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21 March 2021
Heera KC
MSc. Nursing, BPKIHS ( Maternal Health)
PBN 2nd year Co-ordinator
Birat Health College
Unit 1: Concept ,scope aims of
education and philosophy
The concept of Education
The word education is derived from Latin Word
 Educatum is the act of teaching or training.
 Educere is to lead out or to draw out
 Educate is to bring up, to train, to nourish
 Educo is to lead forth( forwad), to extract out,
pull out
 Education means gaining knowledge.
 It means darkness to light.
 Education is achievement of art or utilization of
knowledge and idea.
Thus the education implies
1. Act of leading
2. Act of teaching
3. Act of training
4. Act of drawing out
The wider meaning of the education includes the
1 Education is the process of changing the behaviour
pattern of people
- Ralphtyler
Education is the reconstruction and reorganization
of experiences, which adds to the meaning of
experience, and which increase ability to direct the
course of subsequent experiences.
(learners are an autonomously thinking socially
responsible being who is capable of controlling
his/ her destiny.
- Dewey
Aims and purpose of Education
 The main aim of education was interpreted to be
preservation of knowledge.
 But in the modern society, knowledge in every
subject is increasing so that as each year passes,
there is more to be learnt.
 One of the main tasks of education in the modern
society is to keep pace with the knowledge
 In such society, knowledge cannot be received
passively. It is something that has to be discovered
actively. Education should focus on:
 Nurturing of curiosity
 Stimulation of creativity
 Development of proper attitudes and values
 Building of essential skills such as independent study
 Capacity to think and judge for oneself
Aims and purposes of education
 Utilitarian aim
 Vocational aim
 Social aim
 Intellectual aim
 Citizenship
 Physical health and
well being
 Character
 Moral development
 Cultural
 Education for
 Utilitarian : for leading day to day life in a
fruitful manner.
 Vocational: preparing to earn livelihood to lead a
productive life in the society.
 Social purpose : required assistance to become a
useful member of the society, irrespective of the
socio-economic status.
 Intellectual purpose: Intelligence is essential for
acquiring knowledge, thinking, reasoning,
judgment and generalization.
 Citizenship: Education enables the children to
grow as productive citizens by following the social
and moral standards set by the society.
 Physical health and well being: providing the
knowledge required for a healthy living and
helping them to develop a positive attitude towards
 Character development: According to Mahatma
Gandhi, the end of all knowledge must be the
building up of character.
Education assists the child to develop certain
human values, attitudes and habits which are
essential for building a desirable character.
 Moral development : honesty, truthfulness, justice,
goodness, purity, courage, respect, dutifulness,
punctuality, self-confidence, discrimination between
good and bad, observation of rules, belief in
systematic organization, etc are inculcated through
 Cultural development: Cultural development is
manifested through the development of an aesthetic
sense and respect for others’ culture.
 Education for leisure: Leisure time should be utilized in
such a way that the individual as well as the society
should benefit from it.
 Education prepares the child to use his leisure time for
doing something useful.
Learning Objectives
 Introduction of philosophy,
 Branches of philosophy,
 Major Philosophies;
1. Traditional philosophies
 Idealism
 Realism
 Naturalism
 Pragmatism
Philosophy- Meaning
 Derived from Greek word ‘Philos’ and “Sophia”.
 The literal meaning of the word philosophy is ‘love of’
wisdom’ or ‘Search for wisdom and truth.’
 Simplest form- Values and beliefs every individual has
in his/her life.
 Philosophy is an attempt to think truly about human
experience or makes out whole experience intelligible.
 It is a search for comprehensive view of nature, an
attempt at an universal explanation of nature of things.
 Philosophy finding answer to such questions
 what is nature?
 What is life?
 what is destiny of man?
 What is the ultimate truth?
Philosophy of education
 A set of values and beliefs about education that guide
the professional behavior of educators.
 It ask like..
-what is the purpose of education?
-how to teach..?
-why to teach..? -what to teach..?
 The philosophy of education can be defined as the
study of the purposes, processes, nature and ideals of
Provides a sound basis for curriculum
development, development and practice
of teaching methodology and
character development of students.
Branches of Philosophy
Epistemology - deals with origin and source of
Logic- systematic study of knowledge and its inter-
Metaphysics- discussion about reality and cosmos
Esthetics- beauty and harmony in life.
Axiology : nature of morality and value.
Relationship between Philosophy and
 Philosophy is the science of knowledge and knowledge
is the antidote of ignorance.
 Eliminating ignorance- behavioural modification.
 Education is planned and purposeful activity with
several aims. – ultimate aim is to bring behavioural
To bring behavioural changes- formulate
predetermined objectives, based on values, ideas,
beliefs, attitudes and social needs.
Philosophy is the science of science, mother of all arts,
provides prerequisites required to formulate objectives
of education.
Education – always directed by objectives which are
further directed by philosophy.
Philosophy education
It sets the ideas,
principles, goals,
standards values thus it is
in realty and truth
Education works out
those values
It is theoretical and
Practical; explains how
to achieve those goals
through man’s
educational efforts
Contemplative side Active side and dynamic
 All great philosophers are great educators-
Socrates, plato, tagore, buddha.
 Philosophies points out the way to be
followed by education.
 Education is the best mean for propagation of
 Philosophy determines the road aspect of
education- aims, objectives, curriculum
Philosophy of nursing education
 Combination of philosophy of nursing and
philosophy of education.
 Includes system of professional nurse as well
as knowledge.
 Educational philosophy- emphasize on
learners, objectives and means to educate.-
 nursing- education must be specific to
specialised functional roles, responsibilities of
professional nurses within society.
 Nursing- caring profession with goal to provide
holistic care to patients/clients to achieve optimum
level of health through preventive, promotive
curative and rehabilitative measures.
 Philosophy of nursing education concerns with the
belief about health and roles of nursing in health care
delivery system.
 Fundamental elements of nursing philosophy are
individuals, environment, health and illness
continuum, nursing and nurses roles.
