacher, who graded, inspired, and taught me was Mr. Dekire. But Mrs. Biro team taught with Mr. Dekire and it would be like Mrs. Biro would do lectures and Mr. Dekire would do group work. This cuts down on the amount of work one person must have accomplished for the student. As a future teacher, I would hope to have an aide. Therefore, I would have more time for lesson planning and organizing the class. Not to mention, I would have more time socially to relax. Public Elementary Teachers in Michigan spend an average of 36 hours per week in the classroom and an additional 9 or so hours grading papers, attending meetings, keeping records, making reports, and supervising after–school activities. With an aide, I feel those 9 hours would cut down dramatically for the teacher. The nature of work for Elementary School Teachers is that they play a vital role in the development of children. What children learn and experience during their early years can shape their views of humanity, and affect future success or failure in school, work, and their Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Teachers and Students Teachers and Students The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective. The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of the skills of more content... Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate them, but also keep them busy. Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this Get more content on