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No Pain, No Gain
No Pain, No Gain Moving into another state was harder than what I thought. When your family
tells you it will be just for a few months, it can turn out to be even more than that. Not being able
to talk to my friends and loved ones as often as before made me feel out of place. Being in a
position where becoming stronger the only option. Having to leave the past and begin to look
into the future. I had to search what was best for me regardless the limits or obstacles. July, 2009
a hot night in El Paso, Texas. While playing video games on my Xbox 360 the phone rang, my
mom answered and then I asked her: "Who is it?" My mom said: "It's your aunt from Iowa". I
noticed they had talked for a while. Eager to know what the call was about, more content...
I hugged her and told her that everything was going to be ok. When the time for me to leave El
Paso came, I said goodbye to all of my friends and we even had planned a farewell party. I traveled
for more than fourteen hours to get to Iowa. While in the car I looked through the window every
now and then. I got to see beautiful landscapes I hadn't seen before. I finally arrived to Iowa at one
in the morning. The weather was totally different, foggy and humid. Since we were in the middle of
the summer, and school didn't start until the end of August, I didn't really know anyone. I found it
hard to make friends since the place and culture was different. No one really talked to me, I don't
really know why; I guess they saw me as a weird guy.
I would be quiet most of the time because I didn't have someone to talk to. Without my friends and
being in my room all the time, I began to get depressed. I knew at that time, I had to make a
change, do something new and get my mind off the past. After some time I saw an advertisement
on T.V. about exercising and weight lifting, it caught my attention. I didn't know much about
weight lifting. Since I felt depressed, I lost a lot of weight and got really skinny. I wanted to get
strong and feel better about myself. I did a lot of research on the human body and all the different
kinds of muscles that we have, how to exercise them properly and effectively. I started working out,
woke up every morning and head to
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Essay on What is Happiness?
What is happiness? People have agonized over this question for centuries. Let me start this essay by
answering a somewhat easier question: what isn't happiness? Happiness is NOT feeling good all the
time. Happiness is a combination of human emotions and states of mind. Exploring this state of
being has consumed the philosophical minds of the ages and will continue to do so for ages to come.
In an unofficial poll of students at State University, I found that of the fifty–eight students and one
professor, males and females of several ethnic backgrounds and age groups, that I asked the question
"What is happiness to you?", all of them had very different physical, intellectual, or emotional
motivator for their happiness. Only more content...
But these supplementary explanations do not affect the theory of life on which this theory of
morality is grounded namely, that pleasure, and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as
ends; and that all desirable things (which are as numerous in the utilitarian as in any other scheme)
are desirable either for the pleasure inherent in themselves, or as means to the promotion of pleasure
and the prevention of pain. (Pojman 917)
Mill seems to think that happiness comes from the desire to be completely pain–free.
He says that happiness comes from selfishly fulfilled desires. The desire to attain only pleasure is
ludicrous; for a person to achieve a completely pain–free existence is impossible. To gain complete
happiness would leave them with no motivation to achieve anything else. Human nature is such that
if a person achieved pure happiness, that person would then become dissatisfied with that happiness,
causing them to, once again, be unhappy. A person will always experience something contrary to
pleasure, leaving them with some type of pain.
In my opinion, people seem to be happy for many different reasons at different times in their lives. I
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Essay on Never Giving Up
It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been
some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in
a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are
not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that
truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because
of a few bumps in the road should never be an option.
"It isn't where you come from; it's where your going that counts," stated a very wise woman by the
name of Ella Fitzgerald. This may be hard to believe but even people with great success
more content...
At an early age, Fantasia was a victim of rape and divorce. She pursued a music career in her small
town of North Carolina but found that she just did not stand out from among the other teens. With
low self–esteem, it was not long before Fantasia fell into the wrong crowd and found herself a
seventeen–year–old, pregnant, illiterate, high school drop out. Fantasia faced a lot of criticism
when she was considered for America's idol, but she did not let that bother her and continued on
to become an idol for those who like her have come from a hard background. Like Helen Keller once
said, "No Pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an unchartered land." Fantasia
Barrino has proven that "life is not a Fairy Tale" but you can sure make it one.
