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Family Systems Theory
1. Discuss several ways in which family systems theory can help clients understand their behavior.
The Family systems theory helps the therapist and the client to understand any strengths and
weaknesses of the client by investigating the family dynamics, rules and roles. Families helps to
shape and form our self–identity and how we view ourselves which affect our lives directly. Based
on the section on family systems theory, this model can help clients understand their behavior in
many ways. Firstly, the communication patterns or interactions between the parent and child can
directly affect how the client communicates or responds to current relationships. For example, if a
child grew up in an environment where their parent tries to speak ... Show more content on ...
Likewise, the focus within this dimension is aimed towards what is said and the content during the
dialogue. In contrast, process content focuses on how things are said between the therapist and the
client as it represent an interpersonal relationship. These process interactions aid in the deeper
understanding of communication and explores the complexity of such interpersonal interactions.
The focus is on these interactions and how they can convey hidden feelings and emotions that the
client might be experiencing. In this dimension, the therapist will focus on current interactions
which can reveal what is going on between the therapist and their client. As the content dimension is
the traditional way of therapy, the process dimension is a little more challenging to accomplish
successfully. The therapist would have to get used to this type of dimension because, if not done
correctly, it can come across as rude, insensitive or even impetuous. Furthermore, the process
dimension can change how well the client respond to treatment in comparison to just focusing on the
content dimension of the therapeutic relationship. In addition, the therapist may be able to resolve
misunderstandings or inaccurate perceptions that may occur during the session which can mend and
strengthen the therapeutic
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Theoretical Paradigms Of Structural Family Systems Theory
The major theoretical paradigm that informs structural family therapy is based on systems theory.
"The word system is rooted in Latin and Greek words that mean "to place together" so a system can
be thought of as an entity made out of other entities that are placed together (Rosenblatt, 1994, pg.
49)." In systems theory there are many elements, assumptions, definitions to address the different
dynamics within a system. According to Rosenblatt (1994) systems theory provides insight into how
systems (families) are formed and highlights the patterns that surface within the system. Systems
theory places emphasis on the entire system (entire family), rather than focusing on the different
parts (individuals) of the system (Rosenblatt, 1994). ... Show more content on ...
According to Vetere (2001) structure is defined by any given point in time where families organize
themselves based on overt/covert rules that impact the behaviors and choices of the family. Systems
theory discusses the different levels in a system and how one level influences another and so this
same assumptions can be observed in structural model (Rosenblatt, 1994). In structural model the
family is looked at as being embedded within wider social systems which serve as transactional
patterns (Navarre, 1998). Each family member can be characterized in more than one subsystem for
a permanent or short period of time. The roles of each member will be defined based on the
subsystem they are in. Family members are categorized by different subsystems, which can consist
of parental, couple, parent–child, grandparent, male/female, power, hobby and interest (Minuchin,
1974). Hence, based on the relationship of a subsystem families can form coalitions, enmeshment
and disengagement. According to Minuchin (1974) problems that children face are frequently due to
the boundaries between them and the parental
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Systems Theory
SYSTEMS THEORY Three Distinct but Closely Interrelated Theoretical Legacies
 Information theory: focuses on the reduction of uncertainty which is achieved by the acquisition
of information .
 Cybernetics: a science of communication concerned with the transmission and control of
information; it examines the communication and manipulation of information in various systems .
 General Systems Theory (GST): interested in systems in general; family systems theory is an
extension of this branch .
Definitions and Terms
 Three Uses/Definitions:
 General Systems Theory (GST) is used to explain the behavior of a variety of complex,
organized systems.
 GST is also a process of theory construction which ... Show more content on ...
 Morphostatic feedback: refers to feedback which promotes maintenance of existing
 Positive: feedback used to promote change.
 These types of feedback are also referred to as deviation–amplifying loops or variety
 Morphogenic feedback: refers to feedback which produces change in the system.
Examples of Research Emerging from General Systems Theory
 Marital and Family Interaction
 Hess and Handel (1959): integrated GST and symbolic interactionism to examine the
family as a system that socially constructs it's reality. They suggested that there are five essential
processes of family interaction.  Comparison of family interaction patterns between "normal" and
"schizophrenic" families (Mishler & Waxler, 1968).
 Family Dysfunction: individual patterns of dysfunction are attributed to family interaction
 Alcoholism: Steinglass and Wolin have integrated a family development and systems
approach, suggesting that alcoholism influences families in stages which accounts for patterns of
alcoholism in families.  Family violence: systemic explanations are controversial. This research
suggests that the failure to leave an abusive situation is a form of positive feedback.
Examples of Research (cont.)
 Marital and Family Taxonomies
 Olson's Circumplex model
 Three dimensions create sixteen relationship types; the three dimensions are
 Cohesion  Adaptability  Communication
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Systems Theory Of Human Service Organizations
Human service organizations are there to meet the needs of people and help to prevent and solve
problems whilst improving or maintaining the quality of life of people. Human service organizations
have a modus of operation so as to deliver its services to the intended recipients. This modus
emanates from the systems theory which was introduced by biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the
1940s, and gained importance in the 1960s which permits analysis of the complex nature of human
interactions within a social environment. The systems theory is a way of elaborating increasingly
complex systems across a continuum that encompasses the person–in–environment (Anderson,
Carter, & Lowe, 1999). The systems theory has three social level systems which ... Show more
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The closed system model relies on the internal processes of an organization and depends primarily
on the employees' commitment to work and the way managers delegate and supervise employees.
The external environment does not influence any decisions in the organization this promotes
homeostatic balance and efficiency. The open system model, organizations are influenced by the
external environment (technology advancement, political decisions, culture and demographics of the
community) and rely heavily on constant communication between the organization and external
environment to create services for clients. There is more than one way of obtaining the same result
which is known as equifinality.
Bureaucracy is a system that is used by human service organizations as a way to create the structure
of an organization to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of management and delivery of services.
Bureaucracy is a classical theory that was developed by Max Weber, and focuses on what the
managers and employees do to achieve positive results by the use of five principles. However the
system of bureaucracy affects the application of social service delivery to clients or recipients of
intended services because social services require timely responsiveness to various
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World Systems Theory in Archaeology Essay
These papers deal with the world systems theory of Wallerstien's article as well as the other
specialists' criticisms on it. They bring up basically three main ideas, which first off, include the
significant role of the periphery in the core– periphery relationship. Secondly, the need to focus on
internal and local affects on interrelations between different polities instead of concentrating on the
external and generalized role of interaction. Lastly, they demand a model that is diversified enough
to allow for analyzation of various levels of interaction between different groups.
In Halls article, he points out that this theory has a few weaknesses, such as its basis is on only one
situation of modern times, which does not always ... Show more content on ...
Thus the first step in achieving a paradigm, he states Chase Dunn's suggestion that the empirical
denominations of the world system theory's assumptions must be developed. Hall emphasizes other
points that should be incorporated in a new methodology, which are not already present to the world
systems theory by Wallenstein. One aspect is that each of system's units works in relation to the
whole system; they do not develop on their own. Another is that each system is a world within itself;
that its internal factors are just as important in its progress as the external factors affecting it. Other
points that must be realized to achieve better understanding of past political social interaction, is to
learn the positive aspects of expansion and incorporation and the role of peripheral and semi
peripheral states, as well as the ramifications of incorporation on the system.
He includes some various world systems theories as examples in order to emphasize the different the
facets that they can take such as being based on war, technological innovation, geopolitics etc. The
incorporation of diverse models that concentrate on certain facets of the system into what he calls
the "iteration model", will ultimately lead to a better understanding of social evolution.
At the same time, Hall realizes the importance of the core periphery in the study of social evolution.
Contrary to the world systems model is
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Family System Theory Research
The family system theory is a micro level theory that views the family as a working unit that
achieves goals, makes important decisions, and works out problems together. One of the purposes of
this theory is to investigate how individuals interact with their family members. Maintaining
equilibrium in a family is one of the most important parts of the family system theory. It states that
family members will alter themselves to adapt to difficult situations that are causing the equilibrium
to break apart (Benokraitis 40). My family consists of my two parents, me, and my three younger
sisters. Sometimes our personalities clash, especially between my parents and my second youngest
sibling. My sibling is stubborn and instigates fights which, in turn, causes my parents frustration and
anger. Using the family system theory, I can understand why my parents must change their approach
to all their daughters. However, my parents fight frequently around my siblings and I. Hearing them
fight all the time has made communicating throughout the family difficult because on top of the
fighting they verbally put us down. Having that stress around our family changes how we approach
one another. When my parents fight, most of the time it is to gain back equilibrium like the family
system theory says. ... Show more content on ...
Two research questions to consider are: When do parents start verbally putting down their children
and does it cause the child to grow up into a bad mental state. With the research questions set, the
type of research technique I would use would be a clinical research model. Even though clinical
research is expensive, it can give a detailed study of a person who has been verbally put down. The
researchers would also work with the families and individuals with a one on one basis, providing a
unique look into different situations (Benokraitis
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Family Systems Theory Paper
Human Behavior and the Social Environment The theory that will be used in this case is the Family
Systems Theory. The family systems theory was originated by Murray Bowen. Bowen researched
how the family system affects the individual and family functioning across the life–span. According
to Bowen, individual functioning shapes family systems and can create pathology within the
individual (Haefner, 2014, p. 835). The family systems theory maintains that boundaries, roles,
communication, and family structure have a major impact on how the family functions (Haefner,
2014, p. 835) .
According to the family systems theory "individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one
another, but rather as part of their ... Show more content on ...
Her father was on drugs and left home when Cynthia was only 2 years old. Cynthia currently has a
strained relationship with her mother. Cynthia has lived a riotous life since her teenage years. She
has had several boyfriends, which resulted in her having four children under the age of 8. As a result
of a recent theft felony charge she obtained for being an accomplice with her boyfriend; the court
has granted Cynthia's mother temporary custody of her two older children. The two older children
were said to have been left home alone while Cynthia "ran errands" for money and food. Cynthia
did not have a good father figure throughout her childhood; the client grew up without the most
natural triangle, the father, mother and child or the "two–helping–one" triangle (Haefner, 2014, p.
835). After the client Cynthia's father left, the mother had to take on both parent responsibilities.
Cynthia began seeking male attention through sex at an early age. The second concept addresses the
client's dependency on others for acceptance and approval. The client is seeking her father's
attention in the advances of male counterparts. Cynthia is searching for acceptance and approval in
an unhealthy way. The third concept of family systems theory is the nuclear family emotional
system (patterns inside the relationship that depict where family issues originate from in the family
(Haefner, 2014, p. 835). The client's emotional state obviously diminished as a result of the violence,
drug abuse and eventual abandonment by her father. The next basic concept of the Family Systems
Theory, is the family projection process, it is easily seen that the client has learned a behavior of
violence, drinking and abandonment from her father (Haefner, 2014, p.
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Social Constructionist Theory Of System Theory
Understanding Systems, Social Constructionist and Conflict Theories
Alexi D. Fanopoulos
Northwest Nazarene University
Entering the field of social work has opened my mind to different concepts and theories. In this
paper, I will explain my understanding of the systems theory, social constructionist perspective, as
well as conflict theory. I will also compare and contrast the social constructionist perspective (SCP)
and the conflict theory against the system theory.
Systems Theory
I have enjoyed learning about the origin of different theories, the evolution over time, and how we
incorporate them into present day. In America during the 1960's, social workers were drawn to the
concepts outlined in systems perspective theory and general systems theory. Through the 1960's and
1970's, these two theories were widely considered the dominant theoretical perspective (Hutchison,
E. D. (2017) outlining the framework to the field of social work. To help further understand the
functions of these perspectives, projects were completed by experts in the field of social work.
These ideas were accepted, and overtime social workers would reference material originated from
articles and research projects. For example; Austrian biologist, Karl Luwig von Bertalanffy is
considered one of the founders of general systems theory (GST) (Wikipedia)(2017). Luwing
conducted different research projects to prove its efficacy.
Before we delve into system's theory, let's first
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Discussing Theories And Types Of Systems
Discussing theories and types of systems was a process of looking at situation from a distanced and
unrelated point of view. Some concepts were easier to understand because I had previously
experienced them or realized my part in a specific system. The first part of the course brought up a
lot of questions about the application and ways in which these processes occurred. This approach led
to many discussions and ideas about why specific situations were classified as they were within the
dynamic systems.
Throughout these last sessions, it was evident that many of these theories and concepts could be
applied, and visually placed on maps. However, it was represent our ideas visually through mapping
that was a hard process in these experiential sessions. This became our complicated system through
the project. As we looked retrospectively through our progress in each session, we changed words
and arranged ideas as we felt would make sense, and would help us represent our intentions more
thoroughly. This was also a moving system that led us to different ways of thinking and
understanding others' worldview thus increasing our complexity.
My group chose an idea fairly fast. Our self–organization was very goal directed, as we understood
the task and objective of our project. We divided our ideas into two groups, a local issue and an
international issue. This was our way to simplify our task. Our local suggestions were between Uber
and AirBnB, and our international suggestion was
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Systems Theory
1. Systems theory and the Ecological perspective
As a social worker, one must understand the impact of systems in the environment.
