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Ethics in Engineering
The major reason why ethics is an important part of engineering is because it helps to enact safety
measures. Humanity relies on engineering for transportation, production of food materials, consumer
electronics and many more things. Virtually, engineers design and create all human made things in
the world. The probability of accidents that result from overlooking manufacturing flaws in
consumer products could be reduced by observing ethics in engineering. One good example that
illustrates how the neglect of ethics in engineering could be hazardous to humanity is the
well–known case of Columbia Shuttle (Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum). The air space
travelling bus exploded during re–entry because of a flaw in its O–rings that was ignored by its
engineers during test flights. The result was the loss of seven astronauts, the spacecraft and billions
of money that had been invested towards the completion of the project by the United States
The Moral Ethics of an Engineer
Engineers should strive to develop products that do not harm the consumer. This can be achieved by
running tests on prototypes of a product before releasing it in the consumer market. As a rule, the
governments should perform safety tests on any critical engineering system to identify flaws. This
will prevent potential hazards that can be caused by an irregularity. With regard to safety, it is
important for an engineer to maintain honesty and integrity at all
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Engineering Ethics In Engineering
In wake of natural disasters, the natural reaction is to find what went wrong, and who was at fault.
The person at fault who failed to build and design structures that would have prevented catoptric
damage. Additional questions are directed towards the engineer as to whether or not the job was
done correctly. As an engineer, our main objective is to build and design safe structures that
benefit society. All while making sure what we do is done in an ethically sound way. Engineering
ethics is a field of applied ethics and system of moral principles that apply to the practice of
engineering. The field examines and sets the obligations of engineers to society, to their clients, and
to the profession. In dealing with engineering ethics natural disasters, engineer plays a role in
designing structures to withstand natural disasters. The success of these structures is crucial
because lives are at stake if these structures fail. Examples of this can be the failure in the levee
system in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Furthermore, the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in
Japan also was another major event in the failure of engineering. The casting of the blame for the
failures of structures takes a secondary concern, to providing the adequate amount of aid to the
victims of the disaster. Making sure the victims have access to food, cleaning drinking water and
sufficient shelter are top concerns. Engineers are bound by the first Fundamental Canon of the
ASCE Code of Ethics, in which
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Engineering : Engineering And Ethics
What is Engineering? Engineering is a profession in which knowledge of mathematical and natural
sciences gained by study, experience and practices is applied with judgement to develop ways to
utilize, economically, the materials and forces of natures for the benefits of Mankind –
(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology–ABET)
Sara Pfatteicher in her book Introduction to post disaster engineering and ethics describes engineers
as "design under constrains". She describes the main three constrains which engineer faces.
Complexity: Engineers are not in a technical vacuum they have to interact with various types of
personnel like stake holders, clients, various departments in the company, even general public, etc.
Constraints: Engineers can design and deploy products which are maximally safe, efficient and
effective in a perfect world. In really world this would be prohibitively more expensive and time
consuming. Engineers must often balance quality with time and financial constraints and requires
great thoughtfulness and ethical fortitude.
Tension: Tension between competing interest which are not always aligned as per engineer's interest.
This tension can be classified into three major components;
Corporate interest which mean the obligation to the company as most of them are profit driven
Personal Interest: Engineers always want to grow in a competitive world. This can be regarding
their salary and seeking out promotions.
Public Interest: Engineer
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The Importance Of Ethics In Engineering
Ethics in engineering is an important practice that relates to the morals that ought to be practiced by
engineers in their profession. The engineering ethics act as a guideline to engineers in the
implementation, design and planning of engineering–based activities. Ethical concepts in
engineering influences approaches such as influence of their engagements on the health and safety
(their own and that of others), environmental protection, quality of the design they prepare and the
awareness of the economic impact of their designs. The engineers are expected to be aware of the
choices they make and their ethical interpretation (Herkert and Barry, 2015). This essay will explore
the ethics in engineering by addressing the applications in promoting health and safety for employees
and community, promoting environmental sustainability, consideration of safety and design
standards and other ethical concerns in the field of engineering.
In the healthcare sector, engineers are entitled to manufacture equipment that reduces the chances of
losing a life ensuring as many patients recover through the devices rather than creating harm to the
patients. For example, engineering manufacturers have been experiencing dilemma in the production
of medical equipment in relation to the CardioMEMS HF System, which is an implantable device
that wirelessly monitors pulmonary artery pressure in Heart Failure patients (Li and Fu, 2012). The
instrument is implanted into the pulmonary artery via right
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Jake Hall
Professor Ripley
Engineering Ethics
29 May 2017
The Challenger Disaster Unfortunately, there is always risk when it comes to space flight. This
makes it difficult to determine what constitutes an "Acceptable" risk. A space agency has many
worries such as their reputation with the public and the world, the success of their missions, and
most importantly the lives of their staff and astronauts. Engineers are usually technically gifted but
lacking in organization. This spawns a need for non–technical managers to oversee the day to day
operations of projects and companies. While the engineers worry about the functionality of the
project (in this case, a space shuttle), the managers worry about the cost to the company and the
infamous pick 2 triangle of good, cheap, fast. This causes a disconnect between the engineers and the
management where pressure from anything whether it be the public or CEO, can cause concerns to
be overlooked.
Ultimately the fault lies with every person who was a part of the project, except Roger Boisjoly, 3
of his colleagues, and the manager who refused to sign the ok to launch. According to a broadcast by
NPR in 1986, Boisjoly's and his colleague's concerns were escalated to top management. They
explained their worries and gave their evidence to the Vice President of Morton Thiokol, Robert
Lund. This was then escalated to another meeting with more engineers and managers, which resulted
in the conclusion that launching could be catastrophic
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Foundation Of Engineering Ethics And Values
Foundation of Engineering Ethics and Values Interaction between Ethics and Technology
CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT: At the outset morals and innovation appear to have no
collaboration. On the other hand, we see the impact of morals on innovation both from the calling
and the general population. Case in point the "code of expert morals" has changed the techniques in
distinctive parts of science, building and innovation, and has given a specific heading to the sorts of
tasks done, their degree, and executions. The affectability of customers to pick good values has
additionally brought about the alter of course for some advances. Open investment in science and
innovation and the legitimate stations are alternate components that shape the impact of morals on
engineering. All the more disputably on the other side we see the effect of engineering on morals.
One can contend how and why the absolute most theoretical thoughts like regulating moral
hypotheses or Kantian morals have been responses to the progressions in science and engineering.