It is not just celebrities that can overcome a troubled past and live up to their potential it is also
people just like us. Who knows, the big shot lawyer next door could have been the one bullied in
school and told time and time again that he was not good enough. It is all about strength and
perseverance, believe despite the odds and what others say. To find success in the outside world
you must first find it in yourself. In Ella Fitzgerald's own words, "Just don't give up trying to do
what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go
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First, Do No Harm Essay
Textual Analysis: First, Do No Harm
Patrick Patrick Dismuke was a young African American boy, at the age of fifteen when the story
starts, and a regular patient at Hermann Hospital. Patrick was born with a severe case of
Hirschsprung's disease, a disorder of the digestive tract, and was unable to digest his food.
Throughout Patrick's life, he spent more days in the hospital than out and came to be quite
comfortable with the environment and staff at Hermann. Due to his disease his only way of nutrition
was through a feeding tube, unfortunately these tubes often got infected. Since Patrick's immune
system was also weak, the infections were almost as bad as the disease itself. The doctors were
forced to put the boy through more content...
Luckily he made it off the operating table alive, despite the fact that the tube had slipped too far.
However, he was paralyzed on his left side and died a few weeks later. The dilemma forethics
committees brought up by the story of Patrick is a question of how much is too much. As
technologies in the medical field continue to advance, people can live substantially longer lives,
but are they lives worth living? Some people, like Patrick, don't think being paralyzed is a quality
of life worth living. Others, like Armando, refuse to be made DNR and cling to life even if it
consists of communicating by blinking of the eye. The questions raised in this book are awful
decisions that nobody should ever have to make. Whatever the committees and doctors choose to
do can keep patients alive and allow them to have a low quality of live, be in constant pain and be
a burden to society, or keep a terminally ill patient comfortable until he or she has said their
good–byes and let nature take its course.
Another concern that an ethics committee must address is the cost of care. Wealthy patients with
health insurance are much more likely to be welcomed into hospitals with open arms while patients
without insurance are often given poor medical care and sometimes even turned away. Hermann
Hospital started off as a charity hospital and was supposed to be widely available to the poor and
underprivileged. However as the initial funds started to deteriorate and the
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Pain In The Giver
Imagine living in a perfect society, and hearing that someone has been selected for the most
important job. There is extreme pain to go with this job, but pain is something never felt before. The
assignment of being the communities next Receiver is a punishment, not an honor. While being the
new Receiver of Memory, Jonas receives a large amount of pain from different experiences in his
memories. Jonas realizes that his training for being the new Receiver is going to be very lonely and
he is worried if he is going to be able to hang out with his friends. Jonas now realizes that his life will
now be different from what his life was before.
While being the new Receiver of Memory, Jonas receives a large amount of pain from different more content...
Jonas, after the Ceremony, now realizes that he will be different then the rest of his friends,
"Now, for the first time in his twelve years of life, Jonas felt separate, different."(62) Jonas now is
different then other kids. He realizes that his assignment has different requirements than the other
children. He also learns he has the power of "seeing beyond". Jonas saw Jonas and his friends
playing a game of war , and then realized, "In his mind, Jonas saw again the face of the boy who
had lain dying on the field and had begged him for water."(126) Jonas, with the memory of war,
understands that the game war is the same as the memory of the boy who was lying on the ground
dying. He realizes that things that seemed harmless, now seem so scary and sad. Also, when Jonas
and the Giver first meet each other and start talking about different things and the Giver says
this,"Jonas, you and I are the only ones who have feelings."(144–145) It's easy to think that being
different or thinking differently is ok, but when you look at the facts, Jonas and the Giver have no
one to share how they feel with, or what they are experiencing in the training. The Giver says that
he and Jonas are the only ones who will feel feelings. In the community everything is perfect there
is no wrong and no differences. Jonas will feel different about life because he will have memories
of imperfect
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Non-Profit Organizations Essay
In today's world there are hundreds of thousands of non–profit organizations (NPOs) established at
the local, regional, national and international level, and their influence is increasing. Non–profit
organizations even considered the third sector of the economy (the first two is the public and
private, or commercial). It is believed that they have a special role in development of civil society.
In those countries, which have largely shaped the system of legislative regulation of the sector
(USA, UK, Australia, etc); the state spends huge sums on research programs in the field of
standardization of the NPO.
Non–profit organizations do not belong to the commercial sector or the public sector, but occupy an
intermediate position. It more content...
The main purpose of commercial organization is to earn money for its owners. The NPOs can't have
owners, as this entity is intended to serve the population, and the law clearly defines that the
property (with the concomitant extraction of private benefits) is incompatible with serving the
public interest. ## So non–profit organization is the organization that has no profit as the main
objective of its activity and doesn't distribute the profits among the participants. This doesn't mean
that non–profit organizations can't make money, but the money should go to public purposes for
which organization was created. These funds can also be set aside for future programs or
transferred to other organizations working for the benefit of society. In this way the NPOs can
engage business activities: to produce goods and services, acquire and dispose of securities and
property and non–property rights, participate in the economic companies and limited partnerships as
an investor.
