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Developing Custom Claim Providers
to Enable Authorization in SharePoint
Antonio Maio
Senior SharePoint Architect & Senior Manager
Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP
Slide share:
Twitter: @AntonioMaio2
 Introduction: Claims in SharePoint 2013
 Getting the Right Claims for Authorization
 Developing a Custom Claim Provider
 Example Claim Providers
 Deployment and Final Considerations
Claims in SharePoint 2013
Authentication vs Authorization
 Authentication
Process of determining that a user is who they say
they are
 Authorization
Process of determining resources a user has access
to and the level of access they are granted
Authentication Options
 Claims Based Authentication (Default)
 Forms Based Authentication
(FBA – thru Claims)
 Classic Mode
 Integrated Windows Authentication
 Kerberos
 Basic Authentication
 Only configurable through PowerShell
Classic Mode has been
Configuration UI has been removed
and is only available thru PowerShell.
Claims Based Identity
 What is a Claim?
 A statement that one subject makes about itself :
name, identity, group, privilege, capability, etc.
 Examples: name, email, logon name, security groups,
employment status, security clearance, department, etc.
 What is Claims Based Identity/Authentication
 A standards based exchange and trust identities across networks
 Trust is a key element – achieved through digital signatures
 Claims are packaged in a standard format (SAML)…
issued and digitally signed by a trusted source (security token
and exchanged over a standard protocol (SAML)
Claims Based Authentication
 Claims are an Authentication Mechanism
 Based on SAML or WS-Federation (Passive) tokens
 Supports WS-Fed
 Supports SAML 2.0 token format, SAML 1.1 protocol
 SharePoint Online
 Supports SAML 2.0 protocol, WS-Fed (Passive)
 Result: Authenticated User & Security Token
 Built-in SharePoint Security Token Service (STS)
 Integrated Windows Authentication
 Forms Based Authentication
 Trusted Identity Provider
 External STS (Ex. Active Directory Federation Services – ADFS)
Claims Based Authentication
 Configured within Central Administration on each Web Application
• In Central Admin > Click Manage Web Applications
• Select the specific Web Application
• Click Authentication Providers
• Select the Zone
• Select the authentication protocol
Claims as Permissions
 Claims are also trusted attributes about users
 Tokens are digitally signed by the issuer (IP-STS)
 Claims can be assigned as permissions
 With a permission level
 Assign to sites, libraries, folders, items/documents
 SharePoint applies permissions based on
 User with matching claim when they sign in, SharePoint grants
level of access to content
 Behave like domain groups
SharePoint Permission Examples
Users, Groups or Claims
Finance (AD Group) has Full Control on Library A
Contractors (SP Group) has Read access on site B
John.Smith (AD user) has Contribute access on Document C
‘Clearance=Secret’ has Full Control access on Document X
‘EmploymentStatus=FTE’ has Contribute access on Site Z
User, Group, or Claim
(also called a ‘Principle’)
Permission Level
(collection of permissions)
Information Object
(item or container)
Getting the Right Claims into
SharePoint for Authorization
Claims Based Authorization
 Specific to the user
 Performed done without knowing who the user is
 Dynamic – ex. changes in a user’s security clearance
 Based on external systems (HR systems, SQL, etc.)
 Alternative to security groups – Groups do not scale
 Policy Example: user must be part of GroupA and
GroupB and GroupC to access a resources
What types of claims do we need?
