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CSR in SMEs - part 3

April 2011

Daniel Truran
World and way of doing
                           business is changing fast / Daniel Truran                
New business models

                      Apple’s Apps
Google Introduced...

        software spaces

                           to help poorer start-ups / Daniel Truran
things change quickly even in
                       the cement industry
               e.g. cement innovation on motorway building in mobile places
                           Flow of Communication

                                 From Uni-Minded

Beppe Robiati                    To Pluri-Minded
  CEO Scac / Daniel Truran                 
Gruppo Scac / Daniel Truran        / Daniel Truran                                        
Mubarak maintained every form of control he could imagine over his
  opposition and his people. But the corollary to this absolute control is
  that this creates a closed system, one that failed to process feedback
  from its environment and this led to the ultimate instability.

                           internal / external environment

  Improvement comes from the feedback loops and the process of
  adaptation from these environments.

  The more successful, secure or dominant the organism (person, company
  or country) the higher the wall grows between it and it’s environment. / Daniel Truran                               
Those in power tend to believe that their followers will be lost without their guidance and control.
 Tahrir Square over the past weeks has been an incredible demonstration of the power of “self-
 organization.” The protesters entered Tahrir Square with no apparent leader, no organization,
 and no assigned responsibilities. But, given a common purpose, they organized themselves. They
 formed organization and took responsibility for checking those who entered the square to assure
 they weren’t carrying weapons. They organized sanitation. They organized medical services. They
 organized security and protection within the square...

             The power of self-organization is present in every organization.
             It is too often dismissed as a chaotic disruption to the formal lines of
             Those who are “on-the-spot,” whether in a factory, a school, or on the
             streets, when empowered to solve problems most often have the
             capacity to self-organize.
             Social media, or networked intelligence, is an enabler of self-organization.

Within companies we need to encourage the power of self-organization rather than fear its disruption. / Daniel Truran                                           
The demonstrators had been joyously celebrating what they
                 believed would be his final resignation. They were horribly
                 disappointed. Not only did he not resign, but his speech talked
                 down to his “children” in the most condescending tone. He
                 appeared not to understand that it was families, doctors, lawyers,
                 workers, as well as students who had taken to Tahrir Square to
                 protest his rule.

             Leaders lead by creating a sense of shared purpose, shared values and common
             vision that can inspire their followers. Leader’s never motivate followers by
             talking down to them, by expressing their own self-importance. Leaders lead by
             expressing empathy and creating bonds of unity with their followers.

             To the degree that you fail at this task, you fail as a leader. / Daniel Truran                                             
The Egyptian revolution was in the making for thirty years. But, the power of
        Facebook, as Google executive Wael Ghonim has explained, enabled fifty to a
        hundred thousand Egyptians to collaborate instantaneously and form a
        consensus to action. The power of the Internet has never been demonstrated
        more clearly.

   Every organization survives by its ability to adapt to change in the external environment.

   The ability to hear, to sense, to respond and adapt to changes taking place, only to be seen on
   the Internet, will determine your ability to survive the next tipping point in your marketplace. / Daniel Truran                                              
Never underestimate the power of purpose to unite
                           people in a common pursuit. No single group could have
                           succeeded in this revolution.
                           It was the power to unite diverse people in common
                           purpose that tore down the walls of dictatorial

           That power is latent in every organization if leaders would only call upon it. / Daniel Truran                                              
“CSR” drives success

                            “…significantly boost our company’s
                            performance during the next five years.

                            How? Foremost, we look to inspire our
                            employees’ hope in the future, to fill them with
                            a sense of progress and advancement in their
                            careers as well as their personal lives.

                            How we treat and teach our employees and the
                            sense of respect and fairness our company
                            projects, will instill the loyalty, motivation and
                            positive thinking our team needs to
                            accomplish our goals.”

                            Fasha Mahjoor - CEO of Phenomenex / Daniel Truran                    
Different methodologies in stating
        and clarifying company values and
        thus creating alignment ...