Example from philosophy of
Purbanchal University
BNS Programme
Purbanchal University Believes That
The graduates in nursing must be thoroughly
acquainted with the present trends, advanced
technology in health care system, changing concepts
of life-style pattern and the expanding role and
responsibilities of nurse-midwife in providing health
The prevention of illness, promotion of health
and care of the sick and rehabilitation are the
responsibilities of individual, group, family,
community and nation.
• Nursing is a dynamic process, which focuses on need
based, problem solving, and decision making in all
nursing care activities by emphasising on nursing
process focusing on family, reproductive health,
concept of primary health care service throughout life
• Each learner is talented enough and has the capacity to
change if encouraged and guided towards positive
health practices and the self-directed learning.
• Leadership in nursing is to visualize a clear
vision of institutional and national goal, which
demonstrate skills of problem solving and
decision-making at all levels of health care
system setting.
Objectives of the programme
General objectives
The general objective of the PBN program is to
produce competent graduates with advanced
knowledge and practical skills necessary to deliver
high quality health services needed for the country.
Specifically, the program entails the following
general objectives:
 Provide advanced knowledge and practical skills
in nursing science covering Primary Health Care
for nursing graduates.
 Develop skills in measurement, design, analysis
and evaluation for applied nursing sciences, health
system research and management.
 Equip with communication and group organization
skills for promoting community participation in
health and development.
 Enable nursing health professionals to deal with
the existing realities in health management issues,
concerns and problems.
 Develop the leadership capabilities of nursing
professionals in the management of nursing
services at various levels’ health programs.
– Sound scientific knowledge as a base for practice.
– Competent skills in providing nursing care to
diverse group of people either in community or in
a specialized hospital
 – Broad knowledge in the field of health at national
and international level.
– Prepared to be able to teach at nursing school
providing PCLANM level courses with application
of educational psychology.
Types of Educational Philosophies
Traditional philosophies
1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Pragmatism
4. Naturalism
These four frameworks provide the root or base
from which the various educational philosophies
are derived.
 Derived from Greek word “iden” which
means “to see”.
 Ideas or higher values are more significance
than anything else.
 Plato- father of Idealism
 Its basic viewpoint stresses the human spirit or
mind as the most important element in life; and
the universe is essentially nonmaterial in its
ultimate nature.
Principle of idealism
 Idealism stresses the two forms of whole world, i.e.
spiritual world (more important) and material world
 The spiritual world is real whereas the material
world is transitory and mortal.
Principle of idealism
 God creates the entire world.
 Ultimate reality- universal mind or god – source of
all human value knowledge.
 Man, as spiritual being is supreme creation of god.
 Aim of human life- realization of ‘universal mind’
within him, and to achieve eternal spiritual values
such as truth, beauty and goodness that never
 Satyam sivam Sundaram’
Swami Vivekananda- highest spiritual and ethical
values of mankind.
 God resides within man; religious – means for self
 Service is to worship god- teaching of Upanishad
guide us in finding solutions to problems.
 Knowledge is inherent, learning is through covering
off owns’ soul.
 Implies- education is the manifestation of perfection
already in man.
 Idealist gives more important to mind and self rather
than matter and body;
 Regard spirit and intellect are of supreme value than
physical matter.
 So, the development of personality has been given
priority in idealistic philosophy and believes that
ultimate aim of life is the exaltation(advancement) of
the personality.
Strengths of Idealism
 The idealists promote high cognitive level of
education- critical thinking, reasoning
 Their concern is for safeguarding and promoting
cultural learning.
 Great concern- morality and character development.
Weakness of Idealism
Idealists do not concern;
 industrialization and technological advances
 development in sciences
 contemporary emphasis on newness as opposed to
cultural heritage.
 idealism leans toward intellectual quality.
 extreme cognitive and bookish approach,
 idealist curriculum lacks relevance.
Educational Implications of idealism
Educational aim of idealism
 Develop the mind; Search for the ideas.
 Character development
 Self-realization- realization of inner potentials
 Self activity-
 Preserve, develop, promote and transmit culture, moral
and spiritual values
 Preparation for whole life.
In education
Curriculum emphasis- overall development:
intellectual, moral, spiritual, aesthetics and physical
Poetry, fine arts and religion – promote moral and
aesthetics development.
Language, science, mathematics and geography-
intellectual development
Physical education- physical development
Teaching method
 Classroom teaching- develop spirituality
 Self education and self activities of children
 Kindergarden method- teacher as gardener and
students as tender plants
 Teaching methods-
o lecture-discussion method
o Excursion (a short journey or trip)
o Question method
o Project method 68
Role of school
 An agency of society
 Thinking institution,
mental power and
spiritual ideas are
developed by the
Role of teacher
•Supreme role
•High expectation on
•Chief source of inspiration,
•Creator of educational
environment (creative)
•Role model- inspire nd
Implications of Idealism for today's classroom
 Idealism seeks to create schools that are intellectual
centers of teaching and learning.
 It sees teacher as vital agents in guiding students to
realize their fullest potential intellectual.
 Encourages teachers and students to encounter and
appreciate the finest and most enduring achievement
of the culture.
 Idealists recognize internet that can make great book
accessible to students, however they insist that
technology should be used as a means of education
and not as an end.
 Naturalism commonly refers to the philosophical
belief that only natural laws and forces operate in the
world and that nothing exists beyond the natural
world- purely scientific.
 Human behaviour is determined by heredity and
environment he/she is in.
 Nature alone represents the entire reality.
 Truth can be discovered only through nature.
 It is the doctrine that separates nature from god,
subordinates spirit to matter and sets up unchangeable
laws as supreme.
James ward
 It emphasis on, ‘material and physical world’- excludes
spiritualism and supernaturalism.
Characteristics of Naturalism
 The best teacher of the child is nature.
(Follow nature; back to nature; maximum happiness and
utmost freedom, instincts are basis for education and
senses are gateway to education)
 Against bookish knowledge and verbalism
 Naturalism gives central position to the learners in
educational process
 Freedom of the learner.
