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Digital Publishing: Scaling New Heights
Digital Publishing:
Scaling New Heights

How do consumer, business, technology and
content trends stretch us to expand our view of
what publishing is and deliver to our intended
audience? Smart phones, mobile tablets, e-
Readers and the web drive the new “post paper”
market for magazine publishers but your business
models are still evolving.
Digital Publishing
Scaling New Heights

1     Trends Affecting Digital Publishing

2      Key Development Area: Content

3      Key Development Area: Design, User Engagement & Features

4      Key Development Area: Production Technology & Delivery Options

5      Key Development Area: Business Model

6      Key Development Area: Advertising Sales

7      Key Development Area: Metrics & SEO
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Print Audiences

 Print audiences for news, opinion and
 entertainment content (and the
 advertising they attract) are shrinking
 worldwide, and the rate of decline grows
 every year.

 In most countries, print now ranks as
 either the #3 or #4 medium by audience
 size and advertising spending (typically
 after TV, the internet and radio).
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Print Audiences

 • While the decline of print media (newspapers and magazines) is
   dropping more slowly in India than in other countries the trend is the
   same – print is shrinking and online is growing every year.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Print Audiences


 • Print-only publishers should plan to incorporate online editions.

 • Publishers with existing online editions need to maximize their
   effectiveness and build a realistic online business model.

    –This impacts the business model, editorial, design and delivery technology.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers

                                  Mobil in India is 4% in 2012
                                  and growing fast with
                                  market share doubling every
                                  6 to 8 months.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers

 In the US, smart mobile device usage
 has reached 50% and is still growing.

 Mobile usage growth in urban areas across India is now
 reaching 15% and growing much faster than the national average.

 Future mobile growth in India will rise to 50% over the next five years as
 device and data plans come down in price.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers

 • Developing and delivering mobile-
   device friendly versions of any
   publication – whether through
   native apps, mobile-friendly
   websites or through third-party
   mobile content distribution
   systems (Pressly, etc.) – has
   become far less complicated and
   expensive over the past two
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers


 • Understand it

 • Prepare your current and future publications for mobile growth

    – Strengths / limitations of these devices / content consumption patterns on
      mobile devices

    – This impacts design, editing and delivery technology.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Social Media

 • Social Media is already big in India and growing fast…
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Social Media

 • About 70% of regular web users in India have a FaceBook account
   (60 million people), making India the #3 country worldwide for
   FaceBook accounts.
 • LinkedIn (14 million) and Twitter (17 million) are more than doubling
   their audience in India each year.
 • Social media use accounts for about an hour a day in India. Most
   access it from home, then office, then mobile.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Social Media


 • Publishers should incorporate social media features (story post-outs
   to social media, mini-sites on key social media platforms to attract
   audience from those sites) into their digital products to take
   advantage of this growth and high level of engagement.

    – This impacts editorial, audience development, business development, and
      delivery technology.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
eBook Readers

 eBook readers are growing quickly in sales and use across India, and
 represent an excellent revenue source via content redistribution…
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
eBook Readers

 eBook readers are selling fast in
 India – Bowker's Global eBook
 Monitor study earlier this year
 showed that about 20% of
 respondents in urban areas in
 India had made one or more
 eBook purchases over the
 previous six months.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
eBook Readers

 Lower costs for the readers (starting now at about 5,000 INR) and for
 eBook purchases (from about 30 INR) and better copy-protection are
 making this channel increasingly important to Indian publishers.

 The most common (and lucrative) approaches involve collecting
 previously published content into single-topic medium-length (5,000 to
 20,000 words) eBooks priced at 100 to 300 INR ($2 to $6 US) and the
 publisher keeps 60 to 70% of that revenue.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
eBook Readers


 • Indian publishers should take advantage of the growing eBook
   marketplace and re-sell content in this channel.
 • The conversion software to convert standard electronic file formats
   (Word, InDesign, QuarkXpress, PDF, etc.) into copy-protected eBook
   format for Kindle or Nook have become very cheap and relatively
   easy to use.
Trends Affecting Digital Publishers
Understanding your publication's online analytics (web, mobile and
social media) grows more vital every day…

                                                      Key data

                                                        1        traffic drivers
       Collecting detailed analytics
       from your web site (including                  Key data

       mobile-friendly sites) or your                            content use and
       mobile app can be done without                   2
       spending any money at all with
       products like Google Analytics.                Key data

                                                                 audience loyalty
                                                                 and engagement

