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After completing this assignment, you will understand:
1) The scope and diversity of psychology as a discipline.
2) How psychologists working from different philosophical and
theoretical perspectives make different
contributions to our understanding of particular psychological
After completing this assignment, you will be able to:
1) Assess the strengths and weaknesses of various explanations
for your topic.
2) Explain how the Integration and/or competition between
explanations from various perspectives helps
psychology advance our understanding of human behavior and
mental processing.
Your task is to select ONE psychological topic you find
particularly interesting. This may be a topic we have covered in
the course or a psychological topic we have not covered. You
will then examine this topic from three different
philosophical or theoretical perspectives within psychology.
For example, you could examine your topic from any of the
following philosophical perspectives: physiological, behavioral,
cognitive, social, humanistic, evolutionary,
psychoanalytic, etc). Alternatively, you could opt to examine
your topic more specifically using three different theories,
which may or may not differ in their philosophical perspectives.
For example, imagine that you choose “bullying” as
your topic. You could examine how bullying is explained from
a biological, behavioral, and social perspective (three
different philosophical perspectives). Alternatively, you could
choose to examine how three different theories attempt
to explain bullying. Two of these theories might be theories
from a “social” perspective and one might be a theory from
a “biological” perspective.
In either case, you must utilize and cite original sources for
those perspectives in your analysis/discussion. This means
that you must research your topic to find three different
explanations for your topic. Your analysis cannot be based on
personal opinion alone.
Write-up: Your write-up should begin with a general overview
of your topic and the reasons why it is particularly
interesting or relevant to you. This introduction should be
followed by an analysis of your topic from three different
philosophical or theoretical perspectives. Your analysis should
demonstrate a general understanding of your topic and
the fundamental principles used by each philosophical or
theoretical perspective to explain that topic (using at least
three academic sources outside of your textbook as source
material). In addition, you should discuss whether the
explanations offered by the different perspectives are
complimentary to one another or contradict one another.
your analysis should include your own personal reflection of
these perspectives and an informed assessment of what
you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each based on your
research of them.
Review the grading criteria for this assignment on the attached
grading rubric (see page 3) to understand what you need
to address in your case study to earn points on this assignment.
The Integration Assignment
PSYCH 105: Introductory Psychology
Your Completed Assignment MUST Include:
1) Identification and description of ONE psychological topic
that interests you.
2) A 2-3 page write-up (12 point font, double-spaced and 1 inch
margins) in which you examine this
topic from THREE different philosophical or theoretical
perspectives within psychology (e.g., cognitive,
behavioral, social, physiological/neuroscience, evolutionary,
psychoanalytic, etc).
3) Full citations (in text and in a Reference list) for all research
sources used in this assignment in APA
4) A copy of the grading rubric (found at the end of this
assignment). Be sure to sign the academic
integrity statement before submitting your assignment.
REMEMBER: Your write-up should consist of complete,
understandable sentences with proper grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. Clearly label your work following the example
given above. Carefully proof-read your paper before
submitting it to avoid losing points.
The grading rubric below will be used to evaluate this
assignment. Addressing each element of the rubric well will
ensure that you have included all critical aspects of the
“I, ______________________________________________,
verify that this assignment is my original work.”
Your Signature:
1) Are there 3 or more errors in spelling, grammar, and/or
punctuation? If so,
2) Are sentences logically related to one another? If not …
3) Is the paper’s overall organization consistent and logical? If
not . . .
1) Are the in-text citations in APA Format?
Only 1-2 errors
3 or more errors
2) Are the references on Reference page in APA format?
Only 1-2 errors
3 or more errors
NOTE: Failure to include citations for references in your
assignment is considered plagiarism so
please be sure to cite all resources you use.
CONTENT (60% )
1) Is the overview of the selected topic sufficiently complete so
that someone unfamiliar
with the topic would have a general understanding of it?
2) Does the write-up provide a critical analysis of the
explanations provided by THREE
different philosophical and/or theoretical perspectives?
Perceptive #1
Perceptive #2
Perceptive #3
3) Does the write-up include an insightful discussion of what
the student sees as the
strengths and/or weaknesses of the explanations provided by
each perspective?
Was the assignment late? _________
FINAL GRADE (Mechanics/Style + Format + Content minus
any late deductions): _______ Overall
Communication Theories
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Cognitive Dissonance Theory argues that the experience of
dissonance (or incompatible beliefs and actions) is aversive and
people are highly motivated to avoid it. In their efforts to avoid
feelings of dissonance, people will avoid hearing views that
oppose their own, change their beliefs to match their actions,
and seek reassurance after making a difficult decision.
Communication Accommodation Theory
This theoretical perspective examines the underlying
motivations and consequences of what happens when two
speakers shift their communication styles. Communication
Accommodation theorists argue that during communication,
people will try to accommodate or adjust their style of speaking
to others. This is done in two ways: divergence and
convergence. Groups with strong ethnic or racial pride often use
divergence to highlight group identity. Convergence occurs
when there is a strong need for social approval, frequently from
powerless individuals.
Coordinated Management of Meaning
Theorists in Coordinated Management of Meaning believe that
in conversation, people co-create meaning by attaining some
coherence and coordination. Coherence occurs when stories are
told, and coordination exists when stories are lived. CMM
focuses on the relationship between an individual and his or her
society. Through a hierarchical structure, individuals come to
organize the meaning of literally hundreds of messages received
throughout a day.
Cultivation Analysis
This theory argues that television (and other media) plays an
extremely important role in how people view their world.
According to Cultivation Analysis, in modern Culture most
people get much of their information in a mediated fashion
rather than through direct experience. Thus, mediated sources
can shape people’s sense of reality. This is especially the case
with regard to violence, according to the theory. Cultivation
Analysis posits that heavy television viewing cultivates a sense
of the world that is more violent and scarier than is actually
Cultural Approach to Organizations
The Cultural Approach contends that people are like
animals who are suspended in webs that they created. Theorists
in this tradition argue that an organization’s culture is
composed of shared symbols, each of which has a unique
meaning. Organizational stories, rituals, and rites of passage are
examples of what constitutes the culture of an organization.
Cultural Studies
Theorists in cultural studies maintain that the media represents
ideologies of the dominant class in a society. Because media are
controlled by corporations, the information presented to the
public is necessarily influenced and framed with profit in mind.
Cultural Studies theorists, therefore, are concerned with media
influenced and framed with profit in mind. Cultural Studies
theorists, therefore, are concerned with media influence and
how power plays a role in the interpretation of culture.