The interactions between the individual and their multiple systems give social workers a
visual of how to interpret their consumer 's life. System theories is one way to try to
interpret a consumer 's life to have somewhat of a general idea of how to help solve the
problems they are facing. The easiest way to view system theories are by creating
ecomaps. These maps give you a visual written in black and white to see the different
systems that the individual interacts with.
To understand this concept in the field, a social worker, must know what a
system even is. "A ... Show more content on ...
I of course have stressful
situations and recieve negative input or output, but who doesnt? Feedback is extremely
important for systems and is a type of input. A system can have either positive feedback
(a system recieving info that what they are doing is correct) or negative feedback
(influences the individual to make a change because it interupts homeostasis). Throughout
most of my ecomap, I mostly have positive feedback but also have a few negative
Systems tend to move from a simple form to a more complex form. This is known
as differentiation. Life brings in new experiences, relationships, and situations everyday,
so each day your life becomes more complex. One day, a subsystem can have a positive
energy flow and then the very next a negative. It can change by a drop of a hat. "Entropy
is the tendency of a system to progress toward disorganization, depletion, and death."
(Zastrow, Kirst–Ashman p. 6) The saying "nothing lasts forever" could not be truer.
People age over time and eventually will die. You as an individual are constantly aging
and will perhaps leave your parents ' house and start your own family. With time your
children will do the same, and so on and so forth.
Equifinality is a very important concept to understand as well. This simply means
that everyone in the world or in your systems always have an alternative path to
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Projects and Systems Theory Essay
Projects and Systems theory
"The most pervasive intellectual tradition to project management is without doubt the systems
Table of contents
PART I – THEORY 3 1. Systems theory 3 1.1. Systems definition 3 1.2. The characteristics of
systems theory 3 1.3. The manifestations of systems theory 3 1.4. Systems theory principles 4 2.
Systems approach to project management 4 2.1. The key terms 4 2.2. System approach to project
management 5 PART II – PRACTICAL APPLICATION 6 1. Project systems description 6 1.1.
Project systems description 6 1.2. Time management system 7 1.3. Cost management system 7 2.
The interdependences among the project systems 8 2.1. The interdependences among ... Show more
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All systems also have inputs, processor, outputs and management (Hamilton 1997).
Input is something put into a system to achieve the results, such as human resources, material,
money (Hamilton 1997).
Output is the result which is produced by a system from a specific input (intended and unintended)
(Hamilton 1997). For instance, an electrical utility takes on input from the environment in form of
raw material, such as coal, oil, water power; and provides output in form of electricity (Yuvienco
The transformation to convert a system's inputs to the outputs is called "process".
People influence the conversion process through management with standards, feedback and initiator
or functions for planning, organizing, directing and controlling (Hamilton 1997) 3.6.2. Sub–system
Sub–system is the part of system, is the group of elements and provides a picture of the structure of
the system (Hamilton 1997). Each sub–system affects the other sub–system and the system as a
whole (Vyas 2010). 3.6.3. Boundary
A boundary could be thought of as an imaginary line which determines what is inside and what is
outside of a system (Tamas 1987), and which components should be treated as the parts of system
(Hamilton 1997). 3.6.4. Feedback
Feedback is the reaction of the environment to the output (Vyas 2010). The information
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Essay about Systems Theory
Systems approach is based on the fundamental principle that all aspects of a human problem should
be treated together in a rational manner (Healy, 2005). I have divided this essay into relevant
sections that cover an overview of systems ideas, general systems theory and ecological systems
theory. This assignment will also include Germain and Gittermans life model, and it will be related
back to the case study that has been provided. Limitations of systems theory will also be discussed.
Systems ideas is referring to three different types of systems, each created in a different era; general
systems theory, ecosystem perspectives and complex systems theory (Healy, 2005). Systems Ideas in
social work originated with general systems theory ... Show more content on ...
Healy stated "the original proponents of general systems theory used biological terminology to
explain client needs, situations and the purpose of social work practice" (2005). The term that is
applied for systems theory is for all systems in general. All systems have boundaries within which
both physical and mental energy is exchanged. There are two types of systems that this applies to.
Closed systems have no interchange across the boundaries whereas open systems have permeable
boundaries or guidelines but there is also some room for movement, within reason.
With the second wave of systems theory came about the idea of the ecological perspective, named
ecological systems theory. It is the combining of general systems theory with an ecological
approach. Ecological systems theory uses ideas that link together four different social systems that
surround an individual; these systems are known as, micro–systems, meso–systems, exo–systems
and macro–systems (Healy, 2005). The ecological model is used as a tool. These systems are very
structured and use certain processes as guideline. Different processing concepts are used in systems
theory. These concepts explain how the system works. Input is the energy being fed into the system
across boundaries. Throughput is how the energy is used within the system and output is the
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Bowen Family Systems Theory Summary
Bowen's Family Systems Theory Bowen's Family Systems Theory Overview This adaptation of
systems theory was coined by Dr. Murray Bowen and is referred to as Bowen's Family Systems
Theory. According to Murdock (2013), this particular adaptation of systems theory is considered one
of the most reputable and well constructed compared to that of its counterparts. The author states
that family systems theories can be utilized with individuals as well as with specific relationships
within the family unit, however the majority of therapy is done with individual clients utilizing the
context of the family unit. According to Murdock (2013), it is the family system therapist's belief
that the client can best be understood through the ... Show more content on ...
K. Guerin and P.J. Guerin claimed that, an individual with a strong sense of self is "clear about
where they end and where the others begin. They are able to distinguish thought from feeling, and
their behavior is guided by their own principles and cognitions rather than emotional factors (as
cited in Murdock, 2013, p. 442). An individual who is highly differentiated is emotionally
autonomous and is able to engage in a healthy, intimate relationship while preserving the secure
sense of self. Alternatively, a person who is exhibiting signs such as reactivity, rigidity and
responses based on emotion rather than cognition, are thought to be low on the spectrum of
differentiation and are likely to endure acute anxiety (Murdock, 2013, p. 443). According to
Murdock (2013), when an individuals emotions and thoughts are enmeshed and this lack of
differentiation causes mal adaptive behaviors, the individual is considered to have a fused sense of
self. A fused individual can also be identified as a low–differentiated individual. According to
Murdock (2013), Bowen believes that sibling position and birth order within a family system's
present and past three generations is imperative to analyze in order to recognize patterns of
differentiation and fusion within a family's system. Additionally, the author states that Bowen
believes that triangulation is, "the basic
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Using A Systems Theory Model
Open Systems A system interdependent on groups of people or items working together to complete a
specific goal is known as an open system (Cordan, 2013). Healthcare organizations are usually
designed around systems that interact with outside environments, indicating that they are open
systems (Cordan, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to use a systems theory model to examine a
workflow problem within an open system unit, in one organization, and design a solution to the
workflow issue.
Systems Theory Description
Cardiac and Vascular holding unit is an eight–bed unit open system unit in that this unit regularly
exchanges feedback with the outside environment. The unit staff is responsible for providing care to
patients receiving invasive patient both inpatients and outpatients vascular or cardiac procedures.
Myers and O'Brien–Pallas, 2010, contend that an open system, Nursing Services Delivery Theory
(NSDT), certain concepts: input, output, throughput combine to influence work demands achieve
goals and complete daily workflow task
In the CAV input is derived from: patients, staff, materials outside data sources, and funding. Input
is essentially the flow of energy exchange from outside sources that renews or sustains the system
(Meyer, & O'Brien–Pallas, 2010). For this particular unit input can also be impacted by the
particular insurance standard indicting the medical necessity of certain procedures. When energies
are transformed within the system it then indicates
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Systems Theory Application And System Theory
Systems Theory Application Organizations can be thought of as a system. Systems are defined as a
collection of independent components which are interrelated and work together to accomplish goals.
A system can be an organization as a whole, departments within the organization, and groups within
the organization or processes (Hayajneh, 2007). Systems can be either an open system or a closed
system. An open system has characteristics of interacting with the environment (Encyclopedia of
Management, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to give a description of a department within a
known health care organization using system theory terminology. The Nursing Services Delivery
Theory (NSDT) will be the theory of focus for this paper. A description of a problem within a
specific department will be identified using an open–system approach. Using the NSDT model, the
problem's positioning within the model will be explained. An explanation of how the problem will
be addressed along with the desired outcome and goals that will facilitate the outcome. New
procedures will be identified and how the proposed resolution will follow the organization's mission
and values, improving the culture and climate of the department. Department Description The
department of focus is the Emergency Department (ED) in a Ministry Health System Hospital
located in Wisconsin. The ED is an open system as it continually interacts with the environment. In
a contemporary healthcare system, the
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Family Systems Theory Analysis
The family systems theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that
individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as
the family is an emotional unit (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). There are five key concepts
when talking about family systems. The first, wholeness which is, the family is more than the sum
of its individual parts, more than a collection of individuals (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012).
As family members interact they create a uniqueness that is far more than just the sum of each
individual member. For example, the birth of a child does not just increase the size of the family, but
changes the family system, creating a new entity as relationship ... Show more content on ...
Family structure refers to; who is included and excluded from the family; who is in charge of each
home, and whose needs and behaviors cause the main decisions in calm and troubled times;
relationship bonds and boundaries, or lack of them; the roles and rules that govern how members
need(s) get met or do not; family member alliances and antagonisms, and communication blocks in
and between people and homes (Gerlach, 2015). For example, a family structure could include a
father, mother, and two children. The father is the breadwinner while the mother stays at home. The
children play their role by attending school, and doing certain chores around the home. The mother
has a role to take care of the children and keep the house in order. The father's role is to bring the
money home, and discipline the children when needed. The fourth concept is adaptability "It is the
consequence of the family's meeting the collective needs of its members and responding effectively
to the demands placed on it by external forces. Thus, it is the product of both internal and external
adjustment strategies through which the family achieves a level of fit between its needs and
relational resources and the demands placed on it by its environment" (Heath & Orthner, 1999). A
coping mechanism is an example for adaptation and a positive coping mechanism is as follows;
coping with the illness or injury through directly addressing its impact on the family. This may mean
adding wheelchair ramps to the home, for example, to directly deal with a physical condition, or
accompanying a family member to the hospital for substance abuse treatment (Grunert, 2015). The
last key concept is family themes. Family themes are those elements of the family experience that
become organizing principles for family life. They include both conscious and unconscious elements
as well as intellectual (attitudes, beliefs, values) and emotional aspects. The family's themes become
the threads
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Systems Theory In Social Work
One last theory which has impacted my clinical social work practice is systems theory which seeks
to understand how interrelated and interdependent parts work together to make up a whole system
(Langer, Lietz, & Ebooks, 2015). For clients in court–mandated treatment, multiple systems interact
together to inform and affect treatment outcomes. Probation, parole, the department of corrections,
the court system, the halfway house, the client's income status, housing arrangements, and family
systems are just a few of the systems which can be present for court–mandated clients. With
intersecting mental health, substance use, and oftentimes trauma; all of these systems are
interdependent and intrinsically linked and thus it is important as a clinician to understand that the
client may be heavily affected by one system which can impact their overall treatment. Another
aspect of systems theory applies to mezzo level interactions between myself, my organization, and
other organizations which are interrelated with my organizations. My concentration internship is for
a non–profit organization providing mental health and ... Show more content on ...
The theories I have highlighted in this essay show the client–centered aspects of my social work
practice. From a person–centered perspective, I seek to remain client–centered, creating a
therapeutic alliance where I have unconditional positive regard for my clients while providing a
congruent experience through accurate empathic understanding of my client's concerns. Remaining
client–centered is further accentuated through attachment theory where I seek to understand how the
client's interactions with myself and others has been impacted by their relationship with their
parental figures. Similarly, using systems theory helps me to understand my client where they are, in
their life, by understanding how the systems exist and relate to one
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General Systems Theory: Schizophrenia
This assignment uses the case study set out in Appendix A as its foundation. The case study presents
a 38 year–old man, Robert, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22. Robert and his parents
are participating in a family therapy session.
The essay explores the challenges and opportunities Robert faces in the context of the family, from a
general systems theory (GST) perspective. The scope of this assignment gives room to focus on a
limited number of GST concepts. It focuses on Von Bertalanffy's concepts of the active system,
boundaries and differentiation. Each of the concepts is explored in terms of the challenges and
opportunities that they bring to the patient and to the family system.
The multidisciplinary theory of general systems was developed by biologist Von Bertalanffy in a
response to his frustration with the conventional thinking of the time, namely that growth and ...
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The system is composed of a core triad (Robert, his mother and his father), and a related system (the
brother and his family). It involves the relationship between Robert and each of his parents
individually, as well as Robert and the mother–father subsystem. Because Robert's brother does not
live nearby, his family operates as a separate, yet connected, system which only infrequently
interacts with the core triad. This infrequent contact disrupts the equilibrium that has been
established within the core triad. This increases levels of tension within the system.
The family therapist's goal is to increase the functionality of the dysfunctional family system.