 Military, Intelligence, Government Defense
 Security Clearance
 Caveat
 Need to Know
 Commercial
 Department or Team
 Role
 Current Date/Time, Current Device (BYOD)
 Group Membership with multiple groups
 Aerospace/Defense Contracting
 Nationality + Current Location
 Homeland Security
 Agency (law enforcement, emergency response, public health…)
 Scope or Level (local, state, federal)
 Current Threat Level
Identity Provider (IP)
Claims Based Authentication
Process/Call Flow
Active Directory
Active Directory
Federation Services
1 Request a web page
2 Obtain login page from
the ADFS server
3 Request a SAML security
4 Validate user credentials
with the identity provider
5 Send a SAML security
6 Send a new web page request
containing the SAML token
7 Create SharePoint security token
& send the requested web page Fed Auth
Custom Claim Provider
Custom Claim Provider
Custom Claim Provider
ADFS Signing
Public Portion of
ADFS Signing
Custom Claim Providers
Custom Claim Providers
 SharePoint farm level feature
 Can deploy more than one
 Called after user is authenticated
 After Trusted Identity Provider has already returned
 Built on WIF (Windows Identity Framework)
 Used to augment claims
 Used to transform claims
 Used to resolve/search claims in People Picker
Building a Custom Claim Provider
1. Add necessary References
Browse to find it in Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftWindows Identity Foundationv3.5Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll
2. Add necessary Using statements
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
3. Add a Class which inherits from SPClaimProvider
namespace SampleClaimProvider
public class ClearanceClaimProvider : SPClaimProvider
public ClearanceClaimProvider (string displayName) : base(displayName)
Building a Custom Claim Provider
4. Implement the Abstract class
FillResolve(2 overrides)
public class ClearanceClaimProvider:SPClaimProvider
Right click on SPClaimProvider and select…
Building a Custom Claim Provider
5. Implement Required Properties
public override string Name
{get { return ProviderInternalName; }}
public override bool SupportsEntityInformation
{get { return true; }}
public override bool SupportsHierarchy
{get { return true; }}
public override bool SupportsResolve
{get { return true; }}
public override bool SupportsSearch
{get { return true; }}
Must return True for
Claims Augmentation
Returns the Claim
Provider unique
Supports hierarchy
display in people
Supports resolving
claim values
Supports search
Building a Custom Claim Provider
6. Create Static Properties for Name
internal static string ProviderDisplayName
get { return “Security Clearance"; }
internal static string ProviderInternalName
get { return “SecurityClearanceProvider"; }
Building a Custom Claim Provider
7. Create Data Source and Helper Functions
private string[] SecurityLevels = new string[]
{ "None", "Confidential", "Secret", "Top Secret" };
private static string ClearanceClaimType
get { return "http://schemas.sample.local/clearance"; }
private static string ClearanceClaimValueType
get { return Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimValueTypes.String;}
• Adding a claim with type URL http://schemas.sample.local/clearance and the
claim’s value is a string
Building a Custom Claim Provider
8. Implement Methods to Augment Claims
protected override void FillClaimTypes(List<string> claimTypes)
if (claimTypes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("claimTypes");
protected override void FillClaimValueTypes(List<string> claimValueTypes)
if (claimValueTypes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("claimValueTypes");
9. Implement FillClaimsForEntity to augment claims
protected override void FillClaimsForEntity(Uri context, SPClaim entity, List<SPClaim> claims)
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
if (claims == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("claims");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Value))
throw new ArgumentException("Argument null or empty",
//if existing Clearance claim is ‘top secret’ then add lower levels clearances
if (. . .)
claims.Add(CreateClaim(ClearanceClaimType, SecurityLevels[0],
claims.Add(CreateClaim(ClearanceClaimType, SecurityLevels[1],
claims.Add(CreateClaim(ClearanceClaimType, SecurityLevels[2],
. . .
Building a Custom Claim Provider
Customizing the People Picker
Set of possible claims to display in the people picker
Hierarchy for displaying claims in the people picker
FillResolve(2 overrides)
Resolving claims specified in the people picker
Specifies the schema that is used by people picker to
display claims/entity data
Fills in search results in people picker window
Other Important Methods: Replacing the People Picker
Using Claims for Authorization
 You will assign claims as permissions either
 Through People Picker
 Programmatically through code
 In both cases you must implement
 FillEntityTypes
 FillHierarchy
 FillResolve(2 overrides)
 FillSchema
 FillSearch
…or the augmented claims will not be available to you!
