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Essay about Features of Post Modern Fictions
Some of the dominant features of postmodern fictions include temporal disorder, the erosion of the
sense of time, a foregrounding of words as fragmenting material signs, a pervasive and pointless use
of pastiche, loose association of ideas, paranoia and the creation of vicious circles or a loss of
destination between separate levels of discourse, which are all symptoms of the language disorders
of postmodernist fictions. The postmodern novel may be summed up as:
Late modernism.
Not avant–garde tendency (may be avant–garde within a literary period).
Emphasizes plot than character.
Characters are fragmented/multiple.
Denigration of female writers.
Matter of packaging.
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Choudhary states:
The major feature of this kind of fiction lies in the subversion of the assumptions and generic traits
and function of fiction, including modernist novel. Generically postmodernist fiction is self–
questioning in nature, skeptical about its possibilities, rules and principles. Its function is
disillusionary; it dives into the underside of fiction and explodes its fallacies...Postmodernist text
directs itself to the suspension of meaning by using disruptive narrative, polyphony, multiple ending
and the like thereby frustrating intelligibility. It is devoid of teleology and causality (12). Some
critics are of the view that postmodern fictions do not convey any moral values and imparts untrue
elements. "In a postmodern word, literature is just another text. You can forget all that stuff about
truth and value–and other alienating lies perpetual by a deliberately selective version of history
controlled by crazy power freaks and their lackey dupes. 'Truth' is only what circulates as such:
hence the importance of technology and the media to an understanding of 'our' world today. 'Values'
are only effects of cultural traditions; hence the importance of becoming cynical today, in order not
to be suppressed under the suffocating of 'culture' and 'tradition'" (Lucy viii). A.S.D. Pillai states
The contemporary cultural situation, the postmodern text reveals in its construction a world of
valueless vaudeville. But, as has been repeatedly pointed out, black
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Essay on Post Modern Artists
Post Modern Artists The realm of postmodern art encompasses various aspects of contemporary
styles. There is no set format to creating artwork anymore. Art pieces in the past basically
conformed to the Kantian–Hegelian theory of art. Thomas McEvilley claim, "It was essentially an
aesthetic theory of art, which held Beauty is a universal force that enters the soul with immediate,
unquestionable authority at the instant when the soul approaches the beautiful object with openness
to it" (qtd. in Weintraub 245). Beauty became an inborn characteristic of art. Pieces of artwork
inevitably possessed the quality of beauty, seeking to inspire and touch the soul with powerful,
aesthetically pleasing images. ... Show more content on ...
Nature is polluted due to human development. Mel Chin, contemporary artist, attempts to heal the
earth through his artwork. Chin explains his artwork as a, "plausible method of leaching heavy
metals out of tainted soil, safely trapping the toxins in the vascular structure of the plant and mining
ash (after proper incineration) to provide a beneficial and economic potential" (qtd. in Weintraub
46). "Revival Field" is a piece of artwork that purifies polluted earth by using plants which trap the
chemicals in their roots. Author Linda Wentraub claims, "he invents strategies for solving real–life
problems" (47). "Revival Field" offers a successful integration of science and art by solving the
problem of toxic land and also demonstrating the use of new mediums such earth as source of art.
Mel Chin is a prime example of the contemporary artist at work. He goes beyond merely
recognizing the problem of pollution but also acts to solve it. He forces the audience to ask
themselves what can be done about pollution? The solutions can be as complex as his system of
"Revival Field" or as simple as recycling waste products. Another problem in society is a lack of
faith. The New Testament teaches us that Jesus Christ was crucified. He suffered betrayal and
torment. Society no longer directly relates with this image of Christ. It has become somewhat
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Essay on Postmodern condition
1. What is meant by the 'postmodern condition'? Postmodernism can be called "a condition of
contemporary culture", it is a modern movement which is strong, ambiguous, very popular and
controversial. However, it is very difficult to explain the term because there is no full clarity what
the term really means. As one can read in The Condition of Postmodernity it is "a mine–field of
conflicting notions" and "a battleground of conflicting opinions and political forces". There are so
many interpretations, definitions and evaluations of the term that it is hardly possible to build a
coherent definition, or to be brave enough to attempt to describe it. Almost everyone has a different
opinion about it, advocate "for" or "against" or are ... Show more content on ...
One of the hyperreality images and the world of imagination (Baudrillard writes) is Disneyland,
which is the perfect model of all those confusing orders of simulation. It is primarily a game of
illusions and phantasms. Imaginary world of Disneyland is neither true nor false. It is a space of
regeneration of the world of imagination, reminiscent of a recycling factory. Thus, the world of the
imagination of children and adults is a rubbish, the first great civilization hyper real pollution.
Disneyland is a prototype of this new feature on the mental area. As one can read in Simulacra and
Simulation "It is no longer a question of a false representation of reality (ideology) but of concealing
the fact that the real is no longer real, and thus of saving the reality principle".
Another example of " flipping " a deeper reality by its overriding, and then hiding its deficiencies,
through breaking any relations with it and finally achieving the status of its simulacrum, completely
emancipated from the power of what is real is the Sokal hoax. Sokal saw a marked reduction in the
standards of intellectual reliability in some American humanistic academic circles. That is why he
decided to do the "experiment", which consisted in checking whether the leading American journal
dedicated to cultural research will publish a text full of nonsense, if it only sound good. It turned out
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The Journey Of Postmodern Art
The Journey to Postmodern Art The field of visual art is extremely broad, therefore art historians
have been attempting to categorize it based on style, time of creation, and subject matter for
centuries. Much like any other sociological aspect of life, the culture and time period in which it was
made has a great impact on the artist which directly influences their art. Though art is and always
has been a way for someone to express themselves, limitations from certain parties took some of
that experience away from the artist. This allows people to analyze and understand how various
facets of society, the government specifically, have been able to limit the types of art that have been
created throughout the years. For example, when the ... Show more content on ...
In addition to this, a large percentage of Renaissance art came about through the means of patrons. A
patron gives an artist funding to complete a work of their liking, and most of them tended to be
members of wealthy families, people involved in politics, or religious institutions (
Obviously artists could create whatever they wanted, as long as they created something that went
along the guidelines or instructions they were given. According to the Italian Renaissance Learning
Resources, art historians often compared the patron and artist relationship to that of a shoemaker,
carpenter, or a common laborer and their clients ("Artists and Patrons"). On the other hand,
depending on the patron, the artist could begin to make a name for themselves and rise above the
identity of being no more than an "anonymous craftsman". ("Artists and Patrons"). Though still
obligated with specific rules, the renaissance is credited with changing the identity of the artist
through the formation of artist guilds and associations ( Another prominent example of
particularities that surrounded the production of art is the Salon. The Academies previously
discussed continued to thrive until the late 1800's, leading to the creation of the annual Salon
exhibition. Members of the French Academy of Fine Arts could only participate in the exhibition if
their pieces were
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Ethnographic Reflection Paper
For my ethnographic report, I focused on my responses and those of the people I interacted with in
person on 8 November 2016 upon willingly choosing to give up all gadgets and devices with
internet capabilities for 24 hours. Ideally, the decision to disconnect on the 8th revolves around the
recently concluded Presidential elections in the United States. The goal was to ascertain my
responses towards every ongoing off–line aspect in my life without any forms of online interaction
in order to gauge my personal understanding of socio–political events and debates related to the
election. The twenty–four–hour disconnection began at midnight and ended on 9 November. The
morning of the election was particularly difficult due to the excitement caused ... Show more content
on ...
However, everything changed once the election results began to favor Trump. I learnt of the changes
as I shared a meal with my friends after they voted. The terror and despair we each felt reminded me
of the hyper reality Baudrillard foretold in his works about the postmodern society. In Simulation
and Simularca, Baudrillard cites the evidentiary changes observable in the postmodern era, marked
mainly by the emergence of the simulation society (McQueen, 2014, p.8). The defining aspect
Baudrillard notes of this period is the subjection, acceptance and adaptation of the hyper reality
presented in forms of media, art and photography that ultimately define the culture of this period,
effectively becoming the means of discerning and prescribing codes and models that define
everyday life for people (Baldwin, 2015). He believed that the images and spectacles immensely
mesmerize the media–saturated consciousness in postmodern society that the meaning behind the
depictions becomes less significant for the people and eventually dissipates into oblivion (Deuz,
2012, p.366). In essence, media is increasingly becoming the dictator of reality for the postmodern
society and Baudrillard believed the only means of awakening people to this fact would be through
an extreme representation of reality to the point the
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Postmodern Youtube Research Paper
YouTube is filled with social media personalities and aspiring artists. For the lucky few, the power
of YouTube and social media has catalyzed their name into national brands. The heart of this trend is
based on a numbers game. On average, a Facebook user has 245 friends. If one video is shared by
several people and takes off in popularity, it quickly spreads throughout the Internet. With a viral
video, millions of views can be accumulated in just a few short days. For the following three song
artists, YouTube and social media has brought fame and fortune. Although it has taken more than a
few Facebook likes to get to the top, these artists can attribute most of their fame to the power of
social media. Postmodern Jukebox Headed by Scott Bradlee, Postmodern Jukebox started in 2009.
At the time, Scott Bradlee was struggling to make ends meet as a jazz musician in New York City. ...
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Growing up with two half–siblings, Bieber was raised by a single mother. He started studying at a
French–language school in Stratford where he was taught how to play various instruments. Before
long, he was able to play the trumpet, piano, guitar and drums. Although he had plenty of talent,
Justin Bieber did not attract the attention of the music industry until one fateful day in 2007. At the
time, Bieber was in a singing competition in Stratford. He sang Ne–Yo's "So Sick" and took second
in the contest. Like most mothers, Bieber's mom was proud of her son and decided to place a video
of his performance on YouTube. Over the next few months, she continued to upload videos of
Bieber covering various R&B songs. Throughout this time, Bieber's popularity on YouTube only
grew. His first viral video was of Chris Brown's "With You" in 2007. Despite racking up YouTube
views, Bieber would never have become famous if a strange twist of fate had not
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Modernism And Its Impact On Society
After the events of WWII, to say that America had changed drastically was an understatement; with
the entirety of the Cold War, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and all the other political strife at home
and abroad, America during this time could be considered an era of conflicting ideals. As a result of
this change of times, literature changed it's perspective; effectively, the transition from modernist
ideals to postmodernist ideals. Much like modernism, however, post–modernism offered to reject
ideals presented by both prior literary trends and the popular ideas of their time; yet for
postmodernism, the rejection mostly dealt with homogeneity (a conformed universal standard
defined by advancements in American quality of life) and how literature deconstructs the ideas of
homogeneity (Byam 2259–2260). Yet many of these deconstructions during this era ended up
clashing due to increased influences of psychological and sociological advancements, which gave
better understanding of human nature; which then lead to a major schism between literary writers
and critics. As a result, many writers during that era flourished from that clash of ideals (albeit long
after their works were published); yet one, in particular, stands out: Flannery O'Connor. Specifically,
O'Connor is a notable postmodernist American writer out of her own take of the movement: a witty
deconstruction of conventional regionalist tropes. Flannery O'Connor, to briefly summarize her life,
was born in Savannah, Georgia
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Postmodern American Women
Within a postmodern era, the fertility rates across the western countries have experienced a rapid
decline. A transition from a relatively high to a relatively low fertility rate. Throughout the
development in the society, there are many fundamental changes which cause the decrease in the
fertility rate. This essay will discuss....
Historically, the institution of marriage sets the context within which love, sex, and childbearing is
legitimated. Previously, there was only one pathway to parenthood. All women and men were
authorized to have kids soon after their marriage. The role of women's body was naturally structured
to childbearing. Women who fail to reproduce were strongly stigmatized in society. They were
looked down upon their status ... Show more content on ...
This includes the social exchange theory, postmaterialist theory, and gender equality theory. The
social exchange theory indicates individual's intention on the cost and benefit of childbearing. Since
working and childbearing are mutually exclusive. If women choose to have children, they are forced
giving up their workforce. The postmaterialist theory, emphasis individual's values of self–
preferences more than the traditional authority of childbearing. Preston stated that as we shift into an
egalitarian era, more weight is placed on individuals self–fulfilment as they prefer to pursue their
own goals rather than becoming parents. The gender equality theory represents the social changes in
gender roles, which alters individuals outcome towards childbearing. As women get similar
privilege as men, the likelihood of childbearing reduces. This is because of the institution rise in
education , employment and
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Theism in a Postmodern World
Theism in a Postmodern World by Billy Bush Religious Worldviews RELS 402 Professor W. C.
Calhoun June 22, 2009 Abstract In today's postmodern world, ideals of being consumed with self
and self appropriated ideas of truth leave God forgotten and to them, God is dead. This same thought
process see's no reason or logic to bring God into the picture let alone into their lives. The pervasive
postmodern worldview today includes precepts such that self decides who we become, as well as, is
not necessary to have a God who should be in control of our lives. It is difficult for a Christian to
live out his theistic worldview in today's postmodern world, but it can be done because of our
beliefs in God. Like ... Show more content on ...
(John 3:16, NIV). Many people ask "If God is just, why is there evil?" (Forte, 2003). The answer to
this is simple, evil exists because humans choose to disobey and fall into sin. The disobedience of
man is the original cause and current cause of evil in this world, not God. Christian theism includes
what happens to a person when they die. "For each person death is either the gate to life with God
and His people or the gate to eternal separation from the only thing that will ultimately fulfill human
aspirations" (Sire, 2004). Inevitably, there are only two destination choices; either we will go to
heaven or hell. Hell was not only created by God for Satan and those angels who chose to defy
God's will but also for those who have chosen to reject Christ's love and to follow Him. Christian
theism defines how ethics relates to the role of humans. "Ethics is transcendent and is based on the
character of God as good [holy and loving]" (Sire, 2004). Theism teaches the universe is moral and
there is an absolute standard by which we should all judge things. God is "the" standard and all
issues should be judged next to His standard. Christian Theism teaches us, "History is linear, a
meaningful sequence of events leading to the fulfillment of God's purposes for humanity" (Sire,
2004). History, as we know, began when God created this world. History is not simply a story seen
as possibly or potentially true, depending upon from who
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The Existential And Postmodern Approaches
According to Merriam–Webster, the definition of a relation is "a state of being mutually or
reciprocally interested," which relationship is a connection by the way the of relations (Relation,
2017). Since the term relationship is defined, therapy is then a process with a purpose; for example,
the resolution of clients' problems. To achieve the treatment that the patient needs, the innovative
approach must attain the goal for the patient's point of mutual interest with the therapist, who also
has a common interest in resolving the patient's problems. Addressing the patient's problems means
accomplishing some changes in the way the client perceives, thinks, feels, sees their reality. This
small detail requires active participation from the ... Show more content on ...