 Education prepares the child for his future adult
 It gives emphasis on the training of senses as senses
are the gateway of knowledge.
 Progressive and Scientific education.
Principle of naturalism
 The universe is a huge machine and man is also a part of
this machine.
 All the capacities of an individual human being are
delimited by his nature.
 The present life is the real life. There is no other world
beyond it.
 Unchanging law of nature explain all the events and
occurrence of the world.
 The ultimate reality is of matter. God, soul, mind,
heaven and hell, moral values and prayer are all illusion.
Strengths of neutralism
 Clear formation of the psychological and scientific
conception of education
 Freedom for learners from rigidity, interference and
strict discipline
 It prepares and encourages the learners to engage in
experimentation, discoveries and inventions
 It motivates the learners to acquire more knowledge
in the natural environment
 It gives the child a very important place in the
educational process. It treats a child as child, not as an
adult. The child is good and pure at birth.
 It considers nature as the best teacher in whose company
the child learns better.
 It considers individual interests, aptitude, inclination,
needs and capacities while structuring the curriculum
 Spontaneous self-activity of the child.
Weaknesses of naturalism
 Nature centered study makes the child become
unsocial with no feeling of social service
 Naturalism ignores the spiritual world and considers
the material world only
 Naturalism lays stress on solutions for only the present
needs and problems of an individual and neglects his
future needs and problems.
 It is based on one- sided psychology. Irrespective of
their individual differences, capacities and
 Direct experiences cannot be provided all the time;
expensive and something impossible.
 It gives no place to the spiritual value.
 Some of the principles envisaged by naturalism are not
possible to be practiced in the existing situations.
Educational implication
Naturalism and aim of education
 Self-realization
 Self expression
 Self preservation
 Habit formation related to action and thought which are
appropriate to age.
 To make a child to adjust himself both physically and
mentally to his environment and to the changing
 Development of individuality.
Naturalism and Curriculum
 The five activities in the order of priority are
I. Activities of self preservation
II. Activities of a vocation
III. Activities of a worthy citizenship
IV. Activities of a worthy home membership
V. Activities of the leisure time
Naturalism and Method of
 Naturalism is a result against the old, traditional,
bookish system of education.
 Direct experience with nature, things, and men is the
keynote of instruction according to naturalists.
 They follow different methods of teaching according to
the interests, capacities, and aptitude of the child
-Learning by doing
-Heuristic method- trial and error
Naturalism and Teacher
 Teacher should behave sympathetically and
affectionately forwards the children
 Nature – supreme teacher
 Teacher the observer
 Teacher the stage setter
 Teacher the gardener
Naturalism and Discipline
 Naturalist give full freedom to the child to perform and
learn whatever he likes
 No punishment
 Full freedom
 Free society
 Naturalists assume that the child has no knowledge of
good and bad, but he suffers pain when he makes a
mistake, and pleasure when he does something right.
Thus he gets reward or punishment for his actions
Naturalism and school
 The school environment should be completely free,
flexible and without any rigidity
 It should be helpful for the free and natural
development of the child
 It should be situated in the lap of nature, far away from
cities .
 There should not be any fixed time table and ready
dozes of knowledge
Naturalism and school
 There should be no provision for punishment
 School develops the feeling of self learning and
 It does not want to burden the child with
 Greek word ‘res’ which means ‘real’
which further is related to ‘object’.
 Aristotle known as the father of Realism.
 Realist believe that knowledge acquired by senses is true
and accepts the existence of real things which can be
 By observation, experimentation and examination if it is
found to be true can be considered as real.
Principle of realism
 Man is a part of material world.
 Observation and experience are the way of
finding truth.
 The present life is real and the spirituality
and spiritual values are unreal.
Features of realism
 It is based on science
 It emphasis on present life of child
 It emphasis on experiment and training of
 It gives equal importance to individual and
 Qualities are inherent in known objects.
 It opposes the bookish knowledge.
Strength of realism
 Practical and Utilitarian
 Related to needs of individual and demand of
 Importance to Science; Use of scientific
investigation and senses in order to learn
 Revolutionary changes in Method of Teaching
 Emancipatory (free) discipline
 Changed the Organizational Pattern of Schools.
Weaknesses of realism
 Great stress upon physical world.
 Realism accept real needs and real feelings only. It
doesn’t believe in imagination and sentiments.
 Realism emphasizes on scientific subjects and
neglects art and literature. This creates imbalanced
 Doesn’t give any importance to ideals and values.
Educational implication of
Realism and Aims of Education
 To provide pupil the essential knowledge requires for
survival in natural world.
 Prepare the child for a real life.
 Prepare the child for a happy and successful life.
 Fosters mental and physical powers of child.
 Providing vocational and skill education.
 Help individuals understand & apply the principles of
science to solve the problems in the world
Method of Teaching
 Use of appropriate audio-visual aid
 Scientific and objective Method
 Self experience and Research
 Experimental and observational Method
 Heuristic Method
 Correlation Method
 Evaluation is an essential aspect of teaching.
Realism and curriculum
 Subject-centered; organized according to subject matter
and psychological principle of learning. (simple to
 Realist agreed that studies should be practical and
useful; so developed according to utility and needs.
 Main subjects are – natural science, physical science,
health, culture, physical exercise, maths, geography,
history, astronomy .
Teachers role
 Teacher Supreme(teacher-centered) – brings the child in
touch with external realities of life.
 Imparts scientific knowledge in an easy and effective
 Maintains discipline by rewarding effort.
 Realist teachers believe in the importance of
experimental learning.
Methods of Teaching
 Enhanced learning through direct or indirect
experiences: Field trips, lectures, films, TV, audio-
visual aids, computer technology & library.
 Learning is based on facts – analysis – questioning.
