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Digital Graphic Narrative
Hannah Barnett
Shape Task
Shape Task
Shape Task (+ Texture)
I like the simplicity of the images, especially the second
as it only has a few colour shades and basic shapes
however it accurately represents the original picture
and you can easily tell what it is meant to be.
For the Corgi I would again add more to the
background of the image, and possibly add texture to
it, I would also maybe add a small amount of shading to
the side of its face and maybe its ears to add detail. For
the castle I feel like I need to add some
brickwork/stonework to emphasize the texture of the
I like the arms and his shirt the most as I feel like the
simple shading has worked really well and have defined
the outlines of what I wanted effectively. I also like the
style of how I decided to do the image as I tried to keep
things more angular, like this hair and shirt, as this gave a
sharper touch to the image.
I would re-do his hair and add a bit more lighter shading
to the lengths of it and possibly also some darker shading.
I would also make an effort to add different shading to
the smaller features like the scars and mouth slits to add
a more 3D look.
Film Quotes
I like the simplicity of the image because it easily shows
you exactly what is happening without needing context as
it has a direct meaning. I especially like how the door
covers most of the room and just shows an insight to
what is happening like they are playing the memory back
in their head like how it happened with them slowly
opening the door and seeing the image behind it.
I would add a little bit more detail to the wall in the back
and door in order to make it a bit more effectively real, I
would also spend more time on the blood areas as they
need more definition and maybe a faint watery texture.
Text Based
Text Based
I like the image that I have placed behind the
bold text and the light stroke that was along the
text which gave strong definition to the wording
underneath but also clearly shows the picture
behind it.
I would possibly get a slightly higher quality
image to place behind the picture that can
maybe show a better story.
Comic Book
Comic Book
Comic Book
Comic Book
I like the simplicity with the detail in the image,
especially for the second one, as the background
and his clothing is a very solid colour whereas the
contrast with his guitar and face has quite definitive
features and draws attention to this.
In the future I would create a few extra images with
varying colours and experiment more with different
techniques to add more detail or give it a more
comic style look.
Photo Story
I like the image as it has a simple story with no
narration needed due to the ease of the
I feel I would take higher quality pictures to
begin with and include more varying lengths of
shots in order to create a more effective photo
I like both drawings with the hard outline, with
minimal but effective details.
Next time I would get some colours for a bit
more detail and get a few more different
drawings for variation.
Narrative Environment
Narrative Environment
I like the water in the image as I have layered it with
different shades of blue to white to give an illusion of
gradient with the shallow waves crashing onto the rocks
and the deeper darker waters closer to the edge. I also
like the mountains in the background as they appear in
perspective in relation to the sun with varying shadows.
I would probably spend more time on the image adding
more intricate detail for the rocky area in the foreground
and add some more colours/shadows into the main
mountain to give some texture to the picture.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
Mood board of chosen idea
Cambria Foxes Kitsune Times New Roman Foxes Kitsune
Courier Foxes Kitsune Helvetica Foxes Kitsune
Optima Foxes Kitsune PT Serif Foxes Kitsune
Comic Sans MS Foxes Kitsune Chalkboard SE Foxes Kitsune
Goudy Foxes Kitsune Garamond Foxes Kitsune
Franklin Gothic Book Foxes Kitsune Lucida Bright Foxes Kitsune
18 – 20 pages with writing on one side images on the other. 140mm x 180mm
Story Overview
My story begins in a Japanese village where a ritual is beginning with three Kitsune adults
choosing their elements, the first (Kasa) chooses fire, the second (Umi) chooses water and the
third (Tenko) chooses heaven, the power is given to them and immediately the Kasa is unable to
control the power and sets fire to the dojo and then runs away into solitude as he is a danger to
the villagers. Umi is then able to help those injured as water is more peaceful and healing. Tenko
runs off to watch from a nearby mountain. The villagers lives continue on as they were before,
unaware of the evil Tenko is saving them from until a young Kitsune is shown the powers of the
heavens and tells everyone of her good deeds and they then praise Tenko and look after her as
she gains tails of wisdom. Moral, you may not be noticed for small deeds but in the end they will
add up and you will be rewarded.
Export Format
Advantages: High Quality and easy to be shared and viewed by anyone.
Disadvantages: They can be difficult to edit once shared.
My main target audience is children between the ages of 4-8, the idea is for a story
to be read to the child and it be a slightly more advanced ‘learning-to-read’ book for
both genders. It can be for children who like stories about animals and small stories
from other cultures. The Geodemographics are for Britain and America mainly as
they are English speaking countries.
Production Methods
I am planning to use illustration for the initial outlines and for the characters for
some of the pages background and scenery and scan them onto Photoshop, for
others I will take existing photographs and rotoscope the main features to make a
basic outline for the pages. I will take separate images (such as a mountain from
one and trees from another) to create one photomontage which I can then
rotoscope and warp shapes around it the create the more detailed images to the
style I desire.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
Good story which will keep the audience engaged
and a lot of things are happening so they wont lose
focus on what it is about.
I don’t know what kitsune is?
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
I like that each character has a power, which makes
them stand out from each other, shows individuality.
