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# 1.
Meaning: डरना
Key: appeal
Description: मंत्री ल ग promotion ki appeal खाररज कर दन की धमकी दक कममचाररय क बहुत डरात हैं
# 2.
Meaning: अक्खड़, Self-assertive or proud to an irritating degree
Key: bumper
Description: अक्खड़ ल ग अपनी गाड़ी का bumper ककसी की गाड़ी में एस ही ठ क दत हैं
Synonyms: forward, pushing, self-assertive, self-conceited
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# 3.
Meaning: बमल discord, discordance
Key: resonance (एक स्वर में)
Description: dissonance is opposite of resonance
Synonyms: incongruity, discord
# 4.
Meaning: समुद्री डाकू , A daring, adventurous, and sometimes reckless person
Key: book (ननश्चचत करना) near (नज़दीक)
Description: समुद्री डाकू जहाज लूटन स पहल port क नजदीक क ई जगह book कर लत हैं किर attack करत हैं.
Synonyms: desperado, pirate
# 5.
Meaning: गुमनामी, The state of being anonymous
Key: unknown city
Description: unknown city में जान पर ही तुम एक गुमनामी की श्जन्दगी गुजार सकत ह
Synonyms: anonymousness
# 6.
Meaning: grant voting rights
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Key: Franchise
Description: Franchise owners क कं पनी क ककसी भी decision में vote डालन का अधधकार ह ता
Synonyms: naturalize
# 7.
Meaning: प्रनतश्ठठत, To declare or set apart as sacred
Key: क न secret
Description: तुम जस प्रनतश्ठठत आदमी का ऐसा क न सा secret ह ज तुम ल गों स निपाना चाहत
Synonyms: taboo, dignify, sanctify, dedicate, sacred
# 8.
Meaning: रद्द करना
Key: null
Description: null - खत्म करना
Synonyms: revoke, destroy, reverse, repeal, obliterate
# 9.
Meaning: संलग्न करना, Append or add as an extra or subordinate part, esp. to a document
Key: n next
Description: उस question में n next term और भी add थी तुमन ध्यान नहीं ददया
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# 10.
Meaning: आज्ञा दना, To direct or impose with authority and emphasis, To prohibit or forbid
Key: enjoy
Description: army में त enjoy भी officer की आज्ञा दन क बाद ही करत हैं बहुत पाबन्दी ह ती ह इन न कररयों में.
Synonyms: dictate, charge, order, bide, forbid
# 11.
Meaning: असभ्य, A savagely violent person or animal
Key: bru (coffee brand)
Description: bru की coffee पीन स आदमी असभ्य ह न लगता ह.
Synonyms: bruit, inanimate, unpolished, ferocious, cruel
# 12.
Meaning: वार्षमक भत्ता या वृश्त्त, Yearly allowance
Key: अन्नू aunty
Description: अन्नू aunty क हर बार वार्षमक भत्ता ममलता ह.
# 13.
Meaning: तल्लीन, डूबा हुआ, Having all one's attention or interest absorbed by someone or something
Key: rose
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Description: जब स पूजा क boyfriend न उस rose ददया ह वह उसी क ख्याल में डूबी रहती ह.
# 14.
Meaning: िलाना, to scatter; to disperse
Key: दस minute
Description: परमाणु बम का असर दस ममनट में पूर दश में फल जाता ह
Synonyms: scatter, propagate, diffuse, spread, circulate
# 15.
Meaning: पदा करना, generate, produce
Key: engine
Description: engine generates energy.
Synonyms: breed, cause, generate, propagate, occasion
insiya yadav at Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Meaning: दुुःखी, ननराश
Key: discount
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Description: discount न ममलन की वजह स वह बहुत ननराश था.
Synonyms: melancholy, woeful, comfortless, saddening, desolate
# 2.
Meaning: वर-भाव, Hostility or ill feeling
Key: enemy मस्त
Description: enemy ककतना ही मस्त ह किर भी व हमस हमशा वर-भाव ही ननकालत हैं.
Synonyms: intention, temper
# 3.
Meaning: Severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
Key: angry
Description: ज आदमी बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा करता ह व several type क mental suffering में रहन लगता ह.
Synonyms: agony, paid, pang, torment, calvary
# 4.
Meaning: सहारा, Adopt or support
Key: ऐसा pose(posture)
Description: ऐसा pose मुझ दर तक खड़ रहन में सहारा दता ह.
Synonyms: adopt, embrace, defend, marry, betroth
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# 5.
Meaning: साि साि दखना, distinguish, perceive
Key: dis(अलग अलग)-screen
Description: उसकी screen क िट हुए pixel साि साि अलग अलग दख जा सकत हैं.
Synonyms: discriminate, detect, penetrate, descry, espy
# 9.
Meaning: समझन में मुश्चकल, mystic
Key: easy trick
Description: कभी कभी क ई क ई सवाल समझन में त मुश्चकल ह ता ह लककन उस easy trick स solve ककया जा
सकता ह.
Synonyms: recondite, interior, cerebral, esoterics, select
# 6.
Meaning: ककस्सा, a short account of a particular incident or event
Key: ऐनक (चचमा) dot pen
Description: जब मैं क ई ककस्सा सुनाया क त अपन ऐनक और dot pen साथ में लकर बठा कर श्जसस बाद में
तुम भूल ना.
Synonyms: haggada, account, incident
# 7.
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Meaning: pleasant talk, action to flatter somebody
Key: blend
Description: वह जूस वाला कल क blend करत हुए flattering बातें करता ह श्जसस की पानी ममला सक.
Synonyms: cajolery, allurement, flattery
# 8.
Meaning: घृणा करन वाला व्यश्क्त
Key: asthama
Description: asthama वाला व्यश्क्त दूसरों स घृणा करत हैं कक व क्यों ठीक हैं.
Synonyms: curse, malediction, imprecation
# 9.
Meaning: Make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective
Key: मैं school क मलए लट
Description: इस बीमारी न मुझ इतना कमज र बना ददया ह कक मैं school क मलए हमशा लट ह जाता हूूँ
Synonyms: unman, effeminize, castrate, unmanned, weaken
# 10.
Meaning: ग्रामीण, Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic
Key: book मलख
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Description: book मलखना ग्रामीण ल ग की ककस्मत में नहीं ह ता
Synonyms: pastoral, rustic
# 11.
Meaning: संश धन करना, Modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill
Key: अमन (शांनत)
Description: शांनत और अमन स ही बात करक संर्वधान में संश धन ककया जा सकता ह.
Synonyms: emend, correct, reform, mend, rectify
# 12.
Meaning: जवाबदही/आज्ञाकारी, Capable of being acted upon in a particular way
Key: अमन (शांनत) able
Description: शहर में शांनत बनाय रखन क मलए ल ग का आज्ञाकारी और य ग्य ह ना बहुत ज री ह
Synonyms: acountable, responsible, answerable, responsive, tractable
# 13.
Meaning: प्रशंसा करना, Praise enthusiastically
Key: extra tall
Description: Extra tall building बनान क मलए architect की बहुत प्रशंसा की गयी.
Synonyms: elevate, laud, applaud, magnify, eulogize
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# 14.
Meaning: भलाई, disposition to do good
Key: Bene (बनजीर) violence (दहंसा)
Description: बनजीर भुट्ट दहंसा में मारी गयी, वह वहां क ल गों की भलाई करना चाहती थी.
Synonyms: beneficence, munificence, charitableness
# 15.
Meaning: to improve, Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.
Key: MLA rate
Description: हमार शहर क MLA न शहर क improve करन क मलए टक्स rate बढा ददय हैं.
Synonyms: mitigate, meliorate, improve
1. Word: Fallacious
ममथ्या, भ्रमजनक, झूठ
Fall (धगरना)
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उसन ित स धगरन का झूठा नाटक ककया ह.
Delusive, Deceptive, Erroneous, Misleading, Absurd
fallacious arguments
2. Word: Fallacy
भूल, Mistake
Fall क ज्याद करीब न जाना कहीं गलती स धगर न जाओ.
Mistake, Error, Absurdity, Sophism
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the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy
3. Word: Galimatias
Useless, बकार, Senseless
गली में ताश
गाूँव क सार Useless And Senseless लड़क गली में बठकर ताश खलत रहत हैं.
Gibberish, Nonsense
4. Word: Gambol
उिल कू द करना
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Gambler Movie में ग र्वंदा उिल कू द करता रहता ह.
Frisk, Skip, Hop
the mare gamboled toward Connie
5. Word: Hapless
Unfortunate, Unlucky, अभाग्यवान
Unlucky ल ग कािी Helpless ह त हैं, उनकी क ई Help नहीं करता.
Unhappy, Unfortunate, Luckless, Unlucky
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if you are one of the many hapless car buyers who have been shafted
6. Word: Harbinger
सन्दशवाहक, Anything That Foreshadows A Future Event; Omen; Sign
हरबबंदर मसंह
हरबबंदर मसंह क हमार दश का संदशवाहक ननयुक्त ककया गया ह.
Sign, Predecessor, Omen, Prophet, Forerunner
Witch hazels are the harbingers of spring
7. Word: Impeccable
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Important Cable
घर क Important Cable Faultless ह न चादहए वरना Shock लग सकता ह.
Flawless, Sinless
a man of impeccable character
8. Word: Impetuous
प्रबल, तीव्र, Acting Or Done Quickly And Without Thought Or Care
इनप टस
इनप टस स मस त हुआ नहीं जाता और यह कहत हैं की मैं बहुत तज भागता हूूँ.
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Headlong, Passionate, Ferocious, Hasty, Hotheaded
her friend was headstrong and impetuous
9. Word: Jitters
घबराना, Act Nervously
Jetter (Reynold Pen)
जब मरा Jetter का Pen ख गया त मैं एकदम घबरा गया .
Nerves, Nervousness
an anxious student who jittered at any provocation
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10. Word: Jubilant
Company की Silver Jubilee पर सब ल ग बहुत खुश थ.
Joyful, Thrilled, Gay, Triumphant, Exulting
1. Word: Knack
कु शलता, चतुराई
शर न बड़ी कु शलता स दहरन की Neck दब च ली.
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Knickknack, Facility, Skill, Toy, Crack
she got the knack of it in the end
2. Word: Lachrymose
श कपूणम
लालची म सी
मरी लालची म सी मुझस पस लन क मलए मुझ दखत ही श कपूणम ह कर र न लगी
she was pink-eyed and lachrymose
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3. Word: Majestic
शानदार, प्रभावशाली
Magic + Stick
Magician न अपनी Magic Stick स एक भव्य शानदार घर बना ददया.
Pompous, Imperial, Sublime, Magnificent, Dignified
watching majestic eagles soar along the Mississippi
4. Word: Nasty
Highly Unpleasant, खराब
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Nestle Tea मुझ स्वाद में बबलकु ल खराब लगती ह.
Gross, Spiteful, Drizzling, Dangerous, Unpropitious
plastic bags burn with a nasty, acrid smell
5. Word: Nubile
शादी क य ग्य, (Of A Girl Or Young Woman) Sexually Mature; Suitable For Marriage
य लड़की लड़कों स म बाइल पर बात करती रहती ह यह अब शादी क लायक ह गयी ह.
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he employed a procession of nubile young secretaries
6. Word: Obese
Grossly Fat Or Overweight
ओ भैंस
ओ तू त बहुत म टी भैंस जसी ह गयी ह.
