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    29th Sept 2012
Nutrition Is Good Medicine
 While a healthy diet can help prevent
 cancer, if you are loosing weight because
 of your cancer or treatment, the diet you
 should be following may be very different
 to usual healthy eating advice.

 Speak with your dietitian/doctor if your
 loosing weight.
Causes of Poor Nutrition Pre &
        Post Treatment.

- Sore or dry mouth

- Disturbances of taste & smell

- Changes in odour perception

- Mood
Sore Mouth or Throat
   Side effect of treatment.

   Usually starts to improve some time after your
    treatment finishes.

   It may be difficult to eat your usual foods.

   Discuss with your doctor / nurse about mouth
    care and pre-meal pain control.

   Eat little & often

   Choose soft moist foods.
Sore Mouth or Throat
   Chop, mince, mash or liquidise your foods

   Drink plenty of nourishing drinks.

   Take care with the following foods and drinks- as
    the may worsen a sore mouth or throat.
-   Very hot food and drinks, allow to cool a little
    before you eat/drink them.

-   Salty or spicy foods e.g. packet or tinned soup,
    curry, chilli and vinegar
Sore Mouth or Throat
 Rough or dry foods e.g. toast, crisps, raw
  vegetables or biscuits

 Acidic fruit drinks such as orange,
  pineapple or tomato juice.

 Alcohol, especially spirits e.g. whiskey,
  brandy, vodka.
Dry Mouth
 Your medication or treatment may reduce
  the flow of saliva.
 Can cause taste disturbances.

 Saliva is needed to keep your mouth moist
 and protect against tooth decay.

 You may be recommended an artificial
 saliva spray /gel if you suffer with a dry
Dry Mouth
  Helpful Hints:
1) Drink often

2)   Fizzy drinks may make your mouth feel

3)   Try sucking on ice cubes or ice pops

4)   Sugar free gum, boiled sweets or
     pastilles may help saliva flow.
Dry Mouth
5) Eat soft, moist foods.

6) Avoid chocolate, pastry and freshly baked
   bread .

7) Use lip balm on dry lips
Taste Changes
4 basic tastes: sweetness, bitterness,
  saltiness, and umani (the savouriness of
 Taste changes depend on tumour site.
 Head and neck cancer patients report
  more complaints of taste acuity.
 88.8% for one taste; 66.7% for more than
  one taste compared with breast 21% or
  lung cancer 23-25%.
Taste Changes
 Taste sensitivity decreases in most cases
 after chemo/ RT due to destructive effects
 on sensory organs & tissues associated
 with taste and smell.

 Common taste changes are metallic or
 bitter taste or after taste.
If food tastes metallic:
   Eat your food cold or at room temperature.

    Chicken and fish tend to taste less metallic than
    red meat.

    Marinate (soak) meat or chicken and fish in red
    wine, soya sauce, sweet fruit juices or lemon
    juice to help mask the metallic taste

   Use plastic cutlery.
If food tastes too sweet
 Add a pinch of salt to reduce the sweet

 Add   salt to custard and milk puddings.

 Eatsavoury snacks instead of sweet ones.
 Try crisps, crackers, cheese or nuts.
If foods taste too salty
 Don’t eat salty foods.
 Add a pinch of sugar to your food to
  reduce the salty taste. You can add sugar
  to soups, sauces, stews or gravy.
 Snack on sweet foods instead of savoury
  ones, such as cakes, chocolate, sweets or
If foods taste bland or you have no
    Add flavour to your food with sauces such as
    mustard, ketchup, mint, soy sauce, barbecue
    sauce or curry sauce.
   Use seasonings and herbs to flavour your food,
    such as salt or pepper, fresh herbs or spices,
    garlic or lemon.
   Use more seasoning than you would normally.
   Try sour foods such as lemon juice, fruit or fruit
    juices, sour boiled sweets, sour cream or sweet
    and sour sauce, to stimulate your taste buds.
General tips

 Eat   foods that taste good to you.

   Experiment with different flavours.

    Take good care of your mouth – brush
    your teeth and tongue with a soft
    toothbrush and use mouthwash.
General Tips
   Don’t stick to a small number of foods, try new
    ones. Food you didn’t like before may taste
    better now.

    Re-try foods every 2-3 weeks as the taste may
    have returned to normal.

    Tea and coffee may taste very different so try
    other drinks such as fruit teas, cocoa, Ovaltine,
    Horlicks or Complan.

   Suck on pineapple chunks before meals.
Nausea & Vomiting
 Can be a side effect to treatment or due to
 the cancer itself.

 Speak with your doctor about an anti-
 sickness tablet.

 Eat
    little and often (6-8 small meals per
 day) rather than 3 main meals per day.

 Avoid
      fried, spicy or very sugary foods as
 may make nausea worse.
Nausea & Vomiting
 Choose    foods that don’t have a strong

 Fresh   air.

 Don’t lie down for up to an hour after
 eating but if you need to rest, ensure head
 is elevated about 2 x pillows high.

 Constipation   can make nausea worse.
Nausea & Vomiting
 Avoid dehydration, aim 8-10 glasses of
 fluid daily.

 Drink   a glass of fluid each time you vomit.

 Rinse   you mouth before eating.

 Fizzy
      drink may help relieve nausea e.g.
 lemonade, ginger ale or soda water
 sipped slowly through a straw.
 Can   be caused by your treatment or
  medication or an infection.
 Drink plenty of fluids
 Eat little and often e.g. snack on cereal
  Rice Krispies or cornflakes, toast, rice
  pudding, custards, yoghurts, cheese and
 Avoid fizzy drinks, chewing gum, beans,
  peas, cabbage.
 Avoid
      foods that contain sorbitol (artificial

 Probitotics  – eat 1-2 Bio or live yoghurts
 drinks as part of your diet unless your
 white blood count is low. Ask you doctor or
 dietitian if you are unsure.
   You illness, chemotherapy or medication can
    make you constipated.

   You may need to get you doctor to prescribe you
    a laxative.

   Eat regular meals

   Include a high fibre at each meal

   Drink plenty of fluids
 Ifyou have been very constipated you
  may get watery stools passing through the
  solid stool. This is called ‘overflow’
  diarrhoea. If you develop diarrhoea after
  being constipated talk to your doctor or
 Ask  family or friend to help with shopping/
 Cook extra portions of food and freeze or
  use ready meals for time when you are too
  tired to cook .
 Have a nutritional drink when you don’t
  feel like cooking
 Eat small portions but more often as you
  may need to rest after a meal.
   Try exercising when you can. Research shows
    exercise may actually help you feel less tired.

   Have a bed time snack e.g. hot milk

   Avoid drinks that contain caffeine and chocolate
    a few hours before bed.

   Don’t drink alcohol near bed time as it tends to
    cause a broken sleep pattern.
Nutritional Supplements
   A Nutritional supplement is a drink packed with
    energy, protein, vitamins and minerals to help
    and you meet your nutritional requirements with

   Specific supplements can be used as a sole
    source of nutrition if you are not tolerating diet.