Also, the impacts of mechanical change have significantly impacted cutting edge relativistic morals.
Innovation has given new potential outcomes to human life and made new moral inquiries as well. It
could be said, "Connected morals" is the result of mechanical improvement. I.INTRODUCTION
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Engineering Ethics Essay
In this essay I shall consider whether the primary goal of a course on engineering should be to teach
students the standards of professional conduct as set out by major engineering codes of ethics, or if
they should think autonomously about moral issues. The speaker in the essay question suggest that
the former argument is correct, and that engineering courses should have the goal of teaching
students to master the standards set out by codes of ethics as following these is what engineering
ethics consists of. This means that students should be taught that instead of making their own
decisions about moral issues, they are to follow the guidelines set out for them by engineering
institutions. Many agree with this philosophy, for more content...
These are all reasons that students should master the standards of professional conduct as set out by
the major codes of ethics, as they all show engineers how to conduct their work in a way that is
deemed to be responsible and moral. If engineers were left to think autonomously then it is likely that
each engineer will have their own set of codes that they decide to follow and hence there will be a
lack of consistency among the profession. This may lead to a worsening of the public's view of the
profession and also without a major engineering institution setting the codes, the way engineers
operate may not change to meet the ever–increasing challenges in the rapidly changing world.
Throughout engineering history there have been many events that back up the argument posed in
this essay, in which engineers have taken decisions into their own hands, where the profession's
code of ethics would have prevented them doing so. An example of this is the engineers that
designed the Ford Pinto 1997. This car was found to have a flaw during testing, in which the fuel
tank would rupture in a crash above 25mph [3] and at the same time the front doors would usually
jam shut. Although in every test run above 25mph the fuel tank ruptured the engineers decided that
the cost of the fix was far greater than what they would have to pay out in compensation for
accidents. In this case the engineers decided not to follow the guidelines set out in nearly all of the
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Engineering Ethics
Engineering dilemma.
'Engineering ethics' refer to the ethical issues involved in the engineering profession. Ethics are
concerned with moral decisions in professional behaviour. Whilst morality generally refers to any
aspect of human action, ethics is concerned with making the 'right' decisions in a professional
context. Engineering ethics and consideration of the impact of engineering on the environment are
issues of relevance and importance to any engineer or engineering student.
Ethics is concerned with utilitarianism – the production of the greatest good for the greatest number.
A contentious ethical issue for engineers is when to privilege their work over the environment.
Engineering impacts both positively and negatively on more content...
Implementing engineering practice in some areas may destroy or change the natural balance and
way of natural working, resulting in devastation of the environment as a regrettable consequence.
Engineers must strive to find practicable solutions to reduce their collective 'carbon footprint' and to
redress the harm of past action, for example forward looking initiatives such as the conversion of
mine waste into low cost housing materials and recycling schemes implemented in many residential
The ever present ethical dilemma of an engineer is when to privilege profit and productivity over
issues such as pollution, habitat destruction and soil infertility. When the pros and cons are weighed
up against each other the ultimate rule to be followed is the golden rule, "hurt not others with that
which pains yourself".
When undertaking decisions concerned with environmental impact, both long term and short term
effects must be taken into consideration. Excessive farming and processing of fertile land may
eventually render the same land infertile. The use of fossil fuels may not have had an immediate
effect on the environment but now we understand their impact in the form of greenhouse gasses and
their great contribution to global warming. Extensive research must be undertaken in an attempt to
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Ethics And Ethics Of Engineering Ethics
Abstract–The following paper addresses the importance of engineering ethics as it pertains to the
health, safety, and well–being of not only individuals but society. By beginning with the root needs
of engineering ethics by first discussing its history and then moving on to how unethical choices can
and have had a deadly impact on communities. Once a basis is established the document states the
core fundamentals, instructions, and responsibilities of engineering ethics.
What is engineering ethics and what is its importance? To answer the first question let's define what
having ethics entails. Having ethics requires an individual or organization to believe, instill, and
represent a system of moral behavior and values. Engineering ethics in turn are the moral practices
and principles applied to the field of engineering.
To understand the importance of engineering ethics, look first at its history and why it began.
Knowing its history helps you understand the significance of the three canons that make up the
foundation of engineering ethics, the rules implemented and the professional responsibilities of
professional engineers. In addition to understanding the history, instances will be given of
catastrophic events that occurred because individuals and/or organizations implemented poor
engineering ethics.
As additional mandates are introduced into the engineering field, it becomes more likely that there
will be individuals who will
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Engineering Ethical Responsibility to Environment
"The rationale for teaching ethics to engineers seems fairly obvious. Their work has an enormous
impact on the world." Johnson.
Discussion of an engineer's inherent interaction with the environment and environmental needs leads
to an engineer's responsibility to the environment. Since Joseph R. Desjardins report on
environmental responsibilities, engineers are supported to design their project in total regards to
what the situation requires avoiding conflict. The research looks at the ethical issues engineers
should focus on while undertaking their projects.
Since the report by Grinter, engineering education has made significant progress in strengthening the
core sciences in engineering. Recent trends towards increasing discussion of professionalism in the
classroom notwithstanding, topics of professional responsibility have received surprisingly little
attention in engineering over the last decade. The authors fear that professional responsibility may
also have been underemphasized in the practices of engineering.
There are topics of concern that engineers should focus on because it relates to the interaction of an
engineer with other people in the society like the clients, employers, employees, community, and the
engineering profession as a whole. According to Whitbeck, engineers should study engineeringethics
from the perspective of a moral agent as opposed to an honest judge.
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Engineering is the important pillar of the society to improve it consistently. In modern times, there
are so many moral and ethical issues and dilemma faced by the engineering and computer science
professionals like the medical, legal and business professions. It is very much important to discuss
and understand that how to tackle these issues and increase moral sovereignty. Engineering ethics is
not only to teach moral behavior but also to know about immoral and unethical. Ethics is a set of
beliefs to increase the ability of engineers and other professionals so that they can face boldly with
the moral problems arising from technological advancements and other related activities.
The word "ethics" more content...
A supervisor came across a faulty part in the manufacture of a machine, which prevents the use of
that machine for a long period. But his superior, takes this as a small fault and orders that the
defective part to be adjusted so that the delay in the process has to be avoided. But the supervisor
doesn't want this and so he is threatened by the superior.