Fleshy, Fad, Fat
7. Word: Painstaking
पररश्रमी, Studious, Assiduous
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Pain Taking
पररश्रमी ल ग अपना काम करन क मलए Pain भी बड़ आनंद क साथ Take कर लत हैं
Meticulous, Elaboration, Attentive, Industrious, Careful
painstaking attention to detail
8. Word: Quandary
दुर्वधा, असमंजस, A State Of Uncertainty Or Perplexity
क न Dairy
दूध में ममलावट आन की वजह स मैं त दुर्वधा में आ गया हूूँ कक क न सी Dairy का दूध खरीदना सही रहगा.
Doubt, Perplexity, Predicament, Uncertainty
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Kate is in a quandary
9. Word: Ramification
शाखाओं में र्वभाश्जत करना
भगवान्राम न सीता माता की ख ज में सभी वानरों क शाखाओं में र्वभाश्जत कर ददया था
any change is bound to have legal ramifications
10. Word: Platitude
साधारण बात, नघसी र्पटी बात
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Plate में दूध
Plate में दूध ठंडा करना एक साधारण सी बात ह.
Saying, Truism, Triteness, Commonplace
she began uttering liberal platitudes
praise or an award for an achievement that people admire
Mind Tricks:
Link the word Accolade with cola , a company. Cola has won so many awards (accolade) for their best
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She has been winning accolades for her performances in small plays.
STARK (Adj./Adv.)
having a very plain and empty appearance, without any colour or decoration
eg.: a stark hall, a stark room
unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience; real, and impossible to avoid
eg.: the stark reality of death
clear, very obvious; very plain and easy to see
eg.: stark differences
complete and total
completely or fully (Adv.)
eg.: stark naked = completely naked
Mind Tricks:
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Relate the word Stark with Star. Now, a star(sun) has no colour; you can't avoid a star; Stars are very
clear and easy to see.
working very hard and taking great care that every thing is done as will as it can be
Mind Tricks:
The first word in Assiduous is Ass, a hard working animal, as is well known. You work like an Ass -you
are an Assiduous.
He is assiduous in her duties.
The project required some assiduous planning.
liking, preference
a natural liking for something
Mind Tricks:
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As the word suggests pre means before and dilection = Selection. If you have selected something
before seeing or getting it, you have predilection for it.
She followed her own predilections.
He has a predilection for drinks.
Laconic (Adj.)
effectively cut short; brief and to the point
using only a few words to say something
Mind Tricks:
Lack of words means Laconic.
A good writer has laconic style of writing.
Replying in only yes or no is laconic.
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praise or an award for an achievement that people admire
Mind Tricks:
Link the word Accolade with cola , a company. Cola has won so many awards (accolade) for their best
She has been winning accolades for her performances in small plays.
STARK (Adj./Adv.)
having a very plain and empty appearance, without any colour or decoration
eg.: a stark hall, a stark room
unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience; real, and impossible to avoid
eg.: the stark reality of death
clear, very obvious; very plain and easy to see
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eg.: stark differences
complete and total
completely or fully (Adv.)
eg.: stark naked = completely naked
Mind Tricks:
Relate the word Stark with Star. Now, a star(sun) has no colour; you can't avoid a star; Stars are very
clear and easy to see.
working very hard and taking great care that every thing is done as will as it can be
Mind Tricks:
The first word in Assiduous is Ass, a hard working animal, as is well known. You work like an Ass -you
are an Assiduous.
He is assiduous in her duties.
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The project required some assiduous planning.
liking, preference
a natural liking for something
Mind Tricks:
As the word suggests pre means before and dilection = Selection. If you have selected something
before seeing or getting it, you have predilection for it.
She followed her own predilections.
He has a predilection for drinks.
a feeling of strong dislike of someone of something you think does not deserve respect
to think that somebody/something is not good enough to deserve your respect
to refuse to so something because you think that you are too important to do it
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Mind Tricks:
Disdain = Dislike
He disdained to bring a glass of water.
He turned his head away in disdain.
beginning to exit; not yet fully developed
Mind Tricks:
Nascent sounds like Nasa sent. Nasa sent a plane on Mars to begin a new civilization there.
A nascent planet has been seen in our galaxy.
The actress is now focusing on her nascent singing career.
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to twist or move your body without stopping because of great pain
to twist your body from side to side
Mind Tricks:
Writhe sounds like Wrath, which means extreme anger. Your wrath makes your body to writhe.
Writhe looks like Write. Writing may make your finger twisted.
She lay on the floor, writhing pain.
The snake writhed and hissed.
unfair or cruel use of power or authority
a government in which all power belongs to one person
Mind Tricks:
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Relate the word Tyranny to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
In the Jurassic period, Tyrannosaurus Rex used its power to kill other tiny animals; and it dominated
the large area.
A nation ruled by tyranny
The tyrannies of Nazi rule
Words wid tricks.
1. RETARD (N/V) [ri-tahrd]
Meaning- make the development or progress of something slower
2. an offensive way of describing somebody who is not intelligent or who has not developed normally
3.a person who has less intelligence
Adjective- retarded
Retard form Latin word retardare, from re- 'back' and tardus- 'slow'.
If you get Retired means you getRetarded.
Development of road is being retarded by some local leaders.
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2. SCURRILOUS(Adj.) [skur-uh-luhs]
very rude and insulting, and intended to damage somebody's reputation
Adverb- scurrilously
Noun- scurrility, scurrilousness
Scurrilous comes from Latin wordscurra means a person who behave badly.
Language that SCARE US isSCURRILOUS language.
She used scurrilous words for me.
We should not behave scurrilously.
3. PROLIFIC (Adj.) [pruh-lif-ik]
producing many works, etc (of an artist, a writer)
producing a lot of fruit, flowers, young, etc(of plants, animals, etc)
able to produce enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants above existing in large numbers
Noun- prolificness
Adverb- prolifically
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Pro(advance) life is prolific(increasing the numbers of animals and plants).
Profitable is prolific.
Picasso was extremely prolific man.
He is a prolific striker.
4. TRAUMA(N) [trou-muh]
an injury
a mental condition caused by severe shock, especially when the harmful effects last for long time
any physical damage to the body caused by violence, accident or fracture
Verb- traumatise, traumatize
Adjective- traumatic
Todo ma apne trauma ko aur life ko enjoy karo. (hindi)
It can take a long time to get over such trauma.
The children showed no signs of trauma.
5. CONFINE (V) [kuhn-fahyn]
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restrict, place limits
to keep somebody or something inside the limits of a particular activity, subject , area, etc
to keep a person or an animal in a small or closed space
Noun- confinement
Adjective- confined
Confine comes from Latin wordConfinia, as con means 'together' +finis(fine) means 'end, limit'.
On fine, he gets out of confine.
She was confined to bed with the flu.He was confined to a wheelchair after the accident.
capable of being corrupted
prepared to do dishonest or immoral things in return for money
Mind Trick:
Word Venal sounds like the word Venom and has same root. Venal people are those who have some
amount of venom(corrupt, dishonesty,etc.) inside them.
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Most of the leaders are venal today.
A venal servant has been caught stealing money.
Someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
Mind trick:- jadugar
A conjuror has come in our city to perform conjuring.
Disparate (Adj.)
things that are very different from each other
made up of parts or people that are very different from each other
fundamentally different or distinct in quality
Mind Trick:
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Disparate comes from Latin prefix Dis - "apart" and par means "equal, same", meaning apart from
same, equal.
Disparate (Adj.)
things that are very different from each other
made up of parts or people that are very different from each other
fundamentally different or distinct in quality
Mind Trick:
Disparate comes from Latin prefix Dis - "apart" and par means "equal, same", meaning apart from
same, equal.
to make something better
Mind Trick:
Mili naam ki ladki ke gusse ka rate jyada h...
The side-effect of the treatment can be ameliorated to some extent.
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This medicine should help ameliorate the pain.
1. PASSION(N)[pash-uhn]
a strong feeling or emotion,
something that is desired intensely,
any object of warm affection or devotion
Verb- impassion
Adjective- passional
Fashion is passion.
Passion plus motorcycle is mypassion.
As time went by the passion cooled.
He has passion for reading.
2. TRAMP (N/V)[tramp]
a person with no home or job who travels from place to place, usually asking people in the street for
food or money
the sound of somebody's heavy steps
a long walk, travel on foot
Adjective- trampy, trampish
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Travelling on RAMP(road) isTRAMP.
She has been tramping the streets looking for a job.
3. PILGRIM(N)[pil-grim]
someone who travels outside of his/her home country
a person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons
a member of the group of English people moved to America.
Pilgrim comes from Latin wordperegrinus means foreign, fromperegre means abroad.
A pile(large collection of somethings) of letters ,received from people, look grim for pilgrim.
Pilgrim for Pegambar.
Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
TV reported bemused tourist and pilgrims in St. Peter's Square.
4. VITIATE (V) [vish-ee-eyt]
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make imperfectto spoil or reduce the effect of something
Noun- vitiation
Adjective- vitiated
Vitiate taken from Latin word vitiat(V-vitiare) means "impaired".
Vitiate sounds like Vicious(anger and hatred), Vitiate is anto(opposite) of mitigate.
Vitiate sounds like 'fish we ate'; Fish we ate in party, vitiated my stomach.
Vish (hindi) ate means spoiling your health.
Terrorist may vitiate the peace process.
Bad relationship vitiates our social status.
5. RETALIATE (V) [ri-tal-ee-eyt]
to take revengeto do something harmful to somebody because they have harmed you first
Noun- retaliation
Adjective- retaliatory, retaliative
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Retaliate comes from Latin word 'retaliare' , re means "back, again" and taliare means "such" allover
meaning "a powerful return".
Retali(a girl's name) ate her brother's tiffin as she took revenge from her brother.
They boy hit his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.
The Army retaliate from terrorist.
Meaning: दुुःखी, ननराश
Key: discount
Description: discount न ममलन की वजह स वह बहुत ननराश था.
Synonyms: melancholy, woeful, comfortless, saddening, desolate
# 2.
Meaning: वर-भाव, Hostility or ill feeling
Key: enemy मस्त
Description: enemy ककतना ही मस्त ह किर भी व हमस हमशा वर-भाव ही ननकालत हैं.
Synonyms: intention, temper
# 3.
Meaning: Severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
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Key: angry
Description: ज आदमी बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा करता ह व several type क mental suffering में रहन लगता ह.
Synonyms: agony, paid, pang, torment, calvary
# 4.
Meaning: सहारा, Adopt or support
Key: ऐसा pose(posture)
Description: ऐसा pose मुझ दर तक खड़ रहन में सहारा दता ह.
Synonyms: adopt, embrace, defend, marry, betroth
# 5.
Meaning: साि साि दखना, distinguish, perceive
Key: dis(अलग अलग)-screen
Description: उसकी screen क िट हुए pixel साि साि अलग अलग दख जा सकत हैं.
Synonyms: discriminate, detect, penetrate, descry, espy
# 9.
Meaning: समझन में मुश्चकल, mystic
Key: easy trick
Description: कभी कभी क ई क ई सवाल समझन में त मुश्चकल ह ता ह लककन उस easy trick स solve ककया जा
सकता ह.
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Synonyms: recondite, interior, cerebral, esoterics, select
# 6.
Meaning: ककस्सा, a short account of a particular incident or event
Key: ऐनक (चचमा) dot pen
Description: जब मैं क ई ककस्सा सुनाया क त अपन ऐनक और dot pen साथ में लकर बठा कर श्जसस बाद में
तुम भूल ना.
Synonyms: haggada, account, incident
# 7.
Meaning: pleasant talk, action to flatter somebody
Key: blend
Description: वह जूस वाला कल क blend करत हुए flattering बातें करता ह श्जसस की पानी ममला सक.