Every single activity, session, interaction that the client and therapist execute jointly in the course of
their combined struggle to help the patient deal with life more effectively with life's most
challenging aspect is the therapeutic relationship (Oliveira, Sousa, & Pires, 2012, p. 295). Flexibility
from both the therapist and the client must be given at all times to be able to co–create a new story
with the patient. The therapist's listening and attending to the sessions are essential to this part of the
relationship. This approach is like a trial and error run. Since the therapist has never previously
worked with this client before, each encounter in therapy is like uncharted territory for both the
client and the therapist. The therapist cannot rely on fixed techniques and procedures for treatment;
flexibility is a must, especially in the aspect of changing (Slife, 2005). The client will change with
the therapist's help, and flexibility from both parties is needed. If not, the therapeutic relationship
will be affected. This therapeutic relationship is an on–going project throughout the treatment
process. The relationship is built by how the client and therapist work together on creating new
narratives based on new lived experiences in more empowering ways and promoting change.
As important as the bond between a client and therapist is advantageous for therapy, it does not
constitute the fullness of the relationship. Clients also bond with
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Modern Literature And Modernism
It can be argued that the survival and cooperation of human civilisation have relied upon societies
adopting a persistent and coherent understanding of how the world ought to work. For these ideas to
flourish, it was necessary for society to accept these perceptions of the world they lived in as the
undeniable truth. However, during the twentieth century, the majority of these unshakeable truths
were revealed to be problematic, or at the very least, not an absolute given, such as Christianity,
scientific reason (Hanna, 38) and the European superiority that was used to justify colonialism
(Israel in Bradshaw & Dettmar 124). This lead to the movement that has been referred to by scholars
as modernism. Thus modernists made the attempt to invent new styles of literature that focused on
characters, subjective personal experience (Hanna 77). This was done to demonstrate "the
realization that modern life is not natural, but is historically constructed and continually undergoing
transformations" (Walz, 10). However, whilst these new techniques displayed a sense of uncertainty
in the understanding of how the world works there was still a lingering expectation that there had to
be some overarching truth. It just had to be discovered. However, postmodernism completely
disintegrated this perception. This essay will examine the concept of grand narratives and how they
have been implemented in the past. Additionally, this will result in demonstrating how and why
postmodern text deconstructs grand narratives. In order to do this, this essay will present two
postmodern texts: the film Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino and the novel Sexting The Cherry by
Jeanette Winterson. Thus, showing how these two texts use postmodern techniques to deconstruct
grand narratives. Particularly, how they deconstruct the perception of time.
Before getting into the crux of the chosen postmodern texts, the concept or grand narratives,
otherwise known as metanarratives needs to be addressed. According to scholar Jan–Francois
Lyotard, grand narratives can be described as the "quintessential form of customary knowledge"
(19). This umbrella term of grand narrative is used to describe the ideas and perception society has
over a variety of subject
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Postmodern Religion
Problem Statements:
1) The local church must learn to focus its energy/efforts in the community where is resides. How
can we learn to serve and love our neighbors when we do not even know our literal neighbors next
door? As Nehemiah told the people in Jerusalem who were rebuilding the walls of the city, you must
begin where you are at–where you live.
2) We live in a time of great ecological and environmental crisis in which the local church must
provide a theological and tangible response. Global warming is not only a threat to animals and
land, but to humans as well (all creation). Additionally, this is not only an environmental issue, but
also an issue of social justice (race, poverty, etc.).
3) The local church must proclaim a robust understanding ... Show more content on
Of course, this is impossible. The good news that God is reconciling all creation through Christ
presses upon every aspect of our lives (past, present, future). If we are to be true to the gospel
message, we can no longer simply relegate it to "a way to get to heaven when we die" (or avoid hell)
or simply substitute it for a liberal, progressive agenda. In our postmodern era people are wondering
whether the gospel message is true, and to discern whether it is true, they look to the Christians to
see whether or not the truth of the gospel has any tangible effects on the way we live in and see the
world. Unfortunately, far too often, we have failed to incarnate the gospel message and re–present
the body of Christ to the world. My hope, however, is to offer one tangible way in which we live out
the gospel. Not only are we creating a space to share the good news of God's love for all creation
(and God's redemptive work in the world), but we are actively engaging with God in the work of
new creation by living out our faith. Our message to our neighbors is simple: We believe God loves
you–and not only you, but all creation. And we do too. We want to join with God in celebrating,
cherishing and transforming the world. Green Evangelism is a way of spreading the good news and
telling our neighbors that they are loved and cherished by God and their local church. It's a way of
serving them and telling them that the church cares about the earth too. Even if they are not
interested in saving the earth or "going green," the gift of the LED lightbulbs is a way of helping
them save money ($150/year savings would be a huge help to our low–middle class neighborhood)–
which is a whole lot better than a pen or a mug with "Piney Mountain UMC" on it. Our hope is to
embody our faith to our neighbors and
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Postmodern Pluralism
Postmodern Pluralism and its Effect on Truth and Reconciliation Art: Going Home Star
In 2008, the government created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, hereafter referred to as
TRC, committed to the tasks of discovering the truth about Canada's Indian Residential Schools,
revealing this truth to all Canadians, and attempting to reconcile the relationship between
Indigenous and non–Indigenous Canadians. One of the ways the TRC suggested to facilitate this
reconciliation process is through the creative arts. Indeed, in the last few years, Canada has seen a
host of artistic projects launched which seek to heal and reconcile this relationship, these projects
will hereafter be referred to as 'reconciliation art'. One of the most prominent ... Show more content
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In addition to representing different cultural traditions, postmodernism tends to combine and present
both "classical and vernacular traditions," within a culture (classical in the colloquial sense, not just
music belonging to the classical era). In doing so, it sets itself up as anti–elitist, as it does not
distinguish between 'high' and 'low' culture in the same way modern music did. Postmodernism is, at
its core, a rejection of modernist traits; therefore since modernism was only for an elite few,
postmodernism aims to reach out and appeal to a larger audience. Going Home Star explores many
different genres of music throughout the piece. Take, for example, the opening sequence. In the first
twenty minutes, we hear influences from "big band music, dubstep, hip–hop, Swan Lake and
anything in between." Swan Lake is an example of 'classical' music while big band, dubstep, and
hip–hop are all forms of vernacular music. This notion of anti–elitism was very important to Hatzis
when composing Going Home Star, because he wanted any audience member to be able to connect
with the music, even if they aren't trained in classical music. His main consideration was to not
"alienate our native population." Reconciliation art must fight against elitism in order to not alienate
any audience members. Anti–elitism, through pluralism of genre, is another element of
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Postmodern Influence On Revelations
The first model proclaims that revelation only conspires in scripture and doctrines of the church.
These statements were greatly active in the Roman Orthodox, which is set that those Holy Spirit
powers were given due their time. Contradicting, these models did show the grace of God in past
times, it fails to show postmodern views in which revelation has occurred in today's society. The
second contends on an idea of studying history, that will convey a form in revelation in due time.
History does repeat itself in many cases, though it does not hinder any spiritual guidance. Learning
from history will draw people more close to the word, though revelation could happen when God
wants it. For example of John, when he was cast to Patmos, while if
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Toni Morrison Literary Devices
The postmodernist period was a period in literary period where writers used their voices to express
how they felt about what was going on in the world around them. During the postmodern period
there was many events going on that would cause an author to feel a certain way and feel the need to
express themselves. An event that could make an author feel the need to express themselves during
this period is the Civil Rights Movement. As a result of the Civil Rights Movement, a color fence, or
barrier of sorts between African Americans and white people, was created based on opportunity and
privilege. In an analysis of Toni Morrison's short stories "Sweetness", "The Color Fetish", and "The
Work You Do, The Person You Are", one can see how the postmodernist elements of irony and
allusions are demonstrated.
Morrison uses literary devices to her advantage when she is trying to explain her argument and
create an overall tone and feeling of her writing. The postmodern period was shaped by its use of
literary devices to prove a point and open our eyes to the world they were seeing, irony was just one
of the devices Morrison used specifically. "Parody, irony, and narrative instability often inform the
tone." (CollegeBoard, Slide. 31). The authors found a way to express themselves through their use
of literary devices is their way of expressing their tone and using diction to keep their audience
interested. Also, when they use devices such as irony it can provide a picture for the audience
making them create a connection to the time period. Toni Morrison's use of irony is evident
throughout her works but one was eye catching was, "It's not my fault. So you can't blame me."
(Sweetness, para. 1). This is a very ironic statement because Lula Ann's mother is discriminating
against her for how "black" she is based on the pure fact that her color is going to make her an
outcast in society. This was the beginning for Lula Ann because she wouldn't have the same
opportunity to pass as a white person and receive the same opportunity granted to those of that skin
color. Directly supporting the idea of the color barrier and the extent people would go to just to try
and receive the opportunities.
As a postmodern author, you cannot
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Postmodern Artist, Mark tansey
Artist Mark Tansey was born in San Jose, California in 1949 to his father and mother Richard and
Luraine Tansey. Tansey did not grow up alone; he had three other siblings. His mother is a graduate
student from Mills College where she was a part of the Art Honor Society and received a Master's
Degree in Fine Arts. She also was known as the one who created the "first universal slide". His
father, Richard Tansey was an educated man. He attended Harvard University and received all three
degrees in art. One could say that his parents inspired him to be an artist.
Unlike some children who change their profession from the time they can speak until the time they
actually get to college, Mark Tansey knew he would be an artist and he was determined to make it
possible. Tansey attended classes at the San Francisco Art Institute as a teen, but graduated from the
Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles in 1972. While he was there, he studied with artists
such as Lorser Feitelson (modern artist). However, Tansey studied historic art in New York at
Hunter College. In his work, he basically used simple objects, paintbrushes, and paint. He has been
working around the New York and Los Angeles area most of his life. He lives in Los Angeles where
he has a studio for him to continue his work.
Style of Art/ Period in History Mark Tansey is a postmodern artist. Postmodern art is a Twentieth
century movement that is quite opposite from modern art. Postmodern is where artists use realistic
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The Intertextuality Of Postmodern In The Woods
The Cabin in the Woods begins with a foreboding score playing over the credit sequence wherein
images of sacrificial rituals are displayed within pools of blood. Given the tagline, "You think you
know the story.", most audience members would assume they've seen countless movies like this
before, and to a minor extent, they'd be correct in their assumption. However, from the point that the
ominous, blood–soaked intro credits smash cuts to a break room where two men have a mundane
conversation, the viewer no longer knows what to expect. This serves as the perfect introduction into
what Isabel Cristina Pinedo describes as the "unstable, paranoid universe" of the postmodern horror
film, The Cabin in the Woods. Pinedo defines the postmodern world ... Show more content on ...
The film references, not only slasher films, but a wide array of horror fiction. Out of the numerous
references to other horror films, one of the most obvious is the cabin, which is likely a reference to
The Evil Dead. Another Evil Dead reference comes in the form of one of the monsters, named
'Angry Molesting Tree' and among the wide variety of monsters, the references range from Pinhead
from Hellraiser to Kevin from Sin City. Near the end of the film, The Director (Sigourney Weaver),
who played a Final Girl in the film Alien, mentions that "[the ritual] is different for every culture.
And it changes over the years, but it's very specific.". The audience is given brief glimpses into
other rituals, the most prominent being Japan's. Japan never went through a 'slasher film' phase like
the U.S.; instead, Japanese horror films often revolve around the supernatural; usually in the form of
pale–white, ghost girls with long dark hair, who torment young victims. "Almost all classic and
contemporary ghost stories from Japan operate on onnen ("the idea that some emotions are so strong
that their power can extend from beyond the grave"): ...witness Sadako's character in The Ring, the
antagonist in Juon...". A couple references even seem to predate the advent of film. Some examples
include the intro credit sequence, the painting that
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Examples Of Postmodern Epistemology
If the seed of knowledge is belief, what turns belief into knowledge? This is where justification
comes in (some philosophers use the term "warrant" to refer to this element). A person knows
something if they're justified in believing it to be true (and, of course, it actually is true). There are
dozens of competing theories of justification and there is little consensus about which is the right
one. It's sometimes easier to describe when a belief isn't justified than when it is. In general,
philosophers agree that a person isn't justified if their belief is:
a product of wishful thinking (e.g. I really wish you would love me so I believe you love me)
a product of fear or guilt (e.g. you're terrified of death and so form ... Show more content on ...
They drive cars, fly in airplanes, make computer programs, and even write books! But how is this
possible if they take such a fluid view of truth? Postmodernists don't eschew truth in general. They
reject the idea that any one person's beliefs about it can be certain. Rather, they claim that truth
emerges through community agreement. Suppose scientists are attempting to determine whether the
planet is warming and that humans are the cause. This is a complex question and a postmodernist
might say that if the majority of scientists agree that the earth is warming and that humans are the
cause, then that's true. Notice that the criteria for "truth" is that scientists agree. To use the taxonomy
above, this would be the "justification condition." So we might say that postmodernists accept the
first and third conditions of the tripartite view but reject the second condition: the idea that there is a
truth that is "out there." Rather, truth is a product of people in a given community meeting the third
condition and it is not something separate from
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Blade Runner Postmodern
I decided to watch the movie Blade Runner, because it was a movie that I had never seen before, but
I personally found it boring, sorry if I offended anyone, but that's my opinion. It seemed so outdated,
but I understand from what I watched, it had a lot of fashions, and hairstyles from the 1980's. We
already have robots that look and act like humans in the year 2015 they can be seen in Japan. The
robots or replicates were a creation of the Tyrell Corporation and when these robots started to
develop their own ideas, the company hired a group of Blade Runners to kill them. In the scenes of
killing of the robots it was so human like, it was like killing a human. Decker finally develops a
conscience when having to kill robots, he doesn't want ... Show more content on ...