2. An electronic company submits an application for authorization to start a Nuclear Power Plant.
When the licensing authority visited the site, they enquire the company authorities on the disaster
measures that should have been established for safety of the surroundings. The engineers inform
them about the alarm system and measures have been made in local hospitals for the treatment of
their workers and they have no plan for the neighboring people. They also inform that it is the
responsibility of the people.
3. A Yarn Dyeing company which releases its wastage in the nearby river. It causes hazardous to the
people those who are using the river. The plant engineers are very much aware about this problem,
but they do not amend the dumping method because their opponents also doing similar method as it
happen to be economic. They also say that it is the responsibility of the local
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Engineering ethics and why engineers are expected to use the highest standards of honesty and
Engineering is a very important part of society, all types of engineers are important for our world to
keep running smoothly, from civil engineers designing, planning and overseeing structures like dams
and bridges. Mechanical engineers who design, develop and build mechanical and thermal devices,
including tools, engines and machines. They are the reason we have safe and comfortable
transportation and efficient machinery that mass–produce products. Electrical engineering that deals
with the manufacturing of electrical equipment such as electric motors, radar, navigation systems
and power generation equipment. There are also chemical engineers, computer hardware engineers,
computer software engineers, environmental engineers, geological engineers, industrial engineers,
materials engineers, nuclear engineers and finally petroleum engineers, these are just some of the
engineers that keep our world running smoothly and because of this great responsibility they're
expected to work to certain ethics and must have the highest standards of honesty and integrity,
because if their work isn't up to standard or if they make a mistake then potentially catastrophic
problems could occur, this is why they're expected to work to the highest standards of honesty and
Body #1
There are quite a lot of different engineering ethics, some of the most general principles
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2.3 MORALITY Morality is concerned with (a) In a given situation what should be or not to be
done, (b) what is the right or wrong way to handling any situation, (c) what is the good or bad
decisions about the persons, policies and principles involved in any situation. If an act is said to
be ethically correct or a rule is said to be ethically fine, then they are said to be had some moral
reasons in supporting it. Moral reasons include respect others and ourselves, respect the rights of
others, keep promises, avoid unnecessary problems to others and avoid cheating and dishonesty,
show gratitude to others and encourage them to work. So, if an engineering decision is said to be a
good one, it has to meet out all the specifications. These specifications must be covered both the
technical and the moral specifications such as safety of the product, reliability, easy maintenance and
the product should be user–friendly with environment. 2.3.1 VARIETY OF MORAL ISSUES
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A supervisor came across a faulty part in the manufacture of a machine, which prevents the use of
that machine for a long period. But his superior, takes this as a small fault and orders that the
defective part to be adjusted so that the delay in the process has to be avoided. But the supervisor
doesn't want this and so he is threatened by the superior. 2. An electronic company submits an
application for authorization to start a Nuclear Power Plant. When the licensing authority visited the
site, they enquire the company authorities on the disaster measures that should have been established
for safety of the surroundings. The engineers inform them about the alarm system and measures have
been made in local hospitals for the treatment of their workers and they have no plan for the
neighboring people. They also inform that it is the responsibility of the
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Engineering Ethics come from two words, which is engineering and ethics. Engineering is one of the
applications of science to meet human needs and desires. Combines engineering science,
mathematics, and experience to design an object or process. Professional engineering practice called
engineers. The word engineering came from Latin word which is ingenium meaning 'contrive,
design'. In this 21st century, engineering had been use widely surround human life. The word
ethics derived from the Greek word which is "ethos". Ethos means morality or custom character.
Synonymous with the word moral comes from other word "Mos" to the plural "Mores" which
means custom or way of life. Therefore, engineering ethics is a set of scientific discipline that
applies to the profession of engineering. In 19th centuries, engineering ethics was not view as
professional concern. But it is view as personal concern. In early of 20th centuries, disaster such as
series of significant structural failures, including some spectacular bridge failures, notably the
Ashtabula River Railroad Disaster (1876), Tay Bridge Disaster (1879), and more content...
In addition, to wider the mentality of engineer not only to understand engineering as science and
mathematics but to get them to talk in ethical categories and able to understand engineering at a
philosophy level. This is because the engineering involved in various aspects of everyday human life.
For example, medical engineering. The engineering involved hospital where all hospital equipment
involving machines made by engineers. Imagine a world without engineers who have no ethics.
Where all creation is created without efficiency. Perhaps an accident will happen as in the 20th
century. Thus, engineering ethics are very important in engineering to open the minds of engineers
that engineering plays a vital role in society and the
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Ethics in Engineering Essay
Ethics is the moral behavior that guides our actions; it motivates us in our personal behavior and is
relevant in a business setting as well. Many organizations have set forth a set of guidelines known
as a "Code of Ethics". The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, being one of these
organizations, has set forth their code as a requirement for students and engineer members to adhere
to. Heading towards a career in electrical engineering I choose this organization to elaborate on for
my ethics project. In the paragraphs that follow you will be introduced to the Code of Ethics as
outlined by IEEE, and what it means to its members. A comprehensive summarization will be
provided for each guideline along with examples of more content...
This being the case it is important for the engineer to consider the application to which the design
will be used as well as how and to what extent it will be handled. In the instance that risks and
dangers are present they must immediately be brought to the attention of the consumer, and if
effected as a whole, the public. The second point outlines the regulation of avoiding real and
perceived conflicts of interest and to bring the forth to all parties involved. Conflicts of interest are
more prevalent in our society than many people believe. Many times conflicts of interest are most
common in what is known as "self–dealing". Self–dealing is the act in which an engineer operates in
a fashion to which he benefits on both sides of the deal. For example if John, co–owner of a local
corporation, uses his position as a part–time government official to secure job contracts for himself,
this would be a conflict of interest related to self–dealing and deemed a violation of ethics by the
IEEE. Engineers are also required to use honesty and not over exaggerate claims or estimates when
the data is available to make an informed decision. When making statements regarding an estimate
members are required to accurately measure the cost and time in which it will take to produce a
design. Misleading development times and costs not only results in damages of a financial sense
but also in a loss of quality of the product or design. To prevent such
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he engineering discipline I chose is electrical and the company I will like to work for is Exxon
Electrical engineering is a profession and it is my responsibilities as an engineer to have the highest
standard of integrity and honesty. The safety of the people must be my priority always and I must
provide my services at all time in fairness, honesty, impartiality, and equity. I must always abide by
engineering code of ethics under whichever companies I find myself.