Synonyms: cajolery, allurement, flattery
# 8.
Meaning: घृणा करन वाला व्यश्क्त
Key: asthama
Description: asthama वाला व्यश्क्त दूसरों स घृणा करत हैं कक व क्यों ठीक हैं.
Synonyms: curse, malediction, imprecation
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# 9.
Meaning: Make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective
Key: मैं school क मलए लट
Description: इस बीमारी न मुझ इतना कमज र बना ददया ह कक मैं school क मलए हमशा लट ह जाता हूूँ
Synonyms: unman, effeminize, castrate, unmanned, weaken
# 10.
Meaning: ग्रामीण, Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic
Key: book मलख
Description: book मलखना ग्रामीण ल ग की ककस्मत में नहीं ह ता
Synonyms: pastoral, rustic
# 11.
Meaning: संश धन करना, Modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill
Key: अमन (शांनत)
Description: शांनत और अमन स ही बात करक संर्वधान में संश धन ककया जा सकता ह.
Synonyms: emend, correct, reform, mend, rectify
# 12.
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Meaning: जवाबदही/आज्ञाकारी, Capable of being acted upon in a particular way
Key: अमन (शांनत) able
Description: शहर में शांनत बनाय रखन क मलए ल ग का आज्ञाकारी और य ग्य ह ना बहुत ज री ह
Synonyms: acountable, responsible, answerable, responsive, tractable
# 13.
Meaning: प्रशंसा करना, Praise enthusiastically
Key: extra tall
Description: Extra tall building बनान क मलए architect की बहुत प्रशंसा की गयी.
Synonyms: elevate, laud, applaud, magnify, eulogize
# 14.
Meaning: भलाई, disposition to do good
Key: Bene (बनजीर) violence (दहंसा)
Description: बनजीर भुट्ट दहंसा में मारी गयी, वह वहां क ल गों की भलाई करना चाहती थी.
Synonyms: beneficence, munificence, charitableness
picture real lag rahi thi jese original ho
saane log bahut samjhdar hote he
8.gigantic-vishal/bahut bada
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ganga nadi bahut vishal he
9.ruck-aam aadmi/ common people
rok dia jata he har jagah aam admi ko
looking me jo creative ho wo product business me profitable hota h
Nimbu ka rus pine wale log furtile hojate he
12.CAPRICIOUS –sanki/manmoji
capri pahanke city me ghumne wale sanki /manmoji hote he
Tum ambulance le ke nikalte ho to ashanti fel jati he
14. DISPARAGE -burai karna
Des se disappoint tha isle wo burai karta tha
15. PROTAGONIST –nayak,leader
Protest ke against jo ho wo nayak banta he.
16. LUDICROUS-rediculous
Ludak ke cross kare road wo bada hi hasyaspad hota he
17.CONCOCT -create or making plan
con cocroch ko marne ka plan bana raha h
18.BROACHED-mudda uthana ,bat uthana
bro ne chhed dia islie media ne mudda uthaya
19.YELLED-chilla kar kahna
“Yelle teri ook a uh at dikha a esa kaha
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chilla kar
movie me vilion CARLOUS bahut kathor tha
฀Detente : the ease of tensions or strained relation, alleviation, easing
฀recalcitrance: the trait of being unmanageable
฀ Attrition: erosion by friction , abrasion , contrition, grinding
฀ Nosedived: a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline
฀ Pervasive: spreading widely throught an area.
1. Word: Abhor
घृणा करना, To Regard With Horror Or Loathing; Detest
Ab –Horror
अब मैं Horror Movies नहीं दखूंगा मुझ उनस घृणा ह गयी ह, आजकल बहुत डरावनी Movies बनात हैं.
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Abominate, Hate, Nauseated, Dislike, Despise
professional tax preparers abhor a flat tax because it would dry up their business
2. Word: Badinage
Humorous Conversation, मजाककया
बड़ा- नाज
Raju Shrivastav जस मजाककया पर हमें बड़ा नाज ह.
Pleasantry, Banter
cultured badinage about art and life
3. Word: Calamity
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र्वनाश, Disaster
काली Mity (ममट्टी)
जब खतों की ममट्टी काली ह न लग तब समझ ल कक क ई बड़ा र्वनाश ह न वाला ह.
Extremity, Infelicity, Adversity, Catastrophe, Unhappiness
the journey had led to calamity and ruin
4. Word: Dearth
आभाव, कमी, Scarcity, Shortage, Lack
De (अलग) –Earth
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Earth स अलग बाकी ग्रह पर हवा का अभाव ह.
Shortage, Famine, Deficiency, Paucity, Scarcity
there is a dearth of evidence
5. Word: Ecstasy
परमानन्द, कर्वयों जसी उमंग, An Overwhelming Feeling Of Great Happiness Or Joyful Excitement
ऐसी की तसी
कर्व अपनी कर्वता सुना सुनाकर दुसर ल गों की त ऐसी की तसी �
6. Word: Facile
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Having A Superficial Or Simplistic Knowledge Or Approach, नम्र स्वभावी
ककसी ककसी का Face दख कर ही पता चल जाता ह की वह नम्र स्वभावी ह.
Pliant, Expert, Yielding, Skillful, Fluent
a man of facile and shallow intellect
7. Word: Gainsay
मना करना, Deny
Gain Se (स)
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उसन Illigal तरीक स पसा Gain करन स Deny कर ददया.
Dispute, Deny, Contradict, Controvert, Forbid
the impact of the railroads cannot be gainsaid
8. Word: Hampered
कावट पदा करना, Hinder Or Impede The Movement Or Progress Of
हम पर
लगता ह कक हम पर ककसी न जादू- ट ना करवा ददया ह तभी हमार काम में इतनी कावट पदा ह रही ह.
their work is hampered by lack of funds
9. Word: Ignominy
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Public Shame Or Disgrace, कलंक
Ignou में नहीं
Ignou में नहीं पढना. वहाूँ पढन स कलंक लग जाता ह.
Discredit, Reproach, Opprobrium, Dishonor, Infamy
the ignominy of being imprisoned
10. Word: Jocular
Joke In Cooler
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व Cooler की हवा खाता रहता ह और मजाक करता रहता ह व बहुत मजाककया ह.
Jocose, Silly, See, Merry, Unemotional
she sounded in a jocular mood.
21. POIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): affecting, painful
Poijon khan eke bad use bahut dird hua
22. SEVERANCE (NOUN): division
Sever thik karne ke kai division he
23. COLLUDE (VERB): conspire
Kal wo log milibhagat karke lad liye
24. MAZY (ADJECTIVE): difficult to understand
Maze hue logo ko samjh pana mushkil he
25. RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): secretive, quiet
Rat ko sant log kam bola karte he
1. Word:- Kindle
जलाना, सुलगाना, Light Or Set On Fire
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जन्मददन पर हम Candle जलात हैं.
Synonyms: Flash, Animate, Inflame, Conflagrate, Catch
Usage: a love of art was kindled in me.
2. Word:- Labile
पररवतमनशील, Liable To Change
ल + Bible
वह बहुत परशान था त मैंन कहा की ल Bible पढ इस पढन स तर मन में पररवतमन आएगा.
Synonyms: Unstable
3. Word:- Magnanimous
बड़ ददल वाला
माूँगना नहीं
वह इतना बड़ा ददलवाला ह की उसस माूँगना नहीं पड़ता वह खुद ही द दता ह.
Synonyms : Big-Hearted, Unselfish, Great-Hearted, Noble, Honorable
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4. Word:- Naive
अनुभवहीन, (Of A Person Or Action) Showing A Lack Of Experience
नाव चलान वाला नार्वक एकदम अनुभवहीन था और उसक कारण नाव पलट गयी.
Frank, Artless, Credulous, Ingenuous
the rather naive young man had been totally misled
5. Word:- Obeisance
नमस्कार, प्रणाम
अब Sense
अब तुझ क ई Sense ह की नहीं बड़ों क नमस्कार ककय बबना ही चला जाता ह.
Synonyms: Bowl, Deference, Obedience, Curtsy, Bow
Usage: - they paid obeisance to the prince
6. Word:- Palatable
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Pleasant To Taste, स्वाददठट
Plate -Table
Table पर ज Plate रखी ह उसमें बहुत स्वाददठट हलवा रखा हुआ ह.
Synonyms: - Toothful, Nectared, Appetizing, Nice, Nectarine
Usage:- a very palatable local red wine
7. Word:- Quaint
अन खा या आकषमक, Old-Fashioned In A Charming Way
Kuwait दश में तल क बहुत अन ख और आकषमक कुूँ ए हैं.
Synonyms: - Archaic, Prudent, Wise, Artful, Whimsical
Usage: - quaint country cottages
8. Word:- Rabid
पागल, बावला
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पागल कु त्त क काटन स हमार पड सी क Rabies ह गया.
Synonyms: Mad, Raging, Furious, Violent, Frantic
Usage: a rabid feminist
9. Word:- Gaiety
आनंद, उल्लास
GATE क पपर में अच्िी Percentile आन क कारण मैं खुशी स नाच उठा.
Usage: - the sudden gaiety of childrens laughter
10. Word:- Diffident
आत्मर्वचवास में कमी, Shy, Timid, Bashful
Defeat खान क बाद आदमी क आत्मसम्मान में कमी आ जाती ह.
Synonyms: - Suspicious, Distrustful, Doubtful, Lowly, Hesitating
Usage: -a diffident youth
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26. VET (VERB): analyze, test
Ground kitna vet he ampire analyse kar rahe he
27.PREROGATIVE (NOUN): right, privilege
Prerority milne walo k rights jyada hote he
28.impede -delay or prevent
Inko pede khila ke kam lme delay kar do
29.paucity- scarcity
Pau bechne walo ki hamare shahar me kami he
Privet hotal me important logjyada jaate he..
31. Garrulous (Adj) :- chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky.
girls hamesha chat pat bate hi kiya karti he
sorry girls
train me se dur ke najare awesome lagte he
33.plunder : Steal goods
pul se bunder kapde loot leta he
34.sacrosanct- atipavitra
sacro (bahut sare) sant pavitra hote he
35.Allegiance- nishthawan(loyal)
all jeans pahanne wale ladke loyal hote he
37.Inscrutable- na samjhne yogya
inke scru dhile ho k table pe gir gaye islie inko samjha nahi ja skta
38.Strenuous-kathin kathor
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is tren me us(ham log) bahut kathorta se safar karte he
39.Imbecile- stupid
inpar mecile fek do ye bevkuf he
avarigi kar ke itna pesa kama lia ki lalchi ho gaye
Australia ke log bahut kathor hote he
Forty five ki age me log majbut dil ke ho jaate he
43.captious-dosh nikalna
Capti log dusro ke dosh nikalte he
44. parsimonious – kanjus
Parse me money na ho jiske wo kanjus hota he
45. STAGGER - to walk in clumsy manner/dagmagaana
Stage per gir gaya islie dagmaga kar chal raha tha
46.aggravate-to make worse/sthiti or bigad jana
Agar aapka wet(weight/wajan)or bad gaya to sthiti or bigad jaegi
47.cranky-chidchida/ill tempered
Crake log chidchide hote he
48.antagonise –dushmani mol lena
anty ke pas go(jakar) nisa ne dushmani le li
49.heed-dhyan dena
Ham head officer ki bato pe dhyan dete he
50.sanctimonious-pakhandi/show of/dikhawa karna
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Kuch log Sant muni dikhawa karte he/ pakhandi hote he
android phone bahut skillful/expert phone hota he
52.commiserate - pity/daya karna
commision ke rate bada kar daya kar diya
53.pivotal- important/crucial
pilot ka plan udane me important role hota he
54.espouse - support karna
spouse (wife/husband) har wakt sath dete he
55.dispel-door karna
Des se tel ki kami ko door karna hoga
56.decisive - socha samjha/decided
des ke bare me sive ji ne soch samajh kar rakha he
57.tranquilly - peaceful
train ki quality itni achhi thi ki safar aaramdayak /peacefull gujra
58.exodus - a departure or emigration of lots of people
ek so dus log desh chhod kar chale gaye.
is talwar ko brave/bahadur log hi utha sakte he
60.PERVASIVE. - vyapak/ sarvvyapak
parve siv ji ka sab jagah vyapak rup se manaya jata he
mataji ne mar mar ke bada dala
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62.Adage – General truth about some aspect of life
Adhi age ke bad life ki sachhai ka pata chal jata he
63.Startling – Surprising/wonder/ashcharyajanak
Star timtimate hue ashcharyjanak lagte he
the highest stage of development, the most excellent example of something
Mind Trick-
Acme sounds like the beauty product Lakme. Lakme is the most excellent(Acme) beauty product.
to go up to somebody and speak to them in a rude or threatening way
Mind Trick-
Accost sounds like A cost. At a cost of Heroine life, hero approached villain and asked him to release his
heroine in threatening way.
