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HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS                                State

                           Joy A. Awoniyi
                Pharm.D Candidate 2012
                   Florida A&M University
                         October 21, 2011

           Community Pharmacy Rotation
      Preceptor: Dr. Kayon Samuels-Dennis

 D e f i ne h e r p e s s i m pl e x v i r us

 P r o v i d e a b a c k g r o und r e g a r d i ng t h e e p i de mi ol o gy a n d m e t h o d s o f
  t r a n s m i ssi on o f t h e v i r us

 R e v i e w t h e c o m p l ic a ti o ns a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e d i s e a se

 D i f f e r e n ti a t e b e t w e e n t h e t w o t y p e s o f h e r p e s s i m pl e x v i r use s

 H i g hl i g ht t h e s i g ns a n d s y m p to m s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e d i a g no si s o f t h e
  d i se a se

 D i s ti ng ui sh H S V f r o m o t h e r d i s e a s e s t a t e s w i t h s i m i la r c l i ni ca l p r e s e n t a ti on s

 P r o v i d e a n o v e rv i e w o f t h e a v a i l a b l e p h a r m a c ol ogi c a l u s e d t o m a n a g e H S V

 E x p l a i n m o d e s o f p r e v e nti on o f t h e s p r e a d a n d a c q ui si ti o n o f t h e v i r us

 E m p ha si z e t h e r o l e o f t h e p h a r m a ci s t i n t h e t r e a t m e n t o f p a t i en t s w i t h H S V

 Herpes simplex viruses are host -adapted pathogens that
  cause a wide variety of disease states

 Double-stranded DNA viruses characterized by
   Neurovirulence – the ability to invade the nervous system
   Latency
   Reactivation – which can be induced by various stimuli such
    as fever or emotional stress

 By age 30, 50% of those in a high socioeconomic status
  an 80% in a lower socioeconomic status are seropositive
  for HSV-1

 Lifetime seroprevalence of HSV-2 can be anywhere
  between 20 – 80%

 HSV-2 is more common in women (25%) than in men

 In the United States, HSV-2 is more prevalent in blacks
  (45%) as compared to Mexican -Americans (22%) and
  Whites (17%)

 Humans are the only
  natural reservoirs

 Transmission occurs by
  close personal contact

 Infection occurs by
  way of inoculation of
  the virus into
  susceptible mucosal

 The virus is inactivated
  at room temperature
  and by drying

          HSV-1                        HSV-2
 Traditionally associated    Traditionally associated
  with orofacial disease       with genital disease

 Reactivates more            Reactivates 8-10 times
  frequently in the oral       more frequently in the
  region                       genital region than the
 Usually acquired in         Presence may be an
  childhood                    indirect measure of sexual
                               activity, in some cases
 Transmitted chiefly by
  contact with infected       Transmitted sexually or
  saliva                       from a mothers genital
                               tract infection to her

 Bacterial and fungal super -       CNS I nvolvement
  infections                           Aseptic Meningitis
                                       Ganglionitis and myelitis
 Ocular infections                    Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
                                        (70% mortality rate untreated)
   Conjunctivitis
                                       HSV-2 is more commonly
   HSV is the leading infectious       associated with CNS infection
    cause of blindness in the           in newborns, HSV-1 in adults
    United States
                                     Pregnancy complications
 Skin Infections                      Neonatal Infection leading to
   Eczema Herpeticum                   uterine growth retardation and
   Herpetic Whitlow (involvement       premature births
    of the fingers)
   Herpes gladiatorum: scattered    Neonatal disease
    HSV 1 lesions observed in
    wrestlers                          Risk of mother to child
                                        transmission is 50%
 Visceral I nfections
                                     I ncreased risk of HIV

                      Herpes Labialis

         Most common manifestation of
          recurrent HSV-1 infection

         May last up to 5 days and occur in
          most patients less than twice per year

         Sign
           Erythematous papules rapidly developing
            into tiny vesicles that eventually ulcerate

         Symptoms
           Pain, burning and tingling at the site prior
            to papule formation

            Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatits

         Primarily seen in younger patients (6
          months – 5 years) but may occur
          more acutely and less severely in

         Abrupt onset, lasting 5 – 7 days

         Signs
           High temperatures between 102 and 104 °
           Gingivitis is the most striking feature
           Vesicular lesions on the oral mucosa,
            tongue, and lips

