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Draw Something Project
· Create graphical JavaScript programs that draw shapes on the
· Locate points on the graphics canvas using (x, y) coordinates
(Combo of checklist (lower level) + Rubric for key stuff)
You are tasked to draw something using shapes as well as using
input or mouse clicked.
Uses at least 4 different shapes
Has a detailed main character. This can be a thing(car, building,
etc). At least one thing drawn should be detailed.
Has a detailed background.
Functions were used
Comments were used to show how to run the program and
describes sections of code
Mouse Event or User input is used.
Uses an additional set of code that was not discussed in class.
You need to look up a command in the documentation area.
Student Examples
Systems Theory Terminology – Part 1
The core of the MFT field lies in systems theory. Therefore, it
is imperative that you fully grasp this major concept and the
crucial elements that comprise it.
Launch in a separate window
It is important to take your time with this week’s assignment as
well as those for Weeks 3 and 4. This approach will help you
begin to think in a systemic way—an approach that emphasizes
the nature of people being intertwined within their existence
with the multiple contexts they live in.
This week’s resources introduce you to systems theory, which
inspired the pioneers in the MFT field and contributed to the
development of a relational understanding of human
interactions. You will be asked to review resources and prepare
a written summary and reflection that focus on your
understanding of systems theory concepts and assumptions.
Launch in a separate window
Review the resources listed below (and previously provided
resources, as needed) to prepare for this week’s assignments.
The resources may include textbook reading assignments,
journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos,
handouts, rubrics, etc.
There was a tree with leave with information on it to
complete the assignment. so, I got the in information from each
A system concepts
A system refers to any group of interconnected parts for
examples, include families, group of people who work together,
whole communities, companies, and government, organizations.
The human body can even consider a system because it includes
many different parts that are all interconnected. The behavior
each part is affected by and has been impact on the other part.
The found of MFT philosophy theory
1 Narrative therapy is founded on systems and social
constructionism narrative therapy holds that people develop
narratives/ stories to make sense of their lives, these narratives
are influenced by culture and family, to move beyond the
problem, clients need a new story, the narrative therapist meets
the client as separate from the problem, and help the client
understand that they are not the problem.
2 Collaborative therapy built on the foundation of family
therapy an overtly integrated post modern assumption to
understand how individuals within family systems had their own
unique language, these individuals made meaning differently
based on their unique contexts. This model focuses on a
collaborative therapist// client relationship and collaborative
-3. solution – Based Model. These models are strengths -based,
positive, and active models that seek to assist clients which
achieving the outcome they desire. As the name implies, they
focus on solution instead problems in fact, the solution may not
even be related to the problem these include solution-focused
brief therapy
(SFBT), solution -oriented therapy, and solution oriented.
Erickson an
4 Recovery Model, the recovery refers to a process by which a
person can develop a positive sense of self and belonging and
develop a meaningful life while managing their mental health
and/ or substance use conditions. The recovery model is a
person-centered, holistic approach that believes recovery from
serious mental illness possible, the Recovery model now serves
as a primary model for treatment in mental health clinic across
the United States and in an important addition to training of
marriage and family therapist.
5 Structural model, the ideal behind the structural family
therapy model is that the family system is skewed somehow,
and the family therapist’s job is to work to appropriately
balance the system. This re-balancing led to resolution of the
problem that brought the family to therapy
6 Bowen Model, Murray Bowen introduced what is the most
well-developed theoretical approach to working with families in
Bowen family therapy (crossing 2011). Bowen defined
international family dynamics and explored how these dynamics
influence current family challenges. the approach includes a
strong emphasis on the importance of gaining the ability to
manage anxiety. Bowen thought of families as systems and
often feeding one another anxiety, creating a bigger challenge.
He advocated for differentiation on among family members.
Differentiation is defined by being able to separate emotion
from the thought. As well-differentiated family is able to
support one another without feeling stuck or “stucked into”
family anxiety issues.
7. Strategic/ Brief Strategic Model, Strategic Therapy assumes
that “the problem” in therapy comes from a cycle of interacting
between family members that need to be interrupted or reversed.
By strategic therapist utilizes some techniques where the
therapist breaks the cycle of interacting by joining the system
and challenging the system.