ADULATION [aj-uh-ley-shuhn]
unnecessary admiration and praise, exaggerated and hypocritical praise
Mind Trick-
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Adulation sounds like Education. Most of the students adulate(unnecessary admiration and praise)
teachers for better education: "sir you are great , sire you are best, you are my best teacher etc...... "
So always remember Adulation for better Education.
a person who writes poems
Mind Trick-
Bard sounds like ward. A new ward( a person under another custody) is very good bard and he keeps
writing poem.
thing that is used to catch somebody
to place food on a hook in order to catch animal or fish
Mind Trick-
Bait sounds like cricket Bat, so cricket Bat and ball is used to catch(bait) some cricket players on the
ground. "Hey boys ! I have a bat, who wants to play cricket": Here bat is using as baiting for playing
Always remember bat as bait for playing cricke
physical strength
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Mind Trick-
Brawn sounds like Brown. We all know that brown people has more physical strength(brawn) than
Brawn sounds like prawn(fish). Want to be a brawn, eat the prawns.
So always try to remember Brawn, Prawn.
BRISK (Adj.)
quick , busy, quick and energetic
Mind Trick-
Brisk is a type of cold drink which provides quick energy.
Brisk looks like B and Risk here B for "Big" and Risk. Things, which are quick and energetic(brisk), can be
Big risk.
Always remember Brisk things Would be Big Risk just like a rocket.
CRESCENDO (N/Adj./V) [kri-shen-doh]
a gradual increase in sound, grow louder
an action which becomes bigger and bigger until it reaches a peak.
Mind Trick-
Crescendo looks like Krish, Sen do (Krish , Sen- a name): Krish and Sen do something with drums that
results a tremendous crescendo of noise.
CREVICE [krev-is]
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a narrow and deep crack in a rock or wall
Mind Trick-
Crevice looks like Cre + Vice and "Cre" for cricket and "vice" for vice captain, Cricket vice captain of India
lives in crevice of rock.
CULMINATION [kuhl-muh-ney-shuhn]
the highest or final point of something, usually happening after a long time
Mind Trick-
Culmination sounds like termination but termination is for down falling and culmination is for up
Culmination sounds like Kal(tomorrow in English) my nation; Kal(tomorrow) my nation will be on top or
on culmination. (Hindi)
CYNOSURE [sahy-nuh-shoor]
a person or thing that is the centre of attention, something that strongly attracts attention
Mind Trick-
Cynosure sounds like Dinosaur, Dinosaur is the centre of attention in the park.
DUMBFOUNDED (Adj.[duhm-found]
unable to speak because of surprise
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Mind Trick-
Dumbfounded sounds like Bomb Founded. Minister gets dumbfounded when bomb is founded by the
army. (Don't confused with "ed" in found)
So try to remember Dumbfounded = Bomb found
DULCET (Adj.)[duhl-sit]
sounding sweet and pleasant
Mind Trick-
Dulcet sounds like Dil Set Or Dil Suit so Dil set or suit means somethings sweet and pleasant. ( Hindi )
Dulcet sounds like dual set. Dual set of sound box producing very sweet sound.
destruction, any terrible event that can't be avoid
Mind Trick-
We all know about dooms day that responsible for destruction and death
64.Revoke – To cancel (a license, law or agreement)
Rework (fir se) karo ise cancle kar ke
65.Extol – To praise enthusiastically
Extra tel lagaoge sir pe to sb tariff karenge
66.Rattle – Nervous
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Rattle snake ko dekh sb nervous / ghabra jate he
67.Dire – Terrible situation
Jonral dire ne des ki situation or buri kar di
68.Radiant -Bright, Glaring
Radiam bahut chamkdar lagta he rat me
69.Bovine – Stupid
Bohut sari vine pine wale stupid hote he
70.Burgeon – Grow or develop rapidly
Ab dur ke gaon ka vikas teji se hone laga he.......฀฀฀
TRicky idioms-------
(|) A piece of cake
(idiom) something easily achieved
A piece of cake in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary)
सरल काम
Trick: congratulations , ssc exam was a piece of cake.
(||) Kick the bucket
(idiom) to die
‘Ki k the u ket’ i a se te e
These days, kicking the bucket can require a lot more preparation than living, as death drags up a world
of paperwork and legal nuances.
Trick: footballer kick the bucket(ball)
||| Fro the horse’s outh
(idiom) (of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source
Fro the horse’s outh’ i a se te e .
Upo heari g this e s fro the horse’s outh Rashi started ryi g.
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Tri k:The horse’s teeth a tell you the horse’s age a d the health of the horse. A s art horse trader or
uyer ould get all the i for atio he eeded fro the horse’s outh . That is, dire tly, ithout
hearing the truth from anyone else
(|V) Lend a hand
(idiom) assist in an action or enterprise
‘Le d a ha d’ ea i g i Hi di E glish to Hi di Di tio ary
सहायता करना
Le d a ha d’ i a se te e
Everyone should lend a hand and make sure that it reaches the masses.
Trick : DDLJ mein shahrukh lend a hand to kajol...........฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀
mataji ne mar mar ke badal dala
72.Adage –General truth about some aspect of life
Adhi age ke bad life ki sachhai ka pata chal jata he
73.Startling – Surprising/wonder/ashcharyajanak
Star timtimate hue ashcharyjanak lagte he
74.Revoke – To cancel (a license, law or agreement)
Rework (fir se) karo ise cancle kar ke
75.Extol– To praise enthusiastically
Extra tel lagaoge sir pe to sb tariff karenge
76.Rattle – Nervous
Rattle snake ko dekh sb nervous / ghabra jate he
77.Dire – Terrible situation
Jonral dire ne des ki situation or buri kar di
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78.Radiant – Bright, Glaring
Radiam bahut chamkdar lagta he rat me
79.Bovine – Stupid
Bohut sari vine pine wale stupid hote he
80.Burgeon – Grow or develop rapidly
Ab dur ke gaon ka vikas teji se hone laga he
81.placate- shant karna
vedio play kia cat ka tb baby shant hua
82.dereliction(uncaring, लापरवाह฀ )
exam me der se likhne wale laparwah/uncaring hote he
83.Laudatory – Praise or to admire for someone
Ladle bete ki sb parents tariff krte he
Aaj to Is par ya us par ukka aji ho jaaye
85.Stall – To stop
Tall log sbko rokne ki koshish karte he
V S Negalurmath, [29.01.17 13:05]
Past Simple Tense
It is used to express an action that happened or completed in past, usually a very little time before
speaking, or action which is just completed. Time of action is not specified in terms of long time ago or
short ago but it make a sense that the action has done a little time ago. For example, a person says,
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“I at hed a o ie ,
it means the speaker of this sentence watched a movie a little time ago or little time ago in the same
Rules: 2nd form of verb (past simple) is used as main verb in the positive sentences and base form is
used in negative and interrogative sentences.
Structure of sentences
Positive Sentence
• Subject + main verb (past simple) + object
• Subject + 2nd form of verb (past simple) + object
I killed a snake
He ate a mango.
Negative sentences
• Subject + (auxiliary verb + not) main verb (base form) + object
• Su je t + did ot + st for of er or ase for + o je t i egati e se te e did ot is ritte a d
the 1st form of verb (base verb) is used instead of using 2nd form(or past simple verb).
I did not kill a snake
He did not eat a mango
Interrogative sentences
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• Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (base verb) + object
• Did + subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + object
se te e starts ith did a d the st for of er ase er is used i stead of usi g d for or past
simple verb).
Did I kill a snake?