 Precision and order:
ringing bells, time periods, daily lesson plans,
pre-packaged curriculum materials
 Children should be given positive rewards
 Emphasizes a synthetic
form of impressionistic
and emancipatory
discipline according to
natural and social
 Socially well
planned institution
 Mirror of the society
Realism in the Classroom
 Focuses on the basics of reading and writing.
 Classroom environment is highly structured and
 Utilization of standardized testing.
 Education should be fun and interesting for the student.
 Education should prepare students for life in the real
 Pragmatism is derived from Greek word “Pragma”
means ‘action.’ or ‘function’- functionalism.
 William James is the founder of
this philosophy.
 Pragmatism believes in the
practical utilitarian philosophy.
 According to Dewey’s definition pragmatism is ‘the
doctrine that reality possesses practical character’.
 It lies in between naturalism and idealism.
 Emphasize on earning by doing and learning by
experiences.- also called experimentalism.
 Humanistic philosophy of maintaining and
creating own values in course of activity for
his/her future as well as growth and
development of individual.
 Knowledge –experimentally verified.
 More concerned with immediate and present
Educational implications of Pragmatism
Pragmatism and aims of education –progressivism
 Creation of new values in light of his/her own
experience and felt needs.
 Personal and Social adjustment.
 Reconstruction of experience
 Continuous experiences.
 Social efficiency.
 All-round Development
Pragmatism and curriculum
 Activity curriculum
 Utilitarian curriculum
 Principle of integration
Pragmatism and Method of Teaching
 Project method & practical-oriented (learning by
doing): It includes activities which lead to learning
through experiences.
 Provision of real life situation touching and
handling of objects, tools and making things
 Discussion, questioning & inquiry
Pragmatism and role of teacher
 Teacher as a friend, philosopher, and guide. Teacher
will not impose anything in the child. Child will
decide his own goals, aims and purposes
 Two important qualities
a) Interest
b) Awareness about social conditions.
Pragmatism and method of teaching
 Does not believe in a fixed method of teaching
 Their emphasis is on child’s activities, integration
and experimentation
Pragmatism and curriculum
 Principle of utility form
 Principle of interest of the child
 Principle of organization
 Principle of activity and experience of the child.
Strengths of pragmatism in
 Enables students to learn the skill and meet their
needs, prepared himself to live in society.
 Meet the immediate felt need.
 Learning by doing.
 Thinking, reasoning, judgment developed based
on either individual or social behavior.
 Both teacher and student should explore in the
adventure of seeking behavior.
 The pragmatic approach is based upon recognition
of technological and industrialized felt needs.
Weaknesses of pragmatism
 Artificiality in situation.
 Problem-solving activities may be pleasurable and
challenging for the pupil, sometimes may be unreal
in practical situation.
 The teacher may be unable to cope with the
demands of teaching.
 Humanities, cultural acts have no place.
 Teacher = act as information officer only.
 Many gaps and deficiencies in the learning approach
has been observed.
 Denial of spiritual, cultural values are unpalatable.
 Less practiced in Indian and other setting setting.

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Education and purpose 2021

  • 1. 21 March 2021 Heera KC MSc. Nursing, BPKIHS ( Maternal Health) PBN 2nd year Co-ordinator Birat Health College Unit 1: Concept ,scope aims of education and philosophy 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. The concept of Education The word education is derived from Latin Word  Educatum is the act of teaching or training.  Educere is to lead out or to draw out  Educate is to bring up, to train, to nourish  Educo is to lead forth( forwad), to extract out, pull out 3
  • 4. Cont...  Education means gaining knowledge.  It means darkness to light.  Education is achievement of art or utilization of knowledge and idea. 4
  • 5. Thus the education implies 1. Act of leading 2. Act of teaching 3. Act of training 4. Act of drawing out 5
  • 6. Cont... The wider meaning of the education includes the following 1 Education is the process of changing the behaviour pattern of people - Ralphtyler 6
  • 7. Cont... Education is the reconstruction and reorganization of experiences, which adds to the meaning of experience, and which increase ability to direct the course of subsequent experiences. (learners are an autonomously thinking socially responsible being who is capable of controlling his/ her destiny. - Dewey 7
  • 8. Aims and purpose of Education  The main aim of education was interpreted to be preservation of knowledge.  But in the modern society, knowledge in every subject is increasing so that as each year passes, there is more to be learnt.  One of the main tasks of education in the modern society is to keep pace with the knowledge explosion. 8
  • 9. Cont...  In such society, knowledge cannot be received passively. It is something that has to be discovered actively. Education should focus on:  Nurturing of curiosity  Stimulation of creativity  Development of proper attitudes and values  Building of essential skills such as independent study  Capacity to think and judge for oneself 9
  • 11. Aims and purposes of education  Utilitarian aim  Vocational aim  Social aim  Intellectual aim  Citizenship  Physical health and well being  Character development  Moral development  Cultural development  Education for leisure 16
  • 12. Cont...  Utilitarian : for leading day to day life in a fruitful manner.  Vocational: preparing to earn livelihood to lead a productive life in the society. 17
  • 13. Cont...  Social purpose : required assistance to become a useful member of the society, irrespective of the socio-economic status.  Intellectual purpose: Intelligence is essential for acquiring knowledge, thinking, reasoning, judgment and generalization. 18
  • 14. Cont...  Citizenship: Education enables the children to grow as productive citizens by following the social and moral standards set by the society.  Physical health and well being: providing the knowledge required for a healthy living and helping them to develop a positive attitude towards health. 19
  • 15. Cont...  Character development: According to Mahatma Gandhi, the end of all knowledge must be the building up of character. Education assists the child to develop certain human values, attitudes and habits which are essential for building a desirable character. 20
  • 16. Cont...  Moral development : honesty, truthfulness, justice, goodness, purity, courage, respect, dutifulness, punctuality, self-confidence, discrimination between good and bad, observation of rules, belief in systematic organization, etc are inculcated through education. 21
  • 17. 22
  • 18. Cont...  Cultural development: Cultural development is manifested through the development of an aesthetic sense and respect for others’ culture.  Education for leisure: Leisure time should be utilized in such a way that the individual as well as the society should benefit from it.  Education prepares the child to use his leisure time for doing something useful. 23
  • 19. 27
  • 21. Learning Objectives  Introduction of philosophy,  Branches of philosophy,  Major Philosophies; 1. Traditional philosophies  Idealism  Realism  Naturalism  Pragmatism 29
  • 22. Philosophy- Meaning  Derived from Greek word ‘Philos’ and “Sophia”.  The literal meaning of the word philosophy is ‘love of’ wisdom’ or ‘Search for wisdom and truth.’  Simplest form- Values and beliefs every individual has in his/her life. 31
  • 23. Definition  Philosophy is an attempt to think truly about human experience or makes out whole experience intelligible. (Brightman)  It is a search for comprehensive view of nature, an attempt at an universal explanation of nature of things. (Henderson) 32
  • 24. Cont...  Philosophy finding answer to such questions  what is nature?  What is life?  what is destiny of man?  What is the ultimate truth? 33
  • 25. Philosophy of education  A set of values and beliefs about education that guide the professional behavior of educators.  It ask like.. -what is the purpose of education? -how to teach..? -why to teach..? -what to teach..?  The philosophy of education can be defined as the study of the purposes, processes, nature and ideals of education. 34 Provides a sound basis for curriculum development, development and practice of teaching methodology and character development of students.