Futuristic dystopia components are found in this film helped with the understanding of how
postmodern films are made, it definitely gives you a different way of looking at things. Since this
film takes place in Los Angeles which is a postmodern city, that is bleak, and dingy, with an
overpopulation of people that contributed to the pollution and decay of the city. The loss of
humanity can be seen throughout the film, the characters only look out for themselves. Society in
general had become a pit of decay. Los Angeles was made into a pastiche of science fiction with the
use of hoovering cars. The large advertisement of the Japanese woman seemed like a place to go to
get away from the decay of Los Angeles. The use of lighting, characters, editing, and the setting
were characteristics of a postmodern film. When Ruth saved the life of Decker this is something that
hadn't been programmed into her system, she showed empathy towards him. I feel that Decker had
actually loss his sense of identity, and he was trying to get it back by not killing anymore robots
after Nexus 6, that's why I think he and Ruth were on their way to disappear. I did find it interesting
that Decker was replicant, this makes me think about a line in the film when he was testing Ruth,
when he was asked how many questions it would take for him
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Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement
Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement
Postmodernism, the current art movement, seems to allude comprehensive understanding. Most
intellectuals understand what dictates and decides a postmodern piece, but are incapable of
constructing a precise criteria for determining a postmodern piece due to the broad perception of the
idea. The book Interviews with Hideous Men written by David Foster Wallace and the Japanese
Animation Space Dandy are both examples of what might be considered an example of a
postmodern piece in their respective fields. Although, the way in which both embody these ideals in
appropriation, the focus on mundane subject matter, and the presence of artist intention in
postmodern works are on opposite sides of the movement. According to, , the postmodern
movement is the deconstruction of modernism and previous art movements in order to allow for
creativity and originality while not being restricted to rules and standards previously set by an
artistic discipline's predecessors. While this seems to be a rather vague concept in which a creative
movement is constructed upon, there are traits that have been established that are considered
common in what would classified as postmodern pieces. These elements that seem to be most
common in this particular genre are the focus on appropriation over creation, the focus on the
mundane, and artist intention among many others. The complexity of postmodern works is an
indicator for something of this movement because it
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The Postmodern Worldview And Its Popular Relativistic
In this paper I will consider the postmodern worldview and its popular relativistic claims alongside
of my theistic worldview where God almighty exist and as such, has revealed Himself to the world.
For the postmodern worldview, the ideas and behaviors of man are more of a perception of what
reality is and not an absolute. Phillips, Brown, and Stonestreet (2008) refer to postmodernism this
way, "The focus of postmodernism is on how we perceive and how we describe what the world is"
(p.53). Further, the postmodern interpretations of truth can be evaluated through the different
communities, religions, and cultures where all are equally distinct and valid. In contrast, a theist
roots their beliefs in the existence of God. "The most ... Show more content on ...
What do I believe to be true in with my theistic worldview and why do I believe it? Because of
God's revelation to and through His creation, I/we can see a purpose and a definitive plan for
mankind. "History is ordained by God–there is a purpose and a goal for the course of human and
natural events" (p.97). In essence God's plan is for order and not chaos and His works are purposeful
and through His accord. "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace–as in all the congregations
of the Lord's people" (1 Corinthians 14:33, New International Version). God's nature and character
are also revealed to mankind as is our duty to love one another. "Whoever does not love does not
know God, because God is Love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and
only Son in to the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but
that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins"
(1 John 4:8–10, New International Version). God models the permanence love, a love that never
fails or dies and is eternal. Love is significant to the Creator and thus must be applied and carried
out by the created! God has also impressed on hearts a moral order and demonstrates His
sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness to His creation. I believe, trust, and walk in this truth of
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The Postmodern Organisation
The postmodern organisation. Introduction The millennial generation is the technologically savvy
people born between 1982 and 2002. This group of people are anticipated to take over from the
infamous Baby Boomers. The millennial generation This generation is best described as the first to
try out new technologies that are on the market. They will usually own more than one smart phone,
an example would be an Iphone, Blackberry or even a Samsung. They don't just stop at smart
phones it also overlaps onto gaming consoles like the Play Station, Nintendo and Xbox. There is the
use of Ipads and life pads in the lives of the Millennial generation, this is because they there is
constant movement and an internet connection is vital. In these devices they can move around on
different interfaces, e.g. being on your smart phone and checking your emails while you chat on
BBM and Facebook–multi tasking on all their various social networks. According to Pew Social
Trends 2010 Millennials' "technological exceptionalism is chronicled throughout the survey. It's not
just their gadgets–it's the way they've fused their social lives into them." Expectations of the
millennial generation The attitudes and behaviours of the millennial generation is that they are much
more tolerant and accepting than the generations before them on a broad spectrum of issues such as
HIV/AIDS, being more open about ones sexuality and being different. Generation Y is more
adaptable to change as well so
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Tattoing: Postmodern Self
Postmodern self
– Tattoing – During the past decades, tattoing and piercings have become more and more popular
through people of all ages. Most of them started embracing this form of art regardless of its meaning
or background. Perhaps the most important change has been the transformation of tattooing from the
ostensibly „deviant" practice, to the popular – cultural phenomenon it is today. The first criteria
sociologists use to define this is as constituting or causing a kind of social harm. Since much of what
might be considered to be socially harmful rests on the values of the person doing it, what is
regarded as „bad" behaviour, „disgusting", „shocking" or „ inappropriate" appearance is largely a
matter of taste. A second way of understanding ... Show more content on ...
The reason why I decided to firstly approach this matter from this perspective is to emphasise the
fact that most people have been having a different take on things that might not be as wide and
healthy as it should be. Although tattooing may be thought of as a new phenomenon, is has been
used for many centuries by exotic tribes and ancient civilizations as a form of identity and cultural
celebrations. Tattooing has a very diverse past including used for identity, status, and decorative
purposes. The earliest known form of tattooing is dated back to Ancient Egypt. Slaves were marked
for the pyramid that they were assigned to construct. Criminals were also marked and sometimes a
family would mark themselves. With the growth of the Egyptian empire, so did the practice of
tattooing. Many tribes in Asia Minor and southern Asia including the Chinese adopted the art form
around 2,000 B.C. These tribes in Asia and China were known to tattoo themselves according to
their religion or traditions. Tattoos were places around the wrists or fingers because it was believed
to help ward away illnesses and bad luck. As time passed,
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Postmodern Jukebox
Most people have felt that feeling they just do not belong where they are, or are not good enough for
something. These are the feelings that went through Tom Yorke, the singer and songwriter of British
band Radiohead, while writing one of the bands biggest hits, "Creep". These feeling and emotions
are recreated and brought to a new level when covered by Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart.
Postmodern Jukebox is a popular YouTube channel that rose to fame by taking popular songs and
putting their own vintage twist to them. To change Radiohead's "Creep", they replaced all the
instruments with a jazz selection, relaxed the groove to calm the song, and gave the vocalist part to a
guest singer capable of pulling off a vintage sound. New aspects ... Show more content on ...
The meaning of "Creep" relates to the writer's struggles when trying to approach a girl he likes. In
part one he starts off by saying he does not feel like he can socialize with her, and goes on to praise
her. The first part is closed by him saying he does not feel as "special" as her and he wishes to be
like her. This opens up ideas later used in the song about how he does not fit in and shows why he is
too "weird" to be with her. The chorus has a lot of deep meaning in it. By including that the
songwriter does not feel like he belongs in the part of the song that is repeated the most, he is saying
to the listeners that his biggest concern or fears are that he is not in her league because of his
awkwardness, and she belongs with someone better The second part is the author saying he wants to
be with the girl he is following no matter the expense. The last part depicts the girl leaving the
writer, and how he is okay with it because he wants her to be happy, even at his happiness. He then
goes back to sadness and states he still does not
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Postmodernism's The Swan As A Metaphor For Love
Postmodernism is a very unique era within American literature. In previous time periods authors
wrote very structured eventful stories that would often relate to the most common themes of the
time, however Postmodernism completely defied this formula. In most cases Postmodern stories do
not have story arcs nor do they have common themes. At most, the Post era can be bound by very
vague similarities. Most of the stories are conveyed through streams of conscious, which is
essentially using an unedited snippet of someone's life to create a story. There are no inner
monologues or poetic speeches, rather they only showcase a small scale continuous sliver of life.
The narration device similarity is cut and dry, however this can not be said for the themes within
Postmodernism. In the vaguest of words, Post era literature can be bound within a common ideal of
expressing the terrible and disappointing aspects of life. One of the most commonly attacked aspects
of life is the sense of love. In most forms of art and media love is portrayed as a glorious thing so
long as it is true. Love can conquer any mountain and defeat any foe, however Postmodernism
portrays love in a very different manner. In " The Swan as a Metaphor for Love" love is compared to
a swan. On the surface swans are seen as majestic creatures, similar to how love is seen as a
beautiful emotion, but underneath the water swans are revolting creatures covered in " swan shit"
and " pond scum". This idea that a normal life
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Modernism And Postmodern Religion
Postmodern religion is not an attempt to banish religion from the public sphere; rather, it is a
philosophical approach to religion that critically considers orthodox assumptions (that may reflect
power differences in society rather than universal truths). The Catholics seemed to feel that this new
modern religion was going to cause a lot of confusing within the church. So, they did not agree with
it. It was their opinion that it would take the power that the church had at that point away. It would
weaken the power that the leaders had and would allow the people to do what they desired to do in
church without boundaries. It seems that there was a fear among all people because the church was
beginning to be more modern and steering away from traditions as the church once knew. The
church was evolving into an organization that would better the community as a whole. There were
many who did not agree to this at all. It was one of those situations where the church and state
wanted to keep control. Postmodern religion is not one of those things that would take religion
totally out of the church but it would rather be one of those things that would cause the relationship
between man and God to become more of what God intended for it to be. In modernizing religion,
one would be able to go to God for themselves and be able to worship not just in a building made by
man but they would be able to worship at home or wherever they felt that they could. I feel that it
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Essay on A Postmodern Tendancy in Their Eyes Were...
A Postmodern Tendancy in Their Eyes Were Watching God
...Zora Neale Hurston lacks [any] excuse. The sensory sweep of her novel
carries no theme, no message, no thought. In the main, her novel is not
addressed to the Negro, but to a white audience whose chauvinistic tastes she
knows how to satisfy. She exploits the phase of Negro life which is "quaint," the
phase which evokes a piteous smile on the lips of the "superior" race.
–– from "Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937)," a review by Richard Wright
An unfortunate side effect of the postmodern tendency is often reactions like the above. Zora's work
was not readily accepted in its time. Unlike fellow writers such as Faulkner and Joyce, ... Show
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Zora exhibits these tendancies, which, taken separately, have been expounded upon but not yet fully
exhausted, and the time has come to realize her as a postmodern force.
Jean–Francois Lyotard, in his essay, "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge," defines
postmodernism "as incredulity toward metannaratives (Lyotard, 71)." This works out to mean that
the overarching metanarrative of the world, which is given to us by the ruling class if one subscribes
to class theories, that forms our worldview has failed to fulfill our needs. The world is now seen as
intersecting micronarratives; people can relate because their personal explanation of the world
connects with another's explanation, but are recognizably individual because no two worldviews are
identical. All micronarratives are equally valid in Lyotard's theories, and this fits in nicely with
postmodernism's push towards inclusion rather than marginalization. This theory also pushes
postmodernism into one of its other major facets, the breakdown of binary systems.
Hassan is the pundit of the anti–binarial division of the postmodern. He details that postmodernism
is not anti–modernism; it is not a "reaction to" or successive movement. Indeed, it is different than
modernism, but also shares many
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Analysis of David Foster Wallace´s Novel: Infinite Jest
Self and other The theme of self versus other evident in the novel is reflective of the postmodern
idea that there exist boundaries between the two separate entities, the internal and external,
perception and reality. This theme manifests as the idea that the 'other' can influence the 'self', that
society controls the individual. Wallace also explores the theme of self and other in Infinite Jest by
contrasting the boundary between what goes on inside the characters' heads and the outside world.
Characters such as Millicent Kent feel a sense of loneliness in their own thoughts and consequently
seek diversion in something other. Kent alludes to the "Taoist paraboloid logo" (Wallace 265) which
symbolizes self and other when she "asked Mario if he'd ever seen a girl's yin–yang before"
(Wallace 124). Kent draws a parallel between the two pairs of seemingly opposite forces that are
actually connected to and dependent upon each other. For Millicent and Mario, yin and yang
symbolize female and male, but also a balanced relationship that leads the characters out of
loneliness. Through his allusion to ideological jargon, Wallace suggests that a harmonious balance
between self and other is necessary.
Irony leads to addiction One of the most poignant instances of irony is in regards to the cynicism in
postmodern society. The characters Infinite Jest are remarkably sarcastic and the narration of the
novel has a dark, satirical quality to it. David Foster Wallace uses Remy
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Essay about A Postmodern Bore
A Postmodern Bore
Imagine, if you will, a world where everyone was the same, where your neighbors had the same
clothes as you did, the same kind of dog, and the same color house as you did. A world where
everyone looked like everyone else, behaved the same, and thought the same. A world characterized
by total and complete conformity through assimilation, incorporation, and deindividualization. A
world where an elite cadre of individuals determined the very shape of reality itself. This world is
held by many scholars to be typifying of one of the major aspects of Postmodernism. Although
Postmodernism refuses to define itself , (Kozinets–see later,) it according to many of these scholars
threatens the very existence of civilization as we ... Show more content on ...
A society should not be based on the view of the world from one perspective to the exclusion of all
other perspectives. Rather, it should be able to see all points of view and incorporate them into its
But after awhile this philosophy began to be replaced by a new system, a know all, see everything
Orwellian big brother that attempted to maintain a rigid order among individuals, and among their
thoughts, because in order for this diseased system, Postmodernism, to survive, it was necessary for
all men to be exactly equal, in their behavior, in their actions, and in their thoughts. It began with
architecture and art, and then proceeded to infect our individual beliefs and opinions. Whereas once
men were free to hold their own opinions, now all men were required to believe the same beliefs.