   Nutritional supplement are best taken as a
    snack in between your meals as they are not
    intended to replace your meals but to act as a
Nutritional Supplements
 Can  be consumed warm or chilled.
 Range of flavours available
 They have to be consume within 24 hours
  once opened and follow storage
 Can be store in a cool, dry place away
  from radiators and direct sunlight.
Nutritional Supplements
 Your  dietitian/ doctor will advise you if you
  need to commence them and for how

 Nutritionalsupplements are available on
  prescription and are dispensed by a

 Cover  under the medical card / Long Term
  Illness / Drug Payment Scheme.
Nutrition is Good Medicine
   It is important for those with cancer or who have
    had cancer to take care of themselves. Taking
    care of yourself includes:

   Being a healthy weight
   Being Physical Activity
   Following the Healthy Eating Guidelines/ Food
    Pyramid ( if weight stable)
   Being aware of complimentary/ alternative diets
    and Supplements
Facts About being a Healthy
 Being overweight can lead to heart
 disease, type 2 diabetes and some

 Its a good idea to weight yourself once per
 month and to measure your waist every
 few weeks.
Facts About being a Healthy
Waist Measurement should be:
 Less than 80 cm or 32 inches in women

 Less than 94 cm   or 37 inches in men.

 49% of Irish men and 70% of Irish women
 exceed the above waist measurements.
Weight & BMI
   Body Mass Index (BMI):

       Weight (kg)
       Height (m2)

Normal BMI = 18.5 -25 kg/m2
Underweight = <18.5 kg/m2
Overweight = >25 kg/m2
Obese = >30 kg/m2
Weight & BMI
Old Food Pyramid
New Food Pyramid
               Maximum 1
               Choose any 2

               Choose any 2

               Choose any 3

               Choose any 5 +

               Choose any 6 +
Healthy Eating Guidelines
   Enjoy your food

   Eat a variety of different foods

   Eat the right amount to be a healthy weight

   Eat plenty of foods rich in starch & fibre

   Eat 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables
    per day
Healthy Eating Guidelines
   Reduce intake of high fat foods

   Don’t eat more than 500g (18oq) of red meat
    (cooked) a week. A standard portion is 60g
    (2oz) cooked meat. Choose leaner cuts of

   Reduce intake of salt and salty foods

   Reduce intake of sugar and sugary drinks

   If you drink alcohol, drink sensibly
Healthy Eating Guidelines
 Youdo not need a vitamin/ mineral
 supplement if you have a balance diet.
 Only take one if you doctor/ dietitian
 advises you to.

 Be   physically active.
Breads, Cereals & potatoes
   Choose any 6 or more servings each day if you
    are active.

   Provide energy.

   Choose wholemeal / wholegrain versions
    where possible.
WHAT IS A Serving??
 Pitta Pocket/ 1x tortilla   2 Serving
wrap/ small bagel/ small
scone/ small French roll
4 dessertspoons of a         1 Serving
High fibre cereal without
sugar/ honey/chocolate
coating e.g. Bran flakes
1 x slice of Brown sliced    1 Serving
Bread or wholegrain soda
3 dessertspoons of           1 Serving
Dry Porridge oats
2-3 Crackers or              1 Serving
WHAT IS A Serving??
2 x Breakfast Cereal      1 Serving
Wheat or oat Biscuits
1 x medium or 2 x small   1 Serving
2 x Dessertspoons mash 1 Serving
3 x dessertspoons or ½    1 serving
cup boiled
pasta/rice/noodles (25g
3 x dessertspoons of      1 serving
Muesli without honey
Breads, Cereals & potatoes (6)
 Evidence is mounting that eating
 wholegrain regularly as part of a healthy
 diet and lifestyle may help to reduce the
 risk of many common diseases e.g. heart
 disease, Type 2 diabetes and some forms
 of cancer.

 Wholegrain may also help in maintaining a
 healthy body weight over time.
How can I increase my intake of
 When choosing foods from the starchy
  group replace refined cereal foods with
  wholegrain varieties. Wheat ,oats, rye,
  rice and oats are the most commonly
  available cereals in the wholegrain form.
 Look for the word “whole” before the name
  of the cereal e.g. whole wheat pasta.
 Aim to have at least half your servings per
  day as wholegrain.
Fruit & Vegetables (5)
   Eating more fruit and vegetables could
    significantly reduce the risk of many chronic
    diseases, including, high blood pressure,
    cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.

   Good source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and are
    low in calories.

   Including more fruit and vegetables reduces the
    overall calorie density, which helps us maintain a
    healthier weight.
Fruit & Vegetables
   Plant foods are an important of antioxidants,
    nutrients vitamin A, C, E, B carotene, Trace
    minerals as Selenium and zinc.

   These are proposed to have a protective against
    the initiation phase of breast cancer.

   Principle source of fibre which is thought to
    reduce circulating estrogen concentration in
Fruit & Vegetables (5)
 Fresh, frozen, canned, juiced or dried
  fruits and vegetables all count in the diet.
 Potatoes are a carbohydrate and are
  therefore included in the bread and
  cereals food group.
 You should aim to eat a minimum of five
  portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables
  each day.
Quick guide to fruit and vegetable
               Fruit                  Portion
Medium sized fruit e.g. apple           1
,banana, pear
Small sized fruit e.g. plum,            2
Satsuma, kiwi
Large fruit e.g. grapefruit            Half
Dried fruit e.g. raisins, currants,   1 tbsp.
sultanas, mixed fruit
Quick guide to fruit and
         vegetable portions
Berries, grapes or          10-12

Cooked fresh fruit, fruit   4 x dessertspoons
tinned in own juice or
frozen fruit.

Unsweetened fruit juice 100ml ( small glass)
or a smoothie made only
from fruit or vegetables
Quick guide to fruit and vegetable
            Vegetables               Portion
Broccoli spears                    2
Cauliflower Florets                8
Cabbage, spinach, green beans      4 heaped
Cooked vegetables e.g. steamed,    4
boiled, microwave                  dessertspoon
Canned & frozen vegetables is       4
roughly the same as a fresh portion dessertspoon
Quick guide to fruit and vegetable
         Vegetables               Portion
Bowl of salad                 1

Bowl homemade vegetable       1

Pulses and beans e.g. kidney, 3 heaped tbsp.
butter beans, chick peas.
Remember these only count as
one of your five a day portions!
Milk & Dairy Foods
 Choose   any 3 servings each day.

 Importantsource of protein and calcium
 which are essential for healthy bones and
Milk & Dairy Foods
   One Portion is:-

     Milk                  200ml (1/3 Pint)

     Low fat soft cheese   50g (2oz)

     Yoghurt               1 pot (125ml)

     Cottage cheese        75g (3 oz)

     Hard Cheese (edam/    25g (1oz)
Milk & Dairy Foods
One Portion is:-

Yoghurt drink         200ml

Low fat soft cheese   50g

Cheese Triangles      2 portions
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans,
             Peas, Lentils
   Choose any 2 servings per day.

   These foods provide protein, which is essential
    for cell growth, repair and immunity.

   They are also important sources of minerals
    such as Iron.
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs,
    Beans, Peas, Lentils

 Don’t eat more than 500g (18oz) of red
 meat (cooked) a week.
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans,
             Peas, Lentils
   One Portion is:-
      Cooked Lean meat/     50-75g
      Cooked oily fish or   100g
      white fish.
      Eggs                  2

      Cooked beans/peas     6 dessertspoons.