         Symptoms
           Anorexia and listlessness

           Acute Herpetic Pharyngotonsilitis

         Pharyngotonsilitis is seen more often
          in adults

         Signs
           Oral and labial lesions occur in less than
            10% of patients
           Ruptured vesicles may rupture and form
            ulcerative lesions with gray exudates n
            the tonsils and posterior pharynx
           Fever

         Symptoms
           Malaise
           Headache
           Sore throat
               GENITAL HERPES
 May be caused by either type of HSV
   Clinical features are indistinguishable
   Recurrence is more common with HSV-2

 Incubation period is anywhere between 1 day to 3 weeks

 Symptoms
   Systemic: Fever, headache, malaise an myalgia
   Local: Pain, itching, dysuria, vaginal and urethral discharge,
    tender lymphadenopathy
   Severe and prolonged manifestations
   May be asymptomatic

 Ulcerative lesions persist anywhere from 4 to 15 days. In
  75% of patients, new lesions will form in 4 -10 days

 Vesicles appear in the glans
  penis and prepuce, or shaft of
  the penis
   May also appear on the scrotum,
    thighs, and buttocks

 30 – 40% of men may experience
  herpetic urethritis which presents
  as severe dysuria and mucoid

 Herpetic proctitis involves the
  perianal area and rectum and is
  more commonly involved in
  those who engage in anal

       Vesicles appear on the external
        genitalia, labia minora and
        majora, vaginal vestibule, and

       70 – 90% of women experience
        cervical involvement, which may
        be ulcerative or necrotic to the
         Cervicitis is the sole manifestation in
          some women

       Dysuria may occur
         May cause urinary retention
         May be associated with urethritis, which
          is seen more often with the HSV Type 1

 90% of patients are reactivated with genital herpes within
  the first 12 months
   HSV-2 is reactivated more commonly, with 60%of patients
    experiencing recurrences within the first year

 Symptoms
   Tenderness, pain, and burning at the site of eruption lasting from
    2 hours to 2 days
   Fever is uncommon
   More severe in women than men

 The frequency and severity of recurrence decreases with

 Lesions generally heal within 8 to 10 days in women, and
  between 7 and 10 days for men
   Infection lasts may last over 30 days in immunocompromised

 Most primary HSV infections are asymptomatic
   70-80% of seropositive individuals have no known history of
    genital herpes

          The criteria for standard diagnosis includes isolation of
                           the virus in tissue culture

 Immunofluorescent               Polymerase Chain
  staining: Distinguishes          Reactions: Detects HSV
  between types of herpes          DNA in clinical specimens
  simples virus as well as non -     Can also detect
  herpes viruses                      asymptomatic viral shedding

 Tzank Smears: Assists in the  Direct Fluorescent Antigen :
  diagnosis of cutaneous         Staining with fluorescent
  herpes virus infections, but   antibodies may distinguish
  does not distinguish           between types
  between types

 Candidiasis: Fungal infection

 Chancroid: STD and Cofactor in HIV transmission

 Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease: transmitted by the fecal -
  oral route

 Herpes Zoster (Shingles): Benign course

 Syphilis: STD with nonspecific manifestations
      TREATMENTS   Virus

 Reduce morbidity

 Prevent complications

 Antiviral Agents
   These agents are nucleoside analogs that are phosphorylated
    by thymidine kinase to form a nucleoside triphosphate which
    inhibits HSV polymerase
   Mechanism of action:
      Interferes with DNA Polymerase to inhibit DNA replication by
       way of chain termination

 Only oral agents are recommended for the
  treatment of genital herpes, while both
  prescription and over-the counter agents may
  be used to treat cold sores

          First Episode                                    Suppressive Therapy

Recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
                             Sexually Transmitted Diseases Guidelines, 2010.