 Regular monitoring of your analytics and responding to the trends they reveal is very
 important to any digital publisher.
Key Development Areas

 Ideal digital edition (web site and/or mobile app) content mix:
     – All (or almost all) the story/department/column content from the print edition,
       posted when the print edition hits the street or slightly after

     – digital-only additions to most major items from the print edition (detail or
       background text, extra photos or a photo gallery, possibly a video or audio clip,
       user poll, etc.)
Key Development Areas

 Ideal digital edition (web site and/or mobile app) content mix:
     – Entirely new digital-only content (additional stories, blogs, columns, videos,
       etc.; posted daily or near-daily between main issue dates – some of this may
       well wind up in the next print issue; this is a ‘digital-first’ approach already in
       use at a lot of newspapers)
     – regardless of your print edition structure, shorter items (500 words or less)
       work better than longer ones for most digital publications because of 'grazing'
       content habits online
Key Development Areas

 Ideal eBook edition content mix – essentially the same as the print

 With a copy-protected searchable PDF - usable on most eReaders -
 you can get the exact look of the print version - this is usually called a
 'replica' edition.
Key Development Areas

 Opting for the ePub3 format gives you a product more adaptable for use
 on different screen sizes and horizontal or vertical orientation, but not
 the ability to mimic the print look and feel.

 (This is a regular eBook edition of the print magazine, sold separately or as part of a
 bundle. Any special eBook products would each have their own content mix and a
 similar overall design look & feel.)
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

 Digital products (website, mobile app, ePub edition) should share the
 same overall design approach, colors and standing graphic elements
 (logos, etc.)

 The design for these digital products must be carefully matched to the
 strengths and weaknesses of the devices used to access the product.
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

 A typical information architecture (IA) for a publication website (for use
 by people with desktop, laptop, netbook and tablet devices) involves a
 home page with story leaders and links to all key/recent items on the
 site, sometimes placed in a sliding ‘carousel,’ along with direct links to
 each site section.
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

                          Two-click Rule
       No major site item should be more than 2 clicks from the
       home page, and the top five or eight new items should be
       teased on the home page with 1 click access
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

  Think of an area of about 800 pixels wide by 800 pixels high as 'above the
  fold' – the area where your most important content and links should all be.
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

 In addition to the design detailed on previous slides, the
 only other site design that should be used if at all
 possible is one for smartphones.

 While most mobile tablets can use the same site design
 as a desktop or laptop, the smartphone has a far more
 limited display – high-resolution, but typically not much
 bigger than a business card.
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

   Good smartphone design uses slightly-larger type (i.e.12-14
   points) a single-column vertical approach (smartphones are
   almost always used in portrait / vertical orientation) using
   limited photo or graphic elements.

      Example: Regular Site:
      Mobile Version:

      (Visit these with a smartphone to see these designs. The web
      server automatically determines if a visitor is using a smartphone
      and delivers the regular or smartphone design as appropriate.)
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

 If you develop a mobile app or highly-   Slide-out
 specialized website design themes for    Slide-up
 smartphones and tablets, you can add     Slide-down
                                          Extra content
 design features unique to those          Navigation elements
 devices using HTML5 and other            Light-boxes, etc.
 specialized languages
Key Development Areas
Design, User Experience & Features

 Popular Publication Site / App Features:
     – Favorites function (a Favorite button on every story page, hit it to add the
       story to your Favorites list, which is a list of links on a custom page for each
       site user. Revisit the stories anytime.
     – Email this story link, post out to Social Media sites (FaceBook, Twitter,
       LinkedIn, etc.) buttons on every story or blog page
     – Body type size controls in the smartphone page themes for the site or a
       mobile app
Key Development Areas
Production Technology & Delivery Options

 Recommended production technology for typical magazine sites (for all
 devices): A WCMS (web content management system) which allows for
 any authorized writer, editor, contributor or graphics person to post and
 arrange content to the site (words, images, video, audio, slide shows,
 etc.) without technical training.

 Items can easily have SEO key words and page design type ('theme')
 attached and start / end dates/times on the web site. Examples:
Key Development Areas
Production Technology & Delivery Options

 Larger organizations can use a Hybrid WCMS to allow for single entry of
 content by contributors driving output for both web and print editions
 (high-res PDF). Examples, DTI, K4, DITTO, QPS, etc.