You could dedicate a slide to what kitsune is
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
I like your choice of story and how detailed you
have made your narrative. I also like your idea of
taking separate images of scenery and using them
as a template for your own work.
I think that the audience section of your proposal
needs further work. You could improve this by
talking about their social class and characteristics.
You could also explain what kitsune is in your story
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
The strengths of your idea generation are that you
have chosen relevant pictures and illustrations to
your story, and you have thought hard about the
scenery you are wanting in each page.
The way you could improve your idea generation is
by annotating some of your images. For example,
the images on your mood board could have small
annotations. These annotations could include your
opinions of the image, and if you would be
influenced to use similar illustrations in your own
work. You could dedicate a slide to what kitsune is
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You’ve given clear and detailed answers to what
your story will be about and where you got the idea
you could have given some more detail on the
audience section
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
You gave yourself multiple stories to choose from
and gathered plenty of related images as to what
your character would be based on and the location
You could have mentioned what your main
character will be like and what it is
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
My main feedback was saying that the narrative was well written and explained
everything apart from what a kitsune actually is, there are also suggestions to add some
ideas to the audience section.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree with the explanation of the kitsune as it is something I just forgot to mention and
it would be quite an important thing to know.
I agree that I need to add a little more detail to the audience section for higher marks.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I disagree with the need to add annotations to the mood board as I prefer just the
images and it is clear that I like the images as they are in the mood board, if I didn’t like
them I would have chosen other images.
Original Script -
A Little princess sat beneath the cherry blooms in the royal garden. It was spring and the whole garden was a mass of radiant pink bloom, as soft as the sunset glow on the snows of Fuji San.
The little princess was as fair as the cherry blooms, and the petals had drifted lovingly upon her. They had powdered the ground about her like snowflakes, and rested upon her soft black hair like a
coronet of pearl.
As she sat and dreamed in the sunshine, the little princess was very happy, and she said to herself, "What a beautiful world this is! I wish every one was as happy as I am!" This she said because her heart
was as kind as her face was fair.
Then she heard a sudden rush and the patter of tiny feet, and a little baby fox sprang over the garden wall and ran right under the princess's robe. She stooped and took it in her arms.
"Poor little frightened foxling," she said. "What is the matter?"
But the little fox only tucked his sharp nose under her arm and trembled all over.
Then the princess heard a shout and looking up, she saw some boys on the wall.
"That is our fox," they cried roughly, for they did not know she was a princess. "Give it to us!"
"What are you going to do with it?" she asked.
"Kill it and eat the flesh for supper," cried the biggest boy. "Then we will sell the skin, and the liver can be sold to the magician doctor who cures fever with it. We shall get much money for the fox, and
we can buy rice cakes and other things."
The little fox seemed to understand, for he cowered closer to the princess. He poked his nose into the palm of her hand and kissed it gently.
"You may have the price of the foxling, but you may not have his life, poor baby," said the little princess. "Here," she pulled her purse from her kimono sleeve— "here is a gold piece for the flesh, and one
for the liver, one for the fur, and still another for the life of this poor little bundle of fur. And pray the gods to give you kinder hearts in your breasts, for neither the gods nor men like cruel souls."
The boys quickly took the gold which she offered them, lest she should change her mind and take back the coins, but she had no thought of doing that. Gold was nothing to her, because of it she had
plenty; but the life of the fox baby seemed very precious.
"Fox Baby," she said as she untied a string from his neck. "Where are your father and mother?" The fox gave a sad little whine, and its eyes seemed full of tears. From a bamboo thicket nearby came
some short, sharp barks. The fox baby barked in return, and the princess saw peering from between the bamboo branches two old foxes who looked anxiously at the baby.
"Really I believe these are your parents, foxling," she said. "I shall let you go to them. I would like to keep you for my playmate, you are so soft and pretty; but you would be lonely, no matter how much I
loved you, and I never could be as your father and mother. So run along and be happy."
She stroked him gently and set him down, and with great leaps he was off to the bamboo thicket. Then the princess watched with pleasure, for the old foxes received him with joy; they licked him over
and over, and then, one on either side the baby fox, they trotted happily away. The princess smiled 'neath the cherry blooms and was glad.
Summer bloomed and the lotus lay golden hearted on the waters' brim. It passed and the maples were scarlet and gold upon the hillsides. The sun was a glory of burnished gold in the heavens, but
within the palace all was dark.
The little princess walked no more in the garden. She lay parched with fever upon her slumber mat and her mother and father watched beside her day and night. All the wise doctors in the land had been
called to her side.
"She can not live," they said, "since sleep does not visit her eyelids." They tried by every means to make her sleep, but though her eyelids were heavy and she longed for slumber, it came not, and every
day she grew weaker.
At last came the emperor's magician and he gazed upon her long and carefully. At last he said, "She is cast under a spell. Unless the spell is broken she must die. One must sit beside her from the going
down of the sun until it rises again in golden splendor from behind the mountains. That one will break the charm."
"That is easy," cried the princess's maids. "We will watch to-night and save her;" for the little princess was so sweet and good that everyone loved her. But lo! when the midnight came, the maidens felt a
strange charm steal over them, and a strange scent was wafted to them, and strange music filled their ears, and they slept.
When morning came they wept and felt very sad; for the princess was weaker and they had not broken the charm.