      Unsalted Nuts         40g
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs,
     Beans, Peas, Lentils
One Portion is:

  Soya or tofu    100g

  Hummus          125g
Reduced Fat Spreads & Oils
Choose any 2 servings per day.

Provide essential fats but these are only
needed in small amounts.

Choose low fat and reduced fat spreads and
oils e.g. Rapeseed or olive oil
(monounsaturated) instead of hard margarine,
oil or butter.
Reduced Fat Spreads & Oils
 One Portion is:
 Low fat              1 heaped tsp.
 spread/reduced fat   (should cover 2 x
 spread               slices of bread)

 Full fat spreads     Less than 1 heaped
                      (should cover 3 x
                      slices of bread)
Foods & Drinks high in Fat,
         Sugar & Salt.
 There are no recommendations for this
 group because they are no essential.

 Limit what you eat from to no more than 1
 serving per day and ideally not everyday.
Reduce Intake of High Fat Foods
 While all types of fats are high in calories,
  some fats can also raise cholesterol
  levels. The main problematic fat is
  saturated fat, found in fatty meat, dairy
  foods, cakes and pastries and palm oil.

 Some easy ways of reducing your intake
  of this unhealthy fat include:

 Change to reduced-fat dairy products e.g.
  semi-skimmed milk
Reduce intake of high fat foods

 Use soft spreads made from      vegetable
  oil, such as rapeseed or olive oil, rather
  than choosing butter and use sparingly.
 Trim the visible fat from meat and the skin
  from chicken
 Limit your intake of fried fast food, meat
  products such as sausages, pies and
  streaky bacon
 Go for snacks which are low in saturated
  fat such as fruits, breads, nuts, seeds, low
  fat yoghurt, vegetables and cereals.
Reduce intake of high fat foods

   EPIC Norfolk Cohort (13,000 Females) showed
    the women who ate more than 45g saturated fat
    per day were twice as likely to get breast cancer
    than those who ate less than 12g saturated fat
    per day.

   Monounsaturated fats and omega 3
    polyunsaturated fats appear to be protective
    while saturated fats, trans fats and omega 6
    polyunsaturated fats seemingly increase risk.
Omega – 3 fatty acids
   Main source is oily fish/ seafood.
   Tuna (Fresh)
   Salmon
   Herring
   Pilchards
   Mackerel
   Trout (rainbow)
   Shrimp
   crab
Omega – 3 fatty acids
 Benefits of eating oily fish:

1. Lower risk of heart and blood vessel
2. Maintenance of healthy joints.

 To get the most benefit adults are advised
  to eat 2 portions of fish per week ( 140g),
  one of which should be oily.
Stanols & Sterols
 Occur naturally in foods such as
 vegetables, nuts seeds, cereals, legumes,
 olive & peanut oils.

 Estimated we consume 150-400mg per
 day of naturally occurring stanols and
 sterols, but an average dietary intake at
 this level has little effect on cholesterol
Stanols & Sterols
 They work by reducing cholesterol
  absorption from the gut.
 Both have similar effect on cholesterol
 A healthy diet, regular exercise in
  combination with plant stanols and sterols
  can help reduce total cholesterol and LDL
  cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 10-20%
 Recommend a intake of 2 – 3g per day for
  those with raised cholesterol.
Stanols & sterols
    Product            Package size                 Varieties
Benecol Yoghurt                70g             Plain, light, strawberry

Flora Pro-activ               100g              Original, strawberry,
probiotic yoghurt                                     orange

Danone Danacol
                      100g (1.6g sterols per    Original, strawberry
yoghurt Drink
   Eating too much salt can increase your risk of
    developing high blood pressure.
   The average salt intake is currently 9.5g a day,
    we should be having much less than this.
   The recommended salt intake is 6g per day
    about 1 tsp.
   75-80% of salt we eat is already added to the
    food we buy.
   Reducing your intake of salty processed foods is
    an important part of a healthy diet.
 Use herbs and spices in cooking instead
  of salt.
 Try not to add extra salt at the table.
 Cut right down on salty processed foods
  and ready meals.
 Check out food labels for salt content and
  choose lower salt options.
 Use herbs and spices in cooking instead
  of salt.
 Try not to add extra salt at the table.
 Cut right down on salty processed foods
  and ready meals.
 Check out food labels for salt content and
  choose lower salt options.
Ingredient listing
 A lists of the product’s ingredients is
   required by law.
 This listing tells you what was used to
   make the product.
 The ingredients are listed in descending
   order, so the ingredient that was used in
   the greatest amount will appear first on
   the list, all the way through to the last
   ingredient which was used least in the
Foods Labels
Nutrition labels
 Nutritional labelling is any information
   appearing on food labels relating to the amount
   of calories (energy) and nutrients contained in
   the product.
 Nutrition labels can help you make healthy food
   choices as you can compare the nutrition
   information on similar products.
 Guideline Daily Amount is nutrition information
   that is presented on the front of pack.
Some tips for reading Food Labels
 Sugar   can be listed as: sucrose, maltose,
  honey, palm sugar, hydrolysed starch,
  syrup and invert sugar.
 Reduced fat products likely to still be high
  in fat.
 Salt may be listed as sodium, to convert
  sodium into salt just multiply by 2.5.
A Guide to Food Labels
A Lot per 100g        A Little per 100g
15g of total sugars   5g or less of total sugars

20g of fat            3g of fat
5g of saturated fat   1.5g or less of saturated fat

3g of fibre           0.5 of fibre
1.5g of salt          0.3g of salt
0.6g of sodium        0.1g of sodium
Old Alcohol Guidelines
For low risk drinking the weekly limits are:
 Up to 11 standard drinks per week for
 Up to 17 standard drinks per week for
 Do not take more than 5 standard drinks
  in one sitting.
 Have 3 alcohol free days during the week.
Unit Guide
100ml Glass of wine   1 unit

35ml Spirit           1 ½ units

½ pint                1 unit
Complementary, Alternative Diets &
   Have become very popular, with information
    available on the internet, in books, through the

   There is no scientific evidence to support any of
    these diets cure or prevent cancer recurring.

   In some cases they are harmful.

   Always discuss with your doctor/ dietitian
What are Complementary &
          Alternative Diets
 A complementary diet is one you follow
  while you have medical treatment.

 An alternative diet is instead of the
  recommended medical treatment.

 Health professional do not recommend
  any of these diets.
Complementary & Alternative Diets May leave out
one or more of the following:-
 Dairy foods e.g. milk, yoghurts, cheese.

   Main source of calcium.

   Calcium is needed for healthy bones and to
    prevent osteoporosis.

   Very important in women after menopause.

   If you diet is not rich in calcium you may need a
    calcium supplement.
Red meat, Poultry, eggs
   Good source of protein. Protein repairs your
    body, particularly after cancer treatment.

   Iron is important for healthy blood cells.

   Red meat is the best dietary source of iron.