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillEntityTypes
protected override void FillEntityTypes(List<string> entityTypes)
//Return the type of entity claim we are using
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillHierarchy
protected override void FillHierarchy(Uri context, string[] entityTypes,
string hierarchyNodeID, int numberOfLevels, SPProviderHierarchyTree hierarchy)
if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole))
switch (hierarchyNodeID)
case null: // when it 1st loads, add all our nodes
hierarchy.AddChild(new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode
“SecurityClearance”, “Security Clearance”, true));
hierarchy.AddChild(new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode
“Caveat”, “Caveat”, true));
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillResolve (1st override)
protected override void FillResolve(Uri context, string[] entityTypes,
SPClaim resolveInput, List<PickerEntity> resolved)
if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole))
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity
(resolveInput.ClaimType, resolveInput.Value);
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillResolve (2nd override)
protected override void FillResolve(Uri context, string[] entityTypes,
string resolveInput, List<PickerEntity> resolved)
if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole))
//create a matching entity and add it to the return list of picker entries
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity
(ClearanceClaimType, resolveInput);
pe = GetPickerEntity(CaveatClaimType, resolveInput);
Using Claims for Authorization
 GetPickerEntity
private Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity GetPickerEntity
(string ClaimType, string ClaimValue)
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = CreatePickerEntity();
// set the claim associated with this match & tooltip displayed
pe.Claim = CreateClaim(ClaimType, ClaimValue, ClaimValueType);
pe.Description = SecurityClearance.ProviderDisplayName + ":" + ClaimValue;
// Set the text displayed in people picker
pe.DisplayText = ClaimValue;
// Store in hash table, plug in as a role type entity & flag as resolved
DisplayName] = ClaimValue;
pe.EntityType = SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole;
pe.IsResolved = true;
pe.EntityGroupName = "Additional Claims";
return pe;
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillSchema
protected override void FillSchema(SPProviderSchema schema)
schema.AddSchemaElement(new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPSchemaElement(
"Display Name", Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPSchemaElementType.Both));
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillSearch
protected override void FillSearch(Uri context, string[] entityTypes,
string searchPattern, string hierarchyNodeID,int maxCount,
SPProviderHierarchyTree searchTree)
if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole))
// The node where we will place our matches
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode matchNode = null;
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity
(ClearanceClaimType, searchPattern);
if (!searchTree.HasChild(“SecurityClearance”))
{ // create the node so that we can show our match in there too
matchNode = new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode
(SecurityClearance.ProviderInternalName, “Security Clearance”,
“SecurityClearance”, true);
Using Claims for Authorization
 FillSearch
protected override void FillSearch(Uri context, string[] entityTypes,
string searchPattern, string hierarchyNodeID,int maxCount,
SPProviderHierarchyTree searchTree)
if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole))
// The node where we will place our matches
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode matchNode = null;
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity
(ClearanceClaimType, searchPattern);
if (!searchTree.HasChild(“SecurityClearance”))
{ // create the node so that we can show our match in there too
matchNode = new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode
(SecurityClearance.ProviderInternalName, “Security Clearance”,
“SecurityClearance”, true);
// get the node for this security level
matchNode = searchTree.Children.Where(theNode => theNode.HierarchyNodeID
== “SecurityClearance”).First();
// add the picker entity to our tree node
Claim Provider Examples
Claim Provider Examples
 Example 1: Access sensitive information only during
work hours
protected override void FillClaimsForEntity(Uri context, SPClaim entity,
List<SPClaim> claims)
. . .