(As the Counting Crows have observed, round here, we all look the same. ) According to Habermas,
this new system was created by a flaw in the old one. This flaw lay in the fact that Modernism had
no set of rules for interpersonal contact. Therefore, whenever two peoples individual spheres did
come in contact with one another, each ones sphere was influenced
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Gender and Postmodern
Mapping the Modern
"An argumentative essay on 'Gender' through comparison and contrast of the views of authorities
who are postmodern practitioners"
Defining postmodernism as well as gender is an extremely difficult task if not impossible. This
essay is an argument on the two postmodernist's concept on 'Gender'. This essay argues posing
foucauldian postmodernism of Judith Butler against Baudrillardean post modernism of Arthur and
Marilouse Kroker with analysis on both their ideas on gender including sex and sexuality. This essay
also argues that these two approaches are fully flawed for a number of important reasons. This essay
offered an argument on the ideas of two of the most prominent postmodernists in the field of ...
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Butler initially observes that the culturally constructed as well as maintained nature of performance
of gender are fairly based on the uncontentious as well as widely expounded idea of feminist theory
stating that cultural expressions of gender which constitute the cultural manifestations of biological
truth cannot be taken at face value. Butler proposes the concept of differences in sex is a
construction of heterosexuality ideologically designed to legitimize as well as normalize its
existence. Butler notes that manifestations of split as male and female are creations in a self–
legitimizing heterosexuality which is also hegemonic. Butler claims that the coherence of either
gender namely man or woman is internal requiring a heterosexuality which is stable as well as
oppositional. Heterosexuality which is institutional requires as well as produces univocity I each of
the terms gendered constituting limits of gender possibilities inside an oppositional along with
binary gender system. The concept of gender presuppose a relationship which is causal among sex,
desire as well as gender but also suggests that desire reflects and expresses gender and vice versa.
The uity of these three factors are metaphysical ad is truly known as well as expressed in desire
differentiating a oppositional gender which is a form of heterosexuality said to be oppositional.
Butler's argument on
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Examples Of Postmodernism In Pulp Fiction
Postmodernism is a movement in the field of art, architecture and criticism. It includes a way of
interpreting culture, literature, art, philosophy, history, economics, architecture and fiction in a way
which is not easily convincible. Pulp Fiction is an American comedy crime movie directed by
Quentin Taratino which was released in 1994. Pulp Fiction is a term used to describe a huge amount
of creative writing available to the American public in the early nineteen–hundreds. In this paper we
discuss about postmodernism and the movie Pulp Fiction. Then we will look in to the amount of
postmodernism that director showed in this movie and whether we can call this work as postmodern
or not. There are many sources which support these both statements.
Postmodernism and The movie 'Pulp Fiction'
Jean–Francois ... Show more content on ...
To understand the movie one should have to give more concentration, thus you should be active
audient rather than a passive one. Intertextuality is also included in the film as we have discussed
above. It is the text that collects and samples various surfaces of previous texts to create a new one.
Film has postmodern dialogues where we can see casual conversation about drugs, sex and crime.
For example first Vincent and Jules discuss about food and then about drugs and murder. Film
shows 50s iconography in the Jack Rabbit Slims diner, the '60s pop music that scores its storms and
their preceding calms, the '70s "cool" exhibited by almost all the characters. Another example is
Butch's gold watch that he so dearly treasures and risks his life to take it back from his old
apartment. The film's legacy is understandably wrapped up in the history of independent cinema.
There lot of other scenes in the movie which support that it is postmodern movie. So I strongly
agrees that Pulp Fiction is a postmodern
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Postmodern Congruity In 'Bottle Rocket'
The image above illustrates how the director subtly responds to his own work. It is an example of
postmodern irony and the 'new sincerity' because it serves as a subversive function, as Moonrise
Kingdom (2012) makes a critique about the characters in Bottle Rocket (1996). It happens at the
beginning of the film and it immediately establishes the type of roles the adults and the children
play. The congruity between the two films is the collection of bottle rockets on the desk. The
incongruity comments on the maturity of adults and children. Dignan (in Bottle Rocket (1996)) is a
reckless individual and lights a rocket when it suits his mood, for example, out of the window of a
moving car. These children (above) are responsible because they are capable of making the rockets,
and they are making them in a safe environment. Norton's character, the scout master, purposefully
directs his cigarette towards the camera, to not set them alight. The 'postmodern' term of postmodern
irony suggests a consciousness (explained in chapter one) and the narrative is designed to
consciously know that is it a film. By commenting on a previous film, the director is able to reply
with the 'new sincerity' about the condition of his characters and it heightens the fact that the
audience is watching a film. The subversive function occurs when the illusion of reality is broken, as
the filmic devices are made evident.
A subversive method is adopted in film to go against an established system. In
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Postmodern Theory
Postmodern/Complexity Adaptive Systems Reduce Managerial Errors
Melissa J. Reed
MHA 601 Principles of Health Care Administration
Instructor: Alisa Wagner
Postmodern/Complexity Adaptive Systems Reduce Managerial Errors Healthcare is one of the
fastest growing industries. As the world around us is evolving, healthcare organizations must
develop new an effective ways to manage. With the many changes consistently evolving around us,
managerial errors have increased with inefficient management skills. Postmodern/complexity
adaptive systems can help organizations in avoiding these errors. This paper will explain ten errors
and explain applying (CAS) will give better solutions to help managers in avoiding ... Show more
content on ...
CAS theory tells us management will involve the team so they will have a better understanding in
what environment will be most effective. (p.71)
The next error according to Johnson (2009) is "assuming the employees will not reallocate work
assignments based on their perception of the best arrangement even after receiving work allocation
assignment from management." (p.80) reallocating work assignments, management should call a
meeting with the team to decide what strategies will benefit and be successful. "Ignoring the speed
with which the informal organization can transmit messages and, therefore, failing to manage
rumors in a productive manner." (Johnson, 2009. p.80) Management will be alert and ready to
address a situation by staying in constant communication with others. Organizations engaged in
effective, fast decision making use just as much information as slow decision makers but
information of a different kind (Eisenhardt, 1990). The last four errors according to Johnson (2009) I
am listing below in bullets and will touch on each one before concluding. (p.81)
· Failing to treat the organization's dominant logic as an emergent property of the system and,
instead, treating it as something that can be imposed on the system. Johnson (2009) states, "the
behavior of a CAS cannot be obtained by summing the behaviors of the constituent parts, but
emerge as the result of the pattern of connections among diverse agents."
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Postmodersm In Gothic
In his seminal study Gothic, Botting compares Gothic literature in the eighteenth, nineteenth and
twentieth centuries with respect to their different ways of addressing terror and horror. He notes that
the novel of terror dominated the eighteenth–century gothic writings for its transgressive efficacies.
Female Gothic writers examine the terrors of patriarchal oppression while verbalizing the heroine's
anxiety about her entrapment into the confines of domesticity. In other words, the gothic heroine is
plunged into a state of terror stimulated by her own imagination yet, reflected her social reality.
Although the heroine engaged herself in a subversive journey to flee the terrors of the social order,
the gothic genre at that period espoused a restoration and revitalization of the normalised order
through the exorcism of the threatening and vicious characters, as Botting writes: "[V]illains are
punished; heroines well married" (Gothic 10).
The nineteenth–century female gothic witnessed a shift towards the ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, while investigating it practicality, postmodernism revisits the belief in objective reality. It
cuts with the consistent oneness and uniformity of Truth/Reality which is stripped of its hierarchical
stance, giving much leeway for the proliferation of multiples realities and the plurality of new
stories, new texts and new fictional worlds constructed by the characters. These nascent narratives
uncover the laden discourse behind the creation of history which is constructed on the exclusion of
the peripherized and inclusion of the dominant for the sake of homogeneity. Postmodernism thus,
while interrogating the tenability of objectivity, divulges the unreliability of authentic
representations. Accordingly, as the centre no longer holds, Reality is relativized Truth is
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Bright Lights, Big City And White Noise
Comparison Paper: Bright Lights, Big City and White Noise
Bright Lights, Big City
Bright Lights, Big City, is an American narrative, by Jay Mclnerney. The narrative is among
America's most notable novels, presented in the second person. In the book, Mclnerney presents the
narrator as a worker for highbrow magazine. He depicts the narrator as party maniac, and cocaine
user, who intends to literally lose himself in the profligacy (hedonism), of the yuppie party scene
(McInerney 213). The narrator frequented 'Heartbreak', a preeminent nightclub in New York City.
Amanda, the narrator's wife opted to walk out on him, after establishing her modelling career in
Paris. The narrator lived in denial. He opted to assume his wife's departure, and live as if nothing
had change. He lived in the hope that his wife would return (McInerney 343). Nonetheless, the
narrator opted to search for his wife at her fashion events. He was overly fixated on his wife's
memory, where he obsessed on her possessions, her modelling pictures, and a dummy based on her.
Overtime, his incongruous lifestyle influenced his career. Progressively, the narrator became overly
disillusioned, and fixated on his wife, and the acquisitive New York culture. White Noise
White Noise, a book by Don DeLillo, is among America's most remarkable works categorized under
postmodernism literature. The book gives a picturesque description of Jack Gladney (the
protagonist), a college professor in a second–rate town American
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White Noise Essay
In his award winning novel White Noise, Don DeLillo critically observes and illustrates everyday
life of the postmodern American family. Within this critique, DeLillo examines the pervasiveness of
technology and its unavoidable interaction with the human experience of reality. This technological
influence is dramatized throughout the novel in many ways; for example, one method utilized by
DeLillo to expose the reader to the ubiquity of technology comes from frequent interludes to the
text, which serve little purpose other than to accommodate trivial technological sounds and
discourse. These interjections, coming from technological sources such as household appliances, the
radio, television and vehicles, not only engage the reader in an immediate ... Show more content on ...
It is through this reorganization and shifting of discourse that technological and scientific discourses
gain enigmatic qualities and perceived authority. This authoritative role of discourse witnessed in
the Gladney family is relation to the Jack's eldest son Heinrich, who embodies an authoritative role
in the family merely because he is "the possessor of scientific discourse" (Conroy 205).
Furthermore, his status is maintained even though it is impossible to know whether the information
Heinrich puts forth is factual (205). Evidence for this can also be found in the scene at the boy
scouts camp, when Jack and Babette observe Heinrich lecturing information on the toxic event
(DeLillo 134). In Conroy's analysis of this scene, he depicts Heinrich as some form of profit, by
likening the scene to Jesus's appearance in the temple (205). Furthermore, while being a possessor
of scientific discourse (and not by possessing a traditional German name) is the defining feature of
Heinrich's character and status, other members of the Gladney family are also privy to technology's
influence on their personal
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Postmodern American Family
Research Question:
What role does technology play on kinship ties in postmodern North American society?
Thesis Statement:
In the postmodern era technologies of social saturation render the ties of kinship less significant than
they were in the postmodern era.
The modernization of North America has changed the make of family lessening the significance of
the ties of kinship. According to Zeitlin, the theory of the postmodern family is based on the concept
of changing gender roles as there is no longer a need for a distinction between the genders. Men are
no longer hunters, women are no longer dedicated to domestic labour and childbearing. It is because
of technological advancements the differences between the genders are less ... Show more content
on ...
The telephone completely alters the the nature of social interactions. It can be described as a lifeline
to the outside world or a device that can cause isolation. The placement of information and
technological devices within the home alters the domestic environment. The interaction between
these devices and the inhabitants show that having these devices causes an impact on the people
within the home, influencing their habits and values. These devices become important to the daily
lives of the inhabitants, and cause new social networks which form relationships outside the family.
It is difficult to maintain both external and internal relations so families struggle to make time for
each other, and when they do spend time together it may involve use of these devices which isn't
really a social connection at all. In communities with little chance of casual encounters providing
people with this technology causes isolation from society outside of screens. This is directly related
to the belief that humans are becoming more antisocial which as a family would have a negative
effect on interpersonal interactions. (Strathern 2005:
... Get more on ...
Postmodern Art Essay
Postmodern art decided to make revolutionary break with past and questioned previous theories
known as "big narratives" of art, politics, economics and overall culture in order to create new
theories. The big part of postmodern theory deals with the belief of preexistence of the art all around
us. The artist is the one who can recognize these elements of art around as and synthesize them into
the art work. This art work becomes object of interpretation which inevitably varies among different
generations, social groups, national group, religious groups, and depends on some extent of the
educational level of the observers and it is also different in the same individual in different times or
environments. The different interpretations of ... Show more content on ...
In another words Borges through his character, Pierre Menard, primarily examined the terms of the
originality, inspiration, and innovation in the art. Borges argues for strong mutual connections
between the written work (art work) and the reader (observer) and written work (art) and the creator.
He created his fictional world in which he unfolded the story encompassing his philosophy of art,
self examined it from different angles without a fear of overestimating values of his own work
because he is just objectively praising Pierre Menard's artistic product. In the story Pierre Menard
presents two options how he could write his Quixote. The first option is that he, Pierre Menard, will
become Cervantes, in that way that he will learn to speak 17th century Spanish, he will learn the
history and examine the circumstances that were surrounding Cervantes while he was writing his
Quixote. Of course, this option is denied as impossible (ironically, Borges says it too easy.) The
second option, for Menard, is to write his own, Quixote; The Quixote that will, in its appearance,
resemble the "original" work, but in its core will be completely different piece. Menard will become
different Cervantes, do it through his own experience and knowledge. In this way, he will not only
distinguish his "The Quixote" from the "Don Quixote," but Menard still will stay himself. Menard
intended to create The Quixote by his own means (talent, brain power, experience) so that it would
... Get more on ...