8. Contextual Model, the contextual model embraces the idea
that people are influenced by intergenerational “hurts” (eig,
feeling of disloyalty, trust, and fairness). Clients would explore
the post hurts and find a way to both make amends and move
forward from these scenarios.
9. Experiential Model, experiential therapies focus on the
“experiences” within the therapy room. These experiential
models are. 1 Symbolic experiential, 2 Human validation
process model, and 3 Emotion-focused therapy, Martin (2011)
describes experiential therapy in this way “the main goal o the
theory is not provide insight but focus on experiencing the
process of therapy to produce change in the family” (pp147).
Each of the three models provides this experience in a slightly
different way.
10. Psychoanalytic Model, psychoanalytic family therapy
explores the role of the presenting problem within the family’s
experience (martin,2016) with roots in psychoanalytic theory.
psychoanalytic family therapy help client to understand the
reasoning for their behaviors by diving into experiences that
might have cause emotional limitations during crucial.
Development stages this exploration is met with discussion,
understanding, coping, and education, family psychotherapy is a
major element of the psychoanalytic family therapy model.
11. Cognitive Behavioral, cognitive behavioral family therapy
(CBT) theory examines the interactions between cognitions,
behaviors, and emotions and how they affect relationships (
Cluxton-Leler.2011) additionally, this model incorporates
family cognition and how the lead to presenting problem. A
CBFT therapist would bring to light some of the false
cognitions that the family has embraced and help them explore
new ways of looking at the challenges that bring to therapy.
System concepts= A system refers to any group of
interconnected parts. Examples include families, group of
people who work together, whole communities, companies, and
government organizations. The human body can even be
considered a system because it includes many different parts
that are all interconnected the behavior of each part as affected
by and has an impact on the other parts.
Application, you will need to learn how each system-based
concept can be applied in your clinical work; you will develop a
lens that you will use to look at the world, the application of
such lens will probably influence not only your clinical work,
but your whole, creating a paradigm shift in how your
experience your relational connections with the world.
Adaptation each part is capable of continually adapting to
what is doing by responding to what is happening elsewhere
within the system. You would not consider a stack of book or a
pile of laundry to be a system because the parts cannot
continually adjust their behaviors in response to each other the
fact that the parts of a system can continually adapt their
behavior gives system a very special feature; they are dynamic
which mean system in involve the ongoing movement and
adjustment of their part
Systems Theory Terminology – Part 1
The core of the MFT field lies in systems theory. Therefore, it
is imperative that you fully grasp this major concept and the
crucial elements that comprise it.
MFT-5101_week_02_systems_theory_terms (
It is important to take your time with this week’s assignment as
well as those for Weeks 3 and 4. This approach will help you
begin to think in a systemic way—an approach that emphasizes
the nature of people being intertwined within their existence
with the multiple contexts they live in.
This week’s resources introduce you to systems theory, which
inspired the pioneers in the MFT field and contributed to the
development of a relational understanding of human
interactions. You will be asked to review resources and prepare
a written summary and reflection that focus on your
understanding of systems theory concepts and assumptions.
Launch in a separate window
Review the resources listed below (and previously provided
resources, as needed) to prepare for this week’s assignments.
The resources may include textbook reading assignments,
journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos,
handouts, rubrics, etc.
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Show data table for This chart displays the number of completed
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List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Week 2
Week 2 – Assignment: Examine Systems Theory
Top of Form
Due December 18 at 11:59 PM
Bottom of Form
After reviewing all the resources for this week, prepare a
written summary and reflection to demonstrate your initial
understanding of systems theory.
Be sure to address the following:
· Begin with a brief introduction to systems theory concepts.
· Explore and reflect on specific systems theory concepts that
you identified within the resources. (Hint: In the role play
video, you will discover concepts such as context, open vs.
closed systems, homeostasis, and more.)
· Document any other systems theory concepts you are able to
recognize in the resources.
Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources.
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration
of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and
provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic
Integrity Policy.
Upload your document, and then click the
Submit to Dropbox button.
Building Blocks to Conceptualizing Family: A Family System’s
Valerie Q. Glass, PhD, LMFT
Background of Systemic Thinking
Systemic thinking, for some, means trying on a new and unique
lens when considering “presenting problems” that arise in
therapeutic settings. Most mental and emotional health
backgrounds study individual cognitive and emotional
processes, systemic thinking means a shift in looking at one
person to looking at a whole system. Keeney (1983) calls this
change in professional theory an epistemological shift.