This theoretical position compares life to a drama. As in
dramatic action, life requires an actor, a scene, an act, some
means for the action to take place, and a purpose. A rhetorical
critic can understand a speaker’s motives by analyzing these
elements. Further, Dramatism argues that purging guilt is the
ultimate motive, and rhetors can be successful when they
provide their audiences with a means for purging their guilt and
a sense of identification with the rhetor.
Expectancy Violations Theory
Expectancy Violation Theory examines how nonverbal messages
are structured. The theory advances that when communicative
norms are violated, the violation may be perceived either
favorably or unfavorably, depending on the perception that the
receiver has of the violator. Violating another’s expectations
may be a strategy used over that of conforming to another’s
Face-Negotiation Theory
Face-Negotiation Theory is concerned with how people in
individualistic and collectivistic cultures negotiate face in
conflict situations. The theory is based on face management,
which describes how people from different cultures manage
conflict negotiation in order to maintain face. Self-face and
other-face concerns explain the conflict negotiation between
people from various cultures.
Muted Group Theory
Muted Group Theory maintains that language serves men better
than women (and perhaps European Americans better than
African Americans or other groups). This is the case because
the variety of experiences of European American men are named
clearly in language, whereas the experiences of other groups
(such as women) are not. Due to this problem with language,
women appear less articulate than men in public settings. As
women have similar experiences, this situation should change.
The Narrative Paradigm
This theory argues that humans are storytelling animals. The
Narrative Paradigm proposes a narrative logic to replace the
traditional logic of argument. Narrative logic, or the logic of
good reasons, suggests that people judge the credibility of
speakers by whether their stories hang together clearly
(coherence and whether their stories ring true (fidelity). The
Narrative Paradigm allows for a democratic judgment of
speakers because no one has to be trained in oratory and
persuasion to make judgments based on coherence and fidelity.
Organizational Information Theory
This Theory argues that the main activity of organizations is the
process of making sense of equivocal information.
Organizational members accomplish this sense-making process
through enactment, selection, and retention of information.
Organizations are successful to the extent that they are able to
reduce equivocality through these means.
Relational Dialectics Theory
Relational Dialectics suggests that relational life is always in
process. People in relationships continually feel the pull-push
of conflicting desires. Basically, people wish to have both
autonomy and connection, openness and protective-ness, and
novelty and predictability. As people communicate in
relationships, they attempt to reconcile these conflicting
desires, but they never eliminate their needs for both of the
opposing pairs.
The Rhetoric
Rhetorical theory is based on the available means of persuasion.
That is, a speaker who is interested in persuading his or her
audience should consider three rhetorical proofs: logical,
emotional, and ethical. Audiences are key to effective
persuasion as well. Rhetorical syllogism, requiring audiences to
supply missing pieces of a speech, are also used in persuasion.
Social Exchange Theory
This theoretical position argues that the major force in
interpersonal relationships is the satisfaction of both people’s
self-interest. Theorists in Social Exchange posit that self-
interest is not necessarily a bad thing and that it can actually
enhance relationships. The Social Exchange approach views
interpersonal exchange posit that self-interest is not necessarily
a bad thing and that it can actually enhance relationships. The
Social Exchange approach views interpersonal exchanges as
analogous to economic exchanges where people are satisfied
when they receive a fair return on their expenditures.
Social Penetration Theory
This theory maintains that interpersonal relationships evolve in
some gradual and predictable fashion. Penetration theorists
believe that self-disclosure is the primary way that superficial
relationships progress to intimate relationships. Although self-
disclosure can lead to more intimate relationships, it can also
leave one or more persons vulnerable.
Spiral of Silence Theory
Theorists associated with Spiral of Silence Theory argue that
due to their enormous power, the mass media have a lasting
effect on public opinion. The theory maintains that mass media
work simultaneously with Majority public opinion to silence
minority beliefs on cultural issues. A fear of isolation prompts
those with minority views to examine the beliefs of others.
Individuals who fear being socially isolated are prone to
conform to what they perceive to be a majority view.
Standpoint Theory
This theory posits that people are situated in specific social
standpoints-they occupy different places in the social hierarchy.
Because of this, individuals view the social situation from
particular vantage points. By necessity, each vantage point
provides only a partial understanding of the social whole. Yet,
those who occupy the lower rungs of the hierarchy tend to
understand the social whole. Yet, those who occupy the lower
rungs of the hierarchy tend to understand the social situation
more fully than those at the top. Sometimes, Standpoint Theory
is referred to as Feminist Standpoint Theory because of its
application to how women’s and men’s standpoint differ.
Structuration Theory
Theorists supporting the structurational perspective argue that
groups and organizations create structures, which can be
interpreted as an organization’s rules and resources. These
structures, in turn, create social systems in an organization.
Structuration theorists posit that groups and organizations
achieve a life of their own because of the way their members
utilize their structures. Power structures guide the decision
making taking place in groups and organizations.
Symbolic Interaction Theory
This theory suggests that people are motivated to act based on
the meanings they assign to people, things, and events. Further,
meaning is created in the language that people use both with
others and in private thought. Language allows people to
develop a sense of self and to interact with others in
Uncertainly Reduction Theory
Uncertainty Reduction Theory suggests that when strangers
meet, their primary focus is on reducing their levels of
uncertainty in the situation. Their levels of uncertainty are
located in both behavioral and cognitive realms. That is, they
may be unsure of how to behave (or how the other person will
behave), and they may also be unsure what they think of the
other and what the other person thinks of them. Further,
people’s uncertainty is both individual level and relational
level. People are highly motivated to use communication to
reduce their uncertainty according to this theory.
[Insert APA-style Cover Sheet Here]
How can an understanding of interpersonal communication
theory supplement your skills and the insights you will need to
succeed in your future work?
Interpersonal communication theory can vastly improve
productivity and relationships in the work environment. I chose
to study into Social Exchange Theory, as I felt that that theory
can best help the workplace achieve better productivity,
increase social interaction and open up communication that will
better the overall workplace. By having more meaningful and
open communication; groups can solve problems, troubleshoot
and easily come up with fresh ideas to improve work flow and
manage issues that can arise in a product or implementation.
An open and comfortable forum enables us to not be afraid to
bring up new and interesting ideas. It also enables us to speak
candidly, addressing issues that may arise from either personal
or departmental mistakes. Without a level of comfortability in
communication, such topics can easily escalate into a "pointing
of fingers" match, upon which productivity is thrown out the
window. In Social Exchange Theory, it states that the "major
force in personal relationships is the satisfaction of both
people's self interest" (West & Turner, 2010). If these
guidelines are followed in professional communication, both
parties will express concerns and/ or praise and can from that
point achieve a mutual conclusion that is all around better for
the company. If I enter a meeting expecting answers about an
issue, and a colleague enters a meeting expecting answers about
another issue, if both parties are acceptably answered to the
satisfaction of each, they can then proceed to better assess
conclusions for those issues and future issues. Communication
theory has amazing potential in the workplace meeting
environment, and can be used to increase productivity, which in
turn can increase income for both the person and the company
as a whole. Incentive for all.