My personal codes of ethics include:
пЃ¶ As an engineer, I will always put public safety before any other thing. For my own personal
use, I have a certification in public safety
пЃ¶ Honesty and integrity in all my doing tends to be my main priority
пЃ¶ I keep to all my promise and I am very trustworthy
пЃ¶ I have strong respect and concern for all my clients/employees
пЃ¶ I am law–abiding
пЃ¶ I have strong loyalty for my employer/clients
пЃ¶ I always show fairness in dealing with my clients/employer
пЃ¶ I will always put epistemology in practice
пЃ¶ To demonstrate their honest at all time, I will always advise my clients or employers whenever
I find out that a project will not be a success
пЃ¶ I will not put my own interest to jeopardize the dignity and integrity of my profession
пЃ¶ My primary objectives must be to serve the public
пЃ¶ I must always find a way to avoid all sort of conduct that might deceive the public
Exxon Mobil code of conducts
Exxon Mobil stated that all employees are expected to uphold the highest
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People who are able to use their experience and knowledge by designing or performing skills to find
a solution are considered to be engineers, and in most cases, they usually invent creations to make
daily life easier. In particularly, inventions are not always used for their purpose. Thus, it illustrates
whether or not engineers are morally concerned with society, especially if something dangerous were
to be misused and intentionally harm others. At that point, the engineers should be held accountable
for their creation. Considering that possibility, engineers could have prevented such accidents from
occurring if they were taught moral ethics. Moral ethics and moral theory are philosophies that help
establish society's way of deeming what is ideal and acceptable from something atrocious and
wrong. Through learning moral ethics, student of the engineering program would be able to
differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. For instance, engineers should be able to
understand that killing or harming a living being is unacceptable. Intentionally murdering someone
is deemed unjustifiable by law, so that society has a set of golden rules which must not be
disobeyed. An example would be the cotton gin that Eli Whitney created back in the late 1700s; it
helped cleaned the cotton faster, but also, it hurt many of the slaves in the process of doing so with
their sharp needles. As society processed this, it was deemed acceptable because "slaves were not
humans" in the eyes of many slave owners. Profit was idealized, since showing wealth established
power. Therefore, in the 21st century, if that were to happen today in America, it would conceive to
be unacceptable. The fact is with the invention of the cotton gin, many suffered for the advancement
of technology, but if Whitney were to attend a philosophy course on the matter, it might have
possibly changed the outcome. There was a possibility to create protection for the slaves who used
the cotton gin. Consequently, do not let engineers intentionally create something destructive.
Alternatively, engineers who demonstrate a task by performing analytical problem–solving skills or
manifesting a solution to create an exceptional future, should take into
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Importance Of Ethics In Engineering
Engineering and ethics are two things that most may, at first thought, believe have nothing to do
with one another, but in order to be a successful engineer, one must fully understand the ethical
responsibilities that they have. Engineering ethics is the moral principles that an engineer must
uphold throughout their entire career. Engineers have an obligation to themselves and society to
understand these ethical responsibilities and maintain their own ethical values and responsibilities.
In order to become a licensed engineer in the United States, an engineer must pass their professional
engineering exam that will test the engineer on a variety of subjects, one of those subjects being
ethics. The National Society of Professional Engineers has adopted and implemented their Code of
Ethics since 1964. The fundamentals of the Code of Ethics state that:
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
1.Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2.Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3.Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4.Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5.Avoid deceptive acts.
6.Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor,
reputation, and usefulness of the profession
In summary, an engineer must uphold all responsibilities and perform all duties necessary to
maintain an ethical connection to society that includes but is not limited to the safety and positive
welfare of the public.
Case Studies
Throughout history there has been multiple example of ethics in engineering, both good and bad.
The following case studies are examples of how ethics play an important role in engineering and
whether or not the subjects of discussion acted in an ethical way or not. We will examine the
ethical issues involved in each case and how they impacted society and other in the field of
engineering. This will also include my personal opinion on each case study and what ethical issues I
believe are involved in each case.
The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge was built in Washington State in July of 1940. Thesuspension
bridge was
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The Codes Of Ethics And Ethics In Engineering
Ethics can be best defined as the analysis of the traits of moral or social which includes the social
selections of a person as they communicate with people. Ethics should be highly considered by
engineers and engineers should be mindful of it as they are making professional decisions in the
field of engineering. Ethics is divided into two, some are preventive and others promote welfare to
the society.
Engineering ethics Engineers as professionals are governed by some rules and standards that are
related closely to ethics. Engineering ethics is described as the rules and standard that controls the
management of engineers as professionals, or the application of a series of scientific discipline in
the field of more content...
There is no clear cut solution to a single problem or a case study; however, there are many right
solutions to it. Various solutions can be made to an ethical problem, as it resembles the open–ended
engineering design problems.
Codes of ethics Multiple professional engineering societies have managed to initiate some codes of
ethics. The roles of the codes are to provide bodywork for an engineer in making ethical judgement.
Apart from that, these codes demonstrate the rights, responsibilities and the commitments of the
engineers. It also assists the engineers by providing a starting point to make any ethical decision.
Since the codes of ethics are not legal documents, disobeying its provisions will not result in taken
into custody or imprisonment. However, the person who violates it may be expelled from a
professional society, such as National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and American
Society of Mechanical Engineers
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Ethics in Technology Essay
In the early years of computers and computerized technology, computer engineers had to believe that
their contribution to the development of computer technology would produce positive impacts on
the people that would use it. During the infancy of computer technology, ethical issues concerning
computer technology were almost nonexistent because computers back then were not as
multifaceted as they are today. However, ethical issues relating to computer technology and cyber
technology is undeniable in today's society. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects
of our daily lives. Different forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow
people to perform daily activities effectively and efficiently. more content...
Some people lose their moral intuition when using computer technology because they assume that
their actions do not have real consequences to others. The lack of physicality on the internet can alter
one's ability to empathize with other, which makes them feel that cybercrime morally acceptable.
The moral imperatives in the ACM code of ethics can help people make moral choices with computer
Privacy concerns on the web have become an undesirable consequence that people face with cyber
technology. The ability of computers to gather and store unlimited amount of information from the
internet raises privacy issues concerning an individual's informational privacy. A person's right to
informational privacy is the ability to control the flow of their personal information, including the
transfer and exchange of that information. An invasion of informational privacy denies people the
right to control who accesses their personal information. Many internet users are unaware that they
are more likely to compromise their privacy when using the internet services such as search engines
and social networking sites. The internet provides access to an incredible amount of information
from all over the world. Some internet users use the internet exclusively as a source of information
while other internet users use the internet to create and disseminate information for others to use.