Simply put, the desired outcome is for a more functional family system by reducing the systems
tension. The family therapy approach therefore aims to change the patterns of behaviour fostered by
the family that have repeatedly negative outcomes. This represents the challenge as well as the
opportunity faced not only by the therapist, but also by Robert and his
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system theory
One of the biggest breakthroughs in how we understand and guide change in organizations is
systems theory and systems thinking. There are two main definitions of a system, an implicit and an
explicit phrase, with the explicit phrase being used in system thinking by organizations. The
definition refers to a system as being a collection of highly integrated parts or subsystems that attain
a specific goal, through inputs that are processed into precise outputs. And thus if a part of this
highly–linked system is changed, the overall system is also changed. This is what 's meant by a
system being systemic, i.e. relating and affecting the system as a whole. System & complexity:
Systems range from simple to complex. There are ... Show more content on ...
the philosophies of Bunge, Bahm and Laszlo); mathematical modelling and information theory (e.g.
the work of Mesarovic and Klir); and practical applications. Mathematical systems theory arose
from the development of isomorphism between the models of electrical circuits and other systems.
Applications include engineering, computing, ecology, management, and family psychotherapy.
Systems analysis, developed independently of systems theory, applies systems principles to aid a
decision–maker with problems of identifying, reconstructing, optimizing, and controlling a system
(usually a socio–technical organization), while taking into account multiple objectives, constraints
and resources. It aims to specify possible courses of action, together with their risks, costs and
benefits. Systems theory is closely connected to cybernetics, and also to system dynamics, which
models changes in a network of coupled variables
Depending upon the problem situation, the system needs to be conceptualized using either the
mechanistic, organismic, cultural or political metaphors (Flood and Jackson, 1991) or a combination
of these. Thus, a theory of physical systems can help us in developing a mechanistic view of the
systems to begin with, which can then be developed further by using other approaches along with
the physical system theory.
According to Etizioni (1968), a physical system theory is easy to understand. The world is usually
seen as a
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Systems Theory And System Theory
Systems theory sees the system as a set of related components that work together in a particular
environment to perform specific functions that are required of them to achieve the system's objective
(Walker, 2012). Most people are part of a variety of systems and subsystems. For example, a family
is seen as a system in itself but each member of the family may have different subsystems, such as
their peers, education, job, recreational activities, etc. and all of these subsystems play a role in the
functioning of the system being examined. Applied theorists of systems theory see the system as
goal–seeking and when they discuss a problem within the system, it doesn't necessarily mean that
something is wrong but rather that the situation needs to be better understood and a solution to be
found and implemented for the system to continue operating smoothly (2012).
The social worker has decided to utilize systems theory approach when working with the Brown
family. The social worker finds it extremely important to look at this family as a system of
individual working together and believes that the family as a whole cannot be completely
understood without looking at how the individuals work together and getting a grasp on their
dynamic. Each member of the family has designated roles and are expected to respond to each other
in certain ways. The changes in these roles may cause dysfunction in the family system. In order to
determine the roles played by different individuals in the
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Family Systems Theory Essay
Family systems theory is useful when working with families who are impacted by an ASD
diagnosis. The family systems theory focuses on the shift of an individual perspective to a family
systems perspective. Family is the most important support system for a child. Family is looked at as
a unit, therefore by using the family systems theory the professionals are able to identify the family's
influences on the individual. The family system impacts a child's development as family members
affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of one another (Paylo, 2011).
The goal of this review was to examine ASD and how it has impacted families. The literature was
consistent in its findings, which stated that, Autism is a complex disorder that is diagnosed in
childhood and has a wide range of symptoms. Many of the studies showed that children with ASD
have the same symptoms such as hyperactivity, anxiety and self–injurious or aggressive behavior.
The initial autism diagnosis leaves parents and siblings confused and they may have a hard time
accepting that the child/sibling they were anticipating is not the child/sibling they expected. This
transformation in their family can impact the relationship in the family, as feelings of fear and worry
overwhelm the family system. ASD impacts parents and siblings as it changes the dynamics of the
family. It is significant for families to find coping mechanisms that work for them as they ... Show
more content on ...
Another limitation was to find out the effect of ASD on fathers. Finally the last limitation in this
research was in reference to detailing the ethnicity of the participants. Autism Developmental
Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) indicated that ethnicity plays a role in the autism diagnosis. ASD
is more prevalent in non–Hispanic white children than it is in non–Hispanic black children and
Hispanic children (Rice & CDC,
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System Theory And System Model
Systems Theory in Nursing Ashkan Bastani Walden University NURS – 6053N–12:
Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership 01, 30, 2015 System Theory in Nursing
System theory and system models provide extensive holistic and system–based approach to nursing
that consists of an element of flexibility and interdisciplinary study of the system Nursing–, 2015). The theory's primary concern is on patient's response to potential or actual
environmental pressures.Also, how by performing primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing
prevention interventions, able to retain, and maintain our nurses towards patient system wellness
goals.The purpose of this paper is to review and argue leadership practice through nursing system
theory, and its relationship with nursing retention, features of the job environment, at hemodialysis
facilities and strategies to retain nurses. Retention of Nurses through Nursing System Theory
According to a system theory, whatever is placed into a system, from the environment is called
input, and the result or byproduct that is obtained is known as output. In this system, the changes
that happen through the system that modifies input is known as throughput (Hayajneh, 2014). Each
and every nursing system is a unique factor and its characteristics in a range of responses enclosed
in a basic structure. There also exists many known, unknown to common stressors with potential of
upsetting the patients as well as nurses
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General Systems Theory : General System Theory
THEORY 1 Definition When, in a system, multiple activities interact cohesively with each other in
multiple ways, complexity takes shape. Reductionism refers to breaking down complex systems into
simple components and understanding complex theories by simple principles. General system theory
focuses on the interaction or the relationships between components that contribute to the system as a
whole. 2 Context Complexity deals with multiple systems, various elements, under numerous
conditions arising from different relationships. They're difficult to understand & identify.
Reductionist approach involves reducing components to simple variables and understanding them
by considering only certain aspects that affect the system. The system is characterized by the
relationships of its components and the non–linearity that exists between these components. 3
Application –Personal Relationships –Government Org. – Studying human behavior through genes
–Aircrafts –Computing 4 Advantages –More Accountability –Better Functioning – Independence –
Increase in Value – Easy to understand –Simple to test – Less variables –Accurate explanations –
Better explanation –Complete understanding –More Realistic 5 Disadvantages – High degree of
Control – Systems don't always co–operate – Over Simplistic – Detract us from studying the
systems as a whole – Less scientific –Subjective –Hypothetical It is
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Design Theory And The General Systems Theory
The uses of conceptual models are essential to help guide the nursing process. There are many
different types of conceptual models and among these models there is the Roy Adaption model that
was created by Sister Callista Roy. According to McEwen, "like many models/theories in this unit, it
is a deductive theory based on nursing practice" (p. 177, 2014). Throughout this paper, we will be
explaining, discussing and analyzing this specific model by the use of a clinical situation.
Presentation of the conceptual model The Roy adaption model was influenced by Helson's Adaption
Theory and the General Systems Theory, which was developed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1968
(Pepin, Kerouac & Ducharme, 2010). Each and every theory has a basic philosophy as to where it
stems from and the Roy model stems from the concepts of humanism and veritivity. The principle of
humanism describes that every individual's human experiences affects their knowledge and values in
the world. The principal of veritivity was created by Roy and is defined as, "a principal of human
nature that affirms a common purposefulness of human existence" (Roy & Andrews, 2008, p. 27).
Roy has four basic components of adaption. The first component is physiological and as for the
other three, they are considered psychosocial. Each component can be evaluated as being either
adaptive, which is considered positive, or ineffective, which is considered negative (Roy &
Andrews, 2008). To decide whether a
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Systems Theory : A Business Analysis Essay
Systems Theory: A Business Analysis of Lululemon Athletica Inc.
Introduction: This business analysis will define the various problems related to the manufacture of
the Luon Pants made by Lululemon Atheltica Inc. The Luon product was pulled because of a higher
ration of sheerness, which made the pants. Lululemon Inc. has also been negligent with handling
customer service at local retail outlets. A More so, the corporate leadership at Lululemon Inc. has
been negligent in acknowledging heavier weight consumers that are not part of the "physically fit"
demographic. A systems analysis of these various parts of the Lululemon corporation that need to be
resolved to return the company to higher performance quality in pant materials, corporate
leadership, and customer service.
Lululemon Inc. has a strong history of making quality fitness clothing for yoga and other athletic
purposes by the founder of the company. Dennis "Chip" Wilson in 1998. After becoming
"overwhelmed" by the company's success in Vancouver, Wilson transferred management of the
company to trained managers (Nicholes, 2016, p.6). During this time, Corporate CEO Christine
Day's leadership was put into question due to the low level quality of material used to make the
Luon Pants, which had a "see–through problem" due to the extreme sheerness of the pant material.
More so, in 2013, corporate leadership had a lawsuit brought against the company directors,
including Christine Day, of massively raising the
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Family Systems Theory Vs Family System Theory
I think that the Family System Theory and the Ecological System Theory are two important basic
beliefs about children, families, and family involvement. The system in the family system theory is a
system of people connected together and if one part isn't working things fall apart.
The elements that make up The Family System Theory are structures, rules, and boundaries.
Structures have to deal with behavioral patterns that are repeated made by the family. Rules are used
to agree and deal with situations. Each family has certain rules that are self–regulating and work for
certain families. Boundaries are special rules that govern the interactions between subsystems in the
family. It helps families function well.
In order to understand a student,
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Conflict Systems Theory
KIARIE NJUGUNA C01/44463/2012
What is Conflict?
Conflicts are generally defined as relational disputes between two or more parties, in which those
involved perceive a threat to their interests coming from those on the other side of the disagreement.
While this can describe a variety of conflict, it does not explain the full range of possibilities with
this term. There are ... Show more content on ...
We should also consider that when relationships are close and intense, triangles can form and bring
in another person to hold the low power position. Triangles can begin to interlock as more and more
people become involved and it can lead to destructive behavior (Wilmot and Hocker, 2007). If we
consider the new parents from the previous paragraph, the father may confide in his mother which
brings in a third party. She may confide in her husband or friend, and that person may confide in
another person.
Just as people develop individual characteristics, an entire system can also develop its own
characteristics (Wilmot and Hocker, 2007). In the systems theory analyses attention should be
focused on the relationships instead of the individual characteristics. The conflict and the way the
parties act within it can be different depending on the relational type of the individuals involved. A
complete assessment of a conflict can help the parties bring in new rules, understand and
acknowledge micro–events, and have difficult conversations.
Rules used in the context of a conflict means the underlying communication structure of the
interaction (Wilmot and Hocker, 2007). Generally no one person makes the rules. If the new parents
know each other's backgrounds well, they will know what is and is not acceptable to say during an
argument (whether or not they follow
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Systems Theory Paper
Week Four: Systems Theory Paper
Nisselly Rossell, Keri Welborn, Christie Alston, Kristy Monroe, Jennifer Bourne, Melanie Hines
BSHS/312 Models of Helping People
Systems Theory Paper "Those who study systems theory tends to view any system as the result of a
dynamic interrelationship between its component parts and its whole. They view the parts as
mutually determinate with the whole. Social workers utilizing systems theory view societies and
social groups as dynamic systems. They are concerned with bettering the conditions of the
individuals who make up such systems." (Flamand, 2010) Systems theory is used by many social
workers. This theory helps social workers understand how the surroundings of the client's
environment ... Show more content on ...
Ivan Boszormenyi–Nagy is also a contributor to this therapy (Parrott, III, 2003). This theory is based
on helping maintain a positive family structure and to prevent further emotional damage to the
children or any other person in the family. There are several things that can be done in order for the
help families work through a traumatic experience. When you are counseling a person that has been
subjected to a family prone to alcoholism this child tends to show different ways of functioning and
you have to take that into consideration as to how to proceed. Family therapy is often encouraged
when you are trying to repair a family that has gone through a crisis because this can show them that
they can work together as a team to get past the issue. In most other therapies, the counseling
session has two individuals present, the counselor and the client. According to (2004–2008), "family systems therapy is based on the idea that individuals
are best understood through assessing the entire family" (para. 1). This is where family therapy
differs and can be challenging. There may be two family members in therapy, for example, in
marriage or couples counseling. However, there may be multiple individuals, for example, a large
family who needs family therapy. Either way, the relationship between the counselor and family
members will be
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Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory
The ecological theory of development that was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005), is
relevant to state all of our lives. Bronfenbrenner's research demonstrates how our development is
affected by the environment in which we live. The model consist of five major systems;
microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. "Ecological systems theory
is an approach to study of human development that consists of the scientific study of the
progressive, mutual accommodation, throughout the life course, between an active, growing human
being, and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives,
as this process is affected by the relations between these settings, and by the larger ... Show more
content on ...
She wanted to be able to advance in her current career and in order for advancement; a Master's
degree is required. Also by obtaining a Master's degree in Human Behavioral, the student believes it
would allow her to better communicate and understand the clientele she works with.