 Typical format of web pages created: HTML 3 - 5 plus JavaScript and
 CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets).
Key Development Areas
Production Technology & Delivery Options

 Emerging format (also for delivery to any device type): HTML5 plus
 Conditional CSS3: With this approach, best embodied in Adobe's
 DreamWeaver 6, you can create a single page design template (theme)
 that can dynamically adjust its own layout on the fly based on device
 type and screen size.
 Just one set of site page themes (designs) can adapt to any device from
 a smartphone to a 30" screen automatically. This is generally referred to
 as ‘responsive design’.
 Try changing the size of the browser window - watch it change from a 3-column normal
 web page down to a little smartphone page on the fly …)
Key Development Areas
Production Technology & Delivery Options

 Recommended technology & delivery options for a mobile app
 (smartphones and tablets): A native 'shell app' for iPad and one for
 Android devices. Both work exactly the same way – they have built-in
 visual page design themes (horizontal and vertical for tablets and vertical
 for smartphones) and standing graphic elements (logos, section heads,
 etc.). Content is received in the app through an RSS feed from the web
 site. The app can store a few issues to read offline.

 Usually the shell app is free, but the actual content is sold as part of a
 site/app bundle or as tablet app-only content on the iTunes or Android
 online stores (30% to them).
Key Development Areas
Production Technology & Delivery Options

 Alternative approach for a mobile app: Arrange for an external company
 to handle your mobile app deployment – you provide an RSS content
 stream and they do the rest. Typically they charge 30-40% of subscription
 and/or ad sales in the app for this service. (Example:
Key Development Areas
Business Model

 Digital publications can derive revenue from several sources, and best-
 practices business models incorporate two or more of these

     – Website ads or in-app sales
         • Your own ad sales team or through ad agencies
     – Sponsorships
     – Site or app subscription sales
     – eCommerce sales and transaction fees through the website
Key Development Areas
Business Model

Web site ads or in-app ad sales –
Automated ad network-based ads
(DoubleClick, AdSense, etc.) offer very
low CP/M rates (70-125 INR per
thousand ad impressions) are usually
only practical if your site or app draws
tens or hundreds of thousands of site
visits (or app users) each month
Key Development Areas
Business Model

A better approach is ad sales through your own ad sales team or through
ad agencies. This approach can generate much higher ad
CP/M rates, but to make it work you'll need to demonstrate that your
audience are exactly the type of people who select advertisers want to
    – Advertisers and agencies like sites with a carefully-focused and loyal audience –
      this means less 'spill', where their ads reach people who are not interested in their
      products or services.
Key Development Areas
Business Model

Sponsorships – This is a higher-level sales approach where a few
carefully-selected large companies or organizations 'sponsor' a site or app
section for a week, month, etc.
    – This approach can be tricky if the sponsor wants editorial / content input for the
Key Development Areas
Business Model

Site or App Subscription Sales – Today some sites will offer a basic set of
site content and features for free (in order to maintain a good base traffic
level and paid ad impressions), and also sell a site access subscription
(more content and features, less ads) for a set fee per month or year.
(Mobile apps can also offer the same approach.)

Many times bundle deals are offered: print + full web site + PDF Replica
Edition or full web site + mobile app access, etc.
Key Development Areas
Business Model

Important pricing note!
If you have a print edition and you decide to charge for online content, do
not sell full website access for less than you charge for the print version, or
you'll risk losing your print customers (who generate much higher ad CP/Ms
than web users) over to your web site.

Charge the same as your print readers pay, but not less.

Combo print + digital bundles (print, full website, replica edition and mobile
app content) can be up to 50% more than the print edition by itself.
Key Development Areas
Business Model

eCommerce Sales and Transaction Fees through the Web Site – Under
this model, you sell access to other digital products (resource libraries,
special eBooks or other digital products, etc.).
    – These can be high-margin sales.
Key Development Areas
Advertising Development

Every effort should be made to package your audience as carefully as
possible to potential advertisers.,
If your site draws a regular and loyal (frequent repeat visits) / engaged
(longer page visits and multiple pages viewed per visit) audience who share
interests, locations or demographics they represent a potential audience for
advertisers offering related products or services.
Key Development Areas
Advertising Development

From most advertisers' point of view, a site with a mostly 'drive-by' audience
who visit only once or twice per month (or less often) is not an attractive ad
medium, unless your site draws a huge crowd.