However, the vast amount of information floating on the internet would not
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Engineering Ethics Essay

  • 1. Ethics in Engineering The major reason why ethics is an important part of engineering is because it helps to enact safety measures. Humanity relies on engineering for transportation, production of food materials, consumer electronics and many more things. Virtually, engineers design and create all human made things in the world. The probability of accidents that result from overlooking manufacturing flaws in consumer products could be reduced by observing ethics in engineering. One good example that illustrates how the neglect of ethics in engineering could be hazardous to humanity is the well–known case of Columbia Shuttle (Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum). The air space travelling bus exploded during re–entry because of a flaw in its O–rings that was ignored by its engineers during test flights. The result was the loss of seven astronauts, the spacecraft and billions of money that had been invested towards the completion of the project by the United States government. The Moral Ethics of an Engineer Engineers should strive to develop products that do not harm the consumer. This can be achieved by running tests on prototypes of a product before releasing it in the consumer market. As a rule, the governments should perform safety tests on any critical engineering system to identify flaws. This will prevent potential hazards that can be caused by an irregularity. With regard to safety, it is important for an engineer to maintain honesty and integrity at all Get more content on
  • 2. Engineering Ethics In Engineering In wake of natural disasters, the natural reaction is to find what went wrong, and who was at fault. The person at fault who failed to build and design structures that would have prevented catoptric damage. Additional questions are directed towards the engineer as to whether or not the job was done correctly. As an engineer, our main objective is to build and design safe structures that benefit society. All while making sure what we do is done in an ethically sound way. Engineering ethics is a field of applied ethics and system of moral principles that apply to the practice of engineering. The field examines and sets the obligations of engineers to society, to their clients, and to the profession. In dealing with engineering ethics natural disasters, engineer plays a role in designing structures to withstand natural disasters. The success of these structures is crucial because lives are at stake if these structures fail. Examples of this can be the failure in the levee system in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Furthermore, the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Japan also was another major event in the failure of engineering. The casting of the blame for the failures of structures takes a secondary concern, to providing the adequate amount of aid to the victims of the disaster. Making sure the victims have access to food, cleaning drinking water and sufficient shelter are top concerns. Engineers are bound by the first Fundamental Canon of the ASCE Code of Ethics, in which Get more content on
  • 3. Engineering : Engineering And Ethics What is Engineering? Engineering is a profession in which knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practices is applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of natures for the benefits of Mankind – (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology–ABET) Sara Pfatteicher in her book Introduction to post disaster engineering and ethics describes engineers as "design under constrains". She describes the main three constrains which engineer faces. Complexity: Engineers are not in a technical vacuum they have to interact with various types of personnel like stake holders, clients, various departments in the company, even general public, etc. Constraints: Engineers can design and deploy products which are maximally safe, efficient and effective in a perfect world. In really world this would be prohibitively more expensive and time consuming. Engineers must often balance quality with time and financial constraints and requires great thoughtfulness and ethical fortitude. Tension: Tension between competing interest which are not always aligned as per engineer's interest. This tension can be classified into three major components; Corporate interest which mean the obligation to the company as most of them are profit driven companies. Personal Interest: Engineers always want to grow in a competitive world. This can be regarding their salary and seeking out promotions. Public Interest: Engineer Get more content on
  • 4. The Importance Of Ethics In Engineering Ethics in engineering is an important practice that relates to the morals that ought to be practiced by engineers in their profession. The engineering ethics act as a guideline to engineers in the implementation, design and planning of engineering–based activities. Ethical concepts in engineering influences approaches such as influence of their engagements on the health and safety (their own and that of others), environmental protection, quality of the design they prepare and the awareness of the economic impact of their designs. The engineers are expected to be aware of the choices they make and their ethical interpretation (Herkert and Barry, 2015). This essay will explore the ethics in engineering by addressing the applications in promoting health and safety for employees and community, promoting environmental sustainability, consideration of safety and design standards and other ethical concerns in the field of engineering. In the healthcare sector, engineers are entitled to manufacture equipment that reduces the chances of losing a life ensuring as many patients recover through the devices rather than creating harm to the patients. For example, engineering manufacturers have been experiencing dilemma in the production of medical equipment in relation to the CardioMEMS HF System, which is an implantable device that wirelessly monitors pulmonary artery pressure in Heart Failure patients (Li and Fu, 2012). The instrument is implanted into the pulmonary artery via right Get more content on
  • 5. Jake Hall Professor Ripley Engineering Ethics 29 May 2017 The Challenger Disaster Unfortunately, there is always risk when it comes to space flight. This makes it difficult to determine what constitutes an "Acceptable" risk. A space agency has many worries such as their reputation with the public and the world, the success of their missions, and most importantly the lives of their staff and astronauts. Engineers are usually technically gifted but lacking in organization. This spawns a need for non–technical managers to oversee the day to day operations of projects and companies. While the engineers worry about the functionality of the project (in this case, a space shuttle), the managers worry about the cost to the company and the infamous pick 2 triangle of good, cheap, fast. This causes a disconnect between the engineers and the management where pressure from anything whether it be the public or CEO, can cause concerns to be overlooked. Ultimately the fault lies with every person who was a part of the project, except Roger Boisjoly, 3 of his colleagues, and the manager who refused to sign the ok to launch. According to a broadcast by NPR in 1986, Boisjoly's and his colleague's concerns were escalated to top management. They explained their worries and gave their evidence to the Vice President of Morton Thiokol, Robert Lund. This was then escalated to another meeting with more engineers and managers, which resulted in the conclusion that launching could be catastrophic Get more content on
  • 6. Foundation Of Engineering Ethics And Values Foundation of Engineering Ethics and Values Interaction between Ethics and Technology SUBMITTED BY SHIRISH KUMAR KATA 1498381 ADVISOR Prof. Colin Doyle OKLAHOMA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT: At the outset morals and innovation appear to have no collaboration. On the other hand, we see the impact of morals on innovation both from the calling and the general population. Case in point the "code of expert morals" has changed the techniques in distinctive parts of science, building and innovation, and has given a specific heading to the sorts of tasks done, their degree, and executions. The affectability of customers to pick good values has additionally brought about the alter of course for some advances. Open investment in science and innovation and the legitimate stations are alternate components that shape the impact of morals on engineering. All the more disputably on the other side we see the effect of engineering on morals. One can contend how and why the absolute most theoretical thoughts like regulating moral hypotheses or Kantian morals have been responses to the progressions in science and engineering. Also, the impacts of mechanical change have significantly impacted cutting edge relativistic morals. Innovation has given new potential outcomes to human life and made new moral inquiries as well. It could be said, "Connected morals" is the result of mechanical improvement. I.INTRODUCTION Get more content on