   If your diet is not rich in iron you may need a
 No evidence to support sugar “feeds a

 Sugar is present in many foods and gives
 you energy.
Bristol diet
 Basically dairy free

 Also avoid red meat, salt & sugar.

 Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
Gerson Diet
 Avoid nearly all animal products and all
  fats and oils except flaxseed oil.
 All foods to be fresh and organic.
 No processed, preserved, canned, bottled,
  boxed or frozen foods.
 No salt allowed.
 Avoid sources of toxicity e.g. tobacco.
  Alcohol, fluoride, pesticides, food chemical
  and all medicines.
Macrobiotic Diet
 Completely vegan ( no dairy products of
  meat allowed)
 Promotes organic whole grains e.g. brown
  rice, oats & buckwheat, organic fruit &
  veg, soups made with vegetables,
  seaweed, beans, chickpeas lentils and
  fermented soy.
 Allowed small helpings of nuts, seeds &
  pickled vegetables.
Macrobiotic Diet
   Only eat when hungry and chew food for a long-
    time until it become liquid in your mouth.
   Drink only when thirsty & only allowed water or
    non-flavoured decaffeinated tea.
   Food is prepared and cooked in a certain way.
    Avoiding microwaves or cooking with electricity.
   No vitamin/mineral supplements allowed.
   No processed foods with artificial colours,
    flavours, preservatives.
 Evidence:   Research in the role of soy/soy
  foods in breast cancer is inconsistent
 For breast cancer survivors, the evidence
  suggests neither benefits nor harmful
  effects when soy is eaten in moderate
  amounts as part of a healthy diet
 Moderate amount = approx 25g/day (4g in
  soy yoghurt, 7g in 200ml glass of soy milk,
  10g in 200g/7oz portion tofu)
 Safety:
        Higher doses of soy may have an
 oestrogen-like effect and higher levels of
 oestrogens increase the risk of
 progression of post-menopausal and
 oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer

 Breastcancer survivors should avoid the
 high concentrations of soy found in soy
 powders/supplements - AICR
 Safety:  Soy can interact with thyroid
  hormone medications – do not take
  thyroid medications within 2-3 hours of
  eating soy
 No conclusive evidence to show that soy
  interacts with tamoxifen

 Other Benefits: No conclusive evidence
 that soy can help reduce hot flushes (NCI)
Vegetarian Diets
 Evidence:   No evidence to show that
  vegetarian diets prevent or reduce risk of
  recurrence of breast cancer
 Safety: Safe to consume vegetarian diet
  that provides all food groups and essential
 Other Benefits: Elements of vegetarian
  diet protective against heart disease e.g.
  low in animal fat, high in fruit & vegetables
Dairy Foods
 Evidence: Research does NOT support a
 link between consumption of dairy foods
 and increased risk of breast cancer.

 Animal studies have shown that dairy
 foods may have a protective effect against
 breast cancer – human studies needed.
Dairy Foods
 Safety:Safe to consume as part of a
 healthy balanced diet.

 OtherBenefits: important for maintaining
 bone health / prevention of osteoporosis.
Green Tea
   Evidence: No evidence to show that green tea
    reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer -
    results from human studies are not consistent
   Safety: Safe non – toxic drink **
               3 – 10 cups per day
               Contains caffeine
   Other Benefits: may offer protection against
    some bacterial infections
**Very high amounts of green tea components (usually
    associated with over dosage of green tea supplements)
    have been shown interact with drugs that affect blood
    clotting such as aspirin.
   Vitamins A, C and E
   Sources – fruit and vegetables
   Evidence: High intakes of supplements not
    advisable as research is conflicting regarding
    role in cancer
   Safety: Not recommended to take > 100% of
   Anti-oxidants from fruit & vegetables not harmful
   Other Benefits: protect against heart disease
   Evidence: No evidence to show that Echinacea reduces
    risk of recurrence of breast cancer
   Safety: Safe to use continuously for < 3 weeks
   Should not be taken by:
         - diabetics
         - individuals with impaired liver
    function or autoimmune diseases e.g. TB, MS,
    rheumatoid arthritis
         - if taking immunosuppressant
   Should not be taken by those with cancer of immune
    system e.g. leukaemia, lymphoma
   Other Benefits: Stimulates immune system
Aloe vera
   Evidence: No evidence to show that aloe vera
    reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer
   Safety: Should not be taken orally as oral aloe
    vera intake is known to slow down or reduce
    absorption of nutrients and drugs
   Other Benefits: Topical application is beneficial
    in treating radiation dermatitis, post-surgical
    scars, cuts, burns, sunburn
   Check with your radiation therapist / breast care
    nurse before using
   Evidence: no conclusive evidence at present to
    show that ginseng reduces risk of recurrence of
    breast cancer
   Safety: Should not be taken by individuals with
    high blood pressure, anxiety disorder and in
    those taking oestrogen or steroids
   Other Benefits: may boost immune function
    and aid treatment of fatigue, weak evidence that
    ginseng may reduce hot flushes
Co-enzyme Q10
 Evidence:   No evidence to show that it
  reduces risk of recurrence of breast
 Safety: may make some chemotherapy
  drugs/ radiotherapy less effective
 Should not be taken if taking anti-
  coagulants e.g. Warfarin
 Other Benefits: may be beneficial in heart
  disease/ heart failure
Supplements and Tamoxifen
 The
    following supplements interact with
 Tamoxifen :
             - St John’s Wort
             - Black Cohosh
             - Dong Quai

 If considering taking the above
 supplements, please consult your
 doctor first
Diet, Supplements and Menopause
   Ensure adequate calcium intake
   Follow low-fat diet to reduce risk of heart
   Physical activity may reduce hot flushes
   Evening primrose oil not recommended for hot
   Dong Quai – little evidence to support it’s safety
   Black Cohosh not recommended as may
    damage liver
Organic Foods
 Tend to be more expensive.

 Have same nutrients as non- organic food.
 There is no harm choosing organic but
 has no known benefits.
Vitamins, Minerals & other
   If your diet is not healthy and varied you may
    need a multivitamin/mineral supplement.
   Multivitamin/mineral supplement, should not
    contain more than 100% RDA for vitamins &
   Mega dosing on multivitamin/mineral
    supplements can have harmful side effects.
   Always discuss with your dietitian / doctor before
    taking a c0-enzyme/ herbal supplement as it can
    interfere with your treatment.
AICR Guidelines

1.   Choose a variety of fruit and vegetables
2.   Limit intake of red meat to less than 3oz/day
3.   Decrease the amount of fatty food in especially those
     from animal and decrease total fat intake
4.   Eat less salty foods and less salt in cooking, use herbs
     and spices instead
5.   Limit alcohol to less than 2 drinks a day for men and one
     for women
6.   Do not eat charred meat often, nor cured and smoked
7.   Avoid being overweight
8.   Take 1 hour brisk walk or similar daily
Myth or Fact
1)   Organic foods are better for you.
Myth or Fact
1)   FALSE. Nearly all foods can be healthy
     once you eat them as part of a balance

2)   Processed foods are less nutritious and
     not as good as fresh foods.
Myth or Fact
.– FALSE. As part of a balance diet
 processed foods can be healthy.
 Processed foods may keep most of their

 3)
   Large doses of vitamins can prevent or
 cure many diseases.
Myth or Fact
– FALSE. There is no scientific evidence for
   this and large doses may be dangerous.