The third level is the exosystem; it consists of social structures that directly or indirectly affect a
person's life: school, work, mass media, government and various social networks (Crandell,
Crandell, & Vander Zanden 2009). For example, if a child's parent, especially a one income family
household, gets laid off and is without work that may have negative effects on the child if her
parents are unable to pay rent, buy groceries, or provide the necessities. In contrast, if her parent
receives a promotion and a raise at work, this may have a positive effect on the child because her
parents will be better able to give her physical needs. This may have a positive effect on a child's
development and motivate them to work hard and obtain a good job as an adult. Another example
within this system would be the relationship between a child's school and home, as the rules are
often times different for a child at home and school and being able to keep the two separate can
prove challenging for a child.
This student related the exosystem to her decision because of the economical recession. With all the
rising cost of such things as gas,
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Organizational Systems Theory And The Macro System
Organisational Systems Theory
The macro system is the most prominent and significant theory. The macro system consists of all the
variables in any society. Bronfenbrenner (1979) described the macro system as, "The macro system
refers to the consistency observed within a given culture or subculture in the form and content of its
constituent micro–, meso–, and exosystems, as well as any belief systems or ideology underlying
such consistencies" (p. 258). The macro system consists of the following six super systems,
globalisation, government, economy, family, religion and media. These six super systems all
influence the daily life of individuals and contribute to the incidence of drug use in Australia.
The government needs to try to control the incidence of drug use in society. There needs to be more
legislation against the use of drugs and harsher penalties for those caught using drugs. Globalisation
has caused changes in the economy, with changes in trade, money and the mixing of cultures. With
the changes in the economy it has made it harder for some people to survive, as almost everything
has had a dramatic increase in price. This has caused people to turn to dealing drugs to make money
and also turn to using drugs to feel less stress and worry.
Ludwig von Bertalanffy, an Austrian biologist, was the founder of general systems theory.
According to Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter (2008) a system is defined as, " a set of
interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a
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System Thinking And Theories Of Organizations
System Thinking and Theories in Organizations The business world is growing and becoming more
innovative every day. Leaders have to be ready to keep up with the changes in the global economy.
These changes can affect their decision making and enhance the organization 's growth. System
thinking and system theories help analyze and understand the relationships between the systems and
objects in order to make better decisions. This paper will discuss some aspects of system thinking
and system theories as they relate to organizations. In addition to offering a detailed Christian
worldview of the topic discussed. System Thinking System thinking is one of the largest
breakthroughs in understanding change in an organization. In order to understand how it's used, one
must understand the system and how its parts interact or affect each other. System thinking is known
as a form of critical thinking. Thinking critically is important in change and in the process of being
competitive in the industry. System thinking is a way of solving problem as practices with involves
specific problems. This helps to understand the people and situations are used to influence the
system. Organizations are made up of people that work together to make the organization successful
or unsuccessful. Synergy is an effective systems management and is valuable when dealing with the
end product. Systems consist of inputs of people that gather information and put their time and
energy into the
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The General System Theory For Understanding Modern...
The shift of research and theory models went through a major shift during the 1960s and 1970s
when the "open systems perspective" gained support as an embedded interdependent activities
embedded in and dependent on a wider environment. "System theories of organization have two
major conceptual themes or components: (1) applications of Ludwig von Bertalanffy's general
system theory to organizations and (2) the use of quantitative tools and techniques to understand to
understand complex relationships among organizational and environmental variables and thereby to
optimize decisions (Shafritz, Ott, & Jang, 2011)." A system is an organized collection of parts
interacting and designed to accomplish specific organizational goals or purposes. The general
system theory provides an important perspective for understanding modern organizations. The
systems theory views of an organization as being complex set of interconnected elements, such as
the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback loops, and the environment in which it operates and
with which is continuously interacts. System theorists are continuing to study the interconnections
using organizational decision processes and information and control systems as their focal points of
analysis. The open systems became the more dominate organizational theory during the 1960's that
the classical organization theorists rationale was closed system that pursued the goal of economic
efficiency. The open system was more complex, dynamic in
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Family and the General Systems Theory
The word family can be defined in many ways. When I think of the word family, I think of two or
more individuals who are sometimes related by blood or through a strong bond of unconditional
love, as well as, a shared experience, values, responsibilities, the law, even related through a
community. Different families view themselves in different ways. They have different roles, have
certain boundaries or rules, communicate and solve problems in a different way, and can adjust to
change differently. I will discuss my own family and how I view my family through the lens of the
General Systems theory and apply each central property as it contains to my family and how we
communicate. There are six significant properties within the General systems theory, wholeness,
interdependence, boundaries and openness, hierarchies and subsystems, calibration and feedback,
and lastly there is equifinality. I consider family to be two or more people. Everywhere I go I usually
look at the family as a circle instead of seeing them each as an individual person. I look at a family
as a circle because they all are bonded in some sort of way. Wholeness could be thought of as a
circle, because a circle can be defined as one whole figure. Many times a family view themselves as
one whole figure or wholeness. Wholeness is defined as the way the family view themselves. The
family unit has a personality that is shaped by the combination of each members (Turner). No one
can truly understand a family
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Systems Theory Paper
Systems Theory Paper
Communication is essential in our society today. There are many different types and methods of
communication that people use. Throughout life, people learn to use communication in order to
interact in the everyday world. People form groups to place themselves where they think they
belong in society. Whether people know they are doing it or not, they consciously or subconsciously
place themselves into certain groups. There are many different reasons for people to join different
groups, these being for learning, activity, personal growth, and problem solving. Members of groups
must all contribute in order to complete a task. People can have both positive and negative effects on
groups. There are many concepts that ... Show more content on ...
The ripple effect is a strong element that can be a good or bad thing for groups. Another element that
is important in groups and systems is dynamic equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium deals with
managing stability and change within a group. If a group doesn't manage their equilibrium, than they
will be affected negatively. However, if their equilibrium is managed than they won't run into any
problems. For example, if there is too much stability in a group than it is not healthy, and if there is
too much change in a group than it can be overwhelming and things may get out of hand. There is a
certain medium that a system should be at in order to promote growth and success within that group.
For example, if a sports team decides to never practice than they will not grow or excel, but if they
practice too much than they will be tired for the game and will not perform as well. Dynamic
equilibrium is an important element within systems. Finally, an essentially important element within
systems is the group size and complexity. The more members that a group has, the more complex
problems they are going to have to deal with. Size is a critical element in any human system. For
example, even with such a basic group need to schedule meetings, as the size of the group increases,
problems increase. The more people that are in a group, the more people that are not going to be
able to meet on a certain date.
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World Systems Theory And The World System Theory
World System Theory unrelated former is logical theories which granted customary photographs of
collective change with appropriate focal point at the collect level world system theory. World
System Theory that there is a universe industrial arrangement in which some homelands gain during
the time remains are over worked. World System Theory is like colony philosophy recommends that
having it made that each community help from other community's and maneuver those community's
civilians. In disagreement to theory on the other hand this classical recollects the fundamental
assistance that are appreciated by inferior consequence community's in the world system theory. The
theory created with the way a community is combined into the landowner. World System Theory
completes how the Industrial proceeds in that comminution .Community's owned the ultimate of the
nature and the industrial science and have enormous authority over nature exchange and commercial
arrangements. They are also the artistic focal point which appeals to experts and philosophers.
Exterior communities typically maintain employment and equipment to the community's The World
System Theory importance that the world system theory continues the elemental system of
collective reasoning to the world of labor. World System Theory is a remarkably economical advent
to the question of productive progress in the tertian universe. It was organize by administration
conform in homelands at a
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System Theory
Systems theory: a scientific/philosophical approach and set of concepts, rather than a theory, for the
transdisciplinary study of complex phenomena. It was first proposed by the biologist Ludwig von
Bertalanffy in the 1940's (anthology: "General Systems Theory", 1968), as a reaction against
scientific reductionism*. Rather than reducing a phenomenon (say, the human body) to a collection
of elements or parts (say, the organs or cells), systems theory focuses on the relations and
interactions between the parts, which connect them into a whole (see holism*). The particular
arrangement of ... Show more content on ...
This difference in emphasis can be seen in the various branches of Systems Theory and their use of
the term "system". General Systems Theory, founded by Ludwig von Bertalanffy [13], was an
attempt to revive a view of Unified Science through the study of the attributes and properties
common to all real systems, con– ceived of as physical processes and objects. He emphasized in
par– ticular that, in contrast to the then prevalent prejudice in physical science, real systems are open
to, and exist in complex hierarchical relations with, their environments; and that by continual
Evolution, qualitatively new properties can appear through Emergence. This view is related to the
evolutionary philosophy of Spencer [11], Berg– son [3], and de Chardin [4], and later systems
philosophical work of
Laszlo [8], Turchin [12], and Jantsch [6]. Mathematical Systems Theory derives from the modeling
view of Systems Theory, which sees a system as a (usually mathematical) model of a bounded area
of the universe. This work arose from iso– morphies developed between models of electrical circuit
systems and other physical systems, and is exemplified by the mathematical the– ories of Zadeh
[15], Ashby [1, 2], Mesarovic [9], Rosen [10], and Klir
[7]. This view is related to philosophical Constructivism, which sees
PESP, Free
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Transmitting System Theory to Human Resource Management
Essay on Transmitting social system theory to human resource management Human resource
management can be considered as the most complex field of an organisation. Assuming that this
statement is true one could raise the question why human resource management is more diverse than
the other fields in an organisation as finance or sales. The answer will be always the same. It is
because of the individual, playing a major role within everyday's HR work environment. This essay
discusses what impact a less individual concentrated approach would have on human resource
management. This does not mean that the importance of the individual will be devalued. The essay
reflects on the influences of a systemic point of view on organisations ... Show more content on ...
474; Sciortino, 2006, A comment on Talcott Parsons at Brown University, p. 66). The main focus of
this essay shall be set on the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927–1998) who developed an
ambitious as well as general theory of society and social systems. This theory understands social
systems as recursive networks of communication and observation (Fuchs, 1999, p. 117). Luhmann
considers organisations as autopoietically closed systems, which consist of communication or
decisions (e.g. decisions, actions). The social system theory for example regards the base of an
organisation as not open to the environment, whereas the "rest" of the system depends on the
environmental influences. Autopoietically closed means that they reproduce the elements they
consist of out of the element they consist of. These systems are also called a self–referential system,
which basically means that there are systems, which have the ability to create a relation with itself
and differentiate this relationship towards its environment. Self–referential systems are able to
differentiate between relations happening inside the system and outside the system, which creates
the awareness for the self–referential system to
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Using Systems Theory And The Human Social System
Using Systems Theory to Understand How Sun Tzu Predictably Turned Concubines into Soldiers in
Ancient China; and How Chaos Theory Explains Why Systems Are Ultimately Unpredictable Even
When They Are Otherwise Understood
The Facts
In each nation and in each locale inside of that nation, people in general policymaking and
authoritative systems are diverse (Shafritz and Borick 2011). On the other hand, they are likewise
the same in that every policymaking system offer normal components (Shafritz and Borick 2011).
The primary of which they are systems (Shafritz and Borick 2011).
The most up to date thing about systems intuition is speculating about it as though it were new.
Maybe the best depiction of the human social system is that of the ... Show more content on ...
As indicated by James Coates and Michael Kilian 's Heavy Losses (1985), in World War II a
military assistant of Nationalist General Chiang Kai–shek expressed that "in Chiang's army, Sun
Tzu's The Art of War was considered a classic but out of date (Shafritz and Borick 2011). A few
years later Chiang fell to Sun Tzu's tactics–employed at the hands of Mao [the leader of the Chinese
Communists]" (Shafritz and Borick 2011).
Sun Tzu has never been more important than today (Shafritz and Borick 2011). In fact, any
reasonable person would agree that he is greater today as far as the impact of his thoughts than he
ever was, when he was alive (Shafritz and Borick 2011).
Sometime in the past Sun Tzu was a general without an armed force; he required a vocation
(Shafritz and Borick 2011). As per Samuel B. Griffith 's true to life record of Sun Tzu in Griffith 's
interpretation of The Art of War (1963), this book earned Sun Tzu a job meeting with the King of
Wu in focal China (Shafritz and Borick 2011).
The ruler, considering how to focus Sun Tzu 's legitimacy as a general, inquired as to whether he
could "conduct a minor experiment in the control of the movement of troops.... And can you conduct
this test using women?" (Shafritz and Borick 2011). After Sun Tzu consented to the work test, the
ruler sent for 180 courtesans (Shafritz and Borick 2011).
Sun Tzu composed this gathering of ladies into
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Ecological Systems Theory
Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory is made up of several systems that begin in one's
childhood and expand to bigger and better things through experience with adulthood. The first
systems, being the micro and mesosystems, that play a psychological role in our lives that help us
control relationships. "The microsystem consists of the people or groups that an individual has direct
contact with. The mesosystem is created by the interactions between an individual's microsystems"
(Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 1993). The micro and mesosystems work hand–in–hand to keep the key
people and relationships in each individual's life interacting to produce a stable environment. There
are many key relationships that play a role in my life. The key relationships ... Show more content
on ...
