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Managing the Global Workforce
Dr. Di Ann Sanchez, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
All assignments should be submitted in Microsoft Word using a
12 pt. Font size and formatted as
double-spaced using Times New Roman. Each of the
Assignments has been divided into specific
questions with the suggested completion order. However, all the
questions in Assignment One will
be submitted together by the due date and so forth. Only one
Assignment will be submitted at a time.
Assignments may be submitted early so you can work around
other scheduling issues; however, they
will not be graded until after the official due date. Once one
Assignment has been graded and
returned to you, another may be submitted. All Assignments are
to be of graduate-level quality and
will be graded accordingly.
2.5 pts.)
Discussion Forum Assignment: Access the Discussion Forum
for the class and post a Welcome
Introduction to your Classmates. Include such things as
highlighted below.
Enrollment Assignment:
Your posting to the class should include the following:
hope to achieve at the end of this course?
I have been in the Moodle Platform and have downloaded AND
READ the Syllabus, Study
Guide, Assignments, and Reference Materials. I understand that
all Assignments are due by
11:30 pm CST on the due dates.
Assignment Guidelines:
When completing assignments, please identify the question to
which you are responding by retyping
the question. While retyping the question is not a typical APA
style, it will assure that I see your
complete response. The following orientation should be
submitted first to verify that students can
submit readable attached files and post information in the
Discussion Forum. Also, to identify each
assignment/exercise, the student will name the attached file the
following: (1) Student’s name, (2)
Course Number, (3) Exercise Number. For example, John
Smith, RGS6036.E1, Exercise 1
Assignment 1 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.)
Discussion Post 1 (2.5 points) Compare and contrast the role of
HRM departments in your
country and one other you know about, critically appraising the
impact on firm
Chapter 1:
1. Can you provide an example of knowledge achieved by the
interpretive view?
2. Discuss how the significant studies of cultural values are
Chapter 2:
1. Evaluate whether cross-cultural differences in HRM practices
are increasing or decreasing
and why. You may want to use examples to illustrate your
Chapter 3:
What are the origins of the `four influences’ framework?
Assignment 2 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.)
Discussion Post 2– How useful is the concept of `dominance’
effects? Explain.
2, 5pt.)
Chapter 4:
1. What does 5-P stand for?
2. Review the article Cultural Intelligence in the course
documents and discuss it. Find a more
recent Study and explain the differences.
Chapter 5:
1. Why are MNCs increasingly looking for alternative forms of
international assignments? Be
Chapter 6:
1. Identify three types of legal regulation that shape the type of
labor market in a host country
environment and provide one example of country differences for
each type.
Chapter 7:
1. What regulatory challenges does the emergence of the gig
economy present? Be
Assignment 3 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.)
Posting - What are the top ranked factors contributing to
acquisition success according to well-
known surveys and reports?
Chapter 9:
1. List nine ways of gaining access to external knowledge
(discussed in section 5 of this
chapter).What are the major issues that need to be considered
when designing training
programs to improve expatriates’ cross-cultural skills?
Chapter 10:
1. What are the major issues that need to be considered when
designing training programs to
improve expatriates’ cross-cultural skills?
Chapter 12:
1. How can national culture impact performance management
Assignment 4 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.)
Posting - Why is it important for MNCs to develop
compensation and benefits policies that
result in fair processes and outcomes?
Chapter 13:
1. How does employees’ domestic base pay differ from
employees’ international base pay?
Chapter 14:
1. Which of the issues of diversity management in Lenovo are
concerned with individual
diversity and which are the collective-oriented diversity issues?
Chapter 15:
1. Review the Engaging and Integrity Global Workforce Article
in the course documents. Find
a more recent study and discuss what the differences are.
GRADUATE PROJECT: Graduate Research Project (25%):
Each graduate student will conduct a presentation via YouTube
or other technology. You will need
to convert your recorded PowerPoint presentation to a video
movie or MPEG; then, you may upload
it to YouTube. At that point, YouTube will give you a link to
share both on the discussion board for
other students to review and in the Moodle. You will be
expected to develop and design an effective
global mobility program highlighting global assignments,
adjustment to foreign cultures, work role
factors, expatriation-repatriation cycle, and support practices of
a particular country. The Graduate
project will be due see Syllabi and Moodle for due date. You
will need to submit a PowerPoint
PDF in the Moodle.
The presentation will consist of a professional 25-30 minute
analysis. You should use PowerPoint
(or other technology) to create the recording and production of
the topic, and presentations should be
professional and engaging. During your presentation, you are
also expected to follow Bloom’s
Taxonomy Guidelines, including a robust Literature Review .
Please review my webcast on the
details of your Graduate Research Project. Your grade will be
based on the Critical Thinking
Rubric (see study guide). The student learner is expected to
do ample research on the Managing
the Global Workforce, Global Mobility Programs, and provide
recent and relevant updated
-30 minute presentation (recording).
-approval by me. If
these are not completed,
there will be a 10% penalty.
ject should include Introduction including your
hypothesis statement; full
literature review including studies relating to your topic,
limitations of the studies, what
suggestions were made in each study (see rubric); the
methodology you used, and
conclusions showing implications to the 21st-century
workforce. What
recommendations would you make based on research?
discussion area for other student
learners to review and comment!!
pts.) Last Posting – See Syllabi
and Moodle for due dates (2.5 pts.)