 Used for both types of HSV

 Side effects
     Malaise
     Nausea, vomiting
     Pruritus
     Acute Renal failure

 Pregnancy Category B

 Avoid use with other
  nephrotoxic drugs as renal
  failure resulting in death
  has occurred

      Adult Dosing                          Pediatric Dosing
 Initial Treatment:                      Neonatal HSV
   200mg PO Q4H 5 times daily
    x 7-10 days                            20mg/kg/day div Q8H
   400mg PO TID x 5-10 days                IV x 14-21 days
 Recurrence Treatment
   200mg PO Q4H 5times daily             HSV Encephalitis
    x 5 days
     Initiate at the earliest sign or     3 months -12 yrs:
      symptom of recurrence                 20mg/kg Q8H x 10 days
 Chronic Suppression                      12 and older: 10-
   400mg PO BID up to 12                   15mg/kg IV Q8H x 14-12
    months                                  days
   200mg 3-5 times daily for up
    to 12 months

 Formulations
Formulation                       Unit Count             Estimated Price
Generic 200mg Capsules            30                     $10 - 20
Generic 200mg/5mL Oral            473 mL                 $10 - 20
Generic 400mg Tablets             60 tabs                $20 - 40
Generic 800mg Tablets             30 tabs                $20 - 40
Brand 200mg Capsules              30 caps                $20 - 40
Brand 200mg/5mL Oral Suspension   473 mL                 $100 - 150
Brand 400mg Tablets               60 tabs                $100 - 150
Brand 800mg Tablets               30 tabs                $100 - 150
Generic Powder for injection      500mg and 1g vials --------------------
Generic IV solution 50mg/mL       multiple               --------------------
 IMPORTANT NOTE: This formulation has no clinical
  benefit for recurrent genital herpes and is ineffective
  against herpes labialis

 Recommended Adult Dose for INITIAL OCCURRENCE:
    Apply Q3H 6 times daily x 7 days
    Start therapy at the earliest sign or symptom of infection

Formulation                       Unit Count          Estimated Price
Brand 5% Cream                    1 tube, 2 grams     $100
Brand 5% Cream                    1 tube, 5 grams     $180
Brand 5% Ointment                 1 tube, 15 grams    $60-100
Brand 5% Ointment                 1 tube, 3 grams     $20-40
 Used to treat herpes labialis in patients over 12 years

 Recommended Adult Dose:
   Apply 5 times daily x 5 days
   Start therapy at the earliest sign or symptom of infection

 May cause pigment changes

 Used for both types of HSV

 Dose renally when CrCl is less
  than 60mL/min due to risk of
  acute renal failure

 Side effects
     Headache
     Nausea
     Fatigue
     Fever

 Pregnancy Category B

 Pro-drug that is
  biotransformed into its active
  metabolite, Penciclovir

      Adult Dosing                  Pediatric Dosing
 Recurrent Herpes Labialis       Safety and efficacy
   1500mg PO once                 has not been
                                   established in this
 Primary Genital HSV              population, but the
   250mg PO TID x 5-10 days       medication is used off-
   Off-label indication           label in adolescents
 Recurrent Genital HSV
   1000mg PO BID x 1 day
                                  Primary Genital HSV
   HIV Patients: 500mg PO BID      250 mg PO TID x 7-10days
    x 7days
                                  Chronic Suppression
 Chronic Suppression               125-250 mg PO BID up to
   250mg PO BID up to 12            12 months

 Formulations
Formulation             Unit Count   Estimated Price
Generic 125mg Tablets   30 tabs      $160
Generic 250mg Tablets   30 tabs      $170
Generic 500mg Tablets   30 tabs      $330
Brand 125mg Tablets     30 tabs      $200
Brand 250mg Tablets     30 tabs      $216
Brand 500mg Tablets     30 tabs      $450

 Used topically for        Adult Dosing
  Herpes Labialis                 Apply Q2H x 4 days

                            No pediatric dosing
 Side effects               information
  Headache
  Taste changes
  Erythema
  Pruritus
                   Formulation      Unit     Estimated Price
 Pregnancy                         Count
  Category B       Brand name       1 tube   $100
                   1% cream         (1.5g)

 Used for both types of HSV

 Provides an advantage as it reduces the
  risk of heterosexual transmission of
  genital herpes to susceptible partners
  when used as suppressive therapy

 M ore expensive pro -drug of A cyclovir,
  with more convenient dosing

 Side effects
     Abdominal pain
     Headache
     Nausea
     Depression

 Pregnancy Category B

 Renal dosing is required when creatinine
  cl earance is l ess than 50mL/min

      Adult Dosing             Pediatric Dosing
 Recurrent Herpes           Safety and efficacy
   2 PO Q12H x 1 day         has not been
                              established in this
 Primary Genital HSV         population
   1g PO BID x 10days