Epistemology, most basically, is the way one understands what
is in front of them, and the root with which decisions are made.
Helping fields all develop from different epistemologies.
Psychiatry views medicine and biology as their epistemological
construct of how or why people act the way they do. Much of
the epistemological focus of social work fields embraces the
necessity or connecting to resources and social support as a
catalyst for change. Psychology explores the make-up of the
individual’s mind and develops steps for change. Family
systems, and the main focus of this paper, dive into the
epistemology of looking at families through the constructs with
which we might look at various systems. You are at the
beginning of a new epistemological journey. As part of that
journey, new concepts will be presented that allow you to
consider the role of systems in presenting problems and in
change. Mechanical and biological systemic terminology will be
used to highlight how families work like systems to both
maintain “presenting problems” as well as healing or changing
these “presenting problems.” This epistemological stance might
fit with your natural understanding of the world and how
problems arise or are maintained or these ideas may deviate
slightly from your perspectives on problems. Marriage and
family therapy, as a profession, holds a foundational
epistemological view that family systems play a major role in
how we view clients, presenting problems, the maintenance of
problems, and the keys to change and growth (Jackson &
Weakland, 2016). Davey et al. (2012) states: “the practice of
family therapy is based on the idea that individuals and their
problems are best understood and treated within a relational
context” (p. 75).
Biological and Mechanical Systems
The major representation of the idea of family systems is in the
construct of “system.” If you think about anything where a
bunch of separate parts work together to generate a working
system, this idea of a system can be visualized. Consider a
natural ecosystem where you have plants bringing in air and
growing from nutrients in the soil and sun. Then you have
animals eating the plants and bigger animals preying on the
smaller animals. Finally, you have dead animals decaying to
provide nutrients to the soil. This is an example of an ecological
system. If you view the one plant separate from the system, it
does not make sense, you cannot break apart how the plant
works and grows without including the other parts of the
system. Additionally, if the plant does not survive, it does not
do this alone; it is dependent on the system around it and their
role in the plant’s survival.
A second example of a system could be a mechanical system.
Consider a car; it has a bunch of different systems working
together to help it run properly. If you saw just a steering wheel
by itself, that would not make sense and would not function
without the rest of the mechanical system. Also, if one part of a
car’s system does not work – let’s say the tire is low on air –
the rest of the system compensates (the driver has to hold the
steering wheel tighter in one direction, the engine works harder,
the other tires wear because they are pushed in a different
We could name many different systems (e.g., a human body, an
air conditioning system, a ship, a sports team, a traffic light, a
computer) the list is endless. The commonality is that systems
need all the parts to “function.” The parts can “function”
independently. Using this background of mechanical or
biological systems, apply these ideas to family functioning. A
family works to maintain their “normal” (or homeostasis which
we will talk about later). Each member in a family system has a
job or a role in helping that family function in the way that is
normal to them. To see a person independently, we cannot
understand their role in that family system without seeing or
learning about the family context. These systemic constructs
help us view family dynamics from this systemic perspective.
They lead us to consider how that system is working, what the
system’s “normal” is, and the identification of the strengths and
weaknesses in the entire system. Keeney (1982) shares that
change, which from the systemic perspective, involves
“facilitating alternative structures to maintain the family
organization” (p. 87). In other words, therapy helps the system
find a new (healthier) way of working.
Historical Backdrop of Systemic Theory
The process of looking at family through a systemic lens is
known as “systems theory,” “general systems theory,” or
“family systems theory.” Minuchin (1985) describes a system as
an “organized whole” (p. 289) or a group or parts that organize
around one idea or function. Considering theory is important to
your work as a family therapist, because your identity as an
MFT, from this point forward, will take into account the very
foundational idea that family is a whole system and functions
much like mechanical and biological systems. There is not one
major contributor to the idea of systemic thinking and the
application to families; however, there seemed to be somewhat
of a movement that began around 1950 and solidified as a
specific theory within the next 20 or so years. We will only
consider some of the names that were involved in developing
the metaphor of systems as they are applied to thinking about
family dynamics.