                    ... alignment around what?

the importance of clearly stating core values / Daniel Truran           
Proposal for a code of ethics

       Paolo Russo / Daniel Truran          
Strengthening through code
                              of ethics
                “Our Code of Ethics aims to be a set of principles that
             remarks both the identity of the organization and the values
               that inspire the day by day activities of the whole group.

                This code aims to be a promise of integrity for all the
                  stakeholders that will interact with our company,
             demonstrating an extraordinary commitment to work along a
                    profound sense of ethical business practices.” / Daniel Truran                               
Benefits of code of ethics
                            “- to define accepted/acceptable behaviors;  

                              - to promote high standards of practice;

           - to provide a benchmark for the other members of our network

                     - to empower people and stimulate their motivation

      - to establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities;

- to increase the awareness of each employees by involving them into the process;

   - This code will represent an additional advantage towards our competitors
      considering that intangible capital and reputation are the main assets of a
                           consultancy/advisory firm firm.” / Daniel Truran                                      
Steps towards a code of ethics
“1. Understand the purpose
The main question is: what is our purpose/objective by creating this code?

2. Review your identity
Spend time to understand your identity and your mission as organization. The code of ethics comes from a deep
comprehension of the role of the company into the business community.

3. Find out what bothers people
Copying a code from another organization will not suffice.
It is important to find out on what topics employees require guidance, to be clear what issues are of concern
to stakeholders and what issues are material to your business activities, locations and sector.
MAKE A QUESTIONNAIRE TO YOUR EMPLOYEES and learn which kind of organization they would like to work for.

4. Collect the inputs and put into the framework
After the questionnaire and perhaps after discussions with the employees, it will be the time to insert all the
relevant information into the framework that you have already prepared. A good way is to match the view of
the top managers of the firm with the needs and ideas coming from the other employees.

5. Review
Plan a process of regular reviews that will take account of changing business environments, strategy, stakeholder concerns and
social expectations, new standards, and strengths and weakness in your ethical performance.” / Daniel Truran                                                             
Flow towards a code of ethics
   Values, hopes, ambitions and
   objectives of the leadership

                                                    Put the ideas              Define the
          Collect the ideas                            into the              Code of Ethics

Results coming                Stake holders input
    from the                     and proposals.
questionnaire to                (Questionnaire)
 the employees / Daniel Truran                                  
Values’ Inspiration Wall

Work – Life balance                      Social responsibility in

Partnership of women and                    Value based leadership
men in all fields of work

Sustainable development                     Meritocracy & Integrity

Integrity and commitment                    Opportunity & Training

Positive consultation                      Client oriented / Daniel Truran                            
Positive Examples
                    let’s be as good or as better
                         than the “big” ones / Daniel Truran             

                is another way to state what
                   the company and people
                    working there stand for / Daniel Truran             
Company “manifesto”:
                           we believe... / Daniel Truran                
“Another kind” of Manifesto
                   The Generation M Manifesto
                   Umair Haque (Harvard Business Review)

          Ethical production. Innovation turns a blind eye to ethics — or, worse, actively denies ethics. That's a
          natural result of putting entrepreneurship above all. Buy low, sell high, create value. That's so 20th
          century. Awesome stuff is produced ethically — in fact, without an ethical component, awesomeness isn't
          possible. Starbucks is shifting to Fair Trade coffee beans, for example. Why? Starbucks isn't just trying to
          innovate yet another flavour of sugar-water: it's trying to gain awesomeness.

                Love. You know what's funny about walking into an Apple Store? The people working there
                care. They don't just "work at the Apple store" — they love Apple. Contrast that with the
                alienating, soul-crushing experience of trying to buy something at Best Buy — where
                salespeople attack you out of greed / Daniel Truran                                                            
Website Statements

  Our philosophy

  Our roadmap for the future
  At CEVA we have a clearly defined vision for our business. Our goal is to be the most admired
  company in the supply chain industry by exemplifying Unity, Growth and Excellence in
  everything we do.
  To keep us focused on achieving this vision we are creating a strong and integrated business
  with people at its very heart. To achieve this we have developed a series of values and brand
  imperatives which help us all act in a way that will steer us on the path to meet our vision of
  becoming the most admired. / Daniel Truran
Website Statements / Daniel Truran
Which one do you like most?