  • 26. Branches of Philosophy Epistemology - deals with origin and source of knowledge. Logic- systematic study of knowledge and its inter- relationship. Metaphysics- discussion about reality and cosmos Esthetics- beauty and harmony in life. Axiology : nature of morality and value. 36
  • 27. Relationship between Philosophy and Education  Philosophy is the science of knowledge and knowledge is the antidote of ignorance.  Eliminating ignorance- behavioural modification.  Education is planned and purposeful activity with several aims. – ultimate aim is to bring behavioural modifications. 37
  • 28. Cont... To bring behavioural changes- formulate predetermined objectives, based on values, ideas, beliefs, attitudes and social needs. Philosophy is the science of science, mother of all arts, provides prerequisites required to formulate objectives of education. Education – always directed by objectives which are further directed by philosophy. 38
  • 29. Philosophy education It sets the ideas, principles, goals, standards values thus it is in realty and truth Education works out those values It is theoretical and speculative Practical; explains how to achieve those goals through man’s educational efforts Contemplative side Active side and dynamic 39
  • 30. 40  All great philosophers are great educators- Socrates, plato, tagore, buddha.  Philosophies points out the way to be followed by education.  Education is the best mean for propagation of philosophy  Philosophy determines the road aspect of education- aims, objectives, curriculum design
  • 31. Philosophy of nursing education  Combination of philosophy of nursing and philosophy of education.  Includes system of professional nurse as well as knowledge.  Educational philosophy- emphasize on learners, objectives and means to educate.-  nursing- education must be specific to specialised functional roles, responsibilities of professional nurses within society. 41
  • 32.  Nursing- caring profession with goal to provide holistic care to patients/clients to achieve optimum level of health through preventive, promotive curative and rehabilitative measures.  Philosophy of nursing education concerns with the belief about health and roles of nursing in health care delivery system.  Fundamental elements of nursing philosophy are individuals, environment, health and illness continuum, nursing and nurses roles. 42
  • 33. 43
  • 34. Example from philosophy of Purbanchal University BNS Programme 44
  • 35. Philosophy Purbanchal University Believes That The graduates in nursing must be thoroughly acquainted with the present trends, advanced technology in health care system, changing concepts of life-style pattern and the expanding role and responsibilities of nurse-midwife in providing health services. 45
  • 36. Cont... The prevention of illness, promotion of health and care of the sick and rehabilitation are the responsibilities of individual, group, family, community and nation. 46
  • 37. Cont... • Nursing is a dynamic process, which focuses on need based, problem solving, and decision making in all nursing care activities by emphasising on nursing process focusing on family, reproductive health, concept of primary health care service throughout life span. • Each learner is talented enough and has the capacity to change if encouraged and guided towards positive health practices and the self-directed learning. 47
  • 38. Cont... • Leadership in nursing is to visualize a clear vision of institutional and national goal, which demonstrate skills of problem solving and decision-making at all levels of health care system setting. 48
  • 39. Objectives of the programme General objectives The general objective of the PBN program is to produce competent graduates with advanced knowledge and practical skills necessary to deliver high quality health services needed for the country. Specifically, the program entails the following general objectives: 49
  • 40. Cont...  Provide advanced knowledge and practical skills in nursing science covering Primary Health Care for nursing graduates.  Develop skills in measurement, design, analysis and evaluation for applied nursing sciences, health system research and management. 50
  • 41. Cont...  Equip with communication and group organization skills for promoting community participation in health and development.  Enable nursing health professionals to deal with the existing realities in health management issues, concerns and problems. 51
  • 42. Cont...  Develop the leadership capabilities of nursing professionals in the management of nursing services at various levels’ health programs. – Sound scientific knowledge as a base for practice. – Competent skills in providing nursing care to diverse group of people either in community or in a specialized hospital 52
  • 43. Cont...  – Broad knowledge in the field of health at national and international level. – Prepared to be able to teach at nursing school providing PCLANM level courses with application of educational psychology. 53
  • 44. Types of Educational Philosophies Traditional philosophies 1. Idealism 2. Realism 3. Pragmatism 4. Naturalism These four frameworks provide the root or base from which the various educational philosophies are derived. 54
  • 45. 56
  • 46. Introduction  Derived from Greek word “iden” which means “to see”.  Ideas or higher values are more significance than anything else.  Plato- father of Idealism  Its basic viewpoint stresses the human spirit or mind as the most important element in life; and the universe is essentially nonmaterial in its ultimate nature. 57
  • 47. Principle of idealism  Idealism stresses the two forms of whole world, i.e. spiritual world (more important) and material world  The spiritual world is real whereas the material world is transitory and mortal. 58
  • 48. Principle of idealism  God creates the entire world.  Ultimate reality- universal mind or god – source of all human value knowledge.  Man, as spiritual being is supreme creation of god. 59
  • 49. Cont...  Aim of human life- realization of ‘universal mind’ within him, and to achieve eternal spiritual values such as truth, beauty and goodness that never change.’  Satyam sivam Sundaram’ Swami Vivekananda- highest spiritual and ethical values of mankind. 60
  • 50. Cont...  God resides within man; religious – means for self realization;  Service is to worship god- teaching of Upanishad guide us in finding solutions to problems.  Knowledge is inherent, learning is through covering off owns’ soul.  Implies- education is the manifestation of perfection already in man. 61
  • 51. Cont…  Idealist gives more important to mind and self rather than matter and body;  Regard spirit and intellect are of supreme value than physical matter.  So, the development of personality has been given priority in idealistic philosophy and believes that ultimate aim of life is the exaltation(advancement) of the personality. 62
  • 52. Strengths of Idealism  The idealists promote high cognitive level of education- critical thinking, reasoning  Their concern is for safeguarding and promoting cultural learning.  Great concern- morality and character development. 63