Rhetorical Analysis Of ' The Novel '
The use of irony in the novel also contributes to its postmodernism. Many postmodernists treat
serious subjects jovially to distance themselves from the difficult subject. They evoke black humor
and different types of irony to offer critics of society and to display how society should not fear dark
and somber things. DeLillo sprinkles irony all throughout his story using it even at the most serious
of times. He uses it to show how the characters should not fear death and how the characters ignore
danger when "the smoke alarm went off in the hallway upstairs, either to let us know the battery had
just died or because the house was on fire" (8) and they did nothing about the possible imminent
danger. DeLillo also uses irony to mock certain characters and expose the ridiculousness of certain
beliefs and customs. When Jack's boss advises him to change his name and appearance to gain more
prestige, the change they make is pretentious as it is the same name only without one letter, "we
finally agreed that I should event an extra initial and call myself J.A.K Gladney" (16). DeLillo
continues to ridicule society and its principles by exposing absurdity such as Jack not knowing
German despite being the founder of Hitler studies and his college requiring all Hitler majors to
understand some of the language, "I had long tried to conceal the fact that I did not know German"
(31). The use of irony not only gives the novel a lighter tone, but also exposes DeLillo's critique of
... Get more on ...

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Essay About Features Of Post Modern Fictions

  • 1. Essay about Features of Post Modern Fictions Some of the dominant features of postmodern fictions include temporal disorder, the erosion of the sense of time, a foregrounding of words as fragmenting material signs, a pervasive and pointless use of pastiche, loose association of ideas, paranoia and the creation of vicious circles or a loss of destination between separate levels of discourse, which are all symptoms of the language disorders of postmodernist fictions. The postmodern novel may be summed up as: Late modernism. Anti–modernism. Not avant–garde tendency (may be avant–garde within a literary period). Emphasizes plot than character. Characters are fragmented/multiple. Experimental. Misogynist. Denigration of female writers. Matter of packaging. ... Show more content on ... Choudhary states: The major feature of this kind of fiction lies in the subversion of the assumptions and generic traits and function of fiction, including modernist novel. Generically postmodernist fiction is self– questioning in nature, skeptical about its possibilities, rules and principles. Its function is disillusionary; it dives into the underside of fiction and explodes its fallacies...Postmodernist text directs itself to the suspension of meaning by using disruptive narrative, polyphony, multiple ending and the like thereby frustrating intelligibility. It is devoid of teleology and causality (12). Some critics are of the view that postmodern fictions do not convey any moral values and imparts untrue elements. "In a postmodern word, literature is just another text. You can forget all that stuff about truth and value–and other alienating lies perpetual by a deliberately selective version of history controlled by crazy power freaks and their lackey dupes. 'Truth' is only what circulates as such: hence the importance of technology and the media to an understanding of 'our' world today. 'Values' are only effects of cultural traditions; hence the importance of becoming cynical today, in order not to be suppressed under the suffocating of 'culture' and 'tradition'" (Lucy viii). A.S.D. Pillai states that: The contemporary cultural situation, the postmodern text reveals in its construction a world of valueless vaudeville. But, as has been repeatedly pointed out, black ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay on Post Modern Artists Post Modern Artists The realm of postmodern art encompasses various aspects of contemporary styles. There is no set format to creating artwork anymore. Art pieces in the past basically conformed to the Kantian–Hegelian theory of art. Thomas McEvilley claim, "It was essentially an aesthetic theory of art, which held Beauty is a universal force that enters the soul with immediate, unquestionable authority at the instant when the soul approaches the beautiful object with openness to it" (qtd. in Weintraub 245). Beauty became an inborn characteristic of art. Pieces of artwork inevitably possessed the quality of beauty, seeking to inspire and touch the soul with powerful, aesthetically pleasing images. ... Show more content on ... Nature is polluted due to human development. Mel Chin, contemporary artist, attempts to heal the earth through his artwork. Chin explains his artwork as a, "plausible method of leaching heavy metals out of tainted soil, safely trapping the toxins in the vascular structure of the plant and mining ash (after proper incineration) to provide a beneficial and economic potential" (qtd. in Weintraub 46). "Revival Field" is a piece of artwork that purifies polluted earth by using plants which trap the chemicals in their roots. Author Linda Wentraub claims, "he invents strategies for solving real–life problems" (47). "Revival Field" offers a successful integration of science and art by solving the problem of toxic land and also demonstrating the use of new mediums such earth as source of art. Mel Chin is a prime example of the contemporary artist at work. He goes beyond merely recognizing the problem of pollution but also acts to solve it. He forces the audience to ask themselves what can be done about pollution? The solutions can be as complex as his system of "Revival Field" or as simple as recycling waste products. Another problem in society is a lack of faith. The New Testament teaches us that Jesus Christ was crucified. He suffered betrayal and torment. Society no longer directly relates with this image of Christ. It has become somewhat overexposed. ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay on Postmodern condition 1. What is meant by the 'postmodern condition'? Postmodernism can be called "a condition of contemporary culture", it is a modern movement which is strong, ambiguous, very popular and controversial. However, it is very difficult to explain the term because there is no full clarity what the term really means. As one can read in The Condition of Postmodernity it is "a mine–field of conflicting notions" and "a battleground of conflicting opinions and political forces". There are so many interpretations, definitions and evaluations of the term that it is hardly possible to build a coherent definition, or to be brave enough to attempt to describe it. Almost everyone has a different opinion about it, advocate "for" or "against" or are ... Show more content on ... One of the hyperreality images and the world of imagination (Baudrillard writes) is Disneyland, which is the perfect model of all those confusing orders of simulation. It is primarily a game of illusions and phantasms. Imaginary world of Disneyland is neither true nor false. It is a space of regeneration of the world of imagination, reminiscent of a recycling factory. Thus, the world of the imagination of children and adults is a rubbish, the first great civilization hyper real pollution. Disneyland is a prototype of this new feature on the mental area. As one can read in Simulacra and Simulation "It is no longer a question of a false representation of reality (ideology) but of concealing the fact that the real is no longer real, and thus of saving the reality principle". Another example of " flipping " a deeper reality by its overriding, and then hiding its deficiencies, through breaking any relations with it and finally achieving the status of its simulacrum, completely emancipated from the power of what is real is the Sokal hoax. Sokal saw a marked reduction in the standards of intellectual reliability in some American humanistic academic circles. That is why he decided to do the "experiment", which consisted in checking whether the leading American journal dedicated to cultural research will publish a text full of nonsense, if it only sound good. It turned out ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Journey Of Postmodern Art The Journey to Postmodern Art The field of visual art is extremely broad, therefore art historians have been attempting to categorize it based on style, time of creation, and subject matter for centuries. Much like any other sociological aspect of life, the culture and time period in which it was made has a great impact on the artist which directly influences their art. Though art is and always has been a way for someone to express themselves, limitations from certain parties took some of that experience away from the artist. This allows people to analyze and understand how various facets of society, the government specifically, have been able to limit the types of art that have been created throughout the years. For example, when the ... Show more content on ... In addition to this, a large percentage of Renaissance art came about through the means of patrons. A patron gives an artist funding to complete a work of their liking, and most of them tended to be members of wealthy families, people involved in politics, or religious institutions ( Obviously artists could create whatever they wanted, as long as they created something that went along the guidelines or instructions they were given. According to the Italian Renaissance Learning Resources, art historians often compared the patron and artist relationship to that of a shoemaker, carpenter, or a common laborer and their clients ("Artists and Patrons"). On the other hand, depending on the patron, the artist could begin to make a name for themselves and rise above the identity of being no more than an "anonymous craftsman". ("Artists and Patrons"). Though still obligated with specific rules, the renaissance is credited with changing the identity of the artist through the formation of artist guilds and associations ( Another prominent example of particularities that surrounded the production of art is the Salon. The Academies previously discussed continued to thrive until the late 1800's, leading to the creation of the annual Salon exhibition. Members of the French Academy of Fine Arts could only participate in the exhibition if their pieces were ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Ethnographic Reflection Paper For my ethnographic report, I focused on my responses and those of the people I interacted with in person on 8 November 2016 upon willingly choosing to give up all gadgets and devices with internet capabilities for 24 hours. Ideally, the decision to disconnect on the 8th revolves around the recently concluded Presidential elections in the United States. The goal was to ascertain my responses towards every ongoing off–line aspect in my life without any forms of online interaction in order to gauge my personal understanding of socio–political events and debates related to the election. The twenty–four–hour disconnection began at midnight and ended on 9 November. The morning of the election was particularly difficult due to the excitement caused ... Show more content on ... However, everything changed once the election results began to favor Trump. I learnt of the changes as I shared a meal with my friends after they voted. The terror and despair we each felt reminded me of the hyper reality Baudrillard foretold in his works about the postmodern society. In Simulation and Simularca, Baudrillard cites the evidentiary changes observable in the postmodern era, marked mainly by the emergence of the simulation society (McQueen, 2014, p.8). The defining aspect Baudrillard notes of this period is the subjection, acceptance and adaptation of the hyper reality presented in forms of media, art and photography that ultimately define the culture of this period, effectively becoming the means of discerning and prescribing codes and models that define everyday life for people (Baldwin, 2015). He believed that the images and spectacles immensely mesmerize the media–saturated consciousness in postmodern society that the meaning behind the depictions becomes less significant for the people and eventually dissipates into oblivion (Deuz, 2012, p.366). In essence, media is increasingly becoming the dictator of reality for the postmodern society and Baudrillard believed the only means of awakening people to this fact would be through an extreme representation of reality to the point the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Postmodern Youtube Research Paper YouTube is filled with social media personalities and aspiring artists. For the lucky few, the power of YouTube and social media has catalyzed their name into national brands. The heart of this trend is based on a numbers game. On average, a Facebook user has 245 friends. If one video is shared by several people and takes off in popularity, it quickly spreads throughout the Internet. With a viral video, millions of views can be accumulated in just a few short days. For the following three song artists, YouTube and social media has brought fame and fortune. Although it has taken more than a few Facebook likes to get to the top, these artists can attribute most of their fame to the power of social media. Postmodern Jukebox Headed by Scott Bradlee, Postmodern Jukebox started in 2009. At the time, Scott Bradlee was struggling to make ends meet as a jazz musician in New York City. ... Show more content on ... Growing up with two half–siblings, Bieber was raised by a single mother. He started studying at a French–language school in Stratford where he was taught how to play various instruments. Before long, he was able to play the trumpet, piano, guitar and drums. Although he had plenty of talent, Justin Bieber did not attract the attention of the music industry until one fateful day in 2007. At the time, Bieber was in a singing competition in Stratford. He sang Ne–Yo's "So Sick" and took second in the contest. Like most mothers, Bieber's mom was proud of her son and decided to place a video of his performance on YouTube. Over the next few months, she continued to upload videos of Bieber covering various R&B songs. Throughout this time, Bieber's popularity on YouTube only grew. His first viral video was of Chris Brown's "With You" in 2007. Despite racking up YouTube views, Bieber would never have become famous if a strange twist of fate had not ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Modernism And Its Impact On Society After the events of WWII, to say that America had changed drastically was an understatement; with the entirety of the Cold War, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and all the other political strife at home and abroad, America during this time could be considered an era of conflicting ideals. As a result of this change of times, literature changed it's perspective; effectively, the transition from modernist ideals to postmodernist ideals. Much like modernism, however, post–modernism offered to reject ideals presented by both prior literary trends and the popular ideas of their time; yet for postmodernism, the rejection mostly dealt with homogeneity (a conformed universal standard defined by advancements in American quality of life) and how literature deconstructs the ideas of homogeneity (Byam 2259–2260). Yet many of these deconstructions during this era ended up clashing due to increased influences of psychological and sociological advancements, which gave better understanding of human nature; which then lead to a major schism between literary writers and critics. As a result, many writers during that era flourished from that clash of ideals (albeit long after their works were published); yet one, in particular, stands out: Flannery O'Connor. Specifically, O'Connor is a notable postmodernist American writer out of her own take of the movement: a witty deconstruction of conventional regionalist tropes. Flannery O'Connor, to briefly summarize her life, was born in Savannah, Georgia ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Postmodern American Women Within a postmodern era, the fertility rates across the western countries have experienced a rapid decline. A transition from a relatively high to a relatively low fertility rate. Throughout the development in the society, there are many fundamental changes which cause the decrease in the fertility rate. This essay will discuss.... Historically, the institution of marriage sets the context within which love, sex, and childbearing is legitimated. Previously, there was only one pathway to parenthood. All women and men were authorized to have kids soon after their marriage. The role of women's body was naturally structured to childbearing. Women who fail to reproduce were strongly stigmatized in society. They were looked down upon their status ... Show more content on ... This includes the social exchange theory, postmaterialist theory, and gender equality theory. The social exchange theory indicates individual's intention on the cost and benefit of childbearing. Since working and childbearing are mutually exclusive. If women choose to have children, they are forced giving up their workforce. The postmaterialist theory, emphasis individual's values of self– preferences more than the traditional authority of childbearing. Preston stated that as we shift into an egalitarian era, more weight is placed on individuals self–fulfilment as they prefer to pursue their own goals rather than becoming parents. The gender equality theory represents the social changes in gender roles, which alters individuals outcome towards childbearing. As women get similar privilege as men, the likelihood of childbearing reduces. This is because of the institution rise in education , employment and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Theism in a Postmodern World Theism in a Postmodern World by Billy Bush Religious Worldviews RELS 402 Professor W. C. Calhoun June 22, 2009 Abstract In today's postmodern world, ideals of being consumed with self and self appropriated ideas of truth leave God forgotten and to them, God is dead. This same thought process see's no reason or logic to bring God into the picture let alone into their lives. The pervasive postmodern worldview today includes precepts such that self decides who we become, as well as, is not necessary to have a God who should be in control of our lives. It is difficult for a Christian to live out his theistic worldview in today's postmodern world, but it can be done because of our beliefs in God. Like ... Show more content on ... (John 3:16, NIV). Many people ask "If God is just, why is there evil?" (Forte, 2003). The answer to this is simple, evil exists because humans choose to disobey and fall into sin. The disobedience of man is the original cause and current cause of evil in this world, not God. Christian theism includes what happens to a person when they die. "For each person death is either the gate to life with God and His people or the gate to eternal separation from the only thing that will ultimately fulfill human aspirations" (Sire, 2004). Inevitably, there are only two destination choices; either we will go to heaven or hell. Hell was not only created by God for Satan and those angels who chose to defy God's will