Benedict's Rule, there are many that I think could affect the relationships in my micro and
mesosystems. There are two that stand out to me and also back–up the example that I provided
regarding my work life and how my emotional intelligence has helped me maintain a healthy
relationship between my customers and coworkers. "(22) Not to give way to anger," and "Not to
curse them that curse us, but rather to bless them," are rules that I can apply to those relationships at
work in particular, in keeping control of my emotions. I often remind myself to be the bigger person,
or to brush it off and see the positives over the negatives when I am in a difficult situation. Applying
many of St. Benedict's Rules to my relationships, and using my own techniques to balance my
emotions, ensure that a positive environment can be created for myself and others around
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163© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021R. P. Dealey, M. R.
163© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021R. P. Dealey, M. R. 163© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021R. P. Dealey, M. R.
163© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021R. P. Dealey, M. R.
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163© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021R. P. Dealey, M. R. 163© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021R. P. Dealey, M. R.
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Family Systems Theory

  • 1. Family Systems Theory 1. Discuss several ways in which family systems theory can help clients understand their behavior. The Family systems theory helps the therapist and the client to understand any strengths and weaknesses of the client by investigating the family dynamics, rules and roles. Families helps to shape and form our self–identity and how we view ourselves which affect our lives directly. Based on the section on family systems theory, this model can help clients understand their behavior in many ways. Firstly, the communication patterns or interactions between the parent and child can directly affect how the client communicates or responds to current relationships. For example, if a child grew up in an environment where their parent tries to speak ... Show more content on ... Likewise, the focus within this dimension is aimed towards what is said and the content during the dialogue. In contrast, process content focuses on how things are said between the therapist and the client as it represent an interpersonal relationship. These process interactions aid in the deeper understanding of communication and explores the complexity of such interpersonal interactions. The focus is on these interactions and how they can convey hidden feelings and emotions that the client might be experiencing. In this dimension, the therapist will focus on current interactions which can reveal what is going on between the therapist and their client. As the content dimension is the traditional way of therapy, the process dimension is a little more challenging to accomplish successfully. The therapist would have to get used to this type of dimension because, if not done correctly, it can come across as rude, insensitive or even impetuous. Furthermore, the process dimension can change how well the client respond to treatment in comparison to just focusing on the content dimension of the therapeutic relationship. In addition, the therapist may be able to resolve misunderstandings or inaccurate perceptions that may occur during the session which can mend and strengthen the therapeutic ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Theoretical Paradigms Of Structural Family Systems Theory The major theoretical paradigm that informs structural family therapy is based on systems theory. "The word system is rooted in Latin and Greek words that mean "to place together" so a system can be thought of as an entity made out of other entities that are placed together (Rosenblatt, 1994, pg. 49)." In systems theory there are many elements, assumptions, definitions to address the different dynamics within a system. According to Rosenblatt (1994) systems theory provides insight into how systems (families) are formed and highlights the patterns that surface within the system. Systems theory places emphasis on the entire system (entire family), rather than focusing on the different parts (individuals) of the system (Rosenblatt, 1994). ... Show more content on ... According to Vetere (2001) structure is defined by any given point in time where families organize themselves based on overt/covert rules that impact the behaviors and choices of the family. Systems theory discusses the different levels in a system and how one level influences another and so this same assumptions can be observed in structural model (Rosenblatt, 1994). In structural model the family is looked at as being embedded within wider social systems which serve as transactional patterns (Navarre, 1998). Each family member can be characterized in more than one subsystem for a permanent or short period of time. The roles of each member will be defined based on the subsystem they are in. Family members are categorized by different subsystems, which can consist of parental, couple, parent–child, grandparent, male/female, power, hobby and interest (Minuchin, 1974). Hence, based on the relationship of a subsystem families can form coalitions, enmeshment and disengagement. According to Minuchin (1974) problems that children face are frequently due to the boundaries between them and the parental ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Systems Theory SYSTEMS THEORY Summary RSP 1 SYSTEMS THEORY Three Distinct but Closely Interrelated Theoretical Legacies  Information theory: focuses on the reduction of uncertainty which is achieved by the acquisition of information .  Cybernetics: a science of communication concerned with the transmission and control of information; it examines the communication and manipulation of information in various systems .  General Systems Theory (GST): interested in systems in general; family systems theory is an extension of this branch . Definitions and Terms  Three Uses/Definitions:  General Systems Theory (GST) is used to explain the behavior of a variety of complex, organized systems.  GST is also a process of theory construction which ... Show more content on ...  Morphostatic feedback: refers to feedback which promotes maintenance of existing structure.  Positive: feedback used to promote change. 3  These types of feedback are also referred to as deviation–amplifying loops or variety loops.  Morphogenic feedback: refers to feedback which produces change in the system.
  • 6. Examples of Research Emerging from General Systems Theory  Marital and Family Interaction  Hess and Handel (1959): integrated GST and symbolic interactionism to examine the family as a system that socially constructs it's reality. They suggested that there are five essential processes of family interaction.  Comparison of family interaction patterns between "normal" and "schizophrenic" families (Mishler & Waxler, 1968).  Family Dysfunction: individual patterns of dysfunction are attributed to family interaction patterns.  Alcoholism: Steinglass and Wolin have integrated a family development and systems approach, suggesting that alcoholism influences families in stages which accounts for patterns of alcoholism in families.  Family violence: systemic explanations are controversial. This research suggests that the failure to leave an abusive situation is a form of positive feedback. Examples of Research (cont.)  Marital and Family Taxonomies  Olson's Circumplex model  Three dimensions create sixteen relationship types; the three dimensions are  Cohesion  Adaptability  Communication  ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Systems Theory Of Human Service Organizations Human service organizations are there to meet the needs of people and help to prevent and solve problems whilst improving or maintaining the quality of life of people. Human service organizations have a modus of operation so as to deliver its services to the intended recipients. This modus emanates from the systems theory which was introduced by biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1940s, and gained importance in the 1960s which permits analysis of the complex nature of human interactions within a social environment. The systems theory is a way of elaborating increasingly complex systems across a continuum that encompasses the person–in–environment (Anderson, Carter, & Lowe, 1999). The systems theory has three social level systems which ... Show more content on ... The closed system model relies on the internal processes of an organization and depends primarily on the employees' commitment to work and the way managers delegate and supervise employees. The external environment does not influence any decisions in the organization this promotes homeostatic balance and efficiency. The open system model, organizations are influenced by the external environment (technology advancement, political decisions, culture and demographics of the community) and rely heavily on constant communication between the organization and external environment to create services for clients. There is more than one way of obtaining the same result which is known as equifinality. Bureaucracy is a system that is used by human service organizations as a way to create the structure of an organization to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of management and delivery of services. Bureaucracy is a classical theory that was developed by Max Weber, and focuses on what the managers and employees do to achieve positive results by the use of five principles. However the system of bureaucracy affects the application of social service delivery to clients or recipients of intended services because social services require timely responsiveness to various ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. World Systems Theory in Archaeology Essay These papers deal with the world systems theory of Wallerstien's article as well as the other specialists' criticisms on it. They bring up basically three main ideas, which first off, include the significant role of the periphery in the core– periphery relationship. Secondly, the need to focus on internal and local affects on interrelations between different polities instead of concentrating on the external and generalized role of interaction. Lastly, they demand a model that is diversified enough to allow for analyzation of various levels of interaction between different groups. In Halls article, he points out that this theory has a few weaknesses, such as its basis is on only one situation of modern times, which does not always ... Show more content on ... Thus the first step in achieving a paradigm, he states Chase Dunn's suggestion that the empirical denominations of the world system theory's assumptions must be developed. Hall emphasizes other points that should be incorporated in a new methodology, which are not already present to the world systems theory by Wallenstein. One aspect is that each of system's units works in relation to the whole system; they do not develop on their own. Another is that each system is a world within itself; that its internal factors are just as important in its progress as the external factors affecting it. Other points that must be realized to achieve better understanding of past political social interaction, is to learn the positive aspects of expansion and incorporation and the role of peripheral and semi peripheral states, as well as the ramifications of incorporation on the system. He includes some various world systems theories as examples in order to emphasize the different the facets that they can take such as being based on war, technological innovation, geopolitics etc. The incorporation of diverse models that concentrate on certain facets of the system into what he calls the "iteration model", will ultimately lead to a better understanding of social evolution. At the same time, Hall realizes the importance of the core periphery in the study of social evolution. Contrary to the world systems model is ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Family System Theory Research The family system theory is a micro level theory that views the family as a working unit that achieves goals, makes important decisions, and works out problems together. One of the purposes of this theory is to investigate how individuals interact with their family members. Maintaining equilibrium in a family is one of the most important parts of the family system theory. It states that family members will alter themselves to adapt to difficult situations that are causing the equilibrium to break apart (Benokraitis 40). My family consists of my two parents, me, and my three younger sisters. Sometimes our personalities clash, especially between my parents and my second youngest sibling. My sibling is stubborn and instigates fights which, in turn, causes my parents frustration and anger. Using the family system theory, I can understand why my parents must change their approach to all their daughters. However, my parents fight frequently around my siblings and I. Hearing them fight all the time has made communicating throughout the family difficult because on top of the fighting they verbally put us down. Having that stress around our family changes how we approach one another. When my parents fight, most of the time it is to gain back equilibrium like the family system theory says. ... Show more content on ... Two research questions to consider are: When do parents start verbally putting down their children and does it cause the child to grow up into a bad mental state. With the research questions set, the type of research technique I would use would be a clinical research model. Even though clinical research is expensive, it can give a detailed study of a person who has been verbally put down. The researchers would also work with the families and individuals with a one on one basis, providing a unique look into different situations (Benokraitis ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Family Systems Theory Paper Human Behavior and the Social Environment The theory that will be used in this case is the Family Systems Theory. The family systems theory was originated by Murray Bowen. Bowen researched how the family system affects the individual and family functioning across the life–span. According to Bowen, individual functioning shapes family systems and can create pathology within the individual (Haefner, 2014, p. 835). The family systems theory maintains that boundaries, roles, communication, and family structure have a major impact on how the family functions (Haefner, 2014, p. 835) . According to the family systems theory "individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as part of their ... Show more content on ... Her father was on drugs and left home when Cynthia was only 2 years old. Cynthia currently has a strained relationship with her mother. Cynthia has lived a riotous life since her teenage years. She has had several boyfriends, which resulted in her having four children under the age of 8. As a result of a recent theft felony charge she obtained for being an accomplice with her boyfriend; the court has granted Cynthia's mother temporary custody of her two older children. The two older children were said to have been left home alone while Cynthia "ran errands" for money and food. Cynthia did not have a good father figure throughout her childhood; the client grew up without the most natural triangle, the father, mother and child or the "two–helping–one" triangle (Haefner, 2014, p. 835). After the client Cynthia's father left, the mother had to take on both parent responsibilities. Cynthia began seeking male attention through sex at an early age. The second concept addresses the client's dependency on others for acceptance and approval. The client is seeking her father's attention in the advances of male counterparts. Cynthia is searching for acceptance and approval in an unhealthy way. The third concept of family systems theory is the nuclear family emotional system (patterns inside the relationship that depict where family issues originate from in the family (Haefner, 2014, p. 835). The client's emotional state obviously diminished as a result of the violence, drug abuse and eventual abandonment by her father. The next basic concept of the Family Systems Theory, is the family projection process, it is easily seen that the client has learned a behavior of violence, drinking and abandonment from her father (Haefner, 2014, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Social Constructionist Theory Of System Theory Understanding Systems, Social Constructionist and Conflict Theories Alexi D. Fanopoulos Northwest Nazarene University Entering the field of social work has opened my mind to different concepts and theories. In this paper, I will explain my understanding of the systems theory, social constructionist perspective, as well as conflict theory. I will also compare and contrast the social constructionist perspective (SCP) and the conflict theory against the system theory. Systems Theory I have enjoyed learning about the origin of different theories, the evolution over time, and how we incorporate them into present day. In America during the 1960's, social workers were drawn to the concepts outlined in systems perspective theory and general systems theory. Through the 1960's and 1970's, these two theories were widely considered the dominant theoretical perspective (Hutchison, E. D. (2017) outlining the framework to the field of social work. To help further understand the functions of these perspectives, projects were completed by experts in the field of social work. These ideas were accepted, and overtime social workers would reference material originated from articles and research projects. For example; Austrian biologist, Karl Luwig von Bertalanffy is considered one of the founders of general systems theory (GST) (Wikipedia)(2017). Luwing conducted different research projects to prove its efficacy. Before we delve into system's theory, let's first ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Discussing Theories And Types Of Systems Discussing theories and types of systems was a process of looking at situation from a distanced and unrelated point of view. Some concepts were easier to understand because I had previously experienced them or realized my part in a specific system. The first part of the course brought up a lot of questions about the application and ways in which these processes occurred. This approach led to many discussions and ideas about why specific situations were classified as they were within the dynamic systems. Throughout these last sessions, it was evident that many of these theories and concepts could be applied, and visually placed on maps. However, it was represent our ideas visually through mapping that was a hard process in these experiential sessions. This became our complicated system through the project. As we looked retrospectively through our progress in each session, we changed words and arranged ideas as we felt would make sense, and would help us represent our intentions more thoroughly. This was also a moving system that led us to different ways of thinking and understanding others' worldview thus increasing our complexity. My group chose an idea fairly fast. Our self–organization was very goal directed, as we understood the task and objective of our project. We divided our ideas into two groups, a local issue and an international issue. This was our way to simplify our task. Our local suggestions were between Uber and AirBnB, and our international suggestion was ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Systems Theory 1. Systems theory and the Ecological perspective As a social worker, one must understand the impact of systems in the environment. The interactions between the individual and their multiple systems give social workers a visual of how to interpret their consumer 's life. System theories is one way to try to interpret a consumer 's life to have somewhat of a general idea of how to help solve the problems they are facing. The easiest way to view system theories are by creating ecomaps. These maps give you a visual written in black and white to see the different systems that the individual interacts with. To understand this concept in the field, a social worker, must know what a system even is. "A ... Show more content on ... I of course have stressful situations and recieve negative input or output, but who doesnt? Feedback is extremely important for systems and is a type of input. A system can have either positive feedback (a system recieving info that what they are doing is correct) or negative feedback (influences the individual to make a change because it interupts homeostasis). Throughout most of my ecomap, I mostly have positive feedback but also have a few negative feedbacks. Systems tend to move from a simple form to a more complex form. This is known