Graduate Project Review - Review two other student’s Graduate
Project recording and
respond to the following questions:
1. What are the essential concepts you have learned from the
student’s Graduate
Project Review? Take this as an opportunity to reflect upon
your perceptions about
the topic.
2. What should be done differently as a result of the Graduate
Project? Why?
3. What are the organizational best practices you have learned
in the Graduate
Project? What are the techniques you will encourage your
company to utilize? Why?
MGT 6220.E1
Managing the Global Workforce
Dr. Di Ann Sanchez, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Study Guide
Responses to Chapter/Assigned Questions:
When answering the questions, include the question before the
answer, then provide
complete, thorough, specific responses and discussion for each
question. When
information from outside sources is required, have essential
information from the source
and use the proper APA in-text and Reference documentation.
Do not include any direct
quotes from either the textbook or sources. While retyping the
question is not typical
of APA style, it will ensure that I see your complete response.
Unless otherwise
requested, graphics such as diagrams, pictures, tables, etc., are
not counted as part of the
minimum number of pages. While these may be used to explain
your response to a
question, they will not count as part of the minimum number of
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else's work as though
it were your own. If you
use another person's words, ideas, or information, or material
from a source – whether a
book, magazine, newspaper, business publication, broadcast,
speech, or electronic media
– you must acknowledge the source. Plagiarism is a violation of
the University's code of
student ethical conduct and is taken seriously. Amberton
University operates on an honor
system; therefore, honesty and integrity are essential
characteristics of all associated with
the institution. All Amberton University students are expected
to abide by the honor
system and maintain academic integrity in all their work.
Amberton University and its instructors monitor student work
for plagiarism and reserve
the right to submit such work to technology-based anti-
plagiarism services and
applications at any time. Students agree that by taking this
course, all required papers
may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to to detect
plagiarism. In addition, all submitted papers will be included as
source documents in the reference database solely to detect plagiarism in
such papers. Use of service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on
the site.
Outside Sources and APA:
Outside sources will be required as part of several assignments.
The articles/sources must
be current (2016-present), peer-reviewed, and from various
professional journals. Use
EBSCO and other electronic databases to locate the articles.
The articles should be
related to assigned chapters in the textbook. For clarification,
an example of a scholarly,
peer-reviewed source would be Harvard Business Review,
Academy of Management
Journal, etc. It is recommended to use online databases (i.e.,
EBSCO) to locate your
articles. The assignment document should include a Cover Page
and a Reference Page.
Use the APA format for the Cover Page, Reference Page, and
in-text citations. Refer to
the Citation Styles Tutorial and then locate the APA website.
Select the APA website and
then review the APA Basic Tutorial and the Frequently Asked
Questions. Submit all parts
of each Assignment as one document.
The written assignments should include the critical tenets of
both the articles with
supporting the rationale. The student learner should use critical
thinking and relate items
found in the chapter readings to synthesize the articles. The last
paragraph of the paper
includes your opinion, and only in the previous section of the
article and how it could
help contemporary management. The written assignments
should exhibit scholarly
collegiate composition and critical thinking.
All assignments should be submitted in Microsoft Word using a
12 pt. Font size and
formatted as double-spaced using Times New Roman. Each of
the Assignments has been
divided into specific questions with the suggested completion
order. However, all the
questions in Assignment One will be submitted together by the
due date and so forth.
Only one Assignment will be submitted at a time. Assignments
may be submitted early
so you can work around other scheduling issues; however, they
will not be graded until
after the official due date. Once one Assignment has been
graded and returned to you,
another may be submitted. All Assignments are to be of
graduate-level quality and will
be graded accordingly.
We will use the American Psychological Association (also
known as APA) as the
standard. Your use of the APA style assures that you
demonstrate consistency,
professional appearance, organization, and sufficient
authentication and documentation.
Therefore, I will consider using proper APA style (7th edition)
and the professionalism of
your work in determining your grade for an assignment.
Written submissions must
follow the following guidelines:
(APA manual
provides an example)
imes New Roman font or its equivalent
are not counted in the
number of pages submitted).
Inquiry and Analysis Rubric For All Assignments:
Excellent (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
Topic selection
Identifying and understanding issues
relevant to the topic of discussion.
Identifies a focused topic that
addresses significant and
relevant aspects of
Thoroughly evaluates the
relevance of the topic to the
overall 21st-century business
implications and/or conditions
(global or domestic).
Identifies a topic that
addresses some relevant
aspects of management.
Some evaluation of the
relevance of the topic to the
overall 21st-century business
implications and/or conditions
(global or domestic).
Identifies a topic that is too
general and fails to address
relevant aspects of
Little evaluation of the topic
and relevance to the 21st-
century business.
Existing Knowledge, Research,
and/or Views
Selecting and synthesizing information
from relevant sources to investigate a
point of view or approaches.
Presents in-depth information
from relevant sources
representing various points of
views regarding the
management topic. Writing is
clear, organized, logical and
coherent. The document is
written in accordance with
APA acceptable standards
Presents information from
relevant sources representing
the limited point of views
regarding management topic.
Writing is coherent. Most of
the document is in accordance
with APA accepted standards.
Presents information from
irrelevant sources
representing the limited point
of views regarding
management topic. Fails to
arrange ideas appropriately,
writing is incoherent. APA is
not followed in accordance
with APA accepted standards.