The princess's old nurse was very angry.
"Foolish ones," she cried. "You have idled and slept and my darling is not yet well. I will watch tonight, for she grows weaker each day,"
But alas! the old nurse was no more fortunate than the maidens, for the spell was woven about her also and she slept; and when she awoke, she, too, wept bitterly.
Then all manner of people tried to withstand the charm and watch with the sick maiden, and even the little princess's father and mother, but to no avail. And daily she grew weaker and weaker.
At last there came to the palace a young warrior, Ito San, who begged to be allowed to watch one night.
"I love the princess," he said. "Rather than sleep I shall die." Then he took his sword, keen and sharp, and placing the point beneath his chin, rested the handle upon the floor. Each time his head drooped
in sleep, the point would bite and sting, and, struggling with the drowsiness which overtook him, he would sit upright again. In this way he conquered sleep.
When the princess opened her eyes she seemed less weak, and Ito gazed upon her with love in his eyes. Then sleepily, she smiled upon him, and at last she slept.
He sat beside her until morning not daring to move.
As the sunrise swept over the land, turning all to glowing beauty, he heard a strange, weird chant; and the words of it were stranger still, for the voice sang,
"Serve to the little princess
Broth of the finest rice;
Grate into it fox's liver
For magical, healing spice.
For a wildwood fox, search far and near,
And the princess's ills will disappear."
"A fox's liver," cried the young warrior joyously. "My beloved, now shall you be saved!" He repeated the song of the sunrise to the mother of the princess and she told the emperor. Then he sent
far and wide to all the great hunters of the hills.
"Bring us the liver of a fox," he commanded, "a clean and healthy fox. Do this as quickly as possible, for my daughter is sick unto death."
The hunters sought on every hill and in every valley, through every tangled wildwood and over every moor, but they found no fox.
"There are no foxes!" they cried to the emperor. "We have searched far and near, and not one is to be found."
Then the young warrior said, "I will find one. There must be a fox somewhere in the wildwood for this gentle little heart who loved all animals."
Then Ito San hunted far and wide, but he found no foxes; for the cunning animals had heard the proclamation of the emperor and had hidden themselves. So Ito San returned to the palace with
grief in his heart, ready to slay himself in his despair.
At that moment he felt a hand touch his sleeve, and turning quickly he saw a little old woman, with a queer little pointed face, and a mantle of red fur wrapped about her. In her hand she bore a
jar, and she said, "Take this quickly and the princess will be well." "What is the price?" he asked. "Alas!" she burst into tears. "The price is more than you could ever pay, but the princess paid it
long ago. Hasten to her!"
Then Ito saw that the jar contained fox's liver and his heart bounded for joy. He hurried to the palace, the words of the song in his ears.
"Serve to the little princess
Broth of the finest rice;
Grate into it fox's liver
For magical, healing spice.
For a wildwood fox, search far and near,
And the princess's ills will disappear."
They gave her the broth of rice with the liver grated into it, and lo! she was well. And as she lay dreaming happily of Ito San and his great love for her, there came to her in her dream, a fox cub
who said, "Dear Princess, I am that little fox you saved long ago from the cruel boys. My father and mother were not ungrateful. So my father gave you his liver to make you well, and my mother,
who would not live without him, sends her red fur to keep you warm. And this is because you were kind to the little foxling who was their baby."
Then the princess awoke, and upon the sleeping mat there lay, soft and warm and light, the skin of a red fox.
Original Script
Original Story Breakdown
1. Baby Fox runs to a princess being chased by children who want to
eat and sell it
2. Princess saves life by giving children 4 gold for the fox
3. Fox runs off to mother and father in distance
4. ‘Later’ princess falls ill with a fever and cannot sleep
5. Charmed anyone who sits watch cannot stay awake so she falls
6. Foxes liver supposedly a remedy for fever so many warriors go to
hunt one but cannot find one
7. A young prince then goes and still cannot find one, desperate to
save the princess
8. As he is almost back an old woman, very fox like, handed him a jar
with a fox liver in it to save her
9. The princess was then better and dreamt of the young fox she
saved who had returned the favour as the father gave his liver and
mother gave her pelt.
My Story Breakdown
1. 3 fox children meet the elder of the village
2. Each chooses their desired element
3. They are blessed with their choosing
4. They receive their powers
5. The Fire Fox Kasa loses control and sets fire to dojo
6. Umi the Water Fox heals the injured while Kasa runs away
7. Tenko runs towards the mountain from the instant chaos
8. ‘Many Years Later’ a young fox child visits Tenko and hears of her sacrifice to
the village
9. Fox child runs back to the village and tells of the amazing deeds
10. Tenko is thanked and praised for her years of hard unnoticed work
Draft Script
- Breakdown
1. Today is a very special day to the villagers of Komo Village. Today is an event that only
happens once in 100 years or more. Today is the day where three Kitsune children choose
the path to take in their life.
2. The First to step up was Kasa, a dark red fox who chose the power of Fire.
The Second to step up was Umi, a paler fox who chose the power of Water.
The Third to step up was Tenko, a silver fox who chose the power of heaven.