West, R., & Turner, L. (2010). Introducing communication
theory: Analysis and application. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Annotated Bibliography
Source One
Database: EBSCOhost
Subject Area: Computers and Applied Sciences
Search Parameters: "Social Exchange" AND Workplace AND
Warkentin, M., & Beranek, P. M. (1999). Training to improve
virtual team communication. Information Systems Journal,9(4),
271-289. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2575.1999.00065.x
Warkentin and Beranek tackle the issue of interpersonal
communication through the medium of electronic
communication (ie. Video Tele-conferencing (VTC), E-mail,
Web Based applications, Audio and Video) and how such a new
medium of communication can have adverse affects on team
communication due to a lack of physical interaction. They
propose that VTC communication will only continue to grow
due to "increased globalization of organizations" (Beranek &
Warkentin, 1999). Beranek and Warkentin coin the term
"Virtual Teams", which they coin as being a "group of people
engaged in a common task or goal communicating through
electronic means" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999). They
postulate that over time, with constant use, electronic
communication can evolve and accelerate the users in
"relationship development" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999). They
ascertain the importance of "fostering interaction, inclusion and
participation" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999)while
communicating with these multitudes of electronic
communications being used today. They also maintain that user
interaction and attention can be completely lost the more
impersonal such communications become. They quote Mabry
and Barnes as saying "Group cohesiveness has been linked to a
number of positive outcomes, such as enhanced motivation,
better decisions and more open communication" (Mabry &
Barnes, 1980).
I feel that this is a very reliable source, not only from
personal experience, but mostly because of this articles
background and resources. This is a well thought-out and
organized journal that was released by the College of Business
Administration at Northeastern University, which is a
prestigious University. The article is well cited with documents
ranging from the 1950's all the way up until just before the
article was written. The authors support all their findings,
assumptions and theories with well documented resources and
known academics. They provide samples and display tests that
show just how their theories pan out when implemented.
Warkentin and Beranek even had open-ended questioning to a
control group, and stated those. Both are holders of a Ph. D.
and have authored numerous books and journals pertaining to
the subject matter.
This source was extremely helpful in gaining an
understanding of just how electronic communication can be
used with Social Exchange Theory to better workplace
communication. By showing that communication is improved
when the user is entertained and included in the communication
method, we see that it is imperative that self-interest is very
important in communication. By simply ignoring the user, they
will immediately disconnect from the communication and will
not be an active part in the productivity taking place. If
everyone takes an active role in the communication method,
they are all gaining something, and therefore are likely to be
more inclusive in the conversation.
Mabry, E.A. & Barnes, R.E. (1980) The Dynamics of Small
Group Communication. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,NJ
Warkentin, M., & Beranek, P. M. (1999). Training to improve
virtual team communication. Information Systems Journal,9(4),
271-289. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2575.1999.00065.x
Source Two
Database: EBSCOhost
Subject Area: Computers and Applied Sciences
Search Parameters: "Social Exchange" AND Workplace AND
Staples, D., & Webster, J. (2008). Exploring the effects of trust,
task interdependence and virtualness on knowledge sharing in
teams. Information Systems Journal, 18(6), 617-640.
Staples and Webster argue that knowledge sharing within
teams is critical to team functioning and attempt to use Social
Exchange Theory to model knowledge sharing, over electronic
platforms, to increase trust (Staples & Webster, 2008). They
postulate that sharing knowledge among other team members
via this electronic platform will increase the capabilities of the
"virtual team" in the areas of creating, acquiring and integrating
knowledge (Staples & Webster, 2008). They state that such
interactions are commonplace and proven effective in face to
face communication, so it should only stand that it should also
be the same in any kind of virtual communication. The basis
for their research model is Blau's social exchange model, which
was developed within the Social Exchange Theory (Staples &
Webster, 2008). This model has been used to study a wide
sweeping array of social exchanges. These include
"relationships, work relations, friendships and love" (Staples &
Webster, 2008). By utilizing this model, with their hypothesis'
they air to prove that knowledge sharing and following the
Social Exchange Theory through virtualization is just as
important as through a face to face communication.
Webster and Staples use very valid and organized
reasoning in their assessments on virtualized communication.
Both authors are Ph.D. holders from prestigious universities and
are Senior Editor's for MIS Quarterly, as well as board members
to other journals. The research was published through
Information Systems Journal, which is an awarded and
respected scientific journal. The two authors also have written
affiliation with Queen's School of Business in Ontario Canada.
They have well organized and meticulously formulated
references, which date from the 1950's until just before the
article was written, all from respected and academic sources.
This article from Webster and Staples greatly and directly
pertains to my study of Social Exchange Theory in the
workplace environment, especially when it comes to electronic
communication mediums. The article goes into vast background
detail on how Social Exchange Theory is used in normal face to
face interactions in the workplace, which gives a good basis on
my postulation. After giving an extensive background, it goes
on to present theories into why that same kind of interaction
should be used through electronic communication mediums.
Not only that, but it proposes hypothesis with detailed
experimentation to prove/ disprove this theory. By providing a
firm and secure background and then providing an extending
branch on that background, this article is invaluable to my
Staples, D., & Webster, J. (2008). Exploring the effects of trust,
task interdependence and virtualness on knowledge sharing in
teams. Information Systems Journal, 18(6), 617-640.
Source Three
Database: EBSCOhost
Subject Area: Computers and Applied Sciences
Search Parameters: "Social Exchange" AND Workplace AND
Computer* AND "Information Technology" OR IT
Chidambaram, L. (1996). Relational Development in Computer-
Supported Groups. MIS Quarterly, 20(2), 143-165.
Chidambaram uses a newly developing theory at the time of his
article being published called Social Information Processing
(SIP) theory, which states that intimacy within a group will
most likely take longer to develop while using an electronic
communication method (Chidambaram, 1996). He postulates
that if given adequate time, these intimacy gaps can become
very strong relational bonds (Chidambaram, 1996). His basic
premise is that once comfortability and social interaction bonds
are solidified within an electronic interaction medium, social
growth and personal bonds will be stimulated and grow. That it
is only through constant support and cohesiveness/ perception
that the user will be satisfied with the communications outcome.