Design Process
Synthesizing information using an
appropriate methodology or theoretical
Critical elements of the
methodology or theoretical
framework are appropriately
Some critical elements of the
methodology or theoretical
framework are missing,
incorrectly developed or
Does not define elements of
the methodology or theoretical
frameworks necessary for the
Breaking complex topics or issues into
organized evidence revealing patterns,
differences, or similarities related to
Correctly identifies complex
evidence analyzing,
organizing and revealing
important patterns, differences
or similarities related to
Some evidence is analyzed
and organized but does not
effectively reveal important
patterns, differences or
similarities related to
Some evidence is listed but is
not organized and/or not
related to management.
Stating a logical and justified
conclusion exhibiting a clear
knowledge of the topic or issues
related to management.
States detailed and relevant
conclusions based on the
inquiry and analysis
States general conclusions
that because it is so general, it
also applies beyond the scope
of inquiry and analysis
States illogical conclusions or
unsupported inquiry. No
evidence of analysis
Limitations and Implications
Discussing relevant supported
limitations, weaknesses, and
implications to management.
Discusses detailed relevant
and supported limitations,
weaknesses, and implications.
Presents relevant and
supported limitations,
weaknesses, and implications.
Limitations, weaknesses, and
implications are irrelevant and
Scoring Key:
Excellent 16 – 18
Acceptable 12 – 15
Unacceptable 0 – 11
Bloom's Taxonomy:
Bloom's taxonomy is a classification system used to define and
distinguish different
student learners' cognition levels—i.e., thinking, learning, and
understanding. Educators
typically use Bloom's taxonomy to inform and guide the
development of assessments
(tests and other evaluations of student learner learning),
curriculum (units, lessons,
projects, and other learning activities, and instructional methods
such as questing
strategies. This system is used in undergraduate and graduate
education programs
throughout the United States. It has also been translated into
many languages and used
around the world. Educators focus on the Cognitive Model,
which includes six different
classification levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application,
Analysis, Synthesis, and
Late postings will not be accepted. Discussion postings are a
two-step process. In Step
1, you will be asked to post a response to a discussion question.
This may include
textbook questions, reviewing video links, conducting internet
searches, and/or mini-
cases. I am expecting 250 to 400 words in your responses. In
Step 2, you will pick two
other student learners' posting and give them feedback. Your
job is not to "nit-pick" their
post. If you disagree, provide scholarly-based feedback. It
would help if you expanded
upon the posting content in your response. Comments like
"great article" will not be
accepted. Be specific in your feedback. I am expecting 75-100
words in each of your
responses to other student learners' postings. Reactions to other
student learners' postings
are due 5 days after the due date for the Step 1 postings.
Grading of discussion postings will be proportioned as follows:
- your original posting with a reference
- review of one other posting
- review of one other posting
Discussion Grading Rubric:
Criteria Excellent (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable
original posts
and responses on
due dates
original post on
due date but not
All postings are
to discussion
demonstration of
knowledge and
gained from the
assigned reading
Very clear that
readings were
understood and
well into
Responses meet
the minimum
word count and
Readings were
understood and
incorporated into
responses. Did
not meet the
minimum word
count and no
Postings have a
relationship with
the reading
material. Did
not meet the
minimum word
count and no
Adherence to
online protocols
All online
Some online
protocol not
adhered to
No online
protocols not
adhered to
Meaning of Substantive: For this class, substantive means that
your message has
substance and helps further the course content discussion.
Substantive statements often
include contributions of additional ideas and sources, insights
or questions about
classmates' comments, connections to the course readings, or
ways of applying the
lessons from the course. You will notice points deducted from
your score if you do not
provide substance to your DQs and participation posts. Please
keep in mind that
participation (DQ's) is worth 15% of your overall course score.
When preparing your DQ
responses, please be thorough in your assessment and provide
Tips for Creating Substantive Participation:
• Explain why you agree or disagree, and add some examples to
support your belief.
• Relate your personal or work experiences to the topic at hand.
• Ask additional questions from your classmates.
• Make connections between the topics at hand and the readings
in the text.
• Add ways you can apply the lessons from the class in your
work and academic life.
Graduate Project Rubric:
Critical Thinking Rubric Graduate Research Project
N = Excellent (3) Acceptable (2)` Unacceptable (1)
Explanation of issues
Identifying and understanding issues
relevant to the topic of discussion.
Identifies and exhibits a clear
knowledge of most of the issues
relevant to the topic. The topic
is critically stated and described
comprehensively. Delivers most
of the information for full
Identifies and exhibits some
knowledge of the issues relevant
to the topic. Some of the topic
and relevant issues are
explored. Delivers some
information that may deter from
a full understanding
Few issues are identified that
are relevant to the topic. There is
little to no clarification of the
information relevant to the topic.
Selecting and using the information
to investigate a point of view or
Information is taken from 10-12
scholarly sources with enough
and/or comprehension to
develop a comprehensive
analysis. Scholarly viewpoints
are questioned.
Information is taken from 5-9
scholarly sources with some
and/or comprehension to
develop some analysis. Some
scholarly viewpoints are
questioned but mostly taken as
Information is taken from 1-4
scholarly sources without any
Scholarly viewpoints are taken
as fact without question.
Influence of context and
Systematically and methodically
analyzes and evaluates the
relevance of the topic to the overall
body of knowledge.
Identifies most of the
assumptions (own and others)
when presenting topic position.