NPOs may be designed to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific, management
objectives, in order to protect public health, development of physical culture and sport, to meet the
spiritual and other non–material needs of citizens, protection of rights and lawful interests of citizens
and organizations, dispute resolution and conflict, legal assistance, as well for other purposes, aimed
at achieving public benefits. However, in the UK is not allowed the
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Essay on What Is Pain?
Pain is something that everyone feels at one point in their lives. A person's pain threshold is
completely different from the next person. No two people experience pain the same way.
"Unlike other sensations, pain can arise from intense stimulation in sensory pathways." (
Zimbardo PG 185) Pain is always subjective. People learn the application of this word through
their own personal experiences. Pain can be helped. It can be eased and sometimes vanished
completely. Most pain goes untreated or improperly treated. People do not have to suffer needlessly
with their pain. With the medical know how and skills available today pain can be managed and
"The anterior cingulated cortex in the brain has been found to be more content...
By the time your brain sends the signal, of releasing the handle, your hand will have already paid
the consequences. The acute pain you feel with the minor burn will have classically conditioned
you. Your brain now knows that when you touch the handle of a pot cooking on a hot stove you will
be burnt and you will feel acute pain. Acute pain helps a person survive because people react by
avoiding the harmful circumstance that causes the pain.
Chronic pain is the second main form of pain. "Constant and long lasting"(Webster's Dic.
PG68) is how chronic is defined. Chronic pain affects more than "fifty million Americans,
which is caused by various diseases and disorders. Another twenty–five million Americans
experience pain as a result of injury or surgery."(Classification on Chronic Pain, Second
Edition, Page 180) Chronic pain lasts more than a few months and can be reaccuring. Some pains
from diabetes, aids and cancer cannot be cured but eased. As people get older there are many
conditions that can cause chronic pain. With arthritis, older people feel discomfort in their joints and
are sometimes unable to move these joints for long periods of time. "The experience of
chronic pain can be debialitating."Depression and even suicide can result from the endless
nagging of chronic pain."( Zimbardo Pg.185) Hospital research clinics do endless test that try
to treat
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Essay On No Pain No Gain

  • 1. No Pain, No Gain No Pain, No Gain Moving into another state was harder than what I thought. When your family tells you it will be just for a few months, it can turn out to be even more than that. Not being able to talk to my friends and loved ones as often as before made me feel out of place. Being in a position where becoming stronger the only option. Having to leave the past and begin to look into the future. I had to search what was best for me regardless the limits or obstacles. July, 2009 a hot night in El Paso, Texas. While playing video games on my Xbox 360 the phone rang, my mom answered and then I asked her: "Who is it?" My mom said: "It's your aunt from Iowa". I noticed they had talked for a while. Eager to know what the call was about, more content... I hugged her and told her that everything was going to be ok. When the time for me to leave El Paso came, I said goodbye to all of my friends and we even had planned a farewell party. I traveled for more than fourteen hours to get to Iowa. While in the car I looked through the window every now and then. I got to see beautiful landscapes I hadn't seen before. I finally arrived to Iowa at one in the morning. The weather was totally different, foggy and humid. Since we were in the middle of the summer, and school didn't start until the end of August, I didn't really know anyone. I found it hard to make friends since the place and culture was different. No one really talked to me, I don't really know why; I guess they saw me as a weird guy. I would be quiet most of the time because I didn't have someone to talk to. Without my friends and being in my room all the time, I began to get depressed. I knew at that time, I had to make a change, do something new and get my mind off the past. After some time I saw an advertisement on T.V. about exercising and weight lifting, it caught my attention. I didn't know much about weight lifting. Since I felt depressed, I lost a lot of weight and got really skinny. I wanted to get strong and feel better about myself. I did a lot of research on the human body and all the different kinds of muscles that we have, how to exercise them properly and effectively. I started working out, woke up every morning and head to Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on What is Happiness? What is happiness? People have agonized over this question for centuries. Let me start this essay by answering a somewhat easier question: what isn't happiness? Happiness is NOT feeling good all the time. Happiness is a combination of human emotions and states of mind. Exploring this state of being has consumed the philosophical minds of the ages and will continue to do so for ages to come. In an unofficial poll of students at State University, I found that of the fifty–eight students and one professor, males and females of several ethnic backgrounds and age groups, that I asked the question "What is happiness to you?", all of them had very different physical, intellectual, or emotional motivator for their happiness. Only more content... But these supplementary explanations do not affect