They would much more likely prefer a smaller, but regularly-visiting

Advertising works best with the same person seeing the ad several times.
Key Development Areas
Advertising Development

While top, side and bottom banner ads are standard, advertisers will pay
more for interactive ads (where the user enters information about
themselves or their product interests directly in the ad and is then taken to
their site) or full-page interstitial ads (ads that appear when moving between
the pages of a story or between site sections).
Key Development Areas
Advertising Development

• Content-aware ad placement systems (either through ad networks or
  through your own ad delivery system) are also sought-after. They offer
  customized on-the-fly ad placement on your site based on page content
  matching the ad's product or service.
• Pop-up ads and flashing / irritating ads are generally frowned on by
  advertisers, as are Flash-based ads (or other Flash-based site content) –
  Flash does not work on mobile devices.
Key Development Areas
Advertising Development

Your ad sales should be focused on a smaller group of potentially large
advertising clients, rather than the other way around. Maintain an ad sales /
ad clients database as your targeting method for regular ad sales contacts.

Print + web ad combo deals can be attractive sales-builders, but resist the
urge to throw in the web ads for little or no extra money than the print ad by
itself. If you do, you're effectively de-valuing web ads for every potential
advertiser who sees that deal.
Key Development Areas
Product Promotion

 All publication sites who sell subscriptions will use house ads onsite to
 promote the paid product and link directly to a registration / subscription
 page. Some publishers will also advertise in other (non-competing)
 publications or sites of interest to audiences similar to their own.

 Social media out-posting buttons (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) on
 each story page are an excellent free promotion method - your site users
 post links to your stories on their social media pages, where they're seen by
 many other potential site visitors.
Key Development Areas
Product Promotion

Some publications who sell site subscription use a soft ‘metered paywall’
approach, where a site user can view a certain number of site pages per
month before starting to get 'meter ad messages' that promote the paid
    – The more pages a user views over a month, the more meter messages are displayed
      to him.
    – At some point (perhaps 20 pages viewed), the site may lock him from viewing more
      pages until the current month is over.
    – All meter messages have a direct link to the subscription page.
Key Development Areas
Product Promotion

A 'hard' paywall (no-one can see much or any of the site without paying) is
effective only in highly-specialized business/trade publication sites or other
examples where the site offers absolutely unique / highly-valued content or
Many sites offer a three-stage approach to moving their audience
   through increasing levels of loyalty and engagement with the site, and,
   finally, paid purchase of a site or app subscription:

           1. Anonymous     Only the basic site features and content

            2. Registered   They provide their email address (and perhaps a bit more
                user        information) to get extra site content and features.

            3. Subscribed   Full site access with all site features and content.
             (Paid) user

(With registered or subscribed users, a weekly/monthly email newsletter is a good
device to draw them back to the site regularly, but typical open rates are low: 3% to 8%/)
Key Development Areas
 Metrics & SEO

Good web site
analytics can be
easily obtained with
free or low-cost
external web
analytics reporting
services like Google
Analytics or Alexa.
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

   Google Analytics – Basic Dashboard
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

 • Much more detailed reporting can be collected with paid services like
   Alexa Pro, Scout, Adobe Analytics (formerly Omniture), ComScore,
   etc. but these can be quite expensive for small organizations.
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

 There are also mobile analytics specialists (like Juice Analytics) to report
 on user demographics and content preferences inside your mobile app.
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

 Paid analytic products typically offer
 external third-party audience data (paid
 data sets or census data, etc) to overlay
 your own data to give a clear view of your
     – Interests
     – Demographics
     – Buying habits.
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

 Fundamental web analytics to collect monthly and watch over time
 (regardless of the source):

    –   Total Visits
    –   Total Unique Visitors (i.e.: different people)
    –   Average Pages Viewed Per Visit
    –   Average Visit Duration (direct measure of audience engagement)
    –   The fraction of your audience visiting once, twice, five times, ten times, etc. per
        month (direct measure of audience loyalty)
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

 Fundamental web analytics to collect monthly and watch over time
 (regardless of the source), continued:

    – The % of single-page site visits ('bounces', lower is better)
    – Geographic breakdown of site visitors by city, region or country
    – % of Site Visits using a regular desktop/laptop and using a mobile device
      (smartphone or tablet)
    – Key traffic sources (search sites / other sites linking to yours / traffic from ads on
      other sites or emails / links to your site from different social media sites, etc.)
    – Most popular content on your site (sections and individual story/column/blog
Key Development Areas
Metrics & SEO