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if((now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)||(now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday))
claims.Add(CreateClaim(WorkDayClaimType,”false”, WorkDayClaimValueType));
//9 o'clock AM
DateTime start = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 9, 0, 0));
//5 o'clock PM
DateTime end = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 17, 0, 0));
if ((now < start) || (now > end))
claims.Add(CreateClaim(WorkDayClaimType,”false”, WorkDayClaimValueType));
claims.Add(CreateClaim(WorkDayClaimType, ”true”, WorkDayClaimValueType));
Claim Provider Examples
 Example 2: Information Release Dates for
Mergers and Acquisitions
 Create a SharePoint list: release dates registered for each acquisition –
name it ‘Acquisition Release Register’
 List item specifies: acquisition project name, release date
 Document library holding acquisition documents: add a ‘lookup’
metadata column pointing to ‘Acquisition Release Register’
 With every document added user selects a release entry from the Acquisition Release
 Use 3rd party tools or code to add a claim based permission to the item that matches
the metadata column value (project name)
 Custom claim provider uses SQL DB to retrieve all entries for Acquisition
Release Register
 Custom claim provider compares current date to entries in Acquisition
Release Register
 If now is later than release date then add project name to user’s claims
 If user has claim in their identity matching acquisition project name,
then they get access to the acquisition documents
Deployment & Final
Deploying Custom Claim Provider
 Deployed as a Farm Level Feature Receiver –
requires more code
 Must inherit from SPClaimProviderFeatureReceiver (lots
of examples)
 Can deploy multiple claim providers
 Called in order of deployment
 Once deployed - Available in every web app, in very
 Can cause performance issues
 When user logs in, all Custom Claim Providers deployed get
 Set IsUsedByDefault property in Feature Receiver Def'n to
False, then turn it on manually for required web apps
Some Final Considerations
 Reach out to SQL database, LDAP, Repository for attributes
which will get added as claims
 Custom Claim Provider running in the context of the web
application, and not the site the user is logging into
 Logged in as the Central Admin Service Account
 Do not have context
(Most methods have no HTTP Context nor SPContext.Current)
 Cannot directly access data on the Site you signed into
 For Debugging use a Claims Testing Web Part in SharePoint:
Developing Custom Claim Providers
to Enable Authorization
Antonio Maio
Senior SharePoint Architect & Senior Manager
Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP
Slide share:
Twitter: @AntonioMaio2
Thank You!
Appendix: PowerShell to Register Trusted
Provider & Map Claim Types
# Make sure the claim types are properly defined in the ADFS server
$map = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType
"" -
IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmailAddress" -SameAsIncoming
$map2 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType
"" -IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName
"Role" -SameAsIncoming
$map3 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "http://schemas.sp.local/EmployeeStatus" -
IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmployeeStatus" -SameAsIncoming
# The realm will identify the web app in ADFS. It is generally created in the form "urn:foo:bar"
$realm = "urn:sp-server-2010.sp.local:sharepoint2010"
# Use the certificate that has been exported from the ADFS server
$cert = New-Object
# The url below will tell SharePoint where to redirect to in order to authenticate with the STS
# so this should have the ADFS url, plus the protocol (Windows integrated security - "/adfs/ls")
$signinurl = "https://adfs20.sp.local/adfs/ls"
# Adds the STS (AD FS 2.0) to SharePoint
$ap = New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer -Name "ADFS20 Provider" -Description "SharePoint secured by
ADFS20" -realm $realm -ImportTrustCertificate $cert -ClaimsMappings $map,$map2,$map3 -SignInUrl
$signinurl -IdentifierClaim $map.InputClaimType
# The certificate imported from the ADFS should be added to the trusted store
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "ADFS Token Signing Root Authority" -Certificate $cert
Appendix: Claims Viewer Web Part
Add the claim viewer web part to your site pages when
testing custom claim providers:

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Developing custom claim providers to enable authorization in share point antonio maio - published

  • 1. Developing Custom Claim Providers to Enable Authorization in SharePoint Antonio Maio Senior SharePoint Architect & Senior Manager Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP Email: Blog: Slide share: Twitter: @AntonioMaio2
  • 2. Agenda  Introduction: Claims in SharePoint 2013  Getting the Right Claims for Authorization  Developing a Custom Claim Provider  Example Claim Providers  Deployment and Final Considerations
  • 4. Authentication vs Authorization  Authentication Process of determining that a user is who they say they are  Authorization Process of determining resources a user has access to and the level of access they are granted
  • 5. Authentication Options  Claims Based Authentication (Default)  Forms Based Authentication (FBA – thru Claims)  Classic Mode  Integrated Windows Authentication  NTLM  Kerberos  Basic Authentication  Only configurable through PowerShell Classic Mode has been deprecated! Configuration UI has been removed and is only available thru PowerShell.