  • 53. Weakness of Idealism Idealists do not concern;  industrialization and technological advances  development in sciences  contemporary emphasis on newness as opposed to cultural heritage.  idealism leans toward intellectual quality.  extreme cognitive and bookish approach,  idealist curriculum lacks relevance. 64
  • 54. Educational Implications of idealism Educational aim of idealism  Develop the mind; Search for the ideas.  Character development  Self-realization- realization of inner potentials  Self activity-  Preserve, develop, promote and transmit culture, moral and spiritual values  Preparation for whole life. 65
  • 55. In education Curriculum emphasis- overall development: intellectual, moral, spiritual, aesthetics and physical Poetry, fine arts and religion – promote moral and aesthetics development. Language, science, mathematics and geography- intellectual development Physical education- physical development 67
  • 56. Cont... Teaching method  Classroom teaching- develop spirituality  Self education and self activities of children  Kindergarden method- teacher as gardener and students as tender plants  Teaching methods- o lecture-discussion method o Excursion (a short journey or trip) o Question method o Project method 68
  • 57. Cont… 69 Role of school  An agency of society  Thinking institution, mental power and spiritual ideas are developed by the teacher. Role of teacher •Supreme role •High expectation on teacher •Chief source of inspiration, •Creator of educational environment (creative) •Role model- inspire nd motivate
  • 58. Implications of Idealism for today's classroom teacher  Idealism seeks to create schools that are intellectual centers of teaching and learning.  It sees teacher as vital agents in guiding students to realize their fullest potential intellectual. 70
  • 59. Cont…  Encourages teachers and students to encounter and appreciate the finest and most enduring achievement of the culture.  Idealists recognize internet that can make great book accessible to students, however they insist that technology should be used as a means of education and not as an end. 71
  • 60. 77
  • 61. Introduction  Naturalism commonly refers to the philosophical belief that only natural laws and forces operate in the world and that nothing exists beyond the natural world- purely scientific.  Human behaviour is determined by heredity and environment he/she is in.  Nature alone represents the entire reality.  Truth can be discovered only through nature. 78
  • 62. Definition  It is the doctrine that separates nature from god, subordinates spirit to matter and sets up unchangeable laws as supreme. James ward  It emphasis on, ‘material and physical world’- excludes spiritualism and supernaturalism. 79
  • 63. Characteristics of Naturalism  The best teacher of the child is nature. (Follow nature; back to nature; maximum happiness and utmost freedom, instincts are basis for education and senses are gateway to education)  Against bookish knowledge and verbalism  Naturalism gives central position to the learners in educational process  Freedom of the learner. 80
  • 64. Characteristics…  Education prepares the child for his future adult life.  It gives emphasis on the training of senses as senses are the gateway of knowledge.  Progressive and Scientific education. 81
  • 65. Principle of naturalism  The universe is a huge machine and man is also a part of this machine.  All the capacities of an individual human being are delimited by his nature.  The present life is the real life. There is no other world beyond it.  Unchanging law of nature explain all the events and occurrence of the world.  The ultimate reality is of matter. God, soul, mind, heaven and hell, moral values and prayer are all illusion. 82
  • 66. Strengths of neutralism  Clear formation of the psychological and scientific conception of education  Freedom for learners from rigidity, interference and strict discipline  It prepares and encourages the learners to engage in experimentation, discoveries and inventions  It motivates the learners to acquire more knowledge in the natural environment 83
  • 67. Strength  It gives the child a very important place in the educational process. It treats a child as child, not as an adult. The child is good and pure at birth.  It considers nature as the best teacher in whose company the child learns better.  It considers individual interests, aptitude, inclination, needs and capacities while structuring the curriculum  Spontaneous self-activity of the child. 84
  • 68. Weaknesses of naturalism  Nature centered study makes the child become unsocial with no feeling of social service  Naturalism ignores the spiritual world and considers the material world only  Naturalism lays stress on solutions for only the present needs and problems of an individual and neglects his future needs and problems. 85
  • 69. Weaknesses  It is based on one- sided psychology. Irrespective of their individual differences, capacities and temperament.  Direct experiences cannot be provided all the time; expensive and something impossible.  It gives no place to the spiritual value.  Some of the principles envisaged by naturalism are not possible to be practiced in the existing situations. 86
  • 70. Educational implication Naturalism and aim of education  Self-realization  Self expression  Self preservation  Habit formation related to action and thought which are appropriate to age.  To make a child to adjust himself both physically and mentally to his environment and to the changing circumstances.  Development of individuality. 87
  • 71. Naturalism and Curriculum  The five activities in the order of priority are I. Activities of self preservation II. Activities of a vocation III. Activities of a worthy citizenship IV. Activities of a worthy home membership V. Activities of the leisure time 88
  • 72. Naturalism and Method of Teaching  Naturalism is a result against the old, traditional, bookish system of education.  Direct experience with nature, things, and men is the keynote of instruction according to naturalists.  They follow different methods of teaching according to the interests, capacities, and aptitude of the child -Learning by doing -Heuristic method- trial and error 89
  • 73. Naturalism and Teacher  Teacher should behave sympathetically and affectionately forwards the children  Nature – supreme teacher  Teacher the observer  Teacher the stage setter  Teacher the gardener 91
  • 74. Naturalism and Discipline  Naturalist give full freedom to the child to perform and learn whatever he likes  No punishment  Full freedom  Free society  Naturalists assume that the child has no knowledge of good and bad, but he suffers pain when he makes a mistake, and pleasure when he does something right. Thus he gets reward or punishment for his actions 92
  • 75. Naturalism and school  The school environment should be completely free, flexible and without any rigidity  It should be helpful for the free and natural development of the child  It should be situated in the lap of nature, far away from cities .  There should not be any fixed time table and ready dozes of knowledge 93
  • 76. Naturalism and school  There should be no provision for punishment  School develops the feeling of self learning and self-discipline  It does not want to burden the child with examination 94