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Using proper key words to
 describe the subject of each story, blog or column (and your overall site)
 is crucial to build traffic from search sites like Google Search, Bing, etc.
 These are easy to add when posting the content items in most WCMS
 systems, but you should develop and use a consistent ongoing set of
 standard keywords.
     – To find the best ones, do searches on the big search sites using the topics your
       site covers with different key words and determine which ones seem to work for

“…Publishers have largely replicated their books, magazines, and
 newspapers in digital forms. While this is a good start, publishers
 won't complete the digital transition until they have created entirely
 new digital media products that fulfill the promises made by digital

Thank You

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Digital Publishing

  • 2. Digital Publishing: Scaling New Heights How do consumer, business, technology and content trends stretch us to expand our view of what publishing is and deliver to our intended audience? Smart phones, mobile tablets, e- Readers and the web drive the new “post paper” market for magazine publishers but your business models are still evolving.
  • 3. Digital Publishing Scaling New Heights 1 Trends Affecting Digital Publishing 2 Key Development Area: Content 3 Key Development Area: Design, User Engagement & Features 4 Key Development Area: Production Technology & Delivery Options 5 Key Development Area: Business Model 6 Key Development Area: Advertising Sales 7 Key Development Area: Metrics & SEO
  • 4. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Print Audiences Print audiences for news, opinion and entertainment content (and the advertising they attract) are shrinking worldwide, and the rate of decline grows every year. In most countries, print now ranks as either the #3 or #4 medium by audience size and advertising spending (typically after TV, the internet and radio).
  • 5. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Print Audiences • While the decline of print media (newspapers and magazines) is dropping more slowly in India than in other countries the trend is the same – print is shrinking and online is growing every year.
  • 6. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Print Audiences Implications: • Print-only publishers should plan to incorporate online editions. • Publishers with existing online editions need to maximize their effectiveness and build a realistic online business model. –This impacts the business model, editorial, design and delivery technology.
  • 7. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Mobile Mobil in India is 4% in 2012 and growing fast with market share doubling every 6 to 8 months.
  • 8. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Mobile In the US, smart mobile device usage has reached 50% and is still growing. Mobile usage growth in urban areas across India is now reaching 15% and growing much faster than the national average. Future mobile growth in India will rise to 50% over the next five years as device and data plans come down in price.
  • 9. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Mobile • Developing and delivering mobile- device friendly versions of any publication – whether through native apps, mobile-friendly websites or through third-party mobile content distribution systems (Pressly, etc.) – has become far less complicated and expensive over the past two years.
  • 10. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Mobile Implications: • Understand it • Prepare your current and future publications for mobile growth – Strengths / limitations of these devices / content consumption patterns on mobile devices – This impacts design, editing and delivery technology.
  • 11. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Social Media • Social Media is already big in India and growing fast…
  • 12. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Social Media • About 70% of regular web users in India have a FaceBook account (60 million people), making India the #3 country worldwide for FaceBook accounts. • LinkedIn (14 million) and Twitter (17 million) are more than doubling their audience in India each year. • Social media use accounts for about an hour a day in India. Most access it from home, then office, then mobile.
  • 13. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Social Media Implication: • Publishers should incorporate social media features (story post-outs to social media, mini-sites on key social media platforms to attract audience from those sites) into their digital products to take advantage of this growth and high level of engagement. – This impacts editorial, audience development, business development, and delivery technology.
  • 14. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers eBook Readers eBook readers are growing quickly in sales and use across India, and represent an excellent revenue source via content redistribution…
  • 15. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers eBook Readers eBook readers are selling fast in India – Bowker's Global eBook Monitor study earlier this year showed that about 20% of respondents in urban areas in India had made one or more eBook purchases over the previous six months.
  • 16. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers eBook Readers Lower costs for the readers (starting now at about 5,000 INR) and for eBook purchases (from about 30 INR) and better copy-protection are making this channel increasingly important to Indian publishers. The most common (and lucrative) approaches involve collecting previously published content into single-topic medium-length (5,000 to 20,000 words) eBooks priced at 100 to 300 INR ($2 to $6 US) and the publisher keeps 60 to 70% of that revenue.
  • 17. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers eBook Readers Implication: • Indian publishers should take advantage of the growing eBook marketplace and re-sell content in this channel. • The conversion software to convert standard electronic file formats (Word, InDesign, QuarkXpress, PDF, etc.) into copy-protected eBook format for Kindle or Nook have become very cheap and relatively easy to use.