Chidambaram is a Ph.D. holder with a double major in
Information Systems and International Business. He is an
associate professor and faculty director at Hawaii's College of
Business Administration. He is also a well awarded teacher
with many published research publications. He is very thorough
in his methodology and research, and meticulous in his
references and appendix. He formulates a theory and well
documents any assumed/ known facts with documented and
respected resources. The age of the article is a point of concern
though, as it was published in 1996, 17 years prior to today.
Although it seems to be completely objective and still relevant,
although lacking in modern technology. The basis still seems to
hold true.
As stated, the only major down fall to this article is it's
age, although I feel that it creates a very good basic premise for
my argument, and helps steer my research down a tied
theoretical path with Social Processing Theory (SIP), which I
was not aware of prior to the reading of this article. By seeing
just how social exchange works and how it can directly
correlate into electronic communication methods, and seeing
this additional theory on how overtime, this will naturally
evolve if given some guidance, I can certainly use this source to
give valid and fresh perspective on my argument (disregarding
it's age). It certainly has changed how I think about my topic
and gives new ideas for new approaches to just how Social
Exchange Theory can affect a workplace environment,
especially with the use of electronic communication.
Chidambaram, L. (1996). Relational Development in Computer-
Supported Groups. MIS Quarterly, 20(2), 143-165.
For this assignment, you will select and investigate a
communication theory and create an annotated bibliography that
conforms to American Psychological Association format and
style requirements.
1. Choose a communication theory from the following chapters
in the course text:
· Anything in the Groups and Organizations
chapters EXCEPT Groupthink
· Cultural Studies, Cultivation Analysis, Spiral of Silence and
Media Ecology theories but NOT Uses and Gratifications
· Any of the Culture and Diversity theories
· Any of the Relationship Development theories
2. Click on Resources > Library in our classroom navigation bar
or go to the UMUC Library
3. Click on Resources in the toolbar to the left of the library
portal screen, then click on Subject Guides. Find the subject
area that is most closely related to your major or your planned
career in the list. Click on it and familiarize yourself with the
materials available in your field of study or planned line of
4. Click on the button for databases in the Subject Guide.
5. Using one or more of the databases for your field of study or
planned line of work, search for peer-reviewed journal
articles about the communication theory or by the name of the
person you selected to see if communication research on that
theory has been applied to your area. You may also want to
limit the search by using other keywords for your specific area
of study or career interest.
6. Report the subject area.
7. Report the database(s) used for your search.
8. Report the key-words you used in your searches.
9. Write an introductory paragraph (~250-300 words) describing
the reasons you chose that theory or researcher in the context of
the following question:
How can an understanding of Communication Theory
supplement your skills and the insights you will need to succeed
in your future work?
10. Select three articles from the databases in your field of
study or career interest that support your thesis in response to
the question posed in Step 9.
11. Write an annotated bibliography for the three articles that
best support your thesis. If you are unfamiliar with an annotated
bibliography, click on Resources > Effective Writing Center in
the classroom navigation bar to learn about them from our
writing center, or go to the Purdue OWL. You need to write a
complete APA citation for each article. Then write a summary
of at least 150 words for each article that includes an
explanation of how the article supports your thesis. Make sure
each summary or “annotation” includes a specific quote that
illuminates what you learned from the article.
12. Please be sure to write carefully and well, using good
grammar and APA-style in-text citations for quotes, summaries
and paraphrases.
Your annotated bibliography is due in the assignments area of
the classroom by 11:59 p.m. Sunday in Week 3.(Worth 15% of
your grade.) You can submit it through the link below or
directly to your assignment folder through the Assignments link
in the blue navbar above.
Annotated Bibliography Rubric
Quality /Currencyof Sources
Sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking.
Sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking.
Only some sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking.
Sources may not reflect contemporary theoretical thinking.
No sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking.
Quality / Relevancy of Sources
All sources cited can be considered relevant.
Most sources cited can be considered relevant.
Only some sources can be considered relevant.
Few sources cited can be considered relevant.
Little or no relevant sources cited.
Quality / Reliability of Sources
All sources cited can be considered reliable and/or trustworthy,
i.e. bibliography exceeds or meets minimum requirements for
peer-reviewed sources.
Most sources cited can be considered reliable and/or
trustworthy, i.e. bibliography meets minimum requirements for
peer-reviewed sources.
Only some sources can be considered reliable and/or
trustworthy i.e. bibliography comes close to meeting minimum
requirements for peer-reviewed sources.
Few sources cited can be considered reliable and/or trustworthy,
i.e. bibliography falls well short of minimum requirements for
peer-reviewed sources.
Little or no reliable and/or trustworthy sources cited, i.e.
bibliography does not meet minimum requirements for peer-
reviewed sources.
Quantity of Sources
Document cites the number of sources outlined in the
Document cites the number of sources outlined in the
Document cites the number of sources outlined in the
Document is one source under the number of appropriate
sources required by the assignment.
Document does not contain appropriate sources to meet the
number required by the assignment.
Writing Fluency of Annotations
All annotations are thoughtful, complete, and well written.
Most annotations are thoughtful, complete, and well written.
Some annotations are well written but some are lacking in
completeness, thought, and /or writing quality.
Most annotations are lacking in completeness, thought, and/or
writing quality.
All annotations are lacking in completeness, thought, and/or
writing quality.
APA andDocumentation
Citations are formatted correctly in the document.
There are a few formatting errors in the document's citations.
There are some formatting errors in the document's citations.
There are many and/or frequent formatting errors in the
document's citations.
There is little or no adherence to APA format in the document.
Overriding criterion: Originality and authenticity. If the essay is
identified as not being original, and/or not done by the student,
the instructor has the right to grade the paper as an F.
Yes / No
Report the subject area of your search (2 points)
Report the database(s) used for your search (2 points)
Report the keywords you used in your searches (2 points)
Use three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles that reflect
your thesis. (2 points ea. = 6 points)
Write an introduction (250-300 words) to your assignment that
articulates the research question or hypothesis about comm
theory that you developed in response to the assignment prompt.
Explain how the three articles that you chose relate to your
research question or hypothesis. (30 points)
Write three properly formatted APA-style bibliographic listings
for the articles. (6 points ea. = 18 points).