  • 77. 95
  • 78. Introduction  Greek word ‘res’ which means ‘real’ which further is related to ‘object’.  Aristotle known as the father of Realism.  Realist believe that knowledge acquired by senses is true and accepts the existence of real things which can be comprehended.  By observation, experimentation and examination if it is found to be true can be considered as real. 96
  • 79. Principle of realism  Man is a part of material world.  Observation and experience are the way of finding truth.  The present life is real and the spirituality and spiritual values are unreal. 99
  • 80. Features of realism  It is based on science  It emphasis on present life of child  It emphasis on experiment and training of sense.  It gives equal importance to individual and society.  Qualities are inherent in known objects.  It opposes the bookish knowledge. 102
  • 81. Strength of realism  Practical and Utilitarian  Related to needs of individual and demand of society  Importance to Science; Use of scientific investigation and senses in order to learn  Revolutionary changes in Method of Teaching  Emancipatory (free) discipline  Changed the Organizational Pattern of Schools. 103
  • 82. Weaknesses of realism  Great stress upon physical world.  Realism accept real needs and real feelings only. It doesn’t believe in imagination and sentiments.  Realism emphasizes on scientific subjects and neglects art and literature. This creates imbalanced curriculum.  Doesn’t give any importance to ideals and values. 104
  • 83. Educational implication of realism Realism and Aims of Education  To provide pupil the essential knowledge requires for survival in natural world.  Prepare the child for a real life.  Prepare the child for a happy and successful life.  Fosters mental and physical powers of child.  Providing vocational and skill education.  Help individuals understand & apply the principles of science to solve the problems in the world 105
  • 84. Method of Teaching  Use of appropriate audio-visual aid  Scientific and objective Method  Self experience and Research  Experimental and observational Method  Heuristic Method  Correlation Method  Evaluation is an essential aspect of teaching. 106
  • 85. Realism and curriculum  Subject-centered; organized according to subject matter and psychological principle of learning. (simple to complex)  Realist agreed that studies should be practical and useful; so developed according to utility and needs.  Main subjects are – natural science, physical science, health, culture, physical exercise, maths, geography, history, astronomy . 107
  • 86. Teachers role  Teacher Supreme(teacher-centered) – brings the child in touch with external realities of life.  Imparts scientific knowledge in an easy and effective way.  Maintains discipline by rewarding effort.  Realist teachers believe in the importance of experimental learning. 108
  • 87. Methods of Teaching  Enhanced learning through direct or indirect experiences: Field trips, lectures, films, TV, audio- visual aids, computer technology & library.  Learning is based on facts – analysis – questioning. 109
  • 88. Cont…  Precision and order: ringing bells, time periods, daily lesson plans, pre-packaged curriculum materials  Children should be given positive rewards 110
  • 89. Cont… Discipline  Emphasizes a synthetic form of impressionistic and emancipatory discipline according to natural and social procedures. School  Socially well planned institution  Mirror of the society 111
  • 90. Realism in the Classroom  Focuses on the basics of reading and writing.  Classroom environment is highly structured and organized.  Utilization of standardized testing.  Education should be fun and interesting for the student.  Education should prepare students for life in the real world. 112
  • 91. 113
  • 92. 114
  • 93. 115
  • 94. PRAGMATISM  Pragmatism is derived from Greek word “Pragma” means ‘action.’ or ‘function’- functionalism.  William James is the founder of this philosophy.  Pragmatism believes in the practical utilitarian philosophy. 116
  • 95.  According to Dewey’s definition pragmatism is ‘the doctrine that reality possesses practical character’.  It lies in between naturalism and idealism.  Emphasize on earning by doing and learning by experiences.- also called experimentalism. 117
  • 96.  Humanistic philosophy of maintaining and creating own values in course of activity for his/her future as well as growth and development of individual.  Knowledge –experimentally verified.  More concerned with immediate and present future. 118
  • 97. Educational implications of Pragmatism Pragmatism and aims of education –progressivism education.  Creation of new values in light of his/her own experience and felt needs.  Personal and Social adjustment.  Reconstruction of experience  Continuous experiences.  Social efficiency.  All-round Development 120
  • 98. Cont… Pragmatism and curriculum  Activity curriculum  Utilitarian curriculum  Principle of integration 121
  • 99. Cont… Pragmatism and Method of Teaching  Project method & practical-oriented (learning by doing): It includes activities which lead to learning through experiences.  Provision of real life situation touching and handling of objects, tools and making things  Discussion, questioning & inquiry 122
  • 100. Cont… Pragmatism and role of teacher  Teacher as a friend, philosopher, and guide. Teacher will not impose anything in the child. Child will decide his own goals, aims and purposes independently.  Two important qualities a) Interest b) Awareness about social conditions. 123
  • 101. Contd… Pragmatism and method of teaching  Does not believe in a fixed method of teaching  Their emphasis is on child’s activities, integration and experimentation 124
  • 102. Contd… Pragmatism and curriculum  Principle of utility form  Principle of interest of the child  Principle of organization  Principle of activity and experience of the child. 125
  • 103. Strengths of pragmatism in education:  Enables students to learn the skill and meet their needs, prepared himself to live in society.  Meet the immediate felt need.  Learning by doing.  Thinking, reasoning, judgment developed based on either individual or social behavior. 126
  • 104. Cont…  Both teacher and student should explore in the adventure of seeking behavior.  The pragmatic approach is based upon recognition of technological and industrialized felt needs. 127
  • 105. Weaknesses of pragmatism  Artificiality in situation.  Problem-solving activities may be pleasurable and challenging for the pupil, sometimes may be unreal in practical situation.  The teacher may be unable to cope with the demands of teaching. 128
  • 106. Cont…  Humanities, cultural acts have no place.  Teacher = act as information officer only.  Many gaps and deficiencies in the learning approach has been observed.  Denial of spiritual, cultural values are unpalatable.  Less practiced in Indian and other setting setting. 129
  • 107. 130
  • 108. 131

Editor's Notes

  1. an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life. bundle of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, which humans are said to have naturally. The term is often regarded as capturing what it is to be human, or the essence of humanity.