but also for those who have chosen to reject Christ's love and to follow Him. Christian theism defines how ethics relates to the role of humans. "Ethics is transcendent and is based on the character of God as good [holy and loving]" (Sire, 2004). Theism teaches the universe is moral and there is an absolute standard by which we should all judge things. God is "the" standard and all issues should be judged next to His standard. Christian Theism teaches us, "History is linear, a meaningful sequence of events leading to the fulfillment of God's purposes for humanity" (Sire, 2004). History, as we know, began when God created this world. History is not simply a story seen as possibly or potentially true, depending upon from who ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Existential And Postmodern Approaches According to Merriam–Webster, the definition of a relation is "a state of being mutually or reciprocally interested," which relationship is a connection by the way the of relations (Relation, 2017). Since the term relationship is defined, therapy is then a process with a purpose; for example, the resolution of clients' problems. To achieve the treatment that the patient needs, the innovative approach must attain the goal for the patient's point of mutual interest with the therapist, who also has a common interest in resolving the patient's problems. Addressing the patient's problems means accomplishing some changes in the way the client perceives, thinks, feels, sees their reality. This small detail requires active participation from the ... Show more content on ... Every single activity, session, interaction that the client and therapist execute jointly in the course of their combined struggle to help the patient deal with life more effectively with life's most challenging aspect is the therapeutic relationship (Oliveira, Sousa, & Pires, 2012, p. 295). Flexibility from both the therapist and the client must be given at all times to be able to co–create a new story with the patient. The therapist's listening and attending to the sessions are essential to this part of the relationship. This approach is like a trial and error run. Since the therapist has never previously worked with this client before, each encounter in therapy is like uncharted territory for both the client and the therapist. The therapist cannot rely on fixed techniques and procedures for treatment; flexibility is a must, especially in the aspect of changing (Slife, 2005). The client will change with the therapist's help, and flexibility from both parties is needed. If not, the therapeutic relationship will be affected. This therapeutic relationship is an on–going project throughout the treatment process. The relationship is built by how the client and therapist work together on creating new narratives based on new lived experiences in more empowering ways and promoting change. As important as the bond between a client and therapist is advantageous for therapy, it does not constitute the fullness of the relationship. Clients also bond with ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Modern Literature And Modernism It can be argued that the survival and cooperation of human civilisation have relied upon societies adopting a persistent and coherent understanding of how the world ought to work. For these ideas to flourish, it was necessary for society to accept these perceptions of the world they lived in as the undeniable truth. However, during the twentieth century, the majority of these unshakeable truths were revealed to be problematic, or at the very least, not an absolute given, such as Christianity, scientific reason (Hanna, 38) and the European superiority that was used to justify colonialism (Israel in Bradshaw & Dettmar 124). This lead to the movement that has been referred to by scholars as modernism. Thus modernists made the attempt to invent new styles of literature that focused on characters, subjective personal experience (Hanna 77). This was done to demonstrate "the realization that modern life is not natural, but is historically constructed and continually undergoing transformations" (Walz, 10). However, whilst these new techniques displayed a sense of uncertainty in the understanding of how the world works there was still a lingering expectation that there had to be some overarching truth. It just had to be discovered. However, postmodernism completely disintegrated this perception. This essay will examine the concept of grand narratives and how they have been implemented in the past. Additionally, this will result in demonstrating how and why postmodern text deconstructs grand narratives. In order to do this, this essay will present two postmodern texts: the film Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino and the novel Sexting The Cherry by Jeanette Winterson. Thus, showing how these two texts use postmodern techniques to deconstruct grand narratives. Particularly, how they deconstruct the perception of time. Before getting into the crux of the chosen postmodern texts, the concept or grand narratives, otherwise known as metanarratives needs to be addressed. According to scholar Jan–Francois Lyotard, grand narratives can be described as the "quintessential form of customary knowledge" (19). This umbrella term of grand narrative is used to describe the ideas and perception society has over a variety of subject ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Postmodern Religion Problem Statements: 1) The local church must learn to focus its energy/efforts in the community where is resides. How can we learn to serve and love our neighbors when we do not even know our literal neighbors next door? As Nehemiah told the people in Jerusalem who were rebuilding the walls of the city, you must begin where you are at–where you live. 2) We live in a time of great ecological and environmental crisis in which the local church must provide a theological and tangible response. Global warming is not only a threat to animals and land, but to humans as well (all creation). Additionally, this is not only an environmental issue, but also an issue of social justice (race, poverty, etc.). 3) The local church must proclaim a robust understanding ... Show more content on ... Of course, this is impossible. The good news that God is reconciling all creation through Christ presses upon every aspect of our lives (past, present, future). If we are to be true to the gospel message, we can no longer simply relegate it to "a way to get to heaven when we die" (or avoid hell) or simply substitute it for a liberal, progressive agenda. In our postmodern era people are wondering whether the gospel message is true, and to discern whether it is true, they look to the Christians to see whether or not the truth of the gospel has any tangible effects on the way we live in and see the world. Unfortunately, far too often, we have failed to incarnate the gospel message and re–present the body of Christ to the world. My hope, however, is to offer one tangible way in which we live out the gospel. Not only are we creating a space to share the good news of God's love for all creation (and God's redemptive work in the world), but we are actively engaging with God in the work of new creation by living out our faith. Our message to our neighbors is simple: We believe God loves you–and not only you, but all creation. And we do too. We want to join with God in celebrating, cherishing and transforming the world. Green Evangelism is a way of spreading the good news and telling our neighbors that they are loved and cherished by God and their local church. It's a way of serving them and telling them that the church cares about the earth too. Even if they are not interested in saving the earth or "going green," the gift of the LED lightbulbs is a way of helping them save money ($150/year savings would be a huge help to our low–middle class neighborhood)– which is a whole lot better than a pen or a mug with "Piney Mountain UMC" on it. Our hope is to embody our faith to our neighbors and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Postmodern Pluralism Postmodern Pluralism and its Effect on Truth and Reconciliation Art: Going Home Star In 2008, the government created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, hereafter referred to as TRC, committed to the tasks of discovering the truth about Canada's Indian Residential Schools, revealing this truth to all Canadians, and attempting to reconcile the relationship between Indigenous and non–Indigenous Canadians. One of the ways the TRC suggested to facilitate this reconciliation process is through the creative arts. Indeed, in the last few years, Canada has seen a host of artistic projects launched which seek to heal and reconcile this relationship, these projects will hereafter be referred to as 'reconciliation art'. One of the most prominent ... Show more content on ... In addition to representing different cultural traditions, postmodernism tends to combine and present both "classical and vernacular traditions," within a culture (classical in the colloquial sense, not just music belonging to the classical era). In doing so, it sets itself up as anti–elitist, as it does not distinguish between 'high' and 'low' culture in the same way modern music did. Postmodernism is, at its core, a rejection of modernist traits; therefore since modernism was only for an elite few, postmodernism aims to reach out and appeal to a larger audience. Going Home Star explores many different genres of music throughout the piece. Take, for example, the opening sequence. In the first twenty minutes, we hear influences from "big band music, dubstep, hip–hop, Swan Lake and anything in between." Swan Lake is an example of 'classical' music while big band, dubstep, and hip–hop are all forms of vernacular music. This notion of anti–elitism was very important to Hatzis when composing Going Home Star, because he wanted any audience member to be able to connect with the music, even if they aren't trained in classical music. His main consideration was to not "alienate our native population." Reconciliation art must fight against elitism in order to not alienate any audience members. Anti–elitism, through pluralism of genre, is another element of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Postmodern Influence On Revelations The first model proclaims that revelation only conspires in scripture and doctrines of the church. These statements were greatly active in the Roman Orthodox, which is set that those Holy Spirit powers were given due their time. Contradicting, these models did show the grace of God in past times, it fails to show postmodern views in which revelation has occurred in today's society. The second contends on an idea of studying history, that will convey a form in revelation in due time. History does repeat itself in many cases, though it does not hinder any spiritual guidance. Learning from history will draw people more close to the word, though revelation could happen when God wants it. For example of John, when he was cast to Patmos, while if ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Toni Morrison Literary Devices The postmodernist period was a period in literary period where writers used their voices to express how they felt about what was going on in the world around them. During the postmodern period there was many events going on that would cause an author to feel a certain way and feel the need to express themselves. An event that could make an author feel the need to express themselves during this period is the Civil Rights Movement. As a result of the Civil Rights Movement, a color fence, or barrier of sorts between African Americans and white people, was created based on opportunity and privilege. In an analysis of Toni Morrison's short stories "Sweetness", "The Color Fetish", and "The Work You Do, The Person You Are", one can see how the postmodernist elements of irony and allusions are demonstrated. Morrison uses literary devices to her advantage when she is trying to explain her argument and create an overall tone and feeling of her writing. The postmodern period was shaped by its use of literary devices to prove a point and open our eyes to the world they were seeing, irony was just one of the devices Morrison used specifically. "Parody, irony, and narrative instability often inform the tone." (CollegeBoard, Slide. 31). The authors found a way to express themselves through their use of literary devices is their way of expressing their tone and using diction to keep their audience interested. Also, when they use devices such as irony it can provide a picture for the audience making them create a connection to the time period. Toni Morrison's use of irony is evident throughout her works but one was eye catching was, "It's not my fault. So you can't blame me." (Sweetness, para. 1). This is a very ironic statement because Lula Ann's mother is discriminating against her for how "black" she is based on the pure fact that her color is going to make her an outcast in society. This was the beginning for Lula Ann because she wouldn't have the same opportunity to pass as a white person and receive the same opportunity granted to those of that skin color. Directly supporting the idea of the color barrier and the extent people would go to just to try and receive the opportunities. As a postmodern author, you cannot ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Postmodern Artist, Mark tansey Artist Mark Tansey was born in San Jose, California in 1949 to his father and mother Richard and Luraine Tansey. Tansey did not grow up alone; he had three other siblings. His mother is a graduate student from Mills College where she was a part of the Art Honor Society and received a Master's Degree in Fine Arts. She also was known as the one who created the "first universal slide". His father, Richard Tansey was an educated man. He attended Harvard University and received all three degrees in art. One could say that his parents inspired him to be an artist. Unlike some children who change their profession from the time they can speak until the time they actually get to college, Mark Tansey knew he would be an artist and he was determined to make it possible. Tansey attended classes at the San Francisco Art Institute as a teen, but graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles in 1972. While he was there, he studied with artists such as Lorser Feitelson (modern artist). However, Tansey studied historic art in New York at Hunter College. In his work, he basically used simple objects, paintbrushes, and paint. He has been working around the New York and Los Angeles area most of his life. He lives in Los Angeles where he has a studio for him to continue his work. Style of Art/ Period in History Mark Tansey is a postmodern artist. Postmodern art is a Twentieth century movement that is quite opposite from modern art. Postmodern is where artists use realistic ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Intertextuality Of Postmodern In The Woods The Cabin in the Woods begins with a foreboding score playing over the credit sequence wherein images of sacrificial rituals are displayed within pools of blood. Given the tagline, "You think you know the story.", most audience members would assume they've seen countless movies like this before, and to a minor extent, they'd be correct in their assumption. However, from the point that the ominous, blood–soaked intro credits smash cuts to a break room where two men have a mundane conversation, the viewer no longer knows what to expect. This serves as the perfect introduction into what Isabel Cristina Pinedo describes as the "unstable, paranoid universe" of the postmodern horror film, The Cabin in the Woods. Pinedo defines the postmodern world ... Show more content on ... The film references, not only slasher films, but a wide array of horror fiction. Out of the numerous references to other horror films, one of the most obvious is the cabin, which is likely a reference to The Evil Dead. Another Evil Dead reference comes in the form of one of the monsters, named 'Angry Molesting Tree' and among the wide variety of monsters, the references range from Pinhead from Hellraiser to Kevin from Sin City. Near the end of the film, The Director (Sigourney Weaver), who played a Final Girl in the film Alien, mentions that "[the ritual] is different for every culture. And it changes over the years, but it's very specific.". The audience is given brief glimpses into other rituals, the most prominent being Japan's. Japan never went through a 'slasher film' phase like the U.S.; instead, Japanese horror films often revolve around the supernatural; usually in the form of pale–white, ghost girls with long dark hair, who torment young victims. "Almost all classic and contemporary ghost stories from Japan operate on onnen ("the idea that some emotions are so strong that their power can extend from beyond the grave"): ...witness Sadako's character in The Ring, the antagonist in Juon...". A couple references even seem to predate the advent of film. Some examples include the intro credit sequence, the painting that ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Examples Of Postmodern Epistemology Justification If the seed of knowledge is belief, what turns belief into knowledge? This is where justification comes in (some philosophers use the term "warrant" to refer to this element). A person knows something if they're justified in believing it to be true (and, of course, it actually is true). There are dozens of competing theories of justification and there is little consensus about which is the right one. It's sometimes easier to describe when a belief isn't justified than when it is. In general, philosophers agree that a person isn't justified if their belief is: a product of wishful thinking (e.g. I really wish you would love me so I believe you love me) a product of fear or guilt (e.g. you're terrified of death and so form ... Show more content on ... They drive cars, fly in airplanes, make computer programs, and even write books! But how is this possible if they take such a fluid view of truth? Postmodernists don't eschew truth in general. They reject the idea that any one person's beliefs about it can be certain. Rather, they claim that truth emerges through community agreement. Suppose scientists are attempting to determine whether the planet is warming and that humans are the cause. This is a complex question and a postmodernist might say that if the majority of scientists agree that the earth is warming and that humans are the cause, then that's true. Notice that the criteria for "truth" is that scientists agree. To use the taxonomy above, this would be the "justification condition." So we might say that postmodernists accept the first and third conditions of the tripartite view but reject the second condition: the idea that there is a truth that is "out there." Rather, truth is a product of people in a given community meeting the third condition and it is not something separate from ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Blade Runner Postmodern I decided to watch the movie Blade Runner, because it was a movie that I had never seen before, but I personally found it boring, sorry if I offended anyone, but that's my opinion. It seemed so outdated, but I understand from what I watched, it had a lot of fashions, and hairstyles from the 1980's. We already have robots