Evaluates and questions the
relevance of the topic to the
overall 21st-century global
business implications and/or
Identifies some assumptions
(own or others) when presenting
topic position. Some evaluation
of the relevance of the topic to
the overall 21st-century business
global implications and/or
Shows little awareness of
assumptions (own or others)
when presenting topic position
— little evaluation of the topic
and relevance to the 21st-century
Student learner's position
Positioning clearly stated taking into
account complexities of the topic.
Comparing and contrasting relevant
to the topic. APA standards
Specific position is creative and
logically presented. Compares
and contrasts different sides to
the topic. Accurately addresses
the complexity of the
topic/issues. Ideas are clearly
arranged with sufficient detail
and support. Writing is clear,
organized, logical, and coherent.
The entire document is written in
accordance with APA acceptable
Compares and contrasts
different sides to the topic but
fails to take a specific position or
takes a position but fails to
compare and contrast different
sides of the topic. Addresses
some complexities of the
topic/issues. Some ideas are
arranged appropriately, but
limited detail and support are
documented. Writing is coherent.
Most of the document is in
accordance with APA accepted
A specific position is stated but
is too simple and obvious. Little
or no comparison or contrasting
is conducted. Complexities of
the topic/issues are not
discussed. Fails to arrange
ideas appropriately, writing is
incoherent. APA is not followed
in accordance with APA
accepted standards.
Conclusions and related
outcomes (implications and
Logically reflecting informed
conclusions and outcomes through
sound evidence.
Conclusions are logically tied to
scholarly research information.
Most viewpoints and outcomes
are clearly identified and logical.
Some conclusions are tied to
scholarly research. Some
viewpoints and outcomes are
identified but lack clarity.
Conclusions fail to show
relevance to scholarly research.
Outcomes and viewpoints are
simple and inconsistent.
Scoring Key:
Excellent 13 – 15
Acceptable 9 – 12
Unacceptable 0 – 8
Each graduate student will conduct a presentation via YouTube
or other technology.
First, you will need to convert your recorded PowerPoint
presentation to a video movie or
MPEG; then, you may upload it to YouTube. At that point,
YouTube will give you a link
to share both on the discussion board for other students to
review and in Moodle. You
will be expected to develop and design an effective global
mobility program
highlighting international assignments, adjustment to foreign
cultures, work role
factors, expatriation-repatriation cycle, and support practices of
a particular
country. Refer to the Moodle for Graduate Research Project
due date. You will
need to submit a PowerPoint PDF in Moodle.
The presentation will consist of a professional 25-30 minute
analysis. You should use
PowerPoint (or other technology) to create the recording and
production of the topic, and
presentations should be professional and engaging. You are
also expected to follow
Bloom's Taxonomy Guidelines during your presentation,
including a robust Literature
Review. Would you please review my webcast on the details of
your Graduate
Research Project? Your grade will be based on the Critical
Thinking Rubric (see study
guide). The student learner is expected to do ample research
on the Managing the
Global Workforce, Global Mobility Programs and provide
recent and relevant updated
-30 minute presentation (recording).
pre-approval by me. If
these are not
completed, there will be a 10% penalty. You will have a call
with me.
statement; full literature review including studies relating to
your topic,
limitations of the studies, what suggestions were made in each
study (see
rubric); the methodology you used, and conclusions showing
implications to
the 21st-century workforce. What recommendations would you
make based
on research?
must upload the Graduate Research Project PDF to
discussion area for
other student learners to review and comment!!
Stakeholder Template ExampleStakeholder AnalysisProject
Name: New System Number NineProject Manager: Jane
LopeJustification for ResponsesBasicsProject
InformationCommitment LevelJustificationC - Current Level R
- Required Level
MakerAgainstPassiveNeutral HelpInfluencePriorityCommitment
LevelWhy Included?Don
LuEngineer[email protected]HighHighYesYesCRAs the Sr.
Engineer Don has considerable influence over the design and
timing of this effortAs both an SME and a decision-maker, Don
must have project information in almost real time.Without Don,
this project will fail.Don's help is critical to the design of the
HarrisFinance[email protected]MediumMediumYesNoCREd has
some influence over the acceptance of the project budget and
timing of the budget allocations.Ed needs to be kept informed of
the project spend; however, his reports can be at month end.The
team needs Ed to be neutral as an 'against' stance could prevent
the budget from being approved or approved in a timely
mannerEd has the ability to articulate the project needs in
financial terms clearly.Jo
AnnDesign[email protected]LowLowNoNoCRmailto:[email prot
ected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Stakeholder TemplateStakeholder AnalysisProject Name: {Your
Project Name}Project Manager: {Proj. Mgr. Name}Justification
for ResponsesBasicsProject InformationCommitment
LevelJustificationC - Current Level R - Required Level
MakerAgainstPassiveNeutral HelpInfluencePriorityCommitment
LevelWhy Included?