  • 18. Trends Affecting Digital Publishers Understanding your publication's online analytics (web, mobile and social media) grows more vital every day… Key data 1 traffic drivers Collecting detailed analytics from your web site (including Key data mobile-friendly sites) or your content use and mobile app can be done without 2 preferences spending any money at all with products like Google Analytics. Key data 3 audience loyalty and engagement Regular monitoring of your analytics and responding to the trends they reveal is very important to any digital publisher.
  • 19. Key Development Areas Content Ideal digital edition (web site and/or mobile app) content mix: – All (or almost all) the story/department/column content from the print edition, posted when the print edition hits the street or slightly after – digital-only additions to most major items from the print edition (detail or background text, extra photos or a photo gallery, possibly a video or audio clip, user poll, etc.)
  • 20. Key Development Areas Content Ideal digital edition (web site and/or mobile app) content mix: – Entirely new digital-only content (additional stories, blogs, columns, videos, etc.; posted daily or near-daily between main issue dates – some of this may well wind up in the next print issue; this is a ‘digital-first’ approach already in use at a lot of newspapers) – regardless of your print edition structure, shorter items (500 words or less) work better than longer ones for most digital publications because of 'grazing' content habits online
  • 21. Key Development Areas Content Ideal eBook edition content mix – essentially the same as the print version With a copy-protected searchable PDF - usable on most eReaders - you can get the exact look of the print version - this is usually called a 'replica' edition.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. Key Development Areas Content Opting for the ePub3 format gives you a product more adaptable for use on different screen sizes and horizontal or vertical orientation, but not the ability to mimic the print look and feel. (This is a regular eBook edition of the print magazine, sold separately or as part of a bundle. Any special eBook products would each have their own content mix and a similar overall design look & feel.)
  • 25. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features Digital products (website, mobile app, ePub edition) should share the same overall design approach, colors and standing graphic elements (logos, etc.) The design for these digital products must be carefully matched to the strengths and weaknesses of the devices used to access the product.
  • 26. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features A typical information architecture (IA) for a publication website (for use by people with desktop, laptop, netbook and tablet devices) involves a home page with story leaders and links to all key/recent items on the site, sometimes placed in a sliding ‘carousel,’ along with direct links to each site section.
  • 27. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features Two-click Rule No major site item should be more than 2 clicks from the home page, and the top five or eight new items should be teased on the home page with 1 click access
  • 28. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features Think of an area of about 800 pixels wide by 800 pixels high as 'above the fold' – the area where your most important content and links should all be.
  • 29. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features In addition to the design detailed on previous slides, the only other site design that should be used if at all possible is one for smartphones. While most mobile tablets can use the same site design as a desktop or laptop, the smartphone has a far more limited display – high-resolution, but typically not much bigger than a business card.
  • 30. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features Good smartphone design uses slightly-larger type (i.e.12-14 points) a single-column vertical approach (smartphones are almost always used in portrait / vertical orientation) using limited photo or graphic elements. Example: Regular Site: Mobile Version: (Visit these with a smartphone to see these designs. The web server automatically determines if a visitor is using a smartphone and delivers the regular or smartphone design as appropriate.)
  • 31. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features If you develop a mobile app or highly- Slide-out specialized website design themes for Slide-up smartphones and tablets, you can add Slide-down Extra content design features unique to those Navigation elements devices using HTML5 and other Light-boxes, etc. specialized languages
  • 32. Key Development Areas Design, User Experience & Features Popular Publication Site / App Features: – Favorites function (a Favorite button on every story page, hit it to add the story to your Favorites list, which is a list of links on a custom page for each site user. Revisit the stories anytime. – Email this story link, post out to Social Media sites (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) buttons on every story or blog page – Body type size controls in the smartphone page themes for the site or a mobile app
  • 33. Key Development Areas Production Technology & Delivery Options Recommended production technology for typical magazine sites (for all devices): A WCMS (web content management system) which allows for any authorized writer, editor, contributor or graphics person to post and arrange content to the site (words, images, video, audio, slide shows, etc.) without technical training. Items can easily have SEO key words and page design type ('theme') attached and start / end dates/times on the web site. Examples: DRUPAL, JOOMLA, etc.