  • 6. Claims Based Identity  What is a Claim?  A statement that one subject makes about itself : name, identity, group, privilege, capability, etc.  Examples: name, email, logon name, security groups, employment status, security clearance, department, etc.  What is Claims Based Identity/Authentication  A standards based exchange and trust identities across networks  Trust is a key element – achieved through digital signatures  Claims are packaged in a standard format (SAML)… issued and digitally signed by a trusted source (security token service)… and exchanged over a standard protocol (SAML)
  • 7. Claims Based Authentication  Claims are an Authentication Mechanism  Based on SAML or WS-Federation (Passive) tokens  Supports WS-Fed  Supports SAML 2.0 token format, SAML 1.1 protocol  SharePoint Online  Supports SAML 2.0 protocol, WS-Fed (Passive)  Result: Authenticated User & Security Token  Built-in SharePoint Security Token Service (STS)  Integrated Windows Authentication  Forms Based Authentication  Trusted Identity Provider  External STS (Ex. Active Directory Federation Services – ADFS)
  • 8. Claims Based Authentication  Configured within Central Administration on each Web Application • In Central Admin > Click Manage Web Applications • Select the specific Web Application • Click Authentication Providers • Select the Zone • Select the authentication protocol
  • 9. Claims as Permissions  Claims are also trusted attributes about users  Tokens are digitally signed by the issuer (IP-STS)  Claims can be assigned as permissions  With a permission level  Assign to sites, libraries, folders, items/documents  SharePoint applies permissions based on claims  User with matching claim when they sign in, SharePoint grants level of access to content  Behave like domain groups
  • 10. SharePoint Permission Examples Users, Groups or Claims Finance (AD Group) has Full Control on Library A Contractors (SP Group) has Read access on site B John.Smith (AD user) has Contribute access on Document C ‘Clearance=Secret’ has Full Control access on Document X ‘EmploymentStatus=FTE’ has Contribute access on Site Z User, Group, or Claim (also called a ‘Principle’) Permission Level (collection of permissions) Information Object (item or container)
  • 11. Getting the Right Claims into SharePoint for Authorization
  • 12. Claims Based Authorization  Specific to the user  Performed done without knowing who the user is  Dynamic – ex. changes in a user’s security clearance  Based on external systems (HR systems, SQL, etc.)  Alternative to security groups – Groups do not scale  Policy Example: user must be part of GroupA and GroupB and GroupC to access a resources
  • 13. What types of claims do we need?  Military, Intelligence, Government Defense  Security Clearance  Caveat  Need to Know  Commercial  Department or Team  Role  Current Date/Time, Current Device (BYOD)  Group Membership with multiple groups  Aerospace/Defense Contracting  Nationality + Current Location  Homeland Security  Agency (law enforcement, emergency response, public health…)  Scope or Level (local, state, federal)  Current Threat Level
  • 14. Identity Provider (IP) Claims Based Authentication Process/Call Flow SharePoint 2013 Active Directory (AD DS) Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Request a web page 2 Obtain login page from the ADFS server 3 Request a SAML security token 4 Validate user credentials with the identity provider 5 Send a SAML security token 6 Send a new web page request containing the SAML token 7 Create SharePoint security token & send the requested web page Fed Auth Cookie Custom Claim Provider Custom Claim Provider … Custom Claim Provider <Claim> <Claim> <Claim> ADFS Signing Cert Public Portion of ADFS Signing Cert
  • 16. Custom Claim Providers  SharePoint farm level feature  Can deploy more than one  Called after user is authenticated  After Trusted Identity Provider has already returned claims  Built on WIF (Windows Identity Framework)  Used to augment claims  Used to transform claims  Used to resolve/search claims in People Picker