Communications TemplateStakeholder
NameRoleInformationTimeframeMediaResponsible for
UpdatesResponsible for Delivery

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Communications exampleStakeholder NameRoleInformationTimeframeMedi

  • 1. Communications exampleStakeholder NameRoleInformationTimeframeMediaResponsible for UpdatesResponsible for DeliveryCarol AndersonProject SponsorSummary project status1st each monthe-mailTeamJames White (PM)Critical risks and issuesWeeklyDashboardJames White (PM)James White (PM)Budget & timeline performance1st each monthDashboardJames White (PM)James White (PM)James WhiteProject ManagerDetailed project statusWeeklyTeam status systemTeanTeam status systemAll risks and issuesWeeklyTeam status systemTeamTea m status systemResource, supplier, procurement budget & timeline performancee/o weeke-mailTeamFinance MatrixSam DeanSafety AuditorLevel of safety compliance of all deliverables produced1st each month1st each monthQuality ManagerQuality Manager AMBERTON UNIVERSITY MGT6220 Managing the Global Workforce Dr. Di Ann Sanchez, SPHR, SHRM-SCP ASSIGNMENTS
  • 2. All assignments should be submitted in Microsoft Word using a 12 pt. Font size and formatted as double-spaced using Times New Roman. Each of the Assignments has been divided into specific questions with the suggested completion order. However, all the questions in Assignment One will be submitted together by the due date and so forth. Only one Assignment will be submitted at a time. Assignments may be submitted early so you can work around other scheduling issues; however, they will not be graded until after the official due date. Once one Assignment has been graded and returned to you, another may be submitted. All Assignments are to be of graduate-level quality and will be graded accordingly. ORIENTATION TO CLASS AND TEXT REVIEW – DUE SEE MOODLE AND SYLLABI (11:30 pm CST). POST AN INTRODUCTION OF YOURSELF FOLLOWING THE OUTLINE BELOW (DISCUSSION AND PARTICIPATION – 2.5 pts.) Discussion Forum Assignment: Access the Discussion Forum
  • 3. for the class and post a Welcome Introduction to your Classmates. Include such things as highlighted below. Enrollment Assignment: Your posting to the class should include the following: hope to achieve at the end of this course? I have been in the Moodle Platform and have downloaded AND READ the Syllabus, Study
  • 4. Guide, Assignments, and Reference Materials. I understand that all Assignments are due by 11:30 pm CST on the due dates. Assignment Guidelines: When completing assignments, please identify the question to which you are responding by retyping the question. While retyping the question is not a typical APA style, it will assure that I see your complete response. The following orientation should be submitted first to verify that students can submit readable attached files and post information in the Discussion Forum. Also, to identify each assignment/exercise, the student will name the attached file the following: (1) Student’s name, (2) Course Number, (3) Exercise Number. For example, John Smith, RGS6036.E1, Exercise 1 Assignment 1 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.) Discussion Post 1 (2.5 points) Compare and contrast the role of HRM departments in your country and one other you know about, critically appraising the impact on firm competitiveness.
  • 5. Chapter 1: 1. Can you provide an example of knowledge achieved by the interpretive view? 2. Discuss how the significant studies of cultural values are similar. Chapter 2: 1. Evaluate whether cross-cultural differences in HRM practices are increasing or decreasing and why. You may want to use examples to illustrate your argument. Chapter 3: What are the origins of the `four influences’ framework? Assignment 2 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.) Discussion Post 2– How useful is the concept of `dominance’ effects? Explain. 2, 5pt.)
  • 6. Chapter 4: 1. What does 5-P stand for? 2. Review the article Cultural Intelligence in the course documents and discuss it. Find a more recent Study and explain the differences. Chapter 5: 1. Why are MNCs increasingly looking for alternative forms of international assignments? Be detailed. Chapter 6: 1. Identify three types of legal regulation that shape the type of labor market in a host country environment and provide one example of country differences for each type. Chapter 7: 1. What regulatory challenges does the emergence of the gig economy present? Be detailed.
  • 7. Assignment 3 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.) Posting - What are the top ranked factors contributing to acquisition success according to well- known surveys and reports? Chapter 9: 1. List nine ways of gaining access to external knowledge (discussed in section 5 of this chapter).What are the major issues that need to be considered when designing training programs to improve expatriates’ cross-cultural skills? Chapter 10: 1. What are the major issues that need to be considered when designing training programs to improve expatriates’ cross-cultural skills? Chapter 12: 1. How can national culture impact performance management systems?
  • 8. Assignment 4 – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (15 pts.) Posting - Why is it important for MNCs to develop compensation and benefits policies that result in fair processes and outcomes? Chapter 13: 1. How does employees’ domestic base pay differ from employees’ international base pay? Chapter 14: 1. Which of the issues of diversity management in Lenovo are concerned with individual diversity and which are the collective-oriented diversity issues? Chapter 15: 1. Review the Engaging and Integrity Global Workforce Article in the course documents. Find a more recent study and discuss what the differences are.
  • 9. GRADUATE PROJECT: Graduate Research Project (25%): Each graduate student will conduct a presentation via YouTube or other technology. You will need to convert your recorded PowerPoint presentation to a video movie or MPEG; then, you may upload it to YouTube. At that point, YouTube will give you a link to share both on the discussion board for other students to review and in the Moodle. You will be expected to develop and design an effective global mobility program highlighting global assignments, adjustment to foreign cultures, work role factors, expatriation-repatriation cycle, and support practices of a particular country. The Graduate project will be due see Syllabi and Moodle for due date. You will need to submit a PowerPoint PDF in the Moodle. The presentation will consist of a professional 25-30 minute analysis. You should use PowerPoint (or other technology) to create the recording and production of the topic, and presentations should be professional and engaging. During your presentation, you are also expected to follow Bloom’s
  • 10. Taxonomy Guidelines, including a robust Literature Review . Please review my webcast on the details of your Graduate Research Project. Your grade will be based on the Critical Thinking Rubric (see study guide). The student learner is expected to do ample research on the Managing the Global Workforce, Global Mobility Programs, and provide recent and relevant updated information. -30 minute presentation (recording). -approval by me. If these are not completed, there will be a 10% penalty. ject should include Introduction including your hypothesis statement; full literature review including studies relating to your topic, limitations of the studies, what suggestions were made in each study (see rubric); the methodology you used, and conclusions showing implications to the 21st-century workforce. What recommendations would you make based on research? Moodle.