 Recurrent Genital HSV
   500mg PO BID x 3 days

 Chronic Suppression
   1 g PO Daily
   500mg PO BID if HIV-

 Formulations

Formulation             Unit Count   Estimated Price
Generic 1g Tablets      30 tabs      $350
Generic 500mg Tablets   30 tabs      $170
Brand 1g Tablets        30 tabs      $370
Brand 500 mg Tablets    30 tabs      $240

 Available over the counter for the treatment of herpes

 Mechanism of Action:
   Inhibits the fusion of the herpes simplex virus envelope with host
    cell plasma membranes. This results in the inhibition of viral entry
    into cells and subsequent viral replication

 Side effects
   HSV development outside the treatment area
   Headache
   Application site reactions

 Recommended dosing
   Apply topically to cover all lesions 5 times daily until healed
    (Maximum of 10 days)
    The following medications may be recommended over the
  counter for the treatment of cold sores in individuals older than 2
    years and are applied as needed for a maximum of 4 days

 Anbesol Cold Sore                    Orajel Cold Sore Swabs
   Benzocaine, Camphor,                  Benzocaine Topical
    allantoin, Petrolatum
                                       Orajel Cold Sore Brush or
 Neosporin LT Lip                      Multi-Action cold sore
  treatment                               Benzocaine, allatoin,
                                           dimethicone, petrolatum
   Pramoxine/ allantoin                   topical
                                       Zilactin Cold Sore Gel or
 Orajel Overnight Cold                 Solution
  Sore Patch                              Benzoyl Alcohol Topical
   Dyclonine Topical
     FOLLOW-UP   Virus

 Latex condoms are recommended to minimize exposure
  to genital herpes infections
   Ulcers may occur outside of the condom, and transmission is
    still possible

 Herpetic whitlow can be avoided by the use of latex
  gloves when inserting the hand into an oral cavity

 Daily antiviral therapy can be given to reduce episodes
  of asymptomatic viral shedding

     Compliance
       Encourage adherence to medication
        regimens to decrease transmissions
       Check to see if patients are keeping
        physician appointments
       Identify barriers to medication

     Counseling
       Give unbiased clinical advise on OTC
       Educate patients on the modes of
       Encourage patients with genital
        herpes to inform sexual partners
        regarding their diagnosis’

 C e n t e r s f o r D i s e as e C o n t r o l an d P r e v e n ti o n. “ G e n i t al HS V I n f e c tio n s”.
  M M W R 2 0 1 0 ;5 9 (No . R R - 1 2 ): 2 0 - 2 4 .

 K i m b e rl i n D Q , R o u s e D J . C l i n i cal P r ac t i c e . G e n i t al He r p e s . N E n g l J
  Me d . M ay 6 2 0 0 4 ;3 5 0 (1 9 ):1 9 7 0 - 7 7 .

 Nag o t N, O u e d r ao go A , F o u l o n g n e V, e t al . R e d u c t i o n o f HI V - 1 R NA
  l e v el s w i t h t h e r ap y t o s u p p r e s s h e r p e s s i m p l e x v i r us . N E n g l J Me d .
  2 0 0 7 ;3 5 6 (8 ):7 9 0 - 9 9 .

 A r d ui n o P G , P o r t e r S R . O r al an d p e r i o r al h e r p e s s i m p l e x v i r us t y p e 1
  (HS V - 1 ) i n f e c t i o n : r e v i e w o f i t s m an ag e m e n t .

 S al v agg i a M R . “ He r p e s S i m p l e x ”. M e d s c ap e R e f e r e n c e . A v ai l abl e at :
  h t t p ://e m e dici n e .m e dsc ap e.c o m /articl e / 2 1 8 5 8 0 . A c c e s s e d o n 1 7 O c t
  2 0 1 1 . L as t u p d at e d 3 D e c 2 0 1 0 .

 “ A n ti v iral ag e n t s f o r t h e t r e at m e n t o f c o m m o n h e r p e t i c i n f e c t i on s i n
  i m m u n o c o m p e te n t p at i e n t s”. P h ar m ac i s t’s L e t t e r 2 0 0 2 ; 1 8 (1 0 ):1 8 1 0 0 7 .

