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DEVRY MGMT 591 Final Exam Guide Set 2 NEW
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1. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
2. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) Organizational behavior
is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to
several academic disciplines. Please identify three of the four
primary areas.
3. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) OB defines stress in
terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify
four common sources of stress at work.
4. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) Please identify and
briefly explain two of the five dimensions of national culture.
5. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) What is organizational
learning? Why is it important for firms to emphasize
organizational learning?
6. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) What is the goal in
studying and applying organizational behavior concepts? Pick
one of the four organizational behavior disciplines and use a
brief example to describe how it relates to this goal.
7. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) Identify the main
elements included in affective events theory. Select any two of
these elements, and provide an example of how the factor can
influence an employee’s job performance and satisfaction.
8. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) What is organizational
behavior, and to what degree do you think an understanding of
it may increase one’s managerial success in the workplace?
9. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
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these questions
11 SA 2. (TCO D) Please define self-managing
teams and identify three of the five tasks a true self-managing
team is responsible for.
12. SA 2. (TCO D) Referring to the team decision
making process, define consensus and unanimity, and explain
the difference between the two.
13. SA 2. (TCO D) There are six methods that
teams use to make decisions. Identify and define three of the
14. SA 2. (TCO D) What is groupthink? Why can
groupthink be detrimental to effective group functioning?
15. SA 2. (TCO D) What factors determine
whether teams are successful? Please briefly describe each
16. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
17. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
18. SA 3. (TCO E) Please define and explain the
difference between functional conflict and dysfunctional
19. SA 3. (TCO E) Identify and define four of the
seven key elements in the communication process. Give a
specific example of a possible breakdown in a communication
20. SA 3. (TCO E) Please identify and give
examples of four of the five direct conflict management
21. SA 3. (TCO E) Please identify and give
examples of four of the five indirect conflict management
22. SA 3. (TCO E) Identify four of the barriers to
effective communication and give an example of each.
23. SA 3. (TCO E) Based on the value of
leadership communication and conflict management skills
presented in the course, list a minimum of five major conflict
resolution techniques that allow managers to control
dysfunctional conflict or increase conflict when it is too low
between parties. Support each technique with a clear and
concise example of a manager's application of each technique
during conflict resolution situations in the workplace.
24. SA 3. (TCO E) Define the term channel
richness as it relates to the communication process. Briefly
describe and defend which level of richness you would select
when addressing a workplace conflict in the antecedent stage.
25. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
26. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
27. SA 4. (TCO E) What is leadership, and how
does it differ from management?
28. SA 4. (TCO E) Define power from an
organizational behavior perspective. What is the difference
between power and influence?
29. SA 4. (TCO E) There are two forms of
personal power. Select one of the forms. Explain the theory of
how this power comes to be and is used. Then provide an
example of a person who possesses this type of power and how
he/she uses it.
30. SA 4. (TCO E) Compare and contrast charismatic
and transformational leadership styles. Provide two
characteristics of each leadership style.
31. SA 4. (TCO E) Differentiate between trait
theories of leadership and behavioral theories of leadership.
Describe each and give an example of each type of leadership.
32. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
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these questions
34. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Explain how
interpersonal conflict occurs, and give two examples of
substantive conflict and two examples of emotional
interpersonal conflict.
35. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Although conflict is
usually considered a negative experience to be avoided, it
actually has the potential to produce positive organizational
outcomes. Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a
positive influence.
36. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Describe and illustrate
with an example an advantage that face-to-face communication
has over written communication. Describe and illustrate with
an example an advantage that written communication has over
face-to-face communication.
37. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Workplace deviance is
costly to both organizations and employees. Victims of
workplace deviance suffer from stress-related conditions,
decreased productivity, and low morale, and are more likely to
leave the organization. How can norms be used to reduce
deviant workplace behavior?
1. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
2. EQ 1. (TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a
business with 500 employees. The CEO of the company has
recently learned, based on employee surveys, that the
employees are not very happy with the company. In fact, the
CEO is starting to believe that this may be the reason why Faxco
is experiencing slower sales and a recent budget crisis that
threatens to shut down the company in three years if it is not
You are a consultant, and the CEO has asked you to visit the
company for a week and analyze what might be going wrong.
Here are your notes from the week.
(1) Attended Manager 1's staff meeting. He has 200 employees
working under him. Manager 1 talked about the recent budget
problems that Faxco is having. He said, "It's not like we didn't
know this was coming. The company makes a junky product
compared to our competitors, and half the time, I think the
manufacturing department is cutting corners." Manager 1 was
overheard telling an employee, "I don't blame anyone if they
are looking for work elsewhere."
(2) You overheard three employees talking after Manager 1's
staff meeting. Employees are upset about the idea that the
manufacturing department might be cutting corners and
creating junky products. The company advertises its products
as having the finest quality and durability.