  • 7. Engineering Ethics Essay In this essay I shall consider whether the primary goal of a course on engineering should be to teach students the standards of professional conduct as set out by major engineering codes of ethics, or if they should think autonomously about moral issues. The speaker in the essay question suggest that the former argument is correct, and that engineering courses should have the goal of teaching students to master the standards set out by codes of ethics as following these is what engineering ethics consists of. This means that students should be taught that instead of making their own decisions about moral issues, they are to follow the guidelines set out for them by engineering institutions. Many agree with this philosophy, for more content... These are all reasons that students should master the standards of professional conduct as set out by the major codes of ethics, as they all show engineers how to conduct their work in a way that is deemed to be responsible and moral. If engineers were left to think autonomously then it is likely that each engineer will have their own set of codes that they decide to follow and hence there will be a lack of consistency among the profession. This may lead to a worsening of the public's view of the profession and also without a major engineering institution setting the codes, the way engineers operate may not change to meet the ever–increasing challenges in the rapidly changing world. Throughout engineering history there have been many events that back up the argument posed in this essay, in which engineers have taken decisions into their own hands, where the profession's code of ethics would have prevented them doing so. An example of this is the engineers that designed the Ford Pinto 1997. This car was found to have a flaw during testing, in which the fuel tank would rupture in a crash above 25mph [3] and at the same time the front doors would usually jam shut. Although in every test run above 25mph the fuel tank ruptured the engineers decided that the cost of the fix was far greater than what they would have to pay out in compensation for accidents. In this case the engineers decided not to follow the guidelines set out in nearly all of the major Get more content on
  • 8. Engineering Ethics Engineering dilemma. 'Engineering ethics' refer to the ethical issues involved in the engineering profession. Ethics are concerned with moral decisions in professional behaviour. Whilst morality generally refers to any aspect of human action, ethics is concerned with making the 'right' decisions in a professional context. Engineering ethics and consideration of the impact of engineering on the environment are issues of relevance and importance to any engineer or engineering student. Ethics is concerned with utilitarianism – the production of the greatest good for the greatest number. A contentious ethical issue for engineers is when to privilege their work over the environment. Engineering impacts both positively and negatively on more content... Implementing engineering practice in some areas may destroy or change the natural balance and way of natural working, resulting in devastation of the environment as a regrettable consequence. Engineers must strive to find practicable solutions to reduce their collective 'carbon footprint' and to redress the harm of past action, for example forward looking initiatives such as the conversion of mine waste into low cost housing materials and recycling schemes implemented in many residential areas. The ever present ethical dilemma of an engineer is when to privilege profit and productivity over issues such as pollution, habitat destruction and soil infertility. When the pros and cons are weighed up against each other the ultimate rule to be followed is the golden rule, "hurt not others with that which pains yourself". When undertaking decisions concerned with environmental impact, both long term and short term effects must be taken into consideration. Excessive farming and processing of fertile land may eventually render the same land infertile. The use of fossil fuels may not have had an immediate effect on the environment but now we understand their impact in the form of greenhouse gasses and their great contribution to global warming. Extensive research must be undertaken in an attempt to Get more content on
  • 9. Ethics And Ethics Of Engineering Ethics Abstract–The following paper addresses the importance of engineering ethics as it pertains to the health, safety, and well–being of not only individuals but society. By beginning with the root needs of engineering ethics by first discussing its history and then moving on to how unethical choices can and have had a deadly impact on communities. Once a basis is established the document states the core fundamentals, instructions, and responsibilities of engineering ethics. I.INTRODUCTION What is engineering ethics and what is its importance? To answer the first question let's define what having ethics entails. Having ethics requires an individual or organization to believe, instill, and represent a system of moral behavior and values. Engineering ethics in turn are the moral practices and principles applied to the field of engineering. To understand the importance of engineering ethics, look first at its history and why it began. Knowing its history helps you understand the significance of the three canons that make up the foundation of engineering ethics, the rules implemented and the professional responsibilities of professional engineers. In addition to understanding the history, instances will be given of catastrophic events that occurred because individuals and/or organizations implemented poor engineering ethics. II.HISTORY OF ETHICS As additional mandates are introduced into the engineering field, it becomes more likely that there will be individuals who will Get more content on
  • 10. Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Engineering Ethical Responsibility to Environment Introduction "The rationale for teaching ethics to engineers seems fairly obvious. Their work has an enormous impact on the world." Johnson. Discussion of an engineer's inherent interaction with the environment and environmental needs leads to an engineer's responsibility to the environment. Since Joseph R. Desjardins report on environmental responsibilities, engineers are supported to design their project in total regards to what the situation requires avoiding conflict. The research looks at the ethical issues engineers should focus on while undertaking their projects. Since the report by Grinter, engineering education has made significant progress in strengthening the core sciences in engineering. Recent trends towards increasing discussion of professionalism in the classroom notwithstanding, topics of professional responsibility have received surprisingly little attention in engineering over the last decade. The authors fear that professional responsibility may also have been underemphasized in the practices of engineering. There are topics of concern that engineers should focus on because it relates to the interaction of an engineer with other people in the society like the clients, employers, employees, community, and the engineering profession as a whole. According to Whitbeck, engineers should study engineeringethics from the perspective of a moral agent as opposed to an honest judge. Get more content on
  • 11. Engineering is the important pillar of the society to improve it consistently. In modern times, there are so many moral and ethical issues and dilemma faced by the engineering and computer science professionals like the medical, legal and business professions. It is very much important to discuss and understand that how to tackle these issues and increase moral sovereignty. Engineering ethics is not only to teach moral behavior but also to know about immoral and unethical. Ethics is a set of beliefs to increase the ability of engineers and other professionals so that they can face boldly with the moral problems arising from technological advancements and other related activities. 2.2 SENSES/ MEANING OF 'ENGINEERING ETHICS' The word "ethics" more content... A supervisor came across a faulty part in the manufacture of a machine, which prevents the use of that machine for a long period. But his superior, takes this as a small fault and orders that the defective part to be adjusted so that the delay in the process has to be avoided. But the supervisor doesn't want this and so he is threatened by the superior. 2. An electronic company submits an application for authorization to start a Nuclear Power Plant. When the licensing authority visited the site, they enquire the company authorities on the disaster measures that should have been established for safety of the surroundings. The engineers inform them about the alarm system and measures have been made in local hospitals for the treatment of their workers and they have no plan for the neighboring people. They also inform that it is the responsibility of the people. 3. A Yarn Dyeing company which releases its wastage in the nearby river. It causes hazardous to the people those who are using the river. The plant engineers are very much aware about this problem, but they do not amend the dumping method because their opponents also doing similar method as it happen to be economic. They also say that it is the responsibility of the local Get more content on