3. The village elder blesses them with the powers they wish to have in both fox and human
4. Kasa is covered in flames and sparks fly around the dojo starting a fire in the building.
5. Kasa runs away from the village, afraid of causing more harm. Umi changes into her
human form and begins to use her power of water to cool the burns on those who were
hurt in the fire.
6. Tenko decides to find a home in the mountain where she can watch over the whole
village and the land around it for any danger.
7. Tenko becomes lonely until, one day many years later, a young child from the village
visits her and asks why she chose to become a heavenly kitsune.
8. “I chose heaven because I wanted to guard everyone in my life who I loved, I did not
seek admiration for my deeds” she said with a soft voice.
9. The child then ran down the side of the mountain, straight to the village elder and told
him of the story, “She is the reason we have had no sickness in this village, she is why we
have had good crops for years, she is watching over us all.”
10. This news spread round the village quickly and many of the adults and children
decided they should thank Tenko for their happy lives by building her a proper home up on
the mountain
Draft Script – Written
Page 1:
Today is the beginning of a very special day for everyone in the little village of Komo.
Today is an event that only happens in 100 years or more.
Today is the day where 3 young kitsune choose how they will live their life ahead of them.
Page 2:
The first kitsune to stand up to their elder was a dark red fox named Kasa, she decided to have the power of fire.
The second to stand up was a paler fox named Umi, and he chose to use the power of water.
The third did not stand, Tenko was a beautiful silver fox and she wished for the celestial power of heaven.
Page 3:
The elder agreed with all of their choices and began to bless them.
All of a sudden the 3 foxes began to glow with an aura different colours as they gained their special powers.
Page 4:
The glow around Kasa did not fade, instead it just got brighter as the fire was uncontrollable.
Sparks began to fly about and the wooden dojo caught on fire, large clouds of smoke began to come out of the windows as everyone ran out of the building.
Page 5:
Kasa ran away from the village leaving a trail of burning behind as she was very scared and did not want to hurt anyone.
Umi changes into his human form for the very first time and uses his power of water to help cool the burns of villagers who got hurt in the fire.
Page 6:
Tenko sees she cannot help the village from close by, so she runs to a nearby mountain and makes her home there.
Every day she fights off evil spirits and protects the village from the darkness around them.
Page 7:
Tenko lived for many years all alone on the mountain top with no company other than a couple of owls who nested in her cave.
Until one day a young child from the village came to visit her and ask her all about her life and choice of powers.
Page 8:
“I chose to guard the village for the rest of my life, in thanks to everyone who help raise me as a child. I did not seek thanks from everyone for any good deeds I have done for
them in the past 12 years.”
Page 9:
The child then got up and ran down the mountain, back to the village, to tell the elder everything she has just heard about the kitsune. “She is the reason nobody has been sick,
she is the reason we have had good for years, she has been watching over us,” the child exclaimed.
Page 10:
Most of the village then climbed the mountain with gifts and offered to build Tenko a large house overlooking the village to spend her days in luxury. She did not want any of this,
but let them build her a small house, just enough to keep her warm and dry.
Final Script
Page 1:
Today is the beginning of a very special day for everyone in the little village of Komo.
Today is an event that only happens once every 100 years or more.
Today is the day where 3 young kitsune choose how they will live their life ahead of them.
Page 2:
The first kitsune to stand up to their elder is a dark red fox named Kasa, she chooses to have the power of fire.
The second to stand up is a paler fox named Umi, and he chooses to use the power of water.
The third did not stand, Tenko is a beautiful silver fox and she bows to the elder and asks for the higher power of heaven.
Page 3:
The elder agrees with all of their choices and begins to bless them.
All of a sudden the 3 foxes begin to glow different colours as they gain their special powers.
Page 4:
The glow around Kasa does not fade, instead it just gets brighter as the fire is not controlled.
Sparks begin to fly about and the wooden dojo catches on fire, large clouds of smoke begin to come out of the windows as everyone runs out of the building.
Page 5:
Kasa runs away from the village leaving a trail of burning behind as she's very scared and does not want to hurt anyone.
Umi tries to use his power of water to help cool the burns of villagers who got hurt in the fire.
Page 6:
Tenko sees she cannot help the village from close by, so she runs to a nearby mountain and makes her home there.
Day in, Day out she lets no evil spirits into the village and makes sure everyone as safe as they can be.
Page 7:
Tenko lived for many years all alone on the mountain top with no company other than a couple of owls who nested above her cave.
Until one day a young child from the village came to visit her and ask her many questions about her life and choice of power.
Page 8:
“I chose to guard the village for the rest of my life, as a thanks to everyone who helped to raise me as a child. I do not seek thanks from anyone for any good deeds I have done
for them in the past 40 years.”
Page 9:
The child then got up and ran down the mountain, back to the village, to tell the elder everything she has just heard about the kitsune. “She is the reason nobody has been sick,
she is the reason we have had good food for years, she has been watching over us,” the child exclaims.
The adults around her also hear what she has said and decide to find a way to thank the kitsune for all her help.
Page 10:
Most of the villagers then climb the mountain with gifts and offer to build Tenko a large house overlooking the village to spend her the rest of her days in luxury. She did not want
any of this, but let them build her a small house in her cave, just enough to keep her warm and dry.