  2. Anarchism. Absolutism. Liberalism. Conservatism. Socialism. A political ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, values, and opinions, exhibiting a recurring pattern, that competes deliberately as well as unintentionally over providing plans of action for public policy making in an attempt to justify, explain, contest, or change the social and political arrangements and processes of a political community. how society should be organized; and (2) methods: the most appropriate way to achieve this goal.
  3. It is concerned with providing knowledge and skill required by the child for leading his day to day life. Fulfillment of this aim will permit him to make use of the knowledge and skill in a fruitful manner The aim of something that you do is the purpose for which you do it or the result that it is intended to achieve. The purpose of something is the reason for which it is made or done. Although most dictionaries and thesaurus indicate the sameness of aim and purpose, we should not miss one important factor that sets them apart. Both words mean an object intended to be attained, or simply an intention. But purpose carries along an additional meaning which is ‘the reason for which something is intended or done’. In other words, a purpose answers the question ‘why’, while an aim answers the question ‘what’. For instance, in the statement ‘this is the purpose of installing 5 new laser printers’ translates to the reason why they’re installing the printers. The answer could be to make us more efficient or to cut cost from availing third-party printing services. On the other hand, ‘this is the aim of installing 5 new laser printers’ means what the new printers are trying to accomplish. T Read more: Difference Between Aim and Purpose | Difference Between
  4. It is concerned with providing knowledge and skill required by the child for leading his day to day life. Fulfillment of this aim will permit him to make use of the knowledge and skill in a fruitful manner
  5. Reasoning: changing eg: nursing
  6. Moral : values, water, sanitation, license, helmet Physical health: healthy eating, oily spicy…., binge eating…
  7. It begins from home…
  8. the sensethat makes something look very beautiful. : Leisure plays an important role in recharging our depleted energy levels.  
  9. It includes experiences gained through the various formal and informal agencies of educational institute eg home, school church ,cinema ,club ,press, travel ,friends physical and social environment.
  10. logic and reason as opposed to power-struggle, creativity, or dialog. Group decisions are generally made after deliberation through a vote or consensus of those involved.
  11. Leads to different philosophies, values and beliefs formulated through experiences.- generaliesed thinking! Some- pessimist; optimist; aerialistic; idealistic; atheist; some beliefs in destiny!
  12. three major branches Each branch focuses on a different aspect and is central to teaching.
  13. three major branches Each branch focuses on a different aspect and is central to teaching.
  14. Education needs leaders who hold sound leadership
  15. Education needs leaders who hold sound leadership Idealism- emphasize higher values of life, prescribe religious, ethics, logic art literature and humanities Pragmatism- functional subject, social sciences, practical arithmetic arts and crafts Naturalism- physical sciences and direct experiences, subjects are selected according to aptitude of child.
  16. Exaltation( advancement
  17. Invention and creation as a part of nature.
  18. Teacher- helper, guide(not an instructor or task master)
  21. Cramming (education) ... In education, cramming (also known as mugging or swotting, from swot, akin to "sweat", meaning "to study with determination“- forceful study
  22. Cramming (education) ... In education, cramming (also known as mugging or swotting, from swot, akin to "sweat", meaning "to study with determination“- forceful study
  23. 1 : action, inclination, or thought based only on natural desires and instincts. 2 : a theory denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance specifically : the doctrine that scientific laws are adequate to account for all phenomena. Naturalism says there's only the natural world. There are no spirits, no deities, or anything else. Poetic naturalism emphasizes that there are many ways of talking about the natural world. Pessimism. The glass is totally half empty, guys. ... Social Environment. ... Heredity and Human Nature. ... Poverty. ... Survival
  24. According to naturalist , human life is a part of nature, it is a self sufficient entity having its own natural matter, natural forces and natural laws. physical- plant life; humn life controlled by external laws of nature. Environment; graviy Material: machine, matter Biological- emotions temperament and instincts..
  25. Follow
  26. A heuristic method is particularly used to rapidly. come to a solution that is hoped to be close to the best possible answer, or 'optimal solution'. Heuristics are “rules of thumb”, educated guesses, intuitive judgments or simply common sense. It is a general way of solving problem.-Examples that employ heuristics include using trial and error, a rule of thumb or an educated guess.
  27. Excursion-a short journey or trip
  28. Emancipatory: liberation or giving freedom.
  29. Pragmatism is an action-oriented philosophy of science
  30. Pragmatism is essentially a humanistic philosophy maintaining that men creates his own values in course of activity . That reality is still in making and awaits its parts of completion from the future . (Ross)
  31. Applicable in American setting.