(3) You attended Manager 2's staff meeting. He runs the tech
department and has 20 employees. He was very upset with the
marketing department. He stated, "Someone over in marketing
reported to the CEO that a computer technician from this
department was rude to them. I did not even ask who it was
that was supposedly being rude. I know we're all techies in this
department together and we don't behave that way." He also
read an e-mail from a customer who said that someone from
the tech department was rude. His response was, "All these
customers do is complain. It's us versus them apparently, so we
have to watch out."
In light of what you learned in MGMT591 about diversity, job
satisfaction, and attitudes, please write up a neatly-organized
analysis for the CEO.
3. EQ 1. (TCO B) What is an attitude? Discuss
the three basic components of an attitude.
4. EQ 1. (TCO B) Discuss and provide examples
of best practices an organization can implement to leverage
diversity in areas such as group management, recruiting,
hiring, retention, and development practices to increase an
organization’s competitive advantage.
5. EQ 1. (TCO B) Just as Judy Garland and Mickey
Rooney cried, "Let's put on a show!" to solve problems in their
1940s movie lives, many businesses cry "Let's build teams!" to
attack problems ranging from low productivity to poor morale,
high costs, and missed deadlines. Likewise, in our Week 3 Case
Study, Building a Coalition, we had a team begin to form to
address problems in the Washington, DC school system.
Employee teams intuitively seem to be a great idea and are
certainly a growing trend.
Use your newfound knowledge of teams and discuss the
following three elements:
(a). Describe the stages of group development. Why is it
important that managers have an understanding of the group
development process? (15 points)
(b). Identify and discuss three group property or team process
elements you feel are most important in building a high
performing team. (15 points)
(c). Identify and discuss at least TWO factors that determine
whether teams are successful. (15 points).
6. EQ 1. (TCO B) Researchers report that heredity has
a strong influence on an individual’s personality. What are the
implications of this in organizational settings?
7. EQ 1. (TCO B) John supervises five employees at a
local manufacturing office and is trying to decide how to
motivate them. The office is rather small and his employees
work an eight hour day with only a 30 minute break for lunch
(and they eat at their desks). He thinks that giving them a
monetary bonus or a raise might be the way to get the group to
start producing more. Discuss why money might not be a
motivator to these employees, and what action could be taken
instead to get them motivated.
8. EQ 1. (TCO B) You are the manager of a business
that cleans airliners. You are contracted by airlines to perform
quick cleanups on planes between flights, as well as more
extensive cleanings while planes are parked overnight. The
airline industry is facing financial pressures and these
pressures have trickled down to you. The airlines are having
their planes cleaned less often and, as a result, they are dirtier
when they are cleaned. It also seems like passengers are
increasingly likely to leave really gross stuff behind.
The work is difficult. Your employees have not received raises
in some time, and it likely that they won’t receive raises in the
near future. The employees, individually and as a group, are
quite open about not liking their jobs. Your managers are
placing pressure on you to make the employees more
productive. You subscribe to the theory that workers who are
more satisfied with their jobs are more productive. You cannot
give the employees raises, but you do have a very limited
amount of discretionary funds. What can you do to increase the
workers’ level of job satisfaction? Provide five specific steps
you could take.
9. EQ 1. (TCO B) Juanita Perez strongly believes
in working for a company which promotes diversity. She is
currently enrolled with you in a graduate program with a major
in human resources management; and, she aspires to become a
Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) in an organization respectful of
differences. You have taken several courses with her; and, you
both have discussed the fact that adult learners want to be
involved and gain more exposure in the operations of the
company they work for. You understand that she is searching
for a new job.
Recently, Juanita attended an interview, where she was told
that the company follows policies which focus on
organizational diversity. This was very encouraging; and, she
left the interview with a very positive feeling. Based on what
she learned about selecting the right job early in one’s career,
she decided to research the company’s claims. In addition, she
wanted to look back on the Life Style Inventory data results
(LSI) to review her personality traits and interests before
considering taking a job if it was offered from this company.
Three days later, Juanita received a telephone call from the
Human Resources department offering her the position she
interviewed for the week prior. Based on the research findings
she gathered after her visit to the company, and your
understanding of using the LSI assessment tool for career
decisions, please offer Juanita your recommendation based on
the data she shared with you about the organization she is
thinking about joining. She has to respond back with her
decision within 48 hours; and, emailed you for your
constructive analysis of the data and advice. Reflect on the
research findings below, and prepare a detailed email with
your recommendation. Substantiate your argument and be
specific to accept or turn down the job offer. Juanita’s research
about the company includes:
85% percent of the top management positions in the company
are held by men.
She is the only Hispanic, Spanish speaking female in this
The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial
The employees she talked with during her interview believe
that they are treated equally in spite of differences in
Juanita’s LSI assessment points out positive leadership
attributes and communication skills verbal/written.
10. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
11. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
12. EQ 2. (TCO E) You lead a team of marketing
professionals. At a recent team meeting, Curtis and Andrea got
into an argument in front of you and are no longer speaking to
each other. Curtis came to you and complained that Andrea
always tries to get all of the attention. Andrea came to you with
that same complaint about Curtis after the argument. Recently
you and your entire team took the Life Styles Inventory (LSI).
Andrea is Conventional while Curtis is Competitive. Your style
is Humanistic-Encouraging. You plan to hold a meeting with the
three of you. What four specific things will you cover, and how
will you approach each part of the communication differently
based on the LSI results?
13. EQ 2. (TCO E) Mary has accepted a position as
director of a non-profit organization that represents a cause
she deeply believes in. Her pay is $28,000 per year. Her
position allows considerable flexibility, which is critical given
her three school age children and family needs. Additionally,
Mary works with many peers who she respects and her
leadership essentially allows her the freedom to make
decisions without too much upper management review. Mary’s
husband Bill works as a Computer Engineer for a large
consulting firm. His pay is $95,000 per year. Bill’s work
requires many late hours and weekends, as well as a
considerable travel demand. This means that Bill misses much
of the children’s growing up experiences and that Mary has to
carry those responsibilities alone. Bill’s peers are extremely
competitive and the nature of the role allows little
collaboration. Additionally, Bill’s boss is extremely aggressive
and a micromanager. He and Bill clash constantly, and the boss
has been very antagonistic and anxious that Bill is “out for his
job.” Bill and Mary live in a part of the country where the
median wage for a professional is approximately $65,000. Mary
and Bill’s dinner time conversations seem to regularly revolve
around how dissatisfied they both are with their careers.
Evaluate reasons why each seems dissatisfied and recommend
how each can work to improve their levels of satisfaction in the
workplace. What are their choices if they cannot resolve their
14. EQ 2. (TCO E) Describe the communications
process in detail, including all key parts and their particular
function; as well as movement of the communications. Provide
examples of each part and elaborate on each example.
15. EQ 2. (TCO E) The use of social networking
by professionals in the workplace as a means of communication
is increasing dramatically. Describe how the use of social
networks enhances or reduces productivity at an
organizational level. Discuss how their social and work uses
affect employee attitudes and behaviors.
16. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
17. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
18. EQ 3. (TCO E) Eagle Standard Inc., (ESI) a
major engineering firm, specializes in designing aircraft parts
for government contracts. ESI employs project managers and
42 engineers who are divided into project groups of six to
seven members. The majority of project team leaders have
spent time in France and Britain learning new technology. The
Eagle 6 Project Team, consisting of six engineers, is developing
new equipment for a jet fighter. The project has been ongoing
for 18 months, and all six engineers have been with this project
group since its inception, working together on all of these
projects. Eagle 6 works well together.
However, the Eagle 6 team has the most technical project, and
its engineers have been working too much overtime. The senior
project manager, Bruce Chalnick, interviewed and hired a new
engineer to help out, Richard Hue. Richard has good
qualifications and seems to be knowledgeable and motivated.
The work is challenging and gives him the opportunity to
showcase his computer skills and engineering knowledge. Two
weeks in, he quickly became a contributing member of the
team, showing initiative and the willingness to work overtime
and weekends to research possible solutions to potential
problems. Richard was particularly adept with the computer
system, and Bruce is ecstatic about his new hire. Richard is a
loner, on and off the job. He is from Country X, a small island
with a high power-distance culture; all of the other members of
the team were born and raised in the United States.
After three months, Richard's learning curve had just about
peaked, and he began to suggest new ways of doing things. He
offered to mentor the other engineers, but each time he was
rebuffed. He then went to Bruce Chalnick and asked for another
part of the program to work on. At that point, a senior member
of Eagle 6, Tim Flossner, met with Bruce to discuss Richard. Tim
stated he was speaking for the rest of the team, and said
Richard is stuck up and arrogant. Tim said he and the other
team members felt Richard flaunts his education and
knowledge, and none of them like him. In fact, they can't stand
Bruce told Tim that Richard thinks that the rest of the team are
slackers who talk about bowling and sports instead of working.
Richard thinks he is disliked because he's from Country X.
Bruce wants to keep everyone in the company, and more
importantly within the team, so how should Bruce handle this
problem? Detail what he should do by applying at least two
conflict management methods to enhance group and team
performance. Include roles and decision making in your
19. EQ 3. (TCO E) As a manager of people, it is
inevitable that you will have to deal with conflict issues. In our
studies, we have identified the need to resolve conflict when it
is seen to be counter to the organization’s goals, and in some
cases, to stimulate conflict to arrive at organizational goals or
increase performance. Select any two of the nine conflict-
resolution techniques. Explain how each technique could be
used to reduce or eliminate conflict. Provide an example
scenario for each. (15 points for each technique with an
example scenario.) Select one of the four conflict-stimulation
techniques. Explain how that technique could be used to
improve a group’s performance. Provide an example scenario.