  • 34. Key Development Areas Production Technology & Delivery Options Larger organizations can use a Hybrid WCMS to allow for single entry of content by contributors driving output for both web and print editions (high-res PDF). Examples, DTI, K4, DITTO, QPS, etc. Typical format of web pages created: HTML 3 - 5 plus JavaScript and CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets).
  • 35. Key Development Areas Production Technology & Delivery Options Emerging format (also for delivery to any device type): HTML5 plus Conditional CSS3: With this approach, best embodied in Adobe's DreamWeaver 6, you can create a single page design template (theme) that can dynamically adjust its own layout on the fly based on device type and screen size. Just one set of site page themes (designs) can adapt to any device from a smartphone to a 30" screen automatically. This is generally referred to as ‘responsive design’. Try changing the size of the browser window - watch it change from a 3-column normal web page down to a little smartphone page on the fly …)
  • 36. Key Development Areas Production Technology & Delivery Options Recommended technology & delivery options for a mobile app (smartphones and tablets): A native 'shell app' for iPad and one for Android devices. Both work exactly the same way – they have built-in visual page design themes (horizontal and vertical for tablets and vertical for smartphones) and standing graphic elements (logos, section heads, etc.). Content is received in the app through an RSS feed from the web site. The app can store a few issues to read offline. Usually the shell app is free, but the actual content is sold as part of a site/app bundle or as tablet app-only content on the iTunes or Android online stores (30% to them).
  • 37. Key Development Areas Production Technology & Delivery Options Alternative approach for a mobile app: Arrange for an external company to handle your mobile app deployment – you provide an RSS content stream and they do the rest. Typically they charge 30-40% of subscription and/or ad sales in the app for this service. (Example:
  • 38.
  • 39. Key Development Areas Business Model Digital publications can derive revenue from several sources, and best- practices business models incorporate two or more of these – Website ads or in-app sales • Your own ad sales team or through ad agencies – Sponsorships – Site or app subscription sales – eCommerce sales and transaction fees through the website
  • 40. Key Development Areas Business Model Web site ads or in-app ad sales – Automated ad network-based ads (DoubleClick, AdSense, etc.) offer very low CP/M rates (70-125 INR per thousand ad impressions) are usually only practical if your site or app draws tens or hundreds of thousands of site visits (or app users) each month
  • 41. Key Development Areas Business Model A better approach is ad sales through your own ad sales team or through ad agencies. This approach can generate much higher ad CP/M rates, but to make it work you'll need to demonstrate that your audience are exactly the type of people who select advertisers want to reach. – Advertisers and agencies like sites with a carefully-focused and loyal audience – this means less 'spill', where their ads reach people who are not interested in their products or services.
  • 42. Key Development Areas Business Model Sponsorships – This is a higher-level sales approach where a few carefully-selected large companies or organizations 'sponsor' a site or app section for a week, month, etc. – This approach can be tricky if the sponsor wants editorial / content input for the section.
  • 43. Key Development Areas Business Model Site or App Subscription Sales – Today some sites will offer a basic set of site content and features for free (in order to maintain a good base traffic level and paid ad impressions), and also sell a site access subscription (more content and features, less ads) for a set fee per month or year. (Mobile apps can also offer the same approach.) Many times bundle deals are offered: print + full web site + PDF Replica Edition or full web site + mobile app access, etc.
  • 44. Key Development Areas Business Model Important pricing note! If you have a print edition and you decide to charge for online content, do not sell full website access for less than you charge for the print version, or you'll risk losing your print customers (who generate much higher ad CP/Ms than web users) over to your web site. Charge the same as your print readers pay, but not less. Combo print + digital bundles (print, full website, replica edition and mobile app content) can be up to 50% more than the print edition by itself.
  • 45. Key Development Areas Business Model eCommerce Sales and Transaction Fees through the Web Site – Under this model, you sell access to other digital products (resource libraries, special eBooks or other digital products, etc.). – These can be high-margin sales.
  • 46. Key Development Areas Advertising Development Every effort should be made to package your audience as carefully as possible to potential advertisers., If your site draws a regular and loyal (frequent repeat visits) / engaged (longer page visits and multiple pages viewed per visit) audience who share interests, locations or demographics they represent a potential audience for advertisers offering related products or services.
  • 47. Key Development Areas Advertising Development From most advertisers' point of view, a site with a mostly 'drive-by' audience who visit only once or twice per month (or less often) is not an attractive ad medium, unless your site draws a huge crowd. They would much more likely prefer a smaller, but regularly-visiting audience. Advertising works best with the same person seeing the ad several times.
  • 48.
  • 49. Key Development Areas Advertising Development While top, side and bottom banner ads are standard, advertisers will pay more for interactive ads (where the user enters information about themselves or their product interests directly in the ad and is then taken to their site) or full-page interstitial ads (ads that appear when moving between the pages of a story or between site sections).