  • 21. as differentiation. Life brings in new experiences, relationships, and situations everyday, so each day your life becomes more complex. One day, a subsystem can have a positive energy flow and then the very next a negative. It can change by a drop of a hat. "Entropy is the tendency of a system to progress toward disorganization, depletion, and death." (Zastrow, Kirst–Ashman p. 6) The saying "nothing lasts forever" could not be truer. People age over time and eventually will die. You as an individual are constantly aging and will perhaps leave your parents ' house and start your own family. With time your children will do the same, and so on and so forth. Equifinality is a very important concept to understand as well. This simply means that everyone in the world or in your systems always have an alternative path to ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Projects and Systems Theory Essay Projects and Systems theory "The most pervasive intellectual tradition to project management is without doubt the systems approach" Table of contents PART I – THEORY 3 1. Systems theory 3 1.1. Systems definition 3 1.2. The characteristics of systems theory 3 1.3. The manifestations of systems theory 3 1.4. Systems theory principles 4 2. Systems approach to project management 4 2.1. The key terms 4 2.2. System approach to project management 5 PART II – PRACTICAL APPLICATION 6 1. Project systems description 6 1.1. Project systems description 6 1.2. Time management system 7 1.3. Cost management system 7 2. The interdependences among the project systems 8 2.1. The interdependences among ... Show more content on ... All systems also have inputs, processor, outputs and management (Hamilton 1997). Input is something put into a system to achieve the results, such as human resources, material, money (Hamilton 1997). Output is the result which is produced by a system from a specific input (intended and unintended) (Hamilton 1997). For instance, an electrical utility takes on input from the environment in form of raw material, such as coal, oil, water power; and provides output in form of electricity (Yuvienco 2008). The transformation to convert a system's inputs to the outputs is called "process". People influence the conversion process through management with standards, feedback and initiator or functions for planning, organizing, directing and controlling (Hamilton 1997) 3.6.2. Sub–system Sub–system is the part of system, is the group of elements and provides a picture of the structure of the system (Hamilton 1997). Each sub–system affects the other sub–system and the system as a whole (Vyas 2010). 3.6.3. Boundary A boundary could be thought of as an imaginary line which determines what is inside and what is outside of a system (Tamas 1987), and which components should be treated as the parts of system (Hamilton 1997). 3.6.4. Feedback Feedback is the reaction of the environment to the output (Vyas 2010). The information ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay about Systems Theory Systems approach is based on the fundamental principle that all aspects of a human problem should be treated together in a rational manner (Healy, 2005). I have divided this essay into relevant sections that cover an overview of systems ideas, general systems theory and ecological systems theory. This assignment will also include Germain and Gittermans life model, and it will be related back to the case study that has been provided. Limitations of systems theory will also be discussed. Systems ideas is referring to three different types of systems, each created in a different era; general systems theory, ecosystem perspectives and complex systems theory (Healy, 2005). Systems Ideas in social work originated with general systems theory ... Show more content on ... Healy stated "the original proponents of general systems theory used biological terminology to explain client needs, situations and the purpose of social work practice" (2005). The term that is applied for systems theory is for all systems in general. All systems have boundaries within which both physical and mental energy is exchanged. There are two types of systems that this applies to. Closed systems have no interchange across the boundaries whereas open systems have permeable boundaries or guidelines but there is also some room for movement, within reason. With the second wave of systems theory came about the idea of the ecological perspective, named ecological systems theory. It is the combining of general systems theory with an ecological approach. Ecological systems theory uses ideas that link together four different social systems that surround an individual; these systems are known as, micro–systems, meso–systems, exo–systems and macro–systems (Healy, 2005). The ecological model is used as a tool. These systems are very structured and use certain processes as guideline. Different processing concepts are used in systems theory. These concepts explain how the system works. Input is the energy being fed into the system across boundaries. Throughput is how the energy is used within the system and output is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Bowen Family Systems Theory Summary Bowen's Family Systems Theory Bowen's Family Systems Theory Overview This adaptation of systems theory was coined by Dr. Murray Bowen and is referred to as Bowen's Family Systems Theory. According to Murdock (2013), this particular adaptation of systems theory is considered one of the most reputable and well constructed compared to that of its counterparts. The author states that family systems theories can be utilized with individuals as well as with specific relationships within the family unit, however the majority of therapy is done with individual clients utilizing the context of the family unit. According to Murdock (2013), it is the family system therapist's belief that the client can best be understood through the ... Show more content on ... K. Guerin and P.J. Guerin claimed that, an individual with a strong sense of self is "clear about where they end and where the others begin. They are able to distinguish thought from feeling, and their behavior is guided by their own principles and cognitions rather than emotional factors (as cited in Murdock, 2013, p. 442). An individual who is highly differentiated is emotionally autonomous and is able to engage in a healthy, intimate relationship while preserving the secure sense of self. Alternatively, a person who is exhibiting signs such as reactivity, rigidity and responses based on emotion rather than cognition, are thought to be low on the spectrum of differentiation and are likely to endure acute anxiety (Murdock, 2013, p. 443). According to Murdock (2013), when an individuals emotions and thoughts are enmeshed and this lack of differentiation causes mal adaptive behaviors, the individual is considered to have a fused sense of self. A fused individual can also be identified as a low–differentiated individual. According to Murdock (2013), Bowen believes that sibling position and birth order within a family system's present and past three generations is imperative to analyze in order to recognize patterns of differentiation and fusion within a family's system. Additionally, the author states that Bowen believes that triangulation is, "the basic ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Using A Systems Theory Model Open Systems A system interdependent on groups of people or items working together to complete a specific goal is known as an open system (Cordan, 2013). Healthcare organizations are usually designed around systems that interact with outside environments, indicating that they are open systems (Cordan, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to use a systems theory model to examine a workflow problem within an open system unit, in one organization, and design a solution to the workflow issue. Systems Theory Description Cardiac and Vascular holding unit is an eight–bed unit open system unit in that this unit regularly exchanges feedback with the outside environment. The unit staff is responsible for providing care to patients receiving invasive patient both inpatients and outpatients vascular or cardiac procedures. Myers and O'Brien–Pallas, 2010, contend that an open system, Nursing Services Delivery Theory (NSDT), certain concepts: input, output, throughput combine to influence work demands achieve goals and complete daily workflow task Input In the CAV input is derived from: patients, staff, materials outside data sources, and funding. Input is essentially the flow of energy exchange from outside sources that renews or sustains the system (Meyer, & O'Brien–Pallas, 2010). For this particular unit input can also be impacted by the particular insurance standard indicting the medical necessity of certain procedures. When energies are transformed within the system it then indicates ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Systems Theory Application And System Theory Systems Theory Application Organizations can be thought of as a system. Systems are defined as a collection of independent components which are interrelated and work together to accomplish goals. A system can be an organization as a whole, departments within the organization, and groups within the organization or processes (Hayajneh, 2007). Systems can be either an open system or a closed system. An open system has characteristics of interacting with the environment (Encyclopedia of Management, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to give a description of a department within a known health care organization using system theory terminology. The Nursing Services Delivery Theory (NSDT) will be the theory of focus for this paper. A description of a problem within a specific department will be identified using an open–system approach. Using the NSDT model, the problem's positioning within the model will be explained. An explanation of how the problem will be addressed along with the desired outcome and goals that will facilitate the outcome. New procedures will be identified and how the proposed resolution will follow the organization's mission and values, improving the culture and climate of the department. Department Description The department of focus is the Emergency Department (ED) in a Ministry Health System Hospital located in Wisconsin. The ED is an open system as it continually interacts with the environment. In a contemporary healthcare system, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Family Systems Theory Analysis The family systems theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). There are five key concepts when talking about family systems. The first, wholeness which is, the family is more than the sum of its individual parts, more than a collection of individuals (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). As family members interact they create a uniqueness that is far more than just the sum of each individual member. For example, the birth of a child does not just increase the size of the family, but changes the family system, creating a new entity as relationship ... Show more content on ... Family structure refers to; who is included and excluded from the family; who is in charge of each home, and whose needs and behaviors cause the main decisions in calm and troubled times; relationship bonds and boundaries, or lack of them; the roles and rules that govern how members need(s) get met or do not; family member alliances and antagonisms, and communication blocks in and between people and homes (Gerlach, 2015). For example, a family structure could include a father, mother, and two children. The father is the breadwinner while the mother stays at home. The children play their role by attending school, and doing certain chores around the home. The mother has a role to take care of the children and keep the house in order. The father's role is to bring the money home, and discipline the children when needed. The fourth concept is adaptability "It is the consequence of the family's meeting the collective needs of its members and responding effectively to the demands placed on it by external forces. Thus, it is the product of both internal and external adjustment strategies through which the family achieves a level of fit between its needs and relational resources and the demands placed on it by its environment" (Heath & Orthner, 1999). A coping mechanism is an example for adaptation and a positive coping mechanism is as follows; coping with the illness or injury through directly addressing its impact on the family. This may mean adding wheelchair ramps to the home, for example, to directly deal with a physical condition, or accompanying a family member to the hospital for substance abuse treatment (Grunert, 2015). The last key concept is family themes. Family themes are those elements of the family experience that become organizing principles for family life. They include both conscious and unconscious elements as well as intellectual (attitudes, beliefs, values) and emotional aspects. The family's themes become the threads ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Systems Theory In Social Work One last theory which has impacted my clinical social work practice is systems theory which seeks to understand how interrelated and interdependent parts work together to make up a whole system (Langer, Lietz, & Ebooks, 2015). For clients in court–mandated treatment, multiple systems interact together to inform and affect treatment outcomes. Probation, parole, the department of corrections, the court system, the halfway house, the client's income status, housing arrangements, and family systems are just a few of the systems which can be present for court–mandated clients. With intersecting mental health, substance use, and oftentimes trauma; all of these systems are interdependent and intrinsically linked and thus it is important as a clinician to understand that the client may be heavily affected by one system which can impact their overall treatment. Another aspect of systems theory applies to mezzo level interactions between myself, my organization, and other organizations which are interrelated with my organizations. My concentration internship is for a non–profit organization providing mental health and ... Show more content on ... The theories I have highlighted in this essay show the client–centered aspects of my social work practice. From a person–centered perspective, I seek to remain client–centered, creating a therapeutic alliance where I have unconditional positive regard for my clients while providing a congruent experience through accurate empathic understanding of my client's concerns. Remaining client–centered is further accentuated through attachment theory where I seek to understand how the client's interactions with myself and others has been impacted by their relationship with their parental figures. Similarly, using systems theory helps me to understand my client where they are, in their life, by understanding how the systems exist and relate to one ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. General Systems Theory: Schizophrenia This assignment uses the case study set out in Appendix A as its foundation. The case study presents a 38 year–old man, Robert, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22. Robert and his parents are participating in a family therapy session. The essay explores the challenges and opportunities Robert faces in the context of the family, from a general systems theory (GST) perspective. The scope of this assignment gives room to focus on a limited number of GST concepts. It focuses on Von Bertalanffy's concepts of the active system, boundaries and differentiation. Each of the concepts is explored in terms of the challenges and opportunities that they bring to the patient and to the family system. 