that look and act like humans in the year 2015 they can be seen in Japan. The robots or replicates were a creation of the Tyrell Corporation and when these robots started to develop their own ideas, the company hired a group of Blade Runners to kill them. In the scenes of killing of the robots it was so human like, it was like killing a human. Decker finally develops a conscience when having to kill robots, he doesn't want ... Show more content on ... Futuristic dystopia components are found in this film helped with the understanding of how postmodern films are made, it definitely gives you a different way of looking at things. Since this film takes place in Los Angeles which is a postmodern city, that is bleak, and dingy, with an overpopulation of people that contributed to the pollution and decay of the city. The loss of humanity can be seen throughout the film, the characters only look out for themselves. Society in general had become a pit of decay. Los Angeles was made into a pastiche of science fiction with the use of hoovering cars. The large advertisement of the Japanese woman seemed like a place to go to get away from the decay of Los Angeles. The use of lighting, characters, editing, and the setting were characteristics of a postmodern film. When Ruth saved the life of Decker this is something that hadn't been programmed into her system, she showed empathy towards him. I feel that Decker had actually loss his sense of identity, and he was trying to get it back by not killing anymore robots after Nexus 6, that's why I think he and Ruth were on their way to disappear. I did find it interesting that Decker was replicant, this makes me think about a line in the film when he was testing Ruth, when he was asked how many questions it would take for him ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement Postmodernism, the current art movement, seems to allude comprehensive understanding. Most intellectuals understand what dictates and decides a postmodern piece, but are incapable of constructing a precise criteria for determining a postmodern piece due to the broad perception of the idea. The book Interviews with Hideous Men written by David Foster Wallace and the Japanese Animation Space Dandy are both examples of what might be considered an example of a postmodern piece in their respective fields. Although, the way in which both embody these ideals in appropriation, the focus on mundane subject matter, and the presence of artist intention in postmodern works are on opposite sides of the movement. According to, , the postmodern movement is the deconstruction of modernism and previous art movements in order to allow for creativity and originality while not being restricted to rules and standards previously set by an artistic discipline's predecessors. While this seems to be a rather vague concept in which a creative movement is constructed upon, there are traits that have been established that are considered common in what would classified as postmodern pieces. These elements that seem to be most common in this particular genre are the focus on appropriation over creation, the focus on the mundane, and artist intention among many others. The complexity of postmodern works is an indicator for something of this movement because it ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Postmodern Worldview And Its Popular Relativistic In this paper I will consider the postmodern worldview and its popular relativistic claims alongside of my theistic worldview where God almighty exist and as such, has revealed Himself to the world. For the postmodern worldview, the ideas and behaviors of man are more of a perception of what reality is and not an absolute. Phillips, Brown, and Stonestreet (2008) refer to postmodernism this way, "The focus of postmodernism is on how we perceive and how we describe what the world is" (p.53). Further, the postmodern interpretations of truth can be evaluated through the different communities, religions, and cultures where all are equally distinct and valid. In contrast, a theist roots their beliefs in the existence of God. "The most ... Show more content on ... What do I believe to be true in with my theistic worldview and why do I believe it? Because of God's revelation to and through His creation, I/we can see a purpose and a definitive plan for mankind. "History is ordained by God–there is a purpose and a goal for the course of human and natural events" (p.97). In essence God's plan is for order and not chaos and His works are purposeful and through His accord. "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace–as in all the congregations of the Lord's people" (1 Corinthians 14:33, New International Version). God's nature and character are also revealed to mankind as is our duty to love one another. "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is Love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son in to the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins" (1 John 4:8–10, New International Version). God models the permanence love, a love that never fails or dies and is eternal. Love is significant to the Creator and thus must be applied and carried out by the created! God has also impressed on hearts a moral order and demonstrates His sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness to His creation. I believe, trust, and walk in this truth of God's ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Postmodern Organisation The postmodern organisation. Introduction The millennial generation is the technologically savvy people born between 1982 and 2002. This group of people are anticipated to take over from the infamous Baby Boomers. The millennial generation This generation is best described as the first to try out new technologies that are on the market. They will usually own more than one smart phone, an example would be an Iphone, Blackberry or even a Samsung. They don't just stop at smart phones it also overlaps onto gaming consoles like the Play Station, Nintendo and Xbox. There is the use of Ipads and life pads in the lives of the Millennial generation, this is because they there is constant movement and an internet connection is vital. In these devices they can move around on different interfaces, e.g. being on your smart phone and checking your emails while you chat on BBM and Facebook–multi tasking on all their various social networks. According to Pew Social Trends 2010 Millennials' "technological exceptionalism is chronicled throughout the survey. It's not just their gadgets–it's the way they've fused their social lives into them." Expectations of the millennial generation The attitudes and behaviours of the millennial generation is that they are much more tolerant and accepting than the generations before them on a broad spectrum of issues such as HIV/AIDS, being more open about ones sexuality and being different. Generation Y is more adaptable to change as well so ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Tattoing: Postmodern Self Postmodern self – Tattoing – During the past decades, tattoing and piercings have become more and more popular through people of all ages. Most of them started embracing this form of art regardless of its meaning or background. Perhaps the most important change has been the transformation of tattooing from the ostensibly „deviant" practice, to the popular – cultural phenomenon it is today. The first criteria sociologists use to define this is as constituting or causing a kind of social harm. Since much of what might be considered to be socially harmful rests on the values of the person doing it, what is regarded as „bad" behaviour, „disgusting", „shocking" or „ inappropriate" appearance is largely a matter of taste. A second way of understanding ... Show more content on ... The reason why I decided to firstly approach this matter from this perspective is to emphasise the fact that most people have been having a different take on things that might not be as wide and healthy as it should be. Although tattooing may be thought of as a new phenomenon, is has been used for many centuries by exotic tribes and ancient civilizations as a form of identity and cultural celebrations. Tattooing has a very diverse past including used for identity, status, and decorative purposes. The earliest known form of tattooing is dated back to Ancient Egypt. Slaves were marked for the pyramid that they were assigned to construct. Criminals were also marked and sometimes a family would mark themselves. With the growth of the Egyptian empire, so did the practice of tattooing. Many tribes in Asia Minor and southern Asia including the Chinese adopted the art form around 2,000 B.C. These tribes in Asia and China were known to tattoo themselves according to their religion or traditions. Tattoos were places around the wrists or fingers because it was believed to help ward away illnesses and bad luck. As time passed, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Postmodern Jukebox Most people have felt that feeling they just do not belong where they are, or are not good enough for something. These are the feelings that went through Tom Yorke, the singer and songwriter of British band Radiohead, while writing one of the bands biggest hits, "Creep". These feeling and emotions are recreated and brought to a new level when covered by Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart. Postmodern Jukebox is a popular YouTube channel that rose to fame by taking popular songs and putting their own vintage twist to them. To change Radiohead's "Creep", they replaced all the instruments with a jazz selection, relaxed the groove to calm the song, and gave the vocalist part to a guest singer capable of pulling off a vintage sound. New aspects ... Show more content on ... The meaning of "Creep" relates to the writer's struggles when trying to approach a girl he likes. In part one he starts off by saying he does not feel like he can socialize with her, and goes on to praise her. The first part is closed by him saying he does not feel as "special" as her and he wishes to be like her. This opens up ideas later used in the song about how he does not fit in and shows why he is too "weird" to be with her. The chorus has a lot of deep meaning in it. By including that the songwriter does not feel like he belongs in the part of the song that is repeated the most, he is saying to the listeners that his biggest concern or fears are that he is not in her league because of his awkwardness, and she belongs with someone better The second part is the author saying he wants to be with the girl he is following no matter the expense. The last part depicts the girl leaving the writer, and how he is okay with it because he wants her to be happy, even at his happiness. He then goes back to sadness and states he still does not ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Postmodernism's The Swan As A Metaphor For Love Postmodernism is a very unique era within American literature. In previous time periods authors wrote very structured eventful stories that would often relate to the most common themes of the time, however Postmodernism completely defied this formula. In most cases Postmodern stories do not have story arcs nor do they have common themes. At most, the Post era can be bound by very vague similarities. Most of the stories are conveyed through streams of conscious, which is essentially using an unedited snippet of someone's life to create a story. There are no inner monologues or poetic speeches, rather they only showcase a small scale continuous sliver of life. The narration device similarity is cut and dry, however this can not be said for the themes within Postmodernism. In the vaguest of words, Post era literature can be bound within a common ideal of expressing the terrible and disappointing aspects of life. One of the most commonly attacked aspects of life is the sense of love. In most forms of art and media love is portrayed as a glorious thing so long as it is true. Love can conquer any mountain and defeat any foe, however Postmodernism portrays love in a very different manner. In " The Swan as a Metaphor for Love" love is compared to a swan. On the surface swans are seen as majestic creatures, similar to how love is seen as a beautiful emotion, but underneath the water swans are revolting creatures covered in " swan shit" and " pond scum". This idea that a normal life ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Modernism And Postmodern Religion Postmodern religion is not an attempt to banish religion from the public sphere; rather, it is a philosophical approach to religion that critically considers orthodox assumptions (that may reflect power differences in society rather than universal truths). The Catholics seemed to feel that this new modern religion was going to cause a lot of confusing within the church. So, they did not agree with it. It was their opinion that it would take the power that the church had at that point away. It would weaken the power that the leaders had and would allow the people to do what they desired to do in church without boundaries. It seems that there was a fear among all people because the church was beginning to be more modern and steering away from traditions as the church once knew. The church was evolving into an organization that would better the community as a whole. There were many who did not agree to this at all. It was one of those situations where the church and state wanted to keep control. Postmodern religion is not one of those things that would take religion totally out of the church but it would rather be one of those things that would cause the relationship between man and God to become more of what God intended for it to be. In modernizing religion, one would be able to go to God for themselves and be able to worship not just in a building made by man but they would be able to worship at home or wherever they felt that they could. I feel that it will ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on A Postmodern Tendancy in Their Eyes Were... A Postmodern Tendancy in Their Eyes Were Watching God ...Zora Neale Hurston lacks [any] excuse. The sensory sweep of her novel carries no theme, no message, no thought. In the main, her novel is not addressed to the Negro, but to a white audience whose chauvinistic tastes she knows how to satisfy. She exploits the phase of Negro life which is "quaint," the phase which evokes a piteous smile on the lips of the "superior" race. –– from "Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937)," a review by Richard Wright An unfortunate side effect of the postmodern tendency is often reactions like the above. Zora's work was not readily accepted in its time. Unlike fellow writers such as Faulkner and Joyce, ... Show more content on ... Zora exhibits these tendancies, which, taken separately, have been expounded upon but not yet fully exhausted, and the time has come to realize her as a postmodern force. Jean–Francois Lyotard, in his essay, "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge," defines postmodernism "as incredulity toward metannaratives (Lyotard, 71)." This works out to mean that the overarching metanarrative of the world, which is given to us by the ruling class if one subscribes to class theories, that forms our worldview has failed to fulfill our needs. The world is now seen as intersecting micronarratives; people can relate because their personal explanation of the world connects with another's explanation, but are recognizably individual because no two worldviews are identical. All micronarratives are equally valid in Lyotard's theories, and this fits in nicely with postmodernism's push towards inclusion rather than marginalization. This theory also pushes postmodernism into one of its other major facets, the breakdown of binary systems. Hassan is the pundit of the anti–binarial division of the postmodern. He details that postmodernism is not anti–modernism; it is not a "reaction to" or successive movement. Indeed, it is different than modernism, but also shares many ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Analysis of David Foster Wallace´s Novel: Infinite Jest Self and other The theme of self versus other evident in the novel is reflective of the postmodern idea that there exist boundaries between the two separate entities, the internal and external, perception and reality. This theme manifests as the idea that the 'other' can influence the 'self', that society controls the individual. Wallace also explores the theme of self and other in Infinite Jest by contrasting the boundary between what goes on inside the characters' heads and the outside world. Characters such as Millicent Kent feel a sense of loneliness in their own thoughts and consequently seek diversion in something other. Kent alludes to the "Taoist paraboloid logo" (Wallace 265) which symbolizes self and other when she "asked Mario if he'd ever seen a girl's yin–yang before" (Wallace 124). Kent draws a parallel between the two pairs of seemingly opposite forces that are actually connected to and dependent upon each other. For Millicent and Mario, yin and yang symbolize female and male, but also a balanced relationship that leads the characters out of loneliness. Through his allusion to ideological jargon, Wallace suggests that a harmonious balance between self and other is necessary. Irony leads to addiction One of the most poignant instances of irony is in regards to the cynicism in postmodern society. The characters Infinite Jest are remarkably sarcastic and the narration of the novel has a dark, satirical quality to it. David Foster Wallace uses Remy ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay about A Postmodern Bore A Postmodern Bore Imagine, if you will, a world where everyone was the same, where your neighbors had the same clothes as you did, the same kind of dog, and the same color house as you did. A world where everyone looked like everyone else, behaved the same, and thought the same. A world characterized by total and complete conformity through assimilation, incorporation, and deindividualization. A world where an elite cadre of individuals determined the very shape of reality itself. This world is held by many scholars to be typifying of one of the major aspects of Postmodernism. Although Postmodernism refuses to define itself , (Kozinets–see later,) it according to many of these scholars threatens the very existence of civilization as we ... Show more content on ... A society should not be based on the view of the world from one perspective to the exclusion of all other perspectives. Rather, it should be able to see all points of view and incorporate them into its worldview. But after awhile this philosophy began to be replaced by a new system, a know all, see everything Orwellian big brother that attempted to maintain a rigid order among individuals, and among their thoughts, because in order for this diseased system, Postmodernism, to survive, it was necessary for all men to be exactly equal, in their behavior, in their actions, and in their thoughts. It began with architecture and art, and then proceeded to infect our individual beliefs and opinions. Whereas once men were free to hold their own opinions, now all men were required to believe the same beliefs. (As the Counting Crows have observed, round here, we all look the same. ) According to Habermas, this new system was created by a flaw in the old one. This flaw