4) Sugar feeds cancer and you should avoid
   it .
Myth or Fact
 FALSE.  Sugar if found in may foods and
 gives the body energy as part of a balance
Useful Websites
 National Cancer Institute:

 American Institute of Cancer

 Macmillan Cancerline (UK)
Useful Websites
 Irish
      Nutrition and Dietetic Institute

 Irish
     Cancer Society

 Irish
     Hospice Foundation

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Alcohol - From Action to Awareness, Dr. Peter Rice - SHAAP

Diet and nutrition - Aoife Gorham

  • 2. Nutrition Is Good Medicine  While a healthy diet can help prevent cancer, if you are loosing weight because of your cancer or treatment, the diet you should be following may be very different to usual healthy eating advice.  Speak with your dietitian/doctor if your loosing weight.
  • 3. Causes of Poor Nutrition Pre & Post Treatment. - Sore or dry mouth - Disturbances of taste & smell - Changes in odour perception - Mood
  • 4. Sore Mouth or Throat  Side effect of treatment.  Usually starts to improve some time after your treatment finishes.  It may be difficult to eat your usual foods.  Discuss with your doctor / nurse about mouth care and pre-meal pain control.  Eat little & often  Choose soft moist foods.
  • 5. Sore Mouth or Throat  Chop, mince, mash or liquidise your foods  Drink plenty of nourishing drinks.  Take care with the following foods and drinks- as the may worsen a sore mouth or throat. - Very hot food and drinks, allow to cool a little before you eat/drink them. - Salty or spicy foods e.g. packet or tinned soup, curry, chilli and vinegar
  • 6. Sore Mouth or Throat  Rough or dry foods e.g. toast, crisps, raw vegetables or biscuits  Acidic fruit drinks such as orange, pineapple or tomato juice.  Alcohol, especially spirits e.g. whiskey, brandy, vodka.
  • 7. Dry Mouth  Your medication or treatment may reduce the flow of saliva.  Can cause taste disturbances.  Saliva is needed to keep your mouth moist and protect against tooth decay.  You may be recommended an artificial saliva spray /gel if you suffer with a dry mouth.
  • 8. Dry Mouth  Helpful Hints: 1) Drink often 2) Fizzy drinks may make your mouth feel fresher. 3) Try sucking on ice cubes or ice pops 4) Sugar free gum, boiled sweets or pastilles may help saliva flow.
  • 9. Dry Mouth 5) Eat soft, moist foods. 6) Avoid chocolate, pastry and freshly baked bread . 7) Use lip balm on dry lips
  • 10. Taste Changes 4 basic tastes: sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, and umani (the savouriness of protein).  Taste changes depend on tumour site.  Head and neck cancer patients report more complaints of taste acuity.  88.8% for one taste; 66.7% for more than one taste compared with breast 21% or lung cancer 23-25%.
  • 11. Taste Changes  Taste sensitivity decreases in most cases after chemo/ RT due to destructive effects on sensory organs & tissues associated with taste and smell.  Common taste changes are metallic or bitter taste or after taste.
  • 12. If food tastes metallic:  Eat your food cold or at room temperature.  Chicken and fish tend to taste less metallic than red meat.  Marinate (soak) meat or chicken and fish in red wine, soya sauce, sweet fruit juices or lemon juice to help mask the metallic taste  Use plastic cutlery.
  • 13. If food tastes too sweet  Add a pinch of salt to reduce the sweet taste.  Add salt to custard and milk puddings.  Eatsavoury snacks instead of sweet ones. Try crisps, crackers, cheese or nuts.
  • 14. If foods taste too salty  Don’t eat salty foods.  Add a pinch of sugar to your food to reduce the salty taste. You can add sugar to soups, sauces, stews or gravy.  Snack on sweet foods instead of savoury ones, such as cakes, chocolate, sweets or biscuits.
  • 15. If foods taste bland or you have no taste  Add flavour to your food with sauces such as mustard, ketchup, mint, soy sauce, barbecue sauce or curry sauce.  Use seasonings and herbs to flavour your food, such as salt or pepper, fresh herbs or spices, garlic or lemon.  Use more seasoning than you would normally.  Try sour foods such as lemon juice, fruit or fruit juices, sour boiled sweets, sour cream or sweet and sour sauce, to stimulate your taste buds.
  • 16. General tips  Eat foods that taste good to you.  Experiment with different flavours.  Take good care of your mouth – brush your teeth and tongue with a soft toothbrush and use mouthwash.
  • 17. General Tips  Don’t stick to a small number of foods, try new ones. Food you didn’t like before may taste better now.  Re-try foods every 2-3 weeks as the taste may have returned to normal.  Tea and coffee may taste very different so try other drinks such as fruit teas, cocoa, Ovaltine, Horlicks or Complan.  Suck on pineapple chunks before meals.
  • 18. Nausea & Vomiting  Can be a side effect to treatment or due to the cancer itself.  Speak with your doctor about an anti- sickness tablet.  Eat little and often (6-8 small meals per day) rather than 3 main meals per day.  Avoid fried, spicy or very sugary foods as may make nausea worse.
  • 19. Nausea & Vomiting  Choose foods that don’t have a strong smell.  Fresh air.  Don’t lie down for up to an hour after eating but if you need to rest, ensure head is elevated about 2 x pillows high.  Constipation can make nausea worse.
  • 20. Nausea & Vomiting  Avoid dehydration, aim 8-10 glasses of fluid daily.  Drink a glass of fluid each time you vomit.  Rinse you mouth before eating.  Fizzy drink may help relieve nausea e.g. lemonade, ginger ale or soda water sipped slowly through a straw.
  • 21. Diarrhoea  Can be caused by your treatment or medication or an infection.  Drink plenty of fluids  Eat little and often e.g. snack on cereal Rice Krispies or cornflakes, toast, rice pudding, custards, yoghurts, cheese and crackers.  Avoid fizzy drinks, chewing gum, beans, peas, cabbage.
  • 22. Diarrhoea  Avoid foods that contain sorbitol (artificial sweetener  Probitotics – eat 1-2 Bio or live yoghurts drinks as part of your diet unless your white blood count is low. Ask you doctor or dietitian if you are unsure.
  • 23. Constipation  You illness, chemotherapy or medication can make you constipated.  You may need to get you doctor to prescribe you a laxative.  Eat regular meals  Include a high fibre at each meal  Drink plenty of fluids
  • 24. Constipation  Ifyou have been very constipated you may get watery stools passing through the solid stool. This is called ‘overflow’ diarrhoea. If you develop diarrhoea after being constipated talk to your doctor or nurse.
  • 25. Fatigue  Ask family or friend to help with shopping/ cooking  Cook extra portions of food and freeze or use ready meals for time when you are too tired to cook .  Have a nutritional drink when you don’t feel like cooking  Eat small portions but more often as you may need to rest after a meal.
  • 26. Fatigue  Try exercising when you can. Research shows exercise may actually help you feel less tired.  Have a bed time snack e.g. hot milk  Avoid drinks that contain caffeine and chocolate a few hours before bed.  Don’t drink alcohol near bed time as it tends to cause a broken sleep pattern.
  • 27. Nutritional Supplements  A Nutritional supplement is a drink packed with energy, protein, vitamins and minerals to help and you meet your nutritional requirements with diet.  Specific supplements can be used as a sole source of nutrition if you are not tolerating diet.  Nutritional supplement are best taken as a snack in between your meals as they are not intended to replace your meals but to act as a