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The multidisciplinary theory of general systems was developed by biologist Von Bertalanffy in a response to his frustration with the conventional thinking of the time, namely that growth and ... Show more content on ... The system is composed of a core triad (Robert, his mother and his father), and a related system (the brother and his family). It involves the relationship between Robert and each of his parents individually, as well as Robert and the mother–father subsystem. Because Robert's brother does not live nearby, his family operates as a separate, yet connected, system which only infrequently interacts with the core triad. This infrequent contact disrupts the equilibrium that has been established within the core triad. This increases levels of tension within the system. The family therapist's goal is to increase the functionality of the dysfunctional family system. Simply put, the desired outcome is for a more functional family system by reducing the systems tension. The family therapy approach therefore aims to change the patterns of behaviour fostered by the family that have repeatedly negative outcomes. This represents the challenge as well as the opportunity faced not only by the therapist, but also by Robert and his ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. system theory One of the biggest breakthroughs in how we understand and guide change in organizations is systems theory and systems thinking. There are two main definitions of a system, an implicit and an explicit phrase, with the explicit phrase being used in system thinking by organizations. The definition refers to a system as being a collection of highly integrated parts or subsystems that attain a specific goal, through inputs that are processed into precise outputs. And thus if a part of this highly–linked system is changed, the overall system is also changed. This is what 's meant by a system being systemic, i.e. relating and affecting the system as a whole. System & complexity: Systems range from simple to complex. There are ... Show more content on ... the philosophies of Bunge, Bahm and Laszlo); mathematical modelling and information theory (e.g. the work of Mesarovic and Klir); and practical applications. Mathematical systems theory arose from the development of isomorphism between the models of electrical circuits and other systems. Applications include engineering, computing, ecology, management, and family psychotherapy. Systems analysis, developed independently of systems theory, applies systems principles to aid a decision–maker with problems of identifying, reconstructing, optimizing, and controlling a system (usually a socio–technical organization), while taking into account multiple objectives, constraints and resources. It aims to specify possible courses of action, together with their risks, costs and benefits. Systems theory is closely connected to cybernetics, and also to system dynamics, which models changes in a network of coupled variables Depending upon the problem situation, the system needs to be conceptualized using either the mechanistic, organismic, cultural or political metaphors (Flood and Jackson, 1991) or a combination of these. Thus, a theory of physical systems can help us in developing a mechanistic view of the systems to begin with, which can then be developed further by using other approaches along with the physical system theory. According to Etizioni (1968), a physical system theory is easy to understand. The world is usually seen as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Systems Theory And System Theory Systems theory sees the system as a set of related components that work together in a particular environment to perform specific functions that are required of them to achieve the system's objective (Walker, 2012). Most people are part of a variety of systems and subsystems. For example, a family is seen as a system in itself but each member of the family may have different subsystems, such as their peers, education, job, recreational activities, etc. and all of these subsystems play a role in the functioning of the system being examined. Applied theorists of systems theory see the system as goal–seeking and when they discuss a problem within the system, it doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong but rather that the situation needs to be better understood and a solution to be found and implemented for the system to continue operating smoothly (2012). The social worker has decided to utilize systems theory approach when working with the Brown family. The social worker finds it extremely important to look at this family as a system of individual working together and believes that the family as a whole cannot be completely understood without looking at how the individuals work together and getting a grasp on their dynamic. Each member of the family has designated roles and are expected to respond to each other in certain ways. The changes in these roles may cause dysfunction in the family system. In order to determine the roles played by different individuals in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Family Systems Theory Essay Theory Family systems theory is useful when working with families who are impacted by an ASD diagnosis. The family systems theory focuses on the shift of an individual perspective to a family systems perspective. Family is the most important support system for a child. Family is looked at as a unit, therefore by using the family systems theory the professionals are able to identify the family's influences on the individual. The family system impacts a child's development as family members affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of one another (Paylo, 2011). Discussion The goal of this review was to examine ASD and how it has impacted families. The literature was consistent in its findings, which stated that, Autism is a complex disorder that is diagnosed in childhood and has a wide range of symptoms. Many of the studies showed that children with ASD have the same symptoms such as hyperactivity, anxiety and self–injurious or aggressive behavior. The initial autism diagnosis leaves parents and siblings confused and they may have a hard time accepting that the child/sibling they were anticipating is not the child/sibling they expected. This transformation in their family can impact the relationship in the family, as feelings of fear and worry overwhelm the family system. ASD impacts parents and siblings as it changes the dynamics of the family. It is significant for families to find coping mechanisms that work for them as they ... Show more content on ... Another limitation was to find out the effect of ASD on fathers. Finally the last limitation in this research was in reference to detailing the ethnicity of the participants. Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) indicated that ethnicity plays a role in the autism diagnosis. ASD is more prevalent in non–Hispanic white children than it is in non–Hispanic black children and Hispanic children (Rice & CDC, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. System Theory And System Model Systems Theory in Nursing Ashkan Bastani Walden University NURS – 6053N–12: Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership 01, 30, 2015 System Theory in Nursing System theory and system models provide extensive holistic and system–based approach to nursing that consists of an element of flexibility and interdisciplinary study of the system Nursing–, 2015). The theory's primary concern is on patient's response to potential or actual environmental pressures.Also, how by performing primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing prevention interventions, able to retain, and maintain our nurses towards patient system wellness goals.The purpose of this paper is to review and argue leadership practice through nursing system theory, and its relationship with nursing retention, features of the job environment, at hemodialysis facilities and strategies to retain nurses. Retention of Nurses through Nursing System Theory According to a system theory, whatever is placed into a system, from the environment is called input, and the result or byproduct that is obtained is known as output. In this system, the changes that happen through the system that modifies input is known as throughput (Hayajneh, 2014). Each and every nursing system is a unique factor and its characteristics in a range of responses enclosed in a basic structure. There also exists many known, unknown to common stressors with potential of upsetting the patients as well as nurses ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. General Systems Theory : General System Theory ASSESSMENT 2 TASK 1: Sr. COMPLEXITY REDUCTIONISM GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY 1 Definition When, in a system, multiple activities interact cohesively with each other in multiple ways, complexity takes shape. Reductionism refers to breaking down complex systems into simple components and understanding complex theories by simple principles. General system theory focuses on the interaction or the relationships between components that contribute to the system as a whole. 2 Context Complexity deals with multiple systems, various elements, under numerous conditions arising from different relationships. They're difficult to understand & identify. Reductionist approach involves reducing components to simple variables and understanding them by considering only certain aspects that affect the system. The system is characterized by the relationships of its components and the non–linearity that exists between these components. 3 Application –Personal Relationships –Government Org. – Studying human behavior through genes –Aircrafts –Computing 4 Advantages –More Accountability –Better Functioning – Independence – Increase in Value – Easy to understand –Simple to test – Less variables –Accurate explanations – Better explanation –Complete understanding –More Realistic 5 Disadvantages – High degree of Control – Systems don't always co–operate – Over Simplistic – Detract us from studying the systems as a whole – Less scientific –Subjective –Hypothetical It is ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Design Theory And The General Systems Theory Introduction The uses of conceptual models are essential to help guide the nursing process. There are many different types of conceptual models and among these models there is the Roy Adaption model that was created by Sister Callista Roy. According to McEwen, "like many models/theories in this unit, it is a deductive theory based on nursing practice" (p. 177, 2014). Throughout this paper, we will be explaining, discussing and analyzing this specific model by the use of a clinical situation. Presentation of the conceptual model The Roy adaption model was influenced by Helson's Adaption Theory and the General Systems Theory, which was developed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1968 (Pepin, Kerouac & Ducharme, 2010). Each and every theory has a basic philosophy as to where it stems from and the Roy model stems from the concepts of humanism and veritivity. The principle of humanism describes that every individual's human experiences affects their knowledge and values in the world. The principal of veritivity was created by Roy and is defined as, "a principal of human nature that affirms a common purposefulness of human existence" (Roy & Andrews, 2008, p. 27). Roy has four basic components of adaption. The first component is physiological and as for the other three, they are considered psychosocial. Each component can be evaluated as being either adaptive, which is considered positive, or ineffective, which is considered negative (Roy & Andrews, 2008). To decide whether a ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Systems Theory : A Business Analysis Essay Systems Theory: A Business Analysis of Lululemon Athletica Inc. Introduction: This business analysis will define the various problems related to the manufacture of the Luon Pants made by Lululemon Atheltica Inc. The Luon product was pulled because of a higher ration of sheerness, which made the pants. Lululemon Inc. has also been negligent with handling customer service at local retail outlets. A More so, the corporate leadership at Lululemon Inc. has been negligent in acknowledging heavier weight consumers that are not part of the "physically fit" demographic. A systems analysis of these various parts of the Lululemon corporation that need to be resolved to return the company to higher performance quality in pant materials, corporate leadership, and customer service. Background: Lululemon Inc. has a strong history of making quality fitness clothing for yoga and other athletic purposes by the founder of the company. Dennis "Chip" Wilson in 1998. After becoming "overwhelmed" by the company's success in Vancouver, Wilson transferred management of the company to trained managers (Nicholes, 2016, p.6). During this time, Corporate CEO Christine Day's leadership was put into question due to the low level quality of material used to make the Luon Pants, which had a "see–through problem" due to the extreme sheerness of the pant material. More so, in 2013, corporate leadership had a lawsuit brought against the company directors, including Christine Day, of massively raising the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Family Systems Theory Vs Family System Theory I think that the Family System Theory and the Ecological System Theory are two important basic beliefs about children, families, and family involvement. The system in the family system theory is a system of people connected together and if one part isn't working things fall apart. The elements that make up The Family System Theory are structures, rules, and boundaries. Structures have to deal with behavioral patterns that are repeated made by the family. Rules are used to agree and deal with situations. Each family has certain rules that are self–regulating and work for certain families. Boundaries are special rules that govern the interactions between subsystems in the family. It helps families function well. In order to understand a student, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Conflict Systems Theory UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY GROUP MEMBERS REGISTRATION NUMBER KIARIE NJUGUNA C01/44463/2012 SOSPETER NJUE MUNYI C01/44968/2012 JACINTA WAMBUI NDEGWA PAMELAASIGI ABDINASIR ROBLE SARAH MUTHONI NDUNGU FLORENCE CHEPNGETICH C01/44645/2012 KIMATHI MUNYAMBU C01/45623/2012 BENSON MAINA VICORIA NDINDA 2013 CONFLICT SYSTEM THEORY What is Conflict? Conflicts are generally defined as relational disputes between two or more parties, in which those involved perceive a threat to their interests coming from those on the other side of the disagreement. While this can describe a variety of conflict, it does not explain the full range of possibilities with this term. There are ... Show more content on ... We should also consider that when relationships are close and intense, triangles can form and bring in another person to hold the low power position. Triangles can begin to interlock as more and more people become involved and it can lead to destructive behavior (Wilmot and Hocker, 2007). If we consider the new parents from the previous paragraph, the father may confide in his mother which brings in a third party. She may confide in her husband or friend, and that person may confide in another person. Just as people develop individual characteristics, an entire system can also develop its own characteristics (Wilmot and Hocker, 2007). In the systems theory analyses attention should be focused on the relationships instead of the individual characteristics. The conflict and the way the parties act within it can be different depending on the relational type of the individuals involved. A complete assessment of a conflict can help the parties bring in new rules, understand and acknowledge micro–events, and have difficult conversations. Rules used in the context of a conflict means the underlying communication structure of the interaction (Wilmot and Hocker, 2007). Generally no one person makes the rules. If the new parents
  • 56. know each other's backgrounds well, they will know what is and is not acceptable to say during an argument (whether or not they follow ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Systems Theory Paper Week Four: Systems Theory Paper Nisselly Rossell, Keri Welborn, Christie Alston, Kristy Monroe, Jennifer Bourne, Melanie Hines BSHS/312 Models of Helping People Systems Theory Paper "Those who study systems theory tends to view any system as the result of a dynamic interrelationship between its component parts and its whole. They view the parts as mutually determinate with the whole. Social workers utilizing systems theory view societies and social groups as dynamic systems. They are concerned with bettering the conditions of the individuals who make up such systems." (Flamand, 2010) Systems theory is used by many social workers. This theory helps social workers understand how the surroundings of the client's environment ... Show more content on ... Ivan Boszormenyi–Nagy is also a contributor to this therapy (Parrott, III, 2003). This theory is based on helping maintain a positive family structure and to prevent further emotional damage to the children or any other person in the family. There are several things that can be done in order for the help families work through a traumatic experience. When you are counseling a person that has been subjected to a family prone to alcoholism this child tends to show different ways of functioning and you have to take that into consideration as to how to proceed. Family therapy is often encouraged when you are trying to repair a family that has gone through a crisis because this can show them that they can work together as a team to get past the issue. In most other therapies, the counseling session has two individuals present, the counselor and the client. According to (2004–2008), "family systems therapy is based on the idea that individuals are best understood through assessing the entire family" (para. 1). This is where family therapy differs and can be challenging. There may be two family members in therapy, for example, in marriage or couples counseling. However, there may be multiple individuals, for example, a large family who needs family therapy. Either way, the relationship between the counselor and family members will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory The ecological theory of development that was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005), is relevant to state all of our lives. Bronfenbrenner's research demonstrates how our development is affected by the environment in which we live. The model consist of five major systems; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. "Ecological systems theory is an approach to study of human development that consists of the scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation, throughout the life course, between an active, growing human being, and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this process is affected by the relations between these settings, and by the larger ... Show more content on ... She wanted to be able to advance in her current career and in order for advancement; a Master's degree is required. Also by obtaining a Master's degree in Human Behavioral, the student believes it would allow her to better communicate and understand the clientele she works with. The third level is the exosystem; it consists of social structures that directly or indirectly affect a person's life: school, work, mass media, government and various social networks (Crandell, Crandell, & Vander Zanden 2009). For example, if a child's parent, especially a one income family household, gets laid off and is without work that may have negative effects on the child if her parents are unable to pay rent, buy groceries, or provide the necessities. In contrast, if her parent receives a promotion and a raise at work, this may have a positive effect on the child because her parents will be better able to give her physical needs. This may have a positive effect on a child's development and motivate them to work hard and obtain a good job as an adult. Another example within this system would be the relationship between a child's school and home, as the rules are often times different for a child at home and school and being able to keep the two separate can prove challenging for a child. This student related the exosystem to her decision because of the economical recession. With all the rising cost of such things as gas, ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Organizational Systems Theory And The Macro System Organisational Systems Theory The macro system is the most prominent and significant theory. The macro system consists of all the variables in any society. Bronfenbrenner (1979) described the macro system as, "The macro system refers to the consistency observed within a given culture or subculture in the form and content of its constituent micro–, meso–, and exosystems, as well as any belief systems or ideology underlying such consistencies" (p. 258). The macro system consists of the following six super systems, globalisation, government, economy, family, religion and media. These six super systems all influence the daily life of individuals and contribute to the incidence of drug use in Australia. The government needs to try to control the incidence of drug use in society. There needs to be more legislation against the use of drugs and harsher penalties for those caught using drugs. Globalisation has caused changes in the economy, with changes in trade, money and the mixing of cultures. With the changes in the economy it has made it harder for some people to survive, as almost everything has had a dramatic increase in price. This has caused people to turn to dealing drugs to make money and also turn to using drugs to feel less stress and worry. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, an Austrian biologist, was the founder of general systems theory. According to Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter (2008) a system is defined as, " a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. System Thinking And Theories Of Organizations System Thinking and Theories in Organizations The business world is growing and becoming more innovative every day. Leaders have to be ready to keep up with the changes in the global economy. These changes can affect their decision making and enhance the organization 's growth. System thinking and system theories help analyze and understand the relationships between the systems and objects in order to make better decisions. This paper will discuss some aspects of system thinking and system theories as they relate to organizations. In addition to offering a detailed Christian worldview of the topic discussed. System Thinking System thinking is one of the largest breakthroughs in understanding change in an organization. In order to understand how it's used, one must understand the system and how its parts interact or affect each other. System thinking is known as a form of critical thinking. Thinking critically is important in change and in the process of being competitive in the industry. System thinking is a way of solving problem as practices with involves specific problems. This helps to understand the people and situations are used to influence the system. Organizations are made up of people that work together to make the organization successful or unsuccessful. Synergy is an effective systems management and is valuable when dealing with the end product. Systems consist of inputs of people that gather information and put their time and energy into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The General System Theory For Understanding Modern... The shift of research and theory models went through a major shift during the 1960s and 1970s when the "open systems perspective" gained support as an embedded interdependent activities embedded in and dependent on a wider environment. "System theories of organization have two major conceptual themes or components: (1) applications of Ludwig von Bertalanffy's general system theory to organizations and (2) the use of quantitative tools and techniques to understand to understand complex relationships among organizational and environmental variables and thereby to optimize decisions (Shafritz, Ott, & Jang, 2011)." A system is an organized collection of parts interacting and designed to accomplish specific organizational goals or purposes. The general system theory provides an important perspective for understanding modern organizations. The systems theory views of an organization as being complex set of interconnected elements, such as the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback loops, and the environment in which it operates and with which is continuously interacts. System theorists are continuing to study the interconnections using organizational decision processes and information and control systems as their focal points of analysis. The open systems became the more dominate organizational theory during the 1960's that the classical organization theorists rationale was closed system that pursued the goal of economic efficiency. The open system was more complex, dynamic in ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Family and the General Systems Theory The word family can be defined in many ways. When I think of the word family, I think of two or more individuals who are sometimes related by blood or through a strong bond of unconditional love, as well as, a shared experience, values, responsibilities, the law, even related through a community. Different families view themselves in different ways. They have different roles, have certain boundaries or rules, communicate and solve problems in a different way, and can adjust to change differently. I will discuss my own family and how I view my family through the lens of the General Systems theory and apply each central property as it contains to my family and how we communicate. There are six significant properties within the General systems theory, wholeness, interdependence, boundaries and openness, hierarchies and subsystems, calibration and feedback, and lastly there is equifinality. I consider family to be two or more people. Everywhere I go I usually look at the family as a circle instead of seeing them each as an individual person. I look at a family as a circle because they all are bonded in some sort of way. Wholeness could be thought of as a circle, because a circle can be defined as one whole figure. Many times a family view themselves as one whole figure or wholeness. Wholeness is defined as the way the family view themselves. The family unit has a personality that is shaped by the combination of each members (Turner). No one can truly understand a family ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Systems Theory Paper Systems Theory Paper Communication is essential in our society today. There are many different types and methods of communication that people use. Throughout life, people learn to use communication in order to interact in the everyday world. People form groups to place themselves where they think they belong in society. Whether people know they are doing it or not, they consciously or subconsciously place themselves into certain groups. There are many different reasons for people to join different groups, these being for learning, activity, personal growth, and problem solving. Members of groups must all contribute in order to complete a task. People can have both positive and negative effects on groups. There are many concepts that ... Show more content on ... The ripple effect is a strong element that can be a good or bad thing for groups. Another element that is important in groups and systems is dynamic equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium deals with managing stability and change within a group. If a group doesn't manage their equilibrium, than they will be affected negatively. However, if their equilibrium is managed than they won't run into any problems. For example, if there is too much stability in a group than it is not healthy, and if there is too much change in a group than it can be overwhelming and things may get out of hand. There is a certain medium that a system should be at in order to promote growth and success within that group. For example, if a sports team decides to never practice than they will not grow or excel, but if they practice too much than they will be tired for the game and will not perform as well. Dynamic equilibrium is an important element within systems. Finally, an essentially important element within systems is the group size and complexity. The more members that a group has, the more complex problems they are going to have to deal with. Size is a critical element in any human system. For example, even with such a basic group need to schedule meetings, as the size of the group increases, problems increase. The more people that are in a group, the more people that are not going to be able to meet on a certain date. ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. World Systems Theory And The World System Theory World System Theory unrelated former is logical theories which granted customary photographs of collective change with appropriate focal point at the collect level world system theory. World System Theory that there is a universe industrial arrangement in which some homelands gain during the time remains are over worked. World System Theory is like colony philosophy recommends that having it made that each community help from other community's and maneuver those community's civilians. In disagreement to theory on the other hand this classical recollects the fundamental assistance that are appreciated by inferior consequence community's in the world system theory. The theory created with the way a community is combined into the landowner. World System Theory completes how the Industrial proceeds in that comminution .Community's owned the ultimate of the nature and the industrial science and have enormous authority over nature exchange and commercial arrangements. They are also the artistic focal point which appeals to experts and philosophers. Exterior communities typically maintain employment and equipment to the community's The World System Theory importance that the world system theory continues the elemental system of collective reasoning to the world of labor. World System Theory is a remarkably economical advent to the question of productive progress in the tertian universe. It was organize by administration conform in homelands at a ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. System Theory Systems theory: a scientific/philosophical approach and set of concepts, rather than a theory, for the transdisciplinary study of complex phenomena. It was first proposed by the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1940's (anthology: "General Systems Theory", 1968), as a reaction against scientific reductionism*. Rather than reducing a phenomenon (say, the human body) to a collection of elements or parts (say, the organs or cells), systems theory focuses on the relations and interactions between the parts, which connect them into a whole (see holism*). The particular arrangement of ... Show more content on ... This difference in emphasis can be seen in the various branches of Systems Theory and their use of the term "system". General Systems Theory, founded by Ludwig von Bertalanffy [13], was an attempt to revive a view of Unified Science through the study of the attributes and properties common to all real systems, con– ceived of as physical processes and objects. He emphasized in par– ticular that, in contrast to the then prevalent prejudice in physical science, real systems are open to, and exist in complex hierarchical relations with, their environments; and that by continual Evolution, qualitatively new properties can appear through Emergence. This view is related to the evolutionary philosophy of Spencer [11], Berg– son [3], and de Chardin [4], and later systems philosophical work of Laszlo [8], Turchin [12], and Jantsch [6]. Mathematical Systems Theory derives from the modeling view of Systems Theory, which sees a system as a (usually mathematical) model of a bounded area of the universe. This work arose from iso– morphies developed between models of electrical circuit systems and other physical systems, and is exemplified by the mathematical the– ories of Zadeh [15], Ashby [1, 2], Mesarovic [9], Rosen [10], and Klir [7]. This view is related to philosophical Constructivism, which sees ___________________________* PESP, Free ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Transmitting System Theory to Human Resource Management Essay on Transmitting social system theory to human resource management Human resource management can be considered as the most complex field of an organisation. Assuming that this statement is true one could raise the question why human resource management is more diverse than the other fields in an organisation as finance or sales. The answer will be always the same. It is because of the individual, playing a major role within everyday's HR work environment. This essay discusses what impact a less individual concentrated approach would have on human resource management. This does not mean that the importance of the individual will be devalued. The essay reflects on the influences of a systemic point of view on organisations ... Show more content on ... 474; Sciortino, 2006, A comment on Talcott Parsons at Brown University, p. 66). The main focus of this essay shall be set on the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927–1998) who developed an ambitious as well as general theory of society and social systems. This theory understands social systems as recursive networks of communication and observation (Fuchs, 1999, p. 117). Luhmann considers organisations as autopoietically closed systems, which consist of communication or decisions (e.g. decisions, actions). The social system theory for example regards the base of an organisation as not open to the environment, whereas the "rest" of the system depends on the environmental influences. Autopoietically closed means that they reproduce the elements they consist of out of the element they consist of. These systems are also called a self–referential system, which basically means that there are systems, which have the ability to create a relation with itself and differentiate this relationship towards its environment. Self–referential systems are able to differentiate between relations happening inside the system and outside the system, which creates the awareness for the self–referential system to ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Using Systems Theory And The Human Social System Using Systems Theory to Understand How Sun Tzu Predictably Turned Concubines into Soldiers in Ancient China; and How Chaos Theory Explains Why Systems Are Ultimately Unpredictable Even When They Are Otherwise Understood The Facts In each nation and in each locale inside of that nation, people in general policymaking and authoritative systems are diverse (Shafritz and Borick 2011). On the other hand, they are likewise the same in that every policymaking system offer normal components (Shafritz and Borick 2011). The primary of which they are systems (Shafritz and Borick 2011). The most up to date thing about systems intuition is speculating about it as though it were new. Maybe the best depiction of the human social system is that of the ... Show more content on ... As indicated by James Coates and Michael Kilian 's Heavy Losses (1985), in World War II a military assistant of Nationalist General Chiang Kai–shek expressed that "in Chiang's army, Sun Tzu's The Art of War was considered a classic but out of date (Shafritz and Borick 2011). A few years later Chiang fell to Sun Tzu's tactics–employed at the hands of Mao [the leader of the Chinese Communists]" (Shafritz and Borick 2011). Sun Tzu has never been more important than today (Shafritz and Borick 2011). In fact, any reasonable person would agree that he is greater today as far as the impact of his thoughts than he ever was, when he was alive (Shafritz and Borick 2011). Sometime in the past Sun Tzu was a general without an armed force; he required a vocation (Shafritz and Borick 2011). As per Samuel B. Griffith 's true to life record of Sun Tzu in Griffith 's interpretation of The Art of War (1963), this book earned Sun Tzu a job meeting with the King of Wu in focal China (Shafritz and Borick 2011). The ruler, considering how to focus Sun Tzu 's legitimacy as a general, inquired as to whether he could "conduct a minor experiment in the control of the movement of troops.... And can you conduct this test using women?" (Shafritz and Borick 2011). After Sun Tzu consented to the work test, the ruler sent for 180 courtesans (Shafritz and Borick 2011). Sun Tzu composed this gathering of ladies into ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Ecological Systems Theory Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory is made up of several systems that begin in one's childhood and expand to bigger and better things through experience with adulthood. The first systems, being the micro and mesosystems, that play a psychological role in our lives that help us control relationships. "The microsystem consists of the people or groups that an individual has direct contact with. The mesosystem is created by the interactions between an individual's microsystems" (Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 1993). The micro and mesosystems work hand–in–hand to keep the key people and relationships in each individual's life interacting to produce a stable environment. There are many key relationships that play a role in my life. The key relationships ... Show more content on ... Benedict's Rule, there are many that I think could affect the relationships in my micro and mesosystems. There are two that stand out to me and also back–up the example that I provided regarding my work life and how my emotional intelligence has helped me maintain a healthy relationship between my customers and coworkers. "(22) Not to give way to anger," and "Not to curse them that curse us, but rather to bless them," are rules that I can apply to those relationships at work in particular, in keeping control of my emotions. I often remind myself to be the bigger person, or to brush it off and see the positives over the negatives when I am in a difficult situation. Applying many of St. Benedict's Rules to my relationships, and using my own techniques to balance my emotions, ensure that a positive environment can be created for myself and others around ... Get more on ...