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Disease State Presentation: Herpes Simplex Virus

  • 1. Disease HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS State Presentation Joy A. Awoniyi Pharm.D Candidate 2012 Florida A&M University October 21, 2011 Community Pharmacy Rotation Preceptor: Dr. Kayon Samuels-Dennis
  • 2. OBJECTIVES THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRESENTATION IS TO:  D e f i ne h e r p e s s i m pl e x v i r us  P r o v i d e a b a c k g r o und r e g a r d i ng t h e e p i de mi ol o gy a n d m e t h o d s o f t r a n s m i ssi on o f t h e v i r us  R e v i e w t h e c o m p l ic a ti o ns a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e d i s e a se  D i f f e r e n ti a t e b e t w e e n t h e t w o t y p e s o f h e r p e s s i m pl e x v i r use s  H i g hl i g ht t h e s i g ns a n d s y m p to m s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e d i a g no si s o f t h e d i se a se  D i s ti ng ui sh H S V f r o m o t h e r d i s e a s e s t a t e s w i t h s i m i la r c l i ni ca l p r e s e n t a ti on s  P r o v i d e a n o v e rv i e w o f t h e a v a i l a b l e p h a r m a c ol ogi c a l u s e d t o m a n a g e H S V  E x p l a i n m o d e s o f p r e v e nti on o f t h e s p r e a d a n d a c q ui si ti o n o f t h e v i r us  E m p ha si z e t h e r o l e o f t h e p h a r m a ci s t i n t h e t r e a t m e n t o f p a t i en t s w i t h H S V
  • 3. Herpes BACKGROUND Simplex Virus
  • 4. DEFINITION  Herpes simplex viruses are host -adapted pathogens that cause a wide variety of disease states  Double-stranded DNA viruses characterized by  Neurovirulence – the ability to invade the nervous system  Latency  Reactivation – which can be induced by various stimuli such as fever or emotional stress
  • 5. EPIDEMIOLOGY  By age 30, 50% of those in a high socioeconomic status an 80% in a lower socioeconomic status are seropositive for HSV-1  Lifetime seroprevalence of HSV-2 can be anywhere between 20 – 80%  HSV-2 is more common in women (25%) than in men (17%)  In the United States, HSV-2 is more prevalent in blacks (45%) as compared to Mexican -Americans (22%) and Whites (17%)
  • 6. TRANSMISSION  Humans are the only natural reservoirs  Transmission occurs by close personal contact  Infection occurs by way of inoculation of the virus into susceptible mucosal surfaces  The virus is inactivated at room temperature and by drying
  • 7. TYPES OF HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS HSV-1 HSV-2  Traditionally associated  Traditionally associated with orofacial disease with genital disease  Reactivates more  Reactivates 8-10 times frequently in the oral more frequently in the region genital region than the orolabial  Usually acquired in  Presence may be an childhood indirect measure of sexual activity, in some cases  Transmitted chiefly by contact with infected  Transmitted sexually or saliva from a mothers genital tract infection to her newborn
  • 8. COMPLICATIONS  Bacterial and fungal super -  CNS I nvolvement infections  Aseptic Meningitis  Ganglionitis and myelitis  Ocular infections  Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (70% mortality rate untreated)  Conjunctivitis  HSV-2 is more commonly  HSV is the leading infectious associated with CNS infection cause of blindness in the in newborns, HSV-1 in adults United States  Pregnancy complications  Skin Infections  Neonatal Infection leading to  Eczema Herpeticum uterine growth retardation and  Herpetic Whitlow (involvement premature births of the fingers)  Herpes gladiatorum: scattered  Neonatal disease HSV 1 lesions observed in wrestlers  Risk of mother to child transmission is 50%  Visceral I nfections  I ncreased risk of HIV infection
  • 9. CLINICAL Herpes Simplex PRESENTATIONS Virus
  • 10. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 1 Herpes Labialis  Most common manifestation of recurrent HSV-1 infection  May last up to 5 days and occur in most patients less than twice per year  Sign  Erythematous papules rapidly developing into tiny vesicles that eventually ulcerate  Symptoms  Pain, burning and tingling at the site prior to papule formation