  • 28. Nutritional Supplements  Can be consumed warm or chilled.  Range of flavours available  They have to be consume within 24 hours once opened and follow storage instructions.  Can be store in a cool, dry place away from radiators and direct sunlight.
  • 29. Nutritional Supplements  Your dietitian/ doctor will advise you if you need to commence them and for how long.  Nutritionalsupplements are available on prescription and are dispensed by a pharmacy.  Cover under the medical card / Long Term Illness / Drug Payment Scheme.
  • 30. Nutrition is Good Medicine  It is important for those with cancer or who have had cancer to take care of themselves. Taking care of yourself includes:  Being a healthy weight  Being Physical Activity  Following the Healthy Eating Guidelines/ Food Pyramid ( if weight stable)  Being aware of complimentary/ alternative diets and Supplements
  • 31. Facts About being a Healthy Weight.  Being overweight can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.  Its a good idea to weight yourself once per month and to measure your waist every few weeks.
  • 32. Facts About being a Healthy Weight. Waist Measurement should be:  Less than 80 cm or 32 inches in women  Less than 94 cm or 37 inches in men.  49% of Irish men and 70% of Irish women exceed the above waist measurements.
  • 33. Weight & BMI  Body Mass Index (BMI): Weight (kg) Height (m2) Normal BMI = 18.5 -25 kg/m2 Underweight = <18.5 kg/m2 Overweight = >25 kg/m2 Obese = >30 kg/m2
  • 36. New Food Pyramid Maximum 1 Choose any 2 Choose any 2 Choose any 3 Choose any 5 + Choose any 6 +
  • 37. Healthy Eating Guidelines  Enjoy your food  Eat a variety of different foods  Eat the right amount to be a healthy weight  Eat plenty of foods rich in starch & fibre  Eat 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day
  • 38. Healthy Eating Guidelines  Reduce intake of high fat foods  Don’t eat more than 500g (18oq) of red meat (cooked) a week. A standard portion is 60g (2oz) cooked meat. Choose leaner cuts of meat.  Reduce intake of salt and salty foods  Reduce intake of sugar and sugary drinks  If you drink alcohol, drink sensibly
  • 39. Healthy Eating Guidelines  Youdo not need a vitamin/ mineral supplement if you have a balance diet. Only take one if you doctor/ dietitian advises you to.  Be physically active.
  • 40. Breads, Cereals & potatoes  Choose any 6 or more servings each day if you are active.  Provide energy.  Choose wholemeal / wholegrain versions where possible.
  • 41. WHAT IS A Serving?? Pitta Pocket/ 1x tortilla 2 Serving wrap/ small bagel/ small scone/ small French roll 4 dessertspoons of a 1 Serving High fibre cereal without sugar/ honey/chocolate coating e.g. Bran flakes 1 x slice of Brown sliced 1 Serving Bread or wholegrain soda bread 3 dessertspoons of 1 Serving Dry Porridge oats 2-3 Crackers or 1 Serving crispbreads
  • 42. WHAT IS A Serving?? 2 x Breakfast Cereal 1 Serving Wheat or oat Biscuits 1 x medium or 2 x small 1 Serving potatoes 2 x Dessertspoons mash 1 Serving potato 3 x dessertspoons or ½ 1 serving cup boiled pasta/rice/noodles (25g uncooked) 3 x dessertspoons of 1 serving Muesli without honey coating
  • 43. Breads, Cereals & potatoes (6)  Evidence is mounting that eating wholegrain regularly as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle may help to reduce the risk of many common diseases e.g. heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.  Wholegrain may also help in maintaining a healthy body weight over time.
  • 44. How can I increase my intake of wholegrain?  When choosing foods from the starchy group replace refined cereal foods with wholegrain varieties. Wheat ,oats, rye, rice and oats are the most commonly available cereals in the wholegrain form.  Look for the word “whole” before the name of the cereal e.g. whole wheat pasta.  Aim to have at least half your servings per day as wholegrain.
  • 45. Fruit & Vegetables (5)  Eating more fruit and vegetables could significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.  Good source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and are low in calories.  Including more fruit and vegetables reduces the overall calorie density, which helps us maintain a healthier weight.
  • 46. Fruit & Vegetables  Plant foods are an important of antioxidants, nutrients vitamin A, C, E, B carotene, Trace minerals as Selenium and zinc.  These are proposed to have a protective against the initiation phase of breast cancer.  Principle source of fibre which is thought to reduce circulating estrogen concentration in blood.
  • 47. Fruit & Vegetables (5)  Fresh, frozen, canned, juiced or dried fruits and vegetables all count in the diet.  Potatoes are a carbohydrate and are therefore included in the bread and cereals food group.  You should aim to eat a minimum of five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day.
  • 48. Quick guide to fruit and vegetable portions Fruit Portion Medium sized fruit e.g. apple 1 ,banana, pear Small sized fruit e.g. plum, 2 Satsuma, kiwi Large fruit e.g. grapefruit Half Dried fruit e.g. raisins, currants, 1 tbsp. sultanas, mixed fruit
  • 49. Quick guide to fruit and vegetable portions Berries, grapes or 10-12 cherries Cooked fresh fruit, fruit 4 x dessertspoons tinned in own juice or frozen fruit. Unsweetened fruit juice 100ml ( small glass) or a smoothie made only from fruit or vegetables
  • 50. Quick guide to fruit and vegetable portions Vegetables Portion Broccoli spears 2 Cauliflower Florets 8 Cabbage, spinach, green beans 4 heaped tbsp. Cooked vegetables e.g. steamed, 4 boiled, microwave dessertspoon s Canned & frozen vegetables is 4 roughly the same as a fresh portion dessertspoon s
  • 51. Quick guide to fruit and vegetable portions Vegetables Portion Bowl of salad 1 Bowl homemade vegetable 1 soup Pulses and beans e.g. kidney, 3 heaped tbsp. butter beans, chick peas. Remember these only count as one of your five a day portions!
  • 52. Milk & Dairy Foods  Choose any 3 servings each day.  Importantsource of protein and calcium which are essential for healthy bones and teeth.
  • 53. Milk & Dairy Foods  One Portion is:- Milk 200ml (1/3 Pint) Low fat soft cheese 50g (2oz) Yoghurt 1 pot (125ml) Cottage cheese 75g (3 oz) Hard Cheese (edam/ 25g (1oz) Cheddar)
  • 54. Milk & Dairy Foods One Portion is:- Yoghurt drink 200ml Low fat soft cheese 50g Cheese Triangles 2 portions
  • 55. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Lentils  Choose any 2 servings per day.  These foods provide protein, which is essential for cell growth, repair and immunity.  They are also important sources of minerals such as Iron.
  • 56. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Lentils  Don’t eat more than 500g (18oz) of red meat (cooked) a week.
  • 57. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Lentils  One Portion is:- Cooked Lean meat/ 50-75g Poultry Cooked oily fish or 100g white fish. Eggs 2 Cooked beans/peas 6 dessertspoons. Unsalted Nuts 40g
  • 58. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Lentils One Portion is: Soya or tofu 100g Hummus 125g
  • 59. Reduced Fat Spreads & Oils Choose any 2 servings per day. Provide essential fats but these are only needed in small amounts. Choose low fat and reduced fat spreads and oils e.g. Rapeseed or olive oil (monounsaturated) instead of hard margarine, oil or butter.