Which one is most effective in building
a values-driven = successful company?
We are looking at ways to
differentiate our SME and purpose is
definitely a strong way. / Daniel Truran
What is the purpose of work ? / Daniel Truran         
but how can I act on a purpose,
                specially if it is an ambitious
                purpose? / Daniel Truran         
ebbf’s vision statement

                   we contribute
                   to a prosperous, sustainable and just civilization
                   by promoting and applying
                   ethical values, personal virtues and moral leadership
                   in business and civil society.  

           How on earth do I align THAT kind of purpose to my daily working life? / Daniel Truran                               
Steve Hall

        I’m not building only.
        I’m building
        a new civilization.

        Mary, 35. Architect.
        She choosed to use eco-materials only.

I’m not baking only.
I’m building
a new civilization.

Paul, 42. Baker.
He buys raw materials from Fair Trade only.

I’m not just selling drugs.
I’m building
a new civilization.

Ann, 30. Pharmacist.
She educates her clients about natural

I’m not teaching maths only.
I’m building
a new civilization.

Jennifer, 45. Professor.
She started conversations with her students
about etichs in science.

                   July August ’09        25
Personal Purpose / Daniel Truran            
Do you bring - yourself - to work?

     Mobile phone at home or at work

                                 know your values to become stronger
                                      more aligned and coherent
                           instead of work life balance enjoy a life balance

                                   to become more successful

                              creating more succesful organizations / Daniel Truran                                     
the values of a leader, the core values of a company ...
                   how can we talk “values” at work?

                            The “values game”

          A post-it of “values” that you stick on the back of your “colleagues”

                           How did you feel reading these values?

                      Has anyone at work highlighted or even mentioned
                      the values you or your colleagues have? / Daniel Truran                                  
Rüdiger Fox ... ten years ago in 2001
Easy to remain faithful
                        one’s values?

                                      fast growth
                                                        Easier to stick to
                                                         your principles
                                                          Your Sphere

peer-group                                          competitive
thinking                                            rivalry

                                                    Does this environment fit you?
                                                          You have a choice
                                                      Your people have a choice

                       expectations / Daniel Truran
Passive - be influenced by others
                 or active - influencing others?
                                           fast growth

               peer-group                                        competitive
               thinking                                          rivalry

                            stock-market / Daniel Truran    expectations       
“Just” live your values
                                   "my first and current job is to create contracts
                                   with hotels, restaurants and all stakeholders
                                   present in the tourism sector. From my first day
                                   at work I always tried to be honest and
                                   transparent with my suppliers whilst of course
                                   always trying to achieve the financial goals of my
                                   company. Even though combining the two was
                                   sometimes a challenge, in the end I was rewarded
                                   in both areas!

                                   This happened not so long ago when the manager
                                   of a large Italian hotel chain decided to confirm a
                                   big contract with us, taking away share from our
       Giada Dall’O                competitors, he justified his decision by saying:

       “in times of economic crisis such as the ones we are living now, knowing
       that you can trust the people that you work with is fundamental” / Daniel Truran                              
How much influence can I have?
   Relationship between an individual and ... the world
                   The whole World                           The whole World
                          Country                              Stake holders
                       Community                                 Company
                              Family                           Department

We are all shaped by:                           At the same time, we also influence it. - One
- the environment, the outer circles, the       deed, even one gesture, word or facial
society we live in, our culture, our family     expression can have a tremendous effect on
and education are the conditions of our lives   others. A manager’s department reflects
                                                own values / Daniel Truran                              

Your assignment for Friday

       Identify an SME that has applied CSR
       (diverse world coverage)

       describe what motivated the company to CSR

       describe area of action

       describe success it brought about

       1 A4 page - 3 min presentation - website

       email to :
EBBF / Daniel Truran
Concept of - Campaigns -

      time definite
Communicating Purpose / Daniel Truran             
Will there be coherence or is it “just” a marketing exercise?