(15 points)
20. EQ 3. (TCO E) In the small town of Evansville,
Indiana, Amberville Textiles was not producing parachute and
military blankets as it did in its height of success thirty years
ago. When Joe Harley, the middle-level manager of the
production department at Amberville was laid off, many
employees who worked under him became apprehensive about
their job security. They were aware of the current trend toward
laying-off employees in the textile industry.
The termination of their manager, combined with the fact that
the plant had performed only moderately well in the last two
quarters, led the employees to believe that they were at a high
risk of losing their jobs as well. Rumors had spread about
impending lay-offs and the human resources manager was just
developing the first formal inter-departmental communication
network for managers to put into place the same week Joe
Harley left the organization.
Analyze the current organizational and inter-departmental
structure; then, prepare a clear, concise process-improvement
strategy plan, which you will present in writing to the President
and Human Resources Manager. Include specific examples of
current communication issues and specific suggestions for
improvement. Conclude with two recommendations for how
the inter-departmental communication conflicts could be
altered to improve accurate and timely communication and
productivity within the current workforce.
21. EQ 3. (TCO E) You are the chair of the newly
formed Campus Speaker Committee, a student organization
that selects campus speakers. The funding for speakers
selected by the committee comes from a wealthy, respected
alumnus who wants more controversial speakers to speak to
students on campus. The alumnus gave the school a $50,000
endowment earmarked for this purpose. However, his
endowment is contingent upon students’ ability to choose
speakers without interference from faculty and administration.
The Campus Speaker Committee has selected Representative
Baker, a Republican member of Congress who is actively
involved in a number of controversial political issues and is an
alumnus of your college. The board of trustees for the college is
thrilled with the choice of a conservative speaker, but many
students on campus have given the announcement a lukewarm
reception. Three days before the speaker’s scheduled visit, an
article in the student newspaper reveals that Representative
Baker was a member of a white supremacist group when he
was in college. The article reports that the white supremacist
group still exists, and it lists the group’s website, which is full of
racist statements.
Many students and faculty are now denouncing the Campus
Speaker Committee for inviting such a person. The trustees and
the school’s president downplay the representative’s former
involvement in the group and continue to support his speaking
on campus. The committee now must meet to decide whether
or not to revoke Representative Baker’s invitation to speak on
Please respond to each of the following questions:
As the chair, consider potential barriers to effective
communication and which communication strategies you
would recommend to help committee members to (a) to
minimize the possibility of groupthink; (b) to reach consensus
if not unanimity. Why?
Specific conflict management (resolution and stimulation)
techniques might help you to negotiate an optimal solution?
Discuss. Why?
How will you use the “dimensions of conflict handling
intentions” to address any conflict that may arise between
committee members? Why?
22. EQ 3. (TCO E) William Smith and Julia Morin met
each other during cycling competitions in Brooklyn, New York
two years ago. Each of them worked in specialty bicycle shops
in Manhattan as high-end mechanical technicians. Recently,
they began to ‘dream’ about the possibility of combining the
two shops; then, starting up a third shop in Brooklyn. Their
shop owners loved the idea, but the twenty-five current
employees in each of the downtown Manhattan shops
considered the start-up store in Brooklyn a threat.
23. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row
24. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
these questions
25. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Identify the five stages of team
development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a
specific example from your own experience to highlight one of
the stages.
26. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) When a team works
together, it has a huge range of skills available that it can utilize
to deliver extraordinary results. Explain how organizations can
create team players.
27. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Congratulations! Your
manager just informed you that you’ve been promoted to the
team lead role for a multi-functional, virtual team. The stakes
are high. The deliverables for this team are essential to the
organization’s strategic goals. Most of the team interaction will
be online and your charter is to effectively manage the team,
keep executive management updated on the status of critical
milestones, and maintain a high performing team. Using the
Team Effectiveness Model as a foundation, analyze and
prioritize one solution from each category of the model
(context, composition, and process) that you believe creates the
best foundation for your team’s success. Provide your rationale
for your recommended solutions.
28. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) The amount of cohesiveness
and diversity found within teams can have both positive and
negative effects upon a team’s performance. Answer the
(a). Describe how a team’s level of cohesiveness could have a
negative impact upon performance.
(b). List four ways to increase team cohesiveness.
(c). How can increasing diversity in team membership decrease
the team’s performance? d. Indicate two ways to improve
performance within diverse teams.
29. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Monica was recently
promoted to the manager role for a large function in her
organization that oversees global regulatory compliance for the
company’s products. Her prior department—Customer
Complaints—is just one of the functional groups that provide
input for her new department’s charter. Monica is tasked with
revising a set of complex processes to improve the quality and
timeliness of regulatory reporting, and she has asked you for
some recommendations about team format. Considering the
numerous inputs and outputs of the affected processes, and the
global reporting requirement, should Monica create a cross-
functional team, a problem-solving team, a virtual team, or a
hybrid? After careful analysis, write up your recommended
team format and defend your reasons for the type of team
Monica should establish.
30. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Managers and leaders
must possess good communication skills in order to be
successful and achieve their goals. However, there are many
barriers to effective communication. Please describe five
common barriers to effective communication that managers
and leaders often need to overcome. Evaluate each of the five
barrier’s significance to the communication process. Then,
identify an action that a manager or leader could take to
overcome each barrier.

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Devry mgmt 591 final exam guide set 2 new

  • 1. DEVRY MGMT 591 Final Exam Guide Set 2 NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at devry/mgmt-591-final-exam-guide-set-2-new For more classes visit 1. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 2. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to several academic disciplines. Please identify three of the four primary areas. 3. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work. 4. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) Please identify and briefly explain two of the five dimensions of national culture. 5. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) What is organizational learning? Why is it important for firms to emphasize organizational learning? 6. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) What is the goal in
  • 2. studying and applying organizational behavior concepts? Pick one of the four organizational behavior disciplines and use a brief example to describe how it relates to this goal. 7. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) Identify the main elements included in affective events theory. Select any two of these elements, and provide an example of how the factor can influence an employee’s job performance and satisfaction. 8. SA 1. (TCOs A and B) What is organizational behavior, and to what degree do you think an understanding of it may increase one’s managerial success in the workplace? 9. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 10. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 11 SA 2. (TCO D) Please define self-managing teams and identify three of the five tasks a true self-managing team is responsible for. 12. SA 2. (TCO D) Referring to the team decision making process, define consensus and unanimity, and explain the difference between the two. 13. SA 2. (TCO D) There are six methods that teams use to make decisions. Identify and define three of the
  • 3. six. 14. SA 2. (TCO D) What is groupthink? Why can groupthink be detrimental to effective group functioning? 15. SA 2. (TCO D) What factors determine whether teams are successful? Please briefly describe each factor. 16. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 17. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 18. SA 3. (TCO E) Please define and explain the difference between functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict. 19. SA 3. (TCO E) Identify and define four of the seven key elements in the communication process. Give a specific example of a possible breakdown in a communication flow. 20. SA 3. (TCO E) Please identify and give examples of four of the five direct conflict management strategies. 21. SA 3. (TCO E) Please identify and give examples of four of the five indirect conflict management strategies.
  • 4. 22. SA 3. (TCO E) Identify four of the barriers to effective communication and give an example of each. 23. SA 3. (TCO E) Based on the value of leadership communication and conflict management skills presented in the course, list a minimum of five major conflict resolution techniques that allow managers to control dysfunctional conflict or increase conflict when it is too low between parties. Support each technique with a clear and concise example of a manager's application of each technique during conflict resolution situations in the workplace. 24. SA 3. (TCO E) Define the term channel richness as it relates to the communication process. Briefly describe and defend which level of richness you would select when addressing a workplace conflict in the antecedent stage. 25. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 26. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 27. SA 4. (TCO E) What is leadership, and how does it differ from management? 28. SA 4. (TCO E) Define power from an organizational behavior perspective. What is the difference between power and influence?
  • 5. 29. SA 4. (TCO E) There are two forms of personal power. Select one of the forms. Explain the theory of how this power comes to be and is used. Then provide an example of a person who possesses this type of power and how he/she uses it. 30. SA 4. (TCO E) Compare and contrast charismatic and transformational leadership styles. Provide two characteristics of each leadership style. 31. SA 4. (TCO E) Differentiate between trait theories of leadership and behavioral theories of leadership. Describe each and give an example of each type of leadership. 32. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 33. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 34. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Explain how interpersonal conflict occurs, and give two examples of substantive conflict and two examples of emotional interpersonal conflict. 35. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Although conflict is usually considered a negative experience to be avoided, it actually has the potential to produce positive organizational
  • 6. outcomes. Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a positive influence. 36. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Describe and illustrate with an example an advantage that face-to-face communication has over written communication. Describe and illustrate with an example an advantage that written communication has over face-to-face communication. 37. SA 5. (TCOs F and G) Workplace deviance is costly to both organizations and employees. Victims of workplace deviance suffer from stress-related conditions, decreased productivity, and low morale, and are more likely to leave the organization. How can norms be used to reduce deviant workplace behavior? 1. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 2. EQ 1. (TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees. The CEO of the company has recently learned, based on employee surveys, that the employees are not very happy with the company. In fact, the CEO is starting to believe that this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing slower sales and a recent budget crisis that threatens to shut down the company in three years if it is not fixed. You are a consultant, and the CEO has asked you to visit the company for a week and analyze what might be going wrong.