Explain how each article supports your thesis (~150-200 words
for each entry). Reference specific information in each article
through summary, paraphrase, and/or at least one direct quote
relevant to your thesis, which you support with a properly
formatted, APA-style, in-text citation and bibliographic
references. (10 points ea. = 30 points)
Use college-level grammar and mechanics. (5 points)
Edit/proofread work carefully to conform to APA manuscript
rules. (5 points)
Submit completed work by deadline. (-10% for each day or
portion of a day late, up to three days late)
/ 100%

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  • 1. THE PURPOSE: Knowledge: After completing this assignment, you will understand: 1) The scope and diversity of psychology as a discipline. 2) How psychologists working from different philosophical and theoretical perspectives make different contributions to our understanding of particular psychological topics. Skills: After completing this assignment, you will be able to: 1) Assess the strengths and weaknesses of various explanations for your topic. 2) Explain how the Integration and/or competition between explanations from various perspectives helps psychology advance our understanding of human behavior and mental processing. YOUR TASK: Your task is to select ONE psychological topic you find particularly interesting. This may be a topic we have covered in the course or a psychological topic we have not covered. You will then examine this topic from three different philosophical or theoretical perspectives within psychology. For example, you could examine your topic from any of the following philosophical perspectives: physiological, behavioral, cognitive, social, humanistic, evolutionary,
  • 2. psychoanalytic, etc). Alternatively, you could opt to examine your topic more specifically using three different theories, which may or may not differ in their philosophical perspectives. For example, imagine that you choose “bullying” as your topic. You could examine how bullying is explained from a biological, behavioral, and social perspective (three different philosophical perspectives). Alternatively, you could choose to examine how three different theories attempt to explain bullying. Two of these theories might be theories from a “social” perspective and one might be a theory from a “biological” perspective. In either case, you must utilize and cite original sources for those perspectives in your analysis/discussion. This means that you must research your topic to find three different explanations for your topic. Your analysis cannot be based on personal opinion alone. Write-up: Your write-up should begin with a general overview of your topic and the reasons why it is particularly interesting or relevant to you. This introduction should be followed by an analysis of your topic from three different philosophical or theoretical perspectives. Your analysis should demonstrate a general understanding of your topic and the fundamental principles used by each philosophical or theoretical perspective to explain that topic (using at least three academic sources outside of your textbook as source material). In addition, you should discuss whether the explanations offered by the different perspectives are complimentary to one another or contradict one another. Finally, your analysis should include your own personal reflection of these perspectives and an informed assessment of what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each based on your research of them.
  • 3. THE CRITERIA: Review the grading criteria for this assignment on the attached grading rubric (see page 3) to understand what you need to address in your case study to earn points on this assignment. The Integration Assignment PSYCH 105: Introductory Psychology Your Completed Assignment MUST Include: 1) Identification and description of ONE psychological topic that interests you. 2) A 2-3 page write-up (12 point font, double-spaced and 1 inch margins) in which you examine this topic from THREE different philosophical or theoretical perspectives within psychology (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, social, physiological/neuroscience, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, etc). 3) Full citations (in text and in a Reference list) for all research sources used in this assignment in APA format. 4) A copy of the grading rubric (found at the end of this assignment). Be sure to sign the academic integrity statement before submitting your assignment. REMEMBER: Your write-up should consist of complete, understandable sentences with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Clearly label your work following the example given above. Carefully proof-read your paper before submitting it to avoid losing points.
  • 4. The grading rubric below will be used to evaluate this assignment. Addressing each element of the rubric well will ensure that you have included all critical aspects of the assignment. “I, ______________________________________________, verify that this assignment is my original work.” Your Signature: _____________________________________________________ __________ THE GRADING RUBRIC MECHANICS & STYLE (20%) 1) Are there 3 or more errors in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation? If so, 2) Are sentences logically related to one another? If not … 3) Is the paper’s overall organization consistent and logical? If not . . . - APA FORMAT (20%) 1) Are the in-text citations in APA Format? Only 1-2 errors 3 or more errors 2) Are the references on Reference page in APA format? Only 1-2 errors 3 or more errors
  • 5. - NOTE: Failure to include citations for references in your assignment is considered plagiarism so please be sure to cite all resources you use. CONTENT (60% ) 1) Is the overview of the selected topic sufficiently complete so that someone unfamiliar with the topic would have a general understanding of it? 2) Does the write-up provide a critical analysis of the explanations provided by THREE different philosophical and/or theoretical perspectives? Perceptive #1 Perceptive #2 Perceptive #3 3) Does the write-up include an insightful discussion of what the student sees as the strengths and/or weaknesses of the explanations provided by each perspective? Was the assignment late? _________ FINAL GRADE (Mechanics/Style + Format + Content minus any late deductions): _______ Overall Comments: Communication Theories Cognitive Dissonance Theory Cognitive Dissonance Theory argues that the experience of
  • 6. dissonance (or incompatible beliefs and actions) is aversive and people are highly motivated to avoid it. In their efforts to avoid feelings of dissonance, people will avoid hearing views that oppose their own, change their beliefs to match their actions, and seek reassurance after making a difficult decision. Communication Accommodation Theory This theoretical perspective examines the underlying motivations and consequences of what happens when two speakers shift their communication styles. Communication Accommodation theorists argue that during communication, people will try to accommodate or adjust their style of speaking to others. This is done in two ways: divergence and convergence. Groups with strong ethnic or racial pride often use divergence to highlight group identity. Convergence occurs when there is a strong need for social approval, frequently from powerless individuals. Coordinated Management of Meaning Theorists in Coordinated Management of Meaning believe that in conversation, people co-create meaning by attaining some coherence and coordination. Coherence occurs when stories are told, and coordination exists when stories are lived. CMM focuses on the relationship between an individual and his or her society. Through a hierarchical structure, individuals come to organize the meaning of literally hundreds of messages received throughout a day. Cultivation Analysis This theory argues that television (and other media) plays an extremely important role in how people view their world. According to Cultivation Analysis, in modern Culture most people get much of their information in a mediated fashion rather than through direct experience. Thus, mediated sources can shape people’s sense of reality. This is especially the case with regard to violence, according to the theory. Cultivation Analysis posits that heavy television viewing cultivates a sense of the world that is more violent and scarier than is actually warranted.