  • 60. Reduced Fat Spreads & Oils  One Portion is: Low fat 1 heaped tsp. spread/reduced fat (should cover 2 x spread slices of bread) Full fat spreads Less than 1 heaped tsp. (should cover 3 x slices of bread)
  • 61. Foods & Drinks high in Fat, Sugar & Salt.  There are no recommendations for this group because they are no essential.  Limit what you eat from to no more than 1 serving per day and ideally not everyday.
  • 62. Reduce Intake of High Fat Foods  While all types of fats are high in calories, some fats can also raise cholesterol levels. The main problematic fat is saturated fat, found in fatty meat, dairy foods, cakes and pastries and palm oil.  Some easy ways of reducing your intake of this unhealthy fat include:  Change to reduced-fat dairy products e.g. semi-skimmed milk
  • 63. Reduce intake of high fat foods  Use soft spreads made from vegetable oil, such as rapeseed or olive oil, rather than choosing butter and use sparingly.  Trim the visible fat from meat and the skin from chicken  Limit your intake of fried fast food, meat products such as sausages, pies and streaky bacon  Go for snacks which are low in saturated fat such as fruits, breads, nuts, seeds, low fat yoghurt, vegetables and cereals.
  • 64. Reduce intake of high fat foods  EPIC Norfolk Cohort (13,000 Females) showed the women who ate more than 45g saturated fat per day were twice as likely to get breast cancer than those who ate less than 12g saturated fat per day.  Monounsaturated fats and omega 3 polyunsaturated fats appear to be protective while saturated fats, trans fats and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats seemingly increase risk.
  • 65. Omega – 3 fatty acids  Main source is oily fish/ seafood.  Tuna (Fresh)  Salmon  Herring  Pilchards  Mackerel  Trout (rainbow)  Shrimp  crab
  • 66. Omega – 3 fatty acids  Benefits of eating oily fish: 1. Lower risk of heart and blood vessel disease. 2. Maintenance of healthy joints.  To get the most benefit adults are advised to eat 2 portions of fish per week ( 140g), one of which should be oily.
  • 67. Stanols & Sterols  Occur naturally in foods such as vegetables, nuts seeds, cereals, legumes, olive & peanut oils.  Estimated we consume 150-400mg per day of naturally occurring stanols and sterols, but an average dietary intake at this level has little effect on cholesterol levels.
  • 68. Stanols & Sterols  They work by reducing cholesterol absorption from the gut.  Both have similar effect on cholesterol  A healthy diet, regular exercise in combination with plant stanols and sterols can help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 10-20%  Recommend a intake of 2 – 3g per day for those with raised cholesterol.
  • 69. Stanols & sterols Product Package size Varieties Benecol Yoghurt 70g Plain, light, strawberry Drink Flora Pro-activ 100g Original, strawberry, probiotic yoghurt orange drink Danone Danacol 100g (1.6g sterols per Original, strawberry yoghurt Drink bottle)
  • 70. Salt  Eating too much salt can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure.  The average salt intake is currently 9.5g a day, we should be having much less than this.  The recommended salt intake is 6g per day about 1 tsp.  75-80% of salt we eat is already added to the food we buy.  Reducing your intake of salty processed foods is an important part of a healthy diet.
  • 71. Salt  Use herbs and spices in cooking instead of salt.  Try not to add extra salt at the table.  Cut right down on salty processed foods and ready meals.  Check out food labels for salt content and choose lower salt options.
  • 72. Salt  Use herbs and spices in cooking instead of salt.  Try not to add extra salt at the table.  Cut right down on salty processed foods and ready meals.  Check out food labels for salt content and choose lower salt options.
  • 73. FOOD LABELS Ingredient listing  A lists of the product’s ingredients is required by law.  This listing tells you what was used to make the product.  The ingredients are listed in descending order, so the ingredient that was used in the greatest amount will appear first on the list, all the way through to the last ingredient which was used least in the product.
  • 74. Foods Labels Nutrition labels  Nutritional labelling is any information appearing on food labels relating to the amount of calories (energy) and nutrients contained in the product.  Nutrition labels can help you make healthy food choices as you can compare the nutrition information on similar products.  Guideline Daily Amount is nutrition information that is presented on the front of pack.
  • 75. Some tips for reading Food Labels  Sugar can be listed as: sucrose, maltose, honey, palm sugar, hydrolysed starch, syrup and invert sugar.  Reduced fat products likely to still be high in fat.  Salt may be listed as sodium, to convert sodium into salt just multiply by 2.5.
  • 76. A Guide to Food Labels A Lot per 100g A Little per 100g 15g of total sugars 5g or less of total sugars 20g of fat 3g of fat 5g of saturated fat 1.5g or less of saturated fat 3g of fibre 0.5 of fibre 1.5g of salt 0.3g of salt 0.6g of sodium 0.1g of sodium
  • 78. NEW ALCOHOL GUIDELNES For low risk drinking the weekly limits are:  Up to 11 standard drinks per week for women.  Up to 17 standard drinks per week for men.  Do not take more than 5 standard drinks in one sitting.  Have 3 alcohol free days during the week.
  • 79. Unit Guide 100ml Glass of wine 1 unit 35ml Spirit 1 ½ units ½ pint 1 unit
  • 80. Complementary, Alternative Diets & Supplements  Have become very popular, with information available on the internet, in books, through the media.  There is no scientific evidence to support any of these diets cure or prevent cancer recurring.  In some cases they are harmful.  Always discuss with your doctor/ dietitian
  • 81. What are Complementary & Alternative Diets  A complementary diet is one you follow while you have medical treatment.  An alternative diet is instead of the recommended medical treatment.  Health professional do not recommend any of these diets.
  • 82. Complementary & Alternative Diets May leave out one or more of the following:-  Dairy foods e.g. milk, yoghurts, cheese.  Main source of calcium.  Calcium is needed for healthy bones and to prevent osteoporosis.  Very important in women after menopause.  If you diet is not rich in calcium you may need a calcium supplement.
  • 83. Red meat, Poultry, eggs  Good source of protein. Protein repairs your body, particularly after cancer treatment.  Iron is important for healthy blood cells.  Red meat is the best dietary source of iron.  If your diet is not rich in iron you may need a supplement.
  • 84. sugar  No evidence to support sugar “feeds a tumour”.  Sugar is present in many foods and gives you energy.
  • 85. Bristol diet  Basically dairy free  Also avoid red meat, salt & sugar.  Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
  • 86. Gerson Diet  Avoid nearly all animal products and all fats and oils except flaxseed oil.  All foods to be fresh and organic.  No processed, preserved, canned, bottled, boxed or frozen foods.  No salt allowed.  Avoid sources of toxicity e.g. tobacco. Alcohol, fluoride, pesticides, food chemical and all medicines.