  • 11. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 1 Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatits  Primarily seen in younger patients (6 months – 5 years) but may occur more acutely and less severely in adults  Abrupt onset, lasting 5 – 7 days  Signs  High temperatures between 102 and 104 °  Gingivitis is the most striking feature  Vesicular lesions on the oral mucosa, tongue, and lips  Symptoms  Anorexia and listlessness
  • 12. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 1 Acute Herpetic Pharyngotonsilitis  Pharyngotonsilitis is seen more often in adults  Signs  Oral and labial lesions occur in less than 10% of patients  Ruptured vesicles may rupture and form ulcerative lesions with gray exudates n the tonsils and posterior pharynx  Fever  Symptoms  Malaise  Headache  Sore throat
  • 13. PRIMARY (FIRST EPISODE) GENITAL HERPES  May be caused by either type of HSV  Clinical features are indistinguishable  Recurrence is more common with HSV-2  Incubation period is anywhere between 1 day to 3 weeks  Symptoms  Systemic: Fever, headache, malaise an myalgia  Local: Pain, itching, dysuria, vaginal and urethral discharge, tender lymphadenopathy  Severe and prolonged manifestations  May be asymptomatic  Ulcerative lesions persist anywhere from 4 to 15 days. In 75% of patients, new lesions will form in 4 -10 days
  • 14. PRIMARY GENITAL HERPES Men  Vesicles appear in the glans penis and prepuce, or shaft of the penis  May also appear on the scrotum, thighs, and buttocks  30 – 40% of men may experience herpetic urethritis which presents as severe dysuria and mucoid discharge  Herpetic proctitis involves the perianal area and rectum and is more commonly involved in those who engage in anal intercourse
  • 15. PRIMARY GENITAL HERPES Women  Vesicles appear on the external genitalia, labia minora and majora, vaginal vestibule, and introitus  70 – 90% of women experience cervical involvement, which may be ulcerative or necrotic to the mucosa  Cervicitis is the sole manifestation in some women  Dysuria may occur  May cause urinary retention  May be associated with urethritis, which is seen more often with the HSV Type 1
  • 16. RECURRENT GENITAL HERPES  90% of patients are reactivated with genital herpes within the first 12 months  HSV-2 is reactivated more commonly, with 60%of patients experiencing recurrences within the first year  Symptoms  Tenderness, pain, and burning at the site of eruption lasting from 2 hours to 2 days  Fever is uncommon  More severe in women than men  The frequency and severity of recurrence decreases with time  Lesions generally heal within 8 to 10 days in women, and between 7 and 10 days for men  Infection lasts may last over 30 days in immunocompromised patients
  • 17. SUBCLINICAL GENITAL HERPES  Most primary HSV infections are asymptomatic  70-80% of seropositive individuals have no known history of genital herpes
  • 18. Herpes DIAGNOSIS Simplex Virus
  • 19. LABORATORY STUDIES The criteria for standard diagnosis includes isolation of the virus in tissue culture  Immunofluorescent  Polymerase Chain staining: Distinguishes Reactions: Detects HSV between types of herpes DNA in clinical specimens simples virus as well as non -  Can also detect herpes viruses asymptomatic viral shedding  Tzank Smears: Assists in the  Direct Fluorescent Antigen : diagnosis of cutaneous Staining with fluorescent herpes virus infections, but antibodies may distinguish does not distinguish between types between types
  • 20. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES  Candidiasis: Fungal infection  Chancroid: STD and Cofactor in HIV transmission  Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease: transmitted by the fecal - oral route  Herpes Zoster (Shingles): Benign course  Syphilis: STD with nonspecific manifestations
  • 22. MEDICATION THERAPY GOALS  Reduce morbidity  Prevent complications