Don Jackson. In the 1960s, Jackson developed what he coined
an “Interactional Theory” where he explored the idea that
families seem to want to maintain a normality, or their sense of
normality (called homeostasis which will be defined later) (see
Jackson, 1968a; Jackson, 1968b). In addition, Jackson identified
that working with the family allowed clinicians to observe
family systemic interactions and utilize them as part of
Harry Stack Sullivan. Sullivan influenced some of Jackson’s
ideas by stating that clinicians cannot look at mental health of
one individual independently from the family context. He
argued that mental health is a result of both internal and
external forces (Stack Sullivan, 1939).
Gregory Bateson. Bateson worked closely with two other
familiar names in MFT history: John Weakland and Jay Haley
(Ray & Brasher, 2010). Together, they solidified some of the
foundational research in the field of systemic thinking by
researching the role of homeostasis and communication patterns
in families. Bateson opened the door to systemic thinking about
how patterns were part of family systems (Keeney & Thomas,
1986). Bateson also worked with other founders of systemic
thinking, such as Watzawick (see below); they theorized the
connection of cybernetics in family patterns.
Watzlawick, Fisch, and Weakland. Weakland expanded on his
work with Bateson and Haley to develop a theory of family
therapy with Watzlawick and Fisch titled MRI Brief Therapy
(Ray & Brasher, 2010). MRI Brief is often labelled as the
foundational theory of family systems therapy. One of the major
assumptions of the MRI group was that therapy should explore
the interactional patterns between people. In addition, these
therapists explored the roles of family members in maintaining
Ludwig Von Bertalanffy. Von Bertalanffy was an Austrian
biologist who eschewed the reductive view of systems that had
previously existed and embraced the idea that scientific
principles were bigger than the one object or idea. He stressed
that context had to be considered to better understand the
element (Bond, 2009). Von Bertalanffy’s ideas about systemic
thinking were applicable to all areas of the world: ecology,
biology, politics, or global systems, humankind, or groupings of
any kind. He argued the global solutions could not be addressed
without considering the larger systemic context.
Alfred Adler. Adler predated family systems thinking; however,
he did add to the construction of the systemic thinking in the
mental health and psychology fields (Carich & Willingham,
1987). Adler argued that there was an individual that was
examined from a psychological context; however, the
psychologist should still remember their social environment and
the role this might play in who they are. In addition, Adler
discusses the role of causation in mental health. He labeled
causation as “circular processes” (similar to circular causality
that will be discussed later). This is the idea that psychologists
cannot just hone in on one specific cause for mental health
issues, he stated that there was a more complex process
involved that included the client’s context and social
The convergence of ideas or a shift in epistemology, brought
on by great thinkers from many fields, led to the constructs of
systemic thinking. The over-arching ideas presented the
foundation for many concepts that help family systems theorists
discuss and define family dynamics. In the next section, many
concepts that have emerged will be presented, defined, and
applied to families.
Systemic Concepts
In the next few pages, this paper will define and explain many
constructs that are used in family systems theory. These
constructs link to the idea of mechanical and biological
systems, using metaphor to explain family functioning. Families
work as a whole unit and function wholly rather than as
individual members, according to family systems theory. Each
of these constructs help us identify, define, and expand on
family and how family interacts to as a systemic whole.
One of the most common concepts that is utilized in the family
therapy field is that of homeostasis. Homeostasis is a systems
natural restructuring to maintain the intended function (Messer,
1971). In physics, the concept of equilibrium means a constant
state; homeostasis is the system’s ability to return to that
equilibrium. Consider an ocean and
the constant ebb and flow of the waters at high and low tide;
this is the ocean’s homeostasis. If a powerful hurricane takes
over the seafront, the ocean tides rise over the land; however,
after the passing of the hurricane, the oceans will fall back into
their regular flow, returning to homeostasis. Homeostasis can
“move,” for example, if there were many hurricanes and the
constant force of the high waters destroyed and overtook part of
the land; that would be the “new” homeostasis.