  • 11. discussion area for other student learners to review and comment!! FINAL POST THE RESPONSE IN THE DISCUSSION FORUM AND RESPOND TO TWO CLASSMATES (DISCUSSION AND PARTICIPATION – 2.5 pts.) Last Posting – See Syllabi and Moodle for due dates (2.5 pts.) Graduate Project Review - Review two other student’s Graduate Project recording and respond to the following questions: 1. What are the essential concepts you have learned from the student’s Graduate Project Review? Take this as an opportunity to reflect upon your perceptions about the topic. 2. What should be done differently as a result of the Graduate Project? Why? 3. What are the organizational best practices you have learned
  • 12. in the Graduate Project? What are the techniques you will encourage your company to utilize? Why? AMBERTON UNIVERSITY MGT 6220.E1 Managing the Global Workforce Dr. Di Ann Sanchez, SPHR, SHRM-SCP Study Guide Responses to Chapter/Assigned Questions: When answering the questions, include the question before the answer, then provide complete, thorough, specific responses and discussion for each question. When information from outside sources is required, have essential information from the source and use the proper APA in-text and Reference documentation.
  • 13. Do not include any direct quotes from either the textbook or sources. While retyping the question is not typical of APA style, it will ensure that I see your complete response. Unless otherwise requested, graphics such as diagrams, pictures, tables, etc., are not counted as part of the minimum number of pages. While these may be used to explain your response to a question, they will not count as part of the minimum number of pages. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else's work as though it were your own. If you use another person's words, ideas, or information, or material from a source – whether a book, magazine, newspaper, business publication, broadcast, speech, or electronic media – you must acknowledge the source. Plagiarism is a violation of the University's code of student ethical conduct and is taken seriously. Amberton University operates on an honor
  • 14. system; therefore, honesty and integrity are essential characteristics of all associated with the institution. All Amberton University students are expected to abide by the honor system and maintain academic integrity in all their work. Amberton University and its instructors monitor student work for plagiarism and reserve the right to submit such work to technology-based anti- plagiarism services and applications at any time. Students agree that by taking this course, all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to to detect plagiarism. In addition, all submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely to detect plagiarism in such papers. Use of service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site. Outside Sources and APA: Outside sources will be required as part of several assignments. The articles/sources must
  • 15. be current (2016-present), peer-reviewed, and from various professional journals. Use EBSCO and other electronic databases to locate the articles. The articles should be related to assigned chapters in the textbook. For clarification, an example of a scholarly, peer-reviewed source would be Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, etc. It is recommended to use online databases (i.e., EBSCO) to locate your articles. The assignment document should include a Cover Page and a Reference Page. Use the APA format for the Cover Page, Reference Page, and in-text citations. Refer to the Citation Styles Tutorial and then locate the APA website. Select the APA website and then review the APA Basic Tutorial and the Frequently Asked Questions. Submit all parts of each Assignment as one document. The written assignments should include the critical tenets of both the articles with supporting the rationale. The student learner should use critical thinking and relate items
  • 16. found in the chapter readings to synthesize the articles. The last paragraph of the paper includes your opinion, and only in the previous section of the article and how it could help contemporary management. The written assignments should exhibit scholarly collegiate composition and critical thinking. All assignments should be submitted in Microsoft Word using a 12 pt. Font size and formatted as double-spaced using Times New Roman. Each of the Assignments has been divided into specific questions with the suggested completion order. However, all the questions in Assignment One will be submitted together by the due date and so forth. Only one Assignment will be submitted at a time. Assignments may be submitted early so you can work around other scheduling issues; however, they will not be graded until after the official due date. Once one Assignment has been graded and returned to you, another may be submitted. All Assignments are to be of graduate-level quality and will
  • 17. be graded accordingly. We will use the American Psychological Association (also known as APA) as the standard. Your use of the APA style assures that you demonstrate consistency, professional appearance, organization, and sufficient authentication and documentation. Therefore, I will consider using proper APA style (7th edition) and the professionalism of your work in determining your grade for an assignment. Written submissions must follow the following guidelines: (APA manual provides an example) -justified imes New Roman font or its equivalent
  • 18. are not counted in the number of pages submitted). Inquiry and Analysis Rubric For All Assignments: Excellent (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1) Topic selection Identifying and understanding issues relevant to the topic of discussion. Identifies a focused topic that addresses significant and relevant aspects of management. Thoroughly evaluates the relevance of the topic to the overall 21st-century business implications and/or conditions (global or domestic). Identifies a topic that addresses some relevant aspects of management. Some evaluation of the
  • 19. relevance of the topic to the overall 21st-century business implications and/or conditions (global or domestic). Identifies a topic that is too general and fails to address relevant aspects of management. Little evaluation of the topic and relevance to the 21st- century business. Existing Knowledge, Research, and/or Views Selecting and synthesizing information from relevant sources to investigate a point of view or approaches. Presents in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of views regarding the management topic. Writing is clear, organized, logical and coherent. The document is written in accordance with APA acceptable standards