  • 12. Engineering ethics and why engineers are expected to use the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Introduction Engineering is a very important part of society, all types of engineers are important for our world to keep running smoothly, from civil engineers designing, planning and overseeing structures like dams and bridges. Mechanical engineers who design, develop and build mechanical and thermal devices, including tools, engines and machines. They are the reason we have safe and comfortable transportation and efficient machinery that mass–produce products. Electrical engineering that deals with the manufacturing of electrical equipment such as electric motors, radar, navigation systems and power generation equipment. There are also chemical engineers, computer hardware engineers, computer software engineers, environmental engineers, geological engineers, industrial engineers, materials engineers, nuclear engineers and finally petroleum engineers, these are just some of the engineers that keep our world running smoothly and because of this great responsibility they're expected to work to certain ethics and must have the highest standards of honesty and integrity, because if their work isn't up to standard or if they make a mistake then potentially catastrophic problems could occur, this is why they're expected to work to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Body #1 There are quite a lot of different engineering ethics, some of the most general principles Get more content on
  • 13. 2.3 MORALITY Morality is concerned with (a) In a given situation what should be or not to be done, (b) what is the right or wrong way to handling any situation, (c) what is the good or bad decisions about the persons, policies and principles involved in any situation. If an act is said to be ethically correct or a rule is said to be ethically fine, then they are said to be had some moral reasons in supporting it. Moral reasons include respect others and ourselves, respect the rights of others, keep promises, avoid unnecessary problems to others and avoid cheating and dishonesty, show gratitude to others and encourage them to work. So, if an engineering decision is said to be a good one, it has to meet out all the specifications. These specifications must be covered both the technical and the moral specifications such as safety of the product, reliability, easy maintenance and the product should be user–friendly with environment. 2.3.1 VARIETY OF MORAL ISSUES more content... A supervisor came across a faulty part in the manufacture of a machine, which prevents the use of that machine for a long period. But his superior, takes this as a small fault and orders that the defective part to be adjusted so that the delay in the process has to be avoided. But the supervisor doesn't want this and so he is threatened by the superior. 2. An electronic company submits an application for authorization to start a Nuclear Power Plant. When the licensing authority visited the site, they enquire the company authorities on the disaster measures that should have been established for safety of the surroundings. The engineers inform them about the alarm system and measures have been made in local hospitals for the treatment of their workers and they have no plan for the neighboring people. They also inform that it is the responsibility of the Get more content on
  • 14. INTRODUCTION Engineering Ethics come from two words, which is engineering and ethics. Engineering is one of the applications of science to meet human needs and desires. Combines engineering science, mathematics, and experience to design an object or process. Professional engineering practice called engineers. The word engineering came from Latin word which is ingenium meaning 'contrive, design'. In this 21st century, engineering had been use widely surround human life. The word ethics derived from the Greek word which is "ethos". Ethos means morality or custom character. Synonymous with the word moral comes from other word "Mos" to the plural "Mores" which means custom or way of life. Therefore, engineering ethics is a set of scientific discipline that applies to the profession of engineering. In 19th centuries, engineering ethics was not view as professional concern. But it is view as personal concern. In early of 20th centuries, disaster such as series of significant structural failures, including some spectacular bridge failures, notably the Ashtabula River Railroad Disaster (1876), Tay Bridge Disaster (1879), and more content... In addition, to wider the mentality of engineer not only to understand engineering as science and mathematics but to get them to talk in ethical categories and able to understand engineering at a philosophy level. This is because the engineering involved in various aspects of everyday human life. For example, medical engineering. The engineering involved hospital where all hospital equipment involving machines made by engineers. Imagine a world without engineers who have no ethics. Where all creation is created without efficiency. Perhaps an accident will happen as in the 20th century. Thus, engineering ethics are very important in engineering to open the minds of engineers that engineering plays a vital role in society and the Get more content on
  • 15. Ethics in Engineering Essay Ethics is the moral behavior that guides our actions; it motivates us in our personal behavior and is relevant in a business setting as well. Many organizations have set forth a set of guidelines known as a "Code of Ethics". The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, being one of these organizations, has set forth their code as a requirement for students and engineer members to adhere to. Heading towards a career in electrical engineering I choose this organization to elaborate on for my ethics project. In the paragraphs that follow you will be introduced to the Code of Ethics as outlined by IEEE, and what it means to its members. A comprehensive summarization will be provided for each guideline along with examples of more content... This being the case it is important for the engineer to consider the application to which the design will be used as well as how and to what extent it will be handled. In the instance that risks and dangers are present they must immediately be brought to the attention of the consumer, and if effected as a whole, the public. The second point outlines the regulation of avoiding real and perceived conflicts of interest and to bring the forth to all parties involved. Conflicts of interest are more prevalent in our society than many people believe. Many times conflicts of interest are most common in what is known as "self–dealing". Self–dealing is the act in which an engineer operates in a fashion to which he benefits on both sides of the deal. For example if John, co–owner of a local corporation, uses his position as a part–time government official to secure job contracts for himself, this would be a conflict of interest related to self–dealing and deemed a violation of ethics by the IEEE. Engineers are also required to use honesty and not over exaggerate claims or estimates when the data is available to make an informed decision. When making statements regarding an estimate members are required to accurately measure the cost and time in which it will take to produce a design. Misleading development times and costs not only results in damages of a financial sense but also in a loss of quality of the product or design. To prevent such Get more content on
  • 16. he engineering discipline I chose is electrical and the company I will like to work for is Exxon Mobil Introduction Electrical engineering is a profession and it is my responsibilities as an engineer to have the highest standard of integrity and honesty. The safety of the people must be my priority always and I must provide my services at all time in fairness, honesty, impartiality, and equity. I must always abide by engineering code of ethics under whichever companies I find myself. My personal codes of ethics include: пЃ¶ As an engineer, I will always put public safety before any other thing. For my own personal use, I have a certification in public safety пЃ¶ Honesty and integrity in all my doing tends to be my main priority пЃ¶ I keep to all my promise and I am very trustworthy пЃ¶ I have strong respect and concern for all my clients/employees пЃ¶ I am law–abiding пЃ¶ I have strong loyalty for my employer/clients пЃ¶ I always show fairness in dealing with my clients/employer пЃ¶ I will always put epistemology in practice пЃ¶ To demonstrate their honest at all time, I will always advise my clients or employers whenever I find out that a project will not be a success пЃ¶ I will not put my own interest to jeopardize the dignity and integrity of my profession пЃ¶ My primary objectives must be to serve the public пЃ¶ I must always find a way to avoid all sort of conduct that might deceive the public Exxon Mobil code of conducts Exxon Mobil stated that all employees are expected to uphold the highest Get more content on