Homeostasis can be used to describe family dynamics; more
importantly, homeostasis can be used to define healthy and
unhealthy dynamics within family systems. Each family has a
homeostasis. Sometimes these homeostatic states are working,
are functional and “healthy,” and other times they are not
(Messer, 1971). If a “healthy” family experiences stressful
scenarios, then that family might adjust and develop a new
“unhealthy” (or less functional) homeostasis. Consider for a
moment that family that we have all met, the family that seems
to remain in a constant chaotic state. The family may seem to
resolve one issue, yet there seems to be another, just as serious,
right behind it. This state of chaos is that family’s homeostasis,
they seem to retreat to this place of functioning that is
consistent and comfortable for the system. On the flip side of
this example, consider what you might call a more functioning
homeostasis in a family – a “healthy” family. Maybe this family
experiences the sudden death of someone in their family system.
The family experiences a great deal of grief and go through that
process; however, somehow they are able to bounce back to
their “healthy” functioning – their healthy homeostasis. Family
systems theorists research and theorize about what makes for a
more functional or dysfunctional homeostasis; however, as the
root of family systems thinking is the idea that there is some
systemic regularity going on in families. Systemic therapists
understand that de-regulating this homeostasis can lead to

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  • 3. This week’s resources introduce you to systems theory, which inspired the pioneers in the MFT field and contributed to the development of a relational understanding of human interactions. You will be asked to review resources and prepare a written summary and reflection that focus on your understanding of systems theory concepts and assumptions. Launch in a separate window Review the resources listed below (and previously provided resources, as needed) to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc. There was a tree with leave with information on it to complete the assignment. so, I got the in information from each leaf A system concepts A system refers to any group of interconnected parts for examples, include families, group of people who work together, whole communities, companies, and government, organizations. The human body can even consider a system because it includes many different parts that are all interconnected. The behavior each part is affected by and has been impact on the other part. The found of MFT philosophy theory 1 Narrative therapy is founded on systems and social constructionism narrative therapy holds that people develop narratives/ stories to make sense of their lives, these narratives are influenced by culture and family, to move beyond the problem, clients need a new story, the narrative therapist meets the client as separate from the problem, and help the client understand that they are not the problem. 2 Collaborative therapy built on the foundation of family therapy an overtly integrated post modern assumption to
  • 4. understand how individuals within family systems had their own unique language, these individuals made meaning differently based on their unique contexts. This model focuses on a collaborative therapist// client relationship and collaborative conversations. -3. solution – Based Model. These models are strengths -based, positive, and active models that seek to assist clients which achieving the outcome they desire. As the name implies, they focus on solution instead problems in fact, the solution may not even be related to the problem these include solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), solution -oriented therapy, and solution oriented. Erickson an Hypnosis 4 Recovery Model, the recovery refers to a process by which a person can develop a positive sense of self and belonging and develop a meaningful life while managing their mental health and/ or substance use conditions. The recovery model is a person-centered, holistic approach that believes recovery from serious mental illness possible, the Recovery model now serves as a primary model for treatment in mental health clinic across the United States and in an important addition to training of marriage and family therapist. 5 Structural model, the ideal behind the structural family therapy model is that the family system is skewed somehow, and the family therapist’s job is to work to appropriately balance the system. This re-balancing led to resolution of the problem that brought the family to therapy 6 Bowen Model, Murray Bowen introduced what is the most well-developed theoretical approach to working with families in Bowen family therapy (crossing 2011). Bowen defined international family dynamics and explored how these dynamics influence current family challenges. the approach includes a