Tenko lived to be over 500 years old and became a worshipped fox-god, after all she has kept so many people safe for so long.
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Digital graphic narrative
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Digital graphic narrative
Development pro forma(3)
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Digital Graphics Evaluation Pro Forma
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Development pro forma(3) (1) [autosaved]Development pro forma(3) (1) [autosaved]
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Development pro forma(3)

  • 4. Shape Task (+ Texture)
  • 5. Evaluation I like the simplicity of the images, especially the second as it only has a few colour shades and basic shapes however it accurately represents the original picture and you can easily tell what it is meant to be. For the Corgi I would again add more to the background of the image, and possibly add texture to it, I would also maybe add a small amount of shading to the side of its face and maybe its ears to add detail. For the castle I feel like I need to add some brickwork/stonework to emphasize the texture of the image.
  • 7. Evaluation I like the arms and his shirt the most as I feel like the simple shading has worked really well and have defined the outlines of what I wanted effectively. I also like the style of how I decided to do the image as I tried to keep things more angular, like this hair and shirt, as this gave a sharper touch to the image. I would re-do his hair and add a bit more lighter shading to the lengths of it and possibly also some darker shading. I would also make an effort to add different shading to the smaller features like the scars and mouth slits to add a more 3D look.
  • 9. Evaluation I like the simplicity of the image because it easily shows you exactly what is happening without needing context as it has a direct meaning. I especially like how the door covers most of the room and just shows an insight to what is happening like they are playing the memory back in their head like how it happened with them slowly opening the door and seeing the image behind it. I would add a little bit more detail to the wall in the back and door in order to make it a bit more effectively real, I would also spend more time on the blood areas as they need more definition and maybe a faint watery texture.
  • 12. Evaluation I like the image that I have placed behind the bold text and the light stroke that was along the text which gave strong definition to the wording underneath but also clearly shows the picture behind it. I would possibly get a slightly higher quality image to place behind the picture that can maybe show a better story.
  • 17. Evaluation I like the simplicity with the detail in the image, especially for the second one, as the background and his clothing is a very solid colour whereas the contrast with his guitar and face has quite definitive features and draws attention to this. In the future I would create a few extra images with varying colours and experiment more with different techniques to add more detail or give it a more comic style look.
  • 19. Evaluation I like the image as it has a simple story with no narration needed due to the ease of the understanding. I feel I would take higher quality pictures to begin with and include more varying lengths of shots in order to create a more effective photo story.
  • 21. Evaluation I like both drawings with the hard outline, with minimal but effective details. Next time I would get some colours for a bit more detail and get a few more different drawings for variation.
  • 24. Evaluation I like the water in the image as I have layered it with different shades of blue to white to give an illusion of gradient with the shallow waves crashing onto the rocks and the deeper darker waters closer to the edge. I also like the mountains in the background as they appear in perspective in relation to the sun with varying shadows. I would probably spend more time on the image adding more intricate detail for the rocky area in the foreground and add some more colours/shadows into the main mountain to give some texture to the picture.
  • 27. Mood board of chosen idea
  • 28.
  • 29. Cambria Foxes Kitsune Times New Roman Foxes Kitsune Courier Foxes Kitsune Helvetica Foxes Kitsune Optima Foxes Kitsune PT Serif Foxes Kitsune Comic Sans MS Foxes Kitsune Chalkboard SE Foxes Kitsune Goudy Foxes Kitsune Garamond Foxes Kitsune Franklin Gothic Book Foxes Kitsune Lucida Bright Foxes Kitsune
  • 30. Proposal Dimensions 18 – 20 pages with writing on one side images on the other. 140mm x 180mm Story Overview My story begins in a Japanese village where a ritual is beginning with three Kitsune adults choosing their elements, the first (Kasa) chooses fire, the second (Umi) chooses water and the third (Tenko) chooses heaven, the power is given to them and immediately the Kasa is unable to control the power and sets fire to the dojo and then runs away into solitude as he is a danger to the villagers. Umi is then able to help those injured as water is more peaceful and healing. Tenko runs off to watch from a nearby mountain. The villagers lives continue on as they were before, unaware of the evil Tenko is saving them from until a young Kitsune is shown the powers of the heavens and tells everyone of her good deeds and they then praise Tenko and look after her as she gains tails of wisdom. Moral, you may not be noticed for small deeds but in the end they will add up and you will be rewarded. Export Format PDF Advantages: High Quality and easy to be shared and viewed by anyone. Disadvantages: They can be difficult to edit once shared.
  • 31. Deadline 22/04/16 Audience My main target audience is children between the ages of 4-8, the idea is for a story to be read to the child and it be a slightly more advanced ‘learning-to-read’ book for both genders. It can be for children who like stories about animals and small stories from other cultures. The Geodemographics are for Britain and America mainly as they are English speaking countries. Production Methods I am planning to use illustration for the initial outlines and for the characters for some of the pages background and scenery and scan them onto Photoshop, for others I will take existing photographs and rotoscope the main features to make a basic outline for the pages. I will take separate images (such as a mountain from one and trees from another) to create one photomontage which I can then rotoscope and warp shapes around it the create the more detailed images to the style I desire.
  • 32. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Good story which will keep the audience engaged and a lot of things are happening so they wont lose focus on what it is about. I don’t know what kitsune is? What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? I like that each character has a power, which makes them stand out from each other, shows individuality. You could dedicate a slide to what kitsune is
  • 33. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I like your choice of story and how detailed you have made your narrative. I also like your idea of taking separate images of scenery and using them as a template for your own work. I think that the audience section of your proposal needs further work. You could improve this by talking about their social class and characteristics. You could also explain what kitsune is in your story overview? What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The strengths of your idea generation are that you have chosen relevant pictures and illustrations to your story, and you have thought hard about the scenery you are wanting in each page. The way you could improve your idea generation is by annotating some of your images. For example, the images on your mood board could have small annotations. These annotations could include your opinions of the image, and if you would be influenced to use similar illustrations in your own work. You could dedicate a slide to what kitsune is
  • 34. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You’ve given clear and detailed answers to what your story will be about and where you got the idea you could have given some more detail on the audience section What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You gave yourself multiple stories to choose from and gathered plenty of related images as to what your character would be based on and the location You could have mentioned what your main character will be like and what it is
  • 35. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. My main feedback was saying that the narrative was well written and explained everything apart from what a kitsune actually is, there are also suggestions to add some ideas to the audience section. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with the explanation of the kitsune as it is something I just forgot to mention and it would be quite an important thing to know. I agree that I need to add a little more detail to the audience section for higher marks. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I disagree with the need to add annotations to the mood board as I prefer just the images and it is clear that I like the images as they are in the mood board, if I didn’t like them I would have chosen other images.
  • 36. Original Script - A Little princess sat beneath the cherry blooms in the royal garden. It was spring and the whole garden was a mass of radiant pink bloom, as soft as the sunset glow on the snows of Fuji San. The little princess was as fair as the cherry blooms, and the petals had drifted lovingly upon her. They had powdered the ground about her like snowflakes, and rested upon her soft black hair like a coronet of pearl. As she sat and dreamed in the sunshine, the little princess was very happy, and she said to herself, "What a beautiful world this is! I wish every one was as happy as I am!" This she said because her heart was as kind as her face was fair. Then she heard a sudden rush and the patter of tiny feet, and a little baby fox sprang over the garden wall and ran right under the princess's robe. She stooped and took it in her arms. "Poor little frightened foxling," she said. "What is the matter?" But the little fox only tucked his sharp nose under her arm and trembled all over. Then the princess heard a shout and looking up, she saw some boys on the wall. "That is our fox," they cried roughly, for they did not know she was a princess. "Give it to us!" "What are you going to do with it?" she asked. "Kill it and eat the flesh for supper," cried the biggest boy. "Then we will sell the skin, and the liver can be sold to the magician doctor who cures fever with it. We shall get much money for the fox, and we can buy rice cakes and other things." The little fox seemed to understand, for he cowered closer to the princess. He poked his nose into the palm of her hand and kissed it gently. "You may have the price of the foxling, but you may not have his life, poor baby," said the little princess. "Here," she pulled her purse from her kimono sleeve— "here is a gold piece for the flesh, and one for the liver, one for the fur, and still another for the life of this poor little bundle of fur. And pray the gods to give you kinder hearts in your breasts, for neither the gods nor men like cruel souls." The boys quickly took the gold which she offered them, lest she should change her mind and take back the coins, but she had no thought of doing that. Gold was nothing to her, because of it she had plenty; but the life of the fox baby seemed very precious. "Fox Baby," she said as she untied a string from his neck. "Where are your father and mother?" The fox gave a sad little whine, and its eyes seemed full of tears. From a bamboo thicket nearby came some short, sharp barks. The fox baby barked in return, and the princess saw peering from between the bamboo branches two old foxes who looked anxiously at the baby. "Really I believe these are your parents, foxling," she said. "I shall let you go to them. I would like to keep you for my playmate, you are so soft and pretty; but you would be lonely, no matter how much I loved you, and I never could be as your father and mother. So run along and be happy." She stroked him gently and set him down, and with great leaps he was off to the bamboo thicket. Then the princess watched with pleasure, for the old foxes received him with joy; they licked him over and over, and then, one on either side the baby fox, they trotted happily away. The princess smiled 'neath the cherry blooms and was glad. Summer bloomed and the lotus lay golden hearted on the waters' brim. It passed and the maples were scarlet and gold upon the hillsides. The sun was a glory of burnished gold in the heavens, but within the palace all was dark. The little princess walked no more in the garden. She lay parched with fever upon her slumber mat and her mother and father watched beside her day and night. All the wise doctors in the land had been called to her side. "She can not live," they said, "since sleep does not visit her eyelids." They tried by every means to make her sleep, but though her eyelids were heavy and she longed for slumber, it came not, and every day she grew weaker. At last came the emperor's magician and he gazed upon her long and carefully. At last he said, "She is cast under a spell. Unless the spell is broken she must die. One must sit beside her from the going down of the sun until it rises again in golden splendor from behind the mountains. That one will break the charm." "That is easy," cried the princess's maids. "We will watch to-night and save her;" for the little princess was so sweet and good that everyone loved her. But lo! when the midnight came, the maidens felt a strange charm steal over them, and a strange scent was wafted to them, and strange music filled their ears, and they slept. When morning came they wept and felt very sad; for the princess was weaker and they had not broken the charm. The princess's old nurse was very angry. "Foolish ones," she cried. "You have idled and slept and my darling is not yet well. I will watch tonight, for she grows weaker each day," But alas! the old nurse was no more fortunate than the maidens, for the spell was woven about her also and she slept; and when she awoke, she, too, wept bitterly. Then all manner of people tried to withstand the charm and watch with the sick maiden, and even the little princess's father and mother, but to no avail. And daily she grew weaker and weaker. At last there came to the palace a young warrior, Ito San, who begged to be allowed to watch one night. "I love the princess," he said. "Rather than sleep I shall die." Then he took his sword, keen and sharp, and placing the point beneath his chin, rested the handle upon the floor. Each time his head drooped in sleep, the point would bite and sting, and, struggling with the drowsiness which overtook him, he would sit upright again. In this way he conquered sleep. When the princess opened her eyes she seemed less weak, and Ito gazed upon her with love in his eyes. Then sleepily, she smiled upon him, and at last she slept. He sat beside her until morning not daring to move.
  • 37. As the sunrise swept over the land, turning all to glowing beauty, he heard a strange, weird chant; and the words of it were stranger still, for the voice sang, "Serve to the little princess Broth of the finest rice; Grate into it fox's liver For magical, healing spice. For a wildwood fox, search far and near, And the princess's ills will disappear." "A fox's liver," cried the young warrior joyously. "My beloved, now shall you be saved!" He repeated the song of the sunrise to the mother of the princess and she told the emperor. Then he sent far and wide to all the great hunters of the hills. "Bring us the liver of a fox," he commanded, "a clean and healthy fox. Do this as quickly as possible, for my daughter is sick unto death." The hunters sought on every hill and in every valley, through every tangled wildwood and over every moor, but they found no fox. "There are no foxes!" they cried to the emperor. "We have searched far and near, and not one is to be found." Then the young warrior said, "I will find one. There must be a fox somewhere in the wildwood for this gentle little heart who loved all animals." Then Ito San hunted far and wide, but he found no foxes; for the cunning animals had heard the proclamation of the emperor and had hidden themselves. So Ito San returned to the palace with grief in his heart, ready to slay himself in his despair. At that moment he felt a hand touch his sleeve, and turning quickly he saw a little old woman, with a queer little pointed face, and a mantle of red fur wrapped about her. In her hand she bore a jar, and she said, "Take this quickly and the princess will be well." "What is the price?" he asked. "Alas!" she burst into tears. "The price is more than you could ever pay, but the princess paid it long ago. Hasten to her!" Then Ito saw that the jar contained fox's liver and his heart bounded for joy. He hurried to the palace, the words of the song in his ears. "Serve to the little princess Broth of the finest rice; Grate into it fox's liver For magical, healing spice. For a wildwood fox, search far and near, And the princess's ills will disappear." They gave her the broth of rice with the liver grated into it, and lo! she was well. And as she lay dreaming happily of Ito San and his great love for her, there came to her in her dream, a fox cub who said, "Dear Princess, I am that little fox you saved long ago from the cruel boys. My father and mother were not ungrateful. So my father gave you his liver to make you well, and my mother, who would not live without him, sends her red fur to keep you warm. And this is because you were kind to the little foxling who was their baby." Then the princess awoke, and upon the sleeping mat there lay, soft and warm and light, the skin of a red fox. Original Script
  • 38. Original Story Breakdown 1. Baby Fox runs to a princess being chased by children who want to eat and sell it 2. Princess saves life by giving children 4 gold for the fox 3. Fox runs off to mother and father in distance 4. ‘Later’ princess falls ill with a fever and cannot sleep 5. Charmed anyone who sits watch cannot stay awake so she falls sicker 6. Foxes liver supposedly a remedy for fever so many warriors go to hunt one but cannot find one 7. A young prince then goes and still cannot find one, desperate to save the princess 8. As he is almost back an old woman, very fox like, handed him a jar with a fox liver in it to save her 9. The princess was then better and dreamt of the young fox she saved who had returned the favour as the father gave his liver and mother gave her pelt.