86.Bonhomie – Happy, Good natured friendliness
Bahan hamari home/ghar me sbke sath friendly behave karti he
87.Logjams – To deal with a situation which has existed for a long time /rukavat
Log jam laga dete he road pe isliye bahut der tk traffic me rukavat aati he
88.Baffle – So ethi g hi h a ’t e u dersta da le and explainable
Bavkuf logo ki bate samajh me ni aati he
89.Destitute – Someone who has no money or possession
Des ke institutes ke pas ab money ni bachi.......฀฀
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English tricks pdf 5 ( for more book )

  • 1. # 1. Appal Meaning: डरना Key: appeal Description: मंत्री ल ग promotion ki appeal खाररज कर दन की धमकी दक कममचाररय क बहुत डरात हैं # 2. Bumptious Meaning: अक्खड़, Self-assertive or proud to an irritating degree Key: bumper Description: अक्खड़ ल ग अपनी गाड़ी का bumper ककसी की गाड़ी में एस ही ठ क दत हैं Synonyms: forward, pushing, self-assertive, self-conceited For More Book Download Here -
  • 2. # 3. Dissonance Meaning: बमल discord, discordance Key: resonance (एक स्वर में) Description: dissonance is opposite of resonance Synonyms: incongruity, discord # 4. Buccaneer Meaning: समुद्री डाकू , A daring, adventurous, and sometimes reckless person Key: book (ननश्चचत करना) near (नज़दीक) Description: समुद्री डाकू जहाज लूटन स पहल port क नजदीक क ई जगह book कर लत हैं किर attack करत हैं. Synonyms: desperado, pirate # 5. Anonymity Meaning: गुमनामी, The state of being anonymous Key: unknown city Description: unknown city में जान पर ही तुम एक गुमनामी की श्जन्दगी गुजार सकत ह Synonyms: anonymousness # 6. Enfranchise Meaning: grant voting rights For More Book Download Here -
  • 3. Key: Franchise Description: Franchise owners क कं पनी क ककसी भी decision में vote डालन का अधधकार ह ता Synonyms: naturalize # 7. Consecrate Meaning: प्रनतश्ठठत, To declare or set apart as sacred Key: क न secret Description: तुम जस प्रनतश्ठठत आदमी का ऐसा क न सा secret ह ज तुम ल गों स निपाना चाहत Synonyms: taboo, dignify, sanctify, dedicate, sacred # 8. Annul Meaning: रद्द करना Key: null Description: null - खत्म करना Synonyms: revoke, destroy, reverse, repeal, obliterate # 9. Annex Meaning: संलग्न करना, Append or add as an extra or subordinate part, esp. to a document Key: n next Description: उस question में n next term और भी add थी तुमन ध्यान नहीं ददया For More Book Download Here -
  • 4. # 10. Enjoin Meaning: आज्ञा दना, To direct or impose with authority and emphasis, To prohibit or forbid Key: enjoy Description: army में त enjoy भी officer की आज्ञा दन क बाद ही करत हैं बहुत पाबन्दी ह ती ह इन न कररयों में. Synonyms: dictate, charge, order, bide, forbid # 11. Brute Meaning: असभ्य, A savagely violent person or animal Key: bru (coffee brand) Description: bru की coffee पीन स आदमी असभ्य ह न लगता ह. Synonyms: bruit, inanimate, unpolished, ferocious, cruel # 12. Annuity Meaning: वार्षमक भत्ता या वृश्त्त, Yearly allowance Key: अन्नू aunty Description: अन्नू aunty क हर बार वार्षमक भत्ता ममलता ह. # 13. Engrossed Meaning: तल्लीन, डूबा हुआ, Having all one's attention or interest absorbed by someone or something Key: rose For More Book Download Here -
  • 5. Description: जब स पूजा क boyfriend न उस rose ददया ह वह उसी क ख्याल में डूबी रहती ह. # 14. Disseminate Meaning: िलाना, to scatter; to disperse Key: दस minute Description: परमाणु बम का असर दस ममनट में पूर दश में फल जाता ह Synonyms: scatter, propagate, diffuse, spread, circulate # 15. Engender Meaning: पदा करना, generate, produce Key: engine Description: engine generates energy. Synonyms: breed, cause, generate, propagate, occasion insiya yadav at Tuesday, November 08, 2016 Disconsolate Meaning: दुुःखी, ननराश Key: discount For More Book Download Here -
  • 6. Description: discount न ममलन की वजह स वह बहुत ननराश था. Synonyms: melancholy, woeful, comfortless, saddening, desolate # 2. Animus Meaning: वर-भाव, Hostility or ill feeling Key: enemy मस्त Description: enemy ककतना ही मस्त ह किर भी व हमस हमशा वर-भाव ही ननकालत हैं. Synonyms: intention, temper # 3. Anguish Meaning: Severe mental or physical pain or suffering. Key: angry Description: ज आदमी बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा करता ह व several type क mental suffering में रहन लगता ह. Synonyms: agony, paid, pang, torment, calvary # 4. Espouse Meaning: सहारा, Adopt or support Key: ऐसा pose(posture) Description: ऐसा pose मुझ दर तक खड़ रहन में सहारा दता ह. Synonyms: adopt, embrace, defend, marry, betroth For More Book Download Here -
  • 7. # 5. Discern Meaning: साि साि दखना, distinguish, perceive Key: dis(अलग अलग)-screen Description: उसकी screen क िट हुए pixel साि साि अलग अलग दख जा सकत हैं. Synonyms: discriminate, detect, penetrate, descry, espy # 9. Esoteric Meaning: समझन में मुश्चकल, mystic Key: easy trick Description: कभी कभी क ई क ई सवाल समझन में त मुश्चकल ह ता ह लककन उस easy trick स solve ककया जा सकता ह. Synonyms: recondite, interior, cerebral, esoterics, select # 6. Anecdote Meaning: ककस्सा, a short account of a particular incident or event Key: ऐनक (चचमा) dot pen Description: जब मैं क ई ककस्सा सुनाया क त अपन ऐनक और dot pen साथ में लकर बठा कर श्जसस बाद में तुम भूल ना. Synonyms: haggada, account, incident # 7. For More Book Download Here -
  • 8. Blandishment Meaning: pleasant talk, action to flatter somebody Key: blend Description: वह जूस वाला कल क blend करत हुए flattering बातें करता ह श्जसस की पानी ममला सक. Synonyms: cajolery, allurement, flattery # 8. Anathema Meaning: घृणा करन वाला व्यश्क्त Key: asthama Description: asthama वाला व्यश्क्त दूसरों स घृणा करत हैं कक व क्यों ठीक हैं. Synonyms: curse, malediction, imprecation # 9. Emasculate Meaning: Make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective Key: मैं school क मलए लट Description: इस बीमारी न मुझ इतना कमज र बना ददया ह कक मैं school क मलए हमशा लट ह जाता हूूँ Synonyms: unman, effeminize, castrate, unmanned, weaken # 10. Bucolic Meaning: ग्रामीण, Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic Key: book मलख For More Book Download Here -
  • 9. Description: book मलखना ग्रामीण ल ग की ककस्मत में नहीं ह ता Synonyms: pastoral, rustic # 11. Amend Meaning: संश धन करना, Modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill Key: अमन (शांनत) Description: शांनत और अमन स ही बात करक संर्वधान में संश धन ककया जा सकता ह. Synonyms: emend, correct, reform, mend, rectify # 12. Amenable Meaning: जवाबदही/आज्ञाकारी, Capable of being acted upon in a particular way Key: अमन (शांनत) able Description: शहर में शांनत बनाय रखन क मलए ल ग का आज्ञाकारी और य ग्य ह ना बहुत ज री ह Synonyms: acountable, responsible, answerable, responsive, tractable # 13. Extol Meaning: प्रशंसा करना, Praise enthusiastically Key: extra tall Description: Extra tall building बनान क मलए architect की बहुत प्रशंसा की गयी. Synonyms: elevate, laud, applaud, magnify, eulogize For More Book Download Here -
  • 10. # 14. Benevolence Meaning: भलाई, disposition to do good Key: Bene (बनजीर) violence (दहंसा) Description: बनजीर भुट्ट दहंसा में मारी गयी, वह वहां क ल गों की भलाई करना चाहती थी. Synonyms: beneficence, munificence, charitableness # 15. Ameliorate Meaning: to improve, Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. Key: MLA rate Description: हमार शहर क MLA न शहर क improve करन क मलए टक्स rate बढा ददय हैं. Synonyms: mitigate, meliorate, improve 1. Word: Fallacious Meaning ममथ्या, भ्रमजनक, झूठ Key Fall (धगरना) For More Book Download Here -
  • 11. Description उसन ित स धगरन का झूठा नाटक ककया ह. Synonyms Delusive, Deceptive, Erroneous, Misleading, Absurd Usage fallacious arguments 2. Word: Fallacy Meaning भूल, Mistake Key Fall Description Fall क ज्याद करीब न जाना कहीं गलती स धगर न जाओ. Synonyms Mistake, Error, Absurdity, Sophism Usage For More Book Download Here -
  • 12. the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy 3. Word: Galimatias Meaning Useless, बकार, Senseless Key गली में ताश Description गाूँव क सार Useless And Senseless लड़क गली में बठकर ताश खलत रहत हैं. Synonyms Gibberish, Nonsense 4. Word: Gambol Meaning उिल कू द करना Key Gambler For More Book Download Here -
  • 13. Description Gambler Movie में ग र्वंदा उिल कू द करता रहता ह. Synonyms Frisk, Skip, Hop Usage the mare gamboled toward Connie 5. Word: Hapless Meaning Unfortunate, Unlucky, अभाग्यवान Key Helpless Description Unlucky ल ग कािी Helpless ह त हैं, उनकी क ई Help नहीं करता. Synonyms Unhappy, Unfortunate, Luckless, Unlucky Usage For More Book Download Here -
  • 14. if you are one of the many hapless car buyers who have been shafted 6. Word: Harbinger Meaning सन्दशवाहक, Anything That Foreshadows A Future Event; Omen; Sign Key हरबबंदर मसंह Description हरबबंदर मसंह क हमार दश का संदशवाहक ननयुक्त ककया गया ह. Synonyms Sign, Predecessor, Omen, Prophet, Forerunner Usage Witch hazels are the harbingers of spring 7. Word: Impeccable Meaning Faultless For More Book Download Here -
  • 15. Key Important Cable Description घर क Important Cable Faultless ह न चादहए वरना Shock लग सकता ह. Synonyms Flawless, Sinless Usage a man of impeccable character 8. Word: Impetuous Meaning प्रबल, तीव्र, Acting Or Done Quickly And Without Thought Or Care Key इनप टस Description इनप टस स मस त हुआ नहीं जाता और यह कहत हैं की मैं बहुत तज भागता हूूँ. For More Book Download Here -
  • 16. Synonyms Headlong, Passionate, Ferocious, Hasty, Hotheaded Usage her friend was headstrong and impetuous 9. Word: Jitters Meaning घबराना, Act Nervously Key Jetter (Reynold Pen) Description जब मरा Jetter का Pen ख गया त मैं एकदम घबरा गया . Synonyms Nerves, Nervousness Usage an anxious student who jittered at any provocation For More Book Download Here -
  • 17. 10. Word: Jubilant Meaning हर्षमत Key Jubilee Description Company की Silver Jubilee पर सब ल ग बहुत खुश थ. Synonyms Joyful, Thrilled, Gay, Triumphant, Exulting 1. Word: Knack Meaning कु शलता, चतुराई Key Neck Description शर न बड़ी कु शलता स दहरन की Neck दब च ली. For More Book Download Here -
  • 18. Synonyms Knickknack, Facility, Skill, Toy, Crack Usage she got the knack of it in the end 2. Word: Lachrymose Meaning श कपूणम Key लालची म सी Description मरी लालची म सी मुझस पस लन क मलए मुझ दखत ही श कपूणम ह कर र न लगी Synonyms Tearful Usage she was pink-eyed and lachrymose For More Book Download Here -
  • 19. 3. Word: Majestic Meaning शानदार, प्रभावशाली Key Magic + Stick Description Magician न अपनी Magic Stick स एक भव्य शानदार घर बना ददया. Synonyms Pompous, Imperial, Sublime, Magnificent, Dignified Usage watching majestic eagles soar along the Mississippi 4. Word: Nasty Meaning Highly Unpleasant, खराब Key For More Book Download Here -
  • 20. Nestle-Tea Description Nestle Tea मुझ स्वाद में बबलकु ल खराब लगती ह. Synonyms Gross, Spiteful, Drizzling, Dangerous, Unpropitious Usage plastic bags burn with a nasty, acrid smell 5. Word: Nubile Meaning शादी क य ग्य, (Of A Girl Or Young Woman) Sexually Mature; Suitable For Marriage Key Mobile Description य लड़की लड़कों स म बाइल पर बात करती रहती ह यह अब शादी क लायक ह गयी ह. Synonyms Marriageable For More Book Download Here -
  • 21. Usage he employed a procession of nubile young secretaries 6. Word: Obese Meaning Grossly Fat Or Overweight Key ओ भैंस Description ओ तू त बहुत म टी भैंस जसी ह गयी ह. Synonyms Fleshy, Fad, Fat 7. Word: Painstaking Meaning पररश्रमी, Studious, Assiduous Key For More Book Download Here -