  • 5. strong emphasis on the importance of gaining the ability to manage anxiety. Bowen thought of families as systems and often feeding one another anxiety, creating a bigger challenge. He advocated for differentiation on among family members. Differentiation is defined by being able to separate emotion from the thought. As well-differentiated family is able to support one another without feeling stuck or “stucked into” family anxiety issues. 7. Strategic/ Brief Strategic Model, Strategic Therapy assumes that “the problem” in therapy comes from a cycle of interacting between family members that need to be interrupted or reversed. By strategic therapist utilizes some techniques where the therapist breaks the cycle of interacting by joining the system and challenging the system. 8. Contextual Model, the contextual model embraces the idea that people are influenced by intergenerational “hurts” (eig, feeling of disloyalty, trust, and fairness). Clients would explore the post hurts and find a way to both make amends and move forward from these scenarios. 9. Experiential Model, experiential therapies focus on the “experiences” within the therapy room. These experiential models are. 1 Symbolic experiential, 2 Human validation process model, and 3 Emotion-focused therapy, Martin (2011) describes experiential therapy in this way “the main goal o the theory is not provide insight but focus on experiencing the process of therapy to produce change in the family” (pp147). Each of the three models provides this experience in a slightly different way. 10. Psychoanalytic Model, psychoanalytic family therapy explores the role of the presenting problem within the family’s experience (martin,2016) with roots in psychoanalytic theory. psychoanalytic family therapy help client to understand the
  • 6. reasoning for their behaviors by diving into experiences that might have cause emotional limitations during crucial. Development stages this exploration is met with discussion, understanding, coping, and education, family psychotherapy is a major element of the psychoanalytic family therapy model. 11. Cognitive Behavioral, cognitive behavioral family therapy (CBT) theory examines the interactions between cognitions, behaviors, and emotions and how they affect relationships ( Cluxton-Leler.2011) additionally, this model incorporates family cognition and how the lead to presenting problem. A CBFT therapist would bring to light some of the false cognitions that the family has embraced and help them explore new ways of looking at the challenges that bring to therapy. System concepts= A system refers to any group of interconnected parts. Examples include families, group of people who work together, whole communities, companies, and government organizations. The human body can even be considered a system because it includes many different parts that are all interconnected the behavior of each part as affected by and has an impact on the other parts. Application, you will need to learn how each system-based concept can be applied in your clinical work; you will develop a lens that you will use to look at the world, the application of such lens will probably influence not only your clinical work, but your whole, creating a paradigm shift in how your experience your relational connections with the world. Adaptation each part is capable of continually adapting to what is doing by responding to what is happening elsewhere within the system. You would not consider a stack of book or a pile of laundry to be a system because the parts cannot
  • 7. continually adjust their behaviors in response to each other the fact that the parts of a system can continually adapt their behavior gives system a very special feature; they are dynamic which mean system in involve the ongoing movement and adjustment of their part Systems Theory Terminology – Part 1 The core of the MFT field lies in systems theory. Therefore, it is imperative that you fully grasp this major concept and the crucial elements that comprise it. MFT-5101_week_02_systems_theory_terms ( It is important to take your time with this week’s assignment as well as those for Weeks 3 and 4. This approach will help you begin to think in a systemic way—an approach that emphasizes
  • 8. the nature of people being intertwined within their existence with the multiple contexts they live in. This week’s resources introduce you to systems theory, which inspired the pioneers in the MFT field and contributed to the development of a relational understanding of human interactions. You will be asked to review resources and prepare a written summary and reflection that focus on your understanding of systems theory concepts and assumptions. Launch in a separate window Review the resources listed below (and previously provided resources, as needed) to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc. 0 %0 of 1 topics complete Show data table for This chart displays the number of completed topics versus the total number of topics within module Week 2.. List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Week 2 · Week 2 – Assignment: Examine Systems Theory Concepts Assignment Top of Form Due December 18 at 11:59 PM Bottom of Form After reviewing all the resources for this week, prepare a written summary and reflection to demonstrate your initial understanding of systems theory. Be sure to address the following: · Begin with a brief introduction to systems theory concepts. · Explore and reflect on specific systems theory concepts that you identified within the resources. (Hint: In the role play
  • 9. video, you will discover concepts such as context, open vs. closed systems, homeostasis, and more.) · Document any other systems theory concepts you are able to recognize in the resources. Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy. Upload your document, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button. Building Blocks to Conceptualizing Family: A Family System’s Perspective Valerie Q. Glass, PhD, LMFT Background of Systemic Thinking Systemic thinking, for some, means trying on a new and unique lens when considering “presenting problems” that arise in therapeutic settings. Most mental and emotional health backgrounds study individual cognitive and emotional processes, systemic thinking means a shift in looking at one person to looking at a whole system. Keeney (1983) calls this change in professional theory an epistemological shift. Epistemology, most basically, is the way one understands what is in front of them, and the root with which decisions are made. Helping fields all develop from different epistemologies. Psychiatry views medicine and biology as their epistemological construct of how or why people act the way they do. Much of the epistemological focus of social work fields embraces the necessity or connecting to resources and social support as a catalyst for change. Psychology explores the make-up of the individual’s mind and develops steps for change. Family systems, and the main focus of this paper, dive into the