  • 7. Cultural Approach to Organizations The Cultural Approach contends that people are like animals who are suspended in webs that they created. Theorists in this tradition argue that an organization’s culture is composed of shared symbols, each of which has a unique meaning. Organizational stories, rituals, and rites of passage are examples of what constitutes the culture of an organization. Cultural Studies Theorists in cultural studies maintain that the media represents ideologies of the dominant class in a society. Because media are controlled by corporations, the information presented to the public is necessarily influenced and framed with profit in mind. Cultural Studies theorists, therefore, are concerned with media influenced and framed with profit in mind. Cultural Studies theorists, therefore, are concerned with media influence and how power plays a role in the interpretation of culture. Dramatism This theoretical position compares life to a drama. As in dramatic action, life requires an actor, a scene, an act, some means for the action to take place, and a purpose. A rhetorical critic can understand a speaker’s motives by analyzing these elements. Further, Dramatism argues that purging guilt is the ultimate motive, and rhetors can be successful when they provide their audiences with a means for purging their guilt and a sense of identification with the rhetor. Expectancy Violations Theory Expectancy Violation Theory examines how nonverbal messages are structured. The theory advances that when communicative norms are violated, the violation may be perceived either favorably or unfavorably, depending on the perception that the receiver has of the violator. Violating another’s expectations may be a strategy used over that of conforming to another’s expectations. Face-Negotiation Theory Face-Negotiation Theory is concerned with how people in individualistic and collectivistic cultures negotiate face in
  • 8. conflict situations. The theory is based on face management, which describes how people from different cultures manage conflict negotiation in order to maintain face. Self-face and other-face concerns explain the conflict negotiation between people from various cultures. Muted Group Theory Muted Group Theory maintains that language serves men better than women (and perhaps European Americans better than African Americans or other groups). This is the case because the variety of experiences of European American men are named clearly in language, whereas the experiences of other groups (such as women) are not. Due to this problem with language, women appear less articulate than men in public settings. As women have similar experiences, this situation should change. The Narrative Paradigm This theory argues that humans are storytelling animals. The Narrative Paradigm proposes a narrative logic to replace the traditional logic of argument. Narrative logic, or the logic of good reasons, suggests that people judge the credibility of speakers by whether their stories hang together clearly (coherence and whether their stories ring true (fidelity). The Narrative Paradigm allows for a democratic judgment of speakers because no one has to be trained in oratory and persuasion to make judgments based on coherence and fidelity. Organizational Information Theory This Theory argues that the main activity of organizations is the process of making sense of equivocal information. Organizational members accomplish this sense-making process through enactment, selection, and retention of information. Organizations are successful to the extent that they are able to reduce equivocality through these means. Relational Dialectics Theory Relational Dialectics suggests that relational life is always in process. People in relationships continually feel the pull-push of conflicting desires. Basically, people wish to have both autonomy and connection, openness and protective-ness, and
  • 9. novelty and predictability. As people communicate in relationships, they attempt to reconcile these conflicting desires, but they never eliminate their needs for both of the opposing pairs. The Rhetoric Rhetorical theory is based on the available means of persuasion. That is, a speaker who is interested in persuading his or her audience should consider three rhetorical proofs: logical, emotional, and ethical. Audiences are key to effective persuasion as well. Rhetorical syllogism, requiring audiences to supply missing pieces of a speech, are also used in persuasion. Social Exchange Theory This theoretical position argues that the major force in interpersonal relationships is the satisfaction of both people’s self-interest. Theorists in Social Exchange posit that self- interest is not necessarily a bad thing and that it can actually enhance relationships. The Social Exchange approach views interpersonal exchange posit that self-interest is not necessarily a bad thing and that it can actually enhance relationships. The Social Exchange approach views interpersonal exchanges as analogous to economic exchanges where people are satisfied when they receive a fair return on their expenditures. Social Penetration Theory This theory maintains that interpersonal relationships evolve in some gradual and predictable fashion. Penetration theorists believe that self-disclosure is the primary way that superficial relationships progress to intimate relationships. Although self- disclosure can lead to more intimate relationships, it can also leave one or more persons vulnerable. Spiral of Silence Theory Theorists associated with Spiral of Silence Theory argue that due to their enormous power, the mass media have a lasting effect on public opinion. The theory maintains that mass media work simultaneously with Majority public opinion to silence minority beliefs on cultural issues. A fear of isolation prompts those with minority views to examine the beliefs of others.
  • 10. Individuals who fear being socially isolated are prone to conform to what they perceive to be a majority view. Standpoint Theory This theory posits that people are situated in specific social standpoints-they occupy different places in the social hierarchy. Because of this, individuals view the social situation from particular vantage points. By necessity, each vantage point provides only a partial understanding of the social whole. Yet, those who occupy the lower rungs of the hierarchy tend to understand the social whole. Yet, those who occupy the lower rungs of the hierarchy tend to understand the social situation more fully than those at the top. Sometimes, Standpoint Theory is referred to as Feminist Standpoint Theory because of its application to how women’s and men’s standpoint differ. Structuration Theory Theorists supporting the structurational perspective argue that groups and organizations create structures, which can be interpreted as an organization’s rules and resources. These structures, in turn, create social systems in an organization. Structuration theorists posit that groups and organizations achieve a life of their own because of the way their members utilize their structures. Power structures guide the decision making taking place in groups and organizations. Symbolic Interaction Theory This theory suggests that people are motivated to act based on the meanings they assign to people, things, and events. Further, meaning is created in the language that people use both with others and in private thought. Language allows people to develop a sense of self and to interact with others in community. Uncertainly Reduction Theory Uncertainty Reduction Theory suggests that when strangers meet, their primary focus is on reducing their levels of uncertainty in the situation. Their levels of uncertainty are located in both behavioral and cognitive realms. That is, they may be unsure of how to behave (or how the other person will
  • 11. behave), and they may also be unsure what they think of the other and what the other person thinks of them. Further, people’s uncertainty is both individual level and relational level. People are highly motivated to use communication to reduce their uncertainty according to this theory. [Insert APA-style Cover Sheet Here] How can an understanding of interpersonal communication theory supplement your skills and the insights you will need to succeed in your future work? Interpersonal communication theory can vastly improve productivity and relationships in the work environment. I chose to study into Social Exchange Theory, as I felt that that theory can best help the workplace achieve better productivity, increase social interaction and open up communication that will better the overall workplace. By having more meaningful and open communication; groups can solve problems, troubleshoot and easily come up with fresh ideas to improve work flow and manage issues that can arise in a product or implementation. An open and comfortable forum enables us to not be afraid to bring up new and interesting ideas. It also enables us to speak candidly, addressing issues that may arise from either personal or departmental mistakes. Without a level of comfortability in communication, such topics can easily escalate into a "pointing of fingers" match, upon which productivity is thrown out the window. In Social Exchange Theory, it states that the "major force in personal relationships is the satisfaction of both people's self interest" (West & Turner, 2010). If these guidelines are followed in professional communication, both parties will express concerns and/ or praise and can from that point achieve a mutual conclusion that is all around better for the company. If I enter a meeting expecting answers about an