  • 22. Pain Taking Description पररश्रमी ल ग अपना काम करन क मलए Pain भी बड़ आनंद क साथ Take कर लत हैं Synonyms Meticulous, Elaboration, Attentive, Industrious, Careful Usage painstaking attention to detail 8. Word: Quandary Meaning दुर्वधा, असमंजस, A State Of Uncertainty Or Perplexity Key क न Dairy Description दूध में ममलावट आन की वजह स मैं त दुर्वधा में आ गया हूूँ कक क न सी Dairy का दूध खरीदना सही रहगा. Synonyms Doubt, Perplexity, Predicament, Uncertainty For More Book Download Here -
  • 23. Usage Kate is in a quandary 9. Word: Ramification Meaning शाखाओं में र्वभाश्जत करना Key भगवान्राम Description भगवान्राम न सीता माता की ख ज में सभी वानरों क शाखाओं में र्वभाश्जत कर ददया था Usage any change is bound to have legal ramifications 10. Word: Platitude Meaning साधारण बात, नघसी र्पटी बात For More Book Download Here -
  • 24. Key Plate में दूध Description Plate में दूध ठंडा करना एक साधारण सी बात ह. Synonyms Saying, Truism, Triteness, Commonplace Usage she began uttering liberal platitudes ACCOLADE (N) Meanings: praise or an award for an achievement that people admire Mind Tricks: Link the word Accolade with cola , a company. Cola has won so many awards (accolade) for their best service. Usages: For More Book Download Here -
  • 25. She has been winning accolades for her performances in small plays. STARK (Adj./Adv.) Meanings: having a very plain and empty appearance, without any colour or decoration eg.: a stark hall, a stark room unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience; real, and impossible to avoid eg.: the stark reality of death clear, very obvious; very plain and easy to see eg.: stark differences complete and total completely or fully (Adv.) eg.: stark naked = completely naked Mind Tricks: For More Book Download Here -
  • 26. Relate the word Stark with Star. Now, a star(sun) has no colour; you can't avoid a star; Stars are very clear and easy to see. ASSIDUOUS (Adj.) Meanings: working very hard and taking great care that every thing is done as will as it can be Mind Tricks: The first word in Assiduous is Ass, a hard working animal, as is well known. You work like an Ass -you are an Assiduous. Usages: He is assiduous in her duties. The project required some assiduous planning. PREDILECTION (N) Meanings: liking, preference a natural liking for something Mind Tricks: For More Book Download Here -
  • 27. As the word suggests pre means before and dilection = Selection. If you have selected something before seeing or getting it, you have predilection for it. Usages: She followed her own predilections. He has a predilection for drinks. Laconic (Adj.) Meanings: effectively cut short; brief and to the point using only a few words to say something Mind Tricks: Lack of words means Laconic. Usages: A good writer has laconic style of writing. Replying in only yes or no is laconic. ACCOLADE (N) For More Book Download Here -
  • 28. Meanings: praise or an award for an achievement that people admire Mind Tricks: Link the word Accolade with cola , a company. Cola has won so many awards (accolade) for their best service. Usages: She has been winning accolades for her performances in small plays. STARK (Adj./Adv.) Meanings: having a very plain and empty appearance, without any colour or decoration eg.: a stark hall, a stark room unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience; real, and impossible to avoid eg.: the stark reality of death clear, very obvious; very plain and easy to see For More Book Download Here -
  • 29. eg.: stark differences complete and total completely or fully (Adv.) eg.: stark naked = completely naked Mind Tricks: Relate the word Stark with Star. Now, a star(sun) has no colour; you can't avoid a star; Stars are very clear and easy to see. ASSIDUOUS (Adj.) Meanings: working very hard and taking great care that every thing is done as will as it can be Mind Tricks: The first word in Assiduous is Ass, a hard working animal, as is well known. You work like an Ass -you are an Assiduous. Usages: He is assiduous in her duties. For More Book Download Here -
  • 30. The project required some assiduous planning. PREDILECTION (N) Meanings: liking, preference a natural liking for something Mind Tricks: As the word suggests pre means before and dilection = Selection. If you have selected something before seeing or getting it, you have predilection for it. Usages: She followed her own predilections. He has a predilection for drinks. DISDAIN (N/V) Meanings: a feeling of strong dislike of someone of something you think does not deserve respect to think that somebody/something is not good enough to deserve your respect to refuse to so something because you think that you are too important to do it For More Book Download Here -
  • 31. Mind Tricks: Disdain = Dislike Usages: He disdained to bring a glass of water. He turned his head away in disdain. NASCENT (Adj.) Meanings: beginning to exit; not yet fully developed Mind Tricks: Nascent sounds like Nasa sent. Nasa sent a plane on Mars to begin a new civilization there. Usages: A nascent planet has been seen in our galaxy. The actress is now focusing on her nascent singing career. WRITHE (V) For More Book Download Here -
  • 32. Meanings: to twist or move your body without stopping because of great pain to twist your body from side to side Mind Tricks: Writhe sounds like Wrath, which means extreme anger. Your wrath makes your body to writhe. Writhe looks like Write. Writing may make your finger twisted. Usages: She lay on the floor, writhing pain. The snake writhed and hissed. TYRANNY (N) Meanings: unfair or cruel use of power or authority a government in which all power belongs to one person Mind Tricks: For More Book Download Here -
  • 33. Relate the word Tyranny to Tyrannosaurus Rex. In the Jurassic period, Tyrannosaurus Rex used its power to kill other tiny animals; and it dominated the large area. Usages: A nation ruled by tyranny The tyrannies of Nazi rule Words wid tricks. 1. RETARD (N/V) [ri-tahrd] Meaning- make the development or progress of something slower 2. an offensive way of describing somebody who is not intelligent or who has not developed normally 3.a person who has less intelligence Adjective- retarded Tricks- Retard form Latin word retardare, from re- 'back' and tardus- 'slow'. If you get Retired means you getRetarded. Usages- Development of road is being retarded by some local leaders. For More Book Download Here -
  • 34. 2. SCURRILOUS(Adj.) [skur-uh-luhs] Meaning- very rude and insulting, and intended to damage somebody's reputation Adverb- scurrilously Noun- scurrility, scurrilousness Tricks- Scurrilous comes from Latin wordscurra means a person who behave badly. Language that SCARE US isSCURRILOUS language. Usages- She used scurrilous words for me. We should not behave scurrilously. 3. PROLIFIC (Adj.) [pruh-lif-ik] Meaning- producing many works, etc (of an artist, a writer) producing a lot of fruit, flowers, young, etc(of plants, animals, etc) able to produce enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants above existing in large numbers Noun- prolificness Adverb- prolifically Tricks- For More Book Download Here -
  • 35. Pro(advance) life is prolific(increasing the numbers of animals and plants). Profitable is prolific. Usages- Picasso was extremely prolific man. He is a prolific striker. 4. TRAUMA(N) [trou-muh] Meaning- an injury a mental condition caused by severe shock, especially when the harmful effects last for long time any physical damage to the body caused by violence, accident or fracture Verb- traumatise, traumatize Adjective- traumatic Tricks- Todo ma apne trauma ko aur life ko enjoy karo. (hindi) Usages- It can take a long time to get over such trauma. The children showed no signs of trauma. 5. CONFINE (V) [kuhn-fahyn] Meaning- For More Book Download Here -
  • 36. restrict, place limits to keep somebody or something inside the limits of a particular activity, subject , area, etc to keep a person or an animal in a small or closed space Noun- confinement Adjective- confined Tricks- Confine comes from Latin wordConfinia, as con means 'together' +finis(fine) means 'end, limit'. On fine, he gets out of confine. Usages- She was confined to bed with the flu.He was confined to a wheelchair after the accident. VENAL (Adj) Meanings: corrupt capable of being corrupted prepared to do dishonest or immoral things in return for money Mind Trick: Word Venal sounds like the word Venom and has same root. Venal people are those who have some amount of venom(corrupt, dishonesty,etc.) inside them. For More Book Download Here -
  • 37. Usages: Most of the leaders are venal today. A venal servant has been caught stealing money. CONJUROR / CONJURER (N) Meanings: Someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience Mind trick:- jadugar Usages: A conjuror has come in our city to perform conjuring. Disparate (Adj.) Meanings: things that are very different from each other made up of parts or people that are very different from each other fundamentally different or distinct in quality Mind Trick: For More Book Download Here -
  • 38. Disparate comes from Latin prefix Dis - "apart" and par means "equal, same", meaning apart from same, equal. Disparate (Adj.) Meanings: things that are very different from each other made up of parts or people that are very different from each other fundamentally different or distinct in quality Mind Trick: Disparate comes from Latin prefix Dis - "apart" and par means "equal, same", meaning apart from same, equal. AMELIORATE (V) Meanings: to make something better Mind Trick: Mili naam ki ladki ke gusse ka rate jyada h... Usages: The side-effect of the treatment can be ameliorated to some extent. For More Book Download Here -
  • 39. This medicine should help ameliorate the pain. 1. PASSION(N)[pash-uhn] Meaning- a strong feeling or emotion, something that is desired intensely, any object of warm affection or devotion Verb- impassion Adjective- passional Tricks- Fashion is passion. Passion plus motorcycle is mypassion. Usages- As time went by the passion cooled. He has passion for reading. 2. TRAMP (N/V)[tramp] Meaning- a person with no home or job who travels from place to place, usually asking people in the street for food or money the sound of somebody's heavy steps a long walk, travel on foot Adjective- trampy, trampish For More Book Download Here -
  • 40. Tricks- Travelling on RAMP(road) isTRAMP. Usages- She has been tramping the streets looking for a job. 3. PILGRIM(N)[pil-grim] Meaning- someone who travels outside of his/her home country a person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons a member of the group of English people moved to America. Tricks- Pilgrim comes from Latin wordperegrinus means foreign, fromperegre means abroad. A pile(large collection of somethings) of letters ,received from people, look grim for pilgrim. Pilgrim for Pegambar. Usages- Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca. TV reported bemused tourist and pilgrims in St. Peter's Square. 4. VITIATE (V) [vish-ee-eyt] Meaning- For More Book Download Here -
  • 41. make imperfectto spoil or reduce the effect of something Noun- vitiation Adjective- vitiated Tricks- Vitiate taken from Latin word vitiat(V-vitiare) means "impaired". Vitiate sounds like Vicious(anger and hatred), Vitiate is anto(opposite) of mitigate. Vitiate sounds like 'fish we ate'; Fish we ate in party, vitiated my stomach. Vish (hindi) ate means spoiling your health. Usages- Terrorist may vitiate the peace process. Bad relationship vitiates our social status. 5. RETALIATE (V) [ri-tal-ee-eyt] Meaning- to take revengeto do something harmful to somebody because they have harmed you first Noun- retaliation Adjective- retaliatory, retaliative Tricks- For More Book Download Here -