  • 10. epistemology of looking at families through the constructs with which we might look at various systems. You are at the beginning of a new epistemological journey. As part of that journey, new concepts will be presented that allow you to consider the role of systems in presenting problems and in change. Mechanical and biological systemic terminology will be used to highlight how families work like systems to both maintain “presenting problems” as well as healing or changing these “presenting problems.” This epistemological stance might fit with your natural understanding of the world and how problems arise or are maintained or these ideas may deviate slightly from your perspectives on problems. Marriage and family therapy, as a profession, holds a foundational epistemological view that family systems play a major role in how we view clients, presenting problems, the maintenance of problems, and the keys to change and growth (Jackson & Weakland, 2016). Davey et al. (2012) states: “the practice of family therapy is based on the idea that individuals and their problems are best understood and treated within a relational context” (p. 75). 43 Biological and Mechanical Systems The major representation of the idea of family systems is in the construct of “system.” If you think about anything where a bunch of separate parts work together to generate a working system, this idea of a system can be visualized. Consider a natural ecosystem where you have plants bringing in air and growing from nutrients in the soil and sun. Then you have animals eating the plants and bigger animals preying on the smaller animals. Finally, you have dead animals decaying to provide nutrients to the soil. This is an example of an ecological system. If you view the one plant separate from the system, it does not make sense, you cannot break apart how the plant works and grows without including the other parts of the system. Additionally, if the plant does not survive, it does not do this alone; it is dependent on the system around it and their
  • 11. role in the plant’s survival. A second example of a system could be a mechanical system. Consider a car; it has a bunch of different systems working together to help it run properly. If you saw just a steering wheel by itself, that would not make sense and would not function without the rest of the mechanical system. Also, if one part of a car’s system does not work – let’s say the tire is low on air – the rest of the system compensates (the driver has to hold the steering wheel tighter in one direction, the engine works harder, the other tires wear because they are pushed in a different direction). We could name many different systems (e.g., a human body, an air conditioning system, a ship, a sports team, a traffic light, a computer) the list is endless. The commonality is that systems need all the parts to “function.” The parts can “function” independently. Using this background of mechanical or biological systems, apply these ideas to family functioning. A family works to maintain their “normal” (or homeostasis which we will talk about later). Each member in a family system has a job or a role in helping that family function in the way that is normal to them. To see a person independently, we cannot understand their role in that family system without seeing or learning about the family context. These systemic constructs help us view family dynamics from this systemic perspective. They lead us to consider how that system is working, what the system’s “normal” is, and the identification of the strengths and weaknesses in the entire system. Keeney (1982) shares that change, which from the systemic perspective, involves “facilitating alternative structures to maintain the family organization” (p. 87). In other words, therapy helps the system find a new (healthier) way of working. 44 Historical Backdrop of Systemic Theory The process of looking at family through a systemic lens is known as “systems theory,” “general systems theory,” or “family systems theory.” Minuchin (1985) describes a system as
  • 12. an “organized whole” (p. 289) or a group or parts that organize around one idea or function. Considering theory is important to your work as a family therapist, because your identity as an MFT, from this point forward, will take into account the very foundational idea that family is a whole system and functions much like mechanical and biological systems. There is not one major contributor to the idea of systemic thinking and the application to families; however, there seemed to be somewhat of a movement that began around 1950 and solidified as a specific theory within the next 20 or so years. We will only consider some of the names that were involved in developing the metaphor of systems as they are applied to thinking about family dynamics. Don Jackson. In the 1960s, Jackson developed what he coined an “Interactional Theory” where he explored the idea that families seem to want to maintain a normality, or their sense of normality (called homeostasis which will be defined later) (see Jackson, 1968a; Jackson, 1968b). In addition, Jackson identified that working with the family allowed clinicians to observe family systemic interactions and utilize them as part of treatment. Harry Stack Sullivan. Sullivan influenced some of Jackson’s ideas by stating that clinicians cannot look at mental health of one individual independently from the family context. He argued that mental health is a result of both internal and external forces (Stack Sullivan, 1939). Gregory Bateson. Bateson worked closely with two other familiar names in MFT history: John Weakland and Jay Haley (Ray & Brasher, 2010). Together, they solidified some of the foundational research in the field of systemic thinking by researching the role of homeostasis and communication patterns in families. Bateson opened the door to systemic thinking about how patterns were part of family systems (Keeney & Thomas, 1986). Bateson also worked with other founders of systemic