  • 7. Here are your notes from the week. (1) Attended Manager 1's staff meeting. He has 200 employees working under him. Manager 1 talked about the recent budget problems that Faxco is having. He said, "It's not like we didn't know this was coming. The company makes a junky product compared to our competitors, and half the time, I think the manufacturing department is cutting corners." Manager 1 was overheard telling an employee, "I don't blame anyone if they are looking for work elsewhere." (2) You overheard three employees talking after Manager 1's staff meeting. Employees are upset about the idea that the manufacturing department might be cutting corners and creating junky products. The company advertises its products as having the finest quality and durability. (3) You attended Manager 2's staff meeting. He runs the tech department and has 20 employees. He was very upset with the marketing department. He stated, "Someone over in marketing reported to the CEO that a computer technician from this department was rude to them. I did not even ask who it was that was supposedly being rude. I know we're all techies in this department together and we don't behave that way." He also read an e-mail from a customer who said that someone from the tech department was rude. His response was, "All these customers do is complain. It's us versus them apparently, so we have to watch out." In light of what you learned in MGMT591 about diversity, job satisfaction, and attitudes, please write up a neatly-organized analysis for the CEO. 3. EQ 1. (TCO B) What is an attitude? Discuss the three basic components of an attitude.
  • 8. 4. EQ 1. (TCO B) Discuss and provide examples of best practices an organization can implement to leverage diversity in areas such as group management, recruiting, hiring, retention, and development practices to increase an organization’s competitive advantage. 5. EQ 1. (TCO B) Just as Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney cried, "Let's put on a show!" to solve problems in their 1940s movie lives, many businesses cry "Let's build teams!" to attack problems ranging from low productivity to poor morale, high costs, and missed deadlines. Likewise, in our Week 3 Case Study, Building a Coalition, we had a team begin to form to address problems in the Washington, DC school system. Employee teams intuitively seem to be a great idea and are certainly a growing trend. Use your newfound knowledge of teams and discuss the following three elements: (a). Describe the stages of group development. Why is it important that managers have an understanding of the group development process? (15 points) (b). Identify and discuss three group property or team process elements you feel are most important in building a high performing team. (15 points) (c). Identify and discuss at least TWO factors that determine whether teams are successful. (15 points). 6. EQ 1. (TCO B) Researchers report that heredity has a strong influence on an individual’s personality. What are the implications of this in organizational settings?
  • 9. 7. EQ 1. (TCO B) John supervises five employees at a local manufacturing office and is trying to decide how to motivate them. The office is rather small and his employees work an eight hour day with only a 30 minute break for lunch (and they eat at their desks). He thinks that giving them a monetary bonus or a raise might be the way to get the group to start producing more. Discuss why money might not be a motivator to these employees, and what action could be taken instead to get them motivated. 8. EQ 1. (TCO B) You are the manager of a business that cleans airliners. You are contracted by airlines to perform quick cleanups on planes between flights, as well as more extensive cleanings while planes are parked overnight. The airline industry is facing financial pressures and these pressures have trickled down to you. The airlines are having their planes cleaned less often and, as a result, they are dirtier when they are cleaned. It also seems like passengers are increasingly likely to leave really gross stuff behind. The work is difficult. Your employees have not received raises in some time, and it likely that they won’t receive raises in the near future. The employees, individually and as a group, are quite open about not liking their jobs. Your managers are placing pressure on you to make the employees more productive. You subscribe to the theory that workers who are more satisfied with their jobs are more productive. You cannot give the employees raises, but you do have a very limited amount of discretionary funds. What can you do to increase the workers’ level of job satisfaction? Provide five specific steps you could take.
  • 10. 9. EQ 1. (TCO B) Juanita Perez strongly believes in working for a company which promotes diversity. She is currently enrolled with you in a graduate program with a major in human resources management; and, she aspires to become a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) in an organization respectful of differences. You have taken several courses with her; and, you both have discussed the fact that adult learners want to be involved and gain more exposure in the operations of the company they work for. You understand that she is searching for a new job. Recently, Juanita attended an interview, where she was told that the company follows policies which focus on organizational diversity. This was very encouraging; and, she left the interview with a very positive feeling. Based on what she learned about selecting the right job early in one’s career, she decided to research the company’s claims. In addition, she wanted to look back on the Life Style Inventory data results (LSI) to review her personality traits and interests before considering taking a job if it was offered from this company. Three days later, Juanita received a telephone call from the Human Resources department offering her the position she interviewed for the week prior. Based on the research findings she gathered after her visit to the company, and your understanding of using the LSI assessment tool for career decisions, please offer Juanita your recommendation based on the data she shared with you about the organization she is thinking about joining. She has to respond back with her decision within 48 hours; and, emailed you for your constructive analysis of the data and advice. Reflect on the research findings below, and prepare a detailed email with