  • 20. Presents information from relevant sources representing the limited point of views regarding management topic. Writing is coherent. Most of the document is in accordance with APA accepted standards. Presents information from irrelevant sources representing the limited point of views regarding management topic. Fails to arrange ideas appropriately, writing is incoherent. APA is not followed in accordance with APA accepted standards. Design Process Synthesizing information using an appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks. Critical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are appropriately developed. Some critical elements of the methodology or theoretical
  • 21. framework are missing, incorrectly developed or unfocused. Does not define elements of the methodology or theoretical frameworks necessary for the topic. Analysis Breaking complex topics or issues into organized evidence revealing patterns, differences, or similarities related to management. Correctly identifies complex evidence analyzing, organizing and revealing important patterns, differences or similarities related to management. Some evidence is analyzed and organized but does not effectively reveal important patterns, differences or
  • 22. similarities related to management. Some evidence is listed but is not organized and/or not related to management. Conclusions Stating a logical and justified conclusion exhibiting a clear knowledge of the topic or issues related to management. States detailed and relevant conclusions based on the inquiry and analysis conducted. States general conclusions that because it is so general, it also applies beyond the scope of inquiry and analysis conducted. States illogical conclusions or
  • 23. unsupported inquiry. No evidence of analysis conducted. Limitations and Implications Discussing relevant supported limitations, weaknesses, and implications to management. Discusses detailed relevant and supported limitations, weaknesses, and implications. Presents relevant and supported limitations, weaknesses, and implications. Limitations, weaknesses, and implications are irrelevant and unsupported. Totals: Scoring Key: Excellent 16 – 18 Acceptable 12 – 15
  • 24. Unacceptable 0 – 11 Bloom's Taxonomy: Bloom's taxonomy is a classification system used to define and distinguish different student learners' cognition levels—i.e., thinking, learning, and understanding. Educators typically use Bloom's taxonomy to inform and guide the development of assessments (tests and other evaluations of student learner learning), curriculum (units, lessons, projects, and other learning activities, and instructional methods such as questing strategies. This system is used in undergraduate and graduate education programs throughout the United States. It has also been translated into many languages and used around the world. Educators focus on the Cognitive Model, which includes six different classification levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.
  • 25. Discussions: Late postings will not be accepted. Discussion postings are a two-step process. In Step 1, you will be asked to post a response to a discussion question. This may include textbook questions, reviewing video links, conducting internet searches, and/or mini- cases. I am expecting 250 to 400 words in your responses. In Step 2, you will pick two other student learners' posting and give them feedback. Your job is not to "nit-pick" their post. If you disagree, provide scholarly-based feedback. It would help if you expanded upon the posting content in your response. Comments like "great article" will not be accepted. Be specific in your feedback. I am expecting 75-100 words in each of your responses to other student learners' postings. Reactions to other student learners' postings are due 5 days after the due date for the Step 1 postings.
  • 26. Grading of discussion postings will be proportioned as follows: - your original posting with a reference - review of one other posting - review of one other posting Discussion Grading Rubric: Criteria Excellent (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1) Timely discussion contributions Completes original posts and responses on
  • 27. due dates Completes original post on due date but not responses All postings are late Responsiveness to discussion and demonstration of knowledge and understanding gained from the assigned reading Very clear that readings were understood and
  • 28. incorporated well into responses. Responses meet the minimum word count and include references. Readings were understood and incorporated into responses. Did not meet the minimum word count and no references. Postings have a questionable
  • 29. relationship with the reading material. Did not meet the minimum word count and no references. Adherence to online protocols All online protocols followed Some online protocol not adhered to No online protocols not adhered to
  • 30. Meaning of Substantive: For this class, substantive means that your message has substance and helps further the course content discussion. Substantive statements often include contributions of additional ideas and sources, insights or questions about classmates' comments, connections to the course readings, or ways of applying the lessons from the course. You will notice points deducted from your score if you do not provide substance to your DQs and participation posts. Please keep in mind that participation (DQ's) is worth 15% of your overall course score. When preparing your DQ responses, please be thorough in your assessment and provide references. Tips for Creating Substantive Participation: • Explain why you agree or disagree, and add some examples to support your belief. • Relate your personal or work experiences to the topic at hand. • Ask additional questions from your classmates.
  • 31. • Make connections between the topics at hand and the readings in the text. • Add ways you can apply the lessons from the class in your work and academic life. Graduate Project Rubric: Critical Thinking Rubric Graduate Research Project N = Excellent (3) Acceptable (2)` Unacceptable (1) Criteria: Explanation of issues Identifying and understanding issues relevant to the topic of discussion. Identifies and exhibits a clear knowledge of most of the issues relevant to the topic. The topic is critically stated and described comprehensively. Delivers most of the information for full understanding.