  • 23. HSV THERAPY  Antiviral Agents  These agents are nucleoside analogs that are phosphorylated by thymidine kinase to form a nucleoside triphosphate which inhibits HSV polymerase  Mechanism of action:  Interferes with DNA Polymerase to inhibit DNA replication by way of chain termination  Only oral agents are recommended for the treatment of genital herpes, while both prescription and over-the counter agents may be used to treat cold sores
  • 24. RECOMMENDED REGIMENS FOR GENITAL HERPES First Episode Suppressive Therapy Recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Sexually Transmitted Diseases Guidelines, 2010.
  • 25. ACYCLOVIR (ZOVIRAX®)  Used for both types of HSV  Side effects  Malaise  Nausea, vomiting  Pruritus  Acute Renal failure  Pregnancy Category B  Avoid use with other nephrotoxic drugs as renal failure resulting in death has occurred
  • 26. ACYCLOVIR (ZOVIRAX®) Adult Dosing Pediatric Dosing  Initial Treatment:  Neonatal HSV  200mg PO Q4H 5 times daily x 7-10 days  20mg/kg/day div Q8H  400mg PO TID x 5-10 days IV x 14-21 days  Recurrence Treatment  200mg PO Q4H 5times daily  HSV Encephalitis x 5 days  Initiate at the earliest sign or  3 months -12 yrs: symptom of recurrence 20mg/kg Q8H x 10 days  Chronic Suppression  12 and older: 10-  400mg PO BID up to 12 15mg/kg IV Q8H x 14-12 months days  200mg 3-5 times daily for up to 12 months
  • 27. ACYCLOVIR (ZOVIRAX®)  Formulations Formulation Unit Count Estimated Price Generic 200mg Capsules 30 $10 - 20 Generic 200mg/5mL Oral 473 mL $10 - 20 Suspension Generic 400mg Tablets 60 tabs $20 - 40 Generic 800mg Tablets 30 tabs $20 - 40 Brand 200mg Capsules 30 caps $20 - 40 Brand 200mg/5mL Oral Suspension 473 mL $100 - 150 Brand 400mg Tablets 60 tabs $100 - 150 Brand 800mg Tablets 30 tabs $100 - 150 Generic Powder for injection 500mg and 1g vials -------------------- Generic IV solution 50mg/mL multiple --------------------
  • 28. ACYCLOVIR TOPICAL (ZOVIRAX® OINTMENT OR CREAM)  IMPORTANT NOTE: This formulation has no clinical benefit for recurrent genital herpes and is ineffective against herpes labialis  Recommended Adult Dose for INITIAL OCCURRENCE:  Apply Q3H 6 times daily x 7 days  Start therapy at the earliest sign or symptom of infection Formulation Unit Count Estimated Price Brand 5% Cream 1 tube, 2 grams $100 Brand 5% Cream 1 tube, 5 grams $180 Brand 5% Ointment 1 tube, 15 grams $60-100 Brand 5% Ointment 1 tube, 3 grams $20-40
  • 29. ACYCLOVIR AND HYDROCORTISONE (XERESE®)  Used to treat herpes labialis in patients over 12 years  Recommended Adult Dose:  Apply 5 times daily x 5 days  Start therapy at the earliest sign or symptom of infection  May cause pigment changes
  • 30. FAMCICLOVIR (FAMVIR®)  Used for both types of HSV  Dose renally when CrCl is less than 60mL/min due to risk of acute renal failure  Side effects  Headache  Nausea  Fatigue  Fever  Pregnancy Category B  Pro-drug that is biotransformed into its active metabolite, Penciclovir
  • 31. FAMCICLOVIR (FAMVIR®) Adult Dosing Pediatric Dosing  Recurrent Herpes Labialis  Safety and efficacy  1500mg PO once has not been established in this  Primary Genital HSV population, but the  250mg PO TID x 5-10 days medication is used off-  Off-label indication label in adolescents  Recurrent Genital HSV  1000mg PO BID x 1 day  Primary Genital HSV  HIV Patients: 500mg PO BID  250 mg PO TID x 7-10days x 7days  Chronic Suppression  Chronic Suppression  125-250 mg PO BID up to  250mg PO BID up to 12 12 months months
  • 32. FAMCICLOVIR (FAMVIR®)  Formulations Formulation Unit Count Estimated Price Generic 125mg Tablets 30 tabs $160 Generic 250mg Tablets 30 tabs $170 Generic 500mg Tablets 30 tabs $330 Brand 125mg Tablets 30 tabs $200 Brand 250mg Tablets 30 tabs $216 Brand 500mg Tablets 30 tabs $450
  • 33. PENCICLOVIR (DENAVIR®)  Used topically for  Adult Dosing Herpes Labialis  Apply Q2H x 4 days  No pediatric dosing  Side effects information  Headache available  Taste changes  Erythema  Pruritus Formulation Unit Estimated Price  Pregnancy Count Category B Brand name 1 tube $100 1% cream (1.5g)