lay in the fact that Modernism had no set of rules for interpersonal contact. Therefore, whenever two peoples individual spheres did come in contact with one another, each ones sphere was influenced ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Gender and Postmodern Mapping the Modern "An argumentative essay on 'Gender' through comparison and contrast of the views of authorities who are postmodern practitioners" Introduction Defining postmodernism as well as gender is an extremely difficult task if not impossible. This essay is an argument on the two postmodernist's concept on 'Gender'. This essay argues posing foucauldian postmodernism of Judith Butler against Baudrillardean post modernism of Arthur and Marilouse Kroker with analysis on both their ideas on gender including sex and sexuality. This essay also argues that these two approaches are fully flawed for a number of important reasons. This essay offered an argument on the ideas of two of the most prominent postmodernists in the field of ... Show more content on ... Butler initially observes that the culturally constructed as well as maintained nature of performance of gender are fairly based on the uncontentious as well as widely expounded idea of feminist theory stating that cultural expressions of gender which constitute the cultural manifestations of biological truth cannot be taken at face value. Butler proposes the concept of differences in sex is a construction of heterosexuality ideologically designed to legitimize as well as normalize its existence. Butler notes that manifestations of split as male and female are creations in a self– legitimizing heterosexuality which is also hegemonic. Butler claims that the coherence of either gender namely man or woman is internal requiring a heterosexuality which is stable as well as oppositional. Heterosexuality which is institutional requires as well as produces univocity I each of the terms gendered constituting limits of gender possibilities inside an oppositional along with binary gender system. The concept of gender presuppose a relationship which is causal among sex, desire as well as gender but also suggests that desire reflects and expresses gender and vice versa. The uity of these three factors are metaphysical ad is truly known as well as expressed in desire differentiating a oppositional gender which is a form of heterosexuality said to be oppositional. Butler's argument on ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Examples Of Postmodernism In Pulp Fiction Postmodernism is a movement in the field of art, architecture and criticism. It includes a way of interpreting culture, literature, art, philosophy, history, economics, architecture and fiction in a way which is not easily convincible. Pulp Fiction is an American comedy crime movie directed by Quentin Taratino which was released in 1994. Pulp Fiction is a term used to describe a huge amount of creative writing available to the American public in the early nineteen–hundreds. In this paper we discuss about postmodernism and the movie Pulp Fiction. Then we will look in to the amount of postmodernism that director showed in this movie and whether we can call this work as postmodern or not. There are many sources which support these both statements. Postmodernism and The movie 'Pulp Fiction' Jean–Francois ... Show more content on ... To understand the movie one should have to give more concentration, thus you should be active audient rather than a passive one. Intertextuality is also included in the film as we have discussed above. It is the text that collects and samples various surfaces of previous texts to create a new one. Film has postmodern dialogues where we can see casual conversation about drugs, sex and crime. For example first Vincent and Jules discuss about food and then about drugs and murder. Film shows 50s iconography in the Jack Rabbit Slims diner, the '60s pop music that scores its storms and their preceding calms, the '70s "cool" exhibited by almost all the characters. Another example is Butch's gold watch that he so dearly treasures and risks his life to take it back from his old apartment. The film's legacy is understandably wrapped up in the history of independent cinema. There lot of other scenes in the movie which support that it is postmodern movie. So I strongly agrees that Pulp Fiction is a postmodern ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Postmodern Congruity In 'Bottle Rocket' The image above illustrates how the director subtly responds to his own work. It is an example of postmodern irony and the 'new sincerity' because it serves as a subversive function, as Moonrise Kingdom (2012) makes a critique about the characters in Bottle Rocket (1996). It happens at the beginning of the film and it immediately establishes the type of roles the adults and the children play. The congruity between the two films is the collection of bottle rockets on the desk. The incongruity comments on the maturity of adults and children. Dignan (in Bottle Rocket (1996)) is a reckless individual and lights a rocket when it suits his mood, for example, out of the window of a moving car. These children (above) are responsible because they are capable of making the rockets, and they are making them in a safe environment. Norton's character, the scout master, purposefully directs his cigarette towards the camera, to not set them alight. The 'postmodern' term of postmodern irony suggests a consciousness (explained in chapter one) and the narrative is designed to consciously know that is it a film. By commenting on a previous film, the director is able to reply with the 'new sincerity' about the condition of his characters and it heightens the fact that the audience is watching a film. The subversive function occurs when the illusion of reality is broken, as the filmic devices are made evident. A subversive method is adopted in film to go against an established system. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Postmodern Theory Postmodern/Complexity Adaptive Systems Reduce Managerial Errors Melissa J. Reed MHA 601 Principles of Health Care Administration Instructor: Alisa Wagner 09/17/2012 Postmodern/Complexity Adaptive Systems Reduce Managerial Errors Healthcare is one of the fastest growing industries. As the world around us is evolving, healthcare organizations must develop new an effective ways to manage. With the many changes consistently evolving around us, managerial errors have increased with inefficient management skills. Postmodern/complexity adaptive systems can help organizations in avoiding these errors. This paper will explain ten errors and explain applying (CAS) will give better solutions to help managers in avoiding ... Show more content on ... CAS theory tells us management will involve the team so they will have a better understanding in what environment will be most effective. (p.71) The next error according to Johnson (2009) is "assuming the employees will not reallocate work assignments based on their perception of the best arrangement even after receiving work allocation assignment from management." (p.80) reallocating work assignments, management should call a meeting with the team to decide what strategies will benefit and be successful. "Ignoring the speed with which the informal organization can transmit messages and, therefore, failing to manage rumors in a productive manner." (Johnson, 2009. p.80) Management will be alert and ready to address a situation by staying in constant communication with others. Organizations engaged in effective, fast decision making use just as much information as slow decision makers but information of a different kind (Eisenhardt, 1990). The last four errors according to Johnson (2009) I am listing below in bullets and will touch on each one before concluding. (p.81) · Failing to treat the organization's dominant logic as an emergent property of the system and, instead, treating it as something that can be imposed on the system. Johnson (2009) states, "the behavior of a CAS cannot be obtained by summing the behaviors of the constituent parts, but emerge as the result of the pattern of connections among diverse agents." ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Postmodersm In Gothic In his seminal study Gothic, Botting compares Gothic literature in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries with respect to their different ways of addressing terror and horror. He notes that the novel of terror dominated the eighteenth–century gothic writings for its transgressive efficacies. Female Gothic writers examine the terrors of patriarchal oppression while verbalizing the heroine's anxiety about her entrapment into the confines of domesticity. In other words, the gothic heroine is plunged into a state of terror stimulated by her own imagination yet, reflected her social reality. Although the heroine engaged herself in a subversive journey to flee the terrors of the social order, the gothic genre at that period espoused a restoration and revitalization of the normalised order through the exorcism of the threatening and vicious characters, as Botting writes: "[V]illains are punished; heroines well married" (Gothic 10). The nineteenth–century female gothic witnessed a shift towards the ... Show more content on ... Firstly, while investigating it practicality, postmodernism revisits the belief in objective reality. It cuts with the consistent oneness and uniformity of Truth/Reality which is stripped of its hierarchical stance, giving much leeway for the proliferation of multiples realities and the plurality of new stories, new texts and new fictional worlds constructed by the characters. These nascent narratives uncover the laden discourse behind the creation of history which is constructed on the exclusion of the peripherized and inclusion of the dominant for the sake of homogeneity. Postmodernism thus, while interrogating the tenability of objectivity, divulges the unreliability of authentic representations. Accordingly, as the centre no longer holds, Reality is relativized Truth is ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Bright Lights, Big City And White Noise Comparison Paper: Bright Lights, Big City and White Noise Bright Lights, Big City Bright Lights, Big City, is an American narrative, by Jay Mclnerney. The narrative is among America's most notable novels, presented in the second person. In the book, Mclnerney presents the narrator as a worker for highbrow magazine. He depicts the narrator as party maniac, and cocaine user, who intends to literally lose himself in the profligacy (hedonism), of the yuppie party scene (McInerney 213). The narrator frequented 'Heartbreak', a preeminent nightclub in New York City. Amanda, the narrator's wife opted to walk out on him, after establishing her modelling career in Paris. The narrator lived in denial. He opted to assume his wife's departure, and live as if nothing had change. He lived in the hope that his wife would return (McInerney 343). Nonetheless, the narrator opted to search for his wife at her fashion events. He was overly fixated on his wife's memory, where he obsessed on her possessions, her modelling pictures, and a dummy based on her. Overtime, his incongruous lifestyle influenced his career. Progressively, the narrator became overly disillusioned, and fixated on his wife, and the acquisitive New York culture. White Noise White Noise, a book by Don DeLillo, is among America's most remarkable works categorized under postmodernism literature. The book gives a picturesque description of Jack Gladney (the protagonist), a college professor in a second–rate town American ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. White Noise Essay In his award winning novel White Noise, Don DeLillo critically observes and illustrates everyday life of the postmodern American family. Within this critique, DeLillo examines the pervasiveness of technology and its unavoidable interaction with the human experience of reality. This technological influence is dramatized throughout the novel in many ways; for example, one method utilized by DeLillo to expose the reader to the ubiquity of technology comes from frequent interludes to the text, which serve little purpose other than to accommodate trivial technological sounds and discourse. These interjections, coming from technological sources such as household appliances, the radio, television and vehicles, not only engage the reader in an immediate ... Show more content on ... It is through this reorganization and shifting of discourse that technological and scientific discourses gain enigmatic qualities and perceived authority. This authoritative role of discourse witnessed in the Gladney family is relation to the Jack's eldest son Heinrich, who embodies an authoritative role in the family merely because he is "the possessor of scientific discourse" (Conroy 205). Furthermore, his status is maintained even though it is impossible to know whether the information Heinrich puts forth is factual (205). Evidence for this can also be found in the scene at the boy scouts camp, when Jack and Babette observe Heinrich lecturing information on the toxic event (DeLillo 134). In Conroy's analysis of this scene, he depicts Heinrich as some form of profit, by likening the scene to Jesus's appearance in the temple (205). Furthermore, while being a possessor of scientific discourse (and not by possessing a traditional German name) is the defining feature of Heinrich's character and status, other members of the Gladney family are also privy to technology's influence on their personal ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Postmodern American Family Research Question: What role does technology play on kinship ties in postmodern North American society? Thesis Statement: In the postmodern era technologies of social saturation render the ties of kinship less significant than they were in the postmodern era. Summary: The modernization of North America has changed the make of family lessening the significance of the ties of kinship. According to Zeitlin, the theory of the postmodern family is based on the concept of changing gender roles as there is no longer a need for a distinction between the genders. Men are no longer hunters, women are no longer dedicated to domestic labour and childbearing. It is because of technological advancements the differences between the genders are less ... Show more content on ... The telephone completely alters the the nature of social interactions. It can be described as a lifeline to the outside world or a device that can cause isolation. The placement of information and technological devices within the home alters the domestic environment. The interaction between these devices and the inhabitants show that having these devices causes an impact on the people within the home, influencing their habits and values. These devices become important to the daily lives of the inhabitants, and cause new social networks which form relationships outside the family. It is difficult to maintain both external and internal relations so families struggle to make time for each other, and when they do spend time together it may involve use of these devices which isn't really a social connection at all. In communities with little chance of casual encounters providing people with this technology causes isolation from society outside of screens. This is directly related to the belief that humans are becoming more antisocial which as a family would have a negative effect on interpersonal interactions. (Strathern 2005: ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Postmodern Art Essay Postmodern art decided to make revolutionary break with past and questioned previous theories known as "big narratives" of art, politics, economics and overall culture in order to create new theories. The big part of postmodern theory deals with the belief of preexistence of the art all around us. The artist is the one who can recognize these elements of art around as and synthesize them into the art work. This art work becomes object of interpretation which inevitably varies among different generations, social groups, national group, religious groups, and depends on some extent of the educational level of the observers and it is also different in the same individual in different times or environments. The different interpretations of ... Show more content on ... In another words Borges through his character, Pierre Menard, primarily examined the terms of the originality, inspiration, and innovation in the art. Borges argues for strong mutual connections between the written work (art work) and the reader (observer) and written work (art) and the creator. He created his fictional world in which he unfolded the story encompassing his philosophy of art, self examined it from different angles without a fear of overestimating values of his own work because he is just objectively praising Pierre Menard's artistic product. In the story Pierre Menard presents two options how he could write his Quixote. The first option is that he, Pierre Menard, will become Cervantes, in that way that he will learn to speak 17th century Spanish, he will learn the history and examine the circumstances that were surrounding Cervantes while he was writing his Quixote. Of course, this option is denied as impossible (ironically, Borges says it too easy.) The second option, for Menard, is to write his own, Quixote; The Quixote that will, in its appearance, resemble the "original" work, but in its core will be completely different piece. Menard will become different Cervantes, do it through his own experience and knowledge. In this way, he will not only distinguish his "The Quixote" from the "Don Quixote," but Menard still will stay himself. Menard intended to create The Quixote by his own means (talent, brain power, experience) so that it would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Rhetorical Analysis Of ' The Novel ' The use of irony in the novel also contributes to its postmodernism. Many postmodernists treat serious subjects jovially to distance themselves from the difficult subject. They evoke black humor and different types of irony to offer critics of society and to display how society should not fear dark and somber things. DeLillo sprinkles irony all throughout his story using it even at the most serious of times. He uses it to show how the characters should not fear death and how the characters ignore danger when "the smoke alarm went off in the hallway upstairs, either to let us know the battery had just died or because the house was on fire" (8) and they did nothing about the possible imminent danger. DeLillo also uses irony to mock certain characters and expose the ridiculousness of certain beliefs and customs. When Jack's boss advises him to change his name and appearance to gain more prestige, the change they make is pretentious as it is the same name only without one letter, "we finally agreed that I should event an extra initial and call myself J.A.K Gladney" (16). DeLillo continues to ridicule society and its principles by exposing absurdity such as Jack not knowing German despite being the founder of Hitler studies and his college requiring all Hitler majors to understand some of the language, "I had long tried to conceal the fact that I did not know German" (31). The use of irony not only gives the novel a lighter tone, but also exposes DeLillo's critique of society ... Get more on ...