  • 50. Key Development Areas Advertising Development • Content-aware ad placement systems (either through ad networks or through your own ad delivery system) are also sought-after. They offer customized on-the-fly ad placement on your site based on page content matching the ad's product or service. • Pop-up ads and flashing / irritating ads are generally frowned on by advertisers, as are Flash-based ads (or other Flash-based site content) – Flash does not work on mobile devices.
  • 51. Key Development Areas Advertising Development Your ad sales should be focused on a smaller group of potentially large advertising clients, rather than the other way around. Maintain an ad sales / ad clients database as your targeting method for regular ad sales contacts. Print + web ad combo deals can be attractive sales-builders, but resist the urge to throw in the web ads for little or no extra money than the print ad by itself. If you do, you're effectively de-valuing web ads for every potential advertiser who sees that deal.
  • 52. Key Development Areas Product Promotion All publication sites who sell subscriptions will use house ads onsite to promote the paid product and link directly to a registration / subscription page. Some publishers will also advertise in other (non-competing) publications or sites of interest to audiences similar to their own. Social media out-posting buttons (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) on each story page are an excellent free promotion method - your site users post links to your stories on their social media pages, where they're seen by many other potential site visitors.
  • 53. Key Development Areas Product Promotion Some publications who sell site subscription use a soft ‘metered paywall’ approach, where a site user can view a certain number of site pages per month before starting to get 'meter ad messages' that promote the paid product. – The more pages a user views over a month, the more meter messages are displayed to him. – At some point (perhaps 20 pages viewed), the site may lock him from viewing more pages until the current month is over. – All meter messages have a direct link to the subscription page.
  • 54. Key Development Areas Product Promotion A 'hard' paywall (no-one can see much or any of the site without paying) is effective only in highly-specialized business/trade publication sites or other examples where the site offers absolutely unique / highly-valued content or services.
  • 55. Many sites offer a three-stage approach to moving their audience through increasing levels of loyalty and engagement with the site, and, finally, paid purchase of a site or app subscription: 1. Anonymous Only the basic site features and content user 2. Registered They provide their email address (and perhaps a bit more user information) to get extra site content and features. 3. Subscribed Full site access with all site features and content. (Paid) user (With registered or subscribed users, a weekly/monthly email newsletter is a good device to draw them back to the site regularly, but typical open rates are low: 3% to 8%/)
  • 56. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO Good web site analytics can be easily obtained with free or low-cost external web analytics reporting services like Google Analytics or Alexa.
  • 57. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO Google Analytics – Basic Dashboard
  • 58. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO • Much more detailed reporting can be collected with paid services like Alexa Pro, Scout, Adobe Analytics (formerly Omniture), ComScore, etc. but these can be quite expensive for small organizations.
  • 59. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO There are also mobile analytics specialists (like Juice Analytics) to report on user demographics and content preferences inside your mobile app.
  • 60. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO Paid analytic products typically offer external third-party audience data (paid data sets or census data, etc) to overlay your own data to give a clear view of your audience – Interests – Demographics – Buying habits.
  • 61. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO Fundamental web analytics to collect monthly and watch over time (regardless of the source): – Total Visits – Total Unique Visitors (i.e.: different people) – Average Pages Viewed Per Visit – Average Visit Duration (direct measure of audience engagement) – The fraction of your audience visiting once, twice, five times, ten times, etc. per month (direct measure of audience loyalty)
  • 62. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO Fundamental web analytics to collect monthly and watch over time (regardless of the source), continued: – The % of single-page site visits ('bounces', lower is better) – Geographic breakdown of site visitors by city, region or country – % of Site Visits using a regular desktop/laptop and using a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) – Key traffic sources (search sites / other sites linking to yours / traffic from ads on other sites or emails / links to your site from different social media sites, etc.) – Most popular content on your site (sections and individual story/column/blog pages)
  • 63. Key Development Areas Metrics & SEO SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Using proper key words to describe the subject of each story, blog or column (and your overall site) is crucial to build traffic from search sites like Google Search, Bing, etc. These are easy to add when posting the content items in most WCMS systems, but you should develop and use a consistent ongoing set of standard keywords. – To find the best ones, do searches on the big search sites using the topics your site covers with different key words and determine which ones seem to work for you.
  • 64. THE FUTURE IS DIGITAL “…Publishers have largely replicated their books, magazines, and newspapers in digital forms. While this is a good start, publishers won't complete the digital transition until they have created entirely new digital media products that fulfill the promises made by digital technology.”