  • 17. People who are able to use their experience and knowledge by designing or performing skills to find a solution are considered to be engineers, and in most cases, they usually invent creations to make daily life easier. In particularly, inventions are not always used for their purpose. Thus, it illustrates whether or not engineers are morally concerned with society, especially if something dangerous were to be misused and intentionally harm others. At that point, the engineers should be held accountable for their creation. Considering that possibility, engineers could have prevented such accidents from occurring if they were taught moral ethics. Moral ethics and moral theory are philosophies that help establish society's way of deeming what is ideal and acceptable from something atrocious and wrong. Through learning moral ethics, student of the engineering program would be able to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. For instance, engineers should be able to understand that killing or harming a living being is unacceptable. Intentionally murdering someone is deemed unjustifiable by law, so that society has a set of golden rules which must not be disobeyed. An example would be the cotton gin that Eli Whitney created back in the late 1700s; it helped cleaned the cotton faster, but also, it hurt many of the slaves in the process of doing so with their sharp needles. As society processed this, it was deemed acceptable because "slaves were not humans" in the eyes of many slave owners. Profit was idealized, since showing wealth established power. Therefore, in the 21st century, if that were to happen today in America, it would conceive to be unacceptable. The fact is with the invention of the cotton gin, many suffered for the advancement of technology, but if Whitney were to attend a philosophy course on the matter, it might have possibly changed the outcome. There was a possibility to create protection for the slaves who used the cotton gin. Consequently, do not let engineers intentionally create something destructive. Alternatively, engineers who demonstrate a task by performing analytical problem–solving skills or manifesting a solution to create an exceptional future, should take into Get more content on
  • 18. Importance Of Ethics In Engineering Engineering and ethics are two things that most may, at first thought, believe have nothing to do with one another, but in order to be a successful engineer, one must fully understand the ethical responsibilities that they have. Engineering ethics is the moral principles that an engineer must uphold throughout their entire career. Engineers have an obligation to themselves and society to understand these ethical responsibilities and maintain their own ethical values and responsibilities. Introduction In order to become a licensed engineer in the United States, an engineer must pass their professional engineering exam that will test the engineer on a variety of subjects, one of those subjects being ethics. The National Society of Professional Engineers has adopted and implemented their Code of Ethics since 1964. The fundamentals of the Code of Ethics state that: Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall: 1.Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. 2.Perform services only in areas of their competence. 3.Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. 4.Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees. 5.Avoid deceptive acts. 6.Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession In summary, an engineer must uphold all responsibilities and perform all duties necessary to maintain an ethical connection to society that includes but is not limited to the safety and positive welfare of the public. Case Studies Throughout history there has been multiple example of ethics in engineering, both good and bad. The following case studies are examples of how ethics play an important role in engineering and whether or not the subjects of discussion acted in an ethical way or not. We will examine the ethical issues involved in each case and how they impacted society and other in the field of engineering. This will also include my personal opinion on each case study and what ethical issues I believe are involved in each case. TACOMA NARROWS BRIDGE COLLAPSE The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge was built in Washington State in July of 1940. Thesuspension bridge was Get more content on
  • 19. The Codes Of Ethics And Ethics In Engineering Introduction Ethics Ethics can be best defined as the analysis of the traits of moral or social which includes the social selections of a person as they communicate with people. Ethics should be highly considered by engineers and engineers should be mindful of it as they are making professional decisions in the field of engineering. Ethics is divided into two, some are preventive and others promote welfare to the society. Engineering ethics Engineers as professionals are governed by some rules and standards that are related closely to ethics. Engineering ethics is described as the rules and standard that controls the management of engineers as professionals, or the application of a series of scientific discipline in the field of more content... There is no clear cut solution to a single problem or a case study; however, there are many right solutions to it. Various solutions can be made to an ethical problem, as it resembles the open–ended engineering design problems. Codes of ethics Multiple professional engineering societies have managed to initiate some codes of ethics. The roles of the codes are to provide bodywork for an engineer in making ethical judgement. Apart from that, these codes demonstrate the rights, responsibilities and the commitments of the engineers. It also assists the engineers by providing a starting point to make any ethical decision. Since the codes of ethics are not legal documents, disobeying its provisions will not result in taken into custody or imprisonment. However, the person who violates it may be expelled from a professional society, such as National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers Get more content on
  • 20. Ethics in Technology Essay In the early years of computers and computerized technology, computer engineers had to believe that their contribution to the development of computer technology would produce positive impacts on the people that would use it. During the infancy of computer technology, ethical issues concerning computer technology were almost nonexistent because computers back then were not as multifaceted as they are today. However, ethical issues relating to computer technology and cyber technology is undeniable in today's society. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our daily lives. Different forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow people to perform daily activities effectively and efficiently. more content... Some people lose their moral intuition when using computer technology because they assume that their actions do not have real consequences to others. The lack of physicality on the internet can alter one's ability to empathize with other, which makes them feel that cybercrime morally acceptable. The moral imperatives in the ACM code of ethics can help people make moral choices with computer technology. Privacy concerns on the web have become an undesirable consequence that people face with cyber technology. The ability of computers to gather and store unlimited amount of information from the internet raises privacy issues concerning an individual's informational privacy. A person's right to informational privacy is the ability to control the flow of their personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information. An invasion of informational privacy denies people the right to control who accesses their personal information. Many internet users are unaware that they are more likely to compromise their privacy when using the internet services such as search engines and social networking sites. The internet provides access to an incredible amount of information from all over the world. Some internet users use the internet exclusively as a source of information while other internet users use the internet to create and disseminate information for others to use. However, the vast amount of information floating on the internet would not Get more content on