     Personal                           Company
     Values                             Values / Daniel Truran
A - sincere - sense of positive purpose...

                    ... always brings success / Daniel Truran            

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  • 1. IMSD CSR in SMEs - part 3 April 2011 PROFESSOR Daniel Truran
  • 2. World and way of doing business is changing fast / Daniel Truran
  • 3. New business models Apple’s Apps
  • 4. Google Introduced... software
  • 5. spaces to help poorer start-ups / Daniel Truran
  • 6. things change quickly even in the cement industry e.g. cement innovation on motorway building in mobile places
  • 7. Structure Flow of Communication From Uni-Minded Beppe Robiati To Pluri-Minded CEO Scac / Daniel Truran
  • 8. Gruppo Scac / Daniel Truran
  • 10. Mubarak maintained every form of control he could imagine over his opposition and his people. But the corollary to this absolute control is that this creates a closed system, one that failed to process feedback from its environment and this led to the ultimate instability. internal / external environment Improvement comes from the feedback loops and the process of adaptation from these environments. The more successful, secure or dominant the organism (person, company or country) the higher the wall grows between it and it’s environment. / Daniel Truran
  • 11. Those in power tend to believe that their followers will be lost without their guidance and control. Tahrir Square over the past weeks has been an incredible demonstration of the power of “self- organization.” The protesters entered Tahrir Square with no apparent leader, no organization, and no assigned responsibilities. But, given a common purpose, they organized themselves. They formed organization and took responsibility for checking those who entered the square to assure they weren’t carrying weapons. They organized sanitation. They organized medical services. They organized security and protection within the square... The power of self-organization is present in every organization. It is too often dismissed as a chaotic disruption to the formal lines of authority. Those who are “on-the-spot,” whether in a factory, a school, or on the streets, when empowered to solve problems most often have the capacity to self-organize. Social media, or networked intelligence, is an enabler of self-organization. Within companies we need to encourage the power of self-organization rather than fear its disruption. / Daniel Truran
  • 12. The demonstrators had been joyously celebrating what they believed would be his final resignation. They were horribly disappointed. Not only did he not resign, but his speech talked down to his “children” in the most condescending tone. He appeared not to understand that it was families, doctors, lawyers, workers, as well as students who had taken to Tahrir Square to protest his rule. Leaders lead by creating a sense of shared purpose, shared values and common vision that can inspire their followers. Leader’s never motivate followers by talking down to them, by expressing their own self-importance. Leaders lead by expressing empathy and creating bonds of unity with their followers. To the degree that you fail at this task, you fail as a leader. / Daniel Truran
  • 13. The Egyptian revolution was in the making for thirty years. But, the power of Facebook, as Google executive Wael Ghonim has explained, enabled fifty to a hundred thousand Egyptians to collaborate instantaneously and form a consensus to action. The power of the Internet has never been demonstrated more clearly. Every organization survives by its ability to adapt to change in the external environment. The ability to hear, to sense, to respond and adapt to changes taking place, only to be seen on the Internet, will determine your ability to survive the next tipping point in your marketplace. / Daniel Truran
  • 14. Never underestimate the power of purpose to unite people in a common pursuit. No single group could have succeeded in this revolution. It was the power to unite diverse people in common purpose that tore down the walls of dictatorial authority. That power is latent in every organization if leaders would only call upon it. / Daniel Truran
  • 15. “CSR” drives success “…significantly boost our company’s performance during the next five years. How? Foremost, we look to inspire our employees’ hope in the future, to fill them with a sense of progress and advancement in their careers as well as their personal lives. How we treat and teach our employees and the sense of respect and fairness our company projects, will instill the loyalty, motivation and positive thinking our team needs to accomplish our goals.” Fasha Mahjoor - CEO of Phenomenex / Daniel Truran