  • 42. Retaliate comes from Latin word 'retaliare' , re means "back, again" and taliare means "such" allover meaning "a powerful return". Retali(a girl's name) ate her brother's tiffin as she took revenge from her brother. Usages- They boy hit his sister, who retaliated by kicking him. The Army retaliate from terrorist. Disconsolate Meaning: दुुःखी, ननराश Key: discount Description: discount न ममलन की वजह स वह बहुत ननराश था. Synonyms: melancholy, woeful, comfortless, saddening, desolate # 2. Animus Meaning: वर-भाव, Hostility or ill feeling Key: enemy मस्त Description: enemy ककतना ही मस्त ह किर भी व हमस हमशा वर-भाव ही ननकालत हैं. Synonyms: intention, temper # 3. Anguish Meaning: Severe mental or physical pain or suffering. For More Book Download Here -
  • 43. Key: angry Description: ज आदमी बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा करता ह व several type क mental suffering में रहन लगता ह. Synonyms: agony, paid, pang, torment, calvary # 4. Espouse Meaning: सहारा, Adopt or support Key: ऐसा pose(posture) Description: ऐसा pose मुझ दर तक खड़ रहन में सहारा दता ह. Synonyms: adopt, embrace, defend, marry, betroth # 5. Discern Meaning: साि साि दखना, distinguish, perceive Key: dis(अलग अलग)-screen Description: उसकी screen क िट हुए pixel साि साि अलग अलग दख जा सकत हैं. Synonyms: discriminate, detect, penetrate, descry, espy # 9. Esoteric Meaning: समझन में मुश्चकल, mystic Key: easy trick Description: कभी कभी क ई क ई सवाल समझन में त मुश्चकल ह ता ह लककन उस easy trick स solve ककया जा सकता ह. For More Book Download Here -
  • 44. Synonyms: recondite, interior, cerebral, esoterics, select # 6. Anecdote Meaning: ककस्सा, a short account of a particular incident or event Key: ऐनक (चचमा) dot pen Description: जब मैं क ई ककस्सा सुनाया क त अपन ऐनक और dot pen साथ में लकर बठा कर श्जसस बाद में तुम भूल ना. Synonyms: haggada, account, incident # 7. Blandishment Meaning: pleasant talk, action to flatter somebody Key: blend Description: वह जूस वाला कल क blend करत हुए flattering बातें करता ह श्जसस की पानी ममला सक. Synonyms: cajolery, allurement, flattery # 8. Anathema Meaning: घृणा करन वाला व्यश्क्त Key: asthama Description: asthama वाला व्यश्क्त दूसरों स घृणा करत हैं कक व क्यों ठीक हैं. Synonyms: curse, malediction, imprecation For More Book Download Here -
  • 45. # 9. Emasculate Meaning: Make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective Key: मैं school क मलए लट Description: इस बीमारी न मुझ इतना कमज र बना ददया ह कक मैं school क मलए हमशा लट ह जाता हूूँ Synonyms: unman, effeminize, castrate, unmanned, weaken # 10. Bucolic Meaning: ग्रामीण, Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic Key: book मलख Description: book मलखना ग्रामीण ल ग की ककस्मत में नहीं ह ता Synonyms: pastoral, rustic # 11. Amend Meaning: संश धन करना, Modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill Key: अमन (शांनत) Description: शांनत और अमन स ही बात करक संर्वधान में संश धन ककया जा सकता ह. Synonyms: emend, correct, reform, mend, rectify # 12. Amenable For More Book Download Here -
  • 46. Meaning: जवाबदही/आज्ञाकारी, Capable of being acted upon in a particular way Key: अमन (शांनत) able Description: शहर में शांनत बनाय रखन क मलए ल ग का आज्ञाकारी और य ग्य ह ना बहुत ज री ह Synonyms: acountable, responsible, answerable, responsive, tractable # 13. Extol Meaning: प्रशंसा करना, Praise enthusiastically Key: extra tall Description: Extra tall building बनान क मलए architect की बहुत प्रशंसा की गयी. Synonyms: elevate, laud, applaud, magnify, eulogize # 14. Benevolence Meaning: भलाई, disposition to do good Key: Bene (बनजीर) violence (दहंसा) Description: बनजीर भुट्ट दहंसा में मारी गयी, वह वहां क ल गों की भलाई करना चाहती थी. Synonyms: beneficence, munificence, charitableness 6.pictorial-real,original,sajiv picture real lag rahi thi jese original ho 7.sane-samjhdar/samjhdari saane log bahut samjhdar hote he 8.gigantic-vishal/bahut bada For More Book Download Here -
  • 47. ganga nadi bahut vishal he 9.ruck-aam aadmi/ common people rok dia jata he har jagah aam admi ko 10.lucrative-profitable looking me jo creative ho wo product business me profitable hota h 11.NIMBLE-furtila Nimbu ka rus pine wale log furtile hojate he 12.CAPRICIOUS –sanki/manmoji capri pahanke city me ghumne wale sanki /manmoji hote he 13.TURBULENCE-ashanti,ugrata Tum ambulance le ke nikalte ho to ashanti fel jati he 14. DISPARAGE -burai karna Des se disappoint tha isle wo burai karta tha 15. PROTAGONIST –nayak,leader Protest ke against jo ho wo nayak banta he. 16. LUDICROUS-rediculous Ludak ke cross kare road wo bada hi hasyaspad hota he 17.CONCOCT -create or making plan con cocroch ko marne ka plan bana raha h 18.BROACHED-mudda uthana ,bat uthana bro ne chhed dia islie media ne mudda uthaya 19.YELLED-chilla kar kahna “Yelle teri ook a uh at dikha a esa kaha For More Book Download Here -
  • 48. chilla kar 20.callous-kathor movie me vilion CARLOUS bahut kathor tha ฀Detente : the ease of tensions or strained relation, alleviation, easing ฀recalcitrance: the trait of being unmanageable ฀ Attrition: erosion by friction , abrasion , contrition, grinding ฀ Nosedived: a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline ฀ Pervasive: spreading widely throught an area. 1. Word: Abhor Meaning घृणा करना, To Regard With Horror Or Loathing; Detest Key Ab –Horror Description अब मैं Horror Movies नहीं दखूंगा मुझ उनस घृणा ह गयी ह, आजकल बहुत डरावनी Movies बनात हैं. For More Book Download Here -
  • 49. Synonyms Abominate, Hate, Nauseated, Dislike, Despise Usage professional tax preparers abhor a flat tax because it would dry up their business 2. Word: Badinage Meaning Humorous Conversation, मजाककया Key बड़ा- नाज Description Raju Shrivastav जस मजाककया पर हमें बड़ा नाज ह. Synonyms Pleasantry, Banter Usage cultured badinage about art and life 3. Word: Calamity For More Book Download Here -
  • 50. Meaning र्वनाश, Disaster Key काली Mity (ममट्टी) Description जब खतों की ममट्टी काली ह न लग तब समझ ल कक क ई बड़ा र्वनाश ह न वाला ह. Synonyms Extremity, Infelicity, Adversity, Catastrophe, Unhappiness Usage the journey had led to calamity and ruin 4. Word: Dearth Meaning आभाव, कमी, Scarcity, Shortage, Lack Key De (अलग) –Earth For More Book Download Here -
  • 51. Description Earth स अलग बाकी ग्रह पर हवा का अभाव ह. Synonyms Shortage, Famine, Deficiency, Paucity, Scarcity Usage there is a dearth of evidence 5. Word: Ecstasy Meaning परमानन्द, कर्वयों जसी उमंग, An Overwhelming Feeling Of Great Happiness Or Joyful Excitement Key ऐसी की तसी Description कर्व अपनी कर्वता सुना सुनाकर दुसर ल गों की त ऐसी की तसी � 6. Word: Facile For More Book Download Here -
  • 52. Meaning Having A Superficial Or Simplistic Knowledge Or Approach, नम्र स्वभावी Key Face Description ककसी ककसी का Face दख कर ही पता चल जाता ह की वह नम्र स्वभावी ह. Synonyms Pliant, Expert, Yielding, Skillful, Fluent Usage a man of facile and shallow intellect 7. Word: Gainsay Meaning मना करना, Deny Key Gain Se (स) Description For More Book Download Here -
  • 53. उसन Illigal तरीक स पसा Gain करन स Deny कर ददया. Synonyms Dispute, Deny, Contradict, Controvert, Forbid Usage the impact of the railroads cannot be gainsaid 8. Word: Hampered Meaning कावट पदा करना, Hinder Or Impede The Movement Or Progress Of Key हम पर Description लगता ह कक हम पर ककसी न जादू- ट ना करवा ददया ह तभी हमार काम में इतनी कावट पदा ह रही ह. Usage their work is hampered by lack of funds 9. Word: Ignominy For More Book Download Here -
  • 54. Meaning Public Shame Or Disgrace, कलंक Key Ignou में नहीं Description Ignou में नहीं पढना. वहाूँ पढन स कलंक लग जाता ह. Synonyms Discredit, Reproach, Opprobrium, Dishonor, Infamy Usage the ignominy of being imprisoned 10. Word: Jocular Meaning मजाककया Key Joke In Cooler For More Book Download Here -
  • 55. Description व Cooler की हवा खाता रहता ह और मजाक करता रहता ह व बहुत मजाककया ह. Synonyms Jocose, Silly, See, Merry, Unemotional Usage she sounded in a jocular mood. 21. POIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): affecting, painful Poijon khan eke bad use bahut dird hua 22. SEVERANCE (NOUN): division Sever thik karne ke kai division he 23. COLLUDE (VERB): conspire Kal wo log milibhagat karke lad liye 24. MAZY (ADJECTIVE): difficult to understand Maze hue logo ko samjh pana mushkil he 25. RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): secretive, quiet Rat ko sant log kam bola karte he 1. Word:- Kindle Meaning जलाना, सुलगाना, Light Or Set On Fire For More Book Download Here -
  • 56. Key Candle Description जन्मददन पर हम Candle जलात हैं. Synonyms: Flash, Animate, Inflame, Conflagrate, Catch Usage: a love of art was kindled in me. 2. Word:- Labile Meaning पररवतमनशील, Liable To Change Key ल + Bible Description वह बहुत परशान था त मैंन कहा की ल Bible पढ इस पढन स तर मन में पररवतमन आएगा. Synonyms: Unstable 3. Word:- Magnanimous Meaning बड़ ददल वाला Key माूँगना नहीं Description वह इतना बड़ा ददलवाला ह की उसस माूँगना नहीं पड़ता वह खुद ही द दता ह. Synonyms : Big-Hearted, Unselfish, Great-Hearted, Noble, Honorable For More Book Download Here -
  • 57. 4. Word:- Naive Meaning अनुभवहीन, (Of A Person Or Action) Showing A Lack Of Experience Key नाव Description नाव चलान वाला नार्वक एकदम अनुभवहीन था और उसक कारण नाव पलट गयी. Synonyms Frank, Artless, Credulous, Ingenuous Usage the rather naive young man had been totally misled 5. Word:- Obeisance Meaning नमस्कार, प्रणाम Key अब Sense Description अब तुझ क ई Sense ह की नहीं बड़ों क नमस्कार ककय बबना ही चला जाता ह. Synonyms: Bowl, Deference, Obedience, Curtsy, Bow Usage: - they paid obeisance to the prince 6. Word:- Palatable For More Book Download Here -
  • 58. Meaning Pleasant To Taste, स्वाददठट Key Plate -Table Description Table पर ज Plate रखी ह उसमें बहुत स्वाददठट हलवा रखा हुआ ह. Synonyms: - Toothful, Nectared, Appetizing, Nice, Nectarine Usage:- a very palatable local red wine 7. Word:- Quaint Meaning अन खा या आकषमक, Old-Fashioned In A Charming Way Key Kuwait Description Kuwait दश में तल क बहुत अन ख और आकषमक कुूँ ए हैं. Synonyms: - Archaic, Prudent, Wise, Artful, Whimsical Usage: - quaint country cottages 8. Word:- Rabid Meaning पागल, बावला Key Rabies For More Book Download Here -
  • 59. Description पागल कु त्त क काटन स हमार पड सी क Rabies ह गया. Synonyms: Mad, Raging, Furious, Violent, Frantic Usage: a rabid feminist 9. Word:- Gaiety Meaning आनंद, उल्लास Key GATE Description GATE क पपर में अच्िी Percentile आन क कारण मैं खुशी स नाच उठा. Usage: - the sudden gaiety of childrens laughter 10. Word:- Diffident Meaning आत्मर्वचवास में कमी, Shy, Timid, Bashful Key Defeat Description Defeat खान क बाद आदमी क आत्मसम्मान में कमी आ जाती ह. Synonyms: - Suspicious, Distrustful, Doubtful, Lowly, Hesitating Usage: -a diffident youth For More Book Download Here -
  • 60. 26. VET (VERB): analyze, test Ground kitna vet he ampire analyse kar rahe he 27.PREROGATIVE (NOUN): right, privilege Prerority milne walo k rights jyada hote he 28.impede -delay or prevent Inko pede khila ke kam lme delay kar do 29.paucity- scarcity Pau bechne walo ki hamare shahar me kami he 30.pivotal-important Privet hotal me important logjyada jaate he.. 31. Garrulous (Adj) :- chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky. girls hamesha chat pat bate hi kiya karti he sorry girls 32.tremendous-awesome,amazing train me se dur ke najare awesome lagte he 33.plunder : Steal goods pul se bunder kapde loot leta he 34.sacrosanct- atipavitra sacro (bahut sare) sant pavitra hote he 35.Allegiance- nishthawan(loyal) all jeans pahanne wale ladke loyal hote he 37.Inscrutable- na samjhne yogya inke scru dhile ho k table pe gir gaye islie inko samjha nahi ja skta 38.Strenuous-kathin kathor For More Book Download Here -