  • 12. issue, and a colleague enters a meeting expecting answers about another issue, if both parties are acceptably answered to the satisfaction of each, they can then proceed to better assess conclusions for those issues and future issues. Communication theory has amazing potential in the workplace meeting environment, and can be used to increase productivity, which in turn can increase income for both the person and the company as a whole. Incentive for all. Reference West, R., & Turner, L. (2010). Introducing communication theory: Analysis and application. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Annotated Bibliography Source One Database: EBSCOhost Subject Area: Computers and Applied Sciences Search Parameters: "Social Exchange" AND Workplace AND VTC Link: fviewer?sid=18347b35-11c0-4b04-939a- 1096156c9406%40sessionmgr14&vid=1&hid=14 Abstract: 328471-c49a-450a-9799- 8087fd9c0590%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=14&bdata=JnNpdG U9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=iih&AN=5608019 Reference Warkentin, M., & Beranek, P. M. (1999). Training to improve virtual team communication. Information Systems Journal,9(4), 271-289. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2575.1999.00065.x Warkentin and Beranek tackle the issue of interpersonal communication through the medium of electronic
  • 13. communication (ie. Video Tele-conferencing (VTC), E-mail, Web Based applications, Audio and Video) and how such a new medium of communication can have adverse affects on team communication due to a lack of physical interaction. They propose that VTC communication will only continue to grow due to "increased globalization of organizations" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999). Beranek and Warkentin coin the term "Virtual Teams", which they coin as being a "group of people engaged in a common task or goal communicating through electronic means" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999). They postulate that over time, with constant use, electronic communication can evolve and accelerate the users in "relationship development" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999). They ascertain the importance of "fostering interaction, inclusion and participation" (Beranek & Warkentin, 1999)while communicating with these multitudes of electronic communications being used today. They also maintain that user interaction and attention can be completely lost the more impersonal such communications become. They quote Mabry and Barnes as saying "Group cohesiveness has been linked to a number of positive outcomes, such as enhanced motivation, better decisions and more open communication" (Mabry & Barnes, 1980). I feel that this is a very reliable source, not only from personal experience, but mostly because of this articles background and resources. This is a well thought-out and organized journal that was released by the College of Business Administration at Northeastern University, which is a prestigious University. The article is well cited with documents ranging from the 1950's all the way up until just before the article was written. The authors support all their findings, assumptions and theories with well documented resources and known academics. They provide samples and display tests that show just how their theories pan out when implemented. Warkentin and Beranek even had open-ended questioning to a control group, and stated those. Both are holders of a Ph. D.
  • 14. and have authored numerous books and journals pertaining to the subject matter. This source was extremely helpful in gaining an understanding of just how electronic communication can be used with Social Exchange Theory to better workplace communication. By showing that communication is improved when the user is entertained and included in the communication method, we see that it is imperative that self-interest is very important in communication. By simply ignoring the user, they will immediately disconnect from the communication and will not be an active part in the productivity taking place. If everyone takes an active role in the communication method, they are all gaining something, and therefore are likely to be more inclusive in the conversation. References Mabry, E.A. & Barnes, R.E. (1980) The Dynamics of Small Group Communication. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,NJ Warkentin, M., & Beranek, P. M. (1999). Training to improve virtual team communication. Information Systems Journal,9(4), 271-289. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2575.1999.00065.x
  • 15. Source Two Database: EBSCOhost Subject Area: Computers and Applied Sciences Search Parameters: "Social Exchange" AND Workplace AND Interaction Link: fviewer?sid=159b6945-1a7a-4140-bf67- 7d28961f61fb%40sessionmgr12&vid=1&hid=14 Abstract: 7fb097-61b6-415e-b4d6- 0a6402cfe489%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=14&bdata=JnNpdG U9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=iih&AN=34679754 Reference Staples, D., & Webster, J. (2008). Exploring the effects of trust, task interdependence and virtualness on knowledge sharing in teams. Information Systems Journal, 18(6), 617-640. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2575.2007.00244.x Staples and Webster argue that knowledge sharing within teams is critical to team functioning and attempt to use Social Exchange Theory to model knowledge sharing, over electronic platforms, to increase trust (Staples & Webster, 2008). They postulate that sharing knowledge among other team members via this electronic platform will increase the capabilities of the "virtual team" in the areas of creating, acquiring and integrating knowledge (Staples & Webster, 2008). They state that such interactions are commonplace and proven effective in face to face communication, so it should only stand that it should also be the same in any kind of virtual communication. The basis for their research model is Blau's social exchange model, which was developed within the Social Exchange Theory (Staples & Webster, 2008). This model has been used to study a wide
  • 16. sweeping array of social exchanges. These include "relationships, work relations, friendships and love" (Staples & Webster, 2008). By utilizing this model, with their hypothesis' they air to prove that knowledge sharing and following the Social Exchange Theory through virtualization is just as important as through a face to face communication. Webster and Staples use very valid and organized reasoning in their assessments on virtualized communication. Both authors are Ph.D. holders from prestigious universities and are Senior Editor's for MIS Quarterly, as well as board members to other journals. The research was published through Information Systems Journal, which is an awarded and respected scientific journal. The two authors also have written affiliation with Queen's School of Business in Ontario Canada. They have well organized and meticulously formulated references, which date from the 1950's until just before the article was written, all from respected and academic sources. This article from Webster and Staples greatly and directly pertains to my study of Social Exchange Theory in the workplace environment, especially when it comes to electronic communication mediums. The article goes into vast background detail on how Social Exchange Theory is used in normal face to face interactions in the workplace, which gives a good basis on my postulation. After giving an extensive background, it goes on to present theories into why that same kind of interaction should be used through electronic communication mediums. Not only that, but it proposes hypothesis with detailed experimentation to prove/ disprove this theory. By providing a firm and secure background and then providing an extending branch on that background, this article is invaluable to my research. Reference Staples, D., & Webster, J. (2008). Exploring the effects of trust, task interdependence and virtualness on knowledge sharing in teams. Information Systems Journal, 18(6), 617-640. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2575.2007.00244.x