  • 16. Different methodologies in stating and clarifying company values and thus creating alignment ... ... alignment around what? the importance of clearly stating core values / Daniel Truran
  • 17. Proposal for a code of ethics Paolo Russo / Daniel Truran
  • 18. Strengthening through code of ethics “Our Code of Ethics aims to be a set of principles that remarks both the identity of the organization and the values that inspire the day by day activities of the whole group. This code aims to be a promise of integrity for all the stakeholders that will interact with our company, demonstrating an extraordinary commitment to work along a profound sense of ethical business practices.” / Daniel Truran
  • 19. Benefits of code of ethics “- to define accepted/acceptable behaviors;   - to promote high standards of practice; - to provide a benchmark for the other members of our network - to empower people and stimulate their motivation - to establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities; - to increase the awareness of each employees by involving them into the process; - This code will represent an additional advantage towards our competitors considering that intangible capital and reputation are the main assets of a consultancy/advisory firm firm.” / Daniel Truran
  • 20. Steps towards a code of ethics “1. Understand the purpose The main question is: what is our purpose/objective by creating this code? 2. Review your identity Spend time to understand your identity and your mission as organization. The code of ethics comes from a deep comprehension of the role of the company into the business community. 3. Find out what bothers people Copying a code from another organization will not suffice. It is important to find out on what topics employees require guidance, to be clear what issues are of concern to stakeholders and what issues are material to your business activities, locations and sector. MAKE A QUESTIONNAIRE TO YOUR EMPLOYEES and learn which kind of organization they would like to work for. 4. Collect the inputs and put into the framework After the questionnaire and perhaps after discussions with the employees, it will be the time to insert all the relevant information into the framework that you have already prepared. A good way is to match the view of the top managers of the firm with the needs and ideas coming from the other employees. 5. Review Plan a process of regular reviews that will take account of changing business environments, strategy, stakeholder concerns and social expectations, new standards, and strengths and weakness in your ethical performance.” / Daniel Truran
  • 21. Flow towards a code of ethics Values, hopes, ambitions and objectives of the leadership board Put the ideas Define the Collect the ideas into the Code of Ethics framework Results coming Stake holders input from the and proposals. questionnaire to (Questionnaire) the employees / Daniel Truran
  • 22. Values’ Inspiration Wall Work – Life balance Social responsibility in business Partnership of women and Value based leadership men in all fields of work Sustainable development Meritocracy & Integrity Integrity and commitment Opportunity & Training Positive consultation Client oriented / Daniel Truran
  • 23. Positive Examples let’s be as good or as better than the “big” ones / Daniel Truran
  • 24. COMPANY MANIFESTO is another way to state what the company and people working there stand for / Daniel Truran
  • 25. Company “manifesto”: we believe... / Daniel Truran
  • 26. “Another kind” of Manifesto The Generation M Manifesto Umair Haque (Harvard Business Review) Ethical production. Innovation turns a blind eye to ethics — or, worse, actively denies ethics. That's a natural result of putting entrepreneurship above all. Buy low, sell high, create value. That's so 20th century. Awesome stuff is produced ethically — in fact, without an ethical component, awesomeness isn't possible. Starbucks is shifting to Fair Trade coffee beans, for example. Why? Starbucks isn't just trying to innovate yet another flavour of sugar-water: it's trying to gain awesomeness. Love. You know what's funny about walking into an Apple Store? The people working there care. They don't just "work at the Apple store" — they love Apple. Contrast that with the alienating, soul-crushing experience of trying to buy something at Best Buy — where salespeople attack you out of greed / Daniel Truran