  • 34. VALACYCLOVIR (VALTREX®)  Used for both types of HSV  Provides an advantage as it reduces the risk of heterosexual transmission of genital herpes to susceptible partners when used as suppressive therapy  M ore expensive pro -drug of A cyclovir, with more convenient dosing  Side effects  Abdominal pain  Headache  Nausea  Depression  Pregnancy Category B  Renal dosing is required when creatinine cl earance is l ess than 50mL/min
  • 35. VALACYCLOVIR(VALTREX®) Adult Dosing Pediatric Dosing  Recurrent Herpes  Safety and efficacy Labialis  2 PO Q12H x 1 day has not been established in this  Primary Genital HSV population  1g PO BID x 10days  Recurrent Genital HSV  500mg PO BID x 3 days  Chronic Suppression  1 g PO Daily  500mg PO BID if HIV- infected
  • 36. VALACYCLOVIR (VALTREX®)  Formulations Formulation Unit Count Estimated Price Generic 1g Tablets 30 tabs $350 Generic 500mg Tablets 30 tabs $170 Brand 1g Tablets 30 tabs $370 Brand 500 mg Tablets 30 tabs $240
  • 37. DOCOSANOL (ABREVA®)  Available over the counter for the treatment of herpes labialis  Mechanism of Action:  Inhibits the fusion of the herpes simplex virus envelope with host cell plasma membranes. This results in the inhibition of viral entry into cells and subsequent viral replication  Side effects  HSV development outside the treatment area  Headache  Application site reactions  Recommended dosing  Apply topically to cover all lesions 5 times daily until healed (Maximum of 10 days)
  • 38. TOPICAL OVER-THE-COUNTER AGENTS FOR HERPES LABIALIS The following medications may be recommended over the counter for the treatment of cold sores in individuals older than 2 years and are applied as needed for a maximum of 4 days  Anbesol Cold Sore  Orajel Cold Sore Swabs  Benzocaine, Camphor,  Benzocaine Topical allantoin, Petrolatum Topical  Orajel Cold Sore Brush or  Neosporin LT Lip Multi-Action cold sore treatment  Benzocaine, allatoin, dimethicone, petrolatum  Pramoxine/ allantoin topical topical  Zilactin Cold Sore Gel or  Orajel Overnight Cold Solution Sore Patch  Benzoyl Alcohol Topical  Dyclonine Topical
  • 39. PREVENTION AND Herpes Simplex FOLLOW-UP Virus
  • 40. PREVENTION  Latex condoms are recommended to minimize exposure to genital herpes infections  Ulcers may occur outside of the condom, and transmission is still possible  Herpetic whitlow can be avoided by the use of latex gloves when inserting the hand into an oral cavity  Daily antiviral therapy can be given to reduce episodes of asymptomatic viral shedding
  • 41. PHARMACISTS ROLE  Compliance  Encourage adherence to medication regimens to decrease transmissions  Check to see if patients are keeping physician appointments  Identify barriers to medication adherence  Counseling  Give unbiased clinical advise on OTC treatments  Educate patients on the modes of transmission  Encourage patients with genital herpes to inform sexual partners regarding their diagnosis’
  • 42.
  • 43. REFERENCES  C e n t e r s f o r D i s e as e C o n t r o l an d P r e v e n ti o n. “ G e n i t al HS V I n f e c tio n s”. M M W R 2 0 1 0 ;5 9 (No . R R - 1 2 ): 2 0 - 2 4 .  K i m b e rl i n D Q , R o u s e D J . C l i n i cal P r ac t i c e . G e n i t al He r p e s . N E n g l J Me d . M ay 6 2 0 0 4 ;3 5 0 (1 9 ):1 9 7 0 - 7 7 .  Nag o t N, O u e d r ao go A , F o u l o n g n e V, e t al . R e d u c t i o n o f HI V - 1 R NA l e v el s w i t h t h e r ap y t o s u p p r e s s h e r p e s s i m p l e x v i r us . N E n g l J Me d . 2 0 0 7 ;3 5 6 (8 ):7 9 0 - 9 9 .  A r d ui n o P G , P o r t e r S R . O r al an d p e r i o r al h e r p e s s i m p l e x v i r us t y p e 1 (HS V - 1 ) i n f e c t i o n : r e v i e w o f i t s m an ag e m e n t .  S al v agg i a M R . “ He r p e s S i m p l e x ”. M e d s c ap e R e f e r e n c e . A v ai l abl e at : h t t p ://e m e dici n e .m e dsc ap e.c o m /articl e / 2 1 8 5 8 0 . A c c e s s e d o n 1 7 O c t 2 0 1 1 . L as t u p d at e d 3 D e c 2 0 1 0 .  “ A n ti v iral ag e n t s f o r t h e t r e at m e n t o f c o m m o n h e r p e t i c i n f e c t i on s i n i m m u n o c o m p e te n t p at i e n t s”. P h ar m ac i s t’s L e t t e r 2 0 0 2 ; 1 8 (1 0 ):1 8 1 0 0 7 .