  • 61. is tren me us(ham log) bahut kathorta se safar karte he 39.Imbecile- stupid inpar mecile fek do ye bevkuf he 40.Avaricious avarigi kar ke itna pesa kama lia ki lalchi ho gaye 41.Austere-strict/kathor,thos Australia ke log bahut kathor hote he 42.fortify-majbut/strengthen Forty five ki age me log majbut dil ke ho jaate he 43.captious-dosh nikalna Capti log dusro ke dosh nikalte he 44. parsimonious – kanjus Parse me money na ho jiske wo kanjus hota he 45. STAGGER - to walk in clumsy manner/dagmagaana Stage per gir gaya islie dagmaga kar chal raha tha 46.aggravate-to make worse/sthiti or bigad jana Agar aapka wet(weight/wajan)or bad gaya to sthiti or bigad jaegi 47.cranky-chidchida/ill tempered Crake log chidchide hote he 48.antagonise –dushmani mol lena anty ke pas go(jakar) nisa ne dushmani le li 49.heed-dhyan dena Ham head officer ki bato pe dhyan dete he 50.sanctimonious-pakhandi/show of/dikhawa karna For More Book Download Here -
  • 62. Kuch log Sant muni dikhawa karte he/ pakhandi hote he 51.adroit-expert/skillfull android phone bahut skillful/expert phone hota he 52.commiserate - pity/daya karna commision ke rate bada kar daya kar diya 53.pivotal- important/crucial pilot ka plan udane me important role hota he 54.espouse - support karna spouse (wife/husband) har wakt sath dete he 55.dispel-door karna Des se tel ki kami ko door karna hoga 56.decisive - socha samjha/decided des ke bare me sive ji ne soch samajh kar rakha he 57.tranquilly - peaceful train ki quality itni achhi thi ki safar aaramdayak /peacefull gujra 58.exodus - a departure or emigration of lots of people ek so dus log desh chhod kar chale gaye. 59.stalwart-bahadur/brave is talwar ko brave/bahadur log hi utha sakte he 60.PERVASIVE. - vyapak/ sarvvyapak parve siv ji ka sab jagah vyapak rup se manaya jata he 61.Metamorphosis-change/badlav mataji ne mar mar ke bada dala For More Book Download Here -
  • 63. 62.Adage – General truth about some aspect of life Adhi age ke bad life ki sachhai ka pata chal jata he 63.Startling – Surprising/wonder/ashcharyajanak Star timtimate hue ashcharyjanak lagte he ACME Meaning- the highest stage of development, the most excellent example of something Mind Trick- Acme sounds like the beauty product Lakme. Lakme is the most excellent(Acme) beauty product. ACCOST (V) Meaning- to go up to somebody and speak to them in a rude or threatening way Mind Trick- Accost sounds like A cost. At a cost of Heroine life, hero approached villain and asked him to release his heroine in threatening way. ADULATION [aj-uh-ley-shuhn] Meaning- unnecessary admiration and praise, exaggerated and hypocritical praise Mind Trick- For More Book Download Here -
  • 64. Adulation sounds like Education. Most of the students adulate(unnecessary admiration and praise) teachers for better education: "sir you are great , sire you are best, you are my best teacher etc...... " So always remember Adulation for better Education. BARD Meaning- a person who writes poems Mind Trick- Bard sounds like ward. A new ward( a person under another custody) is very good bard and he keeps writing poem. BAIT (N/V) Meaning- thing that is used to catch somebody to place food on a hook in order to catch animal or fish Mind Trick- Bait sounds like cricket Bat, so cricket Bat and ball is used to catch(bait) some cricket players on the ground. "Hey boys ! I have a bat, who wants to play cricket": Here bat is using as baiting for playing cricket. Always remember bat as bait for playing cricke BRAWN Meaning- physical strength For More Book Download Here -
  • 65. Mind Trick- Brawn sounds like Brown. We all know that brown people has more physical strength(brawn) than white. Brawn sounds like prawn(fish). Want to be a brawn, eat the prawns. So always try to remember Brawn, Prawn. BRISK (Adj.) Meaning- quick , busy, quick and energetic Mind Trick- Brisk is a type of cold drink which provides quick energy. Brisk looks like B and Risk here B for "Big" and Risk. Things, which are quick and energetic(brisk), can be Big risk. Always remember Brisk things Would be Big Risk just like a rocket. CRESCENDO (N/Adj./V) [kri-shen-doh] Meaning- a gradual increase in sound, grow louder an action which becomes bigger and bigger until it reaches a peak. Mind Trick- Crescendo looks like Krish, Sen do (Krish , Sen- a name): Krish and Sen do something with drums that results a tremendous crescendo of noise. CREVICE [krev-is] For More Book Download Here -
  • 66. Meaning- a narrow and deep crack in a rock or wall Mind Trick- Crevice looks like Cre + Vice and "Cre" for cricket and "vice" for vice captain, Cricket vice captain of India lives in crevice of rock. CULMINATION [kuhl-muh-ney-shuhn] Meaning- the highest or final point of something, usually happening after a long time Mind Trick- Culmination sounds like termination but termination is for down falling and culmination is for up moving. Culmination sounds like Kal(tomorrow in English) my nation; Kal(tomorrow) my nation will be on top or on culmination. (Hindi) CYNOSURE [sahy-nuh-shoor] Meaning- a person or thing that is the centre of attention, something that strongly attracts attention Mind Trick- Cynosure sounds like Dinosaur, Dinosaur is the centre of attention in the park. DUMBFOUNDED (Adj.[duhm-found] Meaning- unable to speak because of surprise For More Book Download Here -
  • 67. Mind Trick- Dumbfounded sounds like Bomb Founded. Minister gets dumbfounded when bomb is founded by the army. (Don't confused with "ed" in found) So try to remember Dumbfounded = Bomb found DULCET (Adj.)[duhl-sit] Meaning- sounding sweet and pleasant Mind Trick- Dulcet sounds like Dil Set Or Dil Suit so Dil set or suit means somethings sweet and pleasant. ( Hindi ) Dulcet sounds like dual set. Dual set of sound box producing very sweet sound. DOOM (N/V) Meaning- destruction, any terrible event that can't be avoid Mind Trick- We all know about dooms day that responsible for destruction and death 64.Revoke – To cancel (a license, law or agreement) Rework (fir se) karo ise cancle kar ke 65.Extol – To praise enthusiastically Extra tel lagaoge sir pe to sb tariff karenge 66.Rattle – Nervous For More Book Download Here -
  • 68. Rattle snake ko dekh sb nervous / ghabra jate he 67.Dire – Terrible situation Jonral dire ne des ki situation or buri kar di 68.Radiant -Bright, Glaring Radiam bahut chamkdar lagta he rat me 69.Bovine – Stupid Bohut sari vine pine wale stupid hote he 70.Burgeon – Grow or develop rapidly Ab dur ke gaon ka vikas teji se hone laga he.......฀฀฀ TRicky idioms------- (|) A piece of cake (idiom) something easily achieved A piece of cake in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary) सरल काम Trick: congratulations , ssc exam was a piece of cake. (||) Kick the bucket (idiom) to die ‘Ki k the u ket’ i a se te e These days, kicking the bucket can require a lot more preparation than living, as death drags up a world of paperwork and legal nuances. Trick: footballer kick the bucket(ball) ||| Fro the horse’s outh (idiom) (of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source Fro the horse’s outh’ i a se te e . Upo heari g this e s fro the horse’s outh Rashi started ryi g. For More Book Download Here -
  • 69. Tri k:The horse’s teeth a tell you the horse’s age a d the health of the horse. A s art horse trader or uyer ould get all the i for atio he eeded fro the horse’s outh . That is, dire tly, ithout hearing the truth from anyone else (|V) Lend a hand (idiom) assist in an action or enterprise ‘Le d a ha d’ ea i g i Hi di E glish to Hi di Di tio ary सहायता करना Le d a ha d’ i a se te e Everyone should lend a hand and make sure that it reaches the masses. Trick : DDLJ mein shahrukh lend a hand to kajol...........฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀ 71.Metamorphosis-change/badlav mataji ne mar mar ke badal dala 72.Adage –General truth about some aspect of life Adhi age ke bad life ki sachhai ka pata chal jata he 73.Startling – Surprising/wonder/ashcharyajanak Star timtimate hue ashcharyjanak lagte he 74.Revoke – To cancel (a license, law or agreement) Rework (fir se) karo ise cancle kar ke 75.Extol– To praise enthusiastically Extra tel lagaoge sir pe to sb tariff karenge 76.Rattle – Nervous Rattle snake ko dekh sb nervous / ghabra jate he 77.Dire – Terrible situation Jonral dire ne des ki situation or buri kar di For More Book Download Here -
  • 70. 78.Radiant – Bright, Glaring Radiam bahut chamkdar lagta he rat me 79.Bovine – Stupid Bohut sari vine pine wale stupid hote he 80.Burgeon – Grow or develop rapidly Ab dur ke gaon ka vikas teji se hone laga he 81.placate- shant karna vedio play kia cat ka tb baby shant hua 82.dereliction(uncaring, लापरवाह฀ ) exam me der se likhne wale laparwah/uncaring hote he 83.Laudatory – Praise or to admire for someone Ladle bete ki sb parents tariff krte he 84.Spar-takrar/mukkebaji Aaj to Is par ya us par ukka aji ho jaaye 85.Stall – To stop Tall log sbko rokne ki koshish karte he V S Negalurmath, [29.01.17 13:05] ------------- Past Simple Tense It is used to express an action that happened or completed in past, usually a very little time before speaking, or action which is just completed. Time of action is not specified in terms of long time ago or short ago but it make a sense that the action has done a little time ago. For example, a person says, For More Book Download Here -
  • 71. “I at hed a o ie , it means the speaker of this sentence watched a movie a little time ago or little time ago in the same day. Rules: 2nd form of verb (past simple) is used as main verb in the positive sentences and base form is used in negative and interrogative sentences. Structure of sentences Positive Sentence • Subject + main verb (past simple) + object • Subject + 2nd form of verb (past simple) + object Examples I killed a snake He ate a mango. Negative sentences • Subject + (auxiliary verb + not) main verb (base form) + object • Su je t + did ot + st for of er or ase for + o je t i egati e se te e did ot is ritte a d the 1st form of verb (base verb) is used instead of using 2nd form(or past simple verb). Examples. I did not kill a snake He did not eat a mango Interrogative sentences For More Book Download Here -
  • 72. • Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (base verb) + object • Did + subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + object Interrogative se te e starts ith did a d the st for of er ase er is used i stead of usi g d for or past simple verb). Examples Did I kill a snake? ------------- 86.Bonhomie – Happy, Good natured friendliness Bahan hamari home/ghar me sbke sath friendly behave karti he 87.Logjams – To deal with a situation which has existed for a long time /rukavat Log jam laga dete he road pe isliye bahut der tk traffic me rukavat aati he 88.Baffle – So ethi g hi h a ’t e u dersta da le and explainable Bavkuf logo ki bate samajh me ni aati he 89.Destitute – Someone who has no money or possession Des ke institutes ke pas ab money ni bachi.......฀฀ For More Book Download Here -