  • 87. Macrobiotic Diet  Completely vegan ( no dairy products of meat allowed)  Promotes organic whole grains e.g. brown rice, oats & buckwheat, organic fruit & veg, soups made with vegetables, seaweed, beans, chickpeas lentils and fermented soy.  Allowed small helpings of nuts, seeds & pickled vegetables.
  • 88. Macrobiotic Diet  Only eat when hungry and chew food for a long- time until it become liquid in your mouth.  Drink only when thirsty & only allowed water or non-flavoured decaffeinated tea.  Food is prepared and cooked in a certain way. Avoiding microwaves or cooking with electricity.  No vitamin/mineral supplements allowed.  No processed foods with artificial colours, flavours, preservatives.
  • 89. Soy  Evidence: Research in the role of soy/soy foods in breast cancer is inconsistent  For breast cancer survivors, the evidence suggests neither benefits nor harmful effects when soy is eaten in moderate amounts as part of a healthy diet  Moderate amount = approx 25g/day (4g in soy yoghurt, 7g in 200ml glass of soy milk, 10g in 200g/7oz portion tofu)
  • 90. Soy  Safety: Higher doses of soy may have an oestrogen-like effect and higher levels of oestrogens increase the risk of progression of post-menopausal and oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer  Breastcancer survivors should avoid the high concentrations of soy found in soy powders/supplements - AICR
  • 91. Soy  Safety: Soy can interact with thyroid hormone medications – do not take thyroid medications within 2-3 hours of eating soy  No conclusive evidence to show that soy interacts with tamoxifen  Other Benefits: No conclusive evidence that soy can help reduce hot flushes (NCI)
  • 92. Vegetarian Diets  Evidence: No evidence to show that vegetarian diets prevent or reduce risk of recurrence of breast cancer  Safety: Safe to consume vegetarian diet that provides all food groups and essential nutrients  Other Benefits: Elements of vegetarian diet protective against heart disease e.g. low in animal fat, high in fruit & vegetables
  • 93. Dairy Foods  Evidence: Research does NOT support a link between consumption of dairy foods and increased risk of breast cancer.  Animal studies have shown that dairy foods may have a protective effect against breast cancer – human studies needed.
  • 94. Dairy Foods  Safety:Safe to consume as part of a healthy balanced diet.  OtherBenefits: important for maintaining bone health / prevention of osteoporosis.
  • 95. Green Tea  Evidence: No evidence to show that green tea reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer - results from human studies are not consistent  Safety: Safe non – toxic drink ** 3 – 10 cups per day Contains caffeine  Other Benefits: may offer protection against some bacterial infections **Very high amounts of green tea components (usually associated with over dosage of green tea supplements) have been shown interact with drugs that affect blood clotting such as aspirin.
  • 96. Antioxidants  Vitamins A, C and E  Sources – fruit and vegetables  Evidence: High intakes of supplements not advisable as research is conflicting regarding role in cancer  Safety: Not recommended to take > 100% of RDA  Anti-oxidants from fruit & vegetables not harmful  Other Benefits: protect against heart disease
  • 97. Echinacea  Evidence: No evidence to show that Echinacea reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer  Safety: Safe to use continuously for < 3 weeks  Should not be taken by: - diabetics - individuals with impaired liver function or autoimmune diseases e.g. TB, MS, rheumatoid arthritis - if taking immunosuppressant medications  Should not be taken by those with cancer of immune system e.g. leukaemia, lymphoma  Other Benefits: Stimulates immune system
  • 98. Aloe vera  Evidence: No evidence to show that aloe vera reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer  Safety: Should not be taken orally as oral aloe vera intake is known to slow down or reduce absorption of nutrients and drugs  Other Benefits: Topical application is beneficial in treating radiation dermatitis, post-surgical scars, cuts, burns, sunburn  Check with your radiation therapist / breast care nurse before using
  • 99. Ginseng  Evidence: no conclusive evidence at present to show that ginseng reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer  Safety: Should not be taken by individuals with high blood pressure, anxiety disorder and in those taking oestrogen or steroids  Other Benefits: may boost immune function and aid treatment of fatigue, weak evidence that ginseng may reduce hot flushes
  • 100. Co-enzyme Q10  Evidence: No evidence to show that it reduces risk of recurrence of breast cancer  Safety: may make some chemotherapy drugs/ radiotherapy less effective  Should not be taken if taking anti- coagulants e.g. Warfarin  Other Benefits: may be beneficial in heart disease/ heart failure
  • 101. Supplements and Tamoxifen  The following supplements interact with Tamoxifen : - St John’s Wort - Black Cohosh - Dong Quai If considering taking the above supplements, please consult your doctor first
  • 102. Diet, Supplements and Menopause  Ensure adequate calcium intake  Follow low-fat diet to reduce risk of heart disease  Physical activity may reduce hot flushes  Evening primrose oil not recommended for hot flushes  Dong Quai – little evidence to support it’s safety  Black Cohosh not recommended as may damage liver
  • 103. Organic Foods  Tend to be more expensive.  Have same nutrients as non- organic food. There is no harm choosing organic but has no known benefits.
  • 104. Vitamins, Minerals & other supplements  If your diet is not healthy and varied you may need a multivitamin/mineral supplement.  Multivitamin/mineral supplement, should not contain more than 100% RDA for vitamins & minerals.  Mega dosing on multivitamin/mineral supplements can have harmful side effects.  Always discuss with your dietitian / doctor before taking a c0-enzyme/ herbal supplement as it can interfere with your treatment.
  • 105. AICR Guidelines 1. Choose a variety of fruit and vegetables 2. Limit intake of red meat to less than 3oz/day 3. Decrease the amount of fatty food in especially those from animal and decrease total fat intake 4. Eat less salty foods and less salt in cooking, use herbs and spices instead 5. Limit alcohol to less than 2 drinks a day for men and one for women 6. Do not eat charred meat often, nor cured and smoked meats 7. Avoid being overweight 8. Take 1 hour brisk walk or similar daily
  • 106. Myth or Fact 1) Organic foods are better for you.
  • 107. Myth or Fact 1) FALSE. Nearly all foods can be healthy once you eat them as part of a balance diet. 2) Processed foods are less nutritious and not as good as fresh foods.
  • 108. Myth or Fact .– FALSE. As part of a balance diet processed foods can be healthy. Processed foods may keep most of their goodness.  3) Large doses of vitamins can prevent or cure many diseases.
  • 109. Myth or Fact – FALSE. There is no scientific evidence for this and large doses may be dangerous. 4) Sugar feeds cancer and you should avoid it .
  • 110. Myth or Fact  FALSE. Sugar if found in may foods and gives the body energy as part of a balance diet.
  • 111. Useful Websites  National Cancer Institute:  American Institute of Cancer Research  Macmillan Cancerline (UK)
  • 112. Useful Websites  Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute  Irish Cancer Society  Irish Hospice Foundation