  • 17. Building a Custom Claim Provider 1. Add necessary References Microsoft.SharePoint Microsoft.IdentityModel Browse to find it in Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftWindows Identity Foundationv3.5Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll 2. Add necessary Using statements using System; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims; using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls; 3. Add a Class which inherits from SPClaimProvider namespace SampleClaimProvider { public class ClearanceClaimProvider : SPClaimProvider { public ClearanceClaimProvider (string displayName) : base(displayName) { } } }
  • 18. Building a Custom Claim Provider 4. Implement the Abstract class Methods: FillClaimTypes FillClaimValueTypes FillClaimsForEntity FillEntityTypes FillHierarchy FillResolve(2 overrides) FillSchema FillSearch Properties: Name SupportsEntityInformation SupportsHierarchy SupportsResolve SupportsSearch public class ClearanceClaimProvider:SPClaimProvider { } Right click on SPClaimProvider and select…
  • 19. Building a Custom Claim Provider 5. Implement Required Properties public override string Name {get { return ProviderInternalName; }} public override bool SupportsEntityInformation {get { return true; }} public override bool SupportsHierarchy {get { return true; }} public override bool SupportsResolve {get { return true; }} public override bool SupportsSearch {get { return true; }} Must return True for Claims Augmentation Returns the Claim Provider unique name Supports hierarchy display in people picker Supports resolving claim values Supports search operation
  • 20. Building a Custom Claim Provider 6. Create Static Properties for Name internal static string ProviderDisplayName { get { return “Security Clearance"; } } internal static string ProviderInternalName { get { return “SecurityClearanceProvider"; } }
  • 21. Building a Custom Claim Provider 7. Create Data Source and Helper Functions private string[] SecurityLevels = new string[] { "None", "Confidential", "Secret", "Top Secret" }; private static string ClearanceClaimType { get { return "http://schemas.sample.local/clearance"; } } private static string ClearanceClaimValueType { get { return Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimValueTypes.String;} } • Adding a claim with type URL http://schemas.sample.local/clearance and the claim’s value is a string
  • 22. Building a Custom Claim Provider 8. Implement Methods to Augment Claims FillClaimTypes FillClaimValueTypes FillClaimsForEntity protected override void FillClaimTypes(List<string> claimTypes) { if (claimTypes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("claimTypes"); claimTypes.Add(ClearanceClaimType); } protected override void FillClaimValueTypes(List<string> claimValueTypes) { if (claimValueTypes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("claimValueTypes"); claimValueTypes.Add(ClearanceClaimValueType); }
  • 23. 9. Implement FillClaimsForEntity to augment claims protected override void FillClaimsForEntity(Uri context, SPClaim entity, List<SPClaim> claims) { if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("entity"); if (claims == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("claims"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Value)) throw new ArgumentException("Argument null or empty", "entity.Value"); //if existing Clearance claim is ‘top secret’ then add lower levels clearances if (. . .) { claims.Add(CreateClaim(ClearanceClaimType, SecurityLevels[0], ClearanceClaimValueType)); claims.Add(CreateClaim(ClearanceClaimType, SecurityLevels[1], ClearanceClaimValueType)); claims.Add(CreateClaim(ClearanceClaimType, SecurityLevels[2], ClearanceClaimValueType)); } . . . } Building a Custom Claim Provider
  • 24. Customizing the People Picker FillEntityTypes Set of possible claims to display in the people picker FillHierarchy Hierarchy for displaying claims in the people picker FillResolve(2 overrides) Resolving claims specified in the people picker FillSchema Specifies the schema that is used by people picker to display claims/entity data FillSearch Fills in search results in people picker window Other Important Methods: Replacing the People Picker
  • 25. Using Claims for Authorization  You will assign claims as permissions either  Through People Picker  Programmatically through code  In both cases you must implement  FillEntityTypes  FillHierarchy  FillResolve(2 overrides)  FillSchema  FillSearch …or the augmented claims will not be available to you!