  • 11. your recommendation. Substantiate your argument and be specific to accept or turn down the job offer. Juanita’s research about the company includes: 85% percent of the top management positions in the company are held by men. She is the only Hispanic, Spanish speaking female in this division. The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group. The employees she talked with during her interview believe that they are treated equally in spite of differences in performance. Juanita’s LSI assessment points out positive leadership attributes and communication skills verbal/written. 10. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 11. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 12. EQ 2. (TCO E) You lead a team of marketing professionals. At a recent team meeting, Curtis and Andrea got into an argument in front of you and are no longer speaking to each other. Curtis came to you and complained that Andrea always tries to get all of the attention. Andrea came to you with that same complaint about Curtis after the argument. Recently you and your entire team took the Life Styles Inventory (LSI). Andrea is Conventional while Curtis is Competitive. Your style is Humanistic-Encouraging. You plan to hold a meeting with the three of you. What four specific things will you cover, and how
  • 12. will you approach each part of the communication differently based on the LSI results? 13. EQ 2. (TCO E) Mary has accepted a position as director of a non-profit organization that represents a cause she deeply believes in. Her pay is $28,000 per year. Her position allows considerable flexibility, which is critical given her three school age children and family needs. Additionally, Mary works with many peers who she respects and her leadership essentially allows her the freedom to make decisions without too much upper management review. Mary’s husband Bill works as a Computer Engineer for a large consulting firm. His pay is $95,000 per year. Bill’s work requires many late hours and weekends, as well as a considerable travel demand. This means that Bill misses much of the children’s growing up experiences and that Mary has to carry those responsibilities alone. Bill’s peers are extremely competitive and the nature of the role allows little collaboration. Additionally, Bill’s boss is extremely aggressive and a micromanager. He and Bill clash constantly, and the boss has been very antagonistic and anxious that Bill is “out for his job.” Bill and Mary live in a part of the country where the median wage for a professional is approximately $65,000. Mary and Bill’s dinner time conversations seem to regularly revolve around how dissatisfied they both are with their careers. Evaluate reasons why each seems dissatisfied and recommend how each can work to improve their levels of satisfaction in the workplace. What are their choices if they cannot resolve their concerns? 14. EQ 2. (TCO E) Describe the communications process in detail, including all key parts and their particular
  • 13. function; as well as movement of the communications. Provide examples of each part and elaborate on each example. 15. EQ 2. (TCO E) The use of social networking by professionals in the workplace as a means of communication is increasing dramatically. Describe how the use of social networks enhances or reduces productivity at an organizational level. Discuss how their social and work uses affect employee attitudes and behaviors. 16. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 17. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of these questions 18. EQ 3. (TCO E) Eagle Standard Inc., (ESI) a major engineering firm, specializes in designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employs project managers and 42 engineers who are divided into project groups of six to seven members. The majority of project team leaders have spent time in France and Britain learning new technology. The Eagle 6 Project Team, consisting of six engineers, is developing new equipment for a jet fighter. The project has been ongoing for 18 months, and all six engineers have been with this project group since its inception, working together on all of these projects. Eagle 6 works well together. However, the Eagle 6 team has the most technical project, and its engineers have been working too much overtime. The senior project manager, Bruce Chalnick, interviewed and hired a new engineer to help out, Richard Hue. Richard has good qualifications and seems to be knowledgeable and motivated. The work is challenging and gives him the opportunity to showcase his computer skills and engineering knowledge. Two weeks in, he quickly became a contributing member of the
  • 14. team, showing initiative and the willingness to work overtime and weekends to research possible solutions to potential problems. Richard was particularly adept with the computer system, and Bruce is ecstatic about his new hire. Richard is a loner, on and off the job. He is from Country X, a small island with a high power-distance culture; all of the other members of the team were born and raised in the United States. After three months, Richard's learning curve had just about peaked, and he began to suggest new ways of doing things. He offered to mentor the other engineers, but each time he was rebuffed. He then went to Bruce Chalnick and asked for another part of the program to work on. At that point, a senior member of Eagle 6, Tim Flossner, met with Bruce to discuss Richard. Tim stated he was speaking for the rest of the team, and said Richard is stuck up and arrogant. Tim said he and the other team members felt Richard flaunts his education and knowledge, and none of them like him. In fact, they can't stand him. Bruce told Tim that Richard thinks that the rest of the team are slackers who talk about bowling and sports instead of working. Richard thinks he is disliked because he's from Country X. Bruce wants to keep everyone in the company, and more importantly within the team, so how should Bruce handle this problem? Detail what he should do by applying at least two conflict management methods to enhance group and team performance. Include roles and decision making in your response. 19. EQ 3. (TCO E) As a manager of people, it is inevitable that you will have to deal with conflict issues. In our studies, we have identified the need to resolve conflict when it is seen to be counter to the organization’s goals, and in some cases, to stimulate conflict to arrive at organizational goals or increase performance. Select any two of the nine conflict-