the theory of life on which this theory of morality is grounded namely, that pleasure, and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends; and that all desirable things (which are as numerous in the utilitarian as in any other scheme) are desirable either for the pleasure inherent in themselves, or as means to the promotion of pleasure and the prevention of pain. (Pojman 917) Mill seems to think that happiness comes from the desire to be completely pain–free. He says that happiness comes from selfishly fulfilled desires. The desire to attain only pleasure is ludicrous; for a person to achieve a completely pain–free existence is impossible. To gain complete happiness would leave them with no motivation to achieve anything else. Human nature is such that if a person achieved pure happiness, that person would then become dissatisfied with that happiness, causing them to, once again, be unhappy. A person will always experience something contrary to pleasure, leaving them with some type of pain. In my opinion, people seem to be happy for many different reasons at different times in their lives. I Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Never Giving Up It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because of a few bumps in the road should never be an option. "It isn't where you come from; it's where your going that counts," stated a very wise woman by the name of Ella Fitzgerald. This may be hard to believe but even people with great success more content... At an early age, Fantasia was a victim of rape and divorce. She pursued a music career in her small town of North Carolina but found that she just did not stand out from among the other teens. With low self–esteem, it was not long before Fantasia fell into the wrong crowd and found herself a seventeen–year–old, pregnant, illiterate, high school drop out. Fantasia faced a lot of criticism when she was considered for America's idol, but she did not let that bother her and continued on to become an idol for those who like her have come from a hard background. Like Helen Keller once said, "No Pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an unchartered land." Fantasia Barrino has proven that "life is not a Fairy Tale" but you can sure make it one. It is not just celebrities that can overcome a troubled past and live up to their potential it is also people just like us. Who knows, the big shot lawyer next door could have been the one bullied in school and told time and time again that he was not good enough. It is all about strength and perseverance, believe despite the odds and what others say. To find success in the outside world you must first find it in yourself. In Ella Fitzgerald's own words, "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go Get more content on
  • 4. First, Do No Harm Essay Textual Analysis: First, Do No Harm Patrick Patrick Dismuke was a young African American boy, at the age of fifteen when the story starts, and a regular patient at Hermann Hospital. Patrick was born with a severe case of Hirschsprung's disease, a disorder of the digestive tract, and was unable to digest his food. Throughout Patrick's life, he spent more days in the hospital than out and came to be quite comfortable with the environment and staff at Hermann. Due to his disease his only way of nutrition was through a feeding tube, unfortunately these tubes often got infected. Since Patrick's immune system was also weak, the infections were almost as bad as the disease itself. The doctors were forced to put the boy through more content... Luckily he made it off the operating table alive, despite the fact that the tube had slipped too far. However, he was paralyzed on his left side and died a few weeks later. The dilemma forethics committees brought up by the story of Patrick is a question of how much is too much. As technologies in the medical field continue to advance, people can live substantially longer lives, but are they lives worth living? Some people, like Patrick, don't think being paralyzed is a quality of life worth living. Others, like Armando, refuse to be made DNR and cling to life even if it consists of communicating by blinking of the eye. The questions raised in this book are awful decisions that nobody should ever have to make. Whatever the committees and doctors choose to do can keep patients alive and allow them to have a low quality of live, be in constant pain and be a burden to society, or keep a terminally ill patient comfortable until he or she has said their good–byes and let nature take its course. Another concern that an ethics committee must address is the cost of care. Wealthy patients with health insurance are much more likely to be welcomed into hospitals with open arms while patients without insurance are often given poor medical care and sometimes even turned away. Hermann Hospital started off as a charity hospital and was supposed to be widely available to the poor and underprivileged. However as the initial funds started to deteriorate and the Get more content on
  • 5. Pain In The Giver Imagine living in a perfect society, and hearing that someone has been selected for the most important job. There is extreme pain to go with this job, but pain is something never felt before. The assignment of being the communities next Receiver is a punishment, not an honor. While being the new Receiver of Memory, Jonas receives a large amount of pain from different experiences in his memories. Jonas realizes that his training for being the new Receiver is going to be very lonely and he is worried if he is going to be able to hang out with his friends. Jonas now realizes that his life will now be different from what his life was before. While being the new Receiver of Memory, Jonas receives a large amount of pain from different more content... Jonas, after the Ceremony, now realizes that he will be different then the rest of his friends, "Now, for the first time in his twelve years of life, Jonas felt separate, different."(62) Jonas now is different then other kids. He realizes that his assignment has different requirements than the other children. He also learns he has the power of "seeing beyond". Jonas saw Jonas and his friends playing a game of war , and then realized, "In his mind, Jonas saw again the face of the boy who had lain dying on the field and had begged him for water."(126) Jonas, with the memory of war, understands that the game war is the same as the memory of the boy who was lying on the ground dying. He realizes that things that seemed harmless, now seem so scary and sad. Also, when Jonas and the Giver first meet each other and start talking about different things and the Giver says this,"Jonas, you and I are the only ones who have feelings."(144–145) It's easy to think that being different or thinking differently is ok, but when you look at the facts, Jonas and the Giver have no one to share how they feel with, or what they are experiencing in the training. The Giver says that he and Jonas are the only ones who will feel feelings. In the community everything is perfect there is no wrong and no differences. Jonas will feel different about life because he will have memories of imperfect Get more content on
  • 6. Non-Profit Organizations Essay In today's world there are hundreds of thousands of non–profit organizations (NPOs) established at the local, regional, national and international level, and their influence is increasing. Non–profit organizations even considered the third sector of the economy (the first two is the public and private, or commercial). It is believed that they have a special role in development of civil society. In those countries, which have largely shaped the system of legislative regulation of the sector (USA, UK, Australia, etc); the state spends huge sums on research programs in the field of standardization of the NPO. Non–profit organizations do not belong to the commercial sector or the public sector, but occupy an intermediate position. It more content... The main purpose of commercial organization is to earn money for its owners. The NPOs can't have owners, as this entity is intended to serve the population, and the law clearly defines that the property (with the concomitant extraction of private benefits) is incompatible with serving the public interest. ## So non–profit organization is the organization that has no profit as the main objective of its activity and doesn't distribute the profits among the participants. This doesn't mean that non–profit organizations can't make money, but the money should go to public purposes for which organization was created. These funds can also be set aside for future programs or transferred to other organizations working for the benefit of society. In this way the NPOs can engage business activities: to produce goods and services, acquire and dispose of securities and property and non–property rights, participate in the economic companies and limited partnerships as an investor. NPOs may be designed to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific, management objectives, in order to protect public health, development of physical culture and sport, to meet the spiritual and other non–material needs of citizens, protection of rights and lawful interests of citizens and organizations, dispute resolution and conflict, legal assistance, as well for other purposes, aimed at achieving public benefits. However, in the UK is not allowed the Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on What Is Pain? Pain is something that everyone feels at one point in their lives. A person's pain threshold is completely different from the next person. No two people experience pain the same way. "Unlike other sensations, pain can arise from intense stimulation in sensory pathways." ( Zimbardo PG 185) Pain is always subjective. People learn the application of this word through their own personal experiences. Pain can be helped. It can be eased and sometimes vanished completely. Most pain goes untreated or improperly treated. People do not have to suffer needlessly with their pain. With the medical know how and skills available today pain can be managed and cured. "The anterior cingulated cortex in the brain has been found to be more content... By the time your brain sends the signal, of releasing the handle, your hand will have already paid the consequences. The acute pain you feel with the minor burn will have classically conditioned you. Your brain now knows that when you touch the handle of a pot cooking on a hot stove you will be burnt and you will feel acute pain. Acute pain helps a person survive because people react by avoiding the harmful circumstance that causes the pain. Chronic pain is the second main form of pain. "Constant and long lasting"(Webster's Dic. PG68) is how chronic is defined. Chronic pain affects more than "fifty million Americans, which is caused by various diseases and disorders. Another twenty–five million Americans experience pain as a result of injury or surgery."(Classification on Chronic Pain, Second Edition, Page 180) Chronic pain lasts more than a few months and can be reaccuring. Some pains from diabetes, aids and cancer cannot be cured but eased. As people get older there are many conditions that can cause chronic pain. With arthritis, older people feel discomfort in their joints and are sometimes unable to move these joints for long periods of time. "The experience of chronic pain can be debialitating."Depression and even suicide can result from the endless nagging of chronic pain."( Zimbardo Pg.185) Hospital research clinics do endless test that try to treat Get more content on