  • 13. thinking, such as Watzawick (see below); they theorized the connection of cybernetics in family patterns. Watzlawick, Fisch, and Weakland. Weakland expanded on his work with Bateson and Haley to develop a theory of family therapy with Watzlawick and Fisch titled MRI Brief Therapy (Ray & Brasher, 2010). MRI Brief is often labelled as the foundational theory of family systems therapy. One of the major assumptions of the MRI group was that therapy should explore the interactional patterns between people. In addition, these therapists explored the roles of family members in maintaining problems. 45 Ludwig Von Bertalanffy. Von Bertalanffy was an Austrian biologist who eschewed the reductive view of systems that had previously existed and embraced the idea that scientific principles were bigger than the one object or idea. He stressed that context had to be considered to better understand the element (Bond, 2009). Von Bertalanffy’s ideas about systemic thinking were applicable to all areas of the world: ecology, biology, politics, or global systems, humankind, or groupings of any kind. He argued the global solutions could not be addressed without considering the larger systemic context. Alfred Adler. Adler predated family systems thinking; however, he did add to the construction of the systemic thinking in the mental health and psychology fields (Carich & Willingham, 1987). Adler argued that there was an individual that was examined from a psychological context; however, the psychologist should still remember their social environment and the role this might play in who they are. In addition, Adler discusses the role of causation in mental health. He labeled causation as “circular processes” (similar to circular causality that will be discussed later). This is the idea that psychologists cannot just hone in on one specific cause for mental health
  • 14. issues, he stated that there was a more complex process involved that included the client’s context and social interactions. The convergence of ideas or a shift in epistemology, brought on by great thinkers from many fields, led to the constructs of systemic thinking. The over-arching ideas presented the foundation for many concepts that help family systems theorists discuss and define family dynamics. In the next section, many concepts that have emerged will be presented, defined, and applied to families. Systemic Concepts In the next few pages, this paper will define and explain many constructs that are used in family systems theory. These constructs link to the idea of mechanical and biological systems, using metaphor to explain family functioning. Families work as a whole unit and function wholly rather than as individual members, according to family systems theory. Each of these constructs help us identify, define, and expand on family and how family interacts to as a systemic whole. Homeostasis One of the most common concepts that is utilized in the family therapy field is that of homeostasis. Homeostasis is a systems natural restructuring to maintain the intended function (Messer, 1971). In physics, the concept of equilibrium means a constant state; homeostasis is the system’s ability to return to that equilibrium. Consider an ocean and 46 the constant ebb and flow of the waters at high and low tide; this is the ocean’s homeostasis. If a powerful hurricane takes over the seafront, the ocean tides rise over the land; however, after the passing of the hurricane, the oceans will fall back into their regular flow, returning to homeostasis. Homeostasis can “move,” for example, if there were many hurricanes and the constant force of the high waters destroyed and overtook part of the land; that would be the “new” homeostasis.
  • 15. Homeostasis can be used to describe family dynamics; more importantly, homeostasis can be used to define healthy and unhealthy dynamics within family systems. Each family has a homeostasis. Sometimes these homeostatic states are working, are functional and “healthy,” and other times they are not (Messer, 1971). If a “healthy” family experiences stressful scenarios, then that family might adjust and develop a new “unhealthy” (or less functional) homeostasis. Consider for a moment that family that we have all met, the family that seems to remain in a constant chaotic state. The family may seem to resolve one issue, yet there seems to be another, just as serious, right behind it. This state of chaos is that family’s homeostasis, they seem to retreat to this place of functioning that is consistent and comfortable for the system. On the flip side of this example, consider what you might call a more functioning homeostasis in a family – a “healthy” family. Maybe this family experiences the sudden death of someone in their family system. The family experiences a great deal of grief and go through that process; however, somehow they are able to bounce back to their “healthy” functioning – their healthy homeostasis. Family systems theorists research and theorize about what makes for a more functional or dysfunctional homeostasis; however, as the root of family systems thinking is the idea that there is some systemic regularity going on in families. Systemic therapists understand that de-regulating this homeostasis can lead to change. 47