  • 27. Website Statements Our philosophy Our roadmap for the future At CEVA we have a clearly defined vision for our business. Our goal is to be the most admired company in the supply chain industry by exemplifying Unity, Growth and Excellence in everything we do. To keep us focused on achieving this vision we are creating a strong and integrated business with people at its very heart. To achieve this we have developed a series of values and brand imperatives which help us all act in a way that will steer us on the path to meet our vision of becoming the most admired. / Daniel Truran
  • 28. Website Statements / Daniel Truran
  • 29. Which one do you like most? Which one is most effective in building a values-driven = successful company?
  • 30. We are looking at ways to differentiate our SME and purpose is definitely a strong way. / Daniel Truran
  • 31. What is the purpose of work ? / Daniel Truran
  • 32. but how can I act on a purpose, specially if it is an ambitious purpose? / Daniel Truran
  • 33. ebbf’s vision statement we contribute to a prosperous, sustainable and just civilization by promoting and applying ethical values, personal virtues and moral leadership in business and civil society.   How on earth do I align THAT kind of purpose to my daily working life? / Daniel Truran
  • 34. Steve Hall I’m not building only. I’m building a new civilization. Mary, 35. Architect. She choosed to use eco-materials only. 22
  • 35. I’m not baking only. I’m building a new civilization. Paul, 42. Baker. He buys raw materials from Fair Trade only. 23
  • 36. I’m not just selling drugs. I’m building a new civilization. Ann, 30. Pharmacist. She educates her clients about natural healthcare. 24
  • 37. I’m not teaching maths only. I’m building a new civilization. Jennifer, 45. Professor. She started conversations with her students about etichs in science. July August ’09 25
  • 38. Personal Purpose / Daniel Truran
  • 40. Do you bring - yourself - to work? Mobile phone at home or at work know your values to become stronger more aligned and coherent instead of work life balance enjoy a life balance to become more successful creating more succesful organizations / Daniel Truran
  • 41. the values of a leader, the core values of a company ... how can we talk “values” at work? The “values game” A post-it of “values” that you stick on the back of your “colleagues” How did you feel reading these values? Has anyone at work highlighted or even mentioned the values you or your colleagues have? / Daniel Truran
  • 42. Rüdiger Fox ... ten years ago in 2001
  • 43. Easy to remain faithful one’s values? fast growth Easier to stick to your principles by Strenghtening Your Sphere peer-group competitive thinking rivalry Does this environment fit you? You have a choice & Your people have a choice stock-market expectations / Daniel Truran
  • 44. Passive - be influenced by others or active - influencing others? fast growth peer-group competitive thinking rivalry stock-market / Daniel Truran expectations
  • 45. “Just” live your values "my first and current job is to create contracts with hotels, restaurants and all stakeholders present in the tourism sector. From my first day at work I always tried to be honest and transparent with my suppliers whilst of course always trying to achieve the financial goals of my company. Even though combining the two was sometimes a challenge, in the end I was rewarded in both areas! This happened not so long ago when the manager of a large Italian hotel chain decided to confirm a big contract with us, taking away share from our Giada Dall’O competitors, he justified his decision by saying: “in times of economic crisis such as the ones we are living now, knowing that you can trust the people that you work with is fundamental” / Daniel Truran
  • 46. How much influence can I have? Relationship between an individual and ... the world The whole World The whole World Country Stake holders Community Company Family Department We are all shaped by: At the same time, we also influence it. - One - the environment, the outer circles, the deed, even one gesture, word or facial society we live in, our culture, our family expression can have a tremendous effect on and education are the conditions of our lives others. A manager’s department reflects own values / Daniel Truran
  • 47. IMSD / CSR in SMEs Your assignment for Friday Identify an SME that has applied CSR (diverse world coverage) describe what motivated the company to CSR describe area of action describe success it brought about 1 A4 page - 3 min presentation - website email to : EBBF / Daniel Truran
  • 48. Concept of - Campaigns - time definite
  • 49. Communicating Purpose / Daniel Truran
  • 50.
  • 51. BASF Will there be coherence or is it “just” a marketing exercise? Company Marketing Society Values Personal Company Values Values
  • 52. / Daniel Truran
  • 53. A - sincere - sense of positive purpose... ... always brings success / Daniel Truran