  • 15. resolution techniques. Explain how each technique could be used to reduce or eliminate conflict. Provide an example scenario for each. (15 points for each technique with an example scenario.) Select one of the four conflict-stimulation techniques. Explain how that technique could be used to improve a group’s performance. Provide an example scenario. (15 points) 20. EQ 3. (TCO E) In the small town of Evansville, Indiana, Amberville Textiles was not producing parachute and military blankets as it did in its height of success thirty years ago. When Joe Harley, the middle-level manager of the production department at Amberville was laid off, many employees who worked under him became apprehensive about their job security. They were aware of the current trend toward laying-off employees in the textile industry. The termination of their manager, combined with the fact that the plant had performed only moderately well in the last two quarters, led the employees to believe that they were at a high risk of losing their jobs as well. Rumors had spread about impending lay-offs and the human resources manager was just developing the first formal inter-departmental communication network for managers to put into place the same week Joe Harley left the organization. Analyze the current organizational and inter-departmental structure; then, prepare a clear, concise process-improvement strategy plan, which you will present in writing to the President and Human Resources Manager. Include specific examples of current communication issues and specific suggestions for improvement. Conclude with two recommendations for how the inter-departmental communication conflicts could be
  • 16. altered to improve accurate and timely communication and productivity within the current workforce. 21. EQ 3. (TCO E) You are the chair of the newly formed Campus Speaker Committee, a student organization that selects campus speakers. The funding for speakers selected by the committee comes from a wealthy, respected alumnus who wants more controversial speakers to speak to students on campus. The alumnus gave the school a $50,000 endowment earmarked for this purpose. However, his endowment is contingent upon students’ ability to choose speakers without interference from faculty and administration. The Campus Speaker Committee has selected Representative Baker, a Republican member of Congress who is actively involved in a number of controversial political issues and is an alumnus of your college. The board of trustees for the college is thrilled with the choice of a conservative speaker, but many students on campus have given the announcement a lukewarm reception. Three days before the speaker’s scheduled visit, an article in the student newspaper reveals that Representative Baker was a member of a white supremacist group when he was in college. The article reports that the white supremacist group still exists, and it lists the group’s website, which is full of racist statements. Many students and faculty are now denouncing the Campus Speaker Committee for inviting such a person. The trustees and the school’s president downplay the representative’s former involvement in the group and continue to support his speaking on campus. The committee now must meet to decide whether or not to revoke Representative Baker’s invitation to speak on campus.
  • 17. Please respond to each of the following questions: As the chair, consider potential barriers to effective communication and which communication strategies you would recommend to help committee members to (a) to minimize the possibility of groupthink; (b) to reach consensus if not unanimity. Why? Specific conflict management (resolution and stimulation) techniques might help you to negotiate an optimal solution? Discuss. Why? How will you use the “dimensions of conflict handling intentions” to address any conflict that may arise between committee members? Why? 22. EQ 3. (TCO E) William Smith and Julia Morin met each other during cycling competitions in Brooklyn, New York two years ago. Each of them worked in specialty bicycle shops in Manhattan as high-end mechanical technicians. Recently, they began to ‘dream’ about the possibility of combining the two shops; then, starting up a third shop in Brooklyn. Their shop owners loved the idea, but the twenty-five current employees in each of the downtown Manhattan shops considered the start-up store in Brooklyn a threat. 23. End of Question Pool - "" End of pool to row 24. Start of Question Pool - "" - The exam will display 1 of
  • 18. these questions 25. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages. 26. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) When a team works together, it has a huge range of skills available that it can utilize to deliver extraordinary results. Explain how organizations can create team players. 27. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Congratulations! Your manager just informed you that you’ve been promoted to the team lead role for a multi-functional, virtual team. The stakes are high. The deliverables for this team are essential to the organization’s strategic goals. Most of the team interaction will be online and your charter is to effectively manage the team, keep executive management updated on the status of critical milestones, and maintain a high performing team. Using the Team Effectiveness Model as a foundation, analyze and prioritize one solution from each category of the model (context, composition, and process) that you believe creates the best foundation for your team’s success. Provide your rationale for your recommended solutions. 28. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) The amount of cohesiveness and diversity found within teams can have both positive and negative effects upon a team’s performance. Answer the following. (a). Describe how a team’s level of cohesiveness could have a negative impact upon performance.
  • 19. (b). List four ways to increase team cohesiveness. (c). How can increasing diversity in team membership decrease the team’s performance? d. Indicate two ways to improve performance within diverse teams. 29. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Monica was recently promoted to the manager role for a large function in her organization that oversees global regulatory compliance for the company’s products. Her prior department—Customer Complaints—is just one of the functional groups that provide input for her new department’s charter. Monica is tasked with revising a set of complex processes to improve the quality and timeliness of regulatory reporting, and she has asked you for some recommendations about team format. Considering the numerous inputs and outputs of the affected processes, and the global reporting requirement, should Monica create a cross- functional team, a problem-solving team, a virtual team, or a hybrid? After careful analysis, write up your recommended team format and defend your reasons for the type of team Monica should establish. 30. EQ 4. (TCOs C and D) Managers and leaders must possess good communication skills in order to be successful and achieve their goals. However, there are many barriers to effective communication. Please describe five common barriers to effective communication that managers and leaders often need to overcome. Evaluate each of the five barrier’s significance to the communication process. Then, identify an action that a manager or leader could take to overcome each barrier.