  • 32. Identifies and exhibits some knowledge of the issues relevant to the topic. Some of the topic and relevant issues are explored. Delivers some information that may deter from a full understanding Few issues are identified that are relevant to the topic. There is little to no clarification of the information relevant to the topic. Evidence Selecting and using the information to investigate a point of view or conclusion. Information is taken from 10-12 scholarly sources with enough interpretation/investigation and/or comprehension to develop a comprehensive analysis. Scholarly viewpoints are questioned. Information is taken from 5-9
  • 33. scholarly sources with some interpretation/investigation and/or comprehension to develop some analysis. Some scholarly viewpoints are questioned but mostly taken as fact. Information is taken from 1-4 scholarly sources without any interpretation/investigation. Scholarly viewpoints are taken as fact without question. Influence of context and assumptions Systematically and methodically analyzes and evaluates the relevance of the topic to the overall body of knowledge. Identifies most of the assumptions (own and others) when presenting topic position. Evaluates and questions the relevance of the topic to the overall 21st-century global business implications and/or conditions. Identifies some assumptions (own or others) when presenting
  • 34. topic position. Some evaluation of the relevance of the topic to the overall 21st-century business global implications and/or conditions. Shows little awareness of assumptions (own or others) when presenting topic position — little evaluation of the topic and relevance to the 21st-century business. Student learner's position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) Positioning clearly stated taking into account complexities of the topic. Comparing and contrasting relevant to the topic. APA standards conducted. Specific position is creative and logically presented. Compares and contrasts different sides to the topic. Accurately addresses the complexity of the topic/issues. Ideas are clearly arranged with sufficient detail and support. Writing is clear, organized, logical, and coherent.
  • 35. The entire document is written in accordance with APA acceptable standards. Compares and contrasts different sides to the topic but fails to take a specific position or takes a position but fails to compare and contrast different sides of the topic. Addresses some complexities of the topic/issues. Some ideas are arranged appropriately, but limited detail and support are documented. Writing is coherent. Most of the document is in accordance with APA accepted standards. A specific position is stated but is too simple and obvious. Little or no comparison or contrasting is conducted. Complexities of the topic/issues are not discussed. Fails to arrange ideas appropriately, writing is incoherent. APA is not followed in accordance with APA accepted standards.
  • 36. Conclusions and related outcomes (implications and consequences) Logically reflecting informed conclusions and outcomes through sound evidence. Conclusions are logically tied to scholarly research information. Most viewpoints and outcomes are clearly identified and logical. Some conclusions are tied to scholarly research. Some viewpoints and outcomes are identified but lack clarity. Conclusions fail to show relevance to scholarly research. Outcomes and viewpoints are simple and inconsistent. Totals: Scoring Key: Excellent 13 – 15
  • 37. Acceptable 9 – 12 Unacceptable 0 – 8 GRADUATE PROJECT: Each graduate student will conduct a presentation via YouTube or other technology. First, you will need to convert your recorded PowerPoint presentation to a video movie or MPEG; then, you may upload it to YouTube. At that point, YouTube will give you a link to share both on the discussion board for other students to review and in Moodle. You will be expected to develop and design an effective global mobility program highlighting international assignments, adjustment to foreign cultures, work role factors, expatriation-repatriation cycle, and support practices of a particular country. Refer to the Moodle for Graduate Research Project due date. You will need to submit a PowerPoint PDF in Moodle. The presentation will consist of a professional 25-30 minute analysis. You should use PowerPoint (or other technology) to create the recording and
  • 38. production of the topic, and presentations should be professional and engaging. You are also expected to follow Bloom's Taxonomy Guidelines during your presentation, including a robust Literature Review. Would you please review my webcast on the details of your Graduate Research Project? Your grade will be based on the Critical Thinking Rubric (see study guide). The student learner is expected to do ample research on the Managing the Global Workforce, Global Mobility Programs and provide recent and relevant updated information. -30 minute presentation (recording). pre-approval by me. If these are not completed, there will be a 10% penalty. You will have a call with me. hypothesis statement; full literature review including studies relating to your topic, limitations of the studies, what suggestions were made in each study (see
  • 39. rubric); the methodology you used, and conclusions showing implications to the 21st-century workforce. What recommendations would you make based on research? must upload the Graduate Research Project PDF to Moodle. discussion area for other student learners to review and comment!! Stakeholder Template ExampleStakeholder AnalysisProject Name: New System Number NineProject Manager: Jane LopeJustification for ResponsesBasicsProject InformationCommitment LevelJustificationC - Current Level R - Required Level StakeholderTitleEmailInfluencePrioritySME?Decision- MakerAgainstPassiveNeutral HelpInfluencePriorityCommitment LevelWhy Included?Don LuEngineer[email protected]HighHighYesYesCRAs the Sr. Engineer Don has considerable influence over the design and timing of this effortAs both an SME and a decision-maker, Don must have project information in almost real time.Without Don, this project will fail.Don's help is critical to the design of the project.Ed HarrisFinance[email protected]MediumMediumYesNoCREd has some influence over the acceptance of the project budget and timing of the budget allocations.Ed needs to be kept informed of
  • 40. the project spend; however, his reports can be at month end.The team needs Ed to be neutral as an 'against' stance could prevent the budget from being approved or approved in a timely mannerEd has the ability to articulate the project needs in financial terms clearly.Jo AnnDesign[email protected]LowLowNoNoCRmailto:[email prot ected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected] Stakeholder TemplateStakeholder AnalysisProject Name: {Your Project Name}Project Manager: {Proj. Mgr. Name}Justification for ResponsesBasicsProject InformationCommitment LevelJustificationC - Current Level R - Required Level StakeholderTitleEmailInfluencePrioritySME?Decision- MakerAgainstPassiveNeutral HelpInfluencePriorityCommitment LevelWhy Included? Communications TemplateStakeholder NameRoleInformationTimeframeMediaResponsible for UpdatesResponsible for Delivery