  • 26. Using Claims for Authorization  FillEntityTypes protected override void FillEntityTypes(List<string> entityTypes) { //Return the type of entity claim we are using entityTypes.Add(SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole); }
  • 27. Using Claims for Authorization  FillHierarchy protected override void FillHierarchy(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, string hierarchyNodeID, int numberOfLevels, SPProviderHierarchyTree hierarchy) { if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole)) return; switch (hierarchyNodeID) { case null: // when it 1st loads, add all our nodes hierarchy.AddChild(new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode (SecurityClearance.ProviderInternalName, “SecurityClearance”, “Security Clearance”, true)); break; default: break; } } hierarchy.AddChild(new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode (SecurityClearance.ProviderInternalName, “Caveat”, “Caveat”, true));
  • 28. Using Claims for Authorization  FillResolve (1st override) protected override void FillResolve(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, SPClaim resolveInput, List<PickerEntity> resolved) { if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole)) return; Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity (resolveInput.ClaimType, resolveInput.Value); resolved.Add(pe); }
  • 29. Using Claims for Authorization  FillResolve (2nd override) protected override void FillResolve(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, string resolveInput, List<PickerEntity> resolved) { if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole)) return; //create a matching entity and add it to the return list of picker entries Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity (ClearanceClaimType, resolveInput); resolved.Add(pe); pe = GetPickerEntity(CaveatClaimType, resolveInput); resolved.Add(pe);
  • 30. Using Claims for Authorization  GetPickerEntity private Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity GetPickerEntity (string ClaimType, string ClaimValue) { Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = CreatePickerEntity(); // set the claim associated with this match & tooltip displayed pe.Claim = CreateClaim(ClaimType, ClaimValue, ClaimValueType); pe.Description = SecurityClearance.ProviderDisplayName + ":" + ClaimValue; // Set the text displayed in people picker pe.DisplayText = ClaimValue; // Store in hash table, plug in as a role type entity & flag as resolved pe.EntityData[Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PeopleEditorEntityDataKeys. DisplayName] = ClaimValue; pe.EntityType = SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole; pe.IsResolved = true; pe.EntityGroupName = "Additional Claims"; return pe; }
  • 31. Using Claims for Authorization  FillSchema protected override void FillSchema(SPProviderSchema schema) { schema.AddSchemaElement(new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPSchemaElement( Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PeopleEditorEntityDataKeys.DisplayName, "Display Name", Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPSchemaElementType.Both)); }
  • 32. Using Claims for Authorization  FillSearch protected override void FillSearch(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, string searchPattern, string hierarchyNodeID,int maxCount, SPProviderHierarchyTree searchTree) { if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole)) return; // The node where we will place our matches Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode matchNode = null; Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity (ClearanceClaimType, searchPattern); if (!searchTree.HasChild(“SecurityClearance”)) { // create the node so that we can show our match in there too matchNode = new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode (SecurityClearance.ProviderInternalName, “Security Clearance”, “SecurityClearance”, true); searchTree.AddChild(matchNode); } else
  • 33. Using Claims for Authorization  FillSearch protected override void FillSearch(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, string searchPattern, string hierarchyNodeID,int maxCount, SPProviderHierarchyTree searchTree) { if (!EntityTypesContain(entityTypes, SPClaimEntityTypes.FormsRole)) return; // The node where we will place our matches Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode matchNode = null; Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PickerEntity pe = GetPickerEntity (ClearanceClaimType, searchPattern); if (!searchTree.HasChild(“SecurityClearance”)) { // create the node so that we can show our match in there too matchNode = new Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyNode (SecurityClearance.ProviderInternalName, “Security Clearance”, “SecurityClearance”, true); searchTree.AddChild(matchNode); } else { // get the node for this security level matchNode = searchTree.Children.Where(theNode => theNode.HierarchyNodeID == “SecurityClearance”).First(); } // add the picker entity to our tree node matchNode.AddEntity(pe); }