  • 39. My Story Breakdown 1. 3 fox children meet the elder of the village 2. Each chooses their desired element 3. They are blessed with their choosing 4. They receive their powers 5. The Fire Fox Kasa loses control and sets fire to dojo 6. Umi the Water Fox heals the injured while Kasa runs away 7. Tenko runs towards the mountain from the instant chaos 8. ‘Many Years Later’ a young fox child visits Tenko and hears of her sacrifice to the village 9. Fox child runs back to the village and tells of the amazing deeds 10. Tenko is thanked and praised for her years of hard unnoticed work
  • 40. Draft Script - Breakdown 1. Today is a very special day to the villagers of Komo Village. Today is an event that only happens once in 100 years or more. Today is the day where three Kitsune children choose the path to take in their life. 2. The First to step up was Kasa, a dark red fox who chose the power of Fire. The Second to step up was Umi, a paler fox who chose the power of Water. The Third to step up was Tenko, a silver fox who chose the power of heaven. 3. The village elder blesses them with the powers they wish to have in both fox and human form. 4. Kasa is covered in flames and sparks fly around the dojo starting a fire in the building. 5. Kasa runs away from the village, afraid of causing more harm. Umi changes into her human form and begins to use her power of water to cool the burns on those who were hurt in the fire. 6. Tenko decides to find a home in the mountain where she can watch over the whole village and the land around it for any danger. 7. Tenko becomes lonely until, one day many years later, a young child from the village visits her and asks why she chose to become a heavenly kitsune. 8. “I chose heaven because I wanted to guard everyone in my life who I loved, I did not seek admiration for my deeds” she said with a soft voice. 9. The child then ran down the side of the mountain, straight to the village elder and told him of the story, “She is the reason we have had no sickness in this village, she is why we have had good crops for years, she is watching over us all.” 10. This news spread round the village quickly and many of the adults and children decided they should thank Tenko for their happy lives by building her a proper home up on the mountain
  • 41. Draft Script – Written Page 1: Today is the beginning of a very special day for everyone in the little village of Komo. Today is an event that only happens in 100 years or more. Today is the day where 3 young kitsune choose how they will live their life ahead of them. Page 2: The first kitsune to stand up to their elder was a dark red fox named Kasa, she decided to have the power of fire. The second to stand up was a paler fox named Umi, and he chose to use the power of water. The third did not stand, Tenko was a beautiful silver fox and she wished for the celestial power of heaven. Page 3: The elder agreed with all of their choices and began to bless them. All of a sudden the 3 foxes began to glow with an aura different colours as they gained their special powers. Page 4: The glow around Kasa did not fade, instead it just got brighter as the fire was uncontrollable. Sparks began to fly about and the wooden dojo caught on fire, large clouds of smoke began to come out of the windows as everyone ran out of the building. Page 5: Kasa ran away from the village leaving a trail of burning behind as she was very scared and did not want to hurt anyone. Umi changes into his human form for the very first time and uses his power of water to help cool the burns of villagers who got hurt in the fire. Page 6: Tenko sees she cannot help the village from close by, so she runs to a nearby mountain and makes her home there. Every day she fights off evil spirits and protects the village from the darkness around them. Page 7: Tenko lived for many years all alone on the mountain top with no company other than a couple of owls who nested in her cave. Until one day a young child from the village came to visit her and ask her all about her life and choice of powers. Page 8: “I chose to guard the village for the rest of my life, in thanks to everyone who help raise me as a child. I did not seek thanks from everyone for any good deeds I have done for them in the past 12 years.” Page 9: The child then got up and ran down the mountain, back to the village, to tell the elder everything she has just heard about the kitsune. “She is the reason nobody has been sick, she is the reason we have had good for years, she has been watching over us,” the child exclaimed. Page 10: Most of the village then climbed the mountain with gifts and offered to build Tenko a large house overlooking the village to spend her days in luxury. She did not want any of this, but let them build her a small house, just enough to keep her warm and dry.
  • 42. Final Script Page 1: Today is the beginning of a very special day for everyone in the little village of Komo. Today is an event that only happens once every 100 years or more. Today is the day where 3 young kitsune choose how they will live their life ahead of them. Page 2: The first kitsune to stand up to their elder is a dark red fox named Kasa, she chooses to have the power of fire. The second to stand up is a paler fox named Umi, and he chooses to use the power of water. The third did not stand, Tenko is a beautiful silver fox and she bows to the elder and asks for the higher power of heaven. Page 3: The elder agrees with all of their choices and begins to bless them. All of a sudden the 3 foxes begin to glow different colours as they gain their special powers. Page 4: The glow around Kasa does not fade, instead it just gets brighter as the fire is not controlled. Sparks begin to fly about and the wooden dojo catches on fire, large clouds of smoke begin to come out of the windows as everyone runs out of the building. Page 5: Kasa runs away from the village leaving a trail of burning behind as she's very scared and does not want to hurt anyone. Umi tries to use his power of water to help cool the burns of villagers who got hurt in the fire. Page 6: Tenko sees she cannot help the village from close by, so she runs to a nearby mountain and makes her home there. Day in, Day out she lets no evil spirits into the village and makes sure everyone as safe as they can be. Page 7: Tenko lived for many years all alone on the mountain top with no company other than a couple of owls who nested above her cave. Until one day a young child from the village came to visit her and ask her many questions about her life and choice of power. Page 8: “I chose to guard the village for the rest of my life, as a thanks to everyone who helped to raise me as a child. I do not seek thanks from anyone for any good deeds I have done for them in the past 40 years.” Page 9: The child then got up and ran down the mountain, back to the village, to tell the elder everything she has just heard about the kitsune. “She is the reason nobody has been sick, she is the reason we have had good food for years, she has been watching over us,” the child exclaims. The adults around her also hear what she has said and decide to find a way to thank the kitsune for all her help. Page 10: Most of the villagers then climb the mountain with gifts and offer to build Tenko a large house overlooking the village to spend her the rest of her days in luxury. She did not want any of this, but let them build her a small house in her cave, just enough to keep her warm and dry. Tenko lived to be over 500 years old and became a worshipped fox-god, after all she has kept so many people safe for so long.