  • 17. Source Three Database: EBSCOhost Subject Area: Computers and Applied Sciences Search Parameters: "Social Exchange" AND Workplace AND Computer* AND "Information Technology" OR IT Link: fviewer?sid=aae5e28b-ee61-4a09-9eb4- e40a13313704%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=14 Abstract: 3313a6-bdfb-4544-9b4b- 759c4c8ca521%40sessionmgr12&vid=1&hid=14&bdata=JnNpd GU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=iih&AN=9610124 511 Reference Chidambaram, L. (1996). Relational Development in Computer- Supported Groups. MIS Quarterly, 20(2), 143-165. Chidambaram uses a newly developing theory at the time of his article being published called Social Information Processing (SIP) theory, which states that intimacy within a group will most likely take longer to develop while using an electronic communication method (Chidambaram, 1996). He postulates that if given adequate time, these intimacy gaps can become very strong relational bonds (Chidambaram, 1996). His basic premise is that once comfortability and social interaction bonds are solidified within an electronic interaction medium, social growth and personal bonds will be stimulated and grow. That it is only through constant support and cohesiveness/ perception that the user will be satisfied with the communications outcome. Chidambaram is a Ph.D. holder with a double major in Information Systems and International Business. He is an associate professor and faculty director at Hawaii's College of Business Administration. He is also a well awarded teacher with many published research publications. He is very thorough
  • 18. in his methodology and research, and meticulous in his references and appendix. He formulates a theory and well documents any assumed/ known facts with documented and respected resources. The age of the article is a point of concern though, as it was published in 1996, 17 years prior to today. Although it seems to be completely objective and still relevant, although lacking in modern technology. The basis still seems to hold true. As stated, the only major down fall to this article is it's age, although I feel that it creates a very good basic premise for my argument, and helps steer my research down a tied theoretical path with Social Processing Theory (SIP), which I was not aware of prior to the reading of this article. By seeing just how social exchange works and how it can directly correlate into electronic communication methods, and seeing this additional theory on how overtime, this will naturally evolve if given some guidance, I can certainly use this source to give valid and fresh perspective on my argument (disregarding it's age). It certainly has changed how I think about my topic and gives new ideas for new approaches to just how Social Exchange Theory can affect a workplace environment, especially with the use of electronic communication. Reference Chidambaram, L. (1996). Relational Development in Computer- Supported Groups. MIS Quarterly, 20(2), 143-165. Rubric For this assignment, you will select and investigate a communication theory and create an annotated bibliography that conforms to American Psychological Association format and style requirements. 1. Choose a communication theory from the following chapters in the course text: · Anything in the Groups and Organizations chapters EXCEPT Groupthink · Cultural Studies, Cultivation Analysis, Spiral of Silence and
  • 19. Media Ecology theories but NOT Uses and Gratifications · Any of the Culture and Diversity theories · Any of the Relationship Development theories 2. Click on Resources > Library in our classroom navigation bar or go to the UMUC Library at 3. Click on Resources in the toolbar to the left of the library portal screen, then click on Subject Guides. Find the subject area that is most closely related to your major or your planned career in the list. Click on it and familiarize yourself with the materials available in your field of study or planned line of work. 4. Click on the button for databases in the Subject Guide. 5. Using one or more of the databases for your field of study or planned line of work, search for peer-reviewed journal articles about the communication theory or by the name of the person you selected to see if communication research on that theory has been applied to your area. You may also want to limit the search by using other keywords for your specific area of study or career interest. 6. Report the subject area. 7. Report the database(s) used for your search. 8. Report the key-words you used in your searches. 9. Write an introductory paragraph (~250-300 words) describing the reasons you chose that theory or researcher in the context of the following question: How can an understanding of Communication Theory supplement your skills and the insights you will need to succeed in your future work? 10. Select three articles from the databases in your field of study or career interest that support your thesis in response to the question posed in Step 9. 11. Write an annotated bibliography for the three articles that best support your thesis. If you are unfamiliar with an annotated bibliography, click on Resources > Effective Writing Center in the classroom navigation bar to learn about them from our
  • 20. writing center, or go to the Purdue OWL. You need to write a complete APA citation for each article. Then write a summary of at least 150 words for each article that includes an explanation of how the article supports your thesis. Make sure each summary or “annotation” includes a specific quote that illuminates what you learned from the article. 12. Please be sure to write carefully and well, using good grammar and APA-style in-text citations for quotes, summaries and paraphrases. Your annotated bibliography is due in the assignments area of the classroom by 11:59 p.m. Sunday in Week 3.(Worth 15% of your grade.) You can submit it through the link below or directly to your assignment folder through the Assignments link in the blue navbar above. Annotated Bibliography Rubric CATEGORY A B C D F Quality /Currencyof Sources Sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking. Sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking. Only some sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking. Sources may not reflect contemporary theoretical thinking. No sources reflect contemporary theoretical thinking. Quality / Relevancy of Sources All sources cited can be considered relevant. Most sources cited can be considered relevant. Only some sources can be considered relevant. Few sources cited can be considered relevant. Little or no relevant sources cited. Quality / Reliability of Sources All sources cited can be considered reliable and/or trustworthy, i.e. bibliography exceeds or meets minimum requirements for
  • 21. peer-reviewed sources. Most sources cited can be considered reliable and/or trustworthy, i.e. bibliography meets minimum requirements for peer-reviewed sources. Only some sources can be considered reliable and/or trustworthy i.e. bibliography comes close to meeting minimum requirements for peer-reviewed sources. Few sources cited can be considered reliable and/or trustworthy, i.e. bibliography falls well short of minimum requirements for peer-reviewed sources. Little or no reliable and/or trustworthy sources cited, i.e. bibliography does not meet minimum requirements for peer- reviewed sources. Quantity of Sources Document cites the number of sources outlined in the assignment. Document cites the number of sources outlined in the assignment. Document cites the number of sources outlined in the assignment. Document is one source under the number of appropriate sources required by the assignment. Document does not contain appropriate sources to meet the number required by the assignment. Writing Fluency of Annotations All annotations are thoughtful, complete, and well written. Most annotations are thoughtful, complete, and well written. Some annotations are well written but some are lacking in completeness, thought, and /or writing quality. Most annotations are lacking in completeness, thought, and/or writing quality. All annotations are lacking in completeness, thought, and/or writing quality. APA andDocumentation Citations are formatted correctly in the document.
  • 22. There are a few formatting errors in the document's citations. There are some formatting errors in the document's citations. There are many and/or frequent formatting errors in the document's citations. There is little or no adherence to APA format in the document. Overriding criterion: Originality and authenticity. If the essay is identified as not being original, and/or not done by the student, the instructor has the right to grade the paper as an F. Checkpoints: Yes / No Report the subject area of your search (2 points) Report the database(s) used for your search (2 points) Report the keywords you used in your searches (2 points) Use three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles that reflect your thesis. (2 points ea. = 6 points) Write an introduction (250-300 words) to your assignment that articulates the research question or hypothesis about comm theory that you developed in response to the assignment prompt. Explain how the three articles that you chose relate to your research question or hypothesis. (30 points) Write three properly formatted APA-style bibliographic listings for the articles. (6 points ea. = 18 points). Explain how each article supports your thesis (~150-200 words for each entry). Reference specific information in each article through summary, paraphrase, and/or at least one direct quote relevant to your thesis, which you support with a properly formatted, APA-style, in-text citation and bibliographic references. (10 points ea. = 30 points) Use college-level grammar and mechanics. (5 points)
  • 23. Edit/proofread work carefully to conform to APA manuscript rules. (5 points) Submit completed work by deadline. (-10% for each day or portion of a day late, up to three days late) Grade: / 100% 13