  • 35. Claim Provider Examples  Example 1: Access sensitive information only during work hours protected override void FillClaimsForEntity(Uri context, SPClaim entity, List<SPClaim> claims) { . . . DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if((now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)||(now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)) { claims.Add(CreateClaim(WorkDayClaimType,”false”, WorkDayClaimValueType)); return; } //9 o'clock AM DateTime start = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 9, 0, 0)); //5 o'clock PM DateTime end = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 17, 0, 0)); if ((now < start) || (now > end)) { claims.Add(CreateClaim(WorkDayClaimType,”false”, WorkDayClaimValueType)); return; } claims.Add(CreateClaim(WorkDayClaimType, ”true”, WorkDayClaimValueType)); }
  • 36. Claim Provider Examples  Example 2: Information Release Dates for Mergers and Acquisitions  Create a SharePoint list: release dates registered for each acquisition – name it ‘Acquisition Release Register’  List item specifies: acquisition project name, release date  Document library holding acquisition documents: add a ‘lookup’ metadata column pointing to ‘Acquisition Release Register’  With every document added user selects a release entry from the Acquisition Release Register  Use 3rd party tools or code to add a claim based permission to the item that matches the metadata column value (project name)  Custom claim provider uses SQL DB to retrieve all entries for Acquisition Release Register  Custom claim provider compares current date to entries in Acquisition Release Register  If now is later than release date then add project name to user’s claims  If user has claim in their identity matching acquisition project name, then they get access to the acquisition documents
  • 38. Deploying Custom Claim Provider  Deployed as a Farm Level Feature Receiver – requires more code  Must inherit from SPClaimProviderFeatureReceiver (lots of examples)  Can deploy multiple claim providers  Called in order of deployment  Once deployed - Available in every web app, in very zone  Can cause performance issues  When user logs in, all Custom Claim Providers deployed get called  Set IsUsedByDefault property in Feature Receiver Def'n to False, then turn it on manually for required web apps
  • 39. Some Final Considerations  Reach out to SQL database, LDAP, Repository for attributes which will get added as claims  Custom Claim Provider running in the context of the web application, and not the site the user is logging into  Logged in as the Central Admin Service Account  Do not have context (Most methods have no HTTP Context nor SPContext.Current)  Cannot directly access data on the Site you signed into  For Debugging use a Claims Testing Web Part in SharePoint: out-what-claims-you-have-in-sharepoint-2010.aspx
  • 40. Developing Custom Claim Providers to Enable Authorization Antonio Maio Senior SharePoint Architect & Senior Manager Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP Email: Blog: Slide share: Twitter: @AntonioMaio2 Thank You!
  • 41. Appendix: PowerShell to Register Trusted Provider & Map Claim Types # Make sure the claim types are properly defined in the ADFS server $map = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "" - IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmailAddress" -SameAsIncoming $map2 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "" -IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "Role" -SameAsIncoming $map3 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "http://schemas.sp.local/EmployeeStatus" - IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmployeeStatus" -SameAsIncoming # The realm will identify the web app in ADFS. It is generally created in the form "urn:foo:bar" $realm = "urn:sp-server-2010.sp.local:sharepoint2010" # Use the certificate that has been exported from the ADFS server $cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2("c:adfs20Certificate.cer") # The url below will tell SharePoint where to redirect to in order to authenticate with the STS # so this should have the ADFS url, plus the protocol (Windows integrated security - "/adfs/ls") $signinurl = "https://adfs20.sp.local/adfs/ls" # Adds the STS (AD FS 2.0) to SharePoint $ap = New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer -Name "ADFS20 Provider" -Description "SharePoint secured by ADFS20" -realm $realm -ImportTrustCertificate $cert -ClaimsMappings $map,$map2,$map3 -SignInUrl $signinurl -IdentifierClaim $map.InputClaimType # The certificate imported from the ADFS should be added to the trusted store New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "ADFS Token Signing Root Authority" -Certificate $cert
  • 42. Appendix: Claims Viewer Web Part Add the claim